Letter Writing Guide January 2011, Open Doors - English

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  • 8/7/2019 Letter Writing Guide January 2011, Open Doors - English


    Issue 7 : January 2011 - June 2011

    Youcan encourage persecuted Christians to stand rm in their aith-just by putting pen to paper!

    The simple act o sending a letter or card can bring new comort, hope and strength to brothers and

    sisters who are persecuted or their aith. To assure them that you cover them in prayer, and that they

    are not orgotten, is one o the greatest gits you can give persecuted believers.

    Getting started There is nothing so great to a person in distress than a word o encouragement. No matter how longor short the word is; it has the power to heal, console and encourage. In a situation o loneliness, loss

    or need, words can turn a painul moment into a moment o courage. Words o encouragement can

    serve as a riend in times o loneliness. Letters o encouragement can be a mirror to glance at and a

    pillar to hold on to when no one else is around.

    Post Letters To:

    Letter Writing: Believers Namec/o Open Doors SA

    PO Box 1771



  • 8/7/2019 Letter Writing Guide January 2011, Open Doors - English


    Here are a ew simple guidelines to help you as you write

    your letters and cards:

    Pray before you start

    Ask God to give you the right words to communicate.

    Share Gods WordShare Bible verses that have been an encouragement to you.

    Show sensitivity

    Please dont dwell on the recipients plight, or share about the blessings o lie in your coun-



    Write in simple English.

    Keep it short and simple

    Posting on short letters cost less or us and are also easier to translate to those recipientswho do not speak English.

    Feel free to include your details

    Its ne to include your name and country, but do not include your ull address or e-mail



    Please do not mention Open Doors in your letters, criticize a countrys religion or religious

    extremists, its government, judicial system or political leaders.

    PostcardsI you are writing on a postcard, send it in an envelope rather than writing Open Doors ad-

    dress on the card.

    Handmade cards

    I you are a Sunday school teacher or youth group leader, making cards can be a great way

    o allowing younger people to respond and to do something to connect with the perse-

    cuted Church. Please note that any cards or pictures sent, must be small, light and not too

    ragile or posting.

    GiftsPlease do not send money or make any proposals or nancial aid.

    CHINA: Zhang Rongliang

    NIGERIA: Widows


    The ollowing writing campaigns have ended, so please do not specically

    write cards or letters to them:

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    Updates, additional inormation & prayer points or all thecurrent letter writing campaigns:

    UZBEKISTAN - Tohar Haydarov: On 9 March 2010 Tohar Haydarov (27), a Believer rom a

    Musllim Background, was sentenced to ten years imprisonment ater being alsely accused o pos-

    sessing and manuacturing drugs.

    Tohar is now a member o an unregistered Baptist church in Gulistan. According to the members o

    his church, Tohars relatives asked local police in January to help them orce Tohar to return to Islam.

    The police put great physical pressure on Tohar to deny Jesus, but he reused to do so.

    On 18 January he was arrested ater drugs were unexpectedly ound in his pockets and in his apart-

    ment, and he was charged with producing and storing drugs. Three days later, Tohar made a brie

    court appearance. Church members reported that he could hardly walk and showed signs o havingbeen badly beaten.

    At a court hearing on 4 March, church members were not allowed to testiy on Tohars behal and his

    lawyer was not allowed into the courtroom. Tohars ather (72) attended the hearing to support his

    son. The next day, he was ound

    dead in the amilys garage. Police

    concluded that he died by acci-

    dentally alling onto an electricheater. Five days later, Tohar was

    convicted o manuacturing and

    possessing drugs and sentenced

    to ten years inprisonment.

    His ellow believers insist that

    the case has been abricated

    and that the police planted the

    drugs on him. Several acquaint-

    ances have supplied written

    statements to the police, claim-

    ing his innocence.

    Tohar has since been trans-

    erred to a labour camp in

    Qarshi, 400km rom his home

    town. He is preparing to ap-

    peal to the Supreme Court. ToharHaydarov

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    CHINA: On 28 October

    2009, Gulnur Yimits hus-

    band Alimjan, a pastor,

    was charged with providing

    state secrets to overseas or-ganizations and sentenced

    to 15 years imprisonment.

    This sentence is the most se-

    vere or a house church lead-

    er in nearly a decade.

    Alimjan is an agricultural

    worker, so it is unlikely that

    he would have had access

    to classied inormation.

    Friends believe his aith is the

    real reason or his arrest.

    Once a Muslim, Alimjan be-

    came a Christian more than

    10 years ago and was soon

    active in the growing Uyghurchurch. He was initially ar-

    rested in January 2008, on

    an alleged national security

    issue and held at Kashgar De-

    tention Centre in Chinas

    troubled Xinjiang region.

    Gulnur and Alimjan have twoyoung sons. Having been de-

    nied all contact with her hus-

    band or over two years, Gul-

    nur was nally allowed a 20-minute visit with him in April. The amily were allowed two urther

    visits in May and July.

    Gulnur is grateul or the support their amily has received. I am greatly moved by our brothers

    and sisters who are urgently interceding or us, she said. This has sustained Alimjan and our

    amily and enabled us to miraculously keep standing in aith to this day.

    Please continue to send letters o support to Gulnur and her sons.



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    ZANZIBAR - Pastor Adriano:Pastor Adriano (42), ounder o the Christian Lie Church in Zanzi-

    bar City, had his church building demolished on 27 December ollowing a land dispute with a

    government ocial.

    Christian Lie Church was started in 2006 to minister to Believers rom a Muslim Background who had

    nowhere to worship. We decided to start a ellowship in one o our members homes to make it easier

    or Believers rom a Muslim Background to attend, said Pastor Adriano. The church had 52 members.

    In May 2008, the authorities ordered them to evacuate the government-owned house. The church

    moved to another residence, only to be ocially kicked out again two months later. The church was

    then given permission to build a temporary assembly hall on land owned by a man named Benedic-

    tus. However, on 25 December, the authorities announced that the land belonged to the government

    and had been given to another party or the construction o another building.

    Pastor Adriano made an appointment with the government minister or land to discuss the matter,but beore the meeting had taken place, labourers demolished the church building. They warned

    churchgoers that any attempt to intervene with their work would lead to imprisonment.

    Pastor Adriano kept his appointment with the minister, who promised to compensate them with land

    in Tunguu area. But the authorities have done nothing [since], says Pastor Adriano.

    Church members have

    decided to join theneighbouring Church

    o God on Sundays

    until the dispute has

    been resolved.

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    NIGERIA - Saliha: Saliha* (18) was raised in a Christian amily in a village in northern Nigeria. But

    when she was 8 years old, her ather became a Muslim.

    He tried to coax Saliha and her mother into accepting Islam, but when they reused, he disowned

    them. Saliha and her mother went to live with her grandparents.

    A ew years later, Salihas mother married a Christian. Saliha was happy or her mother, but the new

    husband was unable to provide or both o them, so Saliha had to move in with her elder brother.

    Saliha ound comort in the local church. But then her elder brother also became a Muslim, and began

    to pressure her to convert to Islam. When she did not listen, his kindness turned into threats. Even-tually Saliha was orced to return to her athers house. She was told she was now a Muslim and was

    made to attend the local Islamic school. Ater a ew months o misery, Saliha ran away.

    Saliha went to her pastor or help and he encouraged her to stand rm. But the local Muslim com-

    munity knew her and did not leave her alone. So the church helped Saliha nd a amily who were

    willing to take her in.

    Despite the intimidation, Salihas aith has remained unshakable. But the pressure has afected herhealth. She wants to nish her education, but her illness is slowing her progress and the unding o

    her studies remains a challenge.

    *Name changed for security reasons


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    ETHIOPIA - Sintayehu and children:On 20 December 2009, the body o Sintayehus husband,

    Markos, was ound near the gate o their home in Senkele.

    He had been killed with a machete and robbed.

    Police claim Markos died because o a amily eud. They

    switly arrested a amily member and imprisoned him ormurdering Markos - although he alleged he was tortured

    into a conession. Church leaders insist Markos was killed

    because he sponsored the legal proceedings o his church

    ollowing an attack by Muslim extremists last September.

    As a single parent o seven children, Sintayehu now a-

    ces an uncertain uture. She was unaware o any unpaid

    debts Markos had, but some claims have already beenmade.

    Additionally, the amily continues to ace pressure rom

    the Islamic community. Muslims in Loke recently ac-

    cused Sintayehus son, Abe, o insulting their aith by

    wearing Islamic clothing, which had been lent to him

    by a Muslim boy. Church leaders suspect this was an

    attempt to endanger Abe.

    So Sintayehu has made the dicult decision to send

    six o her children to temporarily live with relatives in

    Sashemene. Only the youngest, Sarah, still lives with


    Despite not having any capital, Sintayehu has also

    taken a step o aith and reopened the restaurantthat Markos owned in Loke. God has miraculously

    helped me! she testies. I have not had any serious

    [nancial] need so ar.

    However, Sintayehu remains in need o encourage-

    ment as she comes to terms with her loss and the

    realities o single parenthood.

    Sintayehus church in partnership with Open Doors

    is doing all they can to support her. You can partner

    with us by writing her an encouraging letter.


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    MEXICO: On 22 December 1997, 45 Tzotzil Indians were murdered during an armed conronta-

    tion in Chenalho, Chiapas, Mexico. Ninety people were imprisoned or the killings, 83 o them

    unjustly so. Six were acquitted and one died, reducing the number o men detained without

    valid reason to 76.

    On 12 August 2009, Mexicos Supreme Court, ordered the release o 20 men, stating that they

    were convicted as a result o unair trials. On 4 November 2009, they released a urther 9 men,and ordered that 16 cases should be re-tried.

    Sadly, the cases o the remaining prisoners remain stalled in a lower state court. Those who have

    been released are still in communication with the Christians in this group and are encouraging

    them to continue to wait on God.

    The released prisoners are very thankul or the prayers and letters sent by Christians all over the

    world, which sustained them through their ten-year ordeal.

    Those who have been released have not been able to return to their homesthreats made


    by the relatives o those

    murdered have made it

    unsae or them to do

    so. But they are continu-

    ing to trust God or the


    One believer, Alonso

    Lopez Entzin, shared: It

    is Gods will that we do

    not return to our homes

    yet, as it was His will that

    we would be in prison

    or some time. We need

    to trust God to knowwhat direction to take in

    the uture.

    You can still write to the

    remaining prisoners and

    separately to their wives

    and children.

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    COLOMBIA CHILDRENS HOME:In January 2000, Open Doors opened a Childrens Centreor the pastors and church leaders children who are targeted and threatened by the civil war in


    There are 50 children rom diferent regions o the country staying at the Centre. Even though

    their stories vary widely, all o them are heartbreaking.

    Diego (14) arrived at the Centre ater his ather was killed by guerrillas. At rst he did not want

    to know anything about God. God does not exist, he would say, where was He when those

    men killed my ather? But through the love shown to him at the Centre, God has healed Diegos

    heart. I like to pray now, says Diego, its good to do it.

    Jacqueline (19) came to the Childrens Centre ten years ago, ater the town where she and her

    amily had lived, was taken over by guerrillas. She was separated rom her amily when her a-

    ther, a Christian leader in the community, was killed. Despite her circumstances, Jacqueline gives

    thanks to God or allowing her to stay at the Centre. The Centre is my home and everyone who

    works or Open Doors is my amily, she said.

    Please write to the children staying at the Centre and let them know that their amily in Christ

    remembers them.


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    UZBEKISTAN: Marina Shestakovs husband, Pastor Dmitry, was arrested or illegal

    religious activities in January 2007 and was sentenced to our years in the Navoi labour camp.

    International appeals or Pastor Dmitrys early release have so ar not been honoured and he is

    still acing more than a year in prison. He is aware, however, o all the eforts being made on his

    behal. The amily is grateul or the support they receive rom Christians around the world.

    Pastor Dmitry is reported to be well respected in the prison. He is not allowed to pray openly,

    or to read a Bible. He tries not to pay too much attention to what is going on around him, says

    Marina. He ocuses on Jesus and says, Jesus, You are with me.

    Dmitry has recently sufered some health problems due to high blood pressure. His main prayer

    request is or spiritual and physical health.

    Marina and her daughters, Masha, Sasha and Verochka visit Dmitry as oten as they are permit-

    ted. Marina is supported and encouraged by the letters she requently receive rom all over the

    world. Personal cards or the daughters are also much appreciated, as they give the girls the

    assurance that they are not orgotten.


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    CHECKLIST:Have I made sure there is no mention o Open Doors in my card or letter?

    Have I included an encouraging Bible verse?

    Have I prayed or the person(s) who will receive the card or letter?

    Your letter will arrive saely at its


    The recipient will be blessed by

    what youve written and com-

    orted by the knowledge

    that you are praying or them

    (Romans 15:30).

    God will give the recipient

    strength to persevere, and that

    they will know His compassion

    and mercy (James 5:11).

    Once youve posted yourletter, remember to pray orthe person youve written to.Your prayers really make adiference!


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