Level 1:Connect Project:Book

Level 1:Connect - Cloud Object Storage | Store & Retrieve ... this first level, the Sri Yantra gifts us the 4 portals to the universe and the 3 rings that represent mind, intelligence

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Level 1:ConnectProject:Book

Copyright ©2013 by Deep Origins LLCALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a re-trieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of Deep Origins LLC.


No portion of this material is intended to offer legal, health, medical, personal or finan-cial advice. Deep Origins LLC has taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent these strategies and their potential to help you. However, we do not purport this as a “get rich scheme,” “weight loss scheme,” or “personal growth scheme” in any capacity. There is no guarantee that you will, including, but not limited to, earn any money, lose weight, increase your health, or establish relationships using the content, strategies or techniques displayed here. Nothing in this presentation is a promise or guarantee of, including, but not limited to, earnings, health, or relationships. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, connections, dedication, personal and business savvy, personal and business focus, personal and business goals and financial and life situation. Be-cause these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business, and by the use of these materials, you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for any of your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any cir-cumstance. Any forward-looking statements outlines here are simply our expectations or forecasts for future potential, and thus are not guarantees or promises of actual performance. These statements are simply our opinion. The information contained herein cannot replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, financial, health, relationship, or legal matters. Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to negligence, will Deep Origins LLC, Amish Shah, or any of their representatives or contractors be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materi-als, information, or success strategies communicated through these materials, or any services following these materials, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

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Jump Start to Project:YourselfTable of Contents

Time to Connect 3Project:Forward 5DO Try This at Home 7Element Infusion 7The Power of Level 1: Earth Square 9The Root Chakra 11In Real Life 11Forget the Past – Be Present 13Get Present 17Project Forgiveness 18Create a Forgiveness List 18Forgive Others 19Forgive Yourself 19Create a Self-Forgiveness List 20Be + Positive 21Create the Right Mindset 22Ego In… Ego Out 26The 2-Way Mirror 27 Power-Boost Your Ego 28Project:Work – Get Grateful 29Level One Infographic 31Create the Right Mindset Flow Chart 32

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We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.

—Herman Melville

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Time to Connect!

Welcome to Level One of Project:Yourself. Get ready to start tapping into an ancient technology that will enable you to unlock the powers within your innermost self...power that you never knew existed.

Remember: keep your mind WIDE OPEN so you can hack the confines of your current reality…

only then can you reinvent it!

We’re going to start out level one, and every level, with a guided meditation that I call a Project:Forward. It will help you shift your mind and body forward into everything you’ll be experiencing and embodying in the coming session. Let’s get started projecting forward!

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Start in a comfortable seated position on the floor. This can differ for many people, for some it may be cross legged, for others it may be in kneeling, seated upon on your heels. In either, rest your hands at your knees with palms facing up, for the ability to receive. Choose your setting wisely. A clutter free, open area where you feel your creativity can shine through is optimal. This can be a certain room in your home or even in nature such as the beach or a mountain top. Keep the Sri Yantra in front of you, laying it on a flat surface.

Close your eyes. Take in a deep breath, slowly. Let the breath enter your nostrils, touch the base of your throat, flow to your chest cavity and expand at your belly. Then release deeply, with the same slow intention, letting the breath flow out of your body and nostrils. (pause) Continue to let your breath naturally flow in and out this way. (pause)

The journey you are about to embark on is with your avatar, your soul connection, your connection to source, or GOD, or the Universe...whatever you want to call it...it’s YOUR connection. This connection is your guide... to allow you to openly receive this level. (pause)

Now become aware of that guide...see that guide in living life. Picture how he/she/or it may look...What kind of features does he/she/it have? How magnificent is it? This avatar is your higher self...the one that knows all. The one that gives you all the security you need to make the right decisions to feel grounded.

Become aware of being with that connection...with that guide...with that avatar...

Now imagine yourself standing with them...and this time...in a very special location. A location YOU feel at peace with. It could anywhere in the world...or universe...with any weather and with any kinds or scenery. This place is your sanctuary...and this place is 100% peaceful to you. You and your ava-tar are simply sitting in this location...in this peaceful place.

As you sit there and become present to this...you realize that within this place with your avatar...resides your ability to tap into infinite power and true abundance. Your ability to be grounded and to feel at peace.

Now focus your attention on where you are right now...be present, be right here, in this current moment of your physical body, (pause), of your emotional self, (pause), and your spiritual energy.

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Breath in with awareness to allow for forgiveness, (pause), breath out to radiate positivity, (pause), breath in to fill yourself with gratitude (pause) and breath out to ultimately let go of ego. (pause)

Begin to send awareness to the base of your spine, all the way at the bottom...your root chakra. Inhale deeply into your lower belly. Hold the breath there and tightly squeeze everything from your navel to your sacrum. Keep squeezing for a few counts. Exhale, and with the breath held out, repeat the squeezing and holding for another few counts. When you release, you may feel the energy rising up from your spine towards the crown of your head. This chakra governs our our survival, security, passion, money, job, and home.

Return back to your natural breath.

In this first level, the Sri Yantra gifts us the 4 portals to the universe and the 3 rings that represent mind, intelligence and lastly, soul.

This connection to soul will bring you to the fulfillment of your deepest desires. It draws you to your soul purpose. It will bring you to a place, a true sanctuary within, that feels more beautiful than anywhere you have ever been.

Take one last deep inhale. As you fully exhale, gently open your eyes.


Reflect back upon your journey through Projecting Forward and write down everything that you felt and observed. What did your Avatar look like? What did your sanctuary look and feel like? What thoughts and feelings came up for you? Capture all of this below…. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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DO Try This At Home!

David Blaine is a master at reinventing reality, as he, and WE know it. When you have a moment, go to the TED website and watch his talk, “How I held my breath for 17 minutes.” here:


Talk about having an open mind and reinventing reality! David Blaine isn’t just about masterminding some new magic trick or illusion to dupe everyone into thinking something is real. As he shared in his talk, magic is “practice, training, and experimenting,” while pushing through the pain to be the best he can be. THAT’s the real magic!

Like Blaine, you’re about to experience things that may seem impossible. However, unlike his wild escapades...we encourage you...DO try to Project:Yourself at home!

Element Infusion

Before you dive into this session, get yourself into the proper state by grounding yourself. Go outside and connect to nature in some small or big way—pick up a handful of dirt or sand and let sift through your fingers, crumple some leaves between your hands, hug a tree, or even just go outside and take in the fresh air and smells of the earth that surround you.

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The Power of Level One: Earth Square

Let’s jump into the real power of it all...Level 1 of the physical Sri Yantra. You’ll notice, all of this information is conveniently summarized and contained within the Level 1 Infographic, “Connect,” inserted at the end of this (and every) Project:Book for your easy reference. Pull this out any time you want to revisit or anchor back into any piece.

At this level you will be focusing on the outer part of the image that contains the portals and rings of the Yantra.

Bring your focus to the Sri Yantra. Begin in a seated position with your hands resting at your knees like we did earlier. This time, let your gaze find its way the Earth Square, the first level. This represents the material world that surrounds us. Notice how it resembles a temple with four doors. As you concentrate on the the doors of the square, picture the first door facing north. (pause) Then direct your mind to the subsequent doors of south, of east and of west. At each direction, feel your breath entering your body from the north, (pause), from the south, (pause), from the east (pause) and from the west (pause). These portals are the four openings to the Universe. Notice your focus on the Sri Yantra to become sharper and more aware as you breathe in and out. (pause) In yogic terms, this focus is called your Drishthi. It is what centers your external and internal balance. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs and your belly, and on the exhale, simply lower your gaze to close, allowing the Sri Yantra to still be in your mind’s eye. (pause) As you enter these portals with your breath, you may start to find your sanctuary, your perfect place. It will be different for each of you, and for some, will be hard to describe. Flow through this place and take it all in. The colors, (pause), the sounds, (pause), the intangible feelings, (pause).

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Now bring your attention to the three rings of the Sri Yantra. The outer circle is your mind. Inhale and send the intention of your breath to your thoughts being positive, being mindful as you hold it there for 3 counts. Exhale deeply through your nose. (pause) Next, take a breath in to the middle circle, which is your intelligence. Send an expansive breath there with gratitude for your intellect and accomplishments thus so far and hold for 3 counts again. Exhale fully from your nostrils. (pause) As you focus to the last inner ring, this is your soul. Take a full breath in here and hold for another 3 counts. Tune into your soul’s purpose, your calling, your vision. Let this image reside. And this time, as you exhale, do so from your mouth, letting everything just go. (pause) These rings represent the beauty of these three worlds that exist within you. You are in fact, the enchanter of the triple world. As you journey, your sanctuary may become more vivid, may start to blossom to even more beauty. Continue to breath at your own pace. (pause)

Notice if your mind wavers to your external again, to your body, at the ache of your knee or neck.

Instead, let your breath become one with image of the Sri Yantra. Let it resonate in the stillness of your body and mind, between your eyes. It may move back and forth, it may change colors, just let it manifest in whatever way it finds itself within you. This is your Drishthi going inward, your focal point shifting to your third eye, and connecting to the universe and your soul purpose in your inner sanctuary. This connection, this place is your truth. Continue to breath slowly and deeply. (pause)

Take one last deep breath in and release as you open your eyes.

As you experienced, focusing your energies on this level will launch you into a deep journey...leaving the external behind and venturing into the deepest depths of your psyche and connection with the universe.

Just as ripples radiate from the place where a stone is thrown into a pool of water, our sometime-unconscious thoughts, feelings, emotions, and beliefs

create the “disturbances” in the Field that become the blueprints for our lives.”

— Gregg Braden

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The Root Chakra

Level one of the Sri Yantra is also called the “root” chakra because it helps you connect to the physical world and serves as the foundation for you to build upon and evolve from. It basically serves as your “grounding wire” to earth!

When this chakra is balanced you’ll have more vitality, courage and self-confidence. Use this to help you tap into abundance and the Universe and create the foundation for all that you desire.

In Real Life

Your “in real life” focus for Level 1 is to use your mind to apply your intelligence to find ways to understand your soul. Only when you have awareness of your inner self or soul, and what will make you truly happy, can you tap into the subtle energies of your body and get everything you desire in life. Write down your thoughts in the space below.

What will make me truly happy…

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Forget the Past – Be Present

Chances are your mind isn’t currently in the state it needs to be in to really exploit your inner superpower and get everything you really want out of life. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be going through Project:Yourself. Instead, you’d be off happily living your superhuman life! Since you are here, it indicates that you’re really ready to start growing and living to your highest potential.

It’s important to get your mind into “the present” so that you can fully access your inner power. Although understanding your past can help you to appreciate the present, “holding on” it will never serve you. It’s time to unstick yourself from your past or it will define you and mark every step you take from now on.

The weight of past failures may be weighing you down, but I’m here to tell you, you’re actually in good company. Many wildly successful people have pasts and histories of “failure”...

Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt twice.

Albert Einstein’s professor called him the laziest dog in his University.

Look at the past only for what it taught you!

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Thomas Edison’s teachers told him he was “too stupid to learn anything.”

Jerry Seinfeld was booed off stage.

Oprah Winfrey was fired from her 1st TV job, told she was unfit for TV.

Steven Spielberg got rejected from film school…THREE TIMES.

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Michael Jordan was cut from his high school bas-ketball team.

Steve Jobs was removed from the company he started—Apple.

“Failure” really just comes down to how you define it. You can either let your past—failures or otherwise—grip you in paralysis or lead you to getting what you really want.

If you can’t let go of the past, how can you move forward?

“Real Life” is beyond dwelling in the past. No matter how challenging or crazy your past is, no matter how stressful, being 100% present in your life and in all that you do can become your virtual oasis. It can change your life, and it’s incredibly simple.

“You are the present moment.” –Ekhart Tolle

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Get Present

Anytime I’m feeling scattered or unfocused, I use breath work to bring me front and forward into the present moment. Take a few minutes now and give this exercise a try...

This specific pranayama, which means breath, is called Nadi Shodhana, Alternate Nostril Breathing:

1. Sit comfortably, with your spine long and your face relaxed.

2. Place your left hand on your left knee with your palm facing upward to receive.

3. Take your right hand and place your thumb next to your right nostril and place your pinky finger next to your left nostril.

4. Press your thumb into your right nostril to close it and breathe in from your left nostril.

5. Hold your breath and close the left nostril with your pinky finger as you release your right nostril and exhale from the right nostril.

6. Now breathe in from your right nostril, hold the breath and release your pinky finger from your left nostril as you close the right nostril with your thumb. Exhale from the left nostril.

7. Complete nine rounds of this alternate nostril breathing with your eyes closed.

8. After the last round, release hands to your knees and take one last inhale and exhale.

This centering pranayama exercise relaxes and de-stresses the mind and releases any accumulation of fatigue. On the in-breath of each nostril try to breathe in positive thoughts, and on the out-breath, try to breath out any negativity lying inside of you.

The past can block your present if you let it, blinding your sight from any kick-ass opportunities in your future.

If you’ve lived more than a year of your life it’s highly likely that you’ve experienced pain, disappointment, hurt, embarrassment, or shame with regard to another person, or in some cases, even yourself.

It is critically important to forgive yourself and others before you can get down and dirty creating everything

you desire in life.

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Project Forgiveness

Refusing to forgive can keep you from getting what you really want because whatever negative thoughts you’re harboring can consume you, leaving no energy for “creating.” Every time you refuse to forgive, someone (even if it’s a negative part of yourself ) holds that piece of you energetically hostage. Quite simply, forgiveness will help you to release all parts of you, seriously bolstering your “projecting” power.

Quite simply, forgiveness will help you to release all parts of you, seriously bolstering your “projecting” power. Why relive past events, when new adventures and realities await you?

Create a Forgiveness List

1. Who is it that you feel wronged you? Identify all the people that you need to forgive. List those people now.

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2. Now, go back and rank the list from most important to least important.

3. Next to each name write the reason you need to forgive the person. Be very specific here, no matter how hurtful...the point is to release all of the deeply held negative emotions within yourself.

Remember, each person you refuse to forgive will hold a specific part of you hostage. Until you learn to forgive everyone in your life, those

parts of you will continue to be lost.

4. Now make a duplicate of that list and the emotions attached to them.

5. Take that duplicate list and separate each person’s name with a scissor or rip the paper, separating each person’s name individually.

6. One at a time, rip up each person’s name. Feel the emotions that come out as you tear up the paper and feel your heart expanding and opening as you rid your mind and body of your negative thoughts.

7. With the remainder of the list, write them a letter or an email saying that you have forgiven them or asking for their forgiveness.

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Forgive Others

It’s time to get down to forgiving. This is the easiest way. Picture the person who wronged you in the past, pray for their liberation, happiness and their highest good.

STEP 1: Say out loud, “I forgive you, you forgive me,” etc.

STEP 2: Pray for them to be a better person.

Forgive Yourself

Whether you want to accept it or not, we are all inextricably tied together. Forgiving others leads to self-forgiveness, but you still need to make an actual effort to forgive yourself--take the necessary actions. It’s crucial that you spiritually, emotionally, verbally and physically forgive yourself for actions in the past.

STEP 1: What do you perceive around you? What is going on outside of you is exactly what is going on within yourself.

STEP 2: Concentrate on and pray for other people’s liberation. The more you do this, the more you will be able to forgive/liberate yourself.

“When we close the door on the past we close out a great deal which otherwise might hamper us.”

-Napoleon Hill

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Create a Self-Forgiveness List

1. Create a duplicate of your “Forgiveness List.” Write your name in place of the names of the people who you feel have wronged you.


2. Write down the emotions you feel...the guilt, shame, or other emotions that you’ve had about yourself.


3. Now, take that list and RIP IT UP!

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.— Mahatma Gandhi

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Be + Positive

We’ve all heard someone say, “Think positive.” As cliche’ as it sounds, there really is a base power to having a positive mental attitude.

Did you know that researchers have found that it takes four positive thoughts to balance one negative thought? ...more importantly, why should you care?

When you have positive thoughts what do you anticipate will come your way? Happiness, good health, success, or perhaps love? The raw truth is, if you adopt this mental attitude, you teach your mind to expect it. This creates the fertile ground to achieve success—emotionally and physically.

Positive thinking alone isn’t going to bring you millions, the love of your life...or superhuman strength. Positivity is merely one of the key ingredients. This is about being happy in your brain and tapping into a positive mindset. Simply put, having the right mindset can lead to clarity, happiness and compliment the creation of a perfect life, tailor-made to you.

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Create the Right Mindset

There are six steps to create the right mindset and ultimately achieve success and get what you want.

STEP 1: Know What You WantSTEP 2: Believe In Your SuccessSTEP 3: Become PassionateSTEP 4: Live Every DaySTEP 5: Be PositiveSTEP 6: Be Persistent

STEP 1: Know What You Want

Write down what you truly enjoy doing.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the item you are most passionate about?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write down how you would use that Passionate Item to change yourself, your life, and the world.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write down a description of your Perfect Day, incorporating that Passion.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Write down specific goals that are part of Your Vision._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Write down the action steps you need to take to accomplish your goals.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Rank your Action Steps from Most Important to Least Important.

STEP 2: Believe In Your Success

1. Read your Perfect Day.2. Read your Goals.3. Read your Action Steps.4. Read them OUT LOUD!5. Ask yourself—Do you feel this is achievable?6. If not, go back to STEP 1.

STEP 3: Become Passionate

1. Start a separate Project:Journal.

2. Write down your Goals, Perfect Day and Action Steps (Mission State-ment.)

My Goals:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Perfect Day:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

My Action Steps:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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3. Take the most important Action Step and Implement.

4. Take your least important Action Step and Implement…Did you Implement? If you didn’t Implement, what stopped you? Write this down. Next to these write down what you need to get these done and get through what’s blocking you.


5. Write down the most important and least important action steps and what actions you took to implement them.


6. Reinforce!7. Cross out the completed action steps from your Project:Journal.8. Write down what you have to do tomorrow._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Read your Mission Statement pages.10. Read what you have accomplished with your action steps.11. Read what you have to do still.12. Say OUT LOUD what you are grateful for and FEEL GOOD.

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STEP 4: Live Every Day

1. Do You Feel Clarity?2. Meditate3. Drink Water4. Exercise5. Eat Healthy Food6. Are You Achieving Results?

STEP 5: Be Positive

1. Do you enjoy what you are doing?2. If Not – Reevaluate.3. If Yes - Do you enjoy the results you are getting?4. Do You Enjoy What You Are Doing?5. If Not – Reevaluate.6. If Yes - Do you enjoy the results you are getting?

STEP 6: Be Persistent

Review your Action Steps.Identify which Action Steps don’t let you Progress.Write those down.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Create Action Steps to overcome that bottleneck and write them down here.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.“–Aristotle

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Ego In… Ego Out

Quite simply, your ego rules! And if you’re not careful, it can rule YOU. There’s nothing wrong with having ego…just make sure it’s your GOOD ego. This is not about being egotistical; it’s about having healthy confidence in yourself and your actions so that you can achieve a greater good.

A negative outward-facing ego can show up as an unrealistic view of yourself and if left unchecked can result in obstacles and bad things showing up in your life. A good ego, faced inward, can turn into a deep sense of drive. Drive, when controlled and in balance, can lead to phenomenal success.

In short, your good ego is the mind-power that helps you project yourself and your desires.

As Napoleon Hill expressed, “Think of your ego as an invisible part of yourself which makes you strong and resourceful, or puts obstacles in your way, according to the sort of influence you feed it.”

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The 2-Way Mirror

One Side of the Mirror: Ever hear, “if something is bothering you about someone else, take a good long look at yourself in a mirror?” Well, that’s exactly what you’re going to do! Take a minute to think of someone who bugs the crap out of you—seriously bugs the crap out of you. There’s no need to name names, just write down what it is that’s killing you about that person.

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Now that this is written down, ask yourself, “How do I do that to other people around me or project that into the Universe myself?” You may want to kid yourself into thinking this isn’t part of you, however, whenever you pick up on a negative trait in someone else in your life or around you, you can bet that the same trait is within you as well. Otherwise, you never would’ve seen it in the first place!

‘TRUE GRIT’ time...

The Other Side of the Mirror: Think about someone in your life that you are extremely close to. This could a best friend, a family member or someone you trust. Get in touch with that person face-to-face. You can even do this on Skype if they aren’t close to you. The most important step is to reach out to this person where you can see each other. Next, ask them to be BRUTALLY honest with you (this is the true-grit part)...how does your negative ego show up? This may be hard for you to hear, but the sooner you come to terms with how your negative ego shows up, the sooner you can start feeding your good ego what it needs to thrive!

What did you hear about yourself? Write it down…________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Power-Boost Your Good Ego

What powers your good ego is unique to you, so it only makes sense that it requires a unique approach to its care and feeding...

As Napolean Hill suggested, observe how others boost their ego and you might be inspired how to best boost your own.


When have you felt your best? When has your ego surged with confidence and happiness? Were you dressed a certain way, was it when you were speaking or writing, working out, meditating, helping others, or is it when you are around a specific person? Whatever that is, write it down now.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Take Action!

When have you felt the best about yourself? Take these or similar actions to lift your ego out of the mud, making you stronger and more resourceful in creating/getting what you want. Write it down and take action!______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Project:Work—Get Grateful!

Let’s take this last moment of reflection in a space that is quiet and away from your computer, away from any noise or chatter. Sit in a comfortable position with your hands resting in the center of your lap. Close your eyes and quiet your mind, letting go of all of the thoughts cluttering your mind. Begin to slowly inhale your breath and just as slowly, exhale it out. Let your breath be mindful, as you feel it enter your nose, base of your throat, lungs, rib cage and belly. As you exhale, imagine your breath fogging a mirror. Feel your belly meet your spine with a cleansing outward breath through your nostrils. (pause) Continue to breathe in and out this way; focusing on what’s going on inside of you—how it feels and sounds. This is often called “ocean breath.”

Now imagine the ocean, its waves crashing against sand and its vast, limit-less blue waters.  Let your breath encompass the waters at each inhale and move with them at each exhale. (pause)

And as expansive as the ocean is, allow your heart and mind to open and tune into all that you are grateful for: the people, the things, the places, the experiences, both and good and bad. (pause)

Let each grateful thought wash over you, flowing to every part of your body and filling every crevice of your mind. (pause) With these thoughts in mind, I want you to now shift into “rapid grateful-ness” mode. Think of each individual thing you are grateful for in your life (be sure to keep inhaling and exhaling deeply.) Let each thought come to your mind rapidly and freely, thinking of each specific emotion and feeling that washes over you when you think of it. Picture each of these things…how do you feel about each? Let gratefulness wash over you and flow from the very core of your heart-emotion. Go through this process with each thing you are grateful for, in rapid succession. (pause) At the next inhale, breathe in deeply, to the base of your spine, finding your root chakra, and then exhale with an open mouth. Repeat this one more time. At the last breath, bring your palms together, and as you inhale, lift your hands to your forehead, let your thumbs touch your third eye for the wisdom you have learned on your own life’s path. Now exhale them to your heart center as a final gratitude and ever so gently, open your eyes.

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When you are ready, write down your thoughts and what you are grateful for:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Don’t let this be an isolated exercise—express your gratitude on a daily basis, writing down what you are grateful for each day in the notes sections of your Project:Book.

Gratefulness is a practice, just like happiness is a choice.—Russell Simmons

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