\ (H,-';I', 1';11' '111"", ~l",,,l at (It~ \\ lnd('\\ nf his \;lllill~ rn,l111 III Bcnniuz- l'nl~1 . 11'1 g"z< d cr itir ally HC'IPs,loll,,,,IIC'\I"s ")l1l';ISI fill1 1tC' \I "s iorrccl t(1 "d nit that '1'1"~\I 11,1. llnt c h cc riiur "lha t p art f)f Colo- , r1n whirh PCrfTC'fl n<;;.cl[ ttl h is ;n"prttin!1 \\;I~ 11'.1\ Ih' "riled h v ,I n o: the,"1 hl izz artl. I he lit t lc '1111<' t" II hirh he ha d b ccn ;,"1' I1cd II,' ,nly ,111<1 ,n n ro: t;,hk HC' It;,,!. ;IS the 1'1'0- jlll/'jnt" prolJdi\ ;l .. <urcd him.the best "P;ll-}O", 1\1 urorun. ;11lr1 h"th 0' 111 the 1~(,Il11illg-tnJl. J)a\ id 1,""\1 th,lt It II " ;,j,o t lic nilly "l'l" lor bedroom. ,I" hat h ' ;11 :h" Intel. lIe h",1 ol t cn nllupied II -luriru; hie. '· ... ;1, tn t hc cit.\. F~(lll~ h iru nov, III hIS" \1,"-11'1' \,,.. ..;111 npPll fJrcpl;tl (' 111 \\ h ir h h'" In':..:,l;; hll111( (1 \\ III ,I plc,I"r1Ilt ,nn,HI nl ... p 'PP11'~ .' i'! t ra( 1 -, !J1J" 1~11' h.111'- I: all, he rc tl- l it d ~,1\- ;'.' h 11(' ('nljld 1)(. ""Inl!\l t;thjr 111 111" f) \ '1 J nr h i I' 1l11!( ,"\ \ j Ie h' 1 fll{ P .,f'" ,ltH] ( q (1 1 'd'i t lur- In'l ,111(1 ;1 (1.lllcr! ''':-'I(),l (l'r1 (' (,(,pl. not In (H It, nl 111\ <,;f)f 1I't: (If il,,,, dr'':...!: .111d 111 I q\\ 11"':'" ,,1. nf \,lln111 \' o uld 11.\\ c 1)(,\ '..:Ltrl t'" ''':1'''' h1l1l (·(lI'1p •.. 111 (lll .... h'i' J 1(' a,krd 1"",,('11' II I" Iltc d(,1 il I,,' It,IfI 11'1'11d his );\t,k nl1 11, 1" 1)](" 111-:: .... to htll \ hi]lI~I'1f ill a hqjf·j ':lllrl h, "n,lll'lf'tll1fl ,IIHI j,oll1{c.;1cl, ..-Illd 1,(' jlll1tl",\i;\t('l.\ If I " I 11( .tll"\' (I 'Tlli" \\ ;1.... ( ht 1 j- 11.ls C\'C. Il( 'I.'t! 11 l nl1ll' ... Cll{lll1('ll:.,l ti'.'1 l1f)I'lj _ 111f111nric .... nl I" .... hn: l'n,Hj il.lld ;1,11 1il;-1{ "f t f)f thill"-~. Thf' I 11 h 11,1<1 ,,('('11'('(1 1 ('lllPte ;111<1 1flJwh Ill't ;It ;111 ill' \,1,11 ( In "1)l"1(l ;t 111('11) (1111 iI11.'...., 111 "lld hc 11 II (\IH'IHIH('d ;.t "'11('(1('11 .ill/· 1111 pI rf'fjfll{('(] {il'( j/1I;1 IP<I1'\ ('11i ... j"1.1 ...'Ill(' 1"\'111,,-(' lh.1{ 'r,ljl'"(r! 111 I d'""", 11 r1 <,,:'(;)l<d;l {i I'(' "11 ( 11 (' \\ Ill! 1,1 l' t (\ t hC' 1 II \. "''' t 'I"(' ,/\' 1,11 1 C hit11~(11 ((\l1 11'll.'hl'" ,II !~(1}1 il'_ (\11'. \\11("1'(' II ,1'\;:J~s ..:1/ p'Hd \\11'1) lH \\(1111(' In\\ 1, ":'1\ 1111 '1' fnr ;'1 [I \\ d.:"'. 1,)t\', Ill' i\\n oid I';lh \\po 11\ cd there <..:I'C "n1l1C •lln\\ ..... 111(1 t!CIl(') ;dl.' lrt hllllself ;::0,I 1,,1 II" b;.ld fn11n\\cd 111(' IIl1l'1Jl-..C illllllfd' ll,i). 1j(' h'd ,rllrd fpr IllS 1,1111h ('f)ok, 111'11,,('(edhim tf) ~I\C the hn)" .'c.npr! (hll"lP1?'" "prf' •.. l..cl tll". llC t d"', hO\llerI t" ,I1ICllh( I' hn,l to IIIi,,~ h' ; ut011l0- h,le '" nund, ,11'1 1,('11'''1 Id :0 1he l hin', lIg?ill (0 1";lC!..- his hi" jnl ..-1 thi'( I dll' ",' ah .... ('l1CC. 111f' Clt~' \\ ;......... <.;10'·1l1 q\ (pt ,,1'-' the p1.tilh had 1\( 11. nut 11 llrl, {c\... (\l 11:,:hl('r1 \\ l1Hl("\\ S,\ Inked ,11 h111 111rc'11' 11 til< \\ 11il Jill(:: .... l1n\\ ;\t1rl his hC;lrt r .(' 'uld ":;Ill! 1 hH \' ;1....,,' ,:.:nt)(! i(k.l -this hr(,;:1:k- Ill'': (.1\\;:\: llnnl t:,(' f:1Il111;::tr rut ;11H1 h; \ 1I1C' a 1'('(11 IInhr!"," II h" 1 II" droll' 'n 11'<' h"1\' \lher!' 111. 1\,1 p,ds li\ t'd to'::.rlll( 111(1111('1 ;1 ... t.lt:"1 Illlr: rli .1.pl'()ll'l- h.I(' ;..:n!1C' .- \" Y 1'''1' .-1 \\ r('k I !H II Ilt'! 1-11("\ \\ }'(,1 r ItIH~ ll1L'd( Jl pI un I"rn:. ThI ~\ l1r1I;..lr!y flld Iktshr.r!Ic\ I~('11 nlll'.:211·"'" 1 f t I' 11"-~ \\ :1'" 1, f :-111 \ l~ ( 'l11111r.:: tIll' 1'1'l' rolf, f]: I I If 11 ('1\, ltld I'll III f \,1 \'1l 11; "f "1:{ ,I,,~r. ,hf','I, 1].'11" "lllI, ?11r\ ,h"lIrd a fhltCl- 111;:" plp:1 .... ll 1 (" (1" 111'-' .l'1]' fll, t< (Jlad 1\ f' '.,:('1 \ ('t11 snnt Clnpl~ rf'llniJl~:.:,tnn c;)ld "J'?'I, 1",,\ I( ~ll 1",( \le~k, hut 1, f( ,Ie"- ,1;·, ., ",\11\ klll, '11 Ihe hl)(el?" pl,r ,,,l,rd :hr " 'If'I'.l ; f II,l"_!lj"'H'd ;lllrl" ·ll.... f'nl"p .. IllS 11 'q<, 111111,.. 1"''::1''11'1'. I~CllIl111'::tOll ••.. jar(d ""opr II I,,? 1', 'l.r! Ihe, 'r! nl"kr ;\ ".. ,,, " I.lke I" II I ,'1", 'Ihn,!clll It \loldrl I'e 'I'rl (11 h, i tlll,l"'''' 'I' h." (' "',':11C .lrnlll1d, tll,lt s ;t\1" !~f'Jl1l11l·.:.tl'll Innld d ,tpnln~('ti(', "\\ r h'd 1\\1111 .... 1\ (,II 1'111 th(,11 fplk .... \\ ('lit tt' 1,\ r III \\ Il i11l '.' 1\1 l'\:pllillrrl ".:\nl Ill'll'\ Inl1..5 h<"'1" llP' ()l1h .j'f1It:1 c!n'f!l ..\ln~1 flf '(til "'nil( of( ('11 \ 1"'1' !;Ilt \\(' '( ,nldf' the ph.l(' ( 1111 1111 . 1S.\ .111 11;.:111, (111 lIght. \ill I th.-Il ,,111 ('\I'f'l1 Ij(' lIl.lrlr ,til (In,lnl';I"": '_/,"'{l'!" IlJ\\,lld tIle ;l1~1.I(t1\(, I""!l\ I:.... ,\.111.... '\(11..' r!·(OI.tHd \\ltil 111 •.. 1111;1 \' 1(' llil h(,11 111':" 1'1I'':: hi If d 1,(,\\" (I'lr! ;1' I,'·\stln;.\, 11((' r!"("r"llC'c! \\llh \.ll'(fllf'~Cd bl1lb ...;'lld froc;.lrrlllll"-cl n'lrtICl"r(] 111 a (01Ilei, , 1~I11e," \ ('1' ... (' "IPI)! f'\ "d, ... \11.' lnlks J klll'\\' III 111(' !lnu ... \ '; .. .. FI'lId HI'I nr,' the r'H'r j),'\ let's h .lj t .... llli" le,", .\ <.:1 i .-11l~(,1" III 111"'11 lnnrh It .. I (' th(.lll I 1( r ,I 1( (1 J ~\ t 11 ( \ Ii ;:IJ: t hc t..:t I ,11I,l, d. he 11 11('l'l( (1 i111- the 11:' 'I: I, \ II hole 101 he \\ nlll(1 1,"',' \'( ell ()1l hiS 'I ,I' in f,"' 1: III d 'rc i( f -f l : I,ll \11.1 I) :111'; (nll,(!,,;.I,lJ'1 111'\\ ;'s ,•.... h(' 'll \I' \' ....!'I' 'Ill lirr 111 h·\ l':lllt'!.' "'{;.tI- J l'" Ijljn jll( l1;.lnH'" ,11'<1 jllt'll ''''q~'' lc'-.:,rctllt1~ 11"- l'npl11"'i' f 11(''''' ('Ill, 11\ en'( If)( \., \ full lll'tir I" I'e kdl('rj I)('j•...l\ .•.1 \'\'('1' ;1\1<1 nCl \,.1\ to kill It III h;'ldn't C f)1'l( If\ tIl( l 1\ In I.;I~ h( (pre thc filc ;111.-1 <;;:111("'1\,(' 11<' l"t1'd dll 111(· .... (' th,I1~'" ;'111: \,·!lrIT. 11, iumpc', ~n 11'~ I,(t, pHI-cd Ill" illS tl\C1"lo:.-tt ;,1 (t h:1l111' 1, (1d "lp(d 111 tilr ll<',~l"( .... j (h.:1lr. put 111 111 nil, ,1\1(, ,.'j Iq,:I"ilh fjn"l1 the t\\() (ll~ht" pf sl\Il' In Ih" 1""",1 II, '1J111d ha\c t,kr1l all (1r\ ,-ltnl, 1 III ti'{~ HI,.\ dId nnl ,,('( tlt til hilll. '( '0111'~ ,'''I : 'I ; '1",11' IH tnld Ih" 1~IHlllJ,d I) (1 .' ('Ii ..:,'\ f "1 \1' \' ;1•.•.tl1nllt a dOi'(11 fnH.;s lett 111 1 il,.. hotel ~ "fp. \\" 11.1\( 1\ \1~ 111('11. l~l1t illt'lc'~ ;11 ,,!r' lrh. \11. "'1\"111 ( ,ll1(l.l gu·l \\1111 her t 1 1Cit j('1 ...;:111fl I1fl \11<1 t!lc!"cs a p;l1r flC'lll '\·C\\, "'\1l." hrn" f t .'11"1 "'j.... 1cL ThC': 're ~()tlllg ;{IlU , '" (n I"I)!- J1 I1.1I'd ho,jcel, IhOl1j:;h, I'd 'ay. \' "'1~ IS I~\ ,''It ThC' I nl1l1~ fell,,', lookmg for " I.ll1ch, \\ '''I- l') hll, <>l1e lIlld groll up 1I'1lh 11'f {nl1:1tr\ ' J~11111111':.:II~1l gtll111(,(1. II,.. h:l.d ';;;CCll "t ,,( th,ll <net ~Ioq of them dIdn't sta, 10llg ( • '11'.:,11 to '-1 (,'\ up 11111<..h, jl '\ldrrfUllll'rj the ~r;1l and S\lUI1Q" Oll of (he 1"," I mlo Ihe ,tnrlll, lie h"d e"periell('rd "nolher 11'1'lli,Co Thrrr II f'l'~ no kId, In the hotcl. hut I ( <1 hal c ; Chn'tma', an,' Ila~, J le'd bu,' some 1'",,1 ,tllff fnr the tl;\I'Oling I11~U and thc old lad\' .,"r\ hrr 11111"'(;11,,1 the 1110 :\CII" Yorker" llc'd t'Pt q)na t hi ,... t In. <..: ;ltnlo"'phC'l C' intn RCllll111~- t"l " If It "," i1'~ 1"'1 thlil" he rl er did. " '1l;1l~1nll'", \\;"- <'I' ~I;till <.;trcfl and til( hlg' ...... rt ... 1,01' ... () 11'c l;t' \\cre llr.r It 11f'lfllt "1'" rlf l(' 1 (wg. of btl.' 11l~, ] ic hnu-:ln h if ell l"!hc of Dtr id of JIo:;-0 Story aJld 1 ori:c F •. JI{I r- pi (,llld\. JI,. j,'l1l'.,:ht lilt«(11 p:lp Ird Lhn.1111,1, ,,101 I,Ill':;', lull of trifle" an-l ("['I'ed c.u h one \\ith;1n Ol::l"~C and a ca nrl. (,1111', "Tl c llo, Sa n t a Cbll'," F]ellnlllgfnn g"T'eled jnl 1,,11:: "l~nll;::h( out the tn""I, " i) iv id dei;:':l1ed t" u-.c lhr c lcvat o anr] got hi-, p;Jf k;.\!..":,cs tip tn IllS J pnJ'l. 111(' dnn Il ..t: 'rs ;{:"::11J\ inl <';111'IH'r. 'I hi f'\ (.'11 11'.";!l('\\ .... p,lp' rs 11,ld ;"'1\ (II llilll ;t 1 t pI ~,'''d .... hn\\s .\s he In"'C Irom t'\P 1,11,1, J1' In·,kc,l ; t ills ,\ III 11, l lc r] '~n tn;J, 111l\\ t', !·...:IJi. ('Il'~ h,ll! In ,In sontrt liir-,( hri .... {.( .... cvr, 'Ills til ic '1 lirn hr r" IIII'~ 1,,1>1,\ j:("IIII,"I"1I sln:'I" rI h,,". I . (l()III' ('Ill ;:.I:':' I Ill. -, tlll;~ ll,t!} . 1,1 .1 I «(1 l'\f 1111.\. ' J kil:d.l h()l1~ht If '1'1 11.1d ;.J,. 111 111 l c l'(t lp l l"dtlt C .\Oll tn ~(11]1l'': J;I.'.·llt ~nd III I"tcr, 1 ... .:,1,( ...• , 111:-'1(' klllrl ()[ jr)11c,,-nlnr, 1(",). fhc £(lln\\ !TI"" ,II IlIlrl (hr 11f'tel 1111"1rill d,,~ 1111<1 l( S pl'"11 "I" '''I 'I-<' '~;I 1 ,j('lI'l k"nll \lb; t In rln I\llh !TII- (' 1\ I tr ,1 (1 ('Ill ~ ()II \' ('. ( {Ill C ("I f ('111 Ol(! 11111(,1, 1l( I' ,1'1' h ri 'I Ill'...: r..-IIHh Ilil.\ ur <';1\.1..' 111111' ('lIt \ nll ," • ht ~l\ {' '( III "Ill '.11..fttl ,d)()lIl (,Hili' 1!"'t'l~ •... lJ( 11,S( jl .... e .' I'll J (' '(I lull {,I l hI i.... t'l " "'\1 1il,' t' 'f (j t.'l t 1Ill" .. 'Ill( \ 1C hn!;l ;'-:1( 1,' .1 t,<;; \n'l C('1l'r!lr 1 1 lill. ktt I {\ (11' 'll,t kllll\\. "\11 ':hl, h ,,~,e,rlll' ' 'I' lltlj. "I j": lin (0' ,,111 ;'r l.'( \"1111 In thell),' 11' I, '1rl' 1 { IJ r ;"'c~l (I. ,.I III\ '1( III tllf Cr1 1'1. I"l'f'I'l i' '" 'I1J clf) 1 ;, l' ( ,~111 • 11 ' i)~, Jd fnllu\' ell 11 'll 1(\ tJ1( (trdll" 111, j Ie \\ as nnt Inte "'1"1. I\r'r! ;:;1, II'e 1';11" 1\ iJ;IIIr!.ll,\ke, hc de"l<kd, an"" I'.<s II ell as he '''111<1 ;:.Ill) qt:estlons .111l)lltraIl( hIll;: tlH' IH)\ \lanl"l to asl" ,11111 then h nll h<s \I:n' J I;s !Tr, I( sl,nk ; bit ,IS licIII1111~tf'1I stnppcd at a tllhle ; ",' "I'I IIltn \I !I,tt \ or'e l11cn- tally "h;tllI" 1" , 1 ;'s "1\1' stllf(," "'lhlS l" ~\tl. \01' .... 1 ' !'l..l1'l'l1"..:.tnll \\.l .... "'. \ illg- tn ll' bel.', I f( '" '~('lt .1 hlg I till( 1 1 hl1l1l'f ~1I1' t 1 1( 'f llt 1 1 1 ill' ;lhntlt' 11111111":' he rlnll t 11}fJ\', t l f)ll_ 't 'I'll .'11<\ )l'l1r >I,lel 11;,_ t It!e l<1 1"1', III h 11' .1 Ii lie ::nll IH111' -.:tr;,1l1.:C'rs 111'11 1'" ; ...t. 1'(' ;'('ded I(~...., tCl' ('(11'1~. "1'( 1(li )('1' ;'111: tl'il1(~ \()tl \\;'l1t to J..Il( \\,' J); \ 1<1 "..:,nt j \1/ iJ'l' 1((;1 tc l'r-i)l (~" :.'1,\1 the Jllll('l(lultlPll \\rt~ nnt \\r}((")I1'I, llH :)lnlhcr .IIl( "l"H1. .-~ Iv: ("() ", IdJ1111f'lhly dtc .... "-C"fi. d,11k: )(11'11" 1';.lJ1 "1-,, \ Jall,.,'l tr..:rlllhl..t!}((' Jl\.~lll: ••.. \,0\'l(l 'I'T rcl tlt)l"'hip. lfJnkcd dl<.;lil'llj~ l'(ll'(!. '1" tJ ~ 1,\\ ;'111. Il' ht ... f('(' <llld j'( rfill1( l( 111: .... 1,,) ,I il ,,,,1, H.\ \\ 1\1 1j gnl'd (11' : ('11' 11(' 11111! 1l1\i1 d. "lh,n't \\ dilL to h11H ill," J 1;,\ vI ..... nll11'r1 hi, J11\.II,lr ·:rin .11lrJ lhe /"In ~ (Xl" Inll "'r'H ir a1'it.lr ••. j ll1)(' 1'n\111(i f(ll t-ll' 11'X' "I: "1 1"(,, If thc1 "-.1 J' 1111( 111'11S .''''j\' ,",l·t In ;l~k ;'lC ;"J1"'l:t ('(I\nt,'r!ll I 'lll hln' .. !lfl(lt ('''1 ;~f 111{' .111.'" tIltH ( h"lll( l:,,> .llC I can·t ,lll"'\\f I, holl I'll III 1(' ,1 d d, ,: II ' "If iJr 1:,11t tell I fill "II ;d'''''1 Jlf) nJle {(,i]" 1~<"'ll11;n' 1"11 h, )\ l 111. ; heltc! 1tIll I:llldl on il'1' 11tr III 11 hI ('11( ~() S I.;()," 1.11\(,', l' I'het, J11,1l J It'IY rl""",liE gill. "1,,, ll'd {~11111111Jfd to 1,1,1: hlr ,.\td" ,111'1' ,{ IIp,I, 11'11 I"okcd Uj' 1,,1' the hr't till'" ;'1"[ I)alld tllct her cool glawc, " \1 e ,t>11 1l]l"jP,t: " s:1e 'l,k"d l~zd~·. "1 lICI (1' lI" I ;'.111odc>t II esLcl n 111'111I,~{t>re. }('s <jlll:e an C\.IH Ilel'l c,' " l'lll I cr, l1lP<!,,'1, hUI I rI",,'t knOll 11\1' h, .\Ilcl IH gll1JlCI ",' Del\ lri gqllJlcd .•• ;{h\ (-l)S ask 111()! C (llJf''''ti''lls tll III (tll\ n1d-tllt1('r (,(-ill ;.:11110;\\('[,' "BTlI (',w." The girl 1l0,ldr'1 tQ\\"rd brrl)Jothrr. " 1'1 e he"nl hl111 ,~l il .Iu,t "hont tilc 11\111111 co' ch::t II 11;1 Edl ,l!](1\1t ]';\1]( l11llg II nuld II 1'''' I, ~Ptlr j llicildr, ;"r. \""1"<', SO dnn't startan, (hill/-;, \\ Tl! )eu "'Il do\\ 11;- " .j 1 reI 1,011 II/It 111st I'(l\\. Jl1.' Itl, 1111 ~/ll'l' to tl s11<"'.· he ",,11(1 r;:lt!lci .. II ...:. "\\h,,11 "Ilc: ' •• , 'I be :'(",,1'1, ( l\.'llllld, I" or ""lcLllln' hkc tint." , 'I h(y ,,' 1(, l'lCIt, ;:;,,' rI. 1\ hy hal cn t I\e ~(Cll It. \}11l:< ' "1 ('0 hll") ." "Ll,Jd tn {,tLc: nl1 hn:h, If J OU \\ ..-tnt to hI'," I>,"id Hid form,dl,. ",\11 light, le(, g", lillt ;;I\e u, (\If) tlI111lltCS tt> I-;ct lead,,' " 1'1\ c J'Il h," e Ill, 1"1' al (hc door." Jil file 11111'lllrs he ",S \1~lt;l1g a( (he hotel rllll ;lIH f'. T:,r IiI e 11liutlle, ,tl 1'1<h, 01 to ten, Ihrn to lif- trcll, \\';,s thr ~irllll~killg ,11'0,,101111111: 1'I"h- ,'1>', ,hC' h;ld 1I0 'de,\ nf'.:""1'~ 10 Ih" ,IInll. Inst gIll 1" him ,1 risr. J[~ I 'tllrlll'rj 10 the (a"iJ "nm ;lJ1d lJ1\('''llg;l1cd. '["'Ie r.l~ ~111t ...• l1d(L <1, ..•.IPI'Crl1 cd 11e '\ Cllt h;:ll k 1() IllS (,'r and '\ ::tll{ d ii\ c 11111111tCS 11}("'II c, I t I I Ill< Ird til, ll, ,t tlll,(ftl !;\lll he " The gil'1 \\;1' c.;1 rlllk 111'_ 111('. ".1\1,t ]'1-e he;' rh(ek: II \\ l(h ,(;tI (ed the' "r. lIe 11'''' dr;I;I\g a\I,I.' \Ihell It ,h,lrp h, J1 recalled hit11. Y()IIlI,~ T;l: ;qlt and 111s <..:l.... tcr \\ ('re SIgnaling 1('0111 the curh, ")"nu f101l't llhc 1~ ~Ol1 "ere going off ,\itho\1t liS:- " the g1rl "'poke \\ Ith gelluinc surpri~c. "I hung 011 Illnl c tliall twcllty lll111utes, Theil J tboug'ht you I"cre gi\ ill' Ille thc ra'pberry," Jh."ld', tonc II;(S g;iy, He \\ as glad now tliat (he pair \I'a, g'olng, Hc mhcrrd thC'lll 111(') tlie hat " ~C'at of IllS hi~ seel.11\ and took the \I hrel, 11e \I;,S 110 longrr londy, }le had comp"nioll'hip, Th t II"' all tn the r;:ond The Llct that hc didn't mill h 1,1 erlll'~r the hnl '" the J.:'lrl <l1<ln't lll"lter Til ,h"'I'" as e", ell' n:, The r~l, ?lll· Ie ill '1 p, j", th"r I;,', ts hr I'M!1l( brrq "", 'I,c\ ,. (lIJlt rio tlJ: t l)'lt inll1C(', l(j~ ;ctu"! f,1 hIS Bcttv Bryant Blase NC~f) S lutt i n s P r c c i pit (/ t c rla Lh. 1 cs Tl 0 rsc, Ra Jl (hut({ tt, Be/tv)s Flair for and Icc Crisis 1 '7 ' I' ell' 171 h'''I,,1 IITI,I' 1,,\ t,,j Ill;~ him t o" uh'lr"l fur supper and duu Ill~ " \\ he: ~ 0,,1 jou lcarn to d"llc~: " she 'lI,\<lrlll~ \I,'"I~<I (0 know, "h'nm l nrlia n gills mos t lv.' " fell' South ,\mrl'1(;111<I;II"C'. l\\ I( (' pI} ra t t lc bus.ucs s." "J1 n1111,J thouch; t h crc 'I ,IS "(11l1rlhlll'~ r""II, a )(\1:t yo ur da ncinz.' "','IT,I( ,II,,'t t hc word T ll'C l)"es it Ine, n ,flil1(th111"'" \\Il)llg ,,1111 1l1~ Ioot v ork., ":\Il You d"nl" quit c """,1(111111), e'I" 1'1;1111' il' t'\lI;.:'n don't \'"nll wh cn lvc Ii.ld s urh a ::1',,<1 pa rt nc r, OUI 111(11 h.-1Ck C;l"t ;]}" gtltill~ tf1fl J,l, ~ I{} ({;.JIl( e," " I """ (n plc,IS~." " ..• II ',lfl \\ ;1•..1.;\\ 111l11111lg a lil11r, j1J()t1~.::h h(' ('te ,111<1dl,""k ler~ c"refull" Thc ",h"lIrt ""s an ;Jtll(\l..l1\' 1111r \\ith LillI ;1111...., allll(,,,,pilf'IC l:"d "Irr It III tli"k 1;(,"", ,\ htlle ,!r,nr"I"d Il~~ nil (', (I;' 1.11)!c 11()11~ ;'nd Illlc.;llctr",. nil ('\ (" \. <:'Idc Yn 111:~ lotll'll .... 1 l,i""jl1~ On ;111 ..•. Hie ... , I( il, .\"(lllr of :h,It 1',,' It1111. II(' .... 'l, , 11 I f1 (' t I ('\ (J I 1'1 1~I\ (: Irill ( I 11 \\ ",1l;'hl1~\. 11(' lu", cd 10 11, J ,Illf bIrr ;1"'!-( d it ~ 1(, d:'lll( \\1'('1 I". {f(I,'llet!'o .\11 j;1"\Q'lt\ "If' llJ(l( \\,,,, d'~II'lCt lipurl'" hl~l" 1n\r1\ hl<1\\. "()1l' (1\ )0111" "'nulh \n,11'(,111 [1:1111<''';' she ,IS" C'd ('"Idl" ":\n 111.1,';11, ,1)(,', ~fc"1f ,111."he ch" I i\llly ,">III ed her. :-1 l'S Br~ allt lookql wnrc 1ell10tc h c gTJPl1rd, ";:lll' I've hcen t hr r c Hr I~j'o ~., ovttion w~,... I"l hI" "'"f"r d 1 h (" dini~<; r(\~rn. Ii, " (\ e. 0n i~ <' ,I' he J~ f k III thc I:Cll1111l~t(\1l J"h1J~ ]}cr hI nt1l"r "nl \(1 "he"d nl tltCl1l (fl Iillt:; tIl" rl< I"tl~l hrll \11" l~I,,,nl 'Inp)'<'d >\1r!drnl" IOf'klllg UI' ;it 1),,,;<1, Ilr ,oul,!It"lc SIlPIII (hat th~re was lI' 1111Itati<'11 III hC'r r~ e,-(h,,( at!r;j't ,hr Ilnllld Il"t h'll e 1" p(r'ted I( he h"d s\ld'lclll, k,"rd Il"r. 1~\11hC' t:f11111e,] gao I," into her uptuilled f"ce "'lfl e'Cfll ledher' C1'"nl()1\io",Iy into the eln" I Of, " It"- l'ce1\ a r;:reat Illght," hc ",iel. "Th"nk,," u]1o ynll ,kate?" shc ;I,krd ahrllptl)', "Sllrc,. H Cou1(1 ,,(' .;;;kate ~()ll'/'\' III rc ;11 01111<1 b( rr jnl1'( I rn\\ llln1'll11H'::" "Surcst thingjOlT kIlOI,. \\'ha( lillie: " " \hOLI (, 11 (,III lie gel ,k.ltc, hrle? h"\e hr;" 0' shne', hilt I didn'( hi ing "",1 ,Llle-," .j I guess if 111111H:tnll ( 111 ii:-.:.. it. Jir. (:-Ill fix lIl' ,tIillll"'. ,\11'] (hC1'e'"" lakc tC'n 1\lIks Ollt. "Y')l1 ''''11111'. ),1("" Ih1\"! "skrd Rilly, Ilc had learned frnlllthrir t:dk that the h()y11'1' Rilly an<1 Ih, ,:';) li,lt,', I'r!l, \I ;''1'1 "U"1l1 tha( 5'l1trd her, T< n ~nU .'iH 1 I"CI111111(". Rill) Mil- S" (rrd dcc i"'i' ('1\ . ":\f' sl.a(lIll.:; nuC1' 1,,1 llIe .'n, h'Il'1. I'll sl") l'C'lllC and" 1'tt,... <':0111<' let l( 1'''::' "n, J-. Gnod nigh:." O \\"JI) r,,"rled I"tll tn h,r dl'fl!'"'1<1 [Ilr- lIlally ~h,'nk b;,"ds II ilh IhemhQ(h, 1\ hich ser 11ed to alllu,r Ihrlll a litlle. Then hc h"d an aj:;rrr"hlc b?1[ b01ll' \I Ith his pilI'< h,lSC". Jfc had gnt flom nelll1Il1"l"n ,I h,t of thr OI'CI1PIC'r! rnOlns in the hOIC'1. He hung" Lhn'tma' ,tpCklllg 011 the otHer kllnh nt c\ cr: d()()1" ..-liHl ;{1railQcd a J,ttl( hr;>p pt (andy hp:\( .... , tin hOlIl..... and t(l~S belo.'1 it, HC' ll\"dr ',[I'S ~r, "nt', I'de r'pc< lall\' implc <1\ C, lle "II III hC'r thlot. lIe 1,,1<1I1I11\.e1£ th"t ·he h;" ;:-1\C'n 111m a II h11k of all el rnlnr;:, I"ttt I.;he 11;1<1111 g-nt hl111 Oil the l"rl.\\' ;1, JlltlCh as "e thOllght -hr bad, I Ie h",1 an OI11t'on\\ hell he elll, red th, l\rn- 111:1'2't8J1 (!.ning- rnnJ11 the Jlc:-.:..t 111()j nine:!' n( 111lin:-. ton him'elf had frcel~ ICleakd thc Idelltlty "f the ll0trl's Santa Clall" Ti,e hatf dmell (1'''' ci;l1'~ mr;I, SItting at hrrak,a,t and armed IInh Ihel1" lill hOll1', gal O i1l1n a f.11J{a1e a, he rll(el cd thc room, and old :-[1", Spe1\cer sent him il\' hrr Il :,11'(11 a ,ani bral1ng a lillc of thallI,- for alld apprecla(iOll of bcr unexpected Chn,tmas .. tell 1-. 'Il~.!. Afler brC'ak fast Da.' id intel"\ iCI\ c(; Bellnillgton in tl\r latter's offire, (onld he get some cx(ra skatrs-a pair for a lady and a p'lir for himsclf? Hc could. ITc cOllld "e( al1yllllng, Tbe hate! alld it, eontC'lI(O, TIlllnlngtoll a<surcd hl111, \lC'rC I11S, Thc storm 1,,,d ld"Io,t clr;Jrrd hy hrr;(k fa'( li']1r .\t Irn o'clnck lhere \\,erC' 0111, a le'\ n,\krs Ih 'It;n~ 1"I1'~lWl1j in the' luI' air. Thl "illl! '.ld ~()" rip" 11, t0n, ri.llr1 thr "t:n \\ •... nv!" ll"':' ,'11 rf-T0rt tobre~k (]11ough t l lllllll"'':, ;': 0' Cil'l1<l" J)a\ d , ,11'1" "'(f hed .\Ii s l~r\ a ut II IIh «ut cr ,11.11'1'11,. ud dcr p m nrr un« illinc nc s-. " J gol a parr n] ;::onr! Iiorsr-sandacutter ((1 ;::11 tn the I;l!,r."he t o lr] her. "'J houzht praps ) ou micht like a slcirrh r id c Ior a cha rurc.' lI cr r, r, sho« cd a rnornc nt "1'0' lIght, but she 'pnk~ ind;IIcrrntJ~', " \\lfnll, goo" of vou." she said. a url ]),1\1(1 lilt I11S lip. ~hl:.'1 a rm c d 11 1,,( II hen h c helped he: 1I1tO t h c Sk1r;:h a nd turk cd a healy fill' r obc 11\cr h c r I, nr cs. "TIKI 'II h~ ,0ITle drifts." he 1\ "riled h- r. "Bl1t thej wont hot hr r the sleIgh a nv II1<'rc l h a n rhr vd j,l1thrr (he s('cI,,", It's not g ood gl1ll1:; cit h«: I' "" hilt II c 11 /-;~t thrl r-.' ~hr sru ilcrl her 'l11" rior Iit t lc :'I111lr. "\'''l1 1",<1 a gn'l( tlnl~ :h" l110rllln;;, ehrln't ) "" ? the "Il'l ;,skrrl sl1drl"IlIj. " 'r', 1did," T 11- 1,1'1''1' his ,dt r nt'''" (III 1111' h"l r lie 1 hnped sh,· I\nl1hln( ltlk Jf d,,' 'hd it11"'5 1('11 to ,1 hllnrlr("~ c.;hr·d I1v 1 ,r hll'11 111;jd ;'l1d "rn11 his 11lnl'llllr:, rillt hIS nr:\:t \\Olds rnrp('d n t lrJ {prc.;;;qhh, " \011 rI"ll'l 1l1ln;:1c ndl< h," '1 ~'(''l, I'nl J1nl ;t \ C·) ~(1nd 1111:-\( r "Ynl1';c ,nUllA' f:IH I'~h t"jr; !l( t h'l\ r l" "n, I to ,:rt (lle;- 1[.,'1." he nil ;~ll inlpltlf~f, "\ ()11'I1 11\" ill (hrse p'lrt<." ,\'~lS ~11l1li\~('d. Jle 1"'('. <!Td not ~pcak (hc 1, k<. It \\as a l1ICC, clllllpani<,"abic little Likeand .\Ii s rr)all( (hou<;bt \I rll nf It. Then asudden r.eJ1ectlon stl UCK bel', ••\\'hy, It'S bern rleared-a lotofIt." """1r i( ha', Ho\\' did) au c. peet I'e 1\ ere gnl1l' to sk"lc if i( \\a-n't? " "\ou 111elln ,011 srnt mcn out herc al rI h"d It 1'1'rlIy c1<'" red lllls 1110flllllg? " •. ~urc 1 (he!. Yon II;;nted to ,kale, (!T<1n'(jOu?" Youre re"lI, rathrr .'\ ondcrful," she ''lid ~lol\1, . llc,"Ired, "You \\"nted to sk":r,dldn'I,If\II? "hetcpca:rd, " It's;::re"t," ,he s"id \\ l(h a ncw 1Jole In her loicc "l.rl's ba\ c a race ~" ShC' d"r(rd off as shc spoke, alld I'c S\\ cpt" (tcr her, .\g"in his hrart rm'C', ~he 1\as bum"l1 rl"''''.;h to rlljoy (his, thC'l1,That II liS all tn thc go,," ~he h,ul taken a ,hght ;j(1I alll;,ge ot him In (he 'tart, hut that. hc grIllllingly rrnected, \Ias 1JlItl1ral. J Ic \I as ~?illl1lgon hcr,rlnsl1lg 111 on her, 1\hen hrheard a ,hal p cr;;ek nf tbe icc \11'rler thrir fcct. lle c"ught hIS brc,\(h and Jonked for 11Cr. Shc lI'as safcly oler (hc dal1ger '1'''(. nut before hc could (\1rn or el en Sl\ en'e the ICC hC'nC';;lh 111m ga\ e \\ ay am[ hc found b1ll1,elf m (he frC'rzing 1\a(cr. The shockmadc him ~~a'p. hn( ,hc \.' ,lS alrrady too far a.'.'ay to hC'ar him, llc hoped to God she IIOU]e! not lookhalk till hc \1as out of thi~. \'ery ~10111y and glllgrrly he rrachcd forthc brokcn erl'\c of thc ncarC'st icea nd felt 1t gTl c 1\ay undcr h,s 11and. lIe ~tradled !1IlllSelf. Irod \I ater. and (!C'.pcratcly stuehcd thcslluatlOll. Thc ICC IIas a 1surdly thin, Hc'd hal ea .'Iord \IIth f]elllling- ton about that 1\ hC'nhe gnt l1<1ck to the hotel. Ilc tC'ntatilcly selectrd ,,"olher spot 10 test. It r;:;1\C wa). HeSI\OlC' (h,gt1'(edl" lIe\I"S not I rt re"i1yalarml d, Thrll IllS 11C"1t ,(OO(! stIli. Thr girl hl,d t\1rllcd, 1I;'d seen hllll, alld \\ as has- lrnillg hack. "Kcep a\\ ay," he shontetl imprrltll1<Iy. "Gct back tosbore. Grt bllck ljluck ~" ~he didnot rrply. She II as circhl1g around, not too close and\'cry carcfnlly, elldenlIy s(udy- ing the situation, It \\ as aho plall1 that shc grasped it. "HoI\' Jong ca n you hold Ollt? " shc a'ked I cry coolly, "Till nC'xt Chri,tma'." lIe lIas (r,ill:; anothrr ledgc of icc .'Ihcn ,he eamc h"ck alld her \'oicc ca l\C to h,s cars '0 '"dde n1y t hat he uncon'cioll'!y threll his \I richt nll Ihe (hl1l la,er and \ICllt dOlln IInh it. He !'·\Ille III' ~"'rillg 911d clr"red (hC' i" II atel fr"1ll hi, 1', ", llc h"r! nn Idr'l hnl\' lnnc <J1C h"rI heen "nn('. .\. fr\l II eeks, 111", be. Hc Inokrd IJ"ck of " : (\11, hiru an.l hi, hralt jr"l'rrl, CO(l'! ~irl! ("",d h o ',,\: Sh •. h"rI,,'t w a st cd t irnc 1\('1\Illlg for ht lp IIlln lh"t Irozcn silcnrc. ::-'he h~d mcr e ly pulled t hc ncarc st I"tI Ir ncc "1'''1'( and had hrllt~ht b"1 k ,n'l o 01 the ra il s \'cry ca lrnly anri c xncrtl, .he wa-. ml'kIl1g' a lif c linc of t hcm, c:C'ttlng clos er, of cours c. as she rlirl so, "1"eC'!) ;(11av.' he shour cd. "Yon'l1 he in YO'U- self In a minute Keep al'''" 1tell .I ou.' ". '0," she said calmly. " I'm goin~ (0 lay rizht hereand get ,nu out. This left side gil es vou the best chance. doesn't it? Isu't the Ice thic l.cr hcre?" "Yrs, nut Ior (,"d's s.ik c don't come any 11(';11 C1". I ~he did come ncarcr. She hadto, But 0 ,1",\ ly all,l ('llelllJ1~ thai his pounding heart ,t r l,h~<1 "s he ",Ilchec! her, She I' as as cool "S the ICC ir sr lf. as stead, as a rock. •. :.. (1\1." shr'" id quictlv. "c" n ,ou gc( that," " I'll tr,. Rut keep h;" k." To them bot h It 'f'e ricrl a 1'C111'11' hc l or e h e 1\ d' up nil til"sllri"ce of the" c, ordcrinz her 10 rct rc» t hc f orc him. which she rbrJ cr"\l\ing I"pi! afl~1 ,he 101l 1 ,j ba\e rlsel1, h(',',,"se of his lll«- ~an( and Illlp"""oned rlllrrlltlC'S, Thpn (hc, I' ~le h;(, k on (he shore, lhI'i<\ hrl'l nn( a~haklJl':;, dlippl11c b,,"d, •• (;'"0<[ \I "1'1., ,i(, ;':Irl,' he "\1'\ \\llh ('hal e'lll~ teelh, "1 dl1l1'l klln\1 all"tlln girlan~l\heIe Ih.'t c"l1le1 h"1 r <[f'l1e thiS." hnl ,hc h;'<1 11" tIme lor alnrlllIr,. Shc d'd 11111r\l II t,{kc :11<' h",,,!. Shc sail (ha(he \1,tS ,h"'k,l1'~ III a Ilokn: chdl, •.(;, ( 111(<1tl1:>( ,kl'.:h," ,he ordCl«i. •. Full tre 11'1 lip ;ll1llnd JOU, to ,('lIr 11<,k, I'm going to d I 1\ C' " U" phe, rd her hllll,hl,. I( 1\as a stral1ge scn- t- tlflll, hut h" klt 1111hlllt1ihatinn, Ilere\PS " ;:;r1 i I ;; I hou""HI, a g'Iri Jtl a mJihnn, ~he had ri ked hrr hfc for hill again and ~g"lIl,and for God 1.;11<'\\'Sho\\' iOllg-- ~hc h"d Ill1tled Ihc hurse', II as ha' k In (hc r'l he<i'!c [lim, II "s halldhll'; (he reIns cool) al d npertl,. Hc enckalnred to spr"k hilt couldnt. . Dl1ll't tlY," she ordered, •. Keep lhc robes lip 1111<1,'1" ~0!1t'Ch111, I'm ;::'0111g' tn get j ou back (0 th" 1",ld In rec()Jd Iil11C'." ~h(' I(( IIIC llf'rs< S ,,"t ami tlle~ r"ccd h 1tk ~Jellg 11,e fl 0Z( 11 rO"ds Thc Clltl~r 1'0' ked '" II rrl 'e', 11;,1id rl,'<r,1 his r, e" She'd proh"h y ':lIch Ihrlll bOlh, hut ,he 1\ '" II nnhd,lng \\"lIh ... :ohc dro" cas wrll1\S ~r~,k"(ed, ~ol1le gIrl, Ih ~ 1 '"\111"1,1~ \I as a ehri,:u,,"s d,\l1er ;l,( ])clJl1il',.,- :I'I1'S (h"t 11I;2hl. "I l'?l1~ed I., Bennlllgton fr 111<;:.:ur'ts "'HI " fr\\'nf hI, fcllo\I' tml'\1SmCn and lOll ""1 "Illrll, It II;" heir! in thl' bi:; dining room a 11<1t11rrr I'a, allnr< heslra th"t pl",'ed all the lei <I, U,~ ,,",';1 I'or a (ImeI(1nnkpd '" if:'lr. I)" Iin \ "'-'C IIoul,! nnt gr'"e tbef~"tl.'ItO'. He h,,,: I'" 11rllt to hed b, Ihe ,lnclor. anr! a tPII',_d n"r'r h"d h~"l1 el1r-agerl (0 keep him (here. "\\p',-' Ilnl gOll1g to let )011 ha\e pn r umoI 1 i2.," tbe ,I<lcl('r lulcdcurti). 1~1I1 at te:\ I" JO"k that n,~ht bOlh nuroe and ',d Irl1tII (' c e,I·1hl"he(1 brfor lhc bi;; fire 111 Ihe (';\Idln,,,n, thr [',!llt'n( In all ea-y ,hall' lookln;:: stllhhorn, tbr nnl'c l)e Idc bim, lnokin6' srared, " [ dnn't 1,11<1\\ 1\h"t the r!octor II III say," she II,' riled, ., I d<l, J!" 1'''1~IFlbC \1111 hc alllnl," lJalld glil1l1rrl. The d"11<er, drifted in by (\\ os and fours Lo \\el(0111e h1l11 h;;ck (0 hk, :'Iiss Bry"nt did '1 ,t appear for Ipjf ,Inhour. \\"hen she came II.e others t"rtfulh' faded ,111"" e\'en the nurse, •. Don't lrt hllll go in and danl:c," the nu')c .'I'arurd, . Thcre's 110 telling II h"t he'll II ant to do!" Eut ~ll)),1\1(1 Vorse \lalllcd (0 do !lOW \ a, (0 ,ital1djon I, at Bclly Br) ant \\'i(h hIs hcart in his Cj C'. •. Don't tl,l Ih"thl",c stuff \li(h JIle any more, plr",e," he !Jcg:::rrlat1"<1. "Don'( cyer tryIt ":;""1. Yon sec, [kl1nIl' )Oll no\\', so .Iou,an't fonl me all, morc" •. YOIl c"n ( [,,01 111e, el(hrr," ,be retahated ho(II', "I ( II"S (hat silly COl' boy stuff of YOlJrs (hllt'"l1llole(1 mc so Illuch, Since )OU (hought )au had (~ pll( ()II (ha( pcrforl11"!1('e for my bene- fitT dC', ided :0 pI'I~ 1\h(lic 10le of IllY own ... \\ 11i<11IS \ 0111' :\e\l Fngl"n<1 ,ollege? " ",\ll1hCI:S:," he 0",,1 ,hrepl~hl), "'11lf'111 (",>1, aspcrl;t! eOl1r,c ,,: (hc .\Tnherst . Agglc' "ld C""1C' \lc'l 10 ,eC'k Tnl jortl1nr, jn the cnd 1 declde<! (0 go in 1'01 ('aU k." "The P01l1t I'," she i,lu'.:hcd, "th"( )OUne\ft f"nled mc for? 1111nllte, Ru( Ifooled ~ou." " Idon Ithink, 1'\1 (ltel, re"Il,," hc muscd alol1<1 "'Yf'U m;ide mc111"d el rr) time you opened, n'lr m"ull1, hut ,011 not ICC I kC'pt coming h'lek tf'1' more, ,\l1d I \I"S 1\retched el cry 111111nte l II," a\l aI' [1'0111 \ f'11. '-'rr hetr, Relty," hr h111[led lin hre;;t1;1c"I,: "II;<S (h"t all on 111,"~1flc? \\ a, [ just 1\ ne\l llcql1"lntltllce to Ion, "nel nothlllg nlnrc'j ., She 111l1;::1)C',1 r.llhcr ,h"ktl" :\r.lther of thr'l1 he,d ,r't \I IwIl1' relO\ crrd frnl1l (he 5(1 enuol1s eXjlcnrll('e of (hc nwrnlng, .. \ \'llat do ~ 011 \\ (tnt lllC lO ~;:t\.: " "I1\1'1l( ,on (0 sa~ Ihat from lh~ I" sl momcnt you looked at mc ~au kl1CII lh"t 1 I' 'IS I\lth ~ou to stay-to stay allla,-, RI(1)." Shc ,hook her head. "You go too fast, CO\lho" \\ a,t till \ ee .' is;(ed ) au at ~"ourr"'1('h fnr ;t \I eck or two," "Thcll \1c'll lalk ;Ihont it? " hc persls(ed. "\Yc'lI (alk about it-prl haps!" "You know \\ c \I iiI. Rut. RClt" 1\ e got 10 !la\ c ~olllcthillg to go on, .\ ki"-ju,t one kis',- \lould be a grand ptCsel1t for Chl'l~lm"s I i:;ht." he II hcrdled. "I'm a >lC ' , I ell, 1 feel so \ 'eak and f"int:" ~hr langhed nnirC'hnc:ly, " Fraur! ~" ,he said. Ru( hcr lace la ne clIJ,rr as ,hc 'pokr, lln,l he 1'C"lhe<! up awl cau;;!;/. I'cr in IllS a 1'111'. (C(1t:'Jll""ht. l"J;): R~ Lll hcth Jr'd n)

l!hc Story of Dtr id Tl rsc, Ra tt, Bcttv Bryant Blase NC ... · \ (H,-';I', 1';11' '111"", ~l",,,l at (It~ \\lnd('\\ nf his \;lllill~ rn,l111 III Bcnniuz- l'nl~1 .11'1 g"z< d critir

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\ (H,-';I', 1';11' '111"", ~l",,,l at (It~\\ lnd('\\ nf his \;lllill~ rn,l111 III Bcnniuz-

l'nl~1 . 11'1 g"z< d cr itir allyHC'IPs,loll,,,,IIC'\I"s

")l1l';ISI fill1 1tC' \I "s iorrccl t(1 "d nit that'1'1 "~\I 11,1. llnt c hc c riiur "lha t p a rt f)f Colo-, r1n whirh PCrfTC'fl n<;;.cl[ ttl h is ;n"prttin!1 \\;I~

11'.1\ Ih' "riled h v ,I n o: the,"1 hl izz artl.I he lit t lc '1111<' t" II hirh he ha d b ccn ;,"1' I1cd

II,' ,nly ,111<1,n n ro: t;,hk HC' It;,,!. ;IS the 1'1'0-jlll/'jnt" prolJdi\ ;l ..<urcd him. the best "P;ll-}O",1\1 urorun. ;11lr1 h"th 0' 111 the 1~(,Il11illg-tnJl. J)a\ id1,""\1 th,lt It II " ;,j,o t lic nilly "l'l" lor bedroom.,I" hat h ' ;11 :h" Intel. lIe h",1 ol t cn nllupiedII -luriru; hie. '· ...;1, tn t hc cit.\. F~(lll~ h iru n o v,III hIS" \1,"-11'1' \,,.. .•. ;111 npPll fJrcpl;tl (' 111 \\ h ir hh'" In':..:,l;; hll111( (1 \\ III ,I plc,I"r1Ilt ,nn,HI nl ...p 'PP11'~

.' i'! t ra( 1-, !J1J" 1~11' h.111'- I: all, he rc tl- l it d ~,1\-

;'.' h 11(' ('nljld 1)(. ""Inl!\l t;thjr 111 111" f) \ '1 J nr h

i I' 1l11!( ,"\ \ j Ie h' 1 fll{ P .,f'" ,ltH] ( q

(11'd'i t lur- In'l ,111(1 ;1 (1.lllcr! ''':-'I(),l (l'r1 ('

(,(,pl. not In (H It, nl 111\ <,;f)f 1I't: (If il,,,, dr'':...!: .111d

111 I q\\ 11"':'" ,,1. nf \,lln111 \' o uld 11.\\ c 1)(, \ '..:Ltrlt'" ''':1'''' h1l1l (·(lI'1p •..111 (lll ....h'i'J 1(' a,krd 1"",,('11' II I" Iltc d(,1 il I,,' It,IfI 11'1'11d

his );\t,k nl1 11, 1 " 1)](" 111-:: .... to htll \ hi]lI~I'1f ill ahqjf·j ':lllrl h, "n,lll'lf'tll1fl ,IIHI j,oll1{c.;1cl, ..-Illd 1,('jlll1tl",\i;\t('l.\ If I " I 11( .tll"\' (I 'Tlli" \\ ;1.... ( ht 1 j-

11.ls C\'C. Il( 'I.'t! 11 l nl1ll' ...Cll{lll1('ll:.,l ti'.'1 l1f)I'lj

_ 111f111nric .... nl I" .... hn: l'n,Hj il.lld ;1,11 1il;-1{ "f t f)f

thill"-~. Thf' I 11 h 11,1<1 ,,('('11'('(1 1 ('lllPte ;111<1 1flJwhIll't ;It ;111 ill' \,1,11 ( In "1)l"1(l ;t 111('11) (1111 iI11.'....,

111 "lld hc 11 II (\IH'IHIH('d ;.t "'11('(1('11 .ill/· 1111

pI rf'fjfll{('(] {il'( j/1I;1 IP<I1'\ ('11i ...j"1.1 ...• 'Ill('1"\'111,,-(' lh.1{ 'r,ljl'"(r! 111 I d'""", 11 r1 <,,:'(;)l<d;l {i I' ('"11 ( 11 (' \\ Ill! 1,1 l' t (\ t hC' 1 II \. "''' t 'I" (' , / \'1,111 C hit11~(11 ((\l1 11'll.'hl'" ,II !~(1}1 il'_ (\11'. \\11("1'('

II ,1'\;:J~s ..:1/ p'Hd \\11'1) lH \\(1111(' In\\ 1, ":'1\

1111 '1' fnr ;'1 [I \\ d.: "'. 1,)t\', Ill' i\\n oid I';lh \\po11\ cd there <..:I'C "n1l1C ••lln\\ ..... 111(1 t!CIl(') ;dl.' lrthllllself ;::0 ,I 1,,1

II" b;.ld fn11n\\cd 111(' IIl1l'1Jl-..C illllllfd' ll,i). 1j('

h'd ,rllrd fpr IllS 1,1111h ('f)ok, 111'11,,('(ed him tf)~I\C the hn)" .' c.npr! (hll"lP1?'" "prf' •..l..cl tll". llC t

d"', hO\llerI t" ,I1ICllh( I' hn,l to III i,,~ h' ; ut011l0-h,le '" nund, ,11'1 1,('11'''1 I d :0 1he l hin', lIg?ill (0

1";lC!..- his hi" jnl ..-1 thi'( I dll' ",' ah ....('l1CC.111f' Clt~' \\ ; .....•.... <.;10'·1l1 q\ (pt ,,1'-' the p1.tilh had

1\( 11. nut 11 llrl, {c\ ... (\l 11:,:hl('r1 \\ l1Hl("\\ S ,\ Inked

,11 h111 111rc'11' 11 til< \\ 11il Jill(:: ....l1n\\ ;\t1rl his hC;lrtr .(' 'uld ":;Ill! 1 hH \' ;1.... ,,' ,:.:nt)(! i(k.l -this hr(,;:1:k-

Ill'': (.1\\;:\: llnnl t:,(' f:1Il111;::tr rut ;11H1 h; \ 1I1C' a 1'('(11

IInhr!"," II h" 1II" droll' 'n 11'<' h"1\' \lher!' 111. 1\,1 p,ds

li\ t'd to'::.rlll( 111(1 111('1 ;1 ... t.lt:"1 Illlr: rli .1.pl'()ll'l-

h.I(' ;..:n!1C' .- \" Y 1'''1' .-1 \\ r('k I !H II

Ilt'! 1-11("\ \\ }'(,1 r ItIH~ ll1L'd( Jl pI unI"rn:. Th I~\ l1r1I;..lr!y flldIktshr.r!Ic\

I~('11 nlll'.:211·"'" 1 f t I' 11"-~ \\ :1'" 1, f :-111 \ • l~( 'l11111r.:: tIll'

1'1'l' rolf, f]: I I If 11 ('1 \, ltld I'll III f \,1 \'1 l 11 ; "f "1:{

,I,,~r. ,hf','I, 1].'11" "lllI, ?11r\ ,h"lIrd a fhltCl-111;:" plp:1 ....ll 1 (" (1" 111'-' .l' 1]' fll,

t< (Jlad 1\ f' '.,:('1 \ ('t11 snnt Clnpl~ • rf'llniJl~:.:,tnn

c;)ld "J'?'I, 1",,\ I( ~ll 1",( \le~k, hut 1, f( ,Ie"-,1;·, .,

",\11\ klll, '11 Ihe hl)(el?" pl,r ,,,l,rd :hr" 'If'I'.l ; f II,l"_!lj"'H'd ;lllrl" ·ll ....f'nl"p .. IllS

11 'q<, 111 111,.. 1"''::1''11'1'. I~CllIl111'::tOll ••..jar(d""opr II I,,? 1', 'l.r! Ihe, 'r! nl"kr ;\ " .. ,,," I.lke I" II I ,'1", 'Ihn,!clll It \loldrl I'e 'I'rl (11h, i tlll,l"'''' 'I' h." (' "',':11C .lrnlll1d, tll,lt s ;t\1"!~f'Jl1l11l·.:.tl'll Innld d ,tpnln~('ti(',"\\ r h'd 1\\1111 ....1 \ (,II 1'111 th(,11 fplk ....\\ ('lit tt'

1,\ r III \\ Il i11l '.' 1\1 l'\:pllillrrl ".:\nl Ill'll'\ Inl1..5h<"'1" llP' ()l1h .j'f1It:1 c!n'f!l ..•\ln~1 flf '(til

"'nil( of( ('11 \ 1"'1' !;Ilt \\ (' '( ,nldf' the ph.l ('( 1111 1111•.1S.\ .111 11;.:111, (111 lIght. \ill I th.-Il ,,111


Ij(' lIl.lrlr ,til (In,lnl';I"": '_/,"'{l'!" IlJ\\,lld tIle

;l1~1.I(t1\(, I""!l\ I: ....,\.111 .... '\(11..' r!·(OI.tHd \\ltil

111 ••..1111;1 \' 1(' llil h(,11 111':" 1'1 I''::hi If d 1,(,\\" (I'lr!

;1' I,'·\stln;.\, 11((' r!"("r"llC'c! \\llh \.ll'(fllf'~Cd bl1lb ...•

;'lld froc;.lrrlllll"-cl n'lrtICl"r(] 111 a (01Ilei,

, 1~I11e," \ ('1' •...(' "IPI)! f'\ "d, ... \11.' lnlks J klll'\\'

III 111(' !lnu ...\ '; ..

.. FI'lId HI'I

nr,' the r'H'rj),'\ let's h .lj t ....llli"

le,", .\ <.:1i .-11l~(,1" III

111"'11 lnnrh It •..I (' th(.lll

I 1 ( r ,I 1 ( (1 J ~ \ t 11(

\ Ii ;:IJ: thc

t..:t I ,11I,l, d. he 11 11('l'l( (1 i111-

the 11:' 'I: I, \ II hole 101he \\ nlll(1 1,"',' \'( ell ()1l hiS

'I ,I' in f,"' 1: III d 'rc i(

f-fl: I,ll \11.1 I) :111'; (nll,(!,,;.I,lJ'1 111'\\ ;'s

,•....h(' 'll \I' \' ....•!'I' 'Ill lirr 111 h·\ l':lllt'!.' "'{;.tI-

J l'" Ijljn jll( l1;.lnH'" ,11'<1 jllt'll ''''q~'' lc'-.:,rctllt1~11"- l'npl11"'i' f 11(''''' ('Ill, 11\ e n'( If)( \., \ full lll'tir

I" I'e kdl('rj I)('j •...•l \ .•.1 \'\'('1' ;1\1<1 nCl \,.1\ to kill It

III h;'ldn't C f)1'l( If\ tIl( l 1\ In I.;I~ h( (pre thc filc;111.-1 <;;:111("'1\,(' 11<' l"t1'd dll 111(· ....(' th,I1~'" ;'111: \,·!lrIT.

11, iumpc', ~n 11'~ I,(t, pHI-cd Ill" illS tl\C1"lo:.-tt

;,1 (t h:1l111' 1, (1 d "lp(d 111 tilr ll<',~l"( ....j (h.:1lr. put

111 111 nil, ,1\1(, ,.'j Iq,:I"ilh fjn"l1 the t\\() (ll~ht" pf

sl\Il' In Ih" 1""",1 II, '1J111d ha\c t,kr1l all(1r\ ,-ltnl, 1 III ti'{~ HI,.\ dId nnl ,,('( tlt til hilll.

'( '0111'~ ,'''I : 'I ; '1",11' IH tnld Ih" 1~IHlllJ,dI) (1 .' ('Ii ..:,'\ f "1 \1' \' ;1•.•.• tl1nllt a dOi'(11 fnH.;s lett

111 1 il,.. hotel ~"fp. \\" 11.1\( 1\ \1~ 111('11. l~l1t illt'lc'~ ;11

,,!r' lrh. \11. "'1\"111 ( ,ll1(l.l gu·l \\1111 her t11Citj('1 ...• ;:111fl I1fl \11<1 t!lc!"cs a p;l1r flC'lll '\·C\\,

"'\1l." hrn" f t .'11"1 "'j ....1cL ThC': 're ~()tlllg ;{IlU

, '" (n I"I)!- J1 I 1.1I'd ho,jcel, I hOl1j:;h, I'd 'ay.\' "'1~ IS I~ \ ,''It ThC' I nl1l1~ fell,,', lookmg for" I.ll1ch, \\ '''I- l') hll, <>l1e lIlld groll up 1I'1lh11'f {nl1:1tr\ ' J~11111111':.:II~1l gtll111(,(1. II,.. h:l.d ';;;CCll

"t ,,( th,ll <net ~Ioq of them dIdn't sta, 10llg( •• '11'.:,11 to '-1 (,'\ up 11111<..h,jl '\ld rrfUllll'rj the ~r;1l and S\lUI1Q" Oll of (he

1"," I mlo Ihe ,tnrlll, lie h"d e"periell('rd "nolher11'1'lli,Co Thrrr II f'l'~ no kId, In the hotcl. hutI ( <1 hal c ; Chn'tma', an,' Ila~, J le'd bu,' some1'",,1 ,tllff fnr the tl;\I'Oling I11~U and thc old lad\'.,"r\ hrr 11111"'( ;11,,1 the 1110 :\CII" Yorker" llc'dt'Pt q)na t hi , ...t In. <..: ;ltnlo"'phC'l C' intn RCllll111~-

t"l " If It "," i1'~ 1"'1 thlil" he rl er did." '1l;1l~1nll'", \\;"- <'I' ~I;till <.;trcfl and til( hlg'

•......rt •...1,01' ... () 11'c l;t' \\cre llr.r It 11f'lfllt

"1'" rlf l(' 1 (wg. of btl.' 11l~, ] ic hnu-:ln h if ell

l"!hc of Dtr idof JIo:;-0

StoryaJld1ori:c F •.

JI{I r- pi (,llld\. JI,. j,'l1l'.,:ht lilt«(11 p:lp Ird

Lhn.1111,1, ,,101 I, Ill':;', lull of trifle" an-l ("['I'edc.u h one \\ith;1n Ol::l"~C and a canrl. (,1111',

"Tl c llo, Sa n t a Cbll'," F]ellnlllgfnn g"T'eledjnl 1,,11:: "l~nll;::h( out the tn""I, "i) iv id dei;:':l1ed t" u-.c lhr c lcvat o

anr] got hi-, p;Jf k;.\!..":,cs tip tn IllS J pnJ'l.

111(' dnn Il •..t : 'rs ;{:"::11J\ inl <';111'IH'r.'I hi f'\ (.'11 11'.";!l('\\ ....p,lp' rs 11,ld ;"'1\ (II llilll ;t 1 t

pI ~,'''d ....hn\\s .\s he In"'C Irom t'\P 1,11,1, J1'In·,kc,l ; t ills ,\ III 11, l l c r] '~n tn;J, 111l\\ t', !·...:IJi.

('Il'~ h,ll! In ,In sontrt liir-, ( hri ....{ . (....cvr ,

'Ills til ic'1 lirn hr

r" IIII'~ 1,,1>1,\ j:("IIII,"I"1I sln:'I" rI h,,".I •. (l()III' ('Ill ;:.I:':' I Ill. -, tlll;~ ll,t!} . 1,1 .1 I «(1

l'\f 1111.\. ' J kil:d.l h()l1~ht If '1'1 11.1d ;.J,. 111 111lc

l'(t lpll"dtlt C .\Oll tn ~(11]1l'': J;I.'.·llt ~nd III I"tcr,

1 ....:,1,( ...•, 111:-'1(' klllrl ()[ jr)11c,,-nlnr, 1(",). fhc £(lln\\!TI"" ,II IlIlrl (hr 11f'tel 1111"1 rill d,,~ 1111<1l( S pl'"11"I" '''I 'I-<' '~;I1 ,j('lI'l k"nll \lb; t In rln I\llh !TII-(' 1\ I tr ,1 (1 ('Ill ~ ()II \' ('. ( {Ill C ("I f ('111 Ol(! 11111(,1,

1l( I' ,1'1' h ri 'I Ill'...: r..-IIHh Ilil.\ ur <';1\.1..' 111111' ('lIt

\ nll ," • ht ~l\ {' '( III "Ill '.11..fttl ,d)()lIl (,Hili' 1 !"'t'l~

•...lJ( 11,S( jl ....e .' I'll J (' '(I lull {,I l hI i....t'l " "'\1 1 il,'

t' 'f (j t.'l t 1Ill" .. 'Ill( \ 1 C hn!;l ;'-:1 ( 1,' . 1 t,<;;

\n'l C('1l'r!lr11 lill. ktt I {\ (11' 'll,t kllll\\.

"\11 ':hl, h ,,~,e,rlll' ' 'I' lltlj. "I j": lin

(0' ,,111 ;'r l.'( \"1111 In thell),' 11'

I, '1rl' 1 { IJr ;"'c~l (I. ,. I III \ '1 ( III tllf Cr1 1'1.I"l'f'I'l

i' '" 'I1J clf) 1 ;, l' ( ,~111 • 11 '

i)~, Jd fnllu\' ell 11 'll 1(\ tJ1( (trdll" 111, j Ie \\ as

nnt Inte "'1"1. I \r'r! ;:;1 , II'e 1';11" 1\ iJ;IIIr!.ll,\ke,hc de"l<kd, an"" I' .<s II ell as he '''111<1;:.Ill) qt:estlons .111l)llt raIl( hIll;: tlH' IH)\

\lanl"l to asl" ,11111then h nll h<s \I:n'

J I;s !Tr, I ( sl,nk ; bit ,IS licIII1111~tf'1I stnppcdat a tllhle ; ",' "I'I IIltn \I !I,tt \ or'e l11cn-tally "h;tllI" 1" , 1 ;'s "1\1' stllf(,""'lhlS l" ~\tl. \01' ....1 ' !'l..l1'l'l1"..:.tnll \\.l ....

"'. \ illg- tn ll' bel.', I f( '" '~('lt .1 hlg I till( 11

hl1l1 l'f ~1I1' t11( 'f llt111 ill' ;lhntlt' 11111111":'

he rlnll t 11}fJ\', tl f)ll_ 't 'I'll .'11<\ )l'l1r

>I,lel 11;,_ t It! e l<1 1"1', III h 11' .1 Ii lie::nll IH111' -.:tr;,1l1.:C'rs 111'11 1'" ; ...t. 1'(';'('ded I(~...., tCl' ('(11'1~. "1'( 1(li )('1'

;'111: tl'il1(~ \()tl \\;'l1t to J..Il( \\,'

J); \ 1<1 "..:,nt j \1/ iJ'l' 1((;1 tc l'r-i)l (~"

:.'1,\1 the Jllll('l(lultlPll \\rt~ nnt \\r}((")I1'I,

llH :)lnlhcr .IIl( "l"H 1. .-~ Iv: ("() ",IdJ1111f'lhly dtc ...."-C"fi. d,11k: )(11'11" 1';.lJ1 "1-,, \Jall,.,'l tr..:rlllhl..t!}((' Jl\.~lll: ••..\,0\'l(l 'I'T

rcl tlt)l"'hip. lfJnkcd dl<.;lil'llj~ l'(ll'(!. '1" tJ ~ 1 ,\\;'111. Il' ht ... f('(' <llld j'( rfill1( l( 111: ....1,,) ,I il ,,,,1,

H .\ \\ 1\1 1j gnl'd (11' : ('11 ' 11(' 11111! 1l1\i1 d."lh,n't \\ dilL to h11H ill," J 1;, \ vI .....nll11'r1 hi,

J11\.II,lr ·:rin .11lrJ lhe /"In ~ (Xl" Inll "'r'H ira1'it.lr ••. j ll1)(' 1'n\111(i f(ll t-ll' 11'X' "I: "1 1"(,,If thc1 "-.1 J' 1111( 111'11S .''''j \' ,",l·t In ;l~k ;'lC ;"J1"'l:t

('(I\nt,'r!ll I 'lll hln' •..!lfl(lt ('''1 ;~f 111{' .111.'" tIltH

( h"lll( l:,,> .llC I can·t ,lll"'\\f I, holl I'll III 1(' ,1 d d,

,: II '"If iJr 1:,11 t tell I fill "II ;d'''''1

Jlf) nJle {(,i]" 1~<"'ll11;n' 1"11 h, )\ l 111.

; heltc! 1tIll I :llldl on il'1' 11tr III 11hI('11 ( ~() S I.;(),"

1.11\(,', l'

I'het, J11,1lJ It'IY

rl""",liE gill. "1,,, ll'd {~11111111Jfd to 1,1,1: hlr,.\td" ,111'1' ,{ IIp,I, 11'11 I"okcd Uj' 1,,1' the

hr't till'" ;'1"[ I)alld tllct her cool glawc," \1 e ,t>11 1l]l"jP,t: " s:1e 'l,k"d l~zd~·. "1 lICI (1'

lI" I ;'. 111odc>t II esLcl n 111'111I,~{t>re. }('s <jlll:e anC\.IH Ilel'l c, '" l'lll I cr, l1lP<!,,'1, hUI I rI",,'t knOll 11\1' h, .\Ilcl

IH gll1JlCI ",' Del\ lri gqllJlcd .•• ;{h\ (-l) S ask 111()! C

(llJf''''ti''lls tll III (tll\ n1d-tllt1('r (,(-ill ;.:11110;\\('[,'

" BTlI (',w." The girl 1l0,ldr'1 tQ\\"rd brr l)Jothrr." 1'1 e he"nl hl111 ,~l il .Iu,t "hont til c 11\111111co'ch::t II 11;1 Edl ,l!](1\1t ]';\1]( l11llg II nuld II 1'''' I, ~Ptlrj llicildr, ;"r. \""1"<', SO dnn't start an, (hill/-;, \\ Tl!) eu "'Il do\\ 11;- "

.j 1 reI 1,011 II/It 111st I'(l\\. Jl1.' Itl, 1111 ~/ll'l' totl s11<"'.· he ",,11(1 r;:lt!lci •.. II ...•:.

"\\h,,11 "Ilc: '•• , 'I be :'(",,1'1, ( l\.'llllld, I" or ""lcLllln' hkc


, 'I h(y ,,' 1(, l'lCIt, ;:;,,' rI. 1\ hy hal cn t I\e~(Cll It. \}11l:< '

"1 ('0 hll") ."

"Ll,Jd tn {,tLc : nl1 hn:h, If J OU \\ ..-tnt to hI',"

I>,"id Hid form,dl,.",\11 light, le(, g", lillt ;;I\e u, (\If) tlI111lltCS

tt> I-;ct lead,,'" 1'1\ c J'Il h," e Ill, 1"1' al (hc door."Jil file 11111'lllrs he ",S \1~lt;l1g a( (he hotel

rllll ;lIH f'.

T:,r IiI e 11liutlle, ,tl 1'1<h, 01 to ten, Ihrn to lif-trcll, \\';,s thr ~irllll~killg ,11'0,,101111111: 1'I"h-,'1>', ,hC' h;ld 1I0 'de,\ nf '.:""1'~ 10 Ih" ,IInll. InstgIll 1" him ,1 risr. J[~ I 'tllrlll'rj 10 the (a"iJ "nm;lJ1d lJ1\('''llg;l1cd. '["'Ie r.l~~111t ...• l1d(L <1,..•.IPI'Crl1 cd11e '\ Cllt h;:ll k 1() IllS (,'r and '\ ::tll{ d ii\ c 11111111tCS

11}("'II c,I t I I Ill< Ird til, ll,,t tlll,(ftl !;\lll he

" The gil'1 \\;1' c.;1 rlllk 111'_ 111('.

".1\1,t ]'1-e he;' rh(ek: II \\ l(h,(;tI (ed the' "r.lIe 11'''' dr;I;I\g a\I,I.' \Ihell It ,h,lrp h, J1 recalled

hit11. Y()IIlI,~ T;l: ;qlt and 111s <..:l....tcr \\ ('re SIgnaling

1('0111 the curh,")"nu f101l't llhc 1~ ~Ol1 "ere going off ,\itho\1t

liS:- " the g1rl "'poke \\ Ith gelluinc surpri~c.

"I hung 011 Illnl c tliall twcllty lll111utes, TheilJ tboug'ht you I"cre gi\ ill' Ille thc ra'pberry,"Jh."ld', tonc II;(S g;iy, He \\ as glad now tliat

(he pair \I'a, g'olng, Hc mhcrrd thC'lll 111(') tliehat " ~C'at of IllS hi~ seel.11\ and took the \I hrel,11e \I;,S 110 longrr londy, }le had comp"nioll'hip,Th t II "' all tn the r;:ond The Llct that hc didn'tmill h 1,1 e rlll'~r the hnl '" the J.:'lrl <l1<ln't lll"lterTil ,h"'I'" as e", ell' n:, The r~l, ?lll· Ie ill '1

p, j", th"r I;,', ts hr I'M!1l ( brrq "", 'I,c\,. (lIJlt rio tlJ: t l)'lt inll1C(', l(j~ ;ctu"! f,1 hIS

Bcttv Bryant Blase NC~f)

S lutt i n s P r c c i pit (/t c rl aLh.1cs

Tl0 rsc, Ra Jl (hut ({tt,Be/tv)s Flair for


Crisis 1'7 'I' ell'171

h'''I,,1 IITI,I' 1,,\ t,,j Ill;~ him t o " uh'lr"l fur supperand duu Ill~" \\ he: ~ 0,,1 j ou lc arn to d"llc~: " she 'lI,\<lrlll~

\I,'"I~<I (0 know,"h'nm l nrlia n gills mos t lv.'

" fell' South ,\mrl'1(;111 <I;II"C'.l\\ I( (' pI} ra t t lc bus.ucs s."

"J1 n1111, J thouch; t h crc 'I ,IS "(11l1rlhlll'~ r""II,a )(\1:t yo ur da ncinz.'"','IT,I( ,II,,'t t hc word T ll'C l)"es it Ine, n

,flil1(th111"'" \\Il)llg ,,1111 1l1~ Ioot v ork . ,":\Il You d"nl" quit c """,1(111111), e'I" 1'1;1111'

il' t'\lI;.:'n don't \'"nll wh c n lvc Ii.ld s urha ::1',,<1 pa rt nc r, OUI 111(11 h.-1Ck C;l"t ;]}" gtltill~tf1fl J,l, ~ I{} ({;.JIl( e,"

" I """ (n plc,IS~."" ..• II ',lfl \\ ;1 •..• 1.;\\ 111l11111lg a lil11r, j1J()t1~.::h h(' ('te

,111<1dl,""k ler~ c"refull" Thc ",h"lIrt ""s an;Jtll(\l..l1\' 1111r \\ith LillI ;1111...., allll(,,,,pilf'IC l:"d"Irr It III tli"k 1;(,"", ,\ htlle ,!r,nr"I"d Il~~ nil(', (I;' 1.11)!c 11()11~ ;'nd Illlc.;llctr",. nil ('\ (" \. <:'Idc

Yn 111:~ lotll'll ....1 l,i""jl1~ On ;111 ..•.Hie ..., I( il, .\"(lllr of

:h,It 1',,' It1111.I I (' ....'l , ,11 I f1 (' t I ('\ (J I 1'1 1 ~I \ (: Irill ( I 11 \ \

",1l;'hl1~\. 11(' lu", cd 10 11, J ,Illf bIrr ;1"'!-( d it ~1(, d:'lll( \\1'('1 I". {f(I,'llet!'o .\11 j;1"\Q'lt\

"If' llJ(l( \\,,,, d'~II'lCt lipurl'" hl~l" 1n\r1\ hl<1\\.

"()1l' (1\ )0111" "'nulh \n,11'(,111 [1:1111<''';' she,IS" C'd ('"Idl"":\n 111.1,';11, ,1)(,', ~fc"1f ,111." he ch" I i\llly

,">III ed her. :-1 l'S Br~ allt lookql wnrc 1ell10tc

hc gTJPl1rd, ";:lll'

I've hcen t hr r c

Hr I~j'o ~., ovttionw ~ ,... I"l hI" "'"f"r d1 h (" dini~<; r(\~rn.

Ii, " (\ el·.0n i~



J~ f k III thc I:Cll1111l~t(\1l J"h1J~ ]}cr hI nt1l"r

"nl \(1 "he"d nl tltCl1l (fl I illt:; tIl" rl< I "tl~l hrll\11" l~I,,,nl 'Inp)'<'d >\1r!drnl" IOf'klllg UI' ;it1),,,;<1, Ilr ,oul,!It"lc SIlPIII (hat th~re waslI' 1111Itati<'11 III hC'r r~ e,-(h,,( at !r;j't ,hr IlnllldIl"t h'll e 1" p(r'ted I( he h"d s\ld'lclll, k,"rd Il"r.1~\11hC' t:f11111e,] gao I," into her uptuilled f"ce "'lfle'Cfll led her' C1'"nl()1\io",Iy into the eln" IOf," It"- l'ce1\ a r;:reat Illght," hc ",iel. "Th"nk,,"u]1o ynll ,kate?" shc ;I,krd ahrllptl)'," Sllrc, .H Cou1(1 ,,(' .;;;kate ~()ll'/'\' III rc ;11 01111<1 b( rr

jnl1'( I rn\\ llln1'll11H'::"

"Surcst thing jOlT kIlOI,. \\'ha( lillie: "" \hOLI (, 11 (,III lie gel ,k.ltc, hrle? h"\e

hr;" 0' shne', hilt I didn'( hi ing "",1 ,Llle-,".j I guess if 111111H:tnll ( 111 ii:-.:.. it. Jir. (:-Ill fix

lIl' ,t Iillll"'. ,\11'] (hC1'e'" " lakc tC'n 1\lIks Ollt."Y')l1 ''''11111'. ),1("" Ih1\"! "skrd Rilly, Ilc

had learned frnlll thrir t:dk that the h()y 11'1' Rillyan<1 Ih, ,:';) li,lt,', I'r!l, \I ;''1'1 "U"1l1 tha(5'l1trd her, T< n ~nU .'iH1 I"CI111·1111(". Rill) Mil-

S" (rrd dcc i"'i' ('1\ .":\f' sl.a(lIll.:; nuC1' 1,,1 llIe .'n, h'Il'1. I'll sl")

l'C'lllC and" 1'tt,... <':0111<' let l( 1'''::'

"n, J-. Gnod nigh:."

O \\"JI) r,,"rled I"tll tn h,r dl'fl!' "'1<1 [Ilr-lIlally ~h,'nk b;,"ds II ilh Ihem hQ(h, 1\hich

ser 11ed to alllu,r Ihrlll a litlle. Then hc h"d anaj:;rrr"hlc b?1[ b01ll' \I Ith his pilI'< h,lSC". J fc hadgnt flom nelll1Il1"l"n ,I h,t of thr OI'CI1PIC'r!rnOlnsin the hOIC'1. He hung" Lhn'tma' ,tpCklllg 011the otHer kllnh nt c\ cr: d()()1" ..-liHl ;{1railQcd aJ,ttl( hr;>p pt (andy hp:\( ...., tin hOlIl ..... and t(l~S

belo.'1 it, HC' ll\"dr ',[I'S ~r, "nt', I'de r'pc< lall\'implc <1\C, lle "II III hC'r thlot. lIe 1,,1<1 I1I11\.e1£th"t ·he h;" ;:-1\C'n 111m a II h11k of all el rnlnr;:,I"ttt I.;he 11;1<1111 g-nt hl111 Oil the l"rl.\\' ;1, JlltlCh as

"e t hOllght -hr bad,I Ie h",1 an OI11t'on \\ hell he elll, red th, l\rn-

111:1'2't8J1 (!.ning- rnnJ11 the Jlc:-.:..t111()j nine:!' n( 111lin:-.ton him'elf had frcel~ ICleakd thc Idelltlty "fthe ll0trl's Santa Clall" Ti,e hatf dmell (1'''' ci;l1'~mr;I, SItting at hrrak,a,t and armed II nh Ihel1"lill hOll1', galO i1l1n a f.11J{a1e a, he rll(el cd thcroom, and old :-[1", Spe1\cer sent him il\' hrrIl :,11'(11 a ,ani bral1ng a lillc of thallI,- foralld apprecla(iOll of bcr unexpected Chn,tmas•..tell 1-. 'Il~.!.

Afler brC'ak fast Da.' id intel"\ iCI\ c(; Bellnillgtonin tl\r latter's offire, (onld he get some cx(raskatrs-a pair for a lady and a p'lir for himsclf?Hc could. ITc cOllld "e( al1yllllng, Tbe hate! alldit, eontC'lI(O, TIlllnlngtoll a<surcd hl111, \lC'rC I11S,Thc storm 1,,,d ld"Io,t clr;Jrrd hy hrr;(k fa'(

li']1r .\t Irn o'clnck lhere \\,erC' 0111, a le'\ n,\krsIh 'It;n~ 1"I1'~lWl1j in the' luI' air. Thl "illl! '.ld~()" rip" 11, t0n, ri.llr1 thr "t:n \\ ••... nv!" ll"':' ,'11 rf-T0rt

to bre~k (]11ough tllllllll"'':, ;': 0' Cil'l1<l" J)a\ d


,11'1" "'(f hed .\Ii s l~r\ a ut II IIh «ut cr ,11.11'1'11, . uddcr p m nrr un« illinc nc s-." J gol a parr n] ;::onr! Iiorsr-s and a cutter ((1 ;::11

tn the I;l!,r." he t o lr] her. "'J houzht praps ) oumicht like a slcirrh r id c Ior a cha rurc.'l Icr r, r, sho« cd a rnornc nt "1'0' lIght, but she

'pnk~ ind;IIcrrntJ~'," \\lfnll, goo" of vou." she said. a url ]),1\1(1

lilt I11S lip. ~hl:.'1 a rm c d 11 1,,( II hen h c helpedhe: 1I1tO t h c Sk1r;:h a nd turk cd a healy fill' r obc

11\ cr h c r I, nr cs.

"TIKI 'II h~ ,0ITle drifts." he 1\ "riled h- r. "Bl1tthej wont hot hr r the sleIgh a nv II1<'rc l h a n

rhr vd j,l1thrr (he s('cI,,", It's not g ood gl1ll1:;cit h«: I' "" hilt II c 11 /-;~t thrl r-.'~hr s ru ilcrl her 'l11" rior Iit t lc :'I111lr."\'''l1 1",<1 a gn'l( tlnl~ :h" l110rllln;;, ehrln't

) "" ? the "Il'l ;,skrrl sl1drl"IlIj." 'r', 1 did,"

T 11- 1,1'1''1' his ,dtrnt'''" (III 1111' h"l r lie1 hnped sh,· I\nl1hln( ltlk Jf d,,' 'hd it 11"'51('11 to ,1 hllnrlr("~ c.;hr·d I1v1,r hll'11 111;jd ;'l1d "rn11

his 11lnl'llllr:, rillt hIS nr:\:t \\Olds rnrp('d n tlrJ {prc.;;;qhh,

" \ 011 rI"ll'l 1l1ln;:1c ndl< h,"'1 ~'(''l, I'nl J1nl ;t \ C·) ~(1nd 1111:-\( r

"Ynl1';c ,nUllA' f:IH I'~ht"jr; !l( t

h'l\ r l""n, I

to ,:rt (lle;- 1[.,'1." henil ;~ll inlpltlf~f, " \ ()11'I1

11\" ill (hrse p'lrt<."

,\'~lS ~11l1li\~('d. Jle1"'('. <!Td not ~pcak(hc 1, k<. It \\ as a l1ICC,

clllllpani<,"abic little Like and .\Ii s rr)all( (hou<;bt\I rll nf It. Then a sudden r.eJ1ectlon stl UCK bel',•• \\'hy, It'S bern rleared-a lot of It.""""1 r i( ha', Ho\\' did) au c. peet I'e 1\ ere

gnl1l' to sk"lc if i( \\a-n't? ""\ou 111elln ,011 srnt mcn out herc al rI h"d It

1'1'rl Iy c 1<'"red lllls 1110flllllg? "•. ~urc 1 (he!. Yon II;;nted to ,kale, (!T<1n'( jOu?"•• You re re"lI, rathrr .'\ ondcrful," she ''lid

~lol\ 1, .llc ,"Ired,"You \\"nted to sk":r,dldn'I,If\II? "hetcpca:rd," It's ;::re"t," ,he s"id \\ l(h a ncw 1Jole In her

loicc "l.rl's ba\ c a race ~"ShC' d"r(rd off as shc spoke, alld I'c S\\ cpt" (tcr

her, .\g"in his hrart rm'C', ~he 1\ as bum"l1rl"''''.;h to rlljoy (his, thC'l1, That II liS all tn thcgo,," ~he h,ul taken a ,hght ;j(1I alll;,ge ot himIn (he 'tart, hut that. hc grIllllingly rrnected, \Ias1JlItl1ral. J Ic \I as ~?illl1lg on hcr, rlnsl1lg 111 onher, 1\ hen hr heard a ,hal p cr;;ek nf tbe icc\11'rler thrir fcct. lle c"ught hIS brc,\(h andJonked for 11Cr. Shc lI'as safcly oler (hc dal1ger'1'''(. nut before hc could (\1rn or el en Sl\ en'ethe ICC hC'nC';;lh 111m ga\ e \\ ay am[ hc foundb1ll1,elf m (he frC'rzing 1\ a(cr.The shock madc him ~~a'p. hn( ,hc \.' ,lS alrrady

too far a.'.' ay to hC'ar him, llc hoped to God sheIIOU]e! not look halk till hc \1 as out of thi~. \'ery~10111y and glllgrrly he rrachcd for thc brokcnerl'\c of thc ncarC'st ice a nd felt 1t gTl c 1\ ay undcrh,s 11and. lIe ~tradled !1IlllSelf. Irod \I ater. and(!C'.pcratcly stuehcd thc slluatlOll. Thc ICC II asa 1surdly thin, Hc'd hal e a .'Iord \IIth f]elllling-ton about that 1\ hC'n he gnt l1<1ck to the hotel.Ilc tC'ntatilcly selectrd ,,"olher spot 10 test. Itr;:;1\C wa). He SI\OlC' (h,gt1'(edl" lIe \I"S notI rt re"i1y alarml d, Thrll IllS 11C"1t ,(OO(! stIli.Thr girl hl,d t\1rllcd, 1I;'d seen hllll, alld \\ as has-lrnillg hack."Kcep a\\ ay," he shontetl imprrltll1<Iy. "Gct

back to sbore. Grt bllck ljluck ~"~he did not rrply. She II as circhl1g around,

not too close and \'cry carcfnlly, elldenlIy s(udy-ing the situation, It \\ as aho plall1 that shcgrasped it."HoI\' Jong ca n you hold Ollt? " shc a'ked I cry

coolly,"Till nC'xt Chri,tma'."lIe lIas (r,ill:; anothrr ledgc of icc .'Ihcn ,he

eamc h"ck alld her \'oicc ca l\C to h,s cars '0

'"dde n1y t hat he uncon'cioll'!y threll his \I richtnll Ihe (hl1l la,er and \ICllt dOlln IInh it. He!'·\Ille III' ~"'rillg 911d clr"red (hC' i" II atel fr"1llhi, 1', ", llc h"r! nn Idr'l hnl\' lnnc <J1C h"rI heen"nn('. .\. fr\l II eeks, 111", be. Hc Inokrd IJ"ck of

": (\11,

hiru a n.l hi, hralt jr"l'rrl, CO(l'! ~irl! ("",dho',,\: Sh •. h"rI,,'t w a st cd t irnc 1\('1\ Illlg for ht lpIIlln lh"t Irozcn silcnrc. ::-'he h~d mcr e ly pulledt hc ncarc st I"tI Ir ncc "1'''1'( and had hrllt~ht b"1 k,n'lo 01 the ra il s \'cry ca lrnly anri c xncrtl, .hewa-. ml'kIl1g' a lif c linc of t hcm, c:C'ttlng clos er, ofcours c. as she rlirl so,"1"eC'!) ;(11av.' he shour cd. "Yon'l1 he in YO'U-

self In a minute Keep al'''" 1 tell .I ou.'". '0," she sa id calmly. " I'm goin~ (0 lay

rizht here and get ,nu out. This left side gil esvou the best chance. doesn't it? Isu't the Icethic l.cr hcre?""Yrs, nut Ior (,"d's s.ik c don't come any

11(';11 C1". I

~he did come ncarcr. She had to, But 0,1",\ ly all,l ('llelllJ1~ thai his pounding heart,tr l,h~<1 "s he ",Ilchec! her, She I' as as cool "Sthe ICC ir sr lf. as stead, as a rock.•. :.. (1\1." shr '" id quict lv. "c" n ,ou gc( that , "" I'll tr,. Rut keep h;" k."To them bot h It 'f'e ricrl a 1'C111'11' hc l or e h e

1\d' up nil til" sllri"ce of the" c, ordcrinz her 10rct rc» t hc f orc him. whic h she rbrJ cr"\l\ing I"pi!afl~1 ,he 101l1,j ba\e rlsel1, h(',',,"se of his lll« -~an( and Illlp"""oned rlllrrlltlC'S, Thpn (hc, I' ~leh;(, k on (he shore, lh I'i<\ hrl'l nn( a ~haklJl':;,dlippl11c b,,"d,

•• (;'"0<[ \I "1'1., ,i(, ;':Irl,' he "\1'\ \\llh ('hal e'lll~teelh, "1 dl1l1'l klln\1 all"tlln girl an~l\heIe Ih.'tc"l1le1 h"1 r <[f'l1e thiS."

hnl ,hc h;'<1 11" tIme lor alnrlll Ir,. Shc d'd11111r\l II t,{kc :11<' h",,,!. Shc sail (ha( he \1,tS,h"'k,l1'~ III a Ilokn: chdl,•. (;, ( 111(<1tl1:>( ,kl'.:h," ,he ordCl«i. •. Full tre

11'1 lip ;ll1llnd JOU, to ,('lIr 11<,k, I'm going tod I 1\ C' "

U" phe, rd her hllll,hl,. I( 1\as a stral1ge scn- t-tlflll, hut h" klt 1111hlllt1ihatinn, Ilere \PS " ;:; r1i I ;; Ihou""HI, a g'Iri Jtl a mJihnn, ~he had ri kedhrr hfc for hill again and ~g"lIl, and for God1.;11<'\\'Sho\\' iOllg--

~hc h"d Ill1t led Ihc hurse', II as ha' k In (hc r'lhe<i'!c [lim, II "s halldhll'; (he reIns cool) al dnpertl,. Hc enckalnred to spr"k hilt could n t.•. Dl1ll't tlY," she ordered, •. Keep lhc robes lip

1111<1,'1"~0!1t' Ch111, I'm ;::'0111g'tn get j ou back (0th" 1",ld In rec()Jd I il11C'."~h(' I( ( IIIC llf'rs< S ,,"t ami tlle~ r"ccd h 1t k

~Jellg 11,e fl 0Z( 11 rO"ds Thc Clltl~r 1'0' ked '" IIrrl 'e', 11;,1id rl,'<r,1 his r, e" She'd proh"h y':lIch Ihrlll bOlh, hut ,he 1\ '" II nnh d,lng \\"lIh ...:ohc dro" cas wrll 1\S~r~,k"(ed, ~ol1le gIrl, Ih ~

1'"\111"1,1~\I as a ehri,:u,,"s d,\l1er ;l,( ])clJl1il',.,-:I'I1'S (h"t 11I;2hl. "I l'?l1~ed I., Bennlllgton f r

111<;:.:ur'ts "'HI " fr\\' nf hI, fcllo\I' tml'\1SmCn andlOll ""1 "Illrll, It II;" heir! in thl' bi:; dining rooma 11<1t11rrr I' a, all nr< heslra th"t pl",'ed all thelei <I, U, ~ ,,",';1 I'or a (Ime I( 1nnkpd '" if :'lr.I)" I in \ "'-'C II oul,! nnt gr'" e tbe f~"tl.' ItO'. Heh,,,: I'" 11 rllt to hed b, Ihe ,lnclor. anr! a tPII',_dn"r'r h"d h~"l1 el1r-agerl (0 keep him (here."\\p',-' Ilnl gOll1g to let )011 ha\e pnrumoI1i2.,"

tbe ,I<lcl('r lulcd curti).1~1I1 at te:\ I" JO"k that n,~ht bOlh nuroe and

',d Irl1t II (' c e,I·1 hl"he(1 brfor lhc bi;; fire 111Ihe (';\Idln,,,n, thr [',!llt'n( In all ea-y ,hall' lookln;::stllhhorn, tbr nnl'c l)e Idc bim, lnokin6' srared," [ dnn't 1,11<1\\ 1\ h"t the r!octor II III say," she

II,' riled,., I d<l, J!" 1'''1~IFlbC \1111 hc alllnl," lJalld

glil1l1rrl.The d" 11<er, drifted in by (\\ os and fours Lo

\\el(0111e h1l11 h;;ck (0 hk, :'Iiss Bry"nt did '1 ,tappear for Ipjf ,In hour. \\"hen she came II.eothers t"rtfulh' faded ,111"" e\'en the nurse,•. Don't lrt hllll go in and danl:c," the nu')c

.'I'arurd, •. Thcre's 110 telling II h"t he'll II antto do!"Eut ~ll )),1\1(1 Vorse \lalllcd (0 do !lOW \ a, (0

,it al1d jon I, at Bclly Br) ant \\'i(h hIs hcart in his

Cj C'.•. Don't tl,l Ih"t hl",c stuff \li(h JIle any more,

plr",e," he !Jcg:::rrl at 1"<1. "Don'( cyer try It":;""1. Yon sec, [kl1nIl' )Oll no\\', so .Iou ,an'tfonl me all, morc"

•. YOIl c"n ( [,,01 111e, el(hrr," ,be retahatedho(II', "I ( II "S (hat silly COl' boy stuff of YOlJrs(hllt' "l1llole(1 mc so Illuch, Since )OU (hought) au had (~ pll( ()II (ha( pcrforl11"!1('e for my bene-fit T dC', ided :0 pI'I~ 1\ h(lic 10le of IllY own ...\\ 11i<11IS \ 0111' :\e\l Fngl"n<1 ,ollege? "",\ll1hCI:S:," he 0",,1 ,hrepl~hl), "'11lf'11 1 (",>1,

a spcrl;t! eOl1r,c ,,: (hc .\Tnherst . Agglc' "ldC""1C' \lc'l 10 ,eC'k Tnl jortl1nr, jn the cnd 1declde<! (0 go in 1'01 ('aU k.""The P01l1t I'," she i,lu'.:hcd, "th"( )OU ne\ft

f"nled mc for? 1111nllte, Ru( I fooled ~ou."" I don I think, 1'\1 (ltel, re"Il,," hc muscd alol1<1

"'Yf'U m;ide mc 111"d el rr) time you opened, n'lrm"ull1, hut ,011 not ICC I kC'pt coming h'lek tf'1'more, ,\l1d I \I "S 1\ retched el cry 111111nte l II,"a\l aI' [1'0111\ f'11. '-'rr hetr, Relty," hr h111[led linhre;;t1;1c"I,: "II;<S (h"t all on 111," ~1flc? \\ a, [just 1\ ne\l llcql1"lntltllce to I on, "nel nothlllgnlnrc'j .,

She 111l1;::1)C',1r.llhcr ,h"ktl" :\r.lther of thr'l1he,d ,r't \I IwIl1' relO\ crrd frnl1l (he 5(1 enuol1seXjlcnrll('e of (hc nwrnlng,

.. \ \'llat do ~ 011 \\ (tnt lllC lO ~;:t \.: "

" I 1\1'1l( ,on (0 sa~ Ihat from lh~ I" sl momcntyou looked at mc ~au kl1CII lh"t 1 I' 'IS I\lth ~outo stay-to stay allla,-, RI(1)."Shc ,hook her head."You go too fast, CO\l ho" \\ a,t till \ e e

.' is;(ed ) au at ~"our r"'1('h fnr ;t \I eck or two,""Thcll \1 c'll lalk ;Ihont it? " hc persls(ed."\Yc'lI (alk about it-prl haps!""You know \\ c \I iiI. Rut. RClt" 1\ e got 10

!la\ c ~olllcthillg to go on, .\ ki"-ju,t one kis',-\lould be a grand ptCsel1t for Chl'l~lm"s I i:;ht."he II hcrdled. "I'm a >lC', I ell, 1 feel so \ 'eakand f"int:"

~hr langhed nnirC'hnc:ly," Fraur! ~" ,he said. Ru( hcr lace la ne clIJ,rr

as ,hc 'pokr, lln,l he 1'C"lhe<! up awl cau;;!;/. I'crin IllS a 1'111'.

(C(1t:'Jll""ht. l"J;): R~ Lll hcth Jr'd n)