Snnoiid |*L('Pht KKIP.\Y. i\\l[ARI Mb i-'. Tin; LATEST NKWS. tll.;Rin»i»1,,nuM,un1, , .-rra/i vnd mfSBBt WOH W sn ; v,llv. latwt noam , PM«»VtWHHTI ^;vl -, asd THI SBfVBUf *M " \ ,-vvn.M Mvsvii.-M.- V.UD1V. DI .Ms,ANN SON Pl- , xn NV ll VIM** Of Villi.1- "" VmtHI ISlTEDitATEl KW U* V1MV il DVUH Ks- .X> < , ,,,.,,, |R|«H RE. I KADKOAD ' tue IN.HARLE.TON.8.1 QR** XDTXWI INHAVARA v or HM PRINCEW \\ .s'.illUltHl* S-V'.ReiiM*. - r..-iiiv the I.H.I and W.l * West r prov! ie- Hi il Ul ,l tl Chautauqua N s ;iiuni".iliv then .1 UPOU :, tn*. I., in n bj .'my d any education! i,il ti pott on iii.' sams witlu.ii .'.on. 1812. ii nut i in- mora - itor .Lilli'*" r. nm . Harris, il m is determined t 1 i (I ( foti tO L't ie :ii vviiic'.i ] fr* .nt (lilt1 Vii - | .;¦ advances tn id luring til¬ s' VV- II Secretary me tl !, .., i iver, W. V; n alrea ly appr Mr. Edwai R imo; d. calli - to tl \\ frieni fi: Iv - n has Ills j el -L ' ! t< fi - lor West Virgini rd bc v, ll appoint a i ¦I* iii the I'< rn r bis disli let. Mr. S. Dlt Morris, ol Blcbmond, was st the Capt! t -ilay. The nomination ot General Ra ii *. >oator fi"iii I.'Mii-i.. .-m.- to Li. ...,.. ol friends bei Kurnell, however, is more i n in- return to Washington, lt mb i i tit sub-coromttt ir.iiu charge et tit.- tobacco-expe I and hill. M< ssrs. < os ol Ni w V" Prye ..f M tin io 'k pm t tin debate In thc House lo*day on t lew rules. Both slway* commai the attention ol tbe House. Benatort Ra dolpb snd l>.ivi< ol i in ¦ called al t White House t"-ihy. Senator Wind. \\ '.'- M.. Hendrit ks summoned ;i* a w ie *. before tbe Exodus Committee, I nel M s'.v ins nol t., xummoned |iaph to appear before tbe Sen:,id inve- i.t' eral Kn in.' aald div tn.it be thought ¦ Republlesn a e j- ti I*-, if tbey made zn nomination!*, bad an equal chance ol ele i'i -. .. ni ii: 1880. l-i;i.s|!-i:>. I! kt SI'iK 1 I.ATKINS. Mr. Kunu's friends non claim tbal t-t ;.t Grant in renns] Irania, nnd ess ni Maine lei* again made bin 1- tding candidate for the Republican pr dentis! nomination. A well-known ed rial writer e.f a leading Bepubllean }oui "I i >iiii> remarked to-day lo a Weal Vir»i th ;t the German* will nol vote Gnat, and thal if nominated be caa rrj Ohio. He added thal Thurman m .nd mistake in nol running forton amor last tall, a* be eould have beaten I lt. An Ohio man, who i- up In presld tia! matters, tay* Senator Pendleton i- va it limn hope ol item-.' nominated by D'Titoi Tata, Southern Bepubllean Assodatloi Makingaqulel hui moat active fght Mii.m. and tit. j protest te bi Here t Ihey can eire him a solid South al Cblea The Gnni men say tbey will see about Pennsylvania is Instructing county inly f..r Uki,i- uk, and if u clvlllai nominated by the Republicans bia friei fl^iiii h.* i. u ueeessltj. bi cause bis nomi mtt Wdiil.l pm a nop |() the ny of rt. .Mr. .*¦(-vitii.ur's frlendl e M he ls tba strongeal eaodldate, bisopj .:.. i.i. nj* be will not accept. mil; IERATB OOM MERCIE OOMRITTIR. Q serai Gordon ia ca git :it duatry and Judgment iii directing the w "f taporUBi' iiitnt- "f which he- is chairman. From pit*. fcppaaraaoct thal eommlttee prom *' ustomary full share of in.pori is, Including the rifer and bat .in, lt had i protracted Beadon UH -"xi Mr. Frank Alfilend, its mc:, I'ftu* inc that li.r e.i.mut!,e reviei earcfulli Ma entire docket and distnbu '"sl.:-e.'!,ll|]l!t,-e. ||| ,|.. ,,,..,,.,. I,,.,,,,-, M mutter (,t loeral int, ic.| |,, Vu- .. i'f..rt* the Committee or 0 x.-e|,- tbal wblcb relate-*! to the ¦n of w...t point to tin* Rlchmt JJ**** Ii regard to tin* um W i.,.m ic- Ired from dtlSCM of v i'"ii,t tod ey ugteg the change tt hi rn 11 '* fmtuu.it,- f,»r tut. nit ere*, s of ttie Sn tii.it meek kutmtml hh.i tnerrtetfc twtmmwr <r "'.'.¦... kaastamaod Hereford itooM Jl ******* iiieiul,.;*,. Senator Hansen .htBttM -.,. ,JU vt*riiut,t emt- of Noilli < "". while the ,-iv,,- :,.(* hftThM bill is .Jd* nat..,* Hereford gttur^a Wt* v.i g iiiii-rttis win. Which lug like tide Be never ahaeni f, om .. immitiii ii.-..t ¦m Hal leeka an. r hm intereal of Flrgl J 'J" **"StB, li.,.:- and K.unu lo .Mt<UA".i Fi ¦¦mn, ***** eoSf'H riiAMUI. t*m*m D'! »«*n»tor Coke made to-day ll,,- Ml "' Ibe litiBticlal debate, sud c ¦Nfl* tbe attcuilou ol the Senate ne -;i\ I 71 -i- ItO* Bal nit for m.! ide 'er¬ os- ..Il¬ lili! tbe i- lOI ii.it over twa hour*. Ho o mid pym] he well j lioiiid, however, in tito g*ViStv. BU bptttn was a von MtroiiR onov tt\n\ nduYil -cn-illy to his io| utition '.< h tlilnkor mid I rou- -.oner. H's i<l< -,*;, rc oiiirln.illv and tersely MtprWBBd. Hf. tliew nu niiiilniv between Mic position of a lui" i-« .liek-on on thc union il- hank tia.!«|ior q| his day c-ml Ihoolleel nf tho Bayard riv olin inn, BoMtBg that n- .Iwk-oii i'.VolKhSM niMin-H tho national bink ii** I oloso COIpBrBttOB BOMtBBtlj kM'ti-pins far powr-r, M it I* tho duty nf iv.rv patriotic HUH now wini hclicvts in JaC-SOttiM 1><- y lo OPPOM IO li- Htt i'iiia*t Mild erusli nut, it ppSSlble, tin- OOBlblBOllOB undor wilie!) tho nioin y power <«f tho ooun'ry. »s :it pie-ent OOBStltUted, i- -i i kin-.- lo obUis ibsoluts o tBtrol ol Ihe lin .tnt'-ff tbs liiivi-innit'iit. Bs said tbs! lin- i-ti.i*' i-f tbe Bayard resolutloo, if idopt- edi would be to withdraw tbs cola elreuls* tii'ii from tin- bii-iin-*- ebSBBCll and tood tho country with :is many OF SS ttW nil¬ li in:i!-l> mk noir* :i- Hiv Choose. Tin* BtJ* nil resolution ooce passed, and tbe leaal* qoaliti "f tbe greenback oooe do- d, be said tbs battle ol national banks would be footht, the rici j iron, and their ¦npremsey absolute m- SBalnsl any sttemi)t ol tbe people to dislodge thom Irom power, [Ie itn'l extrsi - Irom Ueneral Jackson's I his positions. Sena" lor Coke vv.- conRratulatod st tbe conclu¬ sion ol in- -jutoil hr t number ol - di -. i'll *.*.. ni li vnk-i;' ll v BILL. The Ji it ;i- bj Hu* ll ouse today ol tbe ihili In regard i" keeping thc reserves ol t inks in t .ii i- tonight construed as mean- lng th.n nn tubers do not wnnl to li \ on finance, bul 11 allow tiling- to go on sa re. Bard-money men ind toft-mom j men voted together in refusing i" engross ill in qm stloo. MiailNi.v BATTRBS. Tb< friends "f Messrs. Bristow ind Bolling were nt the Senate to-day Inquiring :i- to their ebano - ol confirmation. Senator - io 'l.v In tbe Senate Introduced a hill to Kraal i pension ta Peter K. Mora n, ol B cbmond, ¦ soldier ol tbe war ol 1812. Mr. i 'abell proposes lo movei suspension nf tiif roles in ilio Bouse to-morrow, if possi¬ ble, and t nih'.iVnt* ia | a--, ti:.- bill making au appropriation lor Ibo erection ol a custom* bouse, ftc., il Danville. Tbe lull was lavor- ably reported bj tbe Commltti.n Public Buildings. Hon. Jobn Randolph Tucker wu- ut tbe dinner given toQem ral Gartii ld. On iiinti"ti ol Senator Withers tbe cl ilms "f tbe eburches ol Arlington, Palls < lune'', Fairfax Courthouse, Dumlrlei, .-uni Mt. Cranford, Va., were taken Irom tbe flies and n tem d to tbe Coromitti e on < 'laims. rONOBBSSIONAL COU! Mr. Weaver (Greenbacker).ol Iowa, io tbe ll-.ii-o to-day said thal General J, A. Logan bad denounced bis bill t-* paj - '- the difference betwet n greenbacksand i-1 stupendous piece ol derna i :uiti that be would say In r< ply that tin- at- ime a iib a bod m one a o ck<' -i (3.800 back-pa* swag. G eral Bawley said Logan u .<. right; and , in repl) to bim, said tbe man who -ll the Greenback party tbe rag-tag bob-tail patty could endorse Logan with rici. Five hundred cftizi ns <>t UH- di to-day asked < ongri -- to pass the Wi .> a, | ter bill. WEST Ml,-, il MA KN.-tv. Tilt* Weal Virginia senator-* and repre b id a un eting this evi niii,u, am d t)"t H. recommend tia* contirmatioi .f General Latham; Republican), nominate! lor sup< i visor ol census. l*.!7li ) NEWS ii EB8. The Senate Committee on Patents to-ds] heard eonosel in favor ol the extension o Mi K iv patent. Thi* tbe well-known ni.i i bine lor sea lng on thc toles of shoes, Tha weather to-day was cloudy and disa greeable. It rained hard lor hain*-. Tbe Freedmen's-Biok Investigation wai continued belora tbs Senate committee lo day. Ti.o testimony wa- conflicting mt some ol tbe a lt nessi i ol defective memory If tbe eolored people ever gel their mone; Congress a iii bave lo nive it to them. Everybody ls anxious for tbe nih-tai- di posed ot in tbe Bouse, so (bal busloes m.iv proceed. A photographic counterfoil |2 greenbscl wa- discovered at tin-Treasury to-day. At the Women's-Rigbts Convention U day Mrs. Archibald, ol Colorado, contend ii thst tin- Bible recognizes worn in bs th equsl ol man. They ridiculed men census taken, Tbe speech of 8. S. Cox to-day on tb rules wa- tbe funniest vet heard. > .- ii¬ ii ii- e. 11- "- It rk in Ile id li¬ lli in it- to¬ le* ti¬ to* nd id ct- it. by is ii¬ ii. r tb) f.n- tiut In* ork roe, ont .o ant 1.7,1- liv, Li¬ ved ted it. mia U. I-..I-I- I.V t.i,-K'lill,ll t,. till- III: l..ilrli.| WA8BIX0T0M tTSBS. Wasbikoton, January 88..-The Vlrginl members ol both bouses "f Congress bel a meeting to-day and agreed to urge tin* In mediate passage ol lbs bill to reimburse td State ol virginia for expenses Incurred fi common defence In the war ol isrj. To-day the papers relating to lbs ol claims ol lbs Methodist ind Episoop; churches ol Arlington, Palls Church, Pal fax Courthouse. Dumfries, and Mt, Ora* lard. Vu., for property used and destroys by United States Hoops during tho vv:i were withdrawn from Ihe flies and referrt to the Committee ob Claims, on motion Senator Withers. This Indicate* tbat tbei claim* wilt be urged before tbe preseol i oi grass. Forty-Hint ii CeiErsea Waeassd Hooal-M Wisbixqtok. January 'J2, issn. SENATE. Mr. Teller offered ¦ reaoiution calling c the Secretary ol the Interloi to Inform ti Senate whether any member ol the Boai ol Indian Commissioners should beeoo Interested In Indian contracts. Adopted. On motton ol Mr. Cameron, of p.nn-v rania, it was resolved [fess 81, nays SI .bat when tbe Senate adjourn to-day i: 1 to meet Monday next. The Bayard resolution was taken up, ai Mr. < joke proceeded to speak ui.an it. Mr. Cake, speaking igainst tbe Bayai resolution, raid there wei nt ¦ lins legislation to show tbal greenbacks nv originally regarded u i temporal"} kai Ob the contrary, tbe original Inleatu seems to have been to keep a- buys i ani,'lint alla ll ll OOOld bs kept ll par. Tin wera tbs bkis! populir money tbs poop ever bad. 'rho people were satisfied wi Ullin, and he favored IsttlBg Well cnnii; stone. If tho legal-leader qoslity we withdrawn from greenback! they wau bave to be sailed in and destroyed. Til BM a movement in the Interest of ii "."'tiona! hank** and bondholders wbo wish) ta i tiliuiiee lbs vallie of gold. Tho poll) of those who favored it wa- to oppress ll people in ti.t Interest of Ibo* wbo we already rleb. Tin*demand forilii- mesin ooibcs not fruin produesn or laborei hut from I BOSS Who live on the labori ni her-*. Tho cry ol '.hurd money," -nd. wus delusive. We would not hi¬ llard money under the openttOB of this ri oliition. National-hunk note, would tal the place of silver und gTSeabackl and gold, -ht'iihl gold h ave thc country, and v would hive little gold in tho hank van! andu flood of hunk notes lu ciictilntio In oatiolusion he said : "All who favor tl naibsekled influence ol tho people in tl (. ivi rtiineiit. all who favor bald money, who disapprove dangorn in inonnpoliii, who ballers in equal rights for all o pased to ela-- legislation, should oppo thin resolunoB." The Senate thou sdjoiirt od until Monda Hut SK i K HKI'KKSENTATIVEI*. Alter IrSMsettBg i*"iie nilscellaneo for buiincss the llousf rc>utiied tie considci aii- nid i- e-l ld,. nth I ut be J is iro- up. tin¬ ily. BB. ila, the AX- and i>tu- on ot the bank-teaervs Mit, tbi pendine iMrttoR being ht seconding lindeman" [or il;.' pi. v.oi,t quotion,and it was .,.,-. indee! hy i vim,. of ,,,,,,. 4H .,-,., m:|jl) !]U("*ti..n wis thea oidered. and one Im,,,-. IKMtl C-Jintnciieeil njm \\u. k»\l At ,-.. nottoluvlnn of ||.. debate the Hon., ,,,.. ct edel to vote on tbe bill mid the pending amendments, Speeches were nuui,* agalnai the pending Pill l.v M. ss,*,, (j,(i.i,,., .vv,,,.. Whitthorne, and Heifer. The 1100*1 linn. I.y a vote of Igg io Tm. refused to order the tbird reading and en- ironing of tin* Pill, thoa virtually killin.: it. Aftt'f tbi Il*l1al deltaic on die rev I-lo il of the ruiis. in ihe nour.f which .Mr. (Six "f New Voik mette a bumorooa speech, Senate amendments to Rouse phi providing for United suites circuit and tii*.triet coom al MeOOU,Gs., were e(.neiii icd in, and the House adjourned. The* ttRliie llntltlli-. 1. I IT lil. I C A N VICI I. A ROC. Borton. January 'JJ..The BeraltFs Au¬ gusta special s:,\s: .. n,,. vigilance ol the Republican state government is not relax* ed. 'I'lie State*House i* gu irded ami ,t loc 'I militia company was ordered to rrmainin i:* armory itu- morning, having been on call since J o'clock \t stetd ij P. M. lin: PUBIORIOT LROISLATURR, Thc Fu-iotil-t l.c'.'islatiiic incl this itu.in- ill-.' at io o'clock, with it* numbers apps, rrntlj undiminished, lu tbe House Mr. < ii man called for an immediate report l.v Dh Committee on Elections, fm- if be waa hoidinij ;i seat io which lie was nol eu- titled he wished lo know it and go home. Speaker Till.-'! ainu.mice.I various stand. in:: committees of thc II".its,.. Mr. Pei iv announced Ibai Governor Smith ind re* celved a congratulator] address ii ..hi the Central Club of Green Docker*, of I hus- ville. Pa. Mollee was given that tbe Com* mince on Elections would be ready to hear contested cases to*dsy. Tbe Committee on Business of tbe Hons,* p nd prefiared t> report, hut will 1,1*1 advise with the lead* Cl's. In tbe Fusion House, Mr. Hussey moved thai he committee raised to propound ques¬ tions to the Supreme Court he requested to report at t (.'clock this afternoon. Mr. Di*key offered a uresolve," with a prodigious preamble, to tbe effect that the Legislature bas been ruthlessly forbidden to enter the State-House hv an assumed Governor and militar] usurp, r. The resolve is as follows : " Resolved, That we appo.nl a committee of live, with .lie!, of the Senate as mav j-'in, d> c infer with tbe municipal sutbori* ties of poi tl ami and see if a suitable build* lng can be had for the accommodation of the Legislature and , xecutive departments and heads .,f departments." Thc resolve was referred tn a committee nf three. The House, at 11:35 A. M., ad¬ journed to 4 P. M. THK UKI! BL1CAN LEGISLATURE, Aiiisia, Mi:., January 22.*.No Fusion members were in th. ii * |. |n the Repub¬ lican Sen.ito. hut two oi three were on thc floor, 'rio- Presldenl announced ihe joint ¦standing committ< ea. Mr. Hutchinson, of Lewiston, pres a WU fm- thc amendment of the Constitu¬ tion sn t's t-t ler" a Governor by a plurality Inst, ti of a majority vote, and if at Hie next election ii snail appear that a maj >iitv of tbe vote cast is in favor ot tbe amend* iii.-',t ii shall then h.- a part of the Constitu¬ tion. ANOT!I KU PCSI0NI3T IN" 'MIK REPUBLICAN Ll 0181.ATI RR. Borton, January 22..Tbe Herald? gusta -sj.. t*i-'.l says: ti,,. Fusionists' repre¬ sentative Staples, of teddington, tooti hi* -eat in the Republican House this morning. Mr. Staples says it is only n question of lime wben the regularly-elected Fusionists would take their seats, because thej have become sick <,f their radicals. THE PUBI0M GOVERNOR DENI RS CALLING OCT TROOPS, UV. Augusta, .lanii uv 22..The Fusion Gov¬ ernor, ."-niiih. th ines that be ever Issued an order catling oul troop*. He declares tbe reporl a Republican Invention to throw dis¬ credit on him. lie say. tiny do not propose tn resort to anns, although substantial offers of men and ammunition have been made from "il! Ol the Slate. Kcpresentative Frank Hill. Of tht Fusion Jlmisc, su< wi ate Treasurer Charles A. White will within forty-eight hours begin paying moue}" to tbe Fusion members in need "f fund-. Whip- will not give up tbe offlce of Treasurer to the Republican Trea¬ surer, Holbrook. White's bondsmen, ii is said, vvill hack him op Ir paying the Fu¬ sionists. tri rusioxisrs ranoikq rmi*:. Augusta, January '22..In the Fusion Senate to-day a motion was made to pro¬ ceed to business, but Mr. Atwell opposed it. ying, " Let us go Into tbe State*House Legislature or go home." Messrs. Strick¬ land, Ellis, ami others also opposed pro c. rdlng to inisitn ss. Pending sctlon on thc motion, a recesi was taki n uulil -I o'clock P. M. Mr. smith p.id a reporter to-day thal un¬ der tbe present circumstances he dui noi deem il advisable to go on: hut "if wt had possession of the State-House, the Re publicans would not get ni without blood¬ shed." I iii: RCFURLICAR8 GROWING IMPATIENT. Borton. January 22..Tbe Herald's Au gusta special sa}s; "Thc Republican au thoiitii's at tiie State-House are growm] impatient over tin- unexpected prolonge tiou of the Fustonlit government. A mem lui of Governor Davis's Couneil said to day that, the Fusionists would not niue! longer be allowed to "play" Legislature lt j. intended to arrest the Fusionisl Been tar? tif State Sawyer in ease ht- issue, ant documents purporting to come from Hu Secretary of state. When Governor Davli is ready to deal with tin* Fusionists h.- wit du mi resolutely. The Bepubllean legists tor* an- talking seriously of taking meas nus to arrest Un* whole batch of FusionU Officials on Mic charge of treason." TUK RRTURLICAKI PRRPARIRU TO PUNISH ORPRRDRRR. Augusta. January 12..The Repnbllcai Judiciary Committee reported to the Hons t i-dav a bill providing that whoever sba remove from tbe offlce ol thc Secretary s State tbe State seal; whoever shell abstrac im ik*. accounts, election return*, fte., oi hav ut*,' tbem in |"»-ses-i'.i), shall i<-fii-*t- t Kim ii tin m. shall he punished hy iii**- an imprisonment. The penalties v iry froi one ve.tr ami IMO tine P. three years ag |5,000 hue. 'lie* Pill was recommitted. ¦si:|i|t(i.( tl Un riler ol a !'.*..\ . Cricaoo. III.. January '22. .a speed dispatch from Dubuque, iowa, to tbe Tr hum- says: Greal excitement prevails ; New Hampton, Iowa, over a supposed hm liPIc min dei". An Adventist preaebe named Eider Buch resides near lhere, an makes a living hv revealing secrets, wblcl he lays, are confided to him hy sjiirils. (),, day list fail a neighbor, heming scream from tbe house of Huck, ami seeing h wife wringing ber bands in sgony, looke through the dot'i", and saw Buck beat in his yoUOC son wini was tied t0 the bel Since that time the hoy has heen mi-sin-, and. as IP,ck belong* to the same class i religious fanatics; * Freeman, "f Massachi sells, ii j. believed that he saeriticcd til hoy. .Mr. Buck declares that the hoy ru away. Huck has Bed thc nelgbboiboot and Ilic citizen! are miking an iRVCStlgl lion. A Thlrly-Tlionsniitl-Ileillar I ire nt t liitrl* sion. N. C. ClARLRRTOR, fi. C., .lanuary '2'2.--A lil .iceni red early this morning in Un- car-she of Hu >(in!h Carolina railroad, in this cit* destroying twelve passeRgernmrlin au twenty-seven baggage* and freight-car**, ti ni ther willi the ear-abed. Tbe lose h)esl mated at c-,'10,000; insurance on the ebel ill j *3,000. II < ollon-l.iii linnie.tl. I'KTKiisiu cu, Va., J inuary 22.~A larj, and raloabie cottou**gfn, owned by Wilta H. Spratley. it. Greensville county, was d stroyed by fire ye^terduy, togeiht-r with tl machinery 110(1 a VutBh 'pi: Utily uf t'ult'- ¦*'."!i-d in tbe building. tl til I lin ry. DEATH OK MK. HITTON. I <i Lil t-lr/ritn IO Hi" IU*iv»t.li.| LYXCBBCBO, Va., .Intiiuiry tl Hobart V. Button, IibiIsim BMtiigsrol tho PirpfalBn, "»d Uraad MaBttrH (HM PsUowi i.f Vir- Itala, tito** ta WasMagtoB to-day. iii- ra. nidus will bs intern il here. litinilt r Vsl.ot ... TOM*! Hiv in, N. .1.. .Inman IS..-Tbs schooner « harlen Plersoa, from UlebBHWd, va., far Jersey City, with plB-troB, i- Mbore below Ba raffa t. Captain Poster, ol nu- Coast-WreeklBg Conpaoy, lu- mm to bar relief. Aid tor I roi ii ml. fEBBBBICKSBOBO, .l.nni ny 22. .Ahout MOO bas 111 n eoBtriboted hers to the [risk felief fun,|, ;11|(| m\)\ i.. iin.dfatelv for¬ warded. LATMT PVBBtaa MEWS. I i.'iii Pit ii n iii ii. "i v I iv' im; i iii,.1. in* ti.i Oi VALLET*.SEVE¬ RAL LIVES I.'i.-l ASH OBI MILLION Dot.I.Alis' WOBTB of rinH'i.crv DESTBOTB0. Ps*'cm v, .l.itniiirv 18..Early in December \ lill v vv .- rlsiti il bj I V( rv b< iv j rain. Tbe water rc*e until ii n ss m in] yards above the highest freshet-mark d.-i:;- Dited by memorj or tradition. Tb Inbab- Itints along ii< course wera driven from Ihi ir h'.uie-. Tbe ilverr< ¦-'.until it ara* three mill - v ide, aud an nt through tbe Wi¬ ley carrying all before ii. Several small vi!- I liri - v.. if ,ii - I-.,*., ii md - me res h>-t. When (be -tn iras -nh i:- d everything bad been uro] d in thi lr war. The small crops and mot ibles nf all sorts, catt li. its, atc! hoi -. -, iii*'' ail l'.iiio. The ' '..'. ia lu mei * visited their bach in boats, trying to Eather the crop wbich h id bei n left on tbe li.< es. Tbi v bad to to irmed in oilier to protect themselves against immense snakes gathered In tbe branches ol (rees, snd wbich had in en driven down the Valley by tbe loree of the waters. '1 be lois i- estimated at 91,000,000. Canara! i.r.-im in iLiiunii. Havana. JsBUsrj 'll. General Gnni and party arrived here on tbe steamet Admiral Ibis morning. They wen- received by General Arias, tbe civil Governoi ol tba province, snd conducted to tbe palace, wiieic they will remain dnring tbeir stay hero. After ¦ trip to Bsytl, sod perlinps other island-. Qeneral (irant. will »:!il for Vera Crus about February I Jt li. The l.nie t olllory Horror. I.oNiioN, January 23..Tbs corps) n ol fifty victims ol tbe explosion in tbe colliery at Nert Oil-Ile-Hil del- Tv Ile ve-terd.iV hiv bet li recovered. <*f twelve persons gotten out of thc inine yesterdsy five have died, and others are dj in;.-*. I'e ison ni. Liverpool, January 22..The princess I.niii-e. Marchioness ol Lorne, embarked for Halifax to-day in tbe steamship :*.:ra- inatiii. _ OCIENTI8TS MAY DIFFER ABOUT v- the 1111 -.:..-_-v -,r rh. iiinaii-iii. it origin, and win-ill'r it ii. hereditary, bni Iriefi-agable testlmo- *,.¦¦ thal ^h-.ii 1 tendenej to 11 di v I01 11 r- Bti iikm :. Bitten 1- 1 ri liable mean' ol anbdulng tbal tendency, s..in<- of tba pn rem ed le* l'.-r tbe .ii eaae are decidedly obj i.i< from tbe danger attendlni meir Dte.olbrraan mi. il.. iiiMl'i-i-iiuii. Hu-1" -t. ile- vii-; 1 heck r- 'I'lii-M-iy otntlnate malady, the more i-f. feel uk y tootercume lt, abonld be grappled irtlh al tba ' ' ne knowi what terrih t---i - ii.iin i' can Inflict. Why. then, iboud thia atrodoui often fatal complaint be allowed ti gain I*-a-K.I \ th rough Inolffiit-nce i" IU earBesi -vu.|,*., in-. ¦.-. 1,1 n-i -*ronsi>. recommended mi-dldni pu .1.: it ii*. Inaddl loi itu-1 mean* ni* ii lief i: .. '-in- noi lo- approi date to camion Um rbenmatlc agalnsi esgo rare. Ja31-W(w)F«tM \ MW ri III.HA I IO vs. STIBRING AMERICAN NOVEL. ..I regard lt aa one of IN mo I Intemting am UuHllng itoriea 1 ever read.*'- Alexander ll. st. pkt nt. MAS' ". A \"YI I.. uv MABY til:-! KB, Editor Of "Tnt: Bl wv SOI H." " i'm lnos-t a- bad otT about a name :i-1 au :* 1 >. a daddy and mammy. Qrannr (*»"- nie Cnb,aa lhat meaaa a yoong bear;and t'otaen calla m Mandi, and thal mean- a- lui.J." .. Maadi: What ..>-» it mean '/" - wn\. tin- >\i-i- folk- Uiai aaya Uarrltt'j my mi tinr. myi my latin r i- a Comanche Injin...i brat thal iras tang <t -h-.t Borne time or other for tak in icalps. They call me Comanche from bim.Mane for -ti'-i t- yon kn.,iv. I).. 1 look lik-.-an Injnn I Ons v.l.. 1 ._m.>. ( loih. Price, 11.80. Kor salli liv aH lM.,k-t -I rt -.or KBl lo'mail, po paid, "ii randal of pries, I). APPLETOH co.. I'uhii-li. r., ft it-ii bbb ami .*).¦» 1 Broadway, Ban Tack. FD! CATION AI.._ rpHE SECOND QALF-SES8IOK ti 1 paoraaaoa L. \. hat. ki.kkks sihoi US Mt Hih.UN LANGUAGE-* opena on tbe 1 -1 fi-: lil: ca HY. Tor iiii-niiir- and farther inform tlDii.appIv al N". 804 eaat Grace street. _'_Ja 23-ffxtlm I7RENCB AND ITALIAN..Aay lady 1 J? g-eutleman can be enablt I to apeak either ol 1 abort language! ku a .-inn1 time and at a niling pen e under rofeimor L'RKSPI. who ha- hail Im ixiH-ri.iii i- in teaching. Apply al 629 north fe**? th itn .-I, city. Ja S3-8t« 1) FMII'K. P Si BfcCANCE !. I.<>l Tba attention of dealers and conanmen I I,, iii.. SUPEBIOB MSBITS OF "ll: Kl.(Hi:. 111 ¦ DCM.Ul' DBI OBI li Al I I) P V I ITA I I AMII. Ml < Wt !. Di t ..I.'IH A Tl I) NEW-PROCESS FAMILY ASH Mi A N< E DECOBTICA MD NEW-PBOCBS KN I I! \. .| base brandt hav.- beea bandied 'villi < ntlre sal faction bi iiijiiv of the most prominent arboleai ilea lcm -n ihe city, and ena be commended «i perfect confluence to tin* Hale i'm- lian- bigba uniform quality. .lu BE li \l> at uri: un ii I IBIS I I- ( HIV - I r.KT, ABU At 'Nit s.v.Mi: HOI Bl - Of DI ll Alill.NT. Il M. WuKlllAM. _'l -Ul 111 I ll I IN 111 .-I HI.KT. Ail itu- landina mall sturm an* la poalllon nu . I lin* wants ot roii-iimei - lor any «* ii .unity Bp .sm- iiii.- i.i ina. de .jj-....lim DUNLOP* McCANCE STOt K BKOMEBB. .*«._ PkAVENPORT « <<».. \u. 1111 m vis iranr, kiommobb, lUvarpool aad London ami Slabs r.uiiiiinr), BTO0K AND HOM) lilli iKLIi-*, HIV AM) BELL OB OMMUBIOJL and mai I.II1KUAI. ADVANt KS ON IICUUTIII IN MANI) roR SALE. Will INQ »U MABC1N fur laspoaslMS partleg. WAMI H. .JAMI- Bim AM) KANAWIIA OOMPA1 KIK-T AM) BEOQVD MOBTOAOE BOBDB.I BUCBAMAB AND C'LIFTOlt fOBOl MAI HOAD 1IONDS, for whkli lltM'ral prlcen will pild. J* WM BOOK ANI) JOH tyOBM SKAT1.YK K( IJTED AT 1MB HBU'ATCH PIOTO ¦ooyri FINANCIAL. »-kei| 1 RICHMOND BTOCK EXCHANtii Tnt-nannr. January 22. tl ¦¦Ul.ka -von VlrtlnU ln-4(t'« sold nt ^7't: .'.OOO Vlrrl nln fonm.!. »t IH 20« .mall NOpOM it BOH '. '.!.fi(l() \.,rlh CSnUM 4 Kr r-»iiU .t t)7^; l.noO KU-1.m .n.l.itv 1 -. ,, Ul^. rtll0 nit*|,m.in*l etty fl'tiil Kl| ,. cod ViraihU t fntrml dlvld-ud Sandi 1 (.«: leo V train lae riiiral dlvl'lend CnWBt »l RTfe! SjOOO 1 1 .11.1 \. |t ,t r.Mi.l «T..ti<l m<.rtira-*f* Tt at ie".; lo .i,.... ,,, i,,,),,,,,,,,,,. |*r..|.r|.k'tl.iir-r nn.l 1 IO .har** of Illili. mt.ti.1 mel I mn. *. itsiinm,! ykmst at MH| IM *."¦" ".'i ll.rlRs ItMirdtvl stock at " '" ' il *ii.| Hartville Kali¬ an.I S.OuO CC aiel A. Rafi* r.-ad th .1 1., trig u$ 7'. gi IfgSj, ¦..'.-I'nited Elates 4 Vs. li'7 1.1.1. 1 .!.,,, .,.,,,. j-, l(,4 ,,,,, stati se, >.rit,««._virirlnla lu-40'<. S6UbleLI7 tet *i liioi. 1.1 1..11...1., H14 t.... g*-* a-K^i; ',*ir- tinla C.11...I-. new. SS Mit, SO Cohen; Vlivinla .le- il asked: Virriiin un* (*. t certISeatea, P MS, lla-ke.1; Vlr-.liilai.tx-i.,-, Iv.itil*. .ii,m..... 77 hld, emcmt', monk 1 etonme 4 pet ctol «7 Md.68 Illly Serin l't.'..-l:i.'liiii..ii.| n'v BV.-I. '""I .1. 'JU'*" lilli*. KllllllH,1,.I dty I','.. J, ,|!|,1 .|.K)5» |,|,.. io.*.'. asked; petcraburs dty ti"., t. at 1 v I OS asked: I*, t* 1*,|ii,nf itv B's. P. and A .107k hld. HO laked; Lynchtmrs city B*« J aud S. lie bid; I vti lil.mv .itv r: .1. Md -I., inn Md; Kitti*-, ricssburgrli) Ve. IL and V. Ki.", lill; vi ler bridge g's. M. and \ . ISasked. Ballrnad Bondi^-Vlrcicie Central Railroad Ant mortgage 6'*..I. and J.. IOU!* bid; Virginia! entral third m. d-'K-it*" c.'-. .1. and j., ni MS: ' I. -.i¦«..k- un.I Hilt,1 RatlP ci purl »'.'-. J.and-L, lol Md; Virslnla anti 1. 1.'ond nc it-dre I,'-..I..iii.I ,1 lu*. li I: Vlr- I .I! *iir**(iil 'lii*-.| tn,,, -n -- .1. and .!.. 1 (! bid Virginia ai ¦! un inn.le 8*s,*I. and J.. 101 bid; t-MMttunic Railroad 1 mortrani prefrrred *-"-..I. tc.1 .1.. nt-* iii; >. iitli-cle Rallioad .* m..1 mortana ,-t*. I- ll.-.l li"...!, .uni .1. ,98 Md: s-..it||.|. .. Kuli- ie, Hm, mortmce pt- r md .". -.-I. a, .1 a.. 00 Ind, 02 aski -l. * .*.:.. I'eU-raiiurs Rallmad -"<¦¦.nd mortise .*-'-¦ .'. and J.. H17 Md: I" its r 1: Brui mort- pun -"-. .!. mimi a.. l*.;o, bid; Piter-shun* Railroad ¦. .tri moils ip. -'-¦ J. and .) 89 Md; Rici .1 ti. x-iinii.' and I'..".H...- Railroad morty .1 and .1.. H.. i.i.i. 117 aaked: Richi.ii. Frede¬ rick bur*and Pol.ic Railroad ni'>rtgan 7' .1. and .'.. 1117 Md, no ¦ iked; Orange ai .1 v *. ,,,. ¦ iti.i Railroad 5rai mort«rM*e6'a,M.andN..101 Md; I'tdii.-*and Alexandria Kallroad secoud mor'gage i",". .1. nu 1 J.. io:t i.i.i-. Orange. Alexandria and vi.nt--is Railroad SM morts tue Ve. J. and J..81) !.i>i: Richmond and Danerilk Railroad ,.Mutilated >. vi. and V. 100 ; Md, 108 I a ked: Piedmont Railroad tlr-t mortgage B's. A.aud O., 113 Md, 1 IB asked: Atlanta and Charlotte Air-l.io.- Railroad Rr iaprtsain7-».*l.andJ .7(i*% bid.76ask< d; Rich¬ mond, Vork River and 1 hesapeake Railroad Oral mortaajK B's, .1. timi.I.. lo7 » il. 1 1 1 ¦ .od: ( ,. and A.Railroad oren moi iran 7"-. 11 -j ^ ind. if*j>, aaked: C., C. nn.l A. Railroad eecondmortaase7'a, ,.i41, hid. OS asked Vanai Bonds..Jami i River and Kanawba Canal i, mortgage .'.'-, M. and v.. f>6 ind; Jame* Kin rand Kanawha Canal iecond mortgage ti'-. M. .lld \.. 18 hid. / Moe***..Richmond and !.* lerahnra Rall- r, ad, ino par, 68 bid 7,. aaked; Richmond.Kreite- rtcksburg and Potomac Railroad common, lon par. 46 bid; Richmond, Predertckibur-' «n>i Poto¬ mac Railroad Op reen', guaranteed. Km par. i>'.« t.'..!. lol asked:Connection Railroad »tock.70 par,78 Md: I:*, m..nd and Danville Railroad, Km par, 4'.»*» hld, BO a-tked: Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad -.-ii ir.ititi.d. ion par, '17, Md; Richmond, Vork [drer andC e«apeake Rallroa.1.16 hld. 40 laked. ' Stock*..Jomet River And Kanawba Canal. Km 1 ;ir. 60*100 Md. Bank ,S7... As..Nan n*,i Bank of V'lnlnla. inn ir 82 bld.96 asked: kferchanti N ulonal, 100 par, sr. Md; Staie Rank "i Virslnla. Km |»r,91 Md: l nt.nt Hoik of Rich,.!. 80 nar, 64 Md. .*".!.. ;. ifi: < ni'.-iii Rank,28 par.2'ii%a*ke«l; Rauk ol < 1.iiitn. ree, 'i'i it. zn bid, 28 asked. Intumnct C'->m*>nn(*»#^-Vlt*|lnls Fire and Ra* rlne, 28 par, SO Md. SIM aaked: Vlnrlnla 9laie, z:> par, 30 Md; Vlrfrluia Home, 100 par, 0U hld. 09 ked; Merchar.taand Mechanic 100 par.94 . Md.97Xa&ked;I nv, loo tm,-. 82 Md; Granite, lou 1 ar. 7 7 | hld. hfi*eellaneou*..0\ l Dominion steamship Com- panr, 100 par, 86 hld. 93 aaked; A. and C. Rail¬ road, fl iii!, lu ti-ked: i ..c. and A. Railroad. 16 ..'. Hy Toiocmph* M.W Viil'.K. Vf.",* York,.ranna**** 22..ifotw**^.stock! Ii*i*r*r*a* lar. Money u rall, S i i-.',; ihe>rt, 4ht. Btate bondi dull. GoTera- ment* linn. / ¦'nnil;.-- vi.,nev. 0 .-I ur cent. Pxchansc .l-l',. tfir> f-.n (.-'it- lim.: new .">"-.. l":l'.:4 per c. ti*. 107X; 4 per i - BALI iMi'Kl-.. Kaltixork, January22..Vlrrrtula6' .'!¦ t»r|es. lu naked: nast-duc 77 .: n'ew in. ju"., o;1,. Bid to-day. COMMERCIAL. CORN AND FLOUR EXCHANGE. Rn liMOXD, ¦! ini uv 22, I860. OFFERINGS REPORTED T<» BECRETARV. Wiicvr-White,62 bnahelti. r7«f.424 hinhela, i ORN.- White. 2.282 bushels. Yellow, 149 bmb* ."-. Mixed. :'"(t> titi bela. c\ is --j.**, j iiuahela. Rye..14 bushel*!. Bl v key ko i'i: vs..80 bushels. Bl ins..S9 bushels. BALED I., rm; I i I) TO BE< RETART. wuk.». f.-H'i.itt 38 bushell rerr s.Iat|l 17, Bed. 24 bushels mixed al 11.41; ll hu-li.-i. Full* al +1..'*.->: 14H bnaiieli prime Kum/ al 11.43; 24 bushell ver) (towd Kulti al 61.40; 32 buhela aooei Kulti al tl 40.to'at. *Jt"^ huaRela. iou*..White, 200 bu*hels viv rood tl 60e*.: 206 buabela at 0o.* ; :,A burilda -roodai 60c; 24 mi lifts prime al (il'*.: 798 biiah la prime at 60c, 4 jo im.i,11- $.I ;u 89c; .'tto buslieia \**t v mod ai BOc.: BO t.ii-heis al .">'.'...; '^u huh. i- .it tit)*.-..t..t.ii 2.032 bushels. Mixed, 62 bushels v-rv -rood Si 80c.; 14 bushels rood ai 60c.; 170 bushels t.*"..d j 80c.: 100 i.it-li. I- al 88c.total, :i."tfi bushels. (i.v ts.. 1 li h'l-lt' I* mi private term*: Iii bushell \.-t\ rood prlnffat48c; 6o bushels prime iprlai al BOc total, IOU liuahcls. Rt I -14 I'll-lli 1- VI IV Rood al 80c. Kl ti k i'i vs. bo bushels al 60c Wm ik BEA5M- I bushela al 11.26; 12 bushel vei |.I al 11.23.total, Mabels. nour. r-nc, -*l a M-"S0:sapsr*ine.6B 80 f."..;'.; extn rr,.;:. .-..unit.in family,67<i*.$7.23, r»uj> bran* *7*-. RICHMOND MARKETS. TUCRSD \V .1 itui.iry -J.'Z, I 880 tioiintry i-r..,ito -, AppU 12 % 30 - barri I. .'.', tva 1 : 20c -' Ol '.*. -t.r: Prime to choice yellow, 18^22*.; fal i;,ru teal: 62c1lbushel for countryi eOc ri ci'v milts. Fruit: A. g Qr.; n np*'-1' .'. 4 -. ii-*.; int .ti -, 14--. li ti,.i 7c Foul*..Turkevs, fl -v.*. "r' lb.; chickens, .">.'(S. V ih.: ducks, 0 h.*. r1 B>. Bgm: in barrel i lc; in cr-stcs, ll>« 12c. feather*: Pnme uv.--i',. 13W47 ,... nt*-"" :. ,; turkey Ull, 16c Htb.; turkey wlnf.lOi Btaxtted: ll.S fHl-26 * t-nshei. Hay: Virgin.a tuii'.iliy, tl.(»*'.'1.Ki, clivtr,? 090c. oms: Rsled.8SC (3|1. Potato**: In-h. Il ia-li.-! 60(.-.63f. fork.--Kies-.i, b ic V lt.. ha,-.t: Ora try. 7-*. Ky: 75fl 80c :' tmsheL H'i nine : I'i-11111'. 'or. Baled Straw. 466 40c Tallow: 5'.i ft M. »e tb. Wnnl : Wa-slifif.* 4li..4r. '.: iitiwjsti.-.!. 26 :!:l- Burry v%..<.i will bring in.iu 'i to 6c ll ft leal ma above raf s. Cement. Lime. I'lti-t-r. Icc. f7«m.tnf.- Roaeadala, RI 60 ll barret. Llase .* Ajerifiiltiiral, 6(91 OeV niisin!; Rocktam |l!<6Sl.2S. accordlnt to quantity; Jointer (tluLal lu'.*), il: Glenn's Palls. 86i i 90e. Platter: Lnmi*. *:t..'iO: ground. %b; calcine plaster, ll.80011.73. Tar: Laura mic S8.264M6J0. Hiv tin.i.i*. Brown iStieettnco nnt SMrttna*: 4-4 Manc'i* ter.7*-.; ». viiMi.-ie .'¦ r. .; , .: >, Rancaeater.61|<! 4-4 .lanni River. 7.-.; -lame River. River.8-kc; 4-4 Granltevllle, s,*.: '. (iranU .... .- i t i- 7 .; ', Rockier! -- 1 4 V. .<¦;.'. -ucl h, *.: ',i.. Conestoga.7 .: '. c, io--i f»metUL Zoe; 10-4 CH *-l .26. B t ino*and Sh'-tinai: 4 4 Wai sutu. 18c: 4-4 M.-,'...tile. Ile: 4-4 R.i-'L.Ial 9e.; 4 4 Home 9 .; 1-4 imelda, 10c: 4 Avomlala. 7c; 4-i itodal. 8He*s 4-4 .v v . 1* ..'.; \ H..ti.-'.-V. ti, .: '. Ri ii .", .; Kn.It-ol'-llif-l.....m. Ile; H.'» Srllnai 7c: Vl.'-jiu.tn. .-.*. i'< I* r ....,.*.:., .Ic; 1U-4 Wi 11) -* i »v Mills. 26c i>r...'ii thrtlli: Pates, ..; Oranltevll] 9-.: Rockhrl bri, A.8c; VA.9 '. tans: Fawnia, Bc; Amo-ikea**, 1()( Hallowell. 9c /.,.,. .* iu-i.-H. 1 ¦*:.;'¦.: Boston8tean*M ,-'i i ,'.*..- Am* rt.* m, 7c; v t r 7c; -si.rti.'. Sue.'. UanclMMer, 7*.e ur-tshlaaton. 7 .: RamHUfti. 7c.: '¦! vin!..rv 7c; Oriental, 7.'.; PartBc 74f : Ar".'' 7-,-. Ram '.. ¦.(".', .: Wain, ut't. 4 v.; Gloaci Mt 7**.; s, .im Bridge. 7e. i.am'.rt.-. Rice. 7.-.: RnsttHUl .". lli-iu... Uyeseullt. Oils, Ac. Alum: 4'. Alcohol: fi.'V Vi rallon. Poem "'.'- I />."..' tS.SS9)j*4 tl cote ot to dozen. fjopp* east Zr. Cactii ll Bm. Bxtm. t nf l.fj'" '. Indigo: Vi if 1.10. 17c Moti'ir: Itttifi. mle: Linseed 'U*.: mm-liine. 11 .¦.*% l.7ft: spen Si !t*>: whale. 76c; sn '" 48 '.¦ 0c: Labradc con otu .Mi'.ido-.: lard, 70c: »wt*eu4d »oe>iei :. $1.26 ia puon: VlntU Inbrtcntlng, S0aS60c; kersesiiSb 10<w<Mt**» B tt i. Rnrt Ginger B _,4U Q. Boots: Cliueus, 90c; seaeca, wtthoat top, 88 45e* tindo: Sal.. lRIMSn In ke^i ; Ecsfllsk soda, 6( *>*-irit" Tut ueittint: 05c Port-un Prnits and Candr. Candy: 16#l*cmRw._ /.s.a./«».* M-v na. «4i<t48 « ho"*- -)r.i.i Boxes, *3.75"i*4 ¥ '.¦<.*; cases,\ lentla, 47.75m.SH. (.m. mr.. fcc. Bacon: 'boulders. 6kc: clear rlh-sldes. 9 rlM«d. 8)*c; Virginia .noulders. 6r*i5*%jC.; > rulla h.*-r..nnd. 7.l7v- VlnrtaU Hains, lart 8<*10<" Miall IO...II.-.: sm-itr-eurexi. 10H(4H plan hams. HhRlO-JC **t.K-k Unlit. hii'ketti: l'ainted. two baotJ, .1.50(<s41.7 three hOQSC.il.764*62. . Wm,' I wo sinnirs, 61.23: 'Ure* striu $l.o0(tcfi BO: fonrslrlmrs,42.28^66. t'ltee: Ilia.I' »iiiiiit.i'- 1 t*i»14c, im,'*1'" 16-- . -rood to Bttme, 17C«4l8c*, Lagu»)r». 1«S 17c; hrt\SStJSSm, pandita: A-un-amu.' ... o..-. i Madia*. * ¦ .)'.-il.')V. * lb.: hair-*, ira, I i. )»".rw, (a.- nu*-*, : prone i-uttin-r. 14y<»l.V ; imrn-ri i.il wm, r. nrun-j c-ittin-r. 12 wlH",.., row pc i I'-* 12.: In-riM. H.itrv. D (_2i"i, ; I mi apple, .."e .((.-.- <'armina. 7*V*s8c.; ): «*»*.* lU-rrtii-ra.M-irin r., -noa *- I eui *ti ttiTib Carolina trott, tA(t£t4.r,n; Burta ( ¦¦ ma roe. ni .|»ir-**.*ii-r.i-i. i43f.'*1,50. Yla-., tl. in l put «],i: n-fc ¦_. ,. m.rri-1-.,-|H. Uh saektrai, *|6*j|*5 2*): No. 1. in Ulw. .) *.--. vMn mu. S1.1S7*-.: No. i.si.r.o. '-'""' Trlnip. i-_-n-i* amt l-.-r.-*-*, BS.1 lb |.<-if- ar reit. 9'-c. Mom,*.*; i ..menon fvnip. NssnBaaaK 2 1' : irr_i. iBe.t barram. BBct assmt. aowan .. ut,. l.V--.4.">c. t* rallon: Naw i irleans, nrtin-*. 40*065* Bail; LrntytotA. trom nate, f i.*»o. ». .lum. Irom mon-, hoc. VaacA. Sugar: I'm-i,.-.. no, *.. pow-tered, lOv ."¦..». lair.l. 10'^r.* A. !!',., »¦,'. V HC'.UlACBr, t'tiDw. 7I|i-f8i|o.; ct i raaf, 11V. h'n*p: I'oinnion. 5A7i.. vc. nainitm. 7 %<.*). olin. l.%(d)2l)c: an-l fam * imcea: n imtiy .<--..:<. T*n*: Black. .VW-vil..., id* |..t * nlm ».-.... . mpartsL *l.li>u-.*tl.«Bt ku n pawner, $l.-i6«1.7l ot rtnctly choke. Moir.. Lentber. tte. Bide*: RfSOB. 7 .: »trv *MBA '2 : 'Iii lint. 14 J.1 Tie.; we' K-.1U-U. ft .9 .; wei ^11,. .. . .kine.-tl.'_ii..*i. til Leal tr Solo to-uber. oak. «'l>l i. ..it. vu .,- *.. 27 "'12 .: .-(.iiiiic- m imah. 1H-W22C. ar.M->t:kl IS), triarm Kmntry, so <*S8: ett-f Snlch. S5<*.40< rm,- -_jj - tl'4«1.9« * Pt.; r.. i()'*.I.J.*-. Iron. Ve«-I (latia, ice. W**mtAmenenntaaata.om i.. :). _-. sb-10 un! A*r.-rl , ll , ' '- | ii. n itt if. .N"i*.* DWI Dom - * -I* in M)0 k,y 'o*-. *"-,!ii',,U*i,70 '' sn,''"'Jr l0U ,'r"m lh' ' , # 4 R .... B .- *," *J -. wi » v.l .'. Lin ¦.rn. '-1 ,.«*.- < d'*.- fc-otcn, i-eat 2b n I, I me. .»*».*] ,. *,#.- _K:/* ll ilir. Old. tl ¦¦ I . * 'lin mi Markc quiet l ii ni n* r. Va.. ., ,\ , . ¦' . --ii. Truman rvmlar. tit .*¦:- V vi ) li.'-" - i doo: vi:..-.. 17.50 ¦» Sill Join) *'.).. -ji ll aci-or-hiur to lenatha fclnirira- - *-* »-lnil.. yoi'tet -ti red tl.7.)i->*l.«( W'il-W-v-1 arr. 1 H nN-i ./ri '-n. -1 l)..,.l<J- *) 1.000; ku.!. |20 |25 ,- 1,1 Ul), *-*,,in timber. 12 «". OOO. loiu burrel dom , H ~\\ bundle. Powder. Mini, taw, y ¦*. T'-v's mining. S5i 091 28 e\ n,n tn powder: tfi.l't i>> 'lu- five Iras lc n Han jw '. 23 I'l.t-tin-r.f'-i.'j-.'u !¦.(..,.'. .- - '.- No*rtbern, *t »!¦*> hui ol J ¦lone.,.- mitts .. a lt). TOBACCe MARKETS. RICHMOND TOBACCO MAMET. ¦Uni vi;y '_1.-Th»' t'ollnv n-; nrt- tho .|iioUn..., | n-vnK QOODS. mit Kxcimr. f,t,no.Common, ?ij.*o *:); m..limn, t:)r<*& $3~0: sood,$4(.-)*44i0. /.. -. -Common,tn |n 50: i»eiHnm,*||l6d|B.5Q -..i. >T *7..">ti; rim', $:ii .. tr...iii); eatm ii-..-, ri7i .-.n.i-iir.. Stemming..Common. t'A.tiot.iti ; medium, fl. 50, lit',; ii,,., I. |6 v*7 J".il lim-, >7<"T'J. ii ibb ooooi vM fA< : nttao. I.nii ri:ii ri..t "Ultu u,$3^4i4; metUum,$4.60 f,t -,:,': -..¦ -I. \n -.\i\. Leaf Fillers..t omtnon. 1".--'ttl r,0: medium. *7 (t-it.&O; -vi"'I. *¦'.'.'ri"-''('; m.'. il H.. lil2.uu ; earn Bne son-cured, -f 123117 Wrappers..Common, titi :***- *' medium, f9 QAvM)', rood. SI OW* 1060: tin-. |l*t-atl4; ex¬ tra, $11 .".«»--. ? 1 vi; extra tun-cured |!8A|$'ib. lill Hi HT t.i I'll'- \l V. I I* M I I Kl NU. 1 medium, ¦t7.50tii $10: rooii.$12®*lB.50: - fl $.<i). ,'* '/ -. t on mon, IS .-ti nu ilium, 17 IO K.I, SI Dirt -1-J : ii- Wrappers..Common, 912d*$16; medlnm, ile titi: ..' .-I. $80 u$40; Uu« *i ¦ ,i ni' $0C tT.-.. IC) "/<;" i*-.- Common, ll! lift mi-u.niii. <-*ji' | -1 I $50; v\ r- i' t*. N QOODS. /,."/ /* ".,-..- -i'l-l -Jark.tSi 1 Mi. ommou to medium, $4 ;' to tim . >?<¦'. D'. Lugs, '.<: eking. N'ewd r*..t*.* r-0... fl. / if. Stemming. New dark, p4ljAt1. Mutton ii *.''" 'i Bili $7 $10. I.Ol is', lill LEAF-TOBACCO MARKET. ,I\m ,i;v 19. Hi" market wa* Brm, witb Unlit il. mi i. Tl . il« aud Ii ,\. Tbe Slntb-Streel Ilnnm-nold 12 bo-f»beadi: i iiov-iit :i i- < nun,', i.iini I'l'in'v ri.mu.i.n leal 'ii Inga ni $6. ».">. .in! IS S'S' 1 bmrshead Klmi*on ronni;.imon leaf al *4ti: I bognheud Hancock Countf low leaf ii $5.01: 7 ho-nbea.li (.riv-.m i ..um% lum in $4.B0 *i I-'-. Ci D ., r I »'J.r)."i ...I $2.1*0. Courier-Jot mal. [Other him-.- bad aalm al like prli < -. | Lot isvim.i: >1 IMI tl1llti:i) TOHAI I l> MARKET. .1 ivi miv 10 Baa I I.' Tobo* o. viutiiMv i ii nw i vii TOBACCO. Flrtrtnta 'ntviit extra and Nae pounds,75i_80c.: Vlrrinla line aud t-\ir:i Mr, 7."»i.' Mm*.; Vlr-dma tim ti-:ii, ii and 12-Inch tsvi-t, iidu li'.'r.: VirKtnU m*> .li.nu I*, in, I.I Ifl in, ii ivi-t, 411.l4h.-. ; Vm'in, medium 10'aand li"'--. 4" t 4Hr.; Viitrtnu medluu 12-lncbpounds.4B62nor.; Vnvii.i.i common 12- Inch pounds, lt' 4ftc.;\ irfinu aoodhriabt l l-iinn 35c; Vlnrtnia common ll-lncb, 32-|a33c.; Vlr .fiiiii mahn-mnj and bright navy, itt ami 4«. 44 ... 15c; \iiviiii.-i Mack nary, :i- and 4a,4S^45c viR'.iNtv SMOBllta ron.\i ro. VlrflnU Bne irookloa. $1.20-^$ 1.25; tTlnrinb aaaorti d, 45<B60c.; NorUt < laroBna ami others, 4t M lilli-. I.ni I - V11 i i i in \viv<; IOBACOO. Fi nf brirhi i»'-. 52 i$54c.; Dm brlabl, :r«, 4-. un Iti.. 4 ti ¦" 4 7'*.: mahofran'f 10 .>/. tft-.. 45(«4(j.-. mahoaany double thick 5' 46 17*-.-. mahogau lioidctblck :t"- 46w47c: 5c.and 10c, phum am turi 7-,i- .4^ ;,i',-.7 Inl/lil Ki-i*/.. Ti*.. 4()iii4"--. i,ill-lit donnie thick o'*. 4i',i,i4Hi-.: lirtabt sin-tl thick i*-. -I'i '4*-.*.: hrtrht 5c.and tOc, phuttmoi ivie«, ,'iti " ">Ji'.: plain wrapper, il-. In-, m. 11; .-l- .-.: plain.amall work,42c.; aei ondgnwh*! th-., '/-.lim11'*. H 42c. I ul l-v ll I.K .-MUM Mi TOBACCO. -i co -.I iradi». ir.- '..*¦, and .*-. 40442c mix) |iin,v. tuiokinfr. -i le.; stem mi kln*r. lu paper. 2Bc. cut and drj nuuk I mr, 22(%30c; lirljrhl andrrami 1 it-.i. *./ .'-. i -I *.' --7:.- *<ni*. brtshl /i nml ii" .j:1 7."n'.; plpeauiokii>a,In paper, 28(j 30< , -Journal. NEW YORK TOBACCO MARKET, .Usivi'.y vic Tobacco..llxport demand ii eri i ea a little, and there ia a fair huatnemon in inn trade acct unt, expectant in leed-ieaf. wllh prices ge) .'ru'iv tii-n S;ii.--.,i -I"ti hopheadi Kentucky leafi .I-.; s.'.n .'.i-i- 1S7H l'l-iin-ylv.-iuu ;it I21(f iti,-.: 7o0 r i-f- 1S7H suit.-nt 9'iiuilli.'.: 100 caa) 1878 Hotwntonlc (Connecticut) .ii 20(d22c; -itt ..i.- 1H7- Connecilcut M-conda at Im./.l I.-.; .' mst- 1878 Ohio ai '.)(<i'.)V*. .ji») ivi-t - auudrlea 12 *416c.: SOB bale* Bataan a* R0c^a$1.10. Qm latloua im* Vlralnla leaf are Hnrtii wrapper-scon mon lo mi (bum, I5(i£22c.: -rood to floe, 25«d45i' Ina to extra floe, !M)(aj75i.: imokrrs, I6(<425i: dapple wiiim-1-. 16C420C.; luir*, common lo aoo< 2 (.i'7i-3i-.: kooU tuBiii'Vivi'...: teaf, common rood, 5(_8c; rood to tim-. Hdoio.-.: flu-- t-»tra. 1 r_13c: and black trrappars, 12A15-&- Journal Cotnmt ret ¦ LIVE-STOCK MARKETS, RICHMOND LIVB-BTOCK MARKET. ,IaN( vltY 21.. I'rifi - Hil.- matt r.ui-:t<l aa follow Un] Hatti*..Vert i..*-:. 4 *,¦¦.: a-md, :* ,!»i- !iih,|iiiiii 01 k.1 i.iii* nn.i'it). l(it:i'v'-'. built, 214 ;(,.-.; ,tni).'ii oxen, thin .t'«*r-. Bc, 2'n,2\r. "mt B ¦Hogs..Vert beal, lc; ibaaia, taawsaa padi Bc I t'. - .-.' 1/ ch 1 - "I- Ai. mi vim' In i" ol' beef caine,529 hoe**,and 0 I-,-.,, oo ibe matkei, Market orer-aupplled m medium and low uradei of ca ;.*: tnt price* wi taint .1- last wiek, (icepl i~,,-miy k oftuM W( 11.' qutte *-" timi. \ (COOd iiiinv 1. lt...--. told .11 ly in ibe Wtttt .it 6 ; 1,11 ,|i ,"in. -i low u-i Hie ck ¦. ALEXANDRIA CATTLE MARKET. .Iw irv .'I Price lo-day ranavd aa follow (battle, rery ' 4 V" ¦".'i'* '"""' * .linn, or rairquallty. 4\u 4 .....: ordinary, .c..- linn -1..!-. i.X'T. ind cows 3(*C3'-JC.; cJlvea. 4 »,. 1 ¦*:'.*. l">i'-- ?.'i 71.,- ; con :i -I * IO (ne irk^tv. wfll sum ii.-! vi !th r,,inn. mi lille, '.irv f ko..,1 one* Deina Birred, and nit t vv. re v. i> lim ,1 ¦.Ivi in mn r. qui j' i|UOU or lauil.1. ll. n-i no- --." i.. Haft In fair .apply 1 lon lower. Oowi md ealrea In fair demai Marl.. I M iv .lull --i.o.'i'tt. ¦MU lilltki MU.I HARKET. .Ia vi vitVJi'- ' in»«,2*_i'.ir-i.-.'l-. ;i:(4 brad all for upore-r, aad not put on w Dre red beef dull al f.*.-w,7l, *. tim. r.»r enmmoa choice stdea. Kblpmenti ("-'liv 1,040 live call 4.700 quarter* of boaf. abd 1,V>0 a .1 lon. Md tba Wtuutet Italy lakeaaai t-vnmra 815 liva eatlle, 1.040 au ef, OOO a cai--* of um toa, and 200 drew nd olav. fttleet..Keeetpta 100. Demand steady toerei .it tS'*'imw. ft th., ui. ire ottoied linn 2V_3y..#*)&>. Di."itl vt.il- wiiiUttfV'vllV s* Bheepand Latntt . Bec^lpU, l,02obaad. M kal nearly Bat. wini * Ow turced unit* nt r.ur ¦oodaboi fe RID., and fair to aoad lam -,. ¦_. Uri e.i lamb were dow »i 6 'ul»): Ih.'; 'in. "1 mutton dull al 5*1 7> -Beceiptt to-da*. 18 car-kind*, or 2:1 li..*i. non.-of will-li *»< r»- io -..il*-aii\e. Harket wi ami nominal for lire boca. Ihmsad qu-'i. il il &\ 0 pt, 0 II) . willi .1 fest .-\t:.l Hrfhl 'A' i-hlnHon-M. kci pig 10M ^1 9% rl.f. Jammal v/ (mat) QENERAL MARKETS. AI.r.V4M)KIA lAIUlli .1 ni vky 21.-Tue nuirV.'l (o-ibiv lt MSI r. j Hu ri-rinn- wm -iroiifi-r. ihonrh Ibcra nen bjl il 1 rao-iar 11'in. tutut ta anl»l at -analaltona. But H.- wli.-.K t- coiitlii-r in, an-l tiiall *_li-» w, rr nii»<i< #141 ("i- Road, dui wi- * III quite l...in-,t«r S144. 1 om i.a-.con«im-raiiiy *,it-ar.'), auil u were matti- to day at 57. 5H. and 50c h* io quill Oin- »iii4ll lot of 1 vt- biou-Hil DJf., and 70 I'U-li'l- i.ils47f. I'oi.ntri prodnceii In hnbt n"l|i a saki ar>- tmitttf at t-uoiBOOM .Cosette. OIKAiiO 1.1 Min it MARMS?- iABVAuXt l»-Hr-i ami «rcoi».| cl.-ar. wi, 2-liiCU. ur lk(iilVl)»'b. M2- thlnl . har, I IV. ami ¦J-lii.-h. t.ii: \ 'Lit. IV »'<..»»!' lulu, W, li -.'l-u't, 1|, Vb -»i*d 2-iui-h, U lag cur . ,, H4 i 'I', i, 41* ; Vxfl end 2x8 .'¦.er ead ri, 't : i'm I sad clear l-lnrh Un f 41. tliii-icif-iir l-.iieii gambian. 436; A «<. rut, uri* and upward I .inch liiil-lnii*. gil; 7. . fc. in I.. ;..ir ir..s*',.4si; 7.n,,,i iv.|,.i, .,.. ., ra ei.*ct. 691: *t*toe-l* it.., 12-liieb. 12.14 .fi IR ho. 636; ll stock board . 12 iaeb,lg. 14 .h in .?I.43*-; C *t' cl bon :-. I ! li rh, 19. 14 md IR eel,9281 thoth hoartK l2*lneb. lg. 14. I ia St». 416; P ot'.ck board-. 12 Inch. 18 f'-et, Ih; |i Mock boar*!-. IkMiMh, 2U ff. 419? I it,..-U boards. lO-ineli, Vi. 14. and Kl fe-**L it: » lo-iii.h -aaek. 12. 14. ann ki SS ttl A lo-lnrh .te-<*k. If. 14. a ii lt <.'. 421; H Ikot, is it,-til* and ni *-srA 42; f bos, J3 |iii|,*>« and upward, frill, i* .*?!, ¦ andapwsrd.626; v ". \. ll lacta- imtj m«dt,(l.f i«: 11 *,riir«t t-omtii'.p. B-inck flooring Iii I'd V|. *>.l.';» ,,r ,,H..I (.|i|,||,i,,|,, ij-lnell. B -dl'lg, '80 Cor third'-..-ii,iion.6-iiir>i 8<Mirtnr.**2 < 1 ne¬ na noorina, ti-lii*h. selaatad, 117. ri^»r 1 n I trot, '.lion..!.. 4-lticn. 4't'2: h loorinx. 4-liirl.. *'j*J; 0 Ic.rina. 4-taeh. 6*8: Norway clear and Brat eosBV* 11..11. 4 or 0-in*-h, 4^8: Rorway second co-nmon. .nell or 4-Inch, fi;: \«.wav Hurd ., tn >nl I" tl.' **" '..r,'"w "Hn111.11 n,.ar(lt (.*..«¦,- ed) iH ind M.. SI ii: narrow ci.mmoa (**.*, -t. ¦.¦ ld. neb. K. and M.. 616 60; Km*, f -*,,,.,. led, 4'5: tin and -..nd ri. ,. . , ,4 I. e*-t "; t2-r.*t tiding, tl-.-. Sn adla*. 417..,0: ..*.....1 enH-auu dttlan, tiki bird e..!iiHio'i slellna.612; (Warina >l*fli,j- tlO'Y- :i.|i.|i..,i-4t|lt.-r. «..r S I't.-li. 6u. fl lT>. laa: (.0111111..11 boards, lu. 12. *..i -j. ,-»* :!4,:,,'''L''"":i '.".."I*-. 14. 10. sui h .-rt* da, 14 an.l in r,.,. |g <J lH ieee. |19: |w. and l -lu.Ii coan rt*. Ht Hr . uii.'ilitY fenclM. I2to20 fe«".*l.-* > | I*., mi.'. IR and IH feat. < i" 14 4ii(i I Gi*-e Ul t*. inch common fencing, 12, 14, a, 1. inch \... o (,.nr,ni(, 916; N.,rwav Ibnrtas *l*; limber.lol t,and -cantim-*, 12 to Ih f.*.*,. »l_.:,i): ixl. lo md 20 et lom 11360: -jo r-, '. '"" -i n.41:1: Z'i On loni: .'lin* 11.1,11. Si 1 | ^ k.na aiB.t-n-.ion. IIB j v>C, feet lone dh **''-"': -- 1 ¦....' Hmeastu 11. 417; "1" ..* dinieu,|ou. 118: 2-Inch rn I plank, ir. rn .-.-.«» . 2x4 "el . all length*, 4io 5 «rt (¦lu", nickels, 414 ll .ri.. . , 65c; -j.-tneh ...I.,, .... u! QT beveled, « ] ^ u-n- o. 1; .. ., ,,,. 1 ,, standard V. i-.*..| -, m fi ¥&; eli v - ¦..» , . v 41.76; .haded .:>,. 41.80; tatra alar No. 1.-rood br inri., fa] m 1 common sblngh ,90c.; latbs,42 1,0 ¦¦., ita Ita MU TORR IIION MARKET. Ja* tm ..'¦' ¦/, -tefa id« h lave not ad le 11 a'et 11lon*. 1 arrive. Demand continues rmi and the 1 , kio h. in ,.iK |< |. . ,-,-Mti petition ."-.I"! ":, t ..*.:.. VI.,,-... no,,..-w ulre! snit vvitli ir..r uffertnas.and tlitn 1 .-.. culti lagMtlng m.- bettor brand ll nigher again, as alao wrought .crap. Bale* td ,,<,a lona No. 1 s|,,,tt..i. ,_,... i.o(;,, t.,., j--u|,,,- .a nriva'e terms; 20.000 tons ste*I r.ui- I...000 lons Rngliofa md american Iron ra-L nra private h rms: 86.0 u toni old In n.d ubi chiefly A111erlran. al S46. QaouHom an .-.. ta- Huton al |83; Glengarnoek at *:<.'>: N... 1 Me Un al tu..-,(i.*:i4 80; < oltne-n at 636; v* ola ai *4o mr beal V-. 1. 689 ror Vo. z. andi ror i.i*(v forae. 1: ill aa for Iron il and Keel at 4^2.50 ?>-.¦¦. al works. 11 al 644 -K".: wroagbl m a: * 1 |4S in..11 yard .1 "rim1 ur Comutt 1 M.W \(>HK WOOL VllKkl T. .Ivm \n\zn.~ Wool .Trade haabecn *( .1- yet Hil week and only 1 rifling sales, "ii* 1- much as ba sheen iu< t> I latte rly. indi t-\|.r. .-.I as to pru -. -Journal ¦.< ¦ rn ...a ¦¦.*» NEW VOllh l-l wi 1 vi vi'.ki 1. Jam vi:y -ju.-A fair trade la lo proa-re**,atti es 1 rery 1 irnlar ,1 d wltln '.1 Prices*re tor Virginia.4 .1 Ike f*»i .t 1>,.'. for extra prli I .'. 101 iti-i lni,i:-|,i.. ..,i .,! ;, .-, _, .. / mtr .. MW v nitk si vi \i vi IRK ET .I v*.t vin i -sii v qu l.t..."., t| tbi Virginia..-/< .¦. ft ry Tet«>terai>a. RR. m\tw YORI .1:,- :v ._'.'.- ..Iii,n ...-id \ les; iii 'od-. 1. *. 1 .-n 1_", em 11 ur dull t-rs lavin . Sc wei au 1 I: nrrad.il red. SI.If 41.43: Nn ¦: 1 Ki M i:, v winn 11.4-' f.'in v rv dull : nu.* J Its "- 1 ; I ,1 Raw 1111ehauged; v. '.' -'.. le,*., .ri. Ill !. -d" I'.' Klco, »7c v *.- urba ' rAr* -'. in ni*,dent | bon Lt: it ft ri M.88, 1 du ami .it- lc li ice i i .'.s .. null..1, <*( i, I i4(». i- \. .'I I 112.00 -i*j.(;."i. \| di. . 11 ,ha.I. on:. li ni.' ¦¦ .1 >? .>. boil ami -.. rt cUar. 47.40. 1 I.ot Iv .*i" v. ",\: . ! ;-,. 1 ,, BALTIVORR, I! M.I IMORI , -I. v 22. linell unced. -'i tl, ru wli a, b lt. r .md Brm .1 hern 11 I. 41.40: m.'- -1 I I r I-17* No int if .1 red siwl aud Ja io irv. 4142 4141?, : I ": 'I ,, 11. -fl *, - |. 11.47k 11.4' -1 1- kl.49 e. ; I j "I 3nd) ..... , .., .,V .I 111 ... d h.. *.,i illli> ; 68c, in blgbe -iiiitln-i'ii. 8(1 .*..' Pr vlsloi - .'nil. ai wttboui 0 10 tbl« <. ange, ('. flee um 1 MIA 0 (lilli V Oft. '.»V*. Uri ...v dull .. 1 I ¦* 1.12. 1 ,1 lunge d. ' .M INN ATI. e in* ins \n. .1 muan ^.z. Hour da I; I 1 . ¦' r ai >c,.::.. vv ta cai il I 32. ' " u iel v- md Ni rn : Sn, :> mix, ,1 fe. . Data '¦.dv al 40c. p. rk Armer ..' t-i I od liiin al 47 4*. Itu! ,-.la Hun -I, 14.28 nhs 46 |l 1676. I sti«ul lera. .'. *,-. r . ;. <*.-. -t r mea--boulders. +1 M< .-. 16 20: binn Wlilskcv active and Arm al 61.07. I ll" Nt ti '1 ,. II*.*. r.e ami Brui: common 18.78 111.20 lit * 44.48; packlni i I IO M 50; ut. hil * l..'.r>A -1 l."f|s\ ll.l.K. I ix i-vii 1 jj H..ur rlianited. W Ifni dull al |1.26'. 41 28. 1 II Ifle. mi I.-... v al 41c. Pork 613.80. I nd "... v nen p, fy.: keir, fl it. i'- (]Ulel -1,..'.'.1* r*, Ai ? 7. Iii....11 idiie and flrni: -I- '.17'.: -I en. 47.62!| '410.50. WI s|. LOUIS. KC, I. _J n iii rtriii- : -, . . > I liisli' r: N-.. z r* d i".I'. 41 *.:, , 1 ,ai di .., .1 ¦::.-. \V hi-k.v .|iti. 1 ..' 61.07 rt ld-.li. . - I -" -; -I I tl 2 40.73. li s it. 47.20; packe ?Idea, t7.."u. ( lill A(.n. Chu *\( >. -i u 1 !2* i' nc dall: . i-i 1 |S '¦'¦ .*'", \\ ... .11 ui rici aud V*. z iii* *.,*--. -i>i *.-. fi.i'.i * ... d un I *.- nerall) k»e k, andi * ,-r .11 wt c. Pork I. live. Brm, .. e. Ulid>*>rai +. /; I -j *- 7 j. Lard acllse. Arm. amt blahi liilik-tne-it. ¦. .,1 .I* tuan*, and I -li l*!l slMKildfrs. 64.SO; rib*, 46.75; sides, |6 83 kev unebauai d. Il '¦'..-. -WI il ic tl va, tm *tk. and los - »t »1 1 7*«. 1 om active and lower at 87 c. . a I ami lower at 831ie. Pork 12'... oaer. I 1 .,.. lower. n \itiM; in 11 i.i.i«.i;\t 1 MINIMI RB 6LMANAI -Ivm Mtv 23. i-»n, .-- -it'll rises. 7:15 I tilt il.. s .11 -rK. .*. 11.! Uorala*. lil 4:1'.' * 1:5ft I .1 Of KU II MONO, .Ivm vitv J'J. Steamer Wv-:- ... * 1, n. *. Vork, a ,:: md pw .- (.. '.v. vr.ii I ¦-. er J. W. Everman. t.'arr. P td r- cliaudlse and 11.1- * n^i r J. W Mci 'ari \ 1 .1^1 mu', un rcbai 1 1; 1 1. Villi. . . pilate. **.»iili.-i 11 1- rtlllnng I ompai r Ufa Hoare) \ ..-. ,\ vt si-!i.m tn.( l.:ii Hodolne,., New York. | '.* c. aaiLBD. Sehnoni r Trade -Wind, e.rav, ¦s.-ii ..I,, r T. 4, Seward,<l Bald >. . , I I* Nrhooner Mary Langi , M s .«. arila 4 Parker. 1. r Mitti*- ;.i Bragg, New 1 * Oborna's, « 1 v I ri r. . i - ron 11 s, |.,,,: ft Entered..** v (ord r*..k. t.. Lad iciani for ii.'.-m Bark Agatha, . f ^u» ' 6th. ¦ii* roar. Pbllad 1 uv 91st, teauM. 1 \, a* rti.tv. 11 r .t I, Law. MEMORANDA, mom 01 i. J ¦¦ nary 21. \ *..' Hat* . 1 . 1. 1 1...1. lt uLTIMOKI. i..uat> il -.irised ( lo, Inda Hlone. from ,t..i... .-.. viwl (.uk t rrWed: Hel w ll. ('lui'*, li* timm Vk MI** g| LANI. -...nie Iro I bl ,1 > l'.ttli ..ti ii.l irk (.1 rial IB M Im I' . 1 1* I', ii".*. BC :>ln.- 06 N, iv p ,,f at ttif mell 1 e injin 1* ., ri*ttllr,u.* lu- .et*. ff, V let - ..f a 1.' *. boonai i v. BalaltT, I . *¦.¦*. tram M..ml *. M»., t,, 1 au River, vi. pal lalo Balilasore oa the tM HMiratBg >>r 'bv- iv: ic. riK/'n-e Hhehasa cargi* or 1,4 '0 balee I wa. tl ii* <-. .11<* lin* >.. nt . t 410 H) In tl,*-tuite |i rici Coart at BaHlai v uk a libel 1.as bm n ii td bi Hu .<*ii ot lha kart Kita r*a I Irvine uvaiu t I Ik'latbrwpe and tug Alice M. Ebra n.i imot *f"r ,111 lea lo ,:.. a - . ¦.I laaai j 1 Ilk. Viii., was also 11 .! > the -»in*» of lae »earner VV nillir..i- agalasi im iteamtan ell. ell. t for 64.000 daaagas tor Injurj io tin Haatat 1 ka iiiu same cvUlalou. e «i»ii,i 11 Uaveratsea. f itt* bark Aaatita. 1 Ived al Ibis port Vi ei.r av fi >u. Liven.**.', -'at-vs 1 it on l>tct-mber 22d. wben ia Uiuud z< 1. loaroiud I 1 hark An iom, .'~.iin*l l*> I ur.'i*,- li,.|ii Maw 1 kl nf I'm unr ..f tile \V*,t ti.dlt l-lttiid.-. -iud bad I vi ber 1 udder. Num.uh Jaaaa v -'! lb- Krltish >>aik Par* ibenlabasaooaap Un Jim. nv.j t.iuv t'..iutto toad wttb luw**«"r aad railroad lisa and -t, -...ira* «f nun io lint, i-njr lo (ininti h**t vara<*. Mr Telf-araaa. Saw Vona. Jsiiu.iv ag vriiv., vu . Ar> ta*.' oin \\ f-tpluda, Idyrlaii. BOOI AND JOH WORM NEATLY KXy l.t'UTKK aims lH»rATe h **KlNT14i«a >; 'II:,*.

Library of CongressSnnoiid |*L('Pht KKIP.\Y. i\\l[ARI Mb i-'. Tin; LATEST NKWS. tll.;Rin»i»1,,nuM,un1,, .-rra/i vnd mfSBBt WOH W sn ; v,llv. latwt noam, PM«»VtWHHTI ^;vl -, asd

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Page 1: Library of CongressSnnoiid |*L('Pht KKIP.\Y. i\\l[ARI Mb i-'. Tin; LATEST NKWS. tll.;Rin»i»1,,nuM,un1,, .-rra/i vnd mfSBBt WOH W sn ; v,llv. latwt noam, PM«»VtWHHTI ^;vl -, asd

Snnoiid |*L('PhtKKIP.\Y.

i\\l[ARI Mb i-'.


tll.;Rin»i»1,,nuM,un1,, .-rra/i vnd mfSBBt WOH W

sn ; v,llv. latwt noam, PM«»VtWHHTI

^;vl -, asd THI SBfVBUf *M" \ ,-vvn.M Mvsvii.-M.-


, xn NV ll VIM** Of Villi.1-


.X> < , ,,,.,,, |R|«H RE.I KADKOAD

' tue IN.HARLE.TON.8.1 QR**



\\ .s'.illUltHl*



r..-iiiv the

I.H.Iand W.l * West

r prov! ie- Hi il Ul,l tl Chautauqua

N s;iiuni".iliv then.1 UPOU:, tn*. I., in

n bj .'my dany education!

i,il ti pott on iii.' sams witlu.ii


ii nut i in- mora- itor .Lilli'*" r. nm

. Harris,il m is determined t

1 i (I ( foti tO L't

ie :ii vviiic'.i ]

fr* .nt (lilt1 Vii- | .;¦ advances tn id

luring til¬

s' VV- II

Secretaryme tl

!, .., i iver, W. V;n alrea ly appr

Mr. EdwaiR imo; d. calli


to tl

\\ frienifi: Iv

- n hasIlls j el -L '

! t<

fi - lor West Virginird bc v, ll appoint a i

¦I* iii the I'< rn

r bis disli let. Mr. S. DltMorris, ol Blcbmond, was st the Capt!t -ilay. The nomination ot General Ra

ii *. >oator fi"iii I.'Mii-i...-m.- to Li. ...,.. ol friends beiKurnell, however, is more i

n in- return to Washington, lt

mb i i tit sub-coromtttir.iiu charge et tit.- tobacco-expeI and hill. M< ssrs. < os ol Ni w V"

Prye ..f M tin io 'k pm t

tin debate In thc House lo*day on t

lew rules. Both slway* commai

the attention ol tbe House. Benatort Radolpb snd l>.ivi< ol i in ¦ called al t

White House t"-ihy. Senator Wind.\\ '.'- M.. Hendrit ks summoned ;i* a w

ie *. before tbe Exodus Committee, I

nel M s'.v ins nol t., xummoned|iaph to appear before tbe Sen:,id inve-

i.t' eral Kn in.' aalddiv tn.it be thought ¦ Republlesn a

e j- ti I*-, if tbey made zn

nomination!*, bad an equal chance ol elei'i -. .. ni ii: 1880.

l-i;i.s|!-i:>. I! kt SI'iK 1 I.ATKINS.

Mr. Kunu's friends non claim tbalt-t ;.t Grant in renns] Irania, nnd

ess ni Maine lei* again made bin1- tding candidate for the Republican prdentis! nomination. A well-known edrial writer e.f a leading Bepubllean }oui"I i >iiii> remarked to-day lo a Weal Vir»i

th ;t the German* will nol voteGnat, and thal if nominated be caa

rrj Ohio. He added thal Thurman m

.nd mistake in nol running fortonamor last tall, a* be eould have beaten Ilt. An Ohio man, who i- up In presldtia! matters, tay* Senator Pendleton i-

va it limn hope ol item-.' nominated byD'Titoi Tata,

Southern Bepubllean AssodatloiMakingaqulel hui moat active fght

Mii.m. and tit. j protest te bi Here t

Ihey can eire him a solid South al CbleaThe Gnni men say tbey will see aboutPennsylvania is Instructing county

inly f..r Uki,i- uk, and if u clvlllainominated by the Republicans bia frieifl^iiii h.* i. u ueeessltj. bi cause bis nomimtt Wdiil.l pm a nop |() the ny of

rt. .Mr. .*¦(-vitii.ur's frlendl e

M he ls tba strongeal eaodldate,bisopj .:.. i.i. nj* be will not accept.

mil; IERATB OOMMERCIE OOMRITTIR.Q serai Gordon ia ca git :it

duatry and Judgment iii directing the w"f taporUBi' iiitnt-"f which he- is chairman. From pit*.fcppaaraaoct thal eommlttee prom

*' ustomary full share of in.poriis, Including the rifer and bat

.in, lt had i protracted Beadon UH-"xi Mr. Frank Alfilend, its mc:,

I'ftu* inc that li.r e.i.mut!,e revieiearcfulli Ma entire docket and distnbu'"sl.:-e.'!,ll|]l!t,-e. ||| ,|.. ,,,..,,.,. I,,.,,,,-,M mutter (,t loeral int, ic.| |,, Vu-

.. i'f..rt* the Committee or 0x.-e|,- tbal wblcb relate-*! to the

¦n of w...t point to tin* Rlchmt

JJ**** Ii regard to tin* umW i.,.m ic- Ired from dtlSCM of vi'"ii,t tod ey ugteg the change tt hi rn11 '* fmtuu.it,- f,»r tut. nit ere*, s of ttie Sntii.it meek kutmtml hh.i tnerrtetfc twtmmwr<r "'.'.¦... kaastamaod Hereford itooMJl ******* iiieiul,.;*,. Senator Hansen.htBttM -.,. ,JU vt*riiut,t emt- of Noilli <

"". while the ,-iv,,- :,.(* hftThM bill is

.Jd* nat..,* Hereford gttur^a Wt* v.i

g iiiii-rttis win. Which lug like tideBe t« never ahaeni f, om .. immitiii ii.-..t¦m Hal leeka an. r hm intereal of FlrglJ 'J" **"StB, li.,.:- and K.unu lo.Mt<UA".i Fi¦¦mn,***** eoSf'H riiAMUI. t*m*m D'!

»«*n»tor Coke made to-day ll,,- Ml"' Ibe litiBticlal debate, sud c

¦Nfl* tbe attcuilou ol the Senate


I 71






over twa hour*. Ho o mid pym] he well jlioiiid, however, in tito g*ViStv. BU bptttnwas a von MtroiiR onov tt\n\ nduYil -cn-illyto his io| utition '.< h tlilnkor mid I rou-

-.oner. H's i<l< i« -,*;, rc oiiirln.illv and terselyMtprWBBd. Hf. tliew nu niiiilniv between Mic

position of a lui" i-« .liek-on on thc union il-hank tia.!«|ior q| his day c-ml Ihoolleel nf tho

Bayard riv olin inn, BoMtBg that n- .Iwk-oiii'.VolKhSM niMin-H tho national bink ii** I

oloso COIpBrBttOB BOMtBBtlj kM'ti-pins far

powr-r, M it I* tho duty nf iv.rv patrioticHUH now wini hclicvts in JaC-SOttiM 1><-

y lo OPPOM IO li- Htt i'iiia*t Mild

erusli nut, it ppSSlble, tin- OOBlblBOllOBundor wilie!) tho nioin y power <«f tho

ooun'ry. »s :it pie-ent OOBStltUted,i- -i i kin-.- lo obUis ibsoluts o tBtrol ol Ihelin .tnt'-ff tbs liiivi-innit'iit. Bs said tbs!lin- i-ti.i*' i-f tbe Bayard resolutloo, if idopt-edi would be to withdraw tbs cola elreuls*tii'ii from tin- bii-iin-*- ebSBBCll and toodtho country with :is many OF SS ttW nil¬

li in:i!-l>mk noir* :i- Hiv Choose. Tin* BtJ*nil resolution ooce passed, and tbe leaal*

qoaliti "f tbe greenback oooe do-d, be said tbs battle ol national banks

would be footht, the rici j iron, and their¦npremsey absolute m- SBalnsl any sttemi)tol tbe people to dislodge thom Irom power,[Ie itn'l extrsi - Irom Ueneral Jackson's

I his positions. Sena"lor Coke vv.- conRratulatod st tbe conclu¬sion ol in- -jutoil hr t number ol - di


i'll *.*.. ni li vnk-i;' ll v BILL.The Ji it ;i- bj Hu* llouse today ol tbe

ihili In regard i" keeping thc reserves olt inks in t .ii i- tonight construed as mean-

lng th.n nn tubers do not wnnl to li\ on finance, bul 11 allow tiling- to go on sa

re. Bard-money men ind toft-mom jmen voted together in refusing i" engross

ill in qm stloo.MiailNi.v BATTRBS.

Tb< friends "f Messrs. Bristow indBolling were nt the Senate to-day Inquiring:i- to their ebano - ol confirmation. Senator

- io 'l.v In tbe Senate Introduced a

hill to Kraal i pension ta Peter K. Mora n,ol B cbmond, ¦ soldier ol tbe war ol 1812.Mr. i 'abell proposes lo movei suspension nftiif roles in ilio Bouse to-morrow, if possi¬ble, and t nih'.iVnt* ia | a--, ti:.- bill making au

appropriation lor Ibo erection ol a custom*bouse, ftc., il Danville. Tbe lull was lavor-

ably reported bj tbe Commltti.n PublicBuildings. Hon. Jobn Randolph Tuckerwu- ut tbe dinner given toQem ral Gartii ld.On iiinti"ti ol Senator Withers tbe cl ilms "f

tbe eburches ol Arlington, Palls < lune'',Fairfax Courthouse, Dumlrlei, .-uni Mt.

Cranford, Va., were taken Irom tbe fliesand n tem d to tbe Coromitti e on < 'laims.

rONOBBSSIONAL COU!Mr. Weaver (Greenbacker).ol Iowa, io

tbe ll-.ii-o to-day said thal General J, A.Logan bad denounced bis bill t-* paj - '-

the difference betwet n greenbacksandi-1 stupendous piece ol derna i

:uiti that be would say In r< ply that tin- at-ime a iib a bod m one a o

ck<' -i (3.800 back-pa* swag. G i«

eral Bawley said Logan u .<. right; and

, in repl) to bim, said tbe man who-ll the Greenback party tbe rag-tag

bob-tail patty could endorse Logan withrici. Five hundred cftizi ns <>t UH-

di to-day asked < ongri -- to pass the Wi .>

a, | ter bill.WEST Ml,-, il MA KN.-tv.

Tilt* Weal Virginia senator-* and repreb id a un eting this evi niii,u, am

d t)"t H. recommend tia* contirmatioi.f General Latham; Republican), nominate!lor sup< i visor ol census.

l*.!7li ) NEWS ii EB8.The Senate Committee on Patents to-ds]

heard eonosel in favor ol the extension o

Mi K iv patent. Thi* i» tbe well-known ni.i

i bine lor sea lng on thc toles of shoes,Tha weather to-day was cloudy and disa

greeable. It rained hard lor hain*-.Tbe Freedmen's-Biok Investigation wai

continued belora tbs Senate committee loday. Ti.o testimony wa- conflicting mtsome ol tbe a ltnessi i ol defective memoryIf tbe eolored people ever gel their mone;Congress a iii bave lo nive it to them.Everybody ls anxious for tbe nih-tai-

di posed ot in tbe Bouse, so (bal busloesm.iv proceed.A photographic counterfoil |2 greenbscl

wa- discovered at tin-Treasury to-day.At the Women's-Rigbts Convention U

day Mrs. Archibald, ol Colorado, contendii thst tin- Bible recognizes worn in bs th

equsl ol man. They ridiculed men censustaken,Tbe speech of 8. S. Cox to-day on tb

rules wa- tbe funniest vet heard.


















U. I-..I-I- I.V t.i,-K'lill,ll t,. till- III:l..ilrli.|

WA8BIX0T0M tTSBS.Wasbikoton, January 88..-The Vlrginl

members ol both bouses "f Congress bela meeting to-day and agreed to urge tin* Inmediate passage ol lbs bill to reimburse tdState ol virginia for expenses Incurred ficommon defence In the war ol isrj.

To-day the papers relating to lbs olclaims ol lbs Methodist ind Episoop;churches ol Arlington, Palls Church, Palfax Courthouse. Dumfries, and Mt, Ora*lard. Vu., for property used and destroysby United States Hoops during tho vv:i

were withdrawn from Ihe flies and referrtto the Committee ob Claims, on motionSenator Withers. This Indicate* tbat tbeiclaim* wilt be urged before tbe preseol i oi

grass.Forty-Hint ii CeiErsea Waeassd Hooal-M

Wisbixqtok. January 'J2, issn.SENATE.

Mr. Teller offered ¦ reaoiution calling c

the Secretary ol the Interloi to Inform tiSenate whether any member ol the Boaiol Indian Commissioners should beeooInterested In Indian contracts. Adopted.On motton ol Mr. Cameron, of p.nn-v

rania, it was resolved [fess 81, nays SI.bat when tbe Senate adjourn to-day i: 1to meet Monday next.The Bayard resolution was taken up, ai

Mr. < joke proceeded to speak ui.an it.Mr. Cake, speaking igainst tbe Bayai

resolution, raid there wei nt ¦ linslegislation to show tbal greenbacks nv

originally regarded u i temporal"} kaiOb the contrary, tbe original Inleatuseems to have been to keep a- buys i

ani,'lint alla ll ll OOOld bs kept ll par. Tin

wera tbs bkis! populir money tbs poopever bad. 'rho people were satisfied wiUllin, and he favored IsttlBg Well cnnii;stone. If tho legal-leader qoslity we

withdrawn from greenback! they wau

bave to be sailed in and destroyed. TilBM a movement in the Interest of ii

"."'tiona! hank** and bondholders wbo wish)ta i tiliuiiee lbs vallie of gold. Tho poll)of those who favored it wa- to oppress ll

people in ti.t Interest of Ibo* wbo we

already rleb. Tin*demand forilii- mesinooibcs not fruin produesn or laboreihut from IBOSS Who live on the laborini her-*. Tho cry ol '.hurd money,"-nd. wus delusive. We would not hi¬llard money under the openttOB of this ri

oliition. National-hunk note, would talthe place of silver und gTSeabackl andgold, -ht'iihl gold h ave thc country, and v

would hive little gold in tho hank van!andu flood of hunk notes lu ciictilntioIn oatiolusion he said : "All who favor tlnaibsekled influence ol tho people in tl(. ivi rtiineiit. all who favor bald money,who disapprove dangornin inonnpoliii,who ballers in equal rights for all a« o

pased to ela-- legislation, should oppothin resolunoB."The Senate thou sdjoiirt od until Monda

Hut SK i K HKI'KKSENTATIVEI*.Alter IrSMsettBg i*"iie nilscellaneo

for buiincss the llousf rc>utiied tie considci




ld,.nthI ut

beJ isiro-



on ot the bank-teaervs Mit, tbi pendineiMrttoR being ht seconding lindeman"[or il;.' pi. v.oi,t quotion,and it was .,.,-.

indee! hy i vim,. of ,,,,,,. 4H .,-,., m:|jl)!]U("*ti..n wis thea oidered. and one Im,,,-.IKMtl C-Jintnciieeil njm \\u. k»\l At ,-..nottoluvlnn of ||.. debate the Hon., ,,,..ct edel to vote on tbe bill mid the pendingamendments,Speeches were nuui,* agalnai the pending

Pill l.v M. ss,*,, (j,(i.i,,., .vv,,,.. Whitthorne,and Heifer.The 1100*1 linn. I.y a vote of Igg io Tm.

refused to order the tbird reading and en-

ironing of tin* Pill, thoa virtually killin.: it.Aftt'f tbi Il*l1al deltaic on die rev I-lo il of

the ruiis. in ihe nour.f which .Mr. (Six"f New Voik mette a bumorooa speech,Senate amendments to Rouse phi providingfor United suites circuit and tii*.triet coomal MeOOU,Gs., were e(.neiii icd in, and theHouse adjourned.

The* ttRliie llntltlli-.

1. I IT lil. I C A N VICI I. A ROC.

Borton. January 'JJ..The BeraltFs Au¬gusta special s:,\s: .. n,,. vigilance ol theRepublican state government is not relax*ed. 'I'lie State*House i* gu irded ami ,t loc 'Imilitia company was ordered to rrmainini:* armory itu- morning, having been on

call since J o'clock \t stetd ij P. M.

lin: PUBIORIOT LROISLATURR,Thc Fu-iotil-t l.c'.'islatiiic incl this itu.in-

ill-.' at io o'clock, with it* numbers apps,rrntlj undiminished, lu tbe House Mr.< ii man called for an immediate reportl.v Dh Committee on Elections, fm- if bewaa hoidinij ;i seat io which lie was nol eu-

titled he wished lo know it and go home.Speaker Till.-'! ainu.mice.I various stand.in:: committees of thc II".its,.. Mr. Pei iv

announced Ibai Governor Smith ind re*

celved a congratulator] address ii ..hi the

Central Club of Green Docker*, of I hus-

ville. Pa. Mollee was given that tbe Com*mince on Elections would be ready to hearcontested cases to*dsy. Tbe Committee onBusiness of tbe Hons,* p nd prefiared t>

report, hut will 1,1*1 advise with the lead*Cl's.

In tbe Fusion House, Mr. Hussey movedthai he committee raised to propound ques¬tions to the Supreme Court he requested to

report at t (.'clock this afternoon.Mr. Di*key offered a uresolve," with a

prodigious preamble, to tbe effect that the

Legislature bas been ruthlessly forbiddento enter the State-House hv an assumedGovernor and militar] usurp, r.The resolve is as follows :" Resolved, That we appo.nl a committee

of live, with .lie!, of the Senate as mav

j-'in, d> c infer with tbe municipal sutbori*ties of poi tlami and see if a suitable build*lng can be had for the accommodation ofthe Legislature and , xecutive departmentsand heads .,f departments."Thc resolve was referred tn a committee

nf three. The House, at 11:35 A. M., ad¬journed to 4 P. M.

THK UKI! BL1CAN LEGISLATURE,Aiiisia, Mi:., January 22.*.No Fusion

members were in th. ii * |. |n the Repub¬lican Sen.ito. hut two oi three were on thcfloor, 'rio- Presldenl announced ihe joint¦standing committ< ea.

Mr. Hutchinson, of Lewiston, presa WU fm- thc amendment of the Constitu¬tion sn t's t-t ler" a Governor by a pluralityInst, ti of a majority vote, and if at Hienext election ii snail appear that a maj >iitvof tbe vote cast is in favor ot tbe amend*iii.-',t ii shall then h.- a part of the Constitu¬tion.


Borton, January 22..Tbe Herald?gusta -sj.. t*i-'.l says: ti,,. Fusionists' repre¬sentative Staples, of teddington, tooti hi*

-eat in the Republican House this morning.Mr. Staples says it is only n question of limewben the regularly-elected Fusionists wouldtake their seats, because thej have becomesick <,f their radicals.THE PUBI0M GOVERNOR DENIRS CALLING OCT


Augusta, .lanii uv 22..The Fusion Gov¬ernor, ."-niiih. th ines that be ever Issued an

order catling oul troop*. He declares tbereporl a Republican Invention to throw dis¬credit on him. lie say. tiny do not proposetn resort to anns, although substantial offersof men and ammunition have been madefrom "il! Ol the Slate.

Kcpresentative Frank Hill. Of tht FusionJlmisc, su< wiate Treasurer Charles A.White will within forty-eight hours beginpaying moue}" to tbe Fusion members inneed "f fund-. Whip- will not give up tbeofflce of Treasurer to the Republican Trea¬surer, Holbrook. White's bondsmen, ii is

said, vvill hack him op Ir paying the Fu¬sionists.

tri rusioxisrs ranoikq rmi*:.

Augusta, January '22..In the FusionSenate to-day a motion was made to pro¬ceed to business, but Mr. Atwell opposedit. ying, " Let us go Into tbe State*HouseLegislature or go home." Messrs. Strick¬land, Ellis, ami others also opposed proc. rdlng to inisitn ss.

Pending sctlon on thc motion, a recesi

was taki n uulil -I o'clock P. M.Mr. smith p.id a reporter to-day thal un¬

der tbe present circumstances he dui noi

deem il advisable to go on: hut "if wt

had possession of the State-House, the Republicans would not get ni without blood¬shed."


Borton. January 22..Tbe Herald's Au

gusta special sa}s; "Thc Republican au

thoiitii's at tiie State-House are growm]impatient over tin- unexpected prolongetiou of the Fustonlit government. A memlui of Governor Davis's Couneil said to

day that, the Fusionists would not niue!longer be allowed to "play" Legislaturelt j. intended to arrest the Fusionisl Beentar? tif State Sawyer in ease ht- issue, ant

documents purporting to come from HuSecretary of state. When Governor Davliis ready to deal with tin* Fusionists h.- wit

du mi resolutely. The Bepubllean legiststor* an- talking seriously of taking measnus to arrest Un* whole batch of FusionUOfficials on Mic charge of treason."


Augusta. January 12..The RepnbllcaiJudiciary Committee reported to the Honst i-dav a bill providing that whoever sbaremove from tbe offlce ol thc Secretary s

State tbe State seal; whoever shell abstracim ik*. accounts, election return*, fte., oi

hav ut*,' tbem in |"»-ses-i'.i), shall i<-fii-*t- t

Kim ii tin m. shall he punished hy iii**- an

imprisonment. The penalties v iry froione ve.tr ami IMO tine P. three years ag

|5,000 hue. 'lie* Pill was recommitted.

¦si:|i|t(i.( tl Un riler ol a !'.*..\ .

Cricaoo. III.. January '22. .a speeddispatch from Dubuque, iowa, to tbe Trhum- says: Greal excitement prevails ;

New Hampton, Iowa, over a supposed hmliPIc min dei". An Adventist preaebenamed Eider Buch resides near lhere, an

makes a living hv revealing secrets, wblclhe lays, are confided to him hy sjiirils. (),,

day list fail a neighbor, heming scream

from tbe house of Huck, ami seeing h

wife wringing ber bands in sgony, lookethrough the dot'i", and saw Buck beat inhis yoUOC son wini was tied t0 the belSince that time the hoy has heen mi-sin-,and. as IP,ck belong* to the same class i

religious fanatics; * Freeman, "f Massachisells, ii j. believed that he saeriticcd til

hoy. .Mr. Buck declares that the hoy ru

away. Huck has Bed thc nelgbboibootand Ilic citizen! are miking an iRVCStlgllion.

A Thlrly-Tlionsniitl-Ileillar I ire nt

t liitrl* sion. N. C.

ClARLRRTOR, fi. C., .lanuary '2'2.--A lil.iceni red early this morning in Un- car-sheof Hu >(in!h Carolina railroad, in this cit*destroying twelve passeRgernmrlin au

twenty-seven baggage* and freight-car**, tini ther willi the ear-abed. Tbe lose h)eslmated at c-,'10,000; insurance on the ebel

ill j *3,000.II

< ollon-l.iii linnie.tl.

I'KTKiisiu cu, Va., J inuary 22.~A larj,and raloabie cottou**gfn, owned by WiltaH. Spratley. it. Greensville county, was dstroyed by fire ye^terduy, togeiht-r with tlmachinery 110(1 a VutBh 'pi: Utily uf t'ult'-

¦*'."!i-d in tbe building.

tl til I lin ry.

DEATH OK MK. HITTON.I <i Lil t-lr/ritn IO Hi" IU*iv»t.li.|

LYXCBBCBO, Va., .Intiiuiry tl Hobart V.Button, IibiIsim BMtiigsrol tho PirpfalBn,"»d Uraad MaBttrH (HM PsUowi i.f Vir-Itala, tito** ta WasMagtoB to-day. iii- ra.nidus will bs intern il here.

S« litinilt r Vsl.ot ...

TOM*! Hiv in, N. .1.. .Inman IS..-Tbsschooner « harlen Plersoa, from UlebBHWd,va., far Jersey City, with plB-troB, i-Mbore below Baraffat. Captain Poster, olnu- Coast-WreeklBg Conpaoy, lu- mm tobar relief.

Aid tor I roi ii ml.fEBBBBICKSBOBO, .l.nni ny 22. .Ahout

MOO bas 111 n eoBtriboted hers to the [riskfelief fun,|, ;11|(| m\)\ i.. iin.dfatelv for¬warded.

LATMT PVBBtaa MEWS.I i.'iii Pit ii n iii ii.

"i v I iv' im; i iii,.1. in* ti.i Oi VALLET*.SEVE¬RAL LIVES I.'i.-l ASH OBI MILLION Dot.I.Alis'WOBTB of rinH'i.crv DESTBOTB0.Ps*'cm v, .l.itniiirv 18..Early in December

\ lill v vv .- rlsiti il bj I V( rv b< iv jrain. Tbe water rc*e until ii n ss m in]yards above the highest freshet-mark d.-i:;-Dited by memorj or tradition. Tb Inbab-Itints along ii< course wera driven fromIhi ir h'.uie-. Tbe ilverr< ¦-'.until it ara*three mill - v ide, aud an nt through tbe Wi¬ley carrying all before ii. Several small vi!-I liri - v.. if ,ii - I-.,*., ii md - me res h>-t.When (be -tn iras -nh i:- d everything badbeen .« uro] d in thi lr war. The smallcrops and mot ibles nf all sorts, catt li. its,atc! hoi -. -, iii*'' ail l'.iiio.

The ' '..'. ia lu mei * visited their bachin boats, trying to Eather the crop wbichh id bei n left on tbe li.< es. Tbi v bad to toirmed in oilier to protect themselves againstimmense snakes gathered In tbe branches ol(rees, snd wbich had in en driven down theValley by tbe loree of the waters. '1 be loisi- estimated at 91,000,000.

Canara! i.r.-im in iLiiunii.Havana. JsBUsrj 'll. General Gnni and

party arrived here on tbe steamet AdmiralIbis morning. They wen- received byGeneral Arias, tbe civil Governoi ol tbaprovince, snd conducted to tbe palace,wiieic they will remain dnring tbeir stayhero. After ¦ trip to Bsytl, sod perlinpsother island-. Qeneral (irant. will »:!il forVera Crus about February I Jt li.

The l.nie t olllory Horror.I.oNiioN, January 23..Tbs corps) n ol fifty

victims ol tbe explosion in tbe colliery atNert Oil-Ile-Hil del- Tv Ile ve-terd.iV hiv bet li

recovered. <*f twelve persons gotten outof thc inine yesterdsy five have died, andothers are dj in;.-*.

I'e ison ni.Liverpool, January 22..The princess

I.niii-e. Marchioness ol Lorne, embarkedfor Halifax to-day in tbe steamship :*.:ra-inatiii.


OCIENTI8TS MAY DIFFER ABOUTv- the j¦ 1111 -.:..-_-v -,r rh. iiinaii-iii. it origin, andwin-ill'r it ii. hereditary, bni Iriefi-agable testlmo-

*,.¦¦ thal ^h-.ii 1 tendenej to 11 di v I01 11r- Bti iikm :. Bitten 1- 1 ri liable mean' ol

anbdulng tbal tendency, s..in<- of tba pnremedle* l'.-r tbe .ii eaae are decidedly obji.i< from tbe danger attendlni meir Dte.olbrraanmi. il.. iiiMl'i-i-iiuii. Hu-1" -t. ile- vii-; 1 heck r-

'I'lii-M-iy otntlnate malady, the more i-f.feel uk y tootercume lt, abonld be grappled irtlh altba ' ' ne knowi what terriht---i - ii.iin i' can Inflict. Why. then, iboud

thia atrodoui often fatal complaint be allowed ti

gain I*-a-K.I \ through Inolffiit-nce i" IU earBesi-vu.|,*., in-. ¦.-. 1,1 n-i -*ronsi>.recommended mi-dldni pu .1.: it ii*. Inaddl loi

itu-1 mean* ni* ii lief i: .. '-in- noi lo-approi date to camion Um rbenmatlc agalnsi esgo



MW ri III.HA I IO vs.


..I regard lt aa one of IN mo I Intemting am

UuHllng itoriea 1 ever read.*'- Alexander ll. st.

pkt nt.

MAS' ". A \"YI I..


MABY til:-! KB,

Editor Of "Tnt: Bl wv SOI H."

" i'm lnos-t a- bad otT about a name :i-1 au :* 1 >. .«

a daddy and mammy. Qrannr (*»"- nie Cnb,aalhat meaaa a yoong bear;and t'otaen calla mMandi, and thal mean- a- lui.J."

.. Maadi: What ..>-» it mean '/"- wn\. tin- >\i-i- folk- Uiai aaya Uarrltt'j my mi

tinr. myi my latin r i- a Comanche Injin...i bratthal iras tang <t -h-.t Borne time or other for tak in

icalps. They call me Comanchefrombim.Manefor -ti'-i t- yon kn.,iv. I).. 1 look lik-.-an Injnn I

Ons v.l.. 1 ._m.>. ( loih. Price, 11.80.

Kor salli liv aH lM.,k-t -I rt -.or KBl lo'mail, po

paid, "ii randal of pries,I). APPLETOH co.. I'uhii-li. r.,

ft it-ii bbb ami .*).¦» 1 Broadway, Ban Tack.

FD! CATIONAI.._rpHE SECOND QALF-SES8IOK ti1 paoraaaoa L. \. hat. ki.kkks sihoiUS Mt Hih.UN LANGUAGE-* opena on tbe 1 -1fi-: lil: ca HY. Tor iiii-niiir- and farther informtlDii.appIv al N". 804 eaat Grace street.

_'_Ja 23-ffxtlm

I7RENCB AND ITALIAN..Aay lady 1J? g-eutleman can be enablt I to apeak either ol 1abort language! ku a .-inn1 time and at a nilingpen e under rofeimor L'RKSPI. who ha- hail ImixiH-ri.iii i- in teaching. Apply al 629 north fe**?

th itn .-I, city. Ja S3-8t«


P Si BfcCANCE !. I.<>l

Tba attention of dealers and conanmen II,, iii..

SUPEBIOB MSBITS OF "ll: Kl.(Hi:.111 ¦

DCM.Ul' DBI OBI li Al I I) P V I ITA I I AMII.Ml < Wt !.



.| base brandt hav.- beea bandied 'villi < ntlre salfaction bi iiijiiv of the most prominent arboleaiilealcm -n ihe city, and ena be commended «i

perfect confluence to tin* Hale i'm- lian- bigbauniform quality.

.lu BE li \l> at uri: un ii IIBIS I I- ( HIV - I r.KT,

ABU At 'Nit s.v.Mi: HOI Bl -

Of DI ll Alill.NT.Il M. WuKlllAM.

_'l -Ul 111 I ll I IN 111 .-I HI.KT.

Ail itu- landina mall sturm an* la poalllonnu . I lin* wants ot roii-iimei - lor any «* ii .unity Bp

.sm- iiii.- i.i ina.de .jj-....lim DUNLOP* McCANCE


\u. 1111 m vis iranr, kiommobb,

lUvarpool aad London ami Slabs r.uiiiiinr),

BTO0K AND HOM) lilli iKLIi-*,



Will INQ »U MABC1N fur laspoaslMS partleg.



pild. J* WM






RICHMOND BTOCK EXCHANtiiTnt-nannr. January 22. tl

¦¦Ul.ka -von VlrtlnU ln-4(t'« sold nt ^7't: .'.OOOVlrrl nln fonm.!. »t r» IH 20« .mall NOpOM it BOH '.'.!.fi(l() \.,rlh CSnUM 4 Kr r-»iiU .t t)7^; l.noOKU-1.m .n.l.itv 1 -. ,, Ul^. rtll0 nit*|,m.in*l ettyfl'tiil Kl| ,. cod ViraihU t fntrml dlvld-ud Sandi

1 (.«: leo V train lae riiiral dlvl'lend CnWBt »l RTfe!SjOOO 1 1 .11.1 \. |t ,t r.Mi.l «T..ti<l m<.rtira-*f* Tt atie".; lo .i,.... ,,, i,,,),,,,,,,,,,. |*r..|.r|.k'tl.iir-r nn.l

1 IO .har** of Illili.mt.ti.1 mel Imn. *. itsiinm,! ykmst at MH| IM

*."¦" ".'i ll.rlRs ItMirdtvl stock at" '" 'il *ii.| Hartville Kali¬an.I S.OuO CC aiel A. Rafi*

r.-ad th .1 1., trig u$ 7'. gi IfgSj,¦..'.-I'nited Elates 4 Vs.

li'7 1.1.1. 1 .!.,,, .,.,,,. j-, l(,4 ,,,,,stati se, >.rit,««._virirlnla lu-40'<. S6UbleLI7tet *i liioi. 1.1 1..11...1., H14 t.... g*-* a-K^i; ',*ir-

tinla C.11...I-. new. SS Mit, SO Cohen; Vlivinla .le-il asked: Virriiin un* (*. t certISeatea, P MS,

lla-ke.1; Vlr-.liilai.tx-i.,-, Iv.itil*. .ii,m..... 77 hld,emcmt', monk 1 etonme 4 pet ctol «7 Md.68

Illly Serin l't.'..-l:i.'liiii..ii.| n'v BV.-I. '""I .1.'JU'*" lilli*. KllllllH,1,.I dty I','.. J, ,|!|,1 .|.K)5»|,|,..

io.*.'. asked; petcraburs dty ti"., t. at 1 v IOSasked: I*, t* 1*,|ii,nf itv B's. P. and A .107k hld. HOlaked; Lynchtmrs city B*« J aud S. lie bid;I vti lil.mv .itv r: .1. Md -I., inn Md; Kitti*-,ricssburgrli) Ve. IL and V. Ki.", lill; viler bridge g's. M. and \ . ISasked.Ballrnad Bondi^-Vlrcicie Central Railroad Ant

mortgage 6'*..I. and J.. IOU!* bid; Virginia! entralthird m. d-'K-it*" c.'-. .1. and j., ni MS:

' I. -.i¦«..k- un.I Hilt,1 RatlP ci purl»'.'-. J.and-L, lol Md; Virslnla anti 1.1.'ond nc it-dre I,'-..I..iii.I ,1 lu*. li I: Vlr-

I .I! *iir**(iil 'lii*-.| tn,,, -n -- .1.and .!.. 1 (! bid Virginia ai ¦! uninn.le 8*s,*I. and J.. 101 bid; t-MMttunic Railroad

1 mortrani prefrrred *-"-..I. tc.1 .1.. nt-* iii;>. iitli-cle Rallioad .* m..1 mortana ,-t*. I- ll.-.l li"...!,.uni .1. ,98 Md: s-..it||.|. .. Kuli- ie, Hm, mortmcept- r md .". -.-I. a, .1 a.. 00 Ind, 02 aski -l. *

.*.:.. I'eU-raiiurs Rallmad -"<¦¦.nd mortise .*-'-¦ .'.and J.. H17 Md: I" its r 1: Brui mort-pun -"-. .!. mimi a.. l*.;o, bid; Piter-shun* Railroad¦. .tri moils ip. -'-¦ J. and .) 89 Md; Rici

.1 ti. x-iinii.' and I'..".H...- Railroad morty.1 and .1.. H.. i.i.i. 117 aaked: Richi.ii. Frede¬rick bur*and Pol.ic Railroad ni'>rtgan 7' .1.and .'.. 1117 Md, no ¦ iked; Orange ai .1 v *. ,,,.

¦ iti.i Railroad 5rai mort«rM*e6'a,M.andN..101 Md;I'tdii.-*and Alexandria Kallroad secoud mor'gagei",". .1. nu 1 J.. io:t i.i.i-. Orange. Alexandria andvi.nt--is Railroad SM mortstue Ve. J. and J..81)!.i>i: Richmond and Danerilk Railroad ,.Mutilated>. vi. and V. 100 ; Md, 108 I a ked: PiedmontRailroad tlr-t mortgage B's. A.aud O., 113 Md, 1 IBasked: Atlanta and Charlotte Air-l.io.- RailroadRr iaprtsain7-».*l.andJ .7(i*% bid.76ask< d; Rich¬mond, Vork River and 1 hesapeake Railroad OralmortaajK B's, .1. timi.I.. lo7 » il. 1 1 1 ¦ .od: ( ,.

and A.Railroad oren moi iran 7"-. 11 -j ^ ind. if*j>,aaked: C., C. nn.l A. Railroad eecondmortaase7'a,,.i41, hid. OS askedVanai Bonds..Jami i River and Kanawba Canal

i, mortgage .'.'-, M. and v.. f>6 ind; Jame*Kin rand Kanawha Canal iecond mortgage ti'-. M..lld \.. 18 hid.

/ Moe***..Richmondand !.* lerahnra Rall-r, ad, ino par, 68 bid 7,. aaked; Richmond.Kreite-rtcksburg and Potomac Railroad common, lonpar. 46 bid; Richmond, Predertckibur-' «n>i Poto¬mac RailroadOp reen', guaranteed. Km par. i>'.« t.'..!.lol asked:Connection Railroad »tock.70 par,78 Md:I:*, m..nd and Danville Railroad, Km par, 4'.»*»hld, BO a-tked: Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad-.-ii ir.ititi.d. ion par, '17, Md; Richmond, Vork[drer andC e«apeake Rallroa.1.16 hld. 40 laked.

' Stock*..Jomet River And Kanawba Canal.Km 1 ;ir. 60*100 Md.Bank ,S7... As..Nan n*,i Bank of V'lnlnla. innir 82 bld.96 asked: kferchanti N ulonal, 100 par,

sr. Md; Staie Rank "i Virslnla. Km |»r,91 Md:l nt.nt Hoik of Rich,.!. 80 nar, 64 Md. .*".!..;. ifi: < ni'.-iii Rank,28 par.2'ii%a*ke«l; Rauk ol< 1.iiitn. ree, 'i'i it. zn bid, 28 asked.Intumnct C'->m*>nn(*»#^-Vlt*|lnls Fire and Ra*

rlne, 28 par, SO Md. SIM aaked: Vlnrlnla 9laie,z:> par, 30 Md; Vlrfrluia Home, 100 par, 0U hld.09 ked; Merchar.taand Mechanic 100 par.94 .

Md.97Xa&ked;I nv, loo tm,-. 82 Md; Granite, lou1 ar. 7 7 | hld.hfi*eellaneou*..0\ l Dominion steamship Com-

panr, 100 par, 86 hld. 93 aaked; A. and C. Rail¬road, fl iii!, lu ti-ked: i ..c. and A. Railroad. 16


Hy Toiocmph*M.W Viil'.K.

Vf.",* York,.ranna**** 22..ifotw**^.stock! Ii*i*r*r*a*lar. Money u rall, S i

i-.',; ihe>rt, 4ht. Btate bondi dull. GoTera-ment* linn.

/ ¦'nnil;.-- vi.,nev. 0 .-I ur cent. Pxchansc.l-l',. tfir> f-.n (.-'it- lim.: new .">"-.. l":l'.:4 perc. ti*. 107X; 4 per i -

BALI iMi'Kl-..Kaltixork, January22..Vlrrrtula6' .'!¦

t»r|es. lu naked: nast-duc77 .: n'ew in. ju"., o;1,. Bid to-day.


Rn liMOXD, ¦! ini uv 22, I860.OFFERINGS REPORTED T<» BECRETARV.Wiicvr-White,62 bnahelti. r7«f.424 hinhela,i ORN.- White. 2.282 bushels. Yellow, 149 bmb*

."-. Mixed. :'"(t> titi bela.c\ is --j.**, j iiuahela.Rye..14 bushel*!.Bl v key ko i'i: vs..80 bushels.Bl ins..S9 bushels.

BALED I., rm; I i I) TO BE< RETART.wuk.». f.-H'i.itt 38 bushell rerr s.Iat|l 17,

Bed. 24 bushels mixed al 11.41; ll hu-li.-i. Full*al +1..'*.->: 14H bnaiieli prime Kum/ al 11.43; 24bushell ver) (towd Kulti al 61.40; 32 buhela aooeiKulti al tl 40.to'at. *Jt"^ huaRela.iou*..White, 200 bu*hels viv rood tl 60e*.:

206 buabela at 0o.* ; :,A burilda -roodai 60c; 24mi lifts prime al (il'*.: 798 biiah la prime at 60c,4 jo im.i,11- $.I ;u 89c; .'tto buslieia \**t v mod ai

BOc.: BO t.ii-heis al .">'.'...; '^u huh. i- .it tit)*.-..t..t.ii2.032 bushels. Mixed, 62 bushels v-rv -rood Si80c.; 14 bushels rood ai 60c.; 170 bushels t.*"..d j

80c.: 100 i.it-li. I- al 88c.total, :i."tfi bushels.(i.v ts.. 1 li h'l-lt' I* mi private term*: Iii bushell

\.-t\ rood prlnffat48c; 6o bushels prime iprlaial BOc total, IOU liuahcls.Rt I -14 I'll-lli 1- VI IV Rood al 80c.Kl ti k i'i vs. bo bushels al 60cWm ik BEA5M- I bushela al 11.26; 12 bushel

vei |.I al 11.23.total, 1« Mabels.

nour.r-nc, -*l a M-"S0:sapsr*ine.6B 80 f."..;'.; extn

rr,.;:. .-..unit.in family,67<i*.$7.23, r»uj> bran**7*-.

RICHMOND MARKETS.TUCRSD \V .1 itui.iry -J.'Z, I 880

tioiintry i-r..,ito -,

AppU 12 % 30 - barri I..'.', tva 1 : 20c -' Ol'.*. -t.r: Prime to choice yellow, 18^22*.; fal

i;,ru teal: 62c1lbushel for countryi eOc rici'v milts.

Fruit: A.g Qr.; n np*'-1' .'. 4 -. ii-*.; int .ti -, 14--.

li ti,.i 7cFoul*..Turkevs, fl -v.*. "r' lb.; chickens, .">.'(S.

V ih.: ducks, 0 h.*. r1 B>.Bgm: in barrel i lc; in cr-stcs, ll>« 12c.feather*: Pnme uv.--i',. .¦ 13W47 ,... nt*-""

:. ,; turkey Ull, 16c Htb.; turkey wlnf.lOiBtaxtted: ll.S fHl-26 * t-nshei.Hay: Virgin.a tuii'.iliy, tl.(»*'.'1.Ki, clivtr,?

090c.oms: Rsled.8SC (3|1.Potato**: In-h. Il ia-li.-! 60(.-.63f.fork.--Kies-.i, b ic V lt..ha,-.t: Ora try. 7-*.Ky: 75fl 80c :' tmsheLH'i nine : I'i-11111'. 'or.Baled Straw. 466 40cTallow: 5'.i ftM. »e tb.Wnnl : Wa-slifif.* 4li..4r. '.: iitiwjsti.-.!. 26 :!:l-

Burry v%..<.i will bring in.iu 'i to 6c ll ft leal maabove raf s.

Cement. Lime. I'lti-t-r. Icc.

f7«m.tnf.- Roaeadala,RI 60 ll barret.Llase .* Ajerifiiltiiral, 6(91OeV niisin!; Rocktam

|l!<6Sl.2S. accordlnt to quantity; Jointer (tluLallu'.*), il: Glenn's Palls. 86i i 90e.Platter: Lnmi*. *:t..'iO: ground. %b; calcine

plaster, ll.80011.73.Tar: Lauramic S8.264M6J0.

Hiv tin.i.i*.

Brown iStieettnco nnt SMrttna*: 4-4 Manc'i*ter.7*-.; ». viiMi.-ie .'¦ r. .; , .: >, Rancaeater.61|<!4-4 .lanni River. 7.-.; -lame River.

River.8-kc; 4-4 Granltevllle, s,*.: '. (iranU.... .- i t i- 7 .; ', Rockier! --

1 4 V. .<¦;.'. -ucl h, *.: ',i.. Conestoga.7 .: '.c, io--i f»metUL Zoe; 10-4 CH

*-l .26.B t ino*and Sh'-tinai: 4 4 Wai

sutu. 18c: 4-4 M.-,'...tile. Ile: 4-4 R.i-'L.Ial9e.; 4 4 Home 9 .; 1-4 imelda, 10c: 4Avomlala. 7c; 4-i itodal. 8He*s 4-4 .v

v . 1* ..'.; \ H..ti.-'.-V. ti, .: '. Riii .", .; Kn.It-ol'-llif-l.....m. Ile; H.'» Srllnai

7c: Vl.'-jiu.tn. .-.*. i'< I* r ....,.*.:., .Ic; 1U-4 Wi11) -* i »v Mills. 26c

i>r...'ii thrtlli: Pates, '¦ ..; Oranltevll]9-.: Rockhrl bri, A.8c; VA.9 '.

tans: Fawnia, Bc; Amo-ikea**, 1()(Hallowell. 9c/.,.,. .* iu-i.-H. 1 ¦*:.;'¦.: Boston8tean*M,-'i i ,'.*..- Am* rt.* m, 7c; v t r

7c; -si.rti.'. Sue.'. UanclMMer, 7*.eur-tshlaaton. 7 .: RamHUfti. 7c.: '¦!vin!..rv 7c; Oriental, 7.'.; PartBc 74f : Ar".''7-,-. Ram '.. ¦.(".', .: Wain, ut't. 4 v.; Gloaci Mt7**.; s, .im Bridge. 7e.i.am'.rt.-. Rice. 7.-.: RnsttHUl .".

lli-iu... Uyeseullt. Oils, Ac.Alum: 4'.Alcohol: fi.'V Vi rallon.Poem "'.'- I />."..' tS.SS9)j*4 tl cote ot to

dozen.fjopp* east Zr.Cactii ll Bm.Bxtm. t nf l.fj'" '.

Indigo: Vi if 1.10.17c

Moti'ir: Itttifi.mle: Linseed 'U*.: mm-liine. 11 .¦.*% l.7ft: spen

Si !t*>: whale. 76c; sn '" 48 '.¦ 0c: Labradccon otu .Mi'.ido-.: lard, 70c: »wt*eu4d »oe>iei

:. $1.26 ia puon: VlntUInbrtcntlng, S0aS60c; kersesiiSb 10<w<Mt**» B tti.Rnrt Ginger B _,4U Q.

Boots: Cliueus, 90c; seaeca, wtthoat top, 8845e*tindo: Sal.. lRIMSn In ke^i ; Ecsfllsk soda, 6(

*>*-irit" Tut ueittint: 05c

Port-un Prnits and Candr.

Candy: 16#l*cmRw._/.s.a./«».* M-v na. «4i<t48 « ho"*--)r.i.i Boxes, *3.75"i*4 ¥ '.¦<.*; cases,\

lentla, 47.75m.SH.(.m. mr.. fcc.

Bacon: 'boulders. 6kc: clear rlh-sldes. 9rlM«d. 8)*c; Virginia .noulders. 6r*i5*%jC.; >

rulla h.*-r..nnd. 7.l7v- VlnrtaU Hains, lart

8<*10<" Miall IO...II.-.: sm-itr-eurexi. 10H(4Hplan hams. HhRlO-JC **t.K-k Unlit.

hii'ketti: l'ainted. two baotJ, .1.50(<s41.7three hOQSC.il.764*62. .

Wm,' I wo sinnirs, 61.23: 'Ure* striu

$l.o0(tcfi BO: fonrslrlmrs,42.28^66.t'ltee: Ilia.I' »iiiiiit.i'- 1 t*i»14c, im,'*1'"

16-- . -rood to Bttme, 17C«4l8c*, Lagu»)r». 1«S17c; hrt\SStJSSm,

pandita: A-un-amu.' ... o..-. i Madia*. * ¦

.)'.-il.')V. * lb.: hair-*, ira, I i. )»".rw, (a.-nu*-*, : prone i-uttin-r. 14y<»l.V ; imrn-ri

i.il wm, r. nrun-j c-ittin-r. 12 wlH",.., row pc i

I'-* 12.: In-riM. H.itrv. D (_2i"i, ; I mi apple, .."e.((.-.- <'armina. 7*V*s8c.; ):«*»*.* lU-rrtii-ra.M-irin r., -noa *- I eui *ti

ttiTib Carolina trott, tA(t£t4.r,n; Burta ( ¦¦

ma roe. ni .|»ir-**.*ii-r.i-i. i43f.'*1,50. Yla-., tl.in l put «],i: n-fc ¦_. ,. m.rri-1-.,-|H. Uhsaektrai, *|6*j|*5 2*): No. 1. in Ulw. .)

*.--. vMn mu. S1.1S7*-.: No. i.si.r.o.'-'""' Trlnip. i-_-n-i* amt l-.-r.-*-*, BS.1 lb |.<-if-

ar reit. 9'-c.Mom,*.*; i ..menon fvnip. NssnBaaaK 2 1' :

irr_i. iBe.t barram. BBct assmt. aowan .. ut,.l.V--.4.">c. t* rallon: Naw i irleans, nrtin-*. 40*065*Bail; LrntytotA. trom nate, f i.*»o. ».

.lum. Irom mon-, hoc. VaacA.Sugar: I'm-i,.-.. no, *.. pow-tered, lOv ."¦..».lair.l. 10'^r.* A. !!',., »¦,'. V HC'.UlACBr,t'tiDw. 7I|i-f8i|o.; ct i raaf, 11V.h'n*p: I'oinnion. 5A7i.. vc. nainitm. 7 %<.*).

olin. l.%(d)2l)c: an-l fam * imcea: n imtiy .<--..:<.T*n*: Black. .VW-vil..., id* |..t * nlm ».-.... .

mpartsL *l.li>u-.*tl.«Bt ku n pawner, $l.-i6«1.7lot rtnctly choke.

Moir.. Lentber. tte.Bide*: RfSOB. 7 .: »trv *MBA '2 : 'Iii

lint. 14 J.1 Tie.; we' K-.1U-U. ft .9 .; wei ^11,. .. .

.kine.-tl.'_ii..*i. tilLeal tr Solo to-uber. oak. «'l>l i. ..it.

vu .,- *.. 27 "'12 .: .-(.iiiiic- mimah. 1H-W22C. ar.M->t:kl IS), triarmKmntry, so <*S8: ett-f Snlch. S5<*.40< rm,- -_jj

- tl'4«1.9« * Pt.; r..i()'*.I.J.*-.

Iron. Ve«-I (latia, ice.W**mtAmenenntaaata.om i.. :). _-. sb-10

un! A*r.-rl , ll ,' '- | ii. n itt if.

.N"i*.* DWI Dom -*-I* in M)0 k,y 'o*-.

*"-,!ii',,U*i,70 '' sn,''"'Jr l0U ,'r"m lh''

, # 4

R ....

B .- *," *J -. wi »

v.l .'.Lin¦.rn. '-1 ,.«*.- <

d'*.- fc-otcn, i-eat 2b nI,

I me. .»*».*] ,. *,#.-

_K:/* '¦ll ilir. Old. tl¦¦

I .

* 'linmi Markc quiet

l ii ni n* r. Va.. ., ,\ , .

¦' . --ii. Trumanrvmlar. tit .*¦:- V

vi ) li.'-" - i doo: vi:..-.. 17.50 ¦»

Sill Join) *'.).. -ji ll aci-or-hiur to lenatha fclnirira-- *-* »-lnil.. yoi'tet

-ti red tl.7.)i->*l.«(W'il-W-v-1 arr. 1 H nN-i ./ri '-n. -1 l)..,.l<J- *)

1.000; ku.!. |20 |25 ,- 1,1 Ul), *-*,,intimber. 12 «". OOO. loiu burrel dom , H

~\\ bundle.Powder. Mini, taw,

y ¦*. T'-v's mining. S5i 091 28 e\ n,n tnpowder: tfi.l't i>> 'lu- five Iras lc n Han jw

'. 23 I'l.t-tin-r.f'-i.'j-.'u !¦.(..,.'..- - '.- No*rtbern, *t »!¦*> -« hui ol J

¦lone.,.- mitts .. a lt).


¦Uni vi;y '_1.-Th»' t'ollnv n-; nrt- tho .|iioUn..., |n-vnK QOODS. mit Kxcimr.

f,t,no.Common, ?ij.*o *:); m..limn, t:)r<*&$3~0: sood,$4(.-)*44i0.

/.. -. -Common,tn |n 50: i»eiHnm,*||l6d|B.5Q-..i. >T *7..">ti; rim', $:ii .. tr...iii); eatm ii-..-,ri7i .-.n.i-iir..

Stemming..Common. t'A.tiot.iti ; medium,fl. 50, lit',; ii,,., I. |6 v*7 J".il lim-, >7<"T'J.

ii ibb ooooi "¦ vM fA< : nttao.I.nii ri:ii ri..t "Ultu u,$3^4i4; metUum,$4.60

f,t -,:,': -..¦ -I. \n -.\i\.Leaf Fillers..t omtnon. 1".--'ttl r,0: medium. *7

(t-it.&O; -vi"'I. *¦'.'.'ri"-''('; m.'.ilH.. lil2.uu;earn Bne son-cured, -f 123117Wrappers..Common, titi :***- *' medium, f9

QAvM)', rood. SI OW*1060: tin-. |l*t-atl4; ex¬

tra, $11 .".«»--. ? 1 vi; extra tun-cured |!8A|$'ib.lill Hi HT t.i I'll'- \l V. I I* M I I Kl NU.

1 medium, ¦t7.50tii$10: rooii.$12®*lB.50: - fl $.<i).

,'* '/ -. t on mon, IS .-ti nu ilium, 17 IOK.I, SI Dirt -1-J : ii-

Wrappers..Common, 912d*$16; medlnm, iletiti: ..' .-I. $80 u$40; Uu« *i ¦ "¦ ,i ni' $0C

tT.-..IC) "/<;" i*-.- Common, ll! lift

mi-u.niii. <-*ji' |-1 I$50;

v\ r- i' t*. N QOODS./,."/ /* ".,-..- -i'l-l -Jark.tSi 1 Mi.

ommou to medium, $4 ;'

to tim . >?<¦'. D'.Lugs, '.<: eking. N'ewd r*..t*.* r-0... fl./ if. Stemming. New dark, p4ljAt1.

Mutton ii *.''" 'i Bili $7$10.

I.Ol is', lill LEAF-TOBACCO MARKET.,I\m ,i;v 19. Hi" market wa* Brm, witb Unlit

il. mi i. Tl. il« audIi ,\.Tbe Slntb-Streel Ilnnm-nold 12 bo-f»beadi: i

iiov-iit :i i- < nun,', i.iini I'l'in'v ri.mu.i.n leal 'ii

Inga ni $6. ».">. .in! IS S'S' 1 bmrshead Klmi*onronni;.imon leaf al *4ti: I bognheud HancockCountf low leaf ii $5.01: 7 ho-nbea.li (.riv-.mi ..um% lum in $4.B0 *i I-'-. Ci D ., r I»'J.r)."i ...I $2.1*0. Courier-Jot mal.[Other him-.- bad aalm al like prli < -. |

Lot isvim.i: >1 IMI tl1llti:i) TOHAI I l>

MARKET..1 ivi miv 10 Baa I I.' Tobo* o.

viutiiMv i ii nw i vii TOBACCO.Flrtrtnta 'ntviit extra and Nae pounds,75i_80c.:

Vlrrinla line aud t-\ir:i Mr, 7."»i.' Mm*.; Vlr-dma timti-:ii, ii and 12-Inch tsvi-t, iidu li'.'r.: VirKtnU m*>.li.nu I*, in, I.I Ifl in, ii ivi-t, 411.l4h.-. ; Vm'in,medium 10'aand li"'--. 4" t 4Hr.; Viitrtnu medluu12-lncbpounds.4B62nor.; Vnvii.i.i common 12-Inch pounds, lt' 4ftc.;\ irfinu aoodhriabt l l-iinn35c; Vlnrtnia common ll-lncb, 32-|a33c.; Vlr.fiiiii mahn-mnj and bright navy, itt ami 4«. 44... 15c; \iiviiii.-i Mack nary, :i- and 4a,4S^45c

viR'.iNtv SMOBllta ron.\i ro.

VlrflnU Bne irookloa. $1.20-^$1.25; tTlnrinbaaaorti d, 45<B60c.; NorUt < laroBna ami others, 4tM lilli-.

I.ni I - V11 i i i in \viv<; IOBACOO.Fi nf brirhi i»'-. 52 i$54c.; Dm brlabl, :r«, 4-. un

Iti.. 4 ti ¦" 4 7'*.: mahofran'f 10 .>/. tft-.. 45(«4(j.-.mahoaany double thick 5' 46 17*-.-. mahogaulioidctblck :t"- 46w47c: 5c.and 10c, phum amturi 7-,i- .4^ ;,i',-.7 Inl/lil Ki-i*/.. Ti*.. 4()iii4"--.i,ill-lit donnie thick o'*. 4i',i,i4Hi-.: lirtabt sin-tlthick i*-. -I'i '4*-.*.: hrtrht 5c.and tOc, phuttmoi

ivie«, ,'iti " ">Ji'.: plain wrapper, il-. In-, m.11; .-l- .-.: plain.amall work,42c.; aei ondgnwh*!th-., '/-.lim11'*. H 42c.

I ul l-v ll I.K .-MUM Mi TOBACCO.-i co -.I iradi». ir.- '..*¦, and .*-. 40442c mix)

|iin,v. tuiokinfr. -i le.; stem mi kln*r. lu paper. 2Bc.cut and drj nuuk I mr, 22(%30c; lirljrhl andrrami1 it-.i. *./ .'-. i -I *.' --7:.- *<ni*. brtshl /i nml ii"

.j:1 7."n'.; plpeauiokii>a,In paper, 28(j 30<, -Journal.NEW YORK TOBACCO MARKET,

.Usivi'.y vic Tobacco..llxport demand iieri i eaa little, and there ia a fair huatnemon in inn

trade acct unt, expectant in leed-ieaf. wllh prices ge).'ru'iv tii-n S;ii.--.,i -I"ti hopheadi Kentucky leafi

.I-.; s.'.n .'.i-i- 1S7H l'l-iin-ylv.-iuu ;it I21(fiti,-.: 7o0 r i-f- 1S7H suit.-nt 9'iiuilli.'.: 100 caa)1878 Hotwntonlc (Connecticut) .ii 20(d22c; -itt..i.- 1H7- Connecilcut M-conda at Im./.l I.-.; .'mst- 1878 Ohio ai '.)(<i'.)V*. .ji») ivi-t- auudrlea12*416c.: SOB bale* Bataan a* R0c^a$1.10. Qmlatloua im* Vlralnla leaf are Hnrtii wrapper-sconmon lo mi (bum, I5(i£22c.: -rood to floe, 25«d45i'Ina to extra floe, !M)(aj75i.: imokrrs, I6(<425i:dapple wiiim-1-. 16C420C.; luir*, common lo aoo<2 (.i'7i-3i-.: kooU tuBiii'Vivi'...: teaf, commonrood, 5(_8c; rood to tim-. Hdoio.-.: flu-- t-»tra. 1r_13c: and black trrappars, 12A15-&- JournalCotnmt ret ¦


,IaN( vltY 21.. I'rifi - Hil.- matt r.ui-:t<l aa followUn] Hatti*..Vert i..*-:. 4 *,¦¦.: a-md, :* ,!»i-

!iih,|iiiiii 01 k.1 i.iii* nn.i'it). l(it:i'v'-'. built, 214;(,.-.; ,tni).'ii oxen, thin .t'«*r-. Bc, 2'n,2\r. "mt B

¦Hogs..Vert beal, lc; ibaaia, taawsaa padiBc I

t'.- .-.'

1/ ch 1 -"I-Ai. mi vim' In i" ol' beef caine,529 hoe**,and 0

I-,-.,, oo ibe matkei, Market orer-aupplled mmedium and low uradei of ca ;.*: tnt price* wi

taint .1- last wiek, (icepl i~,,-miy koftuM W( 11.' qutte *-" timi. \ (COOd iiiinv 1.

lt...--. told .11 ly in ibe Wtttt .it 6 ;

1,11 ,|i ,"in. -i low u-i Hie ck ¦.

ALEXANDRIA CATTLE MARKET..Iw irv .'I Price lo-day ranavd aa follow

(battle, rery <¦ ' 4 V" ¦".'i'* '"""' *.linn, or rairquallty. 4\u 4 .....: ordinary, .c..- l«linn -1..!-. i.X'T. ind cows 3(*C3'-JC.; cJlvea. 4

»,. 1 ¦*:'.*. l">i'-- ?.'i71.,- ; con :i -I * IO (ne irk^tv.

wfll sum ii.-! vi !th r,,inn. mi lille, '.irv f

ko..,1 one* Deina Birred, and nit t vv. re v. i> lim,1 ¦.Ivi in mn r. qui j' i|UOU

or lauil.1. ll. n-i no- --." i.. Haft In fair .apply 1

lon lower. Oowi md ealrea In fair demaiMarl.. I M iv .lull --i.o.'i'tt.

¦MU lilltki MU.I HARKET..Ia vi vitVJi'- ' in»«,2*_i'.ir-i.-.'l-.

;i:(4 brad all for upore-r, aad not put on w

Dre red beef dull al f.*.-w,7l, *. tim. r.»r enmmoachoice stdea. Kblpmenti ("-'liv 1,040 live call4.700 quarter* of boaf. abd 1,V>0 a .1

lon. Md tba Wtuutet Italy lakeaaai t-vnmra815 liva eatlle, 1.040 au ef, OOO a

cai--* of um toa, and 200 drewnd olav.fttleet..Keeetpta 100. Demand steady toerei

.it tS'*'imw. ft th., ui. ire ottoied linn

2V_3y..#*)&>. Di."itl vt.il- wiiiUttfV'vllV s*Bheepand Latntt .Bec^lpU, l,02obaad. M

kal nearly Bat. wini * Ow turced unit* nt r.ur¦oodaboi fe RID., and fair to aoad lam

-,. ¦_. Uri e.i lamb were dow »i 6 'ul»):.» Ih.'; 'in."1 mutton dull al 5*1 7>

-Beceiptt to-da*. 18 car-kind*, or 2:1li..*i. non.-of will-li *»< r»- io -..il*-aii\e. Harket wi

ami nominal for lire boca. Ihmsad qu-'i. il il &\0 pt, 0 II) . willi .1 fest .-\t:.l Hrfhl 'A' i-hlnHon-M.kci pig 10M ^1 9% rl.f. Jammal v/ (mat)


.1 ni vky 21.-Tue nuirV.'l (o-ibiv lt MSI r. j

Hu ri-rinn- wm -iroiifi-r. ihonrh Ibcra nen bjl il

1 rao-iar 11'in. tutut ta anl»l at -analaltona. ButH.- wli.-.K t- coiitlii-r in, an-l tiiall *_li-» w, rr nii»<i<#141 ("i- Road, dui wi- * III quite l...in-,t«rS144. 1 om i.a-.con«im-raiiiy *,it-ar.'), auil uwere matti- to day at 57. 5H. and 50c h* io quillOin- »iii4ll lot of 1 vt- biou-Hil DJf., and 70 I'U-li'l-i.ils47f. I'oi.ntri prodnceii In hnbt n"l|i a

saki ar>- tmitttf at t-uoiBOOM .Cosette.

OIKAiiO 1.1 Min it MARMS?-iABVAuXt l»-Hr-i ami «rcoi».| cl.-ar. wi,

2-liiCU. ur lk(iilVl)»'b. M2- thlnl . har, I

IV. ami ¦J-lii.-h. t.ii: \ 'Lit. IV »'<..»»!'lulu, W, li -.'l-u't, 1|, Vb -»i*d 2-iui-h, U

lag cur . ,, H4 i'I', i, 41* ; Vxfl end 2x8 .'¦.er ead ri,'t : i'm I sad clear l-lnrh Un f

41. tliii-icif-iir l-.iieii gambian. 436; A «<. rut, #»uri* and upward I .inch liiil-lnii*. gil; 7. . fc.in I.. ;..ir ir..s*',.4si; 7.n,,,i iv.|,.i, .,.. ., raei.*ct. 691: *t*toe-l* it.., 12-liieb. 12.14 .fi IRho. 636; ll stock board . 12 iaeb,lg. 14 .h in.?I.43*-; C *t' cl bon :-. I ! li rh, 19. 14 md IReel,9281 l» thoth hoartK l2*lneb. lg. 14. I iaSt». 416; P ot'.ck board-. 12 Inch. 18 f'-et,Ih; |i Mock boar*!-. IkMiMh, 2U ff. 419?

I it,..-U boards. lO-ineli, Vi. 14. and Kl fe-**Lit: » lo-iii.h -aaek. 12. 14. ann ki SSttl A lo-lnrh .te-<*k. If. 14. a ii lt<.'. 421; H Ikot, is it,-til* and ni *-srA42; f bos, J3 |iii|,*>« and upward, frill, i* .*?!,

¦andapwsrd.626; v ". \. ll lacta- imtjm«dt,(l.f i«: 11 *,riir«t t-omtii'.p. B-inck flooring IiiI'd V|. *>.l.';» ,,r ,,H..I (.|i|,||,i,,|,, ij-lnell. B -dl'lg,'80 Cor third'-..-ii,iion.6-iiir>i 8<Mirtnr.**2 < 1 ne¬na noorina, ti-lii*h. selaatad, 117. ri^»r 1 n I trot,'.lion..!.. 4-lticn. 4't'2: h loorinx. 4-liirl.. *'j*J; 0Ic.rina. 4-taeh. 6*8: Norway clear and Brat eosBV*11..11. 4 or 0-in*-h, 4^8: Rorway second co-nmon..nell or 4-Inch, fi;: \«.wav Hurd ., tn >nl

I" tl.' **" '..r,'"w "Hn111.11 n,.ar(lt (.*..«¦,- ed) iHind M.. SI ii: narrow ci.mmoa (**.*, -t. ¦.¦ ld.neb. K. and M.. 616 60; Km*, f -*,,,.,.

led, 4'5: tin and -..nd ri. ,. . , ,4I. e*-t "; t2-r.*t tiding, tl-.-. Snadla*. 417..,0: ..*.....1 enH-auu dttlan, tikibird e..!iiHio'i slellna.612; (Warina >l*fli,j- tlO'Y-:i.|i.|i..,i-4t|lt.-r. «..r S I't.-li. 6u.fl lT>.laa: (.0111111..11 boards, lu. 12. *..i -j. ,-»*

:!4,:,,'''L''"":i '.".."I*-. 14. 10. sui h .-rt*da, 14 an.l in r,.,. |g <J

lH ieee. |19: |w. and l -lu.Ii coan rt*.Ht Hr . uii.'ilitY fenclM. I2to20 fe«".*l.-* > |I*., mi.'. IR and IH feat. < i" 14 4ii(i I Gi*-e Ul t*.inch common fencing, 12, 14, a, 1.inch \... o (,.nr,ni(, 916; N.,rwav Ibnrtas *l*;limber.lol t,and -cantim-*, 12 to Ih f.*.*,. »l_.:,i):ixl. lo md 20 et lom 11360: -jo r-, '.'"" -i n.41:1: Z'i On loni: .'lin* 11.1,11. Si 1 | ^k.na aiB.t-n-.ion. IIB j v>C, feet lone dh**''-"': -- 1 ¦....' Hmeastu 11. 417; "1" ..*

dinieu,|ou. 118: 2-Inch rn I plank, ir. rn .-.-.«». 2x4 "el . all length*, 4io 5 «rt

(¦lu", nickels, 414ll .ri.. .,

65c; -j.-tneh ...I.,, .... u!QT beveled, « ] ^u-n- o. 1; .. ., ,,,. 1 ,,standard V. i-.*..| -, m

fi ¥&; eli v - ¦..»

, .

v 41.76; .haded .:>,.41.80; tatra alar No. 1.-rood brinri., fa] m 1

common sblngh ,90c.; latbs,42 1,0 ¦¦.,


MU TORR IIION MARKET.Ja* tm ..'¦' ¦/, -tefa id« h

lave not ad le 11 a'et11lon*. 1

arrive. Demand continues rmi and the 1 ,kio h. in ,.iK |< |. . ,-,-Mti

petition ."-.I"! ":, t ..*.:.. VI.,,-... no,,..-w ulre!snit vvitli ir..r uffertnas.and tlitn 1 .-..

culti lagMtlng m.- bettor brand llnigher again, as alao wrought .crap. Bale* td ,,<,alona No. 1 s|,,,tt..i. ,_,... i.o(;,, t.,., j--u|,,,- .anriva'e terms; 20.000 tons ste*I r.ui-I...000 lons Rngliofa md american Iron ra-L nraprivate h rms: 86.0 u toni old In n.d ubichiefly A111erlran. al S46. QaouHom an .-.. ta-Huton al |83; Glengarnoek at *:<.'>: N... 1 Me Unal tu..-,(i.*:i4 80; < oltne-n at 636; v*olaai *4o mr beal V-. 1. 689 ror Vo. z. andiror i.i*(v forae. 1: ill aa for Iron iland Keel at 4^2.50 ?>-.¦¦. al works. 11

al 644 -K".: wroagbl m a:* 1 |4S in..11 yard .1 "rim1 ur Comutt 1

M.W \(>HK WOOL VllKkl T..Ivm \n\zn.~ Wool .Trade haabecn *(

.1- yet Hil week and only 1 rifling sales, "ii*1- much as ba sheen iu< t> I latte rly. indit-\|.r. .-.I as to pru -. -Journal ¦.< ¦


NEW VOllh l-l wi 1 vi vi'.ki 1.Jam vi:y -ju.-A fair trade la lo proa-re**,atti

es 1 rery 1 irnlar ,1 d wltln '.1

Prices*re tor Virginia.4 .1 Ike f*»i.t 1>,.'. for extra prli I .'. 101iti-i lni,i:-|,i.. ..,i .,! ;, .-, _, .. /mtr ..

MW v nitk si vi \i vi IRKET.I v*.t vin i -sii v qu

l.t..."., t|tbi Virginia..-/< .¦. ft

ry Tet«>terai>a.RR.

m\tw YORI .1:,- :v ._'.'.- ..Iii,n ...-id \

les; iii 'od-. 1. *. 1 .-n 1_",em 11 ur dull t-rs lavin .

Sc wei au 1I: nrrad.il red. SI.If 41.43: Nn

¦: 1 Ki M i:, v winn 11.4-'f.'in v rv dull : nu.*

J Its "- 1 ; I,1

Raw 1111ehauged;v. '.' -'..le,*., .ri. Ill !. -d"I'.' Klco, »7c v *.- urba

' rAr*


in ni*,dent |bon Lt: it ft ri M.88, 1du ami .it-

lc li ice i i .'.s .. null..1, <*(i, I i4(». i- \. .'I I

112.00 -i*j.(;."i. \| di. . 11 ,ha.I.on:. li ni.' ¦¦ .1 >? .>. boilami -.. rt cUar. 47.40. 1I.ot Iv .*i" v. ",\: . ! ;-,. 1 ,,


linell unced. -'i tl, ru wli a, b lt. r .md Brm.1 hern 11 I.

41.40: m.'- -1 I I r I-17* No int if.1 red siwl aud Ja io irv. 41424141?, : I ": 'I ,, 11. -fl *, - |.

11.47k 11.4' -1 1- kl.49




"I 3nd)

..... , .., ., V

.I 111 ... d h.. *.,i illli> ;68c, in blgbe

-iiiitln-i'ii. 8(1 .*..' Pr vlsloi - .'nil. ai

wttboui 0 10 tbl« <. ange, ('. flee um 1

MIA 0 (lilli V Oft. '.»V*. Uri ...v dull .. 1 I¦* 1.12. 1 ,1 lunge d.

' .M INN ATI.e in* ins \n. .1 muan ^.z. Hour da I; I 1

. ¦' r ai >c,.::.. vv ta .¦ caiil I 32. ' " u iel v- md Ni rn : Sn, :> mix, ,1 fe. .

Data '¦.dv al 40c. p. rk Armer ..' t-iI od liiin al 47 4*. Itu! ,-.la Hun -I,14.28 nhs 46 |l 1676. Isti«ul lera. .'. *,-. r -¦

. ;. <*.-. -t .¦ rmea--boulders. +1 M< .-. 16 20: binnWlilskcv active and Arm al 61.07.I ll" Nt ti '1 ,. II*.*. r.e

ami Brui: common 18.78 111.20 lit *

44.48; packlni i I IO M 50; ut. hil * l..'.r>A-1

l."f|s\ ll.l.K.I ix i-vii 1 jj H..ur

rlianited. W Ifni dull al |1.26'. 41 28. 1

II Ifle. mi I.-... v al 41c. Pork613.80. I nd "... v nen p, fy.: keir, flit. i'- (]Ulel -1,..'.'.1* r*, Ai?7. Iii. ...11 idiie and flrni: -I-

'.17'.: -I en. 47.62!|'410.50. WI

s|. LOUIS.KC, I. _J n iii rtriii- : -,

. . > Iliisli' r: N-.. z r* d i".I'. 41 *.:, , 1

,ai di .., .1 ¦::.-.

\V hi-k.v .|iti. 1 ..' 61.07 rt ld-.li. . -

I -" -;-I I tl 2

40.73. li s

it. 47.20; packe ?Idea, t7.."u.( lill A(.n.

Chu *\( >. -i u 1 !2* i' nc dall: .

i-i 1 |S '¦'¦ .*'", \\ ... .11 ui rici audV*. z iii* *.,*--. -i>i *.-. fi.i'.i * ... d un I*.- nerall) k»e k, andi * ,-r

.11 wt c. Pork I. live. Brm, .. e. Ulid>*>rai +. /;*¦ I -j *- 7 j. Lard acllse. Arm. amt blahiliilik-tne-it. ¦. .,1 .I* tuan*, and I -li l*!lslMKildfrs. 64.SO; rib*, 46.75; sides, |6 83kev unebauai d.

Il '¦'..-. -WI il ic tlva, tm *tk. and los - »t

»1 1 7*«. 1 om active and lower at 87 c. . a Iami lower at 831ie. Pork 12'... oaer. I 1 .,..


n \itiM; in 11 i.i.i«.i;\t 1

MINIMI RB 6LMANAI -Ivm Mtv 23. i-»n,


-it'll rises. 7:15 I tilt il..s .11 -rK. .*. 11.! Uorala*. lil

4:1'.' * 1:5ftI .1 Of KU IIMONO, .Ivm vitv J'J.

Steamer Wv-:- ... * 1, n. *. Vork, a,:: md pw .- (.. '.v. vr.ii I ¦-.

er J. W. Everman. t.'arr. P td r-

cliaudlse and 11.1- * n^i r J. W Mci 'ari\ 1 .1^1

mu', un rcbai 1 1; 1 1.

Villi. ..

pilate. **.»iili.-i 11 1- rtlllnng I ompair Ufa Hoare)

\ ..-. ,\ vtsi-!i.m tn.( l.:ii Hodolne,., New York. |

'.* c.aaiLBD.

Sehnoni r Trade -Wind, e.rav,

¦s.-ii ..I,, r T. 4, Seward,<l Bald>.

. , I I*Nrhooner Mary Langi , M '¦ s .«.

arila 4 Parker.1. r Mitti*- ;.i Bragg, New 1 *

Oborna's, « 1 v I ri r.

. i - ron 11 s, |.,,,: ftEntered..** v(ord

r*..k. t.. Lad iciani for ii.'.-mBark Agatha, . f ^u»

' 6th.¦ii* roar.

Pbllad 1 uv 91st, teauM. 1 \, a*rti.tv. 11 r .t I, Law.

MEMORANDA,mom 01 i. J ¦¦ nary 21. \ *..' Hat*

. 1 . 1. 1 1...1.

lt uLTIMOKI. i..uat> il -.irised( lo, Inda Hlone. from ,t..i... .-..

viwl (.uk t rrWed: Hel w

ll. ('lui'*, li* timm VkMI** g| LANI.

-...nie Iro I bl ,1 > l'.ttli ..ti ii.l irk(.1 rial IB M Im I' . 1 1* I', ii".*.

BC :>ln.- 06 N, iv p ,,f

at ttif mell 1 e injin 1* ., ri*ttllr,u.* lu- .et*.

ff, V let - ..f a 1.' *.

boonai i v. BalaltT, I . *¦.¦*. tram M..ml *. M».,t,, .¦ 1 au River, vi. pal lalo Balilasore oa thetM HMiratBg >>r 'bv- iv:ic. riK/'n-e Hhehasa cargi* or 1,4 '0 balee

I wa. tl ii* <-. .11<* lin* >.. nt . t 410H) In tl,*-tuite |i rici Coart at BaHlai v

uk a libel 1.as bm n ii td bi Hu .<*ii r» ot lha kart Kitar*a I Irvine uvaiu t I Ik'latbrwpe and

tug Alice M. Ebra n.i imot *f"r,111 lea lo ,:.. a - . ¦.I laaai j 1 Ilk.

Viii., was also 11 .! > the -»in*» of lae »earnerVV nillir..i- agalasi im iteamtan ell. ell. t

for 64.000 daaagas tor Injurj io tin Haatat 1 ka iiiusame cvUlalou.

e «i»ii,i 11 Uaveratsea. f itt* bark Aaatita.1 Ived al Ibis port Vi ei.r av fi >u. Liven.**.', -'at-vs

1 it on l>tct-mber 22d. wben ia Uiuud z< 1.

loaroiud I 1 hark An iom,.'~.iin*l l*> I ur.'i*,- li,.|ii Maw 1kl nfI'm unr ..f tile \V*,t ti.dlt l-lttiid.-. -iud bad I vi ber1 udder.Num.uh Jaaaa v -'! lb- Krltish >>aik Par*

ibenlabasaooaap Un Jim. nv.j t.iuv t'..iuttotoad wttb luw**«"r aad railroad lisa and -t, -...ira*

«f nun io lint, i-njr lo (ininti h**t vara<*.

Mr Telf-araaa.Saw Vona. Jsiiu.iv ag vriiv., vu . Ar>

ta*.' oin \\ f-tpluda, Idyrlaii.


>; 'II:,*.