: ,tVOL.XXIY.: ""T:"-;,".- ' ; ;.:r " NASHVILLE, TENN: SUNDAY, -- MAY 22, 1833.""." ION AND AMEUIGiVy. . OFFICEr-N- o. y, DEADERICIC STREET. ' Till: WEEKLY D.VlOX Is furnished to uhscrilrs ai -- .'tlicfolliwingiral4R:Singlo-oiifcs,"'0!ieyear inaarance. j f-- SiVvrilhiu theyearj.3 fbeycir$4 00. j 'Clcim Oftlive an J upwards $2 OOiper copy for one veer.- - Club of nubscribers will b4 received for cxmtoitlis. - -- nt the foregoing rales. - . The published cveir:Tite.sday, Thursday and Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; if not paid . ' -- advance, ffi. - The DAILY is,rmblihed nt Eight Dollars - JTJIJTfiUXEY IX ALL CASES TO ACCOMPANY subscriptions.. , I.. """Uetuittanccs of Mibscriptious may be made by mail at our - ' ' ' 1 rist " No paper wfflbo rent out of the State nnlesMbc order is ac- - " - -- couipunied with the caslu 4 u - r - UNITED STATES MAIL LIKE. 4 THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FIFTY-FIV- E HOURS. New York and Charleston Steam Packets. I fcAv to Adgcr s Iiarves el err Saturday i atlernoou and each alternate vcdi)e.3ar.v,7T )rr"l" J. bickin-Kin- , Coiuiiuindcr JIarlon, J.'iOO tons, M. Bcrry CriimandSr. Tlie Southerner. "VV. Tosfer, Commander, H ill leave each alternate Wednesday. Having been newly cop;ered ' auil jpiards raised, is now in complele order. 1 ror rreigm or passage, navuig kh-u- mic iui" auu- modation. apple at the o'Jice of the Agent, . i HKMtV J11S5IMIU.N, ComerEast Bav and Adgerts Sou. Wharves. Cabb'm p.i-g- e f St. ' Steerage $S. N: 1!. A new Aiip will be placed on the L:nc to connect with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblT tnv IRON EENCING, . At the Sign ci the Spread Xagls, College Street. rpUE undersigned Is now prepared to execute all- - JL kinds of W rought and Cast Iron Kcu&iig2pn. AI-hj- , fieri- - varietv of Gates, Fancy Step, lialcony gefeS , and Verandah Railing. JIv woik will be executed as well I as any of tliat hi ought from the Eastern Cities, and at prices os low as the same article can be procured elsewhere. All kinds of Blacksmith Wk at the shorlestJiotice. The public are requested to give ine a call and examiue my jiat-te- and prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis- faction. WILLI Ail STEWART, College Street, opposite the Firemen's Hall, Nashville. mayl tf ' DBS. C. K. & J. D. WINSTON, their services to the citizens of .Nashville and vt OFFER in practice of Jledicineaud Surgery. Office oil Cherry ?treet, near the Bank of Tennessee. Dr. J. I). Wiiton's residence, the house latelv occupied by Broad. Mr. Armstead, oa Vine street, between Church and j TUST IlEGUIVED a I.. in.u-- , l Annul Stocks. Aoulr soou. T.J. HOUGH' ' febli . ' . Agent I EXCHANGE & BANKING OFFICE OF D. PEARL CO "T0UT1MVEST comer of the Public Suuarc, near Plant LN ers' Bank, Nashville, Tcnn. j 3? are drawing Sight Checks on all the prineiial cities of the East.Soulh ami West at the lowest rates, "iu sums to siut puichasers." I ZSf We buy all kinds of current and uncurrcnt Bank j Notes at moderate rates. fWe buy South Carolina, Georgia and X'orlh Carolina j Rank Notes, at a Ten- small discount. 1 We w ill piuvhase New Oilcans and Kentucky mon- - ie at a fair premium. Zfi- - We liave (Wd and Silver fur sale will attend to . collections--remittin- g oh any point requested at Bank rates, cliarge butj pcrceut. cominisMiuis. We aie taking Bank of -1 Tennessi-- c the same as j other Tennessee Lank Xotcs. iJf1" " " 1 BBADY, GORMAN & CO., Cotton Factors and General Coaimbsion Merchants, .M-.- Ulil,r...5. JTThcy keep an Ollk-- in Tuscnmbia, Ala. aiigiS 12m FRENCH, Agent, Nashville, is authori7X-- to ake ("ASH adai.ces upon shipments of Produce loth .ove linn. ' TENlfECSEE HOUSE IN GEORGIA. W. F. II IIIUIS. sklllMOUK HARRIS. HARRIS A- - CO. Forwarding ami Commission Jtrert'linnts, s.i V.lSXAlf, OA., Fonvard with care and dispatch to and from the Eastern cities.or to any ixiint ileirvd. GOODS, PlHtKl'CE AXD MKKClIANDISlt of all ileciiptnms, and sell on oinmi hion, PRODLCi: AND MKKtilAXDISE. They als., pur- chase to older GltOCEKIIis. which be bo'ight on mo- -t favorabe Ifyiis. in tlii Savannah market. They solicit vonr patronage, and pledge their utmost exertions to give satisfaction. ilec.".0 f.m ACXOI.IA COTTON We are a?eits for the M sale of-th- celebrated MAGNOLIA COT ION SEED, an article which seicral years exn-rieiir- with some of our best plantt'is lus pnneu to be belier adapted to Middle Ten nessee Uian am lliat was eiergrown. van soon or ti.ev win ' all be gope. JOHNSON A SMITH, iaii2'. mdway J. T. NATHURST ' xoi'FEi: axp jn.vrAcrrh'i:n Of W'arrfu' Fire ami II'ifcT Prcf tlixi7iw. I DEEM it unnecessary forme to say anything in favor of this mode of Rooting; the constant increase of its List seven jeirs that it lus been tested in near-- . ly.afl parts of the UniiAi, istheln-s- t evidence of its utility and value. Tlie roof shows (or lf on Spruce Street, second door from Cedar St., in Moore's block. lebi lv LIFE INSURANCE. 1IARTF011D LlFi: INSUItANCE COMPANY, HART- - FOKD, C0XNECT1CPT. Jauks Dixov, Ires. Hexbt L Millee, Secy. Capital and Snrplns $300,000. on lives of white persons on tho joint stock and mutual plv.i. Also.-In-ura- ncc on the lives ofXegroe, on reasonable terms. S. 1L LOOM IS, jun 1. Urn Agent. "1 F.3IOA A L. I)U. II. W. HALL has removed, to the I V oilier and residence on Cherry street, opposi:e Judge Catron's, near (kunehus A McCombs' Cabinet Warenwais. Jausr. Sar ANDREW J. DUNCAN, now in -- tore a full stock of BRITISH, FRENCH, HAS and AMERICAN Dry Goods, aJapted to the present and approach tug season, and iowhjch he will continue to receive additions by every steamer consist in:r of Black and colored Silks; French JIuslins; Dress do; 1'aiuted Iiwiis; Etnbr'd and plain S iss; Printed Peiians Muslins and Lit.-n-- ; Chene KoyaN; Embroideries and laces; Black Dress Goods; White Goods; French Printed Lawns; Hosiery; Bareges; ' Gloves; Crapes; Cravats; Craie IessCs; Line:! and Silk Hdkf; Tarltans; Satin and Silk Vesting.; I)rc Triinuiings; Silk and Satin Ribbons; Cloths and Cftssimeres, j Cottoiiades. atikceiis. Kit mlins, Chauibn-- , - Camlets, T.. ...... T!1l- - :,, I., V,,..!;!, .,.,,1 j.i iMiintf Bleached and Brown Muslins, Tileached and Brown Drill- - j iugs, Cambncs, Silk and Liueu Cottons, Ac -- A I. (' New Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Art'dieiul Ilowers and i Wreaths, ltonnet Triniming-J- , Ac. Hals Cp, Il)Kt.s. Sins; , and a general slock of Goods, which he is pnpared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe- - j rat terms, aud iespecllull invites the attention of merchants and the trade generally. A.J. D. is .igeut for several lnn;e factories, mid will soon be largely supplied with their nods. Xaslnille, Feb. 'j ., ls.v,. VTOTICU, -- Iu consei!iencc of the Fneon Friday mora- - L mg, veare compelled to suspend business for some- - time, but will commence ag:mi as soon as wecan piocnre a Mutable liou.!, ofuhich iluenotire willbe given. Iu ihe liie.inliuie we hopeimr friends who are indehteil to u, and to Ewin, llrownA Co., w ill wme fonvanl and settle up without ilelay, that weuiiy meet our own cngigenients pr.wnptlv. ( We can be found at No. lk( on tlie square John SiehoPs old stand. We would also take tiiis occasion to exni ess our grateful thanks to those who have kindly fawned us and our picde-twsso- with the.r julnmage; lo the Fire Couip inies and citins, to whose exertion we aie mainly indebted for w hat ofotirgoods weie saved, aud to those kind friend, who ' M'tnpathisc with us in out luss. 'feb2 EW1 BROTHERS. " PATENT CHOPPING MILL, I 'or Chopping Coin or other 'Jniin, .AK'trhd nil itk eetry Fnintir MtoM !,nre. "TT will grind, w ith one or twohoix-mer- , from four to .1. Iie bushels an hour cithel JiuC fur bread or coarse (or sotek ami is sn smqile iu its construction, th it any Ikiv tuvlrc vear. old can keep it iu order and run it. It is ad.ip teil to cither Stciim, liter or Hoim; Power. , ILning sold thee. Hue ri-- of iiiaiiiilacluriiigand sellirg the above Mill, in Tetm, to Messts. J. R. Cou-.- and A. C Howaril. o! N.ish , ,, .si, ui.hing to pmchase can tin.t them at J. M. Seaburv s, on (Allege Mrrrt, vhcr thev will'be happy to take oulers. ltOSS'.V 1 DAMS. " j niigj-s- . OLDEN NVRl.'l' loqr. bbls Golden Syrup, i, lo.hl. SugjriI01ise.M0l.wses, t. lihlsJawl'tMigir, ,, . ' " Ci'd. do, a Just ieceivedlro.il ht. Uiuis andforsilc hr j febaft- - .SAMUELSli-- . , llEKUJIAN S. SAltONI,- - ... ."rofttsor-o- f Vocal Music, Iiutrnmental "Kusie and Composition. Trims One Dollar a'!s-oU- f pivalileqiiarteriv. lA'tlers addressed us above, will meet wlih inmiit attention. M2 -- lv. 7 STRAY BENTON ("OfNTi . Takn up by 11 1 11 F. Rushing, living in t'ivd Distuct No. six miles North of Canidcii. one BAY 1IOKSK, 14' or 1.". hmds high; eight or ten v ears old, lelLeye out, white sadille sjhiis 011 his back, and iuaiksof gears 011 his lett shoulder, left hind foot white. Valued at -- 1". II. C CAMP, mavltf jtvy Ranger ol Benton county. INSURANCE. THE UNlTEDiFrREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OS " . t . . , . NASHVILLE. CAPITAL. 100,000 I 0 T,LA Ii S! ! , Chartered by the Slate. rpHIS Company laving fullr orsanized. is ready to take risks on ail descrip fcsrsrr- - tiousof property, against loss or damage by y2EE?,s :'fire,also against perils of tlie orinland.uav- - Itt . igalioa. Pjopositious fiirinsurancewill be received at the office ot theN.x-hrill- e lusurauceandTiustCo College St " " l" A. W: JOHNSON, President. J. S. Dasuiixl. Scc'y. (Nashville, Oct. 8, 1S52. ' COMKEECIAL IHSHE AKCE COKPANY. cnACLtSTOS, sotrrn carolixa. Capital S250.000: All Paid 'in. T'lIAVE teen appointed Ageut of the above Company sit .X NashvUle, and uia fully prejiaied 1o tate Marine, iire, Kirer ItisS on the most iarorable terms. Afull slaleiuent of the sojvencv of the Compny bo pecn at'theollice of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Com- - panv; oa College streeL - JVliA ti; i.fiim,iiii, Agent. THE MUTUAL PROTECTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. ""FFICI" on Cedar Street, adjoining the Poft Office, and insure ou prin- - ILuaid4 of Inland Navigation and the Carcoes evrv desTriiition asainst the Perils of the SksK and Kirer. Also", the Lives of iersons in gnod health, for a single year, for a term Of ycar, or during life. ' Also, Itank Notes tians-- . muteil p?r mail, All persons having their lives or property insured in this Institution, arc entitled toa full participation m all the'prof-its- , without anr liability toTloss beyond the amount of Pre- miums wliicli they mar imy. ' JI". S. riLCHEK, President, J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President. C. J. F. AYntEToy, Secietary. fjanl TENNESSEE MARINE AND EIRE HJSURANCE COM PANY CAPITAL 8150,000. FFICE on" the No: tb side of the Public Square, midway I I between the Nashville Inn and the Planters' liank. They will make insurance ou Houses and Goods of every de- - fccnption against tire; on btcamDoats and vjai-g- ugauist un; and therisK of tlie river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats and other river crafts, and on sea csseh and other' cargoes, on the usual terms. JOHN 3L HILL, President. Jostrn Vaclx, Secretary. , UtiiECTOEs Alex. Allison, John 3L Hill, F. II. Fogg, O. JI. Fogg, James Corrcy, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph Woods, Sam- uel Seay, Matthew Watsou, J. J. White, Jacob McGavock. jaul THE STATE MUTUAL ELBE INSUBANCE CO. OF PAT a. J. cilutt, see'v. J. b. ncTUEi:ronD, pres. to Ctmitnl S250.000 ! (OrRceotl Cedar tlrtet,ocr the Mutual Protection Jnt C.) "VTT1LL take fire risks in limited amounts on city or 1 rrtiinti- - inTrt- - l'nlieip issuoi! und I.os. nil. iiLsieuaim inetaiineoiiice in amiiic RErtucxos-- I- J. Lew, 1 B. CouK'sevs. Casliierofi hiL Bank. W.LSluuer, ' Girard" fPhiladel. W. Demiie Si tons T 1j Rev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, A a. 5o J'atncfcA J.mnj, isanlcers. 1'itisbui-g- . . W. II. llurrough, Irving House, New Yorlc 20 G. W. Coiicleu, C'iuciunati. JOHN G. FERGUSON-Nasliville- , I ! 1 February 2, 1S33 Cm ' o NASHVILLE STEAM MARBLE WORKS. ."0 J.UIES SLOAN, l'roprietor. 20 UAnKETST.,orrosiTejoiiNSONi.tiiocvK-sTODACc- waueiioisk, j 'f- - ...WJt V Kl l , II I 1. ........ II X ' c.,.r.. c..... to -- prAVIXG niade extensive enlargements in mrSIarble 5 Woiks, nivficilities ure siicli Uiat I can execute all .. . ... ...,'... ,.,P..I. m.nnl 1..'f..4 .!.!.. I KIIUIIU lI 111 mi: iin'st. ia."ii iui jiiuutiiri dim iiiv law.-- i as chean us it can be do?i- - iu anv of the Eastern Cities. By calling at my Warc-ioom- on the coiner of Sjuingand Summer streets, specimens may be seen which will enable 50 jersous tojiulge for them-elv- which is the lie.- -t mclboJ. Soo Having on liaiid all kinds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee. 3ih Also, a line assortment of Egyptian, Italian and American Mai blc. w hich I w ill sell low lo the trade, wholesale and re- tail, linisheil or iu the nuigh state. , SoO A large assortment fit MoxrMECTS, Tostn Himnit 500 Founts, Unx, Vases, (Jardex Fioi-ris- , GnvvE Shinks, Ac, Sou carved and lettered toordcr. Fi rxitiiuk .Makble executed luo to order and sent to any partonheSouth-Wes- t as cheap as 3n it caubep'octircdfroin the liit Also, Mibblg Mixtels, CiKl of every description, plain or caned. Bi'iluimi Sio,ne, sohl 100 Wholesale and Retail. All orders left at mt Wai on the corner of Spring and Summer s'rects, will meet with jirompt attention. Mj 5o fi ieud vpuei-all- y will find it lo their interest to call and ex- amine SO'I my stwk" before purchasing eleuhcrc. Thankful to my old friends and customers fer their lilieral patronage, 1 liope bv strict attention to business lo met it a continuance of their favors. JAMES SLOAN, Cm ner of Spring and Summer stieet.-- , Nashville. f.-- lv j TRUNKS, VALISES, and CABPET BAGS. ArEhavejustieceiNcdalarge an., line as- - TYTil I y gajtunton-nnik- , Caqiet Bags and 3s vTTV-- l j a Vulise5i .u.ti, cf .s.le. Bag and Kip 'SJY) Leather Traveling Trunks ami Valises, idsoof Saxonv.ihus seIN, Wiltuuand common Carpel Bags, which we willsellat low prices. K.S. HOLLINS A CO.. jaui; Corner of College and LTnioii sts., Nashville. Ci-- l tt( REWARlJ.-Iullpaythe-abiiierew- ard e? L,vUv to anv peisiin or persons, as a premium above tlie maiket price, for one llioiisand Idiid Warrants, gro of the denominatioi.s .f :r..i, so and t" acre". I will pur- chase single wai rants ol either denomination. R. 11. BKOCKWAY Room over Oak Hall, east side Public Square, 2d door soiilln.i vn I id Nashville. octlt m27. FURNITURE, CARPETING, OIL CLOTH, &s. rpHE Mibscribcr has just icturned liom the (' f X East, and is constantly lecciving all kinds of ( FCRMTUUi; CaRPCTING. Ac His stock at 5ig present consists of almost cvciy article in his line of busi- ness and asextensive as any in the city. Purchasers would do w ell to call, as he is determined to sell low tor casb or on tiuicforapprovcd paper. A. PATTERSON, march I i College near Chui ch street. MABING0 MAMMOTH. thorough bred Jack, MARINGO MAM THE tea direct from Kentucky, will make lm first season in Tennessee at Cacev Spruitrin si Marshall county, five miles below the fishing ford iu Duck River, at thutv-liv- e dollars insurance and litiy cents groom fee. Jennets "sent fmm a distance will be pastured gratis, and grain fed, if required, at fifty- cents itr week. He is full tifleen bauds two and a half inches high, good honest measure, unusually large bone, and heavy, black, with inealr nose. He has the form, size, color and blood to re- - cojiiiiend him highly to those who wih to iiiiprove their stock. We consider" hi in the master Jack of Tennessee. a For further particulars see baud bills. march 11 : KXIGirr WILS0X. II. U CAKim. WSI. TERRV. J. C. DRV CARUTII, TERRY sV DEW. DEALERS IN HABDWABE AND CUTLERY. 15!, Mirlcl SLand 25, Mirclmnl ., J'bdadetjJiit aprit--- ly. DR. J. W. CRAY. Office in McCombs' New Building, on Cherry Street, lUtiretn DvterKk anl Fuum. dccll 12m Rlsiokxce Sewaxie. ry SCALES, WEIGHTS, CASTINGS, AC, AC received Platlorm Scales to n eigh 1500 lbs. JUST do do do 1200 lbs do do do 700 lbs. do do do 100 lbs. Counter Scales, Tea Scales. Extra sets of Weights; loo l! weights, Caldrons, 7i, 50 ami 32 Gallons. Sugar Keilles of all sizes in English l'ots from 1 to Is Gallons. Tea Kettles of all sires. . . Do., for Stoves. ' I Copper Toasters, with wire cylinders. ' Enameled Sauce Pans of all sizes and bct quality. TumcdSauee Pans and Frving Pans, of all sizes. apriP! SNOW; MACKENZIE A CO. PARLOR GRATES. icce'ned a few pallems oreiegant Parlor Giutrs, JUST w bich on uccoiiiit of their beauty and siqici ior man- ufacture, it have icichcd prizes at the Northern Exhibitions. ' Tlieseaie the handsomest Urates that have ever offered for sale ill Nashv illc ' SNOW, MAC1UNZIEAC0. IiIYERS A McGILL. 1 DEALKRS IX kvert dcscriitio.v or Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing aud Fancy Goods, I f'i ('1 .'.w ftrrtt, one di.r utU of He Somirr. ' T II l!lt E niv,' be found at all timcsa large V ment of Winchester's, Davis A June's, .t Myers' Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen, Muslin with Lin- en Bosoms, Gingham, and French Chintz, Standing and Byivu Collars, Underwear, .Merino, Sliaked Silk, Cash- - mere, Yigonia Cotton nnd Canton Flannel, for ladies nnd gentlemen, (tents Cloth flatters. Gloves, Kid aud ' Silk, lliuk. Cashmere. Cluth, Chamois, Wash Nonna,-Cu- ll Gioies, and Utihe.s and Geutlemcu'ii Gaunllels, Liueil and Silk llanitkereiiiefs, Slocks, Ties, Wateifords' Albert, De Jo::i illoV, jiLiin, EnibM and s Hl-- ch an.! lute Salin Ties. Shoulder lii aces Sus- - ja'inlers, i)tenand t'ollou N ighl Caps, Oil Sidk Bath- ing Cms I'm Ladic- - .ml Oeiil'.euien. Monsi-- , Riding nnd Slusugtheni'ig Ih.'1!s, ltube de t'liainhiv. Umbrellas, AS'alk-in- g t'..nes Riding hips, Tnuiks, Sole leather, Vali-e- s, Curjvt l!sis liv-.s!n- g Coses. Woik Box is Toi-- leLs, 0rra (!I Porte Mnnios Fans, Writing Desks Cigar Cas.s, Ha-k- s, Tmvelling ttonquninns Razois and Raor S:rops to'uhs ltriislns, Giid yiur's (tii:n GiksIs. PiMfniucry. Toilet Dottles, I'oelcet (hideiT, Ac nnd a large 01 oilur aitiele usually kept 0 Sloivs. . ; ehave uLideairangumeiils v.illi our fr:eods at the Noiih to foiwrtrd in' GikuIs as Mum as'rceohed hv them, llien-lartu- shall luveg.nss bere iu n ten d.is Irom tlie New 1 oik Custom House M VERS A MeG ILL'S. , Puniisliing Stoic, College sheet, 1 door South of the 'Square, Nashville. ' lctU V'iJST RKC EI V Illl," T. J. lWgh islmiFi-ixvrvii- i f I and opening his Spiuig and Siiinincrstock, consisting ot lUtih, Catftinert, f. ),, tfr., in great variety and of latosts styles Als a superior lot or Read y .Hade Cloth-thin- g, and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods to all of which he invites the atloutiou of his friends and the publir gener- ally. mr5j T. J. HOUGH. i . CARDS, &0. . - JOimSOK & SMITH, Dialers in Cotton and Tobacco, Bsceiving and For-- - Merclianta, Steamboat Agenti, &&, -- aprill' -- i. linOAUWAY. N.VS11VILI.E. MAIL O. r. SMITn. A. W. 30US3OS. STRATTON, SMITH & Co., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner rf JSroid and JTarLct Strttit, NASHVILLE, TE.VN., VINO disposed of an interest in the Grocery depart- ment HA of our business to Mr. SIuusox Stbatto.v, the pame, will train tliw date be conducted under the style ol STltATTOX, SMITH 4 stand, on tha corner of Market and Hroad streets, f)iirtnrt now omnle. will be kept so by large accessions ererv few dav. to which we invite tlie attention and so licit a iall from merchants hi the country as well as eity ddsilei-s- being determined to sell as low as any house ik the . cur. yjur icnns casu aim cuau uuii aprl, 1S52. JOHXSON & SMITiL BAMAGE & CHUECH. Wholesale and Retail Sealers in Boots, Shoes, Eats, Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags, College street, Nasuville, Txnx. A. HAMILTON, Cotton and Totaeco Dealer, Forwarding and Commisiion Merchant, ' ' oct3 NASHVILLE, TEXN. K. J, MOKBIS. TUOS. K. STEATTCt, MOBBIS & STBATTON, (Scccrssons to Lakieb, JIokeis i Co.,) Commission and Forwarding Merchants and. Who! lie Grocers, Corner of Jliirtet and Claris Strcdt, Xiul tllte. have now in store a large stock of Groceriet Li- quors, WE Wines, etc, which will be uldat the market prices, fur cash or barter. seplf NEW ORLEANS. A CARD. F. SHIELDS Jc CO., having BENJAMIN" themselves at New Orleans, otrer their services as Commission and Forwarding Merchants and (icneral Agents, and solicit cousirn!iumU of all kinds of Western Produce, feeling confident that thy cm and will give satisfaction to all who mar entrust their inter-e-st to their care. Proceeds of sales will bo invariably held eacred and promptly remitted. . P. S. Extcnsh e arrangements made for the receiving and forwarding of every species of Merchandise, t reduced rates, Irom charges at this jKiint. Orders for Grocerios and Insur-inc- e Risks, withlfce collectioutif Bills, Drafts. &e:, attended without delay. JJENJ. F. SHIELDS 4 CO. aug 12 ly BEN. M. NOEL & BRO., Grocery and Commission, Receiving nnd Forwarding Merchants, And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, COLLEGE bTIthhl. IQ.UOR.S AND TOBACCO. 4ih bbls Sam Hale's Whisky; luObbls Drans WTnky; bbls Old .Mononzaheht do 50" Bitiwn'.s D 1) do; " American Brandy; 40 S M Wine, " Old I'ort Wine; -- N h.llllliij i Pipes Old Brandv, best brands; Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Champaigt boxes of I.icber Ginger and Rapberry Brandies Pines Holland Gin; 20 bbls American Gin; bs Gus Jones' Tobacco; SO " Walker's Ale; " S oimg ABirdeucll'sdo 20 bxs Allison Tobacco; do rutTi,!',, r Z v"w' do UU.U ,JV .1 ' - , 20 " Missouri do Ender's do 10 " Sam Wouls f't dD " S E While's do 5 " Rend A Nash's do In store and for sale bv febl'J BEN. M. NOEL A BRO. JUST RECEIVED. Prime Uio loll'ee; " ' Jiguayraao; 25,000 Imported Cigars; bbls Reboilod Molasses; 50,000 Melee do; halves do do; 10 frails SS Almonds; 50 hhds choice Sugar; 10 tierecs Rice; 5oobags hue Salt; 5 ceroons Indigo; kegs Oysteis; 2 casks Dutch Madder; cans do; 20 bbls Copperas; bbls St lam's Mills riour; 20 bags Pepper; Cincimiati do; 15 " Spice; kegs Xails u -- sorted; CO-- ) reams Wrap. Paper; lioxes (Jlas.ware, asc-- ; 500 lbs Kanawha Salt ; doz. lhoonis: 20 kegs Shot and L'ad; 25 bbls (iolJcu Svnin: .0 bbls Mackerel; ::o bills and halt uuts V.racKers; bbls Liuf, Cmshed and Powdered Sugar; bovs and half boxes Raisins; Just recched and tor salebv BEN. M.XOEL A BU0, febl'i. 7"ATSTE1'.- - A fjw thousand bushels Pea Nuts, for whieh we will give the highest market price. febll) BEX. M. NOEL A 11R( FOB SALE. . OT rronling at feet on lower College St.; running back 'J It's feet. ' Two houses ou the lot, w.hich rent for $21C vear, price POu. "Iiiit 3 feet on Fraukliu Turnpike, in Preston Hays' addi-- i tiou. ALSO, 200 acres of land in Smith county, 9 miles from Lebanon. For fertility the land cannot be surpassed, being prineipallv creek bottom, about loo acies cleared and in a of the balance liuelv timbered. liiirh state cultivation, . V... ...... .. i .. . 3 ,i; 1 lie lniiirevenienis cou.isi oi u goou iranie uncinn, ne- - ItoiLses, barn, stables, Ac, and Saw and Grist Mills, and Carding Machine, coustrucied to run either by steam or water. t AIsO. 3'i' acres of land in Edgefield on the Gallatin ' Turnpike, opposite Mr. R. Houston's lot. There is on the lota goad frame house, Kitchen, uegro houses, Ac, A1.SO, 45 acres ot laud ou Springfield road, 14 miles from ALSO," 32 acros of land adjoining the property of W. R. Lucas. ALSO, 7 acres ofland on the Nolcnsville Turnpike, splen-didl- v improved. ALSO, SS acres ot land, 4 miles from the city; on the Rail Road. ALSO, the large Brick Warehouse on College street, known as the Port Royal Mills l)qot. ALSO, 250acres of land in Sumner county, near Castilian Springs. ALsO, a tract ofland in Sumner countv, on Cumberland river, containing I Jin acies, known as the Sumner Paper Mills; the buildings were erected for a paper mill, and aie well constructed tor tliat purpose. Price .,000. A1.S0, 3 acres of ground in Edgefield, opposite the prop-ert- v of Gen. S. R. Anderson. ALSO, a finely improved lot next to Mrs. Polk's, front- ing ss feet on Vine street, 140 feet deep. ALSO, 1 acre and V poles ofground near the State Hospi- tal improvements good. AIiSO, a lot on corner of Gay and McLemore streets, with good brick house containing 5 rooms. "ALSO, a very desirable farm 10 miles from Nashville, rear the FranklinTumpike, containing 113f acres, good two story brick duellings aud other improvement ou the place. AliSO, a large fiue brick house on vine street, between Church and Broad streets, the lot frouts 40 feet ou Vine atieet. . . AI,S0, 2,000 acres ol land on tlie old fepringtield road, 1, m.Ip--. f from Nashville, on Mansker's Creek, good dwelling and oilier necessary buildiugs, and also Steam Grist and Saw Mills. Al-j- O, a large brick house on Church street, near the t, containing 11 besides kitchen aud other necesja. buildings. The house is well constructed for a boarding house. A I.S0, a small brick liouse.C rooms on Locust alley, near Finn's grocery. ALSO, a double tcucincnt, S rooms each on Crawford St., above High street. AI.S0, 200 acres ofland in Sunnier county, one mile from Gallatin. The improvements arc hrot rate We have also a number ot other lots in the city and farms tlie country, which can be bought on good terms. ! iiren r. iioen aprill E No. 50 Cherry street. Kick Spring Goods, j w. a. & J. g. McClelland, j No. 20, PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE. leceivmg and now opening their Stock orSPRING VR11 SUMMER GOODS: and, in extent and variety, is deeidedlj the most attractive they have ever opened. They would call tho attention of purchasers to the following, with uiuuv other Goods not enumerated: RICH DRESS GOODS. Plaid India Silks; Delicate Summer Silks ; Plain Rich Silks, all colors; " " Berages, Challcys, Bayaderes; Fine Linen Cambrics, 40 lo 75; Plain aud Boidered Brilliautes; Rich Organdy Muslins; " French Chintz ; French Jaconets, from 25 to 50 cents; LACE GOODS. Valenciennc and Inseriings, Star Point Laces, Va lencienne and Muslin Collars, Cuffs and Dimity Bauds, Jfic--. onett and lanen' Flounces, Mourning Robes, Plain Moumiug and Traveling Collars. lFnEN AXD DOMESTIC GOODS. Irish Linens, Linen Sheetings, Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Fine Bird's Eye Diapsr, Huckaback aud Medicated Towel, l.iee ami Muslin Cmtains, Bleached aud Domestic Sheetings, Bed Tickings, Ac, Ac. MANTLES. The mo-- t beautiful Spring ami Summer Mantles ever owned in Nashville. Also.Silk for Mantles WHITE GOODS. Jdiill Xansook, Hair Cord, Striped Sivisu, Chocked Jacc-- 1 netts. Dotted Swiss Muslins. Blue and White Silk Hose, Thread and English Cotton Ihjse, .Misses Silk and Cotton Stockings, beuutilul Ribbous, Bonnets, Fans, Mitts, Kid Gloves. MOURNING GOODS. Alpacas. Challeys, Black and Plaid Silks, Black Crapes, Berages, Ginghanis aud MiisJing, blue Kept Silks, without lustre. Mouiniug Collars and Sleeves. FOR MEN AND BOYS. Cloths, Cossimercs Cottonades Drillings, Summer Coat- ings, Li-i- e Thread Shirts, Liueu and Silk Shirts ; Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs strqed Lislio and Cottou Half-Hos- e, Ac.Ae. Wc will take great pleasure in showing our Stock, feel-- , lug assured wc will be able to offer such inducea'ents, ait reirards stv le aud prices, as to he conceded by all. w. a, a j, (L McClelland. Nashville March 29, 1553. CURREY & MARTIN. CiniHICAI. HALL. NEW AND FRESHARRIVALSTJY CURSEY & MABTtN. AXD liR COGJ$TS, No, S.", CSI0X. STItreT, sasqviiie, tcxx, QOPA IVATEIt. As warm weather is approaching Vj we hare fitted up anew our Soda Founts, and are pre- pared to dkpense as pure and as eoti Soda Water as any other house m tlie city. Ours shall be tlie fiejlui ultra fount. The syrups arc all made of the finest quality and most deli, cate flavor. We shall be happy to rece'nc the patronage of our citizens and ofitraiipilirs visiting the city. r3fOur Soda FuunU v'M nut U nun ort tie Sillitih. CUR HEY MARTIN april?2 X. DG Union street AIMUVALii.-Bai.-sm- s, Counter, Paint, NEW Dusters, Gilders' Tins, Badger G miners; Hearth, Extra Floor, Lamp Brushes, Clainp Scrubs; Popes' Heads lor l luuuwBj nuiue auii tiui, lueiHer ou au umci i urie- - ties. just received and for sale low by ap22 CaitREY A M.VRYIN. No. 35 Union st. Vl ALE'S CELEBRATED BARBER SOAPS. T 10 dox bars just received bv p3-- " CUUREY A MARTIN. T7't)Il BATII1NU Bath ISelLs, liath Gloves, Bath I; Brushes and Uth SpuOMst just received by aP23 C'L'ltRKV ii MARTIN. POWDERS, Of Haskell, Meiuuch A SELECT have just received an additional supply of these pure and unadulterated medicines, which are especial- ly reoommcuded to the attention of physicians. We arc al- so supplied with Pan's CbemlcaU; Powers i Weightman'a Chemioalsj Tilden A Co's Extracts; Henning's English Extracts; Mauder, Weaver A Mander's Chcalcals; Thoir.a ' Extracts, Ac All of which are warranted pvre and genuine. The Pre- scription department of our establishment is supplied ex- clusively with these pure and unadulterated medicinei Au aduUeraUd Ipvyt, JlctlaUier, or Cfamiealt can find a placeln cur stor. CURRKY A MARTIN. SLOWER SEEUS, 1000 papers of rare and select I; Flower Seeds, just received pr exproii from Philadel- phia. Many of these seeds have just been Imjiortcid from Europe, ana are entirely new to our western gardens. Also in store, a large and fresh (warranted) snpplv of Garden Seeds. CURUEY A MARTtX," mwoh?t No. 35 Union street. DE. BLEDSOE'S ALISATITS COKPQTJND Trie Memtdy veer all linnediu fur IU liiseawof tit Liter M'ipeptia, Enlargement and tiifijuutian of tie Spleen Ileariburnt, Colic FUtlalence, f'iltt, Conttlrpatinn, all dueasetof the lioitelt, and ttuch dlteatn as arite. frotna ditorderd ttate of Vie Stomach, Liter or JloirtU, at from, whUh ZaJiti frtqueiitlii mfer, there it not it tv'on nr tsr m(w ilium - rpHE inventor of this preparation was for three years s JL completely prostrateil from Dyspepsia and inactivity o( tf Jjrer that lie was frequently for weeks at a time unable to raiwlihftsiilffixiin hisbw. Hesought aid from phvsicians at home and in Europe, bt h rifl," !)!? case was nniuounccd hopeless by thousands, nnd it wits by accld&nt that hp in curing himself. Since he lias been practicing ined-icin- e, his success in such cases has been unrivalled. He has been aware of the incredulity of the public, and coiise-Tlfflt- ly 'aid nothing through the press of his own until the clwrptfr of tlif medicine was fully established by its success, as hown Vy tlip cpytiflpatcs vvhich have Of pn adveriiscd. I subjoin the certificate of Prof. il. Gadbeiit, of Meoiphis, Tenn., with whom I otlen advised duriug the time ot my 'suffering. Memphis, Tcnn., April 17,1352. - I hereby certify that I liave been acquainted with Dr. J X". Bledsoe and some years ago he was reduced I wl eve lower than I have ever seen any one that afterwards recov;r-c- d, with what! .unpesad to bo'Dysp? psi j and L.iyer- a!ection( aud after trying the prescriptions 0) many physicians in this as well as other countries, without relief, he finally suceaJed with a preparation of hU own in being restored to good health. M. GABBEET, M. V. Physicians arc rcquestc-- to try this preparation. We feel satisfied it will sustain the character w c give to it in this publication. January 12,18-"2- . Da. Bleihok: I take the liberty and fell it to Le my duly to recommend to all persons guftering from disease of the stomach and bowels, vour Alterative Compound, as a very sejierior medicine. My son, aged 15 rears , had been under medical treatment about five years tor dyspepsia .and diar-iho- a wlion having almost despaired ol his recovery, I con- cluded to try rotjr Alterative, two bottles of which, f believe, entirely cured him. MJ0AJAU CAYCE. Hcxtsville, Oct 17,1353. Dr. Bledsoe Some time has eiapsed since I gave a cci tificate that my wife had been greatly benefited by your Alterative Compound, I now tike pleasure iu saying to tho public, that my wife had fur three or tour years been subieet to tlm worst kind of siclls of cramp iu the Momach fmm dyspepsia. 1 had tried of several whom I thought to be ) the best physicians in the place and a great many differen . medicines, with momentary relief. Being persua'ded to try ' vonr alterative compound, I did so ami I am happy to sav ' that it has entirely cured her; aud I would conscieLtioiisly recommend it to all persons suffering from diseases of tlie liverand dyspepsia. X. B. ROBERTSON. J HcxTSViLLE, Sept. 20, 1S51. Dr. Bledsoe Having seen the publicatiou of your Alter- - ative Compound, I think it my dut v te say to the public, tbat j I had becu for years subject tii spells of "Cramp Colic, in its worst form; tliat 1 had tried almost everv thing that is gi Ten by physicians, and never found any tiling that would cer ' tainly 1 etfe 1 t me, until I tried the above medicine , which lias j relieved me iu every attack iu less than an hour. WM. B. LLOYD, j Giles Coo-tt- , Tenn., Dec 23, 1351. DcBlxdsoe: I feel that I should tall short of my duty to you and to tho-- e who are afflicted, were I not to "further recotirnend vour Alterative Compound. It has entirely re- lieved me, so that I liave not had Qaiise to take anything in two months. I (311 tut anything I waut with impunity, and believe my health is as good as it ever is at my advanced age. Should 1 eversuferfi-u- dyspepsia again I shall bo sure to call ou you, I aia very respecttul v vour friend. " ELIZABETH J. UARW00D. Hdxtsville, Ala., August 24, 1S51. This is to certify, fiat I had suffered for many years with Dvspepsia aud Dfseosei of the Liver. Physician "after Phy- sician had prescribed for me without mv receiving any ben- efit, when I commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's Alterative Comjiound, which curwd me soundly, and I recommend it because of the some liappv effect upon others of my acquaint nce. JOSEPH CAROTHERS. Hcxtsville, ALi., March 8, 1S52. Dr. Bledsoe: Sir : Judging from tlie certificates you have already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for me to add further evidence iu regard to the healing virtues of your Compound; but I mnst sav, that for years I suffered a great deal from Dyspepsia and enlargeuieut of the splceu, aud thought that I never would recover. I commenced tak-in- " your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained 25or SO txiuuds, and feel about as well as I ever did. HENRY J. GOFF. jyThe above medicine is forsale in every Drug Store in the citv, and most of the towns in the State. G. vHEX-DERSHOT- T, General Agent, for wholesaling the med- icine. JSTFriceTl per pint Bottle. novlS lvd tr DlTTWM. JIcLANE," INDIAN AND GERMAN BOOT DOCTOR, ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Xashvillf and vicinity, that he lias returned again after a resi dence of fourteeii years in the South, and pcnnanentlylii. cated himself in South Nashville, at the corner of Was! ington and Pearl streets, where he "may at all limes be fount by those who may w ish to consult hira. fie has in his nossession many certificates from men f eminent standing certifying to the permanent cure of the lUOSl OlsiresSIIlg cases 01 luciuiiunmg uiseases, ii: ei- vous Affectious Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chills and Fevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Coughs, Incipient Con- sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fit?, Dropsies. Cancers, Ulcers, Scroffulous, Hemoptasis of the Lungs, and other Hisnorages; Diarrhosi, Diseases of llie Kidneys, Mer- curial and Venereal Taints of the Blooil; Diseases of Chil- dren, Woruis aud various other Diseases incident to the hu- man system. ' Dunm? his residence in tho South, he attended to over ten thousand different cases, all of which he treated with more than ordinary success. Dr. McLanc hiqics from his much experience in the Medi- cal Profession and the degree of success that has attended his efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronage of the sick and atllicled. Nashville, Feb 'J ly. DR. WM. McLANE. Eff"All letters addressed, post-pai- to South Nashville. JOSEPH F. DUNT0N, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods House, Xo. 51, I'Mic Square, Xashcille, Turn. now in store a large and well assoi ted Stock of the HAS desirable goods of the season, embraciug every description and quality, rrencii Jiaiiuiias, mooous, ouk Drap GoodSjWhitc Goods of all kinds.Iccs and Embroide-- , ries, French Jaconelts, Jiwns and Cambrics, Bareges, Barege de Ijaines, Brilliantines; a variety of other Dress Goods, Hosierv of all kinds, Hats ufal! descriptions, Hard-- 1 w are, etc Ixwking Glos-c- s, a large variety of Guns aud Pis--1 tola, besides a great variuty of Trimmings and every descrip--' tion of Goods, to which he now submits the inspection ol Merchants of thecity and country trade, to which stock will be added daily, desirable goods from tlie East Merchants Tnerally, are invited to examine my stock aud conijarc firiccs with that ot ether houses in tho trade ! feb2S J. F. DUXT0X ODA AVATER AFL'ARATUS, for manufac- turing, S draa:ing andtntlUing, of the latest and most np- -: proved construction, manufactured and for sale, w. ith ex-- 1 plicit printed directions for its use, by JOHN MATillsns. CORXB OP rlRST AVEXCK AXD.i- - 4 RECT, Opposite Bellevue, X'ew Vork The only establishment devoted exclustvely to the manu- facture ot SODA WATER MACHINERY , Ac, in the United State, and where nray be found a large assortment of every article connected w ith the business including Materials Ac jan 27 Sm Established 20 Years. D. S. A W. H. WOODWARD. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and Texas Land Agents. Particular attention paid to fillinar orders Office, over the store of W. T. Smith A Ca, No. tfs Magazine street, Oct S, 1S52 Cm New Orleans. COO Gingham and Whalebone UMBRELLAS Received Md for ole by A. MORRISON A CO. MISCELLANEOUS. HABDWABE AND CUTLERY. FALL i CIINNINGIIAJI, No. 47 CoixuiE ii, Temx. ARE now; iii receipt of their entire stock of HARDWARE A.;and CLTLLRi for tLeSpringTrade, and in calling the attention cf the mrnliants of Middle ami list Teime see, Kentucky, and North Alabama, to their large and varied assortment, theyfrel confident tha'. it will compare favora- bly with thatot any House in anv country., and when the iteuuif Trausportuticai is considered, it will bo found tliat -- AV.'-.' should prompt, all dealers in this section of the country to encourages home market. They tlie attention of Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Fanners visiting Nahvillelo their assortment of Tools Farming Implements, Ac, a large stock of which they always keep ou haid. irathcrif (lining and 2?rt:rar, taken at the highest mar- ket prices in exchange for goods or in payment of debts. Fcb.2g,lS53. J "THOU HAST A CHARMED CUP 0 ! TAME T' 'Likc to the Poutic sea. Wlawe icy current and comptlsir course Nq'st fjefs rething ebb, but keciis due oa . ,, T.. r..n..,7..T. ,1 ,. So the undying fame, bright as the ot sunset bales o'er the laurel brow'd," deservedly tfconlcd to those Truly fortunate and well known Exchange and Lottery Brokers, l'Yl'ER & CO., Batimote, 3Id. Will "keep due on," until their popularity extends from the "icy Capos of Labradoro.- - to thj scarchinjf sands of Nubia's Desert, and until the Uosannas of a Universe extol their name inonc'prolonged shout that shall frighten the reign ot chaos, and suirtle scared echo from hcrcaverued sleep. "In lazy apathy let stoics boast." The grateful praise duly received from every section of the couutry, from those who have been snatched from tlie brink of despair by the untiring efforts of tlip.o and popular Lottery Agents, is Hip only reward they covet for devoting their ciierpes to tie pqtihe service; to them "praises are wages." The immense amount of good that PYFER & A CO. the Truly Lucky and d Lottery Agents No. 1 1 Jght Street, Baltimore, Md. Have accomplished by pre- senting tu the ptiblio monthly a schedule of unsurpassed schema of Legal and IiitpoMiUe Latiene. In nresentinsr to our numerous ct.rresnondents throughout the country our very brilliant and elegsnt schemes for the month of May, we enjoin those, whose expectations were unt fatly realized ia April, in the language of the Poet, to "Attempt theeud, and never staud to doubt : Nothing's so hard, but search williind it out" READ THE HKSt'LT OF PERsiRi'ERANCE! In packageof Whole Tickets tho Brilliant Prize of $50,-- sii', iu uranu uonsoi. lottery ol itaryland, Class a 1, was ; sent ier mail to un old curresiiouder.t iu Virginia. 1 20,000. iu nack.iLT; of Halves suit to South Carolina. ' 815,000 in package ofWIiole Tickets sent to Pennsylvania ' $ 1 1.000, iu package of Wholes Tickets, scut to Georgia, j $3,000, ja package of Hal i es, sent to South Carolina. ! $20,000, in packageof flitarters, soat to Tuiinessec I 12,000, in package ot 44i tickets sent to Ulna. , Jf.oOOin package of quarters, sent to North Carolina. 5,000, iu packaged Wholes sent to North Carolina. Zif lie sure to address for a haudsome Prize, VYmn co, Xot 1 LiyUtirect, IiaUiutarelMafylaV, Splendid Schemes for ATay, 1833. J3?Tbe Certificate Prices 0r packages of quarter tickets only, are given Ijelow, Date. Capital Xaof Price of Price of May. Prize. Ballots. Tickets. Package. 125,000 7S Xos. 13 drawn $ S 00 2d,00i) 75 Xos. 12 drawn 5 IS 00 01.000 7SNos. 14 drawn 10 55 00 25,000 75Nos. 12 drawn 5 13 0C C 24,i 00 75 Xos. 13 drawn 5 13 00 7 40,000 TSNijs. lidrs.'vn Vj 4" 00 9 75 Xos. 12 drawn CO 00 10 lb.Gofl 7a Xos. 12 drawn 5 19 00 11 50,000 75Xo. 18 drawn 10 35 00 12 25,Wi) 7SXos. ,15 drawn 5 ljt 00 13 13,500 73 Xos. is drawn 4 15 00 14 50.0"') 75X'os. 11 draivn 15 SS 00 76 X'os. IS drawn S 30 00 75 Xos. 12 drawn 5 IS 00 73 Xos 12 drawn 10 40 00 75 No. 15 drawn 5 15 00 78Xini. 13 drawn 5 IS 00 75 No 14 drawn 10 50 00 73 Xos. 15drawn 8 25 00 75 Xos. 12 drawn 5 1 8 00 7SXos. IS drawn 10 40 00 75 Xos 12 drawn 5 IS 00 75 Xos Hdntrni 4 13 00 7SXos. 13 drawn 32 120 00 75 Nus. 13 drawn 8 50 00 73 Xos. 13 drawn - 5 IS 00 I 10 of 12,000 17 21.00") IS SO.S09 19 20,000 20 2t,ViO 21 4'5,'XX) 23 20,000 24 20,000 25 3S.0OO 20 20,000 27 15,'nW 23 0,U00 'JO 2S.500 la,0o0 j"Drawings forwarded to Correspondents by the first mails alter the lotteries aro drawn. JXrCoTr'pouduiiti wiU please order a few days before the" lotteries are drawn. There is a large per ccntige in faror of those purchasers who order bv the Package, aud the chances of drawing four of the largest Prizes iu the Scheme, are thereby secured. We advise the purchase of Packages of Tickets iu every in- stance. JyBank Drafts or Certificates of Deposit payable in Gold at sight, will be promptly remitted to those Correspondents who'ilraiv prizes at P FKR A CO'S. J3f lieniember A l'ACKAUEof Tickets, can dr?w rocn of the most splendid prizes in a scheme. ISf'la order to secure a Fortune, and the cash immediate- ly after tlie result is known, the readers of this paer lave onlvto remit cash Drafts or prize tickets, to the Old Estab- - lislml fir famed mid trulr fortunate Exchange and Lotterr llmkers- - l 1 ll.lt , Vy f april 29 lm ai 1 L,ignt sireei, miiunore. jiu. ADHINISTRATOB'S NOTICE. Z is hcrebv triveu to all those indebted to Ebexe- - ZKit FisK. deccased.intestate.tocome forward and make navmeutand to all luvinir in possession auy of the goods and chattels of said deceased, t delirer them ; and all those baring claims agaiu-- t said deceased to present them proper- - t lv authenticate.!, by the lotli day of June next, or they will be fm ever barred. v. ii ii..iuui..t, marehll .juitrw Administrator. 250 hhds Sugar, now landing from steamer SUGAIt. for sale by MORRIS A STltATTOX'. CHARLES VT. SMITH, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONEE , Xo. 51, College Street. Law, Medical Religious and Miscellaneous SCHOOL, Also, Blank Books aud Stationer)-- , at lowest prices. J3TCountrv Merchants, and School Teachers supplied on the most favorable terms. Xashville, Tenn., teb. 2. RECEIVED. A superior assortment of JUST ReudyJliide Clothing, consisting of Black Cloth Frock Coats; Rlacli Drap d'Etat Sacks; " " " " " Colored !"; " " Sacks; Fancy Cassitnere do; Bufll white and figured Marseilles Vesm. And a varietv of other clothing, embracing a fine and eleuant assortment 1. J- - ltuuuil, Cedar street. G. MACOEEGOR, X. E- - ALLOWAT, J. BAXEUEAD. MACGBEGOR, ALL0WAY A CO., CO 31 MISSION MERC H AN T S , 55 St. Cuarles Street, (third Store above St. Charles HoteL) New Orleans. . . . . , . . .. t r mi' - ,! ',. 1 ' T.. nM .4 all times prepared to make liberal cash advances on ship ments to us. scpHi RAM AG E AND CHURCH Wholesale and Bstail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Vallise3 and Carpet Bags. Ay. 42, College Street, Xtslicille, Tennessee. constantly receiving direct from the best Eastern ARE a great variety of LadU and (Untie-turn- 's Jintj and Shoe, of the LaUU Style, suitable for either City or Cmntry Trale, which are offered eery line by hsiiactuge, dozen, or single jiair. Country Merchant and II tii'er arc invited to examiue our Stock before purehas-u- g. inarchlHl BAMAGE A CHURCH. IRA A. STOUT, COACH MANUFACTURER, No. 5 Clark Street, Nashville, Texx, Xexldoor to M. S. French' Grocery Warehouse, and op- posite Morr'u d: Stratum' A LL kinds of carriages for sale, with harness csCXJO the Clark Street Manufactory, and warranted, and will be sold on as good Terms, lor Cash or good notes, as any w ork made iNortii or lust. Repairing done with promptness and dispatch, and all persons leaving work to repair may rely on getting it when promised. All orders promptly attended to. maris. PHLLI? SCHLEFFELIN, HAINES A CO.'S SELECT MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS. hare just receircd a full supply of theabore arti- cles, WE consisting in port as follows : Pow'dTurkev Opium, extra; Extract Hops extra; " " ' Rhubarb; " Quassia, " " Indian " Butternut," " Gum Arabia" " Chamomile, extra; " " Gudiacom, cxtia; " Dandelion " " " Gamboge " " Opium " " " Tragacarlh " " Bliubarb " " Alexandria Scuua " " Sarsaparilla, solid; " Sulp. Iron, " " " fluid; " Turkey Mvrrlr, " " Syrup Iodide of Iron; ' Colonvnlh" l'llhi " " Dutusqilies " " " Comp.cxtColocyuth, " Croton Oil in bulk, ex. " Cnliebs. extra " " smal vials; " Calabria Linuorice " " Solublt Citrate lion " Erirfit " " Cod hirer Oil; " Socotrinc Alois " " Confection Scuna; " Capo " " Ext Valerian; " " " Blue Virgin Scamniouy Moss; Assafuilida. Together with a complete assortment as go to make up a physicians bill. Tiiese medicines are used and prescribed bv all the leading physicians in the union in preference to any onier. 11 c are uu irepuiuo 10 un unis wuu 01c ioiu-- . medicines that the country can produce and upon the most reasonable terms. lroscriptions alwars prepared wilh these pure and select medicines. STRETCH A ORB, Druggist, corner Union and Cherry street, Nashville. apri!2 SELF-HEATI- SAD IRON. received a few of the new patent Self-Heat- ix JUST Iroxs by whicli, with tho assistance of a cent worth of CAarcoal, the Ironing for a large family may be done iu the shade under the trees', and requires no large lira in the kitchen iu tho beat of Summer, april S SX0W, MACKEXZIE A CO. AMERICAN.1 NO. t. DRUGS, &C. H. G. SCOVEL, Drttsvist nnd Apothecary, KurlKudt f llC Puliie &ate, Zduort UrltfUe Jiutiriie Jim. - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in I aixts, Riti-siiL- PsitrraEEr, Powper, Oils. Drt Srcrrsy Soot, , .Vaksisues, Glass; Gusswaee, Lead, SLTRGIPAI. AVr TIFVPAT. VTiU:OAUD0SILVALSl'PPOSrlaad.Ti:VSSES W.VSH1TA OIL STONES, Drugs, Medicines, Chrmieals, &c. XadrSlt, March 11, 1353L "lnn L,;S- - PRINTER'S IXKr-Wint- er. Spring, Sum-- X U, V. mer Fal1 ol&c "est qualit v, for sale br " rtU ?L G.'SCOVEf I7RESII OARDE.V SEEDS, from Landretb, Rialev and for sale by II. U. SCOVEI a1 RASS SEEDS, in variety, for sale br marchll H.G. SCOVEL. LYOX KATHAIRON, fdrthe icIeis in New York city, as an Tidmirable preparation, and an edectual reined v for baldnpo and thl'mi. i,fr.,f ihr. hair, canning it to grow luxuriantlr, rendering it soil; rloi--c L.?!, anJ P?!W.J-srteJf- e P " T YOXS ESSENCE JAMAlfiA niVfiEI! fnr Ttrir- - sia, Gout, libeumatism, Cramp, Cholera Morbus, ClioTic, Ac, Ac, which is ono of the best mvnarations of theflav u j trial will convince the iucre-iuluus-, for sale hy marchll II. R. SCOVEI,. GALVAXISM-Christi- e's Belts, Bracelet!, Fluid, Rings fur sale by the only agent in Nashville, marchll II. G. SCOVEL T AXtJHORX A ARMISTEAD'S SUPERIOR TOBAC- - X- -J CO, for sale Wholesale and Retail br marchl 1 H. G. SCONES l) IFLK POWDER Conutcticutaud Tenuessee RiHe Povy I dor, warranted best quality, forsale by marchll H.'G. SCOVEL. "VTEATS FOOT. Ret'me.rTonners, Ijrd, Linseed and LitotoH)iLsfors:ileby 11. G. SCOVEL. SMITH'S SUGAR COATED PILLS, justiswived aiid by marll If. G. SCOVEU f pEAS Block, Young Hysoii; Imperial, Gunpowder, and JL Exlra Carious Black Tea. These Teas are ot good quality and liave given satisfaction,' fur sale br marchll H. (i. SCOVEU "T7" ANTED. 20,001 to ZH)Q dollars in South Caro- - tt ii'ialiauk 4oies and tW.OOO Gergia liank Xotes, wanted immediately by aprilS D. PEARL A CO. GOLD for sale. it Urrai $25,0004? april9 I). PEARL & CO. EASTERN ILYCHANtJE. We are drawing on and Philadelphia in, tanu to tail, at Bank raters. apriU ft PEARL A CO. 77ENT UCK Y RANK NOTES aud Checks forsale JLV by prilli D. l'KARL A CO. "A rOniI,E aud New Orleans Bank Notes wanted bv Hi apnlil D. PPARL A CO. Elt wonted imniediatclv br 810,000 D.PEAP.LACO. Gt UNl'OH'DER MAXUFACTURED BY THE HAZARO Powder Company of Connecticut f 1000 kegs Kentucky Rifie Powder, 25 lbs each. 500 haffkegs do do do do; 2o0qr. kegs do do do Gj do do; SOO tegs Deer do Uo 83 do do; lOOO kegs Blaitlng do 23 do do; 500 lbs do (5 kegs each) do 123 do do; 300 canisters fine Rille do 1 pound. Tlie above jiowder has just been received direct from the manufactory of the Hazard Powder Company the qualitr of which is well known throughout the United Slates. All rdor Dapot S.H. L00MIS. Acnt marc!i2--" for the Hazard Powder Company. COACH MAKTlfG. r'r'HE undersigned would respectfully in- - X form their friends and the public'that iSS tlicy hare taken the old stsnd of C. T. Watson, o.M, ftcaderick st, where they intend to carry on COACH MAK-IX- hi all its branches We will keep constantly ou hand an assortment of Carriages, which we will dispose of ou reasonable terms. Carnages of every description mad to order promptly. Repairing done on reasonable terms and Die public may rely upon getting their work when promised. Work entrusted tons will be warranted to be of the best workmanship and materials. rifliLACKSJHTHING. Every description of BLACK- SMITH'S W0KK executed in the best manner on liberal terms. STH0RSE SHOEING. We have in our employ expert enccd HORSE SHOEItS, and the public may relv'oo getp'rjr their horses shod in theneatest maimer. All workert zrui to our care will be under the immediate superinUsdi.c 1! the Proprietors, and no pains or expense spared to give sat- isfaction to all. We respectfully solicit from the public a liberal share of their patronage. feb2 ly CRAM A SHEPHERD. D.TRIGG. Grocer, Commission, Receiving A Forwarding Merchant, dec SO Beovd Street, Nashville. Texx. "lV TRIGG, has oiiened his largoand comnio- - XJ, dious Ware lfou-- e on Broad Street, be-- fit r,tt..n nn,l rim. ciiu.ii Wrii, .;,!. yiSSlMl where he is prepared to STORE goods of almost any kind ami quantity on reosonaoie terms, lie wilt also auentt to Receiving and Fonvarding. Havingone of the Largestaml most couveuint house iu the city, located at an intenuediatu point between the upper River Landing and Railroad. De- pot BAMAGE A CHURCH, Wholesale and Betail Dealers in Boots and Shoes, COLLEGE ST, XASHVILLE. E are again in receipt of a large assorted stock ot ' Roots, Shoes, nnd Brognns, direct from the manufactory; Ladies Misses and Children's fine Gaiters, Boots, Exccllors Slippers and Paris Ties of every descrip- tion; Gents' superior Calf Water-Proo- f D. S. Boots super fine Calf Stitched and Pump Sole Dress Boots: WaUtmff Shoes, Oxford Ties, Patent and Congress Cloth Gai ters; Boys and 1 outlis tsocits.blMiesandlii-ogansjtJrerbboe- s 1 for Men", Women and Children, and Cork Sole, Ac. Ac j We aslc mirctiantsana planters 10 examine our storK. '.1 e give bargains tor cash. RAMAGE A CH URCH. dcc2 w JUST BECETVED BY D. TRIGG, Broad-stray- . nflA CANS Holt A Mottlv's fiesh Oysters; Ul 3 bbls Crushed Sugar; 5 bbls Pulverized Sugar; 25 bbls best Cider Vinegar 100 bags Fine Suit; 20 bxs W. R. Raisins fresh; 20 lialf boxes W. R, Raisins; 25 boxes Cheese; 10 boxes Codfish: 25 bbls Molasses; 25 boxes Dried Herring; J 50 dozen Brooms; 3 tierces Fresh Rice; I 25 bags Coffee; 25 dozen Buckets, painted; 25 boxes: Tallow Candles; z. boxes Star Candles. I Also Teas, Matches Bed Cords, Koe Herring. Mackerel, Ac, Ac , which will be sold cheap for Cash or Barter, janlu j STILL THEY COME! FBESH ARRIVALS DAILY!! COMPETITION DEFIED I! ! T TMIE subscriber respectfully announces to theciti- - v32 rv...i :i 1 ,: 1 that 1R 1 zcus ui osu, 10c auu buiiuuuuii.1; mumo he is still receiving large auditions to Lis aire:adyim- - Iff ' meu-- e stock ot Gents Fashionable Spring nnd 'Sninmer Ready Made Clothing, r'l!!.lc,!le!r,relMt0;.Sn,T.il,,,,UAS lmV AS AXY ' uilir.i. uuuii 1.1 xiiLd TRA DE. , Alreadyin store Fine Brown, Bine, Black and Olive Frock and Dress Coats of the Litest stv les, French Tweed. Casli- - merette. Plush, Drapd'Ete, Silk Lustre nnd Grass Liueu Frock, Sack, Box, and Polka Coals, Ac, Air, Ac. Pants and Vests of every color, shade, pattern and quality to suit the most Fastidious. LIKEWISE a fine assortment of Gent furnishing arti- cles, consisting of Fiue Shirts, UnderShirts, Drawer Cra- vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Hats Caps, Trunks, Va lises, v,ariei iigs, it, c. ,fS waX Tenuessee Clotliing Depot, No. 3-- Market St, directly op posite Union street J"No connexion with any other house in thecity. N. B. Xot to be sold or undersold by any man or combi- nation of men. n L.P. Country Merchants in particular arc earnestly invited to call and inspect my block previous to purchasing else'vhere uiarch2 1 THOMAS W. FLEMING, Commission M c r c'h 11 n t, CHARLESTOX, SOUTH CAROLIXA-- receive censignmenU of COTTON, CORX, BA- - WILL OATS, BUTTEK, FEATHERS; Ac. Ills bu siness in AucrsTA, will be continued as heretofore under lus direction. Rejersto Hon. Jonx P. Krxc, President, Georgia Rail-ra- id Company. II. W. Coxxee, Esq, President, South Ca- rolina Railroad Company. P. S. Major A rust cad Wall ii my General Agent in Tenncssecanil North Alabama. declS 2md w NEW FURNITURE, Ac. E are now receiving, and will con- - lis! w .., iinueio receive ior some nine, i a tT n1 1 large stock of Fcexiture, consisting of-- SuienJi,l Itoscwood and Mahog.iny Parlorfcts, which will J ue fin;siiea to order, in Brocatcll and Phtsb, or Hair Cloth; a j,,, .ts; al., splendid Rosewood and Mahogany I Uiiamoer sets. lOgcuier wuu u ntca iiirieiy 01 oiue ltoar.l. ItIte.ul.s. Ward Itobes. Wash Stands. Tables. Chairs, Ac, Ac Which will he sold at tho very lowest rates, for cash orgcod notes drawing interest, aprja W. AT. H. GREENFIELD A CO. HIOESFOR SALE. 2 Women, with one child n wiuinut children, lour lioys from 3 to 13 years old. One Girl li years old. One Girl 10 vears old. We wish to buy immediately, seven young Women, four plough boys and two young men, for a widow lady in tho couutry. DABBS A PORTER, feb24 eoAw No. 33 CeJar street W. F. HARRIS & CO. Commission Merchant, MACOX, .t. Receive on consignment and sell all kinds of Prodcce. decSO Cm 15 boxen Lemons, received thin day by LliMO.NS. B. A J. NIXON STRATTON, SiTOHtWL giR-i- e ss&. ang Broadway. OOFFEIi-2- 50 bags prime Rio Coffee, in store and lor STRATT0N, SMITH A CO. -- a""!l Broadway 1LOIfR5,io bb!s.KIonr,Tario brands Just received by STRATT0N, SM ITH A CO -- 1? Broadly. O ALT lOOi) bbl Kanawha Salt; " " 0 ' 5 bags Coarse do;" COO do Fine do-I- n store and for sole by STRATTON, SMITH A CO Broadway. TJilOXiVU CASTI.t:.S- -8 loiu 20 tons ILUed do; 13 tons edCaiS SaIe.'lflUi,;3vloir tneloi I-.- j0r s , STRATTON, SMITH 4 CO, Broutvar. T G.n0.J.:VE ARJILSTILVD'S STJPE- - TOUAr(!(i V. -- Ji lor the we sale of the above justly celebrated Tobaccoin ash-vu- tc, arc and will continue to be constantly supplied. ntgl3 aili.VHUA,5JUXH & CO., Broadway. RLPJl1 -- rfferuslied, darned and powdered Su- - articles, all of which wUl bed u"u!nt?lv aulS STRATTON, SMITH 4 CO, " . Broadway. ? ?Kfll tlr.justreceiveandfori-alelow- ti ARR1V AIJ. 200 bblssnVeriornewwheTt oiL2!' STRATTON, SMITH I CO. f Uolc3 ,resh Western Iteserve Cheese. oorHMm..' 1 U o resale unusually low to close. STRATTON, SMITH A CO, dot 20 aj row war. VI II I """" "s'locajvuraui.'c lament in store. nor 2) STRATTON, S3I1TH A CO. , w. n. coatiox, & B. EXT AX. W. H. GORDON k CO.. ""SSIOy MERCHANTS. Tor tie sals 01 Merchardtse, generally, 1 -- J1? XASHTTLlt TtTX. ' I "UliACCO. -- 150 Boxes Keen A Co, Stt.uy Mill' To- - JL uicco; 50 Boxes Keen A Co ftlltlrtiniil TaKaam. 150 do Smbbleneld T?' 150 do l!oaz For sale by J'" W. II. CORDON A CO. 71 LASSU'AIH -- Sim Boxes lint Hiusts; 1 1 wxes yuart ,i 5o0 do Tumblers, assorted for,!, h. )an3 W. IL GORDON A CO. CIGARS' 5 Cases Ion Tim Mareas Cigats; La Xatiooal do j,, K a Jennv Lind do da 5 ik Wandering Jew do do 2 do Spotted Cathedral da do 2 do LaFiet do do 3 do Moute Cristo do da W.00iDavsMcIeo do do jan3 W. H. GORDON A CO; MORE NEW PIAN0ES. WE liave received by recent arrivals nine of those unrivalled 1'iasos. madelllHHH by J. Ik Dunliam and idara Stoiturt A Co, olfT rfl vanousstylesand sizes which H be sold verf low tor cash or g,d notes drawing inter eit, and warranted to give satisfact iou in every respect apr2i W.AT.H. GREENFIELD A CO. DR. FRASK'S MAGNETIC OINTMENT. MR. WINTERS had lost nearlr all of Ins hair and A had been bald for manv renrs- - hrthn osa of lire An. tUi eftie MjiHiHic Ointnuit, ha. I hU hair entirely re. ttortd, and now lias as beautiful a head of Hair as any man. eoiua wisli. JI13 age is about 50 years. A son of Mr. Warren, of this town, 14 years of pe, had been afflicted with the Asthma from his cradle- - He had the benefit of the best medical advice that a lormg and wealthy father could procure, without avail. It was one of the most aggravated cases I ever saw; he was emaciated al- most to a skeleton. By the use of' a few bottles of the Oint- ment he was cured, and for seven nx nths past hast enjoyed robust health. This was an extreme case of infiamwtion, if tht tpltm. of long- standing; has a vai iety of treatment troni no less lhaii eight different physicians without receiving benefit wxi cured bvthe use of only four bottle or the Magnetic Oin- tment This was four months ago.oid tho lady is Jlrv ham, i.s still in good health, amiable to attend to her usual lion.-elio- ld duties. I liave treated two cases cf Cironie Sir ;vs wilh the Ointment, bott of the patients eo nearly Uiml, as to nets 1 an attendant to had .hem from place to place. One of them liad been afflicted 13 rear?, the other about Oyears. They bad tried the best physicians in th State, without benefit; and one of them had been under tho treatment of the celebrated Dr. Muzxy, of Ciocinuati, Tor eighteen months, ami had expended hundreds of dollars in ram efforts to effect a core. They are now by taaot tho Magnetic Ointment, ncrly or quite cured; and are able to read and attend to any ordinary business. I hare used tho Ointment in a number ef cases of Piles, and in no case haul faillofiiiring i,lt,,,luierrlfamliKneraM,japer7Hanent cure. I have also used it beneficially in severe cases of Ery- sipelas And last bit not least, I hare within the hut Tear cured tour cases of CANCER by the tue of the Magnetic Ointment alt net From a thorough trial of the Ointment in nearly every disease for which it is recommended, I can confidently re- commend it to be one of the most useful remedies crer of- fered to the public Respectfully Yours. .BURTON' HUEBELL, M. D. Dated Jn 27, DOT, Amelia. Ohio. The character of this Ointment, as an efficient rcmedr, is established in this city. There are quite a numterof indi- viduals who ascribe their restoration to health ti the tu ol tins extraordinary Ointment For sale by H. U. SCOVEL. BERRY A DEMOVILLE. tnayS CAUTWRIGHTA ARMSTRONG. Indeed 'tis true that the World's Fair of eighteen fifty-thr- Will be held in our happy land of liberty; But true, 'lis true, too, that cheap good are tor sale, At the Philadelphia Store, both Wholesale and Retail. Ladies, if therefore a handsome Dress yea wish to get. Silk, Berege, Tissue, Lawn or Jaconet; One tliat's suitable for Spring or Summer wear, Yon buy it cheap at No. , on the Square. Or if your intention is a Rich Shawl to buy, Then please at the Philadelphia Store apply; For Snawjs are sold at prices extremely low, At the lliihulelphia Store of Sohn, llillman A Co. If Collars Chemisettes, Xeedle-wor- k Sleeves, CulfsorilneEmbroide'red Handkershiets Yondesiretopiuxlia.se extraordinary cheap, tU the PhiladelpUa Store sudi article alwars " keep. . 1 .1 , . . , , ur 11 you. wi?u aj arasoi as iianusomc as ctcv" seen. Tlicn i.Icat-- examine tlio-- e at Number Eiehteoi: . . There si the Fine Satin, Watered Silk and Embroidered Bro. cade, Aud every other kind that ever was made. If a ltonnet of Ihe latest style you want, Rutland Gim, Gossamer or Rich Blond; Yonll find tliem all. and that chean too. At.hePhUadeiphiaStore,fortheir-stocV3enfirelyne- Of course there arc many things which we cannot hoe men lion, : TowhichjWe would solicityonr kind attention; Iu fact almostany thing in the Dry Gcxxb line. You'll find there. Irani qualities mfeiior to the mcsl super- fine. And daily too wc sliall receive many extras Perour friends Adams A Co's. great Express; Who, unless there occur accidental delays; Brings us the goods from the East hi ten days. Our motto is positively "one price and no deviation," So Ladies, r'08- ca" wlUll" further invitation, At the Philadelphia Store, No. Is, PublicSquare, Where business is always done fair. L.H. Nashville, April 21, 1353. HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Hartford, Connecticut. JAMES DIXON", I"rcst. HENRY L. MILLEE, Sec'y. Capital and Snrplns $300,000. INSURANCE jplau. on lives of white persons on the joint stock Persons wishing to insuro cannot find a more rcsrrasible Company. Rf.i-e- e to W. B. Shepard A Co- -, Kirkman A Ellis Phil, lips A Hart, lJndsley A Crocket, Morgan A Aa, M. S.Pil-cuc- r, Esq. jTPamphlefs showing the advantage offered by this Company will be furnished upon application to the under-signe- d, who has been appointed agent tor the Company S. IL LOOMIS,gsnt. Northeast comer of the Public Square, NashvUle, Tean. V' f S' iUmx' I Medical Examiners. Dr. J. P. Iocd, gy Insurance on the tires of NEGROES on the most tenns. opril 12 2m. L H. M0BT0N. Dealer is Furniture and Pianos, Window Saade, Look ing Glasses, Mattresses, Ac, Union Sireei, near Cherry,- XuhciUe, Ttnntmet. kinds of FURNITURE made to Order or Repaired, ALL the shortest notice, and warranted. apritT 8m. HALF HOSE. We have just received a lot BOYS half hose for Boys. may3 MYER3 k McGILL,

Library of Congress · : ,tVOL.XXIY.: ""T:"-;,".-' ; ;.:r "NASHVILLE, TENN: SUNDAY, --MAY 22, 1833.""." ION AND AMEUIGiVy.. OFFICEr-N-o. y, DEADERICIC STREET. ' Till: WEEKLY D.VlOX

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Page 1: Library of Congress · : ,tVOL.XXIY.: ""T:"-;,".-' ; ;.:r "NASHVILLE, TENN: SUNDAY, --MAY 22, 1833.""." ION AND AMEUIGiVy.. OFFICEr-N-o. y, DEADERICIC STREET. ' Till: WEEKLY D.VlOX

: ,tVOL.XXIY.: ""T:"-;,".-' ; ;.:r "NASHVILLE, TENN: SUNDAY, --MAY 22, 1833.""."


Till: WEEKLY D.VlOX Is furnished to uhscrilrs ai-- .'tlicfolliwingiral4R:Singlo-oiifcs,"'0!ieyear inaarance. j

f-- SiVvrilhiu theyearj.3 fbeycir$4 00. j

'Clcim Oftlive anJ upwards $2 OOiper copy for oneveer.- - Club of nubscribers will b4 received forcxmtoitlis.

- -- nt the foregoing rales. - .

The published cveir:Tite.sday, Thursdayand Saturday, at $5 per annum in advance; if not paid

. '-- advance, ffi. -

The DAILY is,rmblihed nt Eight Dollars -


subscriptions.. , I..

"""Uetuittanccs of Mibscriptious may be made by mail at our- ' ' ' 1rist

" No paper wfflbo rent out of the State nnlesMbc order is ac- -" - -- couipunied with the caslu


THROUGH IN FIFTY TO FIFTY-FIV- E HOURS.New York and Charleston Steam Packets.

I fcAv to Adgcr s Iiarves el err Saturdayi atlernoou and each alternate vcdi)e.3ar.v,7T )rr"l"

J. bickin-Kin- , Coiuiiuindcr JIarlon, J.'iOO tons, M. BcrryCriimandSr.

Tlie Southerner. "VV. Tosfer, Commander, H ill leaveeach alternate Wednesday. Having been newly cop;ered '

auil jpiards raised, is now in complele order. 1

ror rreigm or passage, navuig kh-u- mic iui" auu-modation. apple at the o'Jice of the Agent, . i

HKMtV J11S5IMIU.N,ComerEast Bav and Adgerts Sou. Wharves.

Cabb'm p.i-g-e fSt. ' Steerage $S.N: 1!. A new Aiip will be placed on the L:nc to connect

with the Southerner on Wednesdays. feblT tnv


At the Sign ci the Spread Xagls, College Street.rpUE undersigned Is now prepared to execute all--JL kinds of W rought and Cast Iron Kcu&iig2pn.

AI-hj- , fieri-- varietv of Gates, Fancy Step, lialcony gefeS ,

and Verandah Railing. JIv woik will be executed as wellI

as any of tliat hi ought from the Eastern Cities, and at pricesos low as the same article can be procured elsewhere.

All kinds of Blacksmith Wk at the shorlestJiotice. Thepublic are requested to give ine a call and examiue my jiat-te-

and prices. I will endeavor to give the utmost satis-

faction. WILLI Ail STEWART,College Street, opposite the Firemen's Hall, Nashville.

mayl tf'

DBS. C. K. & J. D. WINSTON,their services to the citizens of .Nashville and vt

OFFER in practice of Jledicineaud Surgery.Office oil Cherry ?treet, near the Bank of Tennessee.Dr. J. I). Wiiton's residence, the house latelv occupied


Mr. Armstead, oa Vine street, between Church andj

TUST IlEGUIVED a I.. in.u-- ,

l Annul Stocks. Aoulr soou. T.J. HOUGH' 'febli . ' . Agent



"T0UT1MVEST comer of the Public Suuarc, near PlantLN ers' Bank, Nashville, Tcnn. j

3? are drawing Sight Checks on all the prineiialcities of the East.Soulh ami West at the lowest rates, "iusums to siut puichasers." I

ZSf We buy all kinds of current and uncurrcnt Bank j

Notes at moderate rates.fWe buy South Carolina, Georgia and X'orlh Carolina j

Rank Notes, at a Ten- small discount.1 We w ill piuvhase New Oilcans and Kentucky mon- -

ie at a fair premium.Zfi- - We liave (Wd and Silver fur sale will attend to .

collections--remittin- g oh any point requested at Bank rates,cliarge butj pcrceut. cominisMiuis.

We aie taking Bank of -1 Tennessi-- c the same as j

other Tennessee Lank Xotcs. iJf1" " "1


Cotton Factors and General Coaimbsion Merchants,.M-.- Ulil,r...5.

JTThcy keep an Ollk-- in Tuscnmbia, Ala.aiigiS 12m

FRENCH, Agent, Nashville, is authori7X-- toake ("ASH adai.ces upon shipments of Produce loth.ove linn.



HARRIS A-- CO.Forwarding ami Commission Jtrert'linnts,

s.i V.lSXAlf, OA.,Fonvard with care and dispatch to and from the Eastern

cities.or to any ixiint ileirvd. GOODS, PlHtKl'CE AXDMKKClIANDISlt of all ileciiptnms, and sell on oinmihion, PRODLCi: AND MKKtilAXDISE. They als., pur-chase to older GltOCEKIIis. which be bo'ight onmo- -t favorabe Ifyiis. in tlii Savannah market. They solicitvonr patronage, and pledge their utmost exertions to givesatisfaction. ilec.".0 f.m

ACXOI.IA COTTON We are a?eits for theM sale of-th- celebrated MAGNOLIA COT ION SEED,an article which seicral years exn-rieiir- with some of ourbest plantt'is lus pnneu to be belier adapted to Middle Tennessee Uian am lliat was eiergrown. van soon or ti.ev win '

all be gope. JOHNSON A SMITH,iaii2'. mdway

J. T. NATHURST' xoi'FEi: axp jn.vrAcrrh'i:n

Of W'arrfu' Fire ami II'ifcT Prcf tlixi7iw.

I DEEM it unnecessary forme to say anything in favor ofthis mode of Rooting; the constant increase of its

List seven jeirs that it lus been tested in near-- .ly.afl parts of the UniiAi, istheln-s- t evidence of its utilityand value. Tlie roof shows (or lf

on Spruce Street, second door from Cedar St.,in Moore's block. lebi lv


FOKD, C0XNECT1CPT.Jauks Dixov, Ires. Hexbt L Millee, Secy.

Capital and Snrplns $300,000.on lives of white persons on tho joint stock

and mutual plv.i.Also.-In-ura- ncc on the lives ofXegroe, on reasonable

terms. S. 1L LOOM IS,jun 1. Urn Agent.

"1 F.3IOA A L. I)U. II. W. HALL has removed, to theI V oilier and residence on Cherry street, opposi:e Judge

Catron's, near (kunehus A McCombs' Cabinet Warenwais.Jausr.


now in -- tore a full stock of BRITISH, FRENCH,HAS and AMERICAN

Dry Goods,aJapted to the present and approach tug season, and iowhjchhe will continue to receive additions by every steamerconsist in:r of

Black and colored Silks; French JIuslins;Dress do; 1'aiuted Iiwiis;

Etnbr'd and plain S iss; Printed PeiiansMuslins and Lit.-n--; Chene KoyaN;Embroideries and laces; Black Dress Goods;White Goods; French Printed Lawns;Hosiery; Bareges; '

Gloves; Crapes;Cravats; Craie IessCs;Line:! and Silk Hdkf; Tarltans;Satin and Silk Vesting.; I)rc Triinuiings;Silk and Satin Ribbons; Cloths and Cftssimeres, j

Cottoiiades. atikceiis. Kit mlins, Chauibn-- ,- Camlets,

T.. ...... T!1l- - :,, I., V,,..!;!, .,.,,1 j.i iMiintfBleached and Brown Muslins, Tileached and Brown Drill- - j

iugs, Cambncs, Silk and Liueu Cottons, Ac-- A I. ('

New Style Bonnets, Ribbons, Art'dieiul Ilowers and i

Wreaths, ltonnet Triniming-J- , Ac.Hals Cp, Il)Kt.s. Sins; , and a general slock of Goods,

which he is pnpared to offer at the lowest prices upon libe- - j

rat terms, aud iespecllull invites the attention of merchantsand the trade generally.

A.J. D. is .igeut for several lnn;e factories,mid will soon be largely supplied with theirnods. Xaslnille, Feb. 'j ., ls.v,.

VTOTICU, -- Iu consei!iencc of the Fneon Friday mora- -

L mg, veare compelled to suspend business for some- -

time, but will commence ag:mi as soon as wecan piocnre aMutable liou.!, ofuhich iluenotire willbe given. Iu iheliie.inliuie we hopeimr friends who are indehteil to u, and toEwin, llrownA Co., w ill wme fonvanl and settle up withoutilelay, that weuiiy meet our own cngigenients pr.wnptlv. (

We can be found at No. lk( on tlie square John SiehoPsold stand.

We would also take tiiis occasion to exni ess our gratefulthanks to those who have kindly fawned us and our picde-twsso-

with the.r julnmage; lo the Fire Couip inies andcitins, to whose exertion we aie mainly indebted forw hat ofotirgoods weie saved, aud to those kind friend, who '

M'tnpathisc with us in out luss.'feb2 EW1 BROTHERS."

PATENT CHOPPING MILL,I 'or Chopping Coin or other 'Jniin,.AK'trhd nil itk eetry Fnintir MtoM !,nre.

"TT will grind, w ith one or twohoix-mer- , from four to.1. Iie bushels an hour cithel JiuC fur bread or coarse (orsotek ami is sn smqile iu its construction, th it any Ikivtuvlrc vear. old can keep it iu order and run it. It is ad.ipteil to cither Stciim, liter or Hoim; Power., ILning sold thee. Hue ri-- of iiiaiiiilacluriiigand sellirgthe above Mill, in Tetm, to Messts. J. R. Cou-.- and A.C Howaril. o! N.ish , ,, .si, ui.hing to pmchase cantin.t them at J. M. Seaburv s, on (Allege Mrrrt, vhcr thevwill'be happy to take oulers. ltOSS'.V 1 DAMS.


niigj-s- .

OLDEN NVRl.'l'loqr. bbls Golden Syrup,

i, lo.hl. SugjriI01ise.M0l.wses,t. lihlsJawl'tMigir,

,, . ' " Ci'd. do,a Just ieceivedlro.il ht. Uiuis andforsilc hrj febaft- - .SAMUELSli--

. , llEKUJIAN S. SAltONI,- - ...."rofttsor-o- f Vocal Music, Iiutrnmental "Kusie and

Composition.Trims One Dollar a'!s-oU- f pivalileqiiarteriv. lA'tlers

addressed us above, will meet wlih inmiit attention.M2 -- lv.

7 STRAY BENTON ("OfNTi . Takn up by 11

111 F. Rushing, living in t'ivd Distuct No. six miles

North of Canidcii. one BAY 1IOKSK, 14' or 1.". hmdshigh; eight or ten v ears old, lelLeye out, white sadille sjhiis011 his back, and iuaiksof gears 011 his lett shoulder, lefthind foot white. Valued at -- 1". II. C CAMP,

mavltf jtvy Ranger ol Benton county.


". t . . , . NASHVILLE.

CAPITAL. 100,000 I 0 T,LA Ii S! ! ,Chartered by the Slate.

rpHIS Company laving fullr orsanized. isready to take risks on ail descrip fcsrsrr--

tiousof property, against loss or damage by y2EE?,s:'fire,also against perils of tlie orinland.uav- - Itt .

igalioa. Pjopositious fiirinsurancewill be received at theoffice ot theN.x-hrill- e lusurauceandTiustCo College St

" " l" A. W: JOHNSON, President.J. S. Dasuiixl. Scc'y. (Nashville, Oct. 8, 1S52.


Capital S250.000: All Paid 'in.T'lIAVE teen appointed Ageut of the above Company sit.X NashvUle, and uia fully prejiaied 1o tate Marine, iire,Kirer ItisS on the most iarorable terms.

Afull slaleiuent of the sojvencv of the Compny bopecn at'theollice of the Nashville Insurance and Trust Com- -

panv; oa College streeL- JVliA ti; i.fiim,iiii, Agent.


OF NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE.""FFICI" on Cedar Street, adjoining the Poft Office, and

insure ou prin- -

ILuaid4 of Inland Navigation and the Carcoesevrv desTriiition asainst the Perils of the SksK and Kirer.Also", the Lives of iersons in gnod health, for a single year,for a term Of ycar, or during life. ' Also, Itank Notes tians--.muteil p?r mail,

All persons having their lives or property insured in thisInstitution, arc entitled toa full participation m all the'prof-its- ,

without anr liability toTloss beyond the amount of Pre-miums wliicli they mar imy.' JI". S. riLCHEK, President,

J. B. JOHNSON, Vice President.C. J. F. AYntEToy, Secietary. fjanl


PANY CAPITAL 8150,000.FFICE on" the No: tb side of the Public Square, midwayI I between the Nashville Inn and the Planters' liank.

They will make insurance ou Houses and Goods of every de- -fccnption against tire; on btcamDoats and vjai-g- ugauist un;and therisK of tlie river; on the Cargo of Keel Boats andother river crafts, and on sea csseh and other' cargoes, onthe usual terms. JOHN 3L HILL, President.

Jostrn Vaclx, Secretary. ,UtiiECTOEs Alex. Allison, John 3L Hill, F. II. Fogg, O.

JI. Fogg, James Corrcy, Jno. M. Bass, Joseph Woods, Sam-uel Seay, Matthew Watsou, J. J. White, Jacob McGavock.


a. J. cilutt, see'v. J. b. ncTUEi:ronD, pres. to

Ctmitnl S250.000 !(OrRceotl Cedar tlrtet,ocr the Mutual Protection Jnt C.)"VTT1LL take fire risks in limited amounts on city or 1

rrtiinti- - inTrt- - l'nlieip issuoi! und I.os. nil.iiLsieuaim inetaiineoiiice in amiiic

RErtucxos-- I- J. Lew, 1B. CouK'sevs. Casliierofi hiL Bank.W.LSluuer, ' Girard" fPhiladel.W. Demiie Si tons T1jRev. Alexander Campbell, Bethany, A a.

5oJ'atncfcA J.mnj, isanlcers. 1'itisbui-g- .

.W. II. llurrough, Irving House, New Yorlc20G. W. Coiicleu, C'iuciunati.

JOHN G. FERGUSON-Nasliville- , I

! 1February 2, 1S33 Cm ' o


J.UIES SLOAN, l'roprietor. 20UAnKETST.,orrosiTejoiiNSONi.tiiocvK-sTODACc- waueiioisk, j 'f- -

...WJtV Kl l, II I 1. ........II X '

c.,.r.. c..... to--prAVIXG niade extensive enlargements in mrSIarble 5

Woiks, nivficilities ure siicli Uiat I can execute all.. . ... ...,'... ,.,P..I. m.nnl 1..'f..4 .!.!.. IKIIUIIU lI 111 mi: iin'st. ia."ii iui jiiuutiiri dim iiiv law.--ias chean us it can be do?i- - iu anv of the Eastern Cities.By calling at my Warc-ioom- on the coiner of SjuingandSummer streets, specimens may be seen which will enable 50jersous tojiulge for them-elv- which is the lie.--t mclboJ. SooHaving on liaiid all kinds of Marble from Eeast Tennessee. 3ihAlso, a line assortment of Egyptian, Italian and AmericanMai blc. w hich I w ill sell low lo the trade, wholesale and re-

tail, linisheil or iu the nuigh state. , SoOA large assortment fit MoxrMECTS, Tostn Himnit 500

Founts, Unx, Vases, (Jardex Fioi-ris- , GnvvE Shinks, Ac, Soucarved and lettered toordcr. Fi rxitiiuk .Makble executed luoto order and sent to any partonheSouth-Wes- t as cheap as 3nit caubep'octircdfroin the liit Also, Mibblg Mixtels, CiKlof every description, plain or caned. Bi'iluimi Sio,ne, sohl 100Wholesale and Retail.

All orders left at mt Wai on the corner of Springand Summer s'rects, will meet with jirompt attention. Mj 5ofi ieud vpuei-all- y will find it lo their interest to call and ex-


my stwk" before purchasing eleuhcrc. Thankful tomy old friends and customers fer their lilieral patronage, 1

liope bv strict attention to business lo met it a continuanceof their favors. JAMES SLOAN,

Cm ner ofSpring and Summer stieet.--, Nashville.f.-- lv j

TRUNKS, VALISES, and CABPET BAGS.ArEhavejustieceiNcdalarge an., line as- - TYTil Iy gajtunton-nnik-

,Caqiet Bags and 3s vTTV-- l j a

Vulise5i .u.ti, cf .s.le. Bag and Kip 'SJY)Leather Traveling Trunks ami Valises, idsoof Saxonv.ihusseIN, Wiltuuand common Carpel Bags, which we willsellatlow prices. K.S. HOLLINS A CO..

jaui; Corner of College and LTnioii sts., Nashville.

Ci-- l tt( REWARlJ.-Iullpaythe-abiiierew- ard

e? L,vUv to anv peisiin or persons, as a premiumabove tlie maiket price, for one llioiisand Idiid Warrants, groof the denominatioi.s .f :r..i, so and t" acre". I will pur-chase single wai rants ol either denomination.

R. 11. BKOCKWAYRoom over Oak Hall, east side Public Square, 2d door

soiilln.i vn I id Nashville. octlt m27.


rpHE Mibscribcr has just icturned liom the (' fX East, and is constantly lecciving all kinds of (

FCRMTUUi; CaRPCTING. Ac His stock at 5igpresent consists of almost cvciy article in his line of busi-

ness and asextensive as any in the city. Purchasers woulddo w ell to call, as he is determined to sell low tor casb or ontiuicforapprovcd paper. A. PATTERSON,

march I i College near Chui ch street.

MABING0 MAMMOTH.thorough bred Jack, MARINGO MAMTHE teadirect from Kentucky, will make

lm first season in Tennessee at Cacev Spruitrin siMarshall county, five miles below the fishing ford iu DuckRiver, at thutv-liv- e dollars insurance and litiy cents groomfee. Jennets "sent fmm a distance will be pastured gratis,and grain fed, if required, at fifty- cents itr week. He isfull tifleen bauds two and a half inches high, good honestmeasure, unusually large bone, and heavy, black, withinealr nose. He has the form, size, color and blood to re- -

cojiiiiend him highly to those who wih to iiiiprove theirstock. We consider" hi in the master Jack of Tennessee. aFor further particulars see baud bills.

march 11 : KXIGirr WILS0X.



15!, Mirlcl SLand 25, Mirclmnl ., J'bdadetjJiitaprit--- ly.

DR. J. W. CRAY.Office in McCombs' New Building, on Cherry Street,

lUtiretn DvterKk anl Fuum.dccll 12m Rlsiokxce Sewaxie.


received Platlorm Scales to n eigh 1500 lbs.JUST do do do 1200 lbsdo do do 700 lbs.do do do 100 lbs.

Counter Scales, Tea Scales.Extra sets of Weights; loo l! weights,Caldrons, 7i, 50 ami 32 Gallons.Sugar Keilles of all sizes inEnglish l'ots from 1 to Is Gallons.Tea Kettles of all sires. . .

Do., for Stoves.'

ICopper Toasters, with wire cylinders. 'Enameled Sauce Pans of all sizes and bct quality.TumcdSauee Pans and Frving Pans, of all sizes.


PARLOR GRATES.icce'ned a few pallems oreiegant Parlor Giutrs,JUSTw bich on uccoiiiit of their beauty and siqici ior man-


have icichcd prizes at the Northern Exhibitions. '

Tlieseaie the handsomest Urates that have everoffered for sale ill Nashv illc '



DEALKRS IX kvert dcscriitio.v orLadies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing aud Fancy Goods, I

f'i ('1 .'.w ftrrtt, one di.r utU of He Somirr. '

T II l!lt E niv,' be found at all timcsa largeV ment of Winchester's, Davis A June's, .t Myers'

Patent Shoulder Seam Shirts, of Linen, Muslin with Lin-

en Bosoms, Gingham, and French Chintz, Standing andByivu Collars, Underwear, .Merino, Sliaked Silk, Cash- -

mere, Yigonia Cotton nnd Canton Flannel, for ladiesnnd gentlemen, (tents Cloth flatters. Gloves, Kid aud '

Silk, lliuk. Cashmere. Cluth, Chamois, Wash Nonna,-Cu- ll

Gioies, and Utihe.s and Geutlemcu'ii Gaunllels, Liueiland Silk llanitkereiiiefs, Slocks, Ties, Wateifords' Albert,De Jo::i illoV, jiLiin, EnibM and

s Hl--ch an.! lute Salin Ties. Shoulder lii aces Sus--

ja'inlers, i)tenand t'ollou N ighl Caps, Oil Sidk Bath-

ing Cms I'm Ladic- - .ml Oeiil'.euien. Monsi-- , Riding nndSlusugtheni'ig Ih.'1!s, ltube de t'liainhiv. Umbrellas, AS'alk-in- g

t'..nes Riding hips, Tnuiks, Sole leather, Vali-e- s,

Curjvt l!sis liv-.s!n- g Coses. Woik Box is Toi--leLs, 0rra (!I Porte Mnnios Fans, Writing DesksCigar Cas.s, Ha-k- s, Tmvelling ttonquninns Razois andRaor S:rops to'uhs ltriislns, Giid yiur's (tii:n GiksIs.

PiMfniucry. Toilet Dottles, I'oelcet (hideiT, Ac nnda large 01 oilur aitiele usually kept 0

Sloivs. .; ehave uLideairangumeiils v.illi our fr:eods at theNoiih to foiwrtrd in' GikuIs as Mum as'rceohed hv them,llien-lartu- shall luveg.nss bere iu n ten d.isIrom tlie New 1 oik Custom House

M VERS A MeG ILL'S., Puniisliing Stoic, College sheet, 1 door South of the'Square, Nashville. ' lctUV'iJST RKC EI V Illl," T. J. lWgh islmiFi-ixvrvii- i

f I and opening his Spiuig and Siiinincrstock, consisting otlUtih, Catftinert, f. ),, tfr., in great variety and oflatosts styles Als a superior lot or Read y .Hade Cloth-thin- g,

and Gentlemen s Furnishing Goods to all of whichhe invites the atloutiou of his friends and the publir gener-ally. mr5j T. J. HOUGH. i

. CARDS, &0.

. - JOimSOK & SMITH,

Dialers in Cotton and Tobacco, Bsceiving and For-- -

Merclianta, Steamboat Agenti, &&,

-- aprill' --i. linOAUWAY. N.VS11VILI.E.

MAIL O. r. SMITn. A. W. 30US3OS.


Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants,Corner rf JSroid and JTarLct Strttit,


VINO disposed of an interest in the Grocery depart-mentHA of our business to Mr. SIuusox Stbatto.v, the

pame, will train tliw date be conducted under the style olSTltATTOX, SMITH 4 stand, on tha cornerof Market and Hroad streets,

f)iirtnrt now omnle. will be kept so by large accessionsererv few dav. to which we invite tlie attention and solicit a iall from merchants hi the country as well as eityddsilei-s- being determined to sell as low as any house ik the

.cur. yjur icnns casu aim cuau uuiiaprl, 1S52. JOHXSON & SMITiL


Wholesale and Retail Sealers in Boots, Shoes, Eats,Caps, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags,

College street, Nasuville, Txnx.


Cotton and Totaeco Dealer, Forwarding and Commisiion

Merchant,' '



MOBBIS & STBATTON,(Scccrssons to Lakieb, JIokeis i Co.,)

Commission and Forwarding Merchants and. Who! lieGrocers,

Corner of Jliirtet and Claris Strcdt, Xiul tllte.have now in store a large stock of Groceriet Li-

quors,WE Wines, etc, which will be uldat themarket prices, fur cash or barter. seplf


F. SHIELDS Jc CO., havingBENJAMIN" themselves at New Orleans, otrer theirservices as Commission and Forwarding Merchantsand (icneral Agents, and solicit cousirn!iumU of allkinds of Western Produce, feeling confident that thy cmand will give satisfaction to all who mar entrust their inter-e-st

to their care. Proceeds of sales will bo invariably heldeacred and promptly remitted. .

P. S. Extcnsh e arrangements made for the receiving andforwarding of every species of Merchandise, t reduced rates,Irom charges at this jKiint. Orders for Grocerios and Insur-inc- e

Risks, withlfce collectioutif Bills, Drafts. &e:, attendedwithout delay. JJENJ. F. SHIELDS 4 CO.aug 12 ly


Grocery and Commission, Receiving nndForwarding Merchants,

And Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors,COLLEGE bTIthhl.

IQ.UOR.S AND TOBACCO.4ih bbls Sam Hale's Whisky; luObbls Drans WTnky;

bbls Old .Mononzaheht do 50" Bitiwn'.s D 1) do;" American Brandy; 40 S M Wine," Old I'ort Wine; --N h.llllliij

i Pipes Old Brandv, best brands;Pipe Irish Whisky; 50 Baskets Champaigtboxes of I.icber Ginger and Rapberry BrandiesPines Holland Gin; 20 bbls American Gin;

bs Gus Jones' Tobacco; SO " Walker's Ale;" S oimg ABirdeucll'sdo 20 bxs Allison Tobacco;

dorutTi,!',, r Z v"w' doUU.U ,JV .1 ' -,20 " Missouri do

Ender's do 10 " Sam Wouls f't dD

" S E While's do 5 " Rend A Nash's doIn store and for sale bvfebl'J BEN. M. NOEL A BRO.

JUST RECEIVED.Prime Uio loll'ee;

" ' Jiguayraao; 25,000 Imported Cigars;bbls Reboilod Molasses; 50,000 Melee do;halves do do; 10 frails SS Almonds;

50 hhds choice Sugar; 10 tierecs Rice;5oobags hue Salt; 5 ceroons Indigo;

kegs Oysteis; 2 casks Dutch Madder;cans do; 20 bbls Copperas;bbls St lam's Mills riour; 20 bags Pepper;

Cincimiati do; 15 " Spice;kegs Xails u --sorted; CO-- ) reams Wrap. Paper;lioxes (Jlas.ware, asc--; 500 lbs Kanawha Salt ;

doz. lhoonis: 20 kegs Shot and L'ad;25 bbls (iolJcu Svnin: .0 bbls Mackerel;::o bills and halt uuts V.racKers;

bbls Liuf, Cmshed and Powdered Sugar;bovs and half boxes Raisins;

Just recched and tor salebv BEN. M.XOEL A BU0,febl'i.

7"ATSTE1'.- - A fjw thousand bushels Pea Nuts, forwhieh we will give the highest market price.

febll) BEX. M. NOEL A 11R(

FOB SALE.. OT rronling at feet on lower College St.; running back

'J It's feet. ' Two houses ou the lot, w.hich rent for $21Cvear, price POu."Iiiit 3 feet on Fraukliu Turnpike, in Preston Hays' addi-- i

tiou.ALSO, 200 acres of land in Smith county, 9 miles from

Lebanon. For fertility the land cannot be surpassed, beingprineipallv creek bottom, about loo acies cleared and in a

of the balance liuelv timbered.liiirh state cultivation,.V... ...... .. i .. . 3 ,i;

1 lie lniiirevenienis cou.isi oi u goou iranie uncinn, ne- -

ItoiLses, barn, stables, Ac, and Saw and Grist Mills, andCarding Machine, coustrucied to run either by steam orwater. t

AIsO. 3'i' acres of land in Edgefield on the Gallatin 'Turnpike, opposite Mr. R. Houston's lot. There is on thelota goad frame house, Kitchen, uegro houses, Ac,

A1.SO, 45 acres ot laud ou Springfield road, 14 miles from

ALSO," 32 acros of land adjoining the property of W. R.Lucas.

ALSO, 7 acres ofland on the Nolcnsville Turnpike, splen-didl- v

improved.ALSO, SS acres ot land, 4 miles from the city; on the Rail

Road.ALSO, the large Brick Warehouse on College street,

known as the Port Royal Mills l)qot.ALSO, 250acres of land in Sumner county, near Castilian

Springs.ALsO, a tract ofland in Sumner countv, on Cumberland

river, containing I Jin acies, known as the Sumner PaperMills; the buildings were erected for a paper mill, and aiewell constructed tor tliat purpose. Price .,000.

A1.S0, 3 acres ofground in Edgefield, opposite the prop-ert- v

of Gen. S. R. Anderson.ALSO, a finely improved lot next to Mrs. Polk's, front-

ing ss feet on Vine street, 140 feet deep.ALSO, 1 acre and V poles ofground near the State Hospi-

tal improvements good.AIiSO, a lot on corner of Gay and McLemore streets, with

good brick house containing 5 rooms."ALSO, a very desirable farm 10 miles from Nashville,

rear the FranklinTumpike, containing 113f acres, goodtwo story brick duellings aud other improvement ou theplace.

AliSO, a large fiue brick house on vine street, betweenChurch and Broad streets, the lot frouts 40 feet ou Vineatieet. . .

AI,S0, 2,000 acres ol land on tlie old fepringtield road, 1,m.Ip--. ffrom Nashville, on Mansker's Creek, good dwelling andoilier necessary buildiugs, and also Steam Grist and SawMills.

Al-j- O, a large brick house on Church street, near the t,

containing 11 besides kitchen aud other necesja.buildings. The house is well constructed for a boarding

house.A I.S0, a small brick liouse.C rooms on Locust alley, near

Finn's grocery.ALSO, a double tcucincnt, S rooms each on Crawford St.,

above High street.AI.S0, 200 acres ofland in Sunnier county, one mile from

Gallatin. The improvements arc hrot rateWe have also a number ot other lots in the city and farmstlie country, which can be bought on good terms.

! iiren r. iioenaprill E No. 50 Cherry street.

Kick Spring Goods, j

w. a. & J. g. McClelland, j

No. 20, PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE.leceivmg and now opening their Stock orSPRING

VR11 SUMMER GOODS: and, in extent and variety,is deeidedlj the most attractive they have ever opened.

They would call tho attention of purchasers to the following,with uiuuv other Goods not enumerated:

RICH DRESS GOODS.Plaid India Silks;Delicate Summer Silks ;

Plain Rich Silks, all colors;" "Berages,

Challcys, Bayaderes;Fine Linen Cambrics, 40 lo 75;Plain aud Boidered Brilliautes;Rich Organdy Muslins;

" French Chintz ;French Jaconets, from 25 to 50 cents;

LACE GOODS.Valenciennc and Inseriings, Star Point Laces, Va

lencienne and Muslin Collars, Cuffs and Dimity Bauds, Jfic--.

onett and lanen' Flounces, Mourning Robes, Plain Moumiugand Traveling Collars.

lFnEN AXD DOMESTIC GOODS.Irish Linens, Linen Sheetings, Damask Table Linens and

Napkins, Fine Bird's Eye Diapsr, Huckaback aud MedicatedTowel, l.iee ami Muslin Cmtains, Bleached aud DomesticSheetings, Bed Tickings, Ac, Ac.

MANTLES.The mo-- t beautiful Spring ami Summer Mantles ever

owned in Nashville. Also.Silk for MantlesWHITE GOODS.

Jdiill Xansook, Hair Cord, Striped Sivisu, Chocked Jacc-- 1

netts. Dotted Swiss Muslins.

Blue and White Silk Hose, Thread and English CottonIhjse, .Misses Silk and Cotton Stockings, beuutilul Ribbous,Bonnets, Fans, Mitts, Kid Gloves.

MOURNING GOODS.Alpacas. Challeys, Black and Plaid Silks, Black Crapes,

Berages, Ginghanis aud MiisJing, blue Kept Silks, withoutlustre. Mouiniug Collars and Sleeves.

FOR MEN AND BOYS.Cloths, Cossimercs Cottonades Drillings, Summer Coat-

ings, Li-i- e Thread Shirts, Liueu and Silk Shirts ; Cravats,Pocket Handkerchiefs strqed Lislio and Cottou Half-Hos- e,

Ac.Ae.Wc will take great pleasure in showing our Stock, feel-- ,

lug assured wc will be able to offer such inducea'ents, aitreirards stv le aud prices, as to he conceded by all.

w. a, a j, (L McClelland.Nashville March 29, 1553.




No, S.", CSI0X. STItreT, sasqviiie, tcxx,QOPA IVATEIt. As warm weather is approachingVj we hare fitted up anew our Soda Founts, and are pre-pared to dkpense as pure and as eoti Soda Water as anyother house m tlie city. Ours shall be tlie fiejlui ultra fount.The syrups arc all made of the finest quality and most deli,cate flavor. We shall be happy to rece'nc the patronage ofour citizens and ofitraiipilirs visiting the city.

r3fOur Soda FuunU v'M nut U nun ort tie Sillitih.CUR HEY MARTIN

april?2 X. DG Union street

AIMUVALii.-Bai.-sm- s, Counter, Paint,NEW Dusters, Gilders' Tins, Badger G miners; Hearth,Extra Floor, Lamp Brushes, Clainp Scrubs; Popes' Headslor l luuuwBj nuiue auii tiui, lueiHer ou au umci i urie- -ties. just received and for sale low by

ap22 CaitREY A M.VRYIN. No. 35 Union st.

Vl ALE'S CELEBRATED BARBER SOAPS.T 10 dox bars just received bv


T7't)Il BATII1NU Bath ISelLs, liath Gloves, BathI; Brushes and Uth SpuOMst just received by

aP23 C'L'ltRKV ii MARTIN.

POWDERS, Of Haskell, Meiuuch ASELECT have just received an additional supply ofthese pure and unadulterated medicines, which are especial-ly reoommcuded to the attention of physicians. We arc al-

so supplied withPan's CbemlcaU;Powers i Weightman'a ChemioalsjTilden A Co's Extracts;Henning's English Extracts;Mauder, Weaver A Mander's Chcalcals;Thoir.a ' Extracts, Ac

All of which are warranted pvre and genuine. The Pre-scription department of our establishment is supplied ex-

clusively with these pure and unadulterated medicineiAu aduUeraUd Ipvyt, JlctlaUier, or Cfamiealt can

find a placeln cur stor. CURRKY A MARTIN.

SLOWER SEEUS, 1000 papers of rare and selectI; Flower Seeds, just received pr exproii from Philadel-phia. Many of these seeds have just been Imjiortcid fromEurope, ana are entirely new to our western gardens.

Also in store, a large and fresh (warranted) snpplv ofGarden Seeds. CURUEY A MARTtX,"

mwoh?t No. 35 Union street.

DE. BLEDSOE'S ALISATITS COKPQTJNDTrie Memtdy veer all linnediu fur IU liiseawof tit Liter

M'ipeptia, Enlargement and tiifijuutian of tie SpleenIleariburnt, Colic FUtlalence, f'iltt, Conttlrpatinn, alldueasetof the lioitelt, and ttuch dlteatn as arite. frotnaditorderd ttate of Vie Stomach, Liter or JloirtU, at

from, whUh ZaJiti frtqueiitlii mfer, there it not ittv'on nr tsr m(w ilium -

rpHE inventor of this preparation was for three years sJL completely prostrateil from Dyspepsia and inactivity o(

tf Jjrer that lie was frequently for weeks at a time unable toraiwlihftsiilffixiin hisbw. Hesought aid from phvsiciansat home and in Europe, bt h rifl," !)!? case was nniuounccdhopeless by thousands, nnd it wits by accld&nt that hp

in curing himself. Since he lias been practicing ined-icin- e,

his success in such cases has been unrivalled. Hehas been aware of the incredulity of the public, and coiise-Tlfflt- ly

'aid nothing through the press of his ownuntil the clwrptfr of tlif medicine was fully establishedby its success, as hown Vy tlip cpytiflpatcs vvhich have Of pnadveriiscd.

I subjoin the certificate of Prof. il. Gadbeiit, of Meoiphis,Tenn., with whom I otlen advised duriug the time ot my

'suffering.Memphis, Tcnn., April 17,1352.

- I hereby certify that I liave been acquainted with Dr. JX". Bledsoe and some years ago he was reduced I wl evelower than I have ever seen any one that afterwards recov;r-c- d,

with what! .unpesad to bo'Dysp? psij and L.iyer- a!ection(aud after trying the prescriptions 0) many physicians in thisas well as other countries, without relief, he finally suceaJedwith a preparation of hU own in being restored to goodhealth. M. GABBEET, M. V.

Physicians arc rcquestc-- to try this preparation. Wefeel satisfied it will sustain the character w c give to it in thispublication.

January 12,18-"2- .

Da. Bleihok: I take the liberty and fell it to Le my dulyto recommend to all persons guftering from disease of thestomach and bowels, vour Alterative Compound, as a verysejierior medicine. My son, aged 15 rears , had been undermedical treatment about five years tor dyspepsia .and diar-iho- a

wlion having almost despaired ol his recovery, I con-

cluded to try rotjr Alterative, two bottles of which, f believe,entirely cured him. MJ0AJAU CAYCE.

Hcxtsville, Oct 17,1353.Dr. Bledsoe Some time has eiapsed since I gave a cci

tificate that my wife had been greatly benefited by yourAlterative Compound, I now tike pleasure iu saying totho public, that my wife had fur three or tour years beensubieet to tlm worst kind of siclls of cramp iu the Momachfmm dyspepsia. 1 had tried of several whom I thought to be )

the best physicians in the place and a great many differen .

medicines, with momentary relief. Being persua'ded to try 'vonr alterative compound, I did so ami I am happy to sav 'that it has entirely cured her; aud I would conscieLtioiislyrecommend it to all persons suffering from diseases of tlieliverand dyspepsia. X. B. ROBERTSON. J

HcxTSViLLE, Sept. 20, 1S51.Dr. Bledsoe Having seen the publicatiou of your Alter- -

ative Compound, I think it my dut v te say to the public, tbat jI had becu for years subject tii spells of "Cramp Colic, in itsworst form; tliat 1 had tried almost everv thing that is giTen by physicians, and never found any tiling that would cer '

tainly 1 etfe 1 t me, until I tried the above medicine , which lias j

relieved me iu every attack iu less than an hour.WM. B. LLOYD, j

Giles Coo-tt-, Tenn., Dec 23, 1351.DcBlxdsoe: I feel that I should tall short of my duty

to you and to tho-- e who are afflicted, were I not to "furtherrecotirnend vour Alterative Compound. It has entirely re-

lieved me, so that I liave not had Qaiise to take anything intwo months. I (311 tut anything I waut with impunity, andbelieve my health is as good as it ever is at my advanced age.Should 1 eversuferfi-u- dyspepsia again I shall bo sure tocall ou you, I aia very respecttul v vour friend.


Hdxtsville, Ala., August 24, 1S51.This is to certify, fiat I had suffered for many years with

Dvspepsia aud Dfseosei of the Liver. Physician "after Phy-sician had prescribed for me without mv receiving any ben-

efit, when I commenced the use of Dr. Bledsoe's AlterativeComjiound, which curwd me soundly, and I recommend itbecause of the some liappv effect upon others of my acquaint


Hcxtsville, ALi., March 8, 1S52.

Dr. Bledsoe: Sir : Judging from tlie certificates youhave already advertised, it will be almost unnecessary for meto add further evidence iu regard to the healing virtues ofyour Compound; but I mnst sav, that for years I suffered agreat deal from Dyspepsia and enlargeuieut of the splceu,aud thought that I never would recover. I commenced tak-in- "

your compound about nine weeks since, and have gained25or SO txiuuds, and feel about as well as I ever did.

HENRY J. GOFF.jyThe above medicine is forsale in every Drug Store in

the citv, and most of the towns in the State. G. vHEX-DERSHOT- T,

General Agent, for wholesaling the med-

icine. JSTFriceTl per pint Bottle. novlS lvd trDlTTWM. JIcLANE,"


ESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Xashvillfand vicinity, that he lias returned again after a resi

dence of fourteeii years in the South, and pcnnanentlylii.cated himself in South Nashville, at the corner of Was!ington and Pearl streets, where he "may at all limes be fountby those who may w ish to consult hira.

fie has in his nossession many certificates from men feminent standing certifying to the permanent cure of thelUOSl OlsiresSIIlg cases 01 luciuiiunmg uiseases, ii: ei-

vous Affectious Liver Complaints, Dyspepsias, Chills andFevers, Pleurisies, Asthmas, Colds, Coughs, Incipient Con-

sumptions, Rheumatisms, Weak Lungs, Fit?, Dropsies.Cancers, Ulcers, Scroffulous, Hemoptasis of the Lungs, andother Hisnorages; Diarrhosi, Diseases of llie Kidneys, Mer-

curial and Venereal Taints of the Blooil; Diseases of Chil-

dren, Woruis aud various other Diseases incident to the hu-

man system. 'Dunm? his residence in tho South, he attended to over ten

thousand different cases, all of which he treated with morethan ordinary success.

Dr. McLanc hiqics from his much experience in the Medi-

cal Profession and the degree of success that has attendedhis efforts heretofore, to obtain the confidence and patronageof the sick and atllicled.

Nashville, Feb 'J ly. DR. WM. McLANE.Eff"All letters addressed, post-pai- to South Nashville.


Fancy and Staple Dry Goods House,Xo. 51, I'Mic Square, Xashcille, Turn.

now in store a large and well assoi ted Stock of theHAS desirable goods of the season, embraciug everydescription and quality, rrencii Jiaiiuiias, mooous, oukDrap GoodSjWhitc Goods of all kinds.Iccs and Embroide-- ,ries, French Jaconelts, Jiwns and Cambrics, Bareges,Barege de Ijaines, Brilliantines; a variety of other DressGoods, Hosierv of all kinds, Hats ufal! descriptions, Hard-- 1

w are, etc Ixwking Glos-c- s, a large variety of Guns aud Pis--1

tola, besides a great variuty of Trimmings and every descrip--'tion of Goods, to which he now submits the inspection olMerchants of thecity and country trade, to which stock willbe added daily, desirable goods from tlie East MerchantsTnerally, are invited to examine my stock aud conijarcfiriccs with that ot ether houses in tho trade

! feb2S J. F. DUXT0X

ODA AVATER AFL'ARATUS, for manufac-turing,S draa:ing andtntlUing, of the latest and most np- -:

proved construction, manufactured and for sale, w. ith ex-- 1

plicit printed directions for its use, by



Opposite Bellevue, X'ew VorkThe only establishment devoted exclustvely to the manu-

facture ot SODA WATER MACHINERY , Ac, in the UnitedState, and where nray be found a large assortment ofeveryarticle connected w ith the business including Materials Ac

jan 27 Sm Established 20 Years.


Forwarding and Commission Merchants, andTexas Land Agents.

Particular attention paid to fillinar orders Office, over thestore of W. T. Smith A Ca, No. tfs Magazine street,

Oct S, 1S52 Cm New Orleans.

COO Gingham and WhaleboneUMBRELLASReceived Md for ole by A. MORRISON A CO.


FALL i CIINNINGIIAJI,No. 47 CoixuiE ii, Temx.

ARE now; iii receipt of their entire stock ofHARDWAREA.;and CLTLLRi for tLeSpringTrade, and in calling

the attention cf the mrnliants of Middle ami list Teimesee, Kentucky, and North Alabama, to their large and variedassortment, theyfrel confident tha'. it will compare favora-bly with thatot any House in anv country., and when theiteuuif Trausportuticai is considered, it will bo found tliat-- AV.'-.' should prompt, all dealers in this section of thecountry to encourages home market.

They tlie attention of Blacksmiths, Carpenters,and Fanners visiting Nahvillelo their assortment of ToolsFarming Implements, Ac, a large stock of which they alwayskeep ou haid.

irathcrif (lining and 2?rt:rar, taken at the highest mar-ket prices in exchange for goods or in payment of debts.


'Likc to the Poutic sea.Wlawe icy current and comptlsir courseNq'st fjefs rething ebb, but keciis due oa. ,,T.. r..n..,7..T. ,1 ,.

So the undying fame, bright as the ot sunset baleso'er the laurel brow'd," deservedly tfconlcd to those Trulyfortunate and well known Exchange and Lottery Brokers,

l'Yl'ER & CO., Batimote, 3Id.Will "keep due on," until their popularity extends from the"icy Capos ofLabradoro.- - to thj scarchinjf sands of Nubia'sDesert, and until the Uosannas of a Universe extol theirname inonc'prolonged shout that shall frighten the reign otchaos, and suirtle scared echo from hcrcaverued sleep. "Inlazy apathy let stoics boast."

The grateful praise duly received from every section ofthe couutry, from those who have been snatched from tliebrink of despair by the untiring efforts of tlip.o andpopular Lottery Agents, is Hip only reward they covet fordevoting their ciierpes to tie pqtihe service; to them "praisesare wages." The immense amount of good that PYFER &A CO. the Truly Lucky and d Lottery Agents No.1 1 Jght Street, Baltimore, Md. Have accomplished by pre-senting tu the ptiblio monthly a schedule of unsurpassedschema of Legal and IiitpoMiUe Latiene.

In nresentinsr to our numerous ct.rresnondents throughoutthe country our very brilliant and elegsnt schemes for themonth of May, we enjoin those, whose expectations were untfatly realized ia April, in the language of the Poet, to

"Attempt theeud, and never staud to doubt :Nothing's so hard, but search williind it out"

READ THE HKSt'LT OF PERsiRi'ERANCE!In packageof Whole Tickets tho Brilliant Prize of $50,--

sii', iu uranu uonsoi. lottery ol itaryland, Class a 1, was ;

sent ier mail to un old curresiiouder.t iu Virginia.1 20,000. iu nack.iLT; of Halves suit to South Carolina. '815,000 in package ofWIiole Tickets sent to Pennsylvania '$ 1 1.000, iu package of Wholes Tickets, scut to Georgia, j

$3,000, ja package of Hal i es, sent to South Carolina. !

$20,000, in packageof flitarters, soat to Tuiinessec I

12,000, in package ot 44i tickets sent to Ulna. ,Jf.oOOin package of quarters, sent to North Carolina.

5,000, iu packaged Wholes sent to North Carolina.Ziflie sure to address for a haudsome Prize,

VYmn co,Xot 1 LiyUtirect, IiaUiutarelMafylaV,

Splendid Schemes for ATay, 1833.J3?Tbe Certificate Prices 0r packages of quarter tickets

only, are given Ijelow,

Date. Capital Xaof Price of Price ofMay. Prize. Ballots. Tickets. Package.

125,000 7S Xos. 13 drawn $ S 002d,00i) 75 Xos. 12 drawn 5 IS 0001.000 7SNos. 14 drawn 10 55 0025,000 75Nos. 12 drawn 5 13 0C

C 24,i 00 75 Xos. 13 drawn 5 13 007 40,000 TSNijs. lidrs.'vn Vj 4" 009 75 Xos. 12 drawn CO 00

10 lb.Gofl 7a Xos. 12 drawn 5 19 0011 50,000 75Xo. 18 drawn 10 35 0012 25,Wi) 7SXos. ,15 drawn 5 ljt 0013 13,500 73 Xos. is drawn 4 15 0014 50.0"') 75X'os. 11 draivn 15 SS 00

76 X'os. IS drawn S 30 0075 Xos. 12 drawn 5 IS 0073 Xos 12 drawn 10 40 0075 No. 15 drawn 5 15 0078Xini. 13 drawn 5 IS 0075 No 14 drawn 10 50 0073 Xos. 15drawn 8 25 0075 Xos. 12 drawn 5 1 8 007SXos. IS drawn 10 40 0075 Xos 12 drawn 5 IS 0075 Xos Hdntrni 4 13 007SXos. 13 drawn 32 120 0075 Nus. 13 drawn 8 50 0073 Xos. 13 drawn - 5 IS 00 I

10 of 12,00017 21.00")IS SO.S0919 20,00020 2t,ViO21 4'5,'XX)

23 20,00024 20,00025 3S.0OO

20 20,00027 15,'nW23 0,U00'JO 2S.500


j"Drawings forwarded to Correspondents by the firstmails alter the lotteries aro drawn.

JXrCoTr'pouduiiti wiU please order a few days beforethe" lotteries are drawn.

There is a large per ccntige in faror of those purchaserswho order bv the Package, aud the chances ofdrawing fourof the largest Prizes iu the Scheme, are thereby secured.We advise the purchase ofPackages of Tickets iu every in-

stance.JyBank Drafts or Certificates ofDeposit payable in Gold

at sight, will be promptly remitted to those Correspondentswho'ilraiv prizes at P FKR A CO'S.

J3f lieniember A l'ACKAUEof Tickets, can dr?w rocnof the most splendid prizes in a scheme.

ISf'la order to secure a Fortune, and the cash immediate-ly after tlie result is known, the readers of this paer laveonlvto remit cash Drafts or prize tickets, to the Old Estab- -lislml fir famed mid trulr fortunate Exchange and Lotterrllmkers- - l 1 ll.lt , Vy f

april 29 lm ai 1 L,ignt sireei, miiunore. jiu.ADHINISTRATOB'S NOTICE.

Z is hcrebv triveu to all those indebted to Ebexe- -

ZKit FisK. deccased.intestate.tocome forward and makenavmeutand to all luvinir in possession auy of the goodsand chattels ofsaid deceased, t delirer them ; and all thosebaring claims agaiu-- t said deceased to present them proper- - t

lv authenticate.!, by the lotli day of June next, or they willbe fm ever barred. v. ii ii..iuui..t,

marehll .juitrw Administrator.250 hhds Sugar, now landing from steamer

SUGAIt. for sale by MORRIS A STltATTOX'.


Xo. 51, College Street.Law, Medical Religious and Miscellaneous

SCHOOL, Also, Blank Books aud Stationer)-- , at lowestprices.

J3TCountrv Merchants, and School Teachers supplied onthe most favorable terms. Xashville, Tenn., teb. 2.

RECEIVED. A superior assortment ofJUST ReudyJliide Clothing, consisting ofBlack Cloth Frock Coats; Rlacli Drap d'Etat Sacks;

" " " " "Colored !";" " Sacks; Fancy Cassitnere do;Bufll white and figured Marseilles Vesm.

And a varietv of other clothing, embracing a fine andeleuant assortment 1. J- - ltuuuil,

Cedar street.



CO 31 MISSION MERC H A N T S ,55 St. Cuarles Street, (third Store above St. Charles HoteL)

New Orleans.. . . . , . . ..t r mi' - ,! ',. 1 ' T.. nM .4

all times prepared to make liberal cash advances on shipments to us. scpHi

RAM AG E AND CHURCHWholesale and Bstail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks,

Vallise3 and Carpet Bags.Ay. 42, College Street, Xtslicille, Tennessee.

constantly receiving direct from the best EasternARE a great variety of LadU and (Untie-turn-'s

Jintj and Shoe, of the LaUU Style, suitable foreither City or Cmntry Trale, which are offered eery line byhsiiactuge, dozen, or single jiair. Country Merchant andII tii'er arc invited to examiue our Stock before purehas-u- g.



COACH MANUFACTURER,No. 5 Clark Street, Nashville, Texx,

Xexldoor to M. S. French' Grocery Warehouse, and op-posite Morr'u d: Stratum'

A LL kinds of carriages for sale, with harness csCXJO

the Clark Street Manufactory, and warranted, and will besold on as good Terms, lor Cash or good notes, as any w orkmade iNortii or lust.

Repairing done with promptness and dispatch, and allpersons leaving work to repair may rely on getting it whenpromised. All orders promptly attended to. maris.


SELECT MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS.hare just receircd a full supply of theabore arti-

cles,WE consisting in port as follows :

Pow'dTurkev Opium, extra; Extract Hops extra;" " ' Rhubarb; " Quassia, "" Indian " Butternut,"" Gum Arabia" " Chamomile, extra;" " Gudiacom, cxtia; " Dandelion "" " Gamboge " " Opium "" " Tragacarlh " " Bliubarb "" Alexandria Scuua " " Sarsaparilla, solid;" Sulp. Iron, " " " fluid;" Turkey Mvrrlr, " " Syrup Iodide of Iron;' Colonvnlh" l'llhi " " Dutusqilies " "" Comp.cxtColocyuth, " Croton Oil in bulk, ex." Cnliebs. extra " " smal vials;" Calabria Linuorice " " Solublt Citrate lion" Erirfit " " Cod hirer Oil;" Socotrinc Alois " " Confection Scuna;" Capo " " Ext Valerian;" " " BlueVirgin Scamniouy Moss;

Assafuilida.Together with a complete assortment as go to make up a

physicians bill. Tiiese medicines are used and prescribedbv all the leading physicians in the union in preference toany onier. 11 c are uu irepuiuo 10 un unis wuu 01c ioiu-- .medicines that the country can produce and upon the mostreasonable terms. lroscriptions alwars prepared wilh thesepure and select medicines. STRETCH A ORB,

Druggist, corner Union and Cherry street, Nashville.apri!2

SELF-HEATI- SAD IRON.received a few of the new patent Self-Heat- ix

JUST Iroxs by whicli, with tho assistance of a centworth of CAarcoal, the Ironing for a large family may bedone iu the shade under the trees', and requires no large lirain the kitchen iu tho beat of Summer,




Drttsvist nnd Apothecary,KurlKudt f llC Puliie &ate, Zduort UrltfUeJiutiriie Jim.

- Wholesale and Retail Dealer inI aixts, Riti-siiL- PsitrraEEr,Powper, Oils. Drt Srcrrsy

Soot, , .Vaksisues,Glass; Gusswaee, Lead,


W.VSH1TA OIL STONES,Drugs, Medicines, Chrmieals, &c.

XadrSlt, March 11, 1353L

"lnn L,;S- - PRINTER'S IXKr-Wint- er. Spring, Sum-- X

U,V. mer Fal1 ol&c "est qualit v, for sale br"rtU ?L G.'SCOVEf

I7RESII OARDE.V SEEDS, from Landretb, Rialev andfor sale by II. U. SCOVEI

a1RASS SEEDS, in variety, for sale brmarchll H.G. SCOVEL.

LYOX KATHAIRON, fdrthe icIeis

in New York city, as an Tidmirable preparation,and an edectual reined v for baldnpo and thl'mi. i,fr.,f ihr.hair, canning it to grow luxuriantlr, rendering it soil; rloi--c

L.?!, anJ P?!W.J-srteJf- eP "

T YOXS ESSENCE JAMAlfiA niVfiEI! fnr Ttrir- -sia, Gout, libeumatism, Cramp, Cholera Morbus, ClioTic,

Ac, Ac, which is ono of the best mvnarations of theflav uj trial will convince the iucre-iuluus-, for sale hy

marchll II. R. SCOVEI,.

GALVAXISM-Christi- e's Belts, Bracelet!, Fluid, Ringsfur sale by the only agent in Nashville,


X--J CO, for sale Wholesale and Retail brmarchl 1 H. G. SCONES

l) IFLK POWDER Conutcticutaud Tenuessee RiHe PovyI dor, warranted best quality, forsale by

marchll H.'G. SCOVEL."VTEATS FOOT. Ret'me.rTonners, Ijrd, Linseed andLitotoH)iLsfors:ileby 11. G. SCOVEL.

SMITH'S SUGAR COATED PILLS, justiswived aiidby marll If. G. SCOVEU

f pEAS Block, Young Hysoii; Imperial, Gunpowder, andJL Exlra Carious Black Tea. These Teas are ot good

quality and liave given satisfaction,' fur sale brmarchll H. (i. SCOVEU

"T7"ANTED. 20,001 to ZH)Q dollars in South Caro--

tt ii'ialiauk 4oies and tW.OOO Gergia liank Xotes,wanted immediately by aprilS D. PEARL A CO.

GOLD for sale. itUrrai$25,0004? april9 I). PEARL & CO.

EASTERN ILYCHANtJE. We are drawing onand Philadelphia in, tanu to tail, at Bank

raters. apriU ft PEARL A CO.

77ENT UCK Y RANK NOTES aud Checks forsaleJLV by prilli D. l'KARL A CO."A rOniI,E aud New Orleans Bank Notes wanted bvHi apnlil D. PPARL A CO.

Elt wonted imniediatclv br810,000 D.PEAP.LACO.

Gt UNl'OH'DER MAXUFACTURED BY THEHAZARO Powder Company of Connecticut f

1000 kegs Kentucky Rifie Powder, 25 lbs each.500 haffkegs do do do do;2o0qr. kegs do do do Gj do do;SOO tegs Deer do Uo 83 do do;

lOOO kegs Blaitlng do 23 do do;500 lbs do (5 kegs each) do 123 do do;300 canisters fine Rille do 1 pound.

Tlie above jiowder has just been received direct from themanufactory of the Hazard Powder Company the qualitrof which is well known throughout the United Slates. All

rdor Dapot

S.H. L00MIS. Acntmarc!i2--" for the Hazard Powder Company.

COACH MAKTlfG.r'r'HE undersigned would respectfully in- -X form their friends and the public'that iSStlicy hare taken the old stsnd of C. T. Watson, o.M,ftcaderick st, where they intend to carry on COACH MAK-IX-

hi all its branches We will keep constantly ou handan assortment of Carriages, which we will dispose ofoureasonable terms. Carnages of every description mad toorder promptly. Repairing done on reasonable terms andDie public may rely upon getting their work when promised.Work entrusted tons will be warranted to be of the bestworkmanship and materials.

rifliLACKSJHTHING. Every description of BLACK-SMITH'S W0KK executed in the best manner on liberalterms.

STH0RSE SHOEING. We have in our employ expertenccd HORSE SHOEItS, and the public may relv'oo getp'rjrtheir horses shod in theneatest maimer. All workert zruito our care will be under the immediate superinUsdi.c 1!the Proprietors, and no pains or expense spared to give sat-isfaction to all. We respectfully solicit from the public aliberal share of their patronage.


D.TRIGG.Grocer, Commission, Receiving A Forwarding Merchant,

dec SO Beovd Street, Nashville. Texx.

"lV TRIGG, has oiiened his largoand comnio- -XJ, dious Ware lfou-- e on Broad Street, be-- fit

r,tt..n nn,l rim. ciiu.ii Wrii, .;,!. yiSSlMlwhere he is prepared to STORE goods of almost any kindami quantity on reosonaoie terms, lie wilt also auentt toReceiving and Fonvarding. Havingone of the Largestamlmost couveuint house iu the city, located at an intenuediatupoint between the upper River Landing and Railroad. De-


Wholesale and Betail Dealers in Boots and Shoes,COLLEGE ST, XASHVILLE.

E are again in receipt of a large assorted stock ot '

Roots, Shoes, nnd Brognns, direct from themanufactory; Ladies Misses and Children's fine Gaiters,Boots, Exccllors Slippers and Paris Ties of every descrip-tion; Gents' superior Calf Water-Proo-f D. S. Boots superfine Calf Stitched and Pump Sole Dress Boots: WaUtmffShoes, Oxford Ties, Patent and Congress Cloth Gaiters; Boys and 1 outlis tsocits.blMiesandlii-ogansjtJrerbboe- s 1

for Men", Women and Children, and Cork Sole, Ac. Ac j

We aslc mirctiantsana planters 10 examine our storK. '.1 egive bargains tor cash. RAMAGE A CH URCH.

dcc2 w


nflA CANS Holt A Mottlv's fiesh Oysters;Ul 3 bbls Crushed Sugar; 5 bbls Pulverized Sugar;

25 bbls best Cider Vinegar 100 bags Fine Suit;20 bxs W. R. Raisins fresh; 20 lialf boxes W. R, Raisins;25 boxes Cheese; 10 boxes Codfish:25 bbls Molasses; 25 boxes Dried Herring; J

50 dozen Brooms; 3 tierces Fresh Rice; I

25 bags Coffee; 25 dozen Buckets, painted;25 boxes: Tallow Candles; z. boxes Star Candles. I

Also Teas, Matches Bed Cords, Koe Herring. Mackerel,Ac, Ac , which will be sold cheap for Cash or Barter,

janlu j


T TMIE subscriber respectfully announces to theciti- - v32rv...i :i 1 ,: 1 that 1R1 zcus ui osu, 10c auu buiiuuuuii.1; mumohe is still receiving large auditions to Lis aire:adyim- - Iff '

meu-- e stock ot

Gents Fashionable Spring nnd 'Sninmer ReadyMade Clothing,

r'l!!.lc,!le!r,relMt0;.Sn,T.il,,,,UAS lmV AS AXY 'uilir.i. uuuii 1.1 xiiLd TRA DE. ,

Alreadyin store Fine Brown, Bine, Black and Olive Frockand Dress Coats of the Litest stv les, French Tweed. Casli--merette. Plush, Drapd'Ete, Silk Lustre nnd Grass LiueuFrock, Sack, Box, and Polka Coals, Ac, Air, Ac.

Pants and Vests of every color, shade, pattern and qualityto suit the most Fastidious.

LIKEWISE a fine assortment of Gent furnishing arti-

cles, consisting of Fiue Shirts, UnderShirts, Drawer Cra-vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Hats Caps, Trunks, Valises, v,ariei iigs, it, c.,fS waX

Tenuessee Clotliing Depot, No. 3-- Market St, directly opposite Union street

J"No connexion with any other house in thecity.N. B. Xot to be sold or undersold by any man or combi-

nation of men. n L.P.Country Merchants in particular arc earnestly invited to

call and inspect my block previous to purchasing else'vhereuiarch2 1


Commission M c r c'h 11 n t,CHARLESTOX, SOUTH CAROLIXA--

receive censignmenU of COTTON, CORX, BA- -WILL OATS, BUTTEK, FEATHERS; Ac. Ills business in AucrsTA, will be continued as heretofore underlus direction.

Rejersto Hon. Jonx P. Krxc, President, Georgia Rail-ra- id

Company. II. W. Coxxee, Esq, President, South Ca-

rolina Railroad Company.P. S. Major A rustcad Wall ii my General Agent in

Tenncssecanil North Alabama. declS 2md w

NEW FURNITURE, Ac.E are now receiving, and will con- - lis!w ..,iinueio receive ior some nine,i a tT n1 1

large stock of Fcexiture, consisting of--

SuienJi,l Itoscwood and Mahog.iny Parlorfcts, which willJ ue fin;siiea to order, in Brocatcll and Phtsb, or Hair Cloth;

a j,,, .ts; al., splendid Rosewood and Mahogany I

Uiiamoer sets. lOgcuier wuu u ntca iiirieiy 01 oiueltoar.l. ItIte.ul.s. Ward Itobes. Wash Stands. Tables.Chairs, Ac, Ac Which will he sold at tho very lowestrates, for cash orgcod notes drawing interest,


HIOESFOR SALE. 2 Women, with one childn wiuinut children, lour lioys

from 3 to 13 years old. One Girl li years old. One Girl10 vears old.

We wish to buy immediately, seven young Women, fourplough boys and two young men, for a widow lady in thocouutry. DABBS A PORTER,

feb24 eoAw No. 33 CeJar street


Commission Merchant,MACOX, .t.

Receive on consignment and sell all kinds of Prodcce.decSO Cm

15 boxen Lemons, received thin day byLliMO.NS. B. A J. NIXON

STRATTON, SiTOHtWLgiR-i-e ss&.

ang Broadway.

OOFFEIi-2- 50 bags prime Rio Coffee, in store and lorSTRATT0N, SMITH A CO.

--a""!l Broadway

1LOIfR5,io bb!s.KIonr,Tario brands Just receivedby STRATT0N, SM ITH A CO

-- 1? Broadly.O ALT lOOi) bbl Kanawha Salt;

" "

0 ' 5 bags Coarse do;"COO do Fine do-I- n

store and for sole bySTRATTON, SMITH A CO

Broadway.TJilOXiVU CASTI.t:.S- -8 loiu

20 tons ILUed do; 13 tons edCaiSSaIe.'lflUi,;3vloir tneloi I-.- j0rs ,


T G.n0.J.:VE ARJILSTILVD'S STJPE- -TOUAr(!(i V. --Jilor thewe

sale of the above justly celebrated Tobaccoin ash-vu- tc,arc and will continue to be constantly supplied.

ntgl3 aili.VHUA,5JUXH & CO.,Broadway.

RLPJl1 --rfferuslied, darned and powdered Su--

articles, all of which wUl bed u"u!nt?lv


". Broadway.

??Kflltlr.justreceiveandfori-alelow- ti

ARR1V AIJ. 200 bblssnVeriornewwheTt


f Uolc3 ,resh Western Iteserve Cheese. oorHMm..'1 U o resale unusually low to close.STRATTON, SMITH A CO,dot 20 aj row war.

VI II I """" "s'locajvuraui.'c lament in store.

nor 2) STRATTON, S3I1TH A CO., w. n. coatiox, & B. EXT AX.


""SSIOy MERCHANTS.Tor tie sals 01 Merchardtse, generally,1

--J1? XASHTTLlt TtTX.' I "UliACCO. -- 150 Boxes Keen A Co, Stt.uy Mill' To--JL uicco;

50 Boxes Keen A Co ftlltlrtiniil TaKaam.150 do Smbbleneld T?'150 do l!oaz

For sale by J'" W. II. CORDON A CO.71 LASSU'AIH -- Sim Boxes lint Hiusts;

1 1wxes yuart ,i5o0 do Tumblers, assorted for,!, h.)an3 W. IL GORDON A CO.

CIGARS' 5 Cases Ion Tim Mareas Cigats;La Xatiooal do j,,

K a Jennv Lind do da5 ik Wandering Jew do do2 do Spotted Cathedral da do2 do LaFiet do do3 do Moute Cristo do daW.00iDavsMcIeo do dojan3 W. H. GORDON A CO;


WE liave received by recent arrivals nineof those unrivalled 1'iasos. madelllHHHby J. Ik Dunliam and idara Stoiturt A Co, olfT rflvanousstylesand sizes which H be sold verf low torcash or g,d notes drawing inter eit, and warranted to givesatisfact iou in every respect


DR. FRASK'S MAGNETIC OINTMENT.MR. WINTERS had lost nearlr all of Ins hair andA had been bald for manv renrs-- hrthn osa of lire An.

tUi eftie MjiHiHic Ointnuit, ha. I hU hair entirely re.ttortd, and now lias as beautiful a head of Hair as any man.eoiua wisli. JI13 age is about 50 years.

A son of Mr. Warren, of this town, 14 years of pe, hadbeen afflicted with the Asthma from his cradle- - He hadthe benefit of the best medical advice that a lormg andwealthy father could procure, without avail. It was one ofthe most aggravated cases I ever saw; he was emaciated al-most to a skeleton. By the use of' a few bottles of the Oint-ment he was cured, and for seven nx nths past hastenjoyed robust health.

This was an extreme case of infiamwtion, if tht tpltm.of long- standing; has a vai iety of treatment troni no less lhaiieight different physicians without receiving benefit wxicured bvthe use of only four bottle or the Magnetic Oin-tment This was four months ago.oid tho lady is Jlrvham, i.s still in good health, amiable to attend to her usuallion.-elio-ld duties. I liave treated two cases cf Cironie Sir

;vs wilh the Ointment, bott of the patients eo nearlyUiml, as to nets 1 an attendant to had .hem from place toplace. One of them liad been afflicted 13 rear?, the otherabout Oyears. They bad tried the best physicians in thState, without benefit; and one of them had been under thotreatment of the celebrated Dr. Muzxy, of Ciocinuati, Toreighteen months, ami had expended hundreds of dollars inram efforts to effect a core. They are now by taaot thoMagnetic Ointment, ncrly or quite cured; and are able toread and attend to any ordinary business. I hare used thoOintment in a number efcases of Piles, and in no case haulfaillofiiiring i,lt,,,luierrlfamliKneraM,japer7Hanentcure. I have also used it beneficially in severe cases ofEry-sipelas And last bit not least, I hare within the hut Tearcured tour cases of CANCER by the tue of the MagneticOintment alt net

From a thorough trial of the Ointment in nearly everydisease for which it is recommended, I can confidently re-commend it to be one of the most useful remedies crer of-fered to the public Respectfully Yours.

.BURTON' HUEBELL, M. D.Dated Jn 27, DOT, Amelia. Ohio.The character of this Ointment, as an efficient rcmedr, is

established in this city. There are quite a numterof indi-viduals who ascribe their restoration to health ti the tu oltins extraordinary Ointment



Indeed 'tis true that the World's Fair of eighteen fifty-thr-

Will be held in our happy land of liberty;But true, 'lis true, too, that cheap good are tor sale,At the Philadelphia Store, both Wholesale and Retail.

Ladies, if therefore a handsome Dress yea wish to get.Silk, Berege, Tissue, Lawn or Jaconet;One tliat's suitable for Spring or Summer wear,Yon buy it cheap at No. , on the Square.

Or if your intention is a Rich Shawl to buy,Then please at the Philadelphia Store apply;For Snawjs are sold at prices extremely low,At the lliihulelphia Store ofSohn, llillman A Co.

If Collars Chemisettes, Xeedle-wor- k Sleeves,CulfsorilneEmbroide'red HandkershietsYondesiretopiuxlia.se extraordinary cheap,tU the PhiladelpUa Store sudi article alwars


. 1 .1 , . . , ,ur 11 you. wi?u a j arasoi as iianusomc as ctcv" seen.Tlicn i.Icat-- examine tlio-- e at Number Eiehteoi: . .There si the Fine Satin, Watered Silk and Embroidered Bro.

cade,Aud every other kind that ever was made.

Ifa ltonnet of Ihe latest style you want,Rutland Gim, Gossamer or Rich Blond;Yonll find tliem all. and that chean too.At.hePhUadeiphiaStore,fortheir-stocV3enfirelyne-

Of course there arc many things which we cannot hoe menlion, :

TowhichjWe would solicityonr kind attention;Iu fact almostany thing in the Dry Gcxxb line.You'll find there. Irani qualities mfeiior to the mcsl super-


And daily too wc sliall receive many extrasPerour friends Adams A Co's. great Express;Who, unless there occur accidental delays;Brings us the goods from the East hi ten days.

Our motto is positively "one price and no deviation,"So Ladies, r'08- ca" wlUll" further invitation,At the Philadelphia Store, No. Is, PublicSquare,Where business is always done fair. L.H.

Nashville, April 21, 1353.


JAMES DIXON", I"rcst. HENRY L. MILLEE, Sec'y.Capital and Snrplns $300,000.

INSURANCE jplau.on lives of white persons on the joint stock

Persons wishing to insuro cannot find a more rcsrrasibleCompany.

Rf.i-e- e to W. B. Shepard A Co--, Kirkman A Ellis Phil,lips A Hart, lJndsley A Crocket, Morgan A Aa, M. S.Pil-cuc- r,

Esq.jTPamphlefs showing the advantage offered by this

Company will be furnished upon application to the under-signe- d,

who has been appointed agent tor the CompanyS. IL LOOMIS,gsnt.

Northeast comer of the Public Square, NashvUle, Tean.V' f S' iUmx' I Medical Examiners.Dr. J. P. Iocd,gy Insurance on the tires of NEGROES on the most

tenns. opril 12 2m.

L H. M0BT0N.Dealer is Furniture and Pianos, Window Saade, Look

ing Glasses, Mattresses, Ac,Union Sireei, near Cherry,- XuhciUe, Ttnntmet.

kinds of FURNITURE made to Order or Repaired,ALL the shortest notice, and warranted. apritT 8m.

HALF HOSE. We have just received a lotBOYS half hose for Boys.may3 MYER3 k McGILL,