VOL ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. m - : in Mu l Pacini Co lJ HKKBKKT UltOYTO. Ucnend Mauager. tvujis : m Jlis zrizrr r z . . auvlbtisisu bates: , ...... litt iBsertion.. S ineachi'abseiin?atinsortion..... 45 00 200 OFFICE : (ornir Cliorch aail Pennington Sts. Irrt-li- y looks as though it will Logan for another term of 6ix 2z Calabasas, Tncsoa t Norlhwea r 'r'aJ is to ba a broad gauge J a yard wide. 1 221 ITS bo t 3 r ltry mountain tops will throw up r w caps and shout for joy when ..bis-i- railroad receives the :eut proposed to be given by I- -1 Star will keep quiet and not ad I.. ' measure, the voters of l'inia ' give na almost unanimous -- .!.nt for county aid to the Cala r. .Iroad. l.'-Iti- ? Star Spbyax has opeaid i. -- tii oa the Calabasas ruilroad . t , L it it speuks with a very Lad - . A ft.w golden cachoas would . . n. aromatic odor. Iar editor acknowledges that l-- - waa well informed informed - is ii-n- t of ths numbor of billets z. - -- ' ived by the owner of P. O. i ' Star's verification of our r ?3 i . . uive and must be considered r lat,!-- . authority. i ' t information about Lb of Arizona is thai the z a all made out and signed t - .icut, but is dated February TiiC name of the person j . - - tLi- - gubernatorial honors are 3 4 i thrust in tho sweet bye , , D..V. dan ford, of Tucson. . .rted, with apparent candor, l Ibs3as railroad eeliemo does ..a t'e support of tho Star be--i:t- Las ia vested nil his i hi- - Narrow Gauge company, metLing of a rival to the r cd from Tucson north. As t. ;s chielly wind, he must now . - trrssiagly collapsed condition, a i blow liim up very often, Pity. A .Siiii Spanish doctor ia inocu- -I - ; ai.Lnts with cholera bacillus '! . m-ji- . ting with wonderful suc-- t cholera. Theso doc-- t jr altogether too smart, 6- -1 1 i r t a man to dio com- -' '2 . l! iisoase, but want to keep , f t further progressive experi-- t - V'e expect to be soon startled - r t r4 of the discovery of suc--'- -' wiuatiou.against bullets, eer-- ; is ju, taxes, slander, babies and t :Jz. The doctors are too smart, J; r ty soon they will not only anni-- 1 ' disease, bat at tha same time r t j.ir profession. j. cikE is a prophot up :a Maine, 1 John Xickersoc, who had figured situ Ecology nnd mathematics that t stftl Gabriel would ploy his trump V.r.rjJ.h. Ho had gathered about Ll. in fifty credulous followers who, j nt day, clad themselves in long, i ' t,a-me- and were prepared to tit r t.3 kingdom of heaven with clear t:".. tj reserved seat?. Instead of r.: . a tramp, Gabriel Feems to have r..3l the deuce with Kickerson's t- - r , uiid now the old crank is trying t .wuco them that figures will lio tzl Hat they have deceived him about i years. Tho catastropho will occur, vi Lout further postponement, in 1SS9, .z cr shine. Ar tlii buainesi meeting of tho Army c! t'e i'otomac, held in Baltimore on "We Ji lay, Gen. Grant was re elected -- t3pres:ltnt by unanimous vote. In r sp to the telegram informing him c! tun action, Gen. Grant replied: ''i'leno thank the members of tho so- - fctty of tho Army of tho Potomac for r partiality in electing me for a sec- - tixo for tliair nrssident. i wisneu : . , . . . , . promised tue prooaomii oi iuj btaz at their nnxt meetinsr. 1 should rard it as providential should I bo attend, but I nccopt the honor, t- - : :"a without the hope of performing li'ies of the office. Wishing all iii ;r.s manv hanov reunions, I ro- - - . . ca.n yours, .gnt-- U. S. Gkast. Tie next reunion of tho society will tui l !r in 3Iav. 1SSS. in San Fran- - - eh trace mining began, ono of the t pests it has had to deal with is tho who. after a mine baa been do-- 'oielby others' industry, euddenly - Jvers that he has a olaim to it The LiluJ!o Herald has this pointer on -8 salject MA party by the name of Sam Collins a t ro'mtive, we believe, to the ubiqui-"jTo- has suddenly discovered that ae u entitled to an eighth interest in tie ownership of ono of Lead ville's most Tiaible mines. Mr. Collins might have SWakeae.i tn n citnilnr iMlnainn fit nnV taa during the past six years, but for .e unaccountable reason he neglected t go uut,i tho other day. It is just yjssibietnat the Kin Van Winklo loth a'ST of Mr. Collins was disturbed by 6 aia of these legal luminaries of ra- -j who are ever ob the qui vive excuse to stir up Colo-- for litigation. and j.jsp presence in nny community is a 0110 instead of a blessing. It is I .infal commentary on our vaunted pMRressiveness to state that thero is no ia by which tho mischiof-mnkin- g pow-- w of these pottifoggers can be curbed. ao legislation bo procured by which Jfresjioneible parties can be prevented wwa creating troublesome nnd unwarr- anted litigation at theirown ewoot will? an we not have a law by which these saalless drawbacks to tho prosperity of oor state shall be compelled to file a '' equivalent in value to the amount ieu for, before they can commense a "Til action which must involve trouble "Vie??Mnse 10 tue defendant? "We w3aid hke to receive a reply to these Sienes from some of tho respectable lali 8 01 Colorado, to whom tho petti- - nuiba incalculable injury. ew lork Sun's AVns1;inc,f bjwumeuvs: "iho conference of Dem "craxic leaders gathered here from 01. mo siaies lor the laEt week have had iu viow the vital necessity of Placing tuo administration on a line Of i'v.KJ. xuo has boon kindl piain:y io:a that on nn ollmr nu Administration hope for snccp. that by going ahead on a lino displeasing lu l.uu nsprejentatives of Democratic boatiment of the coantry ho will speedily eomo to the parting Ul ,ueir ys. la theao conferences such Democratio lecuera as Itaa iiaw, uarnnm, Smalley, Beck, Voorhies, rayuo and others ... have taken apromi A4. 1. - u-.- part, isanaall's recovery bo far cs io ue ablo to bo tctivo wks the signnl ior a comparison of vitws. The adminis irauou they hold must be Democratic or jlugwumij. If it is be DamocrAlic it must more distinctly in tha line indi cated by Manning's actions, other than mat of tho President. It is one thing to nave Uemocrals appointed to office, but another to have Democrats appointed in accordance with tl wishes of those .Democrats to whom tho party, if it is to probper, muat look to fight its battles iu tho future. If there is to bo no mis 1. 1 ... lata coout tne grounds of present ex- pectations, tho latter idea is to ure- - Tail, ncu tho iJugwumps will have to be content with what thoy got, or will get Hereafter only by common consant." The recant muaicipal election dom onstrated one fact that our city oontm. ues to increase iu population. Every conntj, village or school election since our dismemberment by tha creation o: r:i i- - r couuij tour years ago, nas all own a similar state of alfairs. MHrieopa county never goes backward. Is is true that we have our wtervah of doureetuon m which tho pessimist comes to tha front with gloomy predictions for the future, bat every year has shown, as wirely as it rolls around, a email increase iu crop , in mining development, in people and in capital since Maricopa county was firet organized. Our tar roll a so toetilies to the same rssult. During tho past two years more cspitul hss came to Phenix and Maricopa then wes combined in this valley before that time. Some has been invested and more awaits investment all of which as dsvulopicg or is prepared to develop our miniug resources. That our progrefia is to steady and yet eo gradual is not tho Ieatt reassuring feat-u- r in the consideration of this matter. Now that our titles have beeu strength- ened, ia the forfeiture of the Texas Pa-cifi- o grant, and the virtual dismissal of tho Kcavis steal, it is expected that the interests of the Salt river will le in- creased aud advanced more rapidly thau before. Phenix Gazette. Let railroads be built and public en terprises be constructed, and oar land of promise will blossom. We care not who may be the individual instrument in accomplishing those greet thing?, bat if he tuf ceeds in bringing ulwut theso wonderful chaugca for good, ib5 people will rie np and call him !lersed. The sooner our people purge Hum-selv- es of the ugotifttit'al sentiment, "I cm better than th'-u,- nnd work in armony for tlr public good, the quicker will wa nshiuve prosperity aad greatness. The ma who deposlta r oto in opposition to the Cclubajas rail road will never tell it; he will feel as much ashamed of his traitorous action as the people will feel aehamed of him. A New York dispatch says: The French man-of-w- Isere is expected hero with the Baitholdi btatue btweou the 20th uad lloth. Tha Chamber of Commerce yesterday appointed a special committee to arrange a suitable entertain ment for tho Commander and his ofiio era, ono of the features of which will be a banauci at Delmoaico'a and another reception at the rooms of the Chambcm Meanwhile tho World continues ita ef forts in behalf of tho Pedestal fund, which to-d- reaches nearly ?KJ.OOO, re presenting nearly 15,000 contributions. The Chinese Regulation Aot, passed in 1SS4, went into effect at Victoria, B. O., last Thursday. It requires every Chinese, male nnd female, to pay n taz of $10 per head each year. Employers of Chineso must make a return of the Chinese in their employ, under a penal ty of S100 for eaoh caso of neglect, and . i? i nt.z any person employing nniicenbcu um namau must pay $50 fine. Tho nso of opium, except for medical purposes, is nrl,ihiflil under a Denolty Ol ZlW lor 1" each case. Mb. Bakclat Hen-ley- , recently elect ed to the Hoasoof Representatives from California, says life is too short for him to make any more explanations to show that ho ia a citizen of the United States and not of Mexico. It is painfully true Rlmrt: but reallv. we do not see how Mr. Mr. Henley can avoid wast ;nr. n nnrlion of this precious remnant of his existence ia explanation when Congress meets and his right to n seat iu the Houso ia questioned. San Diego Union. W'ith frequent sittings of the Dis trict Court; tho continuous session ui tho County Court; a Probate Court holding regular nnd seasonable hours; threo Justices of tho Peaco possessing fame nnd experience, and a iouoc Court that Eecma liko an unchain- ed bulldog to culprits, tho averag Tucson scoundrel can see but little inducement to commit crime. He is not mnch afraid of the law; it id justice that makes him shiver. Tho building of the railroad from rioi,oona to Tncson insures its oxten- - VUl " w'"' - Rton to Florenco ond Phenix, and also a mad to the Oaiiotoas. Thi3 groat work involves the expenditure of nearly million dollars by tho railroad company, a large portion of which will bo scatter ed among tho working classes and mer rhanta of Pima couniy. The rood can be considered only as n blessing aad tho aid asked should be cheerfully extended Tnis is a Republican tiP.wsDaDor and it honestly asserts that Graver Cleveland is proving himself to IG 1885. be a good and safe executive, Tho fain! iiraiso accordod him by the leading Democratic newspapers of the United States Bhow3 that they endorse him, with n mental reservation as largo as that o iuo vtuue Jiountam aud San Carlos Apaches. Minixq companies who have acquired crj expensive experience, still prefer me siump mnls to all othor tmivHi.Vpri, Some of the coffee milla grind well for a time, but tho ahock of tho stamps ia aa necessary in encceasfully working ores as is tho crnahmg process. Nearly every experiment with "new principle' iuucuincs mi3 proven n failure in Ari zona. Ihe murderera of Claiborno and the accessories to the crime, whoovor they may oe, auouid be made to euffer the penalty of tho crime. The certainty of punishment will stay many a bloody """" 'J iuo commission or crimson crime and the world will be the brighter u tho dungeon or tho gallowa remove the incarnate fi.-n- from fiio licht of day. it seems that tho convicted banker. Jamea V. waa nbout ns crooked in his domestio as in hia financial affnirs. A secret marriago and a subsequent mysteriona death of the lady nro circum- - Btances that are again coupling notoriety withhisuame. Ho is indeed a scaly Fish. The Tcmbstone Record has absorbed the old Epitaph and ia now known na the Record Epitaph. The Rscord haa always been a bright, spicy and news- paper, and wo hope tho receut addition to its heading will aot occasion u dimi nution of ita qualities ns a newspaper. Some will oppose tho county subsidy to the Calabaaas railroad through a fear that it will produce snch n change "of circumstances that they will grow rich and bo compelled to imv taxtH. That would be a deplorable con dition of affair?. Tncnu is no doubt that Gen. Grant ia sufft ring from cr.ncer, mid all recant in- vestigations prove that the dootora properly diagnosed his eabe in tho early stages of that dreadful discaee. AH that the moat approved me.iknl ekill can do is being done for the bravo old boldier. The bogus advertising agency of Mcllraich.t Co., 102 Montgomery street, San Francisco, has not yet attempted to deny its identity as u part of tho s wind ing outfit of D. Brown .t Co. The press of Arizona fire a cuit ia tboir de- nunciation of tli is thieving concern. We reiterate that the Phenix Htrald mist iVti whrn t tnj-- a lio Cliiin has not shown opposition to tho Reavis fraud. Our files prove onr assertions to bo correct It matters little now, how ever, for tuo (Jommifsioner nas npsei the t.luilo business. 1'nr. Star's pilence on the question of aid to the Calabasas railroad may bo taken as an indication of its interested hostility. If tho Star oppooa county aid, thero is no further doubt that the subsidy will be carried by an over- - whi-lmw- g vote. The electric light will be on tap again so soon as the lamps onn be polished up and put in the proper condition for the illuminating process. Tho City Council have conclnded that tho dark agoa are not of the present. Now, Mr. Receiver Drake, turn on the current nnd let your cleclrio light to shine before men that they may teo vourgood works and glorify our city fathers, who ate Eometimos correct. Tue Dr. McSwegan cate in Tomb stone hns grown too interesting to ita entertaining features with the gen eral public and tho court ia now pro coeding with closed doora. A CuiCAcio man 1ms just rocoverod damages in tho 6um of .5,00C from hia mt.Hw.r-in.ln- for slander, uuicago is great city, where they somatimos craato wonders. ConoNEit MunPHV promise ua a cir ens wuen ue joiru m iiici meote, but Coroner Smith ia of tho opin , Mint n mnnkov BllOW 1M1 t muCUOl a circus. The Star man will not go into mourn ing, exactly, on account of Renvis's Per alta reverses. He wilt simpiy mon- - uniTfl another mine. "Sic transit gloria mundL" TniT was onlv one bust of Colcridgo ...,.;Ia,i H.nnHipr il.iv in Loudon by John Russell Lowell. Itiaimid Color idga had several during hia life. Some Democrats will find the temper ntnro nbout '212 in the shade when Pre- - ninrinml Knnnwices tho name oi ULUL iviw..'" Arizona's next Governor. iTi.v.ir.LVD waa nutting ou too many filnrstcd hairs hover bin ilalgunnisiaa .t ltnain tllOUCSt Ult OU uuuui Ituu 'w Komaroll a little, yon knaw. tr- - nnn,o. lik to know by rrhni intricato process Council um -- o, m !....,.. inw of the land without having passed the legislature. a nnd cooner: b.ef and bullion Jiuvi huuM. silver arc tho nlliterativo resourcea Sonthera Arizoaa. Tiieee ia war betweeti tho gas com .ntVannd consumers New York, chartre of tho light brigade. Ttrr Kansas people aro oua for raising pork Kansas rais ing h 1 iu Oklahoma. -- - n KliortLorus nnd g;01U ' fam and Fulino in in tho railroad matter, tho Star now resorts to profanity and coarse ridicule. UKD-UVG- S, riAES- - TUCSOX, PIMA COUNTY, ARIZONA TERRITORY, SATURDAY MAY m..i.i...,inB,tiiVthe growing argument Calabasas roaches, onts. bed-bug- s, rats, ?,.i,rB. ch nmunks, cleored out mite. - ,, .xr by "Rough on lvats. ioc. of ia ia TELEGRAPH Aniu'tted of Murder. Special to tho Citiies. Santa Fe, May 8. A dispatch from Taos county to dsj states that Lee. Kiraberly and McPanl, deputy sheriffs, w ho on March lClh shot and killed the desperado Dick Rogers aud two mem bers of the Colfax couniy gang whilo de fending the county jail at Springer, wore acquitted, tho jury being out forty minutea. A spirit of revenge is still prevalent among the sympathizers of Rogers' gang in Colfax county, and not withstanding tho acquittal of the deputy sheriffs. Should they return to that county, it is believed there will bo fur ther bloodshed. A IwVNI) Gil A NT CASK. Tlio I'oiuiiilttloner ut the CrurrnI Land UHlre Srttlcit pti Arlzotin Claim. V, asiiikoton-- , May C A letter wa issued to-da- y from tho office of tho Commissioner of the General Land Offica to Royal Johnston, Surveyor General at Tucson, Arizona, in whose office certain papers have been filed in tho mnlttr c f aa alleged grant to ono Peralta, claiming and embracing a region o! country J9 by 150 miles in ex- tent, aggregating 4,000,000 acres of land, including the city of Phenix and towns of Florence, Globo and Silver King, tho major portion of the counties of Maricopa, Pinal and Gila, and a large portion of tho Whito Mountain aud San Carlos Indian reservation. The letter aaya: ''Evidence that no such record exists ia sufficient evidence that no such grant was made. The essential foULdation of a recognizable claim under the laws of Spam and treaties and laws of tho U. S. doea not appear ia this case. It ia my opinion that tho futile work in which yon hnvo been -d for n year nnd n half iu tho direc tion of investigating tho allegoi claim, wlilon from your statement of ita character, had not been place 1 you in a condition to bo entitled !o consideration, should forth- with be discontinued." Ilnrrililr Jlnntrrhy a Lunatic' Special to the CiniLV. Santa Fe, N. M., May o Yesterday about three n. in. at Bouito, about fif- - eeu milea from here, Martin Nelson arose from his bed and whilo commit- ting a shot aud killed Dr. Wm. II. Flyun, late of Boston, who waa sleep- ing ia the samo room with Nelaon, up- stairs in tho house of M. S. Maybnry. Tho firing aroused tho family, when Nelson shot and killed Maybury, hia wife and two pou?, and fatally wounded litlln .ui;liUir. A noichlmr uttl alaimed and came to tho boino and ho too was shot dead. It waa supposed that Nelson remained in tho houao and ten citizen watched it to prevent his . . i . escape. At seven a. m. me guaru was surprised to hear a shot from their rear, andllorman Beck fell dend. Nelson then went down tho main Btreet of the town firing his Winchester, and was shot dead. Nelson when sano was a quiet citizen. He came hero four ycara ago from Nebraska. There ia great excite- ment and tho whole neighborhood is making coffins. Tlio Commanilius licnrral. t5reul to the I'rcrzKc. Santa Fe, May C Gen. Phil A.Sher- - iden, Lieutenant Genernl commanding the nrmy of tho United Statcp, nrnved at Santa Fo at 3 o'clock yesterday and was tendered a reception last night. Ho left at 10:40 for Arizona and the coast. On their arrival a lour of inspec tion of militnry posts will be made. He is accompanied by hia wife, Col. Jnmea F. Gregory, Aide-Lam- and Captain C. U. Tompkins, Chief Quar- termaster Division of tho Missouri. The Lnml Olllce. Wii!.hincton. D. d. May 7th. Geuerul .Stmrka. of Illinois, is v:Koronaly rcorga the comniifsioncr ttuo prcceueu mui li.ltil(s in tho hnuda of Secretary roller, who tooK away an power nuu thnriiv from him. In a number ot in at-m- whnro Jlcl nrjaiul liau orucrcu special inveatigationa of land frauds iu tho West the agents woum uuu upou Oimr r.tnni to Washinzton that "they directlv to Teller and to sav nothing t( tho Commissioner or the T.an.1 Ofiiee. In this way a number ot land franda in tho West wcro uenoernie-l- y suppressed. General Sparks intends in nrum tin nil ttlfSO OrlCinill BUOJCVIS Ul Ho U not a man whom nny Lrtft.irv would caro to try to overrnlo in such investigations tenner is ;ur. Lamar a man to mtericro wuu mo mnu. .Minan nf the jiireaux uuuer uim, o"tsnerl Sparks will only find help from tii.t nr.i'nt aecratarv. n nns uccu chargeil that tho land frauds investigat-.- i in ttriorado last summer, properly opcnetl up, would show a direct connect ion with tUU C10CUOU Ol IUO tuiicu utat Honntnr hv tho Colorflilo Legisla fnm lnt winter. Tho managemeui vi the Land Office has been tor years ui- - .IK- - in tho interest of capitalista and :r-- r .r - r ii':n:.n,.nr, fsteni corporaiioLB when he went out ot tho Lsnd Office, retired only to go into the employ of the tolnsnn. 'Ioneka.V oaniaro Jkoiirouu nt n Blnrv of SlU.iuu a year, auo i.nrnfin ninfna m tho interior uepari meat and tho Postoffice, under tho rule nftho lust twenty year?, uavo Dcen Miioilc vhiiimi on account ot tno tacui ifh thev afford for iatrodiicmg ,t.ir ir.cnmbenta into high salaried positions with rich corporattonr, Captain PlicUn' AJlInn Acquitted. Vnw Yonir. Mav 7. Thia afternoon, when tho jury trying Richard Short for tnlilii!iL (JaDtmn 1'ueian reureu, ua i.l.)nn5 of tho court house remained thronged with people. The jury having mmln known that an agreement had l.noti roschml. were brought into court nn,i natl whnt their verdict was. "Not Kuilty," answered the foreman. Short's frienda set up a tremendous about, but ipklv onicted by tho officers Tii.. iiiiiiro frowned in indignation and amazement nt tho verdict, and said: "Gentlemen, I am astonished nt your wrdieL Yon are discharged from all farther service ou this panel." "I move tnr thdielmrre of tha prisoner." said Counsellor Brook. "Granted," said the Court, in a manner that seemed to show that Hia Honor was anxious to get rid of such extraordinary business. Tlie London TItue Speak. London, May 7. The Times, in com menting on the attitude of the conserva tives to word the government respecting the Afchan question, characterizes the conduct of the Torv leaders as nnwia It saya Lord Randolph Churchill waa not quaiihed in proposing to rctnsa sup plica to tlio government. The approach ing election will givo tho conservatives the ample opportunity to arraign tho government at tho bar of nnbhc oninion The Times argaea that the conservative party would bo much stronger if it ab etnmcd from rude and extravagent pro- - pjeaia. ihe government may have mis- managed the Afghan business. The ar- - wuiu oy giving nuvico wnicn showa that the opposition ia incapable oi uomg any better. Severe AVcatlicr In 'Vlconln. CniCAoo,May 7 Tliu Journal's Jare3-vill- e, Wia., special Bays: A powerful windstorm set in from tho northeast last night nnd the thermometer fell to 28 degrees above zero, making ice quartar of an inch thick. Tobacco bods sufferad severely. The thermometer stood 2S degrees above zero to-da-y. wnica is me co!de3t ever Known here ia May. Daring lllslivray men. rorrLAXD, Oregon, May G Tho Ore- - gonuna Spokano special says: Both stages running botween Rathdrnm and Cnmr d'Alene, the regular and tho op position, were Mopped by two masked highwaymen four miles this eido of Ixcurd'Aleno in tho woods, about o'clock yesterday afternoon. The reu ularBtago waa stopped first. It had two passengers, a white man and a China man. One robber covered the passen- gers with a ritlt, whilo the other went through their rockets. Wella Fanro k Co' box waa broken open with a hatchet, but it contained nothing but a package of Oregooirms. The robbers secured CGI from tho passengers. Tho opposition stage, which came along half an nonr later, had lour passengers, und the robbers secured alxmt $300 from mese. a no military and civilians are now scouring the woods in search of tho highwaymen. Ku.-l- .t Occupies PeigMeli. Tehekan, May 7 Advicea from Sa- - rahk state that a email forco of Bus-- biana with four guns now occupy Penj- - let). Ihe same advicea contain a state ment that the Russians huve completely won over Sarahk. Tho Turcoman tele graph line ia now completed to a poiht 120 miles beyond Asknbad. Thero is an apparent lull in tho Russian prepa- rations for war. Tho Afghan troop3 along Bala Murghab, not having receiv- ed any pay for n long time, are greatly demoralized. Vnsliln;!on Note. Washington, May (5. It is staled at the postoffice department that Post- master I'olmsrof Chicaco waa removed for offensivo partisanship. Tho said Palmer waa an act- ive worker in the recent campaign aud one ot those Republicans whoso contin- uation in office was not dnemed advisa- ble by the administration. Treasurer Jordan Fays the treasury connt is practically over, and everything found most satisfactory. Three silver dollars, which escaped from n broken package in tbo silver vault have been found, so the only discrepancy is two cents missing from a five dollar packago of penniea in tho cash room. Yesterday a heavy sqnaro box, wrapped in red tape and securely bound, was found in an out of the way nook in tbo vault. The key had been mislaid, and a locksmith opoQcd tha boxi "rhir-- wno fnnu.1 in coutniu a UotUoof dinmoudS, a bottle Of pearls, n bottle of attar i.f rosea and a lump cf gold. One of the old employed identiSed tho articles aa presents to presidont Monroe, about the year 1823 from tbo Japanese government, and bad been stored in the treasury pending tho psBssgo of an aa; of congress authorizing their acceptance. Congress I alien io legisimo ou iuu uuojcui, uuu tho sriicls were deposited in the treas- ury, where they have remained since. Tho state department has not received nny protest from tho Austrian govern-mos- t, concermog the appointment of MWiater Keiley to Vienna. Ihe cabled rumor that objection will bo mado against him because his wife it a Jewes?, finds no credence in administration cir- cles'. Thia government recognizee no dsfferenco between Jew and Gentile. It is also remarked that Mrs. Keiley is not a Jowcss except by parentage, aa sha abjured her religioua laith when tho married. Admiral Jouett lmforma the navy de partment that everything is qniot on the Isthmus of Panama. Ho aaya the Colon will sail from Aspinwall for New York and will carry one half ot tho marines Bent to the Ismusth soma weeks ago. Mutiny on tlio lllsh Sea. Paris Mav 7. Advicea from St Vic- - cent report that while the Messagenea Francaise steamer Villo De Marseille woson her way to Bucnoa Ayrea the emigranta on board mutinied owing to the bad food furnished. Theywerofin- - ally overpowered after a desporato fight.in which the captain and several of tho crew wero badly wounded. Tea of the nnssenccra wero killed or wound ed. Tho vessel put into St. mcent, where she ia guarded by a cru iser. I'irc nt Hampton llcaeli. PoiiTSMorrn, '. II., May 7.--- A fire at Hampton Beach last night burned tho Sea View House. Atlantic House and it in rpnorted to have swept tho bea ;h destroying many cottages. Loss, S100,- - noo. n.rtiallv insured. Tho fire caught in an nnoccnpieu portion oi iuu ivuumio House. Heath of Ijirl Dn llejr. London. May 7. William Ward, fint carl of Dudloy i3 dead. He waaCS years of age. Earl Dudley was a liberal con servative. I)I-cu- ln the Suez Canal. Paris, May subject of tho coDtrol ot tho nro no setl international Suez canal ia being diseased to-da- y by tho international Suez canal com- mission. Tho German, Austrian nnd Rnssiaa delegates aro in favor of inter national control, ntd tbo Jnglisu nod Italian delegates oppose it. Go.1 Work In a 3tyiterou M'ujr. SraiNOFiELD, UL, May 7. Tho latert advicea from tho threo counties in tho lerislalivo district represented by M Shaw, . Domocrat, . recently deceased show that they nave remrneu aiiepuDiicau successor. If thia ia tho case, tho Re- publicans will have a clear majority on joint ballot for United States Senator. firtui Itetrlhntlon. Colon, Mt 7 Tbo two rebel loaders. Portoznl and Cocobolo, who advised and assisted iu burning thia city, and who havo been held prisoners on the Galena, were delivered yesterday morning to General Reyes, commander-in-chie- f of the Columbian forces, by Captain Kane. A court martial waa then called by Gen. Reyes and the rebel conspirators were sentenced to death. No delay occurred in executing tho sentence of tbo court. Ia tbo afternoon the condemned men wero taken to tho middlo of the ruins which they were instrumental in making, and hanged in tha presence of thous- ands who had assembled to witnosa the execution of the law. The place selected for the hanging by General Reyea waa the exact spot where the leadera of tho rebels had started the fire on March 31st.which laid the city in a?hes,destroy- - ing nearly every building in it. Gen. Revea' prompt and vigorous action haa already had ita effect, for the hanging ot Portozal and Cocobolo haa struck terror to every rebel on the Isthmus. Ilobbery of Itarzaze on the lUllrnatl. San FiiANCtsco. May 7 J. H. Wood ward, general agent of the Wabasb, St. Lonia .t Pacific railroad, received a dii patch yesterday from A. F. Evans, wh left thia citv a week aro bv the South em Pacific, and who ia now a? Nobles ville, Indiana. The dispatch stated that Evans' trunks wero forced open, and hia wifoa diamonds, worth were btolen. It is believed tho robbery oc curred between thia city and the Needles Minister Fhelpi. New Yoek. Mav 7. Phelra. Miniate to Encland. now here, was interviewed yesterday by the World roponer. Ho said: "There haa bean aome misappren sion in respect to my connection with the irama Mmo litigation some years ago. Mr sole connection with that bus mess was couasel for the sellers oi the mine, when they wero maae defendants in the action brouirht against them in tho United States Circuit Court in the city of New York. Tho origiaal pur- - chasera or tho mine never claimed to be defrauded and nevsr broungh: any suit. and their testimony waa strongly relied on by tbo defendants. Suit was brought by tho parties who had purchased the stock on speculation after it had reach ed a low ugnro in the Jjondcn marfcet. I think tho verdict of the jury waa com pletely jUBlihed by the evidence, nnd I believe the mine itself, which is still be ing worked, will some day justify all that was claimed for it." Phelps also SRid.Muchaa ho disliked being sepa rated from his eons ho thought it beat for them to remain in America. Thia ia tho country for young men when they come out of college. 1 sent them abroad in the hopo of giving them an opportunity to see how much better the United btates ia than any foreign conn try. My countrymen need havo no fear, 1 6haH always be found a true Ameri- - The llllnoli Seuatorhln. SrntNOFiED. III.. May 7. Tfco Sena torial aspect haa materially changed by tho events of tbo past forty-eiz- bt hours, nnd Logan's chances appear very much brighter. As soon as it became fully apparent that Weaver had been elected to-da- y, ho left for home. The general impression here is thnt he will fall into line when the time comes, al though ho feels sore over the abuse he received when ho paired with Shnw. Logaa ia now fully coufident of bis ultimate success, nnd La correspondingly happy, as, in fac. are ell tbe isepub- - licana. The hotel lobbies present quite busy scene and many Repub licans nro inclined to paint tbe town red. Aa the spirta of one party rise, the others' lowor, and the Democrats are reeling blue enough, lbey ndmit that they were outgeneraled in this matter, nd blame themselves for beiug so lax. Nono of the rcpresenative:! from that liatrict even took the trouble to visit it tiring tho election, so confident were they that no opposition would be offered. They now see their folly and repent it, but it ia too late, aa all donbta of euv- - ers election have vanished, it being claimed that bis majority now is 300. The voto cast waa not ouc-thir- d ot that cast in November last. It ia averred by onio Democrats that tbo intimation of hat wua going to bo sprung on them waa learned the night beforo the elec- tion, nnd tho leaders in tho district notified, but they paid no attention to it. Gen. Logan saya that the reason he ac- counts for it 13 becauso tho peoplo in tho fitato want him to ba tho next Sen- - or, nnd the Drtmncrat did not wish tutu njfniput hitu. General Grant' Comlltlon. Chicago. May 8 Dr. Georgo F Shrndy in the Medical Review of May 9. will say of tho condition of General Craut: "JJunng the past weeK the bod- - ly health baa improved. Ilia appetite ia bettor and ho has had a relish for hia food. Locally his disease shows a tend- ency to progress. Tho palatal curtain ia still considerably infiltrated, although all signs ot ncute inflammatory troubles have disappeared. The ulceration at tho base of tho right anterior fancal pillar and nlongaide thotonguo presenta a worm eaten surface, indicating an ex- tension of the destructive process. The breathing ia freo and the voice clear, but movements of the tonguo somowhat restricting and affecting articulation accordingly, and despite tho favorable condition thero has been no changes in tho local dieeasfc to warrant any modi- fication ot the original diagnosis by members ot the medical staff. Gen. Grant went to sleep between 11 and 12 o'clock last nigh:. Dnring the night he took nourishment twico and slept seven hours, waking bctweon 7 nnd 8 thia morning. The General dressed about 9 o'clock and began arranging hia notes. He will continue work on his book to-da- Kulnou to ISrltUh l'rrtlcr. London, May 8. A apecial dispatch from Calcutta to the Timca says the news ot peace arrangements has created dismay here, for peaco so obtained ia considered dnnirerona nnd humilnting. The reports which reach here from tho northwest provinces aad from Afghan- - istangree in representing tho vacilla- ting of the ministry an ruinous to Brit ish prestige. A Ileport Corrected. LoNDON.Slay K Tho report published published in the morning Post to-da- y, that Earl Dufferin haa resigned as Vi ceroy of India in consequence of tho disastrous effect upon die British prest ige ia India of Gladstone a weat and timorous policy, ia denounced by gov- - ernment officials cs utterly nutrnc. On tho contrary they sitid. Earl Dufferin counsel with and approves of Glad stone's present action respecting tho Russio-Afgha- o question. Went hy the .short Itoule. New Yoiik. May S Rov. J. H. Dally, nastor of TrinitT Methodist Episcopal chnrcb, in York street, Jersey City, who loft tha ministry, contesting no uau been improperly intimate with Mrs, Stewart, a servant in his house, haa com- mitted tuicide. Dtnth of Ouren Eiiiiun. San Fuancisco. May 8 Tho Asso- - mated Press advices from Honolulu an nonnce tho death of lnecn Lowager Emms, of tho Saadwicb lalaads, oa April tloth. Not Arbitration, but Continuation. Sr. FnTEUSBrna. May 8. The Gazette, with roferenco to tbo sub mission ot tho Afghan frontier difficulty, say: It waa only possible to permit the correctness of our action to bo certihed to by a third party. Such a course as this ia not arbitration in any proper senso of tho term, bat simply a respec table means of terminating the incident, Nave Vremia explains that Sir Peter Lumsden who. they say, made all the mischief, haa been recalled to Londja. A New Tombstone Comjmiiy. San Fuancisco. May 8 The Contec tion Hill Mining Company, of Tomb-aton- o. has ben incorporated. Tho di rectors aro Rudolph Cohen, William Cunningham, Joseph Nophatly. Wm. C. Chapman and Alex L. Bodt. Capital stock, ten mrJtions. rrelIentlat Appointment". Washington, May 8 The President to-d- appointed Geo. V. N. Lathrop, of Michigan, envoy extraordinary and min- ister plenipotentiary to Russia; Boyd Winchester, of Kentucky, resident min- ister and consul general to Switzerland, and John E. W. Thompson, of New York, minister resident and coasul gea eral to Havti. Dr. Thompaoa wa3 born in Brooklyn: waa & graduate of tbe med ical . department . . . . ot Yale college; , after , leaving xaie ue pursueu uis meaicai atudiea ia Pans, whsre he became pro- ficient ia the French language, which knowledge wm servo him in his new sphere, aa the Haytiena are a French sneaking people. Dr. Thompson is young colored man and waa highly rec ommended lor tho position bv tbe facul ty ot lale, aa well aa by many leading citizens ot hia native State. What the Newspapers Think. London, May 9 A dispatch from St. Petersburg states that the Journal i1 St. Peterbnrg to-da- y declares that Rua sia will shortly open negotiations with England for t io appointment ot a rep resentative of the Ruasian government at Ualcntta. The Times doubts tho existenco of any documents or dispatches respecting tbo Anglo-uussia- a agreement of march 1C, sufficiently definite for the purposes ot arbitration. Referring to the report from Vienna that Herat is not mention. ed in tho negotiations between England and Russia, tho limes saya if tho gov ernment thinks tbe fate ot Herat may be left to tho caprices ot the Ameer the ministry had better tell the country their opinion and either give place to those more or abstain from boosting their money prestige and halt' hearted measures, which deceive no body and least of all Russia. The Standard' Opinion. London. May 9 The Standord aaya Herit ia now the main question. A Rus sian pledge, however binding, which would only relievo us from n diplomatic squabble, ought not to prevont ua from taking action to forestall eventualities. A Very Important Reduction In Kate. San Fuancisco, May 9 An important reduction in local passenger rates on the Southern Pacific, in Arizona nud New Mexico, will go into euect on Juno UL Local ratea havo been ten cents n mile iu these two territories. Senator Stnn ford haa ordered that after June first the rate for singlo trips ot ten milea or lesa Bballbo C1.. cents a mile; for single trips of more than ten miles, G emit, and for round trio tickets, good for 30 diyn. five centa per mile. Tho ratea will be Io per cent, additional if bought ou the traia and not nt tbo ticket office Judge D. W. F. Biabce died here last night of hi art disease. Bisbee, Arizona waa named after deceased. Capture of Kxpert lturcluts. San Fuancisco, May 9. James Mar- - tia and Thomas P. Wilson, expert tafo burglars wanted for robbenos cmnnt-te- d in Orovillo and Princeton, wero ar rested here yesterday, la September last, H. C. Bell & Go's, safe ia Orovillo was blown opea and a small sum ot money and negotiable papers to tue amount of 319,000 extracted. On April 1'Jtb. tho some year, the safe ot Aelson Butler, iu Princton, Colusa county was blown open and Si.wU in com and all tbo business naoers of John Bog?, nmonuting to many thonanuds of dollars, wero stolen. Tho matter was placed ia tho handa ot tho police in thia city. Toward the end of April they communi- cated, under assumed names, with the ictims of their work. J. hey agreed to return the papers of tbe parties ita stipu- lated amount ot money wasdeposited in certain places for them. Tho place- named wore shadowed by detectives aud bo tho aid of dcov letters both Alartiu and Wilson wero captured. On the con-fesai- of Wilson the papers of Bell .t Co. nnd ot Butler nnd Boggs wero ami ISO found on the nri'on- - o icluiued to AlullAr. lnu u luirtinn of tUa ei.OOOntolou. Treaty between France unit Animiu. Paws. May 8 Tho Chamber of Depu ties to-da- by a vote of 'Ml to 57, tho treaty concluded August 21. 1S83 be- tween Froace and Annam. M. DeFrey- - oinet. Minister of Foreign Affairs, ex plained that the treaty had been virtu ally iu force dnriug tbo past eighteen months. A credit of 120,000 franca wna adopted by tho Chamber to defray tho expense of laying a submarine cable to Tonquin. Ocn. Grant' Grant Comlltlon. New Yonc. Mny 9 -- Gen. Grant pass ed a good night and dnring tho day will do soma work on hia book. Dr. Doug- lass remained all night and left the houso at 9 a. m. Conip trtnc tlie Ilamlnrlllni. St. Loci.?, May 9 Tbe register ot tho Southern Hotel was taken by tho police to-da- y to compare tho signature of W. H. Lennox Maxwell, the murderer of C. Arthur Preller, with tho inscrip tion. "So perish all traitors to tbe great cause," found in tho trunk containing the body. Experts in handwriting, wno exnmined both, declare them written by tho inmo man. All tho testimony nec essary for tho extradition is now ready, but no ncent for tho btato to go nuor tho murderer haa been selected aa yet Ancient Mines in Greece. Tho finest antiquities about Athens wero dug up uy a r renenman oui Serpieri, who beat Schliemau all hollow. He knows nothing oi anciem Greece.or that over 2,500 years ago tbe Greeks built a lleet to fight tho Persians with tho ailver extracted from mines near Athens. Serpieri bus been enga- ged in mining in Spain and know tho nnnpnrnnpn of reftiso silver oro well. Happening to examine some ballasta dis- charged by a vessel at Marseilles, ho inquired where it had come from. The ship ballasted near Athena. Ho went to Greece. got a concession io uin. mu nearly 3,000 J ear-ol- d mines. He is work- ing them still, and will probably work himself intoasejond hundred million dollara the first hundred million Lo has already gut. MOTllUKS. If you aro failing: broken, worn out and nervous, use "W oils' lieaitu ie-aewe- SI. Druggists. w The Japanese dentist performs all his operations ot tooth-druwin- g wuu i foreunger ot one nanu, uuu iuuo uu cr terrifies hisipatient with an urray of ateel instruments. Tbo skill necessary to do this ia only acquired oy long prac- tice But onco it is obtained the oper- ator ia able to extract about half a doz- en teeth in thirty seconds without once removing his fingers from the patient a mouth. The dentist's education com- mences with tho pulling out of pegs that have been pressed into soft wood; it ends with tho drawing of hard pejjK which havo been driven into an oak plank with a mallet. It ia said that no humau jav can resist tho delicate but powerful manipulation of a Jopanese dentist. A correspondent of the NewYork Jonr-aa- l of Commerce Bays tbeidea that Tor-tun- ea are to be made in Honda without sweat of tbe browia a fiction of lanu apeculotors. An oronge grove mlrlor-id- a ia not worth a cent more than aa ap- ple orchard in New England until its i kn.nnt into it venra of hard work, much money and much impatient waiting. He thinks it could bo damou-strate- d that a good apple orchard pays a larger interest than the beat orange grove ia Florida. C W. F. Johnson ha3 sold the Scofield property, adjoining Phenix on the north, to F.C. Hatch, for the consider- ation of 1300. Thia property has been, transferred three times infix month-- , and each time has commanded a higher price. Phenix Gazette TIII.1 l'EOI'J-- E. -- Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im- potence, Sexual Debility. 81. w NO. 17 It is always a sure sign of coming fies- tas when a general eruption of horse thievery starts in, as ia the case at pres- ent. O- - . tawny friends, aro quite as adept iu tho art of running off nnd con- fiscating stock, aa any cowboy t over- land agent of our complexion and breed. Every day we hear of horses being stol- on, and in nearly every caso the thieves have been tracked into Sonora. Sabino Otero of Tubac had 43 head 6tolen a few doya since. Eanchere residing ia Calabasas. and bctweon thero and lien- - son, havo suffered more or les3 from tbe cupidity of these birds of prey, who by rights should decorate a hempen collar. r. Moore, who bad a valuable four-yea- r old stolen from him, heard of its having been seea ia Mngdalena. but owing to ita being a swift American animal or its thievish rider aMexican, we don't know which, but may bo allowed to hivo bb idea on tho matter, both horse aad rider gut, safely away although tbo thief was fired at, the aim was not sufticieatly cor- rect or was "tinctured with friendly shakes." Two borsis were stolen from the Stone Houso two milea north of here. on the night of the 1st -- inst. But it is needless to enumerate euro depreda tions, we sre unnL'v cither to oondoto with tho losers, or give attcranco to our thoughts. Tbo towns bordering tho railroad, are full of robbers, who bmg broko by gambhn ?, perharw hungry and desperate from tlut samo pastime, aro - ever on tho alert to confiscate any stock that may be running loose; Sonora is a good place to dispose of them, and byo and by some of cur sports may havo chance to win luck the ill cotton gains of these splendid specimens ot httmaa- - y who rub shoulders with us in our aloous and on our ctroets. and sneer at us under their breath for being so Ieni- - ut, unsuspicious and darned foolish. Frontier. ;V11 the grandsons of Harry Clay wero dissipated. Tbe brightest ot thm was Henry, who was shot dead in a bar room not long ago. It is recalled that "James, tho oldest, was at one timo on aged to Miss .Maggie, uanghtor ot Sen ator Beck. Hk habits compelled her to break off the engagement. When her marringa with young Mr. Corcoran, nephew of the banker, hub arranged. Clay sent him word that the oeremony houM never occur. So fearful was Miss Beck of some tragedy nt tho church that when she arrived at tho door she did not wait to have her wrapt thrown around her. but nervously throw open the carriage door and rua into tlio vestibule. It was a cold, raw day, nnd she caught a cold, which resulted iu her death bt'Ioro the honeymoon was over. The young man's threat did ond iu a tragedy. Minneapolis Tribune: Chicago af fects t be highly iudigaant ut tho tur- bulent and aggressive behkvior of its so called socialites; Lr.t when one comes to consider how tho idea of government is m Illinois, hratlyby tbo Stale Legislature and secondly by tho State legislature ntul city government i l bicago, the most surprising thing would seem to Iw that all tho best citi zens nro not socialists themselves. Iudiaaabolis Jo'irunl: Mr. Keiley's of fenso is not in. having been rebel, a participator in the rebellinn, but in -- no recognizing the fact that tho union is restored, and that its restoration was just and rigliteoue. It Is nu ionnlt to common senso to nrguo tna. u umu um regard tbo war for tho Union "a grosa nud bloody violation of public righf'&nd yot profess "nnxwen ing loyalty" to tho Union. "KOL'UIt ON PAINS." Uurcs colic, cramps, diarrhoea; ex ternally for aches, pains, sprains, head- ache, neuralgia, rheumatism. For man or beast. 20 and 50c. w A Washington correspondent says: 'Mr. Bancroft hns a funuy way ot mak- ing muck bcowIp, and saying to peoplo ol fifty and sixty years oCnge: 4 Why, my child. I'm as old as iho hills. I'm tho oldest por6on you ever knew.' Tho next minnto he mny bo speaking in tbo most serious and unconscious manner ot poor old Mr. Corcoran, who is just his own age." No English peer or peeress oan bo nrrested for debt, need serve on juries, or bo called out in tho militia, and thoy do not swear on oath, but on honor, except when witnesses n any court" They can sit in any court with their hats on, can wear any sort ot uniform as poors, can oarry arms, but not in tboir pockots, and, if they commit treas- on or felony, thty must bo tried by their peers. No other preparation as concentrates and combine blood-purifyin- vitaliz- ing, enriching and invigorating qualities na Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Quality should be considered when making compari- sons. Kjc, and Ear Deformities. Dr. T. J. Eaton, of tho Surgical Infirm- ary of Indianapolis, will vu-i- t Tucson from May Sth to 23rd Dr.Eaton has made a specialty f the oyc. ear nnd deformities for "the past twenty-fiv- o years, and lias iu that time straichtoned mora thtn one thousand cress eyes. Artifkal eyes inserted, and the moat efticlout brsc s furnished for tho euro of club feet, crooked hnibs. spinal dis- eases, etc Piles treated without pain or detention f font business, and a euro guar- anteed. Rooms si tbe Palace Hotel. AKIhc a Favor. "George," said a girl to her brothor, 4,you eaa do we a great favor at tho pstty if yon will." "What is it?" demanded the brothor. "I am to wear my new kid shoes and striped stocitioKs, anil if you will jitst sing ont "rais." I will d as muoh for yon some day.' Many ladies admire ry hair oa aome other persona. But few earo to try its effect on their own charms. Nor need they, since Ay?r's Hair Vigor pre- vents the hair from turning gray to it3 original color. It clea&aes tha scalp, prevents the fcrsMtion of dandruff, and wonderfully stimulates the growth of the hair. "A remarkable case was brought to our notice yesterday, beiDg that of a fifteea-yoar-ol- d daughter of Mr. E. P Gilpin, a substantial fanner, formerly ot Col- umbia Mo.,aow living near Collisbtirg, in this county, wno bad been totally blind from scrofula in tho oye for fifteen months. She was treated by Dr. Eaton, who is now in thia city, after ono personal examination, by mail, with the gratifying result ot restoring eight com- pletely. The doctor and his young pa- tient "are both receiving congratu- lations." Gainesville Hesperian. Joe Betz has blood ia his eye, and if hecaa find the person who administered a dote of cold poison to his pet black and tan. there will bo crimson scat- tered all about the locality of tho Business men should beat, in mind that the Citizen office has just received a new invoice of type and job stock for all kinds of mercantile printing. Give ca a call and wo guarantee satisfaction 4 t p

Library of Congress · VOL ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. m -: in Mu l Pacini Co lJ HKKBKKT UltOYTO. Ucnend Mauager. tvujis : m Jlis zrizrr r z.. auvlbtisisu bates:, ...... littiBsertion

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Page 1: Library of Congress · VOL ARIZONA WEEKLY CITIZEN. m -: in Mu l Pacini Co lJ HKKBKKT UltOYTO. Ucnend Mauager. tvujis : m Jlis zrizrr r z.. auvlbtisisu bates:, ...... littiBsertion



: in Mu l Pacini ColJ HKKBKKT UltOYTO.

Ucnend Mauager.tvujis :

m Jlis zrizrr r z.


auvlbtisisu bates:, ...... litt iBsertion..

S ineachi'abseiin?atinsortion.....

45 00200


(ornir Cliorch aail Pennington Sts.

Irrt-li- y looks as though it willLogan for another term of 6ix

2z Calabasas, Tncsoa t Norlhwear 'r'aJ is to ba a broad gauge

J a yard wide.





rltry mountain tops will throw up

r w caps and shout for joy when..bis-i- railroad receives the:eut proposed to be given by

I- -1 Star will keep quiet and not adI.. ' measure, the voters of l'inia

' give na almost unanimous-- .!.nt for county aid to the Calar. .Iroad.

l.'-Iti- ? Star Spbyax has opeaidi. -- tii oa the Calabasas ruilroad

. t , L it it speuks with a very Lad- . A ft.w golden cachoas would

. . n. aromatic odor.

Iar editor acknowledges thatl-- - waa well informed informed

- is ii-n- t of ths numbor of billetsz. -

--' ived by the owner of P. O.

i ' Star's verification of ourr ?3 i . . uive and must be considered

r lat,!-- . authority.

i ' t information aboutLb of Arizona is thai the

z a all made out and signedt - .icut, but is dated February

TiiC name of the personj . - - tLi-- gubernatorial honors are3 4 i thrust in tho sweet bye

, , D..V. dan ford, of Tucson.

. .rted, with apparent candor,l Ibs3as railroad eeliemo does..a t'e support of tho Star be--i:t-

Las iavested nil hisi hi- - Narrow Gauge company,

metLing of a rival to ther cd from Tucson north. As

t. ;s chielly wind, he must now. - trrssiagly collapsed condition,a i blow liim up very often,


A .Siiii Spanish doctor ia inocu- -I

- ; ai.Lnts with cholera bacillus'! . m-ji- . ting with wonderful suc-- t

cholera. Theso doc-- tjr altogether too smart,

6- -1 1 i r t a man to dio com- -'

'2 . l! iisoase, but want to keep, f t further progressive experi-- t

- V'e expect to be soon startled- r t r4 of the discovery of suc--'- -'

wiuatiou.against bullets, eer-- ;is ju, taxes, slander, babies and

t :Jz. The doctors are too smart,J; r ty soon they will not only anni-- 1

' disease, bat at tha same timer tj.ir profession.

j. cikE is a prophot up :a Maine,1 John Xickersoc, who had figured

situ Ecology nnd mathematics thatt stftl Gabriel would ploy his trump

V.r.rjJ.h. Ho had gathered aboutLl. in fifty credulous followers who,

j nt day, clad themselves in long,i ' t,a-me- and were prepared to

tit r t.3 kingdom of heaven with cleart:".. tj reserved seat?. Instead of

r.: . a tramp, Gabriel Feems to haver..3l the deuce with Kickerson'st-- r , uiid now the old crank is tryingt .wuco them that figures will liotzl Hat they have deceived him abouti years. Tho catastropho will occur,vi Lout further postponement, in 1SS9,

.z cr shine.

Ar tlii buainesi meeting of tho Armyc! t'e i'otomac, held in Baltimore on"We Ji lay, Gen. Grant was re elected--t3pres:ltnt by unanimous vote. Inr sp to the telegram informing himc! tun action, Gen. Grant replied:

''i'leno thank the members of tho so- -fctty of tho Army of tho Potomac for

r partiality in electing me for a sec- -

tixo for tliair nrssident. i wisneu: . , . . . , .

promised tue prooaomii oi iujbtaz at their nnxt meetinsr. 1 shouldrard it as providential should I bo

attend, but I nccopt the honor,t- - : :"a without the hope of performing

li'ies of the office. Wishing alliii ;r.s manv hanov reunions, I ro- -

- . .ca.n yours,

.gnt-- U. S. Gkast.Tie next reunion of tho society will

tui l !r in 3Iav. 1SSS. in San Fran- -

- eh trace mining began, ono of thet pests it has had to deal with is tho

who. after a mine baa been do--

'oielby others' industry, euddenly- Jvers that he has a olaim to it The

LiluJ!o Herald has this pointer on-8 salject

MA party by the name of Sam Collinsa t ro'mtive, we believe, to the ubiqui-"jTo-

has suddenly discovered thatae u entitled to an eighth interest intie ownership of ono of Lead ville's mostTiaible mines. Mr. Collins might haveSWakeae.i tn n citnilnr iMlnainn fit nnVtaa during the past six years, but for

.e unaccountable reason he neglectedt go uut,i tho other day. It is justyjssibietnat the Kin Van Winklo lotha'ST of Mr. Collins was disturbed by6 aia of these legal luminaries ofra- -j who are ever ob the qui vive

excuse to stir up


litigation. andj.jsp presence in nny community is

a 0110 instead of a blessing. It isI .infal commentary on our vauntedpMRressiveness to state that thero is noia by which tho mischiof-mnkin-g pow-- w

of these pottifoggers can be curbed.ao legislation bo procured by which

Jfresjioneible parties can be preventedwwa creating troublesome nnd unwarr-anted litigation at theirown ewoot will?

an we not have a law by which thesesaalless drawbacks to tho prosperity ofoor state shall be compelled to file a

'' equivalent in value to the amountieu for, before they can commense a

"Til action which must involve trouble"Vie??Mnse 10 tue defendant? "Wew3aid hke to receive a reply to theseSienes from some of tho respectablelali 8 01 Colorado, to whom tho petti- -

nuiba incalculable injury.

ew lork Sun's AVns1;inc,f

bjwumeuvs: "iho conference of Dem"craxic leaders gathered here from

01. mo siaies lor the laEt weekhave had iu viow the vital necessity ofPlacing tuo administration on a line Ofi'v.KJ. xuo has boon kindl

piain:y io:a that on nn ollmr nuAdministration hope for snccp.that by going ahead on a lino displeasinglu l.uu nsprejentatives of Democraticboatiment of the coantry ho willspeedily eomo to the partingUl ,ueir ys. la theao conferencessuch Democratio lecuera as Itaaiiaw, uarnnm, Smalley, Beck, Voorhies,rayuo and others...have taken apromi

A4. 1. -u-.- part, isanaall's recovery bo far csio ue ablo to bo tctivo wks the signnlior a comparison of vitws. The adminisirauou they hold must be Democraticor jlugwumij. If it is be DamocrAlicit must more distinctly in tha line indicated by Manning's actions, other thanmat of tho President. It is one thing tonave Uemocrals appointed to office, butanother to have Democrats appointed inaccordance with tl wishes of those.Democrats to whom tho party, if it isto probper, muat look to fight its battlesiu tho future. If there is to bo no mis

1 . 1 ...lata coout tne grounds of present ex-

pectations, tho latter idea is to ure- -Tail, ncu tho iJugwumps will have to becontent with what thoy got, or will getHereafter only by common consant."

The recant muaicipal election domonstrated one fact that our city oontm.ues to increase iu population. Everyconntj, village or school election sinceour dismemberment by tha creation o:r:i i- - rcouuij tour years ago, nas all own asimilar state of alfairs. MHrieopa countynever goes backward. Is is true that wehave our wtervah of doureetuon mwhich tho pessimist comes to tha frontwith gloomy predictions for the future,bat every year has shown, as wirely as itrolls around, a email increase iu crop ,in mining development, in people and incapital since Maricopa county was firetorganized. Our tar roll a so toetilies tothe same rssult. During tho past twoyears more cspitul hss came to Phenixand Maricopa then wes combined in thisvalley before that time. Some has beeninvested and more awaits investmentall of which as dsvulopicg or is preparedto develop our miniug resources. Thatour progrefia is to steady and yet eogradual is not tho Ieatt reassuring feat-u- r

in the consideration of this matter.Now that our titles have beeu strength-ened, ia the forfeiture of the Texas Pa-cifi- o

grant, and the virtual dismissal oftho Kcavis steal, it is expected that theinterests of the Salt river will le in-

creased aud advanced more rapidly thaubefore. Phenix Gazette.

Let railroads be built and public enterprises be constructed, and oar landof promise will blossom. We care notwho may be the individual instrumentin accomplishing those greet thing?,bat if he tuf ceeds in bringing ulwuttheso wonderful chaugca for good, ib5people will rie np and call him !lersed.The sooner our people purge Hum-selv- es

of the ugotifttit'al sentiment, "Icm better than th'-u,- nnd work in

armony for tlr public good, thequicker will wa nshiuve prosperity aadgreatness. The ma who deposlta r

oto in opposition to the Cclubajas railroad will never tell it; he will feel asmuch ashamed of his traitorous actionas the people will feel aehamed of him.

A New York dispatch says: TheFrench man-of-w- Isere is expectedhero with the Baitholdi btatue btweouthe 20th uad lloth. Tha Chamber ofCommerce yesterday appointed a special

committee to arrange a suitable entertainment for tho Commander and his ofiio

era, ono of the features of which will bea banauci at Delmoaico'a and anotherreception at the rooms of the ChambcmMeanwhile tho World continues ita ef

forts in behalf of tho Pedestal fund,which to-d- reaches nearly ?KJ.OOO, representing nearly 15,000 contributions.

The Chinese Regulation Aot, passed

in 1SS4, went into effect at Victoria, B.

O., last Thursday. It requires every

Chinese, male nnd female, to pay n tazof $10 per head each year. Employers

of Chineso must make a return of theChinese in their employ, under a penalty of S100 for eaoh caso of neglect, and

. i? i nt.zany person employing nniicenbcu umnamau must pay $50 fine. Tho nso of

opium, except for medical purposes, isnrl,ihiflil under a Denolty Ol ZlW lor1"each case.

Mb. Bakclat Hen-ley- , recently elect

ed to the Hoasoof Representatives from

California, says life is too short for himto make any more explanations to show

that ho ia a citizen of the United Statesand not of Mexico. It is painfully true

Rlmrt: but reallv. we do notsee how Mr. Mr. Henley can avoid wast;nr. n nnrlion of this precious remnant

of his existence ia explanation when

Congress meets and his right to n seatiu the Houso ia questioned. San Diego


W'ith frequent sittings of the Dis

trict Court; tho continuous session uitho County Court; a Probate Court

holding regular nnd seasonable hours;

threo Justices of tho Peaco possessingfame nnd experience, and a iouocCourt that Eecma liko an unchain-

ed bulldog to culprits, tho averag

Tucson scoundrel can see but little

inducement to commit crime. He is not

mnch afraid of the law; it id justice thatmakes him shiver.

Tho building of the railroad from

rioi,oona to Tncson insures its oxten- -VUl "w'"' -

Rton to Florenco ond Phenix, and also a

mad to the Oaiiotoas. Thi3 groat work

involves the expenditure of nearly

million dollars by tho railroad company,

a large portion of which will bo scatter

ed among tho working classes and mer

rhanta of Pima couniy. The rood can

be considered only as n blessing aad tho

aid asked should be cheerfully extended

Tnis is a Republican

tiP.wsDaDor and it honestly asserts thatGraver Cleveland is proving himself to

IG 1885.

be a good and safe executive, Tho fain!iiraiso accordod him by the leadingDemocratic newspapers of the UnitedStates Bhow3 that they endorse him, withn mental reservation as largo as that oiuo vtuue Jiountam aud San CarlosApaches.

Minixq companies who have acquiredcrj expensive experience, still prefer

me siump mnls to all othor tmivHi.Vpri,Some of the coffee milla grind well fora time, but tho ahock of tho stamps iaaa necessary in encceasfully workingores as is tho crnahmg process. Nearlyevery experiment with "new principle'iuucuincs mi3 proven n failure in Arizona.

Ihe murderera of Claiborno and theaccessories to the crime, whoovor theymay oe, auouid be made to euffer thepenalty of tho crime. The certainty ofpunishment will stay many a bloody"""" 'J iuo commission or crimsoncrime and the world will be the brighteru tho dungeon or tho gallowa removethe incarnate fi.-n- from fiio licht ofday.

it seems that tho convicted banker.Jamea V. waa nbout ns crooked inhis domestio as in hia financial affnirs.A secret marriago and a subsequentmysteriona death of the lady nro circum- -Btances that are again coupling notorietywithhisuame. Ho is indeed a scalyFish.

The Tcmbstone Record has absorbedthe old Epitaph and ia now known nathe Record Epitaph. The Rscord haaalways been a bright, spicy and news-paper, and wo hope tho receut additionto its heading will aot occasion u diminution of ita qualities ns a newspaper.

Some will oppose thocounty subsidy to the Calabaaas railroadthrough a fear that it will produce snchn change "of circumstances that they willgrow rich and bo compelled to imvtaxtH. That would be a deplorable condition of affair?.

Tncnu is no doubt that Gen. Grant iasufft ring from cr.ncer, mid all recant in-

vestigations prove that the dootoraproperly diagnosed his eabe in tho earlystages of that dreadful discaee. AH thatthe moat approved me.iknl ekill can dois being done for the bravo old boldier.

The bogus advertising agency ofMcllraich.t Co., 102 Montgomery street,San Francisco, has not yet attempted todeny its identity as u part of tho s winding outfit of D. Brown .t Co. The

press of Arizona fire a cuit ia tboir de-

nunciation of tli is thieving concern.

We reiterate that the Phenix Htraldmist iVti whrn t tnj-- a lio Cliiin

has not shown opposition to tho Reavisfraud. Our files prove onr assertions tobo correct It matters little now, however, for tuo (Jommifsioner nas npseithe t.luilo business.

1'nr. Star's pilence on the question ofaid to the Calabasas railroad may botaken as an indication of its interestedhostility. If tho Star oppooa countyaid, thero is no further doubt that thesubsidy will be carried by an over--

whi-lmw- g vote.

The electric light will be on tap againso soon as the lamps onn be polished upand put in the proper condition for theilluminating process. Tho City Councilhave conclnded that tho dark agoa arenot of the present.

Now, Mr. Receiver Drake, turn on thecurrent nnd let your cleclrio light toshine before men that they may teovourgood works and glorify our city

fathers, who ate Eometimos correct.

Tue Dr. McSwegan cate in Tomb

stone hns grown too interesting to

ita entertaining features with the gen

eral public and tho court ia now pro

coeding with closed doora.

A CuiCAcio man 1ms just rocoverod

damages in tho 6um of .5,00C from hiamt.Hw.r-in.ln- for slander, uuicago isgreat city, where they somatimos craatowonders.

ConoNEit MunPHV promise ua a cirens wuen ue joiru m iiicimeote, but Coroner Smith ia of tho opin, Mint n mnnkov BllOW 1M1 t muCUOl acircus.

The Star man will not go into mourn

ing, exactly, on account of Renvis's Per

alta reverses. He wilt simpiy mon- -

uniTfl another mine. "Sic transit gloria


TniT was onlv one bust of Colcridgo

...,.;Ia,i H.nnHipr il.iv in Loudon by

John Russell Lowell. Itiaimid Color

idga had several during hia life.

Some Democrats will find the temper

ntnro nbout '212 in the shade when Pre- -

ninrinml Knnnwices tho name oiULUL iviw..'"Arizona's next Governor.

iTi.v.ir.LVD waa nutting ou too many

filnrstcd hairs hover bin ilalgunnisiaa.t ltnain tllOUCSt Ult OU uuuuiItuu 'w

Komaroll a little, yon knaw.

tr- - nnn,o. lik to know by

rrhni intricato process Council um -- o,

m !....,.. inw of the land without

having passed the legislature.

a nnd cooner: b.ef and bullion

Jiuvi huuM.silver arc tho nlliterativo resourcea

Sonthera Arizoaa.

Tiieee ia war betweeti tho gas com

.ntVannd consumers New York,

chartre of tho

light brigade.

Ttrr Kansas people aro

oua for raising pork Kansas rais

ing h 1 iu Oklahoma.

-- -


KliortLorus nndg;01U '


Fulino in in tho

railroad matter, tho Star now resorts to

profanity and coarse ridicule.

UKD-UVG- S, riAES- -




argument Calabasas

roaches, onts. bed-bug- s, rats,?,.i,rB. ch nmunks, cleored out

mite. - ,, .xrby "Rough on lvats. ioc.





Aniu'tted of Murder.Special to tho Citiies.

Santa Fe, May 8. A dispatch fromTaos county to dsj states that Lee.Kiraberly and McPanl, deputy sheriffs,w ho on March lClh shot and killed thedesperado Dick Rogers aud two members of the Colfax couniy gang whilo defending the county jail at Springer,wore acquitted, tho jury being out fortyminutea. A spirit of revenge is stillprevalent among the sympathizers ofRogers' gang in Colfax county, and notwithstanding tho acquittal of the deputysheriffs. Should they return to thatcounty, it is believed there will bo further bloodshed.


Tlio I'oiuiiilttloner ut the CrurrnI LandUHlre Srttlcit pti Arlzotin Claim.

V, asiiikoton-- , May C A letter waissued to-da- y from tho office of thoCommissioner of the General LandOffica to Royal Johnston, SurveyorGeneral at Tucson, Arizona, in whoseoffice certain papers have been filed intho mnlttr c f aa alleged grant to onoPeralta, claiming and embracing aregion o! country J9 by 150 miles in ex-

tent, aggregating 4,000,000 acres ofland, including the city of Phenix andtowns of Florence, Globo and SilverKing, tho major portion of the countiesof Maricopa, Pinal and Gila, and alarge portion of tho Whito Mountainaud San Carlos Indian reservation.The letter aaya: ''Evidence that no suchrecord exists ia sufficient evidence thatno such grant was made. The essentialfoULdation of a recognizable claimunder the laws of Spam and treatiesand laws of tho U. S. doea not appearia this case. It ia my opinion that thofutile work in which yon hnvo been -d

for n year nnd n half iu tho direction of investigating tho allegoi claim,wlilon from your statement of ita

character, had not beenplace 1 you in a condition to boentitled !o consideration, should forth-

with be discontinued."Ilnrrililr Jlnntrrhy a Lunatic'

Special to the CiniLV.Santa Fe, N. M., May o Yesterday

about three n. in. at Bouito, about fif- -

eeu milea from here, Martin Nelsonarose from his bed and whilo commit-

ting a shot aud killed Dr. Wm.II. Flyun, late of Boston, who waa sleep-

ing ia the samo room with Nelaon, up-

stairs in tho house of M. S. Maybnry.Tho firing aroused tho family, whenNelson shot and killed Maybury, hiawife and two pou?, and fatally wounded

litlln .ui;liUir. A noichlmr uttlalaimed and came to tho boino and hotoo was shot dead. It waa supposedthat Nelson remained in tho houao andten citizen watched it to prevent his

. . i .escape. At seven a. m. me guaru wassurprised to hear a shot from their rear,andllorman Beck fell dend. Nelsonthen went down tho main Btreet of thetown firing his Winchester, and was shotdead. Nelson when sano was a quietcitizen. He came hero four ycara ago

from Nebraska. There ia great excite-

ment and tho whole neighborhood ismaking coffins.

Tlio Commanilius licnrral.t5reul to the I'rcrzKc.

Santa Fe, May C Gen. Phil A.Sher- -

iden, Lieutenant Genernl commanding

the nrmy of tho United Statcp, nrnved atSanta Fo at 3 o'clock yesterday andwas tendered a reception last night.Ho left at 10:40 for Arizona and thecoast. On their arrival a lour of inspection of militnry posts will be made.He is accompanied by hia wife, Col.

Jnmea F. Gregory, Aide-Lam- andCaptain C. U. Tompkins, Chief Quar-

termaster Division of tho Missouri.

The Lnml Olllce.

Wii!.hincton. D. d. May 7th. Geuerul.Stmrka. of Illinois, is v:Koronaly rcorga

the comniifsioncr ttuo prcceueu muili.ltil(s in tho hnuda of Secretary

roller, who tooK away an power nuuthnriiv from him. In a number ot inat-m- whnro Jlcl nrjaiul liau orucrcuspecial inveatigationa of land frauds iutho West the agents woum uuu upouOimr r.tnni to Washinzton that "they

directlv to Teller and tosav nothing t( tho Commissioner or theT.an.1 Ofiiee. In this way a number otland franda in tho West wcro uenoernie-l- y

suppressed. General Sparks intendsin nrum tin nil ttlfSO OrlCinill BUOJCVIS Ul

Ho U not a man whom nnyLrtft.irv would caro to try to overrnlo

in such investigations tenner is ;ur.Lamar a man to mtericro wuu mo mnu..Minan nf the jiireaux uuuer uim,o"tsnerl Sparks will only find help fromtii.t nr.i'nt aecratarv. n nns uccuchargeil that tho land frauds investigat-.- i

in ttriorado last summer, properlyopcnetl up, would show a direct connection with tUU C10CUOU Ol IUO tuiicuutat Honntnr hv tho Colorflilo Legislafnm lnt winter. Tho managemeui vithe Land Office has been tor years ui- -

.IK-- in tho interest of capitalista and:r-- r .r - r ii':n:.n,.nr,fsteni corporaiioLBwhen he went out ot tho Lsnd Office,

retired only to go into the employ of thetolnsnn. 'Ioneka.V oaniaro Jkoiirouu

nt n Blnrv of SlU.iuu a year, auoi.nrnfin ninfna m tho interior ueparimeat and tho Postoffice, under tho rulenftho lust twenty year?, uavo DcenMiioilc vhiiimi on account ot tno tacui

ifh thev afford for iatrodiicmg,t.ir ir.cnmbenta into high salaried

positions with rich corporattonr,

Captain PlicUn' AJlInn Acquitted.Vnw Yonir. Mav 7. Thia afternoon,

when tho jury trying Richard Short fortnlilii!iL (JaDtmn 1'ueian reureu, ua

i.l.)nn5 of tho court house remainedthronged with people. The jury havingmmln known that an agreement hadl.noti roschml. were brought into courtnn,i natl whnt their verdict was. "NotKuilty," answered the foreman. Short'sfrienda set up a tremendous about, but

ipklv onicted by tho officersTii.. iiiiiiro frowned in indignation andamazement nt tho verdict, and said:"Gentlemen, I am astonished nt yourwrdieL Yon are discharged from allfarther service ou this panel." "I movetnr thdielmrre of tha prisoner." saidCounsellor Brook. "Granted," said theCourt, in a manner that seemed to showthat Hia Honor was anxious to get ridof such extraordinary business.

Tlie London TItue Speak.London, May 7. The Times, in com

menting on the attitude of the conservatives to word the government respectingthe Afchan question, characterizes the

conduct of the Torv leaders as nnwiaIt saya Lord Randolph Churchill waanot quaiihed in proposing to rctnsa supplica to tlio government. The approaching election will givo tho conservativesthe ample opportunity to arraign thogovernment at tho bar of nnbhc oninionThe Times argaea that the conservativeparty would bo much stronger if it abetnmcd from rude and extravagent pro- -pjeaia. ihe government may have mis-managed the Afghan business. The ar--wuiu oy giving nuvico wnicnshowa that the opposition ia incapableoi uomg any better.

Severe AVcatlicr In 'Vlconln.CniCAoo,May 7 Tliu Journal's Jare3-vill- e,

Wia., special Bays: A powerfulwindstorm set in from tho northeastlast night nnd the thermometer fell to28 degrees above zero, making icequartar of an inch thick. Tobacco bodssufferad severely. The thermometerstood 2S degrees above zero to-da-y.

wnica is me co!de3t ever Known here iaMay.

Daring lllslivray men.rorrLAXD, Oregon, May G Tho Ore- -

gonuna Spokano special says: Bothstages running botween Rathdrnm andCnmr d'Alene, the regular and tho opposition, were Mopped by two maskedhighwaymen four miles this eido ofIxcurd'Aleno in tho woods, abouto'clock yesterday afternoon. The reuularBtago waa stopped first. It had twopassengers, a white man and a Chinaman. One robber covered the passen-gers with a ritlt, whilo the other wentthrough their rockets. Wella Fanro kCo' box waa broken open with ahatchet, but it contained nothing but apackage of Oregooirms. The robberssecured CGI from tho passengers. Thoopposition stage, which came along halfan nonr later, had lour passengers, undthe robbers secured alxmt $300 frommese. a no military and civilians arenow scouring the woods in search of thohighwaymen.

Ku.-l- .t Occupies PeigMeli.Tehekan, May 7 Advicea from Sa- -

rahk state that a email forco of Bus--biana with four guns now occupy Penj- -let). Ihe same advicea contain a state

ment that the Russians huve completelywon over Sarahk. Tho Turcoman telegraph line ia now completed to a poiht120 miles beyond Asknbad. Thero isan apparent lull in tho Russian prepa-rations for war. Tho Afghan troop3along Bala Murghab, not having receiv-ed any pay for n long time, are greatlydemoralized.

Vnsliln;!on Note.Washington, May (5. It is staled

at the postoffice department that Post-master I'olmsrof Chicaco waa removedfor offensivo partisanship. Tho

said Palmer waa an act-ive worker in the recent campaign audone ot those Republicans whoso contin-uation in office was not dnemed advisa-ble by the administration.

Treasurer Jordan Fays the treasuryconnt is practically over, and everythingfound most satisfactory. Three silverdollars, which escaped from n brokenpackage in tbo silver vault have beenfound, so the only discrepancy is twocents missing from a five dollar packagoof penniea in tho cash room. Yesterdaya heavy sqnaro box, wrapped in red tapeand securely bound, was found in anout of the way nook in tbo vault. Thekey had been mislaid, and a locksmithopoQcd tha boxi "rhir-- wno fnnu.1 incoutniu a UotUoof dinmoudS, a bottle Ofpearls, n bottle of attar i.f rosea and alump cf gold. One of the old employedidentiSed tho articles aa presents topresidont Monroe, about the year 1823from tbo Japanese government, andbad been stored in the treasury pendingtho psBssgo of an aa; of congressauthorizing their acceptance. CongressI alien io legisimo ou iuu uuojcui, uuutho sriicls were deposited in the treas-ury, where they have remained since.

Tho state department has not receivednny protest from tho Austrian govern-mos- t,

concermog the appointment ofMWiater Keiley to Vienna. Ihe cabledrumor that objection will bo madoagainst him because his wife it a Jewes?,finds no credence in administration cir-

cles'. Thia government recognizee nodsfferenco between Jew and Gentile.It is also remarked that Mrs. Keiley isnot a Jowcss except by parentage, aasha abjured her religioua laith whentho married.

Admiral Jouett lmforma the navy department that everything is qniot onthe Isthmus of Panama. Ho aaya theColon will sail from Aspinwall for NewYork and will carry one halfot tho marines Bent to the Ismusthsoma weeks ago.

Mutiny on tlio lllsh Sea.Paris Mav 7. Advicea from St Vic- -

cent report that while the MessageneaFrancaise steamer Villo De Marseillewoson her way to Bucnoa Ayrea theemigranta on board mutinied owing tothe bad food furnished. Theywerofin- -ally overpowered after a desporatofight.in which the captain and severalof tho crew wero badly wounded. Teaof the nnssenccra wero killed or wounded. Tho vessel put into St. mcent,where she ia guarded by a cruiser.

I'irc nt Hampton llcaeli.PoiiTSMorrn, '. II., May 7.--- A fire at

Hampton Beach last night burned thoSea View House. Atlantic House andit in rpnorted to have swept tho bea ;hdestroying many cottages. Loss, S100,- -noo. n.rtiallv insured. Tho fire caughtin an nnoccnpieu portion oi iuu ivuumioHouse.

Heath of Ijirl Dn llejr.

London. May 7. William Ward, fintcarl of Dudloy i3 dead. He waaCS yearsof age. Earl Dudley was a liberal conservative.

I)I-cu- ln the Suez Canal.Paris, May subject of tho

coDtrol ot thonro no setl internationalSuez canal ia being diseased to-da- y

by tho international Suez canal com-

mission. Tho German, Austrian nndRnssiaa delegates aro in favor of international control, ntd tbo Jnglisu nodItalian delegates oppose it.

Go.1 Work In a 3tyiterou M'ujr.

SraiNOFiELD, UL, May 7. Tho latertadvicea from tho threo counties in tholerislalivo district represented by MShaw,.

Domocrat,.recently deceased show

that they nave remrneu aiiepuDiicausuccessor. If thia ia tho case, tho Re-

publicans will have a clear majority onjoint ballot for United States Senator.

firtui Itetrlhntlon.Colon, Mt 7 Tbo two rebel loaders.

Portoznl and Cocobolo, who advised andassisted iu burning thia city, and whohavo been held prisoners on the Galena,were delivered yesterday morning toGeneral Reyes, commander-in-chie- f ofthe Columbian forces, by Captain Kane.A court martial waa then called by Gen.Reyes and the rebel conspirators weresentenced to death. No delay occurredin executing tho sentence of tbo court.Ia tbo afternoon the condemned menwero taken to tho middlo of the ruinswhich they were instrumental in making,and hanged in tha presence of thous-ands who had assembled to witnosa theexecution of the law. The place selectedfor the hanging by General Reyea waathe exact spot where the leadera of thorebels had started the fire on March31st.which laid the city in a?hes,destroy- -ing nearly every building in it. Gen.Revea' prompt and vigorous action haaalready had ita effect, for the hanging otPortozal and Cocobolo haa struck terrorto every rebel on the Isthmus.

Ilobbery of Itarzaze on the lUllrnatl.San FiiANCtsco. May 7 J. H. Wood

ward, general agent of the Wabasb, St.

Lonia .t Pacific railroad, received a diipatch yesterday from A. F. Evans, whleft thia citv a week aro bv the Southem Pacific, and who ia now a? Noblesville, Indiana. The dispatch stated thatEvans' trunks wero forced open, and hiawifoa diamonds, worth werebtolen. It is believed tho robbery occurred between thia city and the Needles

Minister Fhelpi.New Yoek. Mav 7. Phelra. Miniate

to Encland. now here, was interviewedyesterday by the World roponer. Hosaid: "There haa bean aome misapprension in respect to my connection withthe irama Mmo litigation some yearsago. Mr sole connection with that busmess was couasel for the sellers oi themine, when they wero maae defendantsin the action brouirht against them intho United States Circuit Court in thecity of New York. Tho origiaal pur- -

chasera or tho mine never claimed to bedefrauded and nevsr broungh: any suit.and their testimony waa strongly reliedon by tbo defendants. Suit was broughtby tho parties who had purchased thestock on speculation after it had reached a low ugnro in the Jjondcn marfcet.I think tho verdict of the jury waa completely jUBlihed by the evidence, nnd Ibelieve the mine itself, which is still being worked, will some day justify allthat was claimed for it." Phelps alsoSRid.Muchaa ho disliked being separated from his eons ho thought it beatfor them to remain in America. Thia iatho country for young men when theycome out of college. 1 sent themabroad in the hopo of giving them anopportunity to see how much better theUnited btates ia than any foreign conntry. My countrymen need havo no fear,1 6haH always be found a true Ameri- -

The llllnoli Seuatorhln.SrntNOFiED. III.. May 7. Tfco Sena

torial aspect haa materially changed bytho events of tbo past forty-eiz-bt

hours, nnd Logan's chances appear verymuch brighter. As soon as it becamefully apparent that Weaver had beenelected to-da- y, ho left for home. Thegeneral impression here is thnt he willfall into line when the time comes, although ho feels sore over the abuse hereceived when ho paired with Shnw.Logaa ia now fully coufident of bisultimate success, nnd La correspondinglyhappy, as, in fac. are ell tbe isepub- -licana. The hotel lobbies present quite

busy scene and many Republicans nro inclined to paint tbe townred. Aa the spirta of one party rise, theothers' lowor, and the Democrats arereeling blue enough, lbey ndmit thatthey were outgeneraled in this matter,nd blame themselves for beiug so lax.

Nono of the rcpresenative:! from thatliatrict even took the trouble to visit ittiring tho election, so confident were

they that no opposition would be offered.They now see their folly and repent it,but it ia too late, aa all donbta of euv- -ers election have vanished, it beingclaimed that bis majority now is 300.The voto cast waa not ouc-thir- d ot thatcast in November last. It ia averred byonio Democrats that tbo intimation ofhat wua going to bo sprung on them

waa learned the night beforo the elec-tion, nnd tho leaders in tho districtnotified, but they paid no attention to it.Gen. Logan saya that the reason he ac-

counts for it 13 becauso tho peoplo intho fitato want him to ba tho next Sen- -

or, nnd the Drtmncrat did not wishtutu njfniput hitu.

General Grant' Comlltlon.Chicago. May 8 Dr. Georgo F

Shrndy in the Medical Review of May9. will say of tho condition of GeneralCraut: "JJunng the past weeK the bod- -ly health baa improved. Ilia appetite

ia bettor and ho has had a relish for hiafood. Locally his disease shows a tend-ency to progress. Tho palatal curtainia still considerably infiltrated, althoughall signs ot ncute inflammatory troubleshave disappeared. The ulceration attho base of tho right anterior fancalpillar and nlongaide thotonguo presentaa worm eaten surface, indicating an ex-

tension of the destructive process. Thebreathing ia freo and the voice clear,but movements of the tonguo somowhatrestricting and affecting articulationaccordingly, and despite tho favorablecondition thero has been no changes intho local dieeasfc to warrant any modi-fication ot the original diagnosis bymembers ot the medical staff.

Gen. Grant went to sleep between 11

and 12 o'clock last nigh:. Dnring thenight he took nourishment twico andslept seven hours, waking bctweon 7nnd 8 thia morning. The General dressedabout 9 o'clock and began arranging hianotes. He will continue work on hisbook to-da-

Kulnou to ISrltUh l'rrtlcr.London, May 8. A apecial dispatch

from Calcutta to the Timca says thenews ot peace arrangements has createddismay here, for peaco so obtained iaconsidered dnnirerona nnd humilnting.The reports which reach here from thonorthwest provinces aad from Afghan- -

istangree in representing tho vacilla-ting of the ministry an ruinous to British prestige.

A Ileport Corrected.LoNDON.Slay K Tho report published

published in the morning Post to-da- y,

that Earl Dufferin haa resigned as Viceroy of India in consequence of thodisastrous effect upon die British prestige ia India of Gladstone a weat andtimorous policy, ia denounced by gov- -

ernment officials cs utterly nutrnc. Ontho contrary they sitid. Earl Dufferincounsel with and approves of Gladstone's present action respecting thoRussio-Afgha- o question.

Went hy the .short Itoule.New Yoiik. May S Rov. J. H. Dally,

nastor of TrinitT Methodist Episcopalchnrcb, in York street, Jersey City, wholoft tha ministry, contesting no uaubeen improperly intimate with Mrs,Stewart, a servant in his house, haa com-

mitted tuicide.Dtnth of Ouren Eiiiiun.

San Fuancisco. May 8 Tho Asso- -

mated Press advices from Honolulu annonnce tho death of lnecn LowagerEmms, of tho Saadwicb lalaads, oaApril tloth.

Not Arbitration, but Continuation.Sr. FnTEUSBrna. May 8. The

Gazette, with roferenco to tbo submission ot tho Afghan frontier difficulty,say: It waa only possible to permit thecorrectness of our action to bo certihedto by a third party. Such a course asthis ia not arbitration in any propersenso of tho term, bat simply a respectable means of terminating the incident,

Nave Vremia explains that Sir PeterLumsden who. they say, made all themischief, haa been recalled to Londja.

A New Tombstone Comjmiiy.San Fuancisco. May 8 The Contec

tion Hill Mining Company, of Tomb-aton- o.

has ben incorporated. Tho directors aro Rudolph Cohen, WilliamCunningham, Joseph Nophatly. Wm. C.Chapman and Alex L. Bodt. Capitalstock, ten mrJtions.

rrelIentlat Appointment".Washington, May 8 The President

to-d- appointed Geo. V. N. Lathrop, ofMichigan, envoy extraordinary and min-

ister plenipotentiary to Russia; BoydWinchester, of Kentucky, resident min-

ister and consul general to Switzerland,and John E. W. Thompson, of NewYork, minister resident and coasul geaeral to Havti. Dr. Thompaoa wa3 bornin Brooklyn: waa & graduate of tbe medical. department. . . . ot Yale college;, after,leaving xaie ue pursueu uis meaicaiatudiea ia Pans, whsre he became pro-

ficient ia the French language, which

knowledge wm servo him in his newsphere, aa the Haytiena are a Frenchsneaking people. Dr. Thompson isyoung colored man and waa highly recommended lor tho position bv tbe faculty ot lale, aa well aa by many leadingcitizens ot hia native State.

What the Newspapers Think.London, May 9 A dispatch from St.

Petersburg states that the Journal i1

St. Peterbnrg to-da-y declares that Ruasia will shortly open negotiations withEngland for t io appointment ot a representative of the Ruasian governmentat Ualcntta.

The Times doubts tho existenco of anydocuments or dispatches respecting tboAnglo-uussia- a agreement of march1C, sufficiently definite for the purposesot arbitration. Referring to the reportfrom Vienna that Herat is not mention.ed in tho negotiations between Englandand Russia, tho limes saya if tho government thinks tbe fate ot Herat maybe left to tho caprices ot the Ameer theministry had better tell the countrytheir opinion and either give place tothose more or abstain fromboosting their money prestige and halt'hearted measures, which deceive nobody and least of all Russia.

The Standard' Opinion.London. May 9 The Standord aaya

Herit ia now the main question. A Russian pledge, however binding, whichwould only relievo us from n diplomaticsquabble, ought not to prevont ua fromtaking action to forestall eventualities.

A Very Important Reduction In Kate.San Fuancisco, May 9 An important

reduction in local passenger rates on theSouthern Pacific, in Arizona nud NewMexico, will go into euect on Juno ULLocal ratea havo been ten cents n mileiu these two territories. Senator Stnnford haa ordered that after June first therate for singlo trips ot ten milea or lesaBballbo C1.. cents a mile; for single tripsof more than ten miles, G emit, and forround trio tickets, good for 30 diyn.five centa per mile. Tho ratea will beIo per cent, additional if bought ou thetraia and not nt tbo ticket office

Judge D. W. F. Biabce died here lastnight of hi art disease. Bisbee, Arizonawaa named after deceased.

Capture of Kxpert lturcluts.San Fuancisco, May 9. James Mar- -

tia and Thomas P. Wilson, expert tafoburglars wanted for robbenos cmnnt-te- d

in Orovillo and Princeton, wero arrested here yesterday, la Septemberlast, H. C. Bell & Go's, safe ia Orovillowas blown opea and a small sum otmoney and negotiable papers to tueamount of 319,000 extracted. On April1'Jtb. tho some year, the safe ot AelsonButler, iu Princton, Colusa county wasblown open and Si.wU in com and alltbo business naoers of John Bog?,nmonuting to many thonanuds of dollars,wero stolen. Tho matter was placed iatho handa ot tho police in thia city.Toward the end of April they communi-cated, under assumed names, with theictims of their work. J. hey agreed to

return the papers of tbe parties ita stipu-lated amount ot money wasdeposited incertain places for them. Tho place-named wore shadowed by detectives audbo tho aid of dcov letters both Alartiuand Wilson wero captured. On the con-fesai-

of Wilson the papers of Bell .tCo. nnd ot Butler nnd Boggs wero

ami ISO found on the nri'on--o icluiued to AlullAr. lnu u luirtinn

of tUa ei.OOOntolou.Treaty between France unit Animiu.

Paws. May 8 Tho Chamber of Deputies to-da- by a vote of 'Ml to 57, thotreaty concluded August 21. 1S83 be-

tween Froace and Annam. M. DeFrey- -

oinet. Minister of Foreign Affairs, explained that the treaty had been virtually iu force dnriug tbo past eighteenmonths. A credit of 120,000 franca wnaadopted by tho Chamber to defray thoexpense of laying a submarine cable toTonquin.

Ocn. Grant' Grant Comlltlon.New Yonc. Mny 9 -- Gen. Grant pass

ed a good night and dnring tho day willdo soma work on hia book. Dr. Doug-lass remained all night and left thehouso at 9 a. m.

Conip trtnc tlie Ilamlnrlllni.St. Loci.?, May 9 Tbe register ot

tho Southern Hotel was taken by thopolice to-da-y to compare tho signatureof W. H. Lennox Maxwell, the murdererof C. Arthur Preller, with tho inscription. "So perish all traitors to tbe greatcause," found in tho trunk containingthe body. Experts in handwriting, wnoexnmined both, declare them written bytho inmo man. All tho testimony necessary for tho extradition is now ready,but no ncent for tho btato to go nuortho murderer haa been selected aa yet

Ancient Mines in Greece.Tho finest antiquities about Athens

wero dug up uy a r renenman ouiSerpieri, who beat Schliemau allhollow. He knows nothing oi anciemGreece.or that over 2,500 years ago tbeGreeks built a lleet to fight tho Persianswith tho ailver extracted from minesnear Athens. Serpieri bus been enga-ged in mining in Spain and know thonnnpnrnnpn of reftiso silver oro well.Happening to examine some ballasta dis-

charged by a vessel at Marseilles, hoinquired where it had come from. Theship ballasted near Athena. Ho went toGreece. got a concession io uin. munearly 3,000 J ear-ol- d mines. He is work-ing them still, and will probably workhimself intoasejond hundred milliondollara the first hundred million Lo

has already gut.


If you aro failing: broken, worn outand nervous, use "W oils' lieaitu ie-aewe-

SI. Druggists. w

The Japanese dentist performs all hisoperations ot tooth-druwin- g wuu iforeunger ot one nanu, uuu iuuo uucr terrifies hisipatient with an urray ofateel instruments. Tbo skill necessary todo this ia only acquired oy long prac-

tice But onco it is obtained the oper-

ator ia able to extract about half a doz-

en teeth in thirty seconds without onceremoving his fingers from the patient a

mouth. The dentist's education com-

mences with tho pulling out of pegs

that have been pressed into soft wood;

it ends with tho drawing of hard pejjK

which havo been driven into an oakplank with a mallet. It ia said that no

humau jav can resist tho delicate butpowerful manipulation of a Jopanesedentist.

A correspondent of the NewYork Jonr-aa- lof Commerce Bays tbeidea that Tor-tun- ea

are to be made in Honda withoutsweat of tbe browia a fiction of lanuapeculotors. An oronge grove mlrlor-id-a

ia not worth a cent more than aa ap-

ple orchard in New England until itsi kn.nnt into it venra of hardwork, much money and much impatientwaiting. He thinks it could bo damou-strate- d

that a good apple orchard pays

a larger interest than the beat orange

grove ia Florida.

C W. F. Johnson ha3 sold the Scofieldproperty, adjoining Phenix on thenorth, to F.C. Hatch, for the consider-

ation of 1300. Thia property has been,transferred three times infix month-- ,

and each time has commanded a higherprice. Phenix Gazette

TIII.1 l'EOI'J-- E.

-- Wells' Health Renewer" restoreshealth and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im-

potence, Sexual Debility. 81. w

NO. 17

It is always a sure sign of coming fies-tas when a general eruption of horsethievery starts in, as ia the case at pres-ent. O- - . tawny friends, aro quite asadept iu tho art of running off nnd con-fiscating stock, aa any cowboy t over-land agent of our complexion and breed.Every day we hear of horses being stol-on, and in nearly every caso the thieveshave been tracked into Sonora. SabinoOtero of Tubac had 43 head 6tolen afew doya since. Eanchere residing iaCalabasas. and bctweon thero and lien- -son, havo suffered more or les3 from tbecupidity of these birds of prey, who byrights should decorate a hempen collar.r. Moore, who bad a valuable four-yea- r

old stolen from him, heard of its havingbeen seea ia Mngdalena. but owing toita being a swift American animal or itsthievish rider aMexican, we don't knowwhich, but may bo allowed to hivo bbidea on tho matter, both horse aad ridergut, safely away although tbo thief wasfired at, the aim was not sufticieatly cor-rect or was "tinctured with friendlyshakes." Two borsis were stolen fromthe Stone Houso two milea north of here.on the night of the 1st -- inst. But it isneedless to enumerate euro depredations, we sre unnL'v cither to oondotowith tho losers, or give attcranco to ourthoughts. Tbo towns bordering thorailroad, are full of robbers, who bmgbroko by gambhn ?, perharw hungry anddesperate from tlut samo pastime, aro -

ever on tho alert to confiscate any stockthat may be running loose; Sonora is agood place to dispose of them, and byoand by some of cur sports may havochance to win luck the ill cotton gainsof these splendid specimens ot httmaa- -

y who rub shoulders with us in ouraloous and on our ctroets. and sneer at

us under their breath for being so Ieni- -ut, unsuspicious and darned foolish.


;V11 the grandsons of Harry Clay werodissipated. Tbe brightest ot thm wasHenry, who was shot dead in a bar roomnot long ago. It is recalled that"James, tho oldest, was at one timo on

aged to Miss .Maggie, uanghtor ot Senator Beck. Hk habits compelled her tobreak off the engagement. When hermarringa with young Mr. Corcoran,nephew of the banker, hub arranged.Clay sent him word that the oeremonyhouM never occur. So fearful was

Miss Beck of some tragedy nt thochurch that when she arrived at thodoor she did not wait to have her wraptthrown around her. but nervously throwopen the carriage door and rua into tliovestibule. It was a cold, raw day, nndshe caught a cold, which resulted iuher death bt'Ioro the honeymoon wasover. The young man's threat did ondiu a tragedy.

Minneapolis Tribune: Chicago affects t be highly iudigaant ut tho tur-bulent and aggressive behkvior of its socalled socialites; Lr.t when one comes toconsider how tho idea of government is

m Illinois, hratlyby tboStale Legislature and secondly by thoState legislature ntul city government

i l bicago, the most surprising thingwould seem to Iw that all tho best citizens nro not socialists themselves.

Iudiaaabolis Jo'irunl: Mr. Keiley's offenso is not in. having been rebel, aparticipator in the rebellinn, but in -- norecognizing the fact that tho union isrestored, and that its restoration wasjust and rigliteoue. It Is nu ionnlt tocommon senso to nrguo tna. u umu umregard tbo war for tho Union "a grosanud bloody violation of public righf'&ndyot profess "nnxwen ing loyalty" to thoUnion.

"KOL'UIt ON PAINS."Uurcs colic, cramps, diarrhoea; ex

ternally for aches, pains, sprains, head-ache, neuralgia, rheumatism. For manor beast. 20 and 50c. w

A Washington correspondent says:'Mr. Bancroft hns a funuy way ot mak-ing muck bcowIp, and saying to peoplool fifty and sixty years oCnge: 4 Why, mychild. I'm as old as iho hills. I'm thooldest por6on you ever knew.' Thonext minnto he mny bo speaking in tbomost serious and unconscious manner otpoor old Mr. Corcoran, who is just his

own age."

No English peer or peeress oan bonrrested for debt, need serve on juries,or bo called out in tho militia, and thoydo not swear on oath, but on honor,except when witnesses n any court"They can sit in any court with theirhats on, can wear any sort ot uniformas poors, can oarry arms, but not intboir pockots, and, if they commit treas-on or felony, thty must bo tried bytheir peers.

No other preparation as concentratesand combine blood-purifyin- vitaliz-

ing, enriching and invigorating qualitiesna Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Quality shouldbe considered when making compari-


Kjc, and Ear Deformities.Dr. T. J. Eaton, of tho Surgical Infirm-ary of Indianapolis, will vu-i- t Tucsonfrom May Sth to 23rd Dr.Eaton hasmade a specialty f the oyc. ear nnddeformities for "the past twenty-fiv- o

years, and lias iu that time straichtonedmora thtn one thousand cress eyes.Artifkal eyes inserted, and the moatefticlout brsc s furnished for tho euroof club feet, crooked hnibs. spinal dis-

eases, etc Piles treated without pain ordetention ffont business, and a euro guar-anteed. Rooms si tbe Palace Hotel.

AKIhc a Favor."George," said a girl to her brothor,

4,you eaa do we a great favor at thopstty if yon will."

"What is it?" demanded the brothor."I am to wear my new kid shoes and

striped stocitioKs, anil if you will jitstsing ont "rais." I will d as muoh foryon some day.'

Many ladies admire ry hair oa

aome other persona. But few earo totry its effect on their own charms. Norneed they, since Ay?r's Hair Vigor pre-

vents the hair from turning gray to it3original color. It clea&aes tha scalp,prevents the fcrsMtion of dandruff,and wonderfully stimulates the growthof the hair.

"A remarkable case was brought to ournotice yesterday, beiDg that of a fifteea-yoar-ol- d

daughter of Mr. E. P Gilpin, asubstantial fanner, formerly ot Col-

umbia Mo.,aow living near Collisbtirg,in this county, wno bad been totallyblind from scrofula in tho oye forfifteen months. She was treated by Dr.Eaton, who is now in thia city, after onopersonal examination, by mail, with thegratifying result ot restoring eight com-

pletely. The doctor and his young pa-

tient "are both receiving congratu-lations." Gainesville Hesperian.

Joe Betz has blood ia his eye, and ifhecaa find the person who administereda dote of cold poison to his pet blackand tan. there will bo crimson scat-tered all about the locality of tho

Business men should beat, in mindthat the Citizen office has just receiveda new invoice of type and job stock forall kinds of mercantile printing. Giveca a call and wo guarantee satisfaction


