Bethlehem University Thanks to the following book deal- ers who participated in the Spring 2011 Book Fair: - Abu Ghosh Agency - Sharbain - Dandies - Kasha - Dar Il Jameat - Dar Il Fiker They have generously contributed 10% of their sales to the Library scholarship fund of our working students! SHUKRAN! THANKS! Library Update 2010- 2011 OPENING HOURS The Library is open on class days from: * 8:00 AM 4:00 PM as well as on official make-up days announced by the Administration. It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and University holidays. IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE *Library Spring 2011 Book Fair: “Opening Paths to Life through Reading” *Mr. Tom Kennedy, Representa- tive of the New Zealand Embassy visits the Library *Donors’ List *Students’ “Powerspeak” *Library Activities: Springer Workshop *2nd Grant from New Zealand *Library Activities/News/Guests *Library Director’s Message *Supplementary Pages...Scenes from the Book Fair (cont.) *Presentation of Plaque… 1 June 2011 April is the month when “book celebra- tions” take centre-stage in many parts of the world. While e-books seem to domi- nate the globalized digital market, in most university settings, books in print continue to prevail. BU Library invited six of its regular book dealers in both Arabic and English to hold a Book Fair from 5-7 April. The Fair was opened by Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, Vice Chancellor who spoke on the importance of books and reading. The student musical group “Wajd”, coor- dinated by Ms. May Jaber, Assistant Dean of Students, enlivened the opening. The art projects exhibition organized by Ms. Samar Ghattas added a unique and creative touch to the entire event. A special participa- tion by Tamer Institute lent some folkloric colour to the event. At 1:00 PM, Brother Robert Smith, FSC, PhD, announced the winners of the Creative Writing Contest launched by the Library in coordination with Ms. Hanadi Younan of the Department of English who has co-opted her senior students. Nadine Qaimari , BU’11 and Dana Hashweh, BU’11 won first and second places, respectively. More photos of this story on pages 9-13... Brother Peter gives his opening remarks... ..and cuts the ribbon to formally open the Book Fair. The students‘ musical band ―Wajd‖ provide a lively atmosphere. B ETHLEHEM U NIVERSITY L IBRARY HOLDS ITS SPRING 2011 BOOK FAIR In the audience, Director of Education, Mr. Abdallah Shakarneh. (far right).

Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

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Page 1: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Bethlehem University

Thanks to the following book deal-

ers who participated in the Spring

2011 Book Fair:

- Abu Ghosh Agency

- Sharbain

- Dandies

- Kasha

- Dar Il Jameat

- Dar Il Fiker

They have generously contributed

10% of their sales to the Library

scholarship fund of our working

students! SHUKRAN! THANKS!

Library Update

2010- 2011


The Library is open on class days


* 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM as well as on

official make-up days announced

by the Administration.

It is closed on Saturdays, Sundays,

and University holidays.


*Library Spring 2011 Book Fair:

“Opening Paths to Life

through Reading”

*Mr. Tom Kennedy, Representa-

tive of the New Zealand Embassy

visits the Library

*Donors’ List

*Students’ “Powerspeak”

*Library Activities: Springer


*2nd Grant from New Zealand

*Library Activities/News/Guests

*Library Director’s Message

*Supplementary Pages...Scenes

from the Book Fair (cont.)

*Presentation of Plaque… 1 June


April is the month when “book celebra-

tions” take centre-stage in many parts of

the world. While e-books seem to domi-

nate the globalized digital market, in

most university settings, books in print

continue to prevail.

BU Library invited six of its regular book

dealers in both Arabic and English to

hold a Book Fair from 5-7 April. The Fair

was opened by Brother Peter Bray, FSC,

EdD, Vice Chancellor who spoke on the

importance of books and reading.

The student musical group “Wajd”, coor-

dinated by Ms. May Jaber, Assistant

Dean of Students, enlivened the opening.

The art projects exhibition organized by Ms.

Samar Ghattas added a unique and creative

touch to the entire event. A special participa-

tion by Tamer Institute lent some folkloric

colour to the event.

At 1:00 PM, Brother Robert Smith, FSC,

PhD, announced the winners of the Creative

Writing Contest launched by the Library in

coordination with Ms. Hanadi Younan of the

Department of English who has co-opted her

senior students. Nadine Qaimari , BU’11 and

Dana Hashweh, BU’11 won first and second

places, respectively.

More photos of this story on pages 9-13...

Brother Peter gives his opening remarks... ..and cuts the ribbon to formally open the Book Fair.

The students‘ musical band ―Wajd‖

provide a lively atmosphere.

B E T H L E H E M U N I V E R S I T Y L I B R A RY H O L D S I T S S P R I N G 2011 B O O K FA I R

In the audience, Director of Education,

Mr. Abdallah Shakarneh. (far right).

Page 2: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Page 2 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

M R . T O M K E N N E D Y , N E W Z E A L A N D R E P R E S E N T A T I V E V I S I T S B E T H L E H E M U N I V E R S I T Y L I B R A R Y

On the 5th of October 2010, Mr. Tom Kennedy visited the Library to see for himself the progress being made in the digitalisa-

tion project which the New Zealand Embassy in Ankara, Turkey helped to fund at the end of 2009. The Library Team makes

special mention of and expresses gratitude to Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, Vice Chancellor, who has supported this project

from the beginning.

Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, came with Tom and after a warm welcome, we took him along the various stages of the project.

It is worthwhile to mention at this point that the New Zealand Embassy has now approved two grant awards for this Library

project. The first, a generous amount of $5,000 enabled the purchase of a streaming server which the team – Wasim Zoughbi

and Mike Lama of the Computer Centre, along with George Maria and Francis Sleibi of the Audio-visual Centre – has worked

on laboriously through a series of meetings. George showed Tom how the streaming server works from a link on the Library

Homepage (please see photos below) which was complimented by Sr. Rose Amacanin and Rebecca Calaor who had also their

contributions during the various stages of the project.

From the Library – and after meeting the staff involved in the project – we moved on to the Computer Centre where Tom met

Nihad Jubran, Director, as well as Wasim and Mike who both spoke about their work as a team and how BU in general aims to

enhance the teaching-learning process through the proper and creative use of technology.

A second grant award was received by the BU library in the amount of $10,000 to be used to acquire high-powered computers

that will complement the effective use of the streaming server. The Computer Centre will coordinate the installation of these

computers in the Library premises.

The following photos – taken by Mike Hazboun of the Digital Media Centre - document this most appreciated visit by Tom Ken-


L-R: Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor with Mr. Tom Kennedy,

Representative from New Zealand Embassy in Ankara, Turkey and

George Maria, Audiovisual Centre Head.

George shows Tom the images accessed from the

streaming server through the Library Homepage link.

Nihad Jubran, Computer Centre Director, welcomes Tom

as Mike Lama looks on.

Wasim Zoughbi explains the team‘s work to Tom while Mike

and George listen and also share their contribution.

(cont. on page 6)

Page 3: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

“God loves a Cheerful Giver!”

Page 3 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

G I F T S R E C E I V E D F R O M O U R D O N O R - F R I E N D S

“We have too many men of science,

too few men of God.

We have grasped the mystery of the atom,

and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.

The world has achieved

brilliance without wisdom,

power without conscience.

Embassy of New Zealand, Ankara, Turkey,

c/o Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD

Book Aid International

De LaSalle Christian Brothers – Bethlehem University, c/o Br. Joseph Loewenstein, FSC

Lasallian Education Fund Brother Robert Smith, FSC, PhD

Marco and JR

Ms. Sana‘ Jarayseh, BU‘88 Dr. Saeed Ayyad

Issa Qawasmi Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Prof. Moin Halloun Women Studies Centre Ms. Rania Dandis Mr. Yousef Adawi Mas-Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute Ms. Nelly Hussary Mr. Ahmad Shehade Abu Dba‘ Ms. Mai Nassar Ms. Widad Salman, c/o Hanadi Younan Fr. Peter Du‘brul, SJ, PhD

Brother Jean Manuel, FSC, PhD Ms. Lucia Russo, Ms. Elise Aghazarian, Mr. Andrea Merli & Dr. Ingebor Tiemann Dr. Norma Hazboun-Masrieh

Fr. Jamal Khader, DD Mr. Michel Rock Ms. Nabila Daqaq Ms. Gabriella Kattan Ms. Norma/Mary Morcos Mr. Yousef Adel PalThink – Omar Shaban Cooperación Española, Jerusalem

c/o Mr. Tirso Diego Mr. Tamer Bandak, BU‘05 Ms. Rabiha Abu Sneine, BU‘14 Dr. Fiha‘a Al Hadi Ms. Rose Shomali Social Welfare Department, YMCA Yarmouk University Ms. Khitam Sulaiman Digital Media Center, c/o Minerva Hisnat Teresian Association Mr. Johannes Zang Dr. Alfred Abed Rabbo & Dr. Alon Tal Shu Takahashi – Japan Mr. Ulrich Seibert & Mr. Hans Luther

Bethlehem Biblie College/Public Library, c/o Mrs. Hala Ghneim New Era Publications International

Ms. Angela O‘Donnel, c/o Br. Robert Smith, FSC,

PhD Fr. David Nuehaus, SJ, PhD Christine de Marcellus de Vollmer, c/o Hanadi

Younan Brother Neil Kieffe, FSC Nestle Mr. Mahmoud Milhem Center for Development Studies BirZeit University European Commission UNRWA/UNESCO Center for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation B‘Tselem Najah Zuhair Osaily Mr. Majd Shomali Dr. Vina, c/o Fr. David Neuhaus, SJ, PhD Ms. Leila Sansour Andrea Merli, c/o Lucia Russo

Dr. Abdallah Abu Eid, c/o Brother Robert Smith, FSC, PhD

Hebron University, c/o Mr. Salah Brother Jack Curran, FSC, PhD Mr. David Ashboren, c/o Mr. Jim Schutz Abu Ghosh Agency Dandies Dar Il Fiker Dar Il Jamiat Kasha Sharbain Dr. Steven Schild, c/o Br. Robert Smith, FSC, PhD Republic of Cyprus, Press and Information Office

Director Ms. Trish L. Tolbert Ms. Sarah Shipley Institute of Community Partnership—Bethlehem

University Tamer Institute for Community Education An-Najah University B.U. Public Relations Office St. Moses Abyssinian Monastery Prof. Adnan Shqueir Mr. Abu Al Nasser Al Tamimi

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research

Ms. Rebecca Calaor Ms. Elsa Hazboun Mr. Ojie and Mrs. Lolita Tabang Ms. Hanadi Soudah-Younan, BU ‗85 Mr. David Nour, BU ‗95 & Mrs. Selina Tabash-Nour, BU ‘98 Ms. Samar Ghattas Ms. May Jaber & Wajd Musical Band Tamer Institute Dr. Mary True, c/o Brother Peter Iorlano, FSC Mr. Yousuf Al-Aili Mr. Khalil Hammad Mr. Khaled Thweib Mr. Salah Jarar Mr. Imad Abu Dayyeh Institute of International Education, c/o Daniel Obst Dr. Mohamed Hassan Suleiman Al-Barghathi Sakkab Family, Bethlehem Palestinian Authority Publications Al-Quds Open University Dr. Hassan Abdullah, c/o Mr. Munir Jaber Ms. Amani Amarneh, BU‘13 Mr. Salim Zoughbi, PhD Ms. Gina Abu Amsha Institute for Community Partnership, B.U. Human Rights and Democracy Media Centre—‖SHAMS‖ President Jose Ramos-Horta, East Timor Mr. Mohammad Shaheen, c/o Jazmine Shaheen Ms. Rima Canawati, BU‘86, c/o Mrs. Rania C. Hazboun, BU‘96 Apostolic Delegation, Arch. Antonio Franco Ms. Sana‘ Saca, BU‘11 Qattan Foundation, Ramallah, c/o Liana Abu

Aita, BU‘14 Fr. Gabriel Romanelli, IVE, Patriarchal Semi-

nary, Beit Jala, c/o Br. Peter Iorlano, FSC, Ms. Lubna Al-Zaroo, BU ‗12 Mr. & Mrs. Issa Soudah, c/o Hanadi S. Younan Mr. George El-Ama Cultural Center c/o Mr. Wael Nazzal Mr. Shafeeq Habib Mr. Ramzi Odeh Yasser Arafat Foundation Open University, c/o Prof. Adnan Squeir Dr. Stephen Need

Ours is a world

of nuclear giants

and ethical infants.

We know more about war

than we do about peace;

more about killing

than we do about living.”

General Omar Bradley (Battle of the Ardennes, 1944)

Page 4: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

S T U D E N T S ’ “ P O W E R S P E A K ” . . . Page 4 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library

Ever since I was a child, I have always loved books because I felt that

they were tunnels to a world of imagination and knowledge. I grew up in

Houston, Texas, and there, my favorite place was my school library.

To me, there was something magical about being surrounded by books.

So I decided to put together my own personal library using my clothing

racks as bookshelves. I still remember the joy I felt every time I added to

my collection. When I came to Palestine about four years ago, I brought

my ―library‖ along and I have been adding to it ever since.

I am now a proud first year student at Bethlehem University and I love

the BU Library because of its wide collection of literature. I was so

pleased to know that I have the privilege to check out any book I wish

that I decided to donate some of my novels to the BU library in hopes

that they would be useful to any student who wished to read them.

I believe that giving is an important part of what makes us human and I

hope that I can continue to help my university and my community in any

way possible.

Leen Khair at Her Best Doing Translation Work in the Archives

My name is Leen Khair, third year student at Bethlehem University ma-

joring in English Literature with translation as my minor.

I worked at the Library of Bethlehem University for 6 hours per week.

During the semester, I was given many tasks to perform such as,

arranging books on the shelves, helping students find the books they

need, shelf reading, making sure that everything is going well at the

library, and putting things in order (which I used to do at the end of

the week).

However, most of the time I am assisting Sister Rose at the Archives

section, which involves translating files from Arabic to English. This

working experience taught me how important time is and also how to

become more responsible and independent toward working hard to

earn money that would help my family pay my tuition.

I would also like to thank the staff for accepting me and giving me an

opportunity to work at a variety of tasks in the Library.

Doctor Samuel Johnson wrote:

“True greatness

consists in being great

in little things.”

(excerpted from “Praying Each Day,”

13 Dec. 2010)

Rabiha with the books she donated...

Leen poses for a pictorial record of her translation work in the Archives.

Work-Study Program Student-Assistants Involved in a Training Workshop at the Library Meet with Brother Robert Smith, AVP

Page 5: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

S P R I N G E R W O R K S H O P , F A L L T E R M 20 10

Page 5 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

On Thursday, 16 December 2010, at 10:00 AM, a workshop sponsored by Springer Publishers to demonstrate access to their

e-books/e-journals was organized here at B.U. Library attended by librarians from various West Bank universities. There were

14 participants, among them Birzeit and An-Najah universities who have heralded the acquisition of the Springer e-books/e-


Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed the participants and expressed hope and enthusi-

asm in this new venture of getting into the world of advance technology, in particular, access by our academic clientele to hun-

dreds of e-book titles and journals.

Mr. Asdaa Kotani, Managing Director and Mr. David Elek, Global Director for Emerging Markets were the Springer representa-

tives who facilitated the workshop. An interesting and an encouraging presentation was given by Asdaa on the usage of e-

books/e-journals by Birzeit faculty and students.

Bethlehem University Library joins the ranks of its sister universities (Birzeit and An-Najah) and is the third library in the con-

sortium of West Bank university libraries to enter into partnership with Springer in its offer of a wide array of e-books and e-

journals. As we progress with the project of digitization, it is hoped that we will plunge full swing in campaigning for a much

wider use of resources in electronic format.

Below are photos that capture the activities of the workshop.

Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for

Academic Affairs, welcomes workshop

participants to Bethlehem University.

View of University Librarians with Mr.

David Elek, Springer Global Director

(far left, first row).

Mr. Asdaa Kotani, Springer Managing

Director, demonstrates using an e-book

on an i-pad.

Lunch after the workshop at BU‘s Institute

of Hotel Management restaurant gener-

ously sponsored by Springer.

Workshop participants pose for a

souvenir photo.

Vera Koussa (right), signs agreement

with Asdaa from Springer as David,

Irene, and Mellie look on (2nd row, r-l).

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(cont. from page 2) Second Grant Award from New Zealand Embassy Home Office (Ankara, Turkey) - in Pictures

Maintenance Team and Computer Staff join forces to pave the way for the new computers to come in…

Omar helps in the Oral history project

with the new computer...

Haya, a student-assistant, works on

her library assignment thanks to the

new computer...

… and Sr. Rose serves the students

effectively at the Circulation desk us-

ing the new powerful computer.

From hard format to soft output — teacher and students watch the film through the computer

projected from the streaming server, thanks to the funding of the Embassy of New Zealand,

with the support of our Vice Chancellor, Brother Peter Bray, FSC, EdD, from New Zealand.

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L I B R A R Y A C T I V I T I E S , N E W S . . .

The academic year 2010 - 2011 has been an active season for us at the Library with various doors of opportunity opened to

enhance our resources, facilities, and services to the academic community of Bethlehem University.

a. Having launched our project of digitalisation/digitization, the B.U. Library has been awarded two separate but related

grants by the New Zealand Embassy Home Office: one for the purchase of a streaming server and another for the purchase

of high-powered computers to support the access to the streaming server and other internet services.

b. An interlibrary loan agreement has also been forged between the B.U. Library and the neighbouring Bethlehem Bible Col-

lege/Public Library.

c. Two professional library staff went to Amman, Jordan to attend workshops on online database-access.

d. Two researchers from overseas (one from the US and another from Australia) found the book they needed (about Pales-

tine) only in our Library collection (they claimed we were the only library among other university libraries in the Middle East

who had the resources they needed) through the use of our online catalogue (OPAC) which they accessed from their respec-

tive countries. Information was sent to them by phone (when one called from overseas), by email, and airmail.

e. A workshop sponsored by Springer Publishers to demonstrate the use of online databases (especially the products they

are marketing) was organized here at the B.U. Library and attended by librarians from several West Bank universities on 16

December 2010.

f. Library Book Fair for the Spring semester—5-7 April - was participated in by six book dealers of Arabic and English books

and was held at Dr. Sansour Hall. (refer to front page story and pages 9-13).


A visit to Turathuna: Dr. Lee & Ginny Huntsman listen

to Mary as the staff look on. George shows how the streaming server works to Brother Robert

Smith, FSC, PhD, Academic Vice President, while Francis listens.

Brother Michael Murphy, FSC, PhD, (English Department),

visits and poses with Omar after the working students‘

orientation at the Library, Fall 2010.

Academics from the Philippines visit the Library‘s

Turathuna Heritage Centre.

Page 8: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Professional Development: a MUST for those involved in Education

This school year 2010 - 2011, we in the Library aimed to maximize the use of library resources and facilities placed at our disposal. We challenged one another to a virtual exchange of topics and subjects that would help us “grow and develop professionally.” After all, being “caretakers of a wealth of information,” we literally have all these riches at our fingertips!

And, presumably, to be shared with others in the academic community.

When I first googled “professional development,” about 157,000,000 results (in 0.38 seconds!) popped up on my screen.

Perhaps as days passed by, the search results have also increased. One web page alone gave me 10 possible sources

to explore further - indeed, such are the marvels of technology!

Among the many definitions or nuances of professional development, I’d like to cite just three:

“Professional development refers to skills and knowledge attained for both personal development and career ad-

vancement.” (from Wikipedia);

“High quality professional development is essential to increase educators’ knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs so

that they may enable all students to learn at high levels.” (Department of Education, State of Vermont, USA);

“The Office of Professional Development provides leadership, technical assistance, resource and consultative ser-

vices.” (Public Schools of North Carolina, State Board of Education, Department of Public Instruction, USA).

Allow me to tease out the definitions above. Common to the first two definitions are the words “skills‖ and ―knowledge.” Other key phrases in these two definitions are: ―personal development,‖ ―career advancement,‖ ―high quality,‖

―enabling students to learn at high levels.”

In some institutions, in order to better serve teachers and those involved in education, an “Office of Professional Develop-

ment” is created in order to ensure that there is a systematic mechanism to “offer and monitor development.”

Whether we are inside a classroom or involved in other types of formation tasks (i.e., offering library services, counseling our students, etc.), there is a moving and dynamic activity involved in and required for professional development. One’s knowledge and skills cannot remain the same every year. Skills and knowledge improve or are honed qualitatively if a per-

son advances and works to update oneself by availing oneself of various opportunities for professional development.

Resourcefulness and creativity are two characteristic qualities that can open up horizons for one to grow professionally.

One cannot give what one does not have. For one involved in teaching and sharing knowledge this wise saying is true. We do a disservice to our constituents, our students, if the knowledge and skills we have are stale or - in this age of advanced

technology and modern tools for learning - inferior to those of our students, i.e., in computer literacy, for instance.

Gratefully, Bethlehem University is considered a “forerunner” in Palestine providing opportunities for professional develop-ment which prepare our teachers to be “agents of change” in society. And for a Palestine “in the making”, this is a chal-lenge as well as an opportunity that will involve the cooperation and the mobilization of many sectors, including the com-

munity, schools, and governmental agencies.

“If I have seen further, it is by standing

on the shoulders of giants.”

Isaac Newton, 1642-1727

English scientist and mathematician


Page 8 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

Bethlehem University Library Freres’ Street

P.O. Box 9 - Bethlehem, Palestine Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11407 Jerusalem

Tel: +972-2-2741241 Fax:+972-2-2744440

E-Mail: [email protected] Website: http://library.bethlehem.edu

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P H O T O S F R O M A B O V E , L E F T T O R I G H T :

H A L A M A R Z O U K A , H E A D O F A R A B I C


V E R A K O U S S A , H E A D O F E N G L I S H T E C H N I C A L


G E O R G E M A R I A , H E A D O F A U D I O V I S U A L


V A L E R I E R O C K , R E F E R E N C E L I B R A R I A N

R E B E C C A C A L A O R , H E A D O F C I R C U L A T I O N A N D


The Library Administrative Team in Action…

Page 11: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

We took a look

In every book

In every nook

All our feelings shook

Our minds were hooked


Creative Writing Contest, 5 April 2011

I’m not your pillow I’m your book;

so, please ,finish reading me you lazy dog!


Creative Writing Contest, 5 April 2011

Page 11 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

B O O K F A I R—C R E A T I V E W R I T I N G C O N T E S T— P O S T E R C A P T I O N

“Opening Paths to Life through Reading”

Dana Hashweh, BU ‘11 (center) poses with Brother Robert and

Hanadi. Far left is David Nour (BU ‗95), one of the judges of the

Creative Writing Contest.










Brother Robert Smith, FSC, PhD, Vice President for Academic

Affairs with Nadine Qaimari , BU ‗11 (first place winner) and her

English teacher, Mrs. Hanadi Soudah-Younan (right); while Ms.

Mai Qassasfeh and Ms. Sawsan Shomali (left) look at the

announcement of winners being put up.

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 1 B O O K F A I R : P R E P A R A T I O N S , E X H I B I T I O N S , V I S I T O R S . . .

Page 13: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Page 13 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011 Book Dealers and their Booths

Tamer Institute (in the foreground) and books on Religious

Studies (in the background)

Page 14: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Books on the Venerable John Henry Cardinal Newman donated by

Mr. Edmund Durst, c/o Fr. Peter Du‘brul, SJ

Page 14 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

S O M E O F O U R B O O K D O N O R S T H R O U G H 2 0 1 0 - 2 0 1 1 . . .

Page 15: Library Updatelibrary.bethlehem.edu/publications/bul_update/spring2011 · Rabiha Abu Sneineh, Our Youngest Book Donor at Bethlehem University Library Ever since I was a child, I have

Presentation of Plaque of Appreciation during the Visit of Mr. Tom Kennedy - in photos...

Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor welcomes

and thanks Mr. Tom Kennedy and the New

Zealand Embassy for their gift to B. U. Library‘s

project of digitalisation.

Plaque presented to Mr. Tom Kennedy and the

New Zealand Embassy during Tom‘s visit to

Bethlehem University Library., 1 June 2011

Tom Kennedy delivers his remarks highlighting

appreciation of Bethlehem University‘s work in


Page 15 - LIBRARY UPDATE 2010 - 2011

Left: Brother Peter

and Tom Kennedy

unveil the plaque of


Right: Team members

of the Digitalisation

Project pose with

Tom, Brother Peter,

and Brother Neil.

Left: Hala, Sr. Patricia,

Nabila, Elsa, Wasim and

Prof. Qustandi listen to

the presentations.

Right: Brother Peter,

Tom, and Brother Robert

get together after the
