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However, although it has a tangy zesty flavour, it is by no means overpowering and I have found that I can mix it in with the meal replacement shakes I use to control my body fat and weight issues. I call them my yummy aloe smoothies. I do not add the aloe to all of the shakes, but as the aloe aids my digestion and soothes my sensitive stomach I prefer to include it. I have found that it adds a really cheeky zing to my meal. You will see that I refer to using servings of various flavours of meal replacement formula; this a particular product that I personally choose to use. However, I am sure the recipes could work with other meal replacement products, just ensure that whatever product is chosen, that it is of a high nutritional but low calorie content. I use my blender to make the shakes to ensure I get a lovely smoothie type shake, thus the label of, yummy aloe smoothies. I sometimes also put 3-4 cubes of ice into the blender as well for a really delicious and satisfying meal.

Yummy Smoothies Made with Aloe Concentrate and Meal Replacement FormulaRecipes - Breakfast Warmer 1 Serving chocolate flavour meal replacement formula .. 92 cals 3 Prunes ...55 cals 2 Tablespoons of oat bran ....52 cals 250ml Warmed soy/semi-skimmed milk ...120 cals 15-20ml aloe vera juice (optional) Total calories ...319 cals Aloe Vera Recipes - Quick Fix 1 Serving cappuccino flavour meal replacement formula - 92 cals 250ml unsweetned orange juice ....90 cals

3 Dried apricots ...20 cals 15-20ml aloe vera concentrate (optional) Total calories ... 202cals Aloe Vera Recipes - Big Breakfast 1 Serving cappuccino flavour meal replacement formula ...92 cals 150 Bio yoghurt ...130cals 2 Tablespoons oat bran ....52 cals 100ml Semi-skimmed milk ....50 cals 30g Corn flakes .... 108cals 15-20ml aloe vera concentrate (optional) Total calories ... 432cals Aloe Vera Recipes - Fresh N Fruity 1 Serving vanilla flavour meal replacement formula ...92 cals 100g (3slices)pineapple ...77 cals 3 Dried apricots ... 20 cals 100ml unsweetned orange juice ... 36 cals 15-20ml aloe vera concentrate (optional) 150ml Water Total calories ... 225cals Aloe Vera Recipes - Healthy and Heavenly 1 Serving low calorie vanilla protein mix ...110 cals 1 Serving strawberry flavour meal replacement formula ...92 cals 30gms low fat cream cheese ... 57 cals

15-20ml aloe vera (optional) 125ml Water Total calories .... 259 cals Aloe Vera Recipes - Chocolate and Banana 1 serve chocolate flavoured meal replacement formula ...92 cals 1 serve protein powder ... 22 cals 15mls of aloe vera (optional) 250ml skim milk, low fat chocolate milk or soya milk ... 120 cals 1/21 banana ... 110 cals Total Calories .... 344 cals

Finally, here is one of my favourite desserts, made with the chocolate meal replacement formula: Aloe Vera Recipes - Chocolate Mousse 2 servings of chocolate meal replacement formula ...92 cals 2 egg whites ... 30 cals 100mls of semi-skimmed milk ... 50 cals 1 Small tin of pears ...88 cals (optional)

Blend all ingredients well, pour into a suitable container(s) then leave overnight in the fridge. Favourite fruit can be used to garnish. Serves 2 -Tastes great - and only 352 calories! 176 calories each. The aloe vera recipes I have listed above are just a few examples of the recipes I have encountered and collected over the last couple of years. I have quite a collection and enjoy the variety and healthy choices they provide me with daily. The concentrated product I use, has been a great help in alleviating my painful stomach problems and the shakes have made it possible for me to drop from size 18 to size 10/12 and to keep my newly regained shape on a long term basis.

Aloe in Yogurt Ingredients Aloe vera gel Sauce pan Chilled yogurt Lime juice Salt Green chillies Preparation:

In a sauce pan, add the aloe gel. Keep the flame in high and bring the aloe vera to boil. Add green chillies and salt. Add lime juice. Turn the flame off. Now serve hot with chilled yogurt.

Aloe Vera Gravy Ingredients:

Sauce pan Aloe vera Lime juice 2 Green chillies 1 Onion Pepper Salt Oil Preparation:

Cut the aloe vera gel into cubes. In a sauce pan, heat some oil. Add onions and green chillies. Saute for 1 minutes. Add pepper and salt. Add the aloe vera gel and pour 2 spoons of water. Keep the flame in simmer and heat until the gel becomes like peeled grapes. Add lime juice. Add coriander leaves for seasoning.

Serve hot. Indian Aloe Vera Curry Ingredients 6 aloe vera leaves 1/2 tea spoon turmeric powder A pinch of asafetida Powder 2 tea spoon fenugreek seeds 1 tea spoon red chilli Powder 1/2 tea spoon coriander powder Salt to taste 2 tea spoon aniseed 1 teaspoon poppy seeds 1 tea spoon amchur (dried green mango powder) 2 table spoon mustard oil 10 gm almonds 10 gm raisins Preparation:

Wash the aloe vera leaves. Cut them into in 1 inch pieces.

Boil them in water. In a bowl, heat oil. Smoke the oil and remove the smell (you can also use sun flower oil). Add asafetida, poppy seeds, fenugreek seeds and aniseed. After they crackle, add chilli turmeric, coriander and salt. Add amchur and fry the spices. Add a little water and let the spices cook for some time. Now add the boiled aloe vera and cook more. Add dry fruits and the dish is ready.

Selai Lidah buaya adalah bahan berupa pasta yang berkadar gula tinggi dan dibuat dari bubur daging lidah buaya. Pembuatan bahan ini tidak sulit, dan biayanya tidak mahal. Berikut ini adalah cara sederhana mengolah lidah buaya menjadi selai: Bahan-bahan 1. 1 kg daging lidah buaya. 2. 500 gram Gula Pasir. 3. 0,1 % asam askorbat atau 1 gram per liter air atau asam sitrat 0,2 % atau 2 gram per liter. 4. 0,5 % natrium benzoat atau 5 gram per kg daging lidah buaya. 5. 3 gram agar-agar bubuk atau bungkus.

Cara Membuat1. Lidah buaya yang sudah bersih direndam di dalam larutan asam askorbat selama 15 menit, lalu ditiriskan dan dihancurkan menggunakan blender. 2. Hasil hancuran ini dipanaskan sesaat, kemudian ditambahkan gula pasir, asam sitrat, dan agar-agar. 3. Dipanaskan hingga mendidih sambil diaduk, lalu ditambahkan bahan pengawet benzoat. 4. Jika telah terbentuk gel, pemanasan dihentikan dan busa yang ada di permukaan selai dibuang. 5. Selai siap dikemas dalam botol.

RESEP PUDING LIDAH BUAYA SAUS JERUKRESEP PUDING LIDAH BUAYA SAUS JERUK Bahan: 1. 1 bungkus agar-agar merah 2. 5 sendok makan gula pasir 3. 750 ml susu cair 4. 200 gram sari lidah buaya, siap beli Saus jeruk : 1. 250 ml air 2. 4 sendok makan konsentrat jeruk 3. 3 sendok makan gula pasir 4. 1 buah jeruk Sunkist, potong-potong 5. 1 sendok teh maizena, larutkan dengan 3 sendok makan air Cara Membuat Resep Puding Lidah Buaya Saus Jeruk : 1. Campur agar-agar, gula pasir, susu cair. Masak hingga mendidih. Angkat. 2. Masukkan sari lidah buaya, aduk rata. Tuang adonan ke dalam Loyang, diamkan hingga mengeras. Saus Jeruk : 1. Didihkan air, masukkan gula pasir, konsentrat jeruk. Masak hingga gula larut. 2. Masukkan potongan jeruk, larutan maizena. Masak hingga mengental. Angkat. 3. Sajikan pudding lidah buaya dengan saus jeruk.

esep membuat manisan lidah buaya ini saya juga dapat resep dari blog lain. Caranya mudah saja Yaitu pertama ambil daging lidah buaya yang sudah dipisahkan dari kulitnya kemudian cuci sampai bersih hingga lendirnya hilang. Rendamlah dengan air garam kurang lebih semalam,kemudian cuci lagi selama berulang-ulang . Didihkan air dan masukkanlah daging lidah buaya kedalam air yang

mendidih. Masukkan sebentar kemudian angkat. Jadilah manisan lidah buaya yang bisa disajikan dengan sirup

dodol nanas a.) Bahan - Buah nanas matang optimum - Tepung beras ketan - Santan kelapa - Gula Pasir b.) Alat -Wajan -Pengaduk -Alat penggiling/blender -Kompor -Cetakan/baki c.) Cara pembuatan dodol nanas : - Nanas dikupas kulitnya dan dihilangkan matanya kemudian dicuci dan dipotong kecil agar mudah dilakukan penggilingan/ penghancuran. - Daging nanas dihancurkan dengan cara diparut atau diblender - Campurkan nanas yang sudah dihancurkan, dengan santan kental (1 butir kelapa/1 kg nenas), tepung beras ketan 5 % dan gula pasir (jumlahnya menurut selera). - Menghancurkan buah menggunakan blender

- Adonan tersebut dimasak hingga agak kering sambil diaduk terus agar tidak lengket pada wajan. - Angkat dan masukkan dalam cetakan. - Apabila sudah dingin, dipotong-potong dengan ukuran menurut selera kemudian dikemas dengan plastik. - Memasak dengan wajan penggoreng - Pengemasan dodol

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