Life Together

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A Study of 1st John • Life Groups at Harmony Hill

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Life Together

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Start Here - 1

Fast Facts About 1st John - 3

The Ground Rules - 5

My Life Group - 6

Session 1 // “Enjoy Your Friends” 1st John 1 - 8

Week 1 // At Home Bible Studies - 15

Session 2 // “Establish Your Faith” 1st John 2 - 24

Week 2 // At Home Bible Studies - 32

Session 3 // “Engage Your World” 1st John 3 - 40

Week 3 // At Home Bible Studies - 48

Session 4 // “Equip and Serve” 1st John 4 - 56

Week 4 // At Home Bible Studies - 64

Session 5 // “The Life Together” 1st John 5 - 72

Week 5 // At Home Bible Studies - 80


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W e all desire to connect with others in meaningful friendships. At Harmony Hill, our Life Groups provide opportunities to make new friends and a chance to build

mutual support among a small group of people. Groups encourage one another and meet practical needs for group members and the community. Most Life Groups meet in a nearby home for relaxed discussions about life and the Bible. Each group is a little bit

Whether your Life Group is brand new, or has been meeting to-gether for a long time, this study of the Bible book of 1st John will energize your spiritual life and your group. Here are some ways to make the most of the next 5 weeks:

1. Bring a Bible to each meeting so you have the Scriptures in front of you during the discussions.

2. Use this book to follow along with each session and take notes.

3. Between group meetings, plan for 15 minutes a day to do the brief Bible studies that follow each lesson. This will greatly increase your personal growth during this study.

4. Exchange contact information on page 6 so that your group can communicate and encourage each other.

5. Commit to “The Ground Rules” on page 5 so that your Life Group functions smoothly for you and for others.

6. Look for your Life Group friends at worship on Sundays and sit together if you can.

James Scarborough Family Life Pastor [email protected] 936.632.1350


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Author1, 2, and 3 John have from earliest times been attributed to the apostle John, who also wrote the Gospel of John and Revelation. The content, style, and vocabulary seem to warrant the conclusion that these three letters were addressed to the same readers as the Gospel of John.

DateThe Book of 1 John was likely written between A.D. 85-95, which

PurposeThe Book of 1 John seems to be a summary that assumes the

readers were confronted with the error of gnosticism, which became a more serious problem in the second century. As a philosophy of religion, it held that matter is evil and spirit is good. The solution to the tension between these two was knowledge, or gnosis, through which man rose from the mundane to the spiritual. In the gospel message, this led to two false theories concerning the person of Christ, Docetism—regarding the human Jesus as a ghost—and Cerinthianism—making Jesus a dual personality, at times human and at times divine. The key purpose of 1 John is to set boundaries on the content of faith and to give believers assurance of their salvation.

SummaryFalse spiritual teachers were a big problem in the early church. Because there was not a complete New Testament that believers could refer to, many churches fell prey to pretenders who taught their own ideas and advanced themselves as leaders. John wrote this letter to set the record straight on some important issues, particularly concerning the identity of Jesus Christ.

sssssssssssssssttttttttttttttt J


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answer the question, Are we true believers? John told them that they could tell by looking at their actions. If they loved one another,

for one another, they were revealing that they, in fact, did not know God.

That did not mean they had to be perfect. In fact, John also recognized that believing involved admitting our sins and seeking

with admitting our wrongs against others and making amends, was another important part of getting to know God.

Adapted from Got Questions Ministries


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enlightening, boisterous, but often a little messy. These rules will

2. Focus on God, the Bible, and one another. Keep politics, town gossip, and slander out of Life Group discussions.3. Be generous and practice the art of hospitality. Be willing to open your chaotic and messy homes to one another for meetings or group parties.4. Spend time together praying for each other, not going on and on about prayer requests.

with you. Relationships are messy.6. Start on time. End on time.

big enough to have an “in crowd.”8. Be at your Life Group every week possible. We need you. You are important to the group.9. What is shared in your Life Group stays in your Life Group. When someone expresses a hurt, need, struggle, or prayer request, treat

Pastor for assistance.)10. If you talk too much, be quiet. Seriously. If you never talk, give it

11. If a discussion about the Bible ends up with a dispute or ques-tions about theological issues, contact the Family Life Pastor for guidance.



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Name Phone Email

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E-mail Etiquette = feel free to use email addresses for planning group meetings and socials, for notes of encouragement, and

causes and issues to the group unless you have permission to


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Lesson 1 Enjoy Your Friends

1 John 1

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EnjoyLife Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

Enjoy your

Establish your

Engage your

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.




Goals of My Life Group Initiate Friendships

Practice Hospitality

Create AccountabilityEnjo



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Years ago, a popular Christian band wrote a quirky song called “A Friend Like U.”

The Lone Ranger and Tonto, Laurel and HardyBatman and Robin, it was Snoopy and CharlieFriends through thick and thin, friends to the very endI think you would agree, that’s how it is for you and me

I want you to know, I need youI want you to know, it’s trueThere’s no way I’d make it without youIt’s so good to know that I’ve got a friend like you

Through all of the laughter and tearsThrough all of the questions and fearsThrough all of the winning and losing and tryingI will be by your side, ‘cause you and I are friends for life

• How do the lyrics of this song express a basic human desire God has placed in all of us?

• If you were to move to a new city and look for new friends, what would an ideal group be like?

• How can you make this group more like that?

• What are your hopes and dreams for this group in the months ahead?

• How will you contribute to this group achieving those hopes and dreams?


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Read 1 John 1:1-4 together.

GETTING INTO HISTORYThere were groups in the 1st century who claimed to be followers of Christ, but were actually false teachers, or antichrists. One particular group was later called the Gnostics. They believed that all matter was evil, so the human body was evil. So they claimed that Jesus did not have a human body. This, of course, goes

human at the same time. The author of 1st John is the Apostle John, who was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus, and one of the closest friends of Jesus. He also wrote the Gospel of John and Revelation. John wrote the letter of 1st John to refute these false teachers.

teaching about Jesus?






activities or privileges of an intimate association or group; especially used of marriage and churches.

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Apostle John used?





5. One of the purposes of a Life Group is described this way: “Enjoy—Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.” How are friendships and joy linked together by John in verses 3 and 4?



Read 1 John 1:5-10



7. The false teachers also taught that they were so spiritual that they rose above the concepts of morality and right and wrong. How does that help you understand verses 8-10?




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8. In summary, how is fellowship the heartbeat of a healthy Life Group?



practical ways this week?



10. Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community. In the weeks ahead, how can your group encourge the following: • Initiate friendships



• Practice Hospitality



• Create Acountability




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GETTING INTO THE WORD AT HOMEThese verses in chapter 1 will be covered this week during your daily Bible study time, so plan 15 minutes a day with your Bible and

studies follow each lesson.


about 10 minutes. They may want to bring a childhood photo or a

Here are some questions to consider:

• What was your life like before you discovered Christ?• What brought you to realize your need for salvation?• What did God do in your life that caused you to consider Christ?• How have your beliefs and worldview changed?• What has God revealed to you about who He is, and how has that changed you?• How has God changed your heart?

Did You Know?

baptism, our strategy, our beliefs, our purpose as a church, and our leadership structure. John Greene, our Senior Pastor, usually teaches this class.

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If your Life Group is brand new, there are a few things to discuss and determine.


DAY OF WEEK________________________________________________

START TIME __________________________________________________

END TIME____________________________________________________


FUTURE TOPIC OR STUDY ____________________________________

DISCUSSION LEADER _________________________________________

MISSIONS COORDINATOR______________________________________

The Family Life Pastor is available to help your group get started.

Note, at the end of this 5-week study, the Life Group discussion leader will need to attend a 3 hour session of LIFE 101 (including church membership) and a training class with our Family Life Pastor.


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Day 1: 1 John 1:1-4Observe—What Does it Say?






Interpret—What Does it Mean?



with others?



Apply—How Should I Live?Why is regular attendance at Life Group so important to you? What



Why is your regular attendance at Life Group so important to




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Day 2: 1 John 1:5-7Observe—What Does it Say?There are two things contrasted in verse 5. What are they? What do they represent?



In addition, there are two words contrasted in verse 6. What are they? Why are they important?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?6-7)





Apply—How Should I Live?Today, what change should you make to ensure you “walk in the light?”



As you “have fellowship with one another,” how can you bless someone else in your Life Group today?


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Day 3: 1 John 1:8-10Observe—What Does it Say?What do these verses say about sin and confession?



How does Jesus respond to you when you admit your sins to Him?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?What does it mean when it says that Jesus cleanses you from all unrighteousness? How does that make you feel?



How might a person “deceive himself” regarding their sinfulness?



Apply—How Should I Live?Do you tend to deny your sinfulness, or dwell on your sinfulness? How is that unhelpful?



How can you include the habit of confession in your daily time with God?


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Day 4: 1 John 2:1-6Observe—What Does it Say?What do these verses say about sin?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?John is very black and white with how he contrasts obedience to God and disobedience to God. What point is he making? Why is he making it sound so strong?



Apply—How Should I Live?How does reading the Bible each day help you to say “I know him?”






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Observe—What Does it Say?What is mentioned in verse 10 that is both an old commandment and a new commandment?



Besides light and darkness, what other contrast is made in these verses?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?Does a Christian feel hatred at times? When does it become sinful?



What kind of lifestyle or life-attitude is meant by one who “hates his brother?”



Apply—How Should I Live?Is there hatred in your heart that you need to confess?



God wants us to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. How can you show love this week to others in your Life Group?



Day 5: 1 John 2:7-11


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study of 1 John and consider what God has told us about Himself.

God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three personalities: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co-equal and are one God.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?












Day 6

Genesis 1:1, 26, 27 Genesis 3:22Psalm 90:2

Matthew 28:192 Corinthians 13:141 Peter 1:2


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Jesus Christ, His Son. Take some time to review what the Bible teaches us about Jesus.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co-equal with the Father.

from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin

someday to earth to reign as King of kings, and Lord of lords.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?









Day 7

Isaiah 9:6Matthew 1:22-23John 1:1-5John 14:10-30Acts 1:9-1

Romans 1:3-41 Corinthians 15:3-41 Timothy 6:14-15Titus 2:13Hebrews 4:14-15


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Lesson 2 Establish Your Faith

1 John 2

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Lesson 2:Establish Your Faith

Enjoy Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

Enjoy your

Establish your

Engage your

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.




Goals of My Life Group Discover Growth Habits

Practice Obedience

Pursue Christ-Like





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than the average person?

• How did you become established in that subject?

• How does a person become established in the Christian faith? What does that even mean?

• Why is it crucial that we “know God” and that we “know about God?”

• Were you able to do some of the daily Bible studies during the last week? What was helpful to you?

Everyone seems to joke about attorneys and complain about

this joke before:

A good lawyer knows the law; a great lawyer knows the judge.

a truth the Apostle John points out in chapter 2.


Read 1 John 2:1-2 together.

1. How does it make you feel that when you sin, Jesus is your




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2. When Jesus died on the cross, who did he have in mind?



world missions?



Read 1 John 2:3-6 together.






Definition“hilasmos” = While there is some debate whether this Greek word should be translated into English as “propitiation” or “atoning

God that such a holy God has toward sin has been poured out on Christ on the cross—instead of on you. This is what it means when Christians say that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.


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6. Read the following verses and jot down the phrases that refer to establishing our faith:

v. 3 “obey his commands”

v. 4___________________________________________________________

v. 5 __________________________________________________________

v. 20__________________________________________________________

v. 26__________________________________________________________

v. 27__________________________________________________________

7. What do these phrases tell you about the importance of reading and studying the Bible?



8. Did you make the time to do the daily at-home bible studies this past week? Why or why not?



9. According to these verses, does it do much good to go to Bible




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10. Honestly, how does that make you feel about yourself spiritually?



GETTING INTO HISTORYTradition and history tell us that the author of 1st John is John, son

along with Peter and James. He was likely best friends with Jesus, since John 13:23 tells us he was “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” He was probably elderly when he wrote 1st John. The letter was not written to one person or even one church. It was a circular letter—written to be read aloud to one church and then passed on to another, etc.

Read 1 John 2:12-14.

11. What three groups does John refer to? What do they represent?



Children = just beginning Young men = at the peek of their strength Fathers = seasoned veterans



13. What spiritual growth habits have been most helpful to you?




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GETTING INTO THE WORD AT HOMEThe remaining verses in chapter 2 will be covered this week during your daily Bible study time, so plan 15 minutes a day with your Bible

studies follow this lesson.


about 10 minutes. They may want to bring a childhood photo or a

Look back at page 13 for some questions to consider.











Did You Know?

Bible, how to pray, what tithing is all about, and how to build a sense of community in the church. James Scarborough, our Family Life Pastor, usually teaches this class.

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Day 1- 1 John 2:12-14Observe—What Does it Say?List three groups of people mentioned in these verses?



How does John describe each group?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?



Explain how a follower of Jesus is said to “overcome the evil one.”



Apply—How Should I Live?In what ways have you overcome the evil one? Is there a habit in your life in which you still need to overcome the evil one?



As you go about your day, how can you ensure that “the Word of




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Observe—What Does it Say?When John speaks of the “world” in these verses, is he referring to



What is contrasted in verse 17?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?


“desires of the eyes”


“pride of life”


Apply—How Should I Live?How can you embrace the “love of the Father” and reject the “love of the world?”





Day 2 -1 John 2:15-17


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Day 3 -1 John 2:15-17Observe—What Does it Say?

or describe “antichrists” in verse 22?



How is the importance of Jesus revealed in verse 23?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?What does it mean when John says “you know the truth?”



Some of the people who once claimed to follow Jesus had left the church and stopped following Him. Why do you think that happens to some people?



Apply—How Should I Live?How should you live knowing that this is “the last hour” and that Jesus could return to earth at any moment?



Today, how can you reject the lies of Satan and rejoice in the truth of God?




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Day 4- 1 John 2:24-27Observe—What Does it Say?What is John talking about when he speaks of “what you have heard from the beginning”?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?In what ways do “antichrists” try to lead astray the followers of Jesus?





Apply—How Should I Live?






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Observe—What Does it Say?What should be our goal when we imagine the return of Christ?



When you follow Jesus, how does his example impact your life?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?





Apply—How Should I Live?

unashamed” before Jesus? What will you do about that?



Jesus in your actions?



Day 5- 1 John 2:28-29


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need for God.

People are made in the spiritual image of God, to be like Him

Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all of us are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin.” This attitude separates people from God and causes many problems in life.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

Genesis 1:27 Isaiah 59:1-2Psalm 8:3-6 Romans 3:23Isaiah 53:6a









Day 6


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1 John 2:2 tells us of the wonderful act of salvation that Jesus

time to grasp what this salvation is all about.

never make up for our sin by self-improvement or good works. Only

and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

John 1:12 Galatians 3:26John 14:6 Ephesians 2:8-9Romans 5:1 Titus 3:5Romans 6:23










Day 7


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Lesson 3 Engage Your World

1 John 3

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Lesson 3:Engage Your World

Enjoy Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

Enjoy your

Establish your

Engage your

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.




Goals of My Life Group Invite lost neighbors

Serve local missions

Support global missions



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• What thoughts come to mind when you hear that someone is going overseas to be a Missionary?

• How do you picture someone who goes to seminary to become a Minister?

• How do you think our modern American ideas of Missionaries

churches? • Does it make you feel excited, anxious, or both to realize that God has called all Christ-followers to be ministers and missionaries in their corner of the world? Why?

• How can your Life Group engage your world together as ministers? As missionaries?


1. Did you make time to do some of the daily Bible studies during the last week? What was helpful to you?



Read 1 John 3:1-3 together.

DefinitionLove = The Greek word agape describes a strong non-sexual

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2. Make a list of all the blessings that God gives you that are mentioned in these verses.



3. Which of these blessings are seen in the past? The present? The future?



4. Which blessing means the most to you? Why?



Stop your lesson right now. Ask a volunteer to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for these very blessings.

Read 1 John 3:4-10 together.

5. Note the facts that these verses tell us about sin.



GETTING INTO HISTORYJesus referred to John and his brother James as “sons of thunder.” True to his nickname, John is not subtle about anything. He uses tough language when speaking of the false teachers, calling them

paints bold and far-reaching contrasts, like light and darkness, truth and lies, life and death, love and hate.


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-ed in verses 4-10?



Read 1 John 3:16-20

7. What example did Christ set that we are to follow? Is that literal? Figurative?



8. How can you “lay down your life” for others in your Life Group this week?



9. According to verse 18, how is love demonstrated to be genuine?



10. Which of these local missions opportunities hosted by Harmony Hill are you familiar with?

Working at Coston Elementary Providing support to foster parents Assisting at our food pantry Teaching or helping with prison ministry ESL Cross-Cultural Ministry Apartment Ministry

Did You Know?

sharing Christ with your friends, and missions opportunities in Lufkin and other nations. Ben Stokes, our Missions Pastor, usually teaches this new class.

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11. Together, how can your Life Group serve in Lufkin to engage and befriend a “brother in need?” Is there a local mission opportunity you can do together?



12. Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond. In the weeks ahead, how can your group encourage the following: • Invite lost neighbors?


_______________________________________________________________ • Serve local missions?



• Support global missions?




Each verse in chapter 3 will be covered this week during your daily Bible study time, so plan 15 minutes a day with your Bible and a

follow this lesson.


about 10 minutes. They may want to bring a childhood photo or a

Look back at 13 for some questions to consider.


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Day 1- 1 John 3:1-6Observe—What Does it Say?How is God described in verse 1?



In spite of your sin, how does God feel about you?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?What do these verses teach you about sin?





Apply—How Should I Live?Does one particular sin have a death grip on you? Who can you go to for prayer and accountability?



Today, how might you express gratitude toward Jesus for taking away your sins?


______________________________________________________________LIFE TOGETHER 48

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Day 2 - 1 John 3:7-10Observe—What Does it Say?What strong contrast does John make in verses 7-8?



What contrast does John make in verse 10?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?





Apply—How Should I Live?Are there “works of the devil” in your life? How will you surrender



How will you “do what is right” this day?




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Day 3 - 1 John 3:11-15Observe—What Does it Say?Why might someone who rejects Christ have hatred toward a



What two opposite words does John contrast in verses 14-15? ______________________________________________________________


Interpret—What Does it Mean?Why does John use a harsh analogy like murder when describing hatred?





Apply—How Should I Live?How do you practice the kind of love that proves you have “passed



How can you practically show God-sized love to others in your Life Group this week?


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Day 4 - 1 John 3:16-20Observe—What Does it Say?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?Describe the actions and conversations that will happen in your Life Group when you practice giving up your life for your brothers and sisters.



What would it look like for you to show loving compassion to those in need in your city?



Apply—How Should I Live?What should motive you to serve others in your community?



What local missions project can you and your Life Group embrace together?


______________________________________________________________51 LIFE TOGETHER

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Day 5 - 1 John 3:21-24Observe—What Does it Say?



How does our obedience to God impact our prayers to God?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?What two steps are we commanded to take in verse 23? How are they related to each other?



How is our relationship with God connected to our obedience to



Apply—How Should I Live?

What will you do about that?



What is your bold prayer for your brothers and sisters in Christ?


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Day 6

under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs and living. Because it is inspired by God, it is the truth without any mixture of error.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

Psalm 12:6, 2 Timothy 1:13, 3:16Psalm 119:105, 160 2 Peter 1:20-21Proverbs 30:5













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Lesson 4 Equip and Serve

1 John 4

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Lesson 4:Equip and Serve

EnjoyLife Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

Enjoy your

Establish your

Engage your

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.




Goals of My Life Group • Exercise spiritual gifts

• Serve on Sundays or


• Assist in Life GroupE qu


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Is the church like a cruise ship or a battle ship? Many seem to think of church more like a cruise ship—the church exists for their pleasure and entertainment. They decide which church to attend by asking questions like these:

• Do I like the music they play? • Do I like the captain and his crew? • Is the service good? • Am I well fed? • Are my needs met promptly? • Will I cruise with them again?

A better image for the church is a battleship. Looking for a church to attend would be similar to evaluating a battleship:

• Does the captain submit to a higher authority? • Are the tactics and moves of the enemy well understood by the crew?

• Is the crew able to endure storms together? • Is the crew equipped to succeed?

• Are they taught to be disciplined and vigilant? • Do they take the battle seriously?

• Is there a life-and-death mission in which everyone is expected to play an important part?


• How does this analogy strike you?

• How do you think people in Lufkin decide what church to attend?

• How do you view church, as a cruise ship or a battleship?

• Has Harmony Hill Baptist Church embraced “a life-and-death mission in which everyone is expected to play an important part?”


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1. Did you make time to do some of the daily at home Bible studies during the last week? What was helpful to you?



DefinitionAgapetos in verse 7 is translated into English Bibles as “beloved” or “dear friends.” It literally means a person dearly loved and cherished, preferred above all others and treated with partiality.

Read 1 John 4:7-12 together.

2. List some of the phrases you see in verses 7-12 that refer to love. ______________________________________________________________




4. How does it make you feel that you are deeply loved and cher-ished above all others by God?






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John was especially loyal to Jesus. He was the only one of the 12 apostles present at the cross. After Pentecost, John teamed up with Peter to fearlessly preach the gospel in Jerusalem and

helped spread the gospel message. Because John experienced the

gospel and letters. He is credited with writing the Gospel of John; the letters 1, 2, and 3 John; and the book of Revelation.

John the Apostle “The Disciple Jesus Loved” by Jack Zavada

Read 1 John 4:13-21

6. This passage clearly tells followers of Christ an important truth since they are “beloved” they are to “be love” to one another. How should love be visible in our church? In your Life Group?



7. While the Bible teaches us to love all people, 1st John tells us to

verses 15-16)



Did You Know?

personality, your story, and your spiritual gifts to make

and teaches LIFE 301.


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In a modern American church like Harmony Hill, the work of ministry on Sundays and Wednesdays cannot be carried out without volunteers. At Harmony Hill, on any given Sunday, over

teachers to students, greeters, parking attendants, technology volunteers, and musicians.

8. Why do you think our church discourages someone to attend a Life Group on Sunday and on Wednesday?______________________________________________________________


volunteering at



10. For each of the following volunteers, how are they demonstrating love by their role on the “battleship?” Who are they ministering to? How?

• Nursery worker • Camera operator • Parking lot greeter • Preschool teacher • Student discussion • Choir member group leader ______________________________________________________________







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11. What would happen if every member of Harmony Hill gave one hour each week to serve on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings?



12. How can this Life Group encourage and equip you to serve others in our “battleship church?”



13. Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church. How can your group encourage the following:

• Exercise spiritual gifts______________________________________________________________


•Serve on Sundays or Wednesday______________________________________________________________


•Assist in Life Group______________________________________________________________



The remaining verses in chapter 4 will be covered this week during your daily Bible study time, so plan 15 minutes a day with your Bible

studies follow this lesson.


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about 10 minutes. They may want to bring a childhood photo or a

Here are some questions to consider:

today? • What was your life like before you discovered Christ? • What brought you to realize your need for salvation? • What did God do in your life that caused you to consider Christ? • How have your beliefs and worldview changed? • What has God revealed to you about who He is, and how has that changed you? • How has God changed your heart?














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Day 1 - 1 John 4:1-3Observe—What Does it Say?Discernment is the ability to see and understand people and their motivations clearly. Why is discernment important for a follower of Jesus?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?An “antichrist” is someone who works against the teachings of Jesus. How do you see antichrists at work in the world today?



When someone claims to be a spiritual teacher or leader, how can we know if they are worth listening to?



Apply—How Should I Live?How will you protect yourself from those who simply have bad



life each and every day?


______________________________________________________________LIFE TOGETHER 64

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Day 2 - 1 John 4:4-6Observe—What Does it Say?What opposite things are contrasted in these verses?



What good news is described in verse 4?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?

and listening to God?



What does it mean to “belong to God?”



Apply—How Should I Live?Describe how it makes you feel that you belong to God?



Knowing that those in your Life Group are children of God and




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Day 3 - 1 John 4:7-12Observe—What Does it Say?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?






Apply—How Should I Live?

of those in your Life Group?



What would your Life Group look like if it practiced deep-seated God-sized love? How can you make that happen?




Page 72: Life Together

Day 4 - 1 John 4:13-18Observe—What Does it Say?What do these verses teach about God the Father? About God the Son? About God the Spirit?



How is friendship with God related to loving others?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?What does John mean when he describes someone who “lives in



What does it mean when he describes someone who “lives in



Apply—How Should I Live?

your life today?




______________________________________________________________67 LIFE TOGETHER

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Day 5 - 1 John 4:19-21Observe—What Does it Say?



What does John say about love? About hate?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?Is John only describing emotions when he refers to love and hate? Explain.



How is your friendship with God linked to your relationship with other followers of Christ?



Apply—How Should I Live?Memorize verse 19. How does that make you feel? How should that make you act?



How can your Life Group be a shining example of verse 21? What will you do to make that happen?




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Day 6When we speak of God, we refer to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Many followers of Christ know little about the Spirit, yet 1 John mentions His work in our lives several times. Take a few minutes to see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son of God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. He gives every believer a spiritual gift when they are saved. As Christians, we seek to live under His control daily.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

John 14:16-17, 16:7-13 2 Corinthians 3:17Acts 1:8 Galatians 5:251 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16 Ephesians 1:13, 5:18










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Lesson 5 Life Together

1 John 5

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Lesson 5:Life Together

Enjoy Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

Enjoy your

Establish your

Engage your

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.





Page 78: Life Together


One of the most thorough research projects on relationships is called the Alameda County Study. Headed by a Harvard social scientist, it tracked the lives of 7,000 people over nine years. Researchers found that the most isolated people were three times more likely to die than those with strong relational connections.

eating habits, obesity, or alcohol use) but strong social ties lived

were isolated. In other words, it is better to eat Twinkies with good friends than to eat broccoli alone. Harvard researcher Robert Putnam notes that if you belong to no groups but decide to join one, “you cut your risk of dying over the next year in half.”

For another study, as reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 276 volunteers were infected with a virus that produces the common cold. The study found that people with

illness than those who were more isolated. These people were less

this up. They produced less mucous. This means it is literally true: Unfriendly people are snottier than friendly people. — John Ortberg,

• Are you surprised by the results of these two studies?

• How do these modern academic studies demonstrate what the Apostle John taught 2000 years ago about fellowship and love?

• How can our Life Group awaken life-giving Christ-focused relationships to every single person in this group?

• What role do you plan in making that happen?


Page 79: Life Together


1. Did you make time to do some of the daily Bible studies during the last week? What was challenging to you?


______________________________________________________________Read 1 John 5:1-5 together.



3. How have you “overcome the world?” In what ways has God freed


______________________________________________________________Read 1 John 5:9-12 together.


teachers. Here is an excerpt from a letter that a man named Ignatius of Antioch in 107 AD: “Some people make a habit of going about bearing the Name, but with evil deceit. They do things that are unworthy of God. You must turn from these as you would turn from wild beasts, for they are ravenous dogs that bite secretly. You must be on guard against them; they are almost incurable. There is

is God in man; he is true life in death; he is from Mary and God; he



trait of being willing to undertake activities that involve risk or danger, especially that involve being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech

Page 80: Life Together

4. The early church had the apostles, who had been with Jesus, yet limited forms of communication. They also did not yet have the

false teaching in the church?



5. Verse 12 says, “he who has the Son has life.” When did you acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of God and choose to follow Him?



6. What change has that made in your life?



Read 1 John 5:13-15

7. What two reasons does John give for his reader to have





-swers your prayers?




Page 81: Life Together

during the study of 1st John. Together as a group, rate your Life Group on each purpose.

Life Groups build meaningful friendships within the church and in the community.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Life Groups establish the spiritual foundations of Christ-followers.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Life Groups help members to refresh others through ministry within the church.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Life Groups plant seeds of the Good News in Lufkin and beyond.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

purposes for each of you.


this week during your daily Bible study time, so plan 15 minutes a

at-home Bible studies follow this lesson.


about 10 minutes. They may want to bring a childhood photo or a

Look at page 13 for some questions to consider.


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Day 1 - 1 John 5:1-5Observe—What Does it Say?





Interpret—What Does it Mean?





Apply—How Should I Live?What is most challenging for you: loving God, loving others, or obeying God? Why?



What is it that God wants you to overcome? How will you let someone in your Life Group help you?




Page 86: Life Together

Day 2 - 1 John 5:6-12Observe—What Does it Say?List what you learn about each member of the Trinity in this passage. God the Father. God the Son. God the Spirit.



Interpret—What Does it Mean?






Apply—How Should I Live?God has given you life: eternal life, and life today. What are you



Are you sleepwalking through life, or are you joyfully embracing the life God has given you? Why?




Page 87: Life Together

Observe—What Does it Say?



What happens when a follower of Christ makes a request to God?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?Do these verses support a “health and wealth gospel” in which we

Why or why not?



What does it mean to “believe in the name of the Son of God”?



Apply—How Should I Live?Do you have a habit of spending time with the Father in prayer each day? Why or why not?



By name, spend time praying for each person in your Life Group, asking God to show you ways to be a friend to each one.



Day 3 - 1 John 5:13-15


Page 88: Life Together

Day 4 - 1 John 5:16-20Observe—What Does it Say?Should we be concerned when another follower of Christ embraces a lifestyle of sin? Why?



How seriously does God take sin? Why?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?



What does John mean when he says “the evil one cannot harm



Apply—How Should I Live?

your life? Who will you turn to today?


______________________________________________________________Since the “whole world is under the control of the evil one,” how will


______________________________________________________________83 LIFE TOGETHER

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Day 5 - 1 John 5:16-20Observe—What Does it Say?How does John address those he is writing to? What does that tell you?



What command does John give in closing his letter? Why?



Interpret—What Does it Mean?



What idols do we worship in our culture today?



Apply—How Should I Live?Is there a pursuit or a possession in your life that is more important to you than loving God?



How will you keep yourself from idols?




Page 90: Life Together

Day 6

person genuinely determines to submit themselves and follow Jesus, a change happens in their life. Take a few minutes to see what the Bible says about salvation and eternal security.

Because God gives us eternal life through Jesus Christ, the true believer is secure in that salvation for eternity. If you have been genuinely saved, you cannot “lose” it. Salvation is maintained by the

the grace and keeping power of God that gives us this security.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

John 10:29 Hebrews 10:10, 142 Timothy 1:12 1 Peter 1:3-5Hebrews 7:25











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Day 7

about this essential topic.

People were created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin or eternally with God through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is eternal life. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence.

As you read these Bible verses, jot down notes about the following: • Observe—What Does it Say? • Interpret—What Does it Mean? • Apply—How Should I Live?

John 3:16-17 Romans 8:17-18John 14:17 1 Corinthians 2:7-9Romans 6:23 Revelation 20:15












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