Proceedings of the technical sessions presented by the TMS Aluminum Committee at the TMS 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA February 14-18,2010 Edited by John A. Johnson A Publication of TMS

Light Metals 2010 : proceedings of the technical sessions ... · PDF fileAmorphous Bauxites 87 ... Centers ofAluminiumHydroxide, 221 R, Smiljanic, D. Lazic, D. Smiljanic, andZ. Zivkovic

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Proceedings of the technical sessions presentedby the TMS Aluminum Committee

at the TMS 2010 Annual Meeting & Exhibition,

Seattle, Washington, USA

February 14-18,2010

Edited byJohn A. Johnson

APublication of



Light Metals 2010

Preface xxv

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxix

Aluminum Committees xxxv

The Aluminum Industry - An External Perspective (Customers,Competitors and Stakeholders)

The Aluminum Industry - An External Perspective (Customers, Competitors and


Challenges and Opportunites Relative to Increased Usage of Aluminum within the

Automotive Industry 3

M. Verbrugge, P. Krajewski, A. Sachdev, J. Schroth, D. Sigler, andB. Carlson

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091



Light Metals 2010

Preface xx\

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxix

Aluminum Committees xxxv

Alumina and Bauxite

Bayer Process Chemistry and Alumina Quality I

Development of Particle Breakdown and Alumina Strength during Calcination 17

B. Raahauge, C. Jensen-Holm, and S. Wind

Effect of Environmental Light on the Raman Spectrum of Sodium Aluminate Liquors 25

J. Yin, W. Li, Z. Yin, Z. Liu, and Z. Su

Effect ofNa20 on Alumina Leaching and Self-Disintegrating Property of Calcium

Aluminate Slag 29

S. Huilan, W. Bo, and B. Shiwen

Improvement of Product Quality in Circulating Fluidized Bed Calcination 33

C. Klett, M. Missalla, and R. Bligh

Bayer Process Chemistry and Alumina Quality II

Segregation of Alumina - The Challenge for the Aluminium Industry 41

A. Wolf, and P. Hilgraf

Unique High-Temperature Facility for Studying Organic Reactions in the Bayer Process 47

A. Costine, J. Loh, R. McDonald, and G. Power

Technology Solutions to Increase Alumina Recovery from Aluminogoethitic Bauxites 53

A. Panov, A. Suss, and A. Fedyaev

New Polymers for Improved Flocculation of High DSP-Containing Muds 57

M. Davis, Q. Dai, H. Chen, and M. Taylor

Some Aspects of Tricalcium Aluminate Hexahydrate Formation on the Bayer Process 63

S. Franqa, P. Braga, J. Moraes, A. Borges, and J. Lima


Process Improvements and Experiences - Red Side I

Study on Ore Dressing and Characterization of Different Granulometric Fractions that

Compound Bauxite from Para/Brazil 69

F. Silva, R. Santos, J. Sampaio, F. Garrido, and M. Medeiros

Autoclave Desilication of Digested Bauxite Slurry in the Flashing Circuit 75

A. Panov, A. Suss, I. Paromova, and A. Damaskin

The Effect of Anatase and Lime on the Transformation of Sodalite to Cancrinite in Bayer

Digestion at 250° C 81

B. Xu, P. Smith, C. Wingate, andL. DeSilva

Study on the Rheological Behavior of Crystallized and Crystallized - AmorphousBauxites 87

C. Barbato, S. Franga, and M. Nele

Process Improvements and Experiences - Red Side II

Effect of Digesting Conditions on Physical Properties of Diaspore Red Mud 95

L. Bao, T. Zhang, Z Dou, G Lv, X Wu, Y Guo, P. Ni, and J. Ma

Extracting Alumina from Coal Flyash through Sodium Alumlnate Solution in Soda-

sintering and Acid-leaching Process 101

J. Xue, L. Yan, and Y. Zhu

Improved Performance ofRed Mud Settlers at Worsley Alumina 107

D. Eckart, J. Kildea, P. Prinsloo, D. Nicholson, and E. Phillips

Redundancy of Security Filtration 113

P. Weer

Tricalcium Aluminate Hexahydrate (TCA) Synthesis and Characterization 119

M. Mohapatra, and S. Acharya

Effect of Carbide Slag on High Pressure Digestion Properties of Diaspore... 125

W. Bo, S. Huilan, and B. Shiwen

Bauxite Characterization and Handling

Reduction Roasting and Fe-Al Separation of High Iron Content Gibbsite-type Bauxite

Ores 133

G. Li, N. Sun, J. Zeng, Z. Zhu, and T. Jiang


Study and Application of an Improved Sintering Process with Pre-drying of Raw Material

Slurries 139

H. Zhao, B. Lu, andH. Ma

The Black Bauxite 145

Z. Shangguan, and J. Du

Bayer Process and Soda-Lime Sintering Process of Special Diasporic Bauxite with HighSilica 149

C. Wenzhong, T. Weiwei, andZ. Hong

Industry Trends and Issues

Benefit-Cost Analysis at an Alumina Refinery ofPublic Sector 157

JV. Pinero

Heat Transfer in the Bayer Process 161

D. Thomas, andM. Evans

Sustainable Bauxite Mining - A Global Perspective 167

C. Wagner

The Need for Energy Efficiency in Bayer Refining 173

L. Henrickson

UC Rusal vs. Chalco, in Bauxite and Alumina 179

G. Djukanovic

A Case for Replication of Alumina Plants 183

A. Kjar

Alumina Precipitation

Study on the Precipitation Kinetics for Improving the Quality ofAlumina with Regard to

Fines and Attrition Properties 193

N. Krishnaswamy, N. Kshatriya, S. Dasgupta, and R. Jagannathan

Wet Oxidation ofBayer Liquor Organics: Reaction Mechanisms 209

J. Dong, J. Tardio, J. Loh, G. Power, C. Vernon, and S. Bhargava

The Roles of Adsorption in Hydrate Precipitation 215

J. Loh, G. Brodie, and F. Nairn

Influence of Decomposition Parameters on the Formation Rate of New CrystallizationsCenters of Aluminium Hydroxide , 221

R, Smiljanic, D. Lazic, D. Smiljanic, and Z. Zivkovic


The Microstructure of Aluminum Hydroxide Powders 231

Y. Haiyan, L. Wen-cheng, and B. Shiwen

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091



Light Metals 2010

Preface xxv

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxrx

Aluminum Committees xxxv

Aluminum Reduction Technology

Aluminium Smelter: Environment Health and Safety

Modern Potline Gas Treatment Technology for High Amperage Pots - The Alcoa

Fjardaal Experience 239

A. Moras, N. Dando, B. Cloutier, P. Dumortier, and H. Vendette

Heat Recovery from the Exhaust Gas of Aluminum Reduction Cells 243

M. Fleer, 0. Lorentsen, W. Harvey, H. Palsson, and G. Saevarsdottir

Increased Energy Efficiency and Reduced HF Emissions with New Heat Exchanger 249

A. Sorhuus, G Wedde, K. Rye, and G. Nyland

Reduction Line-5 DC Electrical Hazard 255

M. Shukralla

2008 Global Anode Effect Survey Results 259

J. Marks, and C. Bayliss

The Applicability of Carbon Capture and Sequestration in Primary Aluminium Smelters 265

S. Broek, and S. Save

Application ofa Method for the Determination of Pfc Emissions During Aluminum Pot

Startup 271

J. Maltais, J. Ross, andA. Marcoux

Dissolution Behavior of Aluminum Dross in Aluminum Electrolyte 277

W. Fu, Z. Wang, Y. Yang, andX. Hu


Aluminium Smelter: Equipment

Improving Heat Dissipation and Cell Life of Aged Reduction Lines at Aluminium

Bahrain (Alba) 285

A. Ahmed, K. Raghavendra, and B. Welch

Update on the Evaluation ofHF Emission Reduction Using Covered Anode Trays 291

J. Gagne, R. Minville, N. Dando, G. Dufour, M. Gershenzon, P. Champoux,andA. Moras

Automated Anode Gauging 295

S. Maqbali, C. Smith, J. Raman, M. Angirash, S. Abdullah, S. Thirunavukkarasu,

R. Kulkarni, P. Marchand, S. David, and P. Boucher

Keeping the Pace of Continuous Improvement by Retrofitting Pot Tending Machines 301

J. Barry, F. Roriguez, and J. Imery

New Concepts for Bulk Materials Plants for the Aluminium Producing Industry - From

Raw Material Receiving to Electrolysis Cells 305

S. Skirde

Alfeed, a New Alumina Feeding System to Aluminium Pots 311

S. Ose, A. Sorhuus, O. Bjarno, and G. Wedde

Electrolysis Pot J Hooks New Design: Positive Impacts on Performance and Environment 315

N. Dupas

Cleaning and Maintenance of Crucibles and Siphons/Tubes 319

D. Prive, P. Cote, and R. Boulianne

Erosion of Ferrous Alloys by Liquid Aluminum 325

M. Sidhu, and M. Krai

Hall-Heroult Cell: Technology

Development ofthe AP39: The New Flagship of AP Technology 333

L. Fiot, D. Munoz, X. Berne, C. Ritter, and 0. Martin

DX Pot Technology Powers Green Field Expansion 339

A. Zarouni, M. Zelicourt, M. Jallaf, K. Alaswad, A. Kumar, A. Reyami, V. Kumar,

D. Bakshi, J. Blasques, and I. Baggash

New Logistic Concepts for 400 and 500 kA Smelters 345

M. Meijer


The Pot Technology Development in China 349

Z. Jia, Y. Xiaodong, and S. Kangjian

The Newly Advancement of SY400 Pot 355

S. Kangjian

Successful Commercial Operation ofNEUI400 Potline 359


Continues Advancement in Lanzhou Smelter 365

S. Kangjian, andJ. Chen

Baking Start-up and Operation Practices of 400kA Prebaked Anode Pots 369

Y Ban, X. Qi, D. Lv, J. Mao, Y. Mao, Z Wang, Z Shi, B. Gao, andX. Hu

Hall-Heroult Cell: Energy Conservation Through Cell Design and Process


Wettable Athodes: An Update 377

R. Pawlek

Wettability of Liquid Aluminum on Carbon/Graphite/TiB2 CompositeCathode Materials 383

J. Xue, and X. Chen

Study on the New Reduction Technology for Energy Saving 387

F. Liu, and S. Gu

Effect of Atmosphere-Changing Sintering on the Corrosion Resistance of 17Ni/(10nio-

NiFe204) Cermet Inert Anode 391

L. Kai, T. Zhong-liang, L. Jie, L. Yanqing, and Z. Hong-liang

Liquidus Temperatures of Cryolite Melts with Low Cryolite Ratio 395

A. Apisarov, A. Dedyukhin, E. Nikolaeva, P. Tin'ghaev, O. Tkacheva, A. Redkin,

and Y. Zaikov

Industrial Test of Low-voltage Energy-saving Aluminum Reduction Technology 399

L. Jie, L. Xiao-jun, L. Yan-qing, X. Chang-chun, Z. Hong-liang, X. Jin, D. Feng-qi,L. Shi-wen, G. Qi-feng, and L, Yun-long

New Cathodes in Aluminum Reduction Cells 405

F. Naixiang, T. Yingfu, P. Jianping, W. Yaowu, Q. Xiquan, and T. Ganfeng

Calculation of the Aluminum Flow Field at the Interface of Molten Aluminum and

Electrolyte in the New Cathode Aluminum Cells 409

J. Yanli, P. Jianping, F. Naixiang, W. Yaowu, and Q. Xiquan


Hall-Heroult Cell: Processes Modeling and Aluminium Smelter Modeling

Mathematical Modeling of Aluminum Reduction Cell Potshell Deformation

M. Dupuis

The Use ofCFD Simulations to Optimise Ventilation of Potrooms

A. Maarschalkerwaard

Safe and Efficient Traffic Flow for Aluminum Smelters

L. Tikasz, C. Read, R. Baxter, R. Fires, andR. McCulloch

Development and Application of anANSYS® based Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Anode

Stub Hole Design Tool

M. Dupuis

Design of a Bypass Joint for the Aluminum Reduction Cells

Y. Sarkis

3D Freeze Shape Study of the Aluminum Electrolysis Cells Using Finite Element Method

C. Xifeng, Z Hong-liang, Z. Zhong, L. Jie, L. Yanqing, X. Yujie, Z. Hehui,and L. Xiaojun

Hall-Heroult Cell: Processes Modeling and Measurements

CFD Modelling ofEffect of ACD and Anode Size on Alumina Mixing in Aluminium

Reduction Cells

Y. Feng, M. Cooksey, and P. Schwarz

Terminating Anode Effects by Lowering and Raising the Anodes - A Closer Look at the


J. Thonstad, andH. Vogt

Bath Temperature Inference through Soft Sensors using Neural NetworksF. Soares, R. Limao, and M. Castro

The Determination of Pot Current Distribution by Measuring Magnetic Fields

N. Urata, and J. Evans

Busbar Circuit Design and Installation for Boosting Already Boosted Pots

D. Champagne, D. Ziegler, A. Schneider, and D. Richard

Study of Surface Oscillation ofLiquid Aluminum in 168kAAluminum Reduction Cells

with a New Type of Cathode DesignW. Ziqian, F. Naixiang, P. Jianping, W. Yaowu, and Q. Xiquan


Modelling and Optimization ofBusbar Configuration in Aluminum Electrolysis Cell with

Genetic Algorithm 489

M. Li

Hall-Heroult Cell: Process Control

Continuous Improvement in Aluminium Reduction Cell Process Performance with the

ALPSYS® Control System 495

S. Fardeau, B. Sulmont, P. Vellemans, and C. Ritter

A Nonlinear Model Based (NMPC) Control Strategy for the Aluminium Electrolysis

Process 501

S. Kolas, and S. Wasbo

CVG-venalum Potline Control and Supervisory Integrated System VEN-PCSIS 507

J. Ramones, F. Ramirez, M. Colmenares, J. Larez, and J. Gonzalez

Efficient Thermal Balance Strategy Developed by CVG Venalum 513

M. Colmenares, A. Ruiz, and J. Imery

Usage of Fuzzy Logic as a Strategy for the Aluminium Fluoride Addition in ElectrolyticCells 517

F. Soares

Development and Application of a Multivariate Process Parameters Intelligence Control

Technology for Aluminum Reduction Cells 523

Y. Xiaobing, and T. Qinghong

Hall-Heroult Cell: Raw Materials and Process Control

Rapid, Non-Destructive Analysis of% Gibbsite in Smelting Grade Alumina 531

K. Dando, and N. Dando

Aluminum Fluoride -A Users Guide 535

S. Lindsay

Alumina Dissolution Rate as Impacted by Ore Pre-treatments 541

X. Wang, J. Sorensen, N. Dando, and W. Xu

Processing of Anode Cover Material 547

I. Eick, B. Rausch, J. Chmelar, and U. Kohaupt

Statistical Investigation and Modeling of Bath Level in Hall-Heroult Cells 553

J. Tessier, and P. Doiron


In Situ Raman Experimental Study of Ionic Species in Cryolite Melts of Various

Composition 559

S. Vassiliev, V. Laurinavichute, Z. Kuz 'minova, G. Tsirlina, E. Antipov, A. Gusev,and D. Simakov

In Situ Cell Control 563M. Schneller

Determination of Cryolite Ratio of Aluminum Electrolytes 569

B. Gao, D. Li, Z. Shi, Z. Wang, andB. Ren

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091



Light Metals 2010

Preface xxv

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxix

Aluminum Committees xxxv

Aluminum Rolling

Session I

Grain Interactions and Dislocation Density Evolution during Channel Die Compressionof Aluminum 579

A. Alankar, I. Mastorakos, and D. Field

Impact of Solute State and Precipitations on the Properties of 8xxx Alloys after Cold

Rolling and Recrystallization 585

G. Laptyeva, C. Schafer, K. Karhausen, V. Mohles, and G Gottstein

Expert5i - Intelligent Software Solution for Yield Optimization along the Production Line

of Aluminium Flat Rolled Products 591

S. Hillebrand, and U. Knaak

Possibilities of Laser Meaurement for Aluminum Processing 597

P. Sonntag

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091



Light Metals 2010

Preface xxv

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxix

Aluminum Committees xxxv

Cast Shop for Aluminum Production

Grain Refinement Alloying, Solidification and Shape Casting

On the Mechanism of Grain Refinement by Ultrasonic Melt Treatment in the Presence of

Transition Metals 607

D. Eskin, T. Atamanenko, L. Zhang, andL. Katgerman

Impurities in Al-5Ti-lB (wt.%) Grain Refiner Rod 613

B. McKay, G. Nunner, G. Geier, and P. Schumacher

Effects of Cooling Rate on Microstructure in En-Ac43000 Gravity Castings and Related

T6 Mechanical Properties 619

I. Todaro, R. Squatrito, A. Morri, andL. Tomesani

Evaluation of Transient Heat Transfer Coefficient Evolution in EN43000 GravityCastings towards Steel Chills with Different Interface Conditions 625

R. Squatrito, I. Todaro, and L. Tomesani

Furnace Technology and Melt Handling^^M^B«BUWH«BMWaWlMW~MH_MaPaMMlW«BwaHa^_a^^^^^~^^^~^^^^—l>^~MMW_«HMH^0h

Influence of Heating Technology on Melt Quality in Ladles for Road Transportation of

Liquid Aluminum Casting Alloys during Holding 633

B. Prillhofer, and J. Knaack

Crucible Transfer by Siphoning: A Review ofthe Benefits and the Latest Technology 639

J. Locatelli, and G. Liu

Energy Efficiency in Casthouse Furnaces 651

R. Voyer, andF. Caron

Establishing Operational Parameters ofAL-EMS using Numerical Simulations to

Promote Energy Efficiency during Final Heating in Aluminum Furnaces 657

R. Stal, U. Sand, and O. Hjortstam


Retrofitting Aluminum Melting Furnaces 663

T. Schmidt

Implementation of a Global Casthouse Furnace Energy Efficiency Program at Rio Tinto

Alcan 669

M. Roy, V. Goutiere, and C. Dupuis

Degreasing of Aluminium Turnings and Implications for Solid-State Recycling 675

J. Cui, A. Kvithyld, and H. Roven

Heating and Melting of Single Al Ingots in an Aluminium Melting Furnace 679

J. Furu, A. Buchholz, T. Bergstrom, and K. Marthinsen

Optimised Re-melting by the Use of Low-temperature Oxyfuel at Hydro Aluminium's

Primary Aluminium Casthouse, Ovre Ardal, Norway 685

H. Gripenberg, K. Torvanger, andJ. Lodin

Direct Chill and Conveyor Casting

Microsegregation of Direct Chill Ingot of Super High Strength Aluminum Alloy Cast

from Heavily Electromagnetically Stirred Melt 693

T. Umeda, P. Thirathipviwat, M. Suparadist, and H. Nagaumi

Utilizing Safety Pit Coating Repair Kits to Prevent Production Stoppages 697

A. Lowery, and J. Roberts

Effect of Application of Out-Of-Phase Electromagnetic Field on Horizorntal Direct Chill

Casting of 7075 Aluminum Alloy 703

Q. Zhu, Z. Zhao, X. Wang, and J. Cui

Next Generation ofAlmex Direct Chill Tooling Systems 709

S. Homer

Thermal Assessment ofthe Casting Operation at IMASA Shop 715

C. Mendez, C. Sanchez, G. Plascencia, M. Rubio, and D. Jaramillo

Cast House Productivity and Strip Casting

Means of Improving Casthouse Productivity 723

P. Whiteley

Estimating the Production Capabilities of Casthouse Equipment Configuration Options 729

P. Baker


Electrochemical Characterization of Trc 7072aa for Heat Exchangers 735

A. Dursun, B. Corlu, C. Inel, M. Dundar, R. Erdogan, and M. Urgen

Influence ofthe Cooling Water Temperature on Productivity and Product Quality in Twin

Roll Casting with Copper Shells 741

M. Badowski, E. Garate, and D. Armendariz

The Use of Copper Shells by Twin Roll Strip Casters 747A. Clemente, J. Tsiros, A. Arvanitis, D. Spathis, and H. Wobker

A TEM Study of the Microstructures of 3003 and 3003-Zr Alloys Produced by Twin Roll

Casting 753

B. Corlu, O. Duygulu, S. Ucuncuoglu, G. Oktay, A. Dursun, and M. Dundar

Casthouse Design for the Production ofAir-Cooled, Low-Profile Aluminium Sows 759

T. Plikas, T. Cesta, L. Gunnewiek, M. Trovant, R. Santiago, and J. Vanasse

The Measurement ofHeat Flow within a DC Casting Mould 765

A. Prasad, J. Taylor, and I. Bainbridge

Melt Oxidation, Inclusions and Hydrogen

Formation ofthe Solid Layer on the Top of Molten Aluminum 773

L. Damoah, and L. Zhang

Removal of Solid Inclusions from Molten Aluminium through Ceramic Foam Filtration 779

A. Engelbrecht

Strategies to Reduce Inclusion Input during Liquid Metal Transportation and Melt

Distribution while DC Casting of Al Alloys 785

B. Prillhofer, H. Bottcher, and H. Antrekowitsch

A New Multi Stage System ofFiltration Employing a Cyclone 791

J, Courtenay, and F. Reusch

Hazards Associated with the Use ofBone Ash in Contact with Molten Aluminum 797

D. Doutre

In-Situ Measurement ofDissolved Hydrogen during Low Pressure Die Casting of

Aluminium ...801

M. Hills, M. Henson, C. Thompson, B. Geddes, C. Schwandt, R. Kumar, and D. Fray

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091



Light Metals 2010

Preface xxv

Editor's Biography xxvii

Program Organizers xxix

Aluminum Committees xxxv

Electrode Technology for Aluminum Production

Cathodes - Materials and Operation

Carburation Phenomenons At The Cathode Block/Metal Interface 811

M. Lebeuf, M. Coulombe, P. Chartrand, B. Allard, and G. Soucy

Erosion Measurements ofHigh Density Cathode Block Samples Through Laboratory

Electrolysis with Rotation 817

Y, Sato, P. Lavoie, and P. Patel

Thermo-Mechanical Characterisation of Graphitic and Graphitized Carbon Cathode

Materials Used in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells 823

D. Picard, W. Bouzemmi, B. Allard, H. Alamdari, and M. Fafard

Electrical Resistance of Graphitic and Graphitized Cathode Materials at Elevated

Temperatures 829

J, Xue, J. Zhu, and Y Song

Development of High Density Graphitized Cathode Blocks for Aluminium ElectrolysisCells 835

S. Larsen, X. Liao, H. Gran, S. Madshus, and J. Johansen

Sodium Diffusion in Cathode Lining in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells 841

Z. Wang, J. Rutlin, and T. Grande

Characterization of Sodium Expansion of Industrial Graphitic and Graphitized Cathodes 849

J. Xue, L. Wu, Q. Liu, Q. Niu, W. Wang, X. Hou, J. Zhu, andH. He

Corrosion Resistance of Cathode to NaF-KF-ALF3-Based Electrolyte 855H. Yan, W. Li, S. Qiu, and J. Li

Development Status of Processing Technology for Spent Potlining in China 859X Chen


Non-Carbon Materials in Cathodes

Lower Aluminium Production Cost through Refractory Material Selection 865

O. Siljan, S. Slagnes, A. Sekkingstad, E. Furu, S. Aaram, and A. Solheim

Chemical Degradation Map for Sodium Attack in Refractory Linings 871

K, Tschope, T. Grande, and J. Rutlin

Reactions in the Bottom Lining ofAluminium Reduction Cells 877

A. Solheim, C. Schoning, andE. Skybahnoen

Sidewall Materials for the Hall-Heroult Process 883

R. Mukhlis, M. Rhamdhani, and G. Brooks

Excellent Cryolite Resistance and High Thermal Conductivity SiC Sidewall Material for

High-amperage Aluminium Reduction Cells 889

Z. Huang

Structure Design and Deformation Measurements of C/TiB2 Function Gradient Materials

for Aluminum Reduction Cathode 895

J. Xue, B. Li, and J. Zhu

Electrolysis Expansion Performance of TiB2-C Composite Cathode in

[K3A1F6/Na3A1F6]-A1F3-A1203 Melts 901

F. Zhao, L. Xiao-jun, L. Jie, L. Yan-qing, and T. Zhong-liang

Traditional and Inert Anode Materials

Higher Softening Point Pitch as Anode Binder Pitch 909

R. Wombles, S. McKinney, T. Golubic, and K. Sickels

Study of Resistivity - Real Density Correlation in CPC Calcination Control 913

O. Mascarenhas, A. Mathur, andJ. Botelho

The Comparison between Vertical Shaft Furnace and Rotary Kiln for Petroleum Coke

Calcination 917

Y. Sun, H. Xu, Y. Wang, Y. Cui, and C. Liu

Prebaked Anode from Coal - Utilization of Coal Extract as a Coke Feedstock 923

M. Hamaguchi, N. Okuyama, N. Komatsu, J. Koide, and K. Kano

Charcoal in Anodes for Aluminium Production 929

B. Monsen, A. Ratvik, and L. Lossius


Ball-milled Materials as Inert Anodes for Aluminum Production in KF-Alf3 Low-

temperature Electrolyte 935

S. Helle, B. Brodu, B. Davis, D. Guay, and L. Roue

Corrosion Behaviors ofNiFe204-NiO-Co304 Inert Anodes Materials in Na3AlF6-

AI2O3 Melts 939

/. Xue, T. Zeng, and J. Zhu

Effect of Sintering Parameters on Properties of 18NiO-17(Cu-Ni)-65NiFe204 CompositeCeramic Anode 945

J. Ma, Y. Chun, B. Li, Z. Xiao, and M. Fei

Research on Preparation and Properties of 18NiO-NiFe204 Composite Ceramic Inert

Anodes 949

J. Ma, Y. Chun, B. Li, Z. Xiao, and M. Fei

Effect of Adding Ni-Fe on Properties ofInert Anodes of NiFe204 Based Cermet 953

Z Hua, G. Yao, L. Wang, Z. Zhang, andL. Liang

Anode Green Mill

Use of Eddy Current Separator in Butts Processing 959

J. Chmelar, and H. Linga

From Technology Development to Successful Start-Up and Operations of Sohar : The

Potential of the Bi-Eirich Mixing Line 963

F. Morales, M. Gendre, N. Backhouse, B. Hohl, D. Stephenson, and M. Balushi

New Design ofProcess Area Based on Math Modelling and Simulation for Buss Kneader

Principle in the Application of Green Anode Paste Preparation 969

H. Siegenthaler, and J. Stampfli

Aluchemie Back to Benchmark 975

P. Claudel, andE. Smits

Successful Start up of the Combined Rhodax® and IMC® Processes at the Sohar Smelter 981

A. Pinoncely, J. Bigot, and C. Bouche

Amelios, A Performance Analysis Tool for Green Anode Plant 987

C. Bouche, O. Ganouni, andA. Molin

Anode Paste Plants: Innovative Solution for Optimum Emission Performances 993H. Vendette


Anode Baking/Anode Properties

On the Logistics of Rebuilding an Anode Baking Furnace while Maintaining Operation 999

R. Coulombe, D. Machado, J. Ferguson, and D. Carle

Specific Energy Consumption in Anode Bake Furnaces 1005

F. Keller, P. Sulger, M. Meier, D. Severo, and V. Gusberti

Desulphurisation Control during Anode Baking, its Impact on Anode Performance and

Operational Costs-Alba's Experience 1011

H. Abbas, K. Khaji, and D. Sulaiman

Systemic Analysis of Flue Wall Bricks Used in Anode Baking Furnaces 1015

B. Teider, P. Tiba, F. Figueiredo, J. Gallo, and V. Pandolfelli

Development of a New Improved Dry Alumina Scrubber for Emission Control from

Anode Bake Furnaces ..1021

P. Vasconcelos, andA. Mesquita

Baked Anode Density Improvement through Optimization of Green Anode DryAggregate Composition 1027

K. Khaji, and H. Abbas

Characterization of Surface Topography on Carboxy Reactivity Residue 1031

S. Rervik, L. Lossius, H. Linga, andA. Ratvik

Preheating and Operational Aspects

Loss in Cathode Life Resulting from the Shutdown and Restart ofPotlines at Aluminum

Smelters 1039

A. Tabereaux

Evaluation of Mothballing and Subsequent Restarting of S0derberg Cells 1045

V. Buzunov, V. Borisov, Y. Masyutin, D. Bolshakov, and A. Pinayev

Investigation ofthe Impact of Pre-Heating, Start-Up and Early Operation on Potlife 1051

J. Tessier, C. Duchesne, G. Tarcy, C. Gauthier, and G. Dufour

Analysis ofthe Coke Bed Preheating Method for Aluminium Cells 1057


The Combined Flame and Aluminum Preheating Method 1063

T. Yingfu, F. Naixiang, P. Jianping, W. Yaoyu, and L. Jian

Cell Preheat on Full Line Current at Dubai 1067

A. AlZarouni, M. AlJallaf, A, Kumar, K. Alaswad, and J. Blasques


Optimization of the Anode-Stub Contact: Material Properties of Cast Iron 1073B. Oye, E. Haugland, J. Hop, A. Nordmark, and M. Onsoien

Voltage Drop at the Stub-anode Connection as Related to the Carbon Equivalent of the

Cast Iron Collar 1079A. Nofal, M. Waly, A. Ahmed, M. Agour, A. Kandil, S. Mohamed, and M. Mourad

Author Index 1085

Subject Index 1091
