dsslink dsslink 1 link link dss dss published by published by the Department the Department of Social Security, Malta of Social Security, Malta WINTER 2012 WINTER 2012 Issue 28 Issue 28

link · passatemp li bdejt f’dawn l-aħħar ftit snin, però minħabba li ma tantx ikolli ċans, nagħmel kartolini biss għal xi okkażżjonijiet familjari. ... Welcome to the

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published by published by the Departmentthe Department of Social Security, Maltaof Social Security, Malta WINTER 2012WINTER 2012 Issue 28Issue 28

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Ilni mad-Dipartiment tas-Sigurtà Soċjali mill-1982. Ħdimt ħafna minn dawn is-snin fil-Head Office, iżda kien hemm perjodu meta ħdimt ukoll fl-uffiċċju distrettwali tal-Imsida. Ħafna jafuni bħala Rose li taħdem fil-Medical Section, iżda meta madwar xi sena u nofs ilu ġie deċiż li is-sezzjonijiet tat-tliet

Niltaqgħu ma’Niltaqgħu ma’Niltaqgħu ma’

benefiċċji mhux kontributorji jerġgħu jiġu magħqudin f’sezzjoni waħda, ġejt inkarigata nieħu t-tmexxija tas-Sezzjoni issa msejħa is-Sezzjoni tal-Assistenza Nazzjonali , jew National Assistance Section. Is-sena l-oħra bdejt nagħmel Diploma fil-Public Management li għanda tieħu tliet snin. Hija xi ħaġa li dejjem xtaqt nagħmel iżda qisu qatt ma kien il-waqt! Issa ninsab fit-tieni sena u għaddejjin - bejn tgergira ‘l hawn u ‘l hinn għaliex ngħiduha kif inhi, kultant mhux faċli tlaħħaq ma kollox. Inħobb insiefer u jinteressani ħafna nkun naf fuq kulturi u tradizzjonijiet ta’ pajjiżi barranin. Żjarat fil

-mużewijiet famużi u postijiet oħra ta’ interess ma jonqsux kif ukoll xi ftit shopping. Meta nsib ħin għall-affarijiet li nieħu pjaċir nagħmel , issibni naqra xi ktieb tajjeb jew naħdem il-Cross-Stitch jekk ma jkunx temp addattat għal xi passiġġata jew xi għawma. Dawn l-aħħar ftit snin qbadt il-Card Making ukoll. Għamilt ħafna xogħol tal-Cross- Stitch li xi wħud minnhom ikunu maħsubin u addattati għal xi post partikolari. Għalkemm huwa xogħol ta’ reqqa u ta’ paċenzja kbira, jagħtik sodisfazzjon meta tara li salib wara salib (għalhekk cross stitch) u tant varjetà ta’ ħajt ikkulurit tkun iffurmajt dik il-ġmiel ta’ stampa (inkwatru jew card jew xena). Il-Card Making huwa passatemp li bdejt f’dawn l-aħħar ftit snin, però minħabba li ma tantx ikolli ċans, nagħmel kartolini biss għal xi okkażżjonijiet familjari.

Rose Bajada

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Merry Christmas to all our readers


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Welcome to the Winter 2012 issue of DSS Link, which as usual coincides with the festive season.

This issue is packed with information about what is going on at the Department of Social Security. Lately,

there were a lot of movements in the top management. There were retirements and new appointments. Read

about these in this issue and in issues to come. Read also about the tenth anniversary of the Aċċess office

which brought about major renovations in our offices at il-Birgu. Josette Ciappara gives some advice on how to

pursuit a successful life. To put yourself in the December festive mood, find out who is the real old

Saint Nick. This issue’s focus on Social Security in European countries is on Estonia. Meet Rose Bajada

from the National Assistance Section who shares her experience in the DSS and her hobbies.

Enjoy this issue and have a Merry Christmas.

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The promise of an awesome future would be the dream of every human being. We can only get close to this heaven on earth if we know where we are heading and what to expect. Many times we waddle through life never stopping to think about what we really want. Everything we want is available to us, but we won't see it until we turn on the perception that allows us to see it. Dr. Robert Anthony has described our perception as follows :

Our society is rapidly becoming one of entitlement which is the dark side of expectations. People complain that they are just as good, talented, knowledgeable or experienced as someone who is very successful in their field. They feel entitled to more success and expect that simply by being good at what they do, they will reap the rewards. So they tend to moan and point fingers when others achieve more than they do. The problem is they are not engaged in the active pursuit of that success. Successful people are fully engaged. They read one new book a week, take classes, experiment, take risks and take action every day. They value themselves enough that they invest in themselves. They have a list of goals written down. They look at it often and update it. They don't just dream about them but they get into action. They don't think or hope to achieve their bucket list, they go for it and become fully engaged in pursuing their dreams. Once they have reasons for setting their goals they can make healthy decisions. If you do not have a list yet, you do not have enough reason to urge you reach for your goals. Today I will share with you some steps which can lead you to achieve better results in life. Know what you want and make sure that the goals you are setting for yourself are your own goals!. Then substitute the word goal to "promise" to achieve it . Avoid saying "attempt to get what I want" as your sub conscious will immediately read a percentage of failure. But when you "promise" to achieve something your brain will help you to deliver it to the end. The power is in the promise more than it is in the goal.

All life takes delight in rewarding its benefactors - Jim Rohn

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Identify your motivating factor. This will see you through your challenging moments. Make sure that your motivator is a positive one that triggers your passion to move on. A negative motivator could get you to achieve something in order to challenge someone's opinion of you! Create a plan with specific details and review your plan regularly. Review the what, why, where and when to help you focus on the prize. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Remind yourself daily that you can do it. Envision the result by seeing yourself enjoying the end result. Allow some minutes of stillness and get emotionally involved in this exercise every day. Expect it to happen and never doubt it especially when times become tough. Always remember that "All life takes delight in rewarding its benefactors"- Jim Rohn. Goals pull

us through in tough days. Keep the finished result in sight all the time and have faith. Faith is the ability to see things that do not exist yet. Start going the direction you face. Direction determines destination. Good luck on your journey!! Josette Ciappara

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Tisbieħ tal-Uffiċċju Distrettwali tal-Birgu Bħala kontinwazzjoni tar-Riforma tal-Uffiċini Distrettwali tas-Sigurtà Soċjali għaddej proġett ta’ tisbieħ u manutenzjoni fil-fergħat fejn l-aktar meħtieġ. Fost l-uffiċini distrettwali fejn bħalissa għaddejjin xogħolijiet insibu l-Ħamrun, Ħal Luqa kif ukoll Ħaż Żabbar. Hemm ippjanat ukoll li fi żmien mhux daqstant ’il-bogħod jinbdew xogħolijiet fil-fergħat tar-Rabat, tas-Sliema kif ukoll Ħal Qormi. Ftit tal-ġimgħat ilu tlestew xogħolijiet fl-Uffiċċju Distrettwali tal-Birgu li jinsab fiċ-Ċentru Aċċess tal-Kottonera. Kien ilu jinħass il-bżonn ta’ xogħolijiet strutturali estensivi peress li kien deher evidenti l-ħsarat li kienu żviluppaw kemm fis-soqfa kif ukoll mal-ħitan. Ix-xogħolijiet bdew eżatt mal-bidu tan-nofs ta’ nhari bl-uffiċċjali tagħna jkunu akkomodati temporanjament f’uffiċċju ieħor fl-istess kumpless Aċċess. Fost ix-xogħolijiet maġġuri li saru kien hemm rinforzar tas-soqfa b’żewg travi tal-ħadid, tqegħid ta’ suffetti bis-servizzi kollha ta’ elettriku, informatika u telefonija mgħoddija fuq l-istess suffetti, tikħil u tibjid tal-ħitan u żebgħa tal-aperturi kollha u nstallazzjoni ta’ sistema ta’ arja kundizzjonata. Ma dawn irid jiżdied ukoll xogħol ta’ twessiegħ ta’ bibien u livellar kullimkien tal-art sabiex ikun kollox aċċessibli għall-persuni b’diżabilità. Saret wkoll kċina u kamra tal-banju ġdida flok dawk eżistenti. Tfasslet waiting area fejn il-pubbliku jista’ jistenna fil-kumdità taħt l-istess saqaf tal-fergħa. Kienu pprovduti skrivaniji ġodda u għamara oħra ġdida għall-uffiċċjali u l-maniġer distrettwali. Illum l-uffiċċjali tagħna fil-fergħa tal-Birgu jħossuhom komdi li qed jaħdmu f’ambjent kompletament ġdid u modern u mingħajr perikli. Dan l-ambjent ġdid qed joffri l-impjegati tagħna impenn ta’ aktar servizz mill-qalb u ħidma b’tim. Dan kollu fl-isfond tal-għan prinċipali tar-riforma fejn gradatament, mingħajr skossi kbar, tiddaħħal kultura ġdida fid-dipartiment. It-trasformazzjoni kulturali hi parti vitali fil-proċess tar-riforma li għaddejja bħalissa u dan it-tisbieħ tal-uffiċini distrettwali li qed isir u li ser ikompli jsir ser jiffaċilita u jassisti l-evoluzzjoni vera li qed tiżviluppa fit-taqsima tal-customer care tad-dipartiment. Nagħlaq billi nagħti ħajr l-ewwel u qabel kollox lis-Segretarju Permanent fil-Ministeru tagħna s-Sur Frans Borg li bl-insistenza u l-perseveranza kontinwa tiegħu twettaq dan il-proġett. Iżda mhux l-inqas irrid nirringrazzja lill-ħaddiema

kollha tat-Taqsima tal-Manutenzjoni immexxija mis-Sur Patrick Mercieca li b’numru limitat ta’ riżorsi rnexxielhom ilestu l-proġett fil-ħin. Ringrazzjament ukoll imur kemm għad-Direttur Ġenerali s-Sur Joe Camilleri u d-Direttur tal-Iżvilupp Strateġiku u Relazzjonjiet Internazzjonali s-Sur Mark Musù u l-maniġer tal-Aċċess Kottonera s-Sur Paul Pace. Ma nistax inħalli barra mil-lista l-uffiċċjali tiegħi fil-fergħa tal-Birgu għall-kooperazzjoni li dejjem taw matul il-perjodu transitorju sakemm daħlu fl-uffiċċju l-ġdid u għall-impenn kontinwu tagħhom li jagħtu servizz xieraq lin-nies tal-Kottonera. Anton Cesare

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Dan l-aħħar ġejt infurmat li ngħatajt kariga ġdida, dik ta’ Direttur (Strateġija tal-Pensjonijiet). Din hija kariga ġdida fid-Dipartiment li evolviet minn waħda mir-rakkomandazzjonijiet li saru lill-Gvern mill-Grupp ta’ Ħidma tal-Pensjonijiet fir-Rapport Strateġiku dwar il-Pensjonijiet li l-Grupp ħejja fl-2010 u li tpoġġa fuq il-Mejda tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti f’Diċembru ta’ dik is-sena mill-Onor. Ministru Dolores Cristina skont kif mitlub minn Artiklu 64B tal-Att dwar is-Sigurtà Soċjali. Dan l-Artiklu tal-liġi tagħna jitlob li kull 5 snin issir reviżjoni strateġika tar-riforma tal-pensjonijiet bil-għan li jkun studjat l-impatt tat-tibdil li ddaħħal fl-2007 u li bil-mod il-mod beda jidħol fis-seħħ. Fl-istess waqt ikun hemm bżonn li s-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja u ekonomika mhux biss ta’ pajjiżna iżda wkoll ta’ madwarna tkun perjodikament analizzata biex ikun propost dak it-tibdil meħtieġ li jissalvagwardja mhux biss is-sostenibbilta’ tal-pensjonijiet izda wkoll l-adegwatezza tagħhom. F’dal-kuntest, id-Direttorat tiegħi se jkun qed iżomm kuntatt kontinwu mad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Ekonomika fi ħdan il-Ministeru tal-Finanzi u l-Ekonomija.

Fl-istess waqt irridu nagħmlu kampanja estensiva dwar l-elementi ewlenin tar-riforma tal-pensjonijiet għaliex huwa importanti ħafna li l-pubbliku ikun infurmat dwar dan ħalli jagħraf jieħu l-aħjar deċiżjonijiet f’ħajtu. Irridu nedukaw lill-kulħadd li l-akbar gwadann li persuna tista’ tagħmel f’dik li hija pensjoni futura hija billi tidħol fid-dinja tax-xogħol u jekk ikun possibbli tibqa’ hemm sakemm tilħaq l-età tal-pensjoni. B’hekk biss nistgħu nsaħħu s-sostenibbiltà u l-adegwatezza tal-pensjoni u għalhekk kull miżura soċjali li nipproponu trid tkun imnebbħa mill-ħtieġa li ninċentivaw ix-xogħol. Bla dubju din hija sfida kbira għalija personali u għat-tim zgħir tiegħi lil bil-mod se nkun qed nibni biex inwettqu dan l-obbligu legali u soċjali tagħna. Hawn se jkolli bżonn lilkom ukoll b’mod ġenerali fis-sens li mhux biss tridu tedukaw lill-klijenti tagħna dwar il-bżonn li min jista’ u jiflaħ jaħdem, jaħdem, iżda wkoll li twasslu kwalunkwe suġġerimenti li

jistgħu isiru mill-pubbliku jew minnkom ilkoll għal titjib fis-sistema tal-pensjonijiet biex ikunu analizzati u

studjati. Għalhekk tiddejqu xejn li twasslu dawn is-suġġerimenti lili jew lil xi ħadd ieħor fit-tmexxija tad-Dipartiment. Fl-aħħarnett minn qalbi nirringrazzja lill-ħaddiema kollha tad-Dipartiment, b’mod speċjali lil dawk li fl-aħħar 4 snin kienu taħt it-tmexxija tiegħi, tal-appoġġ u l-ħidma li dejjem sibt mingħandkom u nwegħdkom ilkoll li nibqa’ nkun spalla għal kulħadd kif dejjem fittixt li nkun. Mark Musù

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unemployment insurance benefits, collective termination of employment contracts benefits and insolvency of employer benefits. As of 1 May 2009, it also administers the scheme of unemployment allowances, while processing the claims and granting and paying the allowances is carried out by the regional employment offices, subordinated to the Fund. The Health Insurance Fund runs the scheme of health insurance, which includes medical services, compensation for pharmaceuticals and cash benefits (sickness, maternity and care benefits). The Fund makes annual contracts with the providers of medical services, and covers the expenses of the medical care of insured persons to the service providers under these contracts. The Fund also pays sickness, maternity and care benefits to insured persons. Operating within the area of government of the Ministry of Social Affairs there are also Health Protection Inspectorate, Health Care Board, State Agency of Medicines and Labour Inspectorate.



ESTONIA The Ministry of Social Affairs is responsible for social security and social welfare. The role of the Ministry includes policy development and the drafting of legislation. Under the Ministry there is a governmental agency - the Social Insurance Board and two public legal bodies - the Health Insurance Fund and the Unemployment Insurance Fund which are responsible for the administration of the different branches of social security. The Social Insurance Board administers the schemes of pension insurance, family benefits, social benefits for disabled persons and funeral grants and keeps the register of insured persons and beneficiaries. The Board ensures that pensions and

benefits according to the national legislation and international agreements are paid in due time. Medical examination for the permanent incapacity for work is executed by a Commission of the Board. The regional pension offices, subordinated to the Social Insurance Board process applications of the above mentioned benefits and arrange the payment through banks or post offices. The Unemployment Insurance Fund is in charge of the unemployment insurance scheme, the aim of which is to pay out

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Social assistance cash benefits and social services are provided by local municipalities. Social contributions (social tax and unemployment insurance contributions) are collected by the Tax Board (Maksuamet). The supplementary pension scheme, which is a mandatory funded scheme, is administered by individual pension funds under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance (Rahandusministeerium). Subscription to the funded pension is mandatory for persons born in 1983 or later, and voluntary for those born before the year 1983. The funded pension is based on preliminary financing – a working person pays 2% of his/her gross salary to the fund. The State adds 4% out of the current social tax (33%), and retains 29%. The government has stopped the payments for the period from 1 June 2009 to 31 December 2010; a working person may still contribute for this period.

The payments according to the Funded Pensions Act are made since 1 January 2009. Making of contributions in the supplementary funded pension scheme (3rd pillar) is voluntary for all persons and the amount of contributions is not prescribed by the state. The person is entitled to receive payments after she/he has turned 55, or in case she/he has become fully and permanently disabled and unable to work. ¢

Insellmu lil Mario Zammit u Charles Grech li għaddew għand il-Mulej fit-3 t’Ottubru u fis-17 ta’ Ġunju, 2012, rispettivament. Żewġ kollegi u ħbieb li ħadmu flimkien għal snin twal fl-Uffiċċji Distrettwali tal-Birgu u ta’ Ħaż-Żabbar. Żewġ persuni b’qalb kbira u karattru ferrieħi, maħbuba kemm mill-kollegi kif ukoll mill-pubbliku. Agħtihom O Mulej il-mistrieħ ta’ dejjem.

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A vast multitude was imprisoned. The prisons - prepared for murderers and robbers - were filled with bishops, priests, and deacons ... so there was no room for those condemned of crimes. You'd hardly expect to find old Saint Nick in jail. But Saint Nicholas is more than a children's Christmas legend. He was flesh and blood, a prisoner for Christ, bishop of the Mediterranean city of Myra. He was born to wealthy parents in the city of Patara about 270 A.D. He was still young when his mother and father died and left him a fortune. As a teenager, Nicholas' humility was already evident. He heard about a destitute starving family. The father had no

money for food, much less the dowry needed to marry off his three daughters. He was ready to send his oldest girl into the streets to earn a living as a prostitute. Under the cover of night, Nicholas threw a bag of gold through the window of their humble dwelling. In the morning the father discovered the gold. How he rejoiced: his family was saved, his daughter's honour preserved, and a dowry for her marriage secured. Nicholas is an early example of a man working in the field of Social Security, having provided this marriage grant! Some time after, Nicholas secretly provided a dowry for the second daughter. Still later for the third. But on the third occasion, the girls' father stood watching. As soon as the bag of gold thudded on the floor, he chased after the lad till he caught him. Nicholas was mortified to be discovered in this act of charity. He made the father promise not to tell anyone. Then Nicholas forsook his wealth to answer a call to the ministry. At the nearby city of Myra a bishop supervised all the churches of the region. When the bishop died, the bishops and ministers from other cities and villages -

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Nicholas among them - gathered to choose a successor. Nicholas was in the habit of rising very early and going to the church to pray. This morning an aged minister awaited him in the sanctuary. “Who are you, my son?” he asked. “Nicholas the sinner,” the young minister replied. “And I am your servant.” “Come with me,” the old priest directed. Nicholas followed him to a room where the bishops had assembled. The elderly minister addressed the gathering. “I had a vision that the first one to enter the church in the morning should be the new bishop of Myra.” Indeed they did choose him as bishop. Nicholas was destined to lead his congregation through the worst tribulation in history. In A.D. 303, the Roman Emperor Diocletian ordered a brutal persecution of all Christians. Those suspected of following the Lord were ordered to sacrifice to pagan gods. Nicholas and thousands of others refused. Believers were fed to wild animals. Some were forced to fight gladiators for their lives. Yet persecution couldn't stamp out Christianity. Rather it spread. Those who survived Diocletian's tortures were called confessors by the people, because they didn't forsake their confession that Jesus Christ is Lord. Nicholas was one of these. Finally, after years of imprisonment, the iron doors swung open and Bishop Nicholas walked out, freed by decree of the new Emperor Constantine. As he entered his city once more, his people flocked about him. “Nicholas! Confessor!” they shouted. The bishop was beaten but not broken. He served Christ's people in Myra for another thirty years. He died on December 6, about 343, a living legend. Saint Nick of yuletide fame still carries faint reminders of this ancient man of God. The colour of his outfit recollects the red of bishop's robes. "Making a list, checking it twice," recalls the old saint's lectures to children about good behaviour. Gifts secretly brought on Christmas eve bring to mind his humble generosity to the three daughters. Yet if he were alive today, this saint would humbly deflect attention. No fur-trimmed hat and coat, no reindeer and sleigh or North Pole workshop. As he did in life centuries ago, Bishop Nicholas would point people to his Master. "I am Nicholas, a sinner," the old saint would say. "Nicholas, servant of Christ Jesus."

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Interior Design is a social activity that brings people together, allowing them to communicate ideas more effectively and share interests in a creative way. An interior designer has the rewarding task of making a meaningful impact upon the quality of individuals’ lives, by turning his customers’ dreams into reality. During the initial stages, when one is planning their property, and consulting a designer, gathering one’s ideas and aspirations is essential, since a designer’s job is to understand these ideas concisely, and then interpret them by giving the clients what they want, in an artistic way. Quality service towards our clients, is highly important to us, thus well-planned designs that provide an

improved and effective environment to fit their needs, practicality, and with the necessary lighting and space are given and discussed in appointments at our House of Design. Every single design is drawn up by Andrew Azzopardi himself, and his personal involvement from the needs and assessments, all the way through to installation and finishing is given throughout. As a final tip to all our prospective clients, is to always remember that it’s not just doing up a house, but creating a beautiful and loving home.


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