KDE áttetsző ablakozás How to Enable transparent blurred windows effect in Kubuntu KDE 1. first off open up 'konsole' or your favorite terminal emulator and past the f ollowing sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake kdelibs5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev li bxrender-dev libx11-dev subversion Proceed to install. 2. Downlode the script file from link: http://www.mediafire.com/?vfmi9mfnrxu... 3. Save script somewhere and extract it and open the folder"oxygen-transparent". 4. If using Dolphin, press F4 to open terminal panel. Alternatively navigate to folder via Konsole. 5. Run "sudo ./oxygen-setup.pl" without quotes. 6. After some time, it will stop building. Run these commands: cd build sudo make install It will install oxygen-transparent and replace your current oxygen style. 7. Log out and log in. 8. Go to System settings -Application Appearance -Style. Press "configure" and a djust the transparency to your taste. ------------------------------------------------||| Ha zavar ||| sudo apt-get purge apt-xapian-index | -------------------------------------------------O Debian with Dropbox: # Start by downloading the Dropbox source (.tar.gz) from this page http://www.dropbox.com/downloading?src=index # Install the dependencies using apt: $ aptitude install libnautilus-extension-dev checkinstall python-docutils # Compile the Dropbox source package: $ ./configure $ make # Create and install a new Debian package from the source install using checkins tall $ sudo checkinstall make install # dropbox start -i ************************************************************************** Samsung NF210 Multi touch: first put it in path:


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Linux commands

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Page 1: Linux HOWTO

�KDE áttetsző ablakozás

How to Enable transparent blurred windows effect in Kubuntu KDE

1. first off open up 'konsole' or your favorite terminal emulator and past the f


sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake kdelibs5-dev kdebase-workspace-dev li

bxrender-dev libx11-dev subversion

Proceed to install.

2. Downlode the script file from link:


3. Save script somewhere and extract it and open the folder"oxygen-transparent".

4. If using Dolphin, press F4 to open terminal panel. Alternatively navigate to

folder via Konsole.

5. Run "sudo ./oxygen-setup.pl" without quotes.

6. After some time, it will stop building. Run these commands:

cd build

sudo make install

It will install oxygen-transparent and replace your current oxygen style.

7. Log out and log in.

8. Go to System settings -Application Appearance -Style. Press "configure" and a

djust the transparency to your taste.


Ha zavar |||

sudo apt-get purge apt-xapian-index |


Debian with Dropbox:

# Start by downloading the Dropbox source (.tar.gz) from this page


# Install the dependencies using apt:

$ aptitude install libnautilus-extension-dev checkinstall python-docutils

# Compile the Dropbox source package:

$ ./configure

$ make

# Create and install a new Debian package from the source install using checkins


$ sudo checkinstall make install

# dropbox start -i


Samsung NF210 Multi touch:

first put it in path:

Page 2: Linux HOWTO

gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/2fsrl



synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1

synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1

synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinW=5

synclient EmulateTwoFingerMinZ=48

make it executable:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/2fsrl

now add it to your startup applications:

name: touchpad script

command: 2fsrl




wget http://launchpadlibrarian.net/59511828/cgroup_patch

chmod +x cgroup_patch

sudo ./cgroup_patch

sudo /etc/rc.local


megaupload & rapidshare hack


Ez a Firefox 2.0 vagy az feletti verziókkal működik!

A böngésződbe ird be: about:config

Keresd meg ezt a sort: general.useragent.extra.firefox

Kattints rá duplán az egérrel, majd írd be ezt: Firefox/2.0 MEGAUPLOAD 1.0


ntfs mount automatikuasan



képrnyőkép szerkesztésére:


nagyon jó!!!!!


Ékezetek eltávolítása fájlnevekből


# Ékezettelenítő, v1.0

# palacsint, http://palacsint.hu/, 2010. 08. 28.

remove_ekezet() {

Page 3: Linux HOWTO

echo "$@" | sed y/áéíóöőúüűÁÉÍÓÖŐÚÜŰ/aeiooouuuAEIOOOUUU/



if [ $# -eq 1 ]




find $DIR -type f -or -type d | while read SOURCE


DEST=$(remove_ekezet "$SOURCE")


DEST_BASENAME=$(basename "$DEST")



# a fajl neve nem valtozik




# ÁÁÁ/ÉÉÉ/ÍÍÍ eset kezelése



echo "mv \"${CURRENT_SOURCE}\" \"$DEST\""



# convert multiple tiff files to one pdf in current directory

tiffcp *.tif phoo.tif

tiff2pdf -o phoo.pdf phoo.tif


dpkg -l > pakkjaim.txt


Terminal size..

The gnome-terminal uses a termcap file for its basic settings. To change these:


sudo gedit /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

Now look for a line about 1/3 of the way down the file that looks like this:



To change the number of columns, change the co# number, in this case 80.

To change the number of rows, change the li# number, in this case 24.

So as an example if you want a terminal window of 132x25:




Auto Mount Windows Partitions in Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid

While Ubuntu 10.04 detects all windows partitions automatically on the boot, it

doesn’t mount them automatically at the boot. You can have them automatically moun

ted at each boot by simply using ntfs-config. It is an easy to use GUI tool whic

h adds the appropriate tags in /etc/fstab automatically and you don’t have to edit

them manually. Here is how to use it. First install it by doing

Page 4: Linux HOWTO

sudo apt-get install ntfs-config

Launch it from System > Administration > NTFS Configuration Tool


alias free='free -m'

alias kill='pkill'

alias apt='sudo apt-get install'

alias remove='sudo apt-get remove'

alias search='apt-cache search'

alias edit='mousepad'

alias suedit='sudo mousepad'

alias i='sudo dpkg -i'

alias upgrade='sudo apt-get upgrade'

alias dist-upgrade='sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'

alias update='sudo apt-get update'

alias clean='sudo apt-get autoclean'

alias build-dep='sudo apt-get build-dep'

alias df='df -Hl'

alias home='cd ~'

alias mktar='tar -cvf'

alias mkbz2='tar -cvjf'

alias mkgz='tar -cvzf'

alias untar='tar -xvf'

alias unbz2='tar -xvjf'

alias ungz='tar -xvzf'

alias ls='ls --color=auto'

alias mv='mv -i'

alias cp='cp -i'

alias rm='rm -i'

alias del='rm -r'

alias sources.list='sudo leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list'

alias menu='edit .config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml'

alias xorg.conf='sudo leafpad /etc/X11/xorg.conf'


Using AutoDeb

Once you download (actually copy the script code to a file called autodeb.sh) Au

toDeb -

download link at the end of the post-, make the script executable:

sudo chmod +x autodeb.sh

And then use it like this:

sudo ./autodeb.sh --gnome /path/to/software.tar.gz

You can replace "gnome" with "kde" and "/path/to/software.tar.gz with a folder l

ocation instead of an archive.


sudo dpkg --purge tor-geoipdb tor



Fájl konvertálás utf-8-ba:

$ iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-2 --to-code=UTF-8 index.html > index2.html



Page 5: Linux HOWTO

How-To Fix libstdc++5 Dependency Problem in Ubuntu 9.10

For Ubuntu 9.10 i386

Download the i386 Jaunty libstdc++5 package.

and simply install it by double click on it, or through the command line you can

run this:


sudo dpkg -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_i386.deb

For Ubuntu 9.10 amd64

As I said before we need to download both the i386 & amd64 packages:

The amd64 package:

as simple as we did for Ubuntu_i386.

Download the amd64 Jaunty libstdc++5 package.

and simply install it by double click on it, or through the command line you can

run this:


sudo dpkg -i libstdc++5_3.3.6-17ubuntu1_amd64.deb



Basic Samba Setup in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala

Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala has come out, and that means it’s time to explain how to

do a basic Samba setup on the new version. All Terminal commands in this walkthr

ough are bolded, and USERNAME stands for your username on your Ubuntu system.

First, you’ll need to install Samba. Fire up a Terminal window and use this comman


sudo apt-get install samba

Follow the default prompts to install Samba. Now, Samba uses a separate set of p

asswords than the standard Linux system accounts (stored in /etc/samba/smbpasswd

), so you’ll need to create a Samba password for yourself with this command:

sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME

(USERNAME, of course, is your actual username.)

Type a suitably strong password (make sure it includes uppercase, lowercase, pun

ctuation, and numbers). Once your password is created, the next step is to edit

your /etc/samba/smb.conf file, the configuration file for Samba. Begin by creati

ng a folder named ‘test’ on your home folder; we’ll use that for our test shared folde

r (you can create other shared folders using the same method):

mkdir /home/USERNAME/test

Next, make a safe backup copy of the original smb.conf file to your home folder,

in case you make an error:

sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf ~

Now use your text editor of choice to edit smb.conf:

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

Page 6: Linux HOWTO

(New users will probably find gedit the easiest to use due to its GUI; but you c

an use emacs or vi just as readily, especially if you’re using the server version

of Ubuntu, which doesn’t include X11 by default.)

Once smb.conf has loaded, add this to the very end of the file:


path = /home/USERNAME/test

available = yes

valid users = USERNAME

read only = no

browsable = yes

public = yes

writable = yes

(There should be no spaces between the lines, and note also that there should be

a single space both before and after each of the equal signs.)

These settings will share the test folder we created earlier, and give your user

name and your username alone permission to read and write to the folder. Once yo

u have input the changes, save smb.conf, exit the text editor, and restart Samba

with this command:

sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart

Once Samba has restarted, use this command to check that your smb.conf doesn’t con

tain any syntax errors:

sudo testparm

If you pass the testparm command, Samba should be working; try accessing the sha

red folder from another computer on your LAN.



Memorable Password Generation

% apg -q -m 10 -x 10 -M NC -n 10


Random password generator.

Generate a random 8 character password containing a-z, A-Z and 0-9:

egrep -ioam1 '[a-z0-9]{8}' /dev/urandom

vagy ez:

for ((n=0;n<10;n++)); do dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | uuencode -m -

| sed -ne 2p | cut -c-10; done


Hide files in an image

It is possible to hide a rar archive inside a png image file and then retrieve t

he files from this image.

cat picture.png archive.rar > hidden_archive_in_pic.png

This can also be done on Windows:

Page 7: Linux HOWTO

copy picture.png + archive.rar hidden_archive_in_pic.png

When you want to retrieve the hidden files, download the image, rename to .rar a

nd extract.


Create Cool ASCII Text Banners from the Linux Terminal

$ figlet Tech Source

Here are some of the common arguments or options when using FIGlet:

* -f to select a font file.

* -d to change the directory for fonts.

* -c to center the output.

* -l to left-align the output.

* -r to right-align the output.

* -t to set the output width to the terminal width.

* -w to specify a custom output width.

* -k to enable kerning, printing each letter of the message individually, instea

d of merged into the adjacent letters.



Youtube file letöltése:

sudo apt-get install youtube-dl


ffmpeg -i file_name.flv -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 320 audio_out_file_name.mp3


ffmpeg -i videoname.flv -vcodec msmpeg4v2 outfilename.avi


parancssoros RapidMegaup... letöltés:




install from source:

$ wget http://plowshare.googlecode.com/files/plowshare-VERSION.tgz

$ tar xvzf plowshare-VERSION.tgz

$ cd plowshare-VERSION

$ sudo bash setup.sh install

****kész is, használat:

Download a file from Rapidshare:

$ plowdown http://www.rapidshare.com/files/86545320/Tux-Trainer_25-01-2008.rar

Download a file from rapidshare with a proxy. curl supports http_proxy and https

_proxy environment variables (notice that 3128 is the default port).

$ export http_proxy=http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:80

$ plowdown http://www.rapidshare.com/files/86545320/Tux-Trainer_25-01-2008.rar

Download a list of links (one link per line):

$ plowdown file_with_links.txt

Download a list of links (one link per line) commenting out (with #) those succe

ssfully downloaded:

$ plowdown -m file_with_links.txt

Limit the download rate (you can use curl rates: K=Kbps, M=Mbps, G=Gbps):

$ plowdown -r 50K http://www.rapidshare.com/files/86545320/Tux-Trainer_25-01-200


Download a file from megaupload using a free membership account (note ':' is use

d to separate user from password):

Page 8: Linux HOWTO

$ plowdown -a myuser:mypassword http://www.megaupload.com/?d=132348234

Download a password-protected file from Megaupload:

$ plowdown -p somepassword http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ieo1g52v

Use a different web retriever for the last file download. File URL, file name an

d cookies are available through interpolations. Let's say you want to use wget:

$ plowdown --run-download='wget -O "%filename" --load-cookies "%cookies" "%url"'


Filter alive links in a text file

$ plowdown -c file_with_links.txt > file_with_active_links.txt

Avoid never-ending downloads: limited the number of tries (mainly for captchas)

and wait delays for each link:

$ plowdown --max-retries=20 --timeout=3600 ...




multirar kicsomagolasa:

find -type f -name '*.rar' -exec unrar x {} \;


Tabbed Nautilus on Karmic:

Ubuntu Karmic:


libnautilus-extension1_2.28.1-0ubuntu3~hb1~karmic1_i386.deb (59.3 KiB)

nautilus-data_2.28.1-0ubuntu3~hb1~karmic1_all.deb (4.4 MiB)

nautilus_2.28.1-0ubuntu3~hb1~karmic1_i386.deb (1.1 MiB)

Majd a letöltött csomagokra dupla-kattintás és telepítsük.

Utána terminálban killall nautilus parancs, majd indítsuk újra. Az F3 megnyomásával lehet átvá

ani rá, vagy a nézet extra pane kipipálásával.

Ha azt akarjuk, hogy alapból így induljon, akkor terminálba gconf-editor, ott keressük m

eg az apps/nautilus/preferences menüpontot, ahol a start_with_extra_pane opciót pipálj

uk ki.



Merevlemez takarítás:

sudo apt-get autoremove

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge

sudo apt-get autoclean

sudo apt-get clean

Képernyő felbontás, vga kártya:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg – a grafikus beállítások újra konfigurálása >> újraindítást


sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop - , vagy gdm start (gnome felület leállítása/indítása)

sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop - , vagy kdm start (kde felület leállítása/indítása)

sudo nvidia-settings - nvidia kártyák beállítása

glxinfo - vga kártya tulajdonságai

glxgears – 3D-s gyorsítás ellenőrzése

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf.orig - a grafikus felület beállításainak m


sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig /etc/x11/xorg.conf - a grafikus felület beállításainak v


Page 9: Linux HOWTO

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf - (Ubuntu)

sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf - (Kubuntu)


A képernyő méretének állítása billentyűzetről:

ctrl + alt + a numerikus részen + vagy - használata

Hálózat: adsl

sudo pppoeconf (végig igen-re klikkelni, aztán beírni a felhasználóneved és a jelszót)

pon dsl-provider - a net indítása

poff dsl-provider - a net kikapcsolása

ifconfig - az eth interfészek aktiválásához és beállításához használjuk.

huaweí e220 modem (mobilnet): Az eredeti szerző: polyp, ubuntu fórumtag

sudo gedit /etc/modules - (Ubuntu)

sudo kate /etc/modules - (Kubuntu)

Az /etc/modules fájl végére írd a következő két sort (root jog kell hozzá):

options usbserial vendor=0x12d1 product=0x1003

post-install usbcore modprobe usbserial

Mented a fájlt! - majd Konzolban:

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf - (Ubuntu)

sudo kate /etc/wvdial.conf - (Kubuntu)

és törlöd a wvdial teljes tartalmát, majd beszúrod ezt:

[Dialer Defaults]

Phone = *99#



Stupid Mode=1

Dial Command=ATDT

[Dialer huawei_e220]




Init3=ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0


Modem Type=Analog Modem

Elindítása terminálban:

Ahogy a /etc/wvdial.conf-ban a [Dialer huawei e220] szekcióban nevezted, ez nálad le

het más. A [Dialer huawei e220] sort helyesen töltsd ki, mert fontos, hogy hogyan szólít

od meg. Nálam ez huawei_e220, tehát:

wvdial huawei_e220




Page 10: Linux HOWTO

Frissítési probléma:

sudo dpkg –configure

Frissítéskor kéri a cd-t!

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list (Ubuntu)

sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list (Kubuntu)

A fájlban a "deb cdrom" kezdetű sor elé rakj egy #-t a többi sorok mintájára, majd mentsd el

, és lépj ki. Ezután terminálban írd be:

sudo apt-get update

Letöltött csomag helye:

locate csomagnév

Adatbázis frissítés:



uname -r - kiírja a kernel verziószámát

Függőségi hiba esetére:

Ezek a parancsok, ebben a sorrendben segíthetnek:

sudo apt-get install -f

sudo dpkg --configure -a

sudo apt-get autoremove

sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Eltávolítja a bennragadt cuccokat, törli a letöltött csomagfájlokat, frissíti a csomaglistát,

jd végrehajt egy frissítést.



Clone Your Ubuntu installation

make a copy from a sources.list

sudo dpkg –get-selections > backup.log


sudo dpkg –set-selections < backup.log

sudo apt-get install dselect

sudo dselect



First, export your current package list on your old system:

sudo dpkg --get-selections > mypackages.txt

Then select this list as the packages to install on your new system:

sudo dpkg --set-selections < mypackages.txt

(For extra credit, copy your apt cache directory over to minimize downloads: /va

Page 11: Linux HOWTO


Finally, tell apt to download and install the selected packages:

sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade


Telepített csomagok listájának mentése

Elmenthetjük egy rendszeren a fent lévő csomagok listáját, így egy másik gépen (ahol ugyanaz a

Ubuntu verzió fut), gyorsan felrakhatjuk majd ugyanazokat a programokat mint a saját


sudo dpkg --get-selections > /ahova/mentse/csomagok.txt

Csomagok telepítése lista alapján

Az előbbi paranccsal létrehozott lista alapján telepítsük a csomagokat. Fontos, hogy még a

visszaállítás előtt ugyanazokat a tárolókat engedélyezzük, állítsuk be, mint amik az eredeti g


sudo dpkg --set-selections < /ahova/mentse/csomagok.txt

sudo apt-get -y update

sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade



change "Applications-Places-System" menu

For en_US people here's the steps.

1) Make a new text file which has something like this in it:


msgid ""

msgstr ""

"Project-Id-Version: gnome-panel trunk\n"

"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"

"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-05-26 00:59+0000\n"

"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-05-26 00:59+0000\n"

"Last-Translator: YOUR NAMR\n"

"Language-Team: None\n"

"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"

"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"

"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-04-16 01:47+0000\n"

"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n"

msgid "Applications"


msgid "Places"


msgid "System"


2) In a terminal run "msgfmt THE-FILENAME-OF-THE-TEXT-FILE"

3) Then run "sudo mv messages.mo /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_US/LC_MESSAGES/gn


4) Then run "pkill gnome-panel" and it'll work.

Page 12: Linux HOWTO



sérült ppa tároló kijavítása

Download this script: http://www.mediafire.com/?gnkmbteymna

Move the downloaded script to your home folder

Open a terminal and type: -

sudo ./launchpad-update



aztali munka prezentáció felvétele:




Use the Windows Key to open the Start Menu in Ubuntu

gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/panel_main_menu --type strin

g "Super_L"



Chromium browser won't read my profile

Open a terminal, type this


mv ~/.config/chromium/Default ~/.config/chromium/Backup

Now run chromium, and it should work. Then close it, and type this in your termi



rm -rf ~/.config/chromium/Default

cp -R ~/.config/chromium/Backup ~/.config/chromium/Default



Now you can download any video

that you want from youtube, just do:

youtube_dl <youtubevideo_url>

What you say? you just want the music from the videos and the audio from

the podcasts and want to save space?

Ok, let’s create a simple script to

solve this then

echo “ffmpeg -i $1 -acodec

libmp3lame -ac 2 -ab 128 -vn -y

$2” > mp3zator.sh

Turn it to an executable with:

chmod + X mp3zator.sh

And execute it like this:

mp3zator <your_video_.mp4>
