HAL Id: hal-00895557 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00895557 Submitted on 1 Jan 2006 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ripened using different temperature-time treatments James A. O’Mahony, Elizabeth M. Sheehan, Conor M. Delahunty, Paul L.H. Mcsweeney To cite this version: James A. O’Mahony, Elizabeth M. Sheehan, Conor M. Delahunty, Paul L.H. Mcsweeney. Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ripened using different temperature-time treatments. Le Lait, INRA Editions, 2006, 86 (1), pp.59-72. hal-00895557

Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ... · Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ripened using different temperature-time treatments James

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HAL Id: hal-00895557https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00895557

Submitted on 1 Jan 2006

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheesesripened using different temperature-time treatments

James A. O’Mahony, Elizabeth M. Sheehan, Conor M. Delahunty, Paul L.H.Mcsweeney

To cite this version:James A. O’Mahony, Elizabeth M. Sheehan, Conor M. Delahunty, Paul L.H. Mcsweeney. Lipolysisand sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ripened using different temperature-time treatments.Le Lait, INRA Editions, 2006, 86 (1), pp.59-72. �hal-00895557�

59Lait 86 (2006) 59–72© INRA, EDP Sciences, 2005DOI: 10.1051/lait:2005041

Original article

Lipolysis and sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeses ripened using different temperature-time


James A. O’MAHONY, Elizabeth M. SHEEHAN, Conor M. DELAHUNTY**, Paul L.H. McSWEENEY*

Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University College, Cork, Ireland

Received 29 November 2004 – Accepted 21 July 2005

Abstract – Commercial Cheddar cheeses were ripened under each of 7 temperature-time treatmentsranging in temperature from 4 to 12 °C for a total of 270 d. The levels of total and individual freefatty acids (FFA), as measured by gas chromatography, increased with increasing ripening tempe-rature and progressive ripening time for all 7 cheeses. Increasing ripening temperature by 4 °C, from8 to 12 °C, resulted in a greater relative increase in the accumulation of FFA than a ripening tempe-rature increase of the same magnitude from 4 to 8 °C. While increasing ripening temperature andtime resulted in increases in the levels of short- (C4:0-C8:0), medium- (C10:0-C14:0) and long- (C16:0-C18:3) chain FFA, the greatest relative increases in FFA levels were found for those in the short-chain FFA class. The results also suggested that the use of higher temperatures during the early sta-ges of ripening (1 to 60 d) was most effective at accelerating lipolysis. Descriptive analysis was usedfor assessment of the sensory properties of the cheeses during ripening. Cheddar cheese ripened athigh temperature (12 °C) developed flavour and aroma profiles to an intensity characteristic of typi-cal mature Cheddar cheese in a relatively short time (120 d). Conversely, irrespective of ripeningtime, Cheddar cheese ripened at low temperature (4 °C) did not attain the flavour and aroma cha-racteristics typical of mature Cheddar cheese.

Cheddar cheese / ripening temperature / lipolysis / flavour / free fatty acids

摘要 – 不同温度-时间下成熟的 Cheddar干酪中脂肪水解和感官特性研究。将工厂生产出的新鲜契达干酪 (Cheddar cheese) 分为 7 组,分别在不同的温度和时间条件下成熟 270d, 成熟温度的变化范围在 4 ~ 12 °C。采用气相色谱法测定了不同成熟时间和成熟温度下每组干酪样品中每种游离脂肪酸含量以及游离脂肪酸总量,试验结果表明在 7 组干酪中每种游离脂肪酸和总游离脂肪酸的含量随着成熟温度的上升和成熟时间的延长而增加。同样是将成熟温度升高 4 °C, 温度从 8 °C 升高到 12 °C 时干酪中游离脂肪酸含量要明显高于成熟温度由4 °C 升高到 8 °C 时游离脂肪酸含量。随着成熟温度的上升和成熟时间的延长,干酪中短链(C4:0-C8:0)、中链(C10:0-C14:0)和长链(C16:0-C18:3)游离脂肪酸含量也相应的增加,尤其是短链脂肪酸含量增加最为显著。同时还提出了在干酪成熟初期 (1-60 天 ) 较高温度可以有效地促进脂肪的水解。采用描述性分析方法评价了不同成熟期的干酪感官特性。成熟温度较高(12 °C) 的干酪在相对较短的成熟时间内就可以形成成熟契达干酪所具有的典型的浓郁芳香味。反之,如果不考虑成熟时间,低温成熟 (4°C) 的契达干酪不能获得成熟契达干酪所具有的典型特征性风味。

契达干酪 / 成熟温度 / 脂肪水解 / 风味 / 游离脂肪酸

* Corresponding author (通讯作者): [email protected]** Present address: Sensory Science Research Centre, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin,New Zealand

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.edpsciences.org/lait or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/lait:2005041

60 J.A. O’Mahony et al.

Résumé – Lipolyse et caractéristiques sensorielles de fromage Cheddar affiné selon différentscouples température-temps. L’affinage de fromage Cheddar industriel a été étudié en utilisant 7traitements température-temps différents, allant de 4 à 12 °C et un maximum de 270 jours. Pour tousles fromages, plus la température d’affinage s’élevait, plus les niveaux d’acides gras libres (AGL),totaux et individuels, mesurés par chromatographie en phase gazeuse, augmentaient. Cette augmen-tation de l’accumulation des AGL était relativement plus grande lors du passage de 8 à 12 °C quelors du passage de 4 à 8 °C. L’élévation de la température et du temps d’affinage entraînait l’aug-mentation des niveaux d’AGL à chaîne courte (C4:0-C8:0), moyenne (C10:0-C14:0) et longue (C16:0-C18:3), mais c’est la classe des AGL à chaîne courte qui présentait la plus grande augmentation rela-tive. Les résultats ont aussi montré que l’utilisation des températures les plus élevées en débutd’affinage (1 à 60 jours) était plus efficace sur l’accélération de la lipolyse. Une analyse descriptivea été utilisée pour évaluer les propriétés sensorielles des fromages au cours de l’affinage. Elle amontré que le fromage Cheddar affiné aux températures les plus élevées (12 °C) présentait, dans untemps relativement court (120 jours), des profils de flaveur et d’arôme d’intensité caractéristiqued’un fromage Cheddar mature typique. Par contre, le fromage affiné à basse température (4 °C)n’atteignait jamais ces caractéristiques quel que soit le temps d’affinage.

fromage / Cheddar / température d’affinage / lipolyse / flaveur / acide gras libre


Cheese ripening involves a concertedseries of microbiological, chemical andbiochemical reactions that are ultimatelyresponsible for the development of charac-teristic texture, flavour, aroma and appear-ance of individual cheese varieties [20].Cheese flavour is extremely complex and isbest explained by the “Component BalanceTheory” [42], which proposes that cheeseflavour is due to the interaction, in correctproportions, of many compounds, presentat specific concentrations. The develop-ment of cheese flavour stems directly frombiochemical activity during ripening. Thereare three primary routes by which biochem-ical activity proceeds in cheese during rip-ening; namely, proteolysis, lipolysis andthe metabolism of residual lactose and oflactate and citrate [37]. The relative impor-tance of each of these processes is largelydependant on cheese variety; however, pro-teolysis is believed to be the most complex,and to play a significant role in the ripeningof nearly all varieties [20]. This is espe-cially true in internal bacterially-ripened(e.g., Cheddar) and smear-ripened cheeses(e.g., Tilsit), in which it is considered themain biochemical event [57].

The extent of lipolysis in Cheddar cheeseis normally low [5, 38], however, it is essen-tial for good/balanced flavour. It has longbeen known that Cheddar cheese does notdevelop correct flavour when made from

skim milk or milk in which the fat has beenreplaced with other lipids [15, 48, 59–61].Lipolysis does not need to be very extensiveto make a distinct contribution to the sen-sory properties of Cheddar cheese as freefatty acids can act as precursors for impor-tant flavour compounds (e.g., methylketones) [38] and short- and intermediate-chain, even-numbered fatty acids (C4:0-C12:0) have low flavour thresholds and eachhas a characteristic flavour note [3].

The physicochemical nature of the fatfraction and the enzyme complement of tra-ditional Cheddar cheese are primarilyresponsible for the low extent of lipolysisduring ripening. Ripening of Cheddarcheese is largely an enzymatic process [19]with the principal lipolytic enzymes inCheddar cheese curd made from pasteur-ised milk reported to be lipases and este-rases of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) [3, 25].The activity of such enzymes is generallyaccepted as being weak or limited, espe-cially towards triglyceride substrates [2, 20,24, 54, 56]. The contribution of the indige-nous milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL) to liber-ation of free fatty acids in maturing Cheddarcheese is limited, as it is largely inactivatedby pasteurisation [6, 7]. However, a thermaltreatment of 78 °C for 10 s is required forits complete inactivation [10]. It is possiblethat LPL acts synergistically with lipasesand esterases of LAB in Cheddar cheeseduring ripening as it has been shown usinga simple milk-based model system that LPL

Lipolysis and sensory properties of Cheddar cheeses 61

causes the conversion (albeit limited) oftriglycerides to mono- and di-glycerides,for which lipases and esterases of LABexhibit greater substrate specificity [30].

A multitude of approaches have beenadopted to accelerate Cheddar cheese rip-ening [31, 58, 62]. A number of theseapproaches have shown, with varying suc-cess, acceleration of lipolysis in Cheddarcheese during ripening. The incorporationinto Cheddar cheese curd of a number ofexogenous lipases/esterases, either in pureform or as components of commercialenzyme preparations, such as pre-gastricesterase, Rhizomucor miehei lipase [32],Aspergillus oryzae lipase (component ofthe FlavorAge enzyme preparation) [1],Palatase 20000L and Lipase M [44] or Pal-atase M (as component of liposome-encap-sulated enzyme cocktail) [29] have beendemonstrated to increase the levels of freefatty acids during ripening. Modification ofthe natural fat globule size distribution ofmilk for Cheddar cheese manufacture byhomogenisation [27], gravity separation[47] or using a fat-substituted cheese model[61] increases the extent of lipolysis duringripening. The use of LAB starter culturesthat undergo autolysis early in ripening(e.g., Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremorisAM2) also results in increased accumulationof free fatty acids in Cheddar cheese [4].

Ripening temperature is the most impor-tant single factor responsible for the rate ofdevelopment of flavour intensity in Ched-dar cheese [33]. Increasing temperature asa means of accelerating ripening has theadvantage of potential cost savings (main-tenance of sub-ambient temperature stor-age) [12], is technologically simple [58]and there are no legal barriers. The majorlimitations of this technique are theincreased risk of microbial spoilage and thedevelopment of unbalanced flavour [62]. Inspite of its simplicity and effectiveness, ele-vated temperature has been the subject ofrelatively few studies to accelerate the rip-ening of Cheddar cheese [11, 16, 22, 23, 45,49]. However, these researchers restrictedtheir focus primarily to the study of prote-olysis, in spite of the significant role playedby lipolysis in the biogenesis of cheese fla-vour.

Descriptive sensory analysis has beenused for the assessment of the sensory prop-erties of Cheddar cheese for the past 10–15 years [55]. It was not until relativelyrecently that a descriptive sensory language(lexicon) was developed specifically for thestudy of Cheddar cheese [9, 43]. This devel-opment in sensory science has been shownto be a powerful technique for determiningthe sensory characteristics of Cheddar cheeseripened at elevated temperatures [23].

The objective of this study was to quan-tify total and individual free fatty acid levelsin Cheddar cheeses ripened under differenttemperature-time treatments and to com-pare the rate and extent of lipolysis with theflavour and aroma sensory properties of thecheeses as determined by descriptive sen-sory analysis.


2.1. Cheese manufacture and ripening

Cheddar cheeses were manufactured ona commercial scale using Lactococcus lac-tis subsp. lactis 303 (Chr. Hansen (Ireland)Limited, Rohan Industrial Estate, LittleIsland, Co. Cork, Ireland) as starter. Fourconsecutive cheese blocks (20 kg) wereremoved from the block-former, vacuumpackaged and passed through a cooling tun-nel, where the cheese was rapidly cooled to4 °C. Cheese blocks were held at 4 °C for~ 20 h after manufacture. In the laboratory,each of the blocks was sub-divided into4 smaller blocks (5–6 kg) and vacuumpackaged. Cheeses were ripened at threeprimary temperatures of 4, 8 or 12 °C for270 d. The ripening temperature of 4 cheeseswas changed after 60 d from 4 to 8 °C, 8 to4 °C, 8 to 12 °C or 12 to 8 °C. The temper-ature-time treatments used for ripening andthe corresponding treatment codes areshown in Table I. All cheeses were ripenedfor 270 d and 2 cheeses were ripened undereach of the 7 different temperature-timetreatments.

62 J.A. O’Mahony et al.

2.2. Analysis of composition, lipolysis and enumeration of non-starter lactic acid bacteria

Cheese samples were analysed in tripli-cate for pH, moisture, fat, protein and salt,as described previously [46]. All composi-tional parameters were measured 1 d postmanufacture, except for pH, which wasmeasured 30 d post manufacture. Non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) wereenumerated on Rogosa agar [52] incubatedanaerobically for 5 d at 30 °C. Enumerationof NSLAB was carried out in duplicate atall ripening times. Individual free fattyacids were extracted from cheeses ripenedunder each of the 7 temperature-time treat-ments at 60, 120 and 270 d of ripening,using a solid-phase extraction technique,separated by gas chromatography, identi-fied and quantified according to the methodof De Jong and Badings [8], as describedpreviously [47].

2.3. Descriptive sensory analysis

Samples (200 g) were cut from thecheeses at 120 and 270 d of ripening, vac-uum packaged, frozen and maintained at–20 °C in the dark (wrapped in aluminiumfoil). For analysis, the samples wereremoved from frozen storage and allowedto thaw at 4 °C for 18 h prior to evaluation.A panel of 10 trained assessors (1 male,

9 female, aged between 35 and 50 years)was used to perform sensory analysis of thecheeses. All 10 assessors were members ofan established sensory panel at UniversityCollege, Cork, Ireland. The panel wasrecruited and screened according to inter-national standards [26]. All assessors werefirst required to attend two group discus-sions, during which a list of descriptiveattributes was formulated based on a vocab-ulary used previously by the panel [43].Descriptive sensory analysis was per-formed using a vocabulary of 10 odour and19 flavour terms. On the morning of assess-ment, the samples were removed from stor-age at 4 °C, the outer layer (5 mm) of eachcheese was removed and discarded and theremaining portion was cut into cubes (~ 5 g).Each sample was equilibrated at room tem-perature (20 °C) and presented as two 5-gcubes, in a clear-glass tumbler covered witha clock glass and coded with a randomlyselected three-digit number. Each panellistwas provided with de-ionised water andunsalted crackers to cleanse their palatebetween samples. A list of definitions foreach of the attributes included in the finalvocabulary was also available to each pan-ellist. The sensory attributes of the cheeseswere scored on unstructured 100 mm linescales labelled at both ends (at 5% and 95%)with extremes of each descriptive term. Theintensity of each of the descriptive termswas recorded for each cheese and allcheeses were evaluated in duplicate. The datawas collected using Compusense Five, Ver-sion 4.0 (Compusense Inc., Ontario, Canada).Descriptive sensory assessment of the cheeseswas performed during 12 sessions with6 cheeses evaluated in each of the first11 sessions and 7 cheeses evaluated in the finalsession. The first cheese sample presented tothe panellists at each session was thesame, the results of which were disregarded.For the remaining 5/6 cheeses, the order oftasting was balanced to account for order ofpresentation and carry-over effects [34].

2.4. Statistical data analysis

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)of the composition data of the cheeses wasconducted using SPSS Version 11.0 forWindows XP (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).

Table I. Temperature(s) and duration ofripening at each temperature used for each ofthe 7 ripening temperature-time treatmentstogether with the respective treatment codes.

Treatment code

Treatment temperature (°C)

Before 60 d After 60 d

A 4 4B* 4 8C* 8 4D 8 8E* 8 12F* 12 8G 12 12

* Ripening temperature changed at 60 d.

Lipolysis and sensory properties of Cheddar cheeses 63

Significance was declared at P ≤ 0.05. Themean panel scores from descriptive sensoryanalysis were subjected to one way-ANOVAusing SPSS to determine which attributeswere effective at differentiating betweenthe cheeses. The data was then subjected toprincipal component analysis using Guide-line® v. 7.5 (CAMO AS, Oslo, Norway).


3.1. Composition and enumeration of non-starter lactic acid bacteria

The moisture, fat, protein and salt con-tents of the 4 cheeses were 41.5 + 0.29, 32.5 +0.10, 19.2 + 0.15 and 2.41 + 0.06 g·100 g–1,respectively, while the pH was 5.38 + 0.05.The values for moisture, pH and salt contentof each of the four cheeses were slightlyhigher than would be expected for commer-cial Cheddar cheese [21]. However, therewere no significant (P > 0.05) differencesbetween the pH, moisture, fat, protein orsalt content of any of the 4 cheeses. It isclear from Figure 1 that the numbers of non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) were

essentially identical in all cheeses at 1 d ofripening, with the numbers increasing dur-ing ripening for all cheeses to reach levelsranging from 106 to 108 cfu·g–1 cheese at270 d. The numbers of NSLAB increasedwith increasing ripening temperature, withcheeses ripened under conditions of treat-ments A and G having NSLAB populationsof ~ 106 and 108 cfu·g–1 cheese, respec-tively, at 270 d. It is known that the principallipolytic agents in Cheddar cheese madefrom pasteurised milk are lipases and este-rases of lactic acid bacteria [3].

3.2. Assessment of lipolysis

The concentration of each of the 11 indi-vidual free fatty acids from butyric (C4:0) tolinolenic (C18:3) acids, in each of cheeses Ato G at 60, 120 and 270 d of ripening areshown in Table II. In general, the level ofeach of the FFA increased with both ripen-ing temperature (4–12 °C) and ripeningtime (60–270 d). Irrespective of ripeningtemperature or time, the FFA present at thegreatest concentration were palmitic (C16:0)and oleic (C18:1) acids. The concentrations

Figure 1. Numbers of non-starter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) in Cheddar cheeses ripened underconditions of each of treatments A ( ), B ( ), C ( ), D ( ), E ( ), F ( ) or G ( ) for 270 d.Averaged from duplicate analysis of cheeses from 2 trials. Error bars indicate + one standard devi-ation. See Table I for explanation of treatment codes.

● ▼ ■

64 J.A. O’Mahony et al.Ta






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Lipolysis and sensory properties of Cheddar cheeses 65

of palmitic and oleic acids ranged from 869to 2465 and 1079 to 2927 mg·kg–1 cheese,respectively. Identical trends have beenreported previously for the relative concen-trations of palmitic and oleic acids in matur-ing Cheddar cheese [4, 47]. At 60 d ofripening, there were no significant(P > 0.05) differences between the totalFFA (Σ(C4:0-C18:3)) content of any of the5 cheeses A, B, C, D or E, with levels var-ying from 4005 to 4151 mg·kg–1 for cheesesA and B, respectively. However, the totalFFA content of cheeses F and G were sig-nificantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher at 5360 and5467 mg·kg–1, respectively. It is interestingto note that, on increasing ripening temper-ature from that of treatment A (4 °C) to thatof treatment G (12 °C), the greatest differ-ence in FFA levels at 60 d of ripening wasfor the short-chain FFA (Σ(C4:0-C8:0)).This is an important observation, as short-chain FFA have low flavour thresholds [3]and have the propensity to contributedirectly to Cheddar cheese flavour or canact as precursors for important flavour com-pounds (e.g., methyl ketones) once liber-ated [20, 38].

Increasing ripening temperature from 4to 8 °C had little impact on FFA levels,while, an increase in ripening temperatureof the same magnitude, from 8 to 12 °C,resulted in a much faster rate of accumula-tion of FFA in the cheeses during ripening.This trend was evident at all stages of rip-ening up to 270 d. At 270 d, the levels oftotal FFA in cheeses A, B, C and D were5608, 6272, 5622 and 5918 mg·kg–1,respectively, indicating an increase in totalFFA levels of only ~ 6% for a 4 °C increasein ripening temperature from 4 to 8 °C. Thecorresponding levels of FFA in cheeses E,F and G at 270 d were 7015, 7949 and11926 mg·kg–1, respectively. Thus, a 4 °Cincrease in ripening temperature from 8 to12 °C resulted in a ~ 100% increase in totalFFA levels. There were significant(P ≤ 0.05) differences in the concentrationsof short-(Σ(C4:0-C8:0)), medium-(Σ(C10:0-C14:0)) and long-(Σ(C16:0-C18:3)) chain FFAbetween cheeses ripened under conditionsof treatments A, B, C, D, E, F or G at 60,120 and 270 d of ripening (Tab. II). Thus,the increase in total FFA levels on increas-

ing ripening temperature from 8 to 12 °Cwas due to increases in the levels of FFAwithin each of the short- medium- and long-chain FFA classes; however, the greatestrelative increase was again observed forshort-chain FFA. FFA are important in gen-erating the flavour and aroma of manycheese varieties [20, 37, 38, 63] and havebeen reported to contribute to the flavour andaroma of Cheddar cheese [3, 17, 18, 50].

The levels of total (Σ(C4:0-C18:3)) FFAin cheeses E and F were 4764 and5284 mg·kg–1, respectively, at 120 d. Atthis stage in the ripening process, cheeses Eand F had both been ripened for 60 d at 8 °Cand 60 d at 12 °C – the only difference beingthe order of the ripening temperature treat-ment; cheese E was ripened initially at 8 °Cfor 60 d and then transferred to 12 °C, whilecheese F was ripened initially at 12 °C for60 d and then transferred to 8 °C. It is pre-sumed that, on transfer, the time taken fortemperature equilibration within the cheeseblocks (5–6 kg) was negligible in compar-ison to the duration of the ripening period.Interestingly, for cheeses of the same age(120 d), the total FFA levels were higher inthose cheeses ripened at a higher initial tem-perature (i.e., during first 1–60 d). Theincreased accumulation of FFA in cheese Fcompared to cheese E, during the first 60 dof ripening remained evident up to 270 d(Tab. II). Thus, it appears that a high tem-perature during the first 60 d of ripening ismost effective at accelerating lipolysis.This is an important finding as it enableslipolysis (and consequently flavour gener-ation) to be accelerated by ripening Ched-dar cheese at a relatively high temperature(up to 12 °C) during the early stages andthen reducing the temperature, whichwould help prevent any adverse physicaleffects on Cheddar cheese texture normallyassociated with high ripening temperatures(≥ 12 °C) [13, 14, 16].

It is unlikely that differences recorded inFFA levels as a result of employing differ-ent ripening temperature-time treatmentswere due to differences in activity of lipo-protein lipase, as this enzyme is largelyinactivated by pasteurisation [6] and is reportedto be inactive at the pH and salt content ofcheese [28]. It is possible that differences in

66 J.A. O’Mahony et al.

the number of NSLAB in the cheeses(Fig. 1) were responsible for the differencesobserved in FFA levels. McSweeney et al.[39] reported lower levels of FFA in Ched-dar cheese made from recombined milk(formulated from microfiltered skim milkand pasteurised cream) than that made fromraw milk. Microfiltration reduced thenumber of NSLAB in the raw milk from191 to < 1 cfu·mL–1, with cheese made fromrecombined milk having NSLAB numbers~ 2 log cycles lower than those in cheesemade from raw milk, throughout ripening.Shakeel-Ur-Rehman et al. [53] also foundthat increases in total FFA concentrationsparalleled increases in the numbers ofNSLAB in Cheddar cheeses made from rawmilk, pasteurised milk or various blendsthereof during ripening.

The results obtained for relative distri-bution of individual FFA in this study wereidentical to those of many other studiesinvolving Cheddar cheese [4, 35, 36, 47,51]. The actual levels of individual FFAmay be slightly higher than those reportedfor previous studies using similar ripeningtemperatures; however, this apparent dis-crepancy may be due to the higher moisturecontent of the cheeses used in this study ordifferences in the lipase/esterase activity ofthe starter cultures used.

3.3. Descriptive sensory analysis

The mean panel scores from descriptiveanalysis of the sensory properties of thecheeses at 120 and 270 d of ripening aregiven in Table III. One-way analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) of the mean panel scoredata showed that, of the 31 descriptiveterms, significant (P ≤ 0.05) differencesexisted between the cheeses for 9 of thedescriptors (9 flavour attributes) at 120 d.At 270 d of ripening, significant (P ≤ 0.05)differences existed between the cheeses for9 of the descriptors also (1 odour and9 flavour attributes) (Tab. III). At 120 d ofripening, the mean panel scores for theodour attributes ‘Pungent’ and ‘Sulphur’increased slightly, and those for the odourattribute ‘Cardboard’ decreased slightlywith increasing ripening temperature”. The

flavour attributes ‘Rancid’, ‘Sulphur’,‘Creamy’, ‘Fruity’, ‘Cooked animal fat/suet’,‘Acidic’, ‘Processed’, ‘Cheddary’ and ‘Sul-phur’ after-flavour significantly (P ≤ 0.05)discriminated between the flavour of thecheeses at 120 d of ripening. In general, themean panel scores for the flavour attributes‘Rancid’, ‘Sulphur’, ‘Fruity’, ‘Acidic’,‘Cheddary’ and ‘Sulphur’ after-flavourincreased, while the mean panel scores forthe flavour attributes ‘Creamy’, ‘Cookedanimal fat/suet’ and ‘Processed’ decreasedwith increasing ripening temperature at 120 d(Tab. III).

It is clear from the mean panel score datathat by 270 d of ripening, the 7 cheeses weredivided into 2 distinct groups based on theirsensory characteristics, with one groupcomprising cheeses A, B, C and D and thesecond group comprising cheeses E, F and G.The attribute ‘Sulphur’ significantly (P ≤ 0.05)discriminated between the odour of thecheeses, while the attributes ‘Pungent’,‘Rancid’, ‘Onion’, ‘Buttery’, ‘Acidic’,‘Processed’, ‘Cheddary’ and ‘Strength’ sig-nificantly (P ≤ 0.05) discriminated betweenthe flavour of the cheeses at 270 d of ripen-ing. In general, the mean panel scores forthe flavour attributes ‘Pungent’, ‘Rancid’,‘Onion’, ‘Acidic’, ‘Cheddary’ and ‘Strength’increased, while the mean panel scores forthe flavour attributes ‘Buttery’ and ‘Proc-essed’ decreased with increasing ripeningtemperature at 270 d (Tab. III). Changes inthe sensory profiles of the cheeses duringripening may be illustrated by the fact thatthe odour attribute ‘Sulphur’ and the flavourattributes ‘Pungent’, ‘Onion’, ‘Buttery’and ‘Strength’ significantly (P ≤ 0.05)discriminated between the sensory propertiesof the cheeses at 270 d, while there were nosignificant (P > 0.05) differences betweenthe cheeses in terms of these odour andflavour attributes at 120 d.

The flavour attribute ‘Salty’, whiledeemed not significant (P > 0.05) at dis-criminating between the sensory propertiesof the cheeses at both 120 and 270 d of rip-ening, was scored highly (mean panel scoreof 39–46) in all cheeses. It is therefore animportant “note” or component of thebackground flavour of each of the cheesesalthough it is not a flavour attribute that

Lipolysis and sensory properties of Cheddar cheeses 67

discriminated between the sensory proper-ties of the cheeses. This is consistent withthe relatively high salt content of thecheeses.

Various key aroma and flavour attributeshave been identified and classified into ahierarchy based on relative importanceusing data obtained from quantitative

Table III. Mean panel scores for the 10 aroma and 21 flavour/after-flavour attributes fromdescriptive sensory analysis of Cheddar cheeses ripened under conditions of each of treatments A,B, C, D, E, F or G at 120 and 270 d (averaged from duplicate analysis of data from 2 trials). SeeTable I for explanation of treatment codes.

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descriptive analysis of sensory propertiesof 16 hard cheese varieties [40]. Among the16 samples analysed by Muir et al. [40]were 3 Cheddar cheeses ranging in maturityfrom mild to mature and vintage. Theresults illustrated that the most importantattributes for describing the sensory prop-erties of hard cheeses include odourattributes ‘Rancid’ and ‘Fruity/sweet’ andflavour attributes ‘Creamy’, ‘Sweet’,‘Acid’ and ‘Sulphur/eggy’. The findings ofMuir et al. [40] agree well with this study,in which many of the above attributes sig-nificantly (P ≤ 0.05) discriminated betweenthe sensory properties of the cheeses rip-ened using different temperature-timetreatments.

In a study of the sensory properties ofCheddar cheese during ripening for up to12 months [41], it was reported that whilethere were systematic changes in ‘Cheddar’aroma, ‘Cheddar’ flavour, ‘Acid’ flavourand ‘Mouth-coating’ character, the mostsensitive indicator of age was ‘Cheddar’flavour. In this study the ‘Cheddary’attribute was also found to discriminate sig-nificantly (P ≤ 0.05) between the flavour ofthe cheeses at both 120 and 270 d of ripen-ing. At 120 d of ripening, the ‘Cheddary’flavour score increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05)with increasing ripening temperature, withcheeses A and G having mean panel scoresof 7 and 17, respectively. However, by 270 dof ripening, the relative differencesbetween the cheeses were less; cheese Ahad a mean panel score of 11 while all othercheeses had scores ranging from 15 to 17(Tab. III). While the mean panel score forthe ‘Cheddary’ flavour attribute generallyincreased with ripening temperature andtime, the score for cheese G actuallydecreased slightly (but not significantly;P > 0.05) between 120 and 270 d of ripen-ing, which paralleled the change in meanpanel score for the ‘Balanced’ flavourattribute. It appears that the intensity of‘Cheddary’ flavour in Cheddar cheese is, ingeneral, a good index of maturity (in agree-ment with Muir et al. [41]); however, cautionshould be exercised with its interpretationif the possibility for evolution of atypicalCheddar cheese flavour exists during ripen-ing (see below). The ‘Cheddary’ flavour

attribute may be considered as the overallmix or balance of flavours in the cheese incomparison to that of typical Cheddarcheese. Thus, while scores for this attributegenerally increase with increasing ripeningtime and temperature, the development ofatypical Cheddar cheese flavour would beexpected to impact negatively on the scorefor the ‘Cheddary’ flavour attribute.

ANOVA of the entire mean panel scoredata set from descriptive analysis of the sen-sory properties of the cheeses illustratedthat the odour attributes ‘Soapy’, ‘Caramel’and ‘Mouldy’ and flavour attributes ‘Mouldy’,‘Caramel’, ‘Sweet’, ‘Salty’, ‘Bitter’, ‘Bal-anced’ and ‘Metallic’ after-flavour did notsignificantly (P > 0.05) distinguish betweenthe sensory characteristics of the cheeses,and were consequently not included in thesubsequent principal component analysis(PCA) of the sensory data. PCA of the datamatrix of the attributes that significantly(P ≤ 0.05) discriminated between the sen-sory properties of the cheeses was used toidentify the odour and flavour attributesresponsible for the similarities and differ-ences between the sensory characters of thecheeses. One-way ANOVA revealed sig-nificant (P ≤ 0.05) differences between thecheeses on the first two principal compo-nents of the PCA analysis. PC1 and PC2explained 69 and 10%, respectively, of thevariation between the sensory characteris-tics of the cheeses. A bi-plot of the samplescores and sensory attribute loadings forPC1 and PC2 is shown in Figure 2. Visualassessment of the bi-plot shows that PC1explained the variation between the sam-ples largely in terms of ripening time, i.e.,most of the cheeses at 120 d are located onthe negative side of the PC1 axis, while, at270 d, nearly all the cheeses are scored onthe positive side of the PC1 axis. The twonotable exceptions to this general trendwere cheeses A and G, which were scoredon the negative and positive sides of thePC1 axis, respectively, at both 120 and 270 dof ripening. Except for cheese G, all cheesesripened for 120 d were described as havinga ‘Fruity’, ‘Buttery’ and ‘Cardboard’ odourand a ‘Creamy’, ‘Buttery’, ‘Cooked animalfat/suet’ and ‘Processed’ flavour. Exceptfor cheese A, all cheeses ripened for 270 d

Lipolysis and sensory properties of Cheddar cheeses 69

were described as having a more ‘Pungent’,‘Sulphur’, ‘Sweaty’, ‘Rancid’ odour and‘Pungent’, ‘Sulphur’, ‘Rancid’, ‘Onion’,‘Acidic’, ‘Astringent’ and ‘Cheddary’ fla-vour than those ripened for 120 d. This isin agreement with the changes observed insensory properties of Cheddar cheese dur-ing maturation by Muir et al. [41]. Interest-ingly, cheese A was scored on the negativeside of the PC1 axis irrespective of age,although the intensity of many of the odourand flavour attributes of this cheese didchange somewhat with age (see Tab. III).The mean panel scores for all sensoryattributes of this cheese increased between120 and 270 d of ripening, except ‘Soapy’,

‘Mouldy’ and ‘Cardboard’ odour and ‘But-tery’, ‘Cooked’, ‘Processed’ and ‘Bal-anced’ flavour, which remained unchangedor decreased slightly during this time. Theresults show that the sensory characteristicsof cheese A at 270 d were most similar tothose of cheeses D, E and F at 120 d, whilecheeses ripened at the highest temperature(12 °C) for the longest time (270 d), i.e.,treatment G, developed sensory profilestypical of mature Cheddar cheese in as littleas 120 d. It is apparent from the bi-plot inFigure 2 that the sensory profile of typicalmature Cheddar cheese in this study (e.g.,cheese D at 270 d) was characterised byhaving a balance of ‘Fruity’, ‘Butter’ and

Figure 2. Bi-plot of principal component 1 and principal component 2 showing the sample scoresand sensory attribute loadings from principal component analysis of descriptive sensory analysisdata for Cheddar cheeses ripened under conditions of each of treatments A, B, C, D, E, F or G at120 and 270 d. Sample treatment codes are indicated by bold capital letters, accompanied bysubscripts indicating ripening time (d). Sensory attribute loadings indicated by italics and prefacedby O-, F- or AF- indicating odour, flavour or after-flavour sensory attributes, respectively (averagedfrom duplicate analysis of data from 2 trials). See Table I for explanation of treatment codes.

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‘Sweaty’ odour and ‘Creamy’, ‘Cheddary’,‘Astringent’, ‘Acidic’ and ‘Onion’ flavour.The direction of development of the sen-sory character of the cheeses during ripen-ing may be obtained by drawing a lineconnecting the scores for any one cheese at120 and 270 d on the bi-plot in Figure 2. Thedirection of sensory character developmentwas similar for cheeses A, B and C. How-ever, the direction of sensory characterdevelopment for cheeses E, F and G wassubstantially different to that of cheeses A,B, C or even D. It is clear from the bi-plotthat the sensory profiles of cheeses E, F andG at 270 d were characterised by having astrong ‘Pungent’, ‘Rancid’ and ‘Sulphur’odour and ‘Sulphur’, ‘Pungent’, ‘Strength’and ‘Rancid’ flavour, with a ‘Sulphur’ after-flavour. The sensory profiles of cheeses E,F and G were less balanced at 270 d than at120 d of ripening. It may be inferred fromthe results that the sensory profiles ofcheeses E, F and G were typical of matureCheddar cheese at 120 d, but by 270 d of rip-ening the sensory profiles of the cheeseshad evolved to become somewhat atypicalof good quality mature Cheddar cheese.


The results of this study show that accel-eration of lipolysis in Cheddar cheese canbe achieved by increasing ripening temper-ature in the range 4 to 12 °C. However, therelative increase in lipolysis with increas-ing temperature appeared to be muchgreater at temperatures in excess of 8 °C,than increasing temperature in the range 4to 8 °C. The increase in FFA levels withincreasing temperature for short- (C4:0-C8:0) chain FFAs was greater than that foreither the medium- (C10:0-C14:0) or long-(C16:0-C18:3) chain fatty acids. Modificationsto the traditional Cheddar cheese ripeningtreatment allowed distinct manipulation ofthe sensory profiles of the cheeses. Ripen-ing at a high temperature (12 °C) resultedin development of flavour and aroma char-acteristics to an intensity normally associ-ated with mature Cheddar cheese in as littleas 120 d. However, continued ripening forup to 270 d at this temperature (or even ata subsequently reduced temperature)

resulted in a decrease in ‘Cheddary’ flavourintensity and development of flavour andaroma characteristics considered atypicalof mature Cheddar cheese. Conversely, rip-ening of Cheddar cheese at low temperature(4 °C) retarded the development of matureflavour and aroma, irrespective of the dura-tion of ripening (even up to 270 d). In con-clusion, the temperature parameter of thetraditional Cheddar cheese ripening treat-ment may be increased to promote acceler-ated lipolysis and flavour development inmaturing Cheddar cheese; however, indoing so, ripening time needs to be care-fully adjusted to prevent any deleteriouschanges in sensory characteristics.

Acknowledgements: This research was fundedby the Food Institutional Research Measure, whichis administered by the Irish Government underthe National Development Plan 2000–2006.


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