'f""i Is' VI ' ' f s s I I m i: ;- -' il r tWk -- : lVW siiajimif; II ilf.D Br JOIO BRUlFORD. FRIDAY EVENING, 0CT0BER2I,1S25. The annexed tabic stio.vs the .number of votes taken infavorfiSf the old as well as the new court at the last election, in 24 counties, they beiug all thai were mihlished jn the different newspapers, and from which we have copied them. We have show n the highest number given on each side; thisstate-rnputs- o Tajas ltgoes shows thestrength of the par- ties in the counties named with regard to the propri- ety" of the law passed at the last session abolishing the court of appeals &.c; butdoes notiu our opinion in- volve the question of relies. 4i The editor ofthe AiguU has requested the severa) mcmibers of the Legislature to furnish him with correct lists of the votes, taken in their respective counttasnn each side of the judge question, which he v. ill publish in his paper, and from which we in fcpd to copy it: The following is the list. covin- - HEW COURT Adair, , 822 2.6 J, 538 Bourbon, 1278 1 Clark, 830 6 DO ,,,,336 Christian, 769 J SO 419 Xslil, ' 352 3 335 Tayelte, 1127 980 Fleming, 1033 J.1009 Frankliu, 831 900 .preeue, tt&a 454 093 Ilanison, Ov Ij45 6 973 Henderson, 52 Jessamine, q C30 516 Logan,. ti 753 431 Mason, .4o'll33 887 Mercer, aao ,,. 1178 Madison, 1368 oyX 593 Montgomery 800 ? I X. 588 Nelson, 893 2 4 769 Nicholas, &89 6 t 824 Scott, 2.3 773- - 106G Shelby, r 0 1C56 846 Woodford,, 1 740 ,718 w Warren, 2b 825 765 Washington, 1 v ' 1137 1006 ,"2.0 t J Baltimore, October 6. , A deputy from the Provincial Congress of Chil huahua, has come to this country with a letter ad dressed uA'ut government from the Governor of New Mexico, urging the United States to r. ate with the latter power in putting an end to the Indian robberies and murders which so frequent!) take place between Missouri and Mexico. Ibis gentleman proposes to reside with us about twelve months, to make himself acquainted with the Laws, customs and civil inttitiitions of our country. Cb liuahtia, formerly a province in the central partof Mexico, called the luleudency of l)urago,,nas now become an independent state. The ofhcial papers "bear the characteristic motto of the free, sovereign and independent state of Chihuahua. It contains by estimation one hundred and twenty-nin- e thou sind, two hundred and forty-seve- n square miles, f and its population is rated at one hundred and utty-nin- e thousand seven hundred. Don Manuel Simon le Escudero, the gentleman above spoken of, was a large loser by the audacious robbery of which we nave heretofore given an account. Among other sufferers he has verified his loss, and laid in his claim before the Superintendant, General Clirk, who will doubtless exert all the power of his office 'flj procure complete indemnification. ' " ( IIAYTI. FTom a conversation held with a f entleman re ently arrived from J eremie, we learn that great discontent existed throughout all 'Hayti, in conse- quence of the' terms of the treaty of independence 1 negotiated with France. The dissatisfaction is Lgaid to have testified itself in various ways, andouri jHfnformation adds that the' late arrest of persons ati I Cape Hayli for an alleged conspiracy, originated from the strong opposition evinced by individuals to the provisions 01 the treaty. 1 he non publica tion of the treaty in the papers of the islend, is at- tributed to the prevailing dissatisfaction in relation to iX.Alleghaay Democrat. A private le'tter from Leghorn, August 3d, gives a pleasing account of the success of the Greeks un- der Tasso, Ipsianti and Coloctrini, Sic- - Ibrahim Bey had demanded a capitulation, promising not to sight against the Greeks for ten years, is permittee Co depart freely from the Morea: Accounts from England state, that Lord Coch- rane was preparing to go to the assistance of the Greeks with his srigate: On that subjectlhe sol losing article is sound in the Morning Chronicle. "XV can state, on the most unquestionable au- thority, that an arrangement has been concluded with Lord Cochrane, by which a large sum of mo ney is to ho immediately placed at the disposal of Ins lordship, to be expended Dy nun in whatever way he thinks most advisable or the successlul pros- ecution of operations against the Turks. Ills lord-tlii- p leaves town to day for Scotland, whence he Will return immediately to proceed northw ard foi Greece. ,He will take with him steam-vesse- ls and ajl sorts of material necessary for the particular sorl of warfaie he concemplates carrying on. Every one knows that in mechanical contrivances of all sorts, bis lordship is as eminent, as he Is in the pro fessionof which he is so distinguished an ornament "The excitemont which the first rumor ofthis intellicence jravo yisterday on the Stock Exchange is indescribable We can state it as certain that one eminent Baekintr-hous- o in the Strand, yesterday purchased, through their Broker, 59,000. of Greek Scu'p. "Such is now the promising aspect of Greek as fairs." The liberality of the French nation has been re oently evinced in several instances, each highly hon durable to the disposition and discernment of that gay and gallant people. In a sew hours, a sum of sour hundred thousand dollars was raised, in Paris, for the assistance of the Greeks. Very soon after- wards, a destructive sire took place at Salines, which consumed a vast deal of property, made a"bove X500 persons houseless, and caused some loss of lives. On this occasion, the members ofthe Koyal Family themsehes joined the people 111 contributing to the relies of the sufferers. We find among the .subscribers, the Duchess and Mademoiselle of Or- leans for 1000 francs ech. M. Lafitte gave 10,000 francs; and the proceeds of a night at the Theatre de Madame were devoted to the same object. These facts do honour to the people generally. There is no a kind feeling towards Gen. La Fayi.ttc alto, which prevails 111 France. How- ever the public authorities may consider themselves called on to show a different deposition, the suffer- ings cf the General, the romantic "Sir of chivalry whiclrpcrvades his whole life, and the sublime an- tithesis which is exluhited in his first and last visit to this country, are of themselves calculated to the powerful sympathies ofthe French na- tion. We .find in the last Trench papers that some 6l the admirer of the General have come forwaid with the otTcref a gold medal, of tue value of 1000 francs, for the best piece ofyeise upon bis voyage to America, his stay there, and his return home. From the Portsmouth Journal. Is any proof were wanting of the progress of lib- eral opinions in Europe, it might be sound in the increased attention paid to our laws and institu- tions by intelligent foreigners. Not many years have passed since our institutions and their practi- cal operation wore as littl flibught of in Europe as the jurisprudence of China.iiJ our country was as far removed from the observation of men of science and taste as the South Sea ilands. Twenty years ago, a Turk or an Arab might as readily have been sound in the United States as an accomplished Butnow the case is far different.' Our country is traversed in eveiy direction by, Scholars and Statesmen, and even Princes from Europe, v. ho come among us to learn upon the spot the precise value of our political institutions. these travellers sew are more distinguished for intelligence and zeal than Count Vipua of Tu- rin, who spent a short time in this town la the course ofthe last week. A man of great learning ar,d im- proved by travel in the three other quarters of the globe, he has come to the United Hulcs to learn every thing that may be known of our literature and politics. In the sew months which he has spent among us he has collected above five hiindren vol umes of American books, and he is every where pro CUriUP- - whatevflr will tlirnur lirrlit Knllmnnn tlif Im- - ry and practice of our government. When the J reasures are removed to Europe.it is not unrea- sonable to hope that they will diffuse still wider that knowledge of our government and laws, which is even now producing important effects among the subjects and neighbours ofthe Holy Alliance. Colombia. Caraccas papers to August 24th, received at Boston, state the passage ot a law by the Congress of Colombia, appropriating $1,000, 000 to be loaned to agriculturist, in sums of 1,000 to g6,000, at an interest of six percent, to be re- paid in 15 years, Application was it will be made by lha Colombian Minister to the United States' Bank for a similar loan That application having sailed the Congress ofthe re- public very properly themselves loaned the mon- ey to their farmers. General Santanderis again lacandidate for Vice President ofthe republic. He has several rival candidates. J. J. Olmedo, a native of Guayaquil, has been appointed Minis ter Plenipotentiary fiom tlie Peruvian iepublic toureat lintain. The.question has occured as to whether the military have a right to vote in the election for civil olticers. The qualifications of voteis in the Constitution are 1st. to be a Colombian. 2d. To be married, or 21 years of age. 3d. To read and write, (this is not to be insisted on till the year 1840.) 4th. To be master of a landed prop-eit- y of the value ofglOO, or to be in the exercise of uny independent office or calling, other than as a workman or servant. The question seems easily to be settled; for is the soldier possesses the stateid qualifications, he is entitled to vote. Test of Vaccination. When a person has been vaccinated on one arm, the opperater should vac- cinate the other arm, with matter taken ffom the first. Is the first vaccination has been per- fect, the pustules on both arms will grow to a head, at precisely the saioe time; and is this does not take place, the system has not been propcly affected, and the viccination ought to bo repeat- ed. This simple test, first brought into notice by Dr. Bruce, of Edinburgh, ought never to be neglected. WATEIt HAUL; 'The State Treasury ofConnecttcut has been en- tered by rjbbers.dnd plundered of one dollar and forty-eig- centi. The robberk lest behind them a large crowbaty iron wedge, clus'3els, two lamps, and a tinderbo!'! Which was the gainer in this transaction the thief, or the staytel Allegheny De. Lexington Brewery. rjTlHE subscribers having rented the above estab-J- L Ii'shment for a term of years, will be ready in a sew days tu supply this Town and the neighboring Town9 with T,.1 T I jjl uitui, J3ut;r etna JL&Pr ALE LyH of superior quality & M & zZtSff !S 3 at rerlurrri nrir.es: or ms&w&sm lers from the country 83? 2xHS directed 10 luu BREWERY through the l'osi-omc- c will be attended to. CASH paid for Barley oa Delivery ALSO- - MONTMOLL1N & DONOHOO. October 20, 1825 N. B. All letters must be post paid: PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold to'the highest bidder on the 28tb month, at the residence of the sub scnber sour miles from Lexington on the Lees-tow- n road to Frankfort. sxn HORSES, CATTLE fi&IZstf SHEEP and 150 head CrW of HOGS, thirty or i. IS! ty of which are sat, the others are stock hogs. A first late silver mounted rifle, with other articles. Nine months credit will be given for all sums five dollars the purchaser giving bond with approved security, and all under five cash in hand. Terms of the sale Gold or Silver, sale to com- mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. where due attention will be given by the subscriber. JAMES W. IIENDERSOEf. Fayette co October 7, 1825 40-- 3t ' WANTF.n A TEACHER. . "XISTUO can come well recommended in point of . , . WW .1 - ,ir-.j- ij A J Tf moral ana science at iuu 11 uwmuu awu-em- v, near the Republican Meeting-Hous- enquire 0r THE EDITOR. October 14th, 1825 41-- 3t. NOTICE. nnHE subsjjibcrs; commissioners, appointed by JL the county court of Fayette, for rebuilding the Bridecacross South-Elkhor- at Mr John Par ker's Mill, will, on Wednesday the 26th of October (inst.) let the rebuilding said bridge to the lowest bidder, tlie tinaeriauer iu ciuei unu a kikicu mu-tra- with the commissioners, with security for the performance. Further particulars to he made kaown at the tune of letting. WM STANHOTE,) THOS P HART, f ABR. BOWMAN, C FRED. WALTZ. ) Oct 14, 1825 41-2- w LEXINGTON IIOP FOUNDERS wi. iFDfti commei ced the above business 111 all itsTjranth HAS opposite the upper end; ofthe Upper ilarke.1, where tie is redy to nuke all kinds of Brass & licou CasWns On the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. CASH will be given for OLD COPPER, BPvASS, PEW !ER, and IKON. Lexington, Oct. 14, 1825. 41-- ly NOTICE. THE undersigned having administered on the of Zachariah Caseman, do hereby for- - warn all persons from receiving any money due to said Zachenah or any kind of his clothing, papers, or other property that was in his Trunk on Board the Steam Boat PoU Boy when said Boat bunk at the lower end of New Orleans. FREDERICK W. CASEMAN. ,1dm. Jessamine County. Oct. 14th 1825 41-- 3t. Fayette County. nPAKEN up by John Casnon one JL Iron Gray marc 17 or 18 years old o.P tresv about 14 hands high the lest eye out ap xm W praiseu 10 j niriy ijoiiarb iu vuiumon- - wealth rjaner before me thisllthdav a&3ssg5f of July 1025. SAMUEL BLAIR. J. P. Oct 14th 1825. 41-- 31 State of Kentucky, Fayette Circuit Court September Tcrio 1825. Louisa Moore Comp't. 1 against " In Chancery. Thomas Mooro Deft. ) ,, finHIS day.came the Complainantbv hcrCounsel JL and it appearing to the satisfaction of tlicj Court, that tho Defendant is. not an Inhabitant ofi this Commonwealth, and he having sailed to euterj his appearance agreeably to law and tne rules of., this Court, Oa the motion of the Complainant, it iS ordered that unless the said Defendant, do appear here on or before the firstday ofthe next February Term of this Court, aud answer the Complainants! bill (which prajs for a divorce) the same will be ta ken as confessed against him; and it is further or- -' dered thae a Copy of this order be inserted in some authorized public News Paper published in this Commonwealth for two mouths successively accor ding to law. , t A Copy Teste, A.GARRETT, d. c. f. e.g. Oct. 14th 1825 41-- 9w , - COTTON X&RXS, ARRANTED of a Superior quality, at very Reduced prices, viz: Five hundred, at 20 cents specie, Six hundred, and all over, at 16 2- -3 specie, May be had at the Stores of Mr. John W. HuntJ Messrs. Pritcuartt & Robinson, Dr. E. Warfield, or at the cotton store of Postlewait, Braui.& Co. Lexington, Oct. 14th 1825 41-- tf. . YY5MAO SMitt, Y virtue of a Decree ofthe Fayette Circuit y Court, I shall proceed to sell at public sale on a credit of twelve, eighteen and twenty-fourmont- the puichaser giving bond & seciltity, to have the foice and effect of a replevin bond, payable in gold or silver," That valuable.- - LOT OF GROUND, Lying on Mam Cross and Second streets in Lex- ington bomg the laud lying between January's Rope Walk and the first Presbyterian Church. This is a becutiful and very valuable Lot, having a front on Main Cross Street of upwards ofthree hundred and forty-on- e feet, and a front on Second Street of sour hundred & thirty-fiv- e feet or so much thereof as will amount to the sum of 4000 with interest from tliej W. aay 01 juiy mzn, until paiu, wun cosis 01 suu. the Lot will be subdivided in such a manner as; will best suit purchasers. The sale will commence on the premises on Saturday, the nineteenth day of November next, between the hours of two and three! o'clock in the afternoon. DAN. BRADFORD CWr Lexington, October 13, 1825 11-- lm. NOTICE. A 11 persons are hereby cautioned against purclias- - xjo.iu(jr lauiiig au afMguirieui or a uuie given uy me to John Miller of Georgetown for Fifty dollars Commonwealth paper, dated 1822 as I am determin ed not to pay it unless compelled by law. ROBERT BRECKINRIDGE. Fayette, county, Sep. 1825 St.-50- ct. CAUTION. THIS is to forwarm any person from trading with, r crediting1 my wise Margaret Delauy on my account s I am determined to pay nodebis of her contrscluyM EDWARD OELANV. Sept 30, 1825 39 3t A List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post Office at Niololasiille Ky which ifnottakeu out in three mom lis u ill be sent to the General PonCffice as dtad letters. nder'oi) Catharine M'Carley Moses A' well Saiiulel Moore John 2 Bryant Edmoud Mas on George Bourne Moses Msrguart Mrs Elizabeth Baxter Gesman Monroe GLorge JJ s ' Uiakeman Aaron Marrs Joints reath Jacob Nornl; J nies Claik James 2 Nane Peter Canvey Jacob 2 Organ William Dickenson Elizabeth Ptrkins William Davenport DortCha'M Philips Elizabeth ' Ducrson Thomas 2 Povwl John Dunn Alex Quinby Ephriim Demus John Quinby Geu & Ephraim Daniel Harrison Reed John Funk Peter Rollins benjamin Farrow Rev Joseph D Sechreu Willhm , Foster Mrs Leanucr Sincldr Duncjii Korbus Joseph Sheriff of J.;ssaniine Garrett Edmond Stecvns William HawkinjJohn Smith Allen Han-i- s Rev Nathaniel S Turnham Joel Hightoaer Capt Joshua Thruston Miss Lucy Ann Henderson Dr John M Tompkins. John Hemphill Andrew 2 Vawtefjessee Hughes Elrza M Wise James Howard Thompson Watts John C (looser John 2 Wherritt Ha Hollowly Sam F 2 Willoughby Alex 2 Jacobs Mr Woodson Samuel II 2 Irvine Robert Walter Thomas January Peter M Welch Geo P Jackson Mrs Thomas Woodward Charles Kearly Henry 2 Withey Peter Slilvain Lowry Write James Lesueur Mrs Susannah Wake Ambrose Miller Mis6 Sarah Walker Joseph W ARCH1UALD YOUNG, V. M. October 1, 1825 40-- 3t Apprentices Wanted, npWO or three Apprentice noys will js. De laKtn 10 me uauinp Business; ap ply to Jolin Steele at mi finishing blK.p Main Street Lexinp-to- nr at his Fflr.lnn six miles West of Lexipgton- - Sept. 30th 1825-30- -3t, A List of Letters, rn,the.Post-0Bc- e OEM-AIN-IN- at Lexington S.V, Ey Octoberti825, wh:chi'f not takeifout in three months will bVsent to the General Post Uilice as dead latiirs. 4t A Anderson R C, 2 CvTfrci Granville C Adams Wm a - - ?guu "Wfii jr Atkinson John ,AHen Wm jr Atchison David R Atchison Hamilton Atchison John Alhertie John C II w B Bascom Samuel A Beard W A lirashear Cliarlcs W Beard John BJHucher Wm Bell William - " Bjair Miss Malinda Bell Dai id Rates Martin L Bud Richard Bayley Win Brown Willis E 2 Ban ion Win T 2 Browning Bacon Dinah Browning Zadock Barrett Charlct Boswell John Baxter Thomas Brookhanks John Baker JamebT Brown E.ekiel 2 Barnes John A Boughn Alex. Barker Charles Burke Win 2 Baker Elizabeth Mrs Burtin John Boatman Edward Buford Milton. Beaty Robert Burne Wm Bennett Joseph W Bryant David Brenton James Bryant James 2 Berry Maj Benj Bryan Enoch Brenough Capt George Bryan Littleton , Bpney Dr Daniel c Crittendon Tho T Campbell Archibald Chnsman Jeff . Campbell Daniel A 2 Chesley J II Campbell Sarah M Chnstal John Clark Enoch Carpenter Wm Clutter Wm Carrington John B Culbertson James Carter John B Coil David Clarke Lewis Conelly John r Caldwell Eliza II Miss Clowere Stephen 2 Chamber Mrs Nancy """Coburne Samuels 4 Clarke James Calou Samuel Cravens James D Collins Tlios 2 Crawley Widow Catb'ne Cooper Charles Clay Abraham. Cobbe Richard Clayton Rachacl Cunningham M Si Son Carrington Jona Chew Samuel Chambers Wm sr Creatb Rev Jacob 2 Carter Nancy Camack Mrs Mary Caldwell Sevilia 2 Coolemaii Miss Mary A. Clerk Fayette Circuit Court 7 D Davenport Maj Henry Dickinson Col Wmf Davis Miss Florida AnneDarnaby Geo W Davis James E 2 Dulen Mrs Elizabeth Davison Miss Sevilia 3 Dorsey Miss Elizabeth Davis Noble Dixou Wm Davis Nathanied Dunwoody Mrs Nancy Deloche Redden C3 Dimirid Joseph- - Dickerson Thos I Downic Mr E Edinton Miss Eliza Editor Monitor Eliott Benj Echels Josephus Elliott Wm Eades James V TordinJohn Foster Miss Caroline Fowler Elijah Fultz Samuel Freehrig J II . 0 . Guilliene Matthew Grimes W C Gardner Mrs Eliza Gregg James Godwin Robert ,, ;' Gilbert John Gray Mary C Gatewood Larkiu Garland Saml M Graves Wm Grason Benj Graves John C Graham Samuel - Gibbons vl'hos Gregg Renjamin ,. - Goodwin Loyd K Gray George 2 1' Gregg II Gnnstead Nathan Graves Hariet II Hart Joanna Mrs Henly Osborne i HcnsotiMr Henry Oliver C Halley H H Hickcy Jane HannaWm Hill Sally Hawkins Elizabeth Hodges Daniel Harris WW 2 Holt Capt David Hathaway Cap John Homer Wm Harris Thumas Hodg Sally A Miss Haley Johnson Holmes Wm II Harris Edward HolmesRobert Hayne Isaac W Hope Gerrald Hardin Geo W 2 " Iludgins Carey Hammond T Hutchans Wm Hanna James Hubbard Eppa Hart Oliver Hudson John 3 ' dart Levi Hurst John Hart John Hutchinson Jana Hart Thos M James D II Jones John K Kenedy Richard Kindred James Kelley James Kcrnaird Joseph 2 Kint John Kelley James Kenedy James Keatley Phillip Kenedy Henry A L Lewis Mrs Jane 2 Lee Thos L Little Mrs Catharine Lemcn Miss Eliza Linley Joseph Lozier Nicholas Lindsay Rev Marcus S Liter Henry Lowry Capt John Lawsp,n, Richard Long Wm Long,George ' ( M Marsh Elizabeth Mrs Muldrow G T Marker Frederick Murry Mr Malory Samuel Murphy J MancrEapha M'GillJohnD2 MasgH Sally M'Cann Wm H Matthews Joseph M'Machen James Maxwell J L M.'Gee Samuel Manuel J oh a M'Coy James MeeloryGoo W M'Murtry David JJercer Gen C F M'Cauley John Miller Robert M'Dermot Anne H Mrs Miller Samuel 2 M'Call John Moore Yelverloo M'Murtrv Dr Jbsenb Moore Capt John W 3 M'Donald Miss CM Mooro John M'Clain Andrew Moore Lewis H' M'Murry Prudence Monroe George 2 ) M'Neel Tiltou Morrison Thomas M'Quilkin Robert Mussleman John N Nelson Jamei 2 Nailor Mrs Agness Neilson Philip II . O Oglesby Samuel Onan John O'Harra Charlus Olin Rev Stephen Oldham Samuel Osburn Hamson W P Patterson Samuel M2 Parker J.nipes M2 Patterson MissBotsy PratheflMiss Mary J Patterson James Patrick Geo M Parker John Payne Col Henry C 2 Payne Daniel Mc Paul Michael Palmer Francis F Parnsh Dr George II Psvtnn rinmnel Benin. Victor (circus) 3 (Prince Mr Pollen II recli non james 11 - roiueiu PriceJohn ' Poindextcr Peter D Pitcher Ezekiel , Points N S" Co Prichctt W 2 Tower John Philips Joseph M Proctor George Pigg Lewis Province Dr Tli3r1 TVathaniel PnrkinsUta2 rowell Wm C rlunnkttte l'anny u wrs Pope Leroy R Rannesque C S4 Hiley Ninion Rankin bamuel Rogers Thos H wff - ' Ray Logan Roberts Eiua Mft uankin Reuben Rogers Jefferon Mintugh Jease.caro-Re- Bothers Mr Rankin K Ryle James Reynolds Jesse ' Rnkey Sarah Mrs Reomojid Charles i - R'usk Rgbert Redden John - Ruckpr Rev James Reid Stephen H Buckel Henry 2 Riteliey bamuel RuckerAhnied Richardson Sam Q 2 Runyon John Rice John Rummctts Alfred. S Sabine A N Simmons Solomon '1 Sadler Win Sidner George P Sparke Wm Henry Strepling Samuel Satchwell'TheophoIis R Spears Charles C Shaw John Sprowle Alex Stevenson Edith Scrogin Miss Julian Stewart Ann Mrs bhoit Dr Charles W Semple Gilbert Schooler Lewis Stepp Win Scott Samuel 2 ShenfTe of Fayette Shoemaker Ransome buyers Wm Somerlty Dr Rufus Simmons Miss Martha Shy James SmithClement Surgett James 2 T Tague Miss Elizabeth Trainman Leonard tillinghast Daniel H Tonev Wm A2 Tayler J ohn Tonty Jane Mrs 1 harp Jacob A Tolard John Templeton Henry Turner Nelson Tcmlmson Elizabeth Taylor James Thompson Asa True Jame 4 I owls Ihoinas 'Tyler Isaac H. rhompson Jouei U & V Usher David Vertner Datjiel Veale Dory . Van Wickle Stephen ' Velandingham George W V haley Benj Willis Kemp P Wasson Samuel Winscpt Joseph Walter John Williams DO Walkce George Winn James Watkins Jobnf Williams Richard Warner Wm . Williams John D2 Wallaco Joseph S Wickes William Ward Daniel " Winn Braxton B 2 Welles Munfort Williams Hensou Wells Saml L 2 Wilsan Elijah Weaver Rebecca Wilgus Wm West James R White Joseph Welch J amts Worslev W W2 Webb Thomas WoodruffLewis 2 l " ' Wilson Hezekiah Wood Win H - AVilson Inskcep Worsley & Smith 4 . Wilson Maj Robert 2 Wyatt Richard . Y Yates Elizabeth Young Leaving Young Miss Lizy JOSEPH FICKLT.N, P. M. (t5"PeponB calling for letters in the above list will please say they are advertised. October 1, 1825. 40 3t ABM. S. 8r ELIJAH H.DRAKE, MERCUANT TAILORS, MAVE the pleasure 01 announcing to tl eru1 Ire, they have just received from Puladelphia. the FALL FASHIONS, and a geners! isortment of superior Blue, Blade, and'Vrab CLOTH'' ES and VEST PATTERN'S: leather with a good assortment of Trimmings of th best quality, all of which were carefully selected arl purchased on the best terms for cash ip hand, by their friend and Agent, a Merchant Tailor, of Phil adelpbia; and they pledge themselves to the public, that they will sell the above articles on the lowest term for Cash and their work shall be executed in the most Heat, tasty and fashionable style. Their Shopiskept-inMai- n street, a sew' doors below Mrs. Keen's Inn. 03"Two or three Journeymen wanted. October 3, 1825 f. OF CLASS IvO. 2, LOUISVILLE HEALTH & ffi 5C 38 SB T IFill take place at LouUville mlhin, TEN DAYS, Present pi ice of Tickets in Lexington, at PIKE'S OFFICE. $3 each, but Will sqon rise to $3 50. October 3, 1825. 9ni class Gram Masonic HalVX-ottwy- , BE DRAWN tbe last, ofthis month-eac- WILL THREE DOLLARS A diB.-t-o count of ten per cent, will be made these whp purchase SIX or upwards Dr.lfir from abroad fPost Paidl addressed to JAMES M. PIKE, Lexington or L ouisulle, will leceive the same promptattention as 11" personal plication vce made. 3. ' 2is is the Umerff day, my Flower." ron Loaic. 152,000 DOLLARS!" TO BE OBTAINED AT THE LOTTERY OFFICES OF 3ftnes .Ml. l'Yke, In Lexington or Lqiiiszille, By purchasing Tickets in tho MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY. Which will be drawn in Baltimore IN A FEW DYS. MADAM FORTUNE Distributes the above Splendid sums in PRIZES OF 30,000 DOLLARS!!! 10,000 DOLLARS!' 5,000 DOLLARS! &c. yc. &c. ftfyA sew Tickets ONLY remain on hand which can now be purchased Ibr $6- - on this day week they rise to SlSVErv. . October 3 1825 10-- tf. TAKEN UP, f1AKEN,upby J. S Berryman 5 miles JL west of Lexington on the versailes 11 road one Clay Rank Filley tno year? old sbaut 13 hwdshUh, with white maUi and tail lest hind soot wbite-- dark spot .n the right shoul- der a small star in her sorehead, no b.ar. apprais- ed to 18 Dollars siher. TJ PAYJfE. J. P. Copy Att. J. C. ROUES c see. Aug. ?3 182? 40 3t NOTICE. s'jnHE undersigned subscriber has a stutl FARM i which lie wisbes to rent or lease far a term of years, containing about Twenty-fiv- e or 1 hirty crcs of cleared Land, lying about 8 oules 1 j i exington, pn Curd's Hoard, m count, t .rtber particulars enquire of the subicribei hung on the premises. EDWARD "i Sept 30, 185 39 St

List IIOP FOUNDERS Jease.caro-Re- - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fvj99/data/2730.pdf · huahua, has come to this country with a letter ad ... sour hundred thousand

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Page 1: List IIOP FOUNDERS Jease.caro-Re- - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7kd50fvj99/data/2730.pdf · huahua, has come to this country with a letter ad ... sour hundred thousand











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tWk --: lVWsiiajimif;



The annexed tabic stio.vs the .number of votestaken infavorfiSf the old as well as the new court atthe last election, in 24 counties, they beiug all thaiwere mihlished jn the different newspapers, andfrom which we have copied them. We have show n

the highest number given on each side; thisstate-rnputs- o

Tajas ltgoes shows thestrength of the par-

ties in the counties named with regard to the propri-ety" of the law passed at the last session abolishing thecourt of appeals &.c; butdoes notiu our opinion in-

volve the question of relies.

4iThe editor ofthe AiguU has requested the severa)

mcmibers of the Legislature to furnish him withcorrect lists of the votes, taken in their respectivecounttasnn each side of the judge question, whichhe v. ill publish in his paper, and from which we infcpd to copy it:

The following is the list.covin- - HEW COURT

Adair,,822 2.6 J, 538

Bourbon, 1278 1Clark, 830 6 DO ,,,,336Christian, 769 J SO 419Xslil,

'352 3 335

Tayelte, 1127 980

Fleming, 1033 J.1009Frankliu, 831 900.preeue, tt&a 454 093Ilanison, Ov Ij45 6 973Henderson, 52Jessamine, q C30 516Logan,. ti 753 431

Mason, .4o'll33 887

Mercer, aao ,,. 1178Madison, 1368 oyX 593Montgomery 800 ? I X. 588Nelson, 893 2 4 769

Nicholas, &89 6 t 824Scott, 2.3 773- - 106G

Shelby, r 0 1C56 846Woodford,, 1 740 ,718wWarren, 2b 825 765

Washington, 1 v ' 1137 1006,"2.0 tJ Baltimore, October 6. ,

A deputy from the Provincial Congress of Chilhuahua, has come to this country with a letter addressed uA'ut government from the Governor ofNew Mexico, urging the United States to r.

ate with the latter power in putting an end to theIndian robberies and murders which so frequent!)take place between Missouri and Mexico. Ibisgentleman proposes to reside with us about twelvemonths, to make himself acquainted with the Laws,customs and civil inttitiitions of our country. Cbliuahtia, formerly a province in the central partofMexico, called the luleudency of l)urago,,nas nowbecome an independent state. The ofhcial papers

"bear the characteristic motto of the free, sovereignand independent state of Chihuahua. It containsby estimation one hundred and twenty-nin- e thousind, two hundred and forty-seve- n square miles, f

and its population is rated at one hundred and utty-nin- e

thousand seven hundred. Don Manuel Simon

le Escudero, the gentleman above spoken of, wasa large loser by the audacious robbery of which wenave heretofore given an account. Among othersufferers he has verified his loss, and laid in hisclaim before the Superintendant, General Clirk,who will doubtless exert all the power of his office

'flj procure complete indemnification.' " (

IIAYTI.FTom a conversation held with a fentleman re

ently arrived from J eremie, we learn that greatdiscontent existed throughout all 'Hayti, in conse-quence of the' terms of the treaty of independence

1 negotiated with France. The dissatisfaction isLgaid to have testified itself in various ways, andourijHfnformation adds that the' late arrest of persons ati

I Cape Hayli for an alleged conspiracy, originatedfrom the strong opposition evinced by individualsto the provisions 01 the treaty. 1 he non publication of the treaty in the papers of the islend, is at-

tributed to the prevailing dissatisfaction in relationto iX.Alleghaay Democrat.

A private le'tter from Leghorn, August 3d, gives

a pleasing account of the success of the Greeks un-

der Tasso, Ipsianti and Coloctrini, Sic- - IbrahimBey had demanded a capitulation, promising not tosight against the Greeks for ten years, is permitteeCo depart freely from the Morea:

Accounts from England state, that Lord Coch-

rane was preparing to go to the assistance of the

Greeks with his srigate: On that subjectlhe sol

losing article is sound in the Morning Chronicle."XV can state, on the most unquestionable au-

thority, that an arrangement has been concludedwith Lord Cochrane, by which a large sum of mo

ney is to ho immediately placed at the disposal ofIns lordship, to be expended Dy nun in whateverway he thinks most advisable or the successlul pros-

ecution of operations against the Turks. Ills lord-tlii- p

leaves town to day for Scotland, whence heWill return immediately to proceed northw ard foi

Greece. ,He will take with him steam-vesse- ls andajl sorts of material necessary for the particular sorlof warfaie he concemplates carrying on. Everyone knows that in mechanical contrivances of allsorts, bis lordship is as eminent, as he Is in the professionof which he is so distinguished an ornament

"The excitemont which the first rumor ofthisintellicence jravo yisterday on the Stock Exchangeis indescribable We can state it as certain thatone eminent Baekintr-hous- o in the Strand, yesterdaypurchased, through their Broker, 59,000. of GreekScu'p.

"Such is now the promising aspect of Greek as


The liberality of the French nation has been reoently evinced in several instances, each highly hondurable to the disposition and discernment of thatgay and gallant people. In a sew hours, a sum ofsour hundred thousand dollars was raised, in Paris,for the assistance of the Greeks. Very soon after-wards, a destructive sire took place at Salines,which consumed a vast deal of property, made a"bove

X500 persons houseless, and caused some loss oflives. On this occasion, the members ofthe KoyalFamily themsehes joined the people 111 contributingto the relies of the sufferers. We find among the

.subscribers, the Duchess and Mademoiselle of Or-

leans for 1000 francs ech. M. Lafitte gave 10,000francs; and the proceeds of a night at the Theatrede Madame were devoted to the same object.These facts do honour to the people generally.

There is no a kind feeling towards Gen.La Fayi.ttc alto, which prevails 111 France. How-

ever the public authorities may consider themselvescalled on to show a different deposition, the suffer-

ings cf the General, the romantic "Sir of chivalry

whiclrpcrvades his whole life, and the sublime an-tithesis which is exluhited in his first and last visitto this country, are of themselves calculated to

the powerful sympathies ofthe French na-

tion. We .find in the last Trench papers that some6l the admirer of the General have come forwaidwith the otTcref a gold medal, of tue value of 1000francs, for the best piece ofyeise upon bis voyageto America, his stay there, and his return home.

From the Portsmouth Journal.Is any proof were wanting of the progress of lib-

eral opinions in Europe, it might be sound in theincreased attention paid to our laws and institu-tions by intelligent foreigners. Not many yearshave passed since our institutions and their practi-cal operation wore as littl flibught of in Europe asthe jurisprudence of China.iiJ our country was asfar removed from the observation of men of scienceand taste as the South Sea ilands. Twenty yearsago, a Turk or an Arab might as readily have beensound in the United States as an accomplished

Butnow the case is far different.'Our country is traversed in eveiy direction by,Scholars and Statesmen, and even Princes fromEurope, v. ho come among us to learn upon the spotthe precise value of our political institutions.

these travellers sew are more distinguishedfor intelligence and zeal than Count Vipua of Tu-rin, who spent a short time in this town la the courseofthe last week. A man of great learning ar,d im-

proved by travel in the three other quarters of theglobe, he has come to the United Hulcs to learnevery thing that may be known of our literatureand politics. In the sew months which he has spentamong us he has collected above five hiindren volumes of American books, and he is every where proCUriUP- - whatevflr will tlirnur lirrlit Knllmnnn tlif Im- -

ry and practice of our government. When theJ reasures are removed to Europe.it is not unrea-sonable to hope that they will diffuse still wider thatknowledge of our government and laws, which iseven now producing important effects among thesubjects and neighbours ofthe Holy Alliance.

Colombia. Caraccas papers to August 24th,received at Boston, state the passage ot a law bythe Congress of Colombia, appropriating $1,000,000 to be loaned to agriculturist, in sums of 1,000to g6,000, at an interest of six percent, to be re-

paid in 15 years, Application was it will bemade by lha Colombian Minister to

the United States' Bank for a similar loan Thatapplication having sailed the Congress ofthe re-

public very properly themselves loaned the mon-ey to their farmers. General Santanderis again

lacandidate for Vice President ofthe republic.He has several rival candidates. J. J. Olmedo,a native ofGuayaquil, has been appointed Minister Plenipotentiary fiom tlie Peruvian iepublictoureat lintain.

The.question has occured as to whether themilitary have a right to vote in the election forcivil olticers. The qualifications of voteis in theConstitution are 1st. to be a Colombian. 2d. Tobe married, or 21 years of age. 3d. To readand write, (this is not to be insisted on till theyear 1840.) 4th. To be master of a landed prop-eit-y

of the value ofglOO, or to be in the exerciseof uny independent office or calling, other thanas a workman or servant. The question seemseasily to be settled; for is the soldier possesses thestateid qualifications, he is entitled to vote.

Test of Vaccination. When a person has beenvaccinated on one arm, the opperater should vac-cinate the other arm, with matter taken ffomthe first. Is the first vaccination has been per-fect, the pustules on both arms will grow to ahead, at precisely the saioe time; and is this doesnot take place, the system has not been propclyaffected, and the viccination ought to bo repeat-ed. This simple test, first brought into noticeby Dr. Bruce, of Edinburgh, ought never to beneglected.

WATEIt HAUL;'The State Treasury ofConnecttcut has been en-

tered by rjbbers.dnd plundered of one dollar andforty-eig- centi. The robberk lest behind them alarge crowbaty iron wedge, clus'3els, two lamps,and a tinderbo!'! Which was the gainer in thistransaction the thief, or the staytel Allegheny De.

Lexington Brewery.rjTlHE subscribers having rented the above estab-J- L

Ii'shment for a term of years, will be ready in asew days tu supply this Town and the neighboringTown9 with

T,.1 T I

jjl uitui, J3ut;r etnaJL&Pr ALE

LyH of superior quality & M&zZtSff

!S 3 at rerlurrri nrir.es: orms&w&sm lers from the country 83? 2xHSdirected 10 luu BREWERY through the l'osi-omc- c

will be attended to.CASH paid for Barley oa Delivery


MONTMOLL1N & DONOHOO.October 20, 1825N. B. All letters must be post paid:

PUBLIC SALE.WILL be sold to'the highest bidder on the 28tb

month, at the residence of the subscnber sour miles from Lexington on the Lees-tow- n

road to Frankfort.sxn HORSES, CATTLE

fi&IZstf SHEEP and 150 headCrW of HOGS, thirty or i. IS!ty of which are sat, theothers are stock hogs. A first late silver mountedrifle, with other articles.

Nine months credit will be given for all sumsfive dollars the purchaser giving bond with

approved security, and all under five cash in hand.Terms of the sale Gold or Silver, sale to com-

mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. where due attentionwill be given by the subscriber.

JAMES W. IIENDERSOEf.Fayette co October 7, 1825 40-- 3t '


"XISTUO can come well recommended in point of. , .WW .1 - ,ir-.j- ij A JTf moral ana science at iuu 11 uwmuu awu-em- v,

near the Republican Meeting-Hous- enquire0r THE EDITOR.

October 14th, 1825 41-- 3t.

NOTICE.nnHE subsjjibcrs; commissioners, appointed byJL the county court of Fayette, for rebuilding

the Bridecacross South-Elkhor- at Mr John Parker's Mill, will, on Wednesday the 26th of October(inst.) let the rebuilding said bridge to the lowestbidder, tlie tinaeriauer iu ciuei unu a kikicu mu-tra-

with the commissioners, with security for theperformance. Further particulars to he madekaown at the tune of letting.


FRED. WALTZ. )Oct 14, 1825 41-2- w


wi. iFDfticommei ced the above business 111 all itsTjranthHAS opposite the upper end; ofthe Upper ilarke.1,

where tie is redy to nuke all kinds of

Brass & licou CasWnsOn the shortest notice, and on the most reasonableterms.

CASH will be given for OLD COPPER, BPvASS,PEW !ER, and IKON.

Lexington, Oct. 14, 1825. 41-- ly

NOTICE.THE undersigned having administered on the

of Zachariah Caseman, do hereby for- -

warn all persons from receiving any money due tosaid Zachenah or any kind of his clothing, papers,or other property that was in his Trunk on Boardthe Steam Boat PoU Boy when said Boat bunk atthe lower end of New Orleans.

FREDERICK W. CASEMAN. ,1dm.Jessamine County. Oct. 14th 1825 41-- 3t.

Fayette County.nPAKEN up by John Casnon oneJL Iron Gray marc 17 or 18 years old

o.P tresv about 14 hands high the lest eye out ap

xmW praiseu 10 j niriy ijoiiarb iu vuiumon- -

wealth rjaner before me thisllthdava&3ssg5f of July 1025.SAMUEL BLAIR. J. P.

Oct 14th 1825. 41-- 31

State of Kentucky,Fayette Circuit Court September Tcrio 1825.Louisa Moore Comp't. 1

against " In Chancery.Thomas Mooro Deft. ) ,,

finHIS day.came the Complainantbv hcrCounselJL and it appearing to the satisfaction of tlicj

Court, that tho Defendant is. not an Inhabitant ofithis Commonwealth, and he having sailed to euterjhis appearance agreeably to law and tne rules of.,

this Court, Oa the motion of the Complainant, it iS

ordered that unless the said Defendant, do appearhere on or before the firstday ofthe next FebruaryTerm of this Court, aud answer the Complainants!bill (which prajs for a divorce) the same will be taken as confessed against him; and it is further or- -'

dered thae a Copy of this order be inserted in someauthorized public News Paper published in thisCommonwealth for two mouths successively according to law. , t

A Copy Teste,A.GARRETT, d. c. f. e.g.

Oct. 14th 1825 41-- 9w , -

COTTON X&RXS,ARRANTED of a Superior quality, at veryReduced prices, viz:

Five hundred, at 20 cents specie,Six hundred, and all over, at 16 2- -3 specie,

May be had at the Stores of Mr. John W. HuntJMessrs. Pritcuartt & Robinson, Dr. E. Warfield,or at the cotton store of Postlewait, Braui.& Co.

Lexington, Oct. 14th 1825 41-- tf.

. YY5MAO SMitt,Y virtue of a Decree ofthe Fayette Circuity Court, I shall proceed to sell at public sale on a

credit of twelve, eighteen and twenty-fourmont-

the puichaser giving bond & seciltity, to have thefoice and effect of a replevin bond, payable in goldor silver," That valuable.- -

LOT OF GROUND,Lying on Mam Cross and Second streets in Lex-ington bomg the laud lying between January's RopeWalk and the first Presbyterian Church. This is abecutiful and very valuable Lot, having a front onMain Cross Street of upwards ofthree hundred andforty-on- e feet, and a front on Second Street of sourhundred & thirty-fiv- e feet or so much thereof as willamount to the sum of 4000 with interest from tliejW. aay 01 juiy mzn, until paiu, wun cosis 01 suu.the Lot will be subdivided in such a manner as;

will best suit purchasers. The sale will commenceon the premises on Saturday, the nineteenth day ofNovember next, between the hours of two and three!o'clock in the afternoon.

DAN. BRADFORD CWrLexington, October 13, 1825 11-- lm.

NOTICE.A 11 persons are hereby cautioned against purclias- -

xjo.iu(jr lauiiig au afMguirieui or a uuie given uyme to John Miller of Georgetown for Fifty dollarsCommonwealth paper, dated 1822 as I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law.

ROBERT BRECKINRIDGE.Fayette, county, Sep. 1825 St.-50- ct.

CAUTION.THIS is to forwarm any person from trading with,

r crediting1 my wise Margaret Delauy on my accounts I am determined to pay nodebis of her contrscluyM

EDWARD OELANV.Sept 30, 1825 39 3t

A List of Letters,

REMAINING in the Post Office at Niololasiille Kywhich ifnottakeu out in three mom lis

u ill be sent to the General PonCffice as dtad letters.nder'oi) Catharine M'Carley Moses

A' well Saiiulel Moore John 2Bryant Edmoud Mas on GeorgeBourne Moses Msrguart Mrs ElizabethBaxter Gesman Monroe GLorge JJ s 'Uiakeman Aaron Marrs Joints

reath Jacob Nornl; J niesClaik James 2 Nane PeterCanvey Jacob 2 Organ WilliamDickenson Elizabeth Ptrkins WilliamDavenport DortCha'M Philips Elizabeth '

Ducrson Thomas 2 Povwl JohnDunn Alex Quinby EphriimDemus John Quinby Geu & EphraimDaniel Harrison Reed JohnFunk Peter Rollins benjaminFarrow Rev Joseph D Sechreu Willhm ,Foster Mrs Leanucr Sincldr DuncjiiKorbus Joseph Sheriff of J.;ssaniineGarrett Edmond Stecvns WilliamHawkinjJohn Smith AllenHan-i- s Rev Nathaniel S Turnham JoelHightoaer Capt Joshua Thruston Miss Lucy AnnHenderson Dr John M Tompkins. JohnHemphill Andrew 2 VawtefjesseeHughes Elrza M Wise JamesHoward Thompson Watts John C(looser John 2 Wherritt HaHollowly Sam F 2 Willoughby Alex 2Jacobs Mr Woodson Samuel II 2Irvine Robert Walter ThomasJanuary Peter M Welch Geo PJackson Mrs Thomas Woodward CharlesKearly Henry 2 Withey PeterSlilvain Lowry Write JamesLesueur Mrs Susannah Wake AmbroseMiller Mis6 Sarah Walker Joseph W

ARCH1UALD YOUNG, V. M.October 1, 1825 40-- 3t

Apprentices Wanted,npWO or three Apprentice noys willjs. De laKtn 10 me uauinp Business; ap

ply to Jolin Steele at mi finishing blK.pMain Street Lexinp-to- nr at his Fflr.lnn

six miles West of Lexipgton- -

Sept. 30th 1825-30- -3t,

A List of Letters,rn,the.Post-0Bc- eOEM-AIN-IN- at Lexington

S.V, Ey Octoberti825, wh:chi'f not takeifoutin three months will bVsent to the General PostUilice as dead latiirs.

4t AAnderson R C, 2 CvTfrci Granville CAdams Wm a - - ?guu "Wfii jrAtkinson John ,AHen Wm jrAtchison David R Atchison HamiltonAtchison John Alhertie John C IIw BBascom Samuel A Beard W Alirashear Cliarlcs W Beard JohnBJHucher Wm Bell William - "

Bjair Miss Malinda Bell Dai idRates Martin L Bud RichardBayley Win Brown Willis E 2Ban ion Win T 2 BrowningBacon Dinah Browning ZadockBarrett Charlct Boswell JohnBaxter Thomas Brookhanks JohnBaker JamebT Brown E.ekiel 2Barnes John A Boughn Alex.Barker Charles Burke Win 2Baker Elizabeth Mrs Burtin JohnBoatman Edward Buford Milton.Beaty Robert Burne WmBennett Joseph W Bryant DavidBrenton James Bryant James 2Berry Maj Benj Bryan EnochBrenough Capt George Bryan Littleton ,Bpney Dr Daniel

cCrittendon Tho T Campbell ArchibaldChnsman Jeff . Campbell Daniel A 2Chesley J II Campbell Sarah MChnstal John Clark EnochCarpenter Wm Clutter WmCarrington John B Culbertson JamesCarter John B Coil DavidClarke Lewis Conelly John rCaldwell Eliza II Miss Clowere Stephen 2Chamber Mrs Nancy """Coburne Samuels 4

Clarke James Calou SamuelCravens James D Collins Tlios 2Crawley Widow Catb'ne Cooper CharlesClay Abraham. Cobbe RichardClayton Rachacl Cunningham M Si SonCarrington Jona Chew SamuelChambers Wm sr Creatb Rev Jacob 2Carter Nancy Camack Mrs MaryCaldwell Sevilia 2 Coolemaii Miss Mary A.Clerk Fayette Circuit Court 7

DDavenport Maj Henry Dickinson Col WmfDavis Miss Florida AnneDarnaby Geo WDavis James E 2 Dulen Mrs ElizabethDavison Miss Sevilia 3 Dorsey Miss ElizabethDavis Noble Dixou WmDavis Nathanied Dunwoody Mrs NancyDeloche Redden C 3 Dimirid Joseph- -

Dickerson Thos I Downic MrE

Edinton Miss Eliza Editor MonitorEliott Benj Echels JosephusElliott Wm Eades James


TordinJohn Foster Miss CarolineFowler Elijah Fultz SamuelFreehrig J II

. 0 .

Guilliene Matthew Grimes W CGardner Mrs Eliza Gregg JamesGodwin Robert ,, ;' Gilbert JohnGray Mary C Gatewood LarkiuGarland Saml M Graves WmGrason Benj Graves John CGraham Samuel - Gibbons vl'hosGregg Renjamin ,. - Goodwin Loyd KGray George 2 1' Gregg IIGnnstead Nathan Graves Hariet

IIHart Joanna Mrs Henly Osborne i

HcnsotiMr Henry Oliver CHalley H H Hickcy JaneHannaWm Hill SallyHawkins Elizabeth Hodges DanielHarris W W 2 Holt Capt DavidHathaway Cap John Homer WmHarris Thumas Hodg Sally A MissHaley Johnson Holmes Wm IIHarris Edward HolmesRobertHayne Isaac W Hope GerraldHardin Geo W 2 " Iludgins CareyHammond T Hutchans WmHanna James Hubbard EppaHart Oliver Hudson John 3 'dart Levi Hurst JohnHart John Hutchinson JanaHart Thos M

James D II Jones JohnK

Kenedy Richard Kindred JamesKelley James Kcrnaird Joseph 2Kint John Kelley JamesKenedy James Keatley PhillipKenedy Henry A

LLewis Mrs Jane 2 Lee Thos LLittle Mrs Catharine Lemcn Miss ElizaLinley Joseph Lozier NicholasLindsay Rev Marcus S Liter HenryLowry Capt John Lawsp,n, RichardLong Wm Long,George' (MMarsh Elizabeth Mrs Muldrow G TMarker Frederick Murry MrMalory Samuel Murphy JMancrEapha M'GillJohnD2MasgH Sally M'Cann Wm H

Matthews Joseph M'Machen JamesMaxwell J L M.'Gee SamuelManuel J oh a M'Coy JamesMeeloryGoo W M'Murtry DavidJJercer Gen C F M'Cauley JohnMiller Robert M'Dermot Anne H MrsMiller Samuel 2 M'Call JohnMoore Yelverloo M'Murtrv Dr JbsenbMoore Capt John W 3 M'Donald Miss C M

Mooro John M'Clain AndrewMoore Lewis H' M'Murry PrudenceMonroe George 2 ) M'Neel TiltouMorrison Thomas M'Quilkin RobertMussleman John

NNelson Jamei 2 Nailor Mrs AgnessNeilson Philip II

. OOglesby Samuel Onan JohnO'Harra Charlus Olin Rev StephenOldham Samuel Osburn Hamson W

PPatterson Samuel M 2 Parker J.nipes M 2

Patterson MissBotsy PratheflMiss Mary JPatterson James Patrick Geo M

Parker John Payne Col Henry C 2Payne Daniel Mc Paul MichaelPalmer Francis F Parnsh Dr George IIPsvtnn rinmnel Benin. Victor (circus) 3

(Prince Mr Pollen IIrecli non james 11 - roiueiuPriceJohn

' Poindextcr Peter D

Pitcher Ezekiel , Points N S" CoPrichctt W 2 Tower JohnPhilips Joseph M Proctor GeorgePigg Lewis Province DrTli3r1 TVathaniel PnrkinsUta2rowell Wm C rlunnkttte l'anny u wrsPope Leroy

RRannesque C S 4 Hiley NinionRankin bamuel Rogers Thos H

wff -

' Ray Logan Roberts Eiua Mftuankin Reuben Rogers JefferonMintugh Jease.caro-Re- Bothers Mr

Rankin K

Ryle JamesReynolds Jesse ' Rnkey Sarah MrsReomojid Charles i - R'usk RgbertRedden John - Ruckpr Rev JamesReid Stephen H Buckel Henry 2Riteliey bamuel RuckerAhniedRichardson Sam Q 2 Runyon JohnRice John Rummctts Alfred.

SSabine A N Simmons Solomon '1

Sadler Win Sidner George PSparke Wm Henry Strepling SamuelSatchwell'TheophoIis R Spears Charles CShaw John Sprowle AlexStevenson Edith Scrogin Miss JulianStewart Ann Mrs bhoit Dr Charles WSemple Gilbert Schooler LewisStepp Win Scott Samuel 2ShenfTe of Fayette Shoemaker Ransomebuyers Wm Somerlty Dr RufusSimmons Miss Martha Shy JamesSmithClement Surgett James 2

TTague Miss Elizabeth Trainman Leonardtillinghast Daniel H Tonev Wm A 2Tayler J ohn Tonty Jane Mrs1 harp Jacob A Tolard JohnTempleton Henry Turner NelsonTcmlmson Elizabeth Taylor JamesThompson Asa True Jame 4I owls Ihoinas 'Tyler Isaac H.rhompson Jouei

U & VUsher David Vertner DatjielVeale Dory . Van Wickle Stephen 'Velandingham George

WV haley Benj Willis Kemp P

Wasson Samuel Winscpt JosephWalter John Williams D OWalkce George Winn JamesWatkins Jobnf Williams RichardWarner Wm . Williams John D 2Wallaco Joseph S Wickes WilliamWard Daniel " Winn Braxton B 2Welles Munfort Williams HensouWells Saml L 2 Wilsan ElijahWeaver Rebecca Wilgus WmWest James R White JosephWelch J amts Worslev W W 2Webb Thomas WoodruffLewis 2 l "

'Wilson Hezekiah Wood Win H -

AVilson Inskcep Worsley & Smith 4 .

Wilson Maj Robert 2 Wyatt Richard .

YYates Elizabeth Young LeavingYoung Miss Lizy

JOSEPH FICKLT.N, P. M.(t5"PeponB calling for letters in the above list

will please say they are advertised.October 1, 1825. 40 3t


MAVE the pleasure 01 announcing to tl eru1 Ire,they have just received from Puladelphia.

the FALL FASHIONS, and a geners! isortmentof superior Blue, Blade, and'Vrab CLOTH'' ES

and VEST PATTERN'S: leatherwith a good assortment of Trimmings of th bestquality, all of which were carefully selected arlpurchased on the best terms for cash ip hand, bytheir friend and Agent, a Merchant Tailor, of Philadelpbia; and they pledge themselves to the public,that they will sell the above articles on the lowestterm for Cash and their work shall be executedin the most Heat, tasty and fashionable style. TheirShopiskept-inMai- n street, a sew' doors below Mrs.Keen's Inn.

03"Two or three Journeymen wanted.October 3, 1825 f.


& ffi 5C 38 SB TIFill take place at LouUville mlhin,

TEN DAYS,Present pi ice of Tickets in Lexington, at

PIKE'S OFFICE.$3 each, but Will sqon rise to $3 50.

October 3, 1825.

9ni classGram Masonic HalVX-ottwy- ,

BE DRAWN tbe last, ofthis month-eac-


count of ten per cent, will be made these whppurchase SIX or upwards

Dr.lfir from abroad fPost Paidl addressed toJAMES M. PIKE, Lexington or L ouisulle, willleceive the same promptattention as 11" personalplication vce made.


' 2is is the Umerff day, my Flower."ron Loaic.


LOTTERY OFFICES OF3ftnes .Ml. l'Yke,

In Lexington or Lqiiiszille,

By purchasing Tickets in tho

MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY.Which will be drawn in Baltimore


Distributes the above Splendid sums inPRIZES OF

30,000 DOLLARS!!!10,000 DOLLARS!'5,000 DOLLARS! &c. yc. &c.

ftfyA sew Tickets ONLY remain on hand whichcan now be purchased Ibr $6-- on this day weekthey rise to SlSVErv. .

October 3 1825 10-- tf.

TAKEN UP,f1AKEN,upby J. S Berryman 5 milesJL west of Lexington on the versailes11 road one Clay Rank Filley tno year? old

sbaut 13 hwdshUh, with white maUi andtail lest hind soot wbite-- dark spot .n the right shoul-

der a small star in her sorehead, no b.ar. apprais-ed to 18 Dollars siher.

T J PAYJfE. J. P.Copy Att. J. C. ROUES c see.

Aug. ?3 182? 40 3t

NOTICE.s'jnHE undersigned subscriber has a stutl FARM

i which lie wisbes to rent or lease far a term ofyears, containing about

Twenty-fiv- e or 1 hirty crcsof cleared Land, lying about 8 oules 1 j i exington,pn Curd's Hoard, m count, t .rtberparticulars enquire of the subicribei hung on thepremises.


Sept 30, 185 39 St