list of popes and umenical councils

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  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils



    . .ThT3 havgbeen wenty-{ine cume ical ouncils ecognizedy thecatholicchurc}r.Each r:unciltlris ablewith rhevearor years* which t washercl nda"irrief urnrnary f ts m*st impcnant ear.hilv'r' \/'| J'!oD tlr wrrrlrt rr was rlc,lf.l no a Dnel surnmary of lts nl$st imponant tear.lriqro.decrees' separate entries on all t-lernty-onecounciJs *.g., "Nicaea, First council of i apiear eisewherei*&encyclopedia,l$rough ornendividua!counclls re niluded n c.lusteredntries,.e., i, nn, ureranand he ourcouncils fConstantinople.

    {..i 4Ei\i I C A L C{) L.rNC t. S

    l. FIRST C{}LINCTt tlF l , l rCAEA3*5


    3. C[}L. ic: t ot s HPFiESUS43r


    4, COi.rNcIr" fl F clrALcEooF[45 1

    5. SECONS CrlUlJcIt oF csFlsTr,NTIrSOpLf)} J

    TH '&I)68o-Slcoulic lL Ot s C()Ns rANTlNtls[ .8

    7,5E(:{)ND COUNCIL OF NrCAt",1,78 7

    f0uaTr.{cr lut{cILl l f cf} .rr$?.ANTiNOpt.$,,E59-:ri.

    Th* eouncil aughtagainstAriani.,;nhat$uthesame ivine ubstance{lc,Father.rianisrn eld hat fue onscreatures,utncthimself ivinr.Thecouncilttified he eachingftireirurCoutcil ofNicaeaand ccndemnedwhich eld hatChrisrrasuilr,lis;Deur;ulh$hurnan, ince e a&ecl huma.rpirit.Constattinopolitan Creed eciled tridayrist s raditionallysoociatidirh hi* luncilThecouncil ondernnedest*rianisnr,"-hiclWlhat hereare uo person.s;nLhfist,onehunan.As such,h{aty s themoiierolnot the Motherof Gr:d.Theci-rui:cilffirrnrdisai.o heMorhcr fGod {Jk.,Christ there s only onr divire Ferson.r necouncil ondemnedMoriophrril,:n,that n Christ heresonlyone livirii:atun,TkClrakedoniane$nitionaughau int'rsanaturcs, onedivifle andsnecallyunitrd in onedivinepelsaaTtede$nftfutremains the doctrinal frarnsdod{ fcrChritociay.hl cnler to placate hethe nstigqlionftheemp*roruslinian,thc 1rree haptersfTheodoretodoret,nd bas :fLdrua,onfl , r ! i l . . . , . , , . . , . , , : t .-r -: - - .'' j -: ": v '1 ... .

    Thecoulil conclemned{anstircliri

    pi l l3T tA f EfLAtJ C(}t iNc!LI ' i J

    58Ci } I {D L.dTNNAN COUNCII,i l3S

    I I I I f ,O TATERAN COUNCILi l7*'l

    Fov*yi l rarEnarc ccrLrNcrI:115

    FS T gALINC!I- OS t .!rolt . t$."*5

    B[C$\i11 ct)gNcrr- oF LY{)NS1X7that n Christ there s onlyonedivinewilltwo wills, onedivine andonehurnan.talsaPopeHonoriusasa Monothelitr.

    '11ecouncilcondemne.dconoclxm,opposeri the useof icoils and$,{h*r nrasesrxcaland'levotionalurposes.lra.0+nrilis$* HCIL OF VIFNNSg*ishe"dretweenhevenerationlr*t s r I - t tsuchmagesnd heworshipfih., aria}dulbelongso60dalone.r'

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    .S C IJ M [I KtrCA:t CO UN C I LS

    hurch.Each runcil s isted*nros; mportanr eachilgs rf' ) appei:rrlsewheren the ,l.e., he iveLateranounci.jc

    -gainst ian snr lrat heSoncoifik., fu:rr,._,rsio-")l th rheld that the $on is the greatest f :,:rhimself lvirre. rhe eaclr ingl 'r : :eFirstnd ccncJerrned p*llinrriunbm,,ii

    "a. , lli) tliv!nr burn0: uiiv led a hr: la: i spir i t . -h e, l icei :e*Creede. q:,,trJ.iy"r rhc lucLa.sst' tated ir ir i i i ,c,:uncil.lsstcrianisffr, rhichhellpersons * {lhrist, itnedivineard.4ary s themorlier f ChtGld. T'lre ouncil lmtof 6od (Ck, ffta*li:,{ios}, eca*sdon edivinepcr ian.{anop}rysirisrn,wl:ich

    s cniy onedivine ature,Th*.-l.rl. ruy,hrlrai n Jhr ist herear*nd onehuman,hypostati_div i .n. , f t r rson.hc, lefrni t ioni r r t l i i i i t i r i t !{ r_,1 ii . 1 i } l t_tl } tS| tJlugy

    he &l:nnr:hysitcs,hecounril,slenrperorustinirn,l T'heodorcf {opsuestia,hoan.i bas f f,dess.r,n Jrcroruxhl lonr. . I*4unuthelitism,vhiclrsonlyonedir.inewill ratherndone uman.t also

    a Mon*theli{e.c*Focl&sm,u movsmenli rconl rnd otl:.,1 rn.rgrser r{fposes. he :cuncil listin-

    venuafiorl ffiflf ;se rorship ijk., JrrIr.ra)hut

    i !n ' ;n I$ c{}ui \cI L OF CONSTA f.i1.I1{Op I" E'!dq- ; '6


    $. t iol{D Lr tTE RA it co vN c I x_, t i l l

    T{ 'k* i " i .TERr\ N C{ ) [Jt_l r Li l7$

    I ,ATERA},I C{,UI"iCTL

    Tfois ol.l;lcii} .,rithosr erllowingt arenctrecrgnizedby heLastern }:thodoxc-hurc!*es,onstantinopleVuph*ld heR*n"un ynod'snrdemnationfFholius,parriarch f {)onst*ntinople,andlsoe$t$hlishedheurderofprecet3encer*ong $tridrchate$;arne,on_stantinople,.fu{iandria,Antioih, nd erusalem,The ,rsiecurneni*alnuncilhddcr heWest.Iton-frrmeci$r Csirc*rdatfWoy*'ls,whichlrrJedhe{ox}rlor/rrsye.setrdingar nvestiturg.e.,hepracticeof gayrul*rs,defurminingappolntnrcntsaecclesiasti-

    - cen {.Ir*s.The o'.rlii] :e t ollorvingn igJrt_yearchism_hathad ake'a lacxatthe imeofFop*,nnoeqntl,selec_

    , tir:rn" n aaiip*rre,A*acletul l, raas lected t hesemeime.Lip{ur"{.naderus,streath,hecr:uncilamrulled l"lrf hisandhis ollorro*rs,ecisions,cts,anrior.diaatiics.'-Thecoulcil e*deda schisrn reatetly heelection*f-ana*tipoir*,supported ytheenrperor.navoid' 6rrureprobl*nns f rlrisscrt,hdcer*d thata wo-thir-dsmajorh,rd eardinalsa* rwcessaryor heelectionof a popeamlerhat ill appliesoday.Yhe noct rnprtan of theLaera:nouncils,tde*eedthataii f^ath*trics ust treive hdsacramentof Penancet &ru:toacea year,efine.dheEuaharistin ternrsof raosubsr*ntiatiao,rohibitrd he ounda_tion oi *ewn*igirus orders, *d equired ews nclMuslims o weerdistinct.iveress.r rie Ldull:ll H,r..i ntjfil hryPopr innocent lV r0 dealrcith he Svex\rrndriof the tru:sh,:ire urmural. livesaf theclergtand aithfutr,bedanger oseclytheSaracens,therrr:klchisra"he nvasionfHun-garyby t*r Tarran,and he hrealt etweenheCli,rrchandSmpenrr rederickI, wlmrnhecouncil.orniallvciepose.r..{ttendedysome.ofhegrratdsNguresn nrerljevalChriste*dorn*4." .tibertul &{agerx,onavcnture},thecowrcilde$ned redouble-proeessionf the "l{,bf

    r $, Spiritt'romtheParherandthe$nx{Lat",Fllicque)' a*d forgedas}*rt-lived rrnio*b*glveenrrrnend heGreekChurch.Tlrornas quinimi*den oute * thecou:rcil.Underpessure rt*n theFren&hing;philip IV, he{ouncil cssdeml}erl re Knighrs *mpiar, howsrebeingacmrcdo{lmreryend mnnnsaliry:y hose,includi*gPhilip, rhoepvetedh*irw*rlth. he

    c(}u l ic lL ${ r LY|JNS

    IL OF-l.t



  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    :.,d-qtearffi sd!bJE!S1!,,iiaE;tli?

    EC U M Ali I C A L Cr-) Li Int i l {s

    CO{.INCtt {f F C(}NS TA},lCPr /+14-rE

    C O U lir C t L - {) I: - ts A S E L - $ Ii Il R ii, & A - F I"$ R n* C E -R O l,,t F,143 -*45

    FiF H LA'T gR AN {:O{,J}'ICI T,r51r*r7

    1r). coul lcrL $F TRr. !qfrs45*4t , i551-5c, 156:*63

    1t}, FtI ts"f v.4.TrcAN c0trNcrI"r869- I0

    I i t rCOND 1'ATIC,TN COUNCI LL962-65

    council lss ecidedn arorofthe0bsffvan{e f poverly.The cailncil r,ras alled o end he ircatSchism,nvolvinghree eparatepapal hrone.t deposedoh nKtlllXIIi, receivedireabdicationfGregory*lutted a cnnclaven rthichMartirVw;sThis councilmet n lbur difJerantitirslistsdonot nclucleasel.The hieflouncilwaseuniorrith hrCr",:'xfireeks, ageror testern elp gainstthtacceptedhe Latin fcrrmulationsn hrEucharist, mgatory, nil papal rimaqrlirrks capturedConstantinoplenapart.

    gious reedom,nd he av ingctivityoitlrc Chnrch.

    ce{irficil, an a$srmbly 6k.,) of reuresentativesronr th

    or fronl snecificdrurches i.rr orisiannraking regerdingec.lesiaI councils,vhich epresentaredistingLrishedronr the differcouncils trfierr alledsynod

    hal, plenari', i'rimatial, regio

    Easie:T'heure ningof ccrcorrectly nly within thc frtomprehensiveheology f tlreChur, thc Churclr tself (Ck., eliklit o call ogetirer") s the conlprc h(corit:iiium,ronr 1.;rt^,rrn6r.lldre

    of the believing eople, alled nForhis rasorr"h* Chr.rrchtseil'caprofoundlreological ense he "e

    The ouncil eclarednvalidhe ecreesrf forrnedn responseo the divincilofFisa1409), hich epo:r:dvo follorvshat lre vholeCilurchas hpapalhrone uringiheGrcat uftrelievingrripieh;rsa conipleteeleced hcqrtipolc 41ernrjcr1rn.C (collegial) trr,ictLiie, lact thth eif 'c ndstructurrs f iocal hui'ry he French lergy n 1,138,sserring i l l ]0 Glfrc(: Ics)) l l i l l i {r! l ; . l l al i l i l t - i lesChr,rch.clence fihe French hurch rorn apalorid lieht$l this consideraticn,an e'lhecouncil as eld o addnlsh. in heorriinary ense,'i.e.,ne ortoa"hurnan onvc*kingi'carredtv tbe Froteotant Eformatian.teveryn4iorsp+ctfCatlrolic ion of the ecurnenicalcolintraditicn, the Lhurch! teachi in responseo thedivine convokiwtifi caticn, nd hesacr h.Thus cauncils not heoEucharist"ts rnnst mportant concentrated,rpresentationfestablishedeminariesr,r he raurinsf practices,.g.,he iturgy, specreDrrsentheChurch n otherwaThe council aughtpapalprinrac,vthe rumprehensiveeprresenta.ton, comprity overall otherbishops ndovel he ns and constitr.rency,esigan dpapal nfailibility thcpope*error ndefi ingmatters f aith :rdtaueht hat aith sconsi,;Tentit L Represerttatioriteansncl nrerereasons lhiminedry aith,hereby to "take lre pin':eof" 'rnembotb rationali,;monly rrason an thecouirciialsorepresentshe

    as nexpressionf it. Tirr: irstCnd ideisrnonly aith an stairlishruth)An exceptirn n the historyafecunnenkal ,,,, bout hristian ouncilsexpressthiscouricilwasnotcailed ocomtnt theological irdr:rstanding flocus f representalioil:Therewithdisciplinaryroblems.rtwas 6reek;:ndsat definite places ho[ahnXXIII to update he Church nd al l churcles, t which importanttiremodern orll. tsmain rnphases,iennnrenewal nd eforrnof the ituLgl hr oh ffnfflally reated nd aiso the fepleChristianitys expressedn a reveecumenrsnl,he rnleof tlreChurchn (Tertuliian e.Fcttt lCancerningorder,he ollegialityrf ishopsndhe

    Since he eally Church, he id

    limitedo,consultation nd ciecisiolinghegovernancend'fr-lrmation

    though n different orrns,n

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    *i:. , ,. .:,: ; E il:it&fti:r#lfli1;a4ry,.g r . r:ng , r + , -+; ,: r::f4i'.$,ii

    Kfinm$s*qpfffmp#s.s.*er/n'oQgli,PSgeLSLHf;I}ftH$,&{&ffru$N_gruHeffiE.' l. $LF.dm3?-S?i2. $elimle{$T'?6}3. $LAry+$l*effiJflI$f$s3?s-se}4" St..1]leruess-lSB-g'r)s. $t.Hysffiptus9?-XS5}6. St.Ajexa{LfuJtfis-i )7 $r.Sjs,effiJt}$-I?s}Ats$ n$edyu&us8. Sr-Teteel$s$s?5-l3s)e. $!-3lysge*s136-i4*}I0. $t. ius i4';-i55) iri {

    1 .,q1,.AfiiSs{..HSi155-3t{t}I?.$!-SgM {1q5d}-1?S}q i3,-SLElsu$.fusqx.uu1?5-1tr9}14. Sl-Ylstor-ll Sg-199)15.S!.4quhgl{rsste9-217;" 16"$LsslljsffiJ{2I?-??} ldlleruqms rhs ollo'winghrq,s ffis wercopps$sc{ysi,Hipsqlytlessimfis (zt?"A3sj1z I+ryMl1H?_19]r8"st*flwta.h23s-35)1S" t,_*sruafi35-36i?0sLF'Iissi:c-sc}':l "Ss-"-essffilius51-53)fippc}re$yMim, -Sg pe ?St}?, olruigsffi53-54)1a lJ :1 1r. . ). t rL, . , rui_, i-uLrr I lZ-).J. ,-aJ r J24,.Sl,-SjmusjS.57-?5e) \"?5.$&lllssysiss{?6t}."?SSi:S.Sl,&,iieJ{369-2?dt}?7"$l_f,u#$hiell2?s-783}?S.SLgsb$$S3-?SSi ls$called airxs29"St.Maffsiltinss2$6-304)30.&t-Marce!!u$_3ss$-309i31.S!-*Eussh!$*3S9 r 3lS)32.$LMil$sd,s;r{311-}4} *,33.,$$-$yiyffij (314-35)34.St.Iltfur*u$.}36}35.S! Jdjrffi"3337-$ft}3{i.hlbseffi {3$?d6}*pBcsed ySw}im[" fi*@w {3$s-3{;g}37.St.P,eucessssl366-S3} ppssedyUr*iuinus,ng##s 36d-36438.SLffi$s$ss3s4-sB}39.S*-&'ffitsgffilwe}3SS4S14S. t..X'4rrr*qffiL[4t}1l 7)

    : . :

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    4l "SL.-fisdnnss4 7-l8).12.$i,Sq$i&q {4le-2?)Opp*sedyEulalir*s,qtipone41S419)43.$Leehsttne_[422-32]44"$t.Sg$ss_UI432-4CI)45"$1. esllthp_$reat) 44s-61)' 46.$1.Hikrius(461-68)47"$s,Sim!!$tus 46e-83)48.$t-._"Fslixlljin (483-e2)4e.$l-S.skslusj (4e2-96)50"Asnistsriusrl 496-98)51.S!.$y:n$ash11$49fi-514) pposedyLaurentii}$,ug]EimpF-4ge-J0l)52.Sr.F{grmisdas5n4-23)53.$r,JobLI 523-26)54.&felurlY:]I$ {s?s-3 }55.Essd;$!e-Il(530-32)pposedy&isfrsqsrle,n$rorwS3ff)s6"Jahs-],Is33-3s)57"$1.A&rpetus(535-36) .lso alled gnpitusr 58.$!.Srlverius.536-37)s9.Ylet$uss37-55}6,0. slasjrsl{5s6-661.Jsh&IIis61-74}62. se$edict(5?5-79)63.&lasi,ur]I (5?e-90)6a.W(seo-6s4)65"${tb:h|ias6$44*s)66"BonifaqeII (607)6?" t.BenifacE (60S-15)68.-$L_figusqls$illA&sdatus$615-18){$" *.l:*ce_}' {61q-?5}70.Llctx]riug_t6?5-38} \7tr.SevsrinusS40)?2.&hsJV64s42)?3.kdorsl {$424$}$srtlnj {649-55)75.$-Eurene (655-57)?6.,$t-YiIaliq&657-73)??.Adesdatus"flIl67?-76)78. Donus 6?6-7S) h79"$r*&ffihs 678-81}80.$!.Leqll {682-S3}I 1 $I-Ssnqdl#Jl {68,1-85)82.Jshsfi_6*5-86)83.Cqnon686-87)e*.Sfserelu$-I 6i}?-?0liCIpposedy T}rsodoreedFe$chal,iffiiffigls$6S?)S5. rq"h*Vj7$1-fl5)s6.JsleyII7s5-s?}

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    fr7. wi ius(70s){?{}s-Is}89.$l;GqesffiyI {?ts-3x)$*. $L$:pssqy_$l ?3 -4 )el"$Lfiaahery?41-52i92'SlsffigeJ $52) Becauseedied eforebeing.sqs$sggrtgg1,anlrauthoritativmists ntithime-t.$jepheslll0 s2-s7)e4.$Leeeu{7s7_67}gS.sIephqnIv {?67-72}pposedyconsrantineI {?sr}and hilip{Td;si,elipsgqsT6T)6.A*ranl{772-es}e7.SL-LcElIl7e5-sd)98.stsshss-Vst6-17}$9.St.Fasclwrl{S17-24}X0Cl. Euseng-{IS;*-2?)l0l. yalsn$ssSZT) .142. QreegryJES2?-,64)193 $eWr$$ (81447)OpposedyJotm, $tigsrySrS)104. St.Leo X {84?-i5)i 05. -Espedisilll855-58) pposedVSesshsi$s,stlpspSS5}106. $f.lSishaleLlrheQreat)ss#-6i)107. Ad{rael (s67-?Zl1ss" JobnI$ {s?2-sz)loe" ffiEl rgs2-84)t 1f," gt-eds&slXlss4-Bs)1l . fitspheuYls$j-ql)I13" nss$ssr1$S9t-96) :1I3. Bs$irilse_Ylse6}1t4. $tepheo $ (Sq6-9?)I i:1. &.qrussluS$?)116. Tksdergllse?) \117. JahslXses-eO0}t 18. Seupdi"ctY (90*-03)il9 Lqqy- 903)OpposedyChristopher,stipqpsq03-SS4)120. $erstgtrlfl 9CI4-}t?1. AnasjglsiusIJ 911-13)

    _ _

    l?2. Lrudp"913-14)1"23" fqhx.X e14-2s)x?4. t.eo.Sj.928)i?5. $lqp.hq&_yjil92e-3i)126. Jolur t {931-35}127. Lep._ru$36-3e)l?8. $tsptws X 939r$2}I ?9. Msdeu$$ S4?46}130. &epnp.tusl {94s-55)13l. JsheXll(e55-63)

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    132. IxisjJJI {ed3-54}333. Sssed!-slve64}134. Jsle,Xi]l (q6s-72ji35. Sfssdisl_y-ie73-7q\i]S. $essdis!_ylJ9?4-S3)enedictnd ohnXIV were ppasedy Bsni&qs_V]l,esfipqffi 97a;9ea-fS5)] 3'l. IqheXfY{es3-s4i138" JsbJLY(ess-q6)1i? eowry4_{??!:qs} p6:osedy u}$xv_I" ntipqpsee7-qqs)t4i). sylwis{slg 999-1003}141. .jghruJl{Il10s3)\42" J_qhllXVru1003-09)ir+3" gereirisI' {100q-tZ)144" Ae$*diq1*Vll+lq1,Z-24)pposedy ireesry,slxltsope1fil2)145. Jsh$ru {1$24-3?j}x45" &a$edi.ollxi03a-45)Henppearsn his ist three eparateirnes, ecauseewas wicedgg-gggdfist esfored ,j,&7. $ylv*st+r I{ (l{.}4S)Consideredysodreo treangelipeps:48- Bqrls$lllllX{1il45}14e. Gresrlss._gf104s-46)I iCI. _Cjernspf{1045-4V)[51" Bs,ne&L{X104?-4s)i52, eaffi$sus {104S)453. $!x"qcj-l$nCI4e-s4ii s4. Yiqtg$"IX1fi55-$?}35s. SlsGt]$LX1Ss?-5S}l$(i" M*s*is$ t105$-{i1} pposedy&wp.,diq]LX,nurusret0s8)?$?" AlssMs{-It (1051-?3}pposedy Hcnariusi, n#rrure rs6}-!0?z}15fi. Iit.tirego{yVI} (10?3-35}iregory nd he bllowinghree opeswere pposedbvS{*s{1f,:eles}sfr[-19J" ntipopsIC}80-I 0s), ::;. tllllXgg_!.l$_iQll$: tusb-ei11s{}.. elss$edLljbesll10s8-e9)-ts1. fas*dll (1099-1118)pposedryTheodoric1trS0),.Aieric110tiandh"{aginulf*'SylvasferV""1105-l l l}, anripppegl100}l S?. Asbsi$rn (111S-t9i Opposeciy&uldinl*Gres$ryylli*], aqtlip-ope1 l 9)t63. esilistusI 1119-24)1$4. Hq&qrius*ili 124-30}pposedy CelestineI, Brarip,opgl tZ4)H65. inrcnt-tl (x13S-43)ppersedy AnasletllsI {113CI-1138}ndGqegoryq$riLYig[qr rV") 1138),nlipwest 138)ls6. Ccis$Ilss{ {1143-44)Is7" L,ssiusI (t i44-45);str. Blussfi*fussse-Illt 145-s3)I6e. uMtesiusJY 11s3-54)1?{:}. A&hetr {1s4-5e}1?1. Alsuenfu$I 1159-81)pposedbvM3 0159-il64),'J$sellJ,[ i 1s5-16&},al}istusII (1168-l ?7) nd nnocenrItr t t?B-} r80),ntipptss

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    1"r2. Lssj$e_$i:1st_fisi173. iJ:bas_lUt Iss-s7i],71 Srseary-Vllt11*t,175" ejsffi$strlrt te?_st)W_! Csb;1in"qII (l trll_9S)y^7" Innqssn-qJlii ts8-i2i6)l:9 $qr:erus"Ulrzt6-zr'1T? Crews-IX\227qr)'l9q eeisxiney {124U1$] Isupss#JY1243*s4}:y? 4'lsxeedqr_IYt?i-$-st}183. iJrbenly 1261_q5411$1 e-lsl'nsruIv-{12s5-68}l1{ .&lqspsd{irqsorysr:"2lr-"t6}1qf &1"dlinuEeeru:flzzot187. A&lqslJ{12?6)119 IaheXX[12v6-77]lf? b{rshs}.asJ1l12?T-so)

    - l?$" Maslev (tzst"es)1?1 HsnsrrurlY12ss-b?)l?2 }Ushpk$iVl?ffi$_e?j1?3 S&*eeisst!.us"y-i3s4il?t esnltus-Yi$1?s4-i3{i3}lsl Slesssds&sdisr#It:*$-**1196. -ekrneulY(r3{}s_14)197. ehaffiI"**yNichoras,s$_ripqtrs{133s-1330}sg. kqgiHg:lxll 1334_42il$i; elqrr?ffrtI {1342-52}?0*" fuss$;ssl-yj(13s2-s2)l i i f f l l *ss, . iJ l rphanyf1161-70) .J\tL. GrcgqrJ*Ki1370-79) \2fi3' u&anJI (13Ts-89)pposedvBsbess{-Qenqye"cxpryF$tIIT, afltiuspsi378-r3e4)2*4" sr;ni:fhye,:{x13s9-r404ipposedyBckrlo$senevm,:ci*ffientltr,,J13?s-I 394), edrg_d"qIs$aCSs$eduLXIIIJf :B+_+ tt an*Faldassare_eessn{_rohs,XX${} {I400-t415},aNrpr:rpes?{is" Iuss$sstWj{1,404-fl6t0ppgledyFedr.qteLqliaflSEglllslxiuj {1394-i4l7)and atd*glqre$srs"&hn xlli) rt+oo"tqrs},fi**206" {fusmnxJI{(i406-rs}Ipp Xlitl}{13s4_4 7)"BaldassafCgssa-{-'J$}rnSIII,'} qV:) (i 409-41 }),Estipaffi$3t?" MaSl# (14i?-jr)?SS. guss$s-rv l43t4T)ClpposedyAruadsss_af$aygy_{1,Fslia.Vj,llagpsre{t439-44e)?0e" NichCpq {i447"5j}?1il" gellisres.t [ 14s5'sfr)

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    ' "{,1.?T?-2i3.?t4.?r{LE J,2.16.?TT.?r8.?I9.22fl.231.7?3.2e3.??4-22S.,,,|E4.6rt.F"297.?2S-229.*23s"231"ma235.234.,?3$"236"23?'


    Fius i {t4s8-64}Paultr t464-7ti$ixtuqfv{!dt?t-S4}I.rurocEurlg (t4S4_92)AkxMeclff I4s?-rss3}Pius II {1fi}3}Juliusff{IFCI3-13}I.,eo {t5t3-Zt)@I{152?-23}AsmW_W sz}_34)Paul g {Ij344s}Juliss,{re155s,ss}Aaasgsrue$rssj}gardIv (t5js-j9)Prss]y x$5q-6j)glfisflg ttsffi:TzlgessryJffiIs??-ss}$ixtEE-Hrssf-es}IJrban {1s90}greKryffi {1.5e0-el)Innoeea{{& (tS$1}thqgqym t5e2-160s)LeqXI (1d05)PaulY(t60S-Zt)._9rgeoryV (t62l-?3)Hrua$ l$ (16?34*)Ims$srS"XI$44-js}

    AlexandsrJI t 655-62)Mffi{166?-6e}ebmEgX f1670-76)Blessed.innocqntI ( 626_g9h_*te@Xg(t6se-el)IsnaseutlfiI{I69t l?00)ClEmEqtXI{}?00-ZI}InnocsrrglJ eTZt-Z4)BenedistJilfiX7Z44A)SlempntX$IT3F40)BenedistXIVt?4S-SA)elsrne$-eUitzsS-69iClement IV (t76q-74\eiwyl $77s-eejPiusVIltl8$CI-zj)LeoXII {l82j-29)PjpsVJII t&29r30)ksgss;X$ {Is3r4s}Ble*sed iw X (1S46-TS)

  • 8/8/2019 list of popes and umenical councils


    2s7. truJ{ffiIls?s-tss3}258. sLPisrx1903_14)259' Benedist v {1914-22) iographiesf"Benedictv andhis succsssorsill beadded ta aterdate26CI. FiusXI (t922^39)261.. PiusXII (1q3q-5S)262. BlessedohnXXIII {195g_63)263" FaulVI it9d3-TS)264. JohnFaut (19?S)255. JolmFaul [ i l9TB-2005)26ffi. Bsnedict Vf i2005*-)

    About ttrispege'{ffA' eitation' TheLlst of Fopes.x911). rnTheCatholicEncyctrr:pedia.ew yqrk: RohertAppletoncompany.Retrieved *fober5, ?(}10romNew,&dve*t:littp: lrwvw.newa.dvent.rg/catlr n/ 2272b.htnt! -_ivILA eitation. TheListof Popes""heCatholic ncycl*pediaVoi. n2"Nelvyork: RobertAppletonCcimpany,9l I "5 oct. 2(}1CIhttp:iiwww.#r*ud,r**t.orgf'*aihur/iz:rzr.rrt*".Eceleslasti*nlpprobafion.NiltitrObs;tttt.June, tgl l. R*myL*forq $.T.n.,Censor.Iwprira*tw.y" JohnCardinalFnrley,Archbish*psf,NewyofkC*n*a*t infsnmati*n. "flheeditorof NewAdvent sKevin Knigbt. My emailaddresssfcedbask?32r iglit spam,his *ddreina'night hange *casionally.)K"egrettably,c&n't eply to e\reryetter,brri trgreatlyaFrpreciatel,;#f#;;k _ *speciallynotifica"fiionsboutgpographic
