Listening to the Voice Of Hashem (God) Rebbetzin Gavriela Frye

Listening to the Voice Of Hashem (God)

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Page 1: Listening to the Voice Of Hashem (God)

Listening to the Voice

Of Hashem (God) Rebbetzin Gavriela Frye

Page 2: Listening to the Voice Of Hashem (God)


Dreams and Visions

Throughout the Bible, there are many examples

of Hashem (God) speaking to people through

dreams and visions.

One of the most well-known instances occurs in

the book of Daniel. The Lord gave dreams to King

Nebuchadnezzar in his sleep. He then provided

Daniel with the wisdom to interpret the king’s

dreams, delivering a message that would change the

lives of both men.

Acts chapter 10 also records a great example of

a vision. Peter went up to the rooftop to pray,

and while he was praying, the Lord spoke to him

through this vision:

And he saw the sky opened up, and an object like a

great sheet descending, lowered by its four corners to

the earth, and it contained all kinds of four-

footed animals and crawling creatures of

the earth and birds of the air. A voice came to him,

(Acts 10:11-13).

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Hashem (God) used this vision to teach Peter many

things. I encourage you to read more about it in the

book of Acts.

In general, dreams and visions are one of the least common

ways Hashem (God) speaks to people on a day-to-day basis.

While I often dream, I haven’t had very many dreams over the

years that I believe were specific spiritual messages from the


On the occasions when Hashem (God) did speak to

me through a dream at night, I would either wake up

with an immediate interpretation (I would instantly

know what it meant), or the dream would stay with me

for days and I just couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Let me give you an example of a dream the Lord

gave me. It was three and half years ago, and I

remember Hashem (God) had really been dealing

with me about I was healing from. I was actually

pretty discouraged about the circumstances I was

living here in Italy.

Well, in my dream, I saw myself in the main square of

Pozzuoli shouting loud: “people of Puteoli, you have

rejected Hashem (God)’s word and you shall see the

consequences of your action. Then I saw the city of

Pozzuoli been hit by a tsunami so high that would

cover the old town. In the dark night Hashem (God)

was speaking as a powerful blowing Shofar.

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I could see two pages of a huge book (it was like a

cloud) opened up and displaying all that it would have

to come in the end time on both pages as in a mirror.

I woke up and I was terrified from the sound and the

vision I saw. I immediately knew what the dream


Hashem (God) spoke to my heart again and said,

“Gavriela, move from here, there won’t be left a piece

of it that is not from me, there is nothing else you can

do here, and I am going to place you to a much bigger

level of authority. I will protect you, move!” Wow!

That got my attention!

Now, while Hashem (God) most certainly uses

dreams to speak to us, it’s also an area where people

can be easily deceived or confused. While nearly

everyone dreams at night, most of them are not

spiritual dreams. So it’s important to be careful and use

wisdom in this area. I believe if a dream is really

from the Lord, He will give us confirmation in our

hearts and help us to know. It’s also true that some

people are more gifted in the area of dreams and

visions than others. It doesn’t always necessarily

mean they are “more spiritual” although seeking

Hashem (God) plays a big role in hearing from Him,

but it’s simply the way the Lord chooses to reveal

Himself to them.









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Trusting Hashem (God) Step-by-Step

An important aspect of hearing from Hashem

(God) is stepping out to do what He tells us to do.

Hashem (God) has a part (to lead, guide, and

direct us), and we have a part (to follow through

and obey what He says).

If you really want Hashem (God)’s will in your life

more than anything else, it’s going to require you to

take a chance, step out, and believe.

For a while, I really dealt with the fear of step-

ping out and making a mistake. On one occasion, I

believed the Lord was asking me to trust Him and go

forward in a certain area, but I was petrified. I kept

saying to Hashem (God), “I’m so scared, I’m so scared.

Abba, what if I’ve got this wrong? What if I miss You?”

The Lord simply answered, “Don’t worry,

Gavriela. If you miss me, I will find you.”

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Trusting Hashem (God) and stepping out is a big part of

growing, maturing and enjoying what He has for us.

Our faith grows when we continue to step out, not truly

knowing what lies ahead.


I’ve learned from experience that Hashem (God) will

Often lead us one step at a time. He isn’t going to give

us the entire plan all at once. When we are faithful

to trust Him and take the first step, then He will

show us the next step.

I don’t think there’s any greater example than the

story of Abraham in the book of B’reishit (Genesis).

Hashem (God) instructed Abraham, saying, …Go for

yourself [for your own advantage] away from your

country, from your relatives and your father’s

house, to the land that I will show you (B’reishit

12:1 TLV).

Hashem (God) is basically telling Abraham, “Go ahead

And pack up your tent, leave your home and all of your

extended relatives, and go where I lead you. Just

trust Me; this is for your good.”

Simply put, the Lord is saying to Abraham, “Go

and I will show you.” That’s the opposite of what

we desire. We want Hashem (God) to show us before

we go.

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However, the Lord wants us to take a step of faith.

When we take the first step, then He will give us the

next step. As we continue to trust Hashem (God)

step-by-step, then our confidence grows because

we realize He is leading us to a good place.


As I mentioned earlier, it has been a big step for me in

the past three years to prepare the ministry for a change

and move on to the next level. Hashem (God) said to

me, "This season of your life is complete, and I'm done

with you here, you need to move and be aligned with

the International Messianic Movement."

I had many friends and I was really comfortable here. I

was also afraid of taking a wrong step and making a

mistake. In the end, it took me three and half years to

finally move. Yes, things are going quite well where

we are. But Hashem (God) knows what he has in store

for us, He knows that things can go much better. He

planned to fulfill the vision he had placed in my heart

many years ago... the vision of teaching His Word to

people all over the world, in the right place. But it all

depended on my trust in Him and taking the first step.

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So many people miss out on Hashem (God)’s blessings

because they’re afraid to do what He shows them

to do. They think they are “playing it safe,” but they

end up miserable because they never choose to

step out. Remember, Hashem (God) is bigger than

your mistakes. If you’re seeking Him and doing the best

you know how, if you step out in faith, believing

wholeheartedly that Hashem (God) wants you to do

something, He will honor your obedience. If you miss Him,

He’ll always be faithful to take your mistake and work it

out for your good in the end (see Romans 8:28).

Wherever you’re at in your walk with Hashem (God),

I encourage you to seek Him for His will and direc-

tion. Believe that you can hear from Him, then

boldly step out and trust Him. Because Hashem

(God) has a big, full, wonderful plan for your

future...and He desires to lead you every step of the


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Hearing from

Hashem (God) Begins

Right Here

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The first step toward hearing from Hashem (God)

is to fully turn your life over to Yeshua (Jesus) and

develop a personal, intimate relationship with

Him. It’s the foundational element on which you can

build everything else. The moment you realize your

deep need for Hashem (God), you begin an amazing

journey into His plan for your life.

Romans 3:23 (TLV) says it this way: For all have

sinned and fall short of the glory of Hashem (God).

Knowing Yeshua (Jesus) is simply acknowledging

your need for Him, believing what He did for you

and accepting His amazing gift. It recognizes that you

can’t live this life on your own, that you’ve sinned and

are in need of a Savior. And the good news about

knowing Yeshua (Jesus), about being saved, is the

beautiful exchange that happens in that moment.

You give Him all the bad and sinful things you’ve done,

and in return, Hashem (God) gives you everything He

has for you. Whether you know it or not yet, His plan

for your life is amazing, and this is the first step on that



to start your own, personal journey with Yeshua (Jesus)

or perhaps want to get to know Him in a deeper way,



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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Rebbetzin Gavriela Frye is a Torah Teacher leading

practical Torah teachers at IMBI. Her ministry

writing and resources have helped many people find

hope and restoration through Yeshua (Jesus Christ).

Through https://villageofhopejusticeministry.org ,

Rebbetzin Gavriela Frye teaches on a number of

topics with a particular focus on how the Torah and

the Brit Chadasha (The Bible) of Hashem (God)

applies to our everyday lives. Her clear and simple

communication style allows her to share openly and

practically about her experiences so others can apply

what she has learned to their lives.

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Village of Hope & Justice Ministry

Sharing Yeshua (Christ) Loving People

Village of Hope & Justice Ministry is called to share

the Torah and the Brit Chadashah and extend the

love of Yeshua (Christ). Through media and our

Beit Shalom Messianic Congregation, we teach

people how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of

their lives and encourage Hashem (God)’s people to

serve the world around them.

Through our Villages of Hope & Justice, we provide

international humanitarian aid, feed the hungry, clothe

the poor, minister to the elderly, widows and orphans,

visit prisoners and reach out to people of all ages

and in all walks of life.

Village of Hope & Justice Ministry is built on a

foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated supporters

who share this call.

To view additional resources from Village of Hope & Justice

Ministry, to watch our most current IMBI Bible Studies and Sermons,

or to receive information about our Villages of Hope & Justice Project,

please visit https://villageofhopejusticeministry.org

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Rebbetzin Gavriela Frye


Village of Hope & Justice Ministry

Yes! You Can Hear from Hashem (God).

People tell me all the time, “Gavriela, I want to learn to hear from

Hashem (God), but I just don’t know how.” I want you to know that if you have a relationship with Yeshua (Jesus Christ), you can hear and understand His voice.

The truth is, our heavenly Abba (Father) never meant for us to live without His loving counsel and direction. It’s His will for us to be led by His Ruach Hakodesh (Spirit) and live with “divine guidance” (see John 14:26). Hashem (God) has an amazing plan and purpose for our lives, and He desires to lead us every single step of the way.

In this book, I teach how to:

• Recognize the voice of the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) in your

daily life

• Trust what Hashem (God) says more than your emotions

• Receive divine insight through His Torah

• Boldly ask for Hashem (God)’s help and direction

• Discover the many ways Hashem (God) speaks

So, are you in need of wisdom and direction for your life? Would you like Hashem (God)’s help with the “big” stuff, the “little” stuff, and every- thing in between? If so, divine guidance is just a prayer
