LIFE JUAN CARLOS LARA AND SHAMARA GUTIERREZ INDEX Introduction..........................................................2 Poem..................................................................3 Article...............................................................4 What’s the point of life?..........................................4 Essay.................................................................6 Life vs. Suicide...................................................6 Autobiography.........................................................8 Short Story..........................................................10 The turns of Life.................................................10 Conclusion...........................................................14 1

Literature Project

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By: Shamara Gutierrez Juan Carlos Lara 2 "D" IMMPZ

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Page 1: Literature Project



Introduction................................................................................................................ 2 Poem........................................................................................................................... 3 Article......................................................................................................................... 4

What’s the point of life?.........................................................................................4 Essay.......................................................................................................................... 6

Life vs. Suicide.......................................................................................................6 Autobiography............................................................................................................8 Short Story................................................................................................................10

The turns of Life...................................................................................................10 Conclusion................................................................................................................ 14


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In all the topics of this magazine we are going to talk about life. Life is a route, you

choose which one is better and convenient for you, sometimes you are not the one that

chooses, but you must know how to get back. Here you are going to read different points of

view; we are going to understand the point of life, why we are here, to appreciate what it

has given to us in the word of someone else. To be clearly here we have the introduction of

each work.

Poem: poetry is something that goes beyond lyrics, its feelings, opressed, meticulously

united to some paper by a hand guided by a soul, it is not only about rhyme or words

sounding alike in the end of each verse, it is about a diminute look, to another view,

somewhere you can be comprehended, not by the world but by yourself. In this small

text, as all poetry of free interpretation, it is expected to understand some sort of

goodbye, not to someone but to something, life, perhaps.

Article: in this text there is a exposition of plenty point of views about life, and also many

tips are proposed for you to think about how you are living, and to make yourself

understand why you are here, living.

Essay: this is a really meaningful text, abording the topic of suicide, containing many

important points about life, it will definitvely make you think about all of what is

expressed on it.

Autobiography: a small summary of what someone has been living through the years,

including the most relatively important things to know about.

Short story: A small story about a teenager girl who used to have cancer, her point of

view through her disease and her life is really amazing and interesting.


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Breath is what we do the most in life

I’ve taken a bunch of those

When I’m with you, when we get close

Have a recipe, although there still missing pieces.

I’ve done a thousand things with this time

The gift I received, I’ve tried to hide

Although it took me a while to realize it can’t be confine

Clock never stop ticking, even I get away my mind.

Plenty of achievements, I’ve been making

And the world never stopped moving

When I leave here I wonder if somebody will stay remembering

All the things I tried.

Before I am taken by nature

I want you to know my biggest passions

As the wind shaking my face

Or her kisses that made me change.

Just some words I wrote.

To say something, before I go. 3

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Life is defined as the condition, which differentiates organisms from inorganic

objects. For me, life is the time or period in which a person lives experiences over the

years. To add more definitions, in some poetic way of thinking, life is like a journey, a

fleeting one, which might be over in a blink of an eye. There have been many points of view

about the enigma about life, plenty of philosophers have given theories about this, dividing

them in positive or negative. Positive is what we will focus on this article, negative are

based on life being a punishment, an example of this way of thinking is the Rumanian

author Emile Cioran who narrates his life in the book “the inconvenient of being born” and

gets to the conclusion that we would rather being aborted than born, for more information

about the negative point of view, we recommend reading reviews about it.

Thoughts of Life

Since we are little kids people taught us, that life has a process: You born, grow up,

reproduce and finally you die. There are some people that want to follow this type of

schema but others don't, so, why are we here? Everyone creates his or her own

perspective about the purpose of life.

How we understand life

Life is something different for each one, you cannot tell somebody what is the point

of their living as you haven’t been in their shoes. You won't understand their concerns nor

their passions, their doubts or their way of thinking. We are all different, and not referring to

the fingerprints but what we feel and more importantly what we think. Although there is

something that might work as a guide, it is called life project. The life project basically works

to get related to your identity so you can start making conclusions from that, first of all you

have to answer the neurological levels models, which helps you to realize your identity,

then, you have to organize what is important to you, based on your answers. What is my

beginning? What holds me in life? What are my wishes? What can I give? What persons

are important in my life? What will I get rid of? Which have been my achievements? You 4

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can start working on that, it will help you to know how well you know yourself, and what you

want to change in your life. It might be difficult but worth it, the best things don’t happen if

you don’t try your best for them to do so.

What makes you live your life?

You can’t think you have a purpose in life if you haven’t find it and accomplish it, if

not, take a piece of advice from a teenager, that assist to the gym in afternoon and listen to

complains in mornings, just to say an example, do what you enjoy, wherever makes you

feel more alive, happier, satisfied, do it and don't quit. You might not be the best, but you do

not have to be the worst, there are several ways to choose how you want to live, aiming to

become someone really important or famous, to leave a legacy to future generations, to do

what you enjoy unconcerned about other things, to be someone good in the world by

helping others, it is up to you which path to follow, although you can create your own.


To conclude, life is yours, whatever decision you do, might affect your life somehow,

don't let people tell you how to live, do as you wish and enjoy or suffer, whatever makes

you feel better, that's why we are supposed to be here.


Perhaps you see life as the best gift received or as the worst curse you have been given.





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Life is great because we can decide how to live it. Sometimes people tend to think

that they have no choice when they affront hard problems but the truth is that no matter

how big is the problem, while we have health and people that support us, we can overcome

anything that is in our path. It comes the time when people need to take out of the world but

somewhere along the line people change, people stop being himself and let others to point

in their face and tell them that they are not good, and when things go harder, people tend to

look someone else to blame.

As human beings we experience our world as an environment of relationships, and

these relationships can affect us in many aspects of our development. The world is full of

experiences; as we get mature, family, friends and couple relationships touch all areas of

development: thinking, social, emotional, physical, behavioral and moral. This mean that

good relationships can make the difference between choosing the correct and the wrong

way, of being a parasite or being successful, or just to be someone in life.

There are some special cases where the people that surrounds us, think that you

have everything you have always wanted or deserved, however that's not always true, you

are looking for something else, as you are getting experience and the time comes over, it

can be anything, such as material things, a better job or position but most of the time what

really happens is that you don't have the love you expect, someone that listen to you, or

maybe someone that holds you and tell that everything is going to be alright. That's where

the suicide comes, when you do not have anyone to support you.

Suicide is the act of take his own life by own decision. Most of people do not show

how they feel inside, they try to hide it, in order to accomplish their goal without raising

suspicion, in this case, suicide. But this is not always true, sometimes is vice versa, they

behave according of what they feel, some of the suicidal behaviors can be: difficulty to get

concentrated, feeling lonely or hopeless, talking about leaving their concerns in order, being


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auto destructive, etc., most of this behaviors are caused by the following factors:

depression, alcohol and drugs, mental issues, economic problems, a fail relation, a stressful

life, etc.

We can prevent this in many ways, talking to someone who cares and who do not

make judgments, is sufficient to reduce the risk of suicide. Sometimes you just need a

friend that gives you their support no matter what. If you can handle the situation you can

call an expert. Take a moment to talk with your family, they can be passing through a

difficult situation and maybe you just need to share it with somebody. Be patient, every

have their own problems, I know some times we just want to disappear to be away from

what is harming us, but we must think clear before taking a hurried decision, most of our

problems are going to disappear by the time

Let me tell you something that you already know, the life is not just about sunshine

and rainbows, is a very mean place and it doesn't care how tough you are, it will beat you to

your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it, you, me and no body is going to hit

harder as life, but it is no about how hard you hit, is about how hard you can be hit and

keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward, that's how winners

are done, now if you know what you worth, then go and get what you worth, but you have to

be willing of taking the hits and not being pointing fingers saying that you are not what you

want to be because of anybody, just cowards do that, so you need to start believing in

yourself and fight to have a good life. Life is about decision, you must know which one is

the correct one, maybe not the easiest but the correct. Talk with someone you trust;

everybody needs some help.


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My name is Shamara Gutierrez Granados. I was born on January 5 of 2000, in

Puebla, Pue. My family is conforming by my father Valentin Gutierrez, my mother Soledad

Granados and my brother Edgar Jair Gutierrez Granados.

When I was born my parents left me with my grandmother, I lived with her for 5

years, I went to a kinder that was near to my grandma's house, but then my parents sent

me to the Instituto Mexicano Madero, they told us that I was too young for primary, so, I

repeated third year of kinder. When I arrive there it was a little bit difficult for me, I wasn't

get used to so much people or to such a big school, I was reserved and shy, but that

change over the years, one of my most important years was fifth grade, because there, I

get involved with the "popular" to say it like that, this really changed me, I was more

confident about myself and I started to be someone in the school, not the typical girl that

nobody notice in the corner of the classroom...

Then I passed to junior high school, the things were easier for me, first grade was

very important, I made a lot of friends and I entered to the basketball team and in second

grade I was a national champion, but the year I enjoy the most was the last one, I met most

of my closest friends, that was my year, I really enjoyed to went to school.

Now, I'm on first year of high school and is not even the half of what people say

about this stage, many friends are gone, I'm still in touch with the real one's but this year

was supposed to be one of the greatest, I thought that I would have more experiences,

more friends, more everything and nothing of that has happen... Maybe I'm just watching

the negative part but you would understand me if you were on my shoes, is difficult to be

with the same people for 11 years, I think I need a change.

I have lots of friends, lots of them are very important, but my best friends in the world

are Miriam Cornejo and Martin Jimenez, they have taught me, what does a real friendship


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means, when I'm with them I feel free to do or say whatever I want.

My favorite hobbies are playing basketball, play videogames, read, but what enjoy

the most is to spend time with my brother.

I have learned to many things over the time, I think we learn something different from

each person we met, even if it's not the best option, we learn from experiences, friends,

moments, school, etc.; but where we need to learn the most is when we fail, when we get

disappointed from someone we love, when we make a mistake, we must learn how to stand

up without any help, to do it for ourselves and not for the others.

What I expect in the future for me is to succeed in life, to undertake on my own, to be

my own boss and apply all my knowledge in my job, to work in what I have always

dreamed, to prove myself what I can do and give to my family whatever they need but at

the same time keep my other relations in order.


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Yesterday was a tough chemo, it made me puke three times, I know, disgusting…

The charming boy, Paul stared at me by the second time, when I ran for the cube. I guess it

was sexy for him, to see so, or maybe, it just freaks him out, who knows. Anyway it is really

embarrassing, thanks god for the cancer. It was sarcasm.

Today everything is right, dismissing my blessing disease and its complications. This

morning the bold and pale Amanda (me) had sugared flakes for breakfast, something I

have been missing for months. The doctor says, it’s important to keep a strict diet if you

want to stay healthy. I just think “what the hell you mean by stay healthy?” I have cancer.

Everybody is always gentle and soft and kind and lovely with us, the cancer people. I

can’t tell if that is a pro or a con. I guess they have seen many movies of us that have touch

them deeply inside, well, I don’t know.

So as this is a study of who I am, here we go, I was diagnosed with lung cancer, both

of them. I started to coughing blood badly, that and my endlessly asthma that came on

spring of 2010 and never left.

On 2011 was when I started to went very often to the hospital, were I met Paul, one

day I wanted to threw up, I had all my hair over my face, but I was too weak, so, I couldn’t

hold it… When I was about to start, I felt two hands over my body, one was over my back,

giving me some kind of support and the other, was picking my hair up. In gratitude, I gave

him my number, I know that he likes me and I also know that I like him too.

He called me several times, I know that I was falling in love for the first time in my

whole life, but I wasn't sure about how much this was going to continue, as you may know,

but of us had terminal cancer. There’s no cure and the dead is inevitable.


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We hang out lots of times, in other words, we had dates, he met my parents, and he

was always with me in the good times but mostly in the bad ones. He gave me the best

months I ever had in my entire life, he was everything I always wanted. Everything was

going on so good, the doctors of both told us that we have even more chances of life that

before. Everything was perfect for both, until that horrible day…

That was the coldest night ever, but we didn't felt it, we were singing around the

chimney, he was playing his guitar, with such a beautiful smile and enthusiasm around his

face, but that just last a few minutes. Then he started to feel pain in his heart, he lacked air

to breath, he felt down of the chair and also he drops his favorite guitar, I ran as fast as I

could to help him, I tried to give him mouth-to-mouth but my lungs were waste, I shout with

all the straight that was still inside me, I knew that if I did that, it could be my last breath,

and I also knew that it was his time to go, but I didn't care, he was even more important

than my own life and it was enough, but I fainted because, as I mention before, I was too


I woke up at the hospital 3 days later, it was too late, he has gone… I ran through the

entire hospital, breathless, looking and asking for him, my parents stopped me and told me

the worst notice I have ever heard, even worse than my cancer. He left me here, alone, with

no more point to live, to continue. He left me a letter that says:

“I have never loved someone as much as I did with you, I will be always besides you, enjoy

your life as much as you can, as much as God let you. Thanks for sharing my last breaths

and moments together.

I love you.”

-Everybody knows that life has an end but not everyone is prepared for it- that is what

happened to him. The only thing he wanted in the whole world was just a little more time to

share it with the people he used to love.

My family and me went to his funeral, everyone were incontrollable, except me, I

don't know why, or maybe I do, it can be because I knew that he was in a better place,

without pain, without suffering. In some moment I’m sure that we are going to be together. It


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can be today, tomorrow or maybe in years, but at the end, we are going to be together, as

we were meant to be since the beginning.

The last weeks have been so depressive, I don't know what to do with my own life, I

feel so lonely, my parents are trying too many things to make me happy, but nothing works,

I think I would be like this till my last heart beating or my last breath, whatever comes first.

In all this time, I have seen many TV shows of medicine; Dr. House is an example of

them. The main character sees people with cancer as boring and pointless cases, and they

are, but (sorry about the spoil) his work gives a crazy twist when his best an only friend

obtains cancer. Cancer its like a due date, a rode doing the best your brain, lungs, bones,

or whatever they let you enjoy doing. They tell you “you will be dead in some years” and

luckily they will be a few months. It is definitively very hard its plenty of pain and few joy but

that’s life, right? At least that is the life I got…

I remember ones I went to the cinema with my mother and my best friend Jessica,

she is really nice, kind of the typical white girl that is new at school, although she has been

that way as long as I remember, kind of antisocial but nice, she can be annoying when

crazy ideas of me dying, gets to her head, the fact that I am going to die it’s unavoidable but

she does not have to be crazy about it.

We went to watch Creed, it was a good movie although no one of my companions like it:

Mom: That movie was awful!

Jess: It had a terrible ending…

Me: Really?

Mom: Of course silly, don't say that you liked it.

Jess: She is weird.

I didn't say anything they laugh and I did it too, eventually. The funny part of this

hang out was on the exit, there were some men making publicity of a new clothe shop for

ladies, where you could meet new women to be friends, but this guys were shirtless and

they had strong muscles, my mom asked one of them to take a photo with me, she got her


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phone from her bag while the men did a kind of ritual around my body, it took ages for him

to do it. It was kind of awkward.

The guy hugs me softly, I guess he though, that he would break me at one point, if he hugs

me stronger, but obviously, it didn't happen. He gave me his number, I talked with him

sometimes, it turns out his actually image of a stripper to a student which was dared to do

that publicity by his friend, crazy, I know, but as much as I knew him I was starting to have

feelings for him, he was so nice, kind and cute, although he has no comparison to my Paul.

One month has passed since my one and only love left me, this is the third time I

went out with David, the mall guy. This is happening to fast, but I can’t give me the luxury of

leave more time to pass away, I’m on the deadline and I want to live.

Over the time the love for David is getting stronger, but I told him to get away from

me, he didn't accept it as I expected, the he asked me why I was doing that. My answer

was “I don't want this for you, to fall in love with me, because I’m going to leave very soon”

and his answer was “Its to late for that, I’m already in love with you, and I will stay with you

as much as God let me, and nothing is going to change my decision. We hug each other

and we started to cry.

Two months after I died on May 2nd of 2012, I can say that I lived even more than the

people that dies until they get a mature age, I passed through many things at my short age,

more things than other people, I knew how to affront live, how to get up without the help of

anyone, and how to enjoy life even when it hits you as hard as you can, remember that you

always have the option to stay in the ground or rise and fight for what you want, no matter

how many obstacles are in your way of successfulness, you can do it, live is one and you

don't know how many people dreams to be in your place.


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Life is something wonderful; this compilation of writings is proving it. It takes some topics in a positive way, referring life and of course death.

What we got about this project is some new acknowledge about life, how to live it and how to fight things like suicide. It is also important to take into account the exercising and improving of writing, what better way to become good at something than practice? The most difficult thing to do was the short story because of its length and creativity required, also the poem, it is hard writing poetry.

Although we did not like this project, despite being really creative, it became tedious and really long, maybe making it not with so many different writings would make it better. A proposal would be dividing the work in to the group and finally, joining all together and sharing them.