Lithuanian libraries in 2013 Antanas Senkus Chief methodologist Library Management Department Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral Library Information System (LIBIS) statistical module. At the end of the year, the number of physical units of documents in the total Lithuanian library stock amounted to 107 million 198.6 thousand, or by 415.9 thousand more than in 2012. The number of registered users (readers) in the libraries amounted to 1,311,558, or by 48,934 less than in the previous year. The number of visits keeps decreasing every year. In 2013 it was 24,555,634, or by 872.7 thousand less than in 2012. The document loan decreased from 34.9 million physical units in 2012 till 32.9 million physical units (or by 1 million 993.8 thousand less in 2013. During the decade, the document loan decreased by more than 14.3 million physical units, in average by 1.4 million annually. Last year, the number of library employees in the country was 7,239 (the number of staff 6,708.96), professional librarians among them 6,004 (the number of staff 5,481.58), or by 126 less than in 2012. The number of full time workers among professional librarians was 4,541 (75.6 percent). 3,131 (52.1 percent) had education in librarianship or information sciences (among them, with higher education in librarianship 32.3 percent, with high education in librarianship 19.8 percent). Other librarians 2,873 in total who gained professional skills working in the library were professionals in other fields. Among them, 1,910 (or 31.8) had higher education, 579 (or 9.6 percent) high education, 384 (or 6.4 percent) other (secondary, unfinished higher) education. 36 working or newly hired specialists got diploma in librarianship or information sciences. 2,963 (or 49.3 percent) librarians participated in staff training. Considering decreasing indicators, identification of the reasons is problematic, as they differ in various regions. Decreasing is determined by various factors year by year shrinking library network; increasing number of part-time working libraries and libraries without employees (or libraries that don’t keep records on employees’ time worked). Computerization of the libraries and remote access to information resources are also the factors influencing indicators of traditional library activities. At the end of the year, 95.2 percent of libraries had computers, 94.1 percent had an internet access. 14,961 computers were available to library users, among them 97.4 percent with an internet access. The libraries reported the number of virtual visits to be 15.8 million, the number of downloads of electronic documents or their parts from data bases and other resources to be over 8.3 million. Library network. The network consists of the main library of the state the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania; the libraries of state significance (the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Vilnius University Library, the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, the Lithuanian Technical Library); 5 county libraries (the Kaunas County Public Library, the Ieva Simonaitytė Klaipėda County Public Library, the Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Panevėžys County Public Library, the Povilas Višinskis Šiauliai County Public Library and the Adomas Mickevičius Vilnius County Public Library); 1,281 municipal public libraries (60 central bodies with 1,221 branches and subdivisions); 16 museum libraries; 1 culture centre library and 1 archive library; 35 special libraries (the Library of the Bank of Lithuania, 15 technical libraries, 15 health care institution libraries, 4 agriculture libraries). The science and education institution library network consists of 1,242 libraries, among them 40 higher school libraries: 19 university (14 state

Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

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Page 1: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Lithuanian libraries in 2013

Antanas Senkus

Chief methodologist

Library Management Department

Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Library Information System (LIBIS) statistical module. At the end of the year, the number of

physical units of documents in the total Lithuanian library stock amounted to 107 million 198.6

thousand, or by 415.9 thousand more than in 2012. The number of registered users (readers) in the

libraries amounted to 1,311,558, or by 48,934 less than in the previous year. The number of visits

keeps decreasing every year. In 2013 it was 24,555,634, or by 872.7 thousand less than in 2012.

The document loan decreased from 34.9 million physical units in 2012 till 32.9 million physical

units (or by 1 million 993.8 thousand less in 2013. During the decade, the document loan decreased

by more than 14.3 million physical units, in average by 1.4 million annually.

Last year, the number of library employees in the country was 7,239 (the number of staff 6,708.96),

professional librarians among them 6,004 (the number of staff 5,481.58), or by 126 less than in

2012. The number of full time workers among professional librarians was 4,541 (75.6 percent).

3,131 (52.1 percent) had education in librarianship or information sciences (among them, with

higher education in librarianship – 32.3 percent, with high education in librarianship – 19.8

percent). Other librarians – 2,873 in total – who gained professional skills working in the library

were professionals in other fields. Among them, 1,910 (or 31.8) had higher education, 579 (or 9.6

percent) – high education, 384 (or 6.4 percent) – other (secondary, unfinished higher) education. 36

working or newly hired specialists got diploma in librarianship or information sciences. 2,963 (or

49.3 percent) librarians participated in staff training.

Considering decreasing indicators, identification of the reasons is problematic, as they differ in

various regions. Decreasing is determined by various factors – year by year shrinking library

network; increasing number of part-time working libraries and libraries without employees (or

libraries that don’t keep records on employees’ time worked). Computerization of the libraries and

remote access to information resources are also the factors influencing indicators of traditional

library activities. At the end of the year, 95.2 percent of libraries had computers, 94.1 percent had

an internet access. 14,961 computers were available to library users, among them 97.4 percent with

an internet access. The libraries reported the number of virtual visits to be 15.8 million, the number

of downloads of electronic documents or their parts from data bases and other resources to be over

8.3 million.

Library network. The network consists of the main library of the state – the Martynas Mažvydas

National Library of Lithuania; the libraries of state significance (the Wroblewski Library of the

Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Vilnius University Library, the Lithuanian Library for the

Blind, the Lithuanian Technical Library); 5 county libraries (the Kaunas County Public Library, the

Ieva Simonaitytė Klaipėda County Public Library, the Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė Panevėžys County

Public Library, the Povilas Višinskis Šiauliai County Public Library and the Adomas Mickevičius

Vilnius County Public Library); 1,281 municipal public libraries (60 central bodies with 1,221

branches and subdivisions); 16 museum libraries; 1 culture centre library and 1 archive library; 35

special libraries (the Library of the Bank of Lithuania, 15 technical libraries, 15 health care

institution libraries, 4 agriculture libraries). The science and education institution library network

consists of 1,242 libraries, among them 40 higher school libraries: 19 university (14 state

Page 2: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

universities and 5 non-state universities) libraries and 21 college (13 state colleges and 8 non-state

colleges) libraries; 5 science institution libraries; 70 vocational school libraries; 1,044 municipal,

state and non-state general education school libraries (82 progymnasiums, 263 gymnasiums, 185

secondary schools, 405 lower secondary schools and 109 primary schools); 63 non-formal children

education institution (music, art schools) libraries; 8 child care institution libraries; and 11 teachers

training centre libraries.

Library network in 2009–2013




1,357 1,328 1,327 1,321 1,306

Science and




1,389 1,343 1,331 1,277 1,242

Other 52 45 36 35 37

Total 2,798 2,716 2,694 2,633 2,585

Year by year, the number of libraries decreased; 2013 was not an exception. During the year 48

libraries were closed or reorganized into structural units, among them 15 branches/subdivisions of

municipal public libraries, 39 municipal general education school libraries; the Klaipėda Business

Higher School and its library had suspended their activities. In 2013, a number of municipal public

library branches were closed: one in every of 5 regions – Joniškis, Kėdainiai, Šilalė, Šilutė,

Švenčionys, two in Ignalina region, three in Lazdijai region. 5 libraries were closed in Vilnius city,

among them the Gelvonai Children Library. In the beginning of 2013 the Pilaitė Library was

opened in Vilnius city. Kaunas city reported on opening of new 3 non-state gymnasium and 1

secondary education school libraries. The number of teachers’ training centre libraries increased by

2. School communities were served by 74 branches/subdivisions of public (central) libraries.








CIL 1,357 1,328 1,327 1,321 1,306

SEIL 1,389 1,343 1,331 1,277 1,242

Other 52 45 36 35 37

Total 2,798 2,716 2,694 2,633 2,585

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 3: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

At the end of the year, the number of general education school (municipal, state, non-state schools)

libraries decreased by 35 (it decreased by 139 in total during five years). General education school

libraries experienced changes along with reorganization of the school network: secondary schools

had been reorganized to gymnasiums, lower secondary schools – to progymnaziums; instead of

closed schools, primary education departments of gymnasiums or secondary schools had been

established. During the year, the number of progymnasiums increased from 62 (in 2012) to 85, the

number of gymnasiums – from 215 (in 2012) to 263; while the number of secondary schools

decreased from 224 (in 2012) to 185, the number of lower secondary schools – from 420 (in 2012)

to 405, the number of primary schools – from 122 (in 212) to 109.

Library stock. The total library stock amounted to 107 million 198 thousand 647 physical units of

documents, or by about 416 thousand physical units more than in 2012. The holdings of the culture

sector libraries amounted to 25.6 million physical units (or made up 23.9 percent of the total library

stock). They were distributed in the following way: the holdings of the National Library of

Lithuania – over 6.6 million, the holdings of county public libraries – 4,5 million (among them the

Kaunas County Public Library – 1.97 million), the holdings of municipal public libraries – 13,6

million, the holdings of the Lithuanian Library for the Blind – 467.2 thousand physical units. The

holdings of the culture sector libraries decreased in comparison with 2012 by 489.1 thousand

physical units, among them in the National Library – by 46.6 thousand, in municipal public libraries

– by 354.7 thousand, in county public libraries – by 63.1 thousand physical units respectively.

The holdings of the education and science institution libraries amounted to almost 30 million

physical units (or 28 percent of the total stock). The holdings of state and non-state higher school

libraries amounted to 12.8 million physical units; the biggest among them the Vilnius University

Library (the library of state significance) had 5.49 million, the Kaunas Technology University

Library –1.3 million physical units respectively. Vocational school libraries had 1.48 million

physical units of documents. The holdings of science institution libraries amounted to more than 4.3

million physical units of documents (among them, the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian

Academy of Sciences (the library of state significance) had over 3.7 million physical units). The

holdings of general education school libraries at the end of the year amounted to more than 10.8

million physical units, among them gymnasium libraries had more than 3.8 million, progymnasium

libraries – 992.5 thousand, secondary school libraries – 2.2 million, lower secondary school

libraries – 3.4 million, primary school libraries– 358.1 thousand physical units respectively. The

holdings of the education and science institution libraries decreased by 340.1 thousand physical

units, among them in general educations school libraries – by 273.7 thousand, in science institution

libraries – by 5.1 thousand physical units.

At the end of 2013, there were 51.6 million physical units, or 48.1 percent of the total stock, in the

holdings of special libraries. The Lithuanian Technical Library had the biggest holdings – over 50

million physical units, among them mostly patent documents – 48.3 million physical units. The

holdings of the Lithuanian Medical Library amounted to 799.4 thousand, technical libraries – 282.2

thousand, agriculture libraries – 475.2 thousand physical units respectively. At the end of the year,

holdings of special libraries increased by 1 million 245.2 thousand physical units in comparison

with 2012, among them in the Lithuanian Technical Library – by 1 million 357 thousand physical

units. Particularities of patent documents recording in the Lithuanian Technical Library lead to

misrepresentation of library stock indicators – namely, library stock composition by type of


Page 4: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Library stock in 2013

Decrease of the library stock was determined by the following reasons: unproportional rate of

withdrawals and accessions, besides, just a little part of the stock of closed libraries comes to other

libraries. There is some increase in centralized funding for acquisition for the public libraries every

year, however, increase in book prices leads to decrease of the numbers of titles and physical units

of books newly acquired, e.g., the National Library’s stock is complemented by legal deposit copies

or at the expense of wage savings etc. During the past year, culture institution libraries acquired 758

thousand physical units and withdrew from the stock 1 million 226.8 thousand physical units of

documents: municipal public libraries acquired 626.4 thousand physical units (or by 20.5 thousand

physical units less) and withdrew 981 thousand physical units, the National Library of Lithuania

acquired 41.1 thousand (or by 6.3 thousand less) and withdrew 87.7 thousand physical units, county

public libraries acquired 72.4 thousand (64.4 thousand in 2012) and withdrew 135.5 thousand

physical units of documents respectively. Education and science institution libraries acquired 564.7

thousand (by 113 thousand physical units less than in 2012) and withdrew 862.4 thousand physical

units of documents. During the year, state college libraries acquired 21.2 thousand and withdrew

48.1 thousand physical units, vocational school libraries acquired 34 thousand and withdrew 84.6

thousand physical units, municipal general education school libraries acquired 292.6 thousand (or

by 20 thousand less) and withdrew 522.1 thousand physical units of documents respectively. The

accessions surpassed withdrawals in the state university libraries – 154.5 thousand and 113.1

thousand physical units of documents respectively. Health care institution libraries acquired 4.4

thousand and withdrew 6 thousand, agriculture libraries – 963 and 3.5 thousand physical units of

documents respectively. The size of technical libraries’ stock was determined by particularities of

patent documents. During the year, technical libraries received 1 million 451.9 thousand physical

units of patents, still they withdrew 104.1 thousand physical units of other documents (excluding

patents). The Lithuanian Technical Library acquired 13.9 thousand physical units of books and

serials and withdrew 79.5 thousand physical units.

We have no the total picture of library acquisition funds and expenditures. Some libraries do not

report on it either because of lack of competences to carry on such accounting (non-professional

workers) or consider it a commercial secret (in special libraries). Therefore, acquisition

expenditures are analysed only for the main and biggest country libraries (see the table below).






3 4,


















































Page 5: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Document acquisition expenditures in 2011–2013 (thousand LTL)

2011 2012 2013 (+, -)*

NLL 188.0 263.4 262.2 -1.2

LLB 121.3 132.7 125.9 -6.8

CPL 348.0 682.2 653.6 -28.6

MPL 6,737.7 8,874.0 8,403.7 -470.3

WLLAS 196.9 1,062.5 1,314.3 +251.8

LTL 289.0 132.6 151.5 +18.9

LML 34.8 32.0 27.0 -5.0

LAL 20.0 22.0 22.0 0.0

UL 6,983.6 7,533.9 6,822.6 -711.3

CL 1,358.4 2,463.6 1,747.2 -716.4

Total 16,277.7 21,198.9 19,530.0 3,252.3

*the change in comparison with 2012.

Another reason of decrease of the library stock is reduction in funds of other sources, such as

additional municipality allocations, input of sponsors, internal resources or special means.

Additionally received funds the libraries acquired documents for made up 19.5 million LTL, or by

1.7 million LTL less than in 2012. Funds for acquisition decreased in comparison with the previous

year in all libraries except of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and

the Lithuanian Technical Library.

The Ministry of Culture allocates funds to county public libraries and municipal public libraries for

document acquisition (excluding the periodical subscription for municipal public libraries that is

funded by municipal administration). In 2013 the Ministry of Culture allocated 5 million 166.8

thousand LTL to municipal public libraries and 647.7 thousand LTL to county public libraries, or

by 181.5 thousand LTL more than in 2012. It made in average per capita by 0.09 LTL more than in


State budget funds allocated to the public libraries for document acquisition (LTL)

Year Total Among them





2008 8,699,100 6,759,100 1,940,000 2.58

2009 3,215,000 2,500,820 714,180 0.96

2010 2,240,500 1,874,530 365,970 0.67

2011 2,846,500 2,553,000 293,000 0.88

2012 5,633,000 5,046,700 586,300 1.87

2013 5,814,500 5,166,800 647,700 1.96

*In total in public libraries

Municipal administration allocated for periodical subscription 1 million 712.2 thousand LTL, or by

132 thousand LTL less than in 2012. By the way, many libraries of primary, lower secondary, non-

formal education and other schools were left without new books and even without periodicals.

Very little funding for periodical subscription was received from municipal administration in

Kelmė, Mažeikiai, Pakruojis, Vilkaviškis, Vilnius region and other regional municipalities. On an

average, one regional library (including public/central library) received 154 LTL in Vilnius region,

Page 6: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

221 LTL in Vilkaviškis region, 250 LTL in Pakruojis region, 361 LTL in Kelmė region, 366 LTL in

Šiauliai region, 384 LTL in Mažeikiai region etc. respectively. Significantly more funding per

library was received in Anykščiai region – 2,229 LTL, Alytus region – 1,872 LTL, Ignalina region

– 2,204 LTL, Jonava region – 3,235 LTL, Utena region – 2,726 LTL, Panevėžys town – 7,285 LTL

etc. respectively. Additional funding for books and other documents (plus to periodical

subscription) was not allocated by 35 (or 58.3 percent) municipal administrations; 8 municipal

administrations allocated for this purpose from 100 to 1,000 LTL, the rest of the administrations

allocated up to several ten thousands LTL. Klaipėda town administration provided libraries with

114.4 thousand LTL for additional book acquisition, Vilnius city – 70 thousand LTL, Utena region

– 37 thousand LTL, Palanga town – 25.7 thousand LTL, Jonava region – 15 thousand LTL,

Anykščiai region – 10 thousand LTL, Šiauliai region – 13.7 thousand LTL, Skuodas region – 8.9

thousand LTL respectively. In total, additional funding for books received from municipal

administration made up 333 thousand LTL (564.4 thousand LTL in 2012).

The libraries find various solutions to supplement lack of funding for new printings. They

participate in various projects, use support of founders, physical and legal persons, internal

resources or special means, develop cooperation with publishers and book distributors. In 2013,

municipal public libraries acquired books and other documents for 6.6 million LTL (excluding

periodical subscription), or by 1 million 459.9 thousand LTL more than centralized allocation of the

Ministry of Culture made up (5 million 166.8 thousand LTL). On the whole, the main libraries

spent for document acquisition by 3.2 million LTL less than in 2012.

Document acquisition expenditures in 2012–2013 (thousand LTL)

In 2013, average book acquisition expenditures made up 67 percent (69.2 percent in 2012),

periodical subscription expenditures – 20.6 percent (17.8 percent in 2012), electronic document

acquisition expenditures – 12 percent (11.6 percent in 2012), other document acquisition

expenditures – 0.4 percent (0.5 percent in 2012) of the whole document acquisition expenditures

respectively. However, libraries of various types show different percentage composition for

document acquisition. Municipal public libraries spent on books 77.5 percent, county public

libraries – 79 percent, the National Library of Lithuania – 20.2 percent, the Lithuanian Library for

the Blind – 15.5 percent, the Lithuanian Technical Library – 3.1 percent, the Wroblewski Library of











2012 263.4 132.7 682.2 8,874 1,063 132.6 32 22 7,534 2,464

2013 262.2 125.9 653.6 8,404 1,314 151.5 27 22 6,823 1,747


Page 7: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – 90.4 percent, university libraries – 51.1 percent of the

acquisition funds respectively. The most part of the acquisition expenditures used for periodical

subscription made up 93.9 percent in the Lithuanian Technical Library, 31.4 percent in the

Lithuanian Agriculture Library, 25.6 percent in the National Library of Lithuania, 21.1 percent in

municipal public libraries, 19.6 percent in college libraries. Electronic document acquisition took

54.3 percent of the whole acquisition expenditures in the National Library of Lithuania, 69.7

percent in the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, 1.8 percent in county public libraries, 1 percent in

municipal public libraries, 1 percent in the Lithuanian Technical Library, 1.6 percent in the

Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 27.4 percent in university libraries,

7.3 percent in college libraries respectively.

Library users. The registered library users’ number decreases year by year. At the end of the last

year, there were 1,311,558 registered users in the libraries (or by 48,934 less). Altogether, this

number decreased by more than 185 thousand during five years.

Number of library users in 2009–2013

Reasons of decrease in the number of users are various: decreasing number of inhabitants (statistical

indicator – 2 million 971.9 thousand); over 200 libraries were closed during five years; small range

of the new printings in the libraries; rapid computerisation and expanding internet usage in the

libraries and households; online access to documents and information; decreasing number of pupils

in general education and other schools (as a consequence the libraries lose readers); all in all

decrease of children, youth and adults’ reading motivation. Culture institution libraries registered

679.1 thousand users, or by 13.9 thousand less than in 2012. The number of readers decreased in the

National Library of Lithuania (-1.9 thousand), county public libraries (-3.8 thousand), municipal

public libraries (-8 thousand). 37 special libraries registered 31.2 thousand users, or by 759 less than

in 2012. The number of users decreased in medical libraries (-648) and agriculture libraries (-743),

and increased in technical libraries (+683).

Last year education and science institution libraries registered 601.2 thousand users, or by 34.3

thousand less than in 2012. The higher school libraries registered 203.2 thousand users, or by 15.4

thousand less: the number of users decreased in university libraries by 12.4 thousand, in college

libraries by 3 thousand respectively. The number also decreased in vocational school libraries (2.1




4 1,4























2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 8: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

thousand) and general education school libraries (-17.1 thousand): gymnasium libraries (1.6

thousand), secondary school libraries (-17.6 thousand), lower secondary school libraries (-5.3

thousand), primary school libraries (1.4 thousand), non-formal children education institution

libraries (-523). The number of users increased in progymnasium libraries (+8.9 thousand) and the

Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (+592).

Changes in the number of library users

Re-registered users made up 79.6 percent of the whole number of registered users, among them, in

culture institution libraries – 80.2 percent, in science and education institution libraries – 79 percent


Library visitors. In 2013 the number of visitors recorded in country libraries reached 24,555,634 (by

872,741 less than in 2012). The total number of visitors in culture institution libraries was 11

million 32 thousand, or by 168.7 thousand less: the number of visitors decreased by 209 thousand in

municipal public libraries, and by 10.9 thousand in the National Library of Lithuania. The number

of visitors increased in county public libraries (+46.6 thousand), in the Lithuanian Library for the

Blind (+11 thousand). The number of visitors decreased in special libraries (-5.8 thousand) and in

education and science institution libraries (-698.2 thousand): the number of visitors in higher school

libraries decreased by 203.5 thousand (in university libraries – by 97.3 thousand, in college libraries

– by 106.2 thousand), in vocational school libraries – by 40.7 thousand, in general education school

libraries – by 450.6 thousand. Altogether, during five years the number of visitors decreased by 1

million 789.8 thousand, on an average by 358 thousand visitors per year.








2012 12,595 4,519 86,321 587,915 11,742 8,184 6,079 164,735 53,921 37,683 353,766

2013 10,680 4,382 82,538 579,903 12,334 7,770 5,866 152,304 50,921 35,335 336,700


Page 9: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Library visitors in 2009–2013

Visitors visit a library with the aim to lend documents or borrow it on site, receive information

about library services or use it, participate in library events, meet and communicate people, use

library electronic services etc. The number of visits indicates how active library users are; it shows

attractiveness and modernization of a library as well as the importance of a library in society. An

average number of visitors’ visits to a library per year varied in various libraries. In 2013, on an

average, a visitor visited a library 18.7 times (no change). The number of visits per year in

municipal public libraries was 16.9 (17.1 in 2012): in rural branches – 18.2; in county public

libraries – 12.1 (11 in 2012), in the National Library of Lithuania – 10.5 (9.8 in 2012). An

attendance in education and science institution libraries was higher because of the bigger needs for

scientific and extracurricular activities, studies etc. General average attendance in education and

science institution libraries was higher than an average in the country – 22.2 (22.1 in 2012). In

higher school libraries it reached 24.7 (23.9 in 2012), among them, in university libraries – 25.7, in

college libraries – 21.8. Vocational school community members visited a library, on an average,

13.4 times (13.7 in 2012), general education school users – 22.7 (22.9 in 2012), among them,

progymnasium users – 17.2, gymnasium users – 26.4, secondary school users – 21.3, lower

secondary school users – 22.1, primary school users – 16.5. An average attendance in science

institution libraries was 7.1 (8.5 in 2012), among them in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian

Academy of Science – 6.5. Special libraries were visited much less often – an average attendance

was 4.8, among them in technical libraries – 5.3, in medical libraries – 3.9, in agriculture libraries –

9.9 respectively.

Along with the physical visits, libraries report also data on number of virtual visits. In accordance

with the standards provisions, they are equated to ordinary visits to the library. A virtual visit is

defined in the standard “Information and documentation. International library statistics“ (LSD EN

ISO) as user’s request on the library website from outside the library premises, regardless of the

number of pages or elements viewed. Collection of data requires installation of special or open

source programs; however the most of general education and other school libraries do not have

them. 7 municipal public libraries, 28 municipal general education school libraries, some of higher

school libraries, almost all vocational school libraries and some of other libraries do not submit data

on number of virtual visits. Since 2010, the total number of virtual visits is increasing every year.




























2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 10: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

In 2013 it was over 15.8 million or by 2.9 million more than in 2012. The number of virtual visits in

culture institution libraries reached over 5.6 million, that made up 33.9 percent of the total number

of virtual visits. Among them, in municipal public libraries – 1 million 938.2 thousand, in the

National Library – 2 million 562 thousand, in county public libraries – 1 million 113.3 thousand

respectively. The number of virtual visits in education and science institution libraries reached over

9.2 million, or 58.2 percent, in special libraries (medical, technical, agriculture libraries) – 981.2

thousand, or 6.2 percent of the total number of virtual visits respectively.

Document loan. The document loan keeps decreasing every year. Document loan indicator was

partially determined by decreasing number of users (-48.9 thousand), decreasing number of visits (-

72.7 thousand) as well as decreasing number of libraries (-48) and number of full-time working

libraries. The real reasons of decrease of the main indicators can be objectively identified by

working librarians and methodological centres professionals. 32 million 991.3 thousand physical

units of documents, or by 1 million 933.8 thousand physical units less than in 2012, were loaned to

the users in 2013. Altogether, the document loan during five years decreased by more than 7.3

million physical units, on an average by 1 million 464 thousand physical units per year. In 2013, the

document loan in culture sector libraries was 20.2 million physical units, or by 732 thousand less

than in 2012. The document loan decreased in all culture sector libraries; among them, in municipal

public libraries (-463.2 thousand), in county public libraries (-74.5 thousand), in the National

Library (-171.5 thousand), in the Lithuanian Library for the Blind (-15.8 thousand). (Indicators in

the National Library decreased because of the reconstruction of the main building, which causes

marked disadvantage for users‘ working conditions).





0 5,000,000 10,000,000 15,000,000 20,000,000





Page 11: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Document loan in 2009-2013 (physical units)

The document loan in education and science institution libraries was 12 million 300.3 thousand

physical units, or by 1 million 207.2 thousand physical units less than in 2012. The document loan

decreased in higher school libraries by 519.2 thousand physical units (in university libraries – by

480.6 thousand, in college libraries – by 38.6 thousand), in vocational school libraries – by 40.4

thousand physical units, in general education school libraries – by 615 thousand physical units. The

document loan decreased by 35.8 thousand physical units in science institution libraries; among

them in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – by 35.6 thousand

physical units. In special libraries the document loan decreased by 54.6 thousand physical units,

among them in technical libraries – by 22.2 thousand, in in health care institution libraries – by 28.2

thousand, in agriculture libraries – by 4 thousand physical units respectively.

Document lending made up 55.4 percent of the total loan; among them, in municipal public libraries

– 60.8, in county public libraries – 53.4, in the National Library – 6.2, in special libraries – 49.9

percent respectively. Document lending in education and science institution libraries made up 52.8

percent of the total loan; among them, in higher school libraries – 43.7, in vocational school

libraries – 56.8, in general education school libraries – 64.5 percent respectively.

Document borrowing on site made up 39.2 percent of the total loan. Accounting of document

borrowing on site is complicated when the users freely choose printings from the shelves in an open

stock. It can be performed by monitoring, filling questionnaires, selective counting, or counting of

documents returned to the shelves – this requires considerable labour and time costs. In 2013,

document borrowing on site decreased by 959.8 thousand physical units.

Reading indicator is an average document loan for one user per year. The indicator is represented

by the ratio of the number of users and the document loan. In 2013, the average document loan for

one user was 25.1 (25.7 in 2012). The reading indicator varied in various libraries, e.g., in the

National Library of Lithuania – 93.1, in county public libraries – 30.5, in municipal public libraries

– 28.4 (27.5 in rural branches). The general reading indicator in special libraries was 15.5: in

technical libraries – 19.7, in medical libraries – 14.6, in agriculture libraries – 29.4 document per

user respectively. The general reading indicator in education and science institution libraries was

20.4 – by 4.7 less than the average in the country. In different library groups document loan for one

user varied, e.g., in higher school libraries it was 27.9 (in universities – 30.1, in colleges – 21.2), in
















8 32,9















2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 12: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

vocational school libraries – 13, in general education school libraries – 16.9 (among them, in

gymnasiums – 17, in secondary schools – 16, in lower secondary schools – 18.8, in progymnasiums

– 13.8), in non-formal children education institution libraries – 11.7 document per user respectively.

The average loan per user in science institution libraries was 25.4, among them in the Wroblewski

Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences – 23.9 documents.

Interlibrary lending is a library service when libraries are accommodated with a loan of documents

in short supply for a defined time period by other – national or foreign – libraries upon request of

the user. The originals or the copies of documents can be delivered. This is a paid service, and

document delivering expenses are covered by the user. Interlibrary lending is mostly performed by

the main libraries, also by some higher school libraries and some public libraries (the latter perform

the national interlibrary lending).The interlibrary lending is decreasing, partly because it is a service

rather expensive for users. It is also being replaced by electronic document delivering. In 2013,

within the country, libraries received 8.7 thousand requests (10.8 thousand in 2012) and sent 8.5

thousand physical units of documents (10.8 thousand in 2012); 97.4 percent of requests received

were satisfied. The copies of documents made up 10.9 percent. 82 requests were received from

abroad (244 in 2012), 63 physical units of documents (189 in 2012) were sent; 76.8 percent of

requests were satisfied. Lithuanian libraries sent 3,190 requests to their foreign partners and

received 2,935 documents; 92 percent of requests were satisfied. The copies of documents made up

74 percent of all documents received. In 2013 the number of requests sent to foreign libraries

increased by 409. Culture institution libraries received 4.6 thousand or 52 percent of the whole

number of requests and sent 4.4 thousand physical units of documents (97 percent of requests were

satisfied); among them the National Library of Lithuania received 2.4 thousand, or 53.7 percent of

the whole number of requests (95.7 percent satisfied), county public libraries – 2,069 or 45.4

percent of the whole number of requests (97.1 percent satisfied). The National Library received

from the foreign libraries 54 (96.4 percent) requests and sent 38 physical units of documents (70.3

percent satisfied); 257 requests were sent to the foreign libraries and 176 physical units of

documents were received (68.5 percent of sent requests were satisfied). Education and science

institution libraries received from national partners 434 or 4.9 percent of the whole number of

requests (96.8 percent satisfied), 24 requests were received from foreign partners (22 physical units

of documents were sent); 2,057 requests were sent to foreign partners and 1,891 physical units of

documents were received (91.9 percent satisfied). Special libraries received from national partners

3,769 or 43 percent of the whole number of requests (97.8 percent satisfied); 1,825 requests were

sent to the other libraries and 1,781 physical units of documents received (97.6 percent satisfied).

Special libraries sent 788 requests to the foreign partners and received 769 physical units of

documents (97.6 percent satisfied). Foreign libraries submitted just 2 requests, and 2 copies of

documents were sent to them.

Page 13: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Interlibrary lending in 2013

National interlibrary lending

International interlibrary



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1 24 21 54 38 257 176

LLB 0 0 130 130 0 0 21 21




9 326 285 2 1 16 12

MPL 40 71 1,773 1,728 0 0 72 66


AS 36 36 109 106 4 3 1,172 1,153




8 111 105 1 1 11 10

LML 198 190 816 772 1 1 500 480

HSL 308 284 720 745 20 19 885 738

Other 105 113 1,150 1,740 0 0 256 279




2 5,195 5,632 82 63 3,190 2,935






69 6,030 6,637 244 189 2,781 2,436

Workplaces and library computerisation. At the end of 2013, 95.2 percent of the country’s libraries

(93.9 percent in 2012) had computers, 94.1 percent (92.4 percent in 2012) had an internet access.

96.6 percent of culture institution libraries had computers and 96.1 percent of them had an internet

access: municipal public libraries – 96.7 and 96.1 percent, among them rural branches – 96.7 and

96.1 percent had computers and an internet access respectively. On the average, municipal public

libraries had 1.9 computers per 1,000 habitants (9.9 computers per 1,000 users). 89.2 percent of

special libraries had computers and an internet access, among them 75 percent of medical institution

libraries, 100 percent of technical and agricultural libraries.

94 percent of education and science institution libraries had computers, 89.8 of them had an internet

access: all higher school (university, college) libraries and vocational school libraries; 95 percent of

general education school libraries (93.7 percent of them had an internet access), among them all

progymnasium libraries, 99.6 percent of gymnasium libraries, 98.9 percent of secondary school

libraries, 95.1 percent of lower secondary school libraries, 79.8 percent of primary school libraries.

61.9 percent of non-formal children education institution libraries and 50.0 percent of children care

institution libraries were computerized.

Page 14: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Computerisation of libraries in 2009–2013

In 2013, there were 48,971 workplaces for library users, or by 83 workplaces more than in 2012.

Among them, in culture institution libraries – 17,916 (36.6 percent), in education and science

institution libraries – 30,512 (62.3 percent), in special libraries – 543 (1.1 percent). The number of

public access workstations among the workplaces was 14,961, or by 114 more (number of

workplaces of closed libraries excluded). 14,574 public access workstations (or 97.4 percent of the

whole number) had an internet access. The culture institution libraries had 6,169 public access

workstations, what made up 41.2 percent of the whole number of the workplaces. 6,079 (or 98.5

percent) public access workstations had an internet access. Among them, municipal public libraries

had 16,602 (by 369 more) workplaces including 5,575 (or 34.6 percent) public access workstations.

5,689 (or 98.8 percent) of the latter had an internet access. County public libraries had 927

workplaces including 314 (or 33.9 percent) public access workstations; 303 (or 96.5 percent) of the

latter had an internet access. Education and science institution libraries had 8,662 (by 134 more)

public access workstations (or 28.4 percent of the total number of workplaces). 8,370 (or 96.6

percent) of the latter had an internet access. Higher school libraries had 8,204 workplaces including

2,209 (or 26.9 percent) public access workstations; 95.2 percent of the latter had an internet access.

General education school libraries had 19,826 (by 738 less) workplaces including 5,878 (or 29.7

percent) public access workstations; 96.8 percent of the latter had an internet access.

Library employees had 6,532 computers (99 percent of them with an internet access). 6,004

professional librarians and 545 qualified specialists got 0.99 computer’s per workplace, i.e. 99.8

(95.7 in 2012) percent of librarians and qualified specialists workplaces were computerised. In

culture institution libraries, percent of computerized workplaces for librarians and qualified

specialists made up: in the National Library, the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, county public

libraries – 100 percent, in municipal public libraries – 99.6 percent (among them, in rural branches

– 94.6 percent). In education and science institution libraries, 2,582 librarians and qualified

specialists (or 99.1 percent) had computerised workplaces, 2,554 (or 98.9 percent) – workplaces

with an internet access. Professional librarians and qualified specialists in the Wroblewski Library

of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences were 100 percent equipped with computerised workplaces,

also were the higher school (university, college), vocational school libraries’ professional librarians

and qualified specialists. In general education school libraries 94.8 percent (90.1 percent in 2012) of

professionals’ workplaces were computerised. 98.2 percent of them had an internet access.








MPL 1,149 1,195 1,254 1,257 1,242

GESL 1,042 1,013 1,027 997 999

Other 225 220 221 218 221

Total 2,416 2,428 2,502 2,472 2,462

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Page 15: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Library events. In 2013 Lithuanian libraries organised 68.4 thousand events. Among them, 39

thousand exhibitions made up 57.1 percent of all library events. The most number of events came to

culture institution libraries – 43.3 thousand (or 63.3 percent of the total number of events).

Exhibitions here made up 52.5 percent of all library events Municipal public libraries organised

40.6 thousand events (or 39.8 percent of the total number of events), among them rural branches –

27.1 thousand (or 66.6 percent); county public libraries – 1.4 thousand (or 3.3 percent), the National

Library – 216 (or 0.5 percent), the Lithuanian Library for the Blind (central library and 5 branches)

– 986 (or 2.3 percent of all events that were organized by the culture institution libraries

respectively). Education and science institution libraries organised 24.6 thousand events (or 35.9

percent of the total number of events), including 15.9 thousand of exhibitions that made up 64.7

percent of the total number of events. Among them, higher school libraries – 1.6 thousand (or 6.7

percent), science institution libraries – 89 (or 0.4 percent), vocational school libraries – 1.5 thousand

(or 6 percent), general education school libraries – 21.1 thousand (or 85.8 percent of all events that

were organized by the education and science institution libraries respectively). Special libraries

organized 476 events, among them 384 exhibitions made up 80.6 percent of the total number of

events in special libraries.

On an average, 26.4 events per library took place during the year; among them, 15.1 were

exhibitions: in municipal public libraries – 31.7 events (17 exhibitions), in county public libraries –

286 (116 exhibitions), in higher school libraries – 41 (27 exhibitions), in vocational school libraries

– 21 (15 exhibitions), in general education school libraries – 20 (13 exhibitions) respectively.

Users training. The training encompasses various reader groups – newly registered users or users

wishing to update knowledge on a particular subject, search for information in data bases and other

sources, develop computer literacy etc. Users training can take a form of group (library tour etc.) or

individual (information search, introduction to new software) training forms. The librarian’s work

time allocated for users training (training organized and delivered by other persons is excluded) is

recorded. Duration of training services is counted in hours. In 2013, the number of hours allocated

for users training was 147.6 thousand (149 thousand in 2012). Culture institution libraries allocated

for users training 96.7 thousand hours (or 65.5 percent of the total time allocated); among them,

municipal public libraries – 84.6 thousand hours, county public libraries – 12 thousand hours, the

Lithuanian Library for the Blind – 54 hours respectively. Education and science institution libraries

allocated for users training over 49.7 thousand hours (or 33.7 percent of the total time allocated);

among them, higher school libraries – almost 5 thousand hours, vocational school libraries – 815

hours, general education school libraries – 43.3 thousand hours respectively. Special libraries

allocated for users training 1 thousand 153 hours; among them technical libraries – 518 hours,

health care institution libraries – 634 hours respectively.

Information requests. In 2013 the libraries received 2 million 379.4 thousand requests, or by 48.3

thousand less than in 2012. Information requests submitted by electronic means made up 5.8

percent of the total request number. 96.8 percent of requests were accomplished. Culture institution

libraries received the most part 1 million 255.3 thousand requests, and accomplished 97.9 percent of

them; among them, municipal public libraries received over 959 thousand and accomplished 97.4

percent, county public libraries received 256.7 thousand and accomplished 99.4 percent of the

requests respectively. The National Library received 34 thousand and accomplished 99.9 percent of

the requests. Education and science institution libraries received over 1 million 92.3 thousand

requests, or 45.9 percent of the total number of requests. Among them, higher school libraries

received 424.3 thousand and accomplished 98.4 percent, vocational school libraries – 30.2 thousand

and 89.3 percent, general education school libraries – 621 thousand and 94.2 percent respectively.

Page 16: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Special libraries received 31.7 thousand requests, or 1.3 percent of the total request number. Among

them, technical libraries received 13.4 thousand and accomplished 93.3 percent, health care

institution libraries 17.5 thousand and accomplished 95.6 percent of the requests respectively.

Library staff. Library employee is considered a person who works at the library for remuneration.

Library staff consists of the following groups of employees: professional librarians, qualified

specialists and technical workers. Professional librarians must have diploma in librarianship or

information sciences, or achieve basic professional skills during a long period of work in a library

under supervision of the specialist. Accountants, human resources managers, conservators,

automation and IT specialists etc. are classed to qualified specialists. The technical workers–

premises cleaners, watchmen, sweepers, firemen, drivers etc. – make the third group.

At the end of 2013, the number of library staff was 6,708.96, the number of employees – 7,239,

among them 6,004 professional librarians (the number of staff 5,481.58), 538 qualified specialists

(the number of staff 507.71) and 697 technical workers (the number of staff 719.67). Professional

librarians made up 82.9 percent of the whole number of employees, qualified specialists – 7.4

percent, technical workers – 9.6 percent respectively. Full time workers (5,392) made up 74.4

percent of all employees. 4,272 employees (or 59 percent) had higher (university) education, 2,079

employees (or 28.7 percent) had high education. Employees with other (secondary, unfinished

higher) education (888) made up 12.3 percent of the total number of employees. Culture institution

libraries had 4,351 employees (the number of staff 4,173.61), or 60.1 percent of the whole number

of employees, among them 3,303 (or 75 percent) full time workers. Education and science

institution libraries had 2,684 employees (the number of staff 2,341.3) or 37.1 percent of the whole

number of employees, among them 1,920 (or 71.5 percent) full time workers. Special libraries had

204 employees (the number of staff 194.05) or 2.8 percent of the whole number of employees,

among them 169 (or 82.8 percent) full time workers.

Professional librarians. The number of professional librarians was 6,004, or less by 126 than in

2012. Full time (8.25 hours) workers (4,541) made up 75.6 percent of the total number of

professional librarians, part time (4 hours and less) workers (1,463) – 24.4 percent respectively.

3,852 of them (or 64.2 percent) had higher education, among them 1,942 (or 32.3 percent) had

education in librarianship; 1,768 of them (or 29.4 percent) had higher education, among them 1,189

(or 19.8 percent) had education in librarianship; 384 of them (or 6,4 percent) had other (secondary,

unfinished higher) education.

Page 17: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Education of professional librarians

3,345 (by 21 less) or 54.9 percent of the professional librarians worked at culture institution

libraries. 1,814 professional librarians with higher education made up 54.2 percent (among them,

996 with higher education in librarianship made up 29.8 percent), 1,251 professional librarians with

high education made 37.4 percent (among them, 907 with high education in librarianship made up

27.1 percent), 280 professional librarians with other (secondary, unfinished higher) education made

up 8.4 percent of professional librarians respectively. Full time workers (2,633) made up 78.7

percent of the total number of employees. In the National Library professionals in librarianship

made up 48.5 percent of professional librarians, in Lithuanian Library for the Blind – 45.8 percent,

in county public libraries – 66.1 percent, in municipal public libraries – 56.9 percent (among them,

38.6 percent in rural branches) respectively. Full time workers among professional librarians made

up 91 percent in the National Library, 92 percent in county public libraries, 74.6 percent in

municipal public libraries (among the, 51.5 in rural branches).

2,498 (by 108 less) professional librarians (41.6 percent of the total number of professional

librarians) worked at education and science institution libraries. Among them, 1,906 (76.3 percent)

had higher education (844 or 33.8 percent had higher education in librarianship), 493 (19.3 percent)

had high education (269 or 10.7 percent had high education in librarianship), 99 (4 percent) had

other (secondary, unfinished higher) education). Full time workers (1,771) made up 70.9 percent of

professional librarians. 704 (by 25 less) professional librarians worked at higher school libraries.

Among them, 608 (86.4 percent) had higher education (381 or 54.1 percent had higher education in

librarianship), 79 (11.2 percent) had high education (52 or 7.4 percent had high education in

librarianship), 17 (2.4 percent) had other education. In vocational school libraries 73 professional

librarians (66.4 percent) had higher education (40 or 36.4 percent had higher education in

librarianship), 35 (31.8 percent) had high education (20 or 18.2 percent had high education in

librarianship), 2 (1.8 percent) had other education. 1,513 (by 74 less than in 2012) professional

librarians worked in general education school libraries. Among them, 1,101 (72.8 percent) had




9.6% 6.4%

higher education in librarianship

high education in librarianship

other higher education

other high education

other (secondary, unfinished higher) education

Page 18: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

higher education, (359 or 23.7 percent had higher education in librarianship), 344 (22.7 percent) had

high education (176 or 11.6 percent had high education in librarianship), 68 (4.5 percent) had other

education. Full time workers at general education school libraries (911) made up 60.2 percent of

professional librarians. 98 professional librarians worked at the Wroblewski Library of the

Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, among them 88 (89.8 percent) had higher education (54 or 55.1

percent had higher education in librarianship), 10 (10.2 percent) had high education or 7.1 percent

had high education in librarianship).

161 professional librarians worked at special libraries; among them, 99 professional librarians

worked at technical libraries, 52 at medical libraries, 8 at agricultural libraries. 132 of them (82

percent) had higher education (102 or 63.3 percent had higher education in librarianship), 24 (14.9

percent) had high education (13 or 8 percent had high education in librarianship), 5 (3,1 percent)

had other education. 59 professional librarians (or 72 percent) worked in the Lithuanian Technical

Library, 28 (or 77.8 percent) – in the Lithuanian Medical Library; 3 in the Lithuanian Agricultural


During the year, 2,963 (by 450 more) librarians (or 49.3 percent of the total number) participated in

training. The training was taken mostly by specialists of culture institution libraries – 2.067

employees (or 69.7 percent) participated in it (1.673 or 66.5 percent in municipal public libraries,

313 or 79.2 percent in county public libraries). In education and science institution libraries 836

library employees (or 33.5 percent) participated in training. Among them, 356 employees (or 50.6

percent) – in higher school libraries, 30 (or 27.3 percent) – in vocational school libraries, 364 (or

24.1 percent) – in general education school libraries, 76 (or 69.1 percent) – in science institution

libraries. In special libraries 60 librarians (or 37.3 percent) were trained. In 2013, 36 specialists who

received education in librarianship and information sciences were hired by the libraries: 1 in county

public library, 1 in the National Library, 4 in the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, 10 in municipal

public libraries, 18 in education and science institution libraries (6 in higher school libraries, 9 in

general education school libraries, 2 in vocational school libraries, 1 in the Wroblewski Library of

the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 1 in special libraries).

Funds and expenses. We still do not have clear picture of all libraries’ funds and expenses. There

are various reasons: expenses accounting is not performed; some libraries of public entities give

reasons for commercial secrets of the companies; the most part of libraries are just structural units

of other institutions, e.g. general education school libraries, non-formal children education

institution libraries etc., where identification of libraries funds and expenses for common needs

(lighting, premises maintenance) is not easy or even impossible. Therefore, funds and expenses of

the state significance libraries, state higher school libraries, and public libraries are analysed and

discussed, as in previous years.

Funds. In 2013 the income of the libraries received from various sources was 304 million 315.5

thousand LTL, or by 103.7 million LTL more than in 2012. The increase was caused by investment

funds (89.9 million LTL) allocated for construction and equipment of the new building of Vilnius

University. The state budget funding – 180 million LTL – made up 59.2 percent of the library

funds. Funding for various programs and investment projects – 118.1 million LTL (or by 92.8

million LTL more than in 2012) – made up 38.8 percent of the library funds. The income for paid

services – 2,561.2 thousand LTL – made up 0.8 percent, the support of physical and legal persons –

3,543.4 thousand LTL (or by 1,469.3 thousand LTL less than in 2012) – 1.2 percent respectively. In

comparison with 2012, the state budget funding increased by 15 million 30.7 thousand LTL. The

state budget funding increased for Lithuanian Library for the Blind (+91.5 thousand LTL), county

public libraries (+1 million 407 thousand LTL), the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian

Page 19: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Academy of Sciences (+1 million 56.2 thousand LTL), the Lithuanian Medical Library (+127.6

thousand LTL). On the contrary, it decreased for the National Library of Lithuania (-65.2 thousand

LTL) and municipal public libraries (-2 million 51.1 thousand LTL).

Funding from various sources in 2012–2013 (thousand LTL)

The budget (state, municipal) funding made up 72.6 percent of the total funding for the National

Library of Lithuania, 96.4 percent for the Lithuanian Library for the Blind, 96.7 percent for county

public libraries, 82.7 percent for municipal public libraries, 70.1 percent for the Wroblewski Library

of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 98.7 percent for the Lithuanian Technical Library, 82.7

percent for the Lithuanian Medical Library, 30.6 percent for university libraries, 72.1 percent for

college libraries respectively. Percentage of the budget funding is determined by the funds from

other sources – project funding, income for paid services or support, e.g. in university libraries

funds of projects and programs made up 8.8 percent in 2012, while in 2013 it made up 68.2 percent

of funds received. The biggest income for paid services had the National Library of Lithuania (1.3

percent), county public libraries (1.6 percent), university libraries (0.6 percent), municipal public

libraries (0.5 percent). Support of physical and legal persons made up 13.7 percent of total funds of

the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, 1.5 percent of total funds of

municipal public libraries, 0.6 percent of total funds of university libraries respectively.

Expenses. The total library expenses amounted to over 300 million LTL, or by 106.3 million LTL

more than in 2012. The staff costs made up 95.1 million LTL (31.7 percent of total expenses),

document acquisition expenditures amounted to 19.5 million LTL and made up 6.5 percent of total

expenses, including book acquisition – 13.1 million LTL or 4.3 percent, and periodical subscription

– 4 million LTL or 1.3 percent. 124.8 million LTL, or 41.6 percent of total expenses, was used for

renovation of library buildings. Purchasing and maintenance of software required 7.8 million LTL –

2.6 percent of total expenses. Other expenses made up 52.8 million LTL, or 17.6 percent of total



















4 2









1 3











State budget funding

Paid services

Support of physical and legal persons

Funds of projects and programs




Page 20: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Usage of funds in 2012–2013 (thousand LTL)

In comparison with 2012, staff costs increased by 681.4.3 thousand LTL; however the change was

not positive in all libraries. Staff costs decreased in the National Library (-155.6 thousand LTL), in

county public libraries (-134.7 thousand LTL), in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian

Academy of Sciences (-174.9 thousand LTL). Staff costs increased in municipal public libraries

(+511.8 thousand LTL), in the Lithuanian Library for the Blind (+34 thousand LTL), in university

libraries (6344.5 thousand LTL), in college libraries (+119 thousand LTL), in the Lithuanian

Medical Library (+94.3 thousand LTL), in the Lithuanian Technical Library (+40 thousand LTL),

in the Lithuanian Agricultural Library (+3 thousand LTL). For document acquisition Libraries used

19 million 530 thousand LTL, or by 1 million LTL less than in 2012. Less funds for document

acquisition were used in the National Library (-1.2 thousand LTL), in the Lithuanian Library for the

Blind (-6.8 thousand LTL), in county libraries (-28.6 thousand LTL), in municipal public libraries (-

470.3 thousand LTL), in university libraries (-334.4 thousand LTL), in college libraries (-425.4

thousand LTL), in the Lithuanian Medical Library (-5 thousand LTL). Document acquisition

expenditures increased in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (+425.4

thousand LTL) and in the Lithuanian Technical Library (+18.9 thousand LTL). Document

acquisition expenditures in the National Library made up just 1 percent, in the Lithuanian Medical

Library – 1.4 percent, in county public libraries – 3.3 percent, in municipal public libraries – 8.6

percent, in university libraries – 5.1 percent, in the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy

of Sciences – 15.4 percent of the total expenses respectively (see panorama of expenses).





























Staff costs

Document acquisition

Automation Buildings, building renovation

Other expenses



Page 21: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

Panorama of expenses in 2013 (percent)

Expenses (percent)






















S taff cost s 3 6 . 7 5 7 . 1 4 8 . 1 5 1 . 2 3 5 . 7 1 1 . 5 5 3 . 6 6 5 . 8 5 5 . 1 4 4 . 8 3 1 . 7

Acquisition expenditures 1 . 0 6 . 0 3 . 3 8 . 6 1 5 . 4 5 . 1 3 8 . 6 4 . 5 1 . 4 1 1 . 3 6 . 5

B o o k s 0 . 2 0 . 9 2 . 6 6 . 6 1 3 . 9 2 . 6 2 8 . 2 0 . 1 0 . 5 6 . 9 4 . 3

Periodicals 0 . 3 0 . 6 0 . 5 1 . 8 1 . 2 1 . 1 7 . 6 4 . 2 0 . 2 3 . 6 1 . 3

Electronic documents 0 . 5 4 . 2 0 . 1 0 . 1 0 . 3 1 . 4 2 . 8 0 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 8 0 . 9

Other documents 0 . 0 0 . 3 0 . 1 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 1 0 . 5 0 . 0 0 . 0

Building renovation 2 9 . 5 0 . 0 2 0 . 0 1 2 . 4 0 . 0 7 4 . 6 0 . 3 0 . 0 5 . 4 0 . 0 4 1 . 6

Automation 1 1 . 0 2 4 . 4 0 . 2 1 . 8 5 . 0 1 . 5 1 . 8 0 . 0 1 . 2 3 . 5 2 . 6

Other expenses 2 1 . 8 1 2 . 5 2 8 . 4 2 6 . 0 4 3 . 9 7 . 3 5 . 7 2 9 . 7 3 6 . 9 4 0 . 4 1 7 . 6

Building renovation or land plots purchasing expenses made up 124.8 million LTL or 41.6 percent

of the total expenses. In comparison with 2012, it increased by 100 million LTL. The biggest

project funding was received by university libraries – 100.8 million LTL or 80.7 percent (the

Vilnius University Library received 89.9 million LTL); municipal public libraries received 14.9

million LTL or 12.6 percent, the National Library of Lithuania – 7.7 million LTL or 6.2 percent,

municipal public libraries received 12.1 million LTL or 9.7 percent, county public libraries – 4

milion LTL or 3.2 percent of all funds allocated for projects respectively. Library computerization,

licensing, purchasing and maintenance of software expenses made up 7.81 million LLT, or by 1.7

million LTL more than in 2012. The National Library spent for this purpose 2.8 million LTL, the

Lithuanian Library for the Blind – 509.1 thousand LTL, municipal public libraries – 1.8 million

LTL, university libraries – 2.1 million LTL. Other expenses (maintenance of premises and

transport, communal services and telecommunications, purchasing of goods and services) made up

52.8 million LTL, or 17.6 percent of the total expenses (in the National Library – 21.8, in county

public libraries – 28.4, in municipal public libraries – 26, in university libraries – 7.3, in the

Lithuanian Technical Library – 27.7, in the Lithuanian Medical Library – 36.9 percent


Electronics documents and electronic services. Accounting of electronic services is still problematic

in general education school libraries as well as in non-formal education institution and other

libraries. The librarians alone are not able to account electronic services, common efforts of

database managers and web administrators are necessary for submitting of electronic services

statistical data. Libraries of various types use different information systems – LIBIS, ALEPHO,

where electronic service recording software (free or purchased) is installed, and system

administrators submit data on electronic services. General educations school libraries use specially

adapted LIBIS version – MOBIS, however, not all libraries have installed it. Moreover, librarian’s

work in the school libraries is often done by teachers working in the library part time to compensate

their missing working hours, or somewhere even on a voluntary basis. In 2013 electronic services

statistical data was not submitted by some college libraries, non-formal education school libraries

etc.; in 16 municipalities they were not accounted by general education school libraries. Though all

municipal public libraries have possibility to account electronic services, virtual visits were not

accounted by 7, downloaded documents – by 34, downloaded records – by 16 municipal public

libraries respectively, whereas data about virtual visits was submitted by 2 rural branches in two

municipalities. Some of the data submitted is questionable, e.g. Šilalė municipal public library

reported on over 821 thousand of downloaded records, or 76.3 percent of all records downloaded

(records downloaded for library needs are excluded). In 2013, the number of internet sessions made

Page 22: Lithuanian libraries in 2013 · Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania In 2013, 2,585 libraries, or by 48 library less than in 2012, submitted data to the Lithuanian Integral

up over 28.6 million (+2.8 million), the number of virtual visits – 15.8 million (+2.8 million).

Library users downloaded over 8.3 million (-953 thousand) electronic full text documents (or their

parts) and 14.3 million (-56.7 thousand) descriptive records.

713 databases were on computer network, 1,127 databases were on other servers. Users had access

to 939 thousand titles of periodicals and to more than 1.8 million titles of other digital documents

on computer networks or installed on public access workstations.

This review of library statistical indicators for 2013 is based on statistical reports presented by

Lithuanian libraries. The main indicators tend to decrease, and there are enough reasons for

concern: libraries are being closed, more and more of them shorten the working hours, they are

moving away from their existing or former readers. New structures are being created, but does this

always prove itself and meet the expectations? Though many book and reading promotion etc.

events took place, document loan in libraries, the number of users (readers) kept decreasing by tens

or hundreds of thousands. Can we find out and name the true reasons of these changes? Mistakes

noticed in the statistical module are being identified and corrected, however they repeat in the

annual submissions of statistics. Libraries’ trivial round: often we do more than report, and

sometimes… contrarily. The numbers are silent, but they tell a lot. Only they can substantiate the

survival of a library in community. Library must be visible, open, modern, in demand. On the

whole, we are proud of libraries’ participation in various programs, projects, their cultural and

educational events, new or renovated library buildings. Development of new technologies opens up

new possibilities for the development of information services and encourages the emergence of the

goals related to the ability of libraries to create new services meeting community needs.

The libraries are experiencing shortages and lack of the newest books and periodicals, they are

being closed, the main indicators keep decreasing, librarians’ salaries year after year remain low,

etc.; notwithstanding, librarians’ enthusiasm and willingness to do a chosen and favourite activity

does not die away. They want to play an important role in community life.

Library statistical indicators for 2013 are presented on LIBIS statistical module: www.lnb.lt

/bibliotekininkui/Lietuvos bibliotekų statistiniai duomenys. The user name is GEST, the password

is GEST. There is also information (logins, reports formation) on the available options of reporting

according to various criteria.