Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地

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As the Winter Olympics get underway, we’ll take you to some beautiful ski resorts around the world. 帶你搭上冬季奧運的順風車,盡覽全球頂級的滑雪景點。

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Page 2: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地


3 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 3 / 慢速 MP3 - 27課程講解》MP3 - 47

THE chilly winter months might get some

people down. However, millions of

people look forward to the cold weather and

shorter days because of their love of winter


This year, you don’t have to be an expert

skier to enjoy winter. Just turn on the TV and

catch the exciting events of the Winter

Olympics. The speed of the athletes skiing

down steep1 mountains will make your jaw

drop. In the bobsledh event, teams shoot

through icy tunnels.2 Ski jumpingh will

amaze3 you as skiers fly over 150 meters

through the air.

Many of the 2010 Winter Olympic events

will take place at Canada’s Whistler resort.

The two mountains there have it all: great

terrain,u glaciers,u and a charming village. It’s

no wonder that Whistler was chosen for the

Olympics. It is one of the best ski resorts in

North America. With its huge verticalu drop†

(5,280 feet), it’s also the most challenging.

After a hard day on the slopes,4 Whistler’s

village offers everything skiers need with over

100 restaurants and shops. Visitors can relax

or take advantage of the party atmosphere.5

With people from all over the world there

for the Olympics, though, you may find the

slopes a little crowded.* 中文翻譯請參閱第 67 頁






Olympic-classski ResORtsu 五大冬奧滑雪勝地 —Justin Thibedeau



UNIT 2 旅遊好趣處 ■


Page 3: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. steep [stip] adj. 陡峭的

It was too difficult to ride my bicycle up the steep hill, so I got off and walked.

* 2. tunnel [`t9ny] n. 隧道

There are tunnels under this street where people hid during the war.

* 3. amaze [4`mez] v. 使驚奇

The tricks that the young Chinese girl could do amazed us.

4. slope [slop] n. 斜坡

Kelly’s car rolled down the slope and into the river.

* 5. atmosphere [`1tm4s%f6r] n. 氣氛

Jared stayed with his wife on an island that had a very romantic atmosphere.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

* u resort [r6`z7rt] n. 渡假勝地;名勝

u terrain [t4`ren] n. 地形;地勢(也可唸成 [t5`ren])

* u glacier [`gle]0] n. 冰河

u vertical [`v-t6ky] adj. 垂直的

† drop [dr3p] 此指 「高度落差」。

Give It a Try 請依提示重組句子或選出正確選項。

q (chosen / Dillon / has / It’s / math / no / that / to study / wonder) at university. He’s always been good at it.(請重組出正確句子)

= ______________________________________ ______________________________________at university. He’s always been good at it.

____w The beautiful view made my _____, so I took many pictures.

a. jaw drop b. skin crawl

____e The train went into the dark _____ that goes through the mountain.

a. slope b. tunnel

*答案請參閱第 67 頁

滑雪小辭典 h bobsled [`b3bsl5d] n. 雪車 (bobsledding [`b3bsl5d6;] 指「滑

雪車」,在冬季奧運的項目名稱為 bobsleigh [`b3b%sle])

h ski jumping n. 跳台滑雪

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. make one’s jaw drop 使某人瞠目結舌jaw [d.7]指「下巴」,此慣用語形容人吃驚時張大嘴巴的樣子。相關形容詞 jaw-dropping指「使人驚嘆的」。

• Clinton made my jaw drop when he started singing.


• Gabrielle walked into the room wearing a jaw-dropping dress. 蓋碧兒穿著一件令人驚豔的洋裝走進房間。


慣用語 make one’s skin/flesh crawl表示「使某人害怕、毛骨悚然」 。

• The scary story made my skin/flesh crawl, and I had trouble sleeping that night. 這恐怖故事讓我毛骨悚然,我那晚很難入睡。

2. It’s no wonder 難怪 wonder當名詞是「奇觀;驚奇」,要表示「……不足 為奇;難怪……」,可用句型︰

It’s no wonder (that) + S. + V.

• It’s no wonder that you are tired; you didn’t go to bed until 3:00 AM! 你凌晨三點才睡,怪不得你很累!

+ no也可用 little 或 small 代替,it’s也可以省略。

• Kevin missed work again. (It’s) Little wonder he’s falling behind on his project. 凱文又沒來上班了。難怪他現在的案子進度落後。



Olympic-Class Ski Resorts • World Attractions

Page 4: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地

If you want great skiing but don’t like Olympic-size

crowds, check out the resorts that have hosted1 the Winter

Olympic Games in the past. In 1998, they were held in the

north of Japan at Shiga Kogen.h This ski area actually has

twenty-one different ski resorts to choose from, and one

pass lets you go to all of them.

Shiga Kogen is a giant2 among Japanese ski resorts

in more ways than just size. The ski season lasts from

November to May, making it one of the longest in the

world. You can also sootheu your exhausted3 muscles in

mountain hot springs. While soaking, don’t be surprised if

a friendly Japanese snow monkey joins you. This area is

famous for them.

Squaw Valleyh in Northern California,h USA is another

star ski resort. It hosted the Winter Olympics in 1960. With

six mountain peaks and mild4 weather, you can always

enjoy comfortable day skiing or snowboarding.u From the

slopes, you can also take in wonderful views of sparkling5

clear Lake Tahoe.h Then, ski right to the door of your

condo,† where you can order a five-star dinner to share with

someone special. * 中文翻譯請參閱第 67-68 頁






4 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 4 / 慢速 MP3 - 28課程講解》MP3 - 48

q 史科谷的空中纜車

w 白雪覆蓋的志賀高原

e 日本雪猴泡溫泉

r 指導員協助小朋友使用滑雪器具

t 夕陽下的太浩湖

y 史科谷的渡假公寓






旅遊好趣處 ■UNIT 2


Page 5: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. host [host] v. 主辦; 主持

Our good friends hosted a welcome-back party for us when we returned from our year in Africa.

* 2. giant [`d.a64nt] n. 強手;巨人

The giant of social Web sites right now is Facebook.

* 3. exhausted [6g`z7st6d] adj. 精疲力竭的

The exhausted children fell asleep in the car on the way home from the park.

* 4. mild [ma6ld] adj. (此指)溫和的;味淡的

Ed’s soup has a mild flavor, so I don’t think it will be too spicy for you.

* 5. sparkling [`sp3rkl6;] adj. 閃閃發光的

Nadia showed all of her coworkers the sparkling diamond on her new ring.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u soothe [su\] v. 緩和;安撫

u snowboarding [`sno%bord6;] n. 滑雪板運動

† condo [`k3ndo] 指 「分契式公寓」,為國外常見的一種獨棟公


關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. join vs. join injoin和 join in都指「加入;參與」,但用法不同:

受詞 意義

join 某人或團體• 加入某人的行列

• 加入某團體成為一員

join in 事件或活動 參加某活動或運動

• If you want to join the club, you have to pay a fee. 如果你想要加入這社團,你必須繳交會費。

• After watching for a few minutes, Christopher joined in the dance.


+ join in可用 take part in/ participate in代換,都表示 「參加(某活動)」。

2. take in的用法a 表示「完整觀賞(景物)」,如本文用法。

• The man stood in the door for a few minutes and took in the scene of the party. 這男士在門口站了幾分鐘,觀看整場派對的景象。

b 表示「理解、消化(資訊)」。

• I was tired, so it was difficult to take in the information in class. 我很疲累,所以難以消化課堂上的資訊。

c 表示「把(衣物)改小」。

• Suzie lost a lot of weight and had to have her clothes taken in. 蘇西減重了很多,必須請人把她的衣服改小。


h Shiga Kogen [`]6g3] [`kogen] n. 志賀高原

h Squaw Valley [skw7] [`v1l6] n. 史科谷

h California [%k1l4`f7rnj4] n. 加州(位於美國西岸)

h Lake Tahoe [`t3ho] n. 太浩湖

Give It a Try 請依提示填入本課所學相關的英文字詞。

*答案請參閱第 68 頁

a s




Olympic-Class Ski Resorts • World Attractions

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5 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 - 5 / 慢速 MP3 - 29課程講解》MP3 - 49

Winter sports lovers who are close to Europe can find great skiing in the Alps.h

Italy’s Cortinah is one of the world’s first ski resorts and remains the most

stylish.u Its great reputation1 brought the Winter Olympics here in 1956. Cortina

village is full of luxury2 spasu and high-class restaurants, and cars aren’t

allowed. It’s the perfect recipe3 for relaxation.4 If you get bored of skiing,

go to the Cortina Adrenaline Center.† There, you can try other exciting

winter sports like bobsledding, snow rafting, and high-speed tobogganing.

For the very first Winter Olympics back in 1924, Chamonixh in France was the place to

be. Located in the ruggedu French Alps, Chamonix is one of the most famous ski resorts.

This is thanks to Vallée Blanche,h the “White Valley,” which is the world’s longest ski run. It

is twenty-two kilometers long, which is twice the length of the longest run at Whistler!

This February, get into the excitement of the Winter Olympic Games with people around

the world. Then, bundle up† and celebrate the cold by trying some exciting winter sports.

The amazing ski resorts around the world are waiting for you. * 中文翻譯請參閱第 68 頁

▼北義大利境內的阿爾卑斯山區 ▼滑雪客聚集的滑雪場 ▼可提納的銀白色街景

旅遊好趣處 ■



Page 7: Live互動英語雜誌2010年2月號 - Olympic-Class Ski Resorts 五大冬奧滑雪勝地

關鍵解析 Language Notes

1. get bored of 感到無聊要表示「對……感到無聊、厭倦」,可用句型︰

bored be/get tired of + N./V-ing sick

• If you get bored of sitting at home, give me a call and we can go out. 如果你在家坐著很無聊,打電話給我,我們可以出去。

• I’m sick of (having) chicken for dinner. Can’t we have something else? 我厭倦了晚餐吃雞肉,我們不能吃些別的東西嗎?

2. thanks to 因為介系詞片語 thanks to表示「因為;由於」,常用於歸咎原因或表達感謝,可置於句中或句首。

• Bob can finally open his restaurant. This is thanks to the gift of money he got from his uncle. 鮑伯終於可以開餐廳了。這是因為有他叔叔贈送的資金。

• Thanks to Gina, I finally learned to ice-skate. 幸虧有吉娜的幫忙,我終於學會溜冰。

+可用 because of、owing to、due to代換。

• Thanks to the traffic, I didn’t get home until 9:00 PM. 就是因為交通擁擠,我晚上九點才回到家。

= Owing to the traffic, I didn’t get home until 9:00 PM.

字彙 Vocabulary *為大考出現過的字彙

* 1. reputation [%r5pj4`te]4n] n. 名聲;信譽

The jewelry store has a very good reputation, so you can trust them.

* 2. luxury [`l9k]4r6] n. 奢華;奢侈

One night at the luxury hotel will cost you over NT$10,000.

* 3. recipe [`r5s4pi] n. (此指)配方;食譜

This restaurant also sells a book of the recipes it uses to make its food.

* 4. relaxation [%ril1k`se]4n] n. 放鬆;休閒娛樂

Sasha told me that she wants her vacation to be about rest and relaxation.

u 字彙小筆記:僅供參考 † 為補充說明

u stylish [`sta6l6]] adj. 時尚的;時髦的

* u spa [sp3] n. 水療渡假中心

u rugged [`r9g6d] adj. 崎嶇的

† Cortina Adrenaline Center [1`dr5ny6n] 指「可提納競技


† bundle up [`b9ndy] 此指「穿得暖和」。


h Alps [1lps] n. 阿爾卑斯山脈

h Cortina [k7r`t6n3] n. 可提納(義大利北部城鎮)

h Chamonix [%]3mo`ni] n. 霞慕尼(法國的山中城鎮)

h Vallée Blanche [v3`le] [bl3n]] n. 白朗谷(法文,為白朗峰與南


Give It a Try 請選出與劃線部份同義的代換字詞。

a. for relaxation b. thanks to c. recipe for d. tired of

____q Can you give me the instructions for making that wonderful apple pie?

____w By the end of the trip, I was sick of living out of my suitcase.

____e Due to my illness, I missed my brother’s soccer game.

____r Rita was so busy on her visit home that she had no time to rest.

*答案請參閱第 68 頁


• snow rafting [`r1ft6;] n. 雪上泛舟

• tobogganing [t4`b3g4n6;] n. 平底雪橇滑行

• ski run n. 滑雪道


Olympic-Class Ski Resorts • World Attractions