Living Things Yr1 term plan

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  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Living Things

    Integrated Unit of Work

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Integrated Unit of Work: Living things Year Level: Year 1 6 Week ProgramOverarching Outcomes (CF):

    1 English 5 Connections, Patterns &Relationships

    9 Global Community 13 Rights and Responsibilities

    2 Mathematics 6 Thinking Laterally 10 Creativity These refer to the Overarching LearningOutcomes in the Curriculum Framework(1998:18-19)3 Inquiry Learning 7 Science 11 Growth & Wellbeing

    4 Finding TechnologicalSolutions

    8 Understanding Australia 12 Collaboration & IndependentLearning

    English Program:

    Language Literature Literacy General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities

    Text structure and organisation: punctuation

    Recognise that different types of punctuation, including full stops, question

    marks and exclamation marks, signal sentences that make

    statements, ask questions, express emotion or give commands (ACELA1449)

    Expressing and developing ideas: visual language

    Identify the parts of a simple sentence that represent Whats happening?,

    What state is being described?, Who or what is involved? and the

    surrounding circumstances (ACELA1451)

    Expressing and developing ideas: word level GrammarExplore differences in words that represent people, places and things (nouns,

    including pronouns), happenings and states (verbs), qualities

    (Adjectives) and details such as when, where and how (adverbs) (ACELA1452)

    Sound and letter knowledge: alphabet knowledge

    Recognise soundletter matches including common vowel and consonant

    digraphs and consonant blends (ACELA1458)

    Texts in contexts: texts and the contexts in which they are used

    Respond to texts drawn from a range of cultures and experiences (ACELY1655)

    Interacting with others: listerning and speaking interactions

    Engage in conversations and discussions, using active listening behaviours,

    showing interest, and contributing ideas, information and questions


    Use interaction skills including turn taking, recognising the contributions of

    others, speaking clearly and using appropriate volume and pace (ACELY1788)

    Interacting with others: Oral presentations

    Make short presentations using some introduced text structures and

    language, for example opening statements (ACELY1657)

    Interpreting, analyzing, evaluating: reading process

    Read supportive texts using developing phrasing, fluency, contextual,

    semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge and emerging text processing

    strategies, for example prediction, monitoring meaning and rereading


    Interpreting, analyzing, evaluating: comprehension strategies

    Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning a bout key

    events, ideas and information in texts that they listen to, view and read by

    drawing on growing knowledge of context, text structures and language

    features (ACELY1660)

    Creating texts: handwriting

    Write using unjoined lower case and upper case letters (ACELY1663)

    LiteracyVocabulary knowledgeInteraction skills

    Ethical Understanding Develop an understanding of community responsibility towards our fauna

    and flora

    Personal and social competence Self and social awareness social managementAboriginal and Torres strait islander hi stories and

    culturesRespond to texts drawn from a range from cultures and experiencesSustainability Understand how damaging human population can be on animals

    Reading Groups: Spelling Groups:

    Late: Letter name


    Within Word:

    Ben Frank

    Cameron W

    Ben R


    Lachlan L

    Mid: Within Word

    Pattern two groups

    Bryon Michael

    James M Aidan

    Emerson Jack H

    Dylan Kai

    Jackson Mathew

    Late: Within Word




    Ben Fick


    Lachlan T

    Late: Within Word

    Pattern/ Early: Syllable

    and Affixes



    James C

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Science program:

    Science Understanding Science as human endeavour Science inquiry skills

    Biological scienceLiving things have a variety of external features


    Living things live in different places where their needs are met


    Science as a human endeavor: use and influence of science

    People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their

    environment and living things


    Questioning and predicting

    Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar

    objects and events (ACSIS024)

    Planning and conducting

    Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and

    answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and

    accessing information sources (ACSIS025)


    Compare observations with those of others ( ACSIS213)

    Prior Knowledge Exemplar Texts

    Understand that punctuation is a feature of written texts Effectively use capital letters and full stops Understand that texts are made up of words and groups of words that make meaning Recognise the letters of the alphabet Can identify some familiar texts and the contexts in which they are used Can listen and respond orally to texts Use correct interaction skills: i.e listening, voice levels, articulation, body language, eye contact Uses comprehension strategies to understand texts Understand that living things have basic needs Can respond to questions about familiar objects and events

    Magic beach (local habitats) Ladybird moves home (different things live in different places) Edward the emu (different things live in different places, poetry) A home for Bilby (happens when habitats change, aboriginal) Dingos tree (aboriginal, sustainability, happens when habitat changes) EBook who am I at the Zoo by Jo Tobias Hind Sweet Sharks! Learning About Sharks - Shark Photos And Facts Make It Fun! Cyndy Adamsen Sea Turtles - Beautiful, Real Photos and Fun Sea Turtle Facts for Kids Angela Daniels 25 Weirdest Animals in the World! Amazing facts, photos and video links to the strangest creatures on the

    planet. IP Factly

    Freddie Frog is Hungry Kari Brimhall, VonLogan Brimhall Birds (Discover Series) Xist Publishing Hide and Seek Animals By Dorling Kindersley Publishing Staff Animals Around the World by DK Publishing Armadillos Sleep in Dugouts: and Other Places Animals Live By Pam Munoz Ryan, Diane deGroat


    Who Has These Feet? By Laura Hulbert, Erik Brooks (Illustrator) Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr. Non fiction books on reptiles IPAD Aps

    o Simple minds

    Links to other learning areas

    This unit links English to Science
  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Unit Overview (Forward Planning Document)

    Context/Intent Deep Knowledge and Understandings Skills Processes/Values/AttitudesIntegrating Theme

    Understanding of the importance of learning and understanding Australian and Asian animals and plants. Appreciation for the natural world.

    Animals depend on humans for their survival: without their protection human civilisation will take overthe world

    Humans are a type of animal Describe features of animals and their habitats

    English (Literacy) Science






    Literature Literacy







    Science Understaning



    Science as Human Endeavour


    Science Inquiry





    Range of texts drawn from different cultures and experiences

    Poetry/Songs: can be a literacy centre

    Study the descriptive language used in the poems (add to word wall)

    Study characteristics and adaptations of animals I am living downloaded classifying something that lives My teddy bear characteristics of the bear Lets go to the zoo - one distinguishing feature of each


    Turtle rap - of a turtle The elephant who forgot who he was - adaptations of animals If I had - of animals Im a little fish - of fish Habitat -

    Picture books

    Introduction in animals

    o Focus on fluency and decoding strategieso Highlight types of habitats and why they are different for each animalo Highlight a disruption to habitat effects

    (See list of texts above)Informational books

    Teach Characteristics, attributes of animals, habitats Guided reading and literacy circles for practice, reading strategies and comprehension skills NEED TO VISIT LIBRARY/CLASSBOOKS FOR LIST


    Picture flickcover the words and only show the images, students are to predict and infer what they story is about View pictures of animals and highlight some of their distinguishing features and their uses. Use for the answers

    Speaking & Listening

    Oral presentation of their predictions of the mystery animal. Picking the odd animal out and describing why its characteristics make it odd Homework project oral my favourite animal profile


    Sentence development:

    Write exclamatory statement in response to how animals are loosing their homes Imperative sentence as if they were an animal talking to their children Interrogative sentence: pick your favourite animal and write a question that you would like to know about the animal. I.E where do

    snakes live? How many scales do snakes have?

    Declarative statement about an interesting fact I have learnt so f arDiary of their learning and the events of the Mystery animal

    Write sentences reporting on the mystery animals movements Write sentences reflecting on the learning of that day Write a sentence explaining what they did in the science class. i.e a simple method of the science lesson Writing a prediction for what the mystery animal is

    Word Study

    Recognising sounds (onset and rime) of words related to living things Effective words to describe places, people or events of animals. I.E home/habitat/safe place/base Identifies topic words such as vertebrates, eyes, wings, cold blooded, living, non living Adjectives, adverbs and unusual verbs relating to living things. I.E the bee gracefully suckles the nectar


    Jolly phonics and magic 100 words

    Investigate the needs of a variety of different plants:

    External features of animals:

    Reptile incursion: focus on the features of the animals

    Compare and contrast modelsAnimal match up (match the adaptation to the animal)

    Make an animal model:

    Using 5E model

    Engage: Surprise box, all get a puzzle piece that has a common animal feature, have to join pieces to make an animal (many animals) Act out animal actions

    Determines prior knowledge Explore:

    Use IPADS to take photos of different animal features inside and outside the classroom. (Before a closer look) Discuss what they students are looking for. i.e Colour, texture, shape, size, movement Share pictures with other groups and class Suggest improvements to pictures i.e look at the segments of the worms, look at the toe nails Take more photos of more detailed features Ask for ideas about how these features help the animals move, fee and protect themselves i.e how do they breath?, how

    do they eat?

    Study one animal. Draw a pre observation then highlight specific features Students draw again Then ask, how do they eat? See? Breath? Habitat? How do parts help them live there?

    Use Internet and books to list the features of animals. Create your own insect. What features does it have? Explain: create a compare and contrast for land animals/ sea animals why are they different? What are some features Elaborate:

    Why do some animals have fingers while others dont? Whole class investigation jigsaw approach (animalsthat have fingers are?Try getting the food they eat without fingers. Try moving between branches. Hygiene

    Why are some animals colourful while others arent? What are feathers good for? Shape of birds beaks

    What do you know about beaks What are the parts of the beak? Are there different colours?

    How does a frog catch its lunch? Evaluate:

    Design a mind map of common features of animals Discuss why animals have these features: importance focus on movement, feeding and environment live in

    Features of plants and their adaptations

    Venn diagrams

    Plant match up (match the adaptation to the plant)

    Make a plant model to show understanding of segments

    Using 5E model

    Engage: Mystery box with various plants (rosemary, thyme, mint)o Worksheet to help clarify their prior understandings

    Explore:o Jigsaw: study on plant from the beach, the bush and the backyardo Share with class

    Explain:o Design a mind map of all the features and their adaptationso Prompt questions related to the adaptations

    Elaborate:o Which is the function of stems

    Evaluate:o Design a class book about plantso Discuss why different plants have di fferent features.


    Venn diagrams: compare beach, backyard and bush habitats. Read ladybug book

    Habitat match up (match the animal/plant to its habitat)

    Make a habitat: students have animals that are from various areas and make a habitat accordingly

    Effects of destroying habitats: see books above to help illustrate effects

    Build an internet habitat:
  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Mid: Program Activity: Assessment


    Recount writingo Able to record details of a simple recounto Writes coherent sentences following basic sentence structures and grammar

    Formative assessments conducted throughout the weeks leading to the summative assessment in week 7

    End of Program/Culminating Activity: Assessment


    Authors tea

    One class book will be produced: each student makes one page which includes;o A habitat (bush, beach, backyard)o Animals and plants found within that habitat. Note: Animals and plants are annotated with their featureso Present an oral presentation of their page at an Authors tea

    Correctly forms upper and lower case lettersFormative assessments conducted throughout weeks 4 8 with the summative assessment in week 9

    Unit OutlineWeek Selected report

    pointerLearning Experiences, and Teaching Strategies and Group Structure (whole

    class, small groups or individual)

    Literacy Focus Resources Assessment TypeFFormative








    Spelling: at the end

    Writing: Written recount holiday

    Grammar: initial blends

    Reading: Big book and Guided reading

    Science: sound

    (F)Handwriting assessment




    Observations during circle time and



    Holiday oral recount


    Spelling: vowels

    Writing: explicit instruction of procedure writing

    Grammar: alphabetical order

    Reading: Big book and Guided reading procedures, instructions ect

    Science: sound


    Holiday recount to assess outcome



    Spelling: at the end

    Writing: Written procedure writing

    Grammar: verbs

    Reading: Big book and Guided reading: procedures, instructions ect

    Science: start of living plants and animals








    Integration: Clue one What am I: Frightful Footprints

    1. Discuss initial ideas

    Classroom discussion, Think Pair Share (whole class, Pairs):

    Students discuss what the animal was doing and what they think it could be

    2.Identify different footprints

    Student directed, inquiry based learning: (Groups and Whole class)Students help to guide the investigation, identifying appropriate materials to use and ways to


    Lets compare: Mystery footprint to: ourselves (trace and cut out) and other animals (internet)Differentiation: Students needing fine motor skill help: see teacher to cut out footprint.

    Early finishers: compare foot print to other animal footprints(See resource appendix 1)

    3. Discuss and identify any other prior experiences

    Graffiti (individual, Small groups)

    Students brainstorm any experiences they have had with footprints

    Differentiation: student verbally explains their ideas while another group member scribes

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates speaking and listening skills when they:

    o Work as a class to discuss the initial ideas, solutionsand prior experiences


    Students demonstrate vocabulary when they:

    Use and apply appropriate descriptive vocabulary related

    to living things

    Animalfootprint Emu


    Footprint identification

    Booklet (Resource

    appendix 1)

    Integration: (D)

    Anecdotal notes regarding their initial

    ideas in the topic and in investigation

    skills. These anecdotal notes will be

    collected on sticky notes and complied

    at the end of the lesson

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan








    Introduction into the topic

    Integration: Clue Two What am I? : Feather Frenzy

    1. Discuss initial ideas

    Classroom discussion, Think Pair Share (whole class, Pairs):

    Students discuss where the animal came from, what the animal is,

    how it got into the classroom, what that animal is.

    2.Identify the evidence as feathers

    Student directed, inquiry based learning: (Groups and Whole class)

    Students help to guide the investigation, identifying some

    appropriate solutions for solving this mystery as well as the material


    Using magnifying glasses compare hairo Compare our friends hair to the feathero Compare other animals feathers to this oneo Why do we have hair not featherso Where else do we have hair? Does this animal

    also have hair there?

    Differentiation: Early finishers: compare feather with feathers identification

    booklet (See resource appendix 2)

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Work as a class to discuss the initial ideas,possible solutions to solve this mystery and

    their findings


    Students demonstrate vocabulary when they:

    Use and apply appropriate descriptive vocabularyrelated to living things and mysteries

    Animal feathers emu Investigation board updated with new


    Early finisher: identification booklet (resourceappendix 2)

    Integration: (D)

    Anecdotal notes regarding their initial

    ideas in the topic and in investigation

    skills. These anecdotal notes will be

    collected on sticky notes and complied at

    the end of the lesson









    1.Cooperatively explore and recreate puzzle pictures of Australian reptiles

    Cooperative learning (small groups):

    Students collaboratively work to recreate four Australian reptile


    2. Discuss prior knowledge of these Australian reptiles

    Graffiti (small groups):

    Students brainstorm the four Australian reptiles found on the puzzle

    pieces, in relation to four senses (taste excluded).

    Differentiation: student verbally explains their ideas while another group

    member scribes

    3.Role play an Australian animal focusing on movements and behaviours

    Role Play (small groups):

    In their group of six, brainstorm mannerisms and characteristics

    then act out how they think their animal moves, communicates and


    4. Discuss prior knowledge in relation to Australian plants

    Before and After: (Small groups):

    Students respond to the question: There are plants of all sorts: big,

    small, short, tall, furry, spiky, colourful, plain. Why are there so

    many different kinds of plants?

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Work collaboratively in groups to completethe puzzles.

    o Participate in class discussions surroundingtheir prior knowledge of animals.

    o Discuss in groups how animals move, eat andact.

    o Perform as an animalWriting:

    Students demonstrate writing capabilities when they:

    o Jot down ideas, words and comments inregards to the before and after question.

    o Write their ideas on the butchers paperVocabulary:

    Students demonstrate vocabulary when they:

    o Use and apply appropriate descriptivevocabulary related to living things

    Create a class word wall of such words to be used

    throughout the term.

    Mystery box Four different Australian animal puzzles each

    with six pieces (i.e 6 students per puzzle

    o Dugite snakeo Bobtail Skinko Lace Goannao Salt water Crocodile

    Butchers paper (12 large pieces) 24 pens

    o 6x blue peno 6x yellow peno 6x red peno 6x black pen

    Cooperative learning: (D)

    Anecdotal notes about the students

    speaking and listening skills.

    These anecdotal notes will be

    collected on sticky notes and

    complied at the end of the


    Graffiti: (D)

    Assessed based on the students

    ideologies, alternative conceptions andcontribution. (Each student has a

    different coloured pen). Any alternative

    conceptions will be recorded

    Role play: (D)

    Assessed using a four-point scale to

    indicate the extent of the students prior

    knowledge in relation to animal features

    and behaviours.

    See Assessment Appendix 1 for

    assessment rubric.

    Before and After: (D)

    Assessed based on the students

    ideologies, alternative conceptions and

    contributions. (Each student has a

    different coloured pen).See Assessment Appendix 2 for

    assessment rubric.










    1. Narratives (Orally)

    Comprehend at literal, inferential and evaluative level of text Identify parts of a simple sentence: What happening, what state,

    Who/What is involved

    2. Students will explore and conjugate verbs

    Stations (small groups):

    Students will rotate around the verb stations to play and identify

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Participate in the teachers station for theconjugate verbs activity.

    o Work collaboratively in groups to share wordscollected.


    Students demonstrate writing capabilities when they:

    o Record their answers to the activities onconjugating verbs


    Conjugate verbs:

    Drawing station: paper (folded in half)Pencils

    Teachers station: Board game cards (Seeresource appendix 3 for sample)

    Verbs station: set of snail verbs cards (Seeresource appendix 4 for sample)

    24 X pencils and 24 x Clipboards, 24XWorksheet

    Conjugate verbs: (F)

    Assess based on the students ability to

    Conjugate verbs. Assessment will be

    anecdotal sticky notes made after the

    student has been to the teachers station.

    Words choice: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ability to

    accurately recall information to the

    group. Students will also be assessed

    based on their ability to identify, select

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    ways of conjugating verbs.

    3. Words choice

    Jigsaw groups (individual)

    One member of each group will share their synonyms with the five

    other students who looked at different synonyms.

    o Jot down their findings within the wordchoice activities

    o Record their other group members findings Word choice: Cards words instead of said Cards words instead of got: Cards words instead of then 24X Clipboards, 24X pens, 24X Word choice


    and write words. The students work will

    be collected and marked to h elp inform

    teacher views as to whether a student

    has satisfied the learning criteria.





    Use 5 Day spelling rotation program

    Focus on individual weekly words Class: focus on Timetable sample: to be altered (See resource

    appendix 5)


    Group 1: Sort ____________ pg _____

    Group 2: Sort ____________ pg _____

    Group 3: Sort ____________ pg _____

    Group 4: Sort ____________ pg _____

    Spelling rotation program (See resourceappendix 5)

    Task cards Jolly phonics book Spelling workbooks Spelling activity cards

    Spelling: (F)

    Collect Spelling workbooks to ensure

    students understand the rotation

    program and record any

    misunderstandings students have











    Guided reading & literacy circles:

    1. Students express, demonstrate and deepen their knowledge of literacy

    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the timetable.

    Each student will play, explore and develop literacy skills.

    2. Students deepen their understandings of reptiles and reptile features

    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the timetable.

    Each Station will have a r eptile focus to help embed ideologies

    surrounding reptile and their features.

    Guided reading: No guided reading, setting up literacy

    circles for the first 5 days

    Literacy circles:

    See timetable See separate folder for more information:

    one reading/recall centre, one writing centre,

    one listening centre, one sight word centre,

    one grammar centre.

    Grammar centre focus: conjugating verbs

    Literacy circle resources (see separate folderfor list of items)

    Literacy circle timetable Literacy circle workbooks

    Guided reading: (S)

    Reading benchmark (Fountas & Pinnel)

    See Assessment Appendix 3 for


    Literacy centres: (F)

    Assessed based on self-assessment and

    collection and marking of literacy centre


    Collect literacy circle workbooks to make

    sure that literacy circles are being

    understood and correctly used.




    1. Students reconstruct correct letter formation


    Students work through their handwriting books


    Students demonstrate writing capabilities when they:

    o Recreate correct lower and upper case letters Pencils Handwriting booksHandwriting (F):

    Mark students handwriting books. Note

    students excelling or needing extra help.

    Address/extend these in the followinglesson

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan











    Integration: Clue Three What am I? : Foot in

    the Food

    1. Discuss initial ideas

    Guided Brainstorm, class discussion (Pairs, Whole class):

    Students discuss where the food came from, whose foot

    print it is, how these footprints and food got there

    2.Identify strategies for collecting and recording the evidence

    Student directed, inquiry based learning: (Groups and Whole


    Students take samples of the food and examine the

    evidence against other foods. Students add their finding

    to the investigation board.

    Using wet cotton buds: Use five sensesto determine what the food is

    Differentiation: Early finishers: compare emu food to: Cereal,

    crackers, soil


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Record theirideas within the



    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Work as pairs and asa class to discuss the

    initial ideaso Work as groups and

    as a class to

    determine strategies

    for collecting and

    recording the


    Emu food (seeds, nuts, flowers) Integrated workbook Investigation board updated with new


    Cereal, Crackers, seeds

    Initial ideas: (D)

    Anecdotal notes regarding their initial ideas in the topic and in

    investigation skills. These anecdotal notes will be collected on

    sticky notes and complied at the end of the lesson








    1.Cooperatively take photos of animal features

    Cooperative learning (small groups):

    Students work in groups to take photos of any animal

    features they find both within and outside the classroom

    2. Construct a drawing of an animal labelling all its features

    Rally table (Small Groups)

    Each student uses a different coloured pencil to identifyone feature for a lizard. Then they pass their paper to the

    next person in the group whom is able to add an

    additional feature label.

    3. Identify common animal features from a Story

    Class discussion (whole Class)

    Students will identify animal features within the story

    Edward the Emu

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Work collaborativelyin groups to take

    photos of animal


    o Identify commonfeatures within theclass discussion.


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Labelling the lizardpicture with feature



    Students demonstrate

    vocabulary when they:

    o Use and applyappropriate


    vocabulary related to

    feature identification.

    6 cameras (groups of 4) (alternatively 3cameras as half the group is doing other


    6 X Frilled neck lizard pictures 23 X coloured pencils

    6 black 6 red 6 blue 5 Green

    Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles Investigation workbooks

    Rally Table: (F)

    Assessed based on students contributions to their group

    drawings (indicated by the coloured pencil they use) and the

    detail they have provided. Assessment of the students ability to

    accurately identify animal features



    Past tense Verbs










    2. List and identify past tense verbs

    Direct teaching: (whole class)

    Students learn the basic techniques for converting a

    present tense verb to a past tense verb

    Group stations: (groups of 3/4)

    Students work in groups to identify and practice past

    tense verbs

    3. Record details of a simple recount

    Comic strip (individual)

    Students will recall the sequence of events that occurred

    within the story via illustrations.

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    Learn basic past verbs Work in groups to identify

    past verbs


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Record their resultsfrom the Group


    Past tense:

    I have, who has(See resource appendix 6 forsample)

    o Instruction card, Playing cards Hedgehog past tense words (See resource

    appendix 7)

    o Cards, Instruction Verb Race

    o Verb race pack Past tense match up

    o Memory cardsComic strip

    Comic strip template

    Past tense verbs: (F)

    Students will be assessed based on their ability to accurately

    identify and use past tense verbs. This will be recorded through

    collected work samples, anecdotal post-it notes and photographs

    of word sorts.

    Comic strip: (F)

    Students will be assessed based on their finished comic strips.

    They will be assessed on their ability to accurate recall a simple


  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    ACELA1451 Colouring pencils





    Use 5 Day spelling rotation program

    Focus on individual weekly words Class: focus on Timetable sample: to be altered (See

    resource appendix 5)

    Jolly phonics: NEED THE JOLLY


    Group 1: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 2: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 3: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 4: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Spelling rotation program (See resource appendix5)

    Task cards Jolly phonics book Spelling workbooks Spelling activity cards

    Spelling: (F)

    Collect Spelling workbooks to ensure students understand the

    rotation program and record any misunderstandings students

    have developed.










    Guided reading & literacy circles:

    1. Students express, demonstrate and deepen their knowledge of


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the

    timetable. Each student will play, explore and develop

    literacy skills.

    2. Students deepen their understandings of reptiles and reptile


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to thetimetable. Each Station will have a reptile focus to help

    embed ideologies surrounding reptile and their features.

    3. Student deepen their comprehension and reading skills

    Guided reading: (small groups) Students will work with the teacher to practice and

    develop their reading and comprehension skills

    Guided reading:

    Day 1,2,3: Intro tobook 4 door

    approach: focus on

    the strategy of


    Literacy circles: When not with

    Miss Dandridge doing lit circles

    See timetable See folder for more

    information: one

    reading centre, two

    writing centres, one

    listening centre, one

    sight word centre,

    one ABC centre, one

    retail centre, one fine

    motor skills centre.

    Grammar centrefocus: past tense

    Guided reading:

    Guided reading prompt cards Guided reading questions Guided reading books 4 doors strategy

    Literacy circles:

    Literacy circle resources (see separate folderfor list of items)

    Literacy circle timetable Literacy circle workbooks

    Guided reading: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ability to satisfy the criteria.

    Running records and daily guided reading snapshots are used

    See Assessment Appendix 3 for assessment rubrics.

    Literacy centres: (F)

    Assessed based on self-assessment and collection and marking of

    literacy centre books

    Reading benchmark (S):

    (Fountas & Pinnel)




    1. Students reconstruct correct letter formation


    Students work through their handwriting books


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Recreate correctlower and upper case


    Pencils Handwriting books Handwriting: (F)

    Mark students handwriting books. Note students excelling or

    needing extra help. Address these in the following lesson








    Journal writing:

    1. Students construct their own identification book


    Students create a who am I? book based on the EBook

    Who am I at the Zoo?


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Recreate a book Journal writing book Pencil EBook who am I at the Zoo by Jo Tobias


    Journal writing: (F)

    Collect students Who am I? and mark according to the

    assessment criteria. Provide feedback and note any students

    requiring extension/extra help








    Integration: Collating the Clues

    1. Identify evidence collected

    Carousal walk: (individual)

    Students will review the evidence and identify any

    plausible conclusions

    Brainstorm (class)

    Students will discuss the evidence and their locations

    o How did these clues come into ourclassroom, Who left these clues,

    Why are they in the classroom

    2. Identify and discuss possible animals

    Art ideas (individual)

    Students will paint their animal ideas in relation to which

    animal they think has been visiting their class


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Write a simplereport

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Discuss as a class theevidence found

    o Brainstorm as a classabout their ideas

    Integrated evidence wall Pencils Integrated workbook Colouring pencils Simple report template

    Initial ideas: (F)

    Anecdotal notes regarding their predictions and the reasonings

    for these predictions. Note any students not on the right topic.

    These will be collected on Post- it notes and compiled at the end

    of the lesson

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Differentiation: Early finishers: students will annotate their

    picture highlighting the evidence found within the picture

    Brainstorm (Whole Class):

    Students will discuss their ideas devised form the think

    pair share

    3. Write a report based on their findings.

    Modelled and guided writing (whole class, individual)

    Students will write a simple report highlighting their

    findings (animal features highlighted)

    Differentiation: Early finishers: students will start their Wanted



    Students demonstrate

    vocabulary when they:

    Use and applyappropriate


    vocabulary related to

    living things and

    forensic science









    1.List and label plant featuresMind map: (small groups, Whole Class):

    Students work in groups and then as a whole class to

    label and identify common plant features.

    2. Respond to questions and Predict what will happen within the


    Class Discussion: (Whole class)

    Students will respond to questions relating to the

    procedure, predictions for the outcome of the

    experiment and reasonings for those predictions.

    Graffiti: (small groups)

    Students will brainstorm and predict what will happen

    within the experiment.

    3.Plan and conduct a science experiment

    Scaffolded science investigation celery: ( individual/groups)

    Students will plan and conduct a science investigation

    looking at the role of stems within plants.

    4.Compare and evaluate the resultsGallery walk: (individual)

    Students will compare their celery to other within the

    class, noting any differences and similarities

    5. Identify common habitats within a backyard

    Guided reading: (whole class)

    Students will observe and list animals, plants and their

    habitats within a background environment.


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:o Plan and write a



    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Discuss as a classplants and plant


    o Respond to questionsrelating to the


    o Predict the outcomeof the experiment

    o Identify commonhabitats


    Students demonstrate

    vocabulary when they:

    Use and applyappropriate


    vocabulary related to

    plants, plant features

    and habitats

    Plant template IPAD App: simple minds Butchers paper (6 large pieces) 23 pens

    o 6x blue penso 6x yellow penso 6x red pens

    5x black pens Science investigation template 12 celery stalks (1cm base cut off to expose


    12 plastic cups water 3 food colourings

    Red Blue Green

    Lady Bird Moves Home by Richard Fowler

    Mind map: (D)

    Assessed based on their ability to accura tely identify that plant

    features are similar concept to animal features. Anecdotal notes

    will be made with any alternative understandings to be

    addressed in the next weeks lesson.

    Graffiti: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ideologies, science inquiry skills

    and contributions to group work. (Each student has a different

    coloured pen). Any alternative conceptions are to be recorded.

    Guided reading: (D)

    Assessed based on their ability to accura tely identify habitats.

    Anecdotal notes will be made with any alternative

    understandings to be addressed in the next weeks lesson.









    1. Identify and extract elements of the begging of a narrative

    Class work: (whole class):

    Students will explore and identify the elements of the

    begging of a narrative.Guided reading (whole class):

    Students will read the begging chapter of A Dingos Tree

    Guided writing: (individual, scaffolded):

    Students will extract the begging of a narrative elements

    from A Dingos tree

    2. Identity and use the grammar rule: double Rule

    Stations: (small groups)

    Students will practice and use the d ouble rule through

    various tactile stations.

    3. Construct a wanted poster.

    Whole Class

    Students will explore and identify the elements needed


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Identify thebegging elements

    of a narrativeo Compete the first

    draft wanted


    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Participate in theexploration of


    o Extract elementsfrom the narrative A

    Dingos Tree

    o Explore and identify


    A dingos tree Begging narrative identification template Integrated workbook

    Double rule:

    Power point presentation explain when todouble

    Wanted poster:

    First poster templates Pencil

    Narrative: (F)

    Assessed based on the collected worksheets. Note any


    Wanted poster: (F)Assess and record student whom are demonstrating

    misunderstandings in relation to the marking criteria

    See Assessment Appendix 4 for assessment rubric.

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    for a effective poster


    Students will complete the first draft poster

    Poster elements.





    Use 5 Day spelling rotation program

    Focus on individual weekly words Class: focus on

    Timetable sample: to be altered (See resource appendix


    Jolly phonics: NEED THE JOLLY


    Group 1: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 2: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 3: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 4: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Spelling rotation program (See resource appendix5)

    Task cards Jolly phonics book Spelling workbooksSpelling activity cards

    Spelling: (S)

    Spelling assessment of high frequency words










    Guided reading & literacy circles:

    1. Students express, demonstrate and deepen their knowledge of


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the

    timetable. Each student will play, explore and develop

    literacy skills.

    2. Students deepen their understandings of reptiles and reptile


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to thetimetable. Each Station will have a reptile focus to help

    embed ideologies surrounding reptile and their features.

    3. Student deepen their comprehension and reading skillsGuided reading: (small groups)

    Students will work with the teacher to practice and

    develop their reading and comprehension skills

    Guided reading:

    Day 4,5,6: Intro tobook 4 door

    approach: focus on

    the strategy offix up


    Literacy circles: When not

    with Miss Dandridge doing lit


    See timetable See folder for more

    information: one

    reading centre, two

    writing centres, one

    listening centre, one

    sight word centre,

    one ABC centre, oneretail centre, one fine

    motor skills centre.

    Grammar centre focus:

    doubling rule

    Guided reading:

    Guided reading prompt cards Guided reading questions Guided reading books 4 doors strategy

    Literacy circles:

    Literacy circle resources (see separate folderfor list of items)

    Literacy circle timetable Literacy circle workbooks

    Guided reading: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ability to satisfy the criteria.

    Running records and daily guided reading snapshots are used

    See Assessment Appendix 3 for assessment rubrics.

    Literacy centres: (F)

    Assessed based on self-assessment and collection and marking of

    literacy centre books

    Reading benchmark (S):

    (Fountas & Pinnel)




    1. Students reconstruct correct letter formation


    Students work through their handwriting books


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Recreate correctlower and upper case


    Pencils Handwriting books Handwriting: (F)

    Mark students handwriting books. Note students excelling or

    needing extra help. Address these in the following lesson



    Integration: Emu Hunt

    1. Follow clues to identify the mystery animal

    Small groups

    Students will be divided into three teams ( three sets of

    footprints all leading to the same place) and will follow

    the trail to the emus nest. Students will look forevidence of the emus tracks as well as evidence of other


    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Work as a team tofind the emu nest

    Emu nest Emu foot prints (three sets all different


    Hats Emu note explaining what it was doing in our











    Review and wrap up of last week science lesson:

    4.Compare and evaluate the results

    Class discussion

    Students will orally express the similarities and difference

    between the celery

    Students will briefly discuss the reason for these


    Students will discuss the role of the stem

    Class write up:

    Students will finish off their investigation worksheets


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Finish theirinvestigation


    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Discuss and comparethe results and

    Investigation booklet for celery experiment (See resource appendix 8)

    Ladybird moves home by Richard Fowler A home for Bilby by Joanne Crawford

    Class discussion: (D)

    Assessed based on their ability to accura tely identify plant

    features. Anecdotal notes will be made with any alternative

    understandings to be addressed in the next weeks lesson.

    Habitats: (D)

    Assessed based on their ability to a ccurately identify habitats.

    Anecdotal notes will be made with a ny alternative

    understandings to be addressed in the next weeks lesson.

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    5. Apply and infer the reasons for common plant features

    Class discussion: Whole class

    Students will explain what certain plants features are

    used for. i.e making food, obtaining water.

    6. Discuss habitats

    Students will recap habitats of the backyard.

    Students will draw on prior knowledge to explain and

    explore animal and plant habitats within the sea and the


    findings of the

    science investigation

    o Discuss the reasonsfor plants features

    o Discuss types ofhabitats within the

    local environments.


    Students demonstrate

    vocabulary when they:

    Use and applyappropriate


    vocabulary related to

    plants, plant features

    and habitats










    1. Identify and extract elements from the middle of a narrative

    Class work: (whole class):

    Students will explore and identify the elements of a middle of

    a narrative

    Guided reading (whole class):

    Students will read the second chapter of A Dingos Tree

    Guided writing: (individual, scaffolded):

    Students will extract the middle elements from A Dingos


    2. Finish final Wanted Poster.


    Students will complete a wanted poster based on the

    question: What did our Emu do while he was visiting us?


    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    Explore and extract themiddle elements from the


    Speaking and


    Student demonstrates

    speaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Discuss the elementswithin the middle

    section of a narrative

    o Identify and play withfuture tense

    A Dingos tree Middle narrative resource sheet Wanted poster final copy template Pencil

    Narrative: (F)

    Assessed based on the collected worksheets. Note any


    Wanted poster: (S)

    Assessed based on a 4 point scale to indicate the extent to which

    the student has met the 5 required elements in the Poster






    Use 5 Day spelling rotation program

    Focus on individual weekly words Class: focus on

    Timetable sample: to be altered (See resource appendix 5)

    Jolly phonics: NEED THE JOLLY


    Group 1: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 2: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 3: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 4: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Spelling rotation program (See resource appendix5)

    Task cards Jolly phonics book Spelling workbooks Spelling activity cards

    Spelling: (S)

    Spelling assessment according to sounds learnt during the term










    Guided reading & literacy circles:

    1. Students express, demonstrate and deepen their knowledge of

    literacyStations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the

    timetable. Each student will play, explore and develop

    literacy skills.

    2. Students deepen their understandings of reptiles and reptile


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to thetimetable. Each Station will have a reptile focus to help

    embed ideologies surrounding reptile and their features.

    3. Student deepen their comprehension and reading skills

    Guided reading: (small groups)

    Guided reading:

    Day 7,8,9: Intro tobook 4 door

    approach: focus onthe strategy of

    retelling a story

    Literacy circles: When not with

    Miss Dandridge doing lit circles

    See timetable See folder for more

    information: one

    reading centre, two

    writing centres, one

    listening centre, one

    sight word centre,

    one ABC centre, one

    retail centre, one fine

    motor skills centre.

    Guided reading:

    Guided reading prompt cards Guided reading questions Guided reading books 4 doors strategy

    Literacy circles:

    Literacy circle resources (see separate folderfor list of items)

    Literacy circle timetable Literacy circle workbooks

    Guided reading: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ability to satisfy the criteria.

    Running records and daily guided reading snapshots are used

    See Assessment Appendix 3 for assessment rubrics.

    Literacy centres: (F)

    Assessed based on self-assessment and collection and marking of

    literacy centre books

    Reading benchmark (S):

    (Fountas & Pinnel)

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Students will work with the teacher to practice and develop their

    reading and comprehension skills

    Grammar centre focus: future




    1. Students reconstruct correct letter formation


    Students work through their handwriting books


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Recreate correctlower and upper case


    Pencils Handwriting books Handwriting: (F)

    Mark students handwriting books. Note students excelling or

    needing extra help. Address these in the following lesson






    : What happens if? HOW HABITATS CHANGE

    Lesson 10What happens if...?

    InvestigationCause-and-effect chart

    Ask students to use their knowledge about habitats and impacts on

    habitats to create a cause-and-effect chart for one of the habitatsfrom the local community. Students are to identify their owncause for something happening in their chosen habitat. Students

    could work individually or in pairs.Students could also propose ways to care for the habitat they have

    identified to maintain it as a healthy habitat.

    Student demonstrates writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Finish theirinvestigation


    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstratesspeaking and listening skills

    when they:

    o Discuss and comparethe results and

    findings of the

    science investigation

    o Discuss the reasonsfor plants features

    o Discuss types ofhabitats within the

    local environments.


    Students demonstrate

    vocabulary when they:

    Use and apply appropriate

    descriptive vocabulary related

    to plants, plant features andhabitats

    Investigation booklet Summative assessment opportunities:- Use students causeand effect chart to assess students abilityto identify the needs of living things and use this knowledge tocare for those living things.









    Design a habitat book with plants, animals and have anauthors tea

    Students will:

    1. Plan and make a habitat poster that contains common animals and plants found

    within that habitat.

    2. Run an authors tea where the students will present an oral on their habitat page

    3. Reflect on theprogram

    Brainstorming (small groups):

    Students are assigned a habitat (sea, backyard, bush). Students then brainstorm in

    groups common animals and plants within that habitat.

    Small group discussions (small groups):

    Students will finalise with the teacher two animals and two plants to focus on

    within that habitat. Students will then plan and research features of these plants

    and animals

    Individual work (individual):

    Students will create a draft habitat poster, with the annotated animals and plants

    being included into the poster. Students will then create a final draft followed by

    the habitat poster, which will be combined into a classroom book.

    Differentiation: student works with t he teachers assistant to create the draft

    habitat poster

    Thought Shapes (individual):

    Students will write a response to each of the four shapes

    Triangle: important thing I have learnt

    Speaking and listening:

    Student demonstrates speaking and

    listening skills when they:

    o Brainstorming animalsfound in there habitats

    o Discuss features of animalsand plants within the small

    group discussion


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Write coherent sentenceswhen they complete there

    draft, final draft and poster

    Respond to the reflection thought


    Butchers paper (12 large pieces 6 for first activity, 6 forsecond)

    24 penso 6x blue peno 6x yellow peno 6x red peno 6x black pen

    Draft poster templates (24) Pens Colourer paper Coloured pens Display table Fruit and water

    Authors tea

    Students will be assessed based on their habitat page.

    See Assessment Appendix 5 for the rubric

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Square: enjoyed the most

    Heart: feel about the skills and ideas I

    have learnt

    Circle: thoughts still going around in

    my head

    Differentiation: student works with t he teachers assistant





    Use 5 Day spelling rotation program

    Focus on individual weekly words Class: focus on

    Timetable sample: to be altered (See resource appendix 5)

    Jolly phonics: NEED THE JOLLY


    Group 1: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 2: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Group 3: Sort ____________

    pg _____Group 4: Sort ____________

    pg _____

    Spelling rotation program (See resource appendix5)

    Task cards Jolly phonics book Spelling workbooks Spelling activity cards

    Spelling: (S)

    Magic 100 high frequency words assessment










    Guided reading & literacy circles:

    1. Students express, demonstrate and deepen their knowledge of


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to the

    timetable. Each student will play, explore and develop

    literacy skills.

    2. Students deepen their understandings of reptiles and reptile


    Stations (individual tasks at each station):

    Students will rotate around the stations according to thetimetable. Each Station will have a r eptile focus to helpembed ideologies surrounding reptile and their features.

    3. Student deepen their comprehension and reading skills

    Guided reading: (small groups)

    Students will work with the teacher to practice and develop their

    reading and comprehension skills

    Guided reading:

    Day 7,8,9: Intro tobook 4 door

    approach: focus on

    the strategy of

    finding the main


    Literacy circles: When not with

    Miss Dandridge doing lit circles

    See timetable See folder for more

    information: one

    reading centre, two

    writing centres, onelistening centre, one

    sight word centre,

    one ABC centre, one

    retail centre, one fine

    motor skills centre.

    Grammar centre focus:

    alphabetical order

    Guided reading:

    Guided reading prompt cards Guided reading questions Guided reading books 4 doors strategy

    Literacy circles:

    Literacy circle resources (see separate folderfor list of items)

    Literacy circle timetable Literacy circle workbooks

    Guided reading: (F)

    Assessed based on the students ability to satisfy the criteria.

    Running records and daily guided reading snapshots are used

    See Assessment Appendix 3 for assessment rubrics.

    Literacy centres: (F)

    Assessed based on self-assessment and collection and marking of

    literacy centre books




    1. Students reconstruct correct letter formation


    Students work through their handwriting books


    Students demonstrate writing

    capabilities when they:

    o Recreate correctlower and upper case


    Pencils Handwriting books Handwriting: (F)

    Mark students handwriting books. Note students excelling or

    needing extra help. Address these in the following lesson

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan



  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Animals in their Environment: Diagnostic Testing Role Play

    Teacher Name: Miss. Dandridge

    Student Name: ________________________________________

    Demonstration of animal behaviours:

    Great understandings Good understanding Fair understanding Little understanding

    1 2 3 4




    Demonstration of animal features:

    Great understandings Good understanding Fair understanding Little understanding

    1 2 3 4

    Assessment appendix 1

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Animals in their Environment: Diagnostic Testing Before and After

    Teacher Name: Miss. Dandridge

    Student Name: ________________________________________

    Demonstration of the ideology that every feature has a purpose: I.E for making food, obtaining water

    Great understandings Good understanding Fair understanding Little understanding

    1 2 3 4




    Demonstrates an understanding of a plant feature:

    G d di G d d di F i d di Li l d di

    Assessment appendix 2

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Assessment appendix 3

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Wanted PosterTeacher Name: Miss. Dandridge

    Students Name: _______________________________


    Wasnt the best Okay Really good Fantastic

    Content & Ideas:Student demonstrates an ability to accurately

    record and recount the mystery animals

    movements within the classroom.

    Sentence Structure, organisation &

    word choice:Student uses a variety of sentence lengths

    following basic sentence structures and

    grammar. Sentences are complete and make

    sense. Words used are interesting and


    Convention:Student uses accurate punctuation and

    capitalisation. Student writes most sight words

    correctly and uses best guess spelling.

    Proofreading & Editing:Student attempted some proofreading and

    editing skills

    Overall:Student demonstrates an ability to create a

    visually appealing poster.

    Assessment appendix 4

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Authors Tea: Written PageTeacher Name: Miss. Dandridge

    Students Name: _______________________________

    Overall Comments:





    Fair Good ExcellentImprovement


    Student demonstrates a sound

    understanding in none/1 of the 4

    elaborations. These being habitats,

    animals, animal features, pants and

    plant features.

    Student demonstrates a sound

    understanding in 2 of the 4

    elaborations. These being habitats,

    animals, animal features, pants and

    plant features. .

    Student demonstrates a sound

    understanding in 3 of the 4

    elaborations. These being habitats,

    animals, animal features, pants and

    plant features.

    Student demonstrates a sound

    understanding in all elaborations. These

    being habitats, animals, animal features,

    pants and plant features.

    Labels:Labels are too small to view, labels are

    non existent, label are too messy to


    Several animals and plants are clearly

    labelled with labels that can be easily


    Almost all animals and plants are

    clearly labelled with labels that can be

    easily read

    All animals and plants are clearly

    labelled with labels that can be easily


    Conventions:Student has many punctuation and

    capitalisation errors. Student writes

    no/very few sight words correctly

    Student has punctuation and

    capitalisation errors. Student writes

    few sight words correctly

    Student has a few punctuation and

    capitalisation errors. Student writes

    most sight words correctly

    Student uses accurate punctuation and

    capitalisation. Student writes most sight

    words correctly and uses best guess


    Recount Process,

    Proofreading &


    Student has not used the template

    correctly to create a finished product.

    Student has demonstrated some use

    of the template correctly to create a

    finished product.

    Student used the template correctly to

    create a finished product.

    Student used the template correctly to

    create a finished product. Student

    attempted some proofreading and

    editing skills

    Overall effect

    achieves Purpose?

    Not visually appealing, images and

    words are messy, viewer has trouble

    understanding and learning from the


    Visually appealing, images and words

    are messy, viewer understands and

    can learn a few things from the page

    Visually appealing, images and words

    are clear, concise, viewer can learn

    from the page

    Visually appealing, images and words

    are clear, concise, viewer understands

    and can learn in a fun way from the


    Assessment appendix 5

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan



  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan






    Resource appendix 1

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Kangaroo: Goanna:

    Resource appendix 1

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Wombat: Echidna:Resource appendix 1

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Koala: Australian Bush tail Possum:Resource appendix 1

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan





    Kookaburra Feathers:

    Resource appendix 2

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Rainbow Lorikeet Feathers: Pelican Feathers:Resource appendix 2

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Australian Crested Dove Feathers: Barn Owl feathers: Resource appendix 2

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Magpie Feathers: Australian Raven (Crow) feathers:Resource appendix 2

    Resource appendix 3

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Resource appendix 3

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Resource appendix 4

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Salt water


    Frilled Neck



    TurtleBobtail Dugite Snake

    Day 6Conference

    with Miss D


    with Miss D

    Sight word

    CentreListening Centre Recall Centre

    Day 7 Recall CentreSight word



    with Miss D


    with Miss DListening Centre

    Day 8Conference

    with Miss DListening Centre Recall Centre

    Sight word



    with Miss D

    Day 9 Listening CentreConference

    with Miss D


    with Miss D

    Recall CentreSight word


    Resource appendix 5

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Resource appendix 6

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan



    Resource appendix 7

    Resource appendix 8

  • 7/29/2019 Living Things Yr1 term plan


    Resource appendix 8