. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 3: LL Parsing

LL(1) Academy - Homepage - Chapter 3: LL Parsingll1academy.cs.ucla.edu/static/LLParsing.pdfA top-down parser starts with the root of the parse tree, labelled with the start or goal

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    Chapter 3: LL Parsing

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    The role of the parser

    codesource tokens


    scanner parser IR

    Parser! performs context-free syntax analysis! guides context-sensitive analysis! constructs an intermediate representation! produces meaningful error messages! attempts error correction

    Copyright c⃝2000 by Antony L. Hosking. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit orcommercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or fee. Requestpermission to publish from [email protected].

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    Syntax analysisContext-free syntax is specified with a context-free grammar.Formally, a CFG G is a 4-tuple (Vt ,Vn,S,P), where:

    Vt is the set of terminal symbols in the grammar.For our purposes, Vt is the set of tokens returnedby the scanner.

    Vn, the nonterminals, is a set of syntactic variablesthat denote sets of (sub)strings occurring in thelanguage.These are used to impose a structure on thegrammar.

    S is a distinguished nonterminal (S ∈ Vn) denotingthe entire set of strings in L(G).This is sometimes called a goal symbol.

    P is a finite set of productions specifying howterminals and non-terminals can be combined toform strings in the language.Each production must have a single non-terminalon its left hand side.

    The set V = Vt ∪Vn is called the vocabulary of G

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    Notation and terminology

    ! a,b,c, . . . ∈ Vt! A,B,C, . . . ∈ Vn! U,V ,W , . . . ∈ V! α,β,γ, . . . ∈ V ∗! u,v ,w , . . . ∈ V ∗t

    If A→ γ then αAβ⇒ αγβ is a single-step derivation using A→ γSimilarly,⇒∗ and⇒+ denote derivations of ≥ 0 and ≥ 1 stepsIf S⇒∗ β then β is said to be a sentential form of GL(G) = {w ∈ V ∗t | S⇒+ w}, w ∈ L(G) is called a sentence of GNote, L(G) = {β ∈ V ∗ | S⇒∗ β}∩V ∗t

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    Syntax analysisGrammars are often written in Backus-Naur form (BNF).Example:

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩3 | num4 | id5 ⟨op⟩ ::= +6 | −7 | ∗8 | /

    This describes simple expressions over numbers andidentifiers.In a BNF for a grammar, we represent

    1. non-terminals with angle brackets or capital letters2. terminals with typewriter font or underline3. productions as in the example

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    Scanning vs. parsingWhere do we draw the line?

    term ::= [a−zA−z]([a−zA−z] | [0−9])∗| 0 | [1−9][0−9]∗

    op ::= + |− | ∗ | /expr ::= (term op)∗term

    Regular expressions are used to classify:! identifiers, numbers, keywords! REs are more concise and simpler for tokens than a

    grammar! more efficient scanners can be built from REs (DFAs) than

    grammarsContext-free grammars are used to count:

    ! brackets: (), begin. . . end, if. . . then. . . else! imparting structure: expressions

    Syntactic analysis is complicated enough: grammar for C hasaround 200 productions. Factoring out lexical analysis as aseparate phase makes the compiler more manageable.

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    We can view the productions of a CFG as rewriting rules.Using our example CFG:

    ⟨goal⟩ ⇒ ⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩

    We have derived the sentence x + 2 ∗ y.We denote this ⟨goal⟩⇒∗ id + num ∗ id.Such a sequence of rewrites is a derivation or a parse.The process of discovering a derivation is called parsing.

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    At each step, we chose a non-terminal to replace.This choice can lead to different derivations.Two are of particular interest:

    leftmost derivationthe leftmost non-terminal is replaced at each steprightmost derivationthe rightmost non-terminal is replaced at each step

    The previous example was a leftmost derivation.

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    Rightmost derivation

    For the string x + 2 ∗ y:

    ⟨goal⟩ ⇒ ⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨expr⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩⟨op⟩⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩

    Again, ⟨goal⟩⇒∗ id + num ∗ id.

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    expr op expr

    expr op expr *


    Treewalk evaluation computes (x + 2) ∗ y— the “wrong” answer!Should be x + (2 ∗ y)

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    PrecedenceThese two derivations point out a problem with the grammar.It has no notion of precedence, or implied order of evaluation.To add precedence takes additional machinery:

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨term⟩3 | ⟨expr⟩−⟨term⟩4 | ⟨term⟩5 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩6 | ⟨term⟩/⟨factor⟩7 | ⟨factor⟩8 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num9 | id

    This grammar enforces a precedence on the derivation:! terms must be derived from expressions! forces the “correct” tree

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    Now, for the string x + 2 ∗ y:

    ⟨goal⟩ ⇒ ⟨expr⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨term⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨factor⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨term⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨factor⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩⇒ ⟨id,x⟩+ ⟨num,2⟩ ∗ ⟨id,y⟩

    Again, ⟨goal⟩⇒∗ id + num ∗ id, but this time, we build thedesired tree.

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    Treewalk evaluation computes x + (2 ∗ y)

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    If a grammar has more than one derivation for a singlesentential form, then it is ambiguousExample:⟨stmt⟩ ::= if ⟨expr⟩then ⟨stmt⟩

    | if ⟨expr⟩then ⟨stmt⟩else ⟨stmt⟩| other stmts

    Consider deriving the sentential form:if E1 then if E2 then S1 else S2

    It has two derivations.This ambiguity is purely grammatical.It is a context-free ambiguity.

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    May be able to eliminate ambiguities by rearranging thegrammar:⟨stmt⟩ ::= ⟨matched⟩

    | ⟨unmatched⟩⟨matched⟩ ::= if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨matched⟩ else ⟨matched⟩

    | other stmts⟨unmatched⟩ ::= if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨stmt⟩

    | if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨matched⟩ else ⟨unmatched⟩This generates the same language as the ambiguous grammar,but applies the common sense rule:

    match each else with the closest unmatched then

    This is most likely the language designer’s intent.

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    Ambiguity is often due to confusion in the context-freespecification.Context-sensitive confusions can arise from overloading.Example:

    a = f(17)

    In many Algol-like languages, f could be a function orsubscripted variable.Disambiguating this statement requires context:

    ! need values of declarations! not context-free! really an issue of type

    Rather than complicate parsing, we will handle this separately.

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    Parsing: the big picture







    Our goal is a flexible parser generator system

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    Top-down versus bottom-up

    Top-down parsers! start at the root of derivation tree and fill in! picks a production and tries to match the input! may require backtracking! some grammars are backtrack-free (predictive)

    Bottom-up parsers! start at the leaves and fill in! start in a state valid for legal first tokens! as input is consumed, change state to encode possibilities

    (recognize valid prefixes)! use a stack to store both state and sentential forms

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    Top-down parsing

    A top-down parser starts with the root of the parse tree,labelled with the start or goal symbol of the grammar.To build a parse, it repeats the following steps until the fringe ofthe parse tree matches the input string

    1. At a node labelled A, select a production A→ α andconstruct the appropriate child for each symbol of α

    2. When a terminal is added to the fringe that doesn’t matchthe input string, backtrack

    3. Find the next node to be expanded (must have a label inVn)

    The key is selecting the right production in step 1⇒ should be guided by input string

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    Simple expression grammar

    Recall our grammar for simple expressions:

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩3 | ⟨expr⟩ −⟨term⟩4 | ⟨term⟩5 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩6 | ⟨term⟩ /⟨factor⟩7 | ⟨factor⟩8 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num9 | id

    Consider the input string x − 2 ∗ y

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    Example Prod’n Sentential form Input– ⟨goal⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y1 ⟨expr⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y4 ⟨term⟩ + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y7 ⟨factor⟩ + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y9 id + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y– id + ⟨term⟩ x ↑ − 2 ∗ y– ⟨expr⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y3 ⟨expr⟩ − ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y4 ⟨term⟩ − ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y7 ⟨factor⟩ − ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y9 id − ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y– id − ⟨term⟩ x ↑ − 2 ∗ y– id − ⟨term⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y7 id − ⟨factor⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y8 id − num x − ↑2 ∗ y– id − num x − 2 ↑ ∗ y– id − ⟨term⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y5 id − ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y7 id − ⟨factor⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y8 id − num ∗ ⟨factor⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y– id − num ∗ ⟨factor⟩ x − 2 ↑ ∗ y– id − num ∗ ⟨factor⟩ x − 2 ∗ ↑y9 id − num ∗ id x − 2 ∗ ↑y– id − num ∗ id x − 2 ∗ y ↑

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    Another possible parse for x − 2 ∗ y

    Prod’n Sentential form Input– ⟨goal⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y1 ⟨expr⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩ + ⟨term⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩ + · · · ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨expr⟩ + ⟨term⟩ + · · · ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 · · · ↑x − 2 ∗ y

    If the parser makes the wrong choices, expansion doesn’tterminate.This isn’t a good property for a parser to have.(Parsers should terminate!)

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    Top-down parsers cannot handle left-recursion in a grammarFormally, a grammar is left-recursive if

    ∃A ∈ Vn such that A⇒+ Aα for some string α

    Our simple expression grammar is left-recursive

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    Eliminating left-recursion

    To remove left-recursion, we can transform the grammarConsider the grammar fragment:

    ⟨foo⟩ ::= ⟨foo⟩α| β

    where α and β do not start with ⟨foo⟩We can rewrite this as:

    ⟨foo⟩ ::= β⟨bar⟩⟨bar⟩ ::= α⟨bar⟩

    | ε

    where ⟨bar⟩ is a new non-terminal

    This fragment contains no left-recursion

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    ExampleOur expression grammar contains two cases of left-recursion

    ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩+ ⟨term⟩| ⟨expr⟩−⟨term⟩| ⟨term⟩

    ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩ ∗ ⟨factor⟩| ⟨term⟩/⟨factor⟩| ⟨factor⟩

    Applying the transformation gives

    ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩⟨expr′⟩ ::= +⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩

    | ε| −⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩

    ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩⟨term′⟩ ::= ∗⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩

    | ε| /⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩

    With this grammar, a top-down parser will! terminate! backtrack on some inputs

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    ExampleThis cleaner grammar defines the same language

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩ + ⟨expr⟩3 | ⟨term⟩−⟨expr⟩4 | ⟨term⟩5 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩ ∗ ⟨term⟩6 | ⟨factor⟩/⟨term⟩7 | ⟨factor⟩8 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num9 | id

    It is! right-recursive! free of ε productions

    Unfortunately, it generates different associativitySame syntax, different meaning

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    Our long-suffering expression grammar:

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩3 ⟨expr′⟩ ::= +⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩4 | −⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩5 | ε6 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩7 ⟨term′⟩ ::= ∗⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩8 | /⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩9 | ε

    10 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num11 | id

    Recall, we factored out left-recursion

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    How much lookahead is needed?We saw that top-down parsers may need to backtrack whenthey select the wrong productionDo we need arbitrary lookahead to parse CFGs?

    ! in general, yes! use the Earley or Cocke-Younger, Kasami algorithms

    Aho, Hopcroft, and Ullman, Problem 2.34Parsing, Translation and Compiling, Chapter 4

    Fortunately! large subclasses of CFGs can be parsed with limited

    lookahead! most programming language constructs can be expressed

    in a grammar that falls in these subclassesAmong the interesting subclasses are:

    LL(1): left to right scan, left-most derivation, 1-tokenlookahead; and

    LR(1): left to right scan, right-most derivation, 1-tokenlookahead

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    Predictive parsingBasic idea:

    For any two productions A→ α | β, we would like adistinct way of choosing the correct production toexpand.

    For some RHS α ∈G, define FIRST(α) as the set of tokens thatappear first in some string derived from αThat is, for some w ∈ V ∗t , w ∈ FIRST(α) iff. α⇒∗ wγ.Key property:Whenever two productions A→ α and A→ β both appear in thegrammar, we would like

    FIRST(α)∩ FIRST(β) = φ

    This would allow the parser to make a correct choice with alookahead of only one symbol!

    The example grammar has this property!

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    Left factoring

    What if a grammar does not have this property?Sometimes, we can transform a grammar to have this property.

    For each non-terminal A find the longest prefixα common to two or more of its alternatives.

    if α ̸= ε then replace all of the A productionsA→ αβ1 | αβ2 | · · · | αβnwith

    A→ αA′A′ → β1 | β2 | · · · | βn

    where A′ is a new non-terminal.

    Repeat until no two alternatives for a singlenon-terminal have a common prefix.

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    ExampleConsider a right-recursive version of the expression grammar:

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩+ ⟨expr⟩3 | ⟨term⟩−⟨expr⟩4 | ⟨term⟩5 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩ ∗ ⟨term⟩6 | ⟨factor⟩/⟨term⟩7 | ⟨factor⟩8 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num9 | id

    To choose between productions 2, 3, & 4, the parser must seepast the num or id and look at the +, −, ∗, or /.

    FIRST(2)∩ FIRST(3)∩ FIRST(4) ̸= φ

    This grammar fails the test.Note: This grammar is right-associative.

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    ExampleThere are two nonterminals that must be left factored:

    ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩+ ⟨expr⟩| ⟨term⟩−⟨expr⟩| ⟨term⟩

    ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩ ∗ ⟨term⟩| ⟨factor⟩/⟨term⟩| ⟨factor⟩

    Applying the transformation gives us:

    ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩⟨expr′⟩ ::= +⟨expr⟩

    | −⟨expr⟩| ε

    ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩⟨term′⟩ ::= ∗⟨term⟩

    | /⟨term⟩| ε

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    Substituting back into the grammar yields

    1 ⟨goal⟩ ::= ⟨expr⟩2 ⟨expr⟩ ::= ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩3 ⟨expr′⟩ ::= +⟨expr⟩4 | −⟨expr⟩5 | ε6 ⟨term⟩ ::= ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩7 ⟨term′⟩ ::= ∗⟨term⟩8 | /⟨term⟩9 | ε

    10 ⟨factor⟩ ::= num11 | id

    Now, selection requires only a single token lookahead.

    Note: This grammar is still right-associative.

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    ExampleSentential form Input

    – ⟨goal⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y1 ⟨expr⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y2 ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y6 ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y

    11 id⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ ↑x − 2 ∗ y– id⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x ↑- 2 ∗ y9 idε ⟨expr′⟩ x ↑- 24 id− ⟨expr⟩ x ↑- 2 ∗ y– id− ⟨expr⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y2 id− ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y6 id− ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y

    10 id− num⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − ↑2 ∗ y– id− num⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ↑* y7 id− num∗ ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ↑* y– id− num∗ ⟨term⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ∗ ↑y6 id− num∗ ⟨factor⟩⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ∗ ↑y

    11 id− num∗ id⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ∗ ↑y– id− num∗ id⟨term′⟩⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ∗ y↑9 id− num∗ id⟨expr′⟩ x − 2 ∗ y↑5 id− num∗ id x − 2 ∗ y↑

    The next symbol determined each choice correctly.

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    Back to left-recursion elimination

    Given a left-factored CFG, to eliminate left-recursion:

    if ∃ A→ Aα then replace all of the A productionsA→ Aα | β | . . . | γ

    withA→ NA′N→ β | . . . | γA′ → αA′ | ε

    where N and A′ are new productions.

    Repeat until there are no left-recursive productions.

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    By left factoring and eliminating left-recursion, can wetransform an arbitrary context-free grammar to a formwhere it can be predictively parsed with a single tokenlookahead?

    Answer:Given a context-free grammar that doesn’t meet ourconditions, it is undecidable whether an equivalentgrammar exists that does meet our conditions.

    Many context-free languages do not have such a grammar:

    {an0bn | n ≥ 1}⋃

    {an1b2n | n ≥ 1}

    Must look past an arbitrary number of a’s to discover the 0 orthe 1 and so determine the derivation.

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    Recursive descent parsingNow, we can produce a simple recursive descent parser fromthe (right-associative) grammar.

    Token token;

    void eat(char a) {if (token == a){ token = next token(); }

    { error(); }}void goal() { token = next token(); expr(); eat(EOF); }void expr() { term(); expr prime(); }void expr prime() {

    if (token == PLUS)

    { eat(PLUS); expr(); }else if (token == MINUS)

    { eat(MINUS); expr(); }else { }


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    Recursive descent parsing

    void term() { factor(); term prime(); }void term prime() {

    if (token = MULT)

    { eat(MULT); term(); }else if (token = DIV)

    { eat(DIV); term(); }else { }

    }void factor() {

    if (token = NUM)

    { eat(NUM); }else if (token = ID)

    { eat(ID); }else error();


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    For a string α of grammar symbols, define NULLABLE(α) asα can go to ε.

    NULLABLE(α) if and only if (α⇒∗ ε)

    How to compute NULLABLE(U), for U ∈ Vt ∪Vn.

    1. For each U, let NULLABLE(U) be a Boolean variable.2. Derive the following constraints:

    2.1 If a ∈ Vt ,! NULLABLE(a) = false

    2.2 If A→ Y1 · · ·Yk is a production:! [ NULLABLE(Y1) ∧ · · ·∧ NULLABLE(Yk ) ] =⇒ NULLABLE(A)

    3. Solve the constraints.

    NULLABLE(X1 · · ·Xk ) = NULLABLE(X1) ∧ · · ·∧ NULLABLE(Xk )

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    FIRSTFor a string α of grammar symbols, define FIRST(α) as

    the set of terminal symbols that begin strings derivedfrom α.

    FIRST(α) = {a ∈ Vt | α⇒∗ aβ}

    How to compute FIRST(U), for U ∈ Vt ∪Vn.

    1. For each U, let FIRST(U) be a set variable.2. Derive the following constraints:

    2.1 If a ∈ Vt ,! FIRST(a) = { a }

    2.2 If A→ Y1Y2 · · ·Yk is a production:! FIRST(Y1)⊆ FIRST(A)! ∀i : 1 < i ≤ k , if NULLABLE(Y1 · · ·Yi−1), then

    FIRST(Yi )⊆ FIRST(A)

    3. Solve the constraints. Go for the ⊆-least solution.

    FIRST(X1 · · ·Xk ) =⋃

    i:1≤i≤k∧NULLABLE(X1···Xi−1) FIRST(Xi)

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    FOLLOWFor a non-terminal B, define FOLLOW(B) as

    the set of terminals that can appear immediately to theright of B in some sentential form

    FOLLOW(B) = {a ∈ Vt | G⇒∗ αBβ ∧ a ∈ FIRST(β $)}

    How to compute FOLLOW(B).

    1. For each non-terminal B, let FOLLOW(B) be a set variable.2. Derive the following constraints:

    2.1 If G is the start symbol and $ is the end-of-file marker, then! { $ }⊆ FOLLOW(G)

    2.2 If A→ αBβ is a production:! FIRST(β)⊆ FOLLOW(B)! if NULLABLE(β), then


    3. Solve the constraints. Go for the ⊆-least solution.

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    LL(1) grammars

    Intuition: A grammar G is LL(1) ifffor all non-terminals A, each distinct pair of productions

    A→ βA→ γ

    satisfy the condition FIRST(β)⋂

    FIRST(γ) = /0.

    Question: What if NULLABLE(A) ?

    Definition: A grammar G is LL(1) ifffor each set of productions A→ α1 | α2 | · · · | αn:

    1. FIRST(α1),FIRST(α2), . . . ,FIRST(αn) are pairwise disjoint,and

    2. If NULLABLE(αi), then for all j , such that 1≤ j ≤ n ∧ j ̸= i :FIRST(αj)

    ⋂FOLLOW(A) = /0.

    If G is ε-free, condition 1 is sufficient.

  • .








































    LL(1) grammars

    Provable facts about LL(1) grammars:1. No left-recursive grammar is LL(1)2. No ambiguous grammar is LL(1)3. Some languages have no LL(1) grammar4. A ε–free grammar where each alternative expansion for A

    begins with a distinct terminal is a simple LL(1) grammar.Example

    S→ aS | ais not LL(1) because FIRST(aS) = FIRST(a) = {a}S→ aS′S′ → aS′ | ε

    accepts the same language and is LL(1)

  • .








































    LL(1) parse table construction

    Input: Grammar GOutput: Parsing table MMethod:

    1. ∀ productions A→ α:1.1 ∀a ∈ FIRST(α), add A→ α to M[A,a]1.2 If ε ∈ FIRST(α):

    1.2.1 ∀b ∈ FOLLOW(A), add A→ α to M[A,b]1.2.2 If $ ∈ FOLLOW(A) then add A→ α to M[A,$]

    2. Set each undefined entry of M to errorIf ∃M[A,a] with multiple entries then grammar is not LL(1).

    Note: recall a,b ∈ Vt , so a,b ̸= ε

  • .








































    ExampleOur long-suffering expression grammar:

    S→ E T → FT ′E → TE ′ T ′ → ∗T | /T | εE ′ →+E |−E | ε F → id | num


    S {num,id} {$}E {num,id} {$}E ′ {ε,+,−} {$}T {num,id} {+,−,$}T ′ {ε,∗,/} {+,−,$}F {num,id} {+,−,∗,/,$}id {id} −num {num} −∗ {∗} −/ {/} −+ {+} −− {−} −

    id num + − ∗ / $S S→ E S→ E − − − − −E E → TE ′ E → TE ′ − − − − −E ′ − − E ′ →+E E ′ → −E − − E ′ → εT T → FT ′ T → FT ′ − − − − −T ′ − − T ′ → ε T ′ → ε T ′ → ∗T T ′ → /T T ′ → εF F → id F → num − − − − −

  • .








































    A grammar that is not LL(1)

    ⟨stmt⟩ ::= if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨stmt⟩| if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨stmt⟩ else ⟨stmt⟩| . . .

    Left-factored:⟨stmt⟩ ::= if ⟨expr⟩ then ⟨stmt⟩ ⟨stmt′⟩ | . . .⟨stmt′⟩ ::= else ⟨stmt⟩ | ε

    Now, FIRST(⟨stmt′⟩) = {ε,else}Also, FOLLOW(⟨stmt′⟩) = {else,$}But, FIRST(⟨stmt′⟩)

    ⋂FOLLOW(⟨stmt′⟩) = {else} ̸= φ

    On seeing else, conflict between choosing⟨stmt′⟩ ::= else ⟨stmt⟩ and ⟨stmt′⟩ ::= ε

    ⇒ grammar is not LL(1)!The fix:

    Put priority on ⟨stmt′⟩ ::= else ⟨stmt⟩ to associateelse with closest previous then.