LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

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Page 1: LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery

Page 2: LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

LMS Test.Lab Rotating MachineryMastering the complexity of vibro-acoustic testing

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Page 4: LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

Astonishing measurement capabilities

Since so much is happening at once, LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery measures everything in parallel – you’ll be tracking signatures, recording temperature, pressure, strains and other speed references, computing orders using high-speed digital fi lters, throughputting raw time data and monitoring sound fi elds using real-time 1/3 octaves. There is no need to repeat tests just to see data in a different format. Online displays keep users up-to-date about measurement progress.

Flexible data processing in real-time

Users do not have to wait before they can start post-processing data. The system calculates everything during the acquisition run without data loss or slowing down measurements. Incoming results can be compared against reference curves, running averages of run-ups, or previously stored data sets. Immediately after the run, users can

fl ip through a series of waterfalls, switch between spectral, octave, and order ratio formats, toggle color maps through user-defi nable presentation styles or re-process raw time data to change rpm increments.

Order Analysis

Through measuring and analyzing signal phenomena related to rotational frequency harmonics of the engine/motor, orders are identifi ed. Engineers can identify noise generated by rotational vibrations and localize its sources. The structural operating conditions can be determined through the separation of rotational and structural noise and vibrations, critical speed identifi cation, and structural resonances. Torsional vibration and acoustic measurements can be combined to get a better insight into the unit’s operational behavior. Engineers can investigate instabilities in the rotating equipment and expose accuracy and structural integrity problems.

LMS Test.Lab Rotating MachineryMastering the complexity of vibro-acoustic testing

When engineering quiet, effi cient and reliable products, mastering the sound and vibrations produced by engines, compressors, electrical motors, pumps and shafts, is a highly complex process. Engineering teams that focus on vibro-acoustic troubleshooting and product refi nement require a comprehensive array of tools: waterfall mappings, order tracking, time data, processing functions and specialized modules to analyze and visualize the vast amounts of data that are generated. Whether you are performing measurements in an engine test cell, in a vehicle on the proving ground or on a pump in the fi eld, LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery is the right choice for you.

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Data recording and processing

Even in demanding operating conditions, engineers need to be able to perform tests that yield reliable data. In-vehicle measurements in rough environmental conditions must be possible without failure. Measuring data and visualizing tests online guarantees data reliability and provides direct information on what is happening. Easy manipulation and specifi c event-dependent processing can then be done after the tests.

Standard and customizable scenarios

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery presents a fl exible solution for fast troubleshooting with frequent setup changes that provides analysis and data interpretation tools and transparent data access for comparison. Templates support standardized test procedures. When company-specifi c procedures need to be executed, those

templates can be customized, assuring repeatable and comparable measurements. With the embedded data documentation and reporting capabilities, reporting and target verifi cation are easier than ever.

Optimal test productivity and integrity

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery has been designed to make the measurement process as effi cient, productive and user-friendly as possible. Users can defi ne icons on the Windows desktop to launch LMS Test.Lab and automatically load specifi c and customized test templates.

Test operators can follow user-defi ned workfl ows that specify overall guidelines, channel setup, calibration, tracking and acquisition setup, online visualization and post-processing. Everything is automatically loaded so operator intervention is minimal and the incidence of errors is reduced.

Smooth channel defi nition and effi cient acquisition and tracking

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery provides a wide range of functionalities to effi ciently and specify the channel list for any measurement setup: check/upload transducer calibrations and point-ids from any ODBC database; automatic detection of calibrated channels; confi gurable layout panel and channel grouping and categorization; support of smart TEDS transducers.

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery supports multiple tacho channels. It instantly shows results, indicates when a channel is enabled and warns whenever a cabling error occurs. The solution provides interactive, cursor-driven tacho level setting and a multiple-channel overview.

Real-time processing

Thanks to online display options and layouts, the operator can choose what to monitor during data acquisition. These options include the usual range of spectra, color maps and rpm-related traces as well as reference curves, derived channels, and online indicators. Multiple acquisition modes help users tune the system to cover any measurement scenario. If required, raw time data can be recorded together with data processed online.

Off-line processing

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery helps users manipulate, process, and re-format readings. Various graphs can be generated: from rpm-time diagrams, interactive cursor sections, to summation diagrams in the frequency and/or order domains. Users can select linear, weighted and user-defi ned functions and formats, drag and drop data into waterfalls, switch between spectral, octave, and order ratio formats.

Application add-ins

Each LMS Test.Lab solution can be extended with additional capabilities, loaded as “add-in”. The workfl ow can thus be adapted to include specifi c tasks such as automatic comparison or averaging of consecutive runs, advanced automatic or interactive off-line data processing, operational defl ection shape visualization to understand vibration behavior during operation, or transient phenomena examination.

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Cursors are coupled to facilitate root-cause analysis. Order analyses can be done online during acquisition or off-line based on waterfall or throughput data.

Online status information help the operator monitor measurement progress and take corrective actions.

Engineers perform troubleshooting and design verification on test benches or in field.



Online monitoring of multiple • parallel measurement functions and status indicatorsOnline and off-line order analysis • with reference to measured or derived tacho channelsOnline check against reference curves• Online derived channels with basic and • advanced calculator functionality

Offers fast diagnosis capability • based on accurate and application-oriented data organizationReduces errors and • accelerates productivityImproves processes with online feedback • on progress and measurement quality Presents fast standard reporting•

LMS Test.Lab Signature Testing

LMS Test.Lab Signature Testing offers online and off-line harmonic analyses based on narrow-band waterfall spectra and color maps, measured on rotating equipment in any operating condition. Data acquisition supports all signal conditioning available on LMS SCADAS front-ends.

With LMS Test.Lab Signature Testing, spectral data and orders can be measured and processed repeatedly in accordance with custom procedures, making use of pre-defi ned templates with specifi ed display layouts and measurement settings. The template may contain the complete measurement campaign, covering multiple measurement scenarios. Throughout the execution of the campaign, the user will have feedback on the progress of particular measurements and on the campaign in general.

This solution supports acquisition during run-ups, run-downs or sequences of both, at user-defi ned time or rpm intervals or at predefi ned increments of any other slowly varying quantity, like e.g. engine torque. It further supports spectra averaging during (semi-)stationary operating conditions. Derived tacho channels provide online order monitoring, related to rotational speeds that are linked via fi xed gear ratios. These channels support order analysis in case of fully variable (CVT) gear ratio. The online processing and visualization formats include RMS-levels, waterfalls, order, frequency, octave and psycho-acoustic sections, as well as statistical quantities. With online derived channels, engineers can calculate and visualize simulated channels in real-time by recombining signals measured on physical channels using both basic and advanced mathematical operations. With multiple sample rates, the amount of saved data can be reduced by acquiring vibration channels at a lower sampling rate, while keeping the high sample rate for acoustic channels. Online reference curves can be used as targets to validate the current design or to check multiple run repeatability.

Intelligent displays provide transparent coupling of measured results to the underlying data, providing fast and convenient in-depth result analysis. Post-processing offers a list of functions for global problem characterization and helps gain a deeper insight into physical processes.

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Features Benefits

Multiple tacho inputs help track vibrations with respect to several rotation speeds, such as in aero-engines or transmission systems.

Compare measurements, make averages and scroll through channels: LMS Test.Lab does the data handling while you concentrate on results.

Combine the convenience of narrowband spectra with the accuracy of synchronously sampled orders and store raw time data for future analysis.

Simultaneous acoustic and vibration measurements, even with different sampling rates, give increased insight into global vibro-acoustic behavior.

Maximal data consistency and • measurement productivity, providing online high precision order analysis while acquiring narrowband waterfall data and time recordingsProductive batch processing of throughput • data from multiple measurementsFast and convenient standard • reporting, productive batch plotting

Simultaneous measurements of leakage-• free, synchronously sampled order sections and fixed sampled spectra Online monitoring of spectra, waterfalls • and color maps, octave displays and order sections, and a variety of measurement status indicators Simultaneous recording of raw time data• Online check against reference curves •

LMS Test.Lab Order TrackingLMS Test.Lab Order Tracking offers a solution for advanced harmonic analysis on rotating equipment in any operating condition. Order sections are obtained from data sampled synchronously with rpm, giving leakage-free, razor-sharp order cuts, while any additional online processing present in LMS Test.Lab Signature Analysis is also available. LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed sampled data or whenever orders are closely spaced. Raw time data can be recorded in parallel for off-line re-processing. Data acquisition supports any signal conditioning offered by LMS SCADAS front-ends.

Spectral data and orders can be measured and processed repeatedly in accordance with custom procedures, making use of pre-defined templates with specified display layouts and measurement settings. The template may contain the complete measurement campaign, covering multiple measurement scenarios. Throughout the execution of the campaign, the user will have feedback on the progress of particular measurements and on the campaign in general.

This solution supports acquisition during run-ups, run-downs or sequences of both, at user-defi ned time or rpm intervals or at predefi ned increments of any other slowly varying quantity, like e.g. engine torque. It further supports spectra averaging during (semi-)stationary operating conditions. Derived tacho channels provide online order monitoring, related to rotational speeds that are linked via fi xed gear ratios. These channels support order analysis in case of fully variable (CVT) gear ratio. The online processing and visualization formats include RMS-levels, waterfalls, order, frequency, octave and psycho-acoustic sections, as well as statistical quantities. With online derived channels, engineers can calculate and visualize simulated channels in real-time by recombining signals measured on physical channels using both basic and advanced mathematical operations. With multiple sample rates, the amount of saved data can be reduced by acquiring vibration channels at a lower sampling rate, while keeping the high sample rate for acoustic channels. Online reference curves can be used as targets to validate the current design or to check multiple run repeatability.

Time histories for all channels can be validated immediately after measurements. The solution provides any processing function needed to gain deeper insight into physical processes, analyzing individual recordings or batches of time histories from multiple measurements. Intelligent displays provide transparent coupling of measured results to underlying data, helping fast and convenient in-depth result analysis.

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Immediate time data validation gives a quick result overview and allows zooming in on details.

Virtual channels can be defined as mathematical operations on physical channels.

The scope function helps verify the setup before acquiring data.

The LMS SCADAS provides online processing capabilities for higher confidence while measuring.

LMS Test.Lab Time Data Acquisition and ProcessingLMS Test.Lab Time Data Acquisition and Processing provides a powerful tool for recording time data in laboratory and fi eld conditions up to 80kHz effective bandwidth. The system can record continuous time data while monitoring online and in real-time user-confi gurable processing functions, including order sections or any function important for noise and vibration applications. All signal conditioning provided by LMS SCADAS front-ends is supported.

LMS Test.Lab Time Data Acquisition and Processing writes time histories for all channels directly to the PC hard disc. The resulting time data fi les have no physical size limitations and contain all dynamic and static channels as well as rpm-time traces for all tacho channels and overload information for each individual channel. Highly responsive level indicators provide an instantaneous overview of all channel levels, and provide high or low alarming capabilities on detected peak levels. Online and off-line processing and visualization capabilities include instantaneous or averaged frequency spectra, time data, octave data, order and frequency sections, overall levels, waterfall and color map displays. Highest priority is given to throughput data and level detection, while displays show the latest processed data.

Once the data is acquired, it is immediately ready for visualization and post-processing. The LMS Test.Lab interface helps users interactively select specifi c time segments, perform a wide range of editing operations, or batch process all channels, even from different measurement runs.

The solution permits interactive time data editing and provides a broad range of processing functions like spectrum, autopower, crosspower and FRF, order sections, frequency sections, octave maps, equivalent loudness, cepstrum and Hilbert transform, or zero-phase LP-HP-BP-BS and (trackable) Notch fi ltering.



High precision, high bandwidth multi-• channel recording directly to PC hard discIntegrated signal conditioning• Overview of all channels with continuous • high and low level monitoringOnline monitoring of spectra, waterfalls • and color maps, octave displays and order sections, and a variety of measurement status indicators Batch throughput processing to process • multiple measurement runs simultaneously

Ensures effective and reliable • data recordingOnline monitoring of instantaneous • values or trend monitoringImmediate data availability after the test• Includes easy-to-use automated • processing of multiple recordingsPresents fast standard reporting • with “single button” operation

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Turbines and compressors are subjected to stringent performance verification testing.

Turbine testing presents particular challenges in terms of instrumentation, performance and data management.

Productive and flexible online monitoring gives confidence in the measured data.

Overnight batch processing ensures faster results for potential test schedule changes.



All-digital networked dynamic • data acquisition and analysisPerfect configuration • traceability and no errorsEasy reconfiguration• Excellent signal quality• Full measurement chain control• Consolidated data on central server • for processing and archiving

Saves time and effort with perfectly • integrated data managementFull data traceability thanks to • integrated signal conditioningFlexible system with unlimited • channel count and test duration

LMS Test.Lab Turbine TestingLMS Test.Lab Turbine Testing provides a highly advanced and all-digital solution for the specifi c diffi culties, associated with complex turbine testing processes. Turbines and compressors of jet engines or power plants are subjected to stringent performance verifi cation testing. Since this kind of testing is very expensive and highly demanding – yet compulsory to get certifi ed – tests needs to be performed properly the fi rst time. Measurement data should be safe and usable, and the personnel and test object safety must be guaranteed.

Turbine testing presents particular challenges in terms of instrumentation, performance and data management. Not only is there a large variety of turbine testing-specifi c transducers, the cabling to different measuring systems is intricate and costly. Since turbines are tested for extreme conditions, the instrumentation needs to be able to withstand these harsh circumstances. Given the delicate testing setup, uninterrupted recording of all channels is crucial as is real-time monitoring, alarming, and post-processing. This continuous data recording produces very large data sets which need to be handled and shared between different departments and sites.

LMS Test.Lab Turbine Testing offers an effi cient, all-digital and user-friendly solution for all these turbine testing issues. The test setup confi guration is completely digitalized and integrates signal conditioning, which offers perfect traceability and is error-free. With a few mouse-clicks, users can easily re-confi gure the entire setup. The network-enabled digital recorders with integrated signal conditioning are connected to a giga-bit network that in turn is linked to a server for online data consolidation. Measurement results are thus directly downloaded on a central server, which only requires standard IT data management and can be accessed by different departments from various sites. The LMS Test.Lab Turbine Testing solution provides excellent signal quality and maximum fl exibility.

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Features Benefits

High precision and high bandwidth • torsional vibration measurementsSimultaneous calculation of leakage-free, • synchronously sampled order sections and generic noise and vibration signals Convenient calculation of angular velocity, • shaft torsion and other typical parametersAccurate insertion of pulses for • missing teeth correction and correction for non-equidistant teethOnline monitoring of angular velocity • irregularities, spectra, waterfalls and color maps, octave displays and order sections, and a variety of measurement status indicators

Provides high precision torsional vibration • analysis based on synchronous order data while acquiring narrowband waterfall dataEffective test setup for noise, • vibration and torsional signal measurements in a single systemProvides wide range of spectral • and time domain analysis tools on torsional vibration signalsSupport of non-LMS proprietary data•

Use the time signal calculator for removing average rpm or derive shaft torsion.

Pulse trains from shaft encoders or gear toothpicks are converted to rotational speed variations and processed with other vibration channels.

Fixed and synchronous sampling on torsional vibration signals support analysis in the time/frequency or in the angular/order domain.

Transmissions systems such as gearboxes and drivelines are subjected to torsional vibrations causing high noise and vibration levels.

LMS Test.Lab Torsional Vibration AnalysisLMS Test.Lab Torsional Vibration Analysis provides highly accurate torsional vibration analysis of rotating machinery with single or multiple shafts. The order sections can be extracted from fixed sampled frequency spectra as well as from data sampled synchronously with rpm, giving leakage-free, razor-sharp order cuts. Up to 8 rotating shafts can be investigated in real-time or off-line using the innovative QTV-module, a powerful module dedicated to the translation of tacho pulse streams into highly accurate angular velocity and displacement time histories up to a high bandwidth. All signal conditioning provided by LMS SCADAS front-ends is supported.

With LMS Test.Lab Torsional Vibration Analysis, users can simultaneously acquire torsional vibration data and, narrowband spectra as well as synchronously sampled order spectra, during run-ups, run-downs or sequences of both, referenced to multiple physical tacho channels. Derived channels help monitor and process in real-time shaft angular displacement, speed, or acceleration, torsion over the shaft, belt transmission errors or other specific metrics. Acquired tacho-data can be corrected for missing or double pulses, or for unevenly spread pulses (pitch correction), while results can be flipped between RMS or peak format to match legacy data.

With the virtual channel calculator and the time signal calculator, engineers can further expand the measurements with virtual time histories, by recombining physical measurement channels using basic and advanced mathematical operations, or apply advanced zero-phase filtering to the acquired data. These time histories are calculated during or automatically upon completion of the measurements and stored together with the measurement channels in the same TDF-data file. Data from different measurement runs can easily be organized for batch processing.

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Features Benefits

Support for LMS SCADAS Mobile • front-end and PC or for LMS SCADAS Recorder front-end for data collection in recorder modeTest setup from single tests to • complete test campaignsUltra-convenient user interface• Vast variety of online monitoring • possibilities (status indicators, time evolution, color map)Batch throughput processing to manage • multiple measurement runs simultaneously

Efficient test preparation• Ensures effective, reliable and • convenient data recordingScalable system configuration: 4 to 256 • channels in a portable, solid packageInstant validation assuring • high quality dataIncludes easy-to-use automated • processing of multiple recordingsPresents fast standard reporting • with “single button” operation

The operator can listen and interactively filter data immediately after acquisition.

Rpm can be extracted from vibration or acoustic data, avoiding difficult installation of tacho sensors.

The tacho scope helps verify the quality of the tacho signal before acquiring data.

The portable LMS SCADAS brings online processing capabilities for higher confidence during measurements.

LMS Test.Lab Mobile TestingLMS Test.Lab Mobile Testing is designed to deliver optimal productivity and ease-of-use for in-field or mobile testing applications. It provides an answer to the specific challenges of outdoor or in-vehicle data collection, benchmarking or troubleshooting testing. The solution supports all LMS SCADAS front-ends. To suit specific field testing needs, LMS Test.Lab Mobile Testing makes it easy to define the sequence and characteristics of new tests, or even a complete test campaign rollout. It provides single-operator support, including remote control, flexible short-key support and enhanced user interface readability.

LMS Test.Lab Mobile Testing includes the LMS Test.Lab Advanced Signature Testing module, which writes time histories for all channels directly to the PC hard disc, while monitoring online and in real-time user configurable processing functions, including order sections or any other relevant noise and vibration application function. The resulting time data files have no physical size limitations and contain all dynamic and static channels, rpm-time traces for all tacho channels and overload information for each individual channel. LMS Test.Lab Mobile Testing helps users quickly and securely validate test results and gain full confidence in the acquired data during the actual measurements. Highly responsive level indicators give an instantaneous overview of all channel levels, and provide high or low alarming capabilities on detected peak levels. The software also helps monitor the evolution of analysis results and instantly verify whether specific targets are being matched.

Once the data is acquired, it is immediately ready for visualization and post-processing. The user interface helps engineers interactively select specific time segments on a few channels, or batch process all channels, even from different measurement runs.

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The customized metrics calculator helps easily enter advanced calculations, like for valvetrain dynamic testing.

Intelligent displays provide transparent coupling of results with underlying data for better root-cause analysis.

Selecting time data for conversion to angle data.The software supports in-depth analysis of data for correlation with mechanical noise issues.



Angle domain processing • Supports all LMS SCADAS front-ends• User-definable angle domain re-• sampling with advanced automated or manual zero-reference definitionParallel processing of angle and • fixed sampled data, broad list of cycle or gate statisticsIntelligent and powerful displays•

Time domain and angle domain analysis • for enhanced physical insightsSingle processing run for • multi-cylinder dataSupport for stationary, pseudo-stationary • and transient operating conditionsSupports multi-shaft applications• Order domain (zero-phase) filtering•

LMS Test.Lab Angle Domain Processing

LMS Test.Lab Angle Domain Processing supports in-depth analysis of engine or reciprocating machinery data as well as correlation of this data with possible noise or vibration issues. It provides an automated or interactive tool for time data conversion to angle data and for correct angle data alignment with the system duty cycle. Individual channels can have different offsets, so that data from multiple cylinders can be processed at the same time. Multiple averaging, tracking and/or triggering strategies support data processing for any stationary or semi-stationary operating condition, while system transients can be analyzed over user-defi nable data segments. An extensive list of cycle statistics can be processed within user-defi nable gates of interest, so users can investigate e.g. the evolution of peak-cylinder acceleration values and the corresponding piston impact angle within the system operating cycle.

The LMS Test.Lab Angle Domain Processing solution provides angle domain analysis synchronized with the system’s operating cycle in parallel to narrowband data analysis. Angle domain analysis can be done for stationary or transient operating conditions, supporting engine run-up-run-down analysis, or engine start-stop analysis respectively. Data acquisition can be performed on any LMS SCADAS front-end, and supports all available signal conditioning. The LMS SCADAS Mobile front-end supports input from incremental encoders with up to 200 kHz pulse rates, while intelligent tacho conditioning supports immediate correction of missing or double pulses.

Via the customized metrics calculator, users can easily enter advanced application-specifi c calculations like e.g. valve bounce, valve lift, etc. for valve train dynamic testing. These metrics will then be calculated in the same processing run. Data can be displayed in different formats or the X-axis can be changed instantaneously to measured tachos or slow parameters to improve correlation insights. Results can be visualized using intelligent displays that provide transparent coupling of results with underlying data, enhancing the engineer’s task for root-cause analysis.

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LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Removal

When performing operational modal analysis on structures with rotating components, such as helicopters or rotating machinery (in either stationary or slowly varying RPM), component harmonics could influence test results. With the LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Removal add-in, the harmonic contents from the time data can be filtered out.

LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Tracking (Kalman Processing)

This add-in to the time signal calculator presents the Kalman filtering technique to track sine, sine sweeps and other harmonically related signals. It is ideal for extreme slew rate applications. Extracted time histories can be viewed as function of time or rpm. The add-in includes visualization via strip chart displays, and provides the option to store the calculated results.

LMS Test.Lab Angle Domain Processing

This add-in provides adaptive re-sampling of time data to the angle domain whereby multiple revolutions can be combined into a single cycle and synchronized with the rotating or reciprocating engine’s duty cycle. Re-sampled data can be then be processed towards angle maps according to any tracking parameter (rpm, torque) or averaged towards a single cycle. Statistical parameters can be calculated within user-definable gates for further in-depth analysis. Multiple cylinders can be analyzed during a single processing run.

LMS Test.Lab Off-line RPM-extraction

The LMS Test.Lab Off-line RPM-extraction add-in supports rpm-time traces calculation starting from accelerometer or microphone data. On a color map, users can select single or multiple points to indicate important orders according to the rotational speed causing them. Based on this selection, the tool will automatically extract an rpm-time trace from the data, which can be used for further order analysis. Multiple methods are available to tackle the most challenging rpm evolutions (e.g. turbo rpm behavior). The tool can also be used to extract non-rpm related signal evolution versus time (e.g. in case of hybrid powertrains).

LMS Test.Lab Time Variant Frequency Analysis

This add-in to LMS Test.Lab Throughput Validation & Processing Host includes several time/frequency techniques that can determine the instantaneous signal frequency content and present the result as a frequency versus time map. The add-in includes time history and color map visualization of the frequency domain results. It includes short time FFT and continuous wavelet transformation.

LMS Test.Lab Run Data Averaging and Comparison Organizer

This worksheet provides a comprehensive view on all available 2D data (order sections, frequency sections, octave spectra or octave sections) and is designed to quickly compare and average results from various tests for validation and/or processing. Selected data is immediately displayed via powerful display-filling modes in user-defined screen layouts. Embedded navigation supports fast scrolling across functions or measurement points. Individual measurements are included or excluded from automatic average and envelope calculations by tick-box selection. Averages and envelopes can be stored in project databases.

LMS Test.Lab Audio Replay and Filtering

This option supports user-intuitive audio replay using the available PC audio facilities and provides interactive real-time filtering during replay. Replay sessions can conveniently be initialized from multiple LMS Test.Lab displays. The original time traces are automatically retrieved and subjective noise evaluation can be closely integrated into the standard measurement process.

LMS Test.Lab CAN-bus support

LMS Test.Lab CAN-bus support provides CAN-bus data acquisition in parallel to data gathering via the LMS front-ends. The controller area network (CAN) is a message-oriented serial bus system that complies with the ISO 11898 (high speed) and the ISO 11519 (low speed) standards. LMS Test.Lab CAN-bus support provides support for the CAN 2.0B standard (extended frame format) that is widely used in passenger cars and the J1939 standard used in trucks and buses. The CAN channels are handled as regular quasi-static channels, and can be used as tracking channels or give more annotation to dynamic data.

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery – Options

LMS Test.Lab Time Data Signal calculator

Measured time recordings can be expanded with virtual time histories by recombining physical measurement channels using basic and advanced mathematical operations. These time histories can be calculated automatically upon measurement completion and stored together with the measurement channels in the same TDF or LDSF data file. They can be processed simultaneously during the off-line throughput processing. With dedicated data validation and selection, data from different measurement runs can be organized and combined for batch processing.

LMS Test.Lab Time Recording

This option provides raw time history recording while performing tracked measurements and online narrow band analysis (waterfall, orders, spectra). The throughput data is directly written to the host PC disc in TDF or LDSF format, without affecting the online measurement performance.

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LMS Test.Lab Multi-reference Post-processing

LMS Test.Lab Multi-Reference Post Processing offers efficient processing of multiple throughput files with a common set of processing parameters. LMS Test.Lab Multi-Reference Post-processing is supported for stationary measurements such as time data recorded in the spectral acquisition application; autopower and crosspower can be processed. LMS Test.Lab Multi-Reference Post-processing offers multiple input and output FRFs (H1, H2, Hv), partial coherence and transmissibility off-line processing with autopower and crosspower as input.

LMS Test.Lab Signature Data Post-processing

This solution helps analyze and post-process tracked spectral data (narrow band data of run-ups or run-downs) in a signature testing process. It contains a comprehensive list of functions for global problem characterization as well as any further processing necessary to gain a deeper insight into physical processes like FFT, octave mapping, waterfall averaging, merging multiple runs, calculating order sections, frequency sections, loudness and sharpness.

LMS Test.Lab Signature Throughput Processing

LMS Test.Lab Signature Throughput Processing provides efficient processing of multiple throughput files with a common set of processing parameters. Tracking channels (e.g. tacho) can be used to control the selection of time data segments to be processed. The module supports trial processing on a limited number of channels as well as batch processing, including auto-saving of results which can be interrupted at any time. It also includes a convenient preview of processing results with display auto switch depending on the type of results.

LMS Test.Lab Order Tracking

This add-in provides synchronously sampled data and accurate order tracking in case of fast run-ups/run-downs or closely spaced orders. The add-in presents real-time results when loaded in the LMS Test.Lab Standard or Advanced Signature Testing applications. Alternatively, the results can be loaded in the LMS Test.Lab Signature Throughput Processing solution to extend the off-line processing capabilities.

LMS Test.Lab ANSI-IEC Octave Filtering

This add-in helps apply time domain-based 1/1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12 or 1/24 octave filters. The resulting time traces (each corresponding to individual octave bands) are then further processed by applying tracking and triggering, which eventually results in octave maps. The add-in can be used during acquisition or during off-line throughput processing.

LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery – Options

LMS International | [email protected] | www.lmsintl.com14 LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery

Page 15: LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Removal

When performing operational modal analysis on structures with rotating components, such as helicopters or rotating machinery (in either stationary or slowly varying RPM), component harmonics could influence test results. With the LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Removal add-in, the harmonic contents from the time data can be filtered out.

LMS Test.Lab Harmonic Tracking (Kalman Processing)

This add-in to the time signal calculator presents the Kalman filtering technique to track sine, sine sweeps and other harmonically related signals. It is ideal for extreme slew rate applications. Extracted time histories can be viewed as function of time or rpm. The add-in includes visualization via strip chart displays, and provides the option to store the calculated results.

LMS Test.Lab Angle Domain Processing

This add-in provides adaptive re-sampling of time data to the angle domain whereby multiple revolutions can be combined into a single cycle and synchronized with the rotating or reciprocating engine’s duty cycle. Re-sampled data can then be processed towards angle maps according to any tracking parameter (rpm, torque) or averaged towards a single cycle. Statistical parameters can be calculated within user-definable gates for further in-depth analysis. Multiple cylinders can be analyzed during a single processing run.

LMS Test.Lab Off-line RPM-extraction

The LMS Test.Lab Off-line RPM-extraction add-in supports rpm-time traces calculation starting from accelerometer or microphone data. On a color map, users can select single or multiple points to indicate important orders according to the rotational speed causing them. Based on this selection, the tool will automatically extract an rpm-time trace from the data, which can be used for further order analysis. Multiple methods are available to tackle the most challenging rpm evolutions (e.g. turbo rpm behavior). The tool can also be used to extract non-rpm related signal evolution versus time (e.g. in case of hybrid powertrains).

LMS Test.Lab Time Variant Frequency Analysis

This add-in to LMS Test.Lab Throughput Validation and Processing includes several time/frequency techniques that can determine the instantaneous signal frequency content and present the result as a frequency versus time map. The add-in includes time history and color map visualization of the frequency domain results. It includes short time FFT and continuous wavelet transformation.

15LMS Test.Lab Rotating MachineryLMS International | [email protected] | www.lmsintl.com

Page 16: LMS Test.Lab Rotating Machinery - DTA Mühendislik · LMS Test.Lab Order Analysis is an ideal solution whenever fast run-ups and coast-downs may cause order leakage based on fixed

LMS INTERNATIONALResearchpark Z1, Interleuvenlaan 68 B-3001 Leuven [Belgium]T +32 16 384 200 | F +32 16 384 [email protected] | www.lmsintl.com

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LMS is an engineering innovation partner for companies in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. With 30 years of experience, LMS helps customers get better products to market faster and turn superior process efficiency into key competitive advantages.

With a unique combination of 1D and 3D simulation software, testing systems and engineering services, LMS tunes into mission critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. With multi-domain solutions for thermal, fluid dynamics, electrical and mechanical system behavior, LMS can address the complex engineering challenges associated with intelligent system design.

Thanks to our technology and dedicated people, LMS has become the partner of choice of more than 5,000 leading manufacturing companies worldwide. LMS is certified to ISO9001:2008 quality standards and operates through a network of subsidiaries and representatives in key locations around the world. For more information on LMS, visit www.lmsintl.com.





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