VOLUME XX. J;OZ;<; :.lr AN, l\lOl'ff ANA. T UESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1928 NUMBER 11 NTf ROM p ON 'Glee Club to 1f ErAN550 N 15 I Kiwanis STOGHXG HANG E I BASKHBAll NOW Give Program December 10 AtGraznShow i BOBGAT W[ll Will HOlOS INTEREST Will Direct Famous Lecturer Tells of Won- Charit y Wor k Cameron Beck Ls Personal Dir- Exhib it at Chicago ders of Frozen North and ector of New York Stock I The departmc.nt \\Ill pregent . fo1· th_e :lli11.sWe l s.ho\." I . Among- tho . .;.c: fr_om attend-1 a program at the assembly \Vcdnes- 1 Explo rati ons There \\ h1 ·h Is to be g-1vcn aL the Ellen Exchange 11ll'" the Internat10nal Livestock Ex- real Interference and Team l Play Gives Hilltoppers Clean 19-0 Win I Famous "Wonder Team" of Last Season Will Be Practically Intact 1 day. Oe..:l'mber 5 Many of glee Thc1t1e on Delember JU and 11 ah.' __ pt.:-s.ition at Chicago this week are SI JEJ>ID A;>; 'S FI ELD GOOD t!ub member' are 111 at ptc>ent, but SPEAKS IN GYMNASI l\l well un kr way an<l somet hing new as \DDR E""ES A" "El\ 1 BLY following faculty members: F. B. 1 '" -hould be abll to in \Yed- well as i.s prnm1sed. - 00 Linfield, Clyde l\IcKtc, H. W. \"au· 1 WORDEN MISSED tcnt ana Sta te Sick List P ro ,·es De-I diret:t. The pro1?ram will bC' as , \I any of F' ormer Be li efs About Arti e of char- Gi' £s Bene fi cial Lee. tu re R. C. :\lcChoTd. . F' ra nh. Ward "ill Capta in 1928 - 29 nesday's prog1 am . :\Ir. Kintz. will 1.1e show is called the "Blat:k and I -- I ghan, :\I. L. \Vil son. L. D. Kurtz and l f-Ollow:s: acts, song and vuu<le- ,, . . . .. Professors McKee and \r.i. ... }('ilan are ci ded Handicap In Seaso n ':s Glee Club "The Lost rtiord": Circle Pro ved False nlll': of the acts \\ i.Jl feature Rl v. Io :\l o ntana On Co!'S t n:embers of the :;taff of the Squad . S ch ed ul e Begins La!o;l Ga me I (Sullivan) By Sc ie nce IL Li ._ Klemme at the ptpe organ. of Lead ers hip" annual Livestock Exposition. The Thi s Quarter ___ Glet- Club ___ st.luists are .:\lr. a nd lf.J28 show out ... la.sses all previous ir o:n the \\"orld S\ mpho1w 1 . ! and leads are taken by the following: . . I shO\\•· in number of entries with ex - .:\lount St Charle:-; playing a. won- Dv r k - · Dr V1lhJnlmu1 Stefansson of Arct·c Ed Hutching-s of Dr: \\'ekh, . One. of thl· mtcre:-;t- hilit.; from :.iG states, five' Canadia, 1 With moleskms put a\\ay for the tful brand of tootball. de teated the -:; ti ,.. E s 1 0 a ) B , 1 S .te lexplo1at1on an.d disc<?very fame .r. Jensen, Dean :\ Ir. mg-, v1ta1h· to s.Ludents, and Prodnce.s and five foreig-n thoughts arc now turning s. tat .e Bobe.ab 19-tl at · l nJ! 1 ::\ e . 81 .e\ ... u 1 I lectured to a mixed audience o[ ,tu- T!·mtt, and Ha rold R1vrnes. Mr .. a1,g-es.L attended The ju<h.res are confronted with a again to basketball. The :-i.ame hendan, \\yommg, a!i part of the Rel R .e, JLt.simme dents and townspeople ascmbled . la:-:. will be. reme.mb<.'red by Boze- was held mc1.mng_ 111 most arduous task in the that made up the "wonder team" o ank:-giving day celebration held anci Heather. 1 Friday l vening, at the college μ.y111- man people tor hi s excellent per- the colleile g-ymnastum at which tum: : awards ::- last year is back and they are sw1ftl> ere. <Henry Hoodley) n11s.ium. :\Ir. Stcfansson b a noted fcnnanc.e in the recent TormuLtors' Cameron Bcl"k, Pe1sonnel Dirertol' of I :\Ir L D Kurtz. extensio agron- rouncltng into form in preparation for lhe qual"ler · was scoreless but \fult- Quartet Until the Dawn authority on the and c.1pJi- production. A large which i.s t.he New Y.ork Exchange, dl- I ·arl.dress' a ·meetinn of the a hard conferen.ce !> ... hedule tha!. they e m:1.Je a tom:hdown in each Glee ( lub lions in the frozen north. Il av:!•g 1 co.m1,osecl of many students, l.nered a thirty 111111ute the Crop As- are to follow this the remaining- periods and held the So!dicrs Chorus from Faust r.:enved degree.-. at the "C'niversit;; 0 1 ' wtll also add to the performance . 7 t udents iaculty on The of c!·iation which is being held in con- .The regular pra<:tice for the team b<.ats ::\lixing their at- (Gounod) Iowa and later becoming an instructor The i.s sponsorcrf by ..... : ;\fr. Bek mduced junction with the show. :\Ir. Kurtz \Vlll not get und.er way until the 5th ck with line and wide end Treble Gl<e Club SprinJ?time at Harvard. also a degree man h.1wams Club. The to stop oft tn Bozeman on his viill di&euss the .:\[ontana system of I when all _?len will be out in unitorm. ns the ,,u.:'he<l down to ("'atkins) !10111 that Dr. for .Sl\"e1a1 years! d1f- the Coast. and the <:cllegc commumty nure seed records. which are .... onsid- O:land and "Cat" Thompson e tE:-n yard hne and then Gelhausen , was well quahf1ed to \·enture mto thif terent thm_gs and given the money \\ho ei ed a model the <:ountrv . be working- forwards but they :t. C.harle-:s, tuc:ke<l O\'er in three ELECTRICAL SHOW I career e:entered in the polar for chantable purposes. Last year tn meetmg h11n we1e highly repaid 111 · , will be hard by :\IacFar.and U)S iur the first 1ejriom •. Stdansson presented hi:; the\ and mamtamed a Sun- .a fine and a \.vho SHAW PLAYS WILL land The uncanny ability of me back the halt with a 11ccture in a most humoro:;s manner I shine Camp in Bridg-er canyon for prommcnt m \\all Str .. et and 1 j "Cat to locate lhe hoop has in past wift running attack around the ends of spee<:h. He beg-an his lecture by under privi l eged children. The pro- fmance. years made him a man of great value r long gains and the remaining two SATURDAY NIGHT out many facts abou.t the .t1om this f'how v.ill go toward::> After a brief 1 ·eview o: the im- Ito the team and he is expected to per- uchdowns. arctic that ha\e been taug-ht in tn-1 a srn11lar cause. mensity of the York Ex-1 BE GIVEN AT ELLEN form in a.s great a manner this year Saints Great Team of learning for two thous- A!l oi tho:<e that have pun.hased c:hange, its great emp.oment lif't. its he has in the past. Frank \Yard The St. Charles Lt:am played a . "nd years, per cent of tickets a1e 1.:rged to xchange them vocational traininK. and rapidness of will be back at center and it is hoped anrl of football equal to any . . j which, he say.s, a!e erroneous; for resenl<l seat ticke·'S. may its onerations which are carried. on in _ _ , .. will ha\·e hL' usual bagJuJl am the Cab ha\·e played this year Int eresting Dis play To Be Ar- Cr. Stefansson s remark . 'I am a be ex_hanged at the Gff1ce of ihc th(' rea1m of ::.econds, not mmutes. <L tncks to pull on the oppos1tton ith the exception 01 a.nJ ran g ed and Operated Bv 1 1 \'1ctim of not only de- El'.en Theatre after 2 p. m., on Bec:k went into the di.:xussion of C'o lbourne London Co. In Three I the .:;e. a.son budns.. Frank's ave such men as Good, who 1.s a fme , · s:.:ribes his humor, but was really lhe December 9. \·!rtues and of character I Pla vs Tuesday and \Ved- abihty to hit the and 11 carrier and. a g.ood field general; I S tud en ts of Department I theme of his talk. The explorer said ----- which are e"s.ential m the develop- · . ·.he bal! along w1tn his generalship rate. a ball canier of speed and --- that the five years , the Lime he spent VISIT BY FORMER of a leader. a111cunt of, nesday Nights 11ark::. a:;; a man worthy of being Jusivenes.s; Gelhav!"en, a_ line smash-· The electric show which is to be put lectu r ing falsehoods to. rlasse.-; . of tiaining- or cdu.ation will carry an un- , -- he leader of the squad. g fullback; not to mention such I on by the juniors and seniors in I Han·3:rd, about the a section fai_thful 01: man to The Colbourne London Co. on ih I and \\"orthington have been £,ans •.. end; Burr, end; eng-ineerin"' \\.;n be held in I of which he so httle. \\' ere sperit fi B<ck and .... fiJ.st to .. T \vill pre-, out \\Ith tne fo?tball team but they ckle; Ganmon, the ele..trical labor;torv next Sa.tur- wort.hlessly, tor 11 \Yhat I learned and DEAN ENf.I NEERIN comest? the <."Jmman man who Lo Bozeman play goers. at the have been held m reser\e to us_e for klc; guard; 0 Conner, tackle, day night, December 8 ; beginning- at I a great extent, had to U d?es thm,1?.::> uncommonly well Ellen and nignts I the basketball They will be d guard. 7 o"rlock and continuing" until The most com mo!' {!n·en as the an:-wer to the question ·'Ycu :\ever Can Tell" . ..The Dark I as. regular b'llard ... and it will be 1he Cat.s the of a g:;)O. Each student in the course is, conception about the polar ts ___ (Ii <loes succes!' come to a Lady of the and ·•Fannie's re.me!11l::e1ed fl om that the.Y ard and s1ckness which _has a1lowed to brin one ue·t to the •I that they are always .::old . Stefans- r S E man. First P,ay". T hese are plav .... of the 1 ate both men of .h1g-h calibre when 1t n h.itting th.e for some_ tune. and the pfrents .s electrical :::on says .this is absolutely false, and Prof. A. tops n The speaker, who is in well-knO\\:n B< 1 nard Shaw. · · 1 .:on:es to protectmg- the bas:ket from Clrthmgton chdn t put on a SUit and engineering- students residing in Boze- I hts statement by three gco-, Route To \Vash1ngton D. C. t·r.ntact with job slekers and pos1t1on the onslaughts of the opposmg- team. tz and g-ot oul of bed to play m·:in are cordially im·it.rd to attend 1.e.raph1 cal fads. For a country to be Dean Here 1914 _ 18 hunters, pointed out that a man "'Yc.u >:ever Can Tell'' is an inter- "Brick" Breeden has for the past two hile. Coal"h Dyche was absent demonst i ation of elect:· i ca I cold it 1!1ust have these u ·ually be judged by what u::;,e he est.ino;r exhititi?n of goo<l and been all-conference gu a rd and ad1ce n_1ost of last week .. Fo1 the rhenomcna. I turts ; it must be. mountarnous :. it -- n'akes 01 hh, spare time. He quoted wh1ch . Bernard Shaw is he is expected to put forth his usual at:". (apt. Chez plaxed hi_;; , . . .· . . . . 1rust be far north; 1t must be of high Mr. and A. w. Richter of the that 7:00 p. m .. the ordinary ve1·y !anuhar and .1:'> able to portray of guarding m the corn in g ·ne game by \ogt, . 0 0 ff I altitude. The rqdon has only Yakima . were hour at which time man's lehmre ?e- \\_Ith an af1peal. with de- games. B1·ownmg and Gardner "' ;ll be n Preston, )fares •. _HuJd:. speakbg au; lanr> arti- cne of these-it is far north. . 1i;:; 1 tors at the ccllc; nt gins, i::. the mo:-t \aluablc hour of a d1ghtful run, nch _\\ lt hand-!held in to use in ease of bnn and . <;ct ;: e, I fitial lightning, Edd . current A gre.ate1: part of the . m 1 a::.t . week. ;\Jr. Rich er was of man's. lif e. _and m _ settll\J?s. '\ ou · I nec:e:->slt) :\ot a j!reat deal is k nown _an.ner. R1cha1ds, d t f . ) l t., the arctic: Is flat and rolhng-, with Engmeennz at ::\lont na State 'j flgmes ieJat1\e to the ::\ew "\ ork. telb. ma ga) mood the h1:=itor:,; to \\hat amount of material 'viii eFr atc well m the backfield ca1_1 e eel r1<: I thirty kind!' of ferns , two hundred from U.114 to 1918. m Doze- Steck Exc.:hange. ;\h'. Beck -..a1d that of a familv which has d1--pose<l itselr oml ft om the Fro!';h c1ass of this l ut the playing- of the whole team SJ>:O 1"eh. lkngh. fe'ech- kinds of seven hu. ndreci kinds man thev were ent ita in cd by sev-1 t t: ere \\ere i; :m men of that mstitu- at a fash1onallc En_ghsh watenne- year b:.t Se\•eral ltkely candidate-:. 't to par and thev o·· ldn tI ica l IC a c mg, e ec ne:a is - f .. , ' · 'r < · 'h · ed k h 11·la<:e ,. II t 1 k l b f d h th a.sn up . h · h w <l pond e'ectrical flowers leclrica l o flowers, and many o ct al old tnnc fr1end . 'I cy stopp who went to \\Ot ont our · \ 1 mos I e Y e oun \V en e em to. get going" bw ede}' ey . t sn,ok .e p;·ecipitation re el :sing motor I animals and birds. All these are t h riv- c\ er tn Bozeman \\h ile enrootc to ahead of wo1 k for spe<: 1al o; the twm:s, Dolly and Philip, lmal check-up ts made and the demonstration, stree 1 t were on the offensh·e. motor and control , arc: amps .. !'""> •• •• _. ·h l .1 I -.·hampionship at K.ansa>S Cit'-· last · , S and automattc telepho ne 1 d.nd bus.hes of \ a1 1ous " 1c through a:pp 1c:at1on anu the--e --e-1f styled parag-ons is the 'cry J fol 1, olntrolled car, artificial UTAH UNIVER SITY ARE taa'".ntte•. e who had a pncne ine demonstration. electrical . · . ::. . - . . y .... ....... ference teams. l 'winnincr thret, <.=onference meter operation, high frequency c:ur- J A m_u1can :\tr . ini:t to make a woman of but a · uemes o. and bad mannen. (Continued on Pa<h>I T hree ) - . "" p Tw X-rav mag-neto made the stai..ement that the ;\h. Be. k. m d1scussmg- pe1sonal .ome,. tht- herome, the lo\elv Gloua o ... (Continued on age O) tc·sf. and bending lig\it beams. I any weather had ever RMf FOOTBALL CHAMPS qualifl.cations, emphasized separately. and e.en exce l 11n!! the good E·tlh dis ht\.· will b . ·h r f 1 . near or at the North Pole is futy- "' the imr..ortanc:e of vi.. Mama. Thtn the1e the impeach- [NSTRUMENT MAN 4 - P · e m c a KC ? four degrees below z:ero. This is not ___ I e!'>\" and integrity . As the fou r ma1or able waiter \\'1lliam. whose bne tandh ther.e ·ti ll as low as the mu rcury ha:-. dropped at D f t A . \V" for m leader- i ::q,arkle through the ers . :on u.c t visi 0: rs 1Iav1e, ::\lontana Although the polar e ea Uta h _ggtes to In ..,,l 1 ip he enume1ated. first, a plan or n e11y ..::cems of the comedy hke a To SHOW DISPLAY 1 ou d the so that tempe1ature is no lower than I Rocky l\.lountatn Conference I an msp1rat10n \\h1ch even mcludes the fc.untam in the sun . BOBCATS FINISH HEAVY SEASON Pays may e Y evei yonl. ig L amazmg fJOtnt. the atmosphc1 e a Ch· · h · dteam:-. of s people; seconrl, . I will be sen·ed to every- little sout h becomes. colder, stladily I an1p1 ons IP the latk of h as causE>d I The the twms --- J cne attending the show. increasmg unt il point;:; m northen1 -- - the fall cf mote youth than any oth1-r cai:;;ual \\ a•)l UJl a . ,. r : , · Alaska a1e teac:hed, then the mc1 ury I The Rocky Conferenc:e fouith, a pa'-'sIOn for nghteou:sness ... ome but 1111 1 10 .\!eTJshe<l )OUn!? den ts Loss of l\len By '\111 Rep resentative From faylor In- ·1 \\AA WILL HA VE WATER agam records a change and b•gms to football tttl< waon't def 1 mtely decided thmg· th11d perser\erance; and athml '"' 1t 1 hng hm \ \'. ttho lunch to . meet Be Severelv Felt Next t t C ,.,.II T Jk T r h I h ! . ' Ch te. h t a I , en· mot er 1 some n11s g1v1ng, · s rumen o. n 1 a o 1 . CA.RN IVAL NEXT WEEK c 11nb as one comes sout u!'t1l the laol.game, _a nd when and right lnmg. 10 1 the Vt>.n ·Englishman proceeds to Year Engin eers-Here Before Fo r_ elc.\'e n yeais Dr. Cnl\e r ;:.1ty Utah 20-0 high p!au!' m the grad_uatmg • the1r and Ialls wildlv in love I E . - . - - f \V expe1 imented, ex pl ored, and studied ion turkey-day, Colotado an excellenl.'e 111 ;:.cholarsh 1p, is with Glcr ia at first sight - So far as the are concerned · el'y year it is <: ustom3:rv or . · E skimos. condition .... , and I defeated Den ver Cniversity and i1 £ ·sential. · Mr. who repre..-;c ms A. to a water This cleared up :s.ome illusion:; believE:!d by L tah would ha\'C fa iled to take thl' ---- - The 1uman<:e develops though there Hl2l'-i football n is over and ray l 0 r I nstru!nent o t 1 is t1 b1:1t 1s one of the the world and himself, which he 1 the Boulder ; am would ha•e F l'HOGE LPHI AX at times when it cannot hope it is time to turn to bas ketball with t ;ter, . • ew \ ork, will be m Boze- mo_ t iest1vals of year. lea med as he said ·'from education" . , been champions. Eu rod Jphian!'S \'ill meet at to sun·j\ e, and on these oc..asions it hich h0pe;:;. for another <.onfere nce an on Decembe .. 13, 1-1., and 15, and !T he carm\'al will be '" the One of the most difiicult expeditions Colc1ado Colleg-c \d• h one of th<' Schlccttn\• Studio at 7 ::10 o'clock is \Yilliam, tht \\niter. wh ose tact and championship . ·ill deliver a Je_ture on weather and r:lungt, from 4:00 to 6 :00 p. m. of Stefansson and his party, was an s.tiong-est teams in histo ry swrted \\' Ctlne:.;.chn to ha, ·e the ir pictures underftancling- as a l"Ou nsell or match The ··Cats" ha\e made a mp<rature instrument.s .. The .lecture :\Ionday, December. Balloons_w1 1l extended trip away fro m the base :st1ong but took the tumble and Jan<lld taken a nci th en go to the <;:hi his perfection as a ser.a nt, and render ret:otd, having played nine · ill te given in the engmecnng as- be used for the ormcrnal deco1at1ons. (Continued 011 P age Thr ee ) in fifth pl ace with fiYe and Omega House for re i;rula r meeting nim the Ya.uable allv of love in its games, win ning fo:.;.r, hsing four, and mb ly. All students and anyone else I Elizabeth Gardiner, manage r of three cle!lats . Colora do niver:".ity most c:omplic;ated mc1 Tie nt s. tying one. In the Rocky :\f ou n tai n are cordially invited to at - swimm ing, is in charge of the fes- F s MAN UANCE with five victories and one defeat The double bill \\'ednesclay lll?:ht 15 I Confe1ence the Bobcats fmis he<l w1t 11 nd. The· exact hour for ihe lecture lti\·al. She, \dth her c:ommittee, have RE H \\as behind Utah Unin! r ity who won WYLIE ELECTED I just.. as full of laug-hter "The Lad •a pe-rc_entage of .600. as nJt been set as yet, but \,; 11 be all a1 rangements for a joy- four conference game s an d one. the Sonnets'' and takJ- Dunng the sea:son the tc.am has nno..nced in next week's Exponent. time. 1he will pla<:t. d si::-th 1.n ing- pluce m thE: wnv of da)s of Queer• pla)ed 111 some games The Taylor I nstrument div1. ng feats, exh1b1t10n IN HONOR OF '29 1..:cnte1encc ml GRID CAPTAIN Elizabeth or Eng!llnd, het ma1esty almo .. t perfect 111 t'Ooμerat me: of etc. Ifs, barometer!:, psychron\eters. lays. Jn addt1?n eac h must be ___ l?uni.r, :e rs, and \\ {'O- I outside her apartments m the Old though.they \\l'-re In a put .anu.actures thermometers, pyro-,sw1mmmg an<l; dinng-, rac:es anrl re- c11cles. tak rn g :,tii.-.cli appea rin!!' m the tht- men and agam tney seemcl a:;;. ydrometc:rs, and a number of other pepa1ed to gone an ong-mal s.L nt, nnng antl losing to ( olorado College TO\\ er of London where she meets sloppy exhibition or ball uther and temperature instrume nts. which will be j ud!!'ed . I Big Live Turkey Won By Lang- and Utah Aggie.s. . Stell er F ullback Will Lead Bob- I W1!.tam and this meet - I rlaymF T his seems to be a pecuhnr Ir. McQuaid will with him a I At the concl us1on of the ''rogra m, sto n Dance Ts Annual \Vyom mg Unl\e rs1ty and Western t F tball Teant In 1929. mg- all but costs him his head,, 1tuat.on fer a team with as many rge display which will int lu<le every a tea party will be the center oi · . State College fai led to break in to the ca OO < S!oo<l substitu t es as the "Cats 11 had st rument the Taylor Company amusement. A splendid hostess and Affair 1 winning l"Oiumn in this years running- Gallatin Grad "Fannie's F irst Play :· is "f quite duri ng the past but it seemed ·anu iacture:.s. staff are p·epared to serve iefresh- _ __ and Brigham Young t'n h·crsity won __ different order, a story of t!le \•·ilful- 1.b the whole squad was off When ::\lr. Quaid here th1:e2 I .. faculty women are !Jl\'lted I The Dance, which W<lS l:;·. t. gume but t hey t ied Utah llarcld \Vvlie was ele<:tt'Cl at thl' same time. The st.art of the ea rs he. had a of m- to ]Om 111 the fun. gh·en in hunor of the Seniors of ) I. S. I Unl\·e1.s1ty. w h o a ': e , , ., itain oi 102·9 Bobcat ".·11cce«. full;· to ht.de the1·r fa1111'!1'es." at!- saw the "Cats" going- strong •rument.s which covered three long - . . C. was hel I at the Rose Garden Ball Colorado :\Imes won twice • 1 . . k f llowin .... return .... .., when they chwned the powerful I daho ti es, placed end to end on the en-, Th ere w ill be an asse mbly with Roo o < Thanks ivin Eve This and Denver and Colorado Teachers tc:>nm last. oSl nid;n The new ventmes from the other. The team From then to the end of ineering assembly .A ffcc ia l mm: ic a l pr og ram . \\'ed_: I is ;n annual by I along- with i\ l ontana State won three teat 1 g-rid h.as ha·l the• .... on they up and down in emonstration of the w11l j nerday. Dece mbe r 5. from 9: la 'F r eshman of e\erv fo u rt h ye a r I es. f tba ll experience to aid their on PnE?e 7our ) o'low his lecture. tc 10: ?0 p. m. I o; 106 S- TUD . ENTS SIGNED I M ton o ·. /\1 T' "NA s TA TE SCHOOL OF RT DEPARTMENT CAN'T SE£ /for t he Sen101s. Th ey continued gw- years of out- 1V .M. HOW FOOD IS IN THEIR LINE ELECTRICAL COURSE ENGINEERING RA TES HIGH FOOd may be an art. It ::; prepara- ion my b an art. It is agreed that clever cook can make a common- !ace cake look like the cathedral of lilan, but the students of Montana tate refuse to recognize it a::. su .. h. heir wrath and astonishment outdid emperament when last week's 1 ·Ex - ·an ator'' came out with the anno:.:nce- :e nt of a food under the caption f "Art Bazaar''. }hey heartily disc'aim that any- h.mg they are adv·ertising has to do that necessary but nevc r satis- ed organ, the stoma<:h. the F rosh of every fourth year He is one of the J continues 1tiving the dance, wh ith is -- - . . . . . . . ,,embers of the Art Club and Delta j always given on T hanksgiving E ,·e. · T his )'ear thi.r ty-fou r the lo ca I high I Of the which make chen:11cal. cngme:enne- :::.• · .... havi b zaa. at which 1 he <:las:; of 1 32 happened to be due semors m e!e<>t n <:al who ever pr o- up State College, t.he mdu:-;.tnal .engme_ermg, m. ng a 1 _ Ito contin ue this custom, and th ey wi ll are expected to graduate . T here arc ducecl. After c1. 1- popular is the o.r the) will . i. llesent.fot sale a cl an.e every year for the seven !'eniors and a total of 106 stu - tering college' Ill lhe enrollment m th1:; College ,:; 11r1g-at10n and mechnnt- ancl from 0t h.et I Sc unti l they too are Seniors. {'ents reg iste 1 cd in electrical en- 192:l he contin ued lnrg-er than thnt of any of the other cal eng-neering-. The courses of study l.an?s,_ from The Fre.:hm an Dan ce th i.s yea r was I r\ lthough the to . s;how his ath - I dc1n1.1 tments and it has the larg-l:-;t .i.Gllc)\\' standard of nll \\e hy fiom Chma. and Incha, and 1 , a decided success. The rnam event o( of fres h men Ill the lOurse ts let1c powere:--s _on 1u.mber of Knlduntes..... . . the througho1:1t from Italr. the e\·ening was the r affle, than that of year, the quaht)r t!'> the c:olletre grid- f he College of Engmeermg- 1ll 1 United _Statt.>::.: that will \\Ill be a boolh m :vht .. h they \\ 1.11 dis- I which has always been a custom an· very good this bei ng ev ;d enced by iron. Th C' n he .:\ l ontana State College was founded fit the engmee r for or te<:h- r !ay . sale own h:::m.d icraf.r, palt of t.hl Thangsgiving E\ •e dance. fac.-t. that only one rt•g- dropped out for n i,n Tht·.leifr; lature_ at nka l . work are \\·ork bookends, lamp shades and such . Thi" Harold Lang-,.;ton held the lucky num- 1 stcrcd Ill elei:tnc:al emnneen ng- wns year. uc1d_ed to at• .ept the giants ot I the room. is .-supphmente<l b)'. sale has been an annua l event an d lbe r an d .., 0 recei\'ed the turkev . which placed on S'.'ho la1ship lim iL". When he came back to :.'\font.a m•. rrc.ided for stat<" br the!l-·l"al"tical expene nc·e m the shops and as wc_ll a.s arc a fi ;ic li\e one. · State last fa ll Gus sho wed up better rill Ad 01: the o_f 1890. 1 rooms. The Collcg-e of En- forward to it with 111 te 1 e:;t and The Rose• Garden Ba ll Hoom, wh ich Jl'ROS H on the field thnn ever before. Out- 1 his .act, prov1dmg- tor an- vmcenng at :\I ontann .. tate. enthusiasm. ' was the :-.:. ene of the dan<:c., was ap- hl·adwork and the nbility.to 1ropttatc ns f c.>r the 1anks nmon¥' thl' Le:s.t of propriatelv dc ·coratcd in the Se nior .\II Freshman int er es ted in hy- buck the stron).!est lines for gam s :·l'hcnl.. that yollcgint_e, ·hool:.;. and its grad1..ates have usually The sum and substa nce of wh i<: h esd\' ed itself into the in tr icacies of Any of our n aders wishing exlrn ""Xoerien ed reporters, the a!';sembl- crpies of the Exponent for c:omplet- ng and of a pa per . which is I ing- files or for reference o_f any so rt 00 te<:hn:cal for :'.Prther di"cussion.1111ay obtain same by applyincr at Lne Vhere With all be it explained and Exnonent. office in ::\Iontana. Hall. \_V e nnouncerl that: On th e dale o1 D<'- <:a n furn is h copies o( every issue with ·e mber 7 and 8 in Herri ck Hall, the : t he e x-:e pti on of 2. roior!", blue and white, the decorat ions in l! out for bas ketba ll manager 1rarked him a:--. the most danl!erous e<lu<:at1or1 111 mihta!·y tactics. nt?n- I b:.•cn es:s.ful_. being blue and wh ite st r eamers. rq>ort at the stud ent mana g er s '·ac:kficld man th<' Bob ats had. . and llll. l-:amc arts should be I _..\ rchitectu re 1s. a six-piece orchestra fu r n room in the g ym at 5 o'clock Jn all during the:> season, besides J..;l\"Cn for the \-oun:.r men and wome n 1 the Co!leg-e of ished the music, which was as usua l, \Vcrlnes day. To be eligible for ri 1 lingo up huge 1..rains from scri m- cf the state. . . 1 , epa1tment endea\.Ors to give excelle nt d ance music, and was I man ager one mu st try out in his ma a-e, c-_·.:-:, H"('"red five of the touch- . The Co1.lc:>j!e Emnneenni:r con- . a prattl(.·al knowledge of appreci ated. Mr. Morr ison and :\fr. fr es hman year. downs f ew the Bobcats. I of c1g-ht cl1ffcrent depa1trnent.s. constJ1.lcho ry as we ll a Sto ne were t he chaperones. Clifford Swanson, Mgr. (Cont:nuecl on Pil ge Thr ee) Four yea c·ourscs are offend m (Continued 0.1 Page ..1. wo)

lO l'ffA NA. T UESD AY, DE C EM B ER 4, 1928 N U MBER 1 1arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-020-11-001-004.pdfmtcre:-;t-I shO\\•· hilit.; from in number :.iG states, of

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~xpnn.cnt VOLUME XX. J;OZ;<;:.lrAN, l\lOl'ffANA. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1928 NUMBER 11

~Al NTf ROM p ON 'Glee Club to 1f ErAN550 N 15 I Kiwanis sh~w STOGHXG HANG E Teache~s Ar~ I BASKHBAll NOW Give Program December 10 AtGraznShowi BOBGAT OUTflr or~~;:~:~i1~.\0~~;r~w~i~Tnt/t W[ll REGEl~EO Mit:st~~~r~~~wM~teyE~~~ Will OfflGl~l SPE~KS Sixi~1;m1~et·~~-~!ti:nca~lt)~:a~~en d- HOlOS INTEREST

Will Direct Famous Lecturer Tells of Won- Charity Work Cameron Beck Ls Personal Dir- Exhibit at Chicago ders of Frozen North and ector of New York Stock

I The mu~1c departmc.nt \\Ill pregent . R~hl'a.1sal,:; fo1· th_e :lli11.sWel s.ho\." I . Among- tho . .;.c: fr_om Boz~man attend-1 a program at the assembly \Vcdnes- 1 Explorations There \\ h1 ·h Is to be g-1vcn aL the Ellen Exchange 11ll'" the Internat10nal Livestock Ex-

real Interference and Team l Play Gives Hilltoppers

Clean 19-0 Win

I Famous "Wonder Team" of Last Season Will Be Practically

Intact 1 day. Oe..:l'mber 5 Many of th~ glee Thc1t1e on Delember JU and 11 ah.' __ pt.:-s.ition at Chicago this week are th~

SIJEJ>IDA;>; 'S FIELD GOOD t!ub member' are 111 at ptc>ent, but SPEAKS IN GYMNASI l\l well un kr way an<l something new as \DDRE""ES A" "El\1BLY following faculty members: F. B. 1 ~ '" -hould be abll to partt~1pate in \Yed- well as intetl~tmg- i.s prnm1sed. - 00 • ~ Linfield, Clyde l\IcKtc, H. W. \"au· 1 WORDEN MISSED

tcntana Sta te Sick List P ro ,·es De-I diret:t. The pro1?ram will bC' as ,\I any of F'orm er Beliefs About Artie :''.h:t_~ _Re~·i:'~" .an~ c~n~is~.s of char- Gi' £s lnte r <~ lin g, Benefi cia l Lee.tu re R. C. :\lcChoTd. . F' ra nh. Ward "ill Ca ptain 1928 - 29

nesday's prog1 am . :\Ir. Kintz. will 1.1e show is called the "Blat:k and I -- I ghan, :\I. L. \Vil son. L. D. Kurtz and

lf-Ollow:s: ,1~tust acts, song hi~s, and vuu<le- ,, . . . .. Professors McKee and \r.i. ... }('ilan are ci ded Handicap In Season':s Glee Club "The Lost rtiord": Circl e Proved Fa lse nlll': O~e of the acts \\ i.Jl feature Rl v. Io :\l ontana St ud e nt~ On Co!'S t n:embers of the juclgin~ :;taff of the Squad. Sch ed ule Begins La!o;l Ga me I (Sullivan) By Science IL Li ._ Klemme at the ptpe organ. Th·~ of Leadership" ~~th annual Livestock Exposition. The This Quarter ___ Glet- Club ___ st.luists are .:\lr. and ~\-lrs. Johom~son lf.J28 show out ... la.sses all previous

Lan.~o iro:n the \\"orld S\ mpho1w 1 . ! and leads are taken by the following: . . I shO\\•· in number of entries with ex-.:\lount St Charle:-; playing a. won- Dv r k - · Dr V1lhJnlmu1 Stefansson of Arct·c Ed Hutching-s of Belg1ad~ , Dr: \\'ekh, . One. of thl· 111o~t. rntcn:sel~· mtcre:-;t- hilit.; from :.iG states, five' Canadia,1 With moleskms put a\\ay for the tful brand of tootball. de teated the -:; ti ,.. E s 1 ~I 0 a ) B ,1 S .te lexplo1at1on an.d disc<?very fame .r. ~ · Jensen, Dean L~~ffm. :\ Ir. mg-, v1ta1h· bcn~ftc1al to s.Ludents, and Prodnce.s and five foreig-n co~ntries. season~ thoughts arc now turning on~~ina s. tat .e Bobe.ab 19-tl at · l nJ! 1~~ e~ 1 ::\ e . ~ 81 .e\ ... u1 • I lectured to a mixed audience o[ ,tu- T!·mtt, and Har old R1vrnes. Mr .. a1,g-es.L attended a~sembhes o~ t~c The ju<h.res are confronted with a again to basketball. The :-i.ame ~quad hendan, \\yommg, a!i part of the Rel R .e, .larg-aiete~ JLt.simme dents and townspeople ascmbled . la:-:. H1vrne~ will be. reme.mb<.'red by Boze- :ye~n· was held ye.s~enlay mc1.mng_ 111 most arduous task in placin~ the that made up the "wonder team" o ank:-giving day celebration held anci Heather. 1 Friday l vening, at the college µ.y111- man people tor hi s excellent per- the colleile g-ymnastum at which tum: : awards ::- last year is back and they are sw1ftl> ere. <Henry Hoodley) n11s.ium. :\Ir. Stcfansson b a noted fcnnanc.e in the recen t TormuLtors' Cameron Bcl"k, Pe1sonnel Dirertol' of I :\Ir L D Kurtz. extensio agron- rouncltng into form in preparation for lhe fii~t qual"ler ·was scoreless but \fult- Quartet Until the Dawn authority on the E~kimo and c.1pJi- production. A large choru~, which i.s t.he New Y.ork S~cH.:k Exchange, dl- I 1.,n~ist·1 \~ill ·arl.dress' a ·meetinn of the a hard conferen.ce !> ... hedule tha!. they e Saint~ m:1.Je a tom:hdown in each Glee ( lub lions in the frozen north. Il av:!•g 1 e· co.m1,osecl of many ~olleze students, l.nered a thirty 111111ute a~dres:; t~ the lntt~rnational Crop lmproven~ent As- are to follow this ye~r. the remaining- periods and held the So!dicrs Chorus from Faust r.:enved degree.-. at the "C'niversit;; 0 1' wtll also add to the performance. 7tudents .a~,d iaculty on The ~ost of c!·iation which is being held in con- .The regular pra<:tice for the team b<.ats ~creless. ::\lixing their at- (Gounod) Iowa and later becoming an instructor The s_~ow i.s sponsorcrf by th~. Boz~- ..... ieaders.h1~ : ;\fr. Bek wa~ mduced junction with the show. :\Ir. Kurtz \Vlll not get und.er way until the 5th ck with line sma~hes and wide end Treble Gl<e Club SprinJ?time at Harvard. also r<?'~ei\ing a degree man h.1wams Club . The h.1wa~1.; to stop oft tn Bozeman on his way.t~ viill di&euss the .:\[ontana system of I when all _?len will be out in unitorm. ns the llill~pr,ers ,,u.:'he<l down to ("'atkins) !10111 that in~ti.tution, Dr. St~fansso_n l~a> a for .Sl\"e1a1 years! ~ponsore<l d1f- the Coast. and the <:cllegc commumty nure seed records. which are .... onsid- O:land "ar~ and "Cat" Thompson e tE:-n yard hne and then Gelhausen , was well quahf1ed to \·enture mto thif terent thm_gs and given the money ~nd tO\~n::pe?ple \\ho ~vere fortu.na~e ei ed a model throu~hout the <:ountrv . w~l! be working- a~ forwards but they

:t. C.harle-:s, tuc:ke<l O\'er in three ELECTRICAL SHOW I unu~ual career e:entered in the polar for chantable purposes. Last year tn meetmg h11n we1e highly repaid 111 · , will be hard pre~sed by :\IacFar.and U)S iur the first ~co1e ~nd.then 1ejriom •. Stdansson presented hi:; the\ or~amzed and mamtamed a Sun- ~earing- .a fine ~reake:r and a ~nan \.vho SHAW PLAYS WILL land ~addlcr. The uncanny ability of me back the ~econd halt with a 11ccture in a most humoro:;s manner I shine Camp in Bridg-er canyon for I~ prommcnt m \\all Str .. et and 1 j "Cat to locate lhe hoop has in past wift running attack around the ends of spee<:h. He beg-an his lecture by under privi leged chi ldren. The pro- fmance. years made him a man of great value r long gains and the remaining two SATURDAY NIGHT i-oin~ing- out many facts abou.t the ec~\ :s .t1om this f'how v.ill go toward::> After a brief 1·eview o: the im- Ito the team and he is expected to per-uchdowns. arctic t hat ha\e been taug-ht in tn-1 a srn11lar cause. mensity of the ~ew York ~tock Ex-1 BE GIVEN AT ELLEN form in a.s great a manner this year Saints Great Team ~titution~ of learning for two thous- A!l oi tho:<e that have pun.hased c:hange, its great emp.oment lif't. its I~ he has in the past. Frank \Yard The St. Charles Lt:am played a . "nd years, ~eventy -fh·e per cent of tickets a1e 1.:rged to l·xchange them vocational traininK. and rapidness of will be back at center and it is hoped anrl of football equal to alm~st any . . j which, he say.s, a!e erroneous; for resenl<l seat ticke·'S. ~hey may its onerations which are carried. on in _ _ , .. ~at ~e will ha\·e hL' usual bagJuJl am the Cab ha\·e played this year Interes ting Display To Be Ar- Cr. Stefansson s remark . 'I am a be ex_hanged at the Gff1ce of ihc th(' rea1m of ::.econds, not mmutes. <L tncks to pull on the oppos1tton ith the exception 01 :\ebra~ka a.nJ ranged and Operated Bv 1

1 \'1ctim of edu~ation' '. not only de- El'.en Theatre after 2 p. m., on ~Jr. Bec:k went into the di.:xussion of C'o lbourne London Co. In Three I w~e.n the .:;e. a.son budns.. Frank's ave such men as Good, who 1.s a fme , · s:.:ribes his humor, but was really lhe December 9. th~-~e \·!rtues and ~rai~s of character I Plavs Tuesday and \Ved- abihty to hit the ?ask~t and hand~e 11 carrier and. a g.ood field general; I S tud e n ts of Department I theme of his talk. The explorer said ----- which are e"s.ential m the develop- · . ·.he bal! along w1tn his generalship

rate. a ball canier of speed and --- that the five years, the Lime he spent VISIT BY FORMER n~ent of a leader. · ·~o a111cunt of, nesday Nights 11ark::. h~m a:;; a man worthy of being Jusivenes.s; Gelhav!"en, a_ line smash-· The electric show which is to be put lectu ring falsehoods to. rlasse.-; . of tiaining- or cdu.ation will carry an un- , -- he leader of the squad. g fullback; not to mention such me~ I on by the juniors and seniors in I Han·3:rd, about the ~1·ct1c. a section fai_thful 01: un_c~pa?le man to ~.t;~cess ' ~ The Colbourne London Co. on ih I Bre~den and \\"orthington have been £,ans •.. end; Burr, end; Be~et, e~eetri.cal eng-ineerin"' \\.;n be held in I of which he ~new so httle. \\'ere sperit fi ~!1. B<ck st1es~ed, and ~u~ces .... fiJ.st tian~continental to .. T \vill pre-, out \\Ith tne fo?tball team but they ckle; ~oomson, ce~ter; Ganmon, the ele..trical labor;torv next Sa.tur- wort.hlessly, tor


\Yhat I learned and DEAN ENf.INEERIN comest? the <."Jmman man o~ h~e who ~cnt Lo Bozeman play goers. at the have been held m reser\e to us_e for klc; Lrn~, guard; 0 Conner, tackle, day night, December 8; beginning- at I ~tud~ed, t~. a great extent, had to ~ U d?es thm,1?.::> uncommonly well '~as Ellen Tuesda~ and Wednesda,~ nignts I the basketball sea~on . They will be d )lurph~. guard. 7 .~'O o"rlock and continuing" until unlearn~d. The most com mo!' nu~- {!n·en as the an:-wer to the question ·'Ycu :\ever Can Tell". ..The Dark I ba~k as. regular b'llard ... and it will be 1he Cat.s :;.how~ the resul~ of a g:;)O. Each student in the course is, conception about the polar re~1ons ts ___ (Ii ;·,~ow <loes succes!' come to a Lady of the ~onnet~;· and ·•Fannie's re.me!11l::e1ed fl om ~ast ye~r that the.Y a rd .sea~on and s1ckness which _has a1lowed to brin one ue·t to the •I that they are always .::old . Stefans- r • S E man. First P,ay". These are plav .... of the 1 a t e both men of .h1g-h calibre when 1t n h.itting th.e ~amp for some_ tune. ~i.ow and the pfrents ~f .s electrical :::on says .this is absolutely false, and Prof. A . "· R1c~ter tops n The speaker, who is in freq:i~nt well-knO\\:n B< 1 nard Shaw. · · 1 .:on:es to protectmg- the bas:ket from Clrthmgton chdn t put on a SUit and engineering- students residing in Boze- I prO\e~ hts statement by three gco-, Route To \Vash1ngton D. C. t·r.ntact with job slekers and pos1t1on the onslaughts of the opposmg- team. tz and \'o~t g-ot oul of bed to play m·:in are cordially im·it.rd to attend 1.e.raph1cal fads. For a country to be Dean Here 1914 _18 hunters, pointed out that a man c~n "'Yc.u >:ever Can Tell'' is an inter- " Brick" Breeden has for the past two hile. Coal"h Dyche was absent ~rom th~ demonsti ation of elect:· i ca I cold it 1!1ust have these ~hree fe~- u ·ually be judged by what u::;,e he est.ino;r exhititi?n of goo<l and U~d sea~ons been all-conference guard a nd ad1ce n_1ost of last week .. Fo1 the rhenomcna. I turts ; it must be. mountarnous :. it -- n'akes 01 hh, spare time. He quoted 1rann~1s ~~ wh1ch . Bernard Shaw is he is expected to put forth his usual at:". (apt. Chez plaxed hi_;; u~ual , . . .· • . . . . 1rust be far north; 1t must be of high Mr. and :\tr~. A. w. Richter of the fa~t that 7:00 p. m .. the ordinary ve1·y !anuhar and .1:'> able to portray cla~s of guarding m the corn ing ·ne game ~sbted by \ogt, e:i11~i:- l pl~; . .sl~~f\r :;1~h~~~~e~ 0~~~~~~1 0

0ff ~l,s; I altitude. The .P~lar rqdon has only ~c~·th Yakima . l;Va..<:hi~gton, were hour at which time man's lehmre ?e- \\_Ith an af1peal. 1~crnm~ with de- games. B1·ownmg and Gardner "' ;ll be n Preston, )fares •. _HuJd:. ~~.l-·~.-.,lfrllowing: speakbg au; lanr> arti- cne of these-it is far north. . 1i;:;1tors at the ccllc; \\ edne~day nt gins, i::. the mo:-t \aluablc hour of a d1ghtful run, nch 1~ _\\ lt ~nd hand-!held in re~erve to use in ease of bnn and ~alo . . Capt~m:e <;ct ;: e, I fitial lightning, Edd . current 1c~okin~ A gre.ate1: part of the ~~untry . m 1a::.t . week. ;\Jr. Rich er was D~an of man's. life. Fur~herin~ state~1ents _and :-.01~1~ m _ settll\J?s. '\ ou · e\'e~ Ca~ I nec:e:->slt) :\ot a j!reat deal is known _an.ner. R1cha1ds, ~Vellmjrton, ~nd d t f . ) l t., the arctic: Is flat and rolhng-, with Engmeennz at ::\lont na State Colleg-~ 'j flgmes ieJat1\e to the ::\ew "\ ork. T~1l telb. ma ga) mood the h1:=itor:,; la~ to \\hat amount of material 'viii eF ratc play~d well m the backfield e~on~ J~· io~n, tt.~1 ca1_1 '}1oio~., e eel r1<: I thirty kind!' of ferns , two hundred from U.114 to 1918. \\~hile m Doze- Steck Exc.:hange. ;\h'. Beck -..a1d that of a familv which has d1--pose<l itselr oml ft om the Fro!';h c1ass of this lut the playing- of the whole team SJ>:O 1"eh. lkngh. tch~tncal to1.s~el. fe'ech- kinds of mo~sc:-:. seven hu. ndreci kinds man thev were ent itaincd by sev-1 t t:ere \\ere i;:m men of that mstitu- at a fash1onallc En_ghsh watenne- year b:.t Se\•eral ltkely candidate-:. 't to par and thev o·· ldn ·~ tI ica l IC a c mg, e ec ne:a is - f .. ~ , ' · 'r < · 'h · ed k h 11·la<:e ,. II t 1 k l b f d h th a.sn up . h · h w h· <l pond e'ectrical f lowers leclrical o flowers, and many :;pec1e~ o ct al old tnnc fr1end . 'I cy stopp t~on who went to \\Ot ont our · \ 1 mos I e Y e oun \V en e em to. get going" bw 1~n ede}' ~t ey . t sn,ok.e p;·ecipitation re e l:sing motor I animals a nd birds. All these are t h riv- c\ er tn Bozeman \\h i le enrootc to ~atly ahead of wo1 k for spe<: 1a l o; the twm:s, Dolly and Philip, lmal check -up ts made and the !~!~:~n t~~i;hdef:n;e3~·he~ev~~eth~ 0~~iiligraph demonstration, stree

1t cai~ ~hi!~1~~0;t~·c;;i~~;~c o~!r~~e~ A~d t~~ a~~;·~ ~~~~h1r!i.to\~ho D\~a; ;eetc0nt l;s~~m~~:~r ~~a:1'~~ftei "~i~c~;s\,:~~ o1~~t· 'b~-~e~z::;~ ;::~\~~l:(r:r~rpa~~:.~ \\~il~11~h~t 1~~i~:!.1:~ ~:~1~~e bt~~~s tha~~~~ t~ca 1~!tio~na~ aint~ were on the offensh·e. motor and control , seli~s arc: amps .. !'""> • • • • •• •• ~.h· _. ·h l .1 I -.·hampionship at K.ansa>S Cit'-· last · , S and ~enl·rator automattc telephone


d.nd bus.hes of \ a11ous krnd~. " 1c through persi~tent a:pp 1c:at1on anu the--e --e-1f styled parag-ons is the 'cry J Thi--~~~: \~fnbd:~p th:~;ai.On fol 1, 1·~dio olntrolled car, artificial tele~ ~~artb~eerntheext~:~~\~feu· t~fg- r~l~ee ~o~~h UTAH UNIVERSITY ARE n~i<-',·nriioifeeb. uTth.~rebo'·.~·. 'a'~;dh1~;e1~~ i,~,~~.-~h.a,- taa'".ntte•. ofHaqlufie,t,·a'i·~fbmeetn,,:eeennt atn'ned..,C"gooex~ r~:rB~~at: ,~nr ~fe~~~rh~~si~hea~e~:~ e B~btat.s who had a fair:,~ succes~· pncne ine demonstration. electrical • .· . · . ::. ~ . - . . y .... ~ ....... ference teams. l

seaso~ 'winnincr thret, <.=onference meter operation, high frequency c:ur- J Am_u1can co1~trnent. :\tr . Stefan:-.s~-~ ini:t to make a woman of but a ~1tl · uemes o. go~d and bad mannen. (Continued on Pa<h>I Three ) - . "" p Tw itnt~ X-rav demonstration~ mag-neto made the stai..ement that the colde~ ;\h. Be. k. m d1scussmg- pe1sonal .ome,. tht- herome, the lo\elv Gloua o ... (Continued on age O) voltag.~ tc·sf. and bending lig\it beams. I any weather burea~ had ever 1.eco~·~cd RMf FOOTBALL CHAMPS qualifl.cations, emphasized separately. and e.en excel11n!! the good .~man ners

E·tlh dis ht\.· will b . ·h r f 1. near or at the North Pole is futy- "' the imr..ortanc:e of aµp~mance, cou~-1 vi.. Mama. Thtn the1e 1~ the impeach-


- P · e m c a KC ? four degrees below z:ero. This is not ___ I e!'>\" and integrity. As the fou r ma1or able waiter \\'1lliam. whose rat~ bne 0~ mor~;;tude~ts tandh ther.e ·ti ll as low as the m urcury ha:-. dropped at D f t A . \V" 1 ~(1~11emcnb for ..::uc<:e~s m leader- i hilo~oph1es' ::q,arkle through the

l a~ u~ ers . :on u.c t ~ visi 0:rs 1Iav1e, ::\lontana Although the polar e ea Utah _ggtes to In ..,,l1ip he enume1ated. first, a plan or n e11y ..::cems of the comedy hke a

To SHOW DISPLAY 1 ou d the ~abciato~:. so that th~.di~ tempe1ature is no lower than thi~ I Rocky l\.lountatn Conference I an msp1rat10n \\h1ch even mcludes the fc.untam in the sun .

BOBCATS FINISH HEAVY SEASON Pays may e s~en Y evei yonl. ig L amazmg fJOtnt. the atmosphc1 e a Ch· · h · dteam:-. of amb1tw~ s people; seconrl, . I refr~shme~ts,. will be sen·ed to every- little south becomes. colder, stladily I an1p1ons IP purPos~. the latk of whi~h has causE>d I The p~ct de'e~op~ ~.Y the twms I~

--- J cne attending the show. increasmg until point;:; m northen1 --- the fall cf mote youth than any oth1-r rh~.r cai:;;ual \ \ a•)l pickm~ UJl a ha~dt . , . • r : , · Alaska a 1e teac:hed, then the mc1 ury I The Rocky ~lountai n Conferenc:e fouith, a pa'-'sIOn for nghteou:sness ... ome but 1111 110.\!eTJshe<l )OUn!? den ts Loss of l\len By Gradu~t10n '\111 Representative From faylor In- ·1 \\AA WILL HA VE WATER agam records a change and b•gms to football tttl< waon't def1mtely decided thmg· th11d perser\erance; and athml '"' 1t1hng hm\\'. ttho lunch to . meet Be Severelv Felt Next

t t C ,.,.II T Jk T r h I h ! . ' Ch te. h t a I , en· mot er 1 some n11sg1v1ng, · s rumen o. n 1 a o


. CA.RNIVAL NEXT WEEK c 11nb as one comes sout u!'t1l the laol.game, _a nd when ~ta. and right lnmg. ~rac 10 1P· ~~ the Vt>.n ·Englishman proceeds to Year Engineers-Here Before Fo r_ elc.\'e n yeais Dr. Steltans~on Cnl\er;:.1ty <leteah.·~l Utah Agg~es 20-0 high p!au!' m the grad_uatmg cla~s ~1 • the1r ~hotef and Ialls wild lv in love I

E . - . - - f \V expe1 imented, ex pl ored, and studied ion turkey-day, Colotado Um\•er~1ty an excellenl.'e 111 ;:.cholarsh1p, is with Glcria at first sight - So far as the Boben~ a re concerned · el'y year it is <:ustom3:rv or . · E skimos. ~erg"raphica l condition .... , and I defeated Denver Cniversity and i1 £ ·sential. · Mr. ~lcQuaid, who repre..-;c ms th~ ~· A. to ha~~ a water ~rnival. This cleared up :s.ome illusion:; believE:!d by L tah would ha\'C fa iled to take thl' ---- - The 1uman<:e develops though there th~ Hl2l'-i football ~eas1 n is over and ray l 0 r Instru!nent ~omp~ny o t 1 is nu~ t1 acl1t~onal, b1:1t 1s one of the the world and himself, which he 1 ..\g-~de:i , the Boulder ; am would ha•e ~OT!CE F l'HOGE LPHIAX ~eems at times when it cannot hope it is time to turn to basketball with t ;ter, . • ew \ ork, will be m Boze- mo_ t mte:e:stm~ iest1vals of t~e year. lea med as he said ·'from education". , been champions. ~\II E u rod Jphi an!'S \'ill meet at to sun·j\ e, and on these oc..asions it hich h0pe;:;. for another <.onfere nce an on Decembe .. 13, 1-1., and 15, and ! T he carm\'al will be ~c.d '" the One of the most difiicult expeditions Colc1ado Colleg-c \d• h one of th<' Schlcctt n \ • St udio at 7 ::10 o'clock is \Yilliam, tht \\niter. whose tact and championship. ·ill deliver a Je_ture on weather a nd r:lungt, from 4:00 to 6 :00 p. m. ~n of Stefansson and his party, was an s.tiong-est teams in histor y swrted \\' Ctlne:.;.chn to ha,·e the ir pictures underftancling- as a l"Ounsellor match The ··Cats" ha\e made a ~ood mp<rature instrument.s .. The .lecture :\Ionday, December. I ~. Balloons_w11l extended trip away from the base :st1ong but took the tumble and Jan<lld taken a nci th en go to the <;:hi his perfection as a ser.ant, and render st.:ason·~ r et:otd, having played nine ·ill te given in the engmecnng as- be used for the ormcrnal deco1at1ons. (Continued 011 P age T hree) 1· in fifth place with fiYe vt~tories and Omega Hous e for re i;rula r meeting nim the Ya.uable allv of love in its games, winning fo:.;.r, hsing f ou r, and mbly. All students and anyone else I Elizabeth Gardiner, manage r of three cle!lats. Colorado niver:".ity most c:omplic;ated mc1Tients. tying one. In the Rocky :\fou ntain tere~ted are cordially invited to at- swimm ing, is in charge of the fes- F s MAN UANCE with five victories and one defeat The double bill \\'ednesclay lll?:ht 15 I Confe1ence the Bobcats fmishe<l w1t 11 nd. The· exact hour for ihe lecture lti\·al. She, \dth her c:ommittee, have RE H \\as behind Utah Unin!r ity who won WYLIE ELECTED I just.. as full of laug-hter "The Lad • •a pe-rc_entage of .600. as nJt been set as yet, but \,; 11 be '.omp~ct.ed all a1 rangements for a joy- four conference games and tie~ one. of~ the Sonnets'' bein~ no~'el and takJ- Dunng the sea:son the tc.am has nno..nced in next week's Exponent. c~s time. 1he ~f~ernoon will be . sp~nt ::\~c:;ntana St.t~.te pla<:t. d si::-th 1.n t~e ing- pluce m thE: wnv of da)s of Queer• pla)ed 111 stren~s, some games hem~

The Taylor Instrument Company/w1~h ~Un.ts, div1.ng feats, exh1b1t10n IN HONOR OF '29 1..:cnte1encc \~·1th thre~ v1cto1~es ml GRID CAPTAIN Elizabeth or Eng!llnd, het ma1esty almo .. t perfect 111 ~he t'Ooµerat me: of etc.Ifs, barometer!:, psychron\eters. lays. Jn addt1?n each c l.a~s must be ___ l?uni.r, Color~do 1 ea~ :ers, and \\ {'O- I outside her apartments m the Old though.they \\l'-re In a ~ump r~d put

.anu.actures thermometers, pyro-,sw1mmmg an<l; dinng-, rac:es anrl re- c~n feren,e c11cles. takrng Bng~am :,tii.-.cli appea rin!!' m the moonli~ht tht- men and agam tney seemcl a:;;.

ydrometc:rs, and a number of other pepa1ed to gone an ong-mal s.L nt, nnng antl losing to ( olorado College TO\\ er of London where she meets fott~ ~i sloppy exhibition or ba ll uther and temperature instruments. which will be jud!!'ed. I Big Live Turkey Won By Lang- and Utah Aggie.s. . Steller F ullback Will Lead Bob- I W1!.tam Shapesreo.~e and this meet- I rlaymF T his seems to be a pecuhnr Ir. McQuaid will ha·~e with him a I At the concl us1on of the ''rogram, ston Dance Ts Annual \Vyom mg Unl\ers1ty and Western t F tball Teant In 1929. mg- all but costs him his head,, 1tuat.on fer a team with as many rge display which will int lu<le every a tea party will be the center oi · . State College fai led to break into the ca OO < • S!oo<l substitu tes as the "Cats11

had strument \~hic:h the Taylor Company amusement. A splendid hostess and Affair


winning l"Oiumn in this years running- Gallatin Grad "Fannie's F irst Play :· is "f quite during the past ~ea~on, but it seemed ·anu iacture:.s. staff are p·epared to serve iefresh- _ __ and Brigham Young t'nh·crsity won __ different order, a story of t!le \•·ilful- 1.b thou~h the whole squad was off When ::\lr. Quaid w~s here th1:e2 I mei:i-t~ .. ~II faculty women are !Jl\'lted I The Fre~hman Dance, which W<lS l:;·. t. CJ.h~· . gume but they t ied Utah llarcld "Gu~"' \Vvlie was ele<:tt'Cl ~\~-~s fa~;ili~~~ e~C'rthn~~\\~heo~~r~;~~~sll~: at thl' same time. The st.art of the ea rs a~o he. had a dJspla~· of m- to ]Om 111 the fun. gh·en in hunor of t he Seniors of ) I. S . I Unl\·e1.s1ty. w h o a ': e confere~ct: , , ., itain oi th~ 102·9 Bobcat footba ~l ".·11cce«. full;· to ht.de the1·r fa1111'!1'es." at!- ~eac-on saw the "Cats" going- strong •rument.s which covered three long - . . C. was hel I at the Rose Garden Ball champon~. Colorado :\Imes won twice • 1 . . k f llowin .... th~ return .... .., when they chwned the powerful I daho ties, placed end to end on the en-, There will be a n asse mbly with Roo o < Thanks ivin Eve This and Denve r and Colorado Teachers tc:>nm last. \\e~ oSl nid;n The new ventmes from the other. The ~itua- team l ;~-12. From then to the end of

ineering assembly ~latform. .A ffcc ia l mm:ica l prog ram . \\'ed_: I dan~; is ;n annual :rfaii~ ~iven. by th~ I along- with i\lontana State won three I~~~~~ teat1 !h~m g-rid squ~d h.as ha·l ;~~cri:·n~~i~~nh~ ~~~\,:u~~t~f sfd~s ~~ ~~= the• ~ea .... on they wen~ up and down in emonstration of the in~truments w11l j ner day. Dece mbe r 5. from 9: la 'Fr eshman c:la~s of e\erv fourth yea r I ~nm es. -~·1 ~I ~- f tball experience to a id their (~~~~i~;·ecl on PnE?e 7our)

o' low his lecture. tc 10:? 0 p. m. I ja~~ n~~~~ o; f~~r~!!'~~f;.;~~e :::·:;::;,~~ 106 S-TUD.ENTS SIGNED I /~ ; ~ti~: c~~l~{~i iri~ ~~~;~l!~e::tt~l~.ou r Mtono·. /\1 T' "NA s TA TE SCHOOL OF RT DEPARTMENT CAN'T SE£ /for the Sen101s. They cont inued gw- years of out- 1V .M.

HOW FOOD IS IN THEIR LINE !~~~~;,~::~~:E':t~r:~;;~,'.'..~~~h,~~,~ ELECTRICAL COURSE f~;~,~~~:~tr:~~~~'. ENGINEERING RA TES HIGH FOOd may be an art. It ::; prepara-

ion my b an art. It is agreed that clever cook can make a common ­

!ace cake look like t he cathedral of lilan , but the students of Montana tate refuse to recognize it a::. su .. h. heir wrath and astonishment outdid emperament when last week's 1·Ex­·anator'' came out with the anno:.:nce­:ent of a food ~ale under the caption f "Art Bazaar''. }hey heartily disc'aim that any­

h.mg they are adv·ertising has to do ~1 th that necessary but nevc r satis­ed organ, the stoma<:h.

the F rosh clns~ of every fourth year He is one of t he J continues 1tivi ng t he dance, whith is --- ~rc·atest athlc.t~s . . . . . . . ,,embers of the Art Club and Delta j always given on T hanksgiving E ,·e. · This )'ear t~crc an~ thi.rty-fou r the lo ca I high I Of the fou~· l."Olie~es which make aH·h1~et·ture! chen:11cal. cngme:enne-:::.• · .... havi b zaa. at which 1 he <:las:; of 132 happened to be due semors m e!e<>tn <:al en~rneermg who ~chool ever pro- up :\lon~ana State College, t.he n~o.st ~Ill< mdu:-;.tnal .engme_ermg, ~nJ..'1n~·er-m. 81 ~ • ng a ~- 1 _ Ito continue t hi s custom, and they wi ll are expected to graduate. T here arc ducecl. After c1.1- popular is the Co 1.h~ge o.r Eng-rne<.rm~. !n~ 1~ys1c.s, ~ndus.trial engrnecnn~ , the) will . i.llesent.fot sale num e1 ou ~,give a cl an.e every year for the seven !'enior s and a total of 106 stu - tering college' Ill lhe enrollment m th1:; College ,:; 11r1g-at10n en g-meern~. and mechnnt-

ancl b~aut1f1:1l art~cles from 0t h.et I Sc nior~. unti l they too a re Seniors. {'ents registe1 cd in electrical en- 192:l he continued lnrg-er than thnt of any of the other cal eng-neering-. The courses of study l.an?s,_ ~nclt~dmg ~a.mts from fn~ 1 a, The Fre.:hm an Dance th i.s yea r was I !dn~erin!!. r\ lthough the ~nrollmenl to . s;how his ath- I dc1n1.1 tments and it has the larg-l:-;t .i.Gllc)\\' t~e a~l.epted standard of nll J~ \\eh y fiom Chma. and Incha, and


, a decided success. The rna m event o( of fresh men Ill the lOurse ts sn.1a ll ~r let1c powere:--s _on 1u.mber of Knlduntes..... . . the ~n~neering- st·h~ols_ througho1:1t l.~en,; from Italr. Be~ides these.~ the_~e the e\·ening was t he t~ rkey raffle, than that of l a~t year, the quaht)r t!'> the c:olletre grid- f he College of Engmeermg- 1ll 1 l~l United _Statt.>::.: ~tudt~s that will \\Ill be a boolh m :vht .. h they \\ 1.11 dis- I which has a lways been a custom an· very good this bei ng ev;denced by iron. Th C' n he .:\ lontana State College was founded fit the engmeer for ~pectal or te<:h-r !ay fo1~ .sale t~e.1r own h:::m.d icraf.r, palt of t.hl Thangsgiving E \•e dance. ~ h e· fac.-t. that only one f~eshn~cm rt•g- dropped out for n i,n ~~9:t Tht·.leifr; lature_ at thi~ t~me nka l . work are e!'"'ph~zied: \\·ork i~ bookends, lamp shades and such. Thi" Harold Lang-,.;ton held the lucky num- 1stcrcd Ill elei:tnc:al emnneen ng- wns year. uc1d_ed to at• .ept the giants ot 1,111~1 I the c:~ass room. is .-supphmente<l b)'. sale has been an annual eve nt and lber and ..,0 recei\'ed the turkev. which placed on S'.'hola1ship lim iL". When he came back to :.'\font.am•. rrc.ided for stat<" ~chools br the!l-·l"al"tical expenenc·e m t he shops and t0\\'~people as wc_ll a.s :;~u<le~1t.s arc wa~ a fi ;ic li\e one. · State last fa ll Gus showed up better ~fr.1 rill Ad 01: the Con~?;T~:':s o_f 1890 . 1 d~t1wi 1~g rooms. The Collcg-e of En-lcok111~ forward to it with 111 te1 e:;t and T he Rose• Garden Ba ll Hoom , wh ich ~OT I CE Jl'ROSH on the field thnn ever before. Out- 1 his .act, be1'tU~ prov1dmg- tor an- vmcenng at :\Iontann .. tate. Coll~~"l' enthusiasm. ' was the :-.:. ene of t he dan<:c., was ap- ~'anclint!' hl·adwork and the nbility.to 1ropttatcns f c.>r the ~·.pport of_t h~ 1anks nmon¥' thl' Le:s.t of en~ 111 eermg

propriatelv dc·coratcd in the Senior .\II Freshman interes ted in hy- buck the stron).!est lines for gams :·l'hcnl.. als:~ stlp~il_11ted that yollcgint_e, ·hool:.;. and its grad1..ates have usually The sum and substa nce of wh i<: h esd\'ed itself into the intricacies of Any of our n aders wishing exlrn ""Xoerien ed reporters, the a!';sembl- crpies of the Exponent for c:omplet­ng and nr~r.:~fllr of a pa per. which is I ing- files or for reference o_f a ny sort 00 te<:hn:cal for :'.Prther di"cussion.1111ay obtain same by applyincr at Lne Vhere With all be it explained and Exnonent. office in ::\Iontana. Hall. \_V e nnouncerl tha t : On the d a le o1 D<'- <:a n fu r nish copies o( every issue wit h

·ember 7 and 8 in Herrick H all , the : t he ex-:epti on of ~o. 2.

roior!", blue and white, the decorat ions in l! out for bas ketba ll manager 1rarked him a:--. the most danl!erous e<lu<:at1or1 111 mihta!·y tactics. nt?n- I b:.•cn ~~<: es:s.ful_. being blue and wh ite streamers. rq>ort at the stud en t managers '·ac:kficld man th<' Bob ats had. . <.~lture, and llll. l-:amc arts should be I _..\ rchitectu re 1s. a pop~lar d~partm<~t Pt~rams six-piece orchestra fu r n room in the gym a t 5 o'clock Jn all during the:> season, besides J..;l\"Cn for the \-oun:.r men and women 1 ~I the Co!leg-e of Engineenn~. T~ ts

ished t he mu sic, which was as usua l, \Vcrlnesday. To be e ligibl e for ri 1lingo up huge 1..rains from scrim - cf the state. . . •


, epa1tment endea\.Ors to give i t~ excelle nt dance music, and was hi~hl y I manager one mu st try out in his ma a-e, c-_·.:-:, H"('"red five of the touch- . The Co1.lc:>j!e ~~ Emnneenni:r con- ··tmlent~ . a prattl(.·al knowledge of a p preciated. Mr. Morrison and :\fr. fres hman year. downs few the Bobcats. I sift~ of c1g-ht cl1ffcrent depa1trnent.s. constJ1.lcho ry as well e~ a \\'~! 1 -groun<l -Stone wer e t he chaperones . Clifford Swanson, Mgr. (Cont:nuecl on Pilge Thr ee) Fou r yea1· c·ourscs a re offend m (Continued 0.1 Page ..1. wo)



WAAkJy E~p"nAnf I 11·ith h~~:~~~~~\L!':tcntion i•

~"': . ~ y ~ ~t~,~;};~b'atl"'~~tf~~;h~a~~nb'~~~i,.,;::t Establt··hed lfllO r.ingL-><l a-. folio\\:'.:

Continuance of tht! )Jonthl) Exponent, Established 1 '95

1'1,.;bJi ... J,ed l'\'ery Tuesday ol the college year by the sla!! chosen from the

A~sot:iotc.d ~tudents of ~lontana ~tate College at Bozeman, Montana

Sul>.~C'ription Hate: :S2.00 per school ,yea r

_ lcnday - -1:00 :.o :;:OU: 1:00 to :!;00. Thur:;Jay-7:00 to 8:00; -1:00 to 5:00 Fri<lay- .J:OO to 5:00j 3:00 to 6:00. Satunln.r-11 :00. ·1 hi~ game will L~ played with H•\~n

pht)cr:-. Bl!"1..·auH1 c.1t' the cxct..'t.-<lingly Jar,i.:c.· tourno t. it ... hall be n1..~t.·:;sar:..· tn have :rn diminution tournamt.'nt bL·t\\ ten the irt:!-illJn('n and ~ophomort.:>

Acceptnnl.'<~ for mailing at :-pccial rnt1.: of postage provided for in Section 1103, tt.a:m:, This \\ill make it pos<blt.1 to

Ac.·t uf Ol:tohcr ,), 19~1, authorized February 17. 1919 ~tt;1~~11~~in~0~~Lf~::i~1g~'\;,,;1~1~~:~: 1::,f i~~


It' a quaint old L·u:-:tom g-1..~ncrnlly obsel'\' l'd in collegc.~ ~o. hH\t' u \'iul~·n t1tt1 d;: 11f flu the day hcfore nnd the Jay after Thnnki'i!l\'lll~. , •

If you set• I1on1thy Garrett mumhl~ns:r ~ome~hinl! to. hcr~l'li. tupp:ngo I 1. r t fnot on th!! floor, mo\·ing- her hand a1mle,!"I): Ill thl! mr, und 1.·hcwm1? l!Un1, all nt tht.' :-:nme tinw, think nothing- of it-she 1s nwrely trymg- to dt•m11nstr;,t1· :\ l i~s llapner's P~yl'holotrr cla~s.


Send them for birthda~ . _\nni' ersary and Holida) Gifts

Our Siotk is Home Gn1wn and Fresh

Langohr' s Flower Shop 19 East lllain Phone 95 •

quarter. only :-even pra~ticcs arl~ l't'-- The ~IJ.! Alphs. are no_tl~mg- 1f not L'<'<mom1cal-they e'~n hUH' u fm!sldl iuircd. imludini!" ~ame$ played. !or to_u"'l' up the- 1hank):'.j!IVlllg_turkc~. The in;,1tat11H1 of thl:' {'\t"lllTlg \\l 1111111111111111111111111:1,ltillllllllllllllllllllll

.. Frank Hunsaker, ,29 the minor ~·01\_• of :! poinb. Tl•n 1 ··K.rn<ll~- step this ''ny and ' 1<''' the remams I M Y E R S 0 R C H E S T R A I Telephone 117-.bk for E"\.poncnt. On 'londa) ~ .\fter 11 :00 noon-SO

Busrness .)[anagcr .....•.......... Hardy Tharp, Jr., '29 ~::1 ~·1~~~·~::~;:~~1 ~-~:~~!~·a'1~~~1jdi.1n~~l:.c..w~li \\·c.· :idvocnte thl' use of Old Golds ut thh•. timf.!" of_ the yt•ar. Spasmodk All Ocra~ion" ----------------------------- ·~ pvint:-.. · outbursts of coug-hing- cnn bl' so cmbarrnssmg nt tune~. C'O.:\CERT - TIALLTIOO:\f

Editor ....•.

o//l.~ll~~~h~~ .c:unc:; will l.WJ!'ill Friday, \\'c.• lwnr tht• 1'i l'hb lnwc a ;;;\\" acquisition 8inn· the fire~idc the uthc.·r r~ . 1). :Jlyer::-. ~Ianager and Director

)Jargnrct Dewc~·, ':!~, Esthl'r Stoc.·kton, '30 ( antains und \:hc.-ei· lcaJ.t.:>rs for each 11iJ,?ht. Go to it Shl'rlock Holme~. Phone ·-16...._ l\ews Staff

Associate EJiturs

)lannging Editor..... . ... 'rm. )!cCall, Jr. '31 ~~~11:,f l:~J\I c~l~s1.~llc.~~ ti~~i ~~<.:t.J.~i1~\~a'~~~~~~~~ j Dolly Tripp can qualify for a comHHmity ~inj.!"ing- leadl'r any time now., +++-+"'-, r •I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 · · r 1 1 i · 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 · 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Assistant Editor. . .. Leonard \\'ing r~~ ~dH). Ue\:l'lllher .t, nt 4 :Ot) v'clock. I . . . - ----

Sports Editor .. • . ..... .. -··· .. .. ...... ··.Frank Heikkila I Only :-:even teen mur(' ~hopp111g duy:-: till Chn~tmas. Gel your mun. girl~ . ~-Q-tl-QQ.PPD-0-0-00Q-O-OCH:H:H:Hlo~

Feature Editor James .Morrison \ STO:\l.\{ H'S Dl.\RY get your man! I~ g

Sodcty Edit-Or . Fruncos Folger .,>;ULl .\. }J. Oh, dear! Another 1

Bill Ro'O: G<>in' to tho library tonight Jo-.lo'! little II T~STY TO~S~E.\DT SANDW..!._CHES g*g ~xchnngc Editor Ruth Platt w:u m day. _\Y<mder. if l'~l b(' nbu:-.c.•d I .Jol• :\ordquu;t. Yep.

~port.:;. Geo. llnrt. \Yu, 9.l'C' Harrity, Don )lacElliott; \\ oml'n·~ _\thletic1<. ~oii~g- '~~""'sfr~k~~rd~t~ .... t ~~s~os~:111 • 0

} 1~ 1 B. H.. Go~n· to stud~ hu.Jl Lll~~nt·~ ngam '!

lJuroth\· Gurn·tt: :nu~ic. Ted t'hnddock, '.\l:irgaret Chtiatc:Dramatic~, lfolcn .rnli-thcm .. ·d btl'akfa:;.t. \Ye tan for I .Jo-.lo: :'\o. strcnJ.!'th of mate11nls. ~chulti., Agm·s ~u.i.:i:.•ut, :\Iara.• Dnlezalik, 1\.uthryn E:t•llctt; Chl·mi ... tr), Arlone ___ _

Crane; Engint"lring, Earl Rudhc.·rg; .\~ricultural Dc.•pl.. llorat·e Bolster; ~~~tt~~n·;u~:lhi~~ 1~~~'.~~ttt~l;.~~a~t~~oj~fg!~~ ·"in l!' ... ;l.'S he doC' ... n't b~liCH' in a n }.t"e l">, hut h <' hopes to haH· ..:;ome

Hamilton I foll, Yera O'Xeil; Society. Judith BeldC'll. T" an1..·tte l'ht•IT)". L'hnr- twin--. 11 ~ lllnC" to du mi- work. llope "mg-s ~ome day. ! lotte ~mith. Helen Crol'kl'tt. Loui:-e Saunder~. Fiorcnu~ Haines; Proof Headl'r, I g

JI I s G b · I 1 h ~ht.~ ~JYl':-> m·c an hour or two of 1..·om-Geo. Pelton; Cah.·ndar. Flora Dn\'i~: 1-"l'atun•. )Jary a c.1. tm a r1t..'. • o n ple1e- n_~t h ... iore anything more Tiu· f!"U) who ~aid iJ.!nornm·<' i~ bli~~ ncn·r had a paper dul"'! just befTohrcc g"'o T H E B u N fi A L 0 '~ Houston, Helen OliYcr, :\Iardn !:'mith; .Xc.''"' Writer .... :\orma Beck, :\l:trgarct «Oll.t':-> Ill\· wa\·. the holidays. ..,..

Ho\\ man, Yiri.dnia )lilb, Lob Cobkigh, Bill Flynn, L'hadc.>:-> Ille, Franklin lO:~m a. llL-Two glas:-;es o{ ice 1

. - -. -

l>c\\C\·, Esther Ridd~II, llilzd )Jellon, lk-tty Unih•y, Dorothy Hannah. Caroline wail•r IUl\t> just arri\·ctl. It will take I J:?l'll t fl'el bad.ly, Fro. !->h,. w(' hnn•n t <.:nmplctely forg-utten you.

Jldan.c.i;y, Clau:-:t• De\\'it, ..:\lice \·:rndenhook. lfo.rold Gremer, Ruth. \\"oodard, :Ill the l'lll'l'.£!'Y 1 can pump up in the spl'lng quarter still looms up. l:)-0~ llernict: Xorric<', Loi;;. \\'ell~. )!:njorie Ft\Otl', :\lit;h('a} Dcevy, Alice T~1ylor, nl"':...t nour iust. tl) \\:um me up to -- . .,

l\turgnrC't Gar~-, )lary O'Lt.'ary; Typin~. '.\Inrtha Flynn, :.'llargarct Brown, normal tl!!a.in. ~il1. \\~h~n is t!lc lwst time to g1..•t marnc<l.

F:iuibdh :-::eitz, .Iar) HakaTa. l~abl'lll• w,.,itf, )l;:u·y Franc.·1.·~ ~pain. lO:;lO a. m.-Half-c:hc\nd breakfast I·at. \\ hile you n· young. not yet. when you·re old, never.

did n<lt satisfy ht•r and she has I -----Business Staff

Athcrtising 1\1a1,.\g('r •. . ... . . Joe Delaney As~istants ... Len Robbins, EJ )laxl'y, Geo. Grm•nfeldC'r, Jim Gnbrie·l, Car} "Tall Bu,.;iness Depnrtm('nt ... . .. _ Ed Burke Circulation Jack Erkkila, Ruth Gru:-h, Brut•e Gnrlinghouse

Courier Print Bo :c:man, lfont.

THE LADIEi-1 .\G_\I"

bou~ht some peanuts and ~tarted )!artha: George. do you drink? rq.!'ain. GC'lirge: Sure, whl•re'll we go'!

l:!:llO m.-Pcanuts hnvc beC'n drift. -----in!,!' alvng- ~tt..•<ldily t..'\t.~r since. Think ::-irst ~ - A. E. "\rho yuh takin' to the part)·?'' ,-}ll- has finished them too. • ~c·cond Ditto: \\'ell, I hke _TaCis form, Ibb~ 's c):es; Stockton's lips;

l:!::lO p. m.-- Dl·cidld :$he wasn't \\in~~ ha11 .' J?oll) ~ a1 ms;. ~.ae s Jnncmg; and Hors1c s-uh, Hor:s1e's-oh,

\"CIT huncTy, nnd in~tead of a .l\'O<>d ~l'll. 1 g-uf.!"ss I 11 takc.· Hors1e. solid dinner st·nt nw down a cnld 1-----------------------------­maltcd milk hNn'y wi~h the ~hoco!at~. Plew, who took his A. E. at 11\inois The tiaining- that gr:ulunle~ of the l"oul(,1 have m:l!HlJ!'l"d IL all ng-ht tf 1t in Ut-W, is supen l:::>ing- a1 ... hi_t('{;L fur Co1lt:g-e or Eng-int:'erin.g- l't.'{'eive is hatln t bt•('n ~o unnatural.ly ct1ld. but the ::.tate. :\lr. 1.. ,1..•e,·cr n<.:e1ved the very horm;_:!'h and pru._ tit-al. Thi:-

Since our nlother~. :--ister~. daughters and win.'s ha.Ye generally th_at madc.· it terribly difficult to dl'al Jeg-re-t.· of B. S. at Illinois in Hl~J. fact is shown b,· the succc.-s that its

With. The departmeni of t'lectrital en- graduate:-: ha\"(' a1..·hien•d. \\", T. Hainc:-acclain1ed lht• smoking habit the argunwnts both pro and con 1.10 p. m. :\lor~ he 'Yater ~ineering- offers a c.ourse t.hat i:s n.r:, who reCl~i,e<l hb B. ::;. in electrieal

ha Ye waxed furious. J'\ot as to whether it should be lhf' pipC', 1 :~ti J1. 111 ·· - \\ '" nnst.aken about popular. This cour'e seeks to fit it.' engineering in 1:111 is om· of t.hc ~hl" peanuts: she found anoth~r hand~ 11.£.rad:..ntcs with a ~en('ral as well as a leading- rbearch workl"'r~ in tht>

cigarette or cigar, but whether it is the thing to be done. Eagtern 1ul m the bottom ~f her Yamty_ hag-, techniu1! trainin.c. 1n the field of an Iaboratoril·s of the American Tele-

~ociety circles were first to pas~ up the female stnoker without ;lnd now I am getlrng- them again. l'lectnral enginet Endi.sh. mathe- phone an1l Teleg-raph Co., in Xl''' :!:(},} P· m.- .\lorl~ ice water, J matics ph\'sic;;;. ' •mistr\' drawing York C'ity. G. G. Cotti<'r of Grt!at

a hlITible nod of acru~ation. Thl'll when young girls of high :!.IO p. m.-She ha:s been lift in~ ;.4nd shop ,;·ork1 u.1 .~1\·l'n. ~1s generai Falls, is a. gradunte of the depnrt

~r·hool and college vear8 took to the fad the battle was on. Gen- :->onw he~n·~· ~ooks and. as usual ust::d studie:-> while the ·-·":hnical work 1."0n- mt'nt of architt"~ture in 1U2;). has bec.·n

• • , • • • • 3 -. • b , d I 1. • my 111 ~~-1..·lc~. m~tL'~ld of her arm mu:s- sis ts of the theor;·· of application of YC'l")' su ... 1..·cs~ful. He wn-.; the supcr-l'l illl~. n1en don t app10\e of \\Omen u~1ng to acco, n.n t 1e O_l\lCC'-[c.·~l's. 11rell.me almost us mueh as a (•iedrical phenon nu, and the de- Yisin~ architt'ct for lIC'rrick Hall and

tion~ are stronger when the $O-ca1lcd wrong-doer i~ a s1stLr. =-1~-~~mr:-:e d111ner.. . . sicrning- and testi1' of electrical ma- at the pr1..• .... ent time i:-;: employed h:,

• • • • •• • l • • d ~· . . ,, ;l:.iO p. m.--\\ e were mnted by a (·'.iin('s. Thl'" heau of this department Geo. Shanley of Great Fnll~ Yl•t le S\\t!ethea1t Ol \\Ife, but the flappC'l asn.; "a~ here an. c1g~uetit ~rng- f't~re cowboy to ha\"e a soda be- is Jost•ph ..:\. Th..'ll• who receiYed thc.- 1:.'lk<;'-0~- who l'<.Ceived his deg-ree in

~1noking went with the flapper a:::- nonchalant got\s with :)lurad. ti)n: g-omg home. !lad u lemon pho:s- <lt•_l?'rtc of E. E. a Jiinnesota in IUOO. 192,'l 1~ no:,· doin~ m('('ha11i1..·al work

. d' II . I · .. ·t· _)· . · I phntc and then had to run for a car. \Yilliam A_ 1.lurr· is assistant pro- for the :\hlwaukee Railroad. H . • J. DPan:-; of wo1nen at oui lea Ing co eges anc unn e1 SJ 1es o~tiac1zec fi:OO p. m.-F'rie<l potatoe~, cucum- I fe:-;,sor of E. E. h~ took his de~r~ Ellin~~on who ~raduated as an ele _

"lllOkil1g. and the ~·onng 1ady with the fag was looked to as rather o~r!'-, H•al l'Utl~·ts, catsup, appl!~ .Pie at the l~ni\·ersity f Idnho in Hll-:1. tl'ical c.·ng-inecr in 192:3 is now super-

f ·t B t h · t' - ] · ] . ] Th -i • I - ·} . f .. wnh. en.bl hkt' nsbestos. lmmg-, Industrial engi crin!! Ls a branl:h vi:-:ing- l"'l\strut•tion of electrical work


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WE ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ HaYC a fhe pound s ha ker knit sweater r

,. coat in the College colors. with or without ~ ~ the Bobcat emblem. Come in and look ~ ~ them OYer. let us conYince you that we ~

,_ CA:\' and DO se ll better quality than ' ame ~

g quali t y can be had elsewhere a nd for 5 ~ LE~m~~ ~

: ~ ,. ~

~ Farrell's Clothes Shop ~ : The College Shop ~ ~ ~ ~ l

fl~ . U 0\\ IDle~ la\ e (' 1ang~C. ~ g1r 110\\ \\ 10 I e Use~ a ~v~klt;:s anJ. (":'10!1CJ blueben:1es. of the l•ndneenn r prof<.~sion th.al lll ;-\.ntoninn .Tnmaic:i..

~n1okc or who won't haYc a drag l~ as ~carce as a chaperone at a • :4.J P. m.-\'_e arc stro~hn'"" down has bt..•t·n ck\'cl· letl durinJ? the last -------------------------------

. · · · · d th · · . · l - k. · · · ··] ] · - I '-0 the <·orner with 3 !!'Uy m a ~port dec~1de. The aopl at ion of .science lo ~prtng pa1t~. c:l.11 e1e a1e C\t:'n ::-n10 Ing ioom:-- PIO\ IC et Ill sonH? ::hirt and white panb for a pim:applc busirn..'ss has ma<le it necessary for the

~~'-'-~'''-~'-" ~~'-'-'-'-'-'''-'-'-~'-'-'-'-~~'-'-'-'-'-~

e.·clu!"i\'e girls' ~choo1.s. Dr. Anna Richard~on, Smith College "alnut sundae. • businl"'s.s man -0 have s.omc knowlNlgt•

h ·" " · · · t th t ·tr f'' · · · I' th t t · th· ·I· ''~O p. m.-Got home nnd found oi eng-im erin~ To fill this require- I p ~1c1an gn c~ OU .e s a1 Ing 1gu1 es le\ ea u:g a . \\ o _ u c :-:omebody had ma.de some iced tea I nwnt. in<fu~trid eng-in(•ring- has been

of the girls graduating la"t June were occasional or habitual nnd ch,.,.,,. '°nd_w1eho<. Sh, drank ,1,.,eloi){'(I. Th ·udent in hi• depart­

user" of cigarettes. According to her statistics, t\\·enty-one per t'h'.'.' ~!"."''"·hi tried hard to _keep the!, n.:eat. .'P<'nd., u. ·ut one-fourth of his . . c ~es~ ~md. t e ~mt :-~ndac seµaratc< time m thC' ~t :\" Q( bw:::incss and C()-

.:t'nt ,;moked from fn·e to twent,· c1garel tes per clay: twenty-one but. th<·yn11xnl rn spite of me. I go n lated •ubjc .,_- The<e cimsi>t of th<'

wr cent smoked from one to four daily; and twenty-three per "" ~-·oslnke. 1 h , . b· k th economies of tiusine", ~ommercial . . . . S .. } p. m.· ll\<! sent .ac e I law. :ll'l'Ounr r .~, n ntl mve:->tmC'n 1

crnt \\:ere occa~1onal 1ndul.gers. And th1s IS \·ery. probably ~·ep?'(I- -~u~~~0l·, .tht> ~h'-·~;e· n.nd the 1eed t~·~~ ma':hen~atk:--. .he rc:>main_der of ~he sentatn·e to a consenatn·e degree. The ph1«ical benefits of 1· h '· m. R uni<d the blucbtrie. <tudent' t1r1e 1s •Jl<'nt m learrnn"

. . . . · . nu t_ e pie. the fcndaml'll ~ of th<' l'mrinl'\.l;llJ{ tobacco arc neghg1ble. The solut10n is probably be"t est1mateLT s·h p. m _.~n<l the peanuts. , 1 rofessicn t~at he nt:iY haYe a mon·

in the statement: The cigarette habit is deYelopecl through a ~·:oo p. m. 1 he <lc\'ll to pay cant 1 thorough kn<>w edg-o r"or cn~ineerin!! ,·.} • , • • • • •

1• • , , .,... • • .:.<:

1t _t}!_t.> doctor. . work. Prof(' r Eug'ene L. Grnnt

human de,11' p1 e, ed upon b, 1 amt,. i;uscep!l\ ems" to ath e1- .u 1 p. m.-Doctor found ,,t the who r<'t'liYed , dc~·Tee of Bachelor

! :i1 g, and custom. )Jost certainly it is Yer,· much a product of movie,_ '10·~ei'. thn~ks it's ." weak of Scie~<·e at "1.e l'niwr<ity of \\'is-' .... ~. • . . . . • . . . •· :t~mac-h ~ht mhu1tecl f1om her, con.s:m 111 1Hl':', 15 the a1..hi~or of the

thr ,a, centui,, and the1 e a1 e those "ho pi ed1d that 1t 11 ill go .a .he~. . I .Jepartm<·nt <>f l:ldustrial f.n .. ineerin!!.

as <uddenh· as it appeared, but this is queBlionable. Younggters . ~'.-·'" p. m. Do.tor .ays its from a 1 The departn cnt of CiYil Enc:in<'<>r-. - . . . b1l110u~ tl•mpern.ment. Castor Oil-,. ff,.. , . .,. th· t · . ·

uncl ·r then· teen~ arc attracted b,· smokmg ag an ad of manlmess GOOD-XlGHT! ~~·;cti~a 1c"T1~ ~~1,!;.• of '\.ai~~;,f;,

• nd esteen\ first in their gangs and Jate1· in their "ocial groupo. ~ \I'\T~ RO)fp OX-- nublie hi~'iwa s. h.rid"e"-. wa_t "r

~Iav'ie •he women 11·i11 be the deatl_1 of the thing Yet. for if an c. • , • ' ' • , ' I nower, _a1vl nl ed •uh.10<.. ·ts .''.""'en . · . . . . . · BOBCAT Ol.:11· IT )le<-ham«al e· c:meennl!. 1mg-at10n 111borl a islmance from 1cmm1ty Is preyalent among boys and 1 en<rineerinc:. rn ·ine<.rin!!' ,,h,-sics. and j \·oung n1en. rigarette ;.;.moking \\·ill l>e taboo in a \·er\· few years. 1 c '·ont1nHC>rl from Page One> .. ·hemiC'a~ t>n·· 11 ~erin~ nnd indu:-.tri~l

· · · ~ .l?"amt..; dl't\•atin!.!' [daho l'ni\ersitv le-mrn<'<'l'lllLr ,a}s. offer cnur'."es that fit and the old pipe and snuff can will Will the da,·. and t):inl! }Jontana Cni,·,·rsit)' of tho the . stmlrnt ·or _either !!<neral or

J arirk loast (\1nft.n•nn.'. ::\c.bra~ka .::pet·rnl \\Ork the.tr l(hO~<"ll fu.~Jtl. .

I .•. \ E T•LA YED L.\ST GRID G.DIE FOR . I. S. C. t:n1,·er .. itr. e~amnion~ of the )li~,.;ouri I T~l"' 1u:orl.' rn ~hr \.olI:.''"~ ol \a!\ ( 1n'en.•nce were held to one. Entrme<·nnl'll' <- Chemistry \\ 111nm touc:idown t:a h 'quarter. Colorado')[, C'oh11.1iP"h. \. )f Colnrnhia Pni­C-oPl·~ • and t:tah ,\i:rgies beat the, wr~it\·. 11'!1~1: Civil Emrim·ering. U•on Ik1h,...i1 ... and ~ebra:-;ka and )lount St.

1· n. C'nnklin·~· f' E. Con1~ll l'niw•r.;;ib·,

Ch.t1l1:,, al.-::o won one g-nme. The lQOO· T'hy~·H·~ Fran"' \\ . Iram, :\I. S .. ..,,,., -: ll!" 1--e 1 Nntacl· wa.., ,500 with four \fon~nnn ... "1. ' 0olleO'C': 1 ri(l;; · \lt~­\" c"-nr1c-s and four defeats. "hamcal F.nt.r n erinc-. F.rw Thprk.•bt•11.

"\[ ,un St. (·harl1.~,. won whul Jf F.. -:\fon!ann Rtatt? f'"'lll.'!!'f'.'. 192'.,: .Ill'. n s t ~ the St~1.tl!' title when thev .\rrhil.('dUl'l· 1\~illi:1m R . Pll"w .-\.. F:

I d~1~n·1..·d t l<:' B lx·ats who tieci thC rnin•rsity ~' Tll~noi~. Hl20: l]1l•i ~U'l'i-1 l n·,·~~1s1ty Tlw )li!"soula crew wn~ 1<'ultm·r e11g-1n1 _nno- .. Han·.:.,· T-' \fpr.

I tt:1rrng lenr of th<· lll·ltna team and 1·lo<"~ C E., l n-ers1t, cif Colm·ndo. "ailrl l 1 sch1 iule with them. The 1!'111. iiilltopr('r, tlrunl'tl e\erv otht·r col- ------ --------­le~r tnam in thl' !"tat~ by topside scorl"'s.

\.! ( )10:\'T.\NA ST.\TE SCHOOL r~,;;"" OF ENGINEERING

D.\llK \ lORNINGS, TllE

,\J. .\R\J C'LOCI\ WILL no r r ·;h e 'ne1·itably comt·s to CYery lt!am a time 11·hen a number I R.\ TES HIGH

,,f it \'alu "d ]llayers must be lo:•t by graduation. ?nly th:·ough f('nntinued from pa"e on<'\

the stamlards and ideals these men set, rn 1t possible to msbll , I knowk<lire in de'i"n and drafting,

111 nc11 men taking their places the same Joyal fighting spirit The d<•p:11·tm,ent rank. as one of th<·

•l-tat chm·artprize~ a genuine team. E\'errone of the seven \\"ho , •. ~~tki~h~~l" (~~:t~~~~t\~h~L:H~i~ m~h~ will gradu.:t next ~pring arc typical C'xamples of men who makP undamPntal• of drawiiw and cle<i1<n.

. bl · b· II h . . .. 'I . , S , . , . .. d . , Tho !'ntduates of this d<'parlmt·nt rc-not,1 e tool ,1 1. tot) .tl ·' ontana talc. l,1eeden, Gia y, Hutti, ""·c th" ilo•'l·ee of Bachlor of s,·iem·<• and \\'ellington hown aho1·e: and Chez, Vogt and Gardner pie- [ ""'! the <lepartmcnt. also offer< ,,., ad­

! u t d cl'< when lll thi: issue. The school is duly grateful lo them ::;;; '';~ 1\1~hi'a~wt''f.!;"'.1 ~~~,·~!'i'~ • ml proud of I heir reconls. ,,;si-(e-J hy flu 'hurt C. CheL'"er. ~fr

Gt•t Y' 'Pon timt•. " ·e han• till'm fron: $1.fiO Hp. Big- .ind

Raby R1·n~ S3.25, white ,fial. T.t.· us s.h •W Y\HI.

LESL IE E. GAGE .TewC>ler and Optician

Brokon I.en•es Replaced the Same Day

20 S . mack Ave. Phone 425-W

A pencil put Peary on top

of the 'vorld Q THFR e'plorer~ h:td gre3r per,01,.tl

courage,unlin11tedt•rit•ro,· and,·i ion untrammelled; and failed. B~r Pe.1rv.had one rhing rnore. ·

rhe nexr dn1 ' s progress ro tlie Poie.

~ I I I I I I I I I I • I I I • I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t t 1_ ~I I I I I r I 11 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir I I I t to 1 11 I I I I I I I I I 1 11 I I

He had the gra•p of e 1·en· derail - ts seen 111 the ore 11hich guided the pencil in hi' frost-cramped hand. Atrer each d.11's march he c:1IcuL.tcd .. rnethoJic:il course ro make sure of

'Jo tace e:1ch d~n 's rl·ckonm1T a" t it 11ere rhe 111<»t 1111porranr ul alldays 1·

charctrtcri,ri of men in the tt·kphone indusrn. I h:1t ':ie11 point, c ·pr6sed tn the \ ar;ed terms oi applied science, l:t!1-oraror1· research, tinanctng .tnd nun­:t!!l'lllellt.>rtndes Bell. 1 stem men in their respecri1 e fields ot pl1blic sen ice.


FOR XMAS .\ _ ·ew Line of Imported French Stationery, Fine Quality,

)loderatel) Priced

Leather (;nods. Framed )lottoes. Fountain Pens. Fountain

Pen Set-<-.\ )lost Complete Stoel. of Boob. The newest

in Fiction,. ·on Fiction. Biography and the best in C'hildrens Books.

PHILLIP'S BOOR STORE The House of Beautiful Xmas Cards

ii 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i



E. R. Gregory, Prop. 10 W. Main



~ I : I _,

I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii


"0 UR PIO ' F r RT , G 11 :\ s J ., BE G' N"



I There will be a m~tin~ of lhe ex·

~utivt: council uf the \\romen's Ath­letL- Assodation \Yednesday noon, Decl.mher 5. in the gymna:->ium. Scv-

"How's Your Windows?"


"Uid !Jen Htlp You .\n) ?"


eral important reports \\;ll be ~iH:11, an<l a pr\)g-ram t.ha \\'. A. A. will

~'l!~0 'befot'le~~deec;·c~~~~~'. 11 g-A'lra1~1l:1~~~~~ \\"hl•fl Wt think of glase~. we usually are rel1ue.;t.e<l tr, t·omc prt pa1 ed with ~'~~n~a'~~·ol;~~~~:~~~e L•' 1;h~.kli~,:0 nJ~;.J~~

I suggestions as to the tyre of awards •llif!l~lt,==.,.:::;::::;::::::;::::::;::::::;~========,4!!!!!!!~111iillllll••J to be giH·n for major sports; c.t!ld also cliscuq;·1) uf g'lnsse~. to this eminent tu be able to express th<.'ir opinion :::~~~v:i~y <l::r .i;~\: /:in~e;·h~r~-~~1~!t.f~n t~f SiJ?ma lkla of Chi Omej!a f;;ntlr- _ \ J 1 ~ ha Omicron Pi Dinner Guesls _ on the 1 O!-\,.;ihilitit>s of being- a member b f ·"P R. h 1·· er 1 l k 1in~d ~!rs. Olga Ro. s Hannon and , Alil·e Ga:din~r, Anaconda •. and uf N . . \ .• -\. F'. h~,\~ ~1~~~·h h~0,:,a~1ctoa~~ne/i't ~h~ ;~~~· lrs. Ad le )kCrar at a formal dinner Eh.,.abe::h Gardiner were d 1 n n e 1· 1 --- --- . Lu· he hos to the extent. 0 ; eliminat: 'm ,;.day evening. ~ut-.t<.;. ut. the Alpha 0. hou~c Sunday. BASK El BALL NOW 1 in.!.!' t.":l' Bl'l'd of t\lo pair of glasse~ in Thank:-.~iving dinner guc;-;t.s •. at . t~c . --. - 1 mo_ casl ~. "'Den" harl manv ~ood hi Ome~a hou!-;e S wci:e \ _1 ~~1h~~ Pt h apr:-.1 .\ li;ha Dinne r (,ucs ts. . HOLDS INTEREST hun ·ht s und this was one of lhem. jt•rk, C arttt Ann · pl·nce, GiEt "'t Jican an<l :\!rs. J. :.\I. Hamilton wch: I __ T.1('n~ are more people wearing ~~-7 ::~~~;;,;_ )l~ 0~;;~~n i~~n~;ll, r~~<l S_unda~ dinner J?UU~b at the P1 (Continued from Pa£:E' One) .-r\~ "'·s to~lay than in Franklin's time. rank C-0flin. I Kapra Alpha hou,..,e. I A b~u n-tornnng- trip to tl:e c:oast ~t 1~ nut be1.:ause we ha\ e pool'er eyes, ___ • Sur.day dmnc-r J..,ruests at the P1 i:s bung talked of and m 1.:u:-;<' this 19 it 1 h·n1use we IHHC learned what . B ·t·


. l)'nner h.aµpa Alphu _hous~ were J oe and dc-ciclco upon the squa<l \\ Ill play f& cu:· C.}~..., 1!1cnn to us and how neces-1 < ~1 11 1 j> B Ph h


f1an 1- De\ ich. 1 eel \ 1e1::. and Dexter great llU'l bei· of games \Ylth te llll 0 sa1y 1l 1~ lo wear gla,es. No one \~hinm~h~lie:ha 'te1 I hoc~~ c~j~~red JJo,.,<'r the Pacific.- Co:l~t Confetcnce ~.\t the f'>ho·Jld h:• too vain or proud to wear · .,. p S· _ • · . --- I or-e111n'.!: o1 the new Jdahu G\rm thC' U1e1~1. I· or no grent awl famous p(~r-formal dmn1;r ... atur<l~'.\ e\enmg., _\m 1J{o Club. B b. t .. 11 1, . th I r. t· ~ :-;on was C!\·er remcrnberl'd for his u· h Rutledg-1. who w·is m Bozeman - 1 J o ca ,., ". p .1:. l c ec ica ion g-amc. I J, . 'ti11 ~ h"t" m;·l'nts ,,;l· the KUe~L of .. \mlJ!U Club an.nounc.c.~ the P edg- :.\t the prcs.ent Lim~ attempts ar~ lw- oo s. 1- • J! '" t ' I ing 11f i :lUren.fo' l\lullenbcrg- of :\Ian- mg" mad~ to !-\chcdule game~ wilh I 1~ :nll'n·~ 1 inK to note, from e\•en

no.· ___ 1 h:ittan. and ;\lr. Sonntag- of Helena. teams of note in \·ariou~ parts of the ~c~· n~~n~~~1~~~~~t~u~:~ ~l_P~~1.1~1 ~\~!;'. I ha Gamma Delta. I . -- west and mi~ldl~ wc_~t. · - . "whclows". a~ they an~ termed. It ~11 · Julh Ri.~er national fra- Dt'lta T:iu Drnner Guest!'. The Bob<:als " 111 beJ.tm thcn wa fnund that fifty P<'l' cfnt wear ;ni;~ 1n:,'.1c.~·tor of· Alpha Gamm"\ .:\Ir. and ~Irs. \V. A; Murray an? i\Ir. ~-=h:d:1 1~ Saturday wh~n the~· yta~· an then every da,y . while fifteen ner elta- ,.-.1te1 De~:a Gi:.mma t:napter and )lrs. Glen \\est were dinner indcix:n.~lcnt team f1om L1\1n).!:->ton. ,., n. onr·-fourth are worn bv the lontan1 State Colleg-c durino- the _u sb :tt the Delta Tau hou~ Sun- Thed_ J.,th and i.ith they play the 1-riy . and thr~e-fourths arc wo;·n b.Y · ' ~ · R · ( mna da,· Har 111 .:\Joo~f and the 2~n<l and ~:~rd a t WC\k. :\1:~:-., i:-~r is an au · · they n~(·et the Colorado Tcaehel·s. the 0ils. or rather should he worn,

l )lu (huptc1, B1e11an. Ga. This will be their first ,(!'ame with a for a.s a rule g-irls arc more vain about t lh.milLn Hall. <:onfercnte team but thC> e·ame will their looks than the boy~. ' Tl'.e Alr.ha Ga.nma Ucha pledges not. count in the championship as. the In rcr.:ent examinations nurses and

i~hed the 1•urtv with heat., li~ht, food, and clothing-, whieh enabled them to ;un·ivt.' starvation and lenct.hen the milt:!ag-c and pl'riod of time !"J>t.'llt by the· part). On one of "'tefans..,un's mun:; trip:-. he and his expccLt1on par~y wt!H.· a-. far as st.\'l·n hunll1·ed miles away t.om food s.:.tpplie:-< After the pro\·idt._..J food suppliC"s well.' use I up. they li\(,'d en thl' n·~oun·t? . ..;. ot th1: uunt.l'y. which ar1.• 1 ri111arily :Sl als. A~ mm:h a..:. 1_cn thousand miles , .... e:re ·.1a\'C~l<:1l h:r ,oot away fr;n. the ba..:p, Ur. Ste fans.son ha..: \'"1·ote sc'. .•ral look~ a 110ut hig cxperienee . .- in the far Xorth. Hb leL'tun~ was. hu1w1 1 ot:~, intC're~tinl! and very ~ducutionnl.

...,.. ........... _~ __ _.._..._._.._ ................... _.._. __ .r_ ..... _._ .. _ .. _ .. .,/" ____ ........................... _.. ........ _ .. _ .. ,,, .. _ .. _ .. _ .. .....,..,_.._ .. _ .......


~ H. B. McCA. Y ~ ~ H.IBDWARE ~ ~ ~ ~ S'f.\RRETI' TOOLS ~

~ Complete Cata logue and Price List Free ~ ~ ..... ..._ . ..-..,. ...... _._.. .. -.. .... -.-.-..-..-.-.. -..-...-.. -.... .-.-.. • .. • .. -..-.w.-.-.. ......, .. .-_.._..._.,_ ... _ .. _.._.._,...~.._._._.._....,._,.._


PHONE 79 A Good Laundry That's

Getting Better


I u 1 tni! lwr ~tay. .:\11:-s R i!'er w_as l! i..ucst ,,i honor at various sor.:1al met.Ion~. L pon ht:r arrival un Thur~­a;, ~he W<L'i- t:nt urtaint:d at <linner y :\Ii:;.!. Glady B1·anegan of Bdn.

rnd :\lb:;. Julia Risu', their national Teacher..:. arc in the easlC'rll division dt ·tc.r~ found t~·at poo1 eyesi~ht was 0 11-"f t•,·t.or, as a dinner i:ruest. at Ham- of the.' onforE>ncc while tht• Bobcats. on!." of the greate."t drawbacks to ilton Hall Friday evening. are in the western part. r~11'1·e·.~c.·a1.,_·tau1<1i<<lnt'~.'.ental de' elopmcnl of I )Jrs. Elsie Hawks of Butte wa~ the ---- ___ ' ·' ·' ~

Sundav and Party Dinners a Specialty

Special rates for board by the month

.\ ::-.cw Management-Mrs. E. Byrne t'rtlay c~cn.nJ! a formal dinner wa "..,t n ;n honor of _jJi~s Ri~er by the ntiergraduate l'hapter. Guest::s in­uded Dean anrl .:\hti-. llnmilt.on, Jlrs. . E. Bro\\ n, .Jlr. and )fr~. Raymond

k, :\11~s c~I.td:; :i Brarn.'~an and ~li::s~ ang"~l R;.1;.;sC'll.

:'llcmber of the Alumnae Chapter r~ 1"oste.;~cs at a luncheon at Gil­r 111'::. Cafeteria, on S.aturday.

:\ formal 1 t'ception for )-lic::s. Riser a!' :::'I\ '"n at the chnpter hou~e on turd:ly a_ternoon. Faculty. City n-Hel tni , fratciuity and :sorvrit:-, p1c~entat1vcs Wt!re imited.

The :'l.lother'":'> Club wa~ in' ited to tet )h!-i"' Riser on ~unday aftl'1·noon. :\li. ~ Lillinn Kinds.<'hy, ·27, wa..:. n

ttk end gUt. t at th~ Alpha Gamma ou~c.

ITTlt''i'>t. of her daug-hter. )fan· Hawks, ~er Thanks..~h;ng-, ·

Siµn a. Chi Fall Part). 01 t.' of thr: mo~t enjoyable affairs

uf t :.. fall :-.eason w~ the dancin.t!' party g-iven by rnembers of Sigma

hi iraternity at the Elks' club, Sat­urday C-\·ening.

The ballroom w.u:s effe<:ti,·elv decor­a.~e<l in fraternity ... olon:, anZI mu,ic was furni-.hecl h v the Eckhoff . n"hc:-.tra. ·

lmmediately following the dance ~·u< ~ts '"'·ere taken to the chapter h.m~c.- where a buffet supper wa_, ::.erved. Tho~e present were:



SALE NETS $150 The purpose of the Annual Christ­

mas c;,ale put on by the .;\gsociated \\·omen's Students of )lontana Statt Colleg:e, is to make money to Lu) furniture for the women's building", Henick Hall.

The sale has bern held for the last two Saturdays, and throug-h ~he 1•-

(Continued from Pn!?e One) Tht:- high r.:lass of th · Bobcat cap­

a_ins f t.he past w1il hC' continued w::h \Y~·lie a:;; the lea1.u· next year. He is. he..,icle an outstDmling- fulihack ~~ lea,ler l"apable of the ; t;nor to whi..:h he has been elected b\r his fellow p1ayer..:. Thrir choice -.h


v\\s the re-.,. ec1 with wh!ch they ild him .


•])Cration of all the women st.t::dents • . and alumni . who donated Jdfts, made f(ontmned from .Pa.~ e 0ne ) . this sale a sucl·es:>. The p1·oeeeds of ~1mp-._ and boats, durm• w.h1ch tune the _sale WC re srno. I ti:e:r ll\ed on meat only iOt" almost

nrnetcen months. From the Eskimos


thr~t 1ean1e<l the art of spf.>at·ini.r seal from ho:es in the i<:e. Their groceries WC'! e not sufficient to provide them fer a Ieng- while on the vast fields of i1't'. therefore they Ii \· i. for the re~ I maindf'r of the time b:i.r ntint?. There formerl~~ was a belief ·hat no seals

~ SAYS· _



,::~~~~~~:~;i~ .. ,,. , ........ :; XMAS 'filFT' HEADQUARTERS;; ....... . $1. 00 Not Too Much of Any One Thing

\\'hite, Blue, Pink J.. BUT Broadcloth Shirts in all Pat terns,

Real Hot

Wagner Bros. Bozeman's Leading Men's

and Boys' Store

A Variety of Carefully Chosen Items

HAUSEMAN & McCALL ''Visit Our Gift Shop"

Deltu Gamma of Alpha Gamma lta announre;; the marriage of :\eta enuwc+h. ex ' 0. tc Chc-~ter .\nder·

n, lh.·ta Ji .. ps; on. at Den\·er, :\ov.

Estht!r Bowman, 2\largaret Rowe, )lar)..::aret Brown, Jo~ephine Gary, Esthe!' Stockton, ::'\.Iartha Flynn. 2\1ar­on .John!';on, \\ Bma \ ·an Horsen,

D01·nthy Grigsby, ::\largaret Gary, Lora Brown, Betty Purdum, La Verne Brown, Dorothy Pnrezek, Jrene Buz­zetti, 2\1 a e Burkhart, Katherine RiH:t.:::, Eunice Campbell, Greta Fab­rit:. Helen Gary, Betty \\"esch, lnne Seil. Teresa o·nonnell, ;\lartha Her-eH', Do!ly Tripp, \\"inifred Benepe, ,.

e,!!a l~tta Dinner Gue!'>ts. Anit:t Henry, Betty Jfothnvs, )lrs. \\ 1ng. Zwis ler and Hoskinson w~n· · fm1.her north than a man could ~~iiiiiiiiii~iii wnlk in a half day. This belief wa." 1 df'.;:troyecl bv Stefan.. n's extended

1 East l\lain Ill I I I I I Ill I' 111111111111 .I I 111'' 111111' 1111111111111 ..


!'1.:11day gut.>Sts at the Omcg-a Beta Frank \\"ard, )largaret Bowrnan, I Honored By Agricultural trip vut in the iq· pra ir1E-~. The :'eal~ ~~~=~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~=~~==~~~~~~~~~~~=== sreared from holes in ·he ice furn- I u~~ wen· :'.Ir. and ).!rs .. Rudeans.1 Geurgia Bcnepe, Esther King, Helen F t "t ta Isaac. and Marie Souders. Kini?'. Rena Scm;I, :\Iildred Big-elow,

1 ra erni Y

Gerti~ Simon, \Vin ifre<l Brackett, ~ • • , , ••• • • , 1 • • , • • • , • , 1 , , , ·~

('~11~.~1:~1~_0 ~:~~~:ar-~~~e~re~~~~·e~~: ·-':lpha z e !. a, :1f1tional honorary • an3. ~igma Fall Part). Delt.a Lam\x1a of Kappa Sic;ma h!.!l<l

L:i annual fall dance •"lt the chapter l<>llfe on December). The patrons and atrones~e., \H•re l\fr. :ind .:\Ir~ .. T. R. arker, )Ir. and )!rs. \\'. :\!. Cobleigh.

iJl d 2\1 r. and ).!rs. Erk Therkelson.

\·an Ji~rssen, ~lary- Ta)·lor, Yirginia a_gncullural fraten~1t)~, pledged ~hr<:'e ·wallin~ham, Ruth Robinson, Marjorie n•en, Leonard. 'Vtng, Herb z,~,sl~r, Fiske Katherine Buzzard 1\lr. and I and Sc?tt Ho~l_;;mson. from the Junior .:\-!r:>.. j ason Pregton. )fr. 'and :'1.rs.1 ~~~eS:in~~ agriculture last. ).fonday Gene B. nker, ~Ir. and ~!rs . Keith Sime, ).fr. and :\fr~. Roy Jlalsor, Mr. Members of Alpha ~e.w. a1:e thosen and ::\Ir::i. Loui~ True, i\Ir. and Mrs. I fro~1 the ~pper two~fltths 111 schol~ Clayton ·walker. :\fr. and Mrs. D. L. a~t.1c stanclmg- of their dags_ . ~n ad­• lat·Donalcl . and :\Ir. and :\h~. \\rilliam <l1t10n lo grade~. s:;ch quuht1es as :.\toc?·e. pcrsonalit>-, leade.rship and ch~radcl'

Chaperones for the party were: . are- cons1d1..rcd 1n the elec:t1on uf De,an and illr:s. Hamnton, ,)Jl·. and [pledge.-;.

:\lr~. R. E . Brown, :\I r . and Mrs. --------!Jewe)· Street. and .\lr. and )!rs. Whit- SOCIAL CALE;.;.D.AR

An Appropriate Gift For


A Ko ak

Th o:- )'..."Uegts were \linnie Kirkc~. ahd Smith, Charlotte Smith, Vivi­

ltlne &ul·ware, Gretchen YanYoast . udi th Beldon, Kathleen Henkel, Alire auzhn, )farg-aret \Yoodward, :'.\lar­aret Choate . Twane"tte Cherry, Carrie nn Spc·nce. I...oui"P \\~ell:'., Helen

lax<-)". :\lildred )loffot. Leota Isaac, era Ann O'Xeill, Gladys Ri<ler. eona Isaa•·. )fidge :\larquis. Toots ·in nett. .J.Iar~aret Dewey. Bernice

Kall, Carylyn Delaney, )Jary Pattie, leaner Sawyer. Alice Taylor. Lu­"l!e Cri5-t, Lola :\larquh•, Ka-:..herine arp, Arlone Crane. Eleanor Brown. irJ?]nla E""'-~ec;:. E\·elyn Cruze. Helen ::ihn:- Dn, Fran is 2\Iallon, and )fr. erbl rt Dowell.

lield Spain.

Dec. 7-H. E. Part). • Stop in today and get your •

h:hz Om:crf'n P i inner Gue!--tS. Ha-d\r Tharp and ''H<:<l"' \lcGregor er~ Thursday dinner g-ue::its at the lpha Ominoi1 Pi ho g.e_

Among thos.i;: who spent. Thanks­Q'"iving at their out of town homes wer<.' Helen Oli\"er and Grace Clinton in Anaconda. E~ther Bowman anrl Dorothr Grigsby in Li\ing-st.on, Mar· rella SC'hneidt r in Three Forks, Caro­lyn Cochrane, ::\ly}a Tanner in Butte, )fa1 ., Catherrn Bell and Ruth Plalt in Jfrlena. ·

James Laist and Saxon Marlin were at their home:; in Anaconda during he Thanksgiving holiday~.

area Sigma ,\;ckEnd Guest. I Sq~· ma .\lpha Ep1.:ilon. l\l r ~forns Griflith. Helena, was a :\h::;. J . . J Flynn, ::\lartha Flynn and

·e-ek end guest at the Kappa Sigma :\1aq?a1et Brown wen Thanksg1vm'X iousc <linnet 1ZUest3 at the Sigma Alpha I

_ Ep:;;.lon house.

(Tuc<.: t~ at t he Chi Omcj!'a li e.use.

Rialto This Week's Programme

Last Time Tues day








Coming Sunday


\\'inifred Brackett and Gert.rude .:.:immcn motored to Bozeman from

I Hc~ena to atten<l the Sigma Chi pa1 ty and visit friends .

Anita Henry of Helena was a g-uc"t at the Chi Omega ho:.:se over the week end.

~ociet ,- Pe r -o nals. :'\lotOring o• er from Lewistown to

snend the Thanksgiving holiday with l E~t her and Helen Kin)?, were Mr. Anton KinJ! and Irwin King, who I were guegts at the Sigma Chi house.

Geraldin Bowden spent the Thanks­t."1,·in~ holidays in Helena.

~!rs. J . J. Flynn was a guest at the Pi Beta Phi house last week end. .. he came over to spend the holiday ,

I with her son \Vill iam et n<t daughter I :lfartha.

Jlu-:rh Cottam was a guest ov<:!r the wf'e~ end at the igma Alpha j Ep;-;ilon house.



Anyone wishinl? employment in the c1ate sc8:1e erraditation . in so?th~rn j ( aliforma must ha\·e his appheatwn c. !I. file with the Civil Service Com-1 mssion at \\'a.;;hinirton, D. C., not later than Decembc1r ~ 1. An appli~ant j must successfully pass an examma­: :011 ('"i\c.m bv the Federal Horticu l tur~ [·oard.

Dec. 7-Chi 0. P a r(). Dec. S-S. A. E. Part) . Dec. 8-Alpha Gamma Rho Dee. 21-Quarter End•.


pa rt).

Chr istmas shopping started

· Roecher Drug Co. Phone 327

Prescriptions a Specialty

U i:·i:ercla.· , sophomores. a ll· sta r frosh teams and ~ubs arl" rcc1ues ted to meet at the gy mnas. ium Thur!:'·da) noon, IJeccmber 6, for the Hocke) pict ure. This pict.:1re is for the Montanan. 1'1 •1 ••••• , ...... .. ... 1, 111 1'11 .. .. . . .

---·==----~-~-~-------~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II I l I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I



The new grains in both black and tan -Collegiate lasts

"BOSTONIANS" $6.00 to $8.50 Lots of Style and Built For

Long Wear


Si lk ~, Silk an rl ·wool and Woolens-Patterns and colors knit to your liking

35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00



This Changing

World To-day;you can see big build­ings erected noiselessly-by electric welding.

The structural steel worker is dropping his clattering ham­mer for the electric arc. Silently, swiftly, rigidl;, economically, buildings are being fabricated by clearic welding, which knits steel with joints as strong as the metal itself.

Building silently! Nothing seems impossible 111 this elec­trical age.

Not only in building construc­tion, but in every human activity, we instinaively turn to elearic­ity to add to the comforts cf life and to eliminate the wastes of production-another evi­dence that the electrical industry is maintaining its leadership in this changing world.

• Nor onh 10Jusu1al equipmenr, buc cle<. t IC rc:frigcc1rors, :MAZDA bmps

1 and lmi<.: morors chat ad.I

w tht: Lomforrs of home, ;lfc

.;; 1;-ou::.i~u.-~r d b) the Gener.:! 1...1..:crrk t.om1x1n}. All ire iJc:nti­licJ by the G-E monogram-J symbol of SC[\ tCe.



Salnrie~ ran,l!'l· from $1,4-10, to $ 1.7-iO a \'Nll' with hig~er s.ala1 ied positions I Pl~~ehd~~;~;11;,~.~ont: perform, under NEW SIIIRTS "COLLEGIATE CORDS" .;ur-ervi•ion. routine work in the in- , Clever Pattern~ Guaranteed I

I ~pection of date> J!anlei:s and <ontrol on('r:1• ions dir<~ded against elate scale

,.. .............. ; insect:s in the southwestern states. .... I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' i GE ERAL ELECTRIC GE. ~LH.AL F.LECTRlC COMPA1'Y, SCHENECTADY+ NEW YORK




I (Continued from P~e One) 1

St.•ore In First (}uarter To Beat ' l nJouLt.t.~h till.·:r gTt\.'lt~st g-ume uf I ~L\E Pledges Sunda~ r lhc :-;1..·a~un \\t;.., 11layt.•1t 01\ liallon f1el~

• ,, 1.. 11 u.l')- de.,\ 1H:d thl' m.._•n t l't.llll B. ) · j 6 • 0 l Thl' tt.•am p1a,· ;.is a whole was

I u1·· bt. ttl~1 th.m at .1n) othl'1 ~am? I dur .n)..'.' tht" .... i.>a~or\ ''1th the 111tc1 -Hm~ltnJ.:" 1'1t..·ld, t.O\crcd \\llh fl ~o~t I I •t'ltllll! ,11ul b.lll pad;cl::- ''orkm;,!' in

Whttu blankt.•l of "llv\\, hnt:d b) c.:t: a 1110,.,t ll'I[L t t.ooidrnatwn ~u1d L\~l) • lUl"tlOlh vr g'Ul"••-.\\Ork nn<l n~ar:>.;:... 11.ll\ domg- hi ....... 1rn1t:' ltl hl'ip 1ll the I made !'onwthlfH!' hkt.> fox and g1.e ~ ... , , It t1n·y, fi~J,J .. ,, 8 .,. the ~•t:ent:' of a tn!!!'htJ ( a1>ta.m Fred ( h t•z r~l\ed tlue ·

1 B b ·it the work of Vog-t at g-unrd where lw

'next D ... !:.~::t!. gdJ qtind li1 ' '" ...

I leaehrship or a. C'tlp.:tblt". \. ~c 3n m_:,,. ot unusual l'xpcrie-nt•e. Thl· ~waht: of '-.tptain.:; Llf Rt:butt tbtllh 1~ tHl.·

ditional. \Yylie b to ht' ,n111gratulat'-d on his E"Xc:elh:nt ~eason s record and I upon the h1.mor ~lis team nuttc:: h:1,· ·

j oestowed upon ~

Chez. the great lincma!' u1~d captain of the Bobcat <; Ulfll. '\\ 1.11 bt: g·reatl) missed in the tcn m ~ for-n ard wall nc~l ) car.

I Ario and h is Bolc.:ll R1._•~erH'!' fur­nished t}1e Th ank.s).!'i\ m~ thrills fc~r

I Li,·ingston fooLball fans with thL·ll'

I U-0 ~:~:.'.II~ :'~'.,h 1l~11~l l~::~'~::: l::~~:·,, :-. houldcr pad~ antl helm ets are

1 i.:acJ...l'd :n\ a) s afe!) from t~l' m oth~. \ \ C ca n r<..ll up l he curtn ll\ on ba .. J..t.•tba ll again. nnd forge t for the t ime! our di,a1>pointments (. f the la:'i t t hrl'e months.

I t seem~ thnt the amounl of. stml:r­ing- done yurit•s 111\'ets~ly with th~ square of the number of week~ until th<' 1.:ml of thl." quarter.

fvotb~~ll c: lash ~umla:i. morning "l~L'll I honor" \\ hl'n ht' \\a~ 1>laced on the In the cot\lt.•i .:nl'~ ~ ~ 1~ th ~r c.:;1 >~ ~topped nl<lny plays Hl• was r~bl? relied

tht• ~ll!nilc Rat ... 01 $1c-ma lht off1crn l .dl·t·onfe rence dnen fo r the ~C'QJ1._·<l bl) r01rnl lO lj, l OI c I upon to kickoff and do the k1ck111g for I plt.·d;t.,., \\On f1on; the SAE Cubs, ~l('lltr ).!nme he ha s pl.t\t..•d nl t.:"Uard pon ... nts. '' ll l' 1 .:lll\.I!' 1 \t: l'~llll' ~l~ point after touchdown. li e will b·~ plech!t:s of th1..· ~1g .\lph~ 13·0. Shortly throughout the )ear. l~o, thf ,Bol~l~~t~~1~~~:sl't,.ai~<.•reS0~~l. peatly mi~sc:d. liurd nt end pluyed ·1fter the '\nrmml! :mn hnt.l flooded ,lilt l lt;H f I. tYl, ll''llll W'l" a :"rent gnme and stoppL'cl mnny nn

With nine of the ten m en o f last ) car·~ ba~l...l'l ba l l ... quad re· tunling. the 1. ro l':> r.ects lou l... good ft r ancther team ()f champi o11-~ hi1> <'<llib rc. lhe t.·nsp c:mh- \\mter atmo-.pht.>re the , • ·." • Out t'( the c:vnlt.'Ll'nc:~ r·c , •. ;1 ~ ~·n·l run that would hn\'e meant long

bo1b of L'a h fnitt.•tnil) filed mto in1..1..•d 101 a tout.hrlo\\n Thl o:l.) .._ lOI onl:-. able to \\lll on~ g.tlllt: .muh gain~. He will ;·,Jso pass on this yei:11· ~h~. ble~ll"her ... nnd ... tand". and at 11 .00 m~ ":-t'" O\C't. .Hwtht.·r hut at th'"'• ::;Ulllt.' t11ne,..t e_) ---------0·c1ock a·fcr~e .\tlnm'-. \\h1 .... tle trottNI Tht' team::- biittlL•d JU~t nbout on J .n.1dc .. n \Ct~ ,.rood ::-IW~\lllg' .1~.1111:-;t ~ thC' rhal l'le\l'lh w then pt>s1tions eu·n teims let tlll' ie~t 0f the g-anH' the l01nl1u..:ke1s. from :\eb1.~.::;k. · . for tht.• kilk-off. l"mp1r(' \ ·ogt ::;.1g- \\llh Bud n~rner. SAE quarttr ... tnrr· 1 St>t\<..'11 mt·n \\ti! bt.• hl~~ from.tin~ nallcci tht> t 11nckt.•e1lt't.'rs nnd the battle Jn!! "1th creat 1 Ull''- nm! fiet le tack!· ) en1 ":::- ... quad, 11.11nel) l h1._•Z, \ o'"''1. of the ..,l'n"on \\a~ on tn)!. du\\mng moie than om• oppo'-'tnC' 1 HuHl. G1atl), \\'l•.Jmg-ton. Breedl·n~

. . h ba'I arnL'r l.iL•tlm1l hts llnl''. E1k1em antl Gardn1..1'. ~t.•\l'J.11 m.t.·n "1\l come

k.<k·of1 a mmute bPforc. and t e ._ij.! a <:.U:L" "{'Oil'. hut ht. \\ns ... topped m Cht"l'•ets, Loni.!'. Gnflm. Baulr. and ~~

Ku: k f orn1.1l1on, fourth . do\\ 11 ·. t e t 111 Hlt.~d th1._• imlook1..·i.... 1n tht· third f 10,11 t w I I l•~h "t.iun<l to 1111 th<' plactis -.pcet.atcr~ <l1 a" n tl'n~e \\ ith exl'~t~~ lX'l l0tl "n 1

4c. b1 illiant thn t). yard lt>il , .11.:ant h, tlll'sc men "ho lea' e.

ntt.>nt n_ot \t.•t relaxc>d flom thh f~ ti run ·uouncl ng-ht t•ml that lookL•t1 hkt. "•nH.-of tht'~l' mt·n ~ut." Frnd). Do,,ell,

_ lµh center snapped the> ball forT~n hi ... track.., lw Fraser, d1muntt1,·e 130 J Lai -.l.:n. Kldfm.tn ''ho ha~ bel'n !'I k mt~nded punt out of dnngl'~ 3 r;Jurnl safrt:i." man fo1 the Jo~en::, nnd durinJ!' the p.1~t s1.::1'-'0n ts expect<'d to pa -. \\RS not uc urntt.• b:i. i~c ~~ ~n tht'.'n thr<mn fc.H con"l'Uttl\e Jo"'"t:'" I be m umlo1m nC"nin next \L~ll'. thC' Sig- hne ri::J!1~ ~or ~ e ~~er. The l!ame Llldl'd "ah thl" ball on the C1l:lc.h On·11e t~ to be l'ongratulnted ~l~;Ti;<l'~~~~"~~d ~~;~ \~h~-~ en~~_>ns m~ SA~: thirt)· ~anl lme n ;ht ~ht.:\\l~C' ~~e .. Dobca:-. ha'e

The fil!ht.in g Sainh from ll dena ha\ e a wonderful!) or­l!a nizcd lca m of chanq>ion.s hip c;il ibrc. The, complC"tel out· clasi:-ed lhe ·Bobcats at every 11 ngll• a nd gaH' an impreNOive e \.hi bi tion of teanl\\Ol" h. .

"i\lonlana UniYergitv defentcd Gon· 1..a.g-n and thev defe~1t.ed .'.\Jount St. Charles. and \,·e were taken by the Saint<:.. Clear to them thty hn,·c a better tenm than us.?:? But we l-<'at Jdaho, who ~nowcd lhem under. Gonza~a. barely beat St. Charle:<- and :\lont...1na \\;Lh a luck,· bre:ik beat G11nu1g-a. Figure it out. The tie score (LO seems lo be the best solu ion.


Dn:hc will haH~ ll') fill thl\ ,.uanciC's \Yt- ..... tt .. n1 Dl\ision paddler~ wht.n they of . Cap l. ChC'Z. Gnrd1wr. \~o!rt. l'{:~f~rt'~~l~ ~~~t.llC \.l quarter f()r tht.• Hurd. Grady. Wdli nc:ton. Breeden. all of whom ha" e p u t aw a )" the moles.kins for good. but with the aid of tho~C" rl!mninini.r and this yL•:tr's frosh should mould ou a t!'OOd lt•am again m:xt sen~on .

And so Gus will lose his Gos.sip t.•olumn for Bl~ and st.nrt figurini.; the hoop dope for you.

l't.a h l'nhersit) .,hO\\ ed the i r ~-u i:t.~ri o rit) O\ er L tah .\ J.q::-ie ... and h>P•ided tlu m :?O·O to taJ... e nn · ot he r cha mpiun-.hip aftt.r mi"-·inJ,:" la .s t year.

:\" OTICE!-S\\ 1'Dl EHS--:\OTICE !

The ~wimminc- tryouts Sntunlt\~ arc a step towurd ~ettin~ .. :1 \t on­tana State team pickC'tl to nll'~·t tht..•

The i:re liminurie.;; und final.., of the tr) out~ for pQ..-., it ion..._ on the '"" immin~ tt.•am :-<quad '\ill~ h{'ld ~aturda) :1fternoon. Ot.'Cl"ntlwr ~. ~,('g' innin !!' at 1 :30 o'rlod .. . E ' er)· 1., n e intt-.re.;; ted in sn imming .:hc-u 1d ra rt id rate . Thi .. i-.. t\'\ in · formal m cN and there ""ill b<' nn· ot her i.:arl) next quart~r .

J ohn :\lorri-;on. coach .




i THE SUGAR BOWL I The Home of Homem ade Candies


* g


ter{epted by S.mnn. Sig- back, who 1 hcmp"'on was head line~man. I ~~t:~~,~-h:~n~:~.~~:\~ a5~~~i ~,.~~eahte <ld~~ ,·-e-JnpeJ a te:tm t1at was aboYe the a,·crag-l' <.in.I n:ndt.• n ~ood sho,,·ing in the cn111ls they p"··ticipnted in.

Roruy MOUNTAIN roNFERENrE The most consistent men on the lJI\ lJ lJ :r::~' ~~~·;~0ca~~~- ~,h:~.:nrdo~~i~~·i~~;

Funeral Director s and

I. bl k' I ; ................................... ""'"-............................ -.. -............................................................. _ ................................................ '"i Tht ir tnck 111~ and ex ·rng wa~ En1baln1ers .._ :.

~f~~l~7 ~~~~ac~he t.i,ntet'~:rc~f~nt~~= Phone 122-W ~ II HOWARD' s II ~ rrnh L'nin~rs1ty

( olorado liniYt:'rsity l olorado Agog-it•!' . t;tab A.l!"giL•s ( ilorado C'olleg-e )Jontana .,'t.ate Den\!er t:nin"rsity C lorado Tt.•achers. Colorado :\lines.

'Won 4

6 .. 4

HriJ'.!'ham Young Unh·ersity. 1 0 0


\\'estern State

Lost 0



Ti d I 0

Pct. 1.000 .s:tl .750 .G6';





Pt>. Op

110 151


60 115


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'iS 165 44

140 :11 229

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Handkerchiefs F lutter ,\ Chri~tmas Greeting

An almost endless array of styles to select from here. <.ttractin>ly boxed three in a box ready for gi,·ing.

65c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.65, $1. 75,

$2.00 the box

In choosmg 'kerch iefs for gifts one is sure that even tho the gilt may be duplicated many times the re are neYer loo man~-. and when selection is made from exquisitely dainty styles here succes~ will attend the gift choice. All thl• latt•st no\ cities are here. :'\eeclless lo say early choice is !Jest choice.


The Willson Co.

the tea m Inst vear was in the bnckficld, w a s •hiftod into the line to help bol­ster it up and many times dur­ing the c.·ourse of the irnme Chez st opp e d plays that would other­wise hn,·e ~one for good gains. Chez was n \'ery formidable man on the line and time after time

he broke throug-h to tackle the man with th ball and throw him for a lo~~. On offen~e he could always be relied upon to do hi~ bit in opening a hole in the opponents line. In all Chez is a dangl'rous man nnd he will be ~orelv miss.t•d whC'n the team don~ the moJ(.skin~ nt:'xt fall.

\Yvlie's nhilitv to hit the line and carr~· the ball 1;rnde him the leading ball ·tarrier for the Bobcats. Five of

r.:t~~lll:~~~~~nc~! f~-"~9~~Y~J~c~~ ~: H. H . Dokken, Phone 122-J ~ ~

WE'LL OARE YOU TO PASS THIS UP 1 I '"", "'"~~.:'~'~'' ,~.:::~ xm~· l Jb.c~~~~l:~t!ox of Assorted 50C ~ SILK MUFFLERS ~

~ Gorl:'eous patterns in the new s hapes-a pleasure ~ lb. Fancy Box

Chewy Centers

THOS. H. REA & CO. PHO~E 2-1

Le t us delh·er a Box of Candy for you

39C ! ~how thorn I ~ ohe HUB l ~ ED and LOU HOW ARD

~ \\"alk-0,·er Shoes Stetson Hats Nobby Caps

the twel Ye touchdowns made by l he .0.:H;H;H;>O-O<XH:H:>O-CH:><XH:>i:li:HCH:>O-Oc<X>Q-lCH:>O-Oc<X>Q-l;H;>(>Oc<XH:H'11:>0-0c<XH;HX>OP-<H;J t .... -............... , ............................................................................................................. .,,.. .... ._ ........................ .......,.,,,..

Bobcat!'> w e re made by \\"ylie. In sen·ral of thC' gnmes he was the onh- one th:it was ablC. to gain yard­aj?e agai'ln the opponents and a ~reat deal is ex­pected from him when he leads lhe team next y(ar. "Gus' ' is a Bo7.e­man man :iml i'ns playt!d with the "Cats" for two ~casons. \\' i t. 11 his past experience behind him he should mukc a capable leader for the Hl2~1 sea~on.

At various times during the s<:ason other men

I have come to the front in ~pechu·­ular plays. Gar·

I dner played u g r e a t game against the Idaho Y andab. Injur­ies in thal game kept him out for a whi le but he

I returned in time , lo. aicl. the te~m WoR.,..i-P'\GT

I with 111~ punt111g in the f i n n I ganH~$ of the sP~1~on.

Worthington made a 90 yard run against :\' ebraska when he ~cooped up u fumble on hi~ own ll'n yard line and ran for a touchdown. Tli !' play at end wa.!\ alwny~ g-ood and he will be back next year. In the rtah Agg-ie game Ol Frnte took the kit·koff and raced thru the entire team for a sror e. Il e al~o showed an cxt•ellC'nt clm;g

of football in the gamt• again~t B. Y. U. The line was strc.'ng-thcn<'tl by


I STUDENTS See us for all your needs in the electrical line. Reading lamps, Mazda lamps. irons,

I warming pads, heaters, per­colators , toasters, waffle irons, etc.

D. H. B DD CO. 30 W. l\1ain Phone 300

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. 10