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Page 1: Location


Page 2: Location

Due to our pitch feedback suggesting that we use a location that was easier to access rather than the seaside we decided to use High Vinnels, which is a woodland location about 2 miles from our college. This we decided showed redundant features of the indie genre, but also was more within our reach. Here are some pictures of the areas around the forest that we intend to use...

Page 3: Location

As our pitch feedback suggested that our overall idea of the video was successful, we decided to still keep the theme of friendship throughout our video as the main point. So we therefore chose spots such as this one which shows a gathering point within the forest: perfect for our theme of ‘hanging out’.

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As a group we have decided to keep the idea of documenting the journey to our location to give the idea of a road trip, which is an idea used in other indie videos, therefore we are using locations such as these ones, to show our group making our way to the forest.

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We thought the use of the lake and the idyllic backgrounds would give a very traditional camping trip feel to the video. This shows a clear concept of what we are trying to achieve from our video. It is also a rather quiet location so that members of the public do not disrupt our filming time, and we do not obstruct anyone else's activities.

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Overall we are very happy with our location choice, it is a much more accessible spot for our group and cast members. And also does not pose as many dangers as the first location did. For example we are no longer near water and our journey is not as long. We as a group feel this will connote our indie genre well and that this will enable us to create a music video that fits in with our overall vision.