Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS - Lambeth Helix...3 Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS Ward Tulse Hill Proposal Conversion of existing single dwelling into 3 self contained

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Page 2: Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS - Lambeth Helix...3 Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS Ward Tulse Hill Proposal Conversion of existing single dwelling into 3 self contained


Page 3: Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS - Lambeth Helix...3 Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS Ward Tulse Hill Proposal Conversion of existing single dwelling into 3 self contained


Location 56 Helix Road London SW2 2JS

Ward Tulse Hill Proposal Conversion of existing single dwelling into 3 self contained flats comprising 1 x 3 bedroom and 2 x 2 bedroom flats including the erection of a single storey ground floor side extension. Application Type Full Planning Permission Application No 07/00101/FUL/DC_DSM/41878 Applicant Mr G Hawes Agent Mr A Worthington

1561 London Road Norbury London SW16 4AD Date Valid 10 January 2007 Considerations Approved Plans CONV-1; CONV-2; CONV-3; and OS Recommendation GRANT CONDITIONAL PERMISSION

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Officer Report 07/00101/FUL 1. Summary of Main Issues 1.1 The main issues involved in this application are: - - Suitability of the building for residential conversion; - Impact on the area and character of the streetscene; - Quality of residential accommodation to be provided; - Impact on the amenity of adjoining neighbours; - Likely impact on the transport and parking. 2. Site Description 2.1 The application site is located on the western side of Helix Road. The building

is a two storey Victorian mid terraced residential dwelling house with a 3 storey rear addition. It has rear garden of some 51.2m2 that backs on to the rear gardens of properties fronting on to Aerodene Road to the west.

2.2 The property has previously been extended in the form of a single storey rear

extension of some 4m in depth to the rear of the original 3 storey projecting addition. A rear facing dormer extension was also previously erected on the property. There is also an existing roof terrace with railings above the single storey extension at 1st floor level.

The surrounding area is predominantly residential in nature. There is no off-street

parking and the site is not situated within a CPZ area. 2.4. The proposal is not located within a Conservation Area. 3. Planning History August 2006 – A certificate of lawfulness was issued in respect to a full width roof

extension and 3 front roof lights together with the demolition of the existing rear extension and replacement with a single storey ground floor rear extension and roof terrace with railings to the rear at 1st floor level (ref: 06/02011/LDCP). These works have been completed.

An identical application to that now before Members has been appealed against on

the grounds of non-determination. Members are advised that the decision taken by the Committee in respect to

this application will form the basis of the Council’s submission in respect to the concurrent appeal against non-determination.

4. Scheme Details 4.1 Conversion of existing single dwelling into 3 self contained flats including a

single storey ground floor side infill extension.

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4.2 The scheme comprises a 3 bed unit at ground floor level with direct access to the garden, a 2 bed unit at first floor level, and a 2 bed unit a 2nd floor/loft level.

The extension is to be adjacent to the existing rear addition and projects across to

the boundary with no. 54. The side extension will also be set some 2.5m away from the main part of the house in order to create a light well. The extension will measure some 4.5m in depth, 1.8m in width and 3.1m in overall height. The structure has a glazed mono-pitched roof sloping away from the rear addition to a brick work wall and parapet of some 3m in height along the flank boundary. The front and rear facing elevations of the extension are to be glazed.

The plans originally submitted (for application 06/02949/FUL) showed a solid brick

extension to the side. The scheme has been amended by incorporating increased glazing in the elevations of the extension as per the description above.

5. Consultation Responses 5.1 10 letters of notification were sent to the following addresses:

54-58 (evens) and 61-65 (odds) Helix Road and 49-53 (odds) Aerodene Road.

The application has also been advertised by way of a site notice. The Brixton

Residents and Traders Association, the Brixton Society and the Brixton Area Forum/Tulse Hill Working Group were also consulted.

Six letters of objection have been received. Material planning objections Response The local area can not support the

development. The conversion to create 3 units is

excessive. The development will create undue noise.

Provided that the property is large enough, the units created form satisfactory dwellings and a suitable range of unit sizes is provided, current planning policy is supportive of conversion activity as an important means of increasing the number of dwellings in the borough. The application is compliant with Policy 17 of the RUDP in this respect. There is no evidence to suggest that the area can not support a conversion scheme in this location.

The conversion scheme is compliant with Policy 17 of the RUDP in this respect. The proposal os above the threshold limit of 120m2 (it is in fact 140m2) and the flats proposed meet the floor space standards of the Council.

The party walls are considered sufficiently thick enough to prevent noise penetration to adjoining properties. Any internal transmission of noise between properties should suitably be dealt with

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The development will over stretch parking

capacity. The roof terrace will overlook adjoining

properties and be a source of increased noise disturbance.

The side infill extension takes away from

the character of neighbouring properties and will block out light to neighbouring properties.

Bulk of single storey rear extension

constructed under permitted development.

The applicant has abused the planning

system in constructing the extension/roof terrace under permitted development rights.

Concreting the garden entirely won’t allow

rainwater to permeate into the ground/lack of green space.

through necessary compliance with Building Regulations. There is no evidence to suggest that future residents will be a source of undue disturbance or nuisance, especially as the existing use is residential and the proposed use is residential – and thus compatible in a residential area.

The Council’s Highway Authority has raised no objection to the scheme in this respect. It is considered that the area is not suffering from undue levels of parking stress.

It is accepted that the terrace will be the sole amenity space for the first floor flat. However, due to the size of the flat and the expected number of people using it, it would be unlikely to have a significant impact on the privacy and amenity of the occupants of neighbouring dwellings by comparison with its use as part of a 4 bedroom dwelling house.

The extension is considered to comply with Policy 33 of the RUDP. The side extension is considered to be modest in height, scale and bulk. The overall height of 3.1m in the suggested location is considered acceptable and will have little impact upon the amenity of the adjoining dwelling. It is accepted that the side boundary wall will be raised to 3.1m. However, the enclosed extension within this wall will be set 2.5m from the rear of the main elevation of the adjoining dwelling, thus preventing an unacceptable sense of enclosure. In visual terms the side extension has little impact on either the existing building or surrounding area.

These works were completed legitimately

under the provisions of the GPDO and are not for consideration within this application.

These works were completed legitimately under the provisions of the GPDO. The objections therefore cannot be supported.

Under the provisions of the GPDO,

planning permission is not required from the LPA for the hardsurfacing of garden areas within the curtilage of a single family dwelling house. It would

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also be unreasonable to try and dictate how an individual owner used his or her amenity area.

5.4 The application comes before the planning control committee at the requests

of Councillor Toren Smith and Councillor Marcia Cameron. 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. Relevant Policies: Adopted UDP (1998) H10 – Residential Design Standards (ST1 - Layout and Design, ST2 –Density, ST3 – Daylight and Sunlight, ST4 – Security and Safety, ST5 - Privacy, ST7 - Landscaping, ST8 – Residential Extensions, ST11 – Layout, Parking and Servicing, ST13 – Refuse). H17 – Flat Conversions CD18 – Extensions T12 – Parking Standards ENV24 and ENV25– Waste Management and Recycling. Replacement UDP (2006). Policy 14 – Parking and Traffic Restraint Policy 15 – Additional Housing Policy 17 – Flat Conversions Policy 31a - Community Safety and Designing Out Crime Policy 33 – Alterations and Extensions Policy 50 – Waste. 6.1.3 The current up to date statement of the Council's planning policies is

contained in the Replacement Lambeth UDP. This is now at an advanced stage in the process of adoption. Proposed Modifications were placed on deposit ending on 1 December 2006. The Council's Cabinet, in approving the Proposed Modifications recommended that: "The Proposed Modifications, together with the unaltered parts of the Replacement UDP, are approved for use for development control purposes".

6.1.4 Considerable weight can now therefore be attached to policies which were not subject to objection at the Proposed Modifications stage and those that were recommended by the Inspector.

Status of Policy 17 - House Conversions

6.1.5 In view of the objections to the changes to Policy 17 proposed by the Council in the Proposed Modifications beyond those specifically recommended by the UDP Inspector, Policy 17 should only applied as specifically recommended by the Inspector.

6.2. Land Use

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Policies H1 (Housing Provision) and H17 (Flat Conversions) of the Adopted UDP and Policy 15 (Additional Housing) and Policy 17 (Flat Conversions) of the Replacement UDP are relevant with regards to conversions.

Suitability for Conversion: The current authorised use of the property is as a

single-family dwelling house. The creation of 3 flats would provide additional residential accommodation. This is compliant with Policy H1 of the Adopted UDP and Policy 15 of the Replacement UDP.

Policy H17 of the AUDP and Policy 17 of the RUDP are generally supportive of

conversion activity, but have the following objectives:

to protect the limited stock of small purpose built family dwellings; to ensure that conversions only take place in dwellings that are large

enough to be converted, to create an adequate mix of dwelling sizes within the Borough; and

to create a satisfactory standard of accommodation in respect of safeguarding the amenities of existing neighbours and prospective residents.

6.2.4 In respect to the first two objectives, Policy H17 of the AUDP states that

conversions will only be permitted where the original house exceeds two storeys in height and contains 6 or more habitable rooms (any extensions built in the previous five years are discounted). Policy 17 of the RUDP states that the conversion of dwellings into flats will be permitted where the property has an original, pre 1948 (un-extended) floor area of at least 120sqm. The UDP Inquiry Inspector supported the aims and objectives of Policy 17, in particular the principle of setting a 120m2 minimum threshold.

In this case, the property has a 3-storey original rear addition and contains 7

habitable rooms. It therefore meets the requirements of Policy H17 of AUDP. More importantly, the original size of this property is approximately 140m2. This is above the 120m2 conversion threshold and therefore it is compliant with this element of Policy 17 of the RUDP.

Dwelling Mix: Policy H17 of the Adopted UDP requires the provision of a 3-

bedroom, family sized unit in conversions with direct access to a garden. In this instance a 3- bed unit is provided at ground floor with direct access to the rear garden. This is acceptable in the context of Policy H17 of the Adopted UDP.

Policy 17 of the Replacement UDP requires the provision of a family-sized unit (2 or

more bedrooms) with direct access to a garden area. The scheme is therefore compliant with Policy 17 of the Replacement UDP also.

Both Policy H17 and Policy 17 require that a mix of unit sizes are provided. The

conversion would provide 1x3 bedroom and 2x2 bedrooms units. In the context of the above polices it is considered the proposal meets the criteria for dwelling mix.

Internal Layouts: Policy H17 of the AUDP requires that the proposed

accommodation complies with the room size standards and ceiling heights as laid out in SPG4. Policy 17 of the RUDP states that rooms should be of an appropriate size, with the supporting text indicating that they should have

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regard to relevant supplementary planning guidance. In this case all the rooms in the proposed conversion meet the standards set out in SPG4.

Part D of Policy 17 sets out a number of criteria which need to be considered when

assessing an application for a conversion to ensure an acceptable standard of accommodation for future residents is created. These criteria are:

noise transmission should be minimised through the handing and stacking of

similar types of rooms; they should, where practicable, be designed to be accessible to disabled

persons, unless the property has a lower ground floor level; shared corridor access should be safe, internal and convenient. Units should

be self-contained unless the policy on shared housing (Policy 18) is met;

where practical, secure cycle storage should be provided; where possible, rear gardens should be retained or provided, without

subdivision; room sizes should have regard to relevant supplementary planning guidance;

and plans should involve minimal intervention to the internal structure and plan

form of the building (especially for historic buildings), unless existing room divisions are excessively large and/ or incapable of effective conversions, and include full details of external alterations.

Overall, the unit is considered to provide an acceptable standard of accommodation.

The proposed accommodation is considered acceptable in terms of natural light, circulation and amenity.

Part D (i) requires that noise transmission be minimised through the handing and

stacking of similar types of room. Although not explicitly stated in the Policy, the Council’s Policy section confirm that the handing requirement refers to applications relating to the creation of two separate units on the same floor in the same building, and not to existing neighbouring properties. The reason for this is that the original party wall between properties is more substantial than newer internal partition walls, and more resistant to noise. The handing of rooms between the proposed development and its neighbours is not a consideration of Policy 17 of the AUDP.

In terms of noise transmission between the newly formed units, it is accepted that the

kitchen/living area of the first floor flat is directly above and below of the main bedroom of the ground floor flat and second floor/loft flat respectively. Similarly, the main bedroom of the first floor flat is directly above and below of the main living areas of the other flats.

Notwithstanding, when looked at individually the internal layouts of each flat comprise

a logical arrangement of the internal space that would offer liveable environments for future residents. Further to this, compliance with Building Regulations will ensure that adequate soundproofing is installed between the subdivided units so that noise transmission is minimised. Whilst this scheme may be construed as contrary to part D(i) of Policy 17, it is considered that there will be no material harm caused to the amenity of future occupiers, particularly when compliance with Building Regulations is achieved.

Part D(ii) of Policy 17 states that conversion schemes should, where practicable, be

designed to be accessible to disabled persons, unless the property has a

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lower ground floor level. In terms of this element of the policy, the applicant's Access Statement states “no implications are relevant regarding external access arrangements which remain as existing”. In this circumstance the actual stepped access to the property and the step down in level across the ground floor unit from the front to the back of the property is considered to make that unit impractical for wheel chair users. However, the door and corridor widths of the ground floor unit would facilitate use for the partially mobile.

In conclusion, it is considered that the scheme will contribute to providing a range of

housing choices in terms of mix of housing sizes and types while taking account of the housing requirements of different groups of people. Overall, the units are considered to provide an acceptable standard of accommodation. The proposed accommodation is considered acceptable in terms of natural light, circulation and amenity. The scheme is therefore considered compliant with Policies H1 (Housing Provision) and H17 (Flat Conversions) of the Adopted UDP and Policy 15 (Additional Housing) and Policy 17 (Flat Conversions) of the Replacement UDP.

Design Issues 6.3.1 Policies H10 (Residential Design Standards) and CD18 (Extensions) of the

Adopted UDP and Policy 31a (Community Safety and Designing Out Crime) and Policy 33 (Alterations and Extensions) of the Replacement UDP are relevant with regards to extensions.

Policy CD18 states that extensions should be confined to the rear or least important

facades; should be in scale with the building and the space around it; and should respect the plan form, period, architectural characteristics, and detailing of the original building. Policy 33 states that extensions should generally be subordinate to the original building and should not harm the character, appearance or design features of existing buildings.

Section 6.4 of the Council's adopted residential Design Guidelines states that the

characteristic “L” shaped rear is characteristic of many period properties in Lambeth and that their infill with brick will not be acceptable. The guidance goes on to say that the enclosure by a transparent pitch-roofed conservatory may be considered where the character of the rear building would not be impaired; the buildings in original form would not be overpowered; the original profile would remain visible; and the extension would not undermine the group character of a row.

The extension is to be adjacent to the rear addition, projecting across to the

boundary with no. 54 and set some 3m away from the main part of the house creating a light well. The extension measures some 4.5m in depth, 1.8m in width and 3.1m in overall height. The structure has a glazed mono-pitched roof sloping away from the nib to a parapet of some 3m along the boundary. The rear extent of the extension is to be level with the rearwards projection of the 3 storey element of the original projecting addition (an original single storey projection to the rear of this has been demolished and replaced with the existing extension which projects out a further 4m in depth).

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The siting, size, and design of the proposed single storey infill extension is considered appropriate in this location, and would not detract from the appearance of the subject building, or the character of the terrace. Other than the flank wall, the structure is predominantly glazed in nature. The brickwork will match the existing property whilst the glazing will provide visual contrast so as to visually retain the original profile of the three storey rear projecting addition and so as not to overpower the host building’s original form. It is therefore considered that the character of the rear of the building will not be impaired by reason of the addition proposed here.

It is considered that the development complies with Policies H10 (Residential Design

Standards) and CD18 (Extensions) of the Adopted UDP and Policy 33 (Alterations and Extensions) of the Replacement UDP in respect to design issues.

With respect to Policy 31a (Community Safety and Designing Out Crime), there is no

reason to suggest that the conversion will not provide safe and secure units for the intended residents, or that the development will be prejudicial to community safety.

6.4 Amenity Impact Policies H10 (Residential Design Standards - ST3 – Daylight and Sunlight, ST5 -

Privacy, ST13 Refuse Storage & Collection); H17 (Flat Conversions); and ENV24 and ENV25 (Waste Management and Recycling) of the Adopted UDP and Policies 17 (Flat Conversions), 33 (Alterations and Extensions) and 50 (Waste) of the Replacement UDP are relevant in this respect.

Given the single storey nature of the extension and that it does not project beyond

the level of the original three storey elements of the rear projecting additions of the terrace, it is considered that the bulk and design of the extension will not appear visually incongruous or overbearing when viewed from the rear of no. 54 Helix Road. It is accepted that the side extension will result in the boundary wall being raised to 3.1m. However, the bulk of the extension is situated some 2.5m from the main rear wall of the adjoining dwelling. Except for the wall, the rest of the extension is light weight in structure. It is believed that the adjoining windows facing directly into the application site are either a kitchen or a utility window. It is considered that there will be some increase in sense of enclosure, but insufficient to warrant a refusal.

In terms of use, an additional two residential units would mean that the building

would be used more intensively than its present single family dwelling use. However, the property is of sufficient size to accommodate three residential flats units and the room sizes comply or exceed the minimum SPG requirements. Any transmission of noise between properties should suitably be dealt with through necessary compliance with Building Regulations whilst there is no evidence to suggest that future residents will be a source of undue disturbance or nuisance. In any event, there are other legislative measures in place that would more appropriately deal with noise nuisance from the residences if and when it occurs.

Whilst it is accepted that some forms of residential uses such as houses in multiple

occupation (HMO’s) or hostel uses can create issues about over-concentration (given they tend to attract a more transient population), there is little material evidence to suggest that these flats would significantly

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contribute to a loss of community or increased noise disturbance. Furthermore, Government guidance is wholly supportive of mixed communities. The Government believes that it is important to help create mixed and inclusive communities, which offer a choice of housing and lifestyle. It does not accept that different types of housing and tenures make bad neighbours. Local planning authorities should encourage the development of mixed and balanced communities: they should ensure that new housing developments help to secure a better social mix by avoiding the creation of large areas of housing of similar characteristics.

The use of the roof of the existing extension as a terrace/roof garden for the first floor

flat raises concerns with regard to the potential of overlooking and loss of amenity to neighbouring properties. As well as, the potential adverse effects from an increase in noise and disturbance must be taken into account.

It should be noted that following a recent appeal decision, the applicant requests that

the Council does not impose any conditions restricting the use of the existing roof terrace proposed as part of the scheme. The appeal property was extended at the rear under permitted development rules, including the provision of a roof terrace above the extension (similar to the circumstances here). The Inspector had “regard to the works as lawful” and concluded that a condition to remove the balustrade and French door “not only fails to meet the policy or legal tests for imposition but also represents an inappropriate use of powers conferred by Section 70 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990”. The Inspector also concluded that “disputed condition 2 (preventing the use of the terrace) sought to prevent a lawful use of the roof terrace and, as such, represented an inappropriate exercise of the power to impose conditions under Section 70 of the 1990 Act”. That appeal was at 82 Dalberg Road.

The Council are currently challenging the appeal decision at Dalberg Road on

grounds that the Inspector had erred in law by stating that it is unlawful to impose the conditions requiring the removal of a lawful structure (i.e. railings) and restrict the use of a lawful terrace. However, the Council are in the early stages of the challenge and until such time as a resolution has been obtained it is considered reasonable to continue to impose such conditions where it is considered that the actual use of the roof terrace will cause an increased material harm to the amenity of adjoining occupiers by reason of the change of use of the property. Moreover, any such conditions should be deemed reasonable and necessary in the context of the development proposal under consideration.

Notwithstanding, it is not recommended in this circumstance that such conditions

should be imposed. Although the proposal would result in some loss of privacy, particularly to the neighbour at no. 58, the extent of overlooking would be similar to that which would occur if the property was in use as a dwelling house. It is accepted that because the terrace would be the sole amenity area for the first floor flat it could be used more frequently. However, due to the size of the flat it would likely be used by a lesser number of people, and such use would be unlikely to have a significant impact on the privacy and amenity of the occupants of neighbouring dwellings by comparison with its use as part of a 5 bedroom dwelling house. Given that the roof terrace was in place prior to the submission of the application proposal to the Council, a condition to restrict the use of the balcony in order to safeguard the living conditions of the occupants of the ground floor flat and adjoining properties is considered neither reasonable nor necessary in this circumstance.

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The recommendation to omit the conditions relating to restricting the use of the

balcony are reflective of the recent appeal decision at 82 Dalberg Road, and another appeal decision relating to 91 Kingswood Road, both of which were upheld. In the Dalberg Road decision the Inspector found the Council’s argument that overlooking from a terrace serving a single flat would be more harmful to residential amenity than overlooking from a terrace serving a single family dwelling to be “unconvincing”. In the Inspectors view there would have been little to choose between the two situations. In the Kingswood Road decision, the Inspector concluded that “due to the size of the flat it would likely be used by a lesser number of people, and such use would be unlikely to have a significant impact on the privacy and amenity of the occupants of neighbouring dwellings by comparison with its use as part of a 4 bedroom dwelling house”.

The circumstances of those appeal sites are very similar to the circumstances on site

here. Those appeal decisions therefore constitute material planning considerations of significant weight. It is therefore considered that the omission of such conditions would not conflict with current planning policy.

The above mentioned appeal decisions will be forwarded to members prior to the

date of the committee. Refuse storage provision is not shown. There is however an area of sufficient size for

the refuse storage needs of the new units to the front of the property. Such front garden storage is not an uncommon arrangement for Helix Road. The provision should be secured through condition.

It is therefore considered that subject to compliance with certain imposed conditions,

the development will have no unacceptable impact upon the amenity or privacy of neighbouring residents’ properties. The development is therefore compliant with Policies H10 (Residential Design Standards - ST3 – Daylight and Sunlight, ST5 - Privacy, ST13 Refuse Storage & Collection); H17 (Flat Conversions); CD18 (Extensions); and ENV24 and ENV25 (Waste Management and Recycling) of the Adopted UDP and Policies 17 (Flat Conversions), 33 (Alterations and Extensions) and 50 (Waste) of the Replacement UDP in respect to amenity issues.

6.5 Highways and Transportation Issues An officer site visit was undertaken on 16th August 2006 that identified parking stress

levels of 52% on Helix Road. Given the observations of that site visit, it is considered that there is sufficient parking capacity in the area to accommodate any residential vehicles associated with this development. In this respect the Highways Authority raises no objection to the scheme.

It is therefore considered that the proposed conversion, in terms of highways and

transportation issues, would comply with Policies H10 – ST11; H17; T12 and T17 of the Adopted UDP and Policies 9, 14 and 17 of the Replacement UDP.

7 Conclusion

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The principle of converting the property to provide self-contained flats is considered to be acceptable in land use terms. The scheme would result in an acceptable standard of accommodation, and would provide additional residential units of which there is a continuing need within the Borough. The proposed single storey extension is considered to be acceptable in both amenity and design respects and there would be no unacceptable impact as a result of the development upon the surrounding highway network.

The development is compliant with Policies set out in the AUDP and the RUDP and

there are no material considerations of sufficient weight to dictate that the application should be refused.

8 Recommendation 8.1 It is recommended that Conditional Planning Permission should be granted.

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Summary of Reasons: In deciding to grant planning permission, the Council has had regard to the relevant policies of the Development Plan and all other relevant material considerations. Having weighed the merits of the proposal in the context of these issues, it is considered that planning permission should be granted subject to the conditions listed below. In reaching this decision the following policies were relevant:Adopted Unitary Development Plan (1998) Policies:Policy H1 (Housing Provision); H10 (Residential Development Standards); H17 (Flat Conversions); CD18 (Extensions); T12 (Parking Standards); T17 (Transport Impact of Development Proposals); and ENV24 and ENV25 (Waste Management and Recycling).Replacement Unitary Development Plan (2006) Policies:9 (Transport Impact); 14 (Parking and traffic restraint); 15 (Additional Housing); 17 (Flat Conversions); 31a (Community Safety and Designing Out Crime); 33 (Alterations and Extensions); and 50 (Waste). 1 The development to which this permission relates must be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning from the date of this decision notice.Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. 2 Samples and a schedule of materials to be used in the elevations of the extension hereby permitted shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before any building work commences and this condition shall apply notwithstanding any indications as to these matters which have been given in the application. The development shall thereafter be carried out solely in accordance with the approved details.Reason: To safeguard and enhance the visual amenities of the locality. (Policies CD18 of the adopted Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (1998) and Policy 33 of the Replacement Unitary Development Plan (2006)). 3 Refuse storage and recycling facilities for the residential units hereby permitted shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the London Borough of Lambeth's 'Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements: Guidance for Architects and Developers' (May 2006) prior to the residential occupation of the building and shall thereafter be retained as such for the duration of the permitted use, unless the prior written approval is obtained from the Local Planning Authority for any variations.Reason: To ensure that adequate provision is made for the storage of refuse and recycling on the site, in the interests of the amenities of the area (Policies H17, ENV24 and ENV25 of the adopted Lambeth Unitary Development Plan (1998) and policies 9, 17, 32 and 50 of the Replacement Unitary Development Plan (2006)). Notes to Applicants: 1 This decision letter does not convey an approval or consent which may be required under any enactment, by-law, order or regulation, other than Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 Your attention is drawn to the provisions of the Building Regulations, and

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related legislation which must be complied with to the satisfaction of the Council's Building Control Officer. 3 Your attention is drawn to the need to comply with the requirements of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 concerning construction site noise and in this respect you are advised to contact the Council's Environmental Health Division. 4 As soon as building work starts on the development, you must contact the Street Naming and Numbering Officer if you need to do the following- name a new street- name a new or existing building- apply new street numbers to a new or existing buildingThis will ensure that any changes are agreed with Lambeth Council before use, in accordance with the London Buildings Acts (Amendment) Act 1939 and the Local Government Act 1985. Although it is not essential, we also advise you to contact the Street Naming and Numbering Officer before applying new names or numbers to internal flats or units. Contact details are listed below.Rachel HarrisonStreet Naming and Numbering Officere-mail: [email protected]: 020 - 7926 2283fax: 020 7926 9131 5 You are advised of the necessity to consult the Council's Streetcare team within the Public Protection Division with regard to the provision of refuse storage and collection facilities 6 The London Borough of Lambeth's 'Waste and Recycling Storage and Collection Requirements: Guidance for Architects and Developers' (May 2006) is available on the planning pages of the Council's website:http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/NR/rdonlyres/A80052DE-AD40-4C17-B1C4-F26428B7F121/0/GuidanceForArchitects.pdf 7 You are advised of the necessity to consult the Council's Highways team prior to the commencement of construction on 020 7926 9000 in order to obtain necessary approvals and licences prior to undertaking any works within the Public Highway including Scaffolding, Temporary/Permanent Crossovers, Oversailing/Undersailing of the Highway, Drainage/Sewer Connections, Hoarding, Excavations (including adjacent to the highway such as basements, etc), Temporary Full/Part Road Closures, Craneage Licences etc.