Log book final

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Structural Elements: The design of a structure element is based on the loads to be carried, the material used and the form and shape chosen for the element.


Slender element design to carry load parallel to its long

axis. The load produces compression. Ex:Columns


Slender element design to carry load parallel to its long axis.

The load produces tension. Ex: Cables


A wide horizontal element designed to carry verti-

cal load in bending usually supported by beams.


A deep vertical element designed to carry vertical or horizontal



Generally a horizontal element assigned to carry vertical

load using its bending resistance.

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Footings and Foundations:

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Mass Construction:

Mass materials:

These are materials which are strong on compres-

sion but weak in tension. Some mass materials with

its characteristic properties.

Mass construction can be:

Modular-Clay or mud brick, concrete block , ashlar stone.

Non Modular-Concrete, pyramid caste, monolithic stones.


Hard and resist abrasion (scratching and blasting).


Mud brick are high in compressive strength.


Bricks which have good thermal mass.


Very durable.

Source”google.com Source:google.com


Picture source: goolge.com

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Masonry: The properties of units are to built the whole element.

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A standard size masonry unit made out

of clay.

Its proportions may vary slightly de-

pending on the types and countries but

it will always be a hand size unit.

Clay Bricks-Provenance:

They are manufactured from clay

or shale which is shaped and then

hardened by a firing process in a


Three types:

Extruded and wire cut

Machined molded

Handmade (convict made)

Clay is a natural material so there is

a wide variation in the colour of


Clay bricks-Uses:

As one of the oldest building materials,

the uses are very broad. Main uses to-

day include walls,arches and pavings.

Arrangements of different bond


Concrete Blocks:

Standard size masonry unit made out of


Large range of sizes and proportions

available for different purposes.

Common Australian concrete block–

390 mm long,90 mm wide,190 mm high

and 11 kg.


Can be hollow on solid styles

Can be Load bearing (CMU-

concrete masonry unit) or non load


Concrete blocks are made from cement,

sand gravel and water.

Concrete blocks-Uses:

Construction of walls both load

bearing structural and non-load

bearing (dividing and decorative


To provide greater structural re-

sistance to lateral loads, concrete

masonry units are often strengthen

with steel reinforcing bars and then

filled with grout.


Elements and units:

Monolithic (Not used very commonly

these days-difficult to transport)

Ashlar– When stones are carved into

smaller units.

Rubble– When stones are used as they

are found with very little carvings.






Feature design elements.

Types of Stones:

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Clay brick—Joints:

Mortar joints are usually 10 mm (vertical

joints are called perpend and horizontal

joints are called bed joints.

Range of joints Finishing profiles which are

selected depending on the type of bricks,

weather exposure and aesthetics .

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Ist part of the

section. Abbreviation


Scale of the


Names of

the people


Description and the

name of the archi-

tectural firm.

Orientation , ten-

der and the draw-

ing title.

IInd part of the


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Description of

tender and



This box names the project

architect, director and the co

-ordinate. It has also got the

date and scale .

Orientation of the

building .

Name of the architectural

firm along with the address

and contact information.

Scale of the plan, which is 1:100 in A1 in the

original copy but our copies of the plan are

in A2 thus the scale becomes 1:200.

The scale represents the actual ground size

versus the virtual size on the plan. This com-

parison helps to ease the workability of the

planning in a much smaller state of the ac-

tual real size structure.

This box shows the names of the

consultants, engineers and the


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This illustration shows the point where

the section of the plan. It also shows the

direction at which the viewer is seeing

the section.

These are the grid lines for referencing in

different sets of plans and drawings.

The distance and measurements of

the plan.

Structural wall.

The cloudy illustration on the

plan shows the specific in-

struction given for that par-

ticular area of the plan.

Room name and

also the level of

the floor is men-

tioned. The fin-

ished floor level


This illustration

represents the

door. It also gives

us information

about the door

number and the

room it leads to.

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1 part cement (Portland or lime)

2 parts Fine aggregates (sand)

4 parts Coarse aggregates (Crushed rock)

0.4-0.5 parts water


It takes place when water is added to cement releasing heat. During this process crystals are formed that binds the compo-nents of concrete.

If too much water is added, the final concrete will not be strong enough.

If too little, it will not be worka-ble enough.


Concrete is fluid and shapeless before it hardens, it can be formed into shape we desire.

Source: http://fasconcrete.com/


Formwork is the temporary sup-

port to hold the concrete until it

becomes hard.

It can be built INSITU (at the site)

or at the factory (PRE-CAST).

During curing process, the form-

work is supported using props and


It takes 28 days for concrete to get

its required strength and that is

when the formwork is removed.

Concrete reinforcement:

Concrete is strong in compression

but weak in tension. To improve its

structural performance, steel which

is strong in tension is added. This is

called reinforced concrete.


Any concrete element that has

been poured into formwork and

cured on the building site.

This process include assembly of

formwork, reinforcement, the

pouring, vibration and the curing

of the concrete.



Retaining walls

All bespoke (non-standard)

structural elements.


Both joints are potential weak points and

must be ensured that it is detailed ap-

propriately, especially in terms of water

and moisture control.

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Any concrete element that has been fabricated

in a controlled environment and thus transport-

ed to site for installation.

Ensures more standardized outcome that

avoids many of the quality control issues associ-

ated with in situ concrete.

It also allows work on site to progress at a much

faster rate.


Retaining walls

Walls (non load bearing)


Source: http://www.mcentirerentalproperties.com/precast-



Both joints depend on the desired aesthetic out-


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Span is the distance measured between two

structural supports.

Span can be measured between vertical supports

(for a horizontal member) or between horizontal

supports (for a vertical member).

Span is not necessarily the same as the length of

a member.


Spacing is the repeating distance between a se-

ries of like or similar elements.

Pacing is often associated with supporting ele-

ments (such as beams, columns) and can be

measured horizontally and vertically.

Spacing is generally measured centre-line to cen-

tre –line.


A beam is a horizontal structural element.

The function of a beam is to carry loads along the

length of the beam and transfer these loads to the

vertical supports.

A beam can be:

Supported at both ends of the beam

Supported at numerous points along the length of

the beam

Supported at points away from the ends of the

beam, creating overhangs/cantilevers beyond the


Supported at only one end of the beam, these

beams are called cantilevers.


A cantilever is created when a structural element is

supported at only one end (or the overhanging por-

tions of a member are significant).

The function of

a cantilever is to

carry loads

along the length

of the member

and transfer

these loads to

the support.

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Measurement and

span of the basement.

Non-structural ele-

ments of the base-


Part of the basement

for making the model.

Doors within the structural el-

ements had to be considered

Basement plan for model making:

Scale : 1:200

Scale: 1;20


for the model.

Grid lines.

Concrete wall

thickness– 1 cm.

Floor plan for the model.

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Section of the Basement and first floor:







block wall

Concrete floor Non structural elements.

Height of the ground

floor– 12 cm in the


Height of the first

floor— 16 cm in the


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Wall, grids and columns:

1.Structural frames:

Concrete frames:

This frame system typically uses a grid of col-

umns with concrete beams connecting the col-

umns together.

Steel frames:

This frame system typically uses a grid of steel

columns connected to steel girders and beams.

Timber frames:

This frame system uses grid of timber post or pole

connected to beams.

There are bracing members included.

2.Load bearing walls:


Concrete walls can be

achieved using either in

situ or pre-cast elements.

Reinforced Mason-


Constructed from core

filled hollow concrete

blocks or grout filled

cavity masonry.

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Solid Masonry:

It can be created with single or multiple skins

of concrete masonry units or clay bricks.

Cavity masonry:

Formed from two skins of masonry.

3.Stud framing:

Metals and timber stud framed walls use

smaller sections of framing timber or light

gauge framing steel to meet the structural

Demands of the construction.

Brick Veneer construction:

It uses a combination of 1 skin of non-structural

masonry and 1 skin of structural frame wall.

Source: https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/toolbox/buildright/


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Structural nature of wood:

Grain direction—determines the structural perfor-

mance of the wood

Stronger and stiffer when parallel to grain.

Weaker when perpendicular to grain.


To adjust moisture from timber to provide stability to

the wood. Moist timber tends to bend and crack over

time thus, to prevent this, seasoning is done.

Air seasoning:

Cheap but slow

Takes about 6 months– 2 years.

Kiln seasoning:

20-40 hours to dry 12%

Solar seasoning:

Less expensive to run.

Source: http://learning.covcollege.ac.uk/content/citycol/


Source: http://learning.covcollege.ac.uk/content/citycol/

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Conifer species (Hoop pine, douglar fir)

Most of it is evergreen.

Lighter in colour.


Eucalyptus species (Brown box , Victorian ash)

Darker in colour

Green sawing:

Quarter sawn:


Best grain shows on face

Good wearing surface for floors and furniture.

Radial faced preferred for coating.

Lower width shrinkage on drying.


Slower seasoning

Nailing on the face more prone to splitting.

Source: http://www.boeingconsult.com/tafe/mat/Timber/


Back sawn:


Season more rapidly

Less prone to splitting when nailing

Wide sections possible.


Shrink more across width when drying

More likely to wrap and cup

Collapse timber more difficult to recondition.



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Radial Sawn:


Dimensional stability

Less prone to warping, cupping

Less wastage in milling


Wedge shaped cross section

More difficult to detail

more difficult to stack.

Timber Properties :

Source: http://

Timber considerations:

Knots—weak points / cause slope of grain.

Durability - Protection against water related

damage such as fungal attack, swelling and

shrinkage. Exposure to water is to be avoided

and painting is also an effective method.

Timber should also be protected from sunlight

which may cause excessive drying. From insects

such as termites by using chemicals.

Timber –specifying and handling:


Strength grade

Moisture content

Species of wood



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For the concrete walls , in

the model cardboard and

balsa wood was employed

to give the model a more

or less accurate thickness

of the concrete walls in

1:20 scale model.

The doors were cut out using

steel blades to the correct


Sticky tapes were used to

hold the cardboard walls

intact to the floor of the


Initial stage:

The oval pavilion model of the basement:

Combination of balsa

wood and cardboard can

be observed.

This combination was done

to provide the more or less

the correct thickness of

the wall.

For the bottom supporting lay-

er a thick and strong cardboard

piece was used.

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Building the ground floor:

For the beams , balsa wood

finely cut into correct dimen-

sion were employed .

The joints where the

beams met the col-

umns were connect-

ed by sticky tape.

The joists which rested on top

of the beam on one side and

hung on the other side were

made by balsa wood cut into

correct dimensions too.

For the wall which sepa-

rated the rooms, a card-

board piece was em-


For the floor of the

ground floor, cardboard

cut into correct dimen-

sion was employed.

This column does not

exist in the building plan

but put there to support

the upper floor as our

model did not cover the

entire basement which

had the supporting

structural elements.

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The final stage:

The ground floor which was

made of several columns,

beams , joist and bearers had

these structural members

were connected by several

types of joints and connec-

tions. And in the model we

could not do justice to actual

representation in our models.

The final model also could

not produce the replica of

the actual building because

it did not have the Brick ties

to hold the bricks and cavity

flashings present in the

building as too much atten-

tion into details were not


The load path diagram

of the structural ele-

ment in the ground

floor of the building.

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Roofing Strategies and systems:

Concrete roofs:

Generally flat plates of reinforced concrete.

Applicable in roof gardens, car parks and fire


Structural steel framed roofs:

Flat roofs:

It consist of a combination of primary and second-

ary Roof beams for heavier roof finishes such as

metal deck/concrete; or roof beams and purlins

for lighter sheet metal roofing.

Sloping roof:

It is a structural steel roof which consist of roof

beams and purlins and lighter sheet metal roofing.

Source: http://www.greenspec.co.uk/building-design/

Source: http://jnmingdu.com/pergola-

Portal frames:

It consist of a series of braced rigid frames (two col-

umn and a beam ) with purlins for the roof and girts

for the walls. The walls and roof are usually finished

with sheet metal.

Light framed roofs:

Gable roofs:

These are characterized by a vertical triangular sec-

tion of wall at one or both ends of the roof.

The roof consists of common rafters. Ridge beams

and ceiling joists. Where the roof overhangs the ga-

ble and wall outriggers are used.

Materials used are timber, cold-formed steel sec-

tions ( and also sometimes heavier steel (UB or PFC)

for ma- jor


Source: http://www.fao.org/docrep/s1250e/s1250e0f.htm

Source: http://www.renovation-


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Hip roofs:

These are characterized by a vertical, triangular

section of wall at one or both ends of the roof.

The roof consist of common rafters, hip rafters,

valley rafters, jack rafters, ridge beams and ceiling


Materials: timber, cold formed steel sections.

Trussed roofs:

These roofs are framed roofs constructed from a

series of open web type steel or timber elements.

Members are fixed together to form efficient ele-

ments able to span long distances.

Shape and material determined by roofing materi-

al selected and functional requirements of the


Source: http://www.thebuildingblox.com/roof-dormer-


Steel trusses are generally fabricated by welding or

bolting structural angles and tees together to form

the triangulated framework

Because of the slenderness of these truss members,

connections usually require the use of steel gusset

and plates. Heavier steel trusses may utilize wide-

flange shapes and structural tubing.

Wood trusses are assembled by layering multiple

members and joining them at the panel points with

split-ring connectors.

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Ferrous Metals:

Iron is the 4th most common element in the world.

Relatively cheaper than other metals. Core element

of many alloy materials.

Distinctive properties:

Very reactive chemically (easily corrode through rusting)

Good compressive strength.

Magnetic in nature.


Wrought iron: Widely used in bars for windows and doors and for decorative elements. Still use today but expensive as it is labour intensive.

Cast Iron: Formed when iron is melted and mol-ten metal is poured into moulds to cool. High in compressive strength. Very rarely used in con-struction due to its weight and brittleness.

Non-ferrous metals:

These metals are less likely to react with oxygen (to oxide). They are generally more expensive (Less common) and are of superior working qualities.


Very light metal. Non magnetic in nature. Core ele-ment of many alloys.

It is used for making window frames, door handles , cladding panels.


Reddish with a bright metallic lustre in colour. It is very malleable and ductile. It is also a good conduc-tor of electricity.

Traditionally used as roofing material, hot and cold water pipeworks and electric cabling


Important parent material of brass. It is a bluish-

white lustrous metal. It is brittle at ambient tempera-

tures but is malleable at 100 to 150 o C. It is also a

reasonable conductor of electricity.

It is used to galvanize iron or steel to protect it from

rusting and corrosion. Thus, helps other materials in

becoming an important roofing material. It is also

used on its own as a cladding material for both roofs

and walls.


Bluish-white lustrous metal. It is very soft, highly mal-

leable, ductile, and a relatively poor conductor of

electricity. It is very resistant to corrosion but tanish

upon exposure to air.

Less commonly used today because of its toxicity. If

used, it is used in roofs, cornices, tank linings and

flashings strips for water proofing.


It is know for its excellent corrosion resistance and for

its high strength to weight ratio. It is strong,light, easi-

ly fabricated.

It is used in strong light-weight alloys, making an

attractive and durable cladding material, though, it is

very expensive.


Silvery white metal, is malleable , somewhat ductile

and has highly crystalline structure.

Rarely used today because of its toxicity. Used in lead

pipes and occasionally as a protective covering

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Alloy of iron ,carbon, manganese, chromium,

boron and titanium.

It is very strong and resistance to fracture.

Transfers heat and electricity.

Can be formed into many different shapes.

Long lasting and resistance to wear,

Structural steel is used for framing (columns,

beams, purlins and stud frames). The main


1. Hot rolled steel—elements are shaped

while metal is still hot. Generally used for

primary structural elements– often protect-

ed from rusting and corrosion by coating–

joints are welded and bolted.

2. Cold formed steel– Elements are folded

from sheets that have been previously pro-

duced and cooled down. Used in secondary

structure—protected by hot dip process-

es—joints are bolted or screwed.

3. Reinforcing bars– due to its good tensile

strength , steel is used in conjunction with

concrete to produce reinforced concrete.

Steel sheeting is used in cladding and roofing

and must be protected from weather exposure.

Stainless steel alloys is obtained when chromi-

um is added to the steel making mixture. It is

rarely used as primary structure due to cost. It

is generally used in harsh environments or spe-

cific inert finishes are required. Wall ties in cavi-

ty walls are often made from stainless steel due

to its corrosion resistance.


It is an alloy of copper and tin. It is corrosion resistant and

is very hard.

It is used for bearings, clips, electrical connectors and

springs. It is alos used in engineering and marine applica-



It is an alloy of copper and zinc. Brass is malleable and has

a relatively low melting point and is easy to cast.

Brass parts are tough and typically used in elements

where friction is required such as locks, gears, screws ,

valves. It is also commonly found in fittings.

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Detailing for moisture:

Strategies to prevent water from penetrating

into a building:

Remove openings

Keep water away from openings

Neutralize the forces that move water.


It has two elements:

Planned elements such as windows, door,


Unplanned openings due to poor construc-

tion workmanship, deterioration of materi-

als over time.

To remove openings and prevent water entering inside

the buildings techniques of

Inserting sealants (eg silicon)

And gaskets (eg artificial rubber) are used.

Both of these techniques rely heavily on correct installa-

tion and will deteriorate over time.

Keep water away from openings:

The most commonly used strategy to keep water out.

This method relies on directly keeping out water from all

potential openings by:

Grading (sloping) roofs which have gutters to collect

water then discharging into downpipes and storm

water systems.

Overlapping cladding and roofing elements (eg:

weatherboards and roof tiles)

Sloping window and door sills and roof/wall flash-


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Neutralizing the forces that move water:

The forces that moves water are:


Surface tension and capillary action


Air pressure differential


Slopes and overlaps are employed to carry water


Surface tension and capillary action strategies:

Uses drip or a break between surfaces to prevent

water clinging to the underside of surfaces (window

sill or parapet capping).

These gaps and breaks prevent water into the

building because the surface tension is broken

Source: http://www.cityplastics.com.au/product-

Source: http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/parapet-



To stop movement of water into the building by

wind ,the gaps are often constructed in more com-

plex labyrinth shapes.

Air pressure differential strategies:

If water is able to get through the labyrinth struc-

ture , it is because of the pressure difference.

An air barrier is introduced to the internal side of the

labyrinth to stop the water being pumped inside by


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Detailing for heat:

Controlling heat:

Heat is conducted through the building enve-


The building and its elements are subjected to

radiant heat sources.

Thermal mass is used to regulate the flow of

heat in the building envelope.

Effective control of heat helps save energy, mon-

ey and increase in comfort for the occupants.


Thermal insulation to reduce heat conduction.

Thermal breaks made to reduce heat transfer

from the outside to inside or vice-versa.

Double glazing or triple glazing to provide air

spaces between glasses to reduce flow of


Source: http://www.macedonrangesglass.com.au/double


Controlling radiation:

Reflective surfaces to reduce building elements

from becoming warm/hot by using low-e glass.

Shading systems like verandahs ,eaves, solar

shelves, blinds , screens and vegetation to pre-

vent radiation striking the building envelope.

Controlling air leakage:

The principle of airtight detailing is similar to water-

tight detailing.

Strategies to stop air leakage:

Eliminating an opening

Wrapping the building in polyethylene or foil

sarking to provide an air barrier.

Weather stripping around doors and windows

and other openings.

Source: http://www.coltinfo.com.au/sun-shelf-systems.html

Source: http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/W/


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Applied on surfaces to protect a particular ele-

ment and also provides aesthetic value.

Clear paints are called lacquers or varnishes.


Binder– Film-forming component

(polyesters , resins)

Diluents– Dissolves paint and adjusts its vis-

cosity (alcohol ,ketones , petroleum)

Pigment– gives the colour of the paint



Oil based:

Used prior to plastic paints

High gloss finishes

Not water soluble

Water based:

Most common today

Durable and flexible


Made from elements such as C,Si,H,O2,Cl by

chemical reactions.


Thermoplastics- moldable when heated and be-

comes solid again when cooled. Can be recy-

cled. Eg: PVC, Vinyl, Polyethylene.

Thermosetting plastics– Can be shaped only

once. Eg: Lamixes used for finishing surfaces,

Polystyrene mostly used in insulation panels.

Elastomers (synthetic rubber)- EPDM, Neo-

prene and silicone.


Degrade when exposed to sunlight.

To be maintained thoroughly.


It can be naturally sapped from rubber trees

and it can also be synthesized in laboratories.






Hosing and piping


EPDM– mainly used in gaskets and con-

trol joints

Neoprene– Used in control joints

Silicone –Seals.


Weather damage especially by sunlight

which can degrade the material.

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1:1 scale detail drawing:

Two layers of


Concrete floor

Concrete block


Brick tie.

Masonry wall

Cavity flashing

Lighting strip.

Translucent plastic

Weep hole for the

passage of mois-

ture from the


Brick layers pushed down for

aesthetic purpose.

Layer of insulation.

Section—service area

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Building openings:

Doors and doorways:

Doors and doorways provide access from outside

into interior of a building as well as passage be-

tween interior spaces.

Exterior doors should provide weather tight seals

when closed and maintain the approximate ther-

mal insulation value of the exterior walls they


Source: http://blog.kevineikenberry.com/communication/



Windows are important aspect of the openings of a

building. Nor only does it affect its physical appear-

ance but also the natural lighting, ventilation, view

potential and spatial qualities.

Window frames should also have low thermal con-

ductivity or be constructed to interrupt the flow of

heat. Window glazing should retard the transmission

of heat and control solar radiation glare.

Source: http://absurdwordpreferred.deviantart.com/art/


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Face glazing:

At glazier points , small glass panes are set in rab-

beted frame which is sealed by putty or glazing


Wet glazing:

Setting of glass in a window frame with glazing

tape or a liquid sealant.

Dry glazing:

Setting of glass in a window frame with a com-

pression gasket instead of glazing tape or liquid


Structural gaskets:

Secures glass pane or unit in a window frame using

synthetic rubber or other elastomeric material.

Double glazing vs triple glazing:

Double glazed windows consist of two panes (one gas

layer) and triple glazed windows have three panes

(and two gas layers).

Advantages of double glazed windows:

It is more economical than triple glazing.

They weigh less than triple glazing.

Size does not matter too much as compared to

triple glazing.

Advantages of triple glazing:

Condensation is reduced which means more hu-

midity during winter.

It reduces drafts, leaks and overall energy cost. It

also absorb and release solar heat within the


Noise is greatly reduced.

Source: https://courses.cit.cornell.edu/arch262/notes/11b.html

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Moment of inertia:

Moment of inertia is the sum of products of each

element of an area and the square of its distance

from a coplanar axis off rotation.

It is a geometric property that indicates how cross-

sectional area of a structural membrane is distrib-

uted and does not reflect the intrinsic physical

properties of a material.

Bending stress:

It is the combination of compressive force and ten-

sion stresses developed at a cross section of a

structural membrane to resist a transverse force

having a maximum value at the surface furthest

from the neutral axis.



Formers– any chemical compound that can be

melted and cooled into glass. Eg: silica

Fluxes– It helps formers melt at a lower and

more practical temperatures. A catalyst .eg:

soda ash

Stabilizers– combines with formers and fluxes

to keep finished glass from dissolving or crum-



Flat glass (sheets of clear tinted float, laminat-

ed, tempered, wired)

Shaped glass (curved, blocks, channels, tubes,


Float glass types:

Clear float glass (annealed glass): The simplest

and cheapest glass product. Low cost and low


Laminated glass: Tough interlayer (PVB) is bond-

ed together between two glass panels. Improves

security and safety of the glass.

Tempered glass: Produced by heating annealed

glass to approximately 650 C which is rapidly

cooled in high compression. Toughened glass ide-

al to used in exposed situations.

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Week 9:

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Site on top of the building. New sto-

reys being build for lawyer’s cham-


Crane on top the building

to pull up materials for

the construction site.

Trucks carry the material

for the construction site.

The cables of the crane

in tension whilst carry-

ing the load up.

Construction workers

helping to load the mate-

rials for the crane to lift it

up on site.

A personal working separately for man-

aging the traffic while loading the crane


Building around 40 storeys high. The

bottom of the building requires less

time to complete than the upper part

of the building because of the ease of

movement of the materials.

Page 50: Log book final

This structure protrudes out

which then hangs like a cantile-

ver. The purpose of this structure

is to help with the unloading of

the materials on the upper floors

which cannot be done by man

power so it is dropped on the

site by the crane from the top.

Lever to push out the structure

to receive the materials.

This structure is also strategically place on the con-

struction site which requires a lot of planning. It is

placed on the side of the building which is going to be

constructed and finished off last.

The crane on the top most floor is operated

by a person. There are two types of cranes

either run by diesel or by electricity .This one

on the site is powered by diesel . The ad-

vantage of having a diesel crane is that it is

more economical as it is cheaper than the

electrical one , may be more powerful . The

advantage of an electrical crane is that it is

environmentally friendly and much quitter,

the engine.

Temporary scaffolding to support the

structure and also to provide access

to the site .

Page 51: Log book final

These material id added to pro-

vide a better acoustic barrier to

the rooms. The client had spe-

cifically asked for it.

This is the fire-proofing board

employed in the roof which

has a fire ratings of 20-30


This blue board is the oppo-

site of the red board which

is water resistant board.

This is employed in the


These marking on the floor

marks the point of the pas-

sage certain mechanical sys-

tem directly on the roof

above it.

Slight elevation on the floor to disallow

flow of water from this area into the oth-

er parts.

Page 52: Log book final

Air conditioning system

inside the building.

Electrical wiring sytem.

Pipe for fire sprinkling sys-


These holes on the walls will

allow the passage of the air con-

ditioning system into the room

behind the wall. Not only it is

for the air conditioning system

but also for other mechanical


A mechanical box consisting of several

wire for several purposes. The me-

chanical systems cost the same or

sometimes even more than the struc-

tural system of the building.

Page 53: Log book final

This structure sup-

ports the crane all

the way from the

bottom floor.

This beam on

the upper floor

is what is keep-

ing the column

carrying the

crane still from


Self leveling cement applied to the

floor. The cement is mixed and just

poured, the cement then levels itself

on its own.

The glass face of

the building.

The load path diagram on one

of the structural elements in the

site. Some parts are modified

and adjusted from its original


Page 54: Log book final


These materials are created by two or more indi-

vidual materials combined together and are still


The materials combined should differ in composi-

tion and form, remain bonded and also retain their

identities and properties to provide a better char-

acteristic than in their original form.


Fibrous—products containing discontinuous or

continuous fibers.

Laminar– Sandwich panels

Particulate- Gravel and resins

Hybrid– combination of two or more compo-

site types.


Fiber Reinforced cement (FRC):

It is composed of cellulose (or glass) fibres, Portland

cement, sand and water.

It is used in cladding walls, floor panels since it is in

form of sheets and broads. Also shaped as pipes and

roof tiles.

It is economical since it is fire ,water and termite re-

sistance and aslo very durable.

Fiber glass:

It is composed of epoxy resins and glass fibers.

Its flat and profiled form is used for transparent or

translucent roof/wall cladding. Its preformed shaped

products for water tanks ,baths and swimming polls.

It is lightweight, weatherproof, fire resistant and very

strong material.

Source: http://civildigital.com/fiber-reinforced-concrete/

Source: http://sedonalandscapedesign.com/sedona-Source: http://www.mohandesanejavan.com/composite/

Source: http://www.cellecta.co.uk/acoustic-insulation-

Page 55: Log book final

Aluminiun sheet composites:

It is composed of aluminiun and plastic.

It is used a cladding material.

It is lightweight, less expensive, weather re-

sistance, unbreakable and shock resistance.

Timber composites:

It is made from the solid timber, engineered tim-

ber , galvanized pressed steel.

It is mainly used for floor joist ,roof rafters and


It is cost effective since it uses minimum materi-

als for maximum efficiency.

Source: http://stab-group.com/en/products/acpanels/

Source: http://www.wpcdeckingfloor.com/wpc-decking/

Fiber Reinforced polymers:

It is composed of plastics with timber, glass or car-

bon fibre.

It is mostly used for decking ,cladding and also

structural elements like columns and beams.

It is corrosion-resistance and has a very high

strength to weight ratio.

Source: http://mguadagnini.staff.shef.ac.uk/frp/frp.php

Page 56: Log book final

Joints and connections:

The manner in which forces are transferred from

one structural element to the next and how a struc-

tural system performs as a whole depend to a great

extend on the types of joints and connections used.

Pinned joints:

Theoretically allow ro-

tation but resist trans-

lation in any direction.

Rigid/fixed joints:

Maintain the angular relationship between the

joined elements, restrains rotation and translation

in any direction, and provide both force and mo-

ment resistance.

Roller joints:

Allow rotation but resist translation in a direction

perpendicular into or away from their faces.

Butt joints:

Bolt point connectors:

Bolted connections:

Welded steel connections:

Source: http://www.americanpoleandtimber.com/

Page 57: Log book final

WEEK : 10

Page 58: Log book final


(more prone to corrosion)




Structural steels

Cast iron






Stainless steel


(less prone to corrosion)


The diagram on the right shows how

prone metals are to corrosion.

Especially regards to construction of

a building , this table maybe referred

to. When building a roof and gutter

section , this table may be referred

to help the materials last longer by

preventing it from corrosion. The

down stream elements are more vul-

nerable to corrosion than the upper

part ,which means the gutter will be

more vulnerable than the roof.

Environmental friendly material:

Bamboos are one of the most environ-

mental friendly materials. It does not

cause pollution to the environment, it

does not get manufactured from facto-

ries thus does not require too much en-

ergy to produce. It also does not have

harmful effect on human health like

some materials like oil based paints may

have which releases fumes that is toxic.

PVC unlike bamboos require a lot of

energy to produce thus having very

high embodied energy.

Page 59: Log book final

Dynamic loads:

Dynamic load are applied to the building suddenly with radi-

cal change in intensity and magnitude. In order to withstand

failure from this load, a sounds structure must be built. Two

major dynamic loads are earthquake loads and wind loads.

Source: http://raisedfloorlivingpro.com/construction-


Wind load exerted any moving mass of air in

any horizontal direction.

The structure ,components and cladding

must be built to resist wind-induced sliding,

uplift or overturning.

Fluttering may also be a problem for some

tall, slender buildings with unusual complex

or structures. Flutter refers to the rapid oscil-

lation of a flexible membrane or cable

caused by wind. To avoid this, wind tunnel

testing or computer modelling must be done

to respond to the distribution of the wind


Source: http://manual.midasuser.com/EN_TW/Gen/790/


Earthquake loads:

An earthquake consist of a series of lon-

gitudinal and transverse vibrations in-

duced in the earth’s crust by the abrupt

movement of plates along fault lines.

The upper mass of the building develops

an inertial force as it tends to remain at

rest while the base is translated by the

ground movement.

Base shear is the minimum design value

for the total lateral seismic force on a

structure assumed to act in any horizon-

tal direction.

Page 60: Log book final

Sketch of the 1:1 detail drawing:

Slight inward placement

of the brick layer for

aesthetic design.

Weep hole to allow the

excess moisture out.

Insulation layer.

Lighting strip with a

translucent cover.

Two layers of plaster-


Masonry brick wall


Brick tie.

Concrete wall.

Page 61: Log book final

Layering of brick in the drawing

showed to be in horizontal layers but

in the site it was vertical.

The inward placement of the

bricks I n the drawing showed only

for two layer of brick at a lower

level but in the site it was in a

higher level with more layer of

bricks inward.

The drawing

showed that there

should be a plate

that protrudes out

above the lighting

strip but in the site

the lighting strip

was flat in the wall.

Actual Product vs Detailed 3d sketch:

The actual site product did not have everything or did not replicate every single detail exactly as

the drawings mentioned .It was done maybe to save time or cut down on prices or for better struc-

tural purposes.

Page 62: Log book final


Page 63: Log book final


Materials and tools used:

1200 x 3.2 x 90 mm Plywood

1200 x 35 x 35 mm Pine




Rotary nail driller

Measuring tape


The design:

Span of the structure: 100 cm

Shape of the structure: Truss structure

Structural performance:

Types of joints: Pin joints, each and every one of them have been nailed.

Material efficiency: The mem-bers of the truss has been built with LVL apart from the bottom member which is made of plywood. Bothe these materials are strong and resist compression but since the ply-wood is very thin, it would not last as long as the LVL. This was seen after load was ap-plied to the structure.

Failure mechanism:

The applied failure load at which

the structure failed was at 240 kg.

Although apart from a little crack

in the bottom member of the

truss, the structure did not col-

lapse due to material weakness .

The nails at one of the joints gave

away (as seen in the picture). The

joints were not strong enough to

hold the structure together, the

failure occurred due to weakness

in the joints.

Page 64: Log book final


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