Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political Education in Xi Jinping’s concept of Physical Education Zhou Wang Xi'an University, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710065 Keywords: Xi Jinping sports Concept; construction logic; scientific connotation; return of value Abstract: General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly sent sports workers a series of statements and instructions on the development of national sports, and gradually formed the unique style of Xi Jinping's sports concept. To this end,this paper attempts to demonstrate the inevitability and rationality of Xi Jinping's sports thought, systematically expounds the scientific connotation of Xi Jinping's sports thought through "the logic of thought construction", revealing his inheritance and creation of Marxism sports thought, and leading the development direction of sports with Chinese characteristics. It highlights China's national image in the international community and enriches Xi Jinping’s thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era have clear objectives of value. 1. Introduction "A new era breeds new ideas,new thinking leads to a new journey."Since the 18th of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has creatively put forward a series of new viewpoints,new judgments,and new ideas.Under the premise of accurately grasping the laws governing the development of China's sports,combined with the reality of China's sports work in the new era, Xi Jinping pointed out all the practical problems faced by Chinese sports scientifically and comprehensively 2. The construction logic of Xi Jinping's sports concept "Sport is an important symbol of social development and human progress, an important manifestation of comprehensive national power and social civilization, and it plays an irreplaceable role "Obviously, the development of sports in the new era is of great significance to the coordination and balance of this fundamental contradiction and the promotion of the "all-round development of human beings" and the realization of the "Chinese dream" of the Chinese Dream. Engels pointed out that "every era of theoretical thinking is a product of history, it has a completely different form and a completely different content in different times. The era gestates the thought, practices the creation theory. Xi Jinping's sports concept is that the Party Central Leading Group with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core upholds and develops socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combines Marxist theory with the practice of governing the country Produced by the "Chinese characteristics of Sports" development of new ideas, new ideas. 2019 International Conference on Education, Management, Social Science and Humanities Research (EMSSHR 2019) Published by CSP © 2019 the Authors 1

Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political ... 2019/EMSSHR00… · Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political Education in Xi Jinping’s concept of Physical Education

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Page 1: Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political ... 2019/EMSSHR00… · Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political Education in Xi Jinping’s concept of Physical Education

Logic Connotation Value Ideological and Political Education in Xi Jinping’s concept of Physical Education

Zhou Wang Xi'an University, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710065

Keywords: Xi Jinping sports Concept; construction logic; scientific connotation; return of value

Abstract: General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly sent sports workers a series of statements and instructions on the development of national sports, and gradually formed the unique style of Xi Jinping's sports concept. To this end,this paper attempts to demonstrate the inevitability and rationality of Xi Jinping's sports thought, systematically expounds the scientific connotation of Xi Jinping's sports thought through "the logic of thought construction", revealing his inheritance and creation of Marxism sports thought, and leading the development direction of sports with Chinese characteristics. It highlights China's national image in the international community and enriches Xi Jinping’s thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era have clear objectives of value.

1. Introduction

"A new era breeds new ideas,new thinking leads to a new journey."Since the 18th of the Communist Party of China (CPC), General Secretary Xi Jinping has creatively put forward a series of new viewpoints,new judgments,and new ideas.Under the premise of accurately grasping the laws governing the development of China's sports,combined with the reality of China's sports work in the new era, Xi Jinping pointed out all the practical problems faced by Chinese sports scientifically and comprehensively

2. The construction logic of Xi Jinping's sports concept

"Sport is an important symbol of social development and human progress, an important manifestation of comprehensive national power and social civilization, and it plays an irreplaceable role "Obviously, the development of sports in the new era is of great significance to the coordination and balance of this fundamental contradiction and the promotion of the "all-round development of human beings" and the realization of the "Chinese dream" of the Chinese Dream. Engels pointed out that "every era of theoretical thinking is a product of history, it has a completely different form and a completely different content in different times. The era gestates the thought, practices the creation theory. Xi Jinping's sports concept is that the Party Central Leading Group with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core upholds and develops socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combines Marxist theory with the practice of governing the country Produced by the "Chinese characteristics of Sports" development of new ideas, new ideas.

2019 International Conference on Education, Management, Social Science and Humanities Research (EMSSHR 2019)

Published by CSP © 2019 the Authors 1

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2.1 Unity of historical and theoretical logic.

Xi Jinping's sports view is the inheritance and development of Marxism sports thought.In May 2018,"General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 200th anniversary of the birth of that Marxism is a revolutionary tutor of the proletariat and working people all over the world,and that Marxist thought and theory are broad,profound,and often learn from the new."In the great practice of leading proletarian internationalism,Marxism attached great importance to sports work and made a brilliant exposition on the rest,and had a profound impact on the development of China's sports. First, Marxism believes that sports,intelligence,labor needs to be a combined and developed in coordinated, emphasizing the essence of sports is to promote all-round development of human beings. Marxism once pointed out that "future education is a combination of intelligence and physical education for children of a certain .It is not only a way to improve social productivity, but also the only way to create a fully developed person. "Second, Marxism has a comprehensive understanding of physical education from the perspective of all-round development of human beings, emphasizing on the education and training of young people and emphasizing on physical education. He emphasized that "we understand education as three things: First, intellectual education; Second, physical education, which is what sports schools and military training schools teach; ... physical and technical training. "Third, Marxism believes that sport is a basic human right, a guarantee of human health, and a way of life for human recreation."In Das Kapital, he pointed out that "most of them have lost healthy, family fun, leisure and healthy outdoor games in childhood.....It is impossible for them to have any physical, intellectual, or spiritual pastime other than indecent amusement; they have no real enjoyment of life. "Through a systematic analysis of the above mentioned documents, it is found that the scientific connotation of Marxism's sports thought is: The essence of sports is to promote the free and all-round development of human beings; Sports is the cornerstone of young people's physical and mental health. The value of education lies in the coordinated development of "intellectual education, physical education and Labor". Marxism's sports thought is not only a precious legacy of human sports cause, but also the theoretical basis and historical choice of Xi Jinping's sports concept.

2.2 Integration of practical logic and practical logic

Xi Jinping's concept of physical education is an inheritance and innovation of the sports thoughts of previous leaders. All previous leaders of the Party have always attached great importance to sports and cared about sports. They have all made important comments on the development of sports.The specific performance of Comrade Mao Zedong's sports thought: In 1917,in the "New Youth" published "Sports Research", clarified "sports, the way to maintain the body" "physical and mental and complete" "sports effect, as for the strong bones, thus increasing knowledge, and thus emotional, thus strong sense "The martial arts are weak,and the quality of the nation is becoming more and more detailed"; In 1952,he wrote an inscription for the National Sports Association of China," develop sports and strengthen people's physique", which fully summarized the core of Mao Zedong's sports thought: The essence of sports is to pay attention to health, and to promote the people's physical fitness, protect the country and defend the country, and revitalize the nation; Deng Xiaoping's performance of sports thought:In April 1982,Deng Xiaoping pointed out that "sports is an important aspect of the construction of social and spiritual civilization". The core contents of his sports thought are as follows:" Sports should serve the central work of the Party", "pay attention to the coordinated development of competitive sports and mass sports", "sports should be started from children", "Olympic Model",etc. Deng Xiaoping's sports thought paved the way for the development of socialist sports with Chinese characteristics; Jiang Zemin's sports thought:I n May 1990,"The Asian Games are a major event for the whole Party and the whole country," Jiang Zemin


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said at a meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)."We must make the Asian Games a grand gathering to raise the national self-esteem and self-confidence of our people and strengthen national cohesion." Jiang Zemin's sports thought emphasizes that the development of sports is conducive to enriching people's cultural life,promoting patriotism and national cohesion, and sports is of great significance to the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization.Hu Jintao's sports thought is manifested in "self-improvement, striving for the best", "developing sports and fitness activities for the whole people, improving the health quality of the whole nation", "coordinated development of competitive sports and mass sports","sports rejuvenate the country",etc.Hu Jintao's sports thought is the product of the Times of "harmony and development",and it is the ideological foundation for China to implement the strategy of sports power in the 21st century.The sports thought of the first four generations of the leaders of new China was formed in the course of exploring and developing sports with Chinese characteristics.The prosperity of the country and the revival of the nation have played a great role in promoting the development of Xi's sports concept.

3. Scientific Connotation of Xi Jinping's concept of physical education

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC),the leading group of the CPC Central Committee,with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core,has creatively put forward a series of new viewpoints,new judgments and new thoughts in accordance with the development of China's sports cause in the New Era Under the premise of accurately grasping the law of sports development in China,this paper points out all the practical problems faced by Chinese sports in a scientific and comprehensive way,combining with the actual situation of sports work in China in the new era.His thought answers the questions of ``what kind of socialist sports with Chinese characteristics should be developed,for whom,and how to develop socialist sports with Chinese characteristics"popularity, contemporaneity and value..

3.1 "People's Center" is the intrinsic essence of Xi's sports concept

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC),the Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee centering on General Secretary Xi Jinping has put the thought of "People's Center" into the development of Chinese sports.General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "to accelerate the building of a strong country in sports,we must adhere to the people-centered philosophy and regard the people as the main body in the development of sports...We must constantly improve the People's health. "Xi's view on sports clearly states that "the development of sports in the new era depends on the people,and the development of sports in the new era depends on the people. "The path choice and value goal of sports development in the new era have a distinctive "people's center" feature."Do not forget the original heart,the party must always be."The initial heart of the Communist Party of China is the happiness of the people and the national rejuvenation."The skin does not exist,Mao will be attached,the people are the foundation of historical development,the creator of history,the mass line centered on the people is always the main line of our party's governance,and serving the people wholeheartedly is our party fundamental purpose."The "initial heart" of socialist sports with Chinese characteristics in the new era is not an abstract concept,nor is it an empty slogan,but insists on developing the Chinese sports cause with the "people as the center" and shows that the Chinese Communist Party "establishes the party for the public and governs.The political stance of "building the party for the public and governing the people" shows that the socialist sports with Chinese characteristics in the new era are "people's sports."


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3.2 "Sports powerhouse" is the fundamental goal of Xi's sports concept.

"Sport carries with it the dream of a strong nation and a rejuvenated nation.When sports are strong,China is strong,and when the national sports are booming,sports are booming,and China is speeding up to become a sports power."

The premise and guarantee of the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the coordinated development of the Chinese sports cause.Throughout the history of human development,the rise of modern great powers is closely related to the development of sports,because the development of sports can actively promote the rise of a strong country.Xi Used Marxist theory of Materialist Dialectics to explain the dialectical relationship between the dream of building a strong country through sports and the Chinese dream.He stressed that "the dream of each and every one of us,the dream of a strong sports nation,is closely linked to the Chinese dream."He comprehensively and systematically expounded the dialectical relationship between sports development and personal development,national power and national rejuvenation.The History of sports development in modern China:from "Single Olympics" to "2008 Olympic Dream",sports carry not only the individual sports dream and sports cause rise and fall,but also the requirements of the times of national rejuvenation.General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "the realization of the dream of becoming a great power in sports is not only reflected in the strength of competitive sports,but also more in the strong physique of the Chinese people."China wants to realize the all-round development of sports with Chinese characteristics,and realize the dream of sports power,we must deeply understand and comprehend the Chinese dream,grasp the logic relationship between the personal dream,the dream of sports power and the Chinese dream,and then pass through the path of the dream of sports power to help realize the personal dream and the great Chinese dream.

4. The value of Xi Jinping's sports philosophy

Xi's sports view is not only the quintessence of Marxist theory combined with the reform and practice of Chinese sports work,but also the inheritance and innovation of Marxism's sports thought and the sports thought of the leaders of New China.It is the latest achievement of the localization of Marxism in China.Xi's vision of sport has clear values for promoting people's physical and mental health,national prosperity and the realization of the Chinese Dream.

4.1 Enrich the new achievements of Marxism in China

General Secretary Xi Jinping is a devoted believer and practitioner of Marxism.Striving to advance in the practice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics by upholding and developing Marxism.The historical materialism emphasizes that the nature of the world is material,the state is made up of human beings,and the physical health and strength of the human body are the prerequisite and basis for a strong mental health.The report of the 19th CPC National Congress emphasizes that "People's health is the symbol of national prosperity and the country's prosperity.It is necessary to improve the national health policy and provide comprehensive and comprehensive health services for the people.On the methodology level of China's sports development in the new era,General Secretary Xi Jinping inherited the concept of the Marxist people,insisted that the masses of the people are the main body of history,the creators and promoters of history,and emphasized that the development of socialist sports with Chinese characteristics should take the "people's main body"in the first place,the development of China's sports industry in the new era needs to rely on the people.In the new era, the development of China's sports industry is for the people.On the logical level of sports career development,Xi's sports concept emphasizes


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"strengthening the construction of a strong country through sports and promoting the coordinated development of mass sports,competitive sports and the sports industry."The coordinated development of the three is not only the only way for the development of Chinese sports in the new era,but also the inevitable choice for China to become a sports power.Coordinated development is the source power to promote the construction of "sports power",and is the direction to strengthen the comprehensive and coordinated development of sports internal systems.The concept of all-round and coordinated development is the application of Marxist materialist dialectics to the reform and development of China's sports undertakings.It points out the new direction of the reform and development of sports undertakings with Chinese characteristics in the new era.Xi Jinping s sports view is the product of the times when the basic principles of Marxism are combined with the development of Chinese sports practice,which enriches the Marxist sports thought and makes the Marxist theory have Chinese characteristics in the new era.

4.2 Strengthen the role of nurturing socialist core values

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) called for "prosperity,democracy,civilization,harmony;freedom,equality,justice,ruleoflaw;patriotism,devotion to work, integrity and friendliness; from the personal, national and social levels, the people are required to actively cultivate and implement the core values of socialism. The cultivation and practice of core socialist values is of great significance to the consolidation of Marxism as a guiding ideology, the promotion of all-round human development, and the realization of the Chinese Dream .Xi's views on sports belong to social ideology. Xi's sports concept emphasizes the pursuit of spiritual values such as "people-oriented," "self-improvement," "reform and innovation, ""unity and hard work," and "patriotic dedication," and its influence goes far beyond sports development itself. His existence is of great value to the cultivation and practice of the socialist core values. Xi Jinping's outlook of sports can promote the internalization of socialist core values.Its social positive energy spirit in advocating self-improvement, courage, and patriotism can reduce the negative impact of pluralistic values on individual, state, and social development. Social fairness and justice create a good environment for the cultivation of socialist core values. The key to the cultivation and development of the core values of socialism lies in the realization of extensive social practice and the exertion of the guiding role of ideology.Xi's sports concept emphasizes "fitness for all,""mass sports,"and "healthy China."It is easy to integrate sports activities and culture into people's daily life, and has the characteristics of embedding in people's daily life.This feature can facilitate the integration of socialist core values into people's daily life and social practice,so that the socialist core values can be needed and used by people, and it has become the self-consciousness and code of conduct of the people.


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