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Practical TrainingⅠ

Meeting on ArrivalPractical TrainingⅠ

Meeting on Arrival

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学会用英语与客人有效沟通,证实客人身 份及询问有关旅途事宜


Study Objectives

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• Part Two Situational Dialogue

• Part Three Writing-skill

• Part Four Exercises

• Part Five Social Etiquette

• Part One Background Material

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Part One Background Material

Question: How to meet the tourists on arrival?

Tips for reference

As a receptionist at a travel service, when you meet the tourists, the

following eleven steps are for your references:

1. Arrival at the meeting sites on time.

2. Greeting the group.

3. Liaise with the group leader.

4. Give Self-introduction.

5. Lead them to the coach.

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Part One Background Material

6. Make a welcome speech.

7. Brief the local condition and introduce the hotel.

8. Distribute pamphlets.

9. Assist the tourists to check in.

10. Inform the meeting time and arrange the morning call, and tell the

tourists the place for breakfast and the time for luggage collection.

11. Check the luggage and assist the tourists to their rooms.

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

Mr. Osborne B: a traveler C: a clerk at travel service

Excuse me. Are you the Tour Group?1

Yes, we are.

Welcome to Xi’an.

I’m Ma from the Xi’an office of China International Travel Service, Xi’an branch.2 The ravel service has sent me here to meet you.

Who is the group leader, please?3

It’s me, Robert Osborne.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Osborne.4 Nice to meet you all, ladies and gentl


Nice to meet you, too. It’s very kind of you to meet us here at the


My pleasure. During your visit to Xi’an, I’ll be your tour guide.

Dialogue One









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Part Two Situational Dialogue

A: That will be great.

C: Do you have any checked luggage to collect?

A: Yes, we checked eight traveling bags.

C: Let’s wait here then.

(In a short while, the checked luggage was sent to the luggage claim

section and the tour group got their checked bags.)

A: We have got back the checked bags now. Shall we leave the airport


C: Yes. Follow me, please. A CITS bus is waiting for us.

A: It’s very thoughtful of you to make this arrangement.

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

C: The bus will first take us to the hotel where CITS has reserved rooms

for you. The hotel has a restaurant and a snack bar. We’ve already

booked four tables for you at the hotel’s restaurant. After a short rest

in your rooms, you can have your lunch at the restaurant. I’ll discuss

the itinerary for your Xi’an tour after lunch. What do you say to that?

A: That’s fine. Thank you.

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Part Two situational Dialogue


meet [ mi:t ] v. 迎接checked luggage ( 随飞机 ) 托运的行李thoughtful [ 'θɔ:tful ] adj. 考虑周到的;体贴的luggage claim section 行李领取处snack bar. 快餐部;快餐店itinerary [ ai‘tinərəri, i’t- ] n. 旅行计划;预定的行


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Part Two Situational Dialogue

a clerk at travel service B: Mr. Green

Excuse me, are you Mr. Green from Britain?

Yes. I’m glad you recognize me.

“A man with white hair and beard”---Isn’t that how you describe

yourself in the fax? So it’s easy to spot you in any crowd1. Let me

introduce myself: I’m Susan, the tour guide from CYTS. How do you


How do you do? I’m glad to know you. Pardon me,

I didn’t quite catch your name just now2. Would you please repeat it?

It’s Susan. S-U-S-A-N.

Oh, Susan, am I right?

Quite right. Do you have any unaccompanied luggage3?

Dialogue Two

















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Part Two Situational Dialogue

a clerk at travel service B: Mr. Green

Excuse me, are you Mr. Green from Britain?

Yes. I’m glad you recognize me.

“A man with white hair and beard”---Isn’t that how you describe

yourself in the fax? So it’s easy to spot you in any crowd1. Let me

introduce myself: I’m Susan, the tour guide from CYTS. How do you


How do you do? I’m glad to know you. Pardon me,

I didn’t quite catch your name just now2. Would you please repeat it?

It’s Susan. S-U-S-A-N.

Oh, Susan, am I right?

Quite right. Do you have any unaccompanied luggage3?

Dialogue Two

















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Part Two Situational Dialogue

B: No. I always travel with these two bags.

A: Let me carry your luggage, Mr. Green.

B: Thank you, please.

A: The car is waiting outside to take us to the hotel. I’ve reserved a

suite4 for you at Dragon Hotel, one of the biggest in Beijing.

B: Thank you very much.

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Part Two Situational Dialogue


Britain [ 'britən ] n. 英国recognize [ 'rekəgnaiz ] vt. 认识;认出;辨认;承认beard [ biəd ] n. ( 下巴上的 ) 胡须;络腮胡子describe [ dis'kraib ] vt. 描写,描绘,叙述;形容spot [ spɔt ] vt. ( 口语 ) 认出,辨认;发现CYTS 中国国际青年旅行社unaccompanied [ 'ʌnə'kʌmpənid ] adj. 无伴侣的;无随从的

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

1. Are you Ms. Li from the States ? 您是从美国来的莉斯小姐吗?2. I’m the guide from CYTS.

我是中青旅的导游。3. The coach is waiting outside.

车子在外面等候。4. My name is Jenny. I ’m glad to meet you.

我的名字叫珍妮。很高兴认识你。5. Did you have a pleasant trip ? 一路上怎么样啊?

Useful Expressions

For a tour guide

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

6. How was your trip?

旅途怎么样啊 ?

7. Is this all your baggage?

所有的行李都在这里了吗?8. How many pieces of luggage do you have all together?

你们总共有多少件行李啊?9. You must be very tired after such a long journey.

经过漫长的旅途,您一定很疲倦了。10. What were your first impressions of China?


Useful Expressions

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

1. Could you take my bags to the Taxi Stand, please?

方便把我的行李放到出租车停靠站吗?2. I’m very tired. I’m eager to take a massage as soon as possible.

我太累了,我真想尽快来个按摩。3. I can’t be bear suffering jetlag after each flight.

每次飞行之后,我简直受不了适应时差的那种难受劲。4. Take it easy. You’ll soon recover from jetlag and get used to it.

别担心,时差会很快倒过来的,您也会很快会适应的。5. What’s the weather like in Beijing these days?


Useful Expressions

For a tourist

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Part Two Situational Dialogue

6. My wife is very considerate and she asked me to take a overcoat.

我的妻子很体谅我,她让我带了一件厚外套。7. How many spots and historical sites in Beijing?

北京有多少名胜和景点呀?8. I’m not familiar with the place. I’m ready to hear your suggestions.

我对这个地方不太熟悉,想听听你的建议。9. This place is a real hot spot.

这个地方真热闹啊。10. Here are the brochures that describe various tour routes in China.

You may choose anyone you like.

这是些介绍各种到中国旅行线路的小册子,您可以任意选择您喜欢 的一种。

Useful Expressions

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Part Three Writing-skill

How to Write a Welcome Speech

Tips for reference

Welcome speech is the first formal speech that you face the guests. A

good welcome speech should be written clearly, warm, lively, and short. In

general, its content includes the following items, that is: self-introduction,

introduce the hotel where they are staying, simple Itinerary presentation

and notes.

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Part Three Writing-skill

Sample 1Tour Guide Welcome Speech ( I )

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Beijing! May I introduce my colleagues to you? This is

Mr. Wang from China International Travel Service. He will travel with you

throughout the trip in China. This is Mr. Li, our driver. His bus number is

531666. My name is Sun Mei. I am from CTYS. My job is to smooth your

way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and me

et your needs during your stay in Beijing. if you have any special interest,

please tell your tour leader.

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Part Three Writing-skill

Sample 2Tour Guide Welcome Speech ( II )

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome

to all of you on behalf of our agency. Now I would like to brief our four-d

ay tour of Beijing to you since I want to leave the most wonderful for yo

u to discover. Beijing is one of the most well known capitals in the world

for its long history and its historical sites and relics. I will not mention th

em in detail right now, but I can guarantee you that you will surely enjoy

your trip here with our considerate service. Thank you!

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Part Three Writing-skill

Suppose you are the tour guide who is assigned to guide the tourists

from UK, and you are to make a welcome speech. In your speech,

besides the heartfelt words, the brief introduction of the itinerary--three-

day tour in Beijing should also be mentioned.

Writing Practice

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Part Four Exercises

1. Reading aloud until you can say it from memory, then translate

it into Chinese. Beijing is the first station of China golden travel line. There are so many

wonderful places worthy of seeing that one just cannot list them one by on

e. Here we just give a brief introduction to some best-known places of inte

rest. The Imperial Palace was the home of the emperors during the Ming a

nd Qing dynasties, when it was known as the “Forbidden City”; Yiheyuan i

s a magnificent summer palace built by the Qing Emperor Dowager; Temp

le of Heaven Park is situated on the eastern side of the Qianmen Street; a

nd scattered around the Ming Tombs are the tombs of thirteen Ming empe


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Part Four Exercises

2. Fill in the blanks according to the context.

A: a tour leader B: Mr. Li, a clerk at travel service

B: Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from America?

A: Yes, I am.

B: I’m Liming, your local (1) from CIS.

A: How do you do, Mr. Li?

B: How do you do? (2) to Beijing.

A: Thank you.

B: Mr. Smith, is everyone in the (3) here?

A: Yes, everyone is here.

B: OK, let’s go. The (4) is waiting outside.





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Part Four Exercises

3. Read the following passage and decide whether they are true (T)

or false (F).

At your final destination, you’d better examine your baggage for

damage. If your baggage has been damaged, you can go immediately to

the airline agent and demand the expense of repair.

In this case, you will have to fill out a form. And be specific when

describing the damage. If the airline should lose your baggage, report the

loss to the airline agent. The agent will be responsible for your loss.

Don’t worry about your baggage if it is heavy and you can’t manage it.

Porters are available at many airports. These people will carry your bags

for you, though not free of charge.

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Part Four Exercises

In case you are bumped from a flight for which you have a reserved ticket,

and you were at the airport for check-in before closing time, the airline

must pay you money unless they can get you a seat by bargaining with

another passenger. If you have a confirmed reservation, and arrive at the

airport on time, and you are bumped, you can ask for a written explanation

of your rights. This will explain the procedure for obtaining the money.

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Part Four Exercises

1. If your baggage has been damaged, you can go immediately to the

travel agent and demand the expense of repair.

2. If the airline should lose your baggage, report the loss to the

insurance company.

3. According to the passage, if the airline should lose your baggage, the

agent will be responsible for your loss.

4. You have to manage it by yourself even if your baggage is heavy.

5. If you have a confirmed reservation, and arrive at the airport on time,

and you are bumped, you can ask for a written explanation of your

rights. This will explain the procedure for obtaining the money.

F( )

F( )

T( )F( )

T( )

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Part Four Exercises

4. Role Play.

The Smiths’ want to take a travel to China for a seven–day–holiday. N

ow Mr. Smith is making a call to a local travel agency of CITS, asking for

the routes available, quotations, and specific arrangement of accommod

ations and scenic spots of interests. As a receptionist of the travel agenc

y, you are answering the call and ask for more details of their requiremen

t. Then, draft a travel plan for the family.

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Part Four Exercises

5. Translation

(1) 我是中国青年旅行社的导游。

(2) 你们的行李将会有另一辆车送往酒店,因此你们不必担心。

(3) 请再说一遍好吗,我刚才没听清你的名字?

I am the tour guide from CYTS. _______________________________________________________

Your luggage will be sent to the hotel by another bus, so you don’t have to worry about it. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I didn’t quite catch your name just now, would you please repeat it? _______________________________________________________

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Part Four Exercises

(4) 请问我们旅行团的人都到齐了吗?

(5) 请问你们有几件托运行李?

(6) 我们会按照你们的要求安排的。

Excuse me, is everyone in the group here? _______________________________________________________

How much checked luggage do you have? _______________________________________________________

It will be arranged at your request. _______________________________________________________

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Part Five Social Etiquette

Greeting tourists is just the first step in the whole welcoming process.

As a tour guide, you should bear in mind the following things. First, learn

how to locate the group that you are supposed to meet and offer your

greeting immediately. Secondly, make a brief welcome speech and

introduce yourself to the tourists. Thirdly, welcome the tourists to your city

and ask them for questions and any requests. Express your wish to serve

them sincerely and honestly. Finally, wish your guests a pleasant journey

and a wonderful stay.

Etiquette of Welcoming Tourists

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Part Five Social Etiquette

If you are ever asked to deliver a speech, try to look happy and

pleasant. Always be as polite as you can, no matter what your personal

opinion of individuals or their country might be. Always remember that

they will judge your company by the impression you give. First

impressions are the most important and can be everlasting.