More than honey Country/ year : Switzerland, Germany, Austria, 2012 Running time: 95 min Director: Martin Imhoof MORE THAN HONEY, a new documentary by the Swiss filmmaker Marcus Imhoof, is looking into the fascinating world of bees, showing small family beekeepers (including the beekeeper of ERSTE Foundation beehive, Heidrun Singer) and industrialized honey farms. MORE THAN HONEY is a film on the relationship between mankind and honeybees, about nature and about our future. Honeybees show us that stability is just as unhealthy as unlimited growth, that crises and disasters are triggering evolution and that salvation sometimes comes from a completely unexpected direction.

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More than honey• Country/ year : Switzerland, Germany, Austria, 2012

• Running time: 95 min

• Director: Martin Imhoof

MORE THAN HONEY, a new documentary by the Swiss filmmaker Marcus Imhoof, is looking into the fascinating world of bees, showing small family beekeepers (including the beekeeper of ERSTE Foundation beehive, Heidrun Singer) and industrialized honey farms. MORE THAN HONEY is a film on the relationship between mankind and honeybees, about nature and about our future. Honeybees show us that stability is just as unhealthy as unlimited growth, that crises and disasters are triggering evolution and that salvation sometimes comes from a completely unexpected direction. 

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Brussels business

• Country/ year : Belgium, Austria, USA, France, 2012

• Running time: 85 min• Director: Matthieu Lietaert

THE BRUSSELS BUSINESS is a docu-thriller that dives into the grey zone underneath European democracy. An expedition into the world of the 15,000 lobbyists in the EU-capital, of the PR-conglomerates, think tanks and their all embracing networks of power and their close ties to the political elites.

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The human scale

•Country/ year : Denmark, Bangladesh 2012•Running time: 83 min•Director: Andres Dalsgaard

50 % of the world's population lives in urban areas. By 2050 this will increase to 80%. Life in a mega city is both enchanting and problematic. Today we face peak oil, climate change, loneliness and severe health issues due to our way of life. But why? The Danish architect and professor Jan Gehl has studied human behavior in cities through 40 years. He has documented how modern cities repel human interaction, and argues that we can build cities in a way, which takes human needs for inclusion and intimacy into account. THE HUMAN SCALE meets thinkers, architects and urban planners across the globe. It questions our assumptions about modernity, exploring what happens when we put people into the center of our planning.

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The age of Aluminum

• Country/ year : Germany, Austria Bangladesh 2012

• Running time: 83 min• Director:  Bert Ehgartner

Aluminum is booming and found its way into every facet of our lives: deodorants, sun lotions, vaccines or filtered drinking water. But what do we actually know about the side effects of our daily companions? The light metal comes with heavy consequences. Latest research links it to the increase in Alzheimer's, breast cancer and food allergies. The complicated mining of aluminum is also an ecological issue. 

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Connected: about love, death & technology

• Country/ year : USA 2012

• Running time: 82 min

• Director: Tiffany Shlain

Filmmaker and Founder of the Webby Awards, Tiffany Shlain, investigates the interconnections between the major issues of the 21st century and her own experience of these issues during a family crisis.

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Terms and conditions may apply

•Country/ year : USA 2012•Running time: 74 min•Director: Cullen Hoback

Terms And Conditions May Apply examines the cost of so-called 'free' services and the continuing disappearance of online privacy. People may think they know what they give up when they click 'I Agree' on companies like Facebook and Google. They're wrong. 

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The Green Planet

• Country/ year : Germany 2012• Running time: 82 min• Director: Tiffany Shlain

Леса покрывают 30% планеты. Человеку сложно понять, что происходит внутри леса. Авторы фильма «Зеленая планета» следят за лесными обитателями: грациозным красным оленем, лисой, диким кабаном. Изучив жизнь и повадки этих животных, авторы фильма углубляются дальше в лес, и мы можем наблюдать более редких и удивительных лесных обитателей - ивовую переливницу, жука - рогача и многих других.

Фильм создан студией - обладателем множества наград, в том числе за лучшую операторскую работу и лучший монтаж.


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Google and the world brain

•Country/ year : Spain 2013•Running time: 76 min•Director: Ben Lewis

The most ambitious project ever conceived on the Internet: Google's master plan to scan every book in the world and the people trying to stop them. Google say they are building a library for mankind, but they also have other intentions.

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The Lebanese Rocket Society• Country/ year : Lebanon, France

• Running time: 76 min

• Director: Joana Hadjithomas

From 1960 to 1966, a space project was undertaken in Lebanon. Several rockets, which became larger and more powerful with time, were launched from the hills surrounding Beirut by a group of scientists, university students and army experts. This group, led by Manoug Manougian, was called: The Lebanese Rocket Society.

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Free your mind• Country/ year : USA, Sweden

• Running time: 80 min

• Director: Phie Ambo

In 1992 Professor Richard Davidson, one of the world's leading neuroscientists, met the Dalai Lama, who encouraged him to apply the same rigorous methods he used to study depression and anxiety to the study of compassion and kindness, those qualities cultivated by Tibetan meditation practice. The results of Davidson's studies at the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, are portrayed in Free the Mind as they are applied to treating PTSD in returning Iraqi vets and children with ADHD. The film poses two fundamental questions: What really is consciousness, and how does it manifest in the brain and body? And is it possible to physically change the brain solely through mental practices

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The Unbelievers

•Country/ year : USA 2013

•Running time: 74 min

•Director: Gus Holweda

Renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss cross the globe as they speak publicly about the importance of science and reason in the modern world.

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Expedition To The End Of The World

• Country/ year : Denmark, Sweden 2013

• Running time: 80 min• Director: Daniel Dencik

A grand and adventurous journey of discovery to the last white areas of the world map. But no matter how far we go and how hard we try to find answers, we ultimately meet ourselves and our own transience.

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Coast Line• Страна/ год: Дания, Швеция 2013• Хронометраж: 80 мин• Режиссёр: Дэниэл Дэнсик

Береговая линия – результат борьбы морской стихии развитием человеческого общества. Несмотря на то, что эта борьба отнимает много сил у обеих сторон, море сохраняет жизнь и невероятную красоту.

Обитатели береговой линии – удивительные, невероятные существа. Морские котики, невероятные редкие виды птиц и рыб, хищники, млекопитающие – береговая линия живет своей жизнью и не перестает удивлять

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The End of Time• Country/ year: Switzerland 2012• Running time: 80 min• Director: Peter Mettler

Explores our perception of time.

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Jabbed: love fear and vaccines

• Country/ year: Australia 2013• Running time: 80 min• Director: Sonya Pemberton

Diseases that were largely eradicated forty years ago are returning. Across the world children are dying from preventable conditions, because nervous parents are skipping their children’s vaccinations. Yet the stories of vaccine injury are frightening, with rare cases of people being seriously hurt by vaccines. This documentary looks at the growing trend of vaccine hesitancy around the world, exploring the reasons for complacency and concerns, and highlighting the impact of delaying or refusing immunisation.

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Trashed / Мусор

•Country/ year: USA 2012

•Running time: 98 min

•Director: Jeremy Irons

Jeremy Irons sets out to discover the extent and effects of the global waste problem, as he travels around the world to beautiful destinations tainted by pollution. This is a meticulous, brave investigative journey that takes Irons (and us) from skepticism to sorrow and from horror to hope.

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Fruit hunters

•Country/ year: Canada 2012•Running time: 90 min•Director: Young Chang

Adventurers, exotic fruits fanatics and even movie star Bill Pullman, are the subjects of The Fruit Hunters, the new film from acclaimed director Yung Chang. A thrilling journey through nature, commerce and adventure, The Fruit Hunters is a cinematic odyssey that takes viewers from the dawn of humanity to the cutting of edge of modern agriculture - a film that will change not just the way we look at we eat, but what it means to be human.

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•Country/ year: Canada 2012•Running time: 81 min•Director: Simon Ennis

With wry humor and affection, Simon Ennis' "Lunarcy!" follows a disparate group of dreamers and schemers who all have one thing in common: they've devoted their lives to the Moon. From the young man who's resolved to depart for Luna (permanently) to the ex-ventriloquist who's made millions selling Moon lots.

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Paul, the physic octopus/ Пауль, осьминог – экстрасенс

• Country/ year : USA• Running time : 98 min• Director : Alexandre O’Philipp e

Alexandre O. Philippe, the director of the brilliant Star Wars fan culture study The People Vs George Lucas, returns with another buoyant and irreverent foray into the weirder verges of pop culture. Back in the summer of 2010, World Cup fever settled upon an octopus in a marine centre in Germany who appeared to have the power of foresight.

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By Godfry Reggio

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A movie with no conventional plot: merely a collection of expertly photographed scenes. Subject matter has a highly environmental theme.

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POWAQQATSIAn exploration of technologically developing nations and the effect the transition to Western-style modernization has had on them.

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NAQOYQATSY• A visual montage portrait of our

contemporary world dominated by globalized technology and violence.

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Short Films, Big Ideas is an award-winning series of 30 three-minute Short Short Films, Big Ideas is an award-winning series of 30 three-minute stories

about innovators—people who are reshaping the world through act or invention—directed by the world's most celebrated documentary

filmmakers. The films have been viewed in 150 countries and screened to audiences on all seven continents.

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Fire with fire

Who would dare to pit one fatal disease against another… inside the body of a six-year-old patient? The results will shatter all expectations.

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Music manMUSIC MAN tells the story of professor and inventor Ge Wang who teaches computer music at Stanford University where he began the innovative Stanford Laptop Orchestra. Wang believes everyone who loves music should be able to play it. To that end, Wang was the first to turn the IPhone into a musical instrument when he created the “Ocarina” phone app which became one of the most popular in the world when it was launched in 2009.