Longing For Spain By: Charlotte Milagros Miccolis Gurney

Longing For Spain

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Longing For Spain . By: Charlotte Milagros Miccolis Gurney. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Longing For Spain

Longing For Spain By: Charlotte Milagros Miccolis Gurney

I remember my parents telling me this story as if it were last night . There was a little girl named Cloe, she was the youngest of eight siblings. She had three brothers and four sisters. Cloes father was from India so she lived there with her family. Cloe's mother was from Spain, and she longed to just at least visit that place she had read so much about and talked to her brothers and sisters so much about . It was like the only thing anyone ever talked about . Three of Cloes siblings were in college two had already finished and one was already married with three kids. Two were in high school and then there was here.

One day Cloe went down to talk to her father.As she saw him pass by she shouted, Hey dad. Yes, he responded in a tiered, grumpy voice as always.And she once again had that same conversation with her dad she had had so many times about going to Spain. Cloes father remarked in frustration, You are old enough to realize that money doesn't grow on trees as apples do, and as far as I am concerned it never will. Besides you should read about something other than Spain.

As Cloe picked up her book, heading toward her bedroom, her father stopped her saying, "we will go for Christmas I dont get a raise till September and at this rate we defiantly cant afford such an expensive trip to the other side of the world. It isnt that bad in India, really is it? You said that last year and now were in May, Cloe said not any happier with what her dad had offered. At least we are going, we have gone over this enough times and you should know that my answer will not change. He exclaimed with a little anger . It upset Cloes father to talk about this kind of thing, but for Cloe it was an adventure and a path to many more doors open in life.

When July vacation came Cloe got her hopes up but now it was the last week of and she had been in India the whole time. One morning when Cloe woke up she went to the breakfast table, there was nobody but her dad. A conversation came between them when Cloes father was offering before her eyes if she wanted to go to Spain for her Birthday. Cloe agreed instantly jumped up, and hugging her father with delight. SHE WAS OFF TO SPAIN IN SEPTEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!

Living In India

Wanting to be in Spain

Cloes family

This is cloes grandfather.

This cloes father dress to go to church.

These people are cloes oldest brothers with there friends.

This woman is Cloes oldest sister who has three kids.

This one of cloes brother when they were kids.

Cloe when she was 9.

Cloes 13 year old sister.

Cloes sister now in college.

Cloes sister in high school.