Look & Feel Your Best Using Spice Pharm Elixirs Tips to Lose Weight, Reduce Stress, Improve Digestion, Conquer Cravings, & Cool Inflammation by Kitty Wells Recipe Book & Lifestyle Guide

Look & Feel Your Best Using Spice Pharm Elixirs...Look & Feel Your Best Using Spice Pharm Elixirs Tips to Lose Weight, Reduce Stress, Improve Digestion, Conquer Cravings, & Cool Inflammation

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Look & Feel Your Best Using Spice Pharm Elixirs

Tips to Lose Weight, Reduce Stress, Improve Digestion, Conquer Cravings,

& Cool Inflammation by Kitty Wells

Recipe Book & Lifestyle Guide

Welcome to the Spice Pharm® family!

Congratulations on treating yourself to a healthy indulgence! Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs are delicious treats and so much more!

I have a secret for you – treating yourself is an excellent way to develop new stress-reducing, health inducing, weight-shrinking habits. While it may sound frivolous and counter-intuitive, it’s not: forming new habits can be tough, and treats can help you succeed! When you give yourself a treat, you feel energized, cared for and contented, which boosts your sense of well-being and self-control.

If you don’t get treats, you can feel burned-out, deprived and resentful.

But there’s a real skill in treating yourself. You need to make sure that what seems like a treat in the short term doesn’t leave you worse off later – like that second glass of wine, extra cookie or order of French fries.

This guide is designed as a quick read with useful information on stress reduction, weight management, and overall health and well-being, using Golden Goddess Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate as part of a healthy, pleasurable lifestyle. To help you stay stocked up on these daily treats – here’s a bonus for you: $5 off of your next purchase of elixirs on Amazon.com. And treat your friends – pass this e-book along! To living deliciously,



Kitty Wells Co-founder Spice Pharm, Inc.

Published by Spice Pharm, Inc. Sebastopol, CA 95472 www.spicepharm.com Copyright ©2016 Spice Pharm, Inc. All rights reserved. Version 05.07.16.A

Health Disclaimer The Lifestyle Guide is not a substitute for direct, personal professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the information shared or recommended should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your licensed health care provider. The information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice or any advice whatsoever for any individual or company and should not be relied on in that regard.

3 "Spice Pharm" and "Golden Goddess" are registered trademarks of Spice Pharm Inc., USA "KSM-66" is a registered trademark of Ixoreal Biomed, Ltd., Hyderabad, India

First, Some Background… The treats that you’ve just purchased – Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai and/or Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs – are the result of years of experimentation, research, refinement and global sourcing of the finest, carefully selected ingredients.

It all started in my kitchen in Silicon Valley, when I was a stress-out tech exec suffering adrenal fatigue and metabolic syndrome. I discovered the scientific research about the magic of spices.

Not only do spices provide distinctive aromas and flavors to food, they work in your body to provide profoundly healthy benefits. When eaten regularly, they influence the very expression of your genes, which in turn gives your body the instruction set to turn on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory enzymes and processes. They stimulate cells to be more sensitive to insulin, helping to keep blood sugar stable and weight in check. They help keep the blood thin, which supports healthy circulation and a healthy heart. They help metabolize fats and sugars, support digestion, and boost your brain.

The key, I found, is continuous sustained use − consuming spices each day. I started to experiment with elixirs − daily drinks that did wonders for my aches and pains. My energy improved significantly and pounds melted away with little effort. After traveling to rainforests where spices grow, delving into the science, history and mystery of spices, I left the world of high tech to focus on spices and other


all-natural means of rejuvenation and vibrant wellness. It is my honor and pleasure to share this passion with you. My mission is to deliver out-standing products that will deliciously change your life for the better!

Golden Goddess® is the English translation of an ancient Sanskrit name for turmeric. Our Turmeric Chai Elixir is loaded with turmeric, one of the most remarkable medicines ever discovered. Its golden color and complex chemistry are rich with over 650 bioactive compounds that benefits at least 175 biological pathways in your body. The best known compound is curcumin, comprising 3-5% of turmeric powder. The subject of thousands of modern research studies, turmeric and curcumin show benefits for an astounding range of conditions. As the renowned Ayurvedic teacher and practitioner David Frawley says: “If I had only a single herb to depend upon for all possible health and dietary needs, I would without much hesitation choose the Indian spice turmeric."

Our Turmeric Chocolate Elixir reflects the rich history of cacao, known by the Aztecs as food of the gods for its glorious health benefits and heavenly taste. Cacao boasts over 700 healthy compounds including polyphenols, a group of protective antioxidants that protect the cells of your body from premature destruction and provide significant benefits for the cardio-vascular system and cognitive function. Chocolate stimulates the release of endorphins, natural hormones produced by the brain that generate feelings of pleasure and promote a sense of well-being. “If cocoa were a pharmaceutical drug, it would be hailed as the greatest medicine of all time,” say botanical expert Chris Kilham.


What’s in a Name? History and Science Merge in Elixirs

Elixirs are often referred to as “Magical Potions,” and indeed, the great taste, pleasurable creaminess and exceptional health benefits of our Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs do appear to be magical.

Spice Pharm's Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai Elixir and Turmeric Chocolate Elixir were chosen from over 300 entrants in the weight management category to win the prestigious SupplySide Editor's Choice Award. This award is given by the largest international trade show and forum in the nutritional industry. Our Elixirs were recognized for their innovation, scientific efficacy, market impact and great taste. Spice Pharm was also recognized as one of the Top 3 Green Brands in San Francisco, one of the greenest cities in the world! Spice Pharm was recognized for our contributions to sustainable wellness, ethical sourcing of plant-based and planet-positive ingredients, and eco-entrepreneurship.


You Deserve the Best: Go With a Winner!

Great Things to Know + Simple Things to Do =

Accelerate Your Results


Ease Your Stress

Reduce Cravings; Go for Vitamin “P”

Kindle the Right Fire

Quench the Wrong Fire

Coffee or Not?

Recipes + Bonus

Ease Your Stress



Digestive Issues

Muscle Tension



Weight Gain

Insulin Resistance


Lower Immunity

Decreased Sex Drive

Hormonal Imbalance

Life in the Stress Age

We're living in the Stress Age: From constant expectations to stay digitally connected, to traffic jams, financial worries, office politics, family strife, junk food and environmental pollutants, most of us are under a constant barrage of stressors.

Why does chronic stress zap your energy, pack on the pounds, tank your sex drive, maim your memory, age you more quickly and make you more susceptible to getting sick? It has to do with the hormone cortisol, made by your adrenal glands.

The Good, Bad and Ugly of Cortisol: When at healthy levels, cortisol wakes you up properly in the morning and plays an important role in your body’s immune system and anti-inflammatory responses. 9

But when you’re bombarded by stress, your adrenals pump out too much cortisol, wreaking havoc throughout many of your body’s systems and your sense of well-being. Effects of stress can spiral all the way down to your DNA, causing the end caps of DNA strands called telomeres to shrink. It’s no wonder that stress has been called “the new biological clock.”

Meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and mindful cultivation of positive emotions such as gratitude, love, appreciation, amusement, awe, and inspiration help calm the hormonal cascade and cardiovascular reactivity of the stress response. Physical exercise is essential to burn off excess cortisol as well as to lose weight.

Stress Management Essentials




•Meditation •Yoga •Breathing exercise

Mindful cultivation of positive emotions

•Gratitude •Love •Appreciation •Amusement •Awe •Inspiration

Physical exercise

•Essential for burning off cortisol

•High intensity interval training

•Strength training

Cognitive and

emotional relief

•Reframing •Comic relief •Time management •Communication skills


•At least 7 to 9 hours every night

•Reduce cortisol to improve sleep

Treat Yourself with Positive Relief!

Cognitive and emotional relief is essential to lowering stress. One of the best techniques is reframing. Step back, take a deep breath, and disassociate yourself from the situation and emotion. Ask, can I change this? How can I change this? Are there opportunities hidden amidst the chaos? Comic relief, time management and communication skills are also valuable techniques to develop.

Sleep is ESSENTIAL. Even minimal sleep loss takes a toll on your mood, energy, and ability to handle stress. Keep your bedroom cool, completely dark, and free of distractions. Set an alarm for bedtime and keep to it.

Fast and effective, high intensity interval training alternates short bursts of intense exertion with short periods of recovery, rather than long periods of continuous exercise. It increases your stress-reducing and fat-burning metabolism, as well as increases production of human growth hormone.

Wonder Herb to the Rescue

Called "The Wonder Herb of India," ashwagandha is gaining popularity as more people discover its rich 5,000 year healing tradition and stress relieving power. Spice Pharm uses a special organic extract called KSM-66®. Made with green chemistry principals, KSM-66 concentrates its vitality-promoting power. Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai Elixir and Turmeric Chocolate Elixir unleash the power of ashwagandha in delicious stress-relieving, cortisol-balancing beverages.

Scientific evidence for KSM-66 Ashwagandha


Ashwagandha, also called Winter Cherry

KSM-66 ashwagandha has the most impressive human clinical research of any ashwagandha on the market. Proven in 9 clinical studies, KSM-66 is shown to:

• Significantly Reduce Anxiety and Stress Levels, insomnia and depression while improving general health. Serum levels of cortisol were reduced by 28%.

• Aid Weight Loss, Mood Improvement, and Increase Happiness: In KSM-66 lowered BMI (Body mass index) by 3% and cortisol levels by 22%, and improved scores on the Oxford Happiness Scale – showing improved happiness, mood, and optimism.

• Improve Mental Functioning, focus and attention, and memory retention. • Increase Energy and Stamina, cardio-respiratory endurance, and general health. • Increase Muscle Strength, Size, and Recovery Times from high-intensity exercise. • Increase Sexual function and Testosterone in Men: KSM-66 increased

testosterone by 17% in men when compared to a placebo. Luteinizing hormone (LH), sperm motility, semen concentration, and semen volume also increased.

• Improve Female Sexual Functioning in Women, including sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm intensity and satisfaction in women.

• Increase Longevity and Immune Function: Animals studies show that KSM-66 increases life span and immune system responses.

"WithaniaFruit" by Wowbobwow12 Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia

KSM-66® Stress Study Details

Published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled study showed that KSM-66 Ashwagandha significantly reduced cortisol levels, stress, can help improve an individual's resistance to stress and enhance quality of life.

The study examined how KSM-66 functions as an adaptogen assisting the body in producing a normalizing effect for reducing stress and anxiety. Results were measured with an extensive battery of physiological and psychometric scales assessing various manifestations of stress and its impact on an individual. KSM-66 Ashwagandha was shown to improve sleep quality, productivity and the extent of mental calmness and relaxation.

The principal investigator who conducted the study, Dr. K. Chandrasekhar, is a distinguished physician and one of India’s leading psychiatrists.

Participants in the KSM-66 group showed significantly improved quality of life: • Reduced serum cortisol: 27.9% • Reduced perceived stress: 72.3% • Reduced anxiety: 71.6% • Reduced depression: 79.2% • Reduced insomnia: 69.7%


Ashwagandha Root vs. Leaves: All Extracts Are Not the Same!

Many ashwagandha extracts include the plant’s leaves instead of just the root. However, KSM-66 uses ONLY the roots with no adulteration by leaves. According to Ayurveda textbooks as well as the Indian, British and U.S. Pharmacopeias, the restorative, invigorating and strengthening properties of ashwagandha are attributed to its root and not to its leaves. In Europe, usage of leaf extracts is not allowed for internal use and is limited to external topical application in inflammatory conditions.

What Does Better Cortisol Control Mean for You?


Cortisol Control

Improved Digestion

Less Muscle Tension

Less Anxiety

Improved Sleep

Easier Weight

Loss Improved Insulin


Less Inflam-mation

Improved Immunity

Stronger sex drive

Improved Hormonal Balance

Change your life for the better -- get on the fast track to feeling more energized, youthful, vibrant and clear-headed. “Fix your cortisol, lose weight, and fill your tank with energy again.” - Sara Gottfried, MD Author, The Hormone Cure

For a clinical dose of KSM-66, enjoy 2 servings of Turmeric Chai or Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs per day. As we combine it with a concentrated 50:1 extract of eleuthero, another first-class stress-relieving adaptogenic herb (also known as Siberian ginseng), many people feel the full effects with one cup. In times of high stress, I suggest 2 cups per day.

Reduce Cravings; Go For Vitamin “P”


What is Vitamin “P”? And Why Do You Need It?


When you’re turned on by food, you turn up metabolism… pleasure, metabolism, and a naturally controlled appetite are interwoven to the core.”

– Mark David, Institute for the Psychology of Eating

“Vitamin P – Pleasure – is a vital element that makes our meals nutritionally complete and makes life worth living… Losing weight by limiting pleasure is like trying to stop smoking by not breathing.

Pleasure, Stress and Cravings

When you're stressed, you're more likely to binge eat on high calorie “false pleasure” foods (aka “comfort” foods). Calorie-rich fat and carbohydrate containing foods stimulate chemicals such as serotonin in the brain that overcome the discomfort of stress to produce feelings of well-being and an elevated mood.

Exploring the mood-weight connection, researchers at Yale University found that women who were most susceptible to stress and a negative mood ate greater quantities of high calorie “comfort” foods compared to less stressed peers. At Montclair State University, researchers evaluated food preferences under varying conditions and found that non-stressed subjects preferred smaller quantities of healthy foods versus larger quantities of unhealthy foods when they were stressed.

Cortisol is a culprit in cravings. After binding to cortisol-receptors throughout your body, high cortisol can make you anxious, irritable, fatigued, cognitively impaired, and causes difficulty sleeping, elevated blood glucose levels, and more. Raised cortisol levels also result in stress-induced food cravings and overeating -- particularly of calorie-rich fat and carbohydrate containing foods --which can cause you to gain weight gain and deposit fat around your mid-section.


How Stress, Cravings, and Weight Gain are Interconnected

True pleasure comes from reducing stress, eating well, sleeping soundly, moving your body and feeling your best! Stress and cortisol reduction are critical for you to successfully lose weight.

Successful New Weight Loss Strategies Prove Pleasure is Good!

This old thinking in weight loss almost always boomerangs back to weight gain. The real culprits behind most weight gain are the biochemical imbalances caused by processed foods and stress.

New strategies focus on stress reduction, the pleasure and sensuality of real foods, and true nourishment for the body and soul.

New pleasure foods like Spice Pharm's Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs – which are naturally "functional" -- are redefining what diets are all about.


Deprivation. Calorie counting. Punishing self-control. Going for the burn. It's time to put these weight loss myths behind!

Tip: To best enjoy a treat, give it your full attention. When you notice your pleasure, and relish it, the experience becomes much more of a treat. Now that’s mindfulness in action!

Why not plan a “Treat Yourself” day with a friend? Take a walk in a beautiful place and indulge in healthy treats together. See the Recipes section for ideas! With clinically proven KSM-66 Ashwagandha, adrenal-supporting eleuthero, inflammation-fighting whole spices, raw cacao, energizing coconut, and a light touch of low-glycemic sweetness, our Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate are pleasurable treats that make a great addition to any weight loss regime.

The Happy Herb to the Rescue

This innovative study is possibly the first time a supplement has been tested for its positive effects not only on stress and weight loss, but on happiness as well! A recent double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled study featuring KSM-66 Ashwagandha for weight loss demonstrated significant reduction in cortisol levels, body weight, body mass index (BMI), and improvements in psychometric scales. Researchers conclude that “Food cravings and serum cortisol being well-recognized mediators of the relationship between stress and weight gain, the results suggest that KSM-66 Ashwagandha supplementation may reduce weight and BMI through reduction in food cravings and serum cortisol." At the end of 56 days, the ashwagandha treatment group saw greater improvements than the placebo: • Serum cortisol level: 22.2% reduction • Body weight: 3.0% reduction • BMI: 2.9% reduction

In addition, the ashwagandha group saw significant improvements relative to the placebo group on psychometric scales: • Perceived Stress Scale • Oxford Happiness Questionnaire • Food Craving Questionnaire • Eating Abnormalities Questionnaire

KSM-66 Delivers Again! Weight Loss Study Details


The Ayurvedic way to health and happiness is to re-establish and maintain harmony from within (body, mind and spirit), and from without (between you, nutrition and surroundings). Ayurvedic therapies focus on re-integration of the WHOLE person. All five senses and the mind are employed to reset patterns of distress with patterns of ease, unique to each individual. As personal balance is achieved, natural wellbeing is restored, and you experience your native state of health, peace and joy.

What Do You Find Pleasurable?


Simple Strategy to Retrain Your Taste Buds

Use the acronym STOP to help you. • S stands for simply that: stop. • T stands for “take three deep breaths.” • O stands for “observe.” Are you craving

this food? Where is the craving coming from? What is your craving telling you? Who made this food? Who grew it? Is it a GMO? What’s in it?

• P stands for “proceed.” Chew slowly and thoroughly, and consider what you are eating. Is this a crisp and juicy apple or a chemical-laden factory food? An organic strawberry or artificially flavored strawberry pie with red dye? Will you feel good after eating it? Is it truly pleasurable or some junk you briefly thought you wanted or grabbed because it was convenient?

Formulated by food scientists, factory foods are engineered to be hyperpalatable to induce cravings and encourage you to overeat.

Factory foods are also made for shelf life, not supporting life. It's hard for your body to break down food that was made to last through Armageddon. Ingredients used to preserve and give them their color are often derived from petro-chemicals and butane and set off a cascade of damaging inflammatory responses in your body.

Learn to recognize and avoid these unwholesome “food-like substances” that abound in the middle aisle of the grocery store, in fast food restaurants and convenience stores. At the same time, learn to appreciate fresh wholesome vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, spices, herbs, and, if you desire, organic pasture-raised dairy, eggs and meat.

“Factory foods” are loaded with unhealthy fats, sugars, heavily processed grains and ingredients, artificial flavors and colorings.

Another Kind of Craving

“A supportive craving occurs when the body instinctively yearns for a food that enhances the healing process, fulfills a nutritional need, or neutralizes an imbalance in the body. “ -- Marc David, Author: “Nourishing Wisdom: A Mind-Body Approach to Nutrition and Well-Being”

When you are out of the clutches of stress and factory food scientists, and in tune with your body’s wisdom, you may naturally crave exactly what you need.

Is it a fresh green juice? A savory grilled salmon? A fresh-picked sun ripened tomato? A crispy salad with creamy avocado? Your favorite spice-laden curry? A Turmeric Chai?

Recognize supportive cravings and act on them! These can bring health and great pleasure. When I started my first experiments with making elixirs, it was the effects that I felt and my body’s cravings for more that drove me to develop them as products!


Supportive Cravings Can Be Good!

Kindle the Right Fire


Digestion is Life: Agni

Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life (Ayur = life, Veda = science or knowledge).

It offers a body of wisdom designed to help you stay vital while realizing your full human potential. Ayurveda views health as the balanced and dynamic integration between your environment, body, mind, and spirit.

As eating and digestion are daily, life-sustaining events, Ayurveda reveres a healthy digestive system as a cornerstone of well-being. Every disease is believed to arise from inefficient digestion. The fiery metabolic energy of digestion, known as agni, allows you to assimilate food while ridding your body of wastes and toxins (ama). Agni transforms dense physical matter (food) into the subtler forms of energy your body needs to be vital, generate internal warmth, and produce a clear mind.

An easy way to support the digestive fire of agni is through the daily use of culinary spices. Use them to increase agni before and during meals. In Ayurvedic cooking, it is believed that within spices and herbs lies the medicine of optimal health and long life, aiding digestion and ensuring that more energy and fewer toxins are taken into your body.

Stoking the fire of agni with spices helps you burn fat, absorb nutrients and release toxins. Spices harmonize and awaken the flames of agni. Spices make foods more digestible and make the nutrients easier to digest once eaten. Spices also stimulate your secretion of saliva and digestive enzymes in your stomach and intestines. The less work agni needs to do while digesting food, the less fatigue you will experience after eating. 22

Simple Technique to Reduce Stress and Increase Agni

Stressed, Anxious, Nervous, Angry? Your body is not in its best digestive state if you eat while you are upset. High levels of stress-induced cortisol suppress digestion. You tend to chew less and pay less attention to tasting your food as well. In turn, the stomach secretes smaller levels of digestive juices, dimming the metabolic fire of agni.

A calm and peaceful state helps your body with digesting.

Before you eat put your hands on your stomach and breathe at least 3 deep breaths into your belly. Allow your body and mind to settle. Let any lingering tension and emotions subside and bring your attention to the meal. This small step can make a big difference in how you digest your meal.

As you eat, pause between bites for 3 more deep belly breaths. Savor your food. Take pleasure in what you are eating.

By taking deep belly breaths before and during your meal, you get a two-for-one special. You reduce the “flight or fight" stress mode and enter into "rest and digest" mode.

Even when you are not stressed, breathe deeply before eating and between bites for more enjoyment and attention to your food and better digestion.

Bring love, awareness and attention to your digestive tract so that it shines as the “root of excellent health” rather than “the root of all disease”.

Remember to B R E A T H E

S O S I M P L E . . . And so effective! 1. Sit comfortably

with your feet on the floor.

2. Take a slow, long breath through your nose.

3. Let your belly and chest fill and expand completely.

4. Breathe out fully through your nose or mouth, whichever feels most natural.

5. Repeat at least 3x.


Ways to Use Elixirs

1. Start your day: With their robust flavors, energizing spices and concentrated adaptogenic herb extracts, elixirs are an stress-reducing alternative to coffee that boost your energy and agni without the stressing effects of stimulants.

2. Before your meal: Take the edge off hunger so you don’t eat as much; inhale the aroma and savor the spices to stimulate saliva and digestive enzymes and to awaken agni.

3. As dessert: Deliciously increase satiety, aid digestion and metabolism.

4. As a snack: A healthy indulgence, these

liquid snacks are easily digested on the go and help you stay hydrated. Maybe you are thirsty rather than hungry anyway, as it's easy to confuse the signals for hunger and thirst. Satiating, hydrating, low-glycemic, and rich with healthy spices, stress-relieving adaptogenic herbs and energizing coconut milk, Golden Goddess Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs are the perfect instant and satisfying treat.

Enjoy Turmeric Chai and Turmeric Chocolate as Daily Treats to Reduce Stress and Increase Agni

Quench the Wrong Fire


On Fire with Inflammation

Good inflammation can be your best friend. This is called acute inflammation which happens when you are hurt or get an infection. Your immune system jumps in like a heroic army to heal your injury or beat back the invaders. It may not seem that way at the time, but the redness, swelling, heat and pain of acute inflammation is your immune system in good working order with appropriate responses to protect and heal you. And it's very obvious that it's engaged in action.

Bad inflammation is when your immune system gets over-reactive. It's like your army is chronically assaulted by insults and is getting edgy and jumpy. It's under the radar, but festering. You don't even feel it. But it may be constantly wearing away at your vascular system, organs, tissues and joints. You feel less energy, more aches and pains, and see wrinkles forming.

Chronic inflammation is where it gets ugly. When the insults to your system become overwhelming and your body is at constant war, your body releases free radicals in the inflammatory process which damage DNA and create damaged fats and cholesterol − collectively known as lipids − that can build up and harden the insides of your arteries and damage your heart, brain, liver and other organs. It sets up the conditions for chronic disease, weight gain and obesity.


The Good, Bad and Ugly of Inflammation

Inflammatory Insults Frankenfoods (highly processed food filled with additives, bad fats and artificial ingredients), pesticides, GMOs, environmental toxins, and chemicals in personal care and household products can cause your immune system to constantly smolder in a state chronic low-level inflammation.

Even if you don’t know what's in this stuff, your immune system does. It's smart, it's vigilant, and now it's insulted.

Chronic stress is also linked to chronic inflammation as it desensitizes tissues to cortisol and decreases cortisol’s role in controlling your immune system’s anti-inflammatory response.

As Dr. Barry Sears says: "Acute inflammation hurts. Chronic inflammation kills."

Is it worth


• Accelerated wrinkles • Alzheimer's • Arthritis • Asthma • Auto-immune disorders • Cancer • Chronic fatigue • Depression • Dementia • Diabetes • Heart disease • Metabolic disorders • Stroke • Weight gain and obesity • And more…

Inflammaging Chronic inflammation is so interrelated with degenerative aging it's called INFLAMM-AGING. Inflammaging is associated with just about everything you don't want.


What causes inflammaging? In most cases, diet is the #1 factor. The standard American diet – SAD for short – is loaded with processed carbs and sugars − denatured from phytonutrients and fiber − plus pro-inflammatory polyunsaturated oils (corn, soybean, canola, safflower, sunflower etc.), corn-fed meat, synthetic preservatives, colors and additives. Inflammaging contributes to:

To look and feel your best, and to avoid feeding the fires of inflammaging, leave SAD Behind!

Dehydration Fuels Inflammation

Many people don’t drink enough water – estimated by some experts as high as 75% of Americans. This chronic dehydration fuels chronic inflammation: • Toxic wastes build up • Metabolism slows • Joints become painful • Cells are more prone to damage • Your blood becomes sticky, making you more prone to cardiovascular

disease and stroke

Simple Solutions to Rehydrate - Look and Feel Your Best: • #1: Drink more water • Eat more juicy veggies and fruits • Enjoy healthy liquid snacks • Liquid food prep: soups, stews, smoothies, braising


Quench Fire with Food

The Anti-inflammatory Diet Basics: • Whole foods: a wide variety and largest

amount of brightly colored veggies; fruits and whole grains in moderation; beans, nuts, seeds.

• Well spiced: lots of spices and herbs! Especially turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, garlic, cardamom, basil, cilantro, parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano

• Brightly colored: loaded with phytonutrients! • Mostly plants: if you eat meat or dairy, keep

it to small amounts, preferably organic, hormone and antibiotic-free. Eliminate cured, fried meats, and processed cheese.

• Organic wherever possible! And NO GMOs! • Good fats: extra-virgin olive oil, unrefined

coconut oil, avocados, olives, grapeseed oil, sesame oil, even organic butter!

• Omega-3’s: Salmon, sardines, chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds

• Eliminate industrial oils: canola (rapeseed), corn, soy, safflower, cottonseed, margarine, shortening

• Eliminate white: sugar, flour products, white rice, potato chips, crackers, processed snack foods.

• Eliminate sensitivities: every body is different. Get to know yours. If you're sensitive or allergic to any food – gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, peanuts – get rid of it!


Eating anti-inflammatory foods—and avoiding inflammatory ones—can make weight loss easier, slow down the aging process, and prevent disease.

Bright colored phytonutrients supercharge an anti-inflammatory diet. When you become accustomed to fresh and wholesome food, processed food is no longer appealing.

Quench Fire with Spice

Spices are the original food additives, preserving and flavoring food and working in exquisite harmony as reinforcements to your immune army.

Chronic inflammation is a complex condition involving multiple biological pathways in your body. One includes NfKb, which signals your genes to produce pro-inflammatory compounds. Others have both protective and destructive functions, such as COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, which form pro-inflammatory compounds including prostaglandins and thromboxanes, but are also critical to healthy digestive and blood clotting processes; and TNF (tumor necrosis factor), which can be pro-inflammatory but also plays a role in immunity.

Drugs such as NSAIDs (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen) and COX-2 inhibitors target these pathways, often having bad side effects when they inhibit beneficial as well as destructive functions.

Spices are special, as they are loaded with compounds that reduce inflammation safely. They work their magic by blocking multiple molecular pathways of inflammation in your cells and genes, whereas most drugs target only single pathways. Unlike anti-inflammatory drugs, they work in harmony with your biochemistry, providing many side benefits rather than dangerous side effects.

Spices also function as powerful antioxidants, stimulating your body’s production of antioxidant enzymes and mopping up free radical damage unleashed by inflammation. No drug ever invented in a lab is capable of this dual benefit – this is the genius of plants and nature.


Used Regularly, Spices Fight Chronic Inflammation with Side Benefits, Not Dangerous Side Effects

How Much Spice Do You Need?

Researchers at the University of FL in Gainesville and Penn State conducted an experiment to find out if a culinary amount of spices in food would have an anti-inflammatory effect. While spices show amazing antioxidant activities in test tube studies, they wanted to know how they work when actually eaten. They set out to determine the bioavailability -- whether the active ingredients are absorbed in the body – of practical quantities that people might eat on a regular basis. They tested 10 groups of people eating 10 types of spices.

They measured physiological changes in the blood to determine whether absorbed compounds were able to protect white blood cells from an oxidative or inflammatory injury, and whether herb and spice consumption would protect the strands of subjects’ DNA from breaking when attacked by free radicals.

They found that clove, ginger, rosemary and turmeric significantly stifled inflammatory markers in the blood of spice eaters. In fact, as little as 300 mg of turmeric, taken daily for a week, improved blood markers for inflammation. Ginger and rosemary protected DNA from breaks by 25%, and when turmeric was heat treated (similar to adding boiling water to a beverage mix), it protected DNA by a remarkable 50%! This is the amount of turmeric you get daily from one serving of Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai or Turmeric Chocolate Elixirs.


Do you need megadoses of spices in a pill?

There are hundreds of other studies examining the effectiveness of spice compounds used in higher amounts for the reduction of a wide range of chronic inflammatory conditions. Consult a natural healthcare practitioner for advice on spice –based supplements.

Support Your Cellular Health: Turmeric Chai: 1,710 Mg/Serving Proprietary Organic Spice/Herb Blend Turmeric Chocolate: 7,500 Mg/serving Proprietary Cacao, Spice, Herb Blend

Coffee or Not?


A Double-Edged Sword

Coffee Pros • For many people, a pleasurable

taste and ritual! • Low to moderate doses of

caffeine can increase alertness; lessen fatigue; contribute to improved cognitive performance, short term memory and systems processing; can improve athletic performance via increased endurance and increased muscular power output.

• Contains beneficial antioxidants and bitter compounds.

Coffee Cons • Caffeine is clearly habit forming. • After the initial burst of energy, it often

leads to crashes. • It depletes your body of B vitamins,

overstimulates the adrenals, and can contribute to irregular heartbeat, headaches, tremors, anxiety, panic attacks, hypoglycemia, gastritis, fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, insomnia, PMS, high blood pressure and more.

• Attempts to withdraw can lead to severe headaches, fatigue, lack of motivation, bad mood and depression.


Do You Love this Mood-altering Central Nervous System Stimulant?

How it works: Caffeine alters the action of several hormones and neurotransmitters, binding to adenosine receptors throughout the brain and nervous system, blocking adenosine from performing its function of promoting sleepiness and relaxation. Thus you feel awake and alert. This starts a cascade of effects, signaling your adrenal glands to dump large amounts of epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol into your system, similar to a fight or flight stress response. Caffeine also increases circulating serotonin in certain parts of your nervous system, contributing to the temporary mood-elevating properties of coffee. These are the main players; dozens of other hormones and neurotransmitters are also effected by caffeine consumption. Though milder in its effects, caffeine manipulates the same neurochemical channels that amphetamine drugs operate on. Over time, coffee consumption taxes your body’s metabolic, hormonal and neurological systems –particularly your adrenals -- by repeatedly overstimulating production of hormones and neurotransmitters.

Strategy1: Use Wisely

Drinking coffee more than a few times a week will deplete key systems and create caffeine tolerance, so you don’t get the desired performance-enhancing effects. If you want to maximize the benefits of caffeine, try weaning yourself off of it or excluding it from your diet for a month, which will allow your tolerance to fade.

Here’s how you can maximize the benefits and minimize the harm:

1. Don’t drink coffee (or anything caffeinated) every day. When you constantly stimulate your body with caffeine, your body has to pump our elevated levels of neurotransmitters and hormones. Give your body a break to replenish itself, and replenish its depleted building blocks. You may need to wean off slowly to avoid massive headaches.

2. Find your right dose. After taking a break, come back slowly. Sip a small cup – don’t gulp an extra-large! Wait a bit and notice how you feel. When you have the right lift, stop! Don’t go for that second cup or the mega-cup. You’ll only get diminishing returns and accelerate your tolerance.

3. Support your adrenals. Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, eleuthero, maca, rhodiola, and holy basil are excellent adrenal tonics. Vitamin C and B vitamins are essential for adrenal health.

4. Enjoy coffee alternatives. Coffee can be highly habit forming – especially good quality coffee and its robust taste! Before you chug down too much, switch to another tasty alternative. The robust flavors and adrenal supporting herbs in Golden Goddess® Turmeric Chai & Turmeric Chocolate make them excellent choices. Green tea, herbal teas and chai work as well. 34

Is this you? (me too sometimes). Time to slow it down! Too much caffeine can disrupt sleep and contri-bute to stress, leading to all the negative effects of high cortisol.

Java Junkies: Minimize the Downside

Strategy 2: Give it Up

If caffeine is giving you the jitters, or if you’re feeling deeply depleted, it may be time to quit altogether. But I don’t recommend going cold-turkey or you may have withdrawal headaches and end up a catatonic zombie for days.

Here’s how to do it in 14 days:

1. Identify your habits. How much coffee and other caffeinated beverages do you drink every day? Jot it down so you’ll know how much to cut back as you go.

2. Stock up on tasty alternatives. What else do you like? Turmeric Chai, Turmeric Chocolate, green tea, rooibos tea, ginger tea, tulsi (Holy basil) tea, kombucha, kefir water, chia water, coconut water, lemon water, others? Make it pleasurable!

3. Step up your supplement support. Adaptogenic herbs like ashwagandha, eleuthero, maca, rhodiola, and holy basil are excellent energizers. Vitamin C and B vitamins are essential for adrenal health. Take a high quality multivitamin with minerals.

4. Taper down gradually. Start each day with 2 glasses of water. Days 1 – 4: Drink ¾ the amount of your usual coffee intake. Days 4 – 8: Drink ½ the amount of your usual coffee intake. Days 9 – 13: Drink ¼ the amount of your usual coffee intake. Day 14: Go forth, free from caffeine addiction!

5. Enjoy your new sustainable energy! Your adrenals may be sighing with relief and thanking you for relieving the stress on them.


While you’re cutting the caffeine, also avoid all synthetic sweeteners including NutraSweet, Splenda, Sweet & Low, etc. Dr. Ginger Southall of the Hippocrates Health Center puts it plain and simple: "Artificial sweeteners are potent nerve toxins and never should have been approved as safe for human consumption." Amen, sister.

Jittery? Tense? Deeply Fatigued?



Ultimate Simplicity: Just Add Water!

Golden Goddess Turmeric Chai Elixir Hot: Pour one scoop (2 TBSP) powder in mug. Add 8 – 10 oz. hot water and stir thoroughly. Cold: 1. Thoroughly mix one scoop (2 TBSP) powder with 2 oz. hot water. Pour over 6 – 8 oz. ice, stir well. Add 2 oz. cold water and stir again. Or: Add 1 scoop powder and 8 – 10 oz. cold water to blender bottle. Shake well. Blended: Combine 4 oz. water, 4 oz. ice, and 1 ½ scoops (3 TBSP) powder in blender. Blend until smooth.

Golden Goddess Turmeric Chocolate Elixir Hot: 1. Pour one scoop (3 TBSP) powder in mug. Add 8 – 10 oz. hot water and stir thoroughly. Cold: Thoroughly mix one scoop (3 TBSP) powder with 2 oz. hot water. Pour over 6 – 8 oz. ice, stir well. Add 2 oz. cold water and stir again. Or: Add 1 scoop powder and 8 – 10 oz. cold water to blender bottle. Shake well. Blended: Combine 4 oz. water, 4 oz. ice, and a heaping 1 ½ scoops (4 ½ TBSP) powder in blender. Blend until smooth.


Why not plan a “Treat Yourself” day with a friend? Take a walk in a beautiful place and indulge in healthy treats together. Maybe some decadently delicious healthy hot chocolate?

Just a Reminder: To best enjoy a treat, give it your full attention. When you notice your pleasure, and relish it, the experience becomes much more of a treat.

Shakes for Breakfast, Lunch or Snacks

Protein Power • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • 1 scoop of your favorite protein

powder • 6 – 10 oz. water • ½ to 1 cup fruit of your choice

(banana, berries, apple, papaya, mango, etc.)

Probiotic Power • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai • ½ cup plain yogurt with active

cultures • 6 – 10 oz. kombucha (try different

flavors such as raspberry, ginger, blueberry and more!)

Spiced-up Omega-3s • 2 scoops Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • 2 TBSP hemp seeds • 1 TBSP chia seeds • 1 TBSP flax seed • 1 raw organic omega-3 egg • 1 cup fruit of your choice

(banana, berries, apple, papaya, mango, etc.)

• 1 cup water (or more to taste)

Pink Dawn • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • ½ cup sliced strawberries • ½ banana • Optional: protein powder, chia

seeds, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, Brazil nuts

• 1 cup water


For one serving add all ingredients to blender. Blend until smooth.

Tip: Turmeric Chai or Turmeric Chocolate make great additions to any of your favorite smoothie combinations!

Lassi: Indian Drink for Digestion

Golden Lassi • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai • ¼ cup yogurt with active cultures

(for vegan version, use coconut yogurt)

• 1 cup room temperature water

Golden Almond Lassi • As above, + add ¼ tsp almond


Strawberry Rose Goddess • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai • ¼ cup yogurt with active cultures

(for vegan version, use coconut yogurt)

• 1 tsp rose water • ½ cup strawberries • 1 cup room temperature water

Golden Mango Lassi • Start with basic Golden Lassi, +

add 1 peeled and sliced mango. Blend well.

• Optional: squeeze of lime or 2 mint leaves

Bubbly Lassi • Use any of the lassi versions. • Blend only the Turmeric Chai,

yogurt and optional ingredients. • Gently stir in 1 cup sparkling



For one serving, add all ingredients to blender. Blend until frothy.

Tip: According to Ayurveda, lassi is best served at the end of the main meal to help digestion. It should be served at room temperature, as cold drinks put out the digestive fire.

Pudding for Breakfast? You Bet!

Velvety Butternut Squash Pudding One serving • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • 1 cup steamed butternut squash • 1 cup hot water (use the

steaming water) • 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon • 3 TBSP hemp seeds • Pinch of sea salt How to: Steam the squash. Blend all ingredients in blender until velvety smooth. Top with any or all of these: walnuts, pecans, chopped apple, coconut, strawberries, blueberries, persimmons... Optional: Add a scoop of protein powder.

Basic Chia Pudding One serving • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • 3 TBSP chia seeds • ¾ cup warm water How to: Mix well. Let sit for approx. 5 min. Top with any or all of these: walnuts, pecans, chopped apple, coconut, strawberries, blueberries, persimmons, pears, papaya, mango...

Variations: • Use 2 TBSP chia seeds and 1 TBSP

hemp seeds • Use 2 TBSP chia seeds and 1 TBSP

flaxseed meal


These are also great as a snack or dessert.

Tip: This one is so good you'll want to multiply the recipe many-fold. To save time and have leftovers for soup, I steam a couple of butternut squashes at a time.

Persimmon Puddings

Chai Persimmon Pudding One serving • 1 fully ripe Hachiya persimmon

(the mushy kind) • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai Elixir mix • ½ cup plain Greek yogurt • ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon • Variations: Add walnuts, pecans,

almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, protein powder

How to: Crush persimmon flesh, skin and all, into a bowl. Remove any seeds. Stir in yogurt and Turmeric Chai mix, garnish with nuts or seeds. If using chia, let sit for a few minutes to gel. Enjoy!

Chocolate Persimmon Pudding One serving • 1 fully ripe Hachiya persimmon • 1 scoop Turmeric Chocolate Elixir

mix • 2 TBSP coconut milk • ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon • Variations: Add walnuts, pecans,

almonds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, protein powder

How to: Crush persimmon flesh into a bowl. Remove any seeds. Stir in Turmeric Chocolate mix, garnish with nuts or seeds. If using chia, let sit for a few minutes to gel. Enjoy!


Pure pleasure for breakfast, snack or dessert!

Tip: Persimmons are an unsung super-fruit. Loaded with vitamins A and C, fiber and manganese, their bright orange color tips off their bounty of antioxidants, including beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin and kryptoxanthin. Hachiyas must be soft and mushy before use -- they have an intensely astringent pucker-power when under-ripe. When fully soft and ripe, the jelly-like pulp is a marvelous treat.

Since they are high-glycemic, I combine them with them with the spices in elixir mixes to help prevent a surge in blood sugar, and add an extra bit of Ceylon cinnamon.

Go Greek, Very Sleek!

Chai Yogurt One serving • ½ cup organic Greek yogurt • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai Elixir mix How to: Mix well. Add a dash of water if the mix is too thick. Eat alone or use over fruit or oatmeal or chia pudding

Overnight Chia Oatmeal Here's a super-easy, satisfying, nutritious gluten-free breakfast idea. Mix at night for instant breakfast in the morning!

• 1/3 cup gluten-free oatmeal • 1 ½ TBSP chia seeds • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai or

Turmeric Chocolate • 1 cup water • Dash of sea salt • Optional garnishes: chopped

fruits, nuts, seeds How to: Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Add water, mix again. Cover and put in the fridge overnight.

Apple Pomegranate Compote One serving • 1 apple, cored and chopped • 1 scoop Turmeric Chai Elixir mix • ½ cup plain Greek yogurt • 1 TBSP pomegranate seeds • 1 TBSP walnuts How to: Mix the Turmeric Chai with the yogurt. Spoon over the apple. Top with walnuts and pomegranate seeds.


Another ultimate in simplicity, Turmeric Chai mixes beautifully with plain Greek yogurt for a pleasurable lift.

Tip: Instant morning breakfast treats set you up for a good day. Garnish and go!

Decadent Chocolate Mousse

Version 1 (makes 3 - 4 servings) • 3 scoops Turmeric Chocolate • 1 avocado • 1 TBSP almond butter • ¾ cup warm water • 1 tsp vanilla extract How to: Blend all ingredients in blender until velvety smooth. Try not to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

Version 2 (makes 3 - 4 servings) • 3 scoops Turmeric Chocolate • ½ cup coconut milk • ½ cup steamed butternut squash • 1/3 cup warm water • 1 tsp vanilla extract

How to: Blend all ingredients in blender until velvety smooth. Share with a friend. Seriously.


These will fatten up your brain power and send your taste buds to heaven.

Tip: Healthy fats are essential to bolster your cellular membranes, which help regulate insulin and blood sugar which is essential to weight loss. Healthy fat is essential for your brain health, skin elasticity and hormone production. Fat is satiating, helping you to feel satisfied and full. These mousse recipes use healthy fats from coconut, avocado and almonds and make healthy pleasurable treats – just don’t indulge too much or too often!


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Thank you for making it to the end I love to share, and I’m so happy to share with you.

I hope that this information will inspire you to treat yourself in ways to feel your absolute best.

Don’t run out of Turmeric Chai or Turmeric Chocolate!

Treating yourself with healthy indulgences is a great way to stay on track with a healthy lifestyle to lose weight; reduce stress; improve digestion; conquer cravings; and cool inflammation. Dump the junk, make room for the good stuff.

Learn the Anti-aging Secrets of Spices


Check out my book! Here's a review from Reader's Favorite by Nandita Keshavan:

Click here to find it on Amazon.com

“Anti-Aging Secrets of Spices by Kitty Wells is a book for people who are interested in change and true insight into the value of natural spices and organic healthy foods in preserving health and vitality. Kitty explains, based on her own life journey, that staying in the dark regarding health made her suffer from a variety of problems. To address the issues she had, she quit her corporate job and began researching spices. I applaud this book due to its scientific content, easy to read philosophical and factual style, pertinent arguments, and compelling evidence. Attractive photos and subheadings add to the book, and in addition to this, the author provides lists and tables which illustrate compelling evidence. How strange it seems that we live in a world where spices and herbs are not often regarded by mainstream society as having medical benefits and natural protective power? This book substantiates the cause for spices and herbs effectively, and goes beyond the title to show their effect, not only on age, but also on mood, vitality, and well being.

I highly recommend that this book be read by all ages and that people make active efforts to adopt the key principles that spices and herbs should be used more frequently - not only as anti-aging tools, but also to increase well being and vitality and decrease fatigue, stress and unhealthy eating. The book also includes a lot of information on the beneficial compounds in vegetables. The title of the book could be broader to reflect the wide ranging information on agents for natural vitality and health, as well as some of the shocking stories regarding dangerous pharmaceuticals and chemicals that were approved and are widely used. Since the evidence is compelling, I hope that people will adopt the use of these natural life-giving agents in practice and notice the effects themselves.”