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LOOK GREAT AND FEEL YOUR BEST! Comprehensive beauty, health and wellness services under the ownership of one

of Kansas City's most trusted physicians, James Mirabile, M.D . ..... -----~

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Providing men and women a one-stop shop for total wellness: ·James Mirabile, M.D .•


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Where Health and Beauty Become One elJ _________________ www.kchealthandwellness.com ________________ _

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February 2015 18 Give YO\a'SeII tile Gift 01 III Good Nlgtrt's Sleep

6 Screening Tests Women Need 19 To Help Them Stay Healthy Traumatic Oentallnjurles

At Any Age In Children

8 Dr. Matt Daggett, Trained by 20 Helping Clients Win Social

SOme of the World's Top security Olsabllity Cases

Experts, Brings New Clmopedlc 21 Shoulder and Knee Proceduras Why Won't My Hair Grow?

Home to Kanus City 23 SMk Higher Standards of care

1 0 Dennis' Story 25 Flying High Through Recovefy National Wear Red 0ay4'

1 1 Setting a New Standard 26 The Importance of

In Hearing Care COnfid&ne8 In Teens

12 ExperIence True Health 28 KindntS$ Matt&r$

15 Ingrown Toenails 30 Liquid Nicotine Poses Dealt!

Causes and Treatments Risk 10 Children

1 6 Actvoc.ting lor ttM 31 Spiritual Welln"s:

Valentine's Day Bible Verses: Hurta of Women 20 Gr&at QuO!&!!


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To "" .... 10'" O<Ileloo publlohed ond ,'" .d "1" . coli \l13-\1e.3·770l <>< ..... 11 ....... chullll __ nnn •. com

Celebrate Excellence with Our Gold Standard of Care As we build upon oor commitment 1Q offer patients and thei,

families a higher level 01 ca re. we are proud 10 Jnoouoce that

in addition 10 Stroke Rehabilitation, we've earned The Joint

Commission Disease,Specific Ca re Cettification in Brain

InjulY Rehabil itation and SpiMI Cord Injury Rehabi lrtation .

This distinctioo at excellence reflects an oogoing adherence

to clinically specific Joint Commission requ irements and

e:.pectations, helping our patients reach thei r goals for

greater independence.

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6 f.leal th &. Weihe" February 2015 Kanus City

SCREENING TESTS WOMEN NEED To Help Them Stay Healthy At Any Age By James Mirabile, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Mirabile M.D. Beauty, Health & Wellness

O ur bodies an: constantly changiog and maintainiog good health is an ongoing process. Taking care of

your body and being proactive about your health­care will help ensure a healthier, happier y<>u!

SCREENING TESTS Screening tests look for diseases before y<>u might cver have any symptoms or dclcrminc ify<>u have a condition that can be treated before it manifests itself. These tests include mamrnognuns, blood pressure readings. pap smears. colonoscopies, and blood work. This is your body and you Icoow what feels right better than anyone else, including your physician. Make a list of questions and note any changes you feel which may bedifferent. The fol­lowing teSts are only a partial list of evaluatiQn techniques but are the mosc essential and easiCSl to help prevent disease states.

MAMMOGRAMS Ask your health care provider whether or not this test is necessary based on your age, family history. or self-examination. Remember the "buddy system" and go with a girlfriend, your Mom, Or your daughter. You could save a life!


PAP SMEAR Pap smears are essential to role out cervical pre­cancerous or cancerous conditions. A pap smear every year afler becoming sexually active is nee­essary, especially duriog this era of the high inci_ dmce of the Hwnan Papilloma Virus (HPV) and its association with cervical cancer. If you are in a stable relationship and your testing has been normal, ask your provider about the frequency necessary to be tested. Whether or not you need a pap smear. an annual pelvic e~am is impo<1ant at every age to monitor for ovarian cancer.

SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE (STD) TESTING Many medical conditions can arise from undiag­nosed sexually transmitted diseases like chla­mydia, gonorrhea. H[V, and syphilis. Fertility can be affected from an untreated chlamydia infection and diseases may spread to your

Be open with your health care provider. no one

will judgc you, and it is your right as a patient

to ask questions and request testing. Whether

ornot you are in a new relationship, experience

symptoms, or suspect infidelity, these tests are

essential for early diagnosis and treatment.

COLORECTAL CANCER SCREENING Screening tests for colon and reetal canCCr are

nl:<.:essary for prevention of disease and early

diagnosis and treatment Beginning at the age

of SO. or earlier if you have a family history, is

the guideline recommended for sereening.

Your physician can r<:fer you to the proper spe­

cialist for this type of testing. [fyou notice any

type of rectal bleeding, contact your health care

provider who will detennine which testing is

nl:<.:essary for you. ':==~::::~::::::!:::=:" ___ ~~"~"~bom:, baby without a diagnosis and treatment. _ www.kchealthandwe llness.com ___ .--_______________ _

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4550 W. 109TH STREET. SUITE 130 OVERlAND PARK. KS 66211

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Kansas City - February 2015 Health & Welness 7

BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING High blood pressure can cause heM attacks, stroke, kidney and heM failure, and eye diseases 10 only name a few of the devastaling but prevent­able illnesses associated with this condition.

Regular annual examinations can detect, treat, and prevent these life threatening conditions.

DIABETES TESTING A fasting blood sugar level can evaluate for diabetes which in tum, iftreatOO, can prevent heart, bmin, ~ feet. kidneys, and neurologic disordcl"S_ Ask your physician for a fasting sugar level at your next examination. You can p!'l'VeIlt with early detection the devastating effi:ct<s of this~.

OSTEOPOROSIS (BONE DENSITY) SCREENING Ask for a bone density base line test at the age of 50 to prevent one of the most costly disease states associated with bone fractures.

STAY UP TO DATE WITH SCREENINGS, BE ACTIVE AND ENJOY LIFE! Ask your healthcare provider if you should take aspirin to prevent strokes, utilize the flu vaccine, get your immunizations up to date. be physically lICIive, and enjoy a much richer, fuller, long lasting life!

For assistance with any of these sercenings, please call us al 913-888-7546. or visit us online al www.MirabileMD.com

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Thcre is some early evidenc<: that there may be such a component to this injury that we are overlooking, the Anterolateral Ligamenl (ALL). The ALL is a ligament of tile knee that is found on tile outside pan of the knee joint, spanning from one attachment on the femur 10 a fan-like anachment on the tibia. lIS true function is not yel entirely understood, but there is some evidence that indicates it is a very important stabilizer ofthe knee 10 rotational forces. the kind of forces that allow for pivoting, jumping and landing, and other typical athlClic maneuvers.

Combination ACL -ALL Reconstruct ion Technique Or. Daggett continues 10 CQllaborntc with his French mentors On cutting edge research, including many new studies on the ALL and its reconstruc­tion. New rescarch from his fellowship in Lyon. France indicates that a CQmbination ACL-ALL reconsnuclion techniquc in select patients may potentially improve rotational control after ACL injury, decrease re-rupture rates and improve the ath1ctc·s ability to return to play.

Or. DaggClt shares, ""The US and France have both innovated advanced techniques for the trealment of musculoskeletal injuries. The value of my fellow­ship experience is that I can utilize the techniques thaI best fit eaeh individual palient.ri

New Latarjet Procedure for Shoulder Instability During his training in France, Or. Daggett also learned new pnxx:dures not commonly performed in the US. such as IIIe ·'Latatjct" procedure which is indicated for some patients with shoulder instability and recun-ent shoulder dislocations. He also received advanced training in techniques for anhroscopic rotator cuff repair. arthroscopic subscapularis repair.





816-220-8727 WWW.ORDAGGETT.COM

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Setting a New Standard in Hearing Care: Our Patients are Like Family By ~inda Gonzales, Owner, NuSound Hearing Center

I fyou have ever bought. considered buying. or helped a loved onc buy a hearing aid, you know the process can be grueling_ Many of

you have feit about hearing devices the way that I fed about purchasing insurance Or doing my taxes_ The po;>licy could be wrinen in Chinese and I would have just as good of a chancto of understanding them.

Today's marketplace has many choices. You can buy hearing devices from doctors, wholesalC11l. specialists or online in many styles and price ranges. There are adverti!iClllents and special offC11l mailed to us daily. So why do so many of our loved ones refuse to take the first step?

I believe that the greatest obstacle that those with hearing loss fa<;e is the industry itself We are our own worst enemy. Many in the industry have approached it from a sales angle; making buying a hearing aid similar to buying a car_ Others have approached the industry from a completely medical standpoint which. while that may be more appropriate, can be just as CQnfusing.

founding of NuSound Hearing Center NuSound Hearing Center was founded after a personal medical scare. I had not gone for my yearly check·ups and once I was convinced something was WrQllg, the rumor was quite large_

My first appointment with a physician was about five minutes followed by a two minute phone convCTSation when he announced that he would be perfonning surgery. On both occa­sions. he was rushed and seemed to delegate my care 10 others.

I nco.:dcd a second opinion_ The soonest I OO\Ild get an appointment with another physician was four weeks away; once I was told there was a six month wait_ I begged. I cried. but everyone was too busy_

Our Pa'i~"f$. ... Ou, f"amify

It was then that r called my physician from my home state of Texas. The nurse asked for copies of my test results. I explained the doctor would oot remember me since it had been a decade but I would appreciate any help he could give.

Tbat evening, the phone rang. The doclOrgrccted me with questions about my family. He remem­bered' He spent time that evening explaining everything on his own personal time. He cared! We packed up and drove to Texas for the surgery because we knew "'-': could ttust him.

Si!ttlng a New Standard of Care Before opening the doors of NuSound, I knew that we would SCI a new standard. My experi­enCe would be remembered and I would strive 10 be worthy ofthe same confidence that I had had with my Te~as physician.

I believe that when it wmes to our health. ALL our medical providers should be in communica­tion with one another. At NuSound, alllCSt results and recommendations are shared with your primary care provider. There arc many factors with your health that can affect your hearing such as diabetes, heart. and medications. Your PCP should be included in yourhcaring health.

NuSound also partners with dentists, chiroprac­tors. psychologists. and an excellent audiologist and olOlaryngologist 10 make sure that whatever is detected, we are equipped to walk with you through thisjoumey.

City - February 20 t 5 Health & Wet~$$ 11 Prompt and Unrushed Appolntme nu You will see NuSound in your community, in your churches, in you, schools. Most impor­tantly. you wilT see US when you need to; for as long as you need 10. NuSound is sufficiently staffed, making gelling appointments prompt and having an appointment less rushed, Evening and weekend hours are available.

NuSound also schedules quarterly welhlCSS check·ups 10 monitor your progress. docwnent health changes. and nm diagnosties of the devices_ We win make sure your devices arc dean, clear. and up-to-date with the latest software.

We care. We listen. We teach. And then we follow through.

Ca,e You Can Trust No one will probably ever drive through two states to get to NuSound. but many will drive past several other hearing faciliTies. Wby? 1 believe for the same reason why I let my agent make my life insurance decision: I trusted her 10 do what was best for me and my family.

Can today 10 schedule your annual hearing evaluation. In Kansas City. call 913·232_7754; in Topeka, call 785-783-8121. Or. visit US online at www.NuSoundHeariog.com.

Meet the NuSound Hearing Center staff at:

KC Remodel and Garden Show: Feb. 6-8

Johnson Co. Home and Garden Show: Feb. 20 - 22

~ nuSound

.''''''' c •• , ..

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12 Hu lth &- Wetness February lOt 5 - Kansas City


T rue health is something thot we ore on after. True health is not merely the absence 01 diseme or symptom. but

is vitality. energy and overall we llbeing. Yet when we look at our health core system. the majority of our time. and oor money. is spen t on monoging diseases. We are left with a system thot does a great job treating acute illness and trauma but tends to 1011 short when it comes to preventing chronic disease and promoting health.

Focus on Both PrevenHng and Treating Disease II is with this in mind thot Trve Health was born. The synthesis of over 40 years combined experience in the wellness field left the doctors that created this model asking ques~ons , They realized that if Americans didn't start questioning the status quo. oor country is going to stay headed in the wrong direction with more sickness and higher cosh. They asked questions like: How can we help our potients get heallhyi How can we help our patients STAY healthy? What does it actually toke to prevent d isease? 1\ was by asking these hard questions that they come to see the bigger picture. We must begin to locus on preventing d isease just as mUCh as we focus on treating disease.

A Team Approach True Health was crealed oot of the need for cooperation within heollh core. Trod i­tiOl1al medicine can do so much IOf potients but hos some limitations. Natural health care can also do so much IOf potients but it has its limitations. The stoff at True Health wonted a model that allowed potients to receive a mul~-provider

balanced approach whefe every po~ent was looked at by the whole team. their case d iscussed with the potient's goal in mind. and on individllOlized pkln of care presented to them.

Trve Health has two main deportments. OI1e thot worts on rehabilitation of the physical body and another that worts on the chemistry of the body. e.g. hormones. bk>od sugar. obesity. etc. 6y focusing on these two areas. they are able to help people with a variety of symptoms.

Expertise In Physical Medicine Patien ts in the physical medicine aspect of the practice come in for headaches. neck and boc~ pain and shoolder/knee pain. 6y using a multid isciplinary approach. potienh are able to achieve excellent results and ovoid unnecessary drvgs and surgery. This is a model thot keeps side effects and costs to a minimum and helps potienh get boCk to their life sooner. Ttvovgh a combination of non-steroidal and non-narcotic poin management techniques. genfle c"'roproc~c. and physical rehabilitation exercises. we are able to help potients restore func~on. and mobility. We Ioo~ at the problem from all points of view and take on approach that geh resulh the vast majority of the time but hos no negative side effects.

The other side at True Health focuses on what we al l know is such an important aspect of stay ing healthy .d iel Our team is able to see what areas 01 your body are nol tunctioning li~e they should For example , two 40 year otd women who bOlh need to lose 30 pounds and both have tat igue may have Ihese issues lor two very dillerent reasons One woman may have hormone imbotances thaI are CaUSing her struggtes wh ile the other may have imbalances in her digestive bacteria allecting her ability to lose weighl. A detailed questionnaire and in terviews will c lue the team in on exoctty where Ihe root cause at the issues are and g ives a blueprin t lor fixing the couse 01 thei r health p roblems. The mo,n symptoms Ihot patients present with are body weigh t chattenges. pre-diabetes. d iabetes, and fat igue. We also have programs 10 reboo t and rejuvenate your body to get you ready lor summer

6y focusing on both the physica l body and the Chemistry oj the body. True Health can effect ively treat patients with complex issues. II you have pain. that means that something is going wrong in your body. If you have b lood sugar p<oblems, it wort'! just go away some doy. There are other options out there Ihol can help you live a healthier life A life without as much medication, without excessive body weight. and with the ~ind ot energy levels that allow you to ac tua lly live the tife that you wont

II you have any health problems thaI concern you or you w ish your health wos In lOme way beller, coli True Health loday tor a tree consultation, 913·336·1112 Or. attend a Iree seminar at Our office and chec k uS out for yourself ' As~ for detoi ls about the seminar when you call

____________________ www.kchealthandwellness.com ___________________ _

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Social Security Disability Is Our Only Business.

Fl"e< Inlllll \'Isl' So 1l<CO\-..y No F ..

Sharon J. Meyers ~InK""" ,,-


The BrightSt .. Ca .... HANDS Program is a ~tient watch. transit,onal care Pfogrlm lor n05pitals. physicians. case managers. social workers. emO!f8e1lCy rooms. and patients wanting coordina· tion of Ca re from hosj:Iital to home. D! note. Medicare home health does not cc«er all elements of post·ac~te care lor Q~alified ~ r licipanls. nor does il continue beyoI1d a specilic point in care. It is lor these needs that Bright­Star Care has developed the HANDS Pfogram to act as a reliable rewurce to ensure a positive trans ition lrom n05pital to home and address Pfeventable readmiss">ns.

The BrightStar Transitional Care Pragram will focus upon the following:

> Registe red Nurse vis~ in the home within 12 hours of discharge

> Registe red Nurse s upervision with Care by Home Health Aides or Certified Nursing Assistants

'No hourly minimums

'Transportation home from the h05pital

> Home safety che<k. grtXery shopping, and pharmacy pi(k·up

"The HANDS ',. n.W"". , 0 . ... p",,,. m . ' 6 ,i,htSt" C .... I. oo,t ~ti .. I", Itooplt. l •• nd <. n di_tl, im".ot thei, qWllity me";'-' .. ... 11 ., t". ".,n"", Ii".. P. llen" tnd. y "-nd mo .. • nd p. llent eduo.tion in .". I>qme help. ,"'m ,.., in oon,,,,1 01 t"-i, < ... • <HI "",.. "",liden' in ,,,.i, . bi/iIi •• ,,, m._ illne •• '" injury with . qu. lified ".. ",'U,. te.m 01 p",,.Uio,,.I •. "

- D,. r,,"* Ni. '.en (C""' .... nc, Medici ... )

......... .s""rm;.\I"YO ... /.aW.mm

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City - ::"';;;;~'~O~'~S;Health &- Wellness 15

Ingrown Toenails Causes and Treatments By Dr. Thomas F. ~ OPM

lmost all of us have had • problem with an ingrown toen.il on,e in our lives. This ,ommon

condition. where the side of the nail grows into Ihe surrounding skin, causes redness and usually excruciating pain that causes any usc of the fOOl to be unbearable.

When To Seek Immediate Care Mosl palients find that eVnltheir most oomfOl'1-able shoes become unwearable on~ the ingrown nail presses into the skin. When signs of • chronic ,ondilion such as s"''Clling and pain along !he side or end of the toe or • yellowish drainage and severe redness 1ppCU, you mUSl se-ek immediale earc.

Cause of Ingrown Toenails 1"be (:IlISC of ingJ1JWD lOCnails QIl be Inribuled 10

either heredity or improper cunin&- Toe Ind nail shape: QIl contribuIC to chronic: ingrowth lllIking it nf:ICCSS"'Y to have I 11'lCR pmnanatl SOlulion " 'hich will be disawed lalel'. Whether one does their own nails 01" has pedicun:s. il ;1 irnponanllO

TWo 1\'pea of Treatment If professional treatment is necessary, there are generally two ways to treal it. If this is the fi".t time that you have had this occur, we can numb the bascofthe toe, trim out !he ingrown nail and sometimes have you take an onl anlibiot~. If the nail is a m:UIl'CllI problem, the toe can be numbed al the base SO thaI !he 00ftK'r of !he nail can be removed by chemically destroying !he growth o;cnlCT. NonnaUy perfonned in the om~. with linle down time, this procedure has been very effective in alleviating future problems for those: who suffer from persistent ingrown nails.

r=>ember !hal !he nail should IlIM be trimmed too Specialists in Foot and Ankle Problems dose and that the instrumenlS used are sterile. Podiatrisls 5pC'Cialize in diagnosing and lrealing Should the nail be trimmed improperly. stan by foot and ankk problems. Our ootICalion is I four 5Oal<ing it in Epsom salIS followed by an applicl- year medical edtlCalion focused on problems

Our praclice trca~ problems of !he foot and ankle including He.el Pain, Bunions, Monon's NCIif'OIna, Ingrown Toenails. WIIlU. Nail Fungus and Plantar FISCiilis. We USC advam:ed techniques suc h as Sh<xkwave. Plalelet Rich Plasma Injccl;on (PRP) and Laser Nail Fungus lreaHnenlS.

To learn more or lO s<:hedule an appoinlment for any of ' he problems li$'oo above, g<:> 10

kcfoo,care.com or c.ll our main phone number .1 816-461-7155. We have office conveniently located in Overland Park, Independence, Kan$as Cily NOr1h and MidlOwn.

Thomas F. Bembynista, DPM Dr: 7nomas lkmh,wlsta lias b«.I ill pmcti« for _IN"I JO )'Nn. lie spNh <X:r\lS$IM COOUl/1)'

and tkw/opJ .. WJi""" for lite In!almerrl of n(JiI jimgtJS and Olhu /oOl and ankk probIenu. lie a"ended IIIUtoU Berrtdictjllt! CoIlrp and IIIjnois CoIIegtt: of PodiD/ry Mtdicillt!. lie rompIeltd Ills po$/.Joetaml IrQjtlilrg and residency al LDWith: IIMpital. Dr. lkmbj7luta II 80tJrrJ Cnrifitd by fire Amerio:wr BoanJ of PlJIiiatric ~ and iJffn"l open. profnsiDnlJ/ podilltrie sernces. ./oa4jtlfI (JII patienl ClJn! Dnd rr.Jpatlding Ii} Ills pafMIIU' IINrb.

lion of an anlibiolic CrHRl. If the eonditioo docs affecling the fOOl and ankle. followed by a KC Foot Care not show any improvement within . wuplc of surgical residency. Podialrists need to have days. il is imponanl lO se-ek profCSiliiona! help as experti$( in onhopedic$, nuliology, genCJllI 816·461·7755

soon as possible. problems oflhe fOOl. and surgery. www.kcfootcare.com __ -. _______________ .:...::.:www.kckealtkand wellness.com ___________________ _

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Advocating for the Hearts of Women

By Tracy Stevens, MD, Medical Director and Marcia McCoy, AN, M$N, Director SainI Luke's Muri&l L KauNman Women's Heart Center and S81m Luke', Mid America Hearllnstitule

I n 2014, Saint Luke's Muriel I. Kauffman Women's Hurt Center cl!lebl1lted 20 years of ~dvocatin, for women's heart health.

The Center WilS foonded in 1994 ;lnd is recog· niled as the firs' women's lie," center of its kind in tht United SUtes. On May 21, 2010. in front of invited ,uesu Ioulde $;lint l",ke's Muriel I. Kauffman Women's Hein (enl l!!", former f irst Udv ,",ura 8 ... "" addressed us and said, · 'h.ank you for leadln, the ~ .• It is 11M! tI.Ilture at SilIn! Luke's 10 provide leadership. Innoyation and quality heart ClOre while embracing ground­breaking concepts and technology. Women's heart health Is no different.

Empowerln, Women to be Proactlw As a pioneer, we ire honored 10 lIa~e spear­headed Ih ls ground breaking initiatiw 10 tile dlslinlUlshed level it is today. The Center strives 10 em~r women to be proactiw and 10 "ke ownel'lhip of tlleir risk factors Ihroul" eduulion ind risk factor awareness. Communily and workplace education, alo", willi i family/friend focused ipp~cII to promote hearl healtllier families, have become an encompusing sl rategy, is women remain tile primary lIealth (ire decision makers In Ihelr family domain .

PlonHrs li nd PartMrs In Women's Heart Health Today, nationally re<::ognized for iu commitment to women's Ileart healtll, IIIe cenler Is tile redpi· ent of Ille Inaugural Woman's Day Red OrHii Award; is I Founding Partner of IIIe National Hurt. lung and Blood Institute's Heart Trulll Campaign and WomenHeart: Tht' National CollI­tion for Women witll Hearl Disease. We are proud 10 be a supportive partner and National Spokesperson for Ille American HUrl As$O(iation's 'Go Red for Women' campaign, and II~ been recognized as ploneel'l In women's hUrlllull1I at two While House receptions.

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Controlling High Blood Pressure can Make a life S~ving Oiflereno;e While cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in both men and women, tontrolling a ~ingle ri~k factor tan make a life ~aving difference. High blood pressure (hypeotension) profoundly impacts one's perwnal risk for heart attatk, heart failure, stroke, blindness and need for dialvsis. National guidelines define hypeotension gen­ef<llly as a blood pressure tonsistently greater than 140/90 mmHg.

While hypeotension is not unique to women, women who experience high blood pressure during pregnancy are more likely to develop hypertension later in life. A5 kormone levels change with the onset of menopause and beyond, women's aoteries lose elasticity and beoome stiff, increasing the force of blood against the walls of the aoteries/blood vessels with each heaot beat, resulting in elevated high blood pressure.

Make a personal commitment to monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis. Purchase a fully automatic blood pressure machine for your home. Maintain a diary of your results to include blood pressure, pulse, date and time. Share these results with your health care provider.

,,,"',' City - Febru~ry 2015 He;llth &. Wellness 17

If your blood pressure diary consistently shows >140/90 mmHg readings, discuss the need for blood pressure lowering medications with your health care provider. There are many categories of these medications and some of the most effective ones are now generk, affordable and well tolef<lted. Take the medication as instructed; refill the medication as needed before it runs out; and it is imperative to document that it Is successfully getting you to your goal. It is not unoommon to require mOre than one medication.

Take personal ownership of your blood pressure. If you don't. who will? To learn more about the Muriel I. Kauffman Women's Heaot Center, call 8 16-932-S784.

SAINT LUKE'S HEART SCREENING PACKAGE FOR COUPLES Stay heart strong with the love of your life

) Sain, Luke's Muriel!. Kauffman W"",en·. Hear< Center


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You Share Your Life Chanus art! you oUe

shart! a riJk for Iwlrl JiJMse


5,,.!;"'._ j><O<>lo: who Ii", """'h« oft<n ",,'" lbe .. me lil<,,)'I<, whK:b c.n ..... n lh'rinI ,be .. "'" rU~ f><ton for be", di ...... Th.,\ why ..... off« I'or ,be 1.0 ... of 'lour LiS., • be", .... U".... «,."",inl po;;kqe for """pies ••• iI. ble " our fo., n><". ,,,,, ,... .. ,.1 •.

lIfin,c)"OUr .pout<, be>< frie"", oibHn,c-wllomev<r )'OU Iow<. c.xnm~ r. be ... be.l,b """,h«.

On< 'ppOint"""'; _ <00,.1,_ ",,«be. wi,h an .""'~ <.rdi<wa",.Ia, nun< ........ ri. k facton, bl<>od PreM.l<, 8.\.11, CardioScan (tn< .. u,,", J>I"'IU< in)'OUr ooronary armies)

Review ;D<lMdu.l r.,,;n, bl<>od -" ","ulu for <_.«rd, blood "'I", ."" tIIyroid func';""

) Schedule an appointment 81~-9)2-S1$<

g:~ Saint Luke's MURIn 1.lU\Uf fMAII WOMEN'S HlAIIl QNTER


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18 He;olth &- Welness Febru;ory lOI S - Kansas City

Give Yourself the Gift of a Good Night's Sleep By Larry Pribyl, DDS

D id you know there are over SO different typeS ofsleep disorders? There are many different ways our sleep C8II be affected. The

a>'a'age nwnber ofhoun we sleep is geninSlcss, not only because of a sleep disorder we may have, but also because our sleep may be dis­rupted by the sleep disorder of a family member.

Types of Sleep Disorder. The most common sleq. disorder is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This occurs when the muscles in the throat collapse and close olT the airway. That means there is no air getting in or out of the IWlgs. This is a very serious situation as the hwnan body cannot be without oxygen for very long. This has very hannful effeets on the hean and brain especially.

The next most conunon sleq. issues are UARS (Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome) and RERA (Respiratory Effon Related Arousal). UARS occurs when the muscles of the airway become relaxed. This relaxation in tum

reduces the diarnete-r of the airway. ~ who has UARS usually has an already restricted airway so this additional relaxation reduces the size even more. Breathing becomes labored, similar 10 breathing through a straw. In RERA, the patient is having arousals from sleep that do not met! the defini_ tion of an apnea. They are characterized by abrupt transilions from a dcq:Ier sleep 10 a lighte-r stage of sleep. There is an increase in respiratory effOt1 for 10 seconds or more and this leads to an arousal from deeper sleep.

In both UARS and RERA, the patient does not have total airway closure, as in obstructive apnea. Patients with these oonditions exhibit excessive daytime sleepiness. Being ovnweight or snoring can be a strong indicator ofsleep apnea. However, there are other correlations between sleep apnea and certain health oonditions. If you have any ofthesc health issues, you have a greater likelihood of having sleep apnea as well: hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, chronic isehemic heart disease, GERD, high cho­lesterol, oongestivc hean failure, atrial fibrillation, asthma, chrw>ic renal failure, angina, and gout.

Oral appliances are very effective in managing all three of these issues, OSA UA RS and RERA.

What JrJ H.ve Sleep Aplled So what do you do if you suspect you may have sleq. apnea? Ask your primary care physician to order a sleep study. This is the type of sleep study where you stay in a hospital sening orothcr sleep "lab" the entire night.

Get Back tile Rutf.1 Sleep Yoa Deserve If you are diagnosed with a sleep disorder Or have sleep apnea and arc cum:ntly no{

treating it, give us a call at 816-795-1000 for aoonsultation. We make oral sleep appliances that can manage sleep apnea without the use of a cumbeT$ome CPAP or BiPAP machine. An oral sleep appliance may be exactly what you need to get back the restful sleep you deserve.

lArry Prib,~, DDS, has ""elf i~ private praclice over IhilT)' five ~(JrS. He has his Masler of Excellelfce: American Academy of Craniofadal Pain. he is a Diplomate: American Boom of Den/al Sleep Medicine. an4 ~ Diplamale: Academy of Clinical Sleep DisordeT$ Disciplilfes, lie $pecializes in lreoling he~d. ~ed. and facial pain as well as denl~1 ~Ieep medicine. His lrai~ilfg comes from ape'lS in lhe.<~ fields ... hue he has acquin!d hun4red.< of COIf·

lin~ing education hourI in po.sl graduate $Iudies.



CJ"!h,Jj l'Jj!]( i U! Pu JlI

The J'remlefe Treatment Centel' lor. H.odo<:l\fl· TMJ· Snortng. S"'p Apneo· Cronlofo<:klt 'Clln

qui $olllhCM Av ....... $~ 212. tnde_~ ... M(> ~5

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K;o ns u

Traumatic Dental Injuries in Children By Dr. Chad WoRaro. DMD

A< sprlns arr~s and warm we.ther .ctiviti~. kick Into full swlns. the Inddenc~ of traumatic denta l Injun... In children tends to Increa",. Traumatic Injury to th~ permanent teeth can range from crown fracture. ",paration Injury (in which th~ tooth ~Ith~r partially or compl~t~1y co~s out of the sod'O"II. Of a crushin, injury (in which Ih~ loolh is pusMd inlO the socketl. All of Ihe", injur;"s can ha"" an impact on the dental pulp and the overall health of Ihe loolh. RKeMn, immediate treatment from a de ntal pr0-

fessional far Ihese types af injun... is often impera­ti"" to ensure a good Iong·te rm prognosis and relention of the permanent toolh.

Injurie. typically affect the anterior dentition. Permit­nent anlerior teeth typically begin to erupt in boys and girl> around age 6. When an ",jury O«\Irs to a baby Or deciduov> tooth. a course of treat~nt is taken to help pre-serve the continued development of the permanent tooth that has yet to erupt. When an injury OCcurs to a permanent tooth. the course of treat~nt;s to try and preserve the hea~h and reten.­tion of the permanent tooth. The foIlowinl is a brief over"Yiew of the different types of traumatic Injuries and treat~nt protocol> for permanent teeth.

1}<pes of Tntllm<lljc: Donia! Injll"," Crown fr.Icture Is ~ of the mo.t common forms of traumatic denta l injury. Thi. tyP'! of Injury Is often .een In children due to fails. sport. related Inlur;" •. or a traumatic event. Crown fractures can I)e

descrll)ed " either limited to the hard tissue. of the tooth. (dentin and e""mell or re.ulting in the e>CPO.ure of the pulp tissue of the tooth. If the crown fratture Is limited to the enamel Of dentin and does not e.po<~ the pulp tlssu~ (nervel. then a tooth colored bonded restoration or reattachment of the frattured tooth frasme nt w~h. denta l adh~s"e wil l typically resolve the .. we. follow·up visit. with. dentist Of endodontist .hould be condooed at 2 month and 11"''' Inte rvals. Th is type of Injury typl­cally has an excellent lon,·term prognosis.

An lntn&sIon injury occurs when iI permanent anterior tooth ;s pushed up into the «>eket. When looking at the tooth. it ;oppears n W the tooth has been pushed up Into the gum dssue and appears shorter thi n the other surrounding teeth. In

-, younger patient. when the P'!rmilnent tooth hiS not fully developed at the time of injury >pantar.eou. rePO­.ltIoning may occur. In older children with fuliV deve<­oped roots. orthodontic repositioning or surgical reposition ing may be needed if spontar.eous ..... eruption does not occur. Root C/lni l therapv Is usua l ~

needed in thi> type of injury if lhe permanent tooth has fully developed root<. The "",,_term prosnosi. for thl. type of injury is f3ir.

Separation Injuries occur when the tooth either par­tially or completely come. out of the socket. When ob",rving the toolh. it does not look li ke It .. In the correct po<ltIon. It miY be pushed back toward the roof of the mouth. extruded so thaI il looks lanser. or pu.hed forwird of the other dentition. Thl. type of injury requires repo.moning of the tooth and >plinting with a non-riSld spl int often for a period of 2 to 4 weeks. Fully mature P'!rminent teeth typiC/i l1y require root canallherapy due 10 their inability to reestablish a blood supplV.

Awlslon Is a separation injury that occurs when the tooth completely come. out of the socket. Unlike other types af traumitic dental injur;" •• time is of lhe essence with thl. particular type of Injury. The longer the tooth i. out of the socket the worse tile lona-term prognosis. If a baby tooth or deciduous tooIh is iwlsed or knocked out do not repl"nt the tooth.

Steps To Follow If a Pennanent Tooth Is Knocked Out If a permanent tooth i> knocked out of the socket it is

Crown fracture with pulp 6paSure occurs wt-.M the Important to follow the", Important steps.

pulp Of nerve tissue inside the tooth is exposed to the 1. Keep the patient calm. oral environment. This type of injury will require more immediate treatment. Pulp capping Of root canaltreal- 2. Find the looth and plck il up by the crown (the menl may be indicated depending on the extenl of the white pa rt) lind avoid touching the root.

crown fTactureand pulp,"""""re. Exposureof the pulp 3. If the tooth Is dirty. wa.h It briefly (10 seconds) under tissue to the 0011 environment for an ...tended perm cold running water and then repositjon the tooth In the of time may result in bacterial infection of the pulp sod:et. Have the paru,nt bite on a r..ndkerchlef or tissue requiring root canal treatment. This typeof injury ""pltln to hold it In position. If the tooth Is not dirty. typically r... an excellent long-term prognosi>. replant lhe tooth Immediately Into the «>eke!.

Cit y - Febru a r y 2015 He<Oith &. Welh"less 19 4. If it I. not possible to repo<itlon the tooth. place the tooth in • • uitable stora,e medium. e.lI. a tin. of mil k or. spe<:i.lIl storage media for ~I.ed teeth If available. The tooth can be transported In the mouth. keepln, It between the teeth and the In.ide of the cheek. Avoid .torln, the tooth In water.

S. Seek emergency denta l treatment immediately.

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20 Health & Wel~ February 2015 - Kanus City

Helping Clients Win Social Security Disability Cases II is a fruslrating feeling to work Iwd your

whQle life 10 support younelf and your family only to suffer a debilitaling injury or

il1neSOi that ,uts your \:MCCI" short. U's even rnQI'C

ftustraling when Social Securily, the govrnunenl safety-nel that you have beat contributing to for years. denies your daim to coll«t Social Security Disability benefits.

AI the Law OfJi,es of Sharon 1. Meyers, in Kans.as City, Missouri, we understand how the frustralion caused by nol being able 10 go 10

work is compounded by the stress of facing lTIOunling bills and IlI'It having sufJicicnl income 10 pay them.

Our firsl message is nol to panic if your initial application for Social Security Disability Insur­ance (SSm) or Supplemental Security Income (SST) has beat denied. Some 80 percent of first­time applicants are denied benefits by the Social Security Administrntion.

OurCompensatlon Hinges Upon You, S4KTeSS We take al1 ssm and SSI cases on a contingency fee basis. which means you do oot pay attorney fees Wllcss your claim is approved.

It is common and important to appeal a denial of an initial SSDI or SSI claim. The key is to be persistent. And it helps to enli .. t the servi,e .. of an experienced Social Steurity disability lawyer who understands the complex applica­tion process.

Our experiefKed legill tHm - and it truly is a team effort at the Law OffICes of Sharon J. Meyers - has helped thousands of Missouri and Kansas residents receive the full disability benefits they deserve. We are a local firm that was established in 1981. and"'e are entirely focused on Social Security disability law.

We know what son of information wins Social Security disability cases. ~ you sel«t us to rep­resent you. we take the lead in gathering all of the medical reoords and additional information that is n«essary to suppon your daim. We handle all com­munication with your doct<n, submit all forms t" the Social Security Administration and monitor every deadline for you. We present your strongest legal arguments to the decision-makers wOO wil1 approve your claim, including the administrative law judge (AU). if your case reaches that level.

Th,lmpc>rtilnt' OfT,Hting ElICh Cllse lndlvld .... lly Althoogh we have seen every SQT\ "f situation imaginable in more than 30 years "f practicing Social Security disability law. we stili review each case "n its own merit. We use tbe best practices, but we 000'1 f"liow f"rmnlai, approaches. Bringing your Wlique slOry to life for those who will review - and ultimately approve - your claim is the best way 10 ensure success.

It is our mission to help Iwd-"'Orking Kansas and Missouri residents obtain the benefits they have earned. The firs( seep to receiving your benefits is providing us with the <:>pponunity to review the facts of your case during a free consultation. S() we <;an

reoommend the best steps !(I take.

To talk with a Social Security disability lawyer serving Kansas and Missouri. C311816-1S3-3929 and schedule a free consultation. You can alS() contact us online al www.SharonMeyersLaw,comandsomeone from our legal team will get in touch with you.


SHARD" J. MEYERS 4050 Pennsylvania Av~ue. SUIte 2 10

Kansas CIty, M064lll PIIone: 816·75].3929 F~ 81 6--753.0274


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Kansas City - February 2015 Health & Wellness

Why Won't My Hair Grow? By Meena Singh, M.D.

I have countless patients, fricnds and family members who complain about how their hair refuses to grow. Then, the comparisons

start. '·Why do (insert ethnic group) people always have such long hair?" This is a lroubling issue for many. Fonunate1y, many studies have looked into this very issue and can give us insights into these quandaries.

Hair length is dictated by thc rate of growth and the duration of the growing, or anagen, phase of thc hair cycle. Studies have shown that the nue of hair growth docs not greatly vary amongst nlCCS. The duration of hair growth before it enters the shedding, or telogen, phase of the hair cycle is dependent on many factors - mainly genetics, although, environmental and internal factors also contribute to the rate and duration of the hair cycle. For example, estrogens can lengthen the duration of the anagen phase.

The anagen phase ofllair growth lasts for two to six yeOlr.! on average. Clearly, if the rate of growth is constant, then an individual with a six-year long anagen phase will have signifi­cantly longer hair than an individual with a two-year long anagen phase.

The Main Dilemma: Hair Breakage Rate and duration of hair growth really only dictates how long a hair can be potentially. However, hair breakage can obviously shorten hairs and prevent them from appearing to grow longer. This is the main dilemma for individu­als who feel their hair is not growing. Hair breakage is ultimately caused by structural weakness in the hair shaft. There arc genetic hair shaft abno""alitics; however, most are acquired through everyday shampooing, brushing and heat styling.

The differeru;cs in the burden of hair breakage vary amongst races . Comparative stuliieson hair structure amongst races have shown that indi ­viduals of African descent acquire single-strand

knots that act as points of weakness. Single­strand knots are not typically Sttn in Cauca­sian Or Asian hair. Individuals with this problem are basically giving themselves a haircut every time they comb their hair. This explains why dreads Or locb can grow SO long. Unfortunalely, rcluing the hair to prevent Ihe knots does nOI Sttm 10 increase length, as the hair has nOw lost tensile strength due to the harsh chemicals in the rcluers.

In sununary, if you are in overall good general health and your hair is not gaining length. lack of hair growlh is nOI generally the issue. The problem lies in acquired hair breakage, most commonly caused by everyday hairstyl ing practices.

Experts In Hair lO$,Tre"ment$ As experts in lhe trealmenl of hair loss and other hair conditions, please contact KMC Hair Center to schedule a personal consultation. We will detennine your best options and a plan 10 suit your personal needs. In Leawood, KS, call 913-451-5934. In Shawnee, KS, call 913-631-6330.


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The New Yea' rings in "A TOAST for GOOD HEALTH.- Mosl assuredty. health care clinicians know ,,11100 weillhal your health un change

in an instant. Hospit;Jl, strive to meet higher SIan­dards of care. understanding the accomplishment of Joint Commission Accreditiltion, and in doing SO a'e equipped In screening community health care provld­l'l'S who ,hilr" in this accreditation.

Collaborative parlne<ships h;we this in common, When searching for a health ca.e provlder,look for the Joint Commission Accreditation Gold Seal. The GOLD SEAL means ACHIEVEMENT IN EARNING HIGHER STANDAROS Of CARE.

STRENGTHENING COLLABORATIONS WITH HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS Today, across the health care continuum, heiJllh ure pt'oviders are strengthening collaborations that better support the patient , By embracing collabora­tive partnerships, hospitals are taking charge of tNIy evaluating and examining community providets, Patients and families will always make Ihe final dedsion about their choices. Informed consent is the result of educating Ihe consumet.

AN INFORMED DECISION:TRUE STORY Recently, a 57 year old male was hospitalized. At dis­charge, he was told that he would have to go to a nursing home lor safety reasons beuuse he had no one othet than his ~derly mOlhet In the home. Recog­nizing he was the caregiver of his mother, he began to panic. He did not want to go 10 a nurSing oome and would not leave his elderly mother alone. He took the matter into his own hands and began to google In home care options, He educated himself, He called many listed and made an Informed decision choosing BrightStar Care, beuuse of his

understanding of The Joint Commission Accreditation and their achievement In earning this higher standard of care. By doing so, he was able to get the care he needed at home, while being therefor his ~derly mother.

REACHING BETIER OUTCOMES There is much work being done for the benefit of the patient. which Is often never seen by the palient Or filmilies. Hospital administrators are to be commended beuuse It is Iheir leadership that is replacing the systems and silo mentality, In leadership today, the direction is to discuss Ihe community support options with the patient/family pending discharge and to INVITE those support providers selected to meet In the oospital to become a partner in their discharge plan. Social Workers taking this action are the catalyst for combating oospilal readmission.

HEAUNG FROM WITHIN Good News ... while many challenges face uS In the delivery of quality health care, we are equipped with educated minds al the helm In leadership roles, earning and keeping the tNst for the benefit of the patient. Align yoYr health care with higher standards.

To learn more about the In home care opllons BlightStar Care has to offer, please call us at 913-535-0255,

Giving Our Best The delivery of health care Is

a patientlfamily experience.

Imagine hearing that "You

have Cancer: followed by

"Thete is no more that we can do for you: Where

wouldyoY lurn? Howwould

yoY be able to cope?Taking

the time to CONNECT is

every bit as important to the

delivery of health<:ilre as

diagnosing, prescribing and

trealment. Connecting 10

another person In their time

of need "MEETS THE


ilnd enables both the

person and Ihe pro~sional

to improve the situation.

The Take Away Question ••• Patients, are you deff\ilnding

OUr beSI? And, professionals,

are wegivlngourbest?



913-535·0255 Call us for a complimentary in·home as""sment.

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24 He~lth & Welness FebruJrY 2015 Klnus City


A~~' I..,J;P, V · ' u .. ~

... It"'¥' , .. ... ... ,; ....... _._--() IJ1ERltAH KEIJIT lSSOCilnOJl KAIIS.lS CITY





TIvow on your ia¥orite (or not so fa¥orite) red dress o¥er your winter dothing and Dash Downtown KC in support of women '$ heart health,

It doesn't matter if you're a man or woman, we need your support to li9htthe No, l killer of women - heart diSHse,

The first 400 participants to complete the da~ will fe(ei¥e a 'ree Go Red t-shirt and 900die 1>i9, Participants will enjoy:

, Picture and a Promise , T riOute Wall Signing , More!

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K;onsu City - Febr~;ory 2015 He;oltll & WeUness 25


You can help make a change during American Heart Month

Break \tNt berner _,nat '-I d_ and .troke. I'. not just a man·s disea .... Ead> ye .... 1 in 3 ""'"""" dieot hew! disease

.... -K simply does not have 10 be !hat way. At!he American HeartAssoc;alion. we I'IOfI<. every day 10 lund researm and prevent heru1_ 50 thai mo<e women can be saved, But we need your tIeIp.

Get In.oI_ You can $flOw ~r support on National wear Red Dayor .... y day thrQughoul the yaa, in many ways-f'om ~ WtJaIing red 10 helping org"nOze an event al YOU' workpIaoo, _ or local organization. Visit GoRedForwo..-·orww".rAedo.y for more inIofmation on this annual ~.tion.

You can also r1li$e 1unds with our e.sy.1O-uSe W_ Red Day lundraising

'001. Join our mission to """"''' we """'" ha ... ", deny ,,,,,,,ard1!hat <X>UId sa ... a woman'. li1II. ~ r ..... !he funds _lor IiIesIMng llducational prOgrams and !he de~ ot new ~&atmenlS 10 IighI heM disease. Help make A.....-Iea Go 1*1 ..-.I ...... women·s 1I_,hl. Fabnlaryl

K·, ... y 10 "gn up and make a dlfl .. ..,.,..



Visit GoRadFotWomotn.orwwurRadDay and $$Iect ""Create a FundflIising Pag&:

Select Individuals or Groupo.

Step Three: Choose a fundraioing goal and complele!he s;mple registration Iorm.

Step FOUr: When you receive your conIirmaIion _ i , snar. your page with social net>oork groups

" - " ~-~ Heart V Aseoclalion.

life is wily- lor woman

Women Give from the Heart

Donations 10 !he American Heart AssOOatOon's Go Red For Women """"""",t help support our efforts to educate women and to lund breaMlYough research help. ensur. women are '''1''""",,led ., clinical studie •. Th'ough its lundraisi"ll"ftorts. Go Red For Women has funded women·focused researc!l and has prooided additional funds 1C I~esa";ng oducalional programs and tools lot physicians.

Wher! ~ "'""'. 10 _ling hearl d ...... se and 51,010;8. ctlllnga can be lhecur • .

V,.,I GoRedForWo..-.org/WearRedOay.

"One _ beIIn my 48th bntlday, I hIod open­

heart SUIgetY ID baltla a ffigI1l1ttWlg rIiagnD5is ~ hIod hNrt dise8se. TCXIay, rm IMng my I)$$l kIe in great _ and serving as a naIIonal ~ __ willi tt... ~ Heart Associalion.

IINrned lei .. in life IMI my l>eallh is my grwtesl aSS8l, For as tt... proverb says, .S/>e who ~ l>eallh ~ hope, .. and she who ~ hope tills ~. ' Hea~ _ ~beOOmemy

rrission in life and my hope for !DmOnOW. ThaI\! why I'm celebrating National Wear Red Day.-

PI&ase join me in ItIe I\gnl againsll>eart CIisease in """"""'. _ fled. spread tt... word and raise II.nds '" I\gnl lt"Os 1" __ .... T"II"iher.

we can h9tI SlOP I>ea~ di9&ase" our 1iIetime.·

_______________________ www. kc he;oltha nd we llness.com

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26 Hulth &- Welness February lOI S - Kansas City

The Importance of Confidence in Teens By Rochel Lewis

W ith the onset of a new year, teens should ta ke time to focus on them­selves. Teens are in the most transi·

tive part 01 their Ii .... ' and trying to disco .... r who they ~al~ ar~. 0"" 01 th~ toughMl parts 01 this difficu~ time is to ha .... confidence in yoursell and your capabilities as well as the beliel that you can ad'oieve wtlat you set out to 3CCOmplish. As Marcus Garvey says, "With confidence, you ha .... won before you <tart~d.·

Why Is Conficlen.ce In Teens Important? While it is general~ accepted that having confi· deOC<! is necessarv, wily is it SpeCi/ic;Jl~ impOrt;lnt for leen,? As <tated above, teens are always in transition. They are changing lrom middle school 10 high school and then lrom high school 10 college. They ha .... IO make adaptive changes not on~ in learning who they are but also at home, school and in their social Ii ...... Handlilli all 01 the changes 01 adolescence into adulthood can be quite difficu~, but confidence can make the period easier for leens 10 handle. Below are some aspectS that relate to confklence and how they can affe<:t • teenage r'. life in the futu~.

F<>elng Olffic\llt Challenges The teen years a~ all "bout conquering feats and tackling difficult situations. Strength and resil· ~nce ~ important when it come. to lacing challenges. Teenagers need to ha.... enough mental st~nglh to convince themse"'es 01 being capable 01 overcoming obstacles in life. When they are not confident, they l<>ek self·esteem and mental~ deem themselve, weak and incapable which can impact them later in life as well.

Milkinl Decisions

decisions, they need to be confident enough to avoid thing. and people thaI are negati .... for them. Without confider.ce, they won't spe"k up or may .uccumb to peer pre .sure .

Confidence Breeds Positivity Positivity has been shown to lead to more success and happier people. One 01 the biU e" pieao. of poSitivity is having confider.ce In yourse lf. For teens, Ihis i. ~ .... n more nec~."'r;. Teen. are con· "antty f<>elng new people, places, and ideas, and that can be scarv. Facing those fears in a curious manner will help teens build their own confidence rath~r Ihan feeling para~,ed by all 01 the new experiences headed their way.

These a~ on~ a few 01 the many advantages of being confid~nt as a leenag~r. It .hape. the person they are currently and the person they will be in the IUlUr~.

Helping THns Be Succe .. lul Throughout TheIr

"~, We know ju.t how important confidence is, which is why _ h3Ve incorporated it into our curricu · lum. We wanl te~n.lo d~am biUer and achie .... more th is year, and Success Skills Weekty will be there to support leen. ev~rv " e p 01 the way.

..... -Rachel lewis graduated

with honors from the Uni­

versity of Kansas in just

three and a half years in

December, 2010, ar.d has

already written a book

and started her second

business. She has been inlerlliewed bV

Ihe New York Times, USA Today, Fox

Business and has been ciled in an article in

Forbes on successful bUSinesses. She has

worked with students from middle school

through college helping with goal setting,

confidence building, study skills, and

getting ready lor "the real world." She

launched Success Ski lls Weekly wit h her

mol her and brother to assist sludents

with critical skills Ihat are needed for

success, but nol being taught anyw here.

Rachel is a me mber of Ihe Junior t eague

of Kansas City, and WaS selected as a Belle

of the American Royal in 2011 and haS

been an active volunteer for the SOTAR

and the American Royal organizations. She

is also an Assistant Dance and Cheer Team

Coach al her high school alma mater.

~~ S"UC"'C"'E"'Si'oS SKI LLi-S '"W"'E"'E K"'LY



Having confidence helps you to make sound and well thought out decisions and then to follow through on those decisions. For teen· agers to make good, safe, and well informed

If you would tile more information about a

sucom $killS procram for your middle school,

hich school or col ..... student please visit II confidence III l klll thai you or your teen wwwS."""'HS'dllsw.ftlr.com, _II ~ would IIh to work on, please contact us at

Inlo(!!lSuccenSkililWee klv.com o r clli dlrect~ II .Jd\eIOsuccesssklllsweekty.c.om or

1-877-172·5019 for more Information", __ ~="'=:'~=n:..,=:'-so=:':.:, ========= _______________________ www.kchealthilndwe llness.com_

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DR. ERIK PETERSEN Dr. Petersen is a graduate of Northwest Missouri State University and the Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. He trained in Internal Medicine/Pediatrics at Texas A&M Scott & White Memorial Hospital in Temple, Texas. He is an American Board of Internal Medicine cert ified physician that has practiced Emergency Medici ne for 12 years. Over the years, he has seen so many families who have suffered devastation from opiate addiction. He has since developed a passion for Addiction Medicine and the incredible feeli ng it brings when you see a patient move toward recovery.

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Kindness Matters By Lucy Delsarto, Wallness Educator & coach

I ·ve learned one of the quickest ways 10 .nap 0<1\

of an unpleasant mood is to realize tb .... i. alwa~ ""meone whose situation is worse than

mine. Wl\(:n I follow that thought with an inten_ tiOTlllI mind shift and do a R.andom Act of Kindness. [find my mood will dramaliClilly improve.

An AnhL>d. of G,,,hud. Emb<a<:ing an auitude of grlIlirude awakens \'<Iur heart and souL The secret is in being content and understanding the power ahow. Nothing happens in the past or !he foture - it happens in the now,

[believe life is a series of moments and agree with Maria Edgeworth's statement thai, "If we take care of the moments. the years will take care of !hem­selves and fall into place," I also believe thai we reap what we SOw and by planting seeds of kindness, trust and love. our W<lrld becomes • beller place in which 10 live.

~bl'\lary 9-15 1$ R,ndom Acu of Klndn, .. u W" k For a heal!hitr stale of mind, I encourage everyone 10 practice Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) every day of the year. Everyone enjoys being the recipient of. sincere compliment or. kind gesture. Each of US has the ability to make another pt1S01l'S day better with a few simple words or an act of kindness. (www.randomaclSOfkindness.orgfRAK_"uk)

Choose to fud positivity and be the change you want to Stt in this world lfattitudes are oontagioos, make yours one worth catching. Psychologist and best. selling author, Wayne Oyer, clarifies attiTUde with his quote. "ulVing people li,,<, in II loving world. Hostile people li,,<, in. hostile world Same world,"

Train Your Mind YOUI' health and well-being are deTer· mined by your per· spectives. The true

In an effort to emphasize the impol'lance of self-c:are, my mantra poses II powerful question. Hlf you don't take care of your body, whm will you live?"'

TCOY is ... acronym for Take Care of You. Diet and exercise are key clements for good health; however, the battlefield really exists in OUI' mind, Our thoughts dir«t OUI' actions. TCOY is a philosophy and way of life that requires training your mind to;

• find tbe posilive in all situalion. and be wise in your choices

• be intentional with your actions

• embnoce life w ith an attiTUde o f gntitude

- seck to serve and empower others

If nothing ebanges, nothing cbanges. You must learn • new way to think before you can master a new way to be. A new perspective put into action makes a dif· ference, not only in yOUI' life but in the lives of othen,

Kindness Is a No·Cost Solution How ofto:n do you find yourself rushing to go:! from one place or task Ul another? Do you feci your stress I",·.,j rise due to time constraints? Are you anooyed by the slightest interruption? How compO$$iona.te are you toward otbers while wailing in line or in tnlffie? By changing yOUI' mindsct. altering your a ttitude, and adopting a new opproacb 10 the use of your lime, you crealC an in1<:ntional plan Ul redue<: 5lrcss.

My recommendation is Ul add a few Random Acts of Kindness duooghout your day and walch things ill'lJll'O''e. Acknowledging others with • kind gesture such as a 0001 a wave or a smile; opening or holding the door for someone; giving suppon or encourage­ment with a hug; lending a helping hand; or taking the time to genuinely ask another person how their day is going are good examples of acts ofl<indness.

By planting seeds ofkindness you are re\ea$ing posi. tivity into tbe uniVCBe and thaI i, always I good thing, A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.

meaning of wellness The p&ychological side of wcllness is your thoughts encompuses many that bring about actions, which can strtngthen or areas of your life weaken your health, Every day provides opportunities including: physical, to boost your well-being_ Random Acts of Kindness mental, emolional, are sclnCS!l actions, It', not • matter of thinking I ... of

My Challenge To You My challenge to you is to step outside your comfort zone and greet people with a smile and a k ind word. I believe the Hpay it forward" movement ignites II

spark that ean stan a fire of positivity.

Want ~ joy? live more in the now and prattke Random Acts of KinMeli$. The toughest people to 10"<' are the ones who need it most and you may effect a change in their '!lilUde by showing them respect, courtesy and kindness. You will c:cperitnce joy when you have done something for someone who can never nop.y you.

New 800k Now Avanable My newly released book. Putting It All Together - Living Well. is now available (or purchase on Amazon,com, The book conlains stories that lOlK:h the heart while providing guidance and inspiring the Take Care of You mindsct.

.(TheTCOY Wellness

ExperienCe 913-709-6059


social and spiritual, yourself; it 's thinking of yourself less. _______________ .-____ .-__ www . kc healtha nd we llness.com ______________________ _

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30 Health & Welness Febr~ary 2015 Kansas City

LIQUID NICOTINE POSES DEATH RISK TO CHILDREN Charlie's House offers suggestions to keep children safe and away from this potentially toxic chemical

A child's dealh in NY. suspecled 10 relale 10 liquid nicoline. prompted Charlie's House. a Kansas City nQnprofit orga­

nizalion dedicated 10 prevenl injurie!i to children in and around the home. to offer some sugges­tions and request action.

Joh,. MeCt,,1hy, Charlie ~ lIous~ Ex«uri>'e D ir-ect(f' "The vapor. the fuel, for e-cigareues, typically contains liquid nicOline. When ingested. liquid niCOline is very dangCTO\ls.

and. at times. could even be IelhaL Typically, this liquid nicotine comes in small, colorful bottles. which can be anractive to y<:>ung children, and. therefore. poses a risk to child safety," stated John McCarthy. Charlie's House Ex\X:utive Director.

What are E-Clgarettes? EI\X:mc cigareucs, beller kn<)WJl as E-cigan:nes are ballery-powered devices that are designed 10 mimic cigarettes by vaporizing a nicotine-laced liquid that is inhaled by the user They are trendy and Ihe number of stores carrying these devices is vastly increasing.

Sales of e-cigarelles have grown rapidly in the US. doubling every year since 2008. and the industry is entirely unregulated. lbc vapo~ come in various flavors and colors, and. to a child, they may appear as candy or a toy, Unfortunately, childproof tops are not always available.

Supporting Mandatesan Child-Proof Conta lnef$ Charlie's House suppons legislation that mandates child-proof containers for all hottles of liquid nicotine. Cum:ntly.there are no FDA

restrictions On the amount of nicotine in each boule. the contents of each boule, warning labels, or age restrictions to purehase or COnSumC liquid nicoline. Wc acknowledgc those stores that already have self_imposed such Slan­dards. and sell liquid nicoline with a conseience.

The Centers for Disease Control and J>n:vention says 60 milligrams of nicotine is enough to kill a 150-pound adult. Some e-<:igarcllc "juice" formulas pack as much as 72 milligrams per refill. so the possibility of tragedy if a child COnSumCS this product is quite obvious, yet not widely kn<)WJl,

T" um,tle InJ u~" ,It the mort common ea use of deeth In children end teens.

And til.,. ,It preventeblt,

Dr. lHni$~ [)o"'d £ R Physician at Children :so

M~rcy Hospital

"il is not a mailer of IF, but WHEN a child will die from ingestion of liquid nicotine." said Dr. Denise Dowd, an advisor to Charlic's House.

and an Emergency Room Physician at Children's Merey l lospilal in Kansas City, MO. "Regulations are needed. but the most immedi­ate need is for parents and caregivers to under­stand the possible risk these products pose 10 children. We must gellhe word OUI."

Some states are working On rcgulations on both the distribution and the use in public places. Kansas and Missouri have not passed any laws On liquid nicotine.

"Liquid nicotine is a drug, a poison, and should be trcated as such. Charlic's House encourages (even begs) pan:nts, grandparents and caregiv­ers of young children 10 keep bottles of liquid niw tine o ut of re' ch of ch ildren and locked away, and do not smoke around ch ildren," McCanhy said.

To learn more about child safety. view a vidco on the hazards of liquid niCOline, and review Charlie's House Safety Quick Fact list, please visit www.eharlieshouse .org.

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Valentine's Day Bible Verses: 20 Great Quotes By Pamela Rose Williams

V alentine'. Day is all abo~t love. [ remember it was something that we celebnoted as young children. We wo~ld get "valentines" (little

love note caro.) and sign our name to tbe bac~ and then dismbute them to all of our classmates. It was at times special and awlcward to receive. valentine from a socret admirer. M an adult, I no longer really obser. .. the day, but many Ouistians and """.o.;stians do. Since: it is about love, it i$ very easy to find Bible ver$e$ that ... late.

What do you know .~ V,l..,tln,"s O,y1 Even today it ;s all abo~t love notes, hearts, candy and even red roses. But did yoo Imow that originally it was about celebrating bini's mating ~ason? If. true, mid­February i$ when the bini mating ~ll$(In happens ;n European coonm." and 50 they decided lovers sho~ld celebrate love along with the birds! [ found. linl. history of Valentine's Day over at Ouistianity Today at hnp:llwww.christianitytoday.comIctItopicsfvlvalentilleS< day/.

K;o ns u Cit y - F e br~ ;o r y 2015 He;llth &. Welh'less 31

Take. look at me.. Bible Quotes that you can meditate ~pon as Valeotioe's Day approacbes.

God's Love Is Steadfast. Unselfish &r Enduring 2 Oronl" .. 1:8 And $c/0fIWII .aid I<> God. "You _.Iw>m gyml and >lrod/fUllo"" I<> David my/aIM'. and !Ia"" matk .. e kjng in AiJ pia«.

"'alms Sl:8 8~1 f am Uu a glUn oIi"" IIU in 1M 1to«3. of God. f lrusl in 1M "rodjfUll""" of God forr.-.tr aMevo,.

Daniel 9:4 I f""'Iytd 10 1M WRD my God and mad< COIIjusi<>ll. saying. "0 /.("'/. 1M greal aM a"""""" God. wllo !<ups """"""n/ aM JuaJjfUllo"" ";Ih 1100# .. "/10 10"" /Ii", and k«p /{IJ ct>mm(>M,mmlS ...

"'Icob 7,18 Wilo iJ .. God liu yow. parrkmo'ng iniquity .. M [Killing aw" ""nsgrnsi<>llfor 1M "'mnonl of lIiJ inlrerilOnu? lie d"", "'" "'lOin iflJ "ngt' [rmwe,. bH:<l ..... }It: dt/igJtlS in s:tad/af,lo"".

Jobn 3,16-17 For God to Itwtd '~t: world. ,!Ia,IIt: lP''''' lIis DIlly Son. 11101 wIIoe....r btli~ in IIi .. . lIould "'" pnUh b«11Iaw ~lemallifr. ForGoddld_ uMllisSoninlo.lf«woridlocoruhmn.Mworld.b«linorrJ~ .IIo.

I~ "'Jrld mighl «.tNtd 'ArwgA IIi ....

1 John 4,16 So "'" !Ia"" com~ 10 know aM 10 btI/evt IAt: Ie"" ,!la, God iIaJ for "'. God is Ie"". aM "'~r abides In 10"" abides Ut God, aM God abides in hi",.

I Jobn 4, 19 Wt:/o"" bH:<l",~ He fir'sl levtd "'.

Romon. S,7-3 For DIIt: ... ;11 JC(Jrcely dlt: for a rigAIMuJ pen<>n--lAough ptrllaps /or 0 good pt:nOfI OM would d .. ",.....,n UJ dir--bul God JIIo",.II ... I"""for '" in ,!la, who'lt: _,...".. .,ill sinnus. C~riJl diedfor "'.

Bible ChuactersWho Loved Jacob loved (;onHl. 29, 20 So Jocab u TVIld sevtn )WU$ /0' ilBcMI. and rltq I..,mtil 10 Ai .. b«, a fow days /)«a .... t: of I~t: 10'" Ae /lad /0' htT:

Solomon lOY«! SoD' orSolomon 1:1 u, hi", ki.fJ "" "'iIA 'M fuJU of A ... MOUth! Fo' your 10"" is «lie' ,!Ian wine.

lesus Er.oouraged the Disciples 10 love Matthew U:)7-<40 And He Jald 10 him. -You JlIolllo"" ,M Lord your God ... ;/h all YD'" Man aM wi/A .. II your Jo..lond wl/Jr .. 1/ your .. Ind. 17IiJ iJ ,Ire gym, "Mjinl ct>mm(>M""'n'. And a secoM IJ Iiu II: You JIIoII Ie .... your Mighhor af yowst:lf 0.. ,hese "'" ct>mm(>M""'nlS d~pend all ,Itt u,w and lire Proplle,.. "

Paul """""""'led the CoI"",ions 10 l<we Colosol ... ), 14 And abo"" alll~"'" 1"" an Ie,"". ",hich binds e\YT)"hing IOg<I~Y in perf«'!larntD"J'

J<:$us Jov<,d

1 Jobn 3:16 By 'his "'" bJow kwr. 1!Ia'IIe laid down lIiJ lift: JOT ..... aM "'" a«gA'to lay do_ 0'" li_ for'~ brothen.

Jolin encounoged the Chur<h «> Unre I Jobn ),18 Lillie cMld"m. Ie' '" _1o"" in word or lalk b«1 in dud and ill In./lr.

Love, Better, Stronger, Greater 8r Perfect Prn«ri>s 10, n (KJV) 1I0,red sriml,h up j/n:frs: b«lkwr C(J""""h oll.i .....

Prnnri>s \3,24 Wl!o,"'." 'fJd'" ,h. rod !lare. hiJ smt. "",Ire wIIo 10VI!.J hi'" i< dililI"nllO diu:ip/int: him.

Pron,i>s IS, 17 Beller iJ a din""r ofAYbs ... M,., 10"" iJ l!lan afollened ax and IIoIred wi,h il.

Pro,·o,b. 17, 17 A fri~ 10VI!.J il' a!llima. aM a brotMr iJ bor>t /OT adw:nity.

1 Corln thl.as 1),1) So no ... /aiIA.iIope. and Ie"" abide. ,/sue 11uw; b«IIM g_'U' of dtue iJ I""".

1 Jobn 4, 18 71t~ is no fia' in Ie"". b«1 perjtcll""" caJlS oul jN' For fia' lias to do "'ilh I"'ni<h""fll. and wlloevtr jNn AfU IlOl butt perj«ltd In I""".

Rood m...." ... ,0 IMy dtci4.d fowf"$ sAould ~Itb,",. 10"",

along "';/h ,~. birds I http) lwww.whalChri51ianswannoknow.comIvalentines-day·bible-~21).great -quotesIjI!ixzz2q VE21 bUw _______ .::. _______________ www. kc he;olth ;on d wel lness.com ______________________ _

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