DG2: The Lost Tome by Dan Hass Some books are so important that when a noble loses it, he has to find special help fast to recover it. And if a rival earldom discovers the noble is in such a precarious position, things can get complicated. A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Adventure for 1-6 first level characters.

Loost Tomeii

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DG2: The Lost Tome by Dan Hass

Some books are so important that when a noble loses it, he has to find special help fast to

recover it. And if a rival earldom discovers the noble is in such a precarious position, things can get complicated. A Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Adventure for 1-6 first level characters.

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1 The Lost Tome

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Contents Adventure Summary .............................................................................................................. 2

Encounter Summary .............................................................................................................. 2

Preparing for the Adventure................................................................................................... 2

Running the Adventure .......................................................................................................... 3

Adventure Background .......................................................................................................... 3

Starting the Adventure ........................................................................................................... 4

Encounter 1: Making a Name ................................................................................................ 4

Encounter 2: Sir Stigle’s Appeal ............................................................................................ 5

Encounter 3: Schmitford’s Spies ............................................................................................ 6

Encounter 4: Snoot Picks up the Scent ................................................................................. 7

Encounter 5: Spores .............................................................................................................. 8

Encounter 6: Deadfall ............................................................................................................ 8

Encounter 7: The Discovery! ................................................................................................. 8

Encounter 8: The Inquisition .................................................................................................. 9

Concluding the Adventure ....................................................................................................10

Appendix 1: NPC Statblocks.................................................................................................11

Encounter 1: Making a Name ............................................................................................11

Encounter 3: Schmitford’s Spies .......................................................................................12

Encounter 9: The Inquisition .............................................................................................13

Appendix 2: DM Maps ..........................................................................................................14

PC Map of the Alshon Region ...........................................................................................14

Anticipated Encounters .....................................................................................................15

Encounter 1: Making a Name & Encounter 3: Schimtford’s Spies .....................................16

Encounter 7: The Discovery! .............................................................................................17

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2 The Lost Tome

By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Adventure Summary The Lost Tome is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition adventure for 1-6 1st level player characters (PCs). It requires the Player’s Handbook and a Monster Manual. It is set in the Dimgaard Campaign (campaign guide available for free at www.danhass.biz/dnd), but could fit into any campaign setting where there are two rival, small political entities (freehold, earldom, barony, etc.).

The Lost Tome’s action takes place in the Alshon Region in extreme southern Dimgaard. The Lost Tome is designed to embroil the PCs in the politics of the region and test the resourcefulness of the players.

The PCs are solicited by Stiglehold to find a valuable Tome that has been lost. As they go in search of it, they are shadowed by agents from Schmitford, who eventually confront the PCs in an effort to thwart their mission. The PCs then face the challenge of exhaustion versus the time sensitive nature of their mission, and the hazards of the wilderness. They may confront a lair of spiders after overcoming the wilderness challenges along the way presuming they haven't taken more than one long rest. The bodies of the messenger carrying the tome and his guard are at the spider's lair. Finally, the PCs need to negotiate their return home and encounter the Inquisition on their way home.

Encounter Summary Encounter 1: Making a Name has the PCs establishing a reputation. Encounter 2: Sir Stigle's Appeal has the PCs being approached with a proposition. Encounter 3: Schmitford's Agents attack the PCs to subvert the PCs' mission. Encounter 4: Snoot Picks up the Scent has the PCs dealing with the problem of extended travel. Encounter 5: Spores has the PCs dealing with a disease. Encounter 6: Deadfall has the PCs dealing with a trap. Encounter 7: Discovery!! has the PCs invading the lair of the spiders that killed Galmont. Encounter 8: The Inquisition has the PCs facing the local Inquisition cell.

Preparing for the Adventure If the DM is keeping the adventure set in the Dimgaard Campaign, she should first become familiar with that campaign document. A guide to the Alshon region of Dimgaard is available for this adventurer (and others), however it goes considerably beyond the scope of this single adventure. It is meant to be a backdrop for several adventures and provides roleplaying opportunities beyond prepared adventures. The DM is free to read through the Alshon region guide in anticipation of those adventures, however this adventure is just an introduction to that region. The DM may want to read The Lost Tome before the Alshon region guide so she knows what to focus on in the guide.

Dimgaard Campaign adventures are designed to be very challenging for players. Because the combats are so hard, combat is usually not the only option to overcoming the challenge of an encounter. When combat does occur, it will likely be a hard or deadly encounter. In Dimgaard, the One True Faith is the only source for spells like raise dead (until the PCs are high enough level to cast it themselves). The OTF will raise PCs based on promises from their associates to quest for the Church at future times. So Dimgaard adventures presume that PCs will be raised if at least one PC can survive the encounter to recover the bodies. And because of the difficulty of the combats, PCs do die at a higher frequency than other campaigns. So it is very important to give the PCs opportunity to stay in the good favor of the OTF.

Additionally, this adventure is designed with the idea that the PCs will be 1st level through two or three adventures, and uses XP budgets geared towards that. The DM may prefer to advance PCs more quickly, in which case, she should feel free to increase XP or ignore XP altogether and use the "milestone" approach. If she wants to increase XP, she could award XP from traps or overcoming environmental challenges when none is currently given. Also, the

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adventure doesn't award XP for creature encounters unless the PCs have actually assumed risk, but if a DM is looking to advance the PCs more quickly, she may opt to award XP for those encounters even when PCs use Stealth, Persuasion, Intimidation, etc. to overcome the challenge presented even though the PCs were never in physical danger.

To stay within the desired adventure budget, but still keep encounters in the challenge range desired, numerous creatures have been advanced. Hit points are changed often, and traits are added on to base creatures to tailor them for their purpose in the encounter, and to bring the encounter's actual challenge in line with what it is expect to be. For example, looking at the Schmitford spies group, adding Leadership to a guard definitely increases the difficulty of the encounter, but the DMG (p.280) is clear that adding the Leadership trait to a creature does not affect CR; this is done because without it the encounter doesn't really rise to the definition of a "hard" encounter as described in the DM resources, and because it makes sense that an organized group would have a leader. The guidelines for calculating the CR of modified creatures have been rigorously followed, but a DM could certainly decide that she disagrees with the XP award for an encounter and raise (or lower) it accordingly. This is a matter of DM discretion. If the DM intends to relocate the adventure to a different campaign, the DM will need to decide how she will accommodate the references to the Inquisition and how she will deal with the higher possibility of PC death, but beyond that Alshon should fit comfortably as a frontier area in most campaigns. The DM should have the player map of the Alshon (in Appendix 2) printed off. A battlemat or dungeon tiles may be helpful, but not necessary.

Running the Adventure Distribute the map of Alshon. For any PC that is a beginning character, the DM and

player(s) should work together to construct a reasonable narrative for how the PC(s) came to be in the region. It could be as simple as “You grew up here,” but could also be much more elaborate incorporating the breadth of the PC background, class, and race. In particular, the PC may have a bond with an NPC who could give him a hook into adventures, or provide help with Most encounters in this adventure have no map. In each of these cases, there is sufficient description to run the encounter without a detailed map. If the DM feels that a map is conducive to play, there is enough description to draw up one on a battlemat or using dungeon tiles of the DMs preference.

In most cases the encounter setting is described in "boxed text" (also referred to as "read aloud text"). The DM may use this verbatim if the encounter unfolds as designed, however, if the PCs have done something unexpected, the boxed text may not accurately describe the scene. The DM should not feel constrained by the boxed text, and should describe the encounter as necessary for the particular circumstances of the adventure. If the adventure is set in Dimgaard, remember, an Inquisition encounter check is made at the end of each adventuring week, and, if no encounter has occurred during the adventure, at the end of the adventure.

Adventure Background The region is in a drought. Crops, livestock, and foraging are suffering. But there is generally not a lot that can be done about the weather. Stiglehold's craftsmen have partners in Mooresgate, a town about 50 miles to the northwest. During a trade mission to that town, they were attending services at the temple.

During discussions after services, they found out that a ceremony tome for control weather would be passing through Mooresgate in transit to another city. The trade mission relayed the information to Sir Stigle. Using the ceremony tome, the low level casters in the region could combine

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Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

and cast the powerful spell control weather. (Refer to the Lead Ceremony feat in the Dimgaard Campaign Guide.)

If Sir Stigle could acquire the use of that ceremony tome, he would not only restore the productivity of his properties, but break the drought for the entire region. Such a deed would greatly enhance his reputation among the surrounding nobles.

Sir Stigle didn’t want to send a large party to Mooresgate because he didn’t want to tip his neighbors that he was on to something. Thirteen days ago, to Mooresgate, he sent his herald (Galmont), the most persuasive member of his staff to negotiate the terms, and a member of the guard to protect him. They never returned. Their round trip should have taken six days at most - even with complex negotiations. When it reached nine days with no sign of the herald, he sent a messenger to Mooresgate to investigate. Four days later the messenger returned and notified Sir Stigle that Galmont had easily persuaded the OTF leaders in Mooresgate to turn over the ceremony tome on the condition that it be returned safely when finished. There is no indication why Galmont didn't return.

Sir Stigle is in a near panic. He is sure that his herald did not abscond with the tome, as his loyalty was without question. That leaves only the possibility that he met with dark forces between Stiglehold and Mooresgate. And Sir Stigle is responsible for the ceremony tome. Sir Stigle cannot send his entire guard. It would reveal the desperation of the situation, and leave his freehold open for invasion by either of his stronger neighbors.

He is scouring the region looking for agents he is confident can carry out the mission for him. Galmont and his guard were attacked and taken by a group of giant wolf spiders. Their lair is in the dense forest adjacent to the track between the Alshon Region and Mooresgate. Rendered unconscious, but secured in the webs of the spiders, Galmont and his guard lingered for two days, but have been dead for eight days now. If they are going to be raised their bodies must be recovered in the next two days.

Starting the Adventure There are some things that the PC(s) may know and want to immediately use to their advantage. If the PCs appear underpowered, the PCs should be encouraged to purchase a mastiff (PH303 or MM333) as a guard dog. If the PC doesn’t have 25gp, with a small service (for example, delivering a package to another settlement) it is a DC15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to persuade the kennel master to extend credit to the PCs. The Alshon Region guide has some things the PCs may want to do before starting "the adventure" in the Economics section to give them a benefit when dealing with the Inquisition and build their PCs' backgrounds.

If the PCs have any previous adventure success the DM may skip Encounter 1, since the PCs will already have a reputation for Reid, Sir Stigle's agent, to draw upon.

Encounter 1: Making a Name Assuming the PCs are moving around the region, they encounter a Cheynan raiding party (members of the Eagle Claw clan of the Sunya tribe). Appendix 2: DM Maps has a battlemap of terrain typical for the Alshon region. The Cheynans are here for loot, and are in no mood for negotiating. The Cheynans mostly keep to the open ground, and that is where the encounter will be

initiated. To determine the distance at which the parties see each other roll Perception checks for the Cheynans. If any PC has indicated that she is actively on alert then she also makes a Perception check, otherwise each PC will use her passive Perception check. Multiply the highest Perception check by 10' to determine the range at which the encounter begins.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Like every day for the past two months, it is dry and abnormally hot. Patches of clay soil pockmark the carpet of knee-high grass punctuated by a handful of unremarkable saplings and occasional shrubs. The buzz of insects and whistle of birds combine with the wind's rustling of grass to form the sound backdrop. A smell of "dryness" - a combination of dust and dried grass - has settled across the region.

The composition of the Cheynan party varies with the number of PCs. (See Appendix 1 for NPC statblocks.)

PCs Cheynans XP

1 Cheynan Warrior (1) 50

2 Cheynan Warrior (2) 100

3 Cheynan Warrior (2), Healer (2)


4 Cheynan Warrior (3), Healer (2)


5 Cheynan Warrior (4), Healer (2)


6 Cheynan Warrior (5), Healer (2)


Tactics: The Cheynan will approach the party trying to hide their intentions and presenting themselves as interested in parley. Their goal is to get to a point where the warriors and healers are about 30 feet from the PCs. At that point, they rush the PCs the Cheynan Warriors form the front rank, and the Healers immediately behind them.

Concluding the encounter. If the PCs win, the news quickly spreads. They are free to confiscate the valuables of the Cheynans (which will net 2d6 gp per PC).

The PCs must decide what to do with the surviving raiders. Any secular entity would imprison the Cheynans for an indeterminate period of time; after their will is broken, they would bend them to serfdom. If the PCs allow survivors to return to their clan, it will have a favorable effect on any interactions with other member of their clan (the PCs will receive the Favor of the Eagle Claws). Finally, Reid hears of the heroes, and seeks them out in Encounter 2.

If the PCs lose, the Cheynans loot the PCs of all items, leave the PCs to stabilize or die and, with a successful raid completed, the Cheynans flee the region. Surviving PCs will have to pledge future service to reequip at one of the settlements in the region. In order to gain an invitation from Reid, they will need to do something to gain his attention as capable agents. The DM may offer some additional encounters until the PCs gain Reid's notice or simply decide that Reid seeks them out because they are his best option in the region. Here are some suggestions for side quests (1 creature per PC, with 50XP/PC):

Eliminate the giant centipedes (MM323) that have taken up residence in one of the vineyards at Karl's Abbey.

Eliminate the boars (PH304 /MM319) that are marauding through Berrywood.

Eliminate the wolves (MM341) that have been raiding the livestock at Mardleton.

Encounter 2: Sir Stigle’s Appeal Having made a name for themselves, the PCs are approached by Reid, an emissary of Sir Stigle. Reid has a friendly hound, Snoot (a non-combatant), with him. Reid compliments the PCs on the success of their previous encounter(s). He offers Sir Stigle’s personal favor in exchange for service. If pressed for exactly what Sir Stigle’s favor would convey, Reid will be as vague as possible only alluding to the fact that the PCs would have a privileged

position with one of the larger fiefdom’s in the region.

By making DC13 Intelligence check a PC will recall that Sir Stigle has a +5 influence with the Inquisition, and a well-organized fiefdom with a complement of capable craftsmen. If necessary, Reid has the authority to offer a 100gp reward. Additionally, he can offer the resources of Stiglehold in gaining the PCs any one weapon each of a quality high enough to be

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magically enhanced. (The PCs must locate a capable caster to complete the enhancement, though).

The mission is to find the lost ceremony tome, of course. Reid has brought a soiled garment retrieved from Galmont’s quarters. Snoot is a blood hound trained to track by scent. Reid suggests that the PCs follow the path to Mooresgate frequently allowing Snoot to sniff the garment. At some point, he should find Galmont’s scent and lead the PCs to Galmont, or (more likely) Galmont’s remains. Sir Stigle would arrange for

Galmont and his guard to be raised if the PCs could retrieve the remains in time.

Reid will communicate the time sensitive nature of the situation. Stiglehold has tried to keep the problem a secret. Reid believes they have been relatively successful, but each passing hour runs a further risk that Stighold's rivals will discover their predicament and use it against them. Further, they are likely close to the limit of time where Galmont can be raised.

Presuming the PCs eventually accept the assignment, move to Encounter 3: Schmitford’s Spies.

Encounter 3: Schmitford’s Spies As Sir Stigle fears, Schmitford gleaned that something strange is afoot in the Stiglehold. It dispatched agents to watch the events there more closely, and followed Reid (without Reid realizing) to his meeting with the PCs. While the agents aren’t privy to the information Reid conveyed, nor the exact nature of the PCs' mission, they have gleaned that the PCs were solicited to do something important for the freehold and stealthily follow the PCs, while one spy returns to Schmitford to report their findings.

Appendix 2: DM Maps has a map for this encounter. It will take the agents about six hours of shadowing the PCs to realize what is going on. After seeing the PCs repeatedly allow Snoot to smell the garment, they decide they don’t really need the PCs; they can do the same thing with Snoot and discover whatever it is that the PCs are hoping Snoot will lead the PCs to.

The track towards Mooresgate is defined enough for a cart to make the journey - uncomfortably. It is not hard to follow, as it is well-worn by travelers to Mooresgate. The terrain is mostly open ground with trees sparsely scattered and small patches of difficult terrain where stands of shrubs are located.

Behind you comes a friendly hail. A small group of humans is approaching you. They are clearly indicating that they want to discuss something with you.

The agents approach quickly, but without their weapons drawn. If challenged they will at first indicate that they are on their way to Mooresgate, too, and suggest they travel together for mutual security. The agents need to make a Deception check (+0) with advantage since other agents are aiding in the Deception. If this is above the highest passive Insight check of every PC, the PCs don't notice anything suspicious, unless a PC specifically states that she is suspicious. In that case, the PC can make a Wisdom (Insight) check. The DM may opt to roll this secretly to avoid conveying unearned information to the players.

Tactics. As the agents approach, the Snipers will spread to the sides. When they are at 30 feet from the nearest PC, the Guards and Healer will rush to engage the PCs in melee. The snipers position themselves so they can target PCs without the cover. The Healer will use his Healer feat to support the guards, and during any turn in which there is no healing necessary, he will use the Dodge action.

Scaling the encounter: The composition of the agents' party depends on the number of PCs. (See Appendix 1 for Statblocks of the Schmitford agents.)

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

PCs Spies XP

1 Guard (1), Healer (1) 35

2 Guard(1), Healer(1), Sniper(1)


3-4 Guard(2), Healer(1), Sniper(3)


5 Guard(2), Healer(1), Sniper(4)


6 Guard(4), Healer(1), Sniper(5)


Concluding the encounter... If the

Schmitford agents win, they loot the PCs and dispose of the PCs' bodies and continue on to retrieve the tome, and the PCs' adventure ends now.

If the PCs win the encounter, they must decide what to do with the prisoners/bodies.

If they leave any agents alive and capable of fleeing, the agent regains consciousness and runs to Schmitford for assistance.

The PCs may kill the agents and dispose of the bodies so that they cannot be raised (by cutting off the heads and burning them or some such method). This would be an act of war, it would give the much stronger Schmitford justification to march on

Stiglehold, depose Sir Stigle, and annex his fief into the Schmitford County.

The PCs can restrain the agents and retrieve them on the PCs' way back. The risk is that wandering creatures could stumble upon the agents and feast upon them.

If the PCs return immediately without going forward to retrieve the ceremony tome, other parties overtake them in the search, and the ceremony tome is lost.

The PCs may have some mechanism in mind for bringing the agents' with them. And the DM should reward some clever, unexpected solution with Inspiration for a particularly creative/entertaining solution to the dilemma.

The PCs are in an untamed area. They can take a short rest, but if they attempt a long rest, they are interrupted by various nuisances which pose no real risk (and thus are worth no XP) like a lone wolf or jackal, which is enough to interrupt the long rest, but not a big enough threat to give XP.

If the PCs insist on a long rest consult Encounter 4.

If the PCs proceed, continue to Encounter 4: Snoot Picks up the Scent.

Encounter 4: Snoot Picks up the Scent About four miles up the track (probably one hour's travel) Snoot picks up a scent and heads off into the deep forest. Assuming the PCs follow the trail they find it to be difficult terrain, and likely only make a couple miles per hour. Barring some unusual precautions, at this point the PCs have reached the end of the travel day. They are in an area where they will not be able to complete a long rest because of inevitable interruptions from wandering creatures and interference from the environment. There is no obvious indication of how much further they must travel to find Galmont. The DM now needs to track each hour of travel.

After each hour of travel, the PCs need to resolve the effects of a forced march (PH181).

If the PCs continued on into the forest/jungle, they reach the spider's lair

after a couple miles (as indicated on the encounter map).

The Calmanus Colony is safe way station positioned precisely where most travelers between the two towns of Leischport and Schmitford, and the larger town of Mooresgate need to rest. It is a monastery operated by the Fharlangn Order of the One True Faith. The PCs can travel the distance there (making appropriate forced march checks) and have an uneventful long rest.

The PCs may develop a scheme to make their current location safe enough to take a long rest. For example, they may be able to use Wisdom (Survival) to create a safe camp. The DM needs to assign a difficulty to the task based on the PCs' actions, but it is very hard (DC25) to start with, and then allow the PCs bonuses to the check based

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on their cleverness. If the PCs have thought to bring tents, bedrolls, mess kits, and other camping gear, they should be rewarded by giving them reasonable bonuses to such a Wisdom(Survival) check depending on how are using an item (+1 or maybe +2). Regardless, overcoming the challenge of facing a forced march with no easy place to take a long rest should be a difficult challenge. If they do manage to overcome it, someone should earn Inspiration.

Regardless, if the PCs take more than one long rest, other parties beat them to Galmont's body. When the PCs reach the location they will find only Galmont and the guard's bodies (and beyond the ability of raise dead to revive them), and dead spiders (with the poison rendered ineffective because of exposure and decomposition).

When/If the PCs forge ahead, move on to Encounter 5: Spores after they complete any necessary forced march checks.

Encounter 5: Spores The PCs must transgress a patch of the forest infested with breathstealer mold. If a PC has a passive Perception check of 15+, a DC15 Intelligence (Nature) check will note the presence of the mold, and it can be circumvented. If it isn't circumvented, then each member of the party must make a DC12 Constitution check or be infested with spores. For the next 36 hours, anytime the infested PC engages in anything more strenuous than walking at a slow pace (for example, combat, spellcasting, or travelling at a fast pace for an hour) she must make a DC12 Constitution save or suffer an additional level of exhaustion (in addition to any other exhaustion levels from other

sources such as a forced march). If she is being attended to by someone who isn't infected with the spores and who makes a DC20 Wisdom (Medicine) check, then the victim gets Advantage on the Constitution save. This is a disease effect, and can be removed by any means that cures diseases.

Ending the encounter. There is no XP award for this encounter. If a PC manages to do something particularly notable, the DM should award her Inspiration, though. A short rest is easily possible here, but should the PCs attempt a long rest, refer to Encounter 5. Proceed to Encounter 6: Deadfall.

Encounter 6: Deadfall The path to the spider lair takes the PCs past a point where debris has built up over time in the forest canopy, and simply walking past it causes it to dislodge raining logs and other debris down on the PC leading the marching order, and anyone within 20 ft of her. A DC15 passive Perception check by the marching order leader will detect the deadfall, and it can be circumvented in that case without damage. Otherwise, the "trap" is triggered, and the leader and each PC within 20 feet of her takes 2d10 damage (DC12 Dexterity save for half).

Concluding the encounter. There is no XP award for this encounter. Either the PCs notice the trap and easily avoid it, or they don't and trigger it. In either case, the situation doesn't warrant XP. Depending on actions taken by PCs, the DM may decide that a PC(s) deserves Inspiration for the encounter.

A short rest is easily done, here. If the PCs attempt a long rest, refer to Encounter 4. Otherwise move to Encounter 7: The Discovery!

Encounter 7: The Discovery! The forest is mostly difficult terrain (shrubs and bushes around tree trunks), but a creature with a climb speed (like the

spiders) can use it through the trees without hindrance.

Lurking in the trees are giant wolf spiders that killed the herald and his guard.

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The bodies are currently wrapped in preserving webs and the spiders periodically dine on their remains. There is extensive webbing within 150ft of the spiders' location and their web sense will likely notify them when the PCs are within 150ft. The spiders will move to defend their territory.

The area is difficult terrain with numerous trees and continuous overgrowth. Even during the day it qualifies as dim light and there are occasional areas of complete darkness. Several dozen feet away you see two bodies heavily wrapped in webs. Despite the heavy webbing, a satchel is visible on one body.

See Appendix 2: DM Maps for a map of this encounter.

The spiders use climb movement to close with the PC through the trees using stealth.

The encounter will begin when the spiders are 40 ft. from the PCs. Any PC that announces she is actively on guard at the moment may roll a Wisdom (Perception) check instead of using passive Perception. Any PC with a passive Perception less than 13 or who's Wisdom (Perception) check is less than a DC13 is surprised in round 1.

Scaling the adventure: The number of giant wolf spiders present in the encounter

depends on the number of PCs; there is one giant wolf spider for each PC in the party.

Giant Wolf Spider: hp 15 each

(MM330); 50 XP. Concluding the encounter. If the PCs

win the encounter, they can reach the herald and guard. While the spiders have repeatedly dined on their fluids, they are still intact and subject to raise dead as long as the PCs have taken only a single long rest during the adventure. The herald’s backpack contains the missing tome. DC15 Intelligence (Investigation) check finds a 100 gp gem from a long decomposed victim of the spider.

Additionally, the PCs may attempt to extract poison from each spider corpses. It is a DC20 Intelligence (Nature) check or a DC15 Poisoner kit check to successfully extract poison. If successful, it will yield one dose of spider poison; if failed that spider's poison sacs are ruptured and the poison lost with no second chance possible. This poison adds 2d6 poison damage to an attack and has a DC11 Constitution save for half damage, but otherwise conforms to the poison listed in PH153.

The PCs may still face a forced march situation. When they head back to Stiglehold, move on to Encounter 8: The Inquisition.

Encounter 8: The Inquisition This is an optional encounter. The PCs face it based on the results of the Inquisition encounter check in the Dimgaard Campaign Setting. If the adventure isn't taking place in Dimgaard, then it is up to the DM to decide if she wants to include this optional encounter, or not.

The Inquistion isn't here to kill PCs. they just need to bring the PCs in for examination. And they will agree to accompany the PCs back to Stigleford on the way. The Inquisitors will approach the PCs prepared for a fight, but not intent on provoking if they don't have to. But they are under strict commands to retrieve the PCs.

The terrain is mostly open ground with small patches of difficult terrain where patches of shrubs are located, and occasional trees. The sun is bright in the late afternoon. A hundred feet away you see a group approaching you. They have a dour expression, and are wearing the easily recognized livery of the Inquisition. They are hailing you as they approach.

Use this chart to determine the composition of the Inquisition party (refer to Appendix 1 for statblocks of the NPCs; Guard is MM p.347):

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PCs Marshals XP

1 Junior Inquisitor (1), Armorer (1)


2 Junior Inquisitor (1), Guard(1), Armorer (1)


3 Junior Inquisitor (1), Guard(2), Armorer (1)


4 Junior Inquisitor (2), Guard(2), Armorer (1)


5 Junior Inquisitor (2), Guard(3), Armorer (1)


6 Junior Inquisitor (3), Guard(3), Armorer (1)


Tactics. The Armorer casted his mage armor on the Junior Inquisitor(s) and is in

hiding 300 feet away inside a minor illusion of a bush; he will observe the encounter and report the results to the Inquisition should the PCs defeat the Inquisitors. If combat occurs, the Junior Inquisitor(s) attempts to stay at spell range and allows the Guard(s) to engage the PCs in martial combat.

Concluding the encounter. The PCs receive the XP for this encounter only if they engage the NPCs in combat and defeat them. If the PCs manage to evade the Inquisition using Deception, Persuasion, Intimidation, etc. a PC or multiple PCs should probably be awarded Inspiration, but unless the party actually was put at risk, XP is not generally awarded.

Concluding the Adventure Before any other activities, the PCs must deal with the Inquisition if they were taken into custody. If the PCs have the ceremony tome when taken into custody by the Inquisition, the Inquisition return it to Sir Stigle, the PCs earn favor with Sir Stigle. If the campaign is set in Dimgaard, the Dimgaard Campaign Guide has the rules for dealing with the Inquisition. If the campaign is not set in Dimgaard, the Inquisition immediately releases any human who is not a spellcaster (note that 1st level rangers and paladins are not spellcasters). Any non-human is held for examination for 1d6 days, as is any spellcaster and these are cumulative; so, for example, an elf cleric would held for 2d6 days.

If the PCs returned the ceremony tome to Sir Stigle or the Inquisition, each PC gets the "Favor of Sir Stigle." The PC gets to

choose a weapon and Sir Stigle will either have his craftsmen produce such an item or trade for it with other nobles, and the item will be of high enough quality that it can be magically enhanced. The PCs may have received various favors from side quests early in the adventure and these should be noted.

If the PCs killed Schmitford's agents, they have the "Notice of Schmitford". This doesn't necessarily mean that Schmitford is going to be out to kill the PCs. Just that Schmitford realizes the PCs are something that needs to be dealt with.

If the PCs failed to acquire the ceremony tome, Schmitford gets it, and uses it to break the drought instead of Stiglehold. Sir Stigle is embarrassed by his failure and Schmitford's reputation rises in the region.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Appendix 1: NPC Statblocks

Encounter 1: Making a Name Cheynan Warrior Medium humanoid(human); CN; New Creature

Armor Class: 13 (studded leather); Hit Points: 40 (6d8 + 6); Speed: 30 ft;

S:12; D:12; C:12; I:10; W:10; Ch:10

Saving Throws: Dex +3; Con +3 Skills: Athletics +4, Handle Animal +3, Intimidation +2, Perception +4 Resistance: cold Senses: passive Perception 14 Languages: Cheynan CR: 1/4 (50XP)

Pack Tactics. The Cheynan Warrior gains advantage on attack rolls if the target is adjacent to one of the Cheynan Warrior's allies. Tribal Weaponry. +1/+1 with shortbow and spear (already in action)

Actions Spear: melee; +4; 5ft; 1 target; 5 (1d6+2) piercing Shortbow: ranged; +4; 80/320 ft; 5 (1d6+2) piercing

Healer Med humanoid (human); CN

AC: 12 (Hide armor); HP: 11 (2d8+2) Speed: 30 ft;

S:13; D:11; C:12; I:8; W:11; Ch:8

Skills: Athletics +3, Medicine +2 Senses: passive Perception 10 Languages: Cheynan CR: 1/8 (25XP)

Pack Tactics. The Cheynan Healer gains advantage on attack rolls if the target is adjacent to one of the Cheynan Healer's allies. Healer. (Feat: PH167) Equipment. Healer's kit; potion of healing (3),

Spear (3)

Actions Spear: melee or ranged; +3; 5ft or 20/60 ft; one target; 1d6+1 piercing or (2 handed) 1d8+1 Net: ranged; +4, 5/15'; 1 targ; special

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 3: Schmitford’s Spies Guard med humanoid(human); N

AC 16 (chain shirt, shield) HP 18 (2d8+2) Speed 30ft

S:14; D:13; C:12; I:10; W:10; Ch:10

Skills: Perception +2; Stealth +3 Senses passive Perception 12 Languages Teulon CR: 1/8 (25XP)

Leadership (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For 1 minute, Guard can utter a special command or warning whenever a nonhostile creature that he can see within 30 feet of it makes an attack roll or a saving throw. The creature can add 1d4 to its roll provided it can hear and understand Guard. A creature can benefit from only one Leadership die at a time. This effect ends if Guard is incapacitated. Only one Guard in the group can have this trait. Gear. spear(3), 1 potion of healing

Actions Spear: melee or ranged; +4 to hit; 5ft or 20/60ft; one target; 1d6+1 piercing damage Net: ranged: +3 to hit; 5ft/15ft; one target; Special

Healer med humanoid(human); N

AC: 10 HP: 6 (1d8) Speed: 30 ft

S:10; D:11; C:11; I:10; W:10; Ch:10

Skills: Stealth +2 Senses: passive Perception 10 Languages: Teulon CR: 0 (10XP)

Healer. (Feat: PH167) Gear. acid vial (x2); healer’s kit

Actions Club: melee: +2 to hit; 5ft; one target; 1d4 bludgeoning Acid: ranged: +0 to hit; 20ft; one target; 2d6 acid Net: ranged: +0 to hit; 5ft/15ft; one target; special

Sniper: Medium humanoid (human), N

Armor Class 12 (leather armor) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Speed 30 ft.

11 (+0) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Teulon Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Actions Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) slashing damage. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to it,range 80 ft./320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 9: The Inquisition Junior Inquisitor Medium humanoid(human): LG

Armor Class: 10 (14 with mage armor) Hit Points: 40 (7d8) Speed: 30 ft

S: 10; D:10; C:10; I:10; W:16; Ch:12

Skills: Medicine +5; Insight +7; Intimidation +3; Perception +5; Religion +3 Senses: passive Perception 14 Languages: Teulon, Larian CR: 1/4 (50 XP)

Healer. per Feat (PH167 Spellcasting: 1st level spellcaster Save DC: 13; +5 to hit

Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy

1st level (3 slots): bless, cure wounds, command Gear: Healer's kit

Actions Club: melee; +2, 5ft; one target; 1d4 bludgeoning

Armorer Medium humanoid (human),neutral

Armor Class 10 Hit Points 4 (1d8) Speed 30 ft.

S:10; D:10; C:10; I:10; W:10; Ch:10 Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Teulon Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Spellcasting 1st level caster Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, minor illusion 1st level (2 slots): expeditious retreat, mage


Actions Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) bludgeoning damage.

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Appendix 2: DM Maps

PC Map of the Alshon Region

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Anticipated Encounters

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 1: Making a Name & Encounter 3: Schimtford’s Spies

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By Dan Hass

Copyright 2015 Dan Hass Endeavors

Encounter 7: The Discovery!