A consistent algorithmic framework for structured machine learning Lorenzo Rosasco Universit´ a di Genova+ MIT + IIT lcsl.mit.edu April 29th, 2019 -IPAM joint work with C. Ciliberto (Imperial College), A. Rudi (INRIA-Paris)

Lorenzo Rosasco Universit a di Genova+ MIT + IIT lcsl.mit

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Page 1: Lorenzo Rosasco Universit a di Genova+ MIT + IIT lcsl.mit

A consistent algorithmic framework for structured machine learning

Lorenzo RosascoUniversita di Genova+ MIT + IIT


April 29th, 2019 -IPAM

joint work with C. Ciliberto (Imperial College), A. Rudi (INRIA-Paris)

Page 2: Lorenzo Rosasco Universit a di Genova+ MIT + IIT lcsl.mit

Classic supervised learning

given {(x1, y1), . . . , (xn, yn)} find f(xnew) ∼ ynew

Regression Binary classification

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Structured learning

‘‘A domain of machine learning, in which the prediction must satisfy the additional constraintsfound in structured data, poses one of machine learning’s greatest challenges: learningfunctional dependencies between arbitrary input and output domains.”

Baklr et al., Predicting structured data. MIT press, 2007. [1]

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Structured learning applications

I Image segmentation [2],

I captioning [3],

I speech recognition [4, 5],

I protein folding [6],

I ordinal regression [7],

I ranking [8].

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Examples of “structured” outputs

I Finite discrete alphabets (binary/multi-category classification, multilabel),

I strings,

I ordered lists,

I sequences.

Classically only discrete possibly output spaces.

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Classical approaches

Likelihood estimation models

I General approaches (Struct-SVM [9], Conditional Random Fields [10]),

I but limited guarantees (generalization bounds).

Surrogate approaches

I Strong theoretical guarantees,

I but ad hoc, e.g. classification [11], multiclass [12], ranking [8]. . .

We will try to take the best of both!

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Statistical learning

I (X × Y, ρ) probability space, such that ρ(x, y) = ρX (x)ρ(y|x).

I ∆ : Y × Y → [0,∞)

Problem Solve


∫dρ(x, y)∆(f(x), y)

given (xi, yi)ni=1 i.i.d. samples of ρ.

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Statistical learning

I (X × Y, ρ) probability space, such that ρ(x, y) = ρX (x)ρ(y|x).

I ∆ : Y × Y → [0,∞)

Problem Solve


∫dρ(x, y)∆(f(x), y)

given (xi, yi)ni=1 i.i.d. samples of ρ.

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Empirical risk minimization (ERM)





∆(f(xi), yi)

I Statistically sound


∣∣∣∣∣ 1nn∑i=1

∆(f(xi), yi)−∫dρ(x, y)∆(f(x), y)

∣∣∣∣∣I Impractical: how to pick F ⊂ YX if Y is not linear?

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Inner risk

Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)


f∗ = argminf∈YX

∫dρ(x, y)∆(f(x), y)


f∗(x) = argminy∈Y

∫dρ(y|x)∆(y, y′).

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Structured Encoding Loss Function (SELF)

Definition (SELF)

The loss function ∆ : Y × Y → [0,∞) is such that there exists

I a real separable Hilbert space (H, 〈·, ·〉) and

I maps Ψ,Φ : Y → Hsuch that ∀y, y′ ∈ Y

∆(y, y′) = 〈Ψ(y),Φ(y′)〉

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Examples of SELF

I In any finite output spaces |Y| = T

∆(y, y′) = e>y V ey′ , V ∈ RT×T .

I Symmetric positive definite loss functions, Kernel Dependency Estimator [16].

I Smooth loss functions with Y = [0, 1]d.

I Restriction of SELF are SELF, and SELF can be composed.

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Structured statistical learning


I The output space might not be a linear space and can be continuous.

I Structure encoded by the loss function.

Beyond finite, discrete spaces to include continuous output spaces, e.g.

I Manifold regression [14],

I prediction of probability distributions [15].

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Inner SELF (risk)

∫dρ(y|x)∆(f(x), y) =

∫dρ(y|x) 〈Ψ(y),Φ(y′)〉 =

⟨∫dρ(y|x)Ψ(y)︸ ︷︷ ︸



Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

f∗(x) = argminy∈Y


g∗ =

∫dρ(y|·)Ψ(y) = argmin


∫dρ(x, y)‖g(x)−Ψ(y)‖2

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Inner SELF (risk)

∫dρ(y|x)∆(f(x), y) =

∫dρ(y|x) 〈Ψ(y),Φ(y′)〉 =

⟨∫dρ(y|x)Ψ(y)︸ ︷︷ ︸



Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

f∗(x) = argminy∈Y


g∗ =

∫dρ(y|·)Ψ(y) = argmin


∫dρ(x, y)‖g(x)−Ψ(y)‖2

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Inner risk minimization (IRM)

f(x) = argminy∈Y


g = argming∈G⊂HX





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IRM: a general surrogate approach

I encode Ψ : Y → HI learn (xi,Ψ(yi))

ni=1 7→ g

I decode Ψ∗ : H → YΨ∗(h) = argmin

y∈Y〈h,Φ(y)〉, h ∈ H.

Xt y



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Some questions

I A minimization over Y instead of YX : what we gained?

I Does a SELF exist?

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Solving IRM with linear estimators

f(x) = argminy∈Y

〈g(x),Φ(y)〉, g = argming∈G





Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

If g(x) = Wx, then

W = (X>X)−1X>Y , X ∈ Rnd, Y ∈ Hn


g(x) =n∑i=1

αi(x)Ψ(yi), α(x) = (XX>)−1Xx ∈ Rn

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Solving IRM with linear estimators

f(x) = argminy∈Y

〈g(x),Φ(y)〉, g = argming∈G





Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

If g(x) = Wx, then

W = (X>X)−1X>Y , X ∈ Rnd, Y ∈ Hn


g(x) =


αi(x)Ψ(yi), α(x) = (XX>)−1Xx ∈ Rn

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Implicit IRM for linear estimators

f(x) = argminy∈Y

〈g(x),Φ(y)〉, g = argming∈G





Lemma (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)


g(x) =




f(x) = argminy∈Y


αi(x)∆(yi, y)

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Other linear estimators

g(x) =



I Kernel methods g(x) = Wγ(x), where γ : X → (HΓ, 〈·, ·〉Γ).

I Local kernel estimators.

I Spectral filters.

I Sketching/random features/Nystrom.

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Computations: no free lunch


g = argming∈G





Computing (αi(x))i depends only on the inputs and is efficient.


f(x) = argminy∈Y


αi(x)∆(yi, y).

Requires problem specific decoding and can be hard.

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Consistency and excess risk bounds

Problem Solve


R(f), R(f) =

∫dρ(x, y)∆(f(x), y)

given (xi, yi)ni=1 i.i.d. samples of ρ.

Excess risk Convergence and rates on


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A relaxation error analysis


L(g) =

∫dρ(x, y)‖g(x)−Ψ(y)‖2

Theorem (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

The following hold:

I Fisher consistencyf∗(x) = Ψ∗g∗(x). a.s.

I Comparison inequality, for all g and f(x) = Ψ∗g(x) a.s.

R(f)−R(f∗) ≤ c∆√L(g)− L(g∗)

wherec∆ = sup


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Consistency and rates for IRM-KRR

Let gλ(x) = Wλγ(x) with

Wλ = argminW∈L2(HΓ,H)




‖Wxi −Ψ(yi)‖2 + λ‖W‖22.

Theorem (Ciliberto, Rudi, R. ’17)

Let κγ = supx∈X ‖γ(x)‖. Assume ∃W∗ ∈ L2(HΓ,H) such that g∗(x) = W∗x. Ifλn = O(1/

√n), then with probability at least 1− 8e−τ√

L(g)− L(g∗) ≤ 24 κγ (1 + ‖W‖2) τ2n−1/4.

and for f(x) = Ψ∗gλ(x) a.s.

R(f)−R(f∗) ≤ 24 κγ c∆(1 + ‖W‖2) τ2n−1/4.

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I This is the first result establishing consistency and rates for structured prediction, see [13]for similar efforts.

I The bound on L(g)− L(g∗) extend results in [17] under weaker assumptions.

I The constant c∆ is problem dependent. Finding a general estimate is an open problem[18].

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Rank Loss

Linear [8] 0.430 ± 0.004Hinge [19] 0.432 ± 0.008

Logistic [20] 0.432 ± 0.012SVM Struct [9] 0.451 ± 0.008

IRM-KRR 0.396± 0.003

Ranking movies in the MovieLens dataset [21] (ratings (from 1 to 5) of 1682 movies by 943users). The goal is predict preferences of a given user, i.e. an ordering of the 1682 movies,according to the user’s partial ratings. We the loss [8]

∆rank(y, y′) =1



γ(y′)ij (1− sign(yi − yj)),

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Fingerprints reconstruction

∆ Deg.

KRLS 26.9 ± 5.4MR[14] 22 ± 6SP (ours) 18.8± 3.9

Average absolute error (in degrees) for the manifold structured estimator (SP), the manifoldregression (MR) approach in [14] and the KRLS baseline. (Right) Fingerprint reconstruction ofa single image where the structured predictor achieves 15.7 of average error while KRLS 25.3.The loss is the geodesic on S

∆S(z, y) = arccos (〈z, y〉)2

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Summing up

I First consistent algorithmic framework for StructML.

I A general surrogate approach.

I TBD: decoding computations+ beyond linear estimators.


Multiple openings for post-docs/PhD positions!

→ Launching: Machine Learning Genova Center!@lrntzrsc

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Related papers

I Ciliberto, Rudi and Rosasco A consistent regularization approach for structured prediction.NIPS 2016.

I Ciliberto, Rudi and Rosasco, and Pontil. Consistent multitask learning with nonlinearoutput relations, NIPS 2017.

I Rudi, Ciliberto, Marconi, and Rosasco. Manifold structured prediction. NIPS 2018.

I Mroueh, Poggio, Rosasco, and Slotine. Multiclass learning with simplex coding. NIPS2012.

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Charles Sutton, Andrew McCallum, et al.

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Peter L Bartlett, Michael I Jordan, and Jon D McAuliffe.Convexity, classification, and risk bounds.Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101(473):138–156, 2006.

Youssef Mroueh, Tomaso Poggio, Lorenzo Rosasco, and Jean-Jacques Slotine.Multiclass learning with simplex coding.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 25, pages 2798–2806, 2012.

Anton Osokin, Francis Bach, and Simon Lacoste-Julien.On structured prediction theory with calibrated convex surrogate losses.In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 302–313, 2017.

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