First Authentic List of Earliest Settlers=Here Before 1870 The Herald is Indebted to Hon. W. H. Workman, former mayor of Los An- geles, for the following carefully pre- pared list of old settlers who were in Los .^ngeles previous to 1870. Mr. Workman and his wife have devot- ed considerable time In recalling names and Initials of the early arrivals as well as their professions and busi- ness occupations. Possibly some names are omitted. This is the first authentic list of onrly settlers who landed here more than forty years Rgo fhat has been published, and v. ill be served by many of our readers. EARL'S SPANISH ItESIPKNTS A' long the most prominent native CallfornlanS who wore in Los Angelas in the early days, are the following: Don Ygnaclo del Valle. lion Andres Pico. Don Manuel Domlnguess. 1 ion Pedro Domlngurz. Don Manuel Requena, Don Jose Sepulveda. Don Juan Sepulveda. Don Ygnaclo Sepulveda. Don Dolores 8< pulveda. Don Ygnacio Machado. Dnn Andres Machado. Don Mariano Ruiz. Don Deoniclo Rotc;llo. Don Manuel Coronel. Di Antonio F. Coronel. Do« Fable Pryor. Don Ygnaelo Yorba. Don Antonio Reyes. Don Jopo Maria Reyes. Don Prndencio Yorba. Don Jose L. Sepulveda, Don Nasario Dnmiiipruez. Don Jose Maria Arguello. Don Pedro Abarta. Don Refugio BllderraJn. Don Jose Ruhlo. < <Don Manuel Oarflas. Don Andrea Rublo. Don Ricardo \>Jar. i Don Domingo Garcia. Governor Pio Plro. Don Francisco Lopez. Judge Pablo del la Ouerra. Don Francisco O'Campo. Don N. A. Botello. Don Gerronlmo Lopec. Judge Pedro Carrlllo. Don Juan Carrillo. Don Juan Bandlnl, ?r. Don Juan Bandlni, Jr. Senator R. F. del Valla, Don Chrlstoval Aguilar. Don Felipe Lugo. Don Vicente Lugo. Don Caslano Carrion. Don Tomas A. Sanchez. Don Arturo Tiandinl. Don Vlcento del la Osa. Don Aimstln OHvera. Don Francisco Pnlomares. Don Martin Agulrre. Don Santos Bauchet. Don Jesus Cruz. Don Bernado Yorha. Don Francisco Pico. Don Juan Padillo. Don Henrique Abtla. Don Carlos Cruz. Don Ramon Vejar. Don Jesus Morena. Don Nicholas Covarrublas. VETERAN LAWYERS MUTED Prominent attorneys of the early days were: J. Lancaster Brent. Ezra Drown. Andrew Classen Cameron R. Thorn. E. J. C. Kewen. J. A. Graves. Col. George H. Smith. Stephen M. White. William <;. Dryden. jame> H. Lander. 11. x. Alexander. Major < eorge 8. ration. Henry T. Hazard. Will D. Gould. Albert M. Stephens. s C. Hubbell. Major Horace 8011. Julius Broußseau. J. W. Qetchell. P. W. Dooner. B. C. Whiting, c. N. Wilson. John R. McConnell. Frank J. Ganahl. Col. James O. Eastman.- Anton Brunson, Gen. John Mansfield. Jonathan R. Scott, sr, Yolnoy E. Howard. Judge H. K. 8. O'Melveny. Columbus Simms. Colonel Jim Howard. G. Wiley Wells. 1 A. B. Chapman. Thomas B. Brown. Ypnacio Sepulveda. Col. C. H. Larrabee. Robert H. Chapman. Col. John F. Godfrey. Henry T. Gage. Charles Silent. A. W. Hutton. Richard Melrose. Henry W. O'Melveny. Meyer J. Xowmark. A. H. .Tudson. C. C. Cabott. Capt. Salsbury Haley. Judge R. M. Wfdney. Myron M. Norton. K. H. Dlmmlck. Charles H. Howard. Frank Howard. PIONEER BfSIVESS MEN Following were among merchants who were In Los Angeles more than forty years ago: Samuel Meyer, crockery and glass- wa re. John Christie, liveryman. William Furguson, liveryman. Foy Bros., saddlery and harness. Thomas Leahy, boots and shoes. Francis Mellus, merchant. Charles Johnson, merchant. H. S. Allison, merchant. Henry Mellus, merchant. O. W. Chllds, hardware. J. S. Mallard, justice. John G. NichollS, mayor of Los An- geles. Victor Pol, restaurant. L. C. Goodwin, merchant. Solomon Lazard, merchant, Morris Bros., merchants. Charles Ducommun, hardware. M. Flashner and John King were proprietors of the Bella Union hotel. Chris Fluehr and Mr. Brennerman were proprietors of the old Lafayette i hotel. X. A. Pottfcr, hardware. Don Abel Steams, ranch owner and stock raiser. Ex-Governor John G. Downey and McParland, drugs. Felix Signourey had :i large barber shop. Joseph Newmark, general merchan- dise. Louis Roeder k.-nt .> blacksmith nnd wagon manufacturing >--tai>lish!.! \u25a0• Louis Llchtenberger also kopt a blai ksmlth and manufacturing shop. i \u25a0 i John Schumacher, retail groceries. Daniel Schlok, water delivery and draying by the barrel over the city. Andres Briswaiter, a Franchman, I l fruit anil vegetables. Louis Mesmer built the United States i hotel on Main stn t. Henry Hammel, hotel proprietor. A. H. Denker, hotel proprietor. ctuitlrs Brode, retail groceries. A. M. Hazard, father of ex-Mayor Henrj Hazard and George Hazard. Prager Bros., Charles and Samuel, carried on ;i clothing store. Workman Bros., saddlery and har- ness. .1. I' Hicks, hardware and tinware. ll.my Kohler, winemaker. Theodore Frohllng, winemaker. Jose Masc irel, ex-mayor. M iritz Morris, merchant, Julius 1.. Morris, merchant. John Reed, run' ' \u25a0 John Rains, rancher. Judge Murray Morrison. It. Thomas 'j. White. J. .If Barth Shorb, horticulturist. Robert II Chapman, attorney. ila Id win, ran- her. Oen. J. M. Baldwin, civil engineer. John McMem my, plumber, B St< m, ca pitn \u25a0 Compiled by Hon. W. H. Workman, Who Came to California m 1853; .in ai Rowland, rancher. 11. D. Barrows, teacher. .1. M. < luinn, ten her. Rev. H. 11. Messenger. Rev. E. Blrdsall. Rev. S. Hasklns. s. H. Buchanan, express messenger. Nicholas Qulrolo, shoeman, Antonio Valla, capitalist. A. Pelunconl, wlnemaki r. i: \ \u25a0:\u25a0.! & Sanßuiniti, merchants. I>mniiii;n Amestoy. ptock raising. Gaston i >\.r art, capitalist, i . .-- I 'elaskl, mi rchant. Joseph Dye. W. X Potter, internal revenue. John Osborne, expressman. i: Long, cap tnllst, !;<\u25a0\u25a0.-. B. V, Coulter, merchant. ('. i' Lips, merchant, ('. F HRrper, merchant. A. i' i! .• \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 m : i W Ham M. Buffum, merchant. 1 'eti r Tin 'Hi' Eai 1 B. Milli r, real state. <;•\u25a0 re- l!. Rowan, real estate. Dr. Hoover, physician. Yi::* i.i i: ,-. \ Li yardist. Joseph Mpsiti -i', capitalist, .1. a -\u25a0\u25a0 Vi : 11, prini er. < \u25a0 H. Bra lley, : irniture man. Col. John F. Oudl'rey, attorney. Victor Ponet, capitalist. A. C. Cham in, merchant. William Prldham, express superin- tendent Major H. '/\u25a0 OsbOrne, publisher, Frank M. Coulter, merchant. General George Stoneman, vineyard- ist. J. A. Barrows, rancher. A. Bohrs, distillery man. C. C. Thomas, mining. Judge Charles Silent, attorney. »Tud.«e A. Thomas, rancher. L. M. Grider, real estate. Dr. Whistler, rancher. William R, Rowland, rancher. George H, EClmball, water depart- ment. Richard Oarvey, capitalist. Judge Richard Ki;an. justice of peace. Dr, Thomas Postrr, former mayor. in- J. i. Welch, druggist, Thomas McParland, druggist. Colllnf K. Wadhams, merchant. li. I). Wilson, ex-senator. Moses .Norton, merchant. K. GreeiTbaum, merchant. Kii(:m Messer, vineyardlat, Willlain O. Still, postmaster. William Osburn, es-4.ostnKi.ster. John Temple, capitalist. I' I', p, Temple, randier. William Workman, rancher, John T. Lanfranjbo, capitalist Mi too Lanfninco, 1 apltaliat. Jerry tlrich, restuurant. Don David Alexander, ex-sherlff. Georgi Alexander. K. and i.'. mer- chant. Alexander Bell, capitalist, Oen. Phlneas Banning. F. and C, merchant ,T. Tomlinson, V. and C. merchant. K. E. Hewitt, county treasury. Charles E. Miles, county recorder. Thomas D. Motl, oiipltnllst. Stephen H. Mott, capitalist A. VV. Tlmms, F. and C. merchant. llobcrt s. t'liriisji . rancher. Col. Isaac S. WTfllnms, rancher. l><>n Juan Fornti r. rancher. David Anderson, tvagonmaker. il. N( wmaik, morchant. M. Kremer, county t;:x collector. Eug< ne M< yer, merchant. 1.. .1. Rose, liortli ultui li t. 1.. 11. Titus, horticulturist. .1. «'. Newton, horticulturist. I.mii.s Salnsevaine. vineyardlst. Don Mateo Keller, merchunt and vlneyardl?t. i. Madepan, livery stable. John Kin*;, hotel propr etor. \\ Illiam \\ . Jenkins, r;:m her. Charles Jenkins, Interpreter, Mark n. Brundlge, capitalist. William C. VVurn n. city marshal. ' A. ITlyard, baker. Thomas E. Rowan, ex-mayor. Dr. John 8. ' Irlfl in, phj slcl in, Ham ock Johnston, rancher. tJrudent Beaudry, px-mayor. Vli i ; Bei udry, capitalist, .1. W. Potts, i npltallst. A, W. Potts, i ounty clerk. J. \V. Gillette, county recorder. J, Frnnk Burns, cx-sherlff. John D. > oung, pa] Itallst. Jerry Newell, i it v- parks. I >r. l>. <'. Franklin, dentist. I >v. .1 8. Crawford, dentist J. ::. Toberman, ex-mayor. Hi nry T. Hazard px-mnyor. Frank Sabli hi, capitalist. Georgf Illce, publisher. J. s. Slauson, banker. Hi nry H< i « !r, i rui kmo n, August v hmldt, capitalist. 1 ir, A. B. Hayward, physi \u25a0 in. Tomaa A. Sanchez, sheriff. Thomas 11. Workman chief clerk, Banning company. Elijah H. Workman, saddlery and harness. Don. W. S. Hancock, quartermaster. D. Marchessault, mayor who intro- duced the liist water pressure system In Los Angeles. L. Lo< b, French consul. J. Loew, merchant. James Rlley, capitalist. Wallace \\Oodwoi tli, lumber inor- chant. W. H. Perry, lumber merchant. George Leonard, machinist. w. J, Brodrlck, city railway. Thomas Hereford, orchardlst John 1.. Slaughter, saddlery and har- ness. A. .1. Kinir. county judge. John Evertson, orchardlst, James R. Barton, sheriff. William Little, deputy sheriff. Charles Baker, deputy sheriff. Prank J. Carpenter. Jailer. William Getman vily marshal. .1. P, Newmark. merchant. Iteml Xadeau. Navlcau hotel. George .1. NTadottU, rancher. Henry Dalton, orehardlst Conrad Httfen, vineyardist. Judge 11. c. Austin, justice of peace, \\ Illtnm 1 'rydeii, rancher. .i,,m,s Thompson, jailer. Cave J. emits, rancher. Dr. Joseph Kurt/., physician. Jacob Kuhrts, capitalist. 1 >r. 11. s 1 irmc, physician. lu\ K. I. Wise, physician. Judge Erskine M. Ross, Tinted Stutes circuit judge. W. c. Kerckhoff, lumber merchant, .lames Cuzner, lumber merchant John 1:. Plati r, banker. Willium M. c.iswcii. bunker. John F. Ellis, merchant. Samuel E, L'aswcll, merchant, George Barker, merchant. William M. Corbett, nerchant. John M. Griffith lumber merchant. M. Teed, ex-councilman. Henry Dockweiler, wine merchant. Peter Wilson, truckman. H. J. Woollacott, wine merchant. Eugene Germain, seeds and nursery. 1. x. Van Nuys, banker. J. B. Lnnkershim, banker. Chris lleiine, brewer. Louis Schwatz, brewer. John H. .lones. capitalist John Jones, wholesale merchant. Thomas Copley, contractor. Jam< s Rowan, baker. C. I". Heinzemaii, druggist c. Plronl, druggist. .1 .-.-i.ii 1 lubi r »r., vlneyardlst. Dr. William Hammel, physician, i ieorge Car: on, merchant .1. A. Wutson, rancher. Walter S. Maxwell, capitalist. VS'ult r S. M iore, lire chief. Andrew McFarland, treasurer of Times. Capt. W. w. Twist, I>. A. rangers. , \u25a0 mrad Jacoby, publisher, Abe Jucoby, merchant. Jacoby Bros., merchants. Michael Levy, wholesale liquor. .1 .1. Warner, writer and publisher, r .- E. Beane, editor. William Irwln, stockman. George Tiffany, Internal revenue. tJeorge .1. Tiffany, publisher. Theodore Woolweber, druggist. J. A. Green, postmaster. George A. Clarke, postmaster. Charlei Dotter, merchant Isaac \v. Lord, merchant Henrji King, ex-chiif "i police H. \V. Stoll, soda mfg. WOrlM i. w. Hellman, banker. H. \v. Hellman, banker. .1. ikiinrii. merchant. Abe Haas, merchant. a. J. Yamnv (Cautro OJas), m«r- chant, 1,. Levy, commission merchant. Juan Bernara, wine manufacturer. Judge Benjamin B, Eaton, Justice. Fred ..atoii, ex-mayor. John Leronde, stock raiser. .lames C. Kays, banker. Thomas Strohm, ex-chief fire riept. Randall H. Hewitt, capitalist and president Pioneer society, Fred noiis, barber. i>r. w. v. iMpir, physician. George Cummlngs, rancher. John W. Shore, ex-eounly Clerk. Robert Barker, merchant. Robert s. Baker, randier. Felix Blgouret barber. Jiiiin Etchemendy, baker. Jean Bentous, butcher. Ferdinand yignes, vlneyardlrt. Joan Maria \'i^rn^f». vineyardlst. Joseph Wolfskin, orchardlst Manuel Requena, capitalist. Victor Prudhomme, vlnoyardlst. John Moran, vineyardlst Richard Johnson, vineyardlst. William Bracken, vineyardlst. Thomas Mahoney, clerk, Patrick Downey, clerk. William McLoan, cement man. George P McLatn, ox-councilman. George R Ruder, ex-city treasurer. Charles K. Smith, livery stable. keonidas Bales, farmer. John Baidy, rancher. William O. Baxter, broker. Jotham Blxby, capitalist. J. B. Burkhardt, miner. Louis Breer, blacksmith. John B. Bosshard, salesman. Joseph H. Burke, fnrmor. Pie nrossmcr, builder. Kdwanl BOUton, real estate. S. H, Hutterfleld. farmer. John t;. neck, capitalist. H. C. Bennett, comenter. Kaspare Conn, merchant. F. B. Clark, farmer. O. W. Cole, capitalist. A. T. Currier, farmer. Isaac Colin, merchant. Benjamin Collins, orchardlst Charles E. Colton, rancher. W. J. Dalton, fruit grower. J. A. Pavls, real estate. Alonzo K. Davis, rmi estate. Victor Pol. capitalist James R. Purfeo, farmer.. John 1 jlland, farmer. George Englehart customs Inspector. William FarreU, plumber. 1) P. Welch, cement worker. Edward Flood, cement worker. Joseph Frizell, farmer. Samuel Frankel, farmer. Harlow Gilbert, fruit grower. Thomas OoMinir, contractor. John T. Cordon, drufrsist. John Glynn, farmer. H. C, Oower. farmer. Knoch Crillin, farmer. J. J. Gospor, mining broker. Jesse M, Hunter, farmer. Isaac Hauch, tailor. J. W. Hudson, farmer. John Jlerrlck, hnckman. John C. Haskell, farmer. George W. Hazeltlne, carpenter. 1.. Hafen, nursery. Hampton Hutton. contractor. Nathan Jacoby, merchant. 1: b. i'oung, architect. Glacomo Ton.'Hi. wine merchant. S \u25a0\u25a0! Bros., merchants, Louis Swartz, wine merchant. HON. W. 11. MOKKMVN, PIOXKE R RESIDENT OF LOB ANGELES HOTEL ALEXANDRIA THE annexed cut made from an architect's sketch -hows the front elevation of Muni Alex- andria with the proposed addition. which is in process of erection al this time. When the addition now under con- struction is completed it will represent an investment of 54.000.000. a striking monument to the confidence of the owners, Messrs. A. C. Kilickc and Rob- ert A. Rowan, in the future and ulti- mate destiny of the city of Los Vnge> les. Phe present Hotel Alexandria, whirl, v. as \u25a0 opened in Fi I" uarj, 1906, lia- al read} imous as one of the reatest caravansaries. It has entertained beneath •'\u25a0\u25a0 roof dignitaries and nobility from abroad, and man) of the distinguished American navy and arm} i \u25a0 n, diplomat \u25a0 and national figures in our own \u25a0 try who have visited Los Ai the past five years. demands since the \u25a0 i i present hotel are such as to warrant the owners in mvi another I me in the Annex adjoin ing the pi b ling on the south. aibling the capacity of the presi ; to guest cham- Iso contemplate elal)i i i i, ballroi nn, ban- |uel hall and ;. n » ims. These n iom -. which . a ure public . will I . o ately dcci , and will cii n1 in i. i imi . \u25a0 .lily largi public banquets. i, v \u25a0 of the most complete in thi \u25a0 ntr <:u]>^ the ii. i ire basi ; \u25a0 . . with th rooms witl c ban- quel P - \u25a0 i \u25a0\u25a0' aulic tha i ' vice will tin ably be pai client. THE Spring street wing, contain- ing the state suites, has been given thought both from a utili- tarian and artistic viewpoint. Magnifi- cent curtains, draperies, carpets and furniture will be used in this wing, and the equipment will be uncqualed on the continent. There will be one state suite on each floor, containing two bed chambers, drawing room and private dining room, with butler's pantry so arranged that a family occupying it can receive the most finished service with- out leaving the apartments. It is the intention of the owners to make the Greater Hotel Alexandria an institution of which Los Angeles and Southern California may well be proud, and to have it serve as a living ad- vertisement of the enterprise and prog- ress bo essential and characteristic of this city. The president of the Alexandria Ho- tel Company, Mr. A. C. Bilicke, and the assistant manager. Ilerr Joseph Reichl, have scoured the capitals of Europe for ideas touching equipment and service, and the public can rest as- sured that in safety, service and sanita- tion, as well as beauty of adornment and equipment. Greater Hotel Alex- andria will be second to none in its rank and reputation in hoteldom. Ho- tel Alexandria is strictly fireproof, and has been aptly termed "a gem in steel, tile and marble." The officers of the Al< xandria Hotel Company are: A. C. Bilicke, president: R. A. Rowan, treasure!-; Vernon Good- win, secretary: S. J. Whitmore, vice president and general manager; Joseph Reichl, assistant manager, LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 25, 1010 6 j& *' RR&9 *

Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (Los Angeles, … · 2017. 12. 20. · First Authentic List of Earliest Settlers=Here Before 1870 The Herald is Indebted to Hon. W

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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (Los Angeles, … · 2017. 12. 20. · First Authentic List of Earliest Settlers=Here Before 1870 The Herald is Indebted to Hon. W

First Authentic List of Earliest Settlers=Here Before 1870The Herald is Indebted to Hon. W. H.

Workman, former mayor of Los An-geles, for the following carefully pre-pared list of old settlers who were inLos .^ngeles previous to 1870. Mr.Workman and his wife have devot-ed considerable time In recalling namesand Initials of the early arrivals aswell as their professions and busi-ness occupations. Possibly somenames are omitted. This is the firstauthentic list of onrly settlers wholanded here more than forty yearsRgo fhat has been published, and v. illbe served by many of our readers.


A' long the most prominent nativeCallfornlanS who wore in Los Angelas

in the early days, are the following:Don Ygnaclo del Valle.lion Andres Pico.Don Manuel Domlnguess.1 ion Pedro Domlngurz.Don Manuel Requena,Don Jose Sepulveda.Don Juan Sepulveda.Don Ygnaclo Sepulveda.Don Dolores 8< pulveda.Don Ygnacio Machado.Dnn Andres Machado.Don Mariano Ruiz.Don Deoniclo Rotc;llo.Don Manuel Coronel.Di Antonio F. Coronel.Do« Fable Pryor.Don Ygnaelo Yorba.Don Antonio Reyes.

Don Jopo Maria Reyes.

Don Prndencio Yorba.Don Jose L. Sepulveda,Don Nasario Dnmiiipruez.Don Jose Maria Arguello.Don Pedro Abarta.Don Refugio BllderraJn.Don Jose Ruhlo. <

<Don Manuel Oarflas.Don Andrea Rublo.Don Ricardo \>Jar. i

Don Domingo Garcia.Governor Pio Plro.Don Francisco Lopez.Judge Pablo del la Ouerra.Don Francisco O'Campo.Don N. A. Botello.Don Gerronlmo Lopec.Judge Pedro Carrlllo.Don Juan Carrillo.Don Juan Bandlnl, ?r.

Don Juan Bandlni, Jr.Senator R. F. del Valla,Don Chrlstoval Aguilar.Don Felipe Lugo.Don Vicente Lugo.Don Caslano Carrion.Don Tomas A. Sanchez.Don Arturo Tiandinl.Don Vlcento del la Osa.Don Aimstln OHvera.Don Francisco Pnlomares.Don Martin Agulrre.Don Santos Bauchet.Don Jesus Cruz.Don Bernado Yorha.Don Francisco Pico.Don Juan Padillo.Don Henrique Abtla.Don Carlos Cruz.Don Ramon Vejar.Don Jesus Morena.Don Nicholas Covarrublas.

VETERAN LAWYERS MUTEDProminent attorneys of the early

days were:J. Lancaster Brent.Ezra Drown.Andrew ClassenCameron R. Thorn.E. J. C. Kewen.

J. A. Graves.Col. George H. Smith.Stephen M. White.William <;. Dryden.jame> H. Lander.11. x. Alexander.Major < eorge 8. ration.Henry T. Hazard.Will D. Gould.Albert M. Stephens.s C. Hubbell.Major Horace 8011.Julius Broußseau.J. W. Qetchell.P. W. Dooner.B. C. Whiting,c. N. Wilson.John R. McConnell.Frank J. Ganahl.Col. James O. Eastman.-Anton Brunson,Gen. John Mansfield.Jonathan R. Scott, sr,Yolnoy E. Howard.Judge H. K. 8. O'Melveny.Columbus Simms.Colonel Jim Howard.G. Wiley Wells.

1 A. B. Chapman.Thomas B. Brown.Ypnacio Sepulveda.Col. C. H. Larrabee.Robert H. Chapman.Col. John F. Godfrey.Henry T. Gage.Charles Silent.A. W. Hutton.Richard Melrose.Henry W. O'Melveny.Meyer J. Xowmark.A. H. .Tudson.C. C. Cabott.Capt. Salsbury Haley.Judge R. M. Wfdney.Myron M. Norton.K. H. Dlmmlck.Charles H. Howard.Frank Howard.


Following were among merchantswho were In Los Angeles more thanforty years ago:

Samuel Meyer, crockery and glass-wa re.

John Christie, liveryman.William Furguson, liveryman.Foy Bros., saddlery and harness.Thomas Leahy, boots and shoes.Francis Mellus, merchant.Charles Johnson, merchant.H. S. Allison, merchant.Henry Mellus, merchant.O. W. Chllds, hardware.J. S. Mallard, justice.John G. NichollS, mayor of Los An-

geles.Victor Pol, restaurant.L. C. Goodwin, merchant.Solomon Lazard, merchant,Morris Bros., merchants.Charles Ducommun, hardware.M. Flashner and John King were

proprietors of the Bella Union hotel.Chris Fluehr and Mr. Brennerman

were proprietors of the old Lafayette i

hotel.X. A. Pottfcr, hardware.Don Abel Steams, ranch owner and

stock raiser.Ex-Governor John G. Downey and

McParland, drugs.Felix Signourey had :i large barber

shop.Joseph Newmark, general merchan-

dise.Louis Roeder k.-nt .> blacksmith nndwagon manufacturing >--tai>lish!.! \u25a0•

Louis Llchtenberger also kopt ablai ksmlth and manufacturing shop.

i \u25a0

i John Schumacher, retail groceries.Daniel Schlok, water delivery and

draying by the barrel over the city.Andres Briswaiter, a Franchman, I

l fruit anil vegetables.Louis Mesmer built the United States i

hotel on Main stn t.Henry Hammel, hotel proprietor.A. H. Denker, hotel proprietor.ctuitlrs Brode, retail groceries.A. M. Hazard, father of ex-Mayor

Henrj Hazard and George Hazard.Prager Bros., Charles and Samuel,

carried on ;i clothing store.Workman Bros., saddlery and har-

ness..1. I' Hicks, hardware and tinware.ll.my Kohler, winemaker.Theodore Frohllng, winemaker.Jose Masc irel, ex-mayor.M iritz Morris, merchant,Julius 1.. Morris, merchant.John Reed, run' ' \u25a0

John Rains, rancher.Judge Murray Morrison.It. Thomas 'j. White.J. .If Barth Shorb, horticulturist.Robert II Chapman, attorney.

ila Id win, ran- her.Oen. J. M. Baldwin, civil engineer.John McMem my, plumber,B St< m, ca pitn

\u25a0 Compiled by Hon. W. H. Workman, Who Came to California m 1853;

.in ai Rowland, rancher.11. D. Barrows, teacher..1. M. < luinn, ten her.Rev. H. 11. Messenger.Rev. E. Blrdsall.Rev. S. Hasklns.s. H. Buchanan, express messenger.Nicholas Qulrolo, shoeman,Antonio Valla, capitalist.A. Pelunconl, wlnemaki r.i: \ \u25a0:\u25a0.! & Sanßuiniti, merchants.I>mniiii;n Amestoy. ptock raising.Gaston i >\.r art, capitalist,i . .-- I 'elaskl, mi rchant.Joseph Dye.W. X Potter, internal revenue.John Osborne, expressman.

i: Long, cap tnllst,!;<\u25a0\u25a0.-. B. V, Coulter, merchant.('. i' Lips, merchant,('. F HRrper, merchant.A. i' i! .• \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 m : i

W Ham M. Buffum, merchant.1 'eti r Tin 'Hi'

Eai 1 B. Milli r, real • state.<;•\u25a0 re- l!. Rowan, real estate.Dr. Hoover, physician.Yi::* i.i i: ,-. \ Li yardist.Joseph Mpsiti -i', capitalist,.1. a -\u25a0\u25a0 Vi : 11, prinier.< \u25a0 H. Bra lley, : irniture man.

Col. John F. Oudl'rey, attorney.Victor Ponet, capitalist.A. C. Cham in, merchant.William Prldham, express superin-

tendentMajor H. '/\u25a0 OsbOrne, publisher,Frank M. Coulter, merchant.General George Stoneman, vineyard-

ist.J. A. Barrows, rancher.A. Bohrs, distillery man.C. C. Thomas, mining.Judge Charles Silent, attorney.»Tud.«e A. Thomas, rancher.L. M. Grider, real estate.Dr. Whistler, rancher.William R, Rowland, rancher.George H, EClmball, water depart-

ment.Richard Oarvey, capitalist.Judge Richard Ki;an. justice of peace.Dr, Thomas Postrr, former mayor.in- J. i. Welch, druggist,Thomas McParland, druggist.Colllnf K. Wadhams, merchant.li. I). Wilson, ex-senator.Moses .Norton, merchant.K. GreeiTbaum, merchant.Kii(:m Messer, vineyardlat,Willlain O. Still, postmaster.William Osburn, es-4.ostnKi.ster.John Temple, capitalist.I' I', p, Temple, randier.William Workman, rancher,John T. Lanfranjbo, capitalistMi too Lanfninco, 1 apltaliat.Jerry tlrich, restuurant.Don David Alexander, ex-sherlff.Georgi Alexander. K. and i.'. mer-

chant.Alexander Bell, capitalist,Oen. Phlneas Banning. F. and C,

merchant,T. Tomlinson, V. and C. merchant.K. E. Hewitt, county treasury.

Charles E. Miles, county recorder.Thomas D. Motl, oiipltnllst.Stephen H. Mott, capitalistA. VV. Tlmms, F. and C. merchant.llobcrt s. t'liriisji . rancher.Col. Isaac S. WTfllnms, rancher.l><>n Juan Fornti r. rancher.David Anderson, tvagonmaker.il. N( wmaik, morchant.M. Kremer, county t;:x collector.Eug< ne M< yer, merchant.1.. .1. Rose, liortli ultui li t.1.. 11. Titus, horticulturist.

.1. «'. Newton, horticulturist.I.mii.s Salnsevaine. vineyardlst.Don Mateo Keller, merchunt and

vlneyardl?t.i. Madepan, livery stable.John Kin*;, hotel propr etor.\\ Illiam \\ . Jenkins, r;:m her.Charles Jenkins, Interpreter,Mark n. Brundlge, capitalist.William C. VVurn n. city marshal. 'A. ITlyard, baker.Thomas E. Rowan, ex-mayor.Dr. John 8. ' Irlflin, phj slcl in,Ham ock Johnston, rancher.tJrudent Beaudry, px-mayor.Vli i ; Bei udry, capitalist,.1. W. Potts, i npltallst.A, W. Potts, i ounty clerk.J. \V. Gillette, county recorder.J, Frnnk Burns, cx-sherlff.John D. > oung, pa] Itallst.Jerry Newell, i it v- parks.I >r. l>. <'. Franklin, dentist.I >v. .1 8. Crawford, dentistJ. ::. Toberman, ex-mayor.Hi nry T. Hazard px-mnyor.Frank Sabli hi, capitalist.Georgf Illce, publisher.J. s. Slauson, banker.Hi nry H< i « !r, irui kmo n,August v hmldt, capitalist.1 ir, A. B. Hayward, physi \u25a0


Tomaa A. Sanchez, sheriff.

Thomas 11. Workman chief clerk,Banning company.

Elijah H. Workman, saddlery andharness.

Don. W. S. Hancock, quartermaster.D. Marchessault, mayor who intro-

duced the liist water pressure system

In Los Angeles.L. Lo< b, French consul.J. Loew, merchant.James Rlley, capitalist.Wallace \\Oodwoi tli, lumber inor-

chant.W. H. Perry, lumber merchant.George Leonard, machinist.w. J, Brodrlck, city railway.Thomas Hereford, orchardlstJohn 1.. Slaughter, saddlery and har-

ness.A. .1. Kinir. county judge.John Evertson, orchardlst,

James R. Barton, sheriff.William Little, deputy sheriff.Charles Baker, deputy sheriff.Prank J. Carpenter. Jailer.William Getman vily marshal..1. P, Newmark. merchant.Iteml Xadeau. Navlcau hotel.George .1. NTadottU, rancher.Henry Dalton, orehardlstConrad Httfen, vineyardist.Judge 11. c. Austin, justice of peace,\\ Illtnm 1 'rydeii, rancher..i,,m,s Thompson, jailer.Cave J. emits, rancher.Dr. Joseph Kurt/., physician.Jacob Kuhrts, capitalist.1 >r. 11. s 1 irmc, physician.lu\ K. I. Wise, physician.Judge Erskine M. Ross, Tinted

Stutes circuit judge.W. c. Kerckhoff, lumber merchant,.lames Cuzner, lumber merchantJohn 1:. Plati r, banker.Willium M. c.iswcii. bunker.John F. Ellis, merchant.Samuel E, L'aswcll, merchant,George Barker, merchant.William M. Corbett, nerchant.John M. Griffith lumber merchant.M. Teed, ex-councilman.Henry Dockweiler, wine merchant.Peter Wilson, truckman.H. J. Woollacott, wine merchant.Eugene Germain, seeds and nursery.1. x. Van Nuys, banker.

J. B. Lnnkershim, banker.Chris lleiine, brewer.Louis Schwatz, brewer.John H. .lones. capitalistJohn Jones, wholesale merchant.Thomas Copley, contractor.Jam< s Rowan, baker.C. I". Heinzemaii, druggistc. Plronl, druggist..1 .-.-i.ii 1 lubi r »r., vlneyardlst.Dr. William Hammel, physician,i ieorge Car: on, merchant.1. A. Wutson, rancher.Walter S. Maxwell, capitalist.VS'ult r S. M iore, lire chief.Andrew McFarland, treasurer of

Times.Capt. W. w. Twist, I>. A. rangers., \u25a0 mrad Jacoby, publisher,Abe Jucoby, merchant.Jacoby Bros., merchants.Michael Levy, wholesale liquor.

.1 .1. Warner, writer and publisher,r .- E. Beane, editor.

William Irwln, stockman.George Tiffany, Internal revenue.tJeorge .1. Tiffany, publisher.Theodore Woolweber, druggist.J. A. Green, postmaster.George A. Clarke, postmaster.

Charlei Dotter, merchantIsaac \v. Lord, merchantHenrji King, ex-chiif "i policeH. \V. Stoll, soda mfg. WOrlMi. w. Hellman, banker.H. \v. Hellman, banker..1. ikiinrii. merchant.Abe Haas, merchant.a. J. Yamnv (Cautro OJas), m«r-

chant,1,. Levy, commission merchant.Juan Bernara, wine manufacturer.Judge Benjamin B, Eaton, Justice.Fred ..atoii, ex-mayor.

John Leronde, stock raiser..lames C. Kays, banker.Thomas Strohm, ex-chief fire riept.

Randall H. Hewitt, capitalist andpresident Pioneer society,

Fred noiis, barber.i>r. w. v. iMpir, physician.George Cummlngs, rancher.John W. Shore, ex-eounly Clerk.Robert Barker, merchant.Robert s. Baker, randier.Felix Blgouret barber.Jiiiin Etchemendy, baker.Jean Bentous, butcher.Ferdinand yignes, vlneyardlrt.Joan Maria \'i^rn^f». vineyardlst.Joseph Wolfskin, orchardlstManuel Requena, capitalist.Victor Prudhomme, vlnoyardlst.John Moran, vineyardlstRichard Johnson, vineyardlst.William Bracken, vineyardlst.Thomas Mahoney, clerk,Patrick Downey, clerk.William McLoan, cement man.George P McLatn, ox-councilman.George R Ruder, ex-city treasurer.Charles K. Smith, livery stable.keonidas Bales, farmer.John Baidy, rancher.William O. Baxter, broker.Jotham Blxby, capitalist.J. B. Burkhardt, miner.Louis Breer, blacksmith.John B. Bosshard, salesman.Joseph H. Burke, fnrmor.Pie nrossmcr, builder.Kdwanl BOUton, real estate.S. H, Hutterfleld. farmer.John t;. neck, capitalist.H. C. Bennett, comenter.Kaspare Conn, merchant.F. B. Clark, farmer.O. W. Cole, capitalist.A. T. Currier, farmer.Isaac Colin, merchant.Benjamin Collins, orchardlstCharles E. Colton, rancher.W. J. Dalton, fruit grower.J. A. Pavls, real estate.Alonzo K. Davis, rmi estate.Victor Pol. capitalistJames R. Purfeo, farmer..John 1 jlland, farmer.George Englehart customs Inspector.William FarreU, plumber.1) P. Welch, cement worker.Edward Flood, cement worker.Joseph Frizell, farmer.Samuel Frankel, farmer.Harlow Gilbert, fruit grower.Thomas OoMinir, contractor.John T. Cordon, drufrsist.John Glynn, farmer.H. C, Oower. farmer.Knoch Crillin, farmer.J. J. Gospor, mining broker.Jesse M, Hunter, farmer.Isaac Hauch, tailor.J. W. Hudson, farmer.John Jlerrlck, hnckman.John C. Haskell, farmer.George W. Hazeltlne, carpenter.1.. Hafen, nursery.Hampton Hutton. contractor.Nathan Jacoby, merchant.

1: b. i'oung, architect.Glacomo Ton.'Hi. wine merchant.S \u25a0\u25a0! Bros., merchants,

Louis Swartz, wine merchant.


HOTEL ALEXANDRIATHE annexed cut made from an

architect's sketch -hows thefront elevation of Muni Alex-

andria with the proposed addition.which is in process of erection al thistime.

When the addition now under con-struction is completed it will representan investment of 54.000.000. a strikingmonument to the confidence of theowners, Messrs. A. C. Kilickc and Rob-ert A. Rowan, in the future and ulti-mate destiny of the city of Los Vnge>les.

Phe present Hotel Alexandria, whirl,v. as \u25a0 opened in Fi I" uarj, 1906, lia- alread} imous as one of the

reatest caravansaries. It hasentertained beneath •'\u25a0\u25a0 roof dignitariesand nobility from abroad, and man) ofthe distinguished American navy andarm} i \u25a0 n, diplomat \u25a0

and national figures in our own \u25a0

try who have visited Los Aithe past five years.

demands since the\u25a0 i i present hotel are such

as to warrant the owners in mvianother I me in the Annex adjoining the pi b ling on the south.

aibling the capacityof the presi ; to guest cham-

Iso contemplateelal)i i i i, ballroi nn, ban-|uel hall and ;. n » ims. Thesen iom -. which . m« a ure public

. will I . o ately dcci, and will

cii n1 in i. i imi .\u25a0 .lily largi

public banquets.

i, v \u25a0 of themost complete in thi \u25a0 ntr<:u]>^ the ii.i ire basi ; \u25a0 . .

with throoms witl c ban-quel P - \u25a0 i \u25a0\u25a0' aulic

tha i ' vice will tin

ably be pai client.

THE Spring street wing, contain-ing the state suites, has beengiven thought both from a utili-

tarian and artistic viewpoint. Magnifi-

cent curtains, draperies, carpets andfurniture will be used in this wing, andthe equipment will be uncqualed on thecontinent. There will be one state

suite on each floor, containing two bedchambers, drawing room and privatedining room, with butler's pantry soarranged that a family occupying it canreceive the most finished service with-

out leaving the apartments.

It is the intention of the owners to

make the Greater Hotel Alexandria aninstitution of which Los Angeles and

Southern California may well be proud,

and to have it serve as a living ad-

vertisement of the enterprise and prog-

ress bo essential and characteristic of

this city.

The president of the Alexandria Ho-

tel Company, Mr. A. C. Bilicke, andthe assistant manager. Ilerr Joseph

Reichl, have scoured the capitals of

Europe for ideas touching equipment

and service, and the public can rest as-sured that in safety, service and sanita-tion, as well as beauty of adornmentand equipment. Greater Hotel Alex-andria will be second to none in itsrank and reputation in hoteldom. Ho-tel Alexandria is strictly fireproof, andhas been aptly termed "a gem insteel, tile and marble."

The officers of the Al< xandria HotelCompany are: A. C. Bilicke, president:R. A. Rowan, treasure!-; Vernon Good-win, secretary: S. J. Whitmore, vicepresident and general manager; JosephReichl, assistant manager,


j& *' RR&9
