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LOSING IT!: BATTLING THE BURDEN OF OBESITYA Panel Discussion on Effective Methods of Weight Loss

CASE 129/M Filipino executive recently came from a 6 month business trip from Australia, consults your clinic for annual physical examination. He describes himself as relatively healthy, plays basketball once a week and even used to do boxing regularly. He never smokes but takes alcohol occasionally (once every two months). However he does not limit his diet, eats three times a day and occasionally engages in buffet dinners once a month. The patient also mentioned he is interested in something called The Correct Approach, which is a combination of pills and shakes and Garcinia Cambogia tablets to help him lose weight.

Family History: (+) Diabetes Mellitus : Both parents and grandmother(+) Hypertension Both ParentsHeight 56 Weight 190 lbs VS 110/70 HR 75 RR 18 Temp 36.5 Waistline 34 inches

Is this patient overweightWhat is his ideal body weight? How would you help this patient lose weight?

What is the impact of the patients obesity on his cardiovascular health

What are the most effective exercises when it comes to weight loss?

CASE 2 63/F consults your clinic for weight reduction. She says she wants to eat healthy; however she has a craving for sweets every now and then. Her diet consists mainly of 2 meals a day (late lunch and heavy dinner). She says she has a difficult time exercising because she cannot tolerate the heat so she tries to exercise by walking around the mall.CASE 2 She used to complain of shortness of breath when climbing stairs; however, a treadmill test done showed normal results. After exercising (walking 1km a day) for 3 months she was symptom free. But due to her busy lifestyle she is unable to continue exercising. She mentions to you she is interested in a PALEO diet. But she is confused whether she should do PALEO, South Beach or Cohen.CASE 2Past Medical History(+) HTN x 10 years highest BP 150/100, usual BP 110/70 on Telmisartan 80mg OD(+) IFG developed in the last 3 years: FBS of 106(+) History of total thyroidectomy for which she takes Levothyroxine 50mcg OD. Last Thyroid Function test done 6 months ago was normal.(-) MI/CVD Family History(+) DM father(+) Father died of myocardial infarction

Case 2Height 56 Weight 220 lbs VS 110/70 HR 75 RR 18 Temp 36.5 Waistline 36 inches Hips 38 inches

What can you say about the patients dietDoes the type of Diet Matter?

How can we help this patient exercise ?