Lost & Found©/Mila Rossi 1 Lost & Found© By Mila Rossi

Lost & Found© By Mila Rossi€¦ · the remainder of the day. Sleeping on the first day was supposed to be against the rules, but hell, he couldn’t keep his eyes open to save his

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Page 1: Lost & Found© By Mila Rossi€¦ · the remainder of the day. Sleeping on the first day was supposed to be against the rules, but hell, he couldn’t keep his eyes open to save his

Lost & Found©/Mila Rossi 1

Lost & Found©

By Mila Rossi

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Copyright © 2014 Mila Rossi

All Rights Reserved.

Cover design by Studio Mark5/StudioMark5.com

Formatted by IRONHORSE Formatting

This book, or any portion thereof,

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

without the express written permission of the author,

except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

and incidents either are products of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance

to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is

entirely coincidental.

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Chapter 1

Mike Forester wasn’t sure what to expect of his summer in Vienna, but therein lay the

excitement. He’d be doing research for his latest book, during which time he’d learn all about the

culture, people and the city.

He dropped his bag on the couch and threw his keys on the coffee table. The woman

subletting the apartment to him had met him downstairs, given him the keys and provided last

minute instructions. Now he was stepping foot in his temporary new home for the first time.

He walked to the windows lining an entire living room wall and turned the latch to open one

of them. It swung inward and the cool morning air hit his face. The noise of the street below

announced people getting ready for work. A car honked, trying to pass another that was blocking

the narrow street. Mike saw a group of tourists roll their suitcases to the entrance of the hotel

next door, making a loud commotion.

He hadn’t realized he’d be residing next to a hotel until ten minutes ago. Something the

landlord had forgotten to mention apparently. It was a small establishment from the looks of it

and he hoped guest activities would not disturb his writing.

He stepped away from the window and assessed the living room. It had good natural light

coming in and the dining table behind the couch would be perfect for setting up his laptop. There

was one white couch, a low coffee table and a TV with a small stand, making for a no-fuss room.

The kitchen was separated from the living room by a single wall. It was small but practical.

He wasn’t here to cook, but to do research. He went back through the living room to check out

the only bedroom and bathroom. Like everything else in the apartment, both were small but

would work. He wasn’t sharing the place with anyone else, so he didn’t need a lot of space. The

queen-size bed was big enough and the decor throughout was Spartan, which suited him just

fine. As long as there were towels and kitchen utensils, he was alright.

He grabbed his bag and brought it to the bedroom to unpack. He pulled out his clothes and

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toiletry case, notepads, maps, guide books, camera, laptop, chargers and writing utensils.

After everything was put away, he plugged in the electronics to charge and turned on the

TV. He got a glass of water from the kitchen and flipped through all available channels. Great,

CNN was the only non-German channel. He should’ve learned some German before getting to

Austria, but he hadn’t been that prepared. The idea to come here had popped into his mind

randomly, and he’d decided to book a ticket, rent a place and work out the details later. Later

turned out to be right now.

He was in a country in the middle of Europe, didn’t know the language beyond the couple of

words he remembered from The Sound of Music, and would spend the next couple of months

trying to figure out his next book. Maybe a plan beforehand would’ve been the smart way to go,

but where was the fun in that? Planning led to predictability and that’s what he wanted to avoid

in his writing. If he led a predictable life, his books would follow suit.

He turned off the TV, closed the windows and sent a couple of e-mails off to his family

before dragging himself to bed. Between the eight hour flight from New York and the time

difference, he felt like a zombie.

After removing his pants and shirt, he collapsed onto the bed. He hadn’t slept on the plane,

which would’ve been a good idea considering that it was now morning and he should be up for

the remainder of the day. Sleeping on the first day was supposed to be against the rules, but hell,

he couldn’t keep his eyes open to save his life. A nap wouldn’t hurt anything.

He conked out to the muffled sounds of street activity.


“Another lone summer,” Ana Rhode said as she picked up her cup of morning coffee. She was

seated at a coffeehouse not far from her apartment and kept her friend Nina company before


Nina stirred sugar into her own cup. “If you had planned ahead, you wouldn’t be showing

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the world around.”

Ana rolled her eyes. “I like showing the world around. Besides, I have planned ahead. I

applied at several companies but nothing happened, remember?”

“Nothing happened because you weren’t interested. The people who interviewed you

probably saw how unenthusiastic you were about their companies. I wouldn’t want someone

working for me who didn’t want to be there.”

“That’s not true,” Ana said to herself. She had tried to show enthusiasm, but maybe she was

a terrible actress. Working for a bank, an accounting office and a retail store were not much to

get excited about.

“What do you want to do?” Nina asked.

Ana sipped her coffee. “I’m not sure. It will be the touring job all summer, but after that, I

don’t want to be a waitress for Johann again.” After the season, she helped her friend Johann at

his bar. At twenty-eight, she was over it. The same cycle of being a tour guide in the summer and

waitressing the rest of the year was taking a toll on her. She’d love to be a tour guide all year, but

that unfortunately wasn’t an option.

“I suggest you turn on the charm at your next interview,” Nina said, and tried to tuck the

short wisps of her black bob behind her ear. Ana couldn’t imagine cutting her hair that short.

With her frizzy hair, she’d look like a clown.

“Either that or same old, same old,” Nina continued.

Ana exhaled into her cup. “What time are you getting off work?”

“If I’m not late again, at six.”

“We should go out tonight.” After tomorrow, Ana’s schedule would be crazy. Not only

would she provide guided tours through the city almost every day, sometimes it’d be twice a day,

in the morning and afternoon. It didn’t leave much time or energy for other things.

Nina bit into her pastry and sipped her coffee. “We can go to the bar around the corner from

my work. Maybe we’ll run into Alex again.”

Ana grimaced. “Ugh, let’s go somewhere else.”

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“What’s wrong with him? He seemed like a nice guy.”

Ana poked the pastry on her plate with her fork. “He’s nice. He’s also boring. And he has a

weird laugh.”

“Of course. For a second there, I thought he was perfect,” Nina said sarcastically.

Ana pursed her lips. “Don’t start.”

“I don’t know what your problem is. He’s tall, has beautiful blue eyes, his hair might be

even more gorgeous than yours, and he has a good job. Oh yeah, and he’s not American,” Nina


“I know he’s not.” However, the last thing Ana wanted was get used to that obnoxious


“What about Mathias?” Nina asked.

The waitress walked past them with a full tray, catching Ana’s attention. The tray looked

like it would topple over any moment.

“Mathias isn’t bad. Cute actually,” Ana agreed. She’d gone out with him a couple of times

and had a good time. He was smart, funny and dressed nice. Both times she’d enjoyed herself in

his company, but something had been missing. She didn’t know what and didn’t care to analyze


“I’m still debating about seeing him again,” she admitted.

Nina finished her coffee and set it down with a frown. “You realize the perfect guy doesn’t

exist and if you don’t relax and just give someone a chance, you’ll never find anyone.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Ana mumbled.

“I’m just saying, Ana. You’re being difficult and the only one affected is you. These aren’t

Americans we’re throwing your way. You should have no reason to dislike every guy you meet.

I think you’re being too critical.”

Ana shoved a bite of pastry into her mouth, not willing to answer. Yes, Nina was right about

the guys not being Americans, but that didn’t mean Ana had to throw herself at the first one she

went out with. She was picky, that was all. Maybe she didn’t know what she wanted, but she

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certainly knew what she didn’t want. That was a good method to stick with.

“Well, I’m late for work,” Nina said, looking at her watch. She finished the last of her pastry

and pulled money out of her wallet to set on the table. “Come by around six-thirty,” she told


Ana nodded and Nina took off.

This was the only day Ana would have to herself between jobs. Tomorrow it would be

museums and tour buses again. Not that she minded that. She liked being a tour guide, liked

meeting people from all over the world and walking with them through the city. What was not to

like about that? But she was only able to support herself with that in the summers. Once it cooled

down, the tourists stopped coming, so the tour company was unable to pay her.

She wished she could be a permanent tour guide. No other job held her interest, and she

wasn’t qualified to do anything complex. She didn’t have a science, law or medical degree,

which wasn’t so much an issue, but it also meant that her paychecks were meager. Waitressing

didn’t make much money. At least there were tips, which helped out.

She finished her coffee and pulled out money to cover the remainder of the bill. She signaled

to the waitress, handed over the money and after eating the last bite of pastry, left the


She’d spend the rest of the morning at the Laundromat washing clothes for the week and

then relax for a few hours before meeting Nina in the evening. Tomorrow would kick off the first

day of Ana’s summer job.

Chapter 2

“If you would all follow me please,” the attractive blonde tour guide said to the group as

everyone crammed onto the sidewalk.

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Mike was standing in the back, taking in his surroundings. It was mid-morning and the sun

rays created a speckled blanket of shadows on the tree-lined sidewalks. Behind the group, the red

trolley proceeded to make its way around the Ringstrasse, the circular street going all around the

inner city center, as Ana, the tour guide, had told them.

It was only his third day in Vienna and already he’d found a striking woman. He wondered

if he could ask her out or if that was against her work rules.

“We are now at the Maria-Theresian Platz,” she said to the group, “and her statue behind me

is in the middle of this park, which houses the Kunsthistorisches and Naturhistorisches Museum.

That’s the art history and natural history museums.”

She pointed out that the grand buildings were identical in architecture, which Mike noticed

upon closer inspection as they made their way into the park. He took out his camera and snapped

a few photos of the museums.

“Construction to the museums began a little after the 1850s,” Ana said while everyone

looked up at the buildings, “and took twenty years to complete.”

Mike watched her leaf through the pages on her clip board. Her long hair fell across her face

and she pushed it out of the way.

“Maria-Theresia was a …,” she continued and turned to look up at the statue towering over

the group. Everyone directed their cameras at the iron woman and Mike scribbled down a few


“Is there a reason she decided to have so many children?” he asked Ana.

She turned to look at him and he was struck by her gray eyes contrasted against her light

hair. “Absolutely. She married all of them to leaders of other European countries, which

expanded her empire. She was a very smart woman.”

The Japanese tourists raised their cameras again and snapped more pictures of the statue.

Ana smiled at Mike and he was instantly hooked. He definitely had to ask her out.

She allowed time for a few more pictures before they moved on. The park was green with

trimmed hedges and dotted with hundreds of fragrant roses. With Ana’s coloring and sinful pink

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lips, she blended right in. He bet she smelled just as good.

“The exhibitions in the museums change every couple of months,” she said and the group

followed behind her.

He raised his camera to snap a picture of an elderly couple sitting on a bench surrounded by

flowers. They were oblivious to the tourists.

“I recommend you see the museums if you have time,” Ana said, “but a very Austrian thing

to do is to walk through the park and enjoy a couple of hours of relaxation. It is very nice in the

mornings when there are not a lot of people and you can listen to the birds, sit on the grass and

have a picnic in front of one of these beautiful buildings.” She gestured at the ornate museums.

Mike could picture coming back here. A picnic wasn’t his thing, but sitting on the bench to

jot down notes would be good. Even though the park was in the middle of the city, it wasn’t loud

or congested like Central Park back home.

The group continued to the next location on their schedule. Mike tucked his notebook in his

bag and focused on taking pictures of random things on the street. While everyone else was

looking at statues and buildings, he kept an eye out for people and activity.

They passed a puppet player and Mike snapped a picture. The man said something to him in

German, but Mike didn’t understand a word. As he stepped away, the man began to yell, drawing

the attention of the entire group.

“What’s the problem?” Ana asked, stepping between the tourists to get to Mike.

“I have no idea,” he replied. “I was minding my own business, taking pictures, when he got

worked up.”

Ana walked to the puppet player and came back a moment later. “You have to pay him,” she

told Mike.

He frowned in response. “For what?”

She eyed the camera in his hand. “Didn’t you take his picture?”

“Yeah, so what?”

Her eyebrows rose. “You cannot take pictures of people without asking for permission.

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Many people who perform on the street charge money to have their picture taken.”

Mike knew the entire group was watching him and he felt like an idiot. He took out his

wallet, pulled out a bill, then walked over to the disgruntled man and handed him the money. The

man said something in German, which again was lost on Mike.

He made his way back and Ana weaved her way through the group to lead them forward

again. She reminded everyone not to take pictures of people unless they were given permission.

The sightseeing took them past the Parliament building, the Opera Haus and the theater.

Mike ceased taking pictures and focused on jotting down notes instead. Ana knew everything

about the city and provided amusing facts to entertain the group. On the few occasions he caught

her eyes, she gave him a tight-lipped smile.

They progressed through the city center at a leisurely pace. There were plenty of

opportunities for picture taking and Ana ensured that everyone had a good time. As she tucked a

strand of hair behind her ear, the sun behind her cast a glow that screamed for a picture to be

taken. Mike was tempted, but most likely, he’d have to pay for that too.

After another hour, the tour came to an end in front of St. Stephen’s Cathedral, which was

around the corner of Mike’s apartment. Every tourist lined up to ask Ana a question or give her a

tip. By the time it was his turn, she excused herself saying she had to leave.

“Hey, wait up,” he said and ran up to her.

She turned to look up at him expectantly.

“I was wondering if you’d like to get a cup of coffee.”

A pink blush grazed her cheeks. “I’m not supposed to socialize with clients.”

If she didn’t give him an apologetic smile, he would have felt rejected. “I’m sensing

hesitation with that rule. One cup of coffee is all I’m asking for.”

She seemed to mull over her option. Those silvery eyes locked with his as she nibbled on her

bottom lip.

The cup of coffee was instantly replaced by another activity in his mind. He cleared his

throat and transferred his notebook into the other hand. “I was a great tourist, I asked lots of

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questions. You can’t turn me down,” he joked.

“Alright,” she said and laughed.

He extended his hand. “I’m Mike.”

“I’m Ana,” she replied and shook his hand. Her skin was soft and her grip surprisingly firm.

“Hope you liked the tour.”

“Best tour I’ve ever been on, and to show my appreciation, I’ll get you an extra-large cup of

coffee. Now where are we going?” he asked.

“You tell me. You invited me,” she pointed out.

He cursed silently. She was right. “I guess I was just eager to talk to you. I’m new in town

and don’t really know the spots around here. Where do you like to go?”

She flicked her hair over her shoulder before darting him a sideways glance. “We’ll go to a

Kaffeehaus around the corner. It’s a bit touristy but the coffee is good.”

They walked on cobblestones and Mike stepped in a few cracks, almost twisting his ankle.

“So you’re new in town. I thought you were a tourist,” she said. “Did you move here?”

He jumped over a puddle. “Yep, just a week ago. I’m here for the summer doing research.”

She nodded as if she wasn’t surprised. “What kind of research?”

He tapped his notebook against his thigh. “I’m writing a book about the generational

transformation of this city.”

“I wouldn’t have thought you’re a writer,” she remarked, sounding impressed.

“I’m not sure if that’s a good thing,” he said amused.

“What have you written?”

They passed several tour groups ready to start where Ana and Mike had been a couple of

hours ago.

“Mostly magazine articles and a couple of books. I’m sure you’ve never heard of them. They

weren’t what I set out to write when I quit journalism, but my agent pushed me in that direction

and I couldn’t refuse. Now I’m here and hope to walk away with something more meaningful.”

She regarded him silently as they crossed the street.

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“We’ll see if my adventure abroad will be a success or a huge failure,” he concluded.

She adjusted the strap of her purse on her shoulder. “Where are you from?”

“New York, although sometimes I feel like a West Coaster since I’m out there so much.”

It didn’t immediately register with him that she’d stopped walking. He turned and looked at

her standing a few feet back. “What’s wrong?”

The interested expression she’d had before was gone, replaced by a scowl. “You’re


He walked back. “As American as apple pie.”

Her scowl intensified, if that was possible, and those piercing eyes took on a stormy look.

“It’s an American expression,” he clarified.

“I have to go,” she said and turned to walk in the opposite direction.

He watched her hurry away, certain he had that deer-in-the-headlights look.


“Hey!” Mike shouted and Ana heard him run after her.

Her stomach twisted into a knot and she picked up her pace.

He arrived beside her huffing. “What’s the matter? I thought the coffee shop is back that


She couldn’t believe that her hot tingles were caused by an American. She tried to calm her

nerves. “I can’t have coffee with you,” she said, staring straight ahead. She felt his gaze on her

and there was nothing she could do about her racing heartbeat.

“Okay. I’m missing something here. Why not?”

She didn’t respond.

“Ana?” he asked as if she hadn’t heard him. “What happened between now and five minutes

ago? Why can’t you have coffee with me anymore?”

Her pulse was racing, her mind was racing, even her feet were. “I should have asked where

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you’re from sooner, but I don’t get many American guys in my groups.” In fact, she couldn’t

remember the last time she’d had one join her group. The chances of meeting Mike were pretty

much non-existent. Except that it just happened. She’d felt that instant spark which she’d never

felt before, only to discover that he was off limits.

He kept up her pace. “I don’t understand. What does that have to do with anything?”

“I thought you were Canadian,” she said and allowed herself one look at him. Unfortunately

he was still pretty darn sexy, despite his confession. “You look Canadian,” she remarked as an


His forehead wrinkled in confusion. “Totally not following you. I’m not Canadian and now

I’m self-conscious about how I look. Will you please explain where this is going?”

She let out a frustrated breath and stopped to face him. “I don’t go out with Americans,

Mike. I don’t talk to them, don’t date them and don’t like them.”

He looked at her as if she lost her mind. “Kind of hard to believe since you’re a tour guide.”

“Yes well, that’s beside the point. I deal with them at work but not in my personal life.”

“Are you serious?”

She exhaled loudly. “Very. It’s a rule I have and I don’t break it. Now if you will excuse me,

I have to go.” She turned and walked away again, hoping he wouldn’t follow her. She just

wanted to go home in peace.

“Well, it’s a stupid rule,” he said, taking up his place beside her again.

“I really don’t care what you think. Now go away before I become rude.”

He laughed. “I think you’ve already crossed that line. How did you not know I’m American?

Isn’t that obvious?”

“Can you tell a German woman apart from an Austrian one?” she shot back.


“There you go. Don’t be full of yourself. You’re not that recognizable.”

He didn’t respond. She picked up her pace, but unfortunately he did so as well.

“Why don’t you like Americans?” he wanted to know.

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She remained quiet.

“Are you one of those Europeans who hates Americans? Did I manage to find the first one

on my trip?”

Was he finding this amusing? She took a deep breath. “I don’t hate Americans. Just the


He was silent for an instant before erupting into laughter again. He was starting to get on her

last nerve. At least that was better than drooling over him.

“Well, that sounds better. Hating half the population is a good way to go. I’m assuming you

have a good reason for it?” he asked.

“A perfectly good one, not that it’s any of your business.”

He held up his hands defensively. “Don’t shoot, just trying to be nice here.”

She rolled her eyes. “If you want to be nice, leave me alone.”

“Not before I hear your reason for disliking me. I’m sure it’s a very good one, seeing how

half an hour ago you couldn’t keep your eyes off me and went against your boss’s wishes to

socialize with clients. You seemed to like me just fine then, but I’m dying to know what terrible

tragedy is preventing you from drinking a beverage at my table.”

She shot him an annoyed look. “There’s no need for sarcasm. And I was keeping my eyes

off you just fine.”

He leaned forward, invading her personal space. “Liar. I got eyes too, you know. They were

observing just as much.”

She felt heat rush up to her cheeks and stupidly enough, she felt self-conscious. She resisted

the urge to fix her hair or do something equally ridiculous. She huffed and stepped away.

They walked in silence for a few moments.

“Are you really going to follow me?” she asked, frowning at him.

He grinned, making her disturbingly warm and tingly. Determined, she squashed the fuzzy


“I have nowhere else to be, Ana. So until you play nice, I’ll be your stalker.”

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“I assumed as much,” she mumbled. When she crossed the street and he stuck by her side,

she decided to give in simply to get rid of him. “I’ve had a bad experience with Americans, so I

don’t date them.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said. “Must’ve been really bad if you’re avoiding all of us


She didn’t say anything. They squeezed past people walking in the opposite direction.

“I promise you, I’m a nice guy. Besides, I’m not proposing anything other than coffee.

There’s no harm in that.”

She was sure that’s what her father had said to her mother back in the day as well, and look

how that had turned out. “The answer is no.”

“Don’t you believe in second chances?” he asked.

She faced him abruptly. “Absolutely not.”

He looked taken aback. “Wow, you’re tough to crack. That’s too bad because I think you

seem great. Apart from your major flaw, obviously.” The corners of his mouth turned up again.

His words penetrated her mind even though she didn’t want to let them affect her. He liked

her and asked simply to talk to her. Was that so bad?

Yeah right, who was she kidding? Talking was probably the last thing on his mind, just like

it was the last thing on hers too. She cursed herself for her traitorous thoughts.

“So there’s nothing I can say to make you change your mind?” he asked.

A kid ran towards them and she stepped to the side to make room. The kid ran straight into

her and Mike anyway, sending her purse flying to the ground.

“Great,” she grumbled irritated. The kid ran away with an apology. She crouched down and

began gathering her belongings which had spilled out.

Mike bent down to help her. He reached from one side to the other, gathering a lipstick and a


“Are you alright?” he asked and handed her the items.

She grabbed them from him, brushing against his fingers. Their eyes met. That cup of coffee

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was sounding like the best damn thing in the world right now, she thought exasperated. She

stuffed everything back in her purse and stood. “I’m fine.”

“I was really hoping to change your mind,” he said, digging his hands into his pockets.

She closed her purse and brushed her hair out of her face. “Good luck with your research,


His milk chocolate eyes held her gaze, and for a moment, she wished she could throw her

own stupid rules out the window. There was nothing left to do but turn and walk away.

Chapter 3

It was lunchtime on Wednesday and Mike scoured the contents of the fridge. Not much to work

with. He pulled out items to make a sandwich and got to work prepping one.

He was finally adjusting to the time zone and eating when he should. It had taken five days,

which wasn’t bad. His friends had told him it would be worse.

The book research was just beginning, but he already had a bunch of pictures uploaded to his

computer. Ever since the spectacle during the tour, he asked people for permission before taking

up-close pictures of them.

He plopped the sandwich onto a plate and put everything back in the fridge. At some point,

he’d have to buy real food. For now, sandwiches were sustaining him. He’d gone to the grocery

store only to stare at German labels which confused the hell out of him. Sandwich ingredients

were pretty much universal, so he’d walked away with bread, cheese and sliced meat.

He took the plate to the dining table and sat in front of his computer. He bit into the

sandwich and scrolled through the bullets of information he’d gathered. Historical stuff, dates,

famous names, wars and major events. All important facts, but not very useful for his purposes.

Repeating facts to his readers was not his intent. He needed people’s connection to history.

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Interviews would be great, but he wasn’t ready for that yet. He still had to learn more about the

city himself.

He took another bite and wiped his hand on a napkin. The notepad he’d used during the tour

was lying beside the laptop and he scanned the notes.

Ana had presented them with lots of info, but it had been her stories that had gotten Mike’s

attention. That was the kind of stuff he need for his book.

She’d handed out her card after the tour, but Mike had been too late to grab one then,

however when he picked up her items off the ground, he managed to snatch one and stuff it into

his pocket. He doubted he could just call her up and ask her out again. That hadn’t gone

according to plan. If he wanted to see her again, he’d have to sign up for another tour.

He finished his sandwich, wiped his hands and began to type when his computer alerted him

of an incoming call.

The Skype program popped up and announced a call from his friend Aaron. Mike answered

the call and the video screen showed Aaron in his living room.

“Hey man,” he said grinning. “How’s Europe treating you?”

Mike laughed and leaned back in his chair. “Not bad so far. What are you doing up? Isn’t it

the middle of the night for you?”

“It’s six in the morning, so yeah, same thing. I have to take care of some shit early today, so

thought I might as well see what you’re up to.”

“What do you have to do?” Mike asked. Aaron was never up before nine.

His friend shrugged. “Drop off something at Matt’s place.”

At the lack of details, Mike assumed Aaron was running some kind of scheme again.

“What you doing man?” Aaron asked. “Any hot women out there?”

Ana popped into Mike’s head. “Yeah, definitely.”

Aaron grinned. “Oh yeah? Made some moves already?”

Mike shook his head. “I’m here for research, remember?”

“Yeah, tapping European ass is research. The best kind of research.”

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“That kind of research won’t write my book for me,” Mike said laughing, although he had

thought of nothing else but Ana.

Aaron leaned away from the monitor and appeared a second later holding a cereal bowl.

“Who cares about your book when there’s hot tail to chase?” He slurped milk from the bowl.

“I do. That’s what pays the bills. Hot tail takes my money instead.” Not that Mike was

worried about that. He’d paid for his trip and had enough money to last through the summer. In

case of emergencies, he could ask his parents to wire him money.

“So what’s there to do?” Aaron wanted to know.

Mike interlocked his fingers behind his head. “So far, I’ve only seen old buildings and


Aaron grimaced. “Brutal.”

“The tour guide made it worthwhile,” Mike said with a grin.

“Now we’re talking. What does she look like?”

Mike pictured Ana tucking her hair behind her ear, giving him a dazzling smile. “Tall,

blonde, slim, perfect face.”

“How’s the rack?”

“Couldn’t tell,” Mike answered. ”She was wearing a jacket.”

Aaron shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “Nice ass?”

Mike nodded. Very nice in her tight jeans.

“Did you get her number?”

“Nah. I don’t know if all women here are like her, but she wasn’t easy to talk to,” Mike said.

“What else is going on there?” Aaron asked.

“Nothing. Trying to adjust to the time difference. Still waking up in the middle of the night

and falling asleep at eight. It sucks.”

Aaron set down the bowl just as his doorbell rang. He looked away, then turned to the

computer again. “Gotta go. Have fun man and tell me what’s up with the blonde.”

Mike nodded and Aaron disconnected. Mike’s research list appeared on screen again.

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He got up and took the empty plate to the kitchen. Aaron had barely woken up and Mike was

halfway through his day. He planned on walking around the neighborhood in the afternoon to

familiarize himself with the area. It was smack in the middle of the tourist zone, which meant

locals in the vicinity spoke English.

He got back on the computer and pulled up the tour company website. He scrolled through

available tours and picked a different one than before. Since the company advertised several

guides, he called to ask who would provide the tour he wanted to go on. When someone else was

named, he asked about the next tour until Ana’s name came up. He thanked the person on the

phone, hung up and made reservations online. In two days, he’d see Ana again.


The sun provided gentle warmth from the cool breeze that was blowing today.

“Welcome to Schoenbrunn Palace,” Ana said loud enough for the tour group to hear. It was

Friday morning, which meant she was showing the first group of the day around. Later in the

afternoon, she’d have one more group.

“The palace is a UNESCO World Heritage site, along with the gardens you see before you.”

The group looked out over the symmetrical hedges and kaleidoscope of flowers leading the

way up to the orangerie, or Gloriette, as it was named.

Ana stepped towards the massive palace. “This building started as a hunting lodge for

Austrian monarchs, and over time, was added on to until it became this palace you now see.

There are over one thousand rooms and the Habsburg family used the place as their summer

residence,” she said.

The tourists eyed the palace curiously. Everyone stepped forward and Ana got a glimpse of a

familiar face. She shifted to the side for a better look and sure enough, Mike was looking back at

her. She frowned in recognition and he waved back. For heaven’s sake, what was he doing here?

“The palace was built and decorated in Rococo style,” she continued and led them across the

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gravel path to the entrance. The group was large today and she had to wait for everyone to catch

up every few seconds. When they were all assembled, she showed her badge to the museum staff

member who opened a swinging barrier to let them pass.

“This way, please,” Ana said and stepped to the side to let them all through.

After the first dozen people walked by, Mike approached.

“Hi gorgeous,” he greeted her with a cheeky smile.

Ana tried to keep her composure. “Hello.”

Thankfully there was no time for small talk since the line had to move forward.

Mike looked like he was going to say something, but she cut him off. “Move along, please.

You are holding up the line.”

He closed his mouth with a frown, mumbled something under his breath and walked

forward. She couldn’t help smiling as she focused on getting the rest of the group inside.

Once in the main lobby, she explained the layout and the route they would follow. Only one

wing was accessible to them, and out of the thousand rooms, they would see forty. Some people

looked disappointed, others relieved.

“Over two million people visit the palace every year,” she said, leading the way up the stairs.

They approached the first room and Ana couldn’t help but be awed at the splendor, just like the

rest of them. Gold adorned every meter of the room, and plush fabrics and silk details made one

catch one’s breath.

“Please remember that picture taking is not allowed,” she said when everyone raised their

cameras. Disappointed, the tourists grumbled and put the cameras away. Mike lowered his

camera as well and shot Ana an amused look. She did not return his smile. He was distracting her

and didn’t want to encourage him.

“This is where the emperor entertained other officials,” she said and walked ahead. The

tourists walked along a red rope that was put in place to keep people away from the furniture and

decor. They passed seating arrangements and Persian rugs.

“Was the room used for anything else?” someone asked.

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Ana turned and shook her head. “You can imagine that with so many rooms available, they

had the option to give each room a specific purpose. This was used for serving refreshments to

other monarchs or leaders while talking politics.”

They moved on to the next room and Ana waited until everyone was within hearing

distance. “This is called the blue room for obvious reasons. The empress loved the color and

decided to use it for everything, from the walls, the curtains, to the furniture.”

People spread out to analyze the details in various corners. Without meaning to, Ana’s

attention turned to Mike. He was wearing jeans with a blazer, and a messenger bag hung

diagonally over his shoulder. His dark hair was arranged in a small spike and he had the

beginnings of a beard growing. He was a head taller than her and was in good shape for a writer.

Not that she knew what most writers looked like, but she was impressed with his body


He turned from the settee before him and caught her staring. His brown eyes sparkled

mischievously at her.

She felt herself blush, so she cleared her throat and looked down at her clipboard. “Next,

we’ll be moving on to the family drawing room,” she announced without looking up. She

pretended to scribble something on the paper, glanced quickly at the group and walked into the

next room. She explained the purpose of the room and history of the furniture. When she noticed

a tourist try to sneak in a photo, she announced once again that picture taking was not allowed.

They could purchase post cards, pictures and books about the palace at the gift shop.

When everyone was given a few moments to look around, Ana found herself standing close

to Mike. His cologne carried to her and she tried not to inhale his warm, spicy scent.

“I can’t even pay to take a picture here, huh?” he joked.

She shook her head. “You can pay at the shop to buy one.”

“Of course, clever ploy.” He looked around the room. “It’s pretty amazing. Just takes your

breath away.”

She didn’t respond.

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He leaned towards her, invading her personal space again. “Did you think of me?”

She knew he was teasing her but she wasn’t amused. “I don’t know why you’re here again,

Mike, but I don’t have time for this. I have work to do.”

“I know. You did such an excellent job last time, I couldn’t stay away. This stuff you talk

about,” he said and his gaze darted from her hair to her eyes and finally her mouth, “is riveting.”

She felt heat run over every body part his gaze skimmed. “Are you making fun of me?” she

asked in hushed tones.

“Not at all, gorgeous. I’m just telling you I couldn’t stay away.”

Part of her was thrilled at the news, however the logical half of her brain was ringing alarm

bells. He was standing close enough to her that she could rub herself all over him like a purring

cat. Not that she wanted to, of course.

“Time to move on to the next room,” she announced loudly to the group. She stepped away

and noticed he let the group catch up to him until he blended into the background again. She

shook her head to clear it and tried to focus on her memorized script. Facts came out of her

mouth and her hands gestured at various things in the room, but her mind was distracted. She

knew exactly where he was each time the group relocated. It was disturbing to realize she was

following his every move.

The rest of the tour went by slowly. Ana knew that tourists couldn’t be rushed. The

surroundings were magnificent and the people had come from different countries to see

everything. She allowed them enough time to look around without holding up other groups

behind them.

Mike didn’t make another attempt to talk to her, which was good because she was afraid

she’d forget all her facts. He kept his distance in the back of the group.

She watched him stop in a corner to write in his notebook. He was as maddening as she

expected American men to be. Just as she’d thought. No matter that his devilish smile made her

heart skip a beat or his hungry gaze sent tingles through her body. Any thoughts about him were

in vain. She couldn’t date Mike any more than she could land a well-paying job. Both were just

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not going to happen.

Chapter 4

Vienna looked the prettiest from above, which is why Ana loved coming up to Nina’s rooftop to

sunbathe. Before they laid out their chairs and towels, she walked to the edge and looked out at

the city. The street below was bustling with activity. It was Saturday, which meant that people

were shopping, strolling and socializing like busy little ants. The glass rooftops glistened with

the reflection of the sun, while the faded turquoise domes shone in all their glory.

Ana couldn’t imagine a more beautiful view. “It’s just right,” she said and walked back to

Nina. “Not too hot or cold.”

They unfolded their lounge chairs, set their towels on them and took off their shirts and


“I need some color,” Nina said and pulled her bikini in place. “I’m as white as a snowman.”

Ana tugged at the straps of her top before sitting down. “That’s why we’re here. Don’t

forget to put on sunscreen.”

Nina waved it off. “I’m planning on getting at least one shade darker.”

Ana grabbed the bottle of sunscreen out of her bag and held it out to Nina. “If you don’t put

this on, you’ll look Italian.”

Nina shrugged but accepted the bottle. “I wouldn’t mind.” She rubbed lotion all over herself

and once done, handed the bottle back to Ana who did the same.

“There’s this guy who joined my tour,” Ana said, rubbing lotion on her right arm, “who’s

the biggest pain in the butt.”

Nina sank back against the chair and tilted her face up to the sun. “Oh yeah?”

“He already took one of my tours earlier this week.”

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Nina’s eyes were closed but her eyebrows shot up. “He must like boring facts.”

Ana chuckled. “Whatever. He said he’s doing research.”

“Told you, boring facts.”

Ana wondered if Mike was actually interested in the facts.

“Is he cute?”

The question made Ana cringe. His good looks were the last thing she wanted to think about.

“I guess some women would find him attractive.”

“You could have a hot stalker,” Nina remarked.

“That would be a first. Stalkers are usually not attractive. At least I’m assuming they aren’t.”

“How many cute guys go on two of your tours?”


“Precisely. What does he look like?”

Ana could see him clearly before her. “Tall, bearded, lean, spiky hair.” The slight cleft in his

chin was alluring too, but she wasn’t going to mention that.

Nina picked up her head to squint at Ana. “I know I’ve been pushing you to talk to guys, but

there’s no need to become desperate. Don’t go hooking up with crazy mohawk boys.”

Ana laughed. “He’s not like that.”

Nina let out a relaxed breath and enjoyed the sun. “You have the best job in the world. Hot

guys from all over to stare at all day.”

“You know that’s not true. It’s ninety percent old people with the occasional young guy

thrown in. Most are from China.” Ana rarely saw a hot guy in her group. Most good-looking

guys weren’t interested in touring Vienna. Most couldn’t even point out Vienna on a map.

Young, attractive people went to party cities. Paris, London, Amsterdam and Barcelona, those

were popular destinations. Vienna was too relaxed. Meeting Mike on her tour, twice no less, was


“Did you get his number?” Nina asked.


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“Why not?”

“He’s American.”

Nina’s head shot up like an alert dog. She looked at Ana as though unsure if the information

was real, but when Ana only stared back at her, Nina burst out laughing.

“That’s not funny,” Ana said.

“It’s hilarious actually. You have a hot American stalker. I love it!”

Ana shook her head. “Well, I don’t. You know I’m not interested in that.”

“Maybe you should be,” Nina said. “You can’t wait for Mister Right to come along and

expect a life commitment.”

Ana tilted her face up to the sun. “I’m not expecting a life commitment, nor am I expecting

Mister Right. I’m just not down for a one-night stand with a stranger who stands for everything I

loathe.” To be fair, she was afraid that spending one night with Mike would probably not be so

loathsome. She was afraid she’d like it just a little too much. His wicked grin made promises that

unfolded into visuals in her mind. Very sinful visuals.

Nina wiggled in her seat to find a more comfortable position. “Let me know how that works

out for you.”

Ana took a calming breath. She wanted to relax, not fight. The sun felt good on her face and

nothing should spoil that.

“How were the tours?” Nina asked after a while.

“I have to get used to the walking and standing again.”

“It’s great for your ass,” Nina pointed out.

That was a perk Ana was glad about. She didn’t have to go to the gym in the summer. Most

of the time, she was exhausted from all the walking.

“Did Sebastian help you with the project?” she asked, knowing that Nina had been having

issues at work.

“No, the man can’t do anything right. He’s useless. I’ll have to do it myself.”

Ana stretched her arms out at her sides to even out her color. “Maybe someone else can

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“Yeah, maybe,” Nina mumbled. A moment later, she shielded her eyes to face Ana. “I forgot

to tell you. I saw Alex and he wants to know if you want to go out.”

Mike’s face popped into Ana’s mind and she shook her head. “I don’t. Tell him to look for

someone else.”

“Alex really likes you,” Nina said.

Ana turned to look at her. “It only works if I like him back. I don’t want to get his hopes up

and break the guy’s heart, Nina. It’s just not meant to be.”

Nina groaned and sank back against her chair. “It’s never meant to be.”

“Well, what do you want me to do? Pretend to like him? Laugh at his jokes that aren’t

funny? Give me a break.”

Nina held up a hand to silence her. “This conversation is messing with the feng shui of the

sun. Let’s not talk about that. Boys are off limits for the rest of the tanning session.”

“Agreed,” Ana said satisfied. The less arguing, the better. And the less thinking of the

opposite sex, the better too. Not that she could make her mind stop thinking, but she’d try.

“This is one of those times when I wish I knew how to meditate,” she mumbled under her


“Just close your eyes and shut up,” Nina instructed.

Ana let out a deep breath and did as she was told.


On Tuesday, Mike knew it was now or never. He had signed up for the last tour he’d go on, all in

order to have one more chance with Ana. The tour was already halfway over and he couldn’t

wait for the end.

He’d seen the Imperial Palace, which had been almost too much to take in. There were so

many rooms, after a while, his mouth managed not to drop in awe. There were mirrors, gold-

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framed beds, carved writing desks, hundreds of crystal glasses on the dining table, chandeliers in

the ballroom and much more. He looked and wrote, stared and jotted down ideas. He’d also seen

the Crown jewels and more historical costumes he cared to remember.

At this point, all the facts were blending together. All he cared about was talking to Ana. If

she eluded him today again, he’d give up. Last time, she’d snuck away after the tour before he

had the chance to catch up with her, that little minx. She’d looked at him over her shoulder as he

called her name, but then she’d blended into a tour group until he lost sight of her.

He’d greeted her at the beginning of this tour and she’d looked at him exasperated. She had

probably assumed she’d never see him again. She led the group as usual, talking, answering

questions, allowing people enough time to take in their surroundings, but she hadn’t been

interested in talking to him.

The group walked into the next room of the monarchs’ quarters and the now familiar

splendor greeted him.

“If you turn your attention to the right,” Ana said and everyone turned like robots. She

showed them a desk that had been a gift from the king of some country, Mike barely heard.

His attention was on her bronzed face. She was more striking than he remembered. Against

her darker skin, her hair seemed even paler than before and her lips were a tinge darker pink.

“Next we’ll go to the dining hall,” she announced and walked away. Everyone followed the

Pied Piper and Mike let the elderly people walk in front of him.

The group made its way through several more rooms and Mike’s attention was focused on

the only object of his interest. Ana seemed as animated and excited as she had at the beginning

of the tour. He didn’t know where she got her energy.

They walked out of the last room into a hallway. “If you would all follow me,” she said and

walked towards the exit sign.

Mike squeezed through the group to the front of the line. He wanted to make sure he

wouldn’t get stuck in the back when she concluded the tour. The hallway was narrow and short,

so he managed to walk up to her in seconds. Just as he started to say something, a wheelchair hit

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him on the right ankle and he lost his balance, toppling forward. Unable to catch his footing, he

smacked into Ana’s back, grabbing her upper arms for support.

She stumbled forward before righting herself. “What the?” she mumbled after turning to

inspect him.

He limped forward, trying to shake off the throbbing in his ankle. “Sorry about that. I had a

run-in with the wheelchair.” He glanced briefly over his shoulder. The woman in the chair held

up a hand and smiled in apology. He nodded before turning back to Ana. “I guess I should watch

my step. Are you alright?”

She nodded and turned to walk away.

“This is my third tour. I’m making your company money. You think you can cut me some

slack and talk to me?” he asked and walked up beside her.

“It’s not my company your helping,” she replied.

They were nearing the exit. She stopped in front of the gift shop to wait for the group. “This

concludes our tour,” she shouted to everyone, “and you are welcome to shop for souvenirs in the

gift shop. Thank you for joining me and I hope you had a pleasant tour.”

“Come on, sugar pie. That cup of coffee is all I’m after,” he said, sensing that he was

running out of time.

She glared up at him. “I am not your sugar pie, Mike. And talking like that will get you


“So if I stop calling you sugar pie, will you have coffee with me?”

She crossed her arms. “Absolutely not.”

“What’s it going to take then?”

Her eyes stared up into his. He was getting his hopes up.

“Why do you want to have coffee with me?” she asked, catching him off guard.

He squinted in thought. “I thought that was obvious. I like you.”

“Why?” she replied, raising her chin.

Why indeed? Wasn’t there usually just one reason? “I think you’re really–”

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Her eyebrows rose.

“Pretty,” he concluded.

“And?” Her arms were still crossed, as though she was facing the enemy of the state.

He frowned in confusion. “And what? That’s it. I’m attracted to you and I want to get to

know you.”

She shook her head and smiled to herself, like she was amused at a private joke. “I knew it.

All you want is to get me into bed. You don’t care about my tours or anything I have to say. All

you care about is having fun and going back to your country.”

Now it was his turn to raise his eyebrows. “Whoa there, girl. Now you’re taking this too far.

I’ve never had to defend myself over an invitation for coffee.”

She walked around him and he followed. They exited the building and stepped into the


“I’m glad we had the chance to talk,” she said and shielded her eyes to look up at him. “This

was very eye-opening. Enjoy that cup of coffee by yourself, Mike.”

He was left standing speechless as she walked away.

Chapter 5

A week later, Mike walked along the narrow sidewalk, squeezing past people. The street was

long, like a corridor of mortar and brick. He looked up and took in the ornamented buildings,

which added to the feeling of being locked in. The history was visible on the facades he passed.

Some had busts sitting on the roof in perfect linear alignment with the front entrance. Others had

arches and loops and floral swirls decorating each level of the building. It left him feeling

imprisoned in a street of tall homes, while being showered with beautiful architectural art.

He took out his camera and snapped a few photos. It was getting dark and the temperature

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was dropping. He was surprised it was still cold at night.

He adjusted his jacket at the collar and held on to the strap of his laptop bag, slung over his

shoulder. He’d walked the city all day, exploring neighborhoods and sitting down every couple

of hours to jot down notes. His feet hurt like hell and he had no idea how far he’d have to walk to

get home. He’d been in denial for the last hour. He was lost. It was dark and he had no idea how

to get home.

He stopped a couple of people walking by to ask for directions, but they shook their heads

indicating they didn’t speak English. Probably because they were eighty.

Once they disappeared, he found himself alone in the residential area. It was strange that not

a single person was around. He had a map, but it was too dark to see, and even if he’d been able

to use it, he couldn’t pinpoint his location on a map.

He walked to the end of the block and looked in either direction of the cross street. Pretty

quiet, except for the occasional car driving by.

He let out a frustrated breath and turned left. The sound of cars in that direction could be a

sign of a main street. He walked for several minutes before reaching the end. There was plenty of

traffic, but no businesses or restaurants. He cursed the layout of the city. How could he be in the

middle of it, yet be so lost?

A group of people some distance away gave him hope and he headed in their direction.

Judging by their laughter, they sounded young.

When he got close enough to make out the group, he slowed his pace. They were young

alright. A bunch of young guys drinking, smoking and looking like they didn’t give out


He debated what to do. He hadn’t run into anyone else for the last quarter hour and his feet

were killing him. He walked up to the group.

“Hi,” he said and waited until he had their attention. They looked to be in their late teens to

early twenties. Some shorter than Mike, some about his height. No beefcakes.

They nodded in acknowledgment.

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“Do you know where the closest subway station is?” he asked.

The guys exchanged looks before turning to him. “You’re not from here?” one of them


Mike was relieved they spoke English. “Nope, just visiting.”

Several pairs of eyes stared at his bag and he instinctively tightened his grip on the strap.

“So is there a subway here?” he repeated.

“No,” a guy answered and stepped forward. “We can show you where it is.”

Mike held up one hand. “Thanks, but that’s not necessary. Just tell me where it’s at and I’ll

find it.”

The guys took swigs of beer and blew smoke his way. “Go straight for ten minutes, then

make a left and follow that street until you get to Josephstaedterstrasse. From there, you can take

the trolley or walk to Rathausplatz,” someone said.

Mike cursed under his breath. He’d never remember that and he wasn’t even sure they were

telling the truth. The way they were eying his bag, he didn’t care where he’d walk to now as long

as he wasn’t going to get jumped.

“Thanks,” he said and gave a nod before walking away. He listened for footsteps, but no one

followed him. Relieved, he turned the next corner, ignoring their directions. Their laughter faded

into the background, and after several minutes, he slowed down until he came to a complete stop.

He wasn’t any better off than before, and for all he knew, he could be walking in circles

until someone did mug him. He had his phone but no one to call. Making an international call

was pointless. Nobody back home knew where the hell he was. He’d only been in Vienna for a

couple of weeks and didn’t have any contacts here either.

He reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet along with his phone. The only number he

could call was printed on a colorful business card. He removed it from his wallet and dialed. The

phone rang. And rang. And rang, causing disappointment by the second. When he was just about

to hang up, someone picked up.

“Hallo?” the voice on the other line said.

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His pulse quickened. “Hello, Ana? It’s Mike from the sightseeing tours.”


“The American?” he reminded her.

“I know who you are, Mike. How did you get my number?”

He summoned patience. “From your business card.” She started to say something, but he

wasn’t going to give her the chance to hang up.

“Listen, I know you don’t want to talk to me and that’s fine, but I’m uh, kind of lost.”

She was silent again.

“Hello? Ana?”

She exhaled on the other end. “I’m here. Where are you and why can’t you ask someone for


“If I knew where I was, I wouldn’t be lost. I’ve asked several people and nobody is very

helpful. Some don’t speak English and others look like they’ll steal everything I own, including

my shoes.”

“It would help if you spoke German,” she said irritated.

He felt his jaw tighten. “Yeah well, I wasn’t paying attention in German class, so I guess

that’s my fault. I wouldn’t bother you if I knew where the hell I am, but I see no businesses

around and I’m sick and tired of walking. My feet hurt.”

“So what do you want me to do?”

He took a deep breath. “Can you come get me?”

She laughed. “Don’t you have an IPhone so you can use the navigation system?”

“No, I don’t. I know, it’s hard to believe, but some people didn’t jump on the Apple


“What?” she asked confused.

He leaned against the building behind him. “Never mind. I know this is an inconvenience,

but I really can’t find my way out of here.”

She let out a loud sigh. “Walk to the nearest intersection and tell me the names of the

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streets,” she instructed.

He did so and tried his best to pronounce the names. When he heard her sigh again, he

spelled them out.

“It will be hard to find the subway from that area,” she said. There was a pause and for a

second, he thought she’d hung up.

“I’ll come get you,” she finally said.

He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”

She told him she’d be at that precise location in half an hour and he should stay put. Then

she hung up.

He checked his watch and lowered his bag to the ground. How stupid to wait for her to come

to his rescue. He was a grown man, he shouldn’t need rescuing.

He leaned against the building and assessed his surroundings. The street was quiet.

Out of all the stupid things he’d done in his life, this had to be at the top. He’d gotten lost in

a strange city at night and called the one person who couldn’t stand him. How much worse could

it get?


“You’re not going to believe this,” Ana said to Nina as she walked back from the kitchen.

Nina looked up from the couch. “What happened?”

Ana grabbed her jacket from the coat rack. “That was Mike. He’s lost and needs me to get

him,” she said, putting on her jacket.

Nina’s eyebrows rose. “The American?”

Ana nodded. The very same.

“I didn’t know he had your number.”

“Neither did I.” She didn’t remember giving him her business card. She grabbed the purse

from the console by the door and fished out her keys.

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Nina stood and made her way towards Ana. “So I guess you’re going.”

“I have no choice. The guy’s lost, doesn’t speak German and couldn’t find the subway from

where he is if I painted him a picture. I can’t just leave him out there. He said he had no one else

to ask.”

Nina gave her a pity pout. “Isn’t that sweet? He tricked you into hanging out with him.”

Ana paused. Had he done that? She shook her head. “He gave me his location and it’s dark

out. I’m pretty sure he didn’t end up there on purpose.”

Nina put on her jacket. “Would be clever of him if he did.”

Ana decided not to think about that prospect. If Nina was right, Ana would push him into the


“Let’s go,” she said and held open the door.

Nina ran back to the couch, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV before running back

to the door. “Ready,” she said and they left.

Ana locked the door. “I can’t believe I have to go get him. Doesn’t he know better than to

walk around a strange place at night?”

Nina shrugged. “At least he’s not scared to venture out.”

They walked down the stairs, through the front entrance of the building and stopped on the


“Can you come with me?” Ana blurted out. She didn’t want to face the American alone,

although he had seemed harmless enough before.

“Sorry, I can’t,” Nina replied. “I’m busy. Important things to do, you know.”

“Yeah right. A minute ago you were upstairs watching TV, not rushing off anywhere.”

Nina chuckled. “Good point. But I’m still not coming with you.”

Ana gave her a pleading look. “Why not?”

“Because you need to face your fears. For the first time, a hot American made an impression

on you and is now asking for your help. I think this could be the best thing that ever happened to

you. You need to face him alone.”

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Ana threw back her head and closed her eyes. “Wow, can you over-analyze this any more?

He’s just lost and needs to get home.”

“Mhm,” Nina said and turned away. “How lucky for him that he’s got you to show him the


“Aw, come on, Nina. I can’t go alone. What if he’s a criminal? What if he’s an American


Nina laughed and walked away. “Then you really have good reason to hate him.”

Ana cursed. Right now, she had good reason to tackle Nina and drag her along. Ana turned

in the opposite direction and walked to the trolley station. Ten minutes later, the trolley came and

she got in. Fifteen minutes later, she got off and walked through the residential neighborhood.

She couldn’t believe that man. Didn’t he know any better than to walk around a strange city at

night? That was plain stupid.

A few minutes and turns later, she saw him. He was leaning against the wall with his hands

stuffed in his pockets and his bag sat on the ground by his side. It took him several seconds to

spot her.

She walked up to him breathless. “Hi,” she said, unsure whether to be mad for seeing him

again or relieved that he was alright. She’d almost forgotten how attractive he was and found

herself checking him out. Even in the dark, she could see his stubble had turned into a scruffy

mini beard, which only made him appear more unruly.

He let out a deep breath. “Thanks for coming. I wouldn’t have called you if I had someone

else to call.” He reached to grab his bag.

“What are you doing walking around at night?” she asked. “Don’t you know not to go out

this late looking like a tourist?”

He slung the strap over his shoulder. “I didn’t go out for a midnight stroll. I’ve been walking

all day, checking out the city, and time got away from me. Before I knew it, it was dark and I

was here.”

She turned back in the direction from where she’d come and he followed. “You should be

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more careful,” she said over her shoulder.

“Yeah, no kidding. I asked these guys for directions who looked like they’d run off with my

bag after beating me to a pulp.”

She picked up her pace. She’d rescued him, but there was no reason to turn this into a

leisurely stroll. “You won’t get robbed or killed, Mike. You’re not in –”

“America?” he finished for her.

She glanced at him sideways. “Yes.”

“So what, crime doesn’t exist here?”

She looked straight ahead again. “Of course it does, but it’s not so serious. Tourists just have

to be careful of pickpockets. Don’t let your wallet hang out of your pocket and nothing bad will

happen to you. It’s common sense. You should also never look like a tourist. Don’t open a map

in the middle of the street, don’t take pictures of everything that moves and don’t wear tennis


He looked puzzled. “Why not?”

“Because only tourists wear tennis shoes to walk around all day. Doing all those things

draws attention, which means pickpockets will notice you.”

“Are there a lot of them?”

She sighed impatiently. “Not more than in any other big city. Just don’t be naive.”

“Got it.” He kept up her pace. “Why are we rushing?”

“Because I want to go home.”

“Your home isn’t going anywhere. My feet are killing me. I’ve been walking all day. Slow

down, will you?” He stopped walking.

She stopped as well and looked at him impatiently. “Do you always complain this much?”

He shot her an irritated look. “Do you know what it’s like to walk for eight hours straight?”

“Yes. I’m a tour guide, remember?”

He shook his head. “Jeez, give me a break, Ana. You’re being pretty harsh.”

She inhaled deeply. He was right. She was being rude, but it was the only way she could be.

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She already found him attractive. She couldn’t allow herself to like him. He wasn’t right for her.

“I’ll walk slower,” she compromised and started walking again. He followed.

“Did you have a hot date?” he asked.

She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I did. So hurry up so I can get back to my date.”

He wasn’t picking up his pace. In fact, he seemed to be slowing down. “I’m guessing your

date isn’t American?”

She let out a choked laugh.

“Still sticking to your rule then?” he wanted to know.

She had to slow down to wait for him. “I don’t break my rules,” she said over her shoulder.

A few silent seconds passed.

“Where are we?”

She forced herself not to rush ahead again. “This is the sixth district. Where do you need to


“I’m next to the St. Stephen’s Cathedral, so I guess that’s the first.”

Of course, the most expensive in the city.

“Is it far from here?” he asked.

“Not really. The city is based on a circular grid. Don’t you remember from my tour? Most of

the districts are close to each other.”

He held on to the strap of the bag across his chest. “I remember some stuff, but you did a lot

of talking.”

She frowned at him.

“It’s too much information to remember,” he said chuckling.

They turned right at the next block.

“Why don’t you like Americans?” he asked.

She didn’t want to get into that again. “I already told you.”

“You didn’t provide details.”

She pointed in the direction he should turn. “Because I don’t want to talk about them. They

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are none of your business.”

“Did an old boyfriend screw with you?” he asked, ignoring her comment.

She didn’t take her eyes off the street.

“That’s the only explanation,” he reasoned. Their footsteps echoed in the night. “He

probably sweet-talked you and broke up with you.”

She was starting to feel uncomfortably warm. “Mike, stop talking.”

“What? I’m just trying to figure you out. One minute you were charming and flirty, the next

minute you want to chop my head off. I have no idea why.”

She threw up her hands. “I told you, it’s none of your business.”

“And I’m telling you that whatever jerk you went out with has nothing to do with me.”

She took a deep breath. “Drop it, Mike.”

“Not until you tell me what happened. Maybe I can look him up when I get back and kick

the shit out of him,” he joked.

The rush of emotions that shot through her made her suddenly dizzy. “I wish.”

“Well then, maybe I will.”

She felt herself lose control. How she’d wished to do precisely that for ages. “It was my

father, alright? He left my mother and I to go back to America,” she blurted out.

Mike turned to look at her.

She avoided his gaze.

“Oh. When did this happen?”

She closed her eyes for an instant, wishing she would magically appear in her apartment

again. When she opened them, she was still walking in the dark with Mike.

“Before I was born,” she replied.

He stopped in his tracks and she stopped to look back at him.

“Before you were born?” he asked in disbelief. “You have held on to that anger all this


She motioned for him to start walking again. “Yes, I’ve been angry this long. Now let’s go.”

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He resumed his walk. “Wow, that’s pretty impressive actually. I can’t remember carrying a

grudge for a week, let alone a lifetime. No wonder you’re tense.”

“If you think you’re helping, let me assure you, you’re not. And you’re not making a good

case for yourself either.”

They finally walked up to the trolley station and took up a spot near the middle of the station

to wait.

“I’m not trying to help you,” he said. “I’m just stating it as it is. You’re so angry at your

father that you resolved to hate the male population of an entire continent. That’s something.”

She looked away. She didn’t need him scrutinizing her.

“Not all men are like that, you realize that?” he said and stepped into her line of vision. She

turned her head in the other direction.

“I’m not your father, Ana,” he said and took another step to stand before her.

She scowled up at him. “Thank God. Because then we’d have real issues. Can we talk about

something else now? I hardly know you and I shouldn’t have told you something so intimate. I

don’t know why I did. Now you won’t shut up about it. It’s like Chinese torture.”

He threw back his head and laughed. The realization that she made him laugh wrapped itself

around her like a ridiculously comforting hug. She was pleased with it despite being angry.

“I don’t mean to piss you off,” he said and stepped away to take up a spot to her left. ”It’s a

shame you have such bad memories about a person who is so influential. My parents have been

married forever and I can’t imagine what it’d be like not to see them together. Or to see my dad.

That must suck.”

She ran her hands over her face. “Forget it, let’s talk about something else.”

“What do you wanna talk about?”

She looked at her watch. How much longer was the trolley going to take? “I don’t know,

anything. Do you have cats?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Not a cat person. Not a dog person either, for that matter.

I like to be mobile and pets hinder that.”

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Sure, that made sense. He was spending the summer on another continent. Who would watch

the dog at home?

“How about you? Do you have pets?” he asked.

“Not anymore. I had a guinea pig, but he’s gone now.” The poor little guy had kept her

company until it was time for him to move on.

Mike looked as though he was trying not to laugh. “A guinea pig? Really?”

“Yes, really. What’s wrong with that?”

He actually laughed. “Nothing, I guess. It’s kind of….”

She raised her eyebrows in question.


She chuckled and punched his arm. “No, it’s not. Guinea pigs are cool. Jerry was the best pet

anyone could ever have. He was awesome.”

He laughed and grabbed her fist easily in his hand. “I think you’re suddenly getting too

comfortable with this American. You’re expressing your anger in a new outlet. Hanging out with

you is becoming dangerous to my health,” he joked.

She felt the warmth of his hand wrap itself around her and her smile wavered. She tried to

pull her hand out of his grip, but he pulled instead, drawing her closer. The light of the post a few

meters away cast shadows on half his face, but she could make out every part of him.

He stepped forward until they were close enough to feel each other without actually

touching. Suddenly she couldn’t get enough air. Was she having a panic attack? Was she

aroused? Her head whirred with confusion.

They stood perfectly quiet, neither of them pulling away. She knew she was taking risks that

she would later regret, but at that moment, nothing else seemed to matter. His eyes looked

intently down into hers and there was no mistaking their meaning. He wanted her just as much as

she wanted him. He began to lower his head and her eyes fixated on his approaching lips. Her

head tilted up the slightest bit and she was sure her breathing had stopped.

The sound of the trolley rang loudly through the night and the lights blinded them as it

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“Wow, that is unbelievable timing,” he said and straightened.

She pulled her hand out of his and gave herself a small shake. Was she going to let him kiss

her? As she turned towards the trolley and left him standing behind her, she gave herself a little


They got on the trolley and ten minutes later, got off.

“We took a shortcut since the subway was out of the way,” she explained and led them to his

street. She avoided looking at him and was grateful that it was dark outside. She was sure she

was blushing like an idiot every time she thought about what almost happened. She definitely

wasn’t going to address the near-kiss. That would invite trouble. He might consider that an

invitation to continue where they had left off. The thought was both distressing and disturbingly


They walked up to the entrance of his building and she fumbled for her phone in her purse.

She wanted to have it handy because she needed to call Nina as soon as possible. When she

looked up again, he grabbed her hand and raised it to his lips.

“What are you doing?” she asked alarmed.

He pressed his mouth to her skin. “Isn’t this what gentlemen used to do in this city? Kiss a

lady’s hand?”

She pulled her hand away after he released it. It still tingled as if his lips were glued to her.

She wondered if her own lips would have tingled like that if he had kissed her. “I guess so, but

that was a long time ago.”

“Don’t know why the tradition stopped,” he said with a wicked grin. “Any reason to touch

an attractive woman should be celebrated, not fall out of favor.”

She considered him thoughtfully. “Good night, Mike.”

“Gute Nacht, Ana,” he replied. “Hey, before you take off, I want to ask you a favor.”

She regarded him with hesitation.

“I was wondering if I can hire you for a private tour of the city, so I won’t get lost again?”

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“Sure.” Sure? Where the hell had that come from? She should have refused the instant he

phrased the question.

“I’ll call you to set something up.”

She nodded and turned without another word. Her fingers were already dialing Nina’s

number as she made her way down the dark street.