Animal Phyla Notes Part 1 9 Animal Phyla The Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums 1) Porifera 6) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria 7) Arthropoda 3) Platyhelminthes 8) Echinodermata 4) Nemodota 9) Chordata 5) Annelida 1) Porifera Sponges are an example of organisms in the Phyla Porifera. Sponges cannot make their own food and are referred to as simple animals . Characteristics: -Asymmetry -Live in water floating or attached to one place -Filter feeders -No nervous system or digestive tract.

Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewAnimal Phyla Notes Part 1 9 Animal Phyla The Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums 1) Porifera6) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria7) Arthropoda

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Page 1: Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewAnimal Phyla Notes Part 1 9 Animal Phyla The Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums 1) Porifera6) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria7) Arthropoda

Animal Phyla Notes Part 1

9 Animal PhylaThe Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums

1) Porifera 6) Mollusca

2) Cnidaria 7) Arthropoda

3) Platyhelminthes 8) Echinodermata

4) Nemodota 9) Chordata

5) Annelida

1) PoriferaSponges are an example of organisms in the Phyla Porifera. Sponges cannot make their own food and are referred to as simple animals.

Characteristics: -Asymmetry -Live in water floating or attached to one place -Filter feeders -No nervous system or digestive tract.

Water flows in the side of the sponge and collar cells filter particles of food from water and digest it.

2) Cnidaria

Page 2: Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewAnimal Phyla Notes Part 1 9 Animal Phyla The Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums 1) Porifera6) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria7) Arthropoda

Cnidarians are more complex than sponges, have complex tissues, a gut for digesting food and a nervous system.

Characteristics: - Radial Symmetry - All live in water floating or attached to one place - Most have tentacles with stinging cells called nematocysts.

3) Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Characteristics: Bilateral Symmetry Most live in water Have a flattened body Some are parasitic

4) Nemodota


Characteristics: Bilateral Symmetry Live in water or on land Have a round body Some are parasitic

5) Annelida (segmented worms)Annelids are different from other phylum’s of worms because it has body segments. Segments are identical repeating body parts.

3 Types of Cnidarians

- Hydras

- Jellyfish & Sea Anemones

- Corals

3 Types of Platyheminthes

- Planarians

- Flukes

- Tapeworms

Examples of Nemotoda

- Pinworms

- Heartworms

Page 3: Loudoun County Public Schools · Web viewAnimal Phyla Notes Part 1 9 Animal Phyla The Kingdom Animalia are divided into these 9 Phylums 1) Porifera6) Mollusca 2) Cnidaria7) Arthropoda

Characteristics: Bilateral symmetry Live in water or on land Bodies are divided into segments that have bristles to help them move Few are parasitic

Examples of Annelids

- Earthworm

- Leeches