LOWELL JOURNAL VOLUME XV. LOWELL. mCHIQAN, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST20. 1879 NUMBER 8. Locals. That Interest Euerybody. Tonsorial. FRANK BOWAKD bu opned t BAR- RKU ttUOP lu ib« Uiixi*)r Djuding *011 rt- tpcvUnli; aBDoMbcck itwl he » pirpired in du >11 loawrlal aorK m me m mi utUlMlor; urnuuer. A irltl •rill ouavmo* '.luo public m.i b< aadenuuil* ibe biuiuen Iboroogblj. Give him*Mil. You wUl^tTe lauuoj ,lt) iwliii'K on u< bt* tore parobMiof a tiprinR Tuotb Uitrruw. Alkim A Aaniui. Whea Ibe di»orU«r» ol baoynuud etuok your beby bm ai ouce Dr. ball'a Bil>/ B>rup and nolle* iu rapid >ud u<iu«ticiai «doct. Price ii oeuu. Hlll'i ilaobn U Kua'auleed bf drugglitt to gWe •aUaitoliuu In any cam ol Kiduejr Com- plainI, NOl'iCE. Came Into my enolo.ure, oo or abonl Ue 2lii d*y ol Jnly, a red vow, aooui S jteare old Mllb brouKiad lao* and Mine •mw uu ibt belly, alw while bosh on ibe tall. Tb* owe- ar •ul pleaM oall and profe property, pay cbargce aud lake her a««y. 6.6 CUAS. BUraiCK. Ada, Miun. Qvim; -Why will men imote guioomo loDacco, when (bey can buy Uaiburn Bt • Beal ul Murm Carolina' at tbe tame pnei. Juit received at Ibe UV-ceul Store a Urge iDToiee ol the laun »ua newest >i>le* ol Jew- eiry, eoiuieling ol Upera aud Malluee ulialue, lockeit, imui . noK'. Keuu tmI ouaiiw. ei«. DISSOLUTION Of COI'ARTNEKsHIP.— To wboni it way ixjuoetu: lake uum-e ibal toe oo-partuenhip utreuilore exutiua tvteccu • he undenigucd under the Dru uauie <il Wyckofl, Uatob A Co., h u tnu day Men uiuoiyed by miituai ouuicnt. All eiaum enddebu uwiug eald fiim to be paid u. Cbarlte T. WouUibk , Caar.ea R. Uiue and Cheater G. Stone aud all llabilutca ul taio hrm have been aaauoied by Ibtm. liated, Lowell, Mica., Juiy SO, IDTU. JoeKlH B. HtCKUfr, WlLLUM W. HAfOII, 6*3. KdWIN R. CKA W. Go to the 99 veni (tore tor Hamtnocki, Umbrellaa. LiuDKea. Bedaieaua and cnam. Any one dtelnog Inronnailoa ia regard le Kaniee or Kanna Land*, addreaa or apply tu H. E. Poult.agent, K. P. Land Dept. Low- ell, Ml:h. 2(1. The latnt atyle ol Uoop Sklru lor 60 oeaU al the 09 cent ttore. Thomas' Klectric Oil, best in market at Hunt & U ostbr's. Uentlemen's FurnisbiDte Goods in «n>iiess variety at C U 8 . ALTHEN'S Corner Store, Train's Block. Don't miss Schamakus oatmeal; just the thing for invalids this hot wratlirr k t Giles. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To- bacco. PAHM FOB BALB Farm of lo3 acres situated one mila cast of Lowell. Well watered. R'uxl house and out bnildiuga, and under good caltivatloa. For terms inquire or address the undersigned. SIMON HBLMKR, I 48w4 Lowell, Mich. Kslamasno Spring tooth Harrow*, alio i»e Improved Spring tooth Harrows, at oor itom In Lowell. Do not parehaee naltl yon call on ns. By eo dolog yoa will save money, onoa, 7 ,7 Atklna A Adama. Handsome Chromos are given free,to all omtomera trading $10.00 and over ,at the Boston Store. M. Jacob son * Co- Journal |ottings Have you been to Camp Custerl Home of you have. Editor Stevenson of the Saranac Lo- cal called on the JounNAl. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hogan go to Sa- vannah. N. Y. this week to visit fnemls. Of course many local lli-ms tre neces- sarily omitted this week. But you juit wait. G. 8 Townsend of Augusta Mich, is about to opt-n a hnrnrss shop at Fnw- port. John S. Wilson hss leased his black- smith shop aud tools to W. B. Barnes for one year. Tlie marshal of Middlevi'.ls was stalv bed by two Swedes named James ami Peter Johnson, Saturday night, in a saloon. The marshal's name wasGrigg's. He died from his wounds on Sunday. Mr. J. C. English of South Boston writes: "Every possible effort is ut-lng made to secure an excursion train to the Slate Grange Picnic at Gramlville Aug. 23." This will liea pleasant picnic and thoie who go will have a jolly good time. Last Sunday afternoon Jarvis Church, a II years old ton of Mr.H. B. Church, while driving to South Boston with a brother, was thrown from the buggy and severely injured. He was unconscious for several hours. Dr. Grant was sum" moned. The boy seems to be doing well at present. The horse ran about three quarters of a mile. Don'l forget the CaUco Hop at Train's Hall Friday night, Aug. 28. Prizes awarded to the best waltzer and schot- '•fixtuies ' that haven't •* jet arrived. We expect the missing links this week, lie patient and do what you can to keep us diito. Mr. C. L. Whitney, of Muskegon, the gentleman who failed to orate here on "the 4th," us per bills, wrote soon af ter to Hon. A. S. Stnnnard, explaining why. etc. and his explanation puts a different look oo the case from that which it appeared to have at the time, [mtead of missing the train al Graud Uapids he missed the murning train at Muskegon and therefore rouKI not pos- sibly arrive here in lime. He writes that the train lelt Muskegon two min- utes ahead of its own time and that he was at t4k depot ]iist in time to see it move out and could not signal it to stop, owing to the smoke caused by fir- ing cannon. We publish his expiana lion—better late than never—no that our readers may understand why he didn't come, and not longer attribute his failure to his indifference. Th» Beason Why. Our old press having beer, taken duwn and thu new one not being in shape for use we are compelled to issue a diminutive sheet this week. Our readers will excuse us we know, for it wouldn't be right not to, under the cir- cumstances. All advortlslug omitted this week will be made up hereafter. Died. In Lowell, Sunday night Aug. 17, 1879. Mrs. Elizabeth it. Ilealh. mother of Mrs. E. F Doty, aged 77 years. Deceased was also mother of Mrs. Wm Gardner ot Smyrna, Postmaste 1, Heath of Ionia. Orlando Heath of Car son Citv and Mrs. Diana She-nnan, all of whom were present at the funeral which tiecher, and to the lady wearing the was held yesterday morning. 19th. Rev handsomest calico dress. Worden's Or chestra will do the music. All are cor- dially invited. Webb Morris, the Journal's first edi- tor and proprietor, has been in town for a few days. He was called hero by a telegram announcing the death of his father. Mr. I.' D. Morris, particulars of The latest new comer B. Morley, officiating. Mrs. Heath was a lady of most estimable qualities and her's was an active, useful life; one that her children can always think of and refer to with gratitude and pride. Oratun GathO'lBjs. Mr. Giffin's wheat averaged forty which were given in last week's JonR nal. Webb is now connected with the Jackson Patriot. He has many warm frienus in Lowell who wish him success always. is an eleven pound girl at S. RaiiiMlell's. The Grattan people who have return- ed from Petoskey are eloquent in its praise. Mrs. H. Green has gone to Trenton, The following is the programme for linil | lcr .laughter. Mrs. Smith will ac- the State Picnic of the Patrons of Hoi- company her home if her condition will bandry to lie held atGrandrilie on Fri- I day of this week, the exercises com- 1 0eorge grailh it quite |tck willl bil . mencmg at II a. m- 1st. music; sec- i oul ^ver. ond. Prayer by the Chaplain; 3d, vo- j M j R Tragk w- 10 had the mea- cal music; 4th, address of welcome by ,les in July, still keeps her bed with E. A. Burlmsame; 5th. response by j i, tt |e improvement. 0. L. fUiilney; 8ih, ftong; 7ih, Ad jjrj. Divine, an aged lady, returning dress by J. J. Woodman; Sth, Music by | fn)m Lowell, Monday, was taken with Band; 9ih, Dinner. Afternoon—1st, ; vertigo, falling from a lumber wagon. Vocal music; 2d. address by Mortimer Her injuries were such that she was Whitehead; 8d, music. Our new power press arrived last Thursday. To those who gave us a a friendly lift—or the press rather—wo are much obliged. It was a big job to get it up stairs and a big jo°b to put it up in proper, shape after it was upstairs. It is up, however, and will be ready for business u soon as the remainder of it gets here—I e, two or three important We sell Carver's Iniprvvad Spring looth Harrow, also bis Old Style Kalamssoo Spring I'lNUb Harrow. Do not parobase until you we us. Atkins A Adams. Thomas' Elcctnc Oil, worth Its weight in gold at Hunt & H untbh's. Hats and Caps—all nobby styles at Althen's Clothing House. Corner store Train's Block. Our SoriuK luuiu Harrows are warranted the Beet in the market. Atkins A Adama. Go to S mitu's P hoto R ooms over Giles' grocery, west side, for your pic- tures. 43tf Call at Althen's and see that now lot White Sewing Machines. Spring style Silk HaU Just received at Althen's. All kinds of pictures taken in first- class style and at the lowest prices at Shith's Photo Rooms over Giles' store, west side. 4Stf tsken to the nearest house, in Ver- gennes, anu her recovery it considered doubtful. Mrs. T . Byrnes of Grand Rapids, came to Grattan Wednesday, and when near her destination, the buggy reach broke, starting the horses which were soon stopped. A Isdy and three chil- dren accompanied Mrs. Byrnes, but all escaped with slight injuries. Maud. Thomas' Electric Oil cures Rheuma- tism and Neuralgia. For sale by 83tf Hunt Jfc H untxh. You will tind a giM)d line of Jewelry at C. Althen's, Corner Store, Train's Block. The only place in town to obtain the genuine Thomas Electric Oil is at 33tf Hunt d5 H untku's. I I D.M.DaVIS, Aitoraey and Solicitor . Circuit Court Commissioner. Commer cial collections a ipeeislty.Saranac, Mich. STOPfUAT COUGH. It yon are aulTiriog wltn a ooagh, cold, Attbuia, Brouuuius, U*j lever, Cuu.uuipuuu himuI vuioo, tivaliag iu the mruw, ur auy (deutioa ul tbe tnruat or lunga. U.e Dr. tviuu'a new diaouvery tor Ooaaamptwo. Tula ia lue great remedy Ibal ia Oausing au much eXuiuriueiit by lla wuuderliu uurea, curing .nimaaads ul hopeleae caaea. Over una uni- llou Uuiuea ol Dr. Kinn'a new Uiaoovie-y have Oeeo used wiuiiujtc laat )t*r, aad Dave given perlect aaualaulioo iu every inslaiios. •Ve oau uuOeaiiatiugiy aa; that to is la realiy me uuiy aure cure lur uiroal aud laog ai* leuiluua, aud cau eaeerfully reoomtuen . it to ail. Call aud get a trial Douie for tail cents ur a regular aise lor $1,00. U«e all the year arouu- Junua'ons sarsapar ila ami yellow duck, uuiy a dollar per quart Dr. King's California Golden Compound. Is a strictly veneiaoie pieparalioB, and will poallitely cure l))>p«paia, alck uuiiavUe, aciOity ul auuuaeli, ouuiuk op ol food, palu la tbe pit ol •toinavb, low spinla, biliuusuraa, ooi alipaiiou, jauudioe, liver complaint or auy aOtciMu ol Ibe ktuuuvb or liver, in the ahort- eai uuie puaiuie. Yuu are nut aaked to buy until yuu anuw aba you are pniug. There- lure, aa )ou value jonr txitieoce, do not •an tu g.> lu your druggist, Hoot <4 HnnUr'e aud get a trial butlle tree ul charge, which will anow yoa what a regular one bottle will do. A>k lur Or. Kmg'a Calilornia Uolden Cuupuuuo, anu lake uo utber. Hont A Unnler. PromiMB kept luapue uuulideaoe! and Dr. Buii'a Baby ayrap never promiaes relief in ibe dlacaaw ul enildbuod without at ooce el- leotiug it. Hence ibe popular reliance npoa it. frue ceuu a boliie If yoa are truubieu wun lame back, or di*. eaacd kidneys, try Hill,a Buuba. Do You Belieue It?; That in ibis lowo there aie scores ol people paaemg our siore every day whoee liva are made Miseraole by •udigtallOB, dyspeaeia, soar and distressed siomaeh. Liver Complaint aad CouatipalloB, when for 75 ceo la we will •ell tbca Sniloh's Viuliser, goaranieed to on re them. Sold by Hnnt A Hnnkr. In a nuisery wherein all is lils aad leash inaiead ol crying and freuing, there Is sure io be louad Dr. Bell's Baby Syrep. Price 25 cenu a bottle.

LOWELL JOURNALlowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1879/08_August/08-20-1879.pdf · f Huntd5 untku's. I I D.M.DaVIS, Aitoraey and Solicitor . Circuit Court Commissioner. Commer cial

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Page 1: LOWELL JOURNALlowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1879/08_August/08-20-1879.pdf · f Huntd5 untku's. I I D.M.DaVIS, Aitoraey and Solicitor . Circuit Court Commissioner. Commer cial



That Interest Euerybody.


FRANK BOWAKD b u opned t BAR-RKU ttUOP lu ib« Uiixi*)r Djuding *011 rt-tpcvUnli; aBDoMbcck itwl he » pirpired in

du >11 loawrlal aorK m me m mi utUlMlor; urnuuer. A irltl •rill ouavmo* '.luo public m.i b< aadenuuil* ibe biuiuen Iboroogblj. Give him*Mil.

You wUl^tTe lauuoj ,lt) iwliii'K on u< bt* tore parobMiof a tiprinR Tuotb Uitrruw.

Alkim A Aaniui.

Whea Ibe di»orU«r» ol baoynuud etuok your beby bm ai ouce Dr. ball'a Bil>/ B>rup and nolle* iu rapid >ud u<iu«ticiai «doct. Price ii oeuu.

Hlll'i ilaobn U Kua'auleed bf drugglitt to gWe •aUaitoliuu In any cam ol Kiduejr Com-plain I,

NOl'iCE. Came Into my enolo.ure, oo or abonl Ue

2lii d*y ol Jnly, a red vow, aooui S jteare old Mllb brouKiad lao* and Mine •mw uu ibt belly, alw while bosh on ibe tall. Tb* owe-ar •u l pleaM oall and profe property, pay cbargce aud lake her a««y.

6.6 CUAS. BUraiCK. Ada, Miun.

Qvim; -Why will men imote guioomo loDacco, when (bey can buy Uaiburn Bt • Beal ul Murm Carolina' at tbe tame pnei .

Juit received at Ibe UV-ceul Store a Urge iDToiee ol the laun »ua newest >i>le* ol Jew-eiry, eoiuieling ol Upera aud Malluee ulialue, lockeit, imui. noK'. Keuu tmI ouaiiw. ei«.

DISSOLUTION Of COI'ARTNEKsHIP.— To wboni it way ixjuoetu: lake uum-e ibal toe oo-partuenhip utreuilore exutiua tvteccu • he undenigucd under the Dru uauie <il Wyckofl, Uatob A Co., h u tnu day Men uiuoiyed by miituai ouuicnt. All eiaum enddebu uwiug eald fiim to be paid u. Cbarlte T. WouUibk, Caar.ea R. Uiue and Cheater G. Stone aud all llabilutca ul taio hrm have been aaauoied by Ibtm.

liated, Lowell, Mica., Juiy SO, IDTU. JoeKlH B. HtCKUfr, WlLLUM W. HAfOII,

6*3. KdWIN R. CKAW.

Go to the 99 veni (tore tor Hamtnocki, Umbrellaa. LiuDKea. Bedaieaua and cnam.

Any one dtelnog Inronnailoa ia regard le Kaniee or Kanna Land*, addreaa or apply tu H. E. Poult.agent, K. P. Land Dept. Low-ell, Ml:h. 2(1.

The latnt atyle ol Uoop Sklru lor 60 oeaU al the 09 cent ttore.

Thomas' Klectric Oil, best in market at Hunt & Uostbr's.

Uentlemen's FurnisbiDte Goods in «n>iiess variety a t

C U 8 . ALTHEN'S Corner Store, Train's Block.

Don't miss Schamakus oatmeal; just the thing for invalids this hot wratlirr k t Giles.

Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To-bacco.

PAHM FOB BALB Farm of lo3 acres situated one mila

cast of Lowell. Well watered. R'uxl house and out bnildiuga, and under good caltivatloa. For terms inquire or address the undersigned.

SIMON HBLMKR, I 48w4 Lowell, Mich.

Kslamasno Spring tooth Harrow*, alio i»e Improved Spring tooth Harrows, at oor itom In Lowell. Do not parehaee naltl yon call on ns. By eo dolog yoa will save money, onoa, 7 , 7 Atklna A Adama.

Handsome Chromos are given free,to all omtomera trading $10.00 and over ,at the Boston Store. M. Jacob son * Co-

Journal |o t t ings

Have you been to Camp Custerl Home of you have.

Editor Stevenson of the Saranac Lo-cal called on the JounNAl. Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Hogan go to Sa-vannah. N. Y. this week to visit fnemls.

Of course many local lli-ms tre neces-sarily omitted this week. But you juit wait.

G. 8 Townsend of Augusta Mich, is about to opt-n a hnrnrss shop at Fnw-port.

John S. Wilson hss leased his black-smith shop aud tools to W. B. Barnes for one year.

Tlie marshal of Middlevi'.ls was stalv bed by two Swedes named James ami Peter Johnson, Saturday night, in a saloon. The marshal's name wasGrigg's. He died from his wounds on Sunday.

Mr. J . C. English of South Boston writes: "Every possible effort is ut-lng made to secure an excursion train to the Slate Grange Picnic at Gramlville Aug. 23." This will liea pleasant picnic and thoie who go will have a jolly good time.

Last Sunday afternoon Jarvis Church, a II years old ton of Mr.H. B. Church, while driving to South Boston with a brother, was thrown from the buggy and severely injured. He was unconscious for several hours. Dr. Grant was sum" moned. The boy seems to be doing well at present. The horse ran about three quarters of a mile.

Don'l forget the CaUco Hop at Train's Hall Friday night, Aug. 28. Prizes

awarded to the best waltzer and schot-

'•fixtuies ' that haven't •* je t arrived. We expect the missing links this week, lie patient and do what you can to keep us dii to.

Mr. C. L. Whitney, of Muskegon, the

gentleman who failed to orate here on "the 4th ," us per bills, wrote soon af ter to Hon. A. S. Stnnnard, explaining why. etc. and his explanation puts a different look oo the case from that which it appeared to have at the time, [mtead of missing the train al Graud

Uapids he missed the murning train at Muskegon and therefore rouKI not pos-sibly arrive here in lime. He writes

that the train lelt Muskegon two min-

utes ahead of its own time and that he was at t4k depot ]iist in time to see it move out and could not signal it to stop, owing to the smoke caused by fir-ing cannon. We publish his expiana lion—better late than never—no that our readers may understand why he didn't come, and not longer attribute his failure to his indifference.

Th» Beason Why.

Our old press having beer, taken duwn and thu new one not being in shape for use we are compelled to issue a diminutive sheet this week. Our

readers will excuse us we know, for it wouldn't be right not to, under the cir-cumstances. All advortlslug omitted this week will be made up hereafter.

Died. In Lowell, Sunday night Aug. 17, 1879.

Mrs. Elizabeth it. Ilealh. mother of Mrs. E. F Doty, aged 77 years. Deceased was also mother of Mrs.

Wm Gardner ot Smyrna, Postmaste1,

Heath of Ionia. Orlando Heath of Car son Citv and Mrs. Diana She-nnan, all of whom were present at the funeral which

tiecher, and to the lady wearing the was held yesterday morning. 19th. Rev

handsomest calico dress. Worden's Or chestra will do the music. All are cor-dially invited.

Webb Morris, the Journal's first edi-tor and proprietor, has been in town for a few days. He was called hero by a telegram announcing the death of his

father. Mr. I.' D. Morris, particulars of The latest new comer

B. Morley, officiating. Mrs. Heath was a lady of most estimable qualities and her's was an active, useful life; one that her children can always think of and refer to with gratitude and pride.

Oratun GathO'lBjs.

Mr. Giffin's wheat averaged forty

which were given in last week's JonR nal. Webb is now connected with the Jackson Patriot. He has many warm frienus in Lowell who wish him success always.

is an eleven pound girl at S. RaiiiMlell's.

The Grattan people who have return-ed from Petoskey are eloquent in its praise.

Mrs. H. Green has gone to Trenton, The following is the programme for l i n i l | l c r .laughter. Mrs. Smith will ac-

the State Picnic of the Patrons of Hoi- company her home if her condition will bandry to lie held atGrandril ie on Fri- I day of this week, the exercises com- 1 0 e o r g e g r a i l h i t q u i t e | t c k w i l l l b i l .

mencmg at II a. m- 1st. music; sec- i o u l ^ v e r . ond. Prayer by the Chaplain; 3d, vo- j M „ j R T r a g k w-1 0 had the mea-

cal music; 4th, address of welcome by ,les in July, still keeps her bed with E. A. Burlmsame; 5th. response by j i , t t | e improvement. 0 . L. fUiilney; 8ih, ftong; 7ih, Ad j j r j . Divine, an aged lady, returning dress by J . J . Woodman; Sth, Music by | f n ) m Lowell, Monday, was taken with Band; 9ih, Dinner. Afternoon—1st, ; vertigo, falling from a lumber wagon. Vocal music; 2d. address by Mortimer Her injuries were such that she was Whitehead; 8d, music.

Our new power press arrived last Thursday. To those who gave us a a friendly lift—or the press rather—wo are much obliged. It was a big job to get it up stairs and a big jo°b to put it up in proper, shape after it was upstairs. It is up, however, and will be ready for business u soon as the remainder of it gets here—I e, two or three important

We sell Carver's Iniprvvad Spring looth Harrow, also bis Old Style Kalamssoo Spring I'lNUb Harrow. Do not parobase until you we us. Atkins A Adams.

Thomas' Elcctnc Oil, worth Its weight in gold at Hunt & Huntbh's.

Hats and Caps—all nobby styles at Althen's Clothing House. Corner store Train's Block.

Our SoriuK luuiu Harrows are warranted the Beet in the market.

Atkins A Adama.

Go to Smitu's Photo Rooms over Giles' grocery, west side, for your pic-tures. 43tf

Call at Althen's and see that now lot White Sewing Machines.

Spring style Silk HaU Just received a t Althen's.

All kinds of pictures taken in first-class style and at the lowest prices at Shith's Photo Rooms over Giles' store, west side. 4Stf

tsken to the nearest house, in Ver-gennes, anu her recovery it considered doubtful.

Mrs. T . Byrnes of Grand Rapids, came to Grattan Wednesday, and when near her destination, the buggy reach broke, starting the horses which were soon stopped. A Isdy and three chil-dren accompanied Mrs. Byrnes, but all escaped with slight injuries. Maud.

Thomas' Electric Oil cures Rheuma-tism and Neuralgia. For sale by

83tf Hunt Jfc Huntxh.

You will tind a giM)d line of Jewelry at C. Althen's, Corner Store, Train's Block.

The only place in town to obtain the genuine Thomas Electric Oil is a t

33tf Hunt d5 Huntku's.

II D.M.DaVIS, Aitoraey and Solicitor . Circuit Court Commissioner. Commer

cial collections a ipeeislty.Saranac, Mich.


It yon are aulTiriog wltn a ooagh, cold, Attbuia, Brouuuius, U*j lever, Cuu.uuipuuu himuI vuioo, tivaliag iu the mruw, ur auy (deutioa ul tbe tnruat or lunga. U.e Dr. tviuu'a new diaouvery tor Ooaaamptwo. Tula ia lue great remedy Ibal ia Oausing au much eXuiuriueiit by lla wuuderliu uurea, curing .nimaaads ul hopeleae caaea. Over una uni-llou Uuiuea ol Dr. Kinn'a new Uiaoovie-y have Oeeo used wiuiiujtc laat )t*r, aad Dave given perlect aaualaulioo iu every inslaiios. •Ve oau uuOeaiiatiugiy aa; that to is la realiy me uuiy aure cure lur uiroal aud laog ai* leuiluua, aud cau eaeerfully reoomtuen . it to ail. Call aud get a trial Douie for tail cents ur a regular aise lor $1,00.

U«e all the year arouu- Junua'ons sarsapar ila ami yellow duck, uuiy a dollar per quart

Dr. King's California Golden


Is a strictly veneiaoie pieparalioB, and will poallitely cure l))>p«paia, alck uuiiavUe, aciOity ul auuuaeli, ouuiuk op ol food, palu la tbe pit ol •toinavb, low spinla, biliuusuraa, ooi alipaiiou, jauudioe, liver complaint or auy aOtciMu ol Ibe ktuuuvb or liver, in the ahort-eai uuie puaiuie. Yuu are nut aaked to buy until yuu anuw aba you are pniug. There-lure, aa )ou value jonr txitieoce, do not •an tu g.> lu your druggist, Hoot <4 HnnUr'e aud get a trial butlle tree ul charge, which will anow yoa what a regular one bottle will do. A>k lur Or. Kmg'a Calilornia Uolden Cuupuuuo, anu lake uo utber. Hont A Unnler.

PromiMB kept luapue uuulideaoe! and Dr. Buii'a Baby ayrap never promiaes relief in ibe dlacaaw ul enildbuod without at ooce el-leotiug it. Hence ibe popular reliance npoa it. f r u e ceuu a boliie

If yoa are truubieu wun lame back, or di*. eaacd kidneys, try Hill,a Buuba.

Do You Belieue It?;

That in ibis lowo there aie scores ol people paaemg our siore every day whoee liva are made Miseraole by •udigtallOB, dyspeaeia, soar and distressed siomaeh. Liver Complaint aad CouatipalloB, when for 75 ceo la we will •ell tbca Sniloh's Viuliser, goaranieed to on re them. Sold by Hnnt A Hnnkr.

In a nuisery wherein all is lils aad leash inaiead ol crying and freuing, there Is sure io be louad Dr. Bell's Baby Syrep. Price 25 cenu a bottle.

Page 2: LOWELL JOURNALlowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1879/08_August/08-20-1879.pdf · f Huntd5 untku's. I I D.M.DaVIS, Aitoraey and Solicitor . Circuit Court Commissioner. Commer cial

LiSdwsrd M Adamg, Circuit Conrl CommiMiuner, Boom 18 MoR«>nolds Block,]

CHANCEBY 8 VLE.-8Ute of Mlch l j tu -Thec l r -cultooart for the coaoty ot Kent, f i Clian-

eery. Spencer L.Bhftw.CompUkiiunt.

I vrf. \ .•>'/ Johnlf.Chaiiiolin, WtUUm H Cbamhliff and'

AlmlraK.Sbair, liefttadanliik In panuntr.c of » ilerr^e'made in'«ai(l cltu*» on'

October 3Sd, 18*8,1 shall neH at public auccton to the blKbcRt bidder, uo beptembHr Qftb, 1479, at ten "'clock a. m. at the front door of the Uaurt Uuune, ot wjid. cqoiity [to wit. Court block, ho-ouled,! 1 (o _ J (he cltv' of Grind Ripidi, l u a i d - c u i i a t r , all Uut.certain pUoe .or parcel of land Mtualo in the toToahip of Vergennf* comity Of Xenttuorftltaie.'of UianiKan, aud dtiiorihr ed asfolloFd, to-iwlt--).'omt*miclog §V "take bejirMn frc^.jn* t,*i«uijr|<lx ".nrftirenty-iie*rtn of town MTen noitTi o t ' a o f f nnftt WVnt, running thence w»i«t'lWir+otf« 'fHebofc northeantwrly thirty-three rod* to a point on tbe Nction lin" betwem aectlon twenty al* *pd tuntT-MTCQ thi-nc* wag11 n rode tberfce north eight'rod' thence east to Flat HVel-' thence dowft afld FUit.meriaccording to gnyi-m,-, nient survey (o the quarter line, running eaataml went acroM wctlonji t v e n t e r I x >nd tweuty-geven. tbence wc«lt6 th^ place of b(!Kirinlng,h»irg one m l a n d a half4«ii*iUof lBno< In? .the unie inoru .•li lean a'go tus rl^ht of flowage for a mill pood upon the northwest one quarter of gection n imber tW^nty-iii* intendiqg tocourer the lanlg and ml <1 knnwn fll tlm '•Fox miIls"or''BuribugK^* m i ' f ' o r FokterrtlrlW^

EDWABD'K. ADAMSi" ' Olronit boorl CommlgHlonor,

Kant County, Michig.n-F.D.K.Oatjs, .

Complainaot's Solicitor. 4w7 Dated Ghlnd Uaphlil 'JuU l7th,A. D.1879.

XfOTICEiOF C0J"m?3IONER8 ON CLAIMS.. J . ! Staw ofMiciilgiin;rouniv of KeWt, ss,

Probate Court lor mild County. Kstate of John K. Homig, deceased. feTbe nnderaigned having been apnolnied by the Hon. Cyras B. I'erklus, Judge of I'rutiaU ol satil county Comnituionerron Clnims In the matter of said estate,ind six month* from the J l s t day fit Ju ly , A D 1879, hare been allowed by xaid Judge of Probate, to all persgns havlqg elaiuK agatust said estate, in which to piesint their oUmis to un for examination uud arijuitiiienti l i

Notico. is hereby g' teu, . that we Will meet on Tuesday, the 20th dsv of August. A l» 1«79 ami (ill1

Wt-dnesdsy. the l is t day of J • n tary , A O Ihhii at ten o'clock a, ni. of each uay, at the ' oflloo ol Itobert Hunter J r . tu the Tillage of l.»weli,lagaid coauty to receive au<i examire tucuclannH

Dated Lowell. Juty 'Jfsf . Dl^TO. HOItfck. 'HUSTEBJK. I JAUUS 11. WKKKd, i Commistlonerh-


MOKTGAGR HALK.—Whereas (lefault having been made In the con>liilon« of a certain

mnrtgige dated thegfith day of April. A. D. IWid, expcutfdby ^tylin B.Shearaod Laura A. Shear his wife t6 abel Avery and rel-onM In th^nfllce o f t h t Register of F)<-*ds of Ki-tt oouotjr, Mich t«n oq the27th day,of ^jirll A. ff. SW^at 4)4 o'clock tn the afternoon. In Ltfier I of Mortij.ites on ps /a 264} which mortgage was in the J4th day of September. A D. l87 J .dulj assigned by said *bel Avery to (>• }>hron1a Kh»aT which8>ili«nmeiit *«• reetirdsd lathe office of tine Recl«'er of Deeds of aald K ' -nfcmot i , the ISth day of March A . 1». 1875, at 8 * o'clock A . M.. In Liber W n f ' M o r l g a r ' s on page MB. npnn which raortgaee Ihereis claimed to hedue and un-paid at 'he iiate i f t h l s notice, of ^rin^tnal. and in. terestthe sum of one thouiaod.one hundred, thir-ty-ootdnllaraandolnelyTseaen cents. and no rU|t or proceedlngi-at law having been nad to recover the debt remilnlng seenVeil bvssid mortpig't 'oran* t-ari thereof. Therefore notice is h- retir riven that' hv virtue of tke pownr of aale contsioed in 4sld mortgngf a)>d tbe-statute In such piae made and pioviditd.^fld mhrtgaite "ill be, forecWed by a fale of the iir'-mlses therein desei'lbio iit'public Vendue to the highest bidder. «t the fr.mt door of the Court "ousa of eatd Kent county rin-wlt: Pnwor»J Norrli k Blair'a block, a^-callfdi In the ci'y of Oraijd Rapids, in said count/ , ou Friday tbe 3d day of Octobei. A. I ' . 1879. a t 9 'clock In the forenoon' to satisfy the pHilcipal and Interest due upon said Mortgage, together -with the o^stt atr i vsprnses allowwd bji law, Hsid prsmUra being> de«jri'"'d as fo'lows. to-wit. Village lot ^uiqher 1wfntv,(20) in block puqil>er three i i . ( Biohard and Wlc'.b^iii's pl.it Intruded) of thi- Wllsg- olf Lowell, county ol Kent snd st i te of Michlirah.

Dated July Sth, A.ln. IH-9. CEI'URONIA SHBAR.

Miltox M. Fkmrt. ArsUn-e. , . Attorney for Ar'signro. 2wI3

M S ^ s s i J » " s & . r v . * s a i s Siortgage-nsde and eaecuUd bjr Jacob Langs to Frei-msn 3. Oa"|o-r.abd Waring d%tB the 30th dav ofJiily. A. D 18^7, and recorded in the oHlce of, the Re<ister of needs,iti Ken't eouDtT,' Michigan, on ihe>l»f day of July. Ai B. 1WT to'Llber 72 o l Wort-gj^es on P.sge 440 aad in whieh Mortgage tiiaro is claimed to beido* at the date of this notice for o-ln-cii'V and inUr^sl the sum of ope hundred and ume dollars, aad eighty cent*, and an attorner ie^ of fortv five d o l u n aa stlpolalrtl tberelo,bv whleh de-(auh the pOirtf Of aal« eontalned An aald. mqrigag^ bo* become operatWe. and no suitnt arooMitiga fit, law,or I n a n i t y have been IniUtntfd to re90ver the sum »ecure<l by aald miytgageor any part th»-reof:Now tbererore, notice Is hereby gfrtitt, thMt by rirtoe o thepotTer of sale eonta ned in saM mortfage and the t ta tu te ln kvah caaa made and proridad, on Tharsday. Ottober Bib; A. D. I V " o'clock io the /b reofMnof th t t day at the front i'>or of Kow-eis'. r i onu snd Blalt'a Bl"ck. so catlMilo the dty ul Qrand Bapid* in aiid Couoly of Kent, f tha t be-Ingtoppnue oTHold/ffit'the CircaltOndH in and for KeiitC» nfyl tho premisea dracMbed in aaid aiortr-gsiHwiUbesMdatpnhlicAactinn. to tbe bighe>i LiiWer,,«oU |lH>prp"P«d» appli'd to the paymeut of the amount dre on siirf mortgage, tbe costs and expenses of foreclo«ure and t'lrf attorney f-e.afore--said. Said pr«mi«esarf de«erlbed in aald mortgage as Toltowif; • 'Hit ttittt |ilece or parcel of land situate in thetownabipot'L>-<«r«ll. Coauty «f Knot and. Sute of Mich'g<n, and bounded as follow*, to-wit; Ciimmendni; at taboipLon lh» snutb line pi tbe high-way leadiag t» LAVelr?<titl« W thi Wetrolt and M/ l«an^Kai l rosd , tb i r tv four rods we-terly fro'rtitheVectioii lliie HAtweiln' Actions eleven.-tli, and twelve :il2,'of naid township.' tunning lioui theneeSoaUi-tweatv fonrann oueAalf; ^4>i, de-gows east ^ o l b sutyave and ope b'ilf ,G^)(. degree weai, f>"jr •* rods.th-nce north twenty four and one' ha l r . i l k . (logreea tr tal , teria ,U'. rods'to said higfaway,' and tlieBoe along tke sooth 'InoofaUil nailUsUtv&vj« and oa-half .05 34. degieei east, four ,4' rods to the placeof beginoiDci < .lil r.: IIh i i l jv. i « vi ,nifi , ni

Dal.d J u l j l 0 l h , A . 6 j 8 7 0 . , . P ' • " FS£cal Alt Si O ASFBB, ' k lL to* '* . PitRftr, • ' • • r t g a f e e -

Attorney for inortgasaiV'- > /:

Hil lsdalo was visited by a $50,000

fire Monday n igh t*

Bt . J o ^ n s l^id Beycral j jnsiness places

w^re closed oiit by Are Mbnday, nig^tt.

.Itev. D . L. l a t o n wifl p r each a t f t h e

Congregat ional - c h u r c h n e x t SiiOda}'

m o r n i n g .

W a i t fo r t he Lowell C o r n e t Band e x - '

curs ion t o Chicago. - f t will p robably be

.ar rangqd for S^pt . 8^ Par t icu lars n e x t

' 'Webk , ... > i;

" " Miss Stella Stevens of O'rahd1 R n p i d s

ip v is i t ing her f r iend Mits Alice (Miver

iu th i s villnge. • ; : •

, Stevenson of the Ionia S tandard has

• btjon elected a lde rman . A l l r i gh t—le t

o u t j o u r vest, J . P ,

Franjc Howard is now d r u m m a j o r 0 /

the Lowel l , Corntj t Baud . , i i e u n d e r -

s tands the, tic-taofl thoroughly ' a n d

makes a first-cluea d . m. ,

W e are t u r n i n g ou t some very One j o b

p r iu t ing j u s t now. A t leas t t h a t ' s w h a t

they say '

Marr ied — A t Young ' s Hote l in th i s

vil lage, Tuesday evening, A u g . lO .qpy

j u s t i c e Hun te r , Mr George H . S tone

to M r s ^ J e n n i e Crofoot , al l of Lowe l l .

Mrs. H . S. H i l ton , wife ,of , the ed i t o r

of t he St . Johufi Rcoublican, , was in

town oyer Sunday, the gues t of Mrs. [ F .

K ' " # -

C. D. Pease and fami ly s ta r t for D a -

k o l a th i s week—to Col • Vintou 's , where

t h e y expec t to make their f u t u r e h o m e .

T h e best wishes of their Lowell I r i ends

go wi th t h e m .

B o w n e B r a v i t i e i .

Joe l Merrifnan is lay ing t he f o i i n d a '

t ion fo r a new residence ju s t south of

t h e German C h u r c h .

'1 Miss Floy Miller is a t home for a th ree

weeks v is i t . She has been s p e n d i n g

t he summer a t P l y m o u t h , Mich, a n d

will re turn there m t ime to a t t end t he

fal l te rm of school . A l i t t le four yea r

old son of E l d . Deals accompanied he r .

Mr. and Mrs. A r t h p r Miller have re tu rn -

ed t o L id .

' T h e Uni ted Bre thren have been hold-

i n g a camp mee t ing at F r eepo r t f o r t he

pas t w e e k . The crowd on Sunday was

sa id to be immense, or, a s an a t t e n d a n t

said,; "you could n o t see any body o n a c -

c o u n t of the p e o p l e . "

T h e Bapt is t Sunday school now n u m -

bers 80 members and is well c o n d u c t e d

a n d very Interest ing. I t had a smal l

b f g i u n i n g . bu t has increased to i ts pres-

e n t memburship, a n d i t is expec tcd t o

n u m b e r 100 before t h e close of t h e

present quar te r . Mrs. D. Oaste low

read a short essay last Sunday on love

as one of t he f ru i t s of t he spir i t , wh ich

was in te res t iug and ins t ruct ive . •

J . E. R .

L.i6i 'o t Lktf.ks r e m a i n i n g l n t b e P o s t O l R o e a t L o w e l l , K e n t C o . , M i c h . A u g ; 120, i J m .

Ladies List,—Miss Dora Hatch, Mrs. Mary KunkeU Miss Mary O'donlel l , Mrs, Clark H . Palfiier, Mrs E d w a r d ' V a n Dn-zent 1 • 1 '

Foreign Lis t ,—Isaac Becker, H i r a m ^ . . U o s e ,

G e n t s L i s t , — H e n r y A l d r l c h , G e o r g e B r o a d B e n t , A n s o n P.- Ci i swel l , [Care o f M r s ; C . D a v i i , ] H e h r y ' M n t h e w s , J a m e s N i n l s o n , i N o r m a n ' S c h i e d e l , A n d r e w S h b p h i ' r d , C h a r l i e Q u a t e .

P a c k a g e — E u w a r d W e l s l u P e r s o n s c a l l i n g ifor t h e s e I d t t c r s Wil l

p l e a s e s a v > ( A D V B R T l S E D , , a n d g i v e t h e d a t e o f t h i s n o t i c e . ' '

't 1 " . , J A S . W . H I N E . P . M .

W A N T E D . - A g o o d s t e a d y g i r l f o r

g e n e r a l h o u s e w o r k . P ^ m ' a n ^ n t p l a c e

a n d g o o d w a g e s f o r & c o m p e t e n t p e r -

s o n . A p p l y t o , , M R S . J . ' q ^ E S .


T h a t in this town the re a r e scores ol per-sous puaaing our s tore every day wuime lives are uindti m.seraDie uy intllgestiou, Uis|Mipaiii| sour nud disireaaul btoiu.ici^, over C'luiplniuj. uousti^atiuu, wiicu lot 7o ceotb we wti i aeli itaeui Snt oh 's ViiaiUtor, ^u«r.mtend iv> | e tue tneui. Sold liy 'Hunt & Uuf tVr . l

' 1 - , ..1* u. < i S H I L O U ' S C A T A U R U K E i i E U Y . A

lOurvelluUb cure tor ua ia r ru , d ipuiuc i tu , cuuk-cr uiK'ito. aud htHrt acne. Witn each bottle u iero ia hu us^euinus Jiiuai u j i o t u r . for, the more aaeoeiintunr<Mauiaiimt inn cumpla iu l , witBoui e x t m ulinrgt*. F r i e e 5 0 oeuu .

H i l l ' s Bueuu i s dl>k6o*ir|jKeu Ly -hU <lruj{« gist as tne Deal k iduey ui td iuiue ever otiureil to (be pub l i c . < , (

For Safe.

I n t he y i l tMft o f ' Frw-pprt a tirtl-clahs

Biuctfsuntb S u u p ^ u d tlo^iae aud L.it . Will

be Mild cheap". Poor healiD my reaaon lor

selliug. Th i s is ve r^ dehll-kble prupertv—uo

better auywbere . D . Olivkb, Freepor t ,

MtCb, Aug . 13, 1879 7 w 4

Call on Ua aud ^ e i » luxtb Harrow at a reluiouablb i-ru-n. W a r n i u t u l to he the btst iu (Ue marRel . Atktub & Adams.

SiHEHlFB'B SALK . - U y vi t lueol n . ix icat lo ^ issued out a f , noil um er tbf fe»l ol thi- Ciicult

Court of the eo uuty ol Ki lit in the State ol Ulcbl-gsn. attested on tlio 'Bird unj 01 Octobei. A. I) 1878. to mo d i r r c l i d o^d deliveieo, in tasor of-^.-. K l iu H- . i t i e e . pluiniitt uuil ignllift t ie goods •'

attets. KjH.f r > a n t tl»eteorv.thin oi tuo suite of F rn ik l i f t s , o u t e r 'ltuu.bi<, Adtiia ble add Alnon CB. llyDbeii, ilie Ceftnuants In ismVtllJ Luvii'levied ii| on ai.qslialle>|.ose le all vf Aid dtjfe. dnnts l u h t . t i t e anu in- l

t t b e r e t ^ a l p w b c aucli'tn, (•••t TtDduoJ.lo iVubt-sl bilder. S tbe Wert eul tamo to tbe

Circuit Court looms, (Court Blocl;, so called,> ia tbe city otOmnii llaj,ids, ttiut beiiigthe puce vor bolJinir tbe Clrcu-tCourt ol tbe County jsth r em naid uiriiii-en are situated, on SAIUKDaY, THB T M I k I - K ^ T U OAVoKSEl ' l tMBKK, A U s ; # , , I

-»t leno'olook in the fuiouoop otsttid d a j , Uie fol-los ing described real e.tote, I j ius anif being Io — the Count; o ' K'jot, an ! Statu o( iilebigan. an foj. low>, tu-wlt. Tho •outh o n e - h W f / » uf lots one / l l ami two (i) ul Olock twenty-eiKUC (tHJul Klch-.-irds' and WiukUiuus uhit t» the villnito o, l.owell according to > he plat tbufc ' l .a county at Kent nud s .a te of Jiclii^«u. Also part of i>ec-tmu twelve (M) in to»iii>liit>isil north of ranj.'e Dim- ("»_) west, ivuut roun j , MtobigaU.' •lescrlbcil ;ih fin lows, via.- i/oraiueuqing at tbe oortneast cor-ner of the uortbwesl quarter CVJ running west ei^lit FS^ rods thence south twemy -UO- rods to uui tti line of iMrUit 'and Alterauvee tuUlrood,. toenco easterly along said railroad to the east line of said quane^ stoUoo, and tbence northerly to place ol beginning AUo n-rttiweat ou'arter

ol the northeait nuarUT-JaJ- olsaid lection -I'i-exiteptliity .AU led eauli •ide of thoco nier ofsatd uiilroiid track. contuinlDg toity-4u-acres more ur lllsi. ' '• ' r.

. FKBKL1NO W. PECK, Citr' • Sbaritf ul Kent County, Mich. ' '

. j j . J S u ' H A X h i U . ,

From lh6;!preu>i»es ol t b e , undersi^uet], in (he towiibUipoi U.tmpbeli, ou Ju iy ii/tu', lo7U • . uemu i iy cow bpruklcd wuu <>eli ou, one red cow.iiyili Hjiff l f uiilk, o..e two >ear old ueiltsr, bpoiicil ; two uue y ear old steers, o u t reii auU One sptdsie 'd . Any lulormativu thai, may be giveu ur tbe re turn ol lue cattJe will be gratcluily received and a l iberal rewuro pa id .

J M. IlULLIBKBOKE, (!ulj|(|l>rii, lulilu Co., Mich.

Rev , Qeo.. 11. Tbayer^ of j luurbou, In O aiiuwu tu everyone in (b iu vicinity, as b most it.tl'icu iai ellize'ii, and Chrihtlau nnnib-ier ot tlie M. E , 0 ' iu icb, i>ay^; " i *inb every-boiy to kuom m a t i uoestiler Outii m y a i i r a u n wile owe our l ives, io S n n o n ' s Ciiu>uui) uon Cure ." Urs . 'Uatul ie i t dt France, I'bvbii iaub aud Druggists, ol m e samo place, say ; "U it-UaViUg a ireiileliUolib bale, oiid is uiVlug per-'•^ui sattatHOtinu aaun uo. iiuihiii< t m o hi-if dune, t o r lau^p bnclt, Side n r . Caeet, doii'< fail to ube sbiiiiti'ri Coroux Piiib'i'cr. W e fee-oiumeud tbeac n uioiilea." sul<l by i l u u i i U u u t e r .

: i i1 i1

Hili 'd Buohu a pe rmnusDi cure tor all diseobtsoi he Ur inary oruan" .

T o motberc: '—obouln the buiiy i,e suSeriiiK wii.n auy ol (i.e dn-ordersol bniM huod um Ur Bull ' s bnby syrUp at 'once lor ' tlie t rouble. Price 2d ceuta.

Hi l l ' s Bui-bti gives t i uoe i sa l ea ibfautlou iu eVeiy Case where i r i m .

i k T I t U H . » I " I E . u E . N r .

Mttrarr. E y Broti Oa 'ego ' N . Y .

Guutieuien— I cueer tu i jy oiiu ujy tesn ju t iu j lu tuc value o iyuu i Cream i(a>m ** a et'cuitic, lu lue'CaAeoi iuy biai-j-, wuo'ous breu beinius* ly dcbil iut ied « i t a ca .u r ro lor eiglt t y"*'*, uaviug ineil l l i i l lwtua l iy tiauloril'b r meuy and several special ly iliiiytois tu Bustnu. Sue improved iu l iemiu u unce unuer llir u-«: ,oi y-iUi discovery, and nus le^uineil a Uealiti

and beanUH m u r i i ti*M been cuUMdeled ;i<: reoiediabie . l i u l l t' VV. Mhi. i ; lLl„

Uraud Uapidb i l i e b . ' z w 8

Now Jersey s w e e t |»o ta lovsa ta t Giles,

L 0 W E I L M A R K E T S .

Jo r r e f j t ed uu M o u d a j u l e a p b by J O H N G I L E S s CO,

wudLKSALa aSU a a r a i t o a o C E u a .

B e a n s p e r b u 7 0 c @ Ollc B r a n p e r t o n ?flU. 0 0 B u t t e r p ^ r lb Uu 10 C h e e s e p e r lb . . . . 10 C o r n p r b u s h e l . . . . . 4 7 c ! 1

C a l f s k i n s , d r y . ; . . . 1 3 c . ^ r e e n . . . i . t i c © 1 0 c i

E g g s p i d u z b e . . ; F l t i u r p ? c w t . . . . . » . | 2 . 3 0 . H u y p r t o n " . . . . . . ! . $ 0 . 0 0 ' @ 0 . 0 0 H i d e s , d i y Uc (gi 10c , :

'> . t u reen Uc. L a n l p r l b . . . . . f ) 1 @ Oc, »

, U a t s p r o n .155c. ,, P o t a t j i e b p r b u . 4 0 c t s l '

T a l l o w p r f b . . . . . . 5 6 . ' •' S h e i i p p e l t u ' . i . . , . , 10 t o 75;i W h e a t e x t w h i t e . , 0 2 p e r b u s h e l . C l o y e r S e e d 4 . 0 0 T i m o t h y s e W d . ^ i i V i l . 7 ^ ' H o n e y w h i t e c a p . . . J O t o l i l , , ,

, D o - , e x ^ r ^ c t < f , d v J i 3 c , , , ' • H a r d e s t . a p p l e s . ,J5 c t s p e r . b u s h . S w e e t c o r n & r d p z . .' 8 c . L a r g o d t i c u ' m b e r s p e t d o z . . 1 0 c . 1 1

Ffcachei j i o r d i n a r y . ^ i 7 6 c , [ . " e a r l y . C r a w f o r d . , , , $ 1 7 p <2 ,00

B l a c k b e r r i e s . . . y . , . 1 0 c , p e r q t . C a b b a g e ' . o t o O ce i i t s p e r hfl ."

MO^VO'A^K 8ALr.. .Notice 1* hereby gi<eo, that 'lefiiu t'bairifii; been mide la (he conditions

o. u uerl-ln m-irtgs^e, wb reby tbe power ol, sai l tUeiein has become oiiuratire. said n-oi'gage m da and exucmod by Wllliaia F. WHkins, and Laura M. Wilkin-, his wife ol tlaiedoula, KeUt County, iirtliB Statu,of tllcbiKan. onrtles of mo ttrst pari ttisreiu, to Nellie U. bbattuck ol U.and K^piJs, iu said couuty an- State, bearing date lue l«unty-flfth day of Ortober, in tbe >ear of our l.nrd obw tbounand ei^lit liuudrid ai'dseventy-.iTe,audrecord«U in tba oiiicu ul the llegilterof Uoeda, loi tne Oouuty of Kent, id tbe Suite ofMiobigaa.oo (Uoi>0thday of iSovember, A. U. U i i . a t o'clock A. t l . iu Li-ber 07. ol.u)or|gsges on psgea 3j8| "-0 and 32i, aaid imirt^age wns'duly nsnigseu by >aid Nell.o U. Sualtuckiu one o-rtaioMai f Quealyvol tba town-ship ot Love.i,couuty of Keui, S u i r u/Xivbigao, ou tbe I'lurlll ua> lit Aptll, A. U. Ib'd, wbivh as-sigbiueul waarecorded, in tbeotfloeul the l(ei{ist«r ot Deeds, loi Kent Couuty, Slalo of Michlgsu. on .Le Au day of April A D. 1870, In Lioer Ot, ot mortgigei un pa^a 2Si, ana lOttber —Bald uiorl-ga^u ataa duly uuignud, by the said Mary U'iialy.jto Mlllaiu fMjple. of the satu township ol Li.ai«llt Kent Couuiy. llicuiitau, on t'ae tuenty-ioarth day ol Jsnauiy, A.U. is??, whiib as«inauient vos. rc-co_td-d in t j e i.lUce O' 'he ile*l»ler uf lieeds lor iuiu Oouuty ul Keiii on iba 3th day of J a u u t i f , A. s . iS77,at U)i d'cluet a m. in Llbrr 64,01 iaoru K.igeson page iM.upuu wuimu murtyago (bete la maiiut-d to oedno. at lb« date nt lull notice, the sum of lour Uuudred and sixty one do'lii-a and eighty-lour ceuih, us .rihol^al and inteiest tberem malucludi ig tbe•uuij ^l_ lorty, tour dollar*, aud eigtity-lour u ju t i for insiirancu and taye< for tbu '-year A, U 1677, and A. U. 1S78, which aaioanufor taaurauceand ta les were paid by tbe.*aid Willi na f i r p lo ihera having been delault tuadvtu tbu ay-, uieut uftbesaane b ' aaid uioriga|{i'ra,accorii nij io (becoreua .t- in said moi t^age wrltteu, an ui>o not so included in aaid pr.nc.pal aud lutorert, an attof-Moy loo oi lift' dollars, stipulated in said m .. in ca^e .' uy nroceediags a i r Uken to foreuiu.e wnd •uortgaite-n any manuur ( luvideu by Uw. And no suit or pioceedmic a( Uar or lu e juity having been iaaen tocolieot or lecover tue ui> uiiyKS<cuiet by >aidio.iiKage,nurby tbe note given by >aiu wiliUm K Wiikius, and i.anra M Wilalns.deso ibeu in and accompanyiug raid aioitgagv ur any part tnoreo .

KoW TllKltiiFoiiK. nonce is noraby given, that by vlilue of tbe pswer bt sale In said 'UiorigiKe LontaiiK d, aud of tne statute in such case uiaae and provided, sr'.d niottgsge will be foreclosed by u sale of tu* land descnuad thereiu and far that purtiosaon Krm y tbe fuurtevnth uafot So-v -mbei, neat , A.O. KigUtevn uundred aniseteniy-nine. ai ten o .-lock lu me lireuoun of said day, s t ibe weatouusBcatolb* ciromt court rooms, court bioca, so called, la tne city ot (irand Rapids, Kent count.) :Hai»ul Utjnuran, that Ooin^ laahmldingpr plate ivbeie Ibe Cirouit Ouurl foi tbo CjuuIj of Keatin lioideo, the Isnii describe 1 in saldnortKkga urlao in jCU tboreol as msy oe neiarsary tu eat sly •aid deot, luleieat inareon said attorneys fen aud Ibe coals a-u oaptxis », ailuaed by la«, will be auld al publiciauution to the Ui.hrat bid-ar, said utnu b-ing "escribed un IoIioWa, tual Is to say,

All tbuse certain piroea or parc'elsOl land sitnat* •u in ibe village oi Uocklord, county ol Kent, otttie.ol ttichigan,-cuuiuieii9.ng eignteen '18' rods r aud eleven. 'ir l»Bl notlh ol wueiu tbe contar of lUe bigh«ay running aioug tU«>ouiU liue ul k«c> tion uuiuber Ihiily-six ',.0' luwu number nine '9' noun ul range No. eieven ' I t ' Wesl, inlersecla t b e blgbway ruuui>)g noun along Ue wosl bank «f iti ugo rlyei, thence nbrth loor '4' rod*t:We»t twen-t y i o d s ( sputn fuur '4' rod.,.i-a/l tw,ep;y tuui to tuapitea t t beginning, al*0 Iba t ' p i ece of jauu dercrioed as follows, coiiiHiencing tignlotu ' ib ' lous 'and a l e t e n ' t r leet north aud twemy 'UO' rods *08. ul the iuter>eoliou of the ros<l runnlug uoitb aud suulu, along Ihe west bank of Kouge t i te r wnUa roaa ruowng csist and wrf^ ou tb*; aju^h l lueo l se^^u lb i r iy - su 'dO" aooie named tbeuco noitii tv elVe '1'/ lods, west flfuen 'IO* rooi, suulh twelve'li* mds and east flllecn roils to the plate of bcglnuing.

Uatrd tbia iUiu uay of August A. D. 1H79. WlbLtAM hUill 'LE, Muftgagfe.

U. rt. Uouuk li s . 1". ulUK-, ailorueystor Sloilgsgee

F K E E - ' O F OOST/ • 1

T b b most woudeHbi remeay ol tlie a g e u uow plut'cd Kiihiu m e ruaeb ot all. , .He he net t or 6e he poor, u nia>u , no fu iug to g^ye ilii»gie«i,roiue'iy a uia) .- D r . K i n g ' s CiUi-t'oruia Uoldeu Coiupouu, lor (lyeiiepeii^, s ick neadache , low s p i r j ^ , lobs ot appe i i le , i S n r s tomacu, jCowJug n p of looo, yellow c i m -plexiuit, geuerai debi l i ty , inact iv i ty a u j aruweiiiek., u v e r coiuplaint , j a u n d i c e aud u i lHios iu^ , lux wfjipli it is a cer ta in a n d speeU* core , N o person should ha w i t h o u t u . • l u i i fder tu prove tha i it will do a l l we ulaitu lur it, yvu a re 'g lveu a t r ia l bottle f r ee of coel, w m c u will convince you of u s t r u l y wouder ju i iuents , aud suow you wha t a leg-ular ooe dol lar size huttle will do. F o r s a i e by ^ " • .-lu H u n t dc Uuu ' .cr .

• o O h n- . jiit, j / . -
