LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME xxm. Office in Train's Opera House Block. LOWELL, MICHIGAN. F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 20, I8ss. Three Cents Per Copy. NUMBER W. SPECIAL SALE OF WALL PAPER. In onliT l<i nmku room f»r our next Spring Stock, *vu l.avo ilindixl to nmk<- P A P E R S whicili we will h.11 nt Lessthan HAlFTHEIR VALUE. Pricesfarnislieilonapptation We ore Agents for the Alston MT'g Go's LINSEED OIL, Which \v«* cuarantM lo bo Slririly I'uiv. Buying i f r n n i h i - W i n u f a r m r e n wv know vo can funiinli our ctiiloinvrH with I'urt* Oil. The Sherwin Williams Paints. TIimo Points we can rccoiniiH*nil to Im* Pure. They contain notliini: but STRICTLY PURE LEAD, ZINC, AND PURE LINSEED OIL, ••What nil-ill 1 do with the outtlilv of my I iouhbT a i|U"#tion otti n nxkod by thorn who wish t'> palm. • i .! lu pxtrnor decorutlou. tin'Hurrouiuliiijii nhoubl !»• taken into conHiauration. and the building trented in nucli a way hk to harmonize iw nearly at |K>twible w i t h them : specially should this lo- the ca«e in suburban residence*, as there is nothniK that so effectually destroys the he-mty of a Iandsca)M> as to sc.- a house fiainted in colors that an- in discord with objects about it. Tins subject hits become so important, have naturally taken a treat inter est in it and have t;iveu it no little study. We Khali I*' pleased to answer any spe- ciflc questions that may be addressed to us. ATTENTION is called to the fact that nearly all other manufacturers itf mix- ad paints are obliged to give a rule for the covering capn- ity of their imints. re- quiring from 15 to 2-1 per cent, more than this, simply because TUB SiikhwinWil- Uaiis Paint is pnus/rly made and of pure materials, and therefore admits of lie- ing rubbed out under the brush like any pure lead, zinc and oil paint, not iis|uir- mg to be "flowed on." hs the manufa'tun-rn of cheap paints direct their products to I m? 11S4MI, We have jufl received a line line of Perfumes and Face Powders includ- ing Domestic and Imported. A line line of new Toilet Soap* is in stock. Our line of B A S E B A L L G O O D S will lie found complete. C A R R I A G E P A I N T S . Our Stotfkivf these goods comprise all the leading colors. Call and examine them. PAINTS IN SMALL CANS for family use, we have them in all colors ami sizes of cans. P A I N T B R U S H E S . In This Line of Goods we can Suit You Both in Quality and Price, D r u g s & M e d i c i n e s . Our stock of Drugs will be found coihpleto ami composed of Pure (ioods. Our stock of Patent Medicines comprises nearly every article in the market. Our prit-es will lie found as low as consistent for gis-d goods. Thanking the Public for .their Liberal Patronage and hoping to Merit a Continuance of the Same. We are Respectfully Your Obedient Servant, J. Q. LOOK, Lyon Block, - Lowell, Mich. A. D. OLIVER, Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Clocks. m m rap m C O A F u l l Liino o f G o l d a n d S i l v e r W a t c h e s always in Stock. Look them over, and you will at once de^-.detl.iayoucaM get jnst as good a watch for the money as you can obtain by sending away. MY STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SECOND TO NONE outside the l.irge cities, and ciubraces everything from thu Cheapct to the Most Ktvl-hli and Cobtly. They "re of the Renowned (olliert manufacture, than which Slbre U no b ^ r y SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. A. D. O L I V E R . Lowell. I ' H I I - . X j E I Y ' S CABINET PHOTO'S Only $2.00 and $2.50 per doz. DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY. PHILLEY, Over the Post Office. THE HOLIDAYS ARE PAST, B U T T H E WANTS OF THE PEOPLE STILL R E M A I N ! T h e y W a n t E l e 8 a n t D e c o r a t e d C h i n a Sets. T h e y W a n t M e d i u m D i n n e r a n d T e a Sets. T h e y W a n t C h e a p C r o c k e r y of All Kinds. T h cxrr W a n t N e w a n d Stylish H a n g i n g a n d 1 I l t j y Table L a m p s . T h g i x r W a n t 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. & 0 qt. tin pails, X l i e y a n d o t h e r k i n d s of t i n w a r e at the lowest prices. W a n t All M a n n e r of 5 & 10c Goods. T h e y W a n t T o y s f o r t l i e o h i l d r e n - nnVi cktr W a n t a T h o u s a n d H o u s e h o l d Im eces- J. l i e y s i t i e s w h i c h C a n A l w a y s b e F o u n d at O u r Store. M C P H E R S O N ' S B A Z A A R , H e a d q u a r t e r s for L o w Prices, O P E R A H O U S E B L O C K . - L O W E L L . FllillLESSriMliyMEHE "I havo uned Slmmi.iin l.lvfr Iti-uulutor for many years, hav linr made It m y only Kamlly Mfllelne. My motlu-r tx-foi* me wa* very partial to It. It Is a safe. Hood and reliable m«ll- ctne for any disorder of the sysi.-tn, and If tued In time U a Utrn! prrrvnUrr nf ilrhnrtt. I oPen reeommenil It to 'iiy friends, and shall continue to ilo UJ. "Rev. Jamra if. Rollins. "I'astorM. K-fhuP'h.So. Fairfield,Va." TIME AND OOOTOiir I I I U tlYED 60 nhrav keeping Simmons IMrtf Heffulator In the houir, "I have found Hlmmons Liver K<vnlaUir tlm lH*t family iiikI - lelne I ever used for anythlnu that may liappon. have umm! it In Irulignllon, Cullr, IHarrkira, lillliiiitHrtt, and found to re- lieve Immediately. ^R«r Bat- ing a heart y »up|MT. If. on uolua to tied. 1 ta*.- almut a teaspoon- ful, 1 never feel tho eflteta of the supper eaten. -OVID 0.8PARK8, "Kx-Mayor Macon, Oa." ••"ONLY C E N U I N m 11'- ">ur 7. Hump on fhmt uf Wn|>|<rr. J. H. Zeilin A Co.. Sole Propria fort, Priw.-t.OO. I' l ' ILAIIELPni ^.PA. FROM WASHINGTON. Work of th« Law-Mitkors H t t h o Nation's OnpltaL Business Cards. \ LHKUT JACKSON, Attorney and Solici- tor. UrerI<owrll Nillunal Bank. O C. MoUANNCLL, M I).. Phr^oan and . Kurgron. Itllct 4(1 Hrlilie HI. M C.IJUKEXK M. U , I'brdrun and Bur- . Keoo. Oflliv In Po»t Offlcti Block. UTMCC UlaM. Biilldrn I C. aCOTT, Hard vara, ttaah Doon and 0 • (llua. Biilldrn Hardwi II lnmil, KorMI HUll rate a apedalty. JJ V: 5®SL*». nnuwUt and SuUouer. 4c, Unlftn lllock. lon». Uruckenr. Hard Ware, .tc, Unlor 3rk. 1 I- W. VOUMO. Pbjilclitn anil Snr- 'J t Bron. URIra orer Yelter 4 hook'* itorv. n it. CIIAS. S. McKAV, HonieopaUi. UHlc. orrr HcuU'a Hardware Sioir. Luirrll Mich. I H. M A I.COt.M, Ptiynlclaa and Hur^eon. 1. Ofllce In Lyon Block. Writ Side. Ca»h prartice only. MYRON H. WALKER, ATTOIINBY & SOLICITOK. Over Fourth National Bank, Canal Street. Telephone No. 407. URAND RAPIDS. - MICH. luaoa huvt. OKnar a. davu HUNT & DAVIS, Mstractsof Title, Real Estate, Loan and General imunnce Agents. UNDER CITY NATIONAL BANK ObiMP BAPIDS MICH j OWELL NATIONAL BANK, OFLOWEuL, MICHIGAN. CAPITAL, - 150,000. SURPLUS, - 10,000. Dl RECTORH: Chas. MuCarty, FrakoibKiko, J . u . Stone. M. N. Hike, A. S. Stawnaup, N. A. Stone, I as. W. Hike. E. a. Sundebijn, Noah Btsuoi'. M. S . UI.NE, I'HhS. FRANCIS KINO. V. PKKti. K, A, SVNDr tUK. CASH- IFt* DR. A. TAFT, DENTIST O f f i c e o v e r S e o U ' s H a r d w a r e S t o r e . B. W. DODGE, Attorney at Law, Real Estate Pr\ctice in S t a t e a n d U . 8. Court*. Vlonev to loan on Good Real Eatate Se- curity. Offli-e in Hank Blm-k. Bridge St. - Lowell. Mlchiioui Milton M. Perry, Attorney A Counselor at Law, rrain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich. Special attei.tion given to Collectione Conveyandng, Loans and Sale of Real Eatate. J, JOHNS, AUCTIONEER. 16 Y e a r s E x n e r i e n c e Farm or other property sold. Charg- eB reasonable and Satisfaction Guaran- teed. Orders left at tho Journal office n-ill re<-elv-e nroiuut attention. 2Svl s- P H I C K S , A t t o r n e y , L o a n s , C o l l e c t i o i i a a u d Iuhu ranee. Mone- to loan on real estate security In suii'ih of |200aml upwards at current rate*. Office over J C. West A (^J.'a. LOWELL. - MICH. N. G. KING, P H O T O G R A P H E R . BEST OF WORK AT R e a s o n a b l e Prices. A new stock of F I R A / M E S in gilt, oak and latwt deiign, wiiioh we offer at PRICES L O W A S T H E LOWEST. Give us a call, THE OLD GALLERY Comer East ol Bank. Notice to Tai-l'ayerB. Notice is hereby given to those who have not already paid their taxi* iu this township, that aii taxes must l>e oaid before the flrsl day of February next. D. G. Look, 27w4 Town Treasurer. T)l. Niiiuliialluni uf Lamar. Vila, ami Uli-lilnM.ii ('.inarinail by Hir s«ii- at«-Olli«r Nawa uf Ucu- firal lutarcat. THE HfXATB TVahiinoton, Jin . II.—In tlm Kennta yeaturiluy lillia nere InlriMlucpil to eipialUe the allowam- r. for extra ex|H-ii>ea at I' real - deutlal ptml-oltli-ea, and to e»talillHli a Na- tional Vnlverdty In 111'' lllatrlot of (.'uluni< bla fur the edneallun uf teaobera The lull to reluad to Hie w-veral Plate* and Ternturlra tint direct lax of AilKiwt. InUl. wax d Imted. Sc-u.itur Edmuudn, ituiii the Jinlluiar)- CoiumltUNS, nisdc an idvei *. uiKirt on t'le num- taatlon uf 1. <•/ I. inur to lie AaaoclaM Justice uf the Supreme I' oiirt , unil Hi>iintur I' ajtli , In buhulf uf tlii luiuunty or tho aamo coniuiltt <«, sulmltu - d a fnvorublu report The notnlnatinni uf William K. Vllan to ho Becruuiry of Hie I utenor unit Dun M lUck- luaun to he Piwtma . tei 'l.-iii-ral were re- jioried favorably Wahiiinuton, Jun I In the Sennteyes - terduy n hill w. > luttoduo.-1 to provide for a uilulniuni invalid p.-ua on of iirlit dollara amuntli . Thr feature of the pin(i eJInita Was tbn ape:<eli uf Si-nntur llule iMr.) npun bin reauluUon 11! impilry to how- the Prva- Ident Lad c. urli lout thn Clvd- Seivlee law. He arr*(frne<l tin- Admlnlatratlon for vlula- tloni uf the law , and said a cuntlun- oui ruuioval of red>:ral olllce - boldtra for poiltlca! reaaonn h.id Im-n in pro /n-M ever ilnre tlie pr h n. AdiuiulatniLon came Imo power; that federal nlllce- boldeM hud beeu pcrmltbid to monupullzc the nianaxeiaeut of political rnnipalgim and cunventiomi -, that tbu rrifld mt ha-l hlniaelf In- terfered Improperly in New York City iwlltkn. 1 ud that the Uemo- cratlu Aduilnlalrut . un hud euuutenanred the wunt forum uf |iulltlc:il dictation and Interfered with e! eetloui He read a tible glvmi; - tian^-i made In all the depart- monta uf tin Uuv«nimpnl up to June 11, 1887, aud mild retuuvaU hud been uoiiik on larale nncxaiupleillu any otb> r Admin- litTBtlon In the o<inutry'a blMcry. Wabhinoios, Jan. i:l —HUM were Intto- duocd yesterday authorising fiu nale ol timber on the hi lids ol the Menuuionco Indiaua Iu Wisconsin, nnd providing that the legUlatlve power of the Territory of VtahHliall be Vtsbtd Iu | he ( iuvetuuf and a leglslalivd aantnubly to U ap| io. uted by the President nnd contlnueil by the Senate. The noiiilni'.tU'M uf ti .- neral Kdwurd K DragK. o . scoailn, u> he M n-Hler to Mex- ico, wua itce . ved fri.iu the l'ie«ldeuL A reaolutlun directing tbe Judli-isry Commit- tee to luvcstlgate lh.' alleged biijipreiuilun pf tbu neuru vof iu the leeeut inuii' cip.U eleotlmi In Jjeknon , 11 as, »us adenu.-d l' y strict party vot 'i Wxhuikotox, Jan 11 —lii tin «enu'ey«a. t rdi y the time h ub oh.elly ooenpled by Senatur Uray (Del ) Iu dlaciiaalng the Ulair Educmluiial hi.I und by Senator Vunoe (X. C.J un tbe n- aulutiou to ahullah luterual revenue taxatiun A motion to go nto ex- ecutive sesalun wa* duleated Adjourned to tbn 10th. Wasiiinoiox, Jaa 17.—In thu Rjnuto yeaterday billa were Introduced to pre- serve tho Ion ata; to talabllah a hureaa of barhora and waterwaya ; to uteaUi a com- mbwluu to Imjulre Into und report un liie pio / rei « of the colored race alnce 1805, and granting a peualon. In addlllon to their rotiied pay, 10 ull mint ry ofllcers retired f.'jr d.aeuae or wouuda lucurred lu tho line pf duty. In oxecDtlve sasslon the fullowlng pomlnatiouii were cunllrmed: 1. Q C. Lauiar . U> U' Aaaoclate Justice uf the United 6tales Hnpr<-m< t' uurt , by a voui of :iy to 88; William J' Vila., to lie Secretary ol thu Intorlor ; I>uu M. li.ukliiMiii, to be I' lmtmaa. ter - Uenerul , und liJwnrd S. Ilrugg, to be Minister to Muxlro. HIE IIOUHC WAilllKOTOX, Jan II.—11111a were Intro, duced In the llouae yeKterday to dlKjioau uf the aurplu * money In tbe Treanury, aud to proven t the aucumulatlun thereof ; to authurUe tlie rofuud.ng uf tho NaUomil debt Into a uullorm conaullduU-d bund ; to dlseonttmie tbe 00 uage uf tbe three - cent pleo :; to Incruaao tbe penxlun of those » ho havo lunl eyea or llmha or who are deaf ; to prublhll the uae ol •tores or oil lni 'i|« ou railway p asenger trnliiK; to cxiend the fi-.-o-dellvmy »jci, m to mouthly poriodloala; to puniab any pfflcer of a National hank whu receives a deii-^lt when t ie bank is inKolvent , ajid to repeal all Internal revenue taxation and to admit free of duly auitara Imported from counlnca which do not lay any ex|Hirt duty on such migar Wakiiisotom. Jan. lil In Ihe lloune yes- torday tbe Li-.tle DeCcleney bill wtmjiafjied, aud the Committee on Military Altalra re- ported favorably the iluutelle rehulullon calling upon Uie Secrelarr of War fur a re- port upon ihe prujKisedreiuru of rebel fliiga. Wasuoutos, Jan. IU —Id tbe Houko yca- terday a bill was pufcted lo puiiub robbery, burglary and laroeny lu the Indian Terrl - ton- It flxen the maximum runlahmeut pf ibeao offeuaca al $1 ,000 fiue and fifteen yeara" Imprihonmunt - A bill relating lo permlaaable niarka. K uting or writ ng upon s « oiid , third Hid nth- claaa maltur wna repoitud from tho Post - 0lUce Commlttou and placed on thu House calendar . KepreaentaDve TowiuenU (III) reported back thu Uoutello "battle-flag* reoulutlon aa amendel by the Committee ou Military Affalra. Mr l. oniello aald be hml no objec- tion llo tba ameuduienta and ihe Houw adopted tlie renolution. Washi koto*. Jan. 1 1 —In the House yes- terday tbs bill relating to jicrmlaalble niarka. writing or printing on aecoud, third and fmirHi -i Us* mail - matter waa pasted. A bill wan roportud making a|ipruprla- tlona 10 carry Into efteol the pruvlalona ol the act lo establlah experimental agrl - cullural aiatluim A petition w - aa | iresented from tho go. d uud silver lieutera of tho IlnlU-d Sutoa . prarinir Congrnaa In lnen>i>.e the d r y ou their gnoila Adjourned to Uie Itkli . Wasiotiotox Jia 17.—Among the bllli inlruduc . d 111 ihe Il' iune yeaterday were ( lie fullov.-.n ; lly Mr. Ouilitiaite (O J. lo lund the debt ul tlii- I'm- lie r.illrunUi: tiy Mr. Whnder lAlu.l, pmv d i'K fur rerium work, uf eiinat detenu-i ill approprlalr. id^'Uli, by Mr. Pay.un (lll.l. a roMilu'lini t.-ruiilliig the Stale ul Hllliul. all the 1 ubl e land , aame tUU tl aotef , altbln the Hiale 'o . ati . ly in cluiDi tor ••'• ni |i land nidi uinil ); by Mr. Anilenun (Kan.), direi-tinit the Beerelary ol the Trouury to IMue wltbln thirty days alter the re- rcdi'Oipllnii of National bunk nolo, a rorr*- •londii'S iiiuiiunt uf Utrled Stair , milet ; by Mi Tarnin-y iMiib.l lu eiiDitriiet lluvernmtiil build iik> in eve y oily hav uu a poitmalter , thu mat lu raiive Irom tVMUi 111 iilaret ol |il,iui liiliuliilaiiU to IIMi.tHi 111 cllle. ol ro,uuu ipbah lluult ; by Mr. I. ndoa (III.) to reduce the aur - plu. by lisymii a Uunly ul twenty live oeolt u bu.'.i' i lot ahoat aent tu Iprelgn rountrlea; by Nr. lluvey llnd.' lu pay . nldien ol the lite sar u >11111 eiinal lu Hi per rout . 011 thf auiouat ul Hi.-ir unglnal irny- lo luul.e kikhI tbe d Rriwuoe Ih-Iwhuu tho greenlw-aa in wlin-ii tin ) »ei, ;.«id sal! ihr juid i-oln In whlcli Ihr vreeuhaeUa v rt > eveiil- Uill) n-ili-eim-i'; by Mi. Vlll> iTex.i, uuthor- It-US the Seen "ao "f the Trva. ury to apj.ly tbi auriiiut to Un ponhaie or re.Ueiptlon of I'u. tid Hutc buoda;by Mr, AnJi-nun (IU to mtobiWi a National ceuiei .ry at Qulney, III: by M.-. Mason (HI.), lo provide tor thu rvtlromenl ol t' lillej Sltlea bondt before luaturlty; by JCr. Liulur (III. /. lo teal Ihe u-ieiu-e ol ipsil.DR-rvlortn, and to e. luMi .b acboola for thai purpoaa, bv Mr. 1'DVD.bend ( lll .l, to retire National bank noiei and 10 bub. lllule Trousury iiolea tberelor . by Mr. McCoinos iMd.), to probibll peculation by officer, ol National lianklcj aa- loelatloat : by Mr. Rice tMluu.l. lo plaoelsm ber. ooal hihI aall on the free ll»t; by Mr. Kd- gore (Tex.i, i.bbllwh'UK ' tie Uix oil lobai-ro and tho duty 0 1 luml ^r . coal. tall, wool and blanketa: by Mr. UorUery 1M0.1. placing all klnda ol wooi un the fre.- Hit; al.o lo repenl the law for the payoient of alloiuey fee . ou elaima for lacreate uf •lenkiun on tivount of inrrvate pf dliab. llty. 01111.-11 N o i t a WAaiilM.ioN. Jan 11 1 he .'enato J burs- day cunllrmed ihe iiuiiiliiatlon uf K. (I. I lloyne lu be hpuiulan ul merchniiillNu at I Chlcatru an l lli-nton .) Hall, uf luwa, to lie I Cummlaaluner ol I 'nleiila | WAHiUMnox. Jan I,-| jho romuvul uf ' I.iw Clerk l/- llamea, of the Interior Do- | psrtment. by Secretary l.-iinsr contlnueil to I lie theaiibl I a goo<l ileal ol dlacuwlon. | Congri'iuiiiian Weaver, if Iowa, aays lie will : oiler n teMiltlUun ol inveatl^atlon unleri I the President taken 1. Hun Tbe charge la uponly mm c tint the M-mnval by Lamar | waa for the puriioaeof making frlemls with j thn laiul-irr nt railroad |ieiipln Another | poMlble reaaun fur the removal uf l«t Parnee by Lamar, luateail ut leaving linn lur Vilas I t o la-head, la uuiila nod In the fact that | Vila* wu*. nntll ap]N>int. d I'oHiuaster.pres- ' Ident ul the Sii|N-riur l.iiinlter Cuuipany, mIium- (lib t 1 t inber pr<i|H'riy li: llarncs and Spirka hml duulure I iivulld | Wasiiini.ius. Jan. 10 -lue Huuaj Coin- ' mlttee mi K ccIIuuh iioa declile.1 nut lu n:- u|icii the Tboebe.r r lale cum-, hut lu con- llrm Cnitla.e'e title to hla eeit Tile vote waa l'.'lu the uttlruiallve—three liieinbeis not votlnir. Wa"HI>iit..s Jan 17 —•'pcaker Carlisle , ban noi lR-i-n well fi r .eral days I/iat evening while al dinner al Ihe lllugaHuitae lie waa taken sudden y i.ihI a^rluii'ly 111. a n d reai-hed h » r-iom « . h lliu utniosidlltlt-iilly. Dr. Suweo pruiluiime.l the altnek a chill of the cuuge.t v.-iirder mid adnilob>tered the proper nudl -in . and adviMil Speaker ; .i. keop IJlil.-i to) neveral day*, u.i he was lu ; great need of r.-at und hla nervbua syitom I greatlv Impaired Tbe 1l.11-m uf Mr Carlisle | will duuhtleaa prevent bun fruin presiding | over the Hon-. • for thu next few days ' WaSHIKoton. Jan 1 7 - Mi. U'Dunnell (Ulcb. 1 ha" prepared n bill provldlni; that , after July 1 the postage ou city k-tu-ni, 1 w hero the syaljin of free delivery s estab. I liahed. thall be Ilx»<l i.t the rate of one ccut . per onnce or f n o Ion thereof. Tlielr llu.luaaa Itnliie I. 1 (^r, pAL-t^ M i n n , Jan I S —Uf Interest lu railway circles la liie acllun of tlie Mlnnu- npolia i SL Loula Kallluad Company in tbelr letter lu tin- li illroad Commlrs oners |of Minnesota -ufurn luz them that their Ictlon h;.a rubied the cotii|iany'a litislnesa. | Tbe autlun referred to was u ruling baaed , un the 'long uud short haul datiae ut the ' State law, flume. In n rrliillni; Oltb-e. > ChIiaoo. Jan l.*>- Tup hitlldlng in thu | rear 0(11*8 Clark atr.-et bitrued Kridayjulght, 1 causing a lonn of ijC.I.OlM). It wa> occupied by u bumber uf printing llrma, electro- typers und aterotypen and the links bakery. Tbe prinolpal liwera am Tiffany i,l Co. prinU-ra; Oeorge T. Hallo, elcclni- tyi>er; aud 11. II. Kob'Ha-il. baker. i Wlilttlrr In Iht* C'uiuml I'rople. I Wahiiimiion. Jan 17 —John 0. WUHUcr, lb a iutter Ui the colored clt|/euu here, ro- aiioudlug to ItiuT rouirrntulallouK on bit j HOth birthday, •ay.; *1 atand atiissod at j t h e rapid strldea your |ivop!e huve made | alnou emauelpatl'iu,' and lu oloslui.' predicts | for tbe race a f u ' l e r .110111 lu tho huuon aud | uianngciueut uf the atlalra nt ualionx Houthrrnvr. 0|i|iii.ed to Tarlir Itpronu, Axmnox, Ala. Jan ;7.—Thu eitixunaof 1 Calhoun County have adupUMl a memorial 1 asking CougreM for the apeedy rujieal ol the luterual revenue law. uud urKcntly deprocallug any teductlun of the tarlfl, ujion the irruund that It will lucreaao rather than dlmlnlah the eurp'.m in the Treasury. nimck AkbIu.I 1 lie Marblne., LouttviMe, Ky.. J a n III —All the printers on the Ixmlavlllu Cui>rici--./'iiirKiil utUce but three struck lliuraday night becauae a man formerly employed ou the New Vurk Iribuir w-as brought lu Instruct them In thu u<o uf type-aettlng mnchlnes The iiiaimgoment was prepared, aud tliled the atrlker.' places I with new men Karlbquithea III the Huullk 1 Ciiaiii I',. Jan 111.—An e a r t h q u a k e | shock w as felt here yeatenliy nuirnlng. but | no damage Wis dune lliapatchea from j Charlulto, N C.; Suvanuah, (ia, und Sttm- j nitrvllle aud Colnmbls, ihla State, say ahurp shocks wore felt, and In the Inll-r place builu-uifi were severely shaken fire In riilmga. ' Chicaoo. Jan. 17 — Ihe seven atory bulld- | lug at Na L'Hn Dearborn street waa de- stroyed by lire laat night; lo-.. JCIO.OOO; Insurance, i^ls.ooo. The I'nlon tyim I foundry w-aiUh" jfrc ilea- loser Tbe two ! adjoiningbiillilinua »oie buiintl tell days 1 ago | Mule. |{i||ml In a It illuiiy ( nlllaluu. 1 I'Akts, Ky., Jnu 17.—At Cunningham Sta- tion Snnduy uighl l«-ii lint cars wero run Into by a freltrht train, ono of lb- llal- j crashing through s box cur luuded with ] mules, and »,x i-eti of tho tweiity-three au- ; Imuls being killed The muloa were valued | at fa.oou Uuwu uii Sinke. nnd Bayeotl.. | Pcouu, 111, J a n . Hi.—The Trades Pedera- 1 Uon, In senlun here ynsterday | declared ! striken and boycut a a fut ure lot a means uf , rodri-Miliig working-men's griovaiu-ca, aud , said that the bullul wan Ihe ouly uuru rem. , •<»> Highly llor.ea Ituined to Itentli. I Mkiuokn. Cuna, Jan li—Tbe barns of . the Hurse lUllroad Company lu this city 1 were horned Tuesday night, and fourteen I oars wore consnmud ami eighty hureun per- ished In the tlum a Ui-k. i|>TA,0(M An Alubauia T.asrilv. I Anxiktos. Ala.. Jin. H.—W. I! \Mlllauia, ' propr.otor uf the IVrker lions-, und P. l l { Kvans alio! each •• her dead In the bulel , oflloo Thuia lay. Tw o hyibindera wero 1 wounded Twm Mure IttwtUa. i Hohiox. Jan. 1:1.—t wo pi-rsona wounded I In the railway aec.denl near llavcnll. Muma, 1 died Thuraduy, iiiiiklnx twelvu victims 1 Two other sufferera ar • no; ex|H-ctcd to re- cover. Death of * Nuleil Unllgliiii. Ildltor, | Ntw V011K, J an. U. Itov. Dr. Alfred S. 1 I'sltou. the editor nnJ owner uf the lla/i- j Hit W frklg. died Thursday murnlng at the { rosldcuceut hla aon-lu l w In llruoklya tilven t |i fur l.u.l, I Hobton. Jan III -Tho 11 oinieater tlnhing I soboouera WllHiim I'si-auua and I'eter 1). j Smith, ea -b cunvlng crews u[ twelve muu, have boon give • up lur bi b Killed In h t'liiireb. La)ni>os, Jan M— \ piniu iHientred In a ohurah lu Sou h T.vf Ibuia.lay tbiougha woman lalliltnit 1! i;li. iNtrsous wufe orushed lo death und uiiiiiy Inlured. More I'urk Than T b e ) H u n U hat lu Du Willi, iMUAKAl'ut.tn. lu.l. J .11 7 Thu doolluo 111 tlie export it 011 of (Mirk snd the droiight uf last sU'inner have <hroHii npuu lie markul hue :||..' i(MI.ihhi pounds of muat, j whlub uwults ilumuiid lor sblpiniint. Thu atrumultttlun s largaf ihun baa ever lieeti known lure befuro liejy Mrlek'ii, 1'AIIIH. Jun 17 - b x I'naldent lirevv aof- farod a stroke of upopleii liu.t Monday. , He haa alliee lieeti conllned lu hla bed. and his pbyslolan baa Iwen visiting bltii twice daily. Illsoouditlou ..askeptsourot . a* long us puns,bin Thb- t. tlie seooud "l^plocllu attiu-k the et-l'realdnnt ha* hml. Assicnvii. | Nkw Vobk. Jan 17,—Amusi Lyon, niauu- , faunirer ul uinbreUns at (in I llrund-vay, ; Hindu un naaliMimeut vestorduv. I. wu oscsed by the failure 01 VV. H D-forest. the allk inerchant. to whom be lunueJ noteii. estimated In the trade to umuiint in tbe ag. I gregate to ^IMI.HIKl A IVrlrrl la.I. PiXTaSt-uoH. PH.. Jim. 17—The great Hteul BUII. which was cast wilhl al tba riliabumb Su-el C sUiik Coiojiany's works lust Weilucadav. waa taken fiom the in Id yesterday aud found to lie iierfoot AajH-n, Col., atiffereil a Iru loan of #13,- . IKMl Moudav i j - .lui, I I«iZi:N TO DKATII. Ovoi- Ono Hi.tnlroil Po-nona PoriBh I i t h o Rooont Snow-tjtoini. Tvrrlble sliiilo. nl siilf-i lug In Ihe Norlh- we.I The I'alall'le. Wlthuul a I'ree- r.lriil-Tbe Hur.t Not \>i I'olly II hum n. AN- AW ft I. III-A7II l:ol I. Cnii ai.o. .luii. 17 —Thegreat sturm which swept ovir Me entire Irom tho NorihweKt lust week ha. I teen fulluw-ed by a Ire, u the like id which haa nut lieen ex- |ierlrnced aine" l ie ineiiiorab e winter of ISUl lh" urea uf iiiiuanal culd haa been general. xtendlii); Irom the extreme north- ern Hue ot telegraphic coinmuuliatlon us far wmtli as T.-x ia und tbe gull States. Kx reiuu HiilT^r u/ ia reporleil fiom all dlroctluiia, e.peclul v in Minin -iitu. Da- kulu. Munluna and Nibrnaka. where many live, hnv" Ufen lu» lu Kuniuta Ihouaanda are mil r ug lor want of l.uth tiiel und luuil. an I in auine cuiiiil.es aid la ncclcd lo save uiuny fium i c ual altuvallun. The atorui. while ul cuura" |.y« n-vere lu Arkuu.u-, Texas uud otl.er Southern Slates, still tuund the p. ople tliere unprepared for It, uud inoch sutterin-j ii'..u'Uid. rupi and live stuck liuvu everywl-. i.-mif 1 red more or le.. li.*< Dt'l.i vtK li.. Jon. 17.—The mercury register! d ::.'i uud -III b-iuw in this city Saturday night. Tida in t h e culdea. weather kuuwu Li-n- lor twenty-live yisix, Oreat sufferlnir!» r- j-irir l Irom the prairie. All freight traiua on roai s leading out of this city i ri- ubuudoned. S< vernl ituUinccs of loss i . i 1. He are rc|Hirt'd. but no par- tlculars are g.ven Sr. Pail . Minn , Jan. 17 —'ihe fulluwlng table Is cumpded Irum the very luteal re. porta of death by the recent severe storm: Dakota tf! Mlnmuita .... i. Nebraska ... i; Iowa « Moul.iiia a Total dead , , i * Mlsilng is Wltiiln a radius of lilty miles aroond Ysnktuii. D T. tbe lu-s uf .-nltle, burses and nLc.-p w 111 aggregate , .',IH«) he iiL ll la almoai liiipos.-ble to estimate Ihe number who sutleml the losa of limbs, but It Is safe to ciiculate tlial illHI unlortiiuates will suffer tbs low uf arnin or leg* CiltcAO.i. Jan. 17.—Thu low-e«t thermom- eter record Sunday niiriit. *outh of Mani- toba, was al Sparta, Wis .'>(! degreea lic- low t ro. In t ils city at (1 a. iu. yentcrday It inaikisl 11 lielow ; ut He'ena. M T . Ill; Fort Keogli, M T, ll'J; Ulnnaick. D 1'.. •Jtl- Des Moluen, In,. I>; Lenvenu-orth, Kun , 10; Donv.-r. Culjtl; Mu'i-'ooad. Minn., -.'K; St. J'snl. M on. •Jll; la Crosse. WI&. IIS; MHw-uke •. Wi«., 2 0 ; F.noinabj, Mich., UA Hei .r. A, M P. Jan. 17.-Tip; cold wave continue i Utiab:ileil thioughoilt Muulnn.i, the tbenuomet-r rati gin.' from JO to :I8 du- grots bulow sera Local trams are run- ning, but there have been no throitgb mulls for live days There Is un ubundano of snoover-d gran ou the rungea, and but little aulfering iu the cattle henls la re- ported MlLWAi-Kce. Wis. Jiiil is.-The terrillc oold continues, nnd tbe >v..»-her at prcseiit Is the severest kuun-n i ui iuv yearx City thermum. -.urn nntlalen d ull thu way from IS to2tl degrees beluw z ro yesterdliy moru- Ing The rullr.md trains are Irum twutonix hours l-ehlnd time on all of the roads, nnd even Height train lu Wjaconain wna huh- pended Suuduy niirhL In the uufiheru par*, uf t b e Stale fuitr feet of snow is re- porud und farmers mi I others are suffer- ing itnia' bordilrpit E vawon . Ill, Jan. 17. The Uienuome- tM at I ills place ranged all the «uy from 1(1 to lUdugju s be'ow t i., Sunday morning, and fioai l.'ilo'JO lielow yes:.rday morn- ing. This la about the r.mite le|Kirt'-dalong the I k—nhore regign Iwlween Milwaukee and C ibngo. II kiiux -j CtSTtti W|.. J.III, 17. —The thcruioaii vet y.ol. id iy n.-gbtered ."."i d e - grees ! eluw leru Cuiri'tWA 1'ai.i.-. a - . Jan. 17.—Satur- day and Sunday in- . wero the coldest ever known lu hi .--muu Sunday at s a in. the apml thiMii, i t-rs imllcated .".0 below mill ut I'J m. below Wsterday morn 11/ 11 ramred from ."i." t o (;•_• below-. Train, at.! still Irregnlar The (KHircom- mlssloui-n tie besieged with uppeals und tho puur-houio Is irowdyd. Cijntos. la. Jon 17,—Mercury touched 32 below Sunday night. U lltu. m n s - tcrday U *ci yj. Many liih-rraph wire, have boeu broken by theculd. Nu deathr. ore reporu-d St I^t-ts, Jan. 17.—Telegrams frum Texas announoo thai thu worst blizzard ever known in that State has hocu raging, extending far south into the central nec- tlun The mercury in the v.cinlty of Waco nnd Corslcana drop|ie.l to dugi ees below- zero-tin impreo-denied low- register. Between Knnls and 'oisi-ma nearly 300 hi ado! entile of a le-rd ' c 11c driven from tlie pr.ilrli s for shelter Iro/.u to deatll, and ul Ken-us, l.u.wneu Coislcana und Waco, a i; rue number more diiil All rail- road Irutlic is delayed neriously, and the gonerul suffering is great, purtu-uluriy In tho prairie regions 1- is leared tho loi,. uf bunikii life will be a Vere. Jackson, M'.sa, Jan. 17 —Th coldest weather of the season preval ed ihrongbont Uiu Stuto. ex.euding i s tar souib us Sum- mit. The eanh is covered w.i 1 sb-vt. suow a n d leu. War uii lb. liulglila. QUEUEc, C a n . J a n I."i - Un account of tbu late printers' strike newvpain-r proprietors here will pelltlun I'arlluuient lo declare ibo order of Kulghtn of l.aUir Illegal, Cardinal Taschere11u.il Isb.-lleved. wul denuoy thu organizatluii In Can id 1 I 'roduci of Lake Siitierlur «r.- Mlnrn, CBlOAdo, .lun I.V—During lsh7 tho L'iko Superior Iron lulnes produeisl l.i'iil7.II.VJ tons of ore. and tbe total shipments for tho yenr show an tucrui.ae of l.OIN• tons over ISSH. I nil (IN ; 1 W V W 'S 1 » 'll 4 «l U 1 n THE MARKETS. New VoitK, Jau. if. LIVE BTOC'K-Cutlle f-j al taw Sheep 4 no ti S T5 Horn 5 Si w 5 TJ FWtJK—(iood lo (Itlu i r 4 .Vi ijt 1 10 l'-teut« . . J Ci tt » 10 WHKAT—Nu. 5 Keil ,. uu Nu. S Siirmg 'JUL-it '.'It COHN ... ttuji OATB-Su.« White KVK—We.lern Ml <t _. POHK-Mon 1-. i|XI* VI LAiiD—Hteaui T v. , ; u; CHF.KSK IP, '. l»it WOOL—Doine.lie <0 J Sf CHICAOO. HEKVER—Shipping sidi r. T-Jsn. Cows Htorkers llutcbrr. blork luletior I St lie HOtlH-l.oe-l imnl lo I 'lio.i e 8HRKI* HUTTKIl-H're mien (lood to Cliulie Duirv EflUB—Krii.h FLOL'H—Winter.. Bprlng Patents (IBAIN—Wheat. No. •; Com. No. # Huts, No. 1 Hye.No. e. . Hurley. No. . , HHOOM COIIN— Self-working Hurl Crooked . , ... IWATOKS—(uu.l l*ORK—HeM LAltll-SieaBi LUMHtR- Oommcn dre*se<l siding, . Flooring. . ... Couimou Itjanl. Fencing l.xlh Bbtnglos EAST LIUKltTV. CATTLE f i 00 ffi 5 a Fair 10 Oood 41?. 14451) HOOS—Yorkers 3J i to rblladulphiut i 0u « 5 IJ SHEEP—Beit 4 T5 - Common. 3 iu HALTIMOKE. id a 14 wis iT!i : 7 TO no uu a s i 03 tltu &84 (KJ IS*' 318 W lu 50 a i 3 -.j a A ."1 V r AS4*. •'ATTI.E—lie.t 14 Ti a 500 Medium 8 (0 1 3 4! boos 5?S SHEEP—Pi<jr to Choico.. s 00 3 e w n L) ARRIfEDI \V<; h a v e j u s t rccdvcd .1 ("me liiu; <if D R Y G O l O I ) S both in Staple and Fancy DRESS GOODS. \\ (! would kindly exteiKiiiii invitation toall tocoinc and examine our stock, b'-fore purchasing elsewhere. We have a Fine Line of Specialties in Black Dress Goods. lnjl mlenvear and Hosiery \vc can Suit You All, Both in Quality and Price. IN STAPLE DRY GOODS we can suit all classes of trade, as our STOCK IS COMPLETE. G. W. HATCH, West Side. - Lowell, Mich. W . B U H L , & GO., 146 and 148 Jefferson Ave., I D E T I R O I T. We have rii-i ntly o|n-n»l a Ui-tnil Ufparlmcnt in connectioii w-ith our Wholesale Busi- ness miJ arc now prepared lo offer Great Bargains o Ti' mtCHASElW OF FINE SEAL GIIRIKIENTS IN TI1K NKWEST SllAl'liS, anil I lie I-ileal Clioice Nuveltiei III Imisirteil Muffs. Boas. Seal Hats, Caps GLOVES, Etc. Our Stock is the I'iiiest and Most Exten- sive in the Country. Our facilities for tnanu- facturlni; an- unsiirjiaased. We gnantiilee (Quality and Fit. WALTl-K BUHL & CO., liii|itirtor.s and Mamifacturers of F I I S T E F X T P I S , 1 -US Al 14S .lofflbrsoii Ave., DKTIJOIT, MICH. Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. Howk & Bostwiek carry'the Largest and Best Stock in town. The only firm in town that sells the Celebrated Jmnos Means $3.00 Slice CALL AT "The Old Reliable," B A N K BLOCK - L O W E L L MICH, rTTSj ..* ' W j U IT- run ALLKIMiaur " ' BRITISH HORSES. K.r.lKMl. i; nion.r. la Lull llrr.4. GALBRAITH BROS., Of jAxr»vii.i.K. Wis., ban' ini- imfteil iliirtlui tlio imnwiu ps*i>..'ii over <tM> N i u l l l u n . iiirliiilii u ClYDESOALE, ENDIISH SHIRE, SUFFOLK PUNCH, KACKNIT ANOCLEVEtAND BAY HORSES, Man (iilto vliililuK. lntli 'Is-. H.vlt Imperie-I I'V i " Uisii in) thredBmii in Amines. superior In ' - ' - fa.|ilnaiM(i ri- 'i.-ree. ami alliluanuiti •••i nwl en vili-rs. I'n -n m J frn.* >ult evoryboilr. VlnlturteiirUWll) luviteu. ^l'^tl I ' i ' ('•wl'.irw. CALBRAITH BROS., UANESVILLE. WIS. gsRistereilPereheron Horses 1 FRENCH COUCH HORSES. Itni-irlnrii ami Bwartm of reroheron Hor' ' ,'.' 1 ' 21 , ' en,: |sl.« v ll UOXK STOt K FIBS. tin-, .s IsiUu'.n.-u.. MMi All r- rel- rwsRv„-i«sml ip Prrclier. v- -, 1 rramv»D.l AnK-rlea. Krom two to thr.-. hun^r til- lect irom Wo tfiuta-.:!-'mir , ^ w 11 uo ICn-r Tennk. VhtlMn- .•'•• .- Free. A-Uixi. SftVAGE & FARNl'M. Detroit. '.Vex

LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1888/01_January/01-20... · 2016-10-20 · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME xxm. Office in Train's Opera House Block. LOWELL,

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Page 1: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1888/01_January/01-20... · 2016-10-20 · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME xxm. Office in Train's Opera House Block. LOWELL,

LOWELL JOURNAL. O n e Dol lar a Year .

V O L U M E x x m .

O f f i c e in T r a i n ' s O p e r a H o u s e B l o c k .

L O W E L L , M I C H I G A N . F R I D A Y , J A N U A R Y 2 0 , I 8 s s .

Three Cents Per Copy.



S A L E OF W A L L P A P E R . In o n l i T l<i n m k u r o o m f » r o u r n e x t S p r i n g S t o c k , *vu l . avo i l i n d i x l to nmk<-

P A P E R S whicili w e wil l h.11 nt

Lessthan H A l F T H E I R V A L U E . Pricesfarnislieilonapptation W e ore Agents for the Alston MT'g Go's

L I N S E E D OIL, W h i c h \v«* c u a r a n t M lo bo S l r i r i l y I ' u i v . B u y i n g i f r n n i h i - W i n u f a r m r e n

wv k n o w v o c a n fun i in l i o u r c t i i loinvrH w i t h I'urt* Oi l .

The Sherwin Williams Paints. TIimo P o i n t s w e c a n rccoiniiH*nil t o Im* P u r e . T h e y c o n t a i n no t l i in i : b u t

STRICTLY PURE LEAD, ZINC, AND PURE LINSEED OIL, • • W h a t nil-ill 1 d o w i t h t h e ou t t l i lv of my IiouhbT i» a i |U"#tion ot t i n nxkod by

t h o r n w h o w i s h t'> p a l m . • i . ! l u p x t r n o r d e c o r u t l o u . t i n 'Hur rou iu l i i i j i i n h o u b l !»• t a k e n i n t o conHiaura t ion .

a n d t h e b u i l d i n g t r e n t e d in nucl i a w a y hk t o h a r m o n i z e iw n e a r l y a t |K>twible w i t h t h e m : s p e c i a l l y s h o u l d t h i s lo- t h e ca«e in s u b u r b a n res idence* , a s t h e r e is no thn iK t h a t so e f f e c t u a l l y d e s t r o y s t h e he -mty of a Iandsca)M> as t o sc.- a h o u s e f i a in t ed in colors t h a t a n - in d i s c o r d w i t h o b j e c t s a b o u t it.

T i n s s u b j e c t hits b e c o m e so i m p o r t a n t , h a v e n a t u r a l l y t a k e n a t r e a t i n t e r e s t in it a n d h a v e t ; iveu it n o l i t t l e s t u d y . W e Khali I*' p l e a s ed t o a n s w e r a n y spe-c i f l c q u e s t i o n s t h a t m a y be a d d r e s s e d t o us .

A T T E N T I O N is ca l led to t h e f a c t t h a t n e a r l y a l l o t h e r m a n u f a c t u r e r s itf m i x -ad p a i n t s a r e ob l i ged to g i v e a r u l e f o r t h e c o v e r i n g capn- i ty of t h e i r imin t s . r e -q u i r i n g f r o m 15 t o 2-1 p e r c e n t , m o r e t h a n t h i s , s i m p l y b e c a u s e TUB S i i k h w i n W i l -U a i i s Pa in t is p n u s / r l y m a d e a n d of p u r e m a t e r i a l s , a n d t h e r e f o r e a d m i t s of l ie-i n g r u b b e d o u t u n d e r t h e b r u s h l ike a n y p u r e l e a d , z inc a n d oil p a i n t , n o t i i s | u i r -mg to b e " f l o w e d o n . " hs t h e m a n u f a ' t u n - r n of c h e a p p a i n t s d i r e c t t h e i r p r o d u c t s t o Im? 11S4MI,

W e h a v e j u f l r ece ived a l ine l ine of P e r f u m e s a n d F a c e P o w d e r s i n c l u d -i n g D o m e s t i c a n d I m p o r t e d . A l ine l ine of n e w T o i l e t Soap* is in s tock .

O u r l ine of


wil l lie f o u n d c o m p l e t e .

C A R R I A G E P A I N T S .

O u r Stot fkivf t h e s e g o o d s c o m p r i s e all t h e l e a d i n g co lors . Cal l a n d e x a m i n e t h e m .

P A I N T S IN S M A L L C A N S f o r f a m i l y u s e , w e h a v e t h e m in a l l c o l o r s a m i s izes of c a n s .

P A I N T B R U S H E S .

I n T h i s L i n e of G o o d s w e c a n S u i t Y o u B o t h in Q u a l i t y a n d P r i c e ,

D r u g s & M e d i c i n e s . O u r s t o c k of D r u g s wil l b e f o u n d co ihp le to a m i c o m p o s e d of P u r e ( i oods .

O u r s tock of P a t e n t Medic ines c o m p r i s e s n e a r l y e v e r y a r t i c l e in t h e m a r k e t . O u r prit-es wil l lie f o u n d a s low as c o n s i s t e n t f o r gis-d goods . T h a n k i n g t h e P u b l i c fo r . their L ibe ra l P a t r o n a g e a n d h o p i n g t o Mer i t a C o n t i n u a n c e of t h e S a m e .

W e are Respectfully Your Obedien t Servant ,

J . Q . L O O K , Lyon Block, - Lowell, Mich.

A. D . O L I V E R , Jewelry, Silverware, Watches and Clocks. m



m C O

A F u l l L i i n o o f G o l d a n d S i l v e r W a t c h e s

a l w a y s in S t o c k . Look t h e m o v e r , a n d y o u w i l l a t o n c e d e ^ - . d e t l . i a y o u c a M get j n s t a s good a w a t c h f o r t h e m o n e y a s y o u c a n o b t a i n by s e n d i n g a w a y .

MY STOCK OF CLOCKS IS SECOND TO NONE o u t s i d e t h e l . i rge c i t ies , a n d c i u b r a c e s e v e r y t h i n g f r o m t h u C h e a p c t to t h e Most Ktvl-hli a n d Cobtly. T h e y " r e of t h e R e n o w n e d ( o l l i e r t m a n u f a c t u r e , t h a n w h i c h S l b r e U n o b ^ r y S A T I S F A C T I O N G U A R A N T E E D .

A . D . O L I V E R . L o w e l l .

I ' H I I - . X j E I Y ' S

C A B I N E T P H O T O ' S Only $2.00 and $2.50 per doz.

D U R I N G T H E M O N T H OF J A N U A R Y .

P H I L L E Y , Over the Post Of f ice.



S T I L L R E M A I N ! T h e y W a n t E l e 8 a n t D e c o r a t e d C h i n a S e t s .

T h e y W a n t M e d i u m D i n n e r a n d T e a S e t s .

T h e y W a n t C h e a p C r o c k e r y o f A l l K i n d s .

T h c x r r W a n t N e w a n d S t y l i s h H a n g i n g a n d

1 I l t j y T a b l e L a m p s .

T h g i x r W a n t 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 , 5 . & 0 q t . t i n p a i l s ,

X l i e y a n d o t h e r k i n d s o f t i n w a r e a t t h e

l o w e s t p r i c e s .

W a n t A l l M a n n e r o f 5 & 1 0 c G o o d s .

T h e y W a n t T o y s f o r t l i e o h i l d r e n -

n n V i c k t r W a n t a T h o u s a n d H o u s e h o l d I m e c e s -

J . l i e y s i t i e s w h i c h C a n A l w a y s b e F o u n d

a t O u r S t o r e .

M C P H E R S O N ' S B A Z A A R ,

H e a d q u a r t e r s f o r L o w P r i c e s ,

O P E R A H O U S E B L O C K . - L O W E L L .

FllillLESSriMliyMEHE " I h a v o uned Slmmi. i in l . l v f r

I t i-uulutor for m a n y yea r s , h a v linr m a d e It m y o n l y Kaml ly M f l l e l n e . My mo t lu - r tx-foi* m e wa* very p a r t i a l to It. It Is a sa fe . Hood a n d re l i ab le m « l l -c t n e fo r a n y d i s o r d e r of t h e sysi .- tn, a n d If t u e d In t i m e U a Utrn! prrrvnUrr nf ilrhnrtt. I o P e n r e e o m m e n i l It to ' i iy f r i ends , a n d sha l l c o n t i n u e to ilo UJ.

" R e v . J a m r a i f . Rol l ins . " I ' a s t o r M . K - f h u P ' h . S o . Fa i r f i e ld ,Va ."

TIME AND OOOTOiir I I I U tlYED 6 0 nhrav keeping Simmons IMrtf Heffulator In the houir,

" I h a v e f o u n d H l m m o n s L ive r K<vnlaUir tlm lH*t f a m i l y i i ikI -l e lne I e v e r used f o r a n y t h l n u t h a t m a y l i appon . h a v e umm! i t In Irulignllon, Cullr, IHarrkira, lillliiiitHrtt, a n d f o u n d t o re-l ieve I m m e d i a t e l y . ^ R « r Bat-i n g a hear t y »up|MT. If. o n u o l u a t o tied. 1 ta*.- a l m u t a t easpoon-f u l , 1 n e v e r feel t h o e f l t e t a of t h e s u p p e r e a t e n .

- O V I D 0 . 8 P A R K 8 , " K x - M a y o r Macon, Oa ."

• • " O N L Y C E N U I N m 11'- ">ur 7. Hump on fhmt uf Wn|>|<rr.

J. H. Zeilin A Co.. Sole Propria fort,

P r i w . - t . O O . I ' l ' I L A I I E L P n i ^ . P A .


W o r k o f t h « L a w - M i t k o r s H t t h o

N a t i o n ' s O n p l t a L

Business Cards.

\ LHKUT J A C K S O N , Attorney and Solici-tor. UrerI<owrll Nillunal Bank.

OC. MoUANNCLL, M I).. Ph r^oan and . Kurgron. • Itllct 4(1 Hrlilie HI.

MC.IJUKEXK M. U , I ' b r d r u n and Bur-. Keoo. Oflliv In Po»t Offlcti Block.

UTMCC UlaM. Biilldrn

I C. aCOTT, Hard vara, ttaah Doon and 0 • ( l lua . Biilldrn Hardwi II lnmil, KorMI HUll

ra te a apedalty.

JJ V: 5®SL*». nnuwUt and SuUouer. 4c , Unlftn lllock.

lon». Uruckenr. Hard Ware, .tc, Unlor 3 r k .

1 I - W. VOUMO. P b j i l c l i t n an i l S n r -' J t Bron . URIra orer Yelter 4 hook'* itorv.

ni t . CIIAS. S. McKAV, HonieopaUi. UHlc. orrr HcuU'a Hardware Sioir. Luirrll Mich.

I H. M A I.COt.M, Ptiynlclaa and Hur^eon. 1 . Ofllce In Lyon Block. Writ Side. Ca»h prartice only.


O v e r F o u r t h N a t i o n a l B a n k ,

C a n a l S t r e e t . T e l e p h o n e No. 407.

U R A N D R A P I D S . - M I C H .

luaoa huvt. OKnar a. davu

H U N T & D A V I S ,

Mstractsof Title, Real Estate, Loan and General i m u n n c e Agents.


j O W E L L N A T I O N A L B A N K ,

O F L O W E u L , M I C H I G A N .

C A P I T A L , - 150,000. S U R P L U S , - 10,000.


Chas. M u C a r t y , F r a k o i b K i k o , J . u . S tone . M. N. H i k e , A. S. Stawnaup, N. A . S t o n e , I as. W . H ike . E. a . Sundebi jn ,

N o a h B t s u o i ' .


IFt* •

D R . A . T A F T ,

D E N T I S T O f f i c e o v e r S e o U ' s H a r d w a r e S t o r e .

B. W. DODGE, Attorney at Law, Real

Estate P r \ c t i c e i n S t a t e a n d U . 8 . C o u r t * .

Vlonev to l oan o n G o o d Rea l E a t a t e Se -c u r i t y . Offli-e in Hank Blm-k .

B r i d g e S t . - Lowe l l . Mlchi iou i

Mil ton M. P e r r y , Attorney A Counselor at Law,

r r a in ' i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich.

S p e c i a l a t t e i . t i o n g i v e n t o Co l l ec t ione C o n v e y a n d n g , L o a n s a n d S a l e

of Rea l E a t a t e .

J, JOHNS, AUCTIONEER. 1 6 Y e a r s E x n e r i e n c e

F a r m o r o t h e r p r o p e r t y sold. C h a r g -eB r e a s o n a b l e a n d S a t i s f a c t i o n G u a r a n -teed . O r d e r s l e f t a t t h o J o u r n a l o f f ice n-ill re<-elv-e n r o i u u t a t t e n t i o n . 2Svl

s - P H I C K S ,

A t t o r n e y , L o a n s , C o l l e c t i o i i a a u d

I u h u r a n e e .

Mone- t o l oan o n rea l e s t a t e s e c u r i t y In suii'ih of | 2 0 0 a m l u p w a r d s a t c u r r e n t

rate*. Off i ce o v e r J C. W e s t A (^J. 'a.

L O W E L L . - M I C H .

N. G. KING, P H O T O G R A P H E R .


R e a s o n a b l e P r i c e s .

A n e w s t o c k of

FIR A / M E S in g i l t , o a k a n d l a t w t d e i i g n , w i i i o h w e

o f f e r at

P R I C E S L O W A S T H E L O W E S T .

G i v e u s a cal l ,

THE OLD GALLERY C o m e r E a s t o l B a n k .

N o t i c e t o Ta i - l ' ayerB.

N o t i c e is h e r e b y g i v e n to t h o s e w h o

h a v e n o t a l r e a d y paid t h e i r t a x i * iu t h i s

t o w n s h i p , t h a t a i i t a x e s m u s t l>e oa id

b e f o r e t h e flrsl d a y of F e b r u a r y n e x t .

D. G . L o o k ,

27w4 T o w n T r e a s u r e r .

T ) l . Niiiuliialluni uf L a m a r . Vi la , ami Uli-lilnM.ii ( ' . inarinail by Hir s«ii-

a t « - O l l i « r Nawa uf Ucu-firal l u t a r ca t .

THE HfXATB TVahiinoton, J i n . I I .— In tlm Kennta

yeaturiluy lillia nere InlriMlucpil to eipialUe the allowam-r. for extra ex|H-ii>ea at I'real-deutlal ptml-oltli-ea, and to e»talillHli a Na-t ional Vnlverd ty In 111'' lllatrlot of (.'uluni< bla fur the edneal lun uf teaobera The l u l l t o r e luad to Hie w-veral Plate* and Te rn tu r l r a tint direct lax of AilKiwt. InUl. wax d Imted. Sc-u.itur Edmuudn , ituiii t h e Jinlluiar)- CoiumltUNS, nisdc an i d v e i * . uiKirt on t'le num-taatlon uf 1. <•/ I. inur to lie AaaoclaM Justice uf the Supreme I'oiirt, unil Hi>iintur I'ajtli, In buhulf uf tlii lu iuunty or tho aamo coniuiltt<«, su lml tu -d a fnvorublu r e p o r t The notnlnatinni uf William K. Vllan to ho Becruuiry of Hie I u t e n o r unit Dun M lUck-luaun to he Piwtma . tei 'l.-iii-ral were re-j ioried favorably

Wahiiinuton, Jun I — In the Senn teyes -terduy n hill w. > luttoduo .-1 to provide for a uilulniuni invalid p.-ua on of iirlit dollara amunt l i . T h r feature of the pin(i eJInita Was tbn ape:<eli uf Si-nntur llule iMr.) npun bin reauluUon 11! impilry u» to how- the Prva-Ident Lad c.urli l o u t thn Clvd-Seivlee law. He arr*(frne<l tin- Admlnlatrat lon for vlula-tloni uf the l a w , and said a cuntlun-oui ruuioval of red>:ral oll lce-boldtra fo r poiltlca! reaaonn h.id Im-n in p ro /n -M ever i l n r e tlie pr h n . AdiuiulatniLon came Imo power; that federal nlllce-boldeM hud beeu pcrmltbid to monupullzc the n ianaxe iaeu t of political rnnipalgim and cunventiomi-, t h a t tbu r r i f ld mt ha-l hlniaelf In-terfered Improperly in New York City iwlltkn. 1 ud that the Uemo-cratlu Aduilnlalrut.un hud euuu tenanred the wunt forum uf |iulltlc:il dictation and Interfered wi th e!eetloui He read a t i b l e glvmi; - t ian^-i made In all the depart-monta uf t i n Uuv«nimpnl up to June 11, 1887, aud mild retuuvaU hud been uoiiik on • l a r a l e nncxaiuple i l lu any otb> r Admin-litTBtlon In the o<inutry'a blMcry.

Wabhinoios, Jan. i:l —HUM were Intto-duocd yesterday au thor is ing f i u nale ol timber on the hi lids ol the Menuuionco Indiaua Iu Wisconsin, nnd providing t h a t the legUlatlve power of the Terr i tory of VtahHliall be Vtsbtd Iu | h e ( iuvetuuf and a leglslalivd aantnubly to U ap|io.uted by t h e President nnd contlnueil by the Senate. The noiiilni'.tU'M uf ti.-neral Kdwurd K DragK. o .scoailn , u> he M n-Hler to Mex-ico, wua i t ce .ved fri.iu the l'ie«ldeuL A reaolutlun directing tbe Judli-isry Commit-tee to luvcs t lga te lh.' alleged biijipreiuilun pf tbu neuru v o f iu the leeeut inuii'cip.U eleotlmi In J j eknon , 11 as, »us adenu.-d l 'y • strict pa r ty vot ' i

Wxhuikotox, Jan 11 —lii t in «enu'ey«a. t rdi y the t ime h ub oh.elly ooenpled by Senatur Uray (Del ) Iu dlaciiaalng the Ulair Educmlui ial hi.I und by Senator Vunoe (X. C.J un tbe n-aulutiou to ahullah lu terual revenue taxatiun A motion to go n to ex-ecutive sesalun wa* duleated Adjourned t o tbn 10th.

Wasiiinoiox, Jaa 17.—In thu Rjnuto yeaterday billa were Introduced to pre-serve t ho Ion ata; to talabllah a hureaa of barhora and waterwaya ; to uteaUi a com-mbwluu to Imjulre Into und report un liie p io / re i« of the colored race alnce 1805, and g ran t ing a peualon. In addll lon to their roti ied pay, 10 ull m i n t ry ofllcers ret ired f.'jr d.aeuae or wouuda lucurred lu tho l ine pf duty. In oxecDtlve sasslon the ful lowlng pomlnatiouii were cunllrmed: 1. Q C. Lauiar. U> U' Aaaoclate Jus t i ce uf the United 6tales Hnpr<-m< t'uurt, by a voui of :iy to 8 8 ; William J' Vila., to lie Secretary o l thu Intorlor; I>uu M. li.ukliiMiii, to be I'lmtmaa. ter-Uenerul , und l i Jwnrd S. Ilrugg, to be Minister to Muxlro.

HIE IIOUHC WAilllKOTOX, Jan II.—11111a were Intro ,

duced In the l louae yeKterday to dlKjioau uf the aurplu* money In t b e Treanury, aud to proven t the aucumulatlun thereof; to authurUe tlie rofuud.ng uf tho NaUomil deb t Into a uul lorm conaullduU-d bund ; to dlseonttmie tbe 00 uage uf t b e three-cen t p leo : ; to Incruaao tbe penxlun of those » ho havo lunl eyea or llmha or who are deaf; to prublhl l the uae ol •tores or oil lni'i|« ou railway p asenger trnliiK; to cx i end the fi-.-o-dellvmy »jci, m to mou th ly poriodloala; to puniab any pfflcer of a National hank whu receives a deii-^lt when t ie bank is inKolvent, ajid to repeal all Internal r evenue taxa t ion and to admi t free of duly auitara Impor ted from counlnca which do not lay any ex|Hirt duty on such migar

Wakiiisotom. Jan. l i l — I n Ihe lloune yes-torday t b e Li-.tle DeCcleney bill wtmjiafjied, aud the Commit tee on Military Altalra re-ported favorably the iluutelle rehulullon calling upon Uie Secre lar r of War fur a re-port upon ihe prujKisedre iuru of rebel fliiga.

Wasuoutos, Jan. IU —Id tbe Houko yca-terday a bill was pufcted lo pu i iub robbery, burglary and laroeny lu the Indian Terrl-ton- It flxen the maximum r un lahmeu t pf ibeao offeuaca al $1 , 000 fiue and fifteen yeara" Imprihonmunt-

A bill re la t ing lo permlaaable niarka.

Kut ing or wri t ng upon s « o i i d , th i rd Hid nth-claaa mal tur wna r epoi tud from tho

Post-0lUce Commlttou and placed on thu House calendar .

KepreaentaDve TowiuenU ( I I I ) reported back thu Uoutello "battle-flag* reoulutlon aa a m e n d e l by the Commit tee ou Military Affalra. Mr l.oniello aald be hml no objec-tion llo tba ameuduienta and ihe Houw adopted tlie renolution.

Washi koto*. Jan. 11— In the House yes-terday tbs bill relating to jicrmlaalble niarka. wr i t ing or printing on aecoud, third and fmirHi-i Us* ma i l -mat te r waa pasted. A bill wan roportud m a k i n g a|ipruprla-tlona 10 carry Into ef teol the pruvlalona ol the act lo establlah exper imenta l agrl-cul lura l aiatluim A pet i t ion w - a a | i r e s e n t e d from t ho go .d uud si lver lieutera of tho IlnlU-d Su toa . prar inir Congrnaa In lnen>i>.e the d r y ou t he i r gnoila Adjourned to Uie Itkli.

Wasiotiotox J i a 17.—Among the bllli i n l ruduc .d 111 ihe Il'iune yeaterday were (lie fullov.-.n ;

lly Mr. Ouilitiaite (O J. lo lund the debt ul tlii- I'm- lie r.illrunUi: tiy Mr. Whnder lAlu.l, pmv d i'K fur rerium work, uf eiinat detenu-i ill approprlalr. id^'Uli, by Mr. Pay.un (lll.l. a roMilu'lini t.-ruiilliig the Stale ul Hllliul. all the 1 ubl e land , aame tUU tl aotef, altbln the Hiale 'o .ati.ly in cluiDi tor ••'•ni|i land nidi uinil); by Mr. Anilenun (Kan.), direi-tinit the Beerelary ol the Trouury to IMue wltbln thirty days alter the re-rcdi'Oipllnii of National bunk nolo, a rorr*-•londii'S iiiuiiunt uf Utrled S t a i r , milet; by Mi Tarnin-y iMiib.l lu eiiDitriiet lluvernmtiil build iik> in eve y oily hav uu a poitmalter , thu mat lu raiive Irom tVMUi 111 iilaret ol |il,iui liiliuliilaiiU to IIMi.tHi 111 cllle. ol ro,uuu ipbah l luult; by Mr. I. ndoa (III.) to reduce the a u r -plu. by lisymii a Uunly ul twenty live oeolt u bu.'.i' i lot ahoat aent tu Iprelgn rountrlea; by Nr. lluvey llnd.' lu pay .nld ien ol the l i te s a r u >11111 eiinal lu Hi per rout. 011 thf auiouat ul Hi.-ir unglnal irny-lo luul.e kikhI tbe d Rriwuoe Ih-Iwhuu tho greenlw-aa in wlin-ii t i n ) »ei, ;.«id sal! ihr ju id i-oln In whlcli Ihr vreeuhaeUa v rt> eveiil-Uill) n-ili-eim-i'; by Mi. Vlll> iTex.i, uuthor-It-US the Seen "ao "f the Trva .ury to apj.ly tbi auriiiut to Un p o n h a i e or re.Ueiptlon of I 'u.tid H u t c buoda;by Mr, AnJi-nun (IU

to mtobiWi a National ceuiei.ry at Qulney, I I I : by M.-. Mason (HI.), lo provide tor thu rvtlromenl ol t ' l i l le j Slt lea bondt before luaturlty; by JCr. L iu lu r (III. /. lo teal Ihe u-ieiu-e ol ipsil.DR-rvlortn, and to e.luMi.b U» acboola for thai purpoaa, bv Mr. 1'DVD.bend (lll.l, to retire National bank noiei and 10 bub.lllule Trousury iiolea tberelor . by Mr. McCoinos iMd.), to probibll •peculation by officer, ol National l ianklcj aa-loelat loat: by Mr. Rice tMluu.l. lo plaoelsm ber. ooal hihI a all on the free ll»t; by Mr. Kd-gore (Tex.i, i.bbllwh'UK 'tie Uix oil lobai-ro and tho duty 0 1 luml^r. coal. tall, wool and blanketa: by Mr. UorUery 1M0.1. placing all klnda ol wooi un the fre.- Hit; al.o lo repenl the law for the payoient of alloiuey fee .ou elaima for lacreate uf •lenkiun on tivount of inrrvate pf dliab. l l ty.

01111.-11 Noita

WAaiilM.ioN. J a n 11 1 he . 'enato J burs-day cunllrmed ihe iiuiiiliiatlon uf K. (I.

I l loyne lu be h p u i u l a n ul merchniiillNu at I Chlcatru an l lli-nton .) Hall, uf luwa, to lie I Cummlaaluner ol I 'n lei i la | WAHiUMnox. J a n I,-| j ho romuvul uf ' I . iw Clerk l/- l lamea, of the Inter ior Do-| p s r tmen t . by Secretary l.-iinsr contlnueil t o I lie theaiibl I a goo<l ileal ol dlacuwlon. | Congri'iuiiiian Weaver, if Iowa, aays lie will : oiler n teMiltlUun ol inveatl^atlon un le r i I the President taken 1. Hun Tbe charge la

uponly mm c t i n t the M-mnval by Lamar | waa for the puriioaeof making f r lemls with j thn laiul-irr nt railroad |ieiipln Another | poMlble reaaun fur the removal uf l«t Parnee

by Lamar, luateail ut leaving linn lur Vilas I to la-head, la uuiila nod In the fact t h a t | Vila* wu*. nntll ap]N>int. d I 'oHiuaster .pres-' Ident ul t h e Sii|N-riur l.iiinlter Cuuipany,

mIium- (lib t 1 t inber pr<i|H'riy l i : l larncs and Spirka hml duulure I iivulld

| Wasiiini.ius. J an . 10 - l u e Huua j Coin-' mlt tee mi K ccIIuuh iioa declile.1 nut lu n : -u|icii the T b o e b e . r r lale cum-, hut lu con-llrm Cnitla.e'e t i t le to hla e e i t Tile vo te waa l ' . ' lu the uttlruiallve—three liieinbeis not votlnir.

Wa"HI>iit..s Jan 17 —•'pcaker Carlisle , ban noi lR-i-n well fi r .eral d a y s I / iat

evening while al d i n n e r al Ihe lllugaHuitae lie waa taken sudden y i.ihI a^rluii 'ly 111. and reai-hed h » r-iom « . h lliu utniosidlltlt-iilly. Dr. S u w e o pruiluiime.l the al tnek a chill of the cuuge.t v.- i irder mid adnilob>tered t h e proper n u d l -in . and adviMil Speaker

; .i. keop IJlil.-i to) neveral day*, u.i he was lu ; g r e a t need of r.-at und hla nervbua sy i tom I great lv Impaired T b e 1l.11-m uf Mr Carlisle | will duuhtleaa p r e v e n t bun f ruin pres iding | over the Hon-. • fo r thu nex t few d a y s ' WaSHIKoton. J a n 1 7 - Mi. U'Dunnell (Ulcb. 1 ha" p repared n bill provldlni; t h a t

, a f t e r July 1 the pos t age ou city k-tu-ni, 1 w hero the syal j in of f r e e delivery s es tab . I liahed. thall be Ilx»<l i.t the rate of one ccut . per onnce or f n o Ion thereof.

Tlielr l lu . luaaa Itnliie I.

1 (^r, pAL-t Minn , J a n I S —Uf Interest lu railway circles la l i ie acl lun of tlie Mlnnu-npolia i SL Loula Kallluad Company in tbel r let ter lu tin- li illroad Commlrs oners

| o f Minnesota -u fu rn luz them tha t the i r I c t lon h;.a rubied the cotii|iany'a litislnesa.

| Tbe autlun re fe r red to was u rul ing baaed , un the ' l o n g uud shor t haul datiae ut the ' State law,

f l u m e . In n r r l i i l ln i ; Oltb-e. > ChIiaoo. J a n l.*>- Tup hitlldlng in thu | rear 0(11*8 Clark atr.-et bitrued Kridayjulght, 1 causing a lonn of ijC.I.OlM). It wa> occupied

by u bumber uf pr in t ing llrma, electro-typers und a t e r o t y p e n and the l inks bakery. Tbe prinolpal liwera am Tif fany

i , l C o . prinU-ra; Oeorge T. Hallo, e lcclni-tyi>er; aud 11. II. Kob'Ha-il. baker.

i Wl i l t t l r r In Iht* C 'uiuml I ' rople . I Wahiiimiion. J a n 17 —John 0. WUHUcr,

lb a iutter Ui the colored cl t | /euu here, ro-aiioudlug to It iuT rouirrntulallouK on bit

j HOth birthday, • ay . ; *1 atand atiissod a t j t h e rapid strldea your |ivop!e huve m a d e | alnou emauelpat l ' iu , ' and lu oloslui.' predicts | fo r tbe race a fu ' l e r .110111 lu tho h u u o n aud | uianngciueut uf the atlalra nt ua l ionx

H o u t h r r n v r . 0 | i | i i i . ed to Tar l i r I tp ronu, Axmnox, Ala . J a n ;7.—Thu ei t ixunaof

1 Calhoun County have adupUMl a memorial 1 asking CougreM for the apeedy rujieal o l

t h e luterual r e v e n u e l a w . uud urKcntly deprocal lug any teduc t lun of the tar l f l , ujion the irruund t h a t It will lucreaao ra the r t han dlmlnlah the eurp ' .m in t h e Treasury.

n i m c k AkbIu.I 1 lie Marb lne . , Lout tv iMe, Ky.. J a n III —All t h e pr inters

on the Ixmlavlllu Cui>rici--./'iiirKiil utUce but three struck l l iu raday n igh t becauae a man formerly employed ou the New Vurk Iribuir w-as brought lu Instruct them In thu u<o uf type-aett lng mnchlnes The i i iaimgoment was prepared, aud tliled the a t r lker . ' places

I with new m e n

Kar lbqui thea III the Huullk 1 Ciiaiii I ' , .Jan 111.—An ea r thquake | shock w as fel t here yea t en l i y nuirnlng. but | no damage Wis dune lliapatchea f rom j Charlulto, N C.; Suvanuah, ( i a , und Sttm-j ni t rvl l le aud Colnmbls , ihla State, say ahurp

shocks wore fel t , and In the Inl l-r place builu-uifi were severely shaken

f i r e In r i i l m g a . ' Chicaoo. Jan. 17 — Ihe seven atory bulld-| lug at Na L'Hn Dearborn street waa de-

stroyed by lire laat n igh t ; lo- . . JCIO.OOO; Insurance, i^ l s .ooo . The I 'n lon tyim

I foundry w-aiUh" jfrc ilea- loser Tbe two ! adjoiningbii l l i l inua » o i e bui in t l tell days 1 ago

| Mule . |{i | |ml In a It illuiiy ( nlllaluu. 1 I'Akts, Ky., Jnu 17.—At Cunningham Sta-

t ion Snnduy u igh l l«-ii lint cars wero run Into by a freltrht t ra in , ono of l b - l lal-

j c rashing th rough s box cur luuded with ] mules, and »,x i-eti of tho twei i ty- three au-; Imuls being killed T h e muloa were valued | at f a . o o u

Uuwu uii S i n k e . nnd Bayeo t l . . | P c o u u , 111, J an . Hi.—The Trades Pedera-1 Uon, In s e n l u n here yns terday | declared ! striken and boycut a a fut ure lot a means uf , rodri-Miliig working-men 's griovaiu-ca, aud , said tha t the bullul wan Ihe ouly uuru r em. , •<»>

Highly l l o r . e a I tu ined to I tentl i . I Mkiuokn. C u n a , J a n l i — T b e barns of . the Hurse lUl l road Company lu this ci ty 1 were horned Tuesday night, a n d four teen I oars wore consnmud ami eighty hureun per-

ished In the tlum a Ui-k. i|>TA,0(M

An Alubauia T . a s r i l v . I Anxiktos. Ala.. J i n . H.—W. I! \Mlllauia, ' propr .otor uf the IVrker l ions- , und P. l l { Kvans alio! each •• her dead In the bulel , oflloo Thuia lay. Tw o hyibindera wero 1 wounded

Twm Mure IttwtUa. i Hohiox. Jan . 1:1.—t wo pi-rsona wounded I In the railway aec .den l near l lavcnl l . Muma, 1 died Thuraduy, iiiiiklnx twelvu v i c t i m s 1 Two o t h e r sufferera ar • no; ex|H-ctcd to re-


D e a t h of * Nuleil Unllgliiii. I ldl tor , | N tw V011K, J an. U . Itov. Dr. Alfred S. 1 I ' s l tou. the edi tor n n J owner uf t h e lla/i-j Hit W frklg. d ied Thursday murn lng at the { ros ldcuceut hla aon-lu l w In l l ruok lya

t i lven t |i fur l .u . l , I Hobton. J a n III -Tho 11 oinieater tlnhing I soboouera WllHiim I'si-auua and I 'e ter 1). j Smith, ea -b c u n v l n g crews u[ twelve muu,

have boon give • u p lur bi b

Ki l led In h t ' l i i i reb. La)ni>os, J a n M — \ p iniu iHientred In a

ohurah lu Sou h T . v f Ibuia.lay t b i o u g h a woman lalliltnit 1! i;li. iNtrsous wufe orushed lo dea th und uiiiiiy Inlured.

More I 'urk T h a n T b e ) H u n U hat lu Du Willi ,

iMUAKAl'ut.tn. l u . l . J .11 7 Thu doolluo 111 tlie e x p o r t it 011 of (Mirk snd the droiight uf last sU'inner have <hroHii npuu l i e marku l h u e :||..'i(MI.ihhi pounds of muat,

j whlub uwults ilumuiid lor sblpiniint. Thu atrumult t t lun s largaf ihun baa ever lieeti known l u r e be fu ro

• l i e j y Mrlek ' i i , 1'AIIIH. J u n 17 - b x I ' na lden t l i revv aof-

farod a s t roke of upop le i i liu.t Monday. , He haa alliee lieeti conllned lu hla bed.

and his pbyslolan baa Iwen visiting bltii twice daily. I l l sooudi t lou . . a s k e p t s o u r o t

. a* long us puns,bin Thb- t . tlie seooud " l^plocl lu attiu-k the et- l ' realdnnt ha* hml.

Assicnvii. | Nkw Vobk. J a n 17,—Amusi Lyon, niauu-, faunirer ul uinbreUns at (in I llrund-vay, ; Hindu un naaliMimeut vestorduv. I . w u

oscsed by t h e fai lure 01 VV. H D-forest . the allk inerchant . to whom be lunueJ noteii. est imated In the t r ade to umuiint in tbe ag .

I gregate to ^IMI.HIKl

A I V r l r r l l a . I . PiXTaSt-uoH. PH.. Jim. 17—The grea t

Hteul BUII. which was cast wilhl a l tba r i l i a b u m b Su-el C sUiik Coiojiany's works lust Weilucadav. waa taken f iom the in Id yesterday aud found to lie i ierfoot

AajH-n, Col., atiffereil a I ru loan of #13 , -. IKMl Moudav i j - . lu i ,

I I « i Z i : N T O D K A T I I .

O v o i - O n o H i . t n l r o i l P o - n o n a P o r i B h

I i t h o R o o o n t S n o w - t j t o i n i .

Tvr r lb le s l i i i lo . nl siilf-i lug In Ihe Nor lh -we.I T h e I ' a la l l ' l e . Wl thuu l a I ' r e e -

r . l r i i l - T b e H u r . t Not \ > i I'olly II hum n.

AN- AW f t I. III-A7II l:ol I.

Cnii ai.o. .luii. 17 —Thegrea t s turm which swept o v i r Me en t i r e I rom tho NorihweKt lust week h a . I teen fulluw-ed by a Ire, u the like id which haa nut lieen ex-| ier lrnced aine" l ie ineii iorab e winter of ISUl l h " urea uf iiiiuanal culd haa been general . • xtendlii); Irom t h e ext reme nor th-ern Hue ot te legraphic coinmuul ia t lon us far wmtli as T.-x ia und tbe gul l States.

Kx reiuu HiilT^r u / ia reporleil f iom all dlroctluiia, e.peclul v in Minin -iitu. Da-kulu. Munluna and Nibrnaka. where many live, hnv" Ufen lu» lu Kuniuta Ihouaanda are mil r ug lor want of l.uth tiiel und luuil. an I in auine cuiiiil.es aid la ncc lcd lo save uiuny f ium i c ual altuvallun. The atorui. while ul cuura" |.y« n-vere lu Arkuu.u-, Texas uud otl .er Southern Slates, still tuund the p . ople t l iere unprepared fo r It, uud inoch sutterin-j ii'..u'Uid. • rupi and live stuck liuvu everywl-. i . -mif1 red more or l e . . li.*<

Dt'l.i vtK li. . Jon. 17.—The mercury register! d ::.'i uud -III b- iuw in this ci ty Saturday night. Tida in t h e culdea. weather kuuwu Li-n- lor twenty- l ive yisix, Orea t sufferlnir!» r- j - i r i r l I rom the prairie. All f re ight traiua on roai s leading out of this ci ty i ri- ubuudoned. S< vernl i tuUinccs of loss i .i 1. He are rc |Hir t 'd . but no par-t lculars a re g . v e n

Sr. Pa i l . Minn , Jan . 17 —'ihe ful luwlng table Is cumpded Irum t h e very luteal r e . por ta of dea th by the r e c e n t severe s to rm: Dakota tf! Mlnmuita . . . . i . Nebraska . . . i ; Iowa « Moul.iiia a

Total dead , , i * Mlsilng is

Wltiiln a radius of lilty miles a roond Ysnktuii. D T . tbe lu-s uf .-nltle, burses and nLc.-p w 111 aggrega te ,.',IH«) he iiL ll la almoai liiipos.-ble to es t imate Ihe n u m b e r w h o s u t l e m l the losa of limbs, b u t It Is safe to c i icu la te tlial illHI unlor t i iuates will suffer t b s low uf arnin or leg*

CiltcAO.i. Jan. 17.—Thu low-e«t t h e r m o m -eter record Sunday niiriit. *outh of Mani-toba, was al Sparta, Wis .'>(! degreea lic-low t ro. In t ils city at (1 a. iu. yentcrday It inaikisl 11 lielow ; ut He'ena. M T . I l l ; Fort Keogli, M T , ll'J; Ulnnaick. D 1'.. •Jtl-Des Moluen, In,. I>; Lenvenu-orth, Kun , 10; Donv.-r. C u l j t l ; Mu'i-'ooad. Minn., -.'K; St. J 'snl . M o n . •Jll; l a Crosse. WI&. IIS; MHw-uke •. Wi«., 2 0 ; F.noinabj, Mich., UA

Hei .r.A , M P . Jan . 17 . -T ip ; cold wave cont inue i Utiab:ileil th ioughoi l t Muulnn.i, the t b e n u o m e t - r rati g in . ' from JO to :I8 du-g ro t s bulow se ra Local t rams are run-ning, but there have been no throi tgb mulls for live d a y s There Is un u b u n d a n o of snoove r -d g r a n ou t h e rungea, and but l i t t le aulfering iu t h e ca t t l e henls la re-por ted

MlLWAi-Kce. Wis. Jiiil i s . - T h e terrillc oold continues, nnd tbe >v..»-her at prcseiit Is the severest kuun-n i ui iuv yearx City thermum. -.urn nntlalen d ull thu way f rom IS to2 t l degrees beluw z ro yesterdliy moru-Ing The rullr.md t ra ins a re Irum t w u t o n i x hours l-ehlnd time on all of the roads, nnd e v e n Height train lu Wjaconain wna huh-pended Suuduy niirhL In the uuf iheru par*, uf t b e Stale fuitr feet of snow is re-p o r u d und farmers mi I others a re suffer-ing itnia' bordi l rpi t

E v a w o n . I l l , Jan . 17. The Uienuome-tM at I ills place ranged all the «uy f r o m 1(1 to l U d u g j u s be'ow t i. , Sunday morning, and f ioai l . ' i lo 'JO lielow yes : . rday morn-ing. This la about the r.mite le |Kirt ' -dalong the I k—nhore regign Iwlween Milwaukee and C ibngo.

I I k i iux - j CtSTtti W | . . J.III, 17. —The thcruioai i vet y .ol . id iy n.-gbtered ."."i de-grees ! eluw leru

Cuiri'tWA 1'ai.i.-. a - . Jan. 17.—Satur-day and Sunday in- . wero the coldest ever known lu h i .--muu Sunday a t s a in. the a p m l thiMii, i t - r s imllcated .".0 below mill ut I'J m. below W s t e r d a y morn 11/ 11 ramred f r o m ."i." to (;•_• below-. T ra in , at.! still I rregnlar The (KHircom-mlssloui-n t i e besieged with uppeals und tho puur-houio Is i rowdyd .

Cijntos. l a . J o n 17,—Mercury touched 3 2 below Sunday n igh t . U l l tu . m n s -tcrday U * c i y j . Many liih-rraph wire , have boeu broken by thecu ld . Nu deathr. ore reporu-d

St I^t-ts , Jan. 17.—Telegrams f r u m Texas announoo t h a i thu worst blizzard eve r known in t h a t Sta te has hocu raging, ex tend ing far south in to the cent ra l nec-t l u n The mercury in the v.cinlty of Waco nnd Corslcana drop|ie. l to dugi ees below-z e r o - t i n impreo-den ied low- register. Between Knnls and ' o i s i - m a nearly 3 0 0 hi a d o ! entile of a le-rd ' c 11c dr iven f r o m tlie pr.ilrli s for she l te r Iro/.u to deatll, and ul Ken-us, l .u.wneu Coislcana und Waco, a i; rue n u m b e r more diiil All rail-road Irutlic is delayed neriously, and the gonerul suffering is grea t , purtu-uluriy In tho prair ie regions 1- is leared tho loi,. uf bunikii life will be a Vere.

Jackson, M'.sa, Jan . 17 —Th coldest wea the r of the season preval ed ihrongbont Uiu Stuto. ex .euding i s ta r souib us Sum-mit. T h e e a n h is covered w.i 1 sb-vt. suow and leu.

War uii l b . l iulglila. QUEUEc, C a n . J a n I."i - Un account of tbu

late pr inters ' s t r ike newvpain-r proprie tors here will pelltlun I 'arlluuient lo declare ibo order of Kulghtn of l .aUir Illegal, Cardinal Taschere11u.il Isb.-lleved. wul denuoy thu organizatluii In Can id 1

I ' r o d u c i of Lake Siitierlur «r . - Mlnrn, CBlOAdo, . lun I.V—During l s h 7 tho L'iko

Superior Iron lulnes produeisl l.i'iil7.II.VJ tons of ore. and t b e to t a l sh ipments for tho yenr show an tucrui.ae of l.OIN• tons over ISSH.

I nil


; 1 W

V W 'S 1 » 'll 4 «l U 1 n

T H E M A R K E T S .

New VoitK, Jau. if. LIVE BTOC'K-Cutlle f-j a l t a w

Sheep 4 no t i S T5 Horn 5 Si w 5 TJ

FWtJK—(iood lo (Itlu i r 4 .Vi ijt 1 10 l ' - teut« . . J Ci tt » 10

WHKAT—Nu. 5 Keil , . uu Nu. S Siirmg 'JUL-it '.'It

COHN . . . ttuji OATB-Su .« White KVK—We.lern Ml <t _. P O H K - M o n 1-. i|XI* VI LAiiD—Hteaui T v. , ; u; CHF.KSK IP, '. l»it WOOL—Doine.lie <0 J Sf

CHICAOO. HEKVER—Shipping sidi r .

T - J s n . Cows Htorkers l lutcbrr. blork luletior I St lie

H O t l H - l . o e - l imnl lo I 'lio.i e 8HRKI* HUTTKIl-H're m ien

(lood to Cliulie Duirv EflUB—Krii.h FLOL'H—Winter..

Bprlng Patents

(IBAIN—Wheat. No. •; Com. No. # Huts, No. 1 Hye.No. e. . Hurley. No. . ,

HHOOM COIIN— Self-working Hurl Crooked . , ...

IWATOKS—(uu.l l*ORK—HeM LAltll-SieaBi L U M H t R -

Oommcn dre*se<l siding, . Flooring. . . . . Couimou I t j a n l . Fencing l.xlh Bbtnglos

EAST LIUKltTV. CATTLE f i 00 ffi 5 a

Fair 10 Oood 41?. 14451) HOOS—Yorkers 3J i to

rblladulphiut i 0u « 5 IJ SHEEP—Beit 4 T5 -

Common. 3 iu HALTIMOKE.

id a

14 wis iT!i : 7 TO

no uu a s i 03 t l t u &84 (KJ I S * ' 318 W lu 50 a i 3 -.j

a A ."1 VrAS4*. •'ATTI.E—lie.t 14 Ti a 500

Medium 8 (0 1 3 4! boos 5 ? S SHEEP—Pi<jr to Choico.. s 00 3 e w


\ V < ; h a v e j u s t r c c d v c d .1 ( "me l i i u ; <if

D R Y G O l O I) S both in

Staple and Fancy

D R E S S G O O D S .

\ \ (! would kindly exteiKiiiii invitation toall tocoinc and examine our stock, b'-fore purchasing elsewhere.

W e have a Fine Line of Specialties in

B l a c k D r e s s G o o d s .

l n j l mlenvear and Hosiery \vc can Suit You All,

Both in Quali ty and Price.

IN STAPLE DRY GOODS we can suit all classes of trade, as our

S T O C K I S C O M P L E T E .

G. W . H A T C H , W e s t S ide . - L o w e l l , Mich .

W . B U H L , & G O . ,

146 and 148 Jefferson Ave., I D E T I R O I T .

W e h a v e rii-i n t l y o | n - n » l a Ui-tnil U f p a r l m c n t in c o n n e c t i o i i w-ith o u r W h o l e s a l e Busi-

ness m i J a r c n o w p repa red lo o f f e r

Great Bargains o



a n i l I l ie I - i l ea l Cl io ice Nuve l t i e i III Imis i r t e i l

Muffs. Boas. Seal Hats, Caps GLOVES, Etc.

O u r S t o c k is t h e I'iiiest a n d M o s t E x t e n -s ive in t h e C o u n t r y . O u r f a c i l i t i e s f o r t n a n u -f a c t u r l n i ; a n - uns i i r j iaased . W e g n a n t i i l e e (Quality a n d F i t .

WALTl-K BUHL & CO., liii |itirtor.s a n d M a m i f a c t u r e r s of

F I I S T E F X T P I S ,

1 -US Al 1 4 S . l o f f l b r s o i i A v e . ,

D K T I J O I T , M I C H .

Headquarters for Boots and Shoes. Howk & Bostwiek car ry ' the Largest and Best Stock in town. T h e only firm in

town that sells the

C e l e b r a t e d J m n o s M e a n s $ 3 . 0 0 S l i c e


" T h e Old R e l i a b l e , " B A N K B L O C K - L O W E L L M I C H ,

rTTSj ..* ' W j U I T -

run ALLKIMiaur

" ' BRITISH HORSES. K.r.lKMl. i; nion.r. la Lull llrr.4.

GALBRAITH BROS. , Of jAxr»vii.i.K. Wis., ban' ini-imfteil iliirtlui tlio imnwiu ps*i>..'ii over <tM> Niu l l lun . iiirliiilii u ClYDESOALE, ENDIISH SHIRE,


Man (iilto vliililuK. lntli ' I s - . H.vlt Imperie-I I'V i" Uisii in) thredBmii in Amines.

superior In ' - ' - fa.|ilnaiM(i ri- 'i.-ree. ami alliluanuiti •••i n w l en vili-rs. I'n -n m J f rn .* >ult evoryboilr. VlnlturteiirUWll) luviteu. ^l'^tl I ' i ' ('•wl'.irw.


gsRistereilPereheron Horses 1 FRENCH COUCH HORSES. Itni-irlnrii ami Bwar tm of reroheron H o r ' ' ,'.'1' 21 , ' en,: |s l .« v l l UOXK STOt K F I B S . tin-, .s I s i U u ' . n . - u . . MMi All r- rel- rwsRv„-i«sml ip Prrclier. v - - , 1 rramv»D.l AnK-rlea. Krom two to thr.-. hun^r t i l - lect irom Wo tfiuta-.:!-'mir , ^ • w 11 uo ICn-r Tennk. VhtlMn- .•'•• .-Free. A-Uixi. S f t V A G E & F A R N l ' M . D e t r o i t . ' . V e x

Page 2: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1888/01_January/01-20... · 2016-10-20 · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME xxm. Office in Train's Opera House Block. LOWELL,

L O W E L L J O U R N A L r m u s u i n EVIRT Tormriiv. IT

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H .

J . D . E L L I N W O O D .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $ 1 . 0 0 a Y e a r .


ltr&i>on«lilr anil made known on n|i|illoallon OT'AIIMIIII foradrtrtUiiK pajrablr iiuanrrlj

G E O R G I A R E V O L T S .

SENATOR Dron-n, of Georgia. Tucnday spoke HIP prevai l ing Mnt imenU f the Bouthern detnocrncy.whon lie done inccd tho internal t ax Ia\v8 ax U'lng lioHlile In the Kpirit of o u r government anil of out iofttitutionH, anil only JiHtilialilc l>y ex-Iraordinnry rmergencics. It if d u u U f n l whe the r Mr. Cleveland is capidile of comprehend ing t h e extent of thu blow t h a t ^ a ^ given lo his rash and crude as-saul t on the sys tem of protection by J o h n HhemianV mas te r ly speech. But he can nndein tand the solidity and for-mldablences of t h e opposition to his Free Trade schemes, tha t b s o forcibly repre-sented b y the incontestable f a t t and

unanswerab le a rgumen t s of t h e Georgia Senator , w h o sjieaks for Southern enter-prise and industr ies as well as for the Democrat ic principles of bis region.

Mr. Cleveland knows very l i t t le about Jefferson, bu t he knows t h a t Jefferson s n a m e and au thor i ty are |>owerful in Ihe South and tha t no Democrat ic President can persuade Soul h e m Democrats I h a :

Sena tor Brown U not expound ing an-cient par ty principles when he can say. as h e does, wi th t r u t h , tha t 'T re s iden t Jefferson, in his first a n n u a l m e u a g i , recommended tlie abolition of the inter-nal revenue sys tem and dicussed ihe principles involved with master ly abii

i t y . This f a t h e r of tho Democracy urg-ed re j^a l because there was no emergen-cy to J i s t i f y the con t inuance of inle r-nal taxes no r to war ran t the taxat ion of industries t o accumula te treasure. Con-gress prompt ly repealed these laws and did away w i t h t h e a rmy of unnecces-sary ofllcers. Mr. Jefferson, coinment-i n g upon t h e system, said there had al -

ready begun tha t progress of domicllary vexMion which once entered u|ion. m

scarcely to be restrained f r o m reaching successively every an i c l e of produce a n d profi t ."

Nor will it be pleasant for Mr. Cleve-land to find that in re turn fo r his loose declamation against ' 'monopolies" be has furnished Ihe Georgia Senator with the chance to direct his ugly fire against one of the meanes t , most dangerous and

most noxious of "monojHdies," viz., ihe powerfu l " W h i s k e y King," whose very existence depends on tho cont inuance of t h e whiskey t ax . And Sena tor Brown

shows tha t t h e main tenance of Ihe " R i n g " by the tax i* not in t h e interests of temperance , but qu i te t h e reverse. His f a d s are simply conclusive on t h u point. ••The production of 16?;," nays Mr. Brown, " added to the stock in bond at the beginning of the year , gave near ly

two and a qua r t e r gallons t o each man . woman and child in Ihe coun t ry . No other system will keep more 01. hand to tempt tho people, or keep so much when

t h e owner has lo protect his good.- at his own expense. Georgia lias paid since t h e war , unde r the In te rna l Revenue law, |22,750,000 into tho Federal Treas-ury , or about f 1,000,000 a year. This would almost pay the a m o u n t ot direct t ax levied by the Stale government ot Georgia fo r i u own suppor t and leave

t h e f a rmers and plantat ions, live stock and property almost free f rom taxation. Under S t a t e control offenders would In-

tried in the i r own counties, and there would bo a correction of t h e abuses of t h e present course of j u s t i ce . "

B e a n n g i n n n n d tha t iu over three-for ths of the counties of Georgia 1'rohi-bilion Is enforced by t h e authori t ies thereof. Senator Brown's fac ts have all the greater significance nnd conclusive-ness.—A". }'. Mail ami Etpreu.

I s speaking of Mr. Carlisle's apjwint-ments on committ ies, our Washington correejKindenl says;

A New ' iork member w h o is a s t rong supporter of the Adminis t ra i ion, was qu i te empha t i c in his denuncia t ion of t h e Speaker. H e excla imed: W h y he has given everything to t h e South and lef t us ou t in the eold. In looking over t h e lists I llnd this to be Ihe fac t . There are M commit tees , and of this number t h e Sou the rn S ta tes have t h e cha i rman, ships of 32 which would r a t h e r confirm the New York member in his assertion. Missouri has t h e t h a i r m a n a h i p of live commit tees , 31a sachuset ls one, Arkan-sas lias thrt-e cbuirmanshii is . the great S ta te of Iowa only one. Georgia has four a u d Minnesota none. Texas has three a n d >\ isconsin only one. 1'ennsyl-van ja , t h e keystone State has only two while K e n t u c k e y has four . And so 1 might go on Uirough the en t i re list and show the part ial i ty of a Speaker, w h o pretends to desire to blot ou t all section «U»tn- I do not wonder t ha i Northern and Western men use l anguage In d u -cusing this condition of affairs tha i would indicate a forget fulness of earlv Sunday School t raining.

Tills question of wages is the core of the tariff a rgumen t . C m »teel rails

m a n u f a c t u r e d hen- stand for belter-paid labor t h a n the English rails. Al every s tage of tlie complex proct-ss of

conver t ing t h e raw mater ia l of the mines into the finished product , higher wages have been |>aid t i Amer ican workmen than corresponding classes of foreign workmen receive. The Uri i l protect* tlie miners , the handlers of tlie ore in sh ipment by rail or water , and even-g roup of mechanics employed in fur-nice, foundry and rolling-mill . At every stag.- Islwr is protected and wages raised above thu Eun)|ieaii level. The finished product lepresents U t te r , jrtid laltor all the way f rom the mine t o the road-lied where t h e rails are laid.

The t endency of Democrat ic legislation is to lower the clandard ot wog«* in

every field of industry. Republican leg islators have always protected A m e r i -can '.abor nnd will cont inue to do so.

SOME of t h e f ree t r ade Democratic newspapers a r e f rank enough to a d m i t tha t t h e only reason w h y the internal revenue sys tem is not a t t acked by t h e adminis t ra t ion is because i u abolition would abolish the su rp lus nnd take a w a y the excuse which t h e surplus gives fo r a t t ack ing the tariff . Producers , m a n u f a c t u r e r s and work ingmen know w h a t to expect .

THE r i g h u of the industr ies of a c o u n t r y to tai iff protec tion is being oddly i l lustrated now by Mexico, which pro-

poses to put a heavy export d u t y on na t i ve iron ore, so a s t o keep it in the c o u n t y and promote t h e smelt ing in-dus t rv .

FRKK ir.ule must inevitably lower wages, for wi thout cheaper labor Amer-ican manf sc tu r e r s cannot cont inue to comjiete wi th foreign rivals if the tariff IK- scahd down. The Democratic pa r ty is now commit ted to the policy of " r a id ing" t h e tariff and thereby an-tagonizing the interests of working people. Higbt-minded men. who believe t h a t the x landa id of wages should lie ns high as possible, should labor all I his year for the t r iumph of the Republican par ty .

LAUAII is a Supreme Court Jus t l c , by t h e grace of Riddleberger, Stewar t nnd Stanford . Out upon such republicanism ns theirs. Thei r const i tuents should see to it lhat those genl lemen never again "ofl icial ly" see Washington.

Till: J ackson Fair , which some people would lik" to have called the Michigan S la te Fair , will b - held al Jackson . U -g ipn lng Sept. 10.

MRS. C L E V E L A N D ' S N O T E S .

How I lit* rrrnl(lr i ir« WtCr Allrnd* lo I l r r llrn%r C'arrr«poii(lrnrcc

It is a rule rarely, if ever, broken in nny of flic depn r tn i en i - and bu reaus of the G o v e n n n e n t at W'as' i inglon a< well as in ihe Execu t ive .Mansion thai all le t te rs received which do noi in them-selves violate ihe ru le of courtesy, shall he answered in some nianner , even if only lo . i i k . o u l. 'dgo ihe fuel t ha i they were received.

Mrs. Cleveland, on whom no official ob l iga t ions rest, voluniari ly fol lows this rule of rep ly ing lo all the l e t t e r s she receives, so fa r as is jiosslble. She Is very prompl , lop, iu wr i t ing her a n -swers lo l e t t e r s whonever | i racticable, anil has r e m a r k a b l e facl l i ly In express-i n g hciself in a fe« words, while seeming to say all t h a t is necessary . H e r handwr i t i ng , while as slylish In appen rance a s lhat of the ul tra* fashionable qui l l -pon-af lec t ing scrawl-ers, I« slill (unlike Hint of Ihe ladies of t h a t class) perfect ly legible. She does not lay herself open to tho c h a r g e n br ight man recent ly p re fe r red aga ins t tho fash ionable women whose wr i t ing no one can easily read , if at all, lo-wit : that, " n o t k n o w i n g how to spell, they purposely write so tha t the i r fa i lu res In o r t hog ra -p h y can not be readi ly d e f e c t e d . "

A gent lonian who was taken t h rough tho While House by Mrs. C leve land last w in te r s a w her p r iva t e desk piled 1 igh with l e t t e r s she had received, and said to her :

"Surely yon d o n ' t expect to a n s w e r all of those?"

"Indeed, I d o . " she responded. "Al l these persons have wri t ten to me in good fai th, nnd are doub t l e s sexeo l l en t people, who will app rec i a t e a rep ly dlrcot ly f rom me. I wouldn ' t hu r t the i r feeling* or disappoint Iheni for t h e wor ld . "

H i e official no te-paper used in t h e P rosh l imrs offices has " E x e c i l l v e Man-sion, Wash i i i g to i i , " pr inted in smal l bine le t te rs a t the head of the p a p e r ; and on Ihe upper left-hand corner of tho envelope, beneath "Execu t ive M a n s i o n , " in the same c h a r a i t e r s as on the noto-paper . is the word "Off ic ia l ." The pa | ie r used Is smooth, some thick, so ineth ln , but all lough.— Harper') Jhirar.


An ElMlr lmi Inrrntlnn of CutKlderabl* MlllUry Value.

Smoke will nerlalnly play an im-por t an t pa r t in Ihe wnr fa ro of tho fu tu re . Last yea r at Milford H a v e n and this y e a r In Langs tone H a r b o r it was ar t i f icial ly c rea ted in l a rge quan t i t i e s In o r d e r lo form screens be-hind which a t t a c k i n g forces might , unobserved, a p p r o a c h wiihln r a n g e of to r t s and bat ter ies . On each occasion r a f t s laden with conibiisilblefl were set on fire nnd floated into position f rom which Ihe wind carr ied the s m o k e in a more o r less dense cloud In Ihe di rect ion of the defense. On Ihe other hand , ever s l nco the Int roduct ion of modern o r d n a n c e nnd rapid rifle-fire, it has been felt tha t the huge vol-umes of smoke w hich would bo belched for th d u r i n g n bntf le of tho p iesen l day would p robab ly prevent the usoof big g u n s to the best a d v a n t a g e . Smoke, in fact , may, accord ing to c i i t u m -stai ices, bo e i the r a g r e a t ass ls lance ••r a g r a v e Impediment In war fa re . The ideal s l a t e of th ings is. of course, one in which the product ion of smoke -liall be oonlroled. so tha t ei ther a c lear a tmosphere or a clouded one may, as need may nri ie, be c r e a t e d a r o u n d a b a t t e r y or sh ip in aet ion. Th i s ideal has now, lo some extent, been a t ta ined. It is f o u r d lhat smoke, as it issues f rom tho miir.-zle of a heavy gun , can bo a lmos t In-s f an t aneous ly prec ip i ta ted by m e a n s of a s imple electrical a p p a r a t u s . Tho invontiou Is based upon the researches of P r o f . Tymlal l , Lord Rayleigh nnd Prof. L-Mlge in the act ion of electr ici ty upon floating dus t and va|>or; and It should l)e of considerable mi l i ta ry value.—Nl Jama' On telle.

Nut V«it (tut nt Ilia Toll*. CHICAOO. Jan. 17 .—Will iam J. Gsl la i thet

w a a r c l c s a i d Irom tin- Jo l l e t iwDtteut iary Kunday, a u d Is n o w in c u a U x l y a t P inker -ton'a s x e n o y o n tliu c b a r g e of for i fery ' n

I 'ennar lvunln tl int wan iwudlui ; mtalum blui s t t h e t lmu of til* s e n t e n c e for eoin|il lelt)-lu t b e K l g l i t c v u l b Want e l e c t i o n (ratuK

I'arlnlied In Ihe i ' lmiir ' . b m i H E X V i u x , I)., Jan. IT. Cain's Variety

Theater a n d I'nln'a Hotel »<ue burned Mon-day e v e n i n g . A n n s B e v o e . a n octreaa, per-labed In t h e llanu<>. anil o ther irueata s t tbe hotel hail narrow cm; .pus. 'rite p e r f o r m e r s lo»t tbe lr wardnil><-«

IteruM-il lu Aicrpt l.i>Hi-r W * f . Tito*, X Y., Jan 17 —The uni|ilu)'eH of

the T r o y Stee l 4 Iron Co n p a n y rcfuaed to s c c e p t a m t u i ' t l u n of 10 |M-r c e n t pro-poaeil h v Ihe c o i n | any . and all t h e worka will be L-IIMMI The eon ipuny paid if I (Ml,-(XH) a m o n t h In Ha^ea

Mr- r a r n e l l ' a Idaaa .

B c u t i s . Jan. 17.—In a n l u l « r r l « w j e i t i r -day W . i ' a m e i l aald t h a t suub diaacDSluns e i l i i e d In t h e ( i u v e t u i n r i i t p a r l y t h a t a crlala mlKbt o c c u r a l Bny Uiue Id l b s n e x t a«8slou o v e r Enxl lah ((uealluni. H e urged t b e Parnfu. l tea to . .vcl l . tat) U o r e r n n m n t bunfni-an and avo id Ihe ebariti- of obatrne-U o a

Three Man KllUd. MlDDUTOWSt. N. V . . Jan . III. —Friday

n t g b t t b e abed n t U c b e d tu t b e ature uf J o h n M . E v e r e t t , a t U s n l n e r r l l l e , n i n e mi les south o f here , becuni iux uur^fn b y reason o l t b e s u o w o n thu rool . a n u m b e r o f men undertook t o brace It up, * b e n tl auddenly g a v e w a y . kUI ln? t h r e e s n d Injuring aeren .

Two Trains Collli a O n u i i W A . Ia.. Jan. 1 7 . — T w o tra ins were |

In eo l l la lon near h e r e S u n d a y n l e h t . both ; e u g l n e a b e i n g c o m p l e t e l y w r e c k e d . A Mr*-m a n w a s s c a l ^ c d t o death , a n o i j - r Qrenian a n d nn e n g i n e e r wero k i l l ed aud aert-ral j pasaeugera w e r e badly wounde-L

. 7 r«c i«a lti« w i u r a ih . Mii.si .NiC, Mich . Jun. 1 0 —'Ole Joe Lo-

g a n , * a I r spper a n d bnuUir, d i ed laat w e e k o n M a c k i n a c Island, on tb-i d a T a n d t n t h a f e i r In w h i c h be i iredlcled be abould pas s s w a y . H e was I'J y e a r s of a ^ a

AN O L D - T I M E H U S K I N Q - B E E .

"We'veKOI u matter •Icbl of corn this fall/ ' jald farmer Ru«kln:

-Enough lo keep me an" ihe boys nigh all this year a-huskln'.

What lime we'll hare at off odd spells from chores and wood a haulin'!

And If Ihe unow dot ' l Hy before it's done, f r e minted myiallin't

But. then, our new harn'a bli; < nouk'h to hold It in cold weather."

"/.•I i Aarr a hmHn't".*' cried Jamei and lit-tle John to/other.

"Do let us. pa." (.'himcd pretty Ruth, while Tally, gulrk contenting.

Dluth^l al Ihe thauglil of one who'd come— her glad heart hall relenting—

Hall conaclou* of a thrill of joy at William's •ad demeanor

Since walking home from slnglng tchool with lleulien Ih-an he'd teen her.

"Jutt at your ma tavt; her't Ihe work ahutkln' would IM- niuKin'.

K«r such a big and hungry crowd, 'twould take a lol o' hakln'!"

Wh:il mother's hrarl could toy ll nay lo lOTlnf ton and daughter.

Or long ignore the l>enrl»|. that worldly nltdom taught her'

For "many bsndt' would "make light wnrk;" Ihe hutkert' pile dlmlnlthrd.

Would leave slight toil for "Pa and boys" 'till all would toon lie llulshed.

Iltsldet "there't haughty Nancy Prall for Will lam's favor win' :

Nu belter match eould well be made—(there's no ute In drnyln'ti—

"Tlun Pally and Ihit nobh- youlh-sole heir to farm well tended.

Then there's 'Zek'el Alalthevton, s worthy youth. fori'liaiul«_;

If he thould—wi-ll. no matl'-r what; For man-ners lhat are rlanln'.

No sweeter girl than our dear Itiilh e'er turned a wncel a-splnnln't

Then Stephen. JonaMian and Jainri are shy—a little awkward.

At half grown boys are apt tu lie—though not In books are backward.

"Society of glrlt broui.-hl up like Ihe Muyltow-ert or Tanners.

Would help a -.Ighllitparl: them up and polish well their manners."

The vole was -yes," and, far and near, Ihe gui'tls were all Inrlled—

Forcountry cutlom ruled lhat none respects-ble bo alighted.

Tlie preparation lhat was made no pen eould well portray 11.

Itosst turkej-,- »pare rib."chicken ple-dhere 's better fare-who II tay ll!j

'•ItU cake." with tnowy frosting tpread— adorned with gayett colors-

Hug# doughnult ilirowneil Just to a turn). rookies, and bun*, and crullers.

And Indian puddings, tuch ut made unly by great-grandmotb' rt.

With good, eld faihlnni'd pumpkin plet, never exceled byothcrs-

Wllh all the goo<lie> c!d-llme art could mold, or knead, or Mir up.

And"app'.c sail." with qulncet mixed, ttewed well in elder tlrup—

'Till Farmer Hutkln loud declared ('twas true aa parson's preschln'!)

They'd got enough to feed Ihe folki from I.yme to Boston reoehln':

Or If they wlthed. In army phrase, the fact worded alone In:

"The whole o' lh' Continental troops, with wo'thlest reil-eoats thrown In!"

Around the unhutked pile of corn the motley crowd were gathered.

With many a bantering jest and joke. In laugh-ter well nigh imotbered;

Tlie lanterns hung along Ihe beami and mowa (with sweet hay laden)

Cast ruddy gleams on buxom twain and fair-faced. ro»y maiden.

And touched with gold the pumpkins huge, the rear, deep bay adorning.

While, hiuh aloft, crowed chanllcleer-thlnking It was morning!

Was It by chance, or by dctign. that Patty. tweet and blushing.

Found seated closely by her tide—each anxious bcart-fcnrhufhlng-

Forgiving William! Jutt below, with Ill-con-cealed endeavor.

The jealous Nancy vaguely tmlled on s rejected lover.

Whether by ptychologlc power or love's, we will not query.

Hut 'Zeklel lingered near to Ituth as though he ne'r would weary:

While pretty Molly Standlih looked like an Im-prisoned fairy,

Bsadwlched between brave Harry Hale snd hsndsome Franklyn Perry,

Two rival lovers, withlng anmewhere else were the other-

She, all uneontcioui of ihe fact, treats each one like a brother.

But, Mrange, with what pervenlty Fale some-limea pain off mortali!

The Widow Meacham. plump snd gsy. long since patted youth's fslr portalt.

Coquettish seeka sbaihlol youth (a dozen years her elder).

And chsta. with many an srtful glsnce. at thougn some rare charm held her I

The fat and jolly farmer Jonei sqneetes betide Miss Polly,

An anclont damtel, tall snd spore (the type of melancholy);

Short, bouncing Betsey Bloom, betide shy, awk-ward, lank-framed Stephen,

With little, lisping "Suthle Sthylea" annexed to make It even.

With laugh and jest, thn moments fly, the goldea pile increatlng.

Hurrah I A red ear's held aloft I—snd mirth tlowa forth unceasing.

The lucky finder leaves his place, and, with his trophy laden

At paatport, round Ihe drclu giies kitting each blushing maiden.

The red cars grow so plentiful, fairbevlet make invasion

On sundry pockets. Veidi t found: ••Brought in for tbe occasion!"

The tempting viands sen ed at last, with frolic, fun and chatter.

The wide barn floor Is quickly cleared with busy din and clatter.

While gray-hairvd Joe, with tolemn phli that aeems to each a riddle,

Bcs nt hit bow with pompous sir, snd tunes his time-wurn fiddle-

The god of symphony himself could ne'er more saUsfactlon

From his own stralna regale his soul, or claim such tweet reaction!

It th ricked and squeaked al blghetl O, the dancers to It timing:

It growled snd groaned In lower staves like lr»te rhyme In rhyming.

The discord deepened by hit vo ce that.cracked by age and shriveled.

•failed oil," while t h ' usl uieaturt-^a note slurred with the next and driveled.

"Balance paidners!" "All bauds round r It croaked like a hoarse ruven.

"All right aud left!" and "I.udifs change!" in treble touet were given.

Till "Money Mutk." "The Devil's Dream." In meaturet broke and blended,

"Virginia Keel" was all unwouud. quadrille aud wain were ended.

The meek-eyed klne. In stables tanged slong the deep mowt under.

Paused o'er their ruminating cudt and tlared in silent wonder:

While honest Uobb u. Ic hit stall i«-emed lot! in perfect dazenienti

Pit forth his head, and at the scene gazed in perpleicd ainazemntii'

Jusiah Blebblot gran-il tbu floor, with Sundsr coal-Ulit ttreamtng.

Thai touched hit heel, al each uplift—B.ASS buttons bright and gleauilug.

Grave Jeremiah's homespun suit bad long dune ••ineelin'" duly:

Ths coal sleeves tbowe.l a fool of wriat, toe waist loo short tor lieauty:

llirec.be. abbreviated far by growth of bone and muscle.

He skipped at thouirh Joa'a alra.Ua and be a rn bavini a bald lua«l*

As rouml un I round hl> l oabide boott cams down with rlump snd clatter.

And r e d - -« Hally's little fret kepi tmis wltk. ntle littler.

Tbe ntund turn of Rllat Tdbbt. which shook with pent up laughter,

leaped, when he dam-ed. as though his head were aiming al a rafter:

While tall Jeruttia by hit tide, wltb high-back comb beginning.

Looked like a long necked, nnrn.w lop. around the barn floor spliiultig.

But Bit things whether goo i or bad. mutt toms time hare an endinr.

And toon tbe festive, well plea-ed throng their homewaru way were wendinr.

"Spite of tl IT Jinu and rbrumailz. I vow," said Farmer Uutkin.

"Hain't felt >o young in forty year at now—st this'ere bu-kin'!"

— Vrs. A. OUiltnv I'Jrl. i,i IHyul l/a.ift tpUf.

KPCJ) y o u r blood pure and you will 1

nut have r h e u m a t i n n . Hood's Sarmpar-1 ilia purifies the blood, and times the j wholesy«t< m.

P R E S E N C K O F M I N D .

D e t e r m i n e d b y W h a t W e A c t u a l l y D o In T i m e of P e r i l .

I t Is nut what yon a n d I th ink w e ui iuhi do if ou r house should take fire, or o u r boat begin lo sink, o r a h igh-w a y m a n conf ron t u \ or an e a r t h q u a k e y a w n beneath us; it is r a i h c r what we ac tua l ly do when we a r e In the ihick

of such peri l mat i lnier tiinos ou r pros-onco of nilntl. There a r e no persons so rcmark ; ib ly lev -l-huadoil as those who a r c f ree a id easy, out of rench of d a n g e r .

Tho o t h e r day I hoard a story of tin-usual prnsencu of mind. It was told mo by one who had h ims -If roce lvod It f rom nu officer of ouo uf the g r o a t ra i l roads liiat cross the A l loghany moun ta ins .

" T h e r e , " said ihe offic.'r lo my In-f o r m a n t . ns Ixitli were go ing a b o u t a g rea t , cen t r a l slat ion, w here cars aud locomot ives were minlc. lopnired aud kept , " t h e r e is the very man. If ho wan t s a n y favor of liio road, ho has only lo ask for It. Thn rest of us come a n d go; but he stays, and may stay, sorvico or no service, till dea th removes him. T h e road Is g r a t e f u l to him. nud will a lways hold h im in h o n o r . "

M a n y yonrs have e lapsed s ince the inc ident happened; m a n y more since the t e l l ing of Ihe tnlo to my f r i end . The de ta i l s ami thu coloring vary s o m e w h a t ns lliey pass f r um mou th to mouth . No doubt , when you have finished Ihe story, you will say: " W h y , tha t was the very t h i n g I would havo ilono myse l f . " But would you havo done it? Here is tlie s tory :

Pull! Puff! Puff! It was hard w o r k ; for tho g r a d e was s leep ami Ihe t ra in long nnd heavy. The engine pan t ed as if i t s s t rength were fai l ing. And no w o n d e r ! For miles ami miles up tho s lopes of the Al l eghany Mounta ins It h a d been l u g g i n g i ts precious bur-den, a n d there were m a n y miles m o r e before i t should reach the .summit and t a r r y awhi le to r ega in i ts s'.rongt!i.

Much of the w s y was Utile m o r e t han a shelf cu t in to the m o u n t a i n sides, wi th r is ing wai ls of ruck on ono hand , a n d {deep r av ine s on the other. Aud f a r up a m o n g tho mounta ins , o f ten on Ihe opposi te shies of huge a n d g loomy chasms, tlie obse rvan t t r a v e l e r would catch gl impses of w h a t seemed to be curvcs and omlmukmcnt s of a n o t h e r road. L a ' e r he would be h imsel f borne over those very c h a s m s and whir led around those very curves.

These chaiigii ig scenes kept t h e pas-s e n g e r s in a t r e m o r of ha l f - joyful , ha l f -anxi i ius cxcllemeii t .

" H o w beautiful tha t wooded s lu | i e l " "Sha l l we ever gel t o the l o p of the

r i d g e ? " " D o w n here a m o n g the t rees! See

this silver}- cascade !" " A h , here we g o t h r o u g h a t n n u u l l " • T h a t g r e a t bowlder looks as if t h e

s l ightes t Jar would b r i n g It down upon u s ! "

" W h a t if tho roadbed should give way he ro like an a v a l a n c h e ! "

" O h , here comes some irestle-xvork! H o w f r a i l it looks! And what a dizzy h e l g h l ! If it should break unde r ns— oh, d e n r ! "

J u s t then a quick, s h a r p whist le was hoard . To those tha i ui iders tood it It sa id Imperat ively: "Down brakes, and be qu i ck abobt It, t o o l " Ins ian l ly the b r a k e m e n wero s t r a i n i n g at the i r posts as If every life were th rea tened . Indeed , it was fholr duly, on these hard, t r eache rous grades , to s t a n d by the brakes, and use them nt n iiioment'k wnruing. People t h r u s t the i r heads out of tlie ca r w i n -dows, and soiuo h u r r i c l to Ihe plat-fo rms , nnd thero was a deal of nerv-ous quest ioning. W h a t was tho m a t -ter.* H a d an acc iden t h a p p e n e d ? W a s there a n y d a n g e r ? Nobody seemed lo know. Not even t h e b rakemon were Informed. And It was tho g i f t of a blessed Providence t h a t Ihe cause was not revealed, else that moment of un-c e r t a i n l y and subdued a l a r m would have been one of a-tgiiish anil d isas ter .

F a r u p Ihe road the eng inee r had c a u g h t n gl impse of an awfu l peri l . I t was a train of r u n a w a y f re ight cars. F o r a niumeni li was in plain s ight d a s h i n g around a curve. Thou it was lost in the woo ls. No englno accom-panied It; there was no l i rnkeman vis-ible; t he r e was uo s ign of life a n y -whe re about it. Nuwhere un the g r a d e ut tlie t ime was a down t ra in due. The cars wore wlthniit con t ro l ; t he r e was no d o u b t nUml ll. And there w a s n o t h i n g to check their descent. A l r e a d y thoy were r u n n i n g fur iously , a n d every second the i r speed was in-erensing. A collision seemed InoTi-table. The destrnol l ' tn ut l ife would be f r igh t fu l .

W h n t slioiild (he engl i ieer do? To - t o p his train would not mend the s l lua t ion . To r c i e r s e t in -ongino and go t h e o ther way—thero Wa« hard ly liuiu f o r lhat . Bes d,i< il nroi i 'duuiy pos tpone the cer :a i result , . n i l make il m o r e droa Iful b e c a m e of the In-e • used l e - ' d - n i i t ihe r u n a w a y ears.

T i l " I eo-w .1 llo. alliiHlio-i on every side. P a n af ter p lan rose be fo re him: plitu a f t e r plan was d r o p -ped . Rut It was al l done with lha t w o n d e r f u l sjioud which the mind shows when under the s t ress of a swif t ly-n e a r i n g danger . In that brief t ime the e n g i n e e r lived hours. Suddenly ihere was a ray of bo|ie. a jiossible plan ot sa fe ty . ••Down b rakes ! " he whist led. T h i s was tho s ignal to which wo havo a l r e a d y callud a t t en l ion ; Ihe one t h a t sen t tho t remor ih rongh the hnndreds on tho train.

" F r e e the eng ine from thn I r n l n l " he shonled lo the lireman. Tho en-g i n e wa« uneoupleil . and the t ra in was l e f t l agg ing IM-IIIIUI. " N O W Jump for y o u r life!" T h e r e was uo time fo r par ley . Tlie Hreuian leaptxl. fell, and sc rambled to his fei-i again. Then Ihe e n g i n e e r put on fu l l s team. Freed f r o m its b u t d - n o t ooanhei the oelomo-live ros|simled at mice.

••Now light the ba t t le f o r us!" ex-c la imed the eng inee r as he s p r a n g f r o m the a eps. H s quick eye hail chosen a favorable spot on widt h to al igl i t . Though thrown head long wi th some force, ho was on his feet p r o m p t l y ciiinigh to see his t ra in roll by at lessening - j e - d , unde r the full r o n t r u l of the fa i ih fn l b rakemon.

' i h u i •ainetbi i ig serious had h s p -n e n e d or was BUIIII to occut' began t o bo c lear to the passengers . Ono o r t w o had seen ihe tiruninn j imp, two o r three, tho e n g i n e e r ; and l a r g e r n u m b e r s f rom t h e ca r windows had c a u g h t suntchus of men that , soi led a n d bruised ami dared , wore t ry ing to r i se to their teet by the side of thn t r a c k All was e x c i t e m c n l a u d t umu l t . Some began to l e a p f ro th the cars . For tuna to ly there was l i t t le d a n g e r now. for ihe motion of the t r a i n hnd near ly c - a s e J .

D p the t rack , moan while, went »Ji« I ron m u n i t c r lo meet the foe alone. Down tho t rack . In to full sight, c a m e tho w i ld f re igh t c a r t with a speed s o g r e a t that they a lmos t rose f rom the r a i l s ns they rounded the curves. N e a r e r and nearer , tlie s|ieed of each increas ing . T h e n they flow at each o t h e r in a mighty , t iger - l ike rage, as If there were blood to be shed a n d n e r v e s lo be to rn asunder .

T h e crash shook tho hills- A g r e a t , r o a r i n g el- it I of s t eam burs t i n to t h e

air, wnito ano ine r or dust nnd debr is boiled up and mlng lod confusedly wi th it. Thou t h e shnt tercd ends of oars shot ou t hero a n d there f r o m tho smoke , a n d a g r i n d i n g , c r ack l ing mass rose up. Q n i v e r l n g l n tho a i r a m o -ment , it reeled, a n d thou wont crash-i n g down the e m b a n k m e n t Into t h e r a v i n e below. W h e n the s U a m a n d d u s t c leared away , there wore tho deep, ugly f u r r o w s In tho roadbed , and tho sp l ln tored lies, and tho b e n t and broken rai ls , and the nameless f r a g m e n t s of an u t l e r wreck, to mark tho scene of tho fierce cncountor .

T h e g a l l a n t e n g i n e was a h>ipoless ru in ; but it had d o n e a noble service. I t had fought a bat t io in which hun-d r e d s of lives a n d unto ld In teres ts were at s lake, and It h a d won it. N o t n life of tha t precious com-p a n y was lost, no t a m e m b e r of i t h u r t by so much ns a scra tch . Be-fore t hey saw the i r peril, they were rescued f rom it; and ye t their rescue

h a d h a r d l y been r o m p l o t e d before tho f u l l and awful n a t u r e of l h a t per i l bu r s t upon them, and sl irred them In the i r - inmos t being.

With t ea r s of Joy and g r a t i t u d e thoy blessed tho eng inee r whoso quick wi t and d a r i n g p l an i|nd Ins tan t exe-cu t ion had saved them f rom a f a t e t h a t at one m o m e n t It geemed beyond h u m a n power lo aver t . And to tho poor l ocon io l l ' e t h a t lay d i smembered a n d useless on t h e rocks below, there w e n t out a kind a n d tender feel ing, a s if. In g iv ing its l i f e to save others , l». h a d shown s o m e t h i n g akin to tho love nnd b r a v e r y and sacrifico of a noble h u m a n s o u l — F r n n i A. IHV, in CongregnlionaUsl.

" E D I T O R ' S B A C K S T A I R S . "

The I n l r r l s l l n i Views of Ike I.ale llr. •> U. Holland.

Tho colums of t h e newspapers apjiecr to be flooded wi th propr ie tary med ic inead-ver t i smenU. A s w e cast our eye over them, ic brings t o m i n d nn ar t ic le tha t was published by t h e la te Dr. Holland in Scribner 's Monthly . H e says: "Never theless , i t is a f a c t t h a t m s n y of the lieet propr ie tary medicines of t h e d a y were moru successful t h a n m a n y physicianb. and m o s t of t h e m , i t should

be remembered, were a t first discovered or used in a c t u a l medical practice. W h e n , however , any shrewd person, knowing their v i r tue , and foreseeing their popular i ty , secures aud adver t ises t h e m , then , in t h e opinion of t h e bigot-ed, all v i r tue w e n t ou t of t h e m . "

Is not this absu rd ? This great m a n appreciated the real

mer i t s of popular remedies, ond the ab-surd i ty of those t h a t derided t h e m be-

c a i u e public a t ten t ion was called to t h e ar t ic le a n d the ev idence of the i r cures. If t h e most no ted physician should an-nounce t h a t ho h a d made a s t udy of a n y cer tain o rgan or disease of tho body , or make his sign larger than the code size, though h e may havo pract iced modicine and been a leader in dil medi-cal counsels, m t wi ths tanding all this, if he should p resume to advert ise and de-cline to give Ills discovery to t h e public, ho would be pronounced a quack and a h u m b u g , a l t hough he may have spent his eqt i re life a n d all his available f u n d s

in perfect ing his investigations. Again we say , " a b s u r d . " If an ulcer is f o u n d on one's a r m , a n d

is cured by some dear soul of a grand-mother , o u u i d e of code, it will be pro-nounced by t h e medical profeiwion an ulcer of l i t t le importance. But if t reated under t h e code, causing sleepless n ighU for a m o n t h , w i t h tbe scientific

t r ea tment , viz., plasters, washes, dosing wi th morphine, arsenic and o the r vile substances, given to prevent blood pois-oning or deaden pain, and ye t t h e ulcer becomes ma l ignan t , a n d amputa i ion is made neccessary a t lar t , to save life, ye t all done according to t h e " Isms" of t h e medical code, th is is m u c h more g ra t i fy ing to t h e medical or ifession, at .d adds more d igni ty lo tha t dist in-

guished order tbtin to Ut cured by t h e dear old g r andmothe r ' s remedy.

This appears like a severe ar ra ign-ment , ye t we believe tliat it expresscss the t r u e s t and ing of the medical profess-ion in regard to remedies discovered outs ide of the i r special " i sms . " One of t h e mos t perplexing th iogs of the day is t h e popularity of cer tain remedies, es-pecially W a m a r ' s sa fe cure, which we find for sale everywhere , Tliy physi-

cian of the higher.: s tanding is ready to concede its m e r i u and sustuin tlie theories the propr ie tors m a d e - t h a t is, t h a t It bene f lu In most of tho a i lmenU of the humao naystem because it assists in pu t t ing the kidneys in proper condi-tion, tboreby a id ing in Ihrowing off the impurit ies of t b e blood, wbi le o thers with less honesty and ex|)erience deride, and are willing to see their pAtient d-e scientifically, und aecordlug to the code, ra ther t han have h i m cured by Ibis great remedy.

Yet wo not ice t l iat the popular i ty of the medicine cont inues to g row year by year . The discoverer comes boldly be-fore the people wi th i u merits , and pro-claims them f r u m door lo door in our opinion much m o r e honorably t han the physician who, perchance, may secure a pet ient f rom some catastrophe, ami Is

permit ted to se t a bone of a n a rm or a finger, which h e dot* with great d igni ty , yet vety soon uf ter takos tho liberty to c l imb Ihe edi tor 's back sUirs at S o'clock in the morn ing to have it announced in the morning |)a|>er (hat " D r . So-and so

was in a t t endance , " thus secui ing for his Iwnefit a Ix-aultftil and freeadvert iH

mom. We shall leave it to our readers lo say

which is Ihe m o r e wine und more lion



I -vish to tel l vou of Ihe case of a girl 16 years old, w h o has been sick with suppiTssion t w o years. Her f a the r had paid ove r fSOd for doctors ' bills, still she was tail ing She had t h e wgrsl coun tenance that I have ever seen, a kind of greenish yellow; sns was emacia ted , had cons tan t bowel trouble, a n d had to t a k e morphine every night in order to sleep nt all . All who saw ber IhoMght she 'wou ld die. Her parenU said they had done ail they could. I repeatedly urged them to t ry Zoa-Phora , b u t they were s t rongly pre -judiced aga ins t " n o s t r u m s . " Final ly the mother s a i d . " We mps t do some-th ing , and th i s is a s likely to help her ss a n y t h i n g . " She and I persuaded Ihe fa the r t o let t h e girl try it. As a result in four m o n t h s her func t ions were e*-tabliBhed a n d resular , and In six m o n t h s she w-as the picture of health— a l iving wonder toa l l who had known h e r .

I could deeoribe 20 other rases, not as wonder fu l as this, but Btiil very r emark -able cures.

M R S . MARV C . CHANDLEB. Battle Creek . Mich. (27 w 7

Cuna for Bale.

R. D. Stocking lias fou r first class breach-loading guns, all in iierfecl order, which he will sell cheap . A chance f o r genuine bargains. ^ ^

Sick headache is readilv cured by Hood's Ssrsapari l ln, wh ich tones nnd regulates tho digestion, and creates a n appetite,

I have been nfllicted wi th ca ta r rh fo r 20 years. I t became c romc ami Ihere was a constant d ropning of mucous mat te r . I t extended lo my th roa t , caus ing hoarnenesa nnd great cifflcully in speaking, indeed for years I w as not able to speak more than th i r ty minutes , and of ten th is wi th great d i fncul ty . I also, lo a great oxtent , lost the sense of hearing in the lef t ear , and of last.-. By the use of Ely 's Cream Balm all dropping of mucous has great ly ceased and my voice and bear ing has great ly improved.—Jaa. W . Davidson. A t t o r -ney a t Law, Monmouth . HI.

MAKE N O M I S T A K E — I f y o u h a v e m a d e up you r mind to buy Hood's Sarsapar i l la do no t ha Induced to t a k e any other . Hood's Sarsapari l la Is a peculiar medicine, possesing, by v i r tue of i u peculiar combinat ion, proport ions and preparat ion, cura t ive power suix-rior to a n y other article of t h e kind before the people Fur all affect ions ar is ing f r o m impure blood or low s ta le of t h s system il is unequalled. Be sure to get Hood's.

flucklen'a Arnica Halve.

The Best SALVE in tho world fo r c t i u . Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Sal t Rheum, Fe-ver Sores, Tet ter , Chapped Hands , Chil-blains, Corns, and all Sk in Erupt ions , and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-quired . I t is gua ran teed to g ive perlect sat isfact ion, or money r e funded . Pr ice 25 cenU per box. For sale by H u n t & H u n t e r . (sep KUy-l)

R E V . J .Roi iEkTS. pastor of the M. E . Church . Freemont , Mich., says H i b -bard's Rheumat ic Sy rup is a great r e -medy, and w o r t h y t h e confidence of all families.

Mr. S. L. Kanney. a - J u s t i c e of ihe Peace of S t h lmo . III., in speaking of Dr. Whi te ' s P idmonar ia , makes Ihe fo l -lowing s t a t emen t : " I bought of Messrs. Duns 'ord & Woodwor th , druggis ts a l Ibis place, onebot l ln of you r P u i m o n -a n a , and am pleased l o add my tes t i -mony to i u beneficial resulU. Sty wi fe had been sufferlnir verysover ly with a cough fo r some six months . At n igh t she would cough almost incessant ly. We hnd tried many remodies, but all proved fu t i l e unti l I was induced, by t h e g entlemen above-ment ioned, lo t ry you r Pulmonar ia . Tho first dose gave n e r i m m e d n t e relief, and one bottle effected a p e r m a r e n t cu re . "

For sale by Yeiter & Look

CATARRH, scrofula and sail r h e u m are diseases ol the blood, and a lways yield to t h e cura t ive properltes of H ib -bard's Rheumat i c Syrup , the great blood remedy .

P . H.KILMARTIN, po t tmos te r and gen-eral merchant a l Orange, Mich., says Hibbard 's Rheumat ic Sy rup is wondcr-de r fu l In the cure of sciatic rbeumat i s in .

W h e n symptoms of malar ia appenr, in any f o r m take Ayer 's Ague Cure. U will prevent n development of Ihe ^erms of diseases, anil eradicate them irom Ihe system. A cure is war ran ted n every instance.

JOHN, please call n t t h e d r u g Niorr and get ano the r bottle of Hibbard 's Tliroat a n d Lung Baisom. I t has done my cough more good tlian a n y t h i n g I have used, and is so pleasant lo lake :


A S E V E N Y E A R S ' COf<TE8T. ALBION, Mich,, 20, 1867.

" W h i l e employed as agen t of t h e Michigan Central Railroad Company a t Auguatn, Mich., about seven years ago. my kidnevs liccame diseased, ami 1 have been a grout suf ferer ever since. Have'.-onsul'-ed tbu leading physii ians of this c i ty nud Ann Arbor, and all p ro-nounced my c a w Brighl 's disease. Af te r t ak ing every highly recommend-ed remedy tha t I bad knowledge of to no purpose, a n d wbile suf fe r ing under a very severe a l U c k in Octols-r last, be-g a n t ak ing Hibbard ' s Rheumat i c Sy rup a n d a m to-day a well man . I t a n o r u s m e pleasure to render l iumani ty any good tha t I can, and In rpenking of the remedy, allow mo to say t h a t I t h ink i t the greatest medicine in Ihe world.

E . LARZU.ERE, Agent M. C. R. R.

DON'T E X P E R I M E N T . You cannot olford lo waste l ime in

exper iment ing when you r lungs a r e in danger . Consumption a i m vg reema, a t first, only a cold. Do not j iermit uny dealer to impose upon you wi th some cheap i imlal ion of Dr . King'M New Ois-co>ery f o r Consumpt ion , Coughs nnd Colds, but be sure you get t h e genuine. Because he can m a k e more prulil lie may tell you he has some th ing jus t ns good, or jus t the same. Don' t be deceiv-ed, bu t insist U|sin ge t t ing Dr. King'r New Discovery, which is gun ran teed lo give relief in all Throat , L u n g and Chest affect ions. Trial boltleH t ree at Htini & Hun te r s Drug Store

T ^ \ \ e > t c A V f c o w S i L A | S S ; Js warranted, is because i*. Is the best Blood Preparation known. I t will posl. Uuelv cure al l Blood Diseasos. pit rifles tho whole ByBtem, and thorougbly Iml ldsup tbe oonstitntion. Remember, wu guarantee I t

YEITER & LOOK, Druggist , ixjweii .

A F E W P O I N T E R S The rec .'til Btatiatics of the numU-r of

deaths show t h a t tlie large m a j o r i t y die wi th Consumption. The disease may commence wi th an upparent ly liariiiless c«ugh which can be cured ins ianl ly by Kemp 's Balsam for t h e I'liroat and Lungs, which iu guaranteed to cure und relieve all cases. Pr ice Wu and $1.00. Trial s u e f ree . For sale by Clark & Winegnr .

y i> rv vv.«i the Children. They are i • peel ally lUble to sin!

C Ids. Coughs, Croup, Whooping Con ot We guarsutee Acker's En; 11- u a iMialllve cure. I t c

* m r i o u s watching. 8ol<l YEITKR & IXXIK. DruggisU, Lowell.

r . » K . . i u w i c e

DDlDth, South Shore & Atlantic R A I L W A Y .

" T h e S o o - M n c k l n n w . shor t I . l ne . '

Only Direct Route to Upper Michigan, | and Ihe Iron and Cupper Ib-gbmauf l-ak.- Sii|»-r : lor. Travendng a territory uneqaaile-l for j Hunling, Fishing and Cnmplng.

i Double Daily Train Service S t " 1 ' ^ land lloigrbton withoi.t change uf cars

Wagner Slcoplnj Cssches t iUchcd to : Night Tr*lni. Objomtlon Ptrlor Car:

on all Day Trains.

SAULT SH MARIE. Tlckata oser Ihit nuiteBnion aalsBt all prln

cipal tb ket oltlcea Full Inforniatinn at to inlet •Itf., • of inapt and folder*-Vill IN- fiirnitb-ed upon application !•>

E . W . A L L E N ,

(leni Pasa. ft Ticket A«l.. Marrpielte. Mich

D e t r o i t , O ' d H a v e n J t M l l w m i k e r I I A I J - W A V


In eltect Oct 1. ISST.


EAST" I Detroit r.xpreta 7 11 » a 0 Through Mall, 11 ID A t J Even'iir Expf ' s , 4 'JT p > 10 Ijmileil Kxpres*. II P I 18 MIte.1. IJ fO p »

OOINO WEST 1 Morning Kxprcta W Wr a 8 Through Mall, l 20 r a S Stramb't Kxprex. Ill 10 p * T N'igh'Expreu. 11 Mixed 1 001-a

j a r Ti.ieuah tickets to all prin-'ipal I'Oints Ka.n for aale at the Company's inflce. lusell .

Nor. 7 and 10 run daily other ti.iin' Isllj Sunday excepted. A. O. rEVDLAl IT. W. K. DAVIS.

Lowell Agent. Ats t. Oen. Pass. Air'I. Chiengo III

Mil' b-j 41

P o o p l o

o f

L o w e l l

bin - M|U..I tu li ixi-. li.iiNipurlll.I. In I • • eii. Mats., where " 1' ni.-.de. il l« now. I , . . . b la-en fi r )i-art. the lending ninllrhie f . | i i i i l ) i i ijt the bluod, .ind lulling and i i . r i ig i tunl l i f t h e • y i l e i n : Tbi t " g o o d name ui buiuu" i t " a lower uf t lrcnglb nbruad."

II would require a tulutue lu pllnl all l^'Oeil people hive snd in lator ul HiKxl't Sirsapnrllla. Mr. Allien Kslet. living :it > Katl I'lne Htreet, Jewell, fur 15 years

nn; luyed at I-oti cat peliter by J. W. Ilennetl, •. .iilenl of Ihe M e Telephnos Company, I..I i l.iige rutinlni sore mnie en Ids leg. whleh In milled 1.1m a year, when lie begaa to tike I tMsi's SarBBpsrUU. The sore toon grew leA 11 tire, and loakhort Hmo dltappeared.

Jo*. IHmpby.SUCen. tr..l Slret-l, Lowell, lad P f S l S O swellings and lumps ou bla face and neck, n O O O 8

S t r t t p t r l l l l

Mrs. C. W. Marriott, nlle of Ihe First A.-slstiuit Fire Kngincrr of I/iwell, says that b r ic years the was Iruubted wllb stomach Ulturder and sick headache, whlcfa nothing reUeted. 'ihe allacks came on every fort-nlghl, when she was obliged to Ukc her bed, and was unable lo endure any noise. Wie luok Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after a time Uie attacks ceased entirely.

Many more might be given had we room. On ihe recoramendatlon of people of Lowell, wb" know us, ve ask you to try

H o o d ' s S a r s a p a r i l l a fMilhyalldniggUU. f l ; i lxforf l . rnrucdonly b; C. L HOOD A CO., A|«lkecarlM, Lowell, Man.

I O O D o s e s O n e D o l l a r


B u s L i n e F O R E M A N & T A L B O T , PROP'S.

Orders for Pm-sengrrs or lUggag- left at Train's Hotel, Davis House or Foreman A Al-

iLleb's Market will ns-eive prompt altention.

Satisfactory Teas and Coffees

are Ihote tbnt

S U I T T H E P U R C H A S E R .

The Verdict of the Family at the

BREAKFAST OB TEA TABLE rntardlmr Un scvo^Is and nhenee the) come Is

a most iniportnnt one.

W h e r e d i d y o u g e t t h a i

T e a o r C o f f e e ? Our eiperienee witli Te.ii and Coflees eiia-

bles us lo

G u a r a n t e e S t i s f a c t i o n ,

or they may l>e retunnsl aud money refunded.

We Roasi Our Own

C O F F E E S .

Please favor us wi th your orders.


A . F I S H E R d t C O .



.U. Mark ' ' - J ^


tjnrxt Clu-.o a Hone, A Jju-.Ii Ituir tu any Hortcs Neck. HIT l«o R"»-J of Slltthlsj. Will hid Ha' i In place." Horn C'n: urtlnt s/anftj

'witA v.'f " r* *

N O C U R E N O P A Y ! A Fair and Square Oiler to Invalids to try

The New Method Treatment By which onrsticceaaln rtirlngchmnlcdliiea-aea and dcforniltlea bus been «o uniform, tbnt we will now guamntee to trent b.-.d or reputed Incurable case*, for n allpulated price nntl l cured, und In case of tai luro to refund nil tho money paid ua under such written guarunlee. It willcost you nothlnKtolnvcsllKulothlsnfr-er, as conaullallon nt the oflices or by loiter is free. Take uo chance—nny nonioney toadoe-tor, unless he haa cotifldenco enough In bis skill to guHranleencure. Nomutterwhat ihe namoornaltireofyuurdlseiisoniaylie.callon or write to us. givlngBge, sex, complexion and symplomB- Hend almnps to prepay tiustagu on the NEW MKTHOI) CURE lM)oks.

Part I, contains ZM page*, over aullluitratloni, symptom! ol dlteatea and ri'|'jrl< of over 10/oi curet; l-revrrliuloni for Ihe cure ol acute illtense* by Alloiiathlc, llomieopalhlc and Kelerllc reniu-dlet; Hyglenir Itutrui'tfuut lor every laily.aenllp-mrn awftamlly. Will U- m«lle.| on receipt of 3) too-eeniaUiDpa, orSOcentalnaliver.

Part 11, private Information for men and hoys, youngorold, mailed teaieil In plain eiivelone ou receipt oftIwu-cenl siampn.or lOcvnlt In tliver.

Part III, Information and Inilruetloiit lor la-dle*, married or tingle, l« colored llluiliatlont. •ymplomt.adv ee and report*ol cures; malltd lo ladles unly. tetled In plain envelopeon riTeipt oft two-cent atampt orio cenla In silver. The three book* will be raalli-l for 'A two-cent stamps, or W c , 'a!f , ,9.!l lT , r*9U r l lJ f ' v n ' " e at

The Offlcea of Th« Drt. K « N Surg torn, el Iher at IS# Orltwold Ht Detroit, Mich.or nl 1KI Elm Bt.Clnalnuali.O. All let t e n must iM-mldre*.

" ' • u u o '

G R A N D R A P I D S H E R D .


About VMheail of both aores and all ace*,al ivlng pricr* BULLS RFAOY FOR SERVICE. A pacultv of young pairs, not akin, for fouudatloi tock. Freight m liri:it.-^ given. Calvea thippe* WW or sh>ri distanee* by expn-aa In good shape Catalognei and priii-» ai-nt on apiiUcatiuo. lleaar utate age. aex awl nmnlwr desired,«

ome aad see'ay heel, M. I . UWEKT, Holder and Importer,

IsnUoa this I'apor.] Urand lUp ld i , Mich.


BUSINESS PAPER JOB FARMERS! It pub!isl»e« the nnd re«|iMl>le

1 4 A R K E T R E P O R T S

R « UII Farmir, THI Stock-Rrotdcr. the Dairy-man and the Horticulturict.

The VBriou|de|«itni,-iii'of tlie| a|-ei. which Include Agrlciiliute. Iloillenliun-. pioek iliet-d-lac, Veterinary Srlinet-. Uarkel IIr|Min*uf fatra Products and Live Silork. Ileeortt of Farmert' Clubs, etc., etc.. ate w; -kiy fllle-l w lib Inteiost-Ing and reliable Infurinaiioii,

The ••Houichold" tunplenieni sail a large amount of chulrc mltccllauy make the pn|icr a favorite with all mcml-cit ol tbe family.

SubtcrlpUon p,lce.ll SO per year: wllhom the "Uoutchold" tupplcnii-nt, fl SV

Agents watled a! every Potlofflce in canvaM 6ood commlulou. Fur ptnleulart addie—

GIBBONS BROTHERS, Pobluhsn, Dc- l ro l l . Mli-li


liltOHATK ORCEK.—Ktale of Mielugnn.eoMhty I uf Kent, as. At n sesalou of the Probatn Court for Ihe cuiinty of Kent. Iw-ld st the Pro bate Offlee. in the city uf llrand Ibipiils. un the lib day of .lanii-ir)-. In the year one lliontnii-l i lg'it nnndred nndi ightr eight.

Prew nl. Crri.s K. Perkins. Judge of Probate In the nmller of tbee»' ile uf


On rending and filing tho [letltlon,-Inly verlU,-.! of Kher K. Wrlglil, AdmlDlsir ;bir of sa d Kiiat,.' praj ing this Court for Ilcenso and aulhority io tell the i 'il eHiateof said dn-esaeil ihi-rein de-scribed for Ihe n-R«int ami pnipiw--* thrrelii menliomii

ll In ordered. Hist Monday, tbe Cth llay of F-b ruary nt-xl at ten o'elook In Ui« forenoon tt said Probal,- Ofllee. IK appelated forbearing said pelltlon, and that aJJ |>erBoiis |i,ieri~t«l in MII-I estate ap|M-ar before Mild Court, at tald tbueand place, to ahow call-.- wlij a III-PIIM. should not lie gr«nle<l lo NII I \ilminittmlor to

I hell the real eslnte as prat ed for in wi.: | ••uHi.n I And It i> further nnlnnl. That a enpy of ihi*

unit - lie publi>he<l Hire,- iiii>-<-,-« I v weektere •ions to -ahiday of bearing, it, tin- I/IWKU. Joi u SSI., a new>M|ier prlnlMlnnd dtxillnllugln Mid County uf Kent

CVHl'K K PKIIKINH. .. , , Judge of Prolaup. Frank \\ Mine. Kegisler mrS

S l i c r l i r n h n l f .

VUTICK IK HKIIKIIV OIVKN. that by » s „ f « arli „f nc,, twig, |,«,j„| (,|,| 0f t-|lt. ... euit t o u n fo r ll.e C .iualy uf Kent, Hlate of .Mii'higan, In favorof Jarvit C. Train, again*! I he good* uti'i ehatleb and real e.late of Daniel n eaver. In said Coiinty. lo ti'.edincli-d «,„i i>ere<l. I did. un Ihe Ulh day of jleei-mher IMC

levy upon and tale alt lh- right, title and inter-est of the raid liamel \\ea\er. in nnd to thn fol owing di-terlhid leal estnli.. Iljal i. to Hay; All

theHoiith-Kaal .juarler ijji. „> the North FJI.I iiuartertMl. ot Secti-m Taeuly-Two (tti Tuwn Kive(ulnurthof KaazeNine (5) we.t; also the Houlh-W)-*! 'lasrter (lilofthe North West uiiar terl^i , andlheHuuHi half (J^i, of the Niitlh-"rH1 .","1 ' : ' ' ' ' " f . - N ' " r l 1 ' "est ijuarter i ui^Vl"" A | , i" half .4M.f the \\esi half 11*1 uf the .South nest .iu ,r

.'LUN T* ' I ' ' • ' ." ' ' i"3"" ' I'll of Section J, I-1,) TOr"" K l v ' ' J " " ' 1 Ibinge nine ,1.,

v i V.r Jio'.il 'iUn, y o' h , , | " ' >ll>-'l'lgmi All of which I shall expuwi for sal,-, at iiunlie auctiuii or vendue, lo Ihe higbe.t bid I r. al th-front door of t out! llIo.-k nocall.-.I, m the n tv uf Urand Kapids In aalo Couniy of Ken ! i"n\ being he place of holding the t W u d Court for aSt /I0 ' i .k ' ," V ' " ' ^ y , l a " 18W si.Twoo clock in the aflerno-m.

Hated this Mill | j , of January-, luss LOOJll* K. III8HOP, HherilT.

Hy c Onmx HIM., JOMK M. Marnsvaox. ' - Pmy ^beriir.

AlloriM-y. CCiO

MOBTOAOE KAI.K. Default having been mode in Ihe conditions ul a •-enain m-jit-

gag.i exf ciit.-d by Joseph Smlll. and Hannah smith to tleorge 11, Cook. Januaiv ;|.T. I«SI and recoM* 1 In tbe offlee of lho'Hegi,ter of Deeds of K. ntceunly. Mk-hliran, In Uber Ml of Mortgages, on page VXi. on which mortgage thero Is claimed to lie du- at the date of Ihit nolli ellie sum of Hlx Hundred Twenty Seven and Sixty, lour 'loe hundreiltlis Dollari ifUW CD, of prli,-ripal and Interest. And no .nil or pmreAling having la-en Instilnled ut U w tole.-0Verthe Mio sum or any part thereof, notice It hereby given thai oy virtue of Ihe power of tale In tald mort-gage contalnrd and Ihe tlalnle provided, tai J mortgage will be foreclosed by a rale of the mortgage premise, llu-r. in d. st-rlbed. to aatia fy said mortgage debt in-eresl. attorney fee, and costa of Nile, at public Bitclion, loihehlgh-

"" ' """.'"V- i ; 0 ' day of January, A. D. i rn . at ten oVIock A. M , al tbe souib frontdoor .f the Court llou,e of tald count r. tu wit. conn lllock, su . u:;ed. In the city of (irand Kaiiids. In said county, tald nn misca be-ing dwenbed na foliowa; Lots numben-d M-ven-le.-ni).) twenty founsii. twenty live CO), tbir-ly twolSL Ibiny three IS)), Hfly three |M|, ||f-ly-f.iur (Ml. sixty-one (dil" •Ixiy-two (Ci;. and tixly nine lOb, In Jndd'a Sub-divitlon of lloin-lon and Jndd's Ulie Addition lu tlio city of "rand llaplds in tald county, all of said lota be Ing In fivlion tbirtv-tl.ree (MI of Town Seven (7) North. In HangeEleveo(ll) West.

Dated (K-toin-r 15th. IsaT. OROROK R. COOX,

Sitai iT A Kwrxr, .Mortgagee. Attorneys fur Mortgagee. iIOwl.'l.)

The above sale la potlpvncd ualil the 3ltt of Jnniuin. IKsS. at the hour and place above ineic Honed.

Dated, January |7;h. I--S. '•KUKOEa-COOK.

hrcAHT .1- Swttr. Jlurtirairee Attorneys f..r )longagec.

MOKTUAUK SALK.—Whereas, default haa been maile in ihi< pavment uf the money

tecuted lly a mortgage, dated tbe -.Mb day uf December in Ihe year l-l . -twul.sl hy Hmry W l-rtk»*. "f Wiivn,-< ,,un!y,Mi. |iljruii io K«*brr1 W Mifiitr an.l John T. Wo<xllii>tisr, Vo ' partners as it Wagner .v of Detroit, Mlchi gan, which said Mortgage wa* recorded In tho ofllee of the Kegltier uf Deeds uf the County of Kent, m Lilx-r eighty tlx iw, of Mortgages, on p « e Bve-hundred sixty six iMJ. on the third i3d) .lay of January, in the year I't-r, n' eight iS' o clock n. in. And, whereas, the Binotint claiinrii to bediieoi, tald mortgage,-It Ihe d ue of this notice. It the rum ofllin .-biindre<l. nlnedoliara and ninety-IhrejcenuIfJk'/Wj.uf principal und ililere^t, and which lathe whole nmuiint ciaiin-ed lo be unpaid on s ild mortgage; und no suit or proceeding having la-en Intiitnled m law or e-iuity to recover :;ii- debt now remaining recur-ed by sanl inongage, or nny pan thereof. * here-by the power of sale coniained m said morfragx hat become operative; now. theivfore. notice Is hereby given, thai by villucof Ihe said power of tai- anil In p-muaneeof the tlalnle In auehcaw made and pr,tided, the taid morlgagc aill Iw forvclOMsl by a aale of Hie pn mUn therein de-scrllied. al public auction, to the blghetl bidder al the touln fmnl doorof the Conn Ulock (so-calle.1) hi the city uf (hand Hapfcl*. Kent Coun-iy. Michigan, lhat being Hie pine.- if holding the Lircuit Court for said County of Kent on thn

a s t h clay of February, lasn, nt ten o'clock In Hie furenoon of that day, which tald prenllM-s art di teribed in tai I Mortgage aa follows, towit:

Ail thai ceruin piece or parcel of land situate and bsing in Ibeionntliip of Algoma. in tba County of Kent, Mli.'liigBn, and du-crlbed as fol-low., to wit; The Hmill wetl dUanerlU). of the -ouUi-eatt .juarler Kji. of tectlon twenty eight (W). town nine I«I. noith of range ,-ie\ --n 111). weal. I-.-in/ forty (f) acn-r .f land, more or i..«a according to the govermnent sunel llM-reol ut recunM in Uber IW of Denis. namKi:!

Dated. VovemUr :.ib. ISK:. KOIIKKT WAONEK. JOHN T. WOOnilOl'Rr

' " " • t t r . i . b Aliunie -e<. IVwIS.

MOKTIIAIIF. SALE.-Default Imving be.-n maile inthecoi dillonaol a curtain niurt-

gage executwi by Jmnea 11. Iliniraid hi Kmnois iiiiggard, Decenilx-i I'Uh. ITJ. and recorded in tbe. Illi-e of Ihe ilsgltter of D> e.i. of Kent cunnly, Mk-huan, in l.ii>-r 10 of Mortgages on page Jt l. on Mhlch morigag.- there la elalui e.i tola-.lue nt the dale ol ihla notice the tiimof flu. i I 'oiitand. .sine HiindiHd.Twentv two and •ejenti i Hie hundredihs Duilani ijl'.'WIdi „f prtncipn ind Interea-. And Ihe raid nwrtvsge liaung liueu duly atsigned bv Hi.- n id Fnneit Hugxanl lu John Hugga-d. bv as.liiniii. nl la-ar nig dale the tweiit} n eoi.d day of Jannarv. A ll. I«l. uud recorded In the. Ilic- of Ihe lleiil.-I.-rufm-edt ul the raid isiu.iiy of Kent in 1.1 her I'Duf Mongaget. on jiage J . And n., .nit or proei-e-.Ung having been instl.iil.d at la* to recuver ihe said t. m ur any pan Iherrof, nu Uee is heivhv given lhat by tne lajwer of sale In sakl niongage i-untaiued nnd the .u -lut-pn.vl'Ied. said mertgage will U- forreh«d ny a tale ..f the morlRiged prendiet iheieic de-iK-iilied. lo satisfy Hi • Mid inotlgnge debt. Intel -.-tt, attorney fee jn I etitl. of tale, at public ane llon, to Ihe hlgbett bidder, on Tin-di.y ihe 4lsi day Of Jamiaiy. A.I) l»«. i t leno'dnck •. M .at Hie south final douruftheCuii't lli.uae

Uf aald cuniv . to wit. Conn niock. lucalleii. m the city of (J.-and ilupidt. in Mid couniy. i.iid

K|.|iil.e« belbC .le-cnbed as follows; -liie sth Wetl (S. W I ouarter lM) of tin- Ruotb

n e « . 8 . W Mpiarteri^iuf Sertion one II'. and tbe South Last (S k i .piarter of Ihe North I j . l < .V h i <|iiartrr «»f Mellon I ««•!«« OS; in tou u Tm 00) Noilh uf lUnKf Trn (10) Wcgt, •rordlotr lo the Unllwl States turvey then of

Dated October IMb. iVi. JOE:-. HtiooAiii).

brtaar A Swrt r. Astignee. for A^l^utr. ilsiiU >

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D - I E R S ! The unilerslgiieil nt tliy? re.juest of m a n y

Invalid Soldiers, has i|ualllU-<l and been ndiiiiiieil to | inirtii 'e

in the

Interior Depar tment , a r d all the Imn-aus lliereol and i . now

Heady lo Prosecute Claims. Illill lllii\ IM- ell l i l lnl to |*KN. S I O N a n d B O U N T Y .

M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

fur thoi

P A I N T m»UF (OIT A ( It o^».lOlT |i?t4,T rilTT

Prt4«rLr«ii k ftv»4ay. g g I



C O I T S H O N E S T 're yno f ief I, f.laj ia, If w. dot! V"' ' I—- •otuit^ aaur ot U - / t l K i i

'•l • ' -i- • • BOJ -t . l.l.M l\K u>sli.n«ll. I-IIM

.s.l Irr It 'n v-'rr.iid bci iin li.».sS Ik'. '">•1 «tl ItU tn , 11. r. lh . '_JU, '! Me MI iifriitl an! .11., uulo sr!i»c. It ' i n u l il u . . l l l a L . ..IV 1 roils . . J «: U S .US ! ia»T-s <H- ' ,tr Ilw Iji-H Bi>ln uu.l It ih? I .u r. . t, totitc ui I^iulir It the U'c-.l. ta-t up piili llr U"fi

'f l-litT ttd r. i . i j lU tna It t^ucal


Ik >1 Per-T itrt-l -Sr u*.kr l—V .-u, . ,|«il ll* Lh. Ih'l l«.Tt N*« i c < a i t ("IT a ties rvoon l- im I 1 " T - ., '1 uiit.lfcU th. ' .'-rr.su^lo J-, t-.'J i . t r..l v.,r f.'o Uo.ll«


L o c a l B u s i n e s s I t e m s .

A r H f i r i a l ' W I T H O U T A M l i l l i u d l pi,,!,, tin- latest nnd Is-si inetlnsl. J l lnrr ison Itlekerl.

A F I S H E R iV i O HAVK ADUP.I) to ' their slur.- Ilxlures. a new and

improved Cotr. e lloaster. and will liere-nf ler roast tlie-r own eolfi-i-, insuring their e'isti mers f iesh roa-teil cclTecs, al-most dai ly .

Y r t u CAN I 'UHCHAHK O F A. FISH-' u u er A: Co.. one pound of t l" O. ( t .

J a v a and Moi-lia CotTw for :Mlc. fresh roasted^ Try it |)oiind.

R i r k A r t ' s y ' t u S i > * H T A Y n n - M - l l o W | l t . n . ihev nre plaeed.

S u b s c r i b e .i : : ;1 1

OeitKRral. Ar r ive , in L iwel l on . early mornlnK I rain, live hours in a d v a n t e of Ih-lroil niornint ' l^ ' l^r" IVlivens hy S. A l lu .h . lit I'.M >'i-nls.a w.-elt. (Jglf)

„ T H E I 'Hf .TOfJBAPHEU. sue i i i u i u j f cefuuir It) M. O. Stmlli . will lie found at the (Jallerv over the 1'ost Of-llee. Calilnets a sia-rialty.

(SJObuys a pair of ( i l f foxed Heaver Hoou nt Koberlson A Son s

Found.—A pnrt el of dry goo-ls. Can I

liiul at litis nfllce by proving properly

and paying fur lliin noiire.

* l i i'er Cent reduction al Robertson 4


: tktti'p

n JN S K I , U S H O N E Y b e r g m CoHee. tile best tbe f. r ilO cents. He sure a n d try it.

I lonte fur »nle.

A lO-rootu house, in good e well and e W e r n . g.xsl ba rn , for

a U r g a i n . C . I). V . x n t .



ondil sale

U E E irket.

lion, al


SpeeUd.-Ueiid Kubcrtson A Son's aitvl

*.-ek )FFK

H o n e y B e e rt " f u l a X t Vi-day.

At c . Bcrglu's .

Ion or Congress


lo-r . , . C n l o Suverut choice f a r m s FOI b a l e . C j t e d in Keene , N«T|i w * . lUiwne a n d Ik.slon. Alsf eevi

f u r t h - r par t iculars l n q j . . r r . t i g

•itf ove r West & l 'o's d r u g store

i 'ergen-fcvernl

Lowell. For


All tires in l l ^ . f good.^at HobeTtaQP * Hon '

D r . R l c k e r t « new Denial Electr ic Vibrator, wi thout t h e use of chloroform, e ther , gas or oth-

e r aniesilietlca.

JJJ haTeacowpieU Rubbert

Tilt da When

av «ill extremely cold. Kolierlson A Son are undersold.

r - C a l p - A , , A , U O F N O K M A N I Of o 3 i C i | , r l N j huiHCM. comlnic ^ years old. Well nuitolied, weight about \ m ead i , Vor fu r the r nloruuUton cktt «n o r a i l d r e - Daniel Hhophell,

Campbell , Mteh . l l

" specini Kile nl HobefUou A Spin's-

n i u T i o CENTS W I L L BUY T H E C o n e e . | ^ t in town—Honey

B e o - a l Bergin 's grocery.

/eropri. '-i tills Iiiol.tb at It"'e'itt-I.i .v Soli's.


Friday wua Ihe roughest day of t h e

season. The Fu rn i tu r e Company have d te la r -

n 10 |s-r r en t dividend.

Miss Mate Althen is Siiending t h e

week in ( i r and Bapuls.

J . E. LAO IS hav ing the Central Hotel

m a d e over in to a store.

Monday morn ing was the coldest of

the season—8° Iwlow zero.

Ilev. Anna Shaw is expected here Feb.

7 to speak on Social P u r i t y .

Geo. Corbin has secured a good

position in thu Asylum a t Ionia.

Chas. Cotton, of the " Ion ia Na t iona l . '

was in town the limt of this week.

The Caledonia people are holly dls-e u ' s i n g ihi>i|uesiion. Incor|)ornlioii—yes

or no. A dan- ing parly will be given at t h e

Vergennes Orange Hall Thursday even-

ing . the 20.

Will Nagler , of Caledonia Sta t ion, formerly "f Lowell, was in town t h e

II ist of Ihe wet k .

The W . C . T. U. will meet with Mm.

O. Stone, Ibis Friday, a t 2:lW p. m. SK4'.

C. (I. S lono star ted Tuesilay for New Orleans and I'eniiacola. al which plao.-s

he has ImsinesK mlcrestH.

Dr. Elsworth I s a i i s t i n g J . W. B..yn-lou in his rai lroad missionnry work a t

Ihe |K)inls no r th anil south .

Prizes a re to he given for the band-somest lady and homeliest inuii by the

Kieko|ioo Medic ne Co . Sa tu iday Eve.

Young Peoples' card party met wi th

Miss Kilt ie Muwm, Tuesdey. Will m.-et w i t h Mis. B D. D. Stocking next lues-

d a y .

Be sure vou get a box of Bonansa Fire Kmiller, or gel Ihe one you have, re-filled al Henry Mitchell's or J o h n Oiles

it Co'*. W' w •*'

The e u i l e n ( » in the Clay trial is a nice mens of s luir to have b rought aga ins t a public prosecutor. • Physician, heal

thyself ."

Quite a delegation of members of t h e B. A. went to Ionia Monday evening to

at tend Ihe installation of ollicers of Ihe

Ionia Lodge.

J . Q. Look and E. A . Stinderlm

at tended tho Grand Chapter of the B. A. M. al Orantl Bapiiht, Tuesday and

Wednesday .

The Kickapoo Indians are giving rree

shows evi-ry night a t Train 's Opem House, and give a 10c Matinee Saliirduy

a f te rnoon .

John Scot t went lo Georgia, last week, w h . t e Mis. s . bus let n for

some l ime . From there they go to

Ari tona and California.

Prof. Coxy Nor r i s aud hia Canine Par-adox will exhibi t HI Trains 0|M-ni House March 10. A. G. Field's Operat ic

Minlrels a r e expected the 1".

Puzzel Social nt Mrs, J . N Cooley's,

Wednesdajr eve . J a n u a r y '.'•'i. All cor dially invi ted . Young people especially requested to come ami have a good

tiiue. The C. L. 8 . » ' . . will hold its next ie-

gulnr meet ing with i i rs . O. A. Bobinson. Monday eve.. J a u 23. BoH call lo is-answered with qtidlation f rom any

A m e r c a n humoris t . SEC.

The M. M. M. Society of the Congre-gat ional c h u r c h will give a siip|>er in the Wing le r store Wedneaday. J a n u a r y 2.1. Supper will he served from 5 umil 11 o'clock, s tandard t ime. Beauti-ful wai ters in a t tendance . Every body come nnd take supper with us. COM.

Kink o|s.>ns Sa turday night .

F rank Lee Suntlayed in town.

J . W. Hine .i genial face was seen a ls ju t

town Wedneaday .

Ilert Quick IIOH gone to Gieenvil le lo s|iend a week or t w o

Mrs. 1. C. I tuck. of Ionia, Is visiting Miss Alice W a t t e r m a n .

Miss Agnes H o u l l h i n . of l / iwel l . has

a position at the Ionia Asylum.

Dr. (lood sell is hav ing splendid success with his New Electr ic vibrator ext rai l-ing t f e t h .

Miss J e n n i e Hall is spending a few wedss with her sister. Mrs . Ju ' i a Oilliert. at Vasnar. and will visit at Haglnaw and Flint Is-fore reiiiriiing home.

Hnklings J o u r n a l : \ daily s tage line

from Free|>ort is oonlemplated. to con neei with tbe Boynlon roatl. If it e m IH. neeompltsht-d a daily lilliil will lie put on.

Seventeen of the Lowell F. & A. M., visited ihe Itockford l^slge Sa tu rday evening, ull but th ree of (hem going in sleighs. They re|iort a very pleasant recoplion at ihe hands of the Itockford Masons.

A dispatch f ront Grand Haven, in yesterday's Te 'egram Herald, tells some very d a m a g i n g stories alxiut C. S. ChamlM-rliii, .. in connection a l t h tbe Great Wesiein Cut le r Works he institut-ed Ihr re last s p n n g .

Mrs. Peter Binner. of grnnii B tp ids , made a fisil of herself by eaiing t h e bin-inass ends of a ls)X of matches. She was prel ty hot inside for a whilo. Iv.t a doctor sin is 1 her. Domestic t rouble Is said lo have led her lo Ihe diet .

The Bev. !s. C. WoodAnl. of Ovid, will s|iv.'ik a t the M. E. church next

Sunday mornimt. He has Is-en a mem-Ix-rof the Mtebigaii ( i n f e r e n c e since IBI1. and will sjieak of (he trials, haul-hlilps und vit-iones of pioneer Meih tdisin in Michigan.

Tlie gent lemen who have lieen ttnfor-lunn le enough to hold Boiler Bink s lock, now feel theinselves to be veritable

bloaletl liondholtlent." The Association hits recently declared a dividend of ^7 [MT share . All previous ones have IKK-U

Irish d ividends . '

Praise not ihe d a y before the evening glow. You may praise Warner ' s I / ig Cabin Sarsapari l la for pur i fy ing the blood without dange r for it brings the glow of heal th a t once. The laigcst bottle on the marke t . 130dosea lor llflO. All druggis ts sell il.

The Vt leran 's Son" which is to lie produced here by the local Sons of Vet-erans, is a Drama that in a l t r ac l ing

much a t ten t ion through Ohio und Illinois. The cost of characters has IH-I-M completed and Ihe llrsl reberHal

occurred last evening.

Dr. A. B. Spinney, of Detroit , will lie at Train 's Hotel on Thursday. Feh.2.1. The doctor makes a specialty of ull forms of Chronic diseases, pnrl icularly. Catar rh , Eye, Eur . Throat and Lung diseases. Best of gliiKseit a lways on hand FiN guiiranteed. Consultation free. (Jw) I

J . W. Boynton was in Greenvillo lail i week working up a boom for the ex ten-sion of his railroad lo that place. It is 22 mile* f rom Lowell lo Greenvil le, and H is said the road would have to cross I Flat River IU l imes. It would be to Greenville's a d v a n t a g e to have th is rood, t and her ci t izens should Bee it at once nnd act accordingly.

I»wel l Markets Thuniday morn ing . Uutter I So. Kggs. -.'Ik;. Dressed Pork 0,20 iiinl 0.00. Ducks Do. Potatoes, OSc Cranberries '.'..'si. Oats :W to HSc. Corn 55 and 57. Clover Sue.1 choico 8.05, prime 8.H5. Onions 00c and 1.00. Bsriey 1.25lo 1.80. Chickens 7 to tto Wheat , red HO. white CO. Bref 4 . 0 0 | o ^ 5 0 . Hides, green -lie. Turkeys , 9c

The l lasi ings B i u k liad a Boht-iuian Oat note against Mark E. Warner , of Bowne. and sued the ->aiue in tlie Kent Cure lilt. The ju ry worn out several hours, when they r e l u m e d a verdict , FrhUy. g iving t h e Bank j u d g m e n t for

,53. Three dollars would have been IIIHIIII iht- pri)|M-r a m o u n t , as Ihe nole w i s for HI bushels of oats.

About 7 o'd-H-k Friday morning

while J a n i e i Converse and J . W. Bnulen. two carpenters f rom Saranac. , were a t work on the new store of Dr. M. ( 'rune, a t Bonan/a , a galr of wind i s s e p t the building complete f rom i t s ; foundat ion, leaving il a total w s r e k . Mr. Converse was instantly killed nnd

Mr. Braden reverly injuretl . For tuna te -ly Messrs Hunt ley and Bir l ier w h o had the contract for builtling. were outside,

and escaped un in ju red .

An exchange says, a paraclical revi-valist preached out west from t h e t e x t im ••Bendering un to Caesar." and re-i|uested all in t h e Congregation who paid their debts to rise. Thu r is ing was general. Af te r they had taken their seals call was made fo r those who d idn ' t pay their debts, ami one solitary individual rose, who explained that he was a coun t ry editor and could not . b t -causo the rest of the congregat ion were owimc him on Mibscription.

The Lowell Furn i ture Co. election. Tuesilay. resulted ss follows;

Board of Directors—C. B. Hine. M. N. Hine. E . A. Sunder l in . T. W . Mason. H. M. Tr.isk. M. H Walke r . N. B.

Blain. The ollicers of lost year wero all re-

elected. as follows: Presiiient—C. B. Hine. Vice Pres.—N. B. Blain. Treasurer—E. A. Sunderl in . S e c r e t a r y - A . M. Jones. Supremtenden t—H. M. Trask.

The will of J a m e s LeClear, of Cascade was lil'-d in t h e P i o h t l a Court Fr iday. He leuvm some |:t,000 worth uf rem is-la te , ami l anuea th s it BB follows: To

hU wife, Sarah LeClear. | 5 : to his son Geotge, f.'i; son Thomas, $5: son Daniel

M.. to his granilsons.t J a m e s J . ami

Venus it. LeClear, >275, lo be placed at interest for their U-nefllv and in Ihe event of the dea th of one, t h e money will revert to thn other , and In the event of both dy ing the a m o u n t will t hen be tlivided a m o n g his t h r ee sons. The remainder of his pro|>crty is lie-({Uealhed lo his da . ighter . Char lot te M.

Weiler .

Died, a t the residence of his son, M. C. Barber, Thur sday evening, J a n , 12.1888. B o W t Earlier, nged HO years ami 2

months , Tbe deceased was lioru in Ireland.

Nov. 12. 1801. and was Ihe only son of William Barber He came lo the U. S. in 1822, coming up the St . Lawrence and landing at Quebec, going f rom there lo Ul ica , N. Y.. where in I82« he

was mi.rrieil to Esther MePherson, who has for half a cen tury la-en his com-

panion. und survivos him. They livetl at Camden , near Bome, N. Y.. for aliont M years, and also in Oneida County , f rom whence they came to Michi>!iii). in 105#, a i d have la-en real

" - k - ' j r

N E I G H B O R H O O D N O T E S .

Knllnatimrjtli Fuel . .

Edwin l**« is is home f rom Slunwi ml. He will reuiain hlamt a «•-. k.

Christiatt and Sainmy lleusser a t e T, G, W . Crosby. Sec. Earl Nash, sick wi th inf lamst ion ol t b e lungs. j K . E . Hant-nrn P. Mrs. A. Ford.

the Council last Sa tu rday a n d the fol- hie lady was held, lowing are ollicers for t h e coming yenr : pronehed lite se rmon.

M. A. Ford. O, J a m e s A l d n c b . Sec, C. L. English. S. A. Denise. A. S. ; O. L. S lannard . C. D. W . Woodman .

0 . 1


Bev. Dyi-ingcr

Logan Laconie*. Mrs. John Haily died Jnu . II. of con-

siimpiion The deceased leaves a hus-band and tiiree small children to niourii her loss. The reiuaitis wero deposited in iIn- Bowne Center Cemetery Jnn . II.

Sydney Henry returned f rom ihe • < \\'v*t I .'1 St Wl't'lk

vere IlinesM. There will be atf Oyster S u p p e r a t t h e Miss Clara Golds is spending Ibis | j1 4 | | o n Wednestlay evening J a n . '.Villi. ; r " r h ' ' " "*•' '"j "

week a t her f a the r s. proceeda to be applied on Bev. Mr v i s . M their son S a m lei last w ^ k . . . . I ' , , Born lo Mr. a n d Mrs. E. L. Tyler re-

AUon Atom*. , \ \ oodnrd s sa lary . Bill | 1 . |a-r couple. l . ( , I 1 | |v „ ^

Mr. Fred Alger visited Alton people) A cordial invitation is ex tended H. all. _\lr R . Duck, of i 'sris, visitisl

the last of last werk . I iM r M r « ' C ' I

A Ford a n d family atten.le.1 Ihe L. D. on account of the illnen. ('. uricil P . of 11. last Sa tu rday . It wo . ' , f • d w g b i e r . a Bbort l ime . ince , and the annual election of ollicrrs. taken dangerously Sick

Miss E. Godfrey , of Keene, visited I w , " l , • « h , ' r e b u l " r e 1 0 , h , , , 1 he is a little lietler.

Morar Lake Itipplet.

Morse ! ^ k e is frozen over and the snow on it does not d r i f t and n p p l e to any great extent .

t h e grading of Ihe D. L. & N. B. B. i" nearly completed. The force nl Skid-

mure 's cu t has been discharged bu t they are still ul work on Ihe f a r m s of Jos

Brannan and W m . Clark. The keeping B. B. boarders will soon la* a th ing ol •he past a iming ihe m a ^ y who have lieen engaged in that btisineiet for the

Isist two o r th ree months. The track will not be laid until spring.

1). Skidmore recently sold lo Mr l i a r ris. of Bowne. an eighty acre f a r m , lie-tug the south half of the north inst nuar-t e r o f H"c. -I. town of Bowne, considera-tion 13,600. Mr. Harris ilius secures a very good fa rm al a reason ible ligitre.

Messrs. Earl Curliss iin i F rank Fair-child did some qui te successful lishing on McEwen lake recentlv.

Laige quant i t ies of saw logs and ship t imber are lieing unloaded a l Alto, ready fur sliipinent ns soon a< the cars com-mence running .

We havi had a numbi-r of sudden changes of wea ther recently, ranging f rom ihawing to zero. Sleighing very good.

W. Johnson recently closed out Ihe last of his cranberries nt •3.50 |ier bit. Good price.

den t s of Ibis townsh ip f rom tha t t ime. > Mrs. H.irenc^ J e ^ m of Msnislee i . , M i M M y r , i e E n g h . h . C, Mrs. E . r l

Seven chi ldren were born to them, six » • • ' ' ' " « l , - r , n " t h , , r ' A'exi.nder, I K n K l W l . A i S i M r i . u . L . S lnnnan l . - i n . and one d a u g h t e r . Ib iee of wliom | J * ' l ' - n U J"*1 n * - ' ^ n K f r " " i « 1 Pur . Agl , J . C. English,

are l iving—Willian, Mart in su I Mil-Ion. Mr. BoiU'r was converted lo the Baptist fa i th when a young m a n , and | has a lways lived ait honorable, apr ight i life, as all with whom he has had con-tract can tes t i fy . His long life has lieen well lived, s n d his roward is sure.

Late last Thurs-Jay u f t e m o m lire broke ou t In the oil house, a t the D. A M. depot . The Fire Company was called o u t imd promptly re«|ionded, but by the t ime they could get to the lire Ihe btiililing was near ly consumed, together with some ad jo in ing sheds. Thn Bnggsge house nnd wator tank were d o s e by a n d by hard work they were kept f rom burning, lu the even-

ing. however, lire again broke out around ' h e tank ami it was burned. The loss waa not very great . Perha|is

t ' lOOorflOO. A new t ank is M n g erected.

There used to be a n ex|M>sed wire on the low r.iiling which su r rounds Ihe operators in tlie Ionia telephone ex-change, nnd the Evening Mail relates that on one occasion a y o u n g a t to rney in haste to communica t e wi th a client out of town, rushed in out uf breath and said: "Miss Switcher , lie quick and call up—at—" At this Doint he dropped both hands on the rait ing, 100k a f ea r fu l shock, j umped h i ck as if shot , exclaim-ing: " H — u n d . I n!" " W e have no connection nt tha t place," said Miss Switcher .

PresenceofMiml .—Lit t le Gir l—Auntie what Is a nuisance? Auntie—A nui-sanco, my dear , i somelhing that bothers—that annoys—that gives trou-ble. Little (iirl—I thought It was some th ing else. I heard pu|in tell Mrs. McCorkle last n ight l h a t a nuisance f rom S w a n Creek hml come to visit us, ami he was a f ra id slit- was going lo sla—" P..|)a (willi great presence of mind»- Lucy, my child, you misunder -stood me. W h a t I said. Auntie , was that one of ou r newsy aun t s was mak ing us a pleasant visit. H a v e ano the r piece of t u rkey . A u n t i e y

Pe te Nelson, commonly known ns " D a n e Pete ." was arres ted last Monday cl-arged by his sister with a t t emp t ing lo cominit a immeless olfense upon the person of her little five-year old daiigh-

ter, Pete 's niece. And us if such an o f f e m e were not damnab le enough, he was laawesse.! of a disorder which has lieen oontracled by the little one. We

shudder to think t h a t civilized c o s n i u u -ilies should Is.' p issessed of such vile and debased creatures . H e was bound over in the sum of $2,000 for a hearing next Monday, Is-fore Jus t ice Perry, nnd in defaul t of bail, was taken to Stanton jail.—| Howard Becortl .)

Lowell at the I 'uullry Show.

I h e r e were th ree exhibi tors from Lowell ut Ihe S la te Poultry Show, and nmong them, they captured a number of ihe lirst prizes. Thu noul l ry shoa-n

was nearly all of t h e very llrst grades, and m order to gut uny p r e m i u m at all a bird's |xilnts had lo be well up iu the ninl ies .

G. A. Baumgardenet s n d J . D. lamp each showed Plymouih Bocks.

BauniKardem-r look llrsl on cockerel nnd '.bird on pullet, and th ree special

p remiums Loop captured (irst on pullet , second

on cockerel , llrst, tiilrd a n d forth on hen a n d llrst on breeding pen: also seven special p remiums.

F. B. Ecker exhibi ted Bose Comb Brown Leghorns, und t<iok neorly the whole ' ' bake ry . " First and second on

cocks, second, th i rd and fou r th ou bens, lirst and second nn cockerels, llrst. third ami four th on pullets, and Hrsl MI breediug pen. together wi th llvospeciHls —1 fo r best pullet . 1 for IKSI cockerel, 2 for IK-SI breediug pen, anil 1 for best ex-hibit .

M Hiler ha I his whi le black Spanish birds on exhibi t ion, bu t not entered for

p remiums.

Alton relatives last week. Frank Godfrey uud wife, of Sou th

Boston, a t t emKd the play a t Alton ls»t Thursday n i g h t Also J a m e s Aldrioh's

young people, of Bowne Center .

Cedar Spring..

A prize l ight between J .s- Sheehey and J o h n Dial look place here Inst Wed-neaday n igh t . Sheehey wax to have

fought I /yvtlance, but when the flght was called Ix>velonce made an excuse and would not l ight . Skin gloves were lo have lieen used.but t h e authoi i l ies in-terfered, and sof t gloves were subst i tut-ed. Sheehey and Dial fought six

rout ids. Sheehey got the worst of il for the first live rounds, but in Ihe s ix th he knocked Dial ou t . The light was for

$100 and t h e g a l e receipts.

Vergeiine* Vlaltor.

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bailey will give an

Oyster sup|a-r und dance at Ihe Vergen-nes Grange Hall , Thur sday evening,

J a n 20. Bill (1.25.

Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Hoag have moved to town uud Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hong have gone to housekeeping on the old


W e nre pleased to see our young fr iend Muster Charley Meriman.wlio bos lieen very sick with lung fever so fur

recovered that ho is able to ride out .

E L. Bennel is d rawing lumber to

rebuild the old house in tlie sprimr.

Died, J a n . 8. the in fan t son of Mr.

ami Mrs. W m . Collins. Happy infanl. early blest Rest. ID peaceful alumbeni, raat.

8a rati an. Mrs. Fred Stein, of this village, has

completed another crocheted dress. It was made for Mrs. George Bowen, of

Grand Bi.pids.

Frank S tewar t has lieen sentenced lo five years imprisonment in the S ta le

House of Correction.

Boliert Hardy , of Keene. has purchas ed a house In Lowell ind will move lo

lhat village short ly. L twel l will thus

gain a g 'sxl citizen.

A l a n e l " c l o u of ofllcers of Boston. H.-rlin ami Keene Doclective Assooia-lion Monday of this week, the follow-ing ollicers were elected for i heensu ing year : President , Samuel Barger; Vice

Pres, E H. H u n t : Secy, P. B. Page : Treasurer , Cl.ns Mercer; Tyler, Elmer Smi th . Tne by laws and consti tution

of ihe Association were nmended.—


Nprlh Bo*too I tem..

A little change in the /weather this

morning. I am sorry to repot! Mrs. Cyrus Story

is no better . Sue is having a long siege

of Inflammittion of sutf. r i n g a gre.it deal of puin at nines.

Mrs. Joseph Tallant is comfor table

but ber heal th is broken badly. She em-ploys a physician til the Bapids, who

seems to th ink be can help her. Mrs. L. Cogswell in a llltle lietter

again . Quite a nuinber a re having such bad

colds or dis temper, t h a t they t i e sick. We are glad lo learn tha i Mrs. Lettn

Ware has much better health, nnd is en-

joying herself with f r iends . Will S lone bus frozen ono of Ins toes.

I t will probably lay him u p for a num-

ber of tlays. Mr. E . H. Cogiwell . of Belding, was

in N. B. this week. Also Mr. and Mrs.

Woodard. of Sarunfic. ISKZ.

Mlehlgan llepiibliraii League.

In accordance wi th (he provisions of Ihe Consti int ion adopted hy the Bepub-lican la-ague of the Uni ted States , a t its Convention, held in New York. Dec. lOth. 1HH7, a cull is hereby issued lo the Bepublican Clubs of Michigan, lo meet in Convent ion a t Detroit. Feburary 22d, a t 11 A. M. The objects of this Conven-tion are lo fo rm u Bepublican l e a g u e for tlie Suite of Michigan: to siqiervlse and lu encourage the format ion of |)er-manen t clubs in every c o u n t y ; and to give a unity of ac t ion for effective work in order that sound Bepublican principles may be established and maiKliiined. Each d u b shall be enti t led lu JS many delegates us it shall elect, but shall have only one vole. Where clubs are already exist ing, they are requexted lo meet snd elect delegates: while in those places not h a v i n g a c lub organizat ion, Bepubllcuns are urged to fo rm a t once ami send rep resentatives. Eligibility to membr r sh ip in tho League consists in t h e Bepublic in Club having a Consti tut ion aud a Mem-bership of Twenty . The Annual Ban-quel of Ihe Michigan Club occurr ing in the uvening will call many dist inguished Bepubhcans to the c i ty , and I t is ex-pected they will a-ldreas t h e Convent ion. Every Bepublican Is mos t earnestly requsted to see to it lha t his couniy is

represented. JUNIUS E. BKAL,

Memlier Execut ive Commit tee for Mich-

igan, National la-ague.


Vice President for Michigan of tho Na-tional League.

The Old Realdenta Hennion.

The Old Kesidenta' Association of the Grand Biver Valley will hold their an-

nua l reumoi. a t Train 's Hi tei. in Ihe village of Lowell, Frida , J a n u a r y 27, 188H. The election ol olHcers will be held in tbe Hotel Par lors , a t 7 o'cl.ick p. m., of tha t da t e , a f t e r which t h e commit tee will fu rn i sh p. p rogrammo for Ute benefit of those present , lo lie followed by a G r a n d Supper, when those wishing lo do so can repair to the Hall, when music will be furn ished for ail w h o may wish to dance.


H . NASH, S e c .

THF.KE never was in tbn history of th is country a mcdiclne so highly en -dorsed by Its home peopis as is Hibbard 's Rheuii is t ic S y r u p .

U r a l l i t u t i a l l i e r l n g . .

Mrs (j. P. Norman, of South Gru l t an . is visiliiig her only dnughti r nt Brain-ard . Minn.

Miss Cnllie Bimsdel , Gra l t an ' s famous musician, arrived here last week, on a visit f rom lh troll.

Mr. and Mrs. 11. Pfeiffer, and diltlgh ter Hiiltio. of Ionia, nu* visitors at 11. Lessiler'a.

Mr. a.id Mrs. O, I. Watk ins have returned f rom a sevt n week's visit nt Luther .

Mr. and Mrs. L E. Brook*, with Mrs. John Bich. of Greenville, were visitors

Jnn . 1-1. nl Sam Brooks. Otisco.

Mrs. Win Lessiier had a hau l IIIKIII ofsui fer ing J a n . :3. Was liotter Sunday night .

Mr. W. S . Fuller h i s lieen worse again, is somewhat bettei a t present.

riiere will Is* a tionnlion given nt the Ashley Church for the benelit of Bee. O. K. Bisby. lh.- evening of J a n . '.'."i.

We hope lo see ninny fr iends in alien-dance.

Our de i r a n d long l ime f r iend, Mrs. Boliert Hownrd, was s t r icken will- par-alysis Jan . 13, which now lakes the creeping form of parulysi*. She has vet her speech and ti«e of her lef t l imbs.

O. 1. W.itkins publicly insialled tbe ofllcers of Grat lan Grange . J a n 12. The niiinea oniittud a re : Mis. Lule Elkins, Lecturer ; Mr. W m . Lessiier, Treasurer ; Mi's. Horace Fo .d , Ceres: Mrs. Henry d e m o n s , Flora. Delicious pop-corn and apples were served at recess unil then the ofllcers gave ns an inlelleclipil t reat .

Miss Belle S|)encer, of New York Stale, is visiting her u n d o und family , Wm. Spencer. MAUD.

Free port.

A. M. Herr lngton star ted out Monday to try his luck selling chairs for The

Beclining Chair Co.

Mr. M. S. Boush has deeded the r ight of way ami depot grounds ti Ihe rail-road company, und tlie ms t l e r of depot south of the river is now sett led.

Arnold Sisson Sunday evening stepped out on the steps and slipped s n d fell

breaking his hip, near the jo in t .

A gixxl deal more than t b e cus tomary act ivi ty usually seen among our rai lroad

men,is noticed this week. Arrangements

a rc being perfected to extend t h e line f rom Freepor t as main as the weather

will permi t . Ties a re being contracted for. pllen of steeei rails are on the ground nnd everything indicfctes an

aggressive s u m m e r campaign . The

direction Ihe road will t ake is as yet uncertain a l though indications point s trongly lo Woodland, Nashville and so m sou th . The company consider ibis

by f a r the better rou te and there is hut little doubt of its adoption.—i/ernW.


There was quite an exc i tement in this city Tuesday morn ing on find-ing Mr. William H. Jewell , of Assyria in an unconscious condition in the wood-house a t tached to the court house. He was badly frozen and died f rom t h e ef -fects of his expo iu re a t 0 o'clock that evening. It is not definitely known how he came Ihere, hut he said he went Ihere a t a late hour Inst evening, and fell over and was unable lo help hiia-self or to give any a la rm. He has been in Ihe habit of t ak ing morphine fo r heart disease, and a paper of m o r p h i n e tha t seemed lo have Ix-en recently bought , was found near his person. Mr. Jewel l Jwax a genial, whole souleil fellow, a m-tmber of t h e G. A. B., a master Mason iu good s tanding, and was formerly register of deeds of this coun iy . H e was here at tending lo t h e dutu-s of depu ty Bheriff dur ing t b e week on accouii» of the absence of the sheriff and the session of the boar I of supervisors. H e has a wife ond family in Assyria, where he owns n

f a rm.

C l s r k a v l l l e H n d V i c i n i t y .

Manly Tucker is su c rowded wi th work Hist he has found it necessary to nld an other man to his force.

Joseph Norris, wife nnd daughte r , of

Lakeview, who have been visi t ing rela-tives and fr iends in this par t of the couniy for a week past, s tar ted for their home last Monday.

A goodly nutnlx-r f rom t ins townsh ip signed the petition call ing for local op-

tion. Both mills at ibis place are reciving

their winter 's stock of logs. Morris Oslxirn hail Ihe mis for tune to

lose one of his horses last week. Miss McCarty, of Har t , spent Ihe lirst

week of the new yea r wi th hei cousin, Mrs. Chas. L-e . She re turned to Low-ell last Friday.

Leap year is with us again and some of our young Imliet- have tekeu the man-agement of affa i rs i.tlo the i r own bunds. The nuinber of wedding. ' tha t have tak-en place show what s.id havoc is lieing made among our voting men. Will Ihere lie anyone lef t to tell the tale •

Jesse Drew is on the gain. School did not keep on Monday in tbe

Lake district on account of the funeral of Miss Sorada Church .

Miss Ida Nash and Mr. Hugh S. Young were united lu Ihe holy bonds o / wedlock Monday, J a n . 2. a t tbe resi-dence of t b e bride's parents . Bev. F.ske ofHciating. May peace and happiness a t tend t h e m all a long the journey of life.

Saturday morning. J a n . 7lh. the sail intelligence reached Ihe ears of the rela-tives and fr iends oT Miss /.ilpha S. Church, t h a t tbe sickle of death hail sevens! ihe cords which had bound her lo this life and called her to tha t p la te which is proinised the fa i th fu l . In the death of Mtm Church the neighborhood baa lost a valuable f r iend. Miss Church was not sick more t han t w o weeks. She diet! uf dropsical effusion of the brain and hear t .

Win. Trowbridge will make his home

un lite f a rm of Edwin Nash, the coming

year. School began in several schools last

Monday, a f t e r a two weeks' vacation. Bev. Fixke gave several very interest

ing nnd inst ruct ive sermons on the jieo-ple and religions of heathen Inmls. nt

the church last week. Very fine sleighing for so little snow. L. Schrock is now home af ter a pro-

tracted stay of nearly tour weeks as ju-

ryman a l Ionia. Edward Gluey is on t h e way lo health. Tbe funera l services of Miss Sorada

Church was held Monday. J a n . 2. Thu If ! large concourw of people who followed

i the rema ps lo its lust res t ing place only

fr iends here last week. Mr. S. U-eae, of Knnsa*, is visiting his

brother Hlrnm. Moses Slal , of IOWII. is visiting bin

parents . Miss l^niisa Thomas, who has been

atlllcled with consumpiioii for n e a r l j

n year, lusted quietly lo the o the r shore Thursday tnormng. J u n . 5, niiuirm-d hy al who kn -w ber. The funeral services were bt-ld J a n . 7, nt the Mennonite cliiircb. The U-reaved family havo ibe sympaihy of the ent i re neighlxirhood.

Sorrow doth hi* rlgii keep Willi Ihoae who aadiy grieve.

Oh friend*, why Ihua In angulth weep' She I* not deail. ahe I* uleep.

To wake with Lovoa retrieve.

Louisa, thou no young and fair. Hatl found a homn of light.

M y we *o live thai we may tliare The Joy* that know no ending

Where day i* ever bright. » • H e a t h o f / . i l p h u Sorada C h u r c h .

While il was k n o w n for n week or more lha t Miss Zilplm S. t hurch was conllned to her room, ninny. even her must in t imate f r iends were, as late ns Friday af ternoon, un-uiipicioiis of the serious charac te r of the attack, ami to her many f r lemls tlie announcement Saluniny morn ing tha t she Iny nl death 's dtvir, brought a shock of sorrowful siir-prlse. She breathed her last at Ho'chx-k that moruing. ut t h e house of her brolh-e r Boliert O. Church , Sec. 5, Campbell, of drop-ucal effusion of brain and hear t .

She has lived a little leas than be r ul-lott.-d |iortiun of t ime, and I r n lef t a reputation lha t will remain througb tlie a g e . This noble woninii was born In tbe Tp. of Lysnnder. county of Oswego,

and slate of N. Y., Sept. 8. 182'"), and neither the eldest no r youngest of eight cbildren. Her f a the r . Maivel Chnrcli . when forty-three years old enme to

Michigan wi th Ins family f rom Living-ston couniy . N, Y . . in the spr ing of 1830. He livetl fo r a short t ime in

Boston township nnd then removed lo SIM- .'). Chnmpbell . where he livetl umi l the l ime of his dea th , which look place

In 1803. Z- lpha S. received Iter educa t ion

from the district school and such other nHsistnnce ns her parents could render. She early accepted Christ in ber saviour, and Im* ever live I an e i rne s t c insis-tent christi 'in. She will be miesetl in th • home where her prc-encij ever dispelled th • gloom; in the chnrcli und Sunday school, where she tixik an active, part doing work meet for the

Master. Tbe funera l s -r . te. w-re b-Id ai

the So. B)s lou .-hurt-Ii, J a n . It, Uev. Dysinger preached a imst convincing

sermon. Ul .-y "i U . I in full aiithe in of Joy,

Tlie hein^ ill. gave mdelth canool -destruv. Si I were Ihe life we nl IV inn with lo-ai irr.i»

I i-t-a were our bi.lh-nght and de nil w.-ru our end.

|b|- .I-*u« lialti cheered th* dirk valley of Burrow.

And luule us. Imniortai to iieicen. av-end, Lift ll en your ».He"i if iiiumpli on high,

tor Jetui bath risen an t iiun SIIBII not die

Card of Th ink*.

\I'T- wish to re turn our heiitf.-lt

thanks to ihe frientls who MI kindly asxiste-L ns dtir.ii^ Ibe aii-knexs n n i bursal of our husiia-ul a i d fntiier.


For Sale Clienu.

O n " pair bob sleighs complete. One Meadow K i n g Mower. One sulkcy rake and other f a r m i n g machinery for sale cheap, for cash or approved nolcr.

I n q u i r e o f AARON B U N C I .

I 2 7 1 " TeacherB* KiBinlimtloua.

Exaui innt ion of Teachers fo r the pub-lic we ixils of Kent Co , for the Spring of ISSS. will Ix- held in Uie Supervisors

room. Grand Bapids, as follows: March I, March 30, Apri l 27.

Applieunia fo r First and Secot d Grade Cernt lcates a r e requesltsi to a t tend Kx-ainliiation March I.

For a Third Grade Certificale an average s ianding of H-'i |x'r ci n t . is re-qtiiied. and a fa i lure to reach UO |X'r cent , in any one subject is a fai lure lo

pox-. By order of Co. B'd of School Exam-

iners. El'OBSK A. CAIH'ENTER, 2Hw3) Si-crelarv


So. Iloalou llree/et.

Tlie ice crop is lieing secured. All aitiee that Bfinler is here. W e bear tha t Mr. Lmd is sick.

t r u e the family are severely aff l ic ted. All tho Granges were represented a t I showed the esteem in which that valua-

Sugsr-Coated Cathartic

% If the Liver be-comci torpid, If the buweU arc colislipiled, or if tho iloiiiacli f.iili to perform lu function! properly, ute Ayer's Pills. They arc Invaluable.

For Home years I was a victim lo Liver Cuinplaint. lu comenuencc uf which 1 tullured from General Debility snd Imll-getllon. A few boxei of AVer's Pills rc.itorcd me lo perfcct hc-tlih. — W. T. Ilrlghlney. llcudci'sou, \V. Vn.

For year* 1 have relied more upon Aver'* i'ill* Hun anything cl»e, to

R e g u i r i t e my boivel.. TheM PUN are mild In action, atid do Hielr work thoroughly. I have uied llieiu with guoil edecl. In cases of Kheu-nmlisiii. Kl.lney Trouble, and Dyipepila.

l i . F. Miller, Atllcburough, Mas*. Ayer's I'lllt cured me of Stomach und

l.iie-r trouble*, from which 1 had luffered fur \eara. 1 consider litem Ihe best pills iiiaile. mid wullld Hot be wlllunil them.— MurrU Galea, Duwn>vllIe,N. V.

I was Bliacked with Uillous Fever, which wns followed hy Jaumllce. and WBS •o .liuigerously III that my friends de-•paired uf fny recovery. I coinmenced l .l.ing Ayer'a rills, and toon regained my cutioiiiary tiretigih and vigor.—John t . PullisoD, l.owdl, Nebraska.

I.att t | ring I lulfetcd greatly from B irotiblesotne hunior on my tide. In tpile of every effurt to cure this erupiiun, it in-created ititlil the Ileth iK'caino entirely raw. I was Irutiblcil. at Ilia name lime, with Indlgeaiiou, aud UUireiilug palm in

The Bowels. Il> Iheadilce of a friend I licgan laking A ji-r's I'llls. In a short tlnio 1 was free (IOIII pain, my food digetled properly. Ilia •or.-t on my body commenced healing, uud. lu Ie.* than one monih. 1 was cured.

Samuel 1). While, Atlanta, Oa. I imve long used Ayer's Pill*. In my

f.nuliy. und believe them lo he ll.e be.t ulll. maile.—S. C. Harden, Dsrdeti. Ml>s.

.My n Ife and Utile girl were taken with lijsetiiery a few day* ago. and 1 at onee began giving them imall doses of Ayer's Pills, ihinkliig 1 would call a doctor If Ihe .li.eas.- hecame snv worse, lu a tfiorl lime lln- bloody df-charges slopped, all pain went away And health wa« restored. — Theudore Etling. Ilichuund. Va.

Ayer 's Pi l ls, fniiarnl hy Dr. J . C. Ay*r Si Co., I^iwell, MM*

Sold by all Dealer* In MedUiue.



W a l l P a p e r . S h a d e s a n d D e c o r a t i o n s . P a i n t s of a l l K i n d s in S t a n d a r d B r a n d s ,

B r u s h e s , Oi ls a n d V a r n i s h e s . We do not intend lobe Beaten in Quality or Prices

on nnv of tho nliove

L i n e s of G o o d s , R e m e m b e r T h a t . A F u l l i n o o f A R T I S T S M A T El R I A L S .

C L A R K i t W I N E G A R , I . O W K I . L , M I C I I I O A X .

EjesTtiis I'lie l ime hits arrived vvlien wc make ou r

A n n u a l

Clearing Sale. o

\ \ ' . -do no( advert ise to give goods a w a y , but will do just as we agree. Wo slmll mako a ro-iltti-tion in pm-is of

12 PER CENT. OFF on on r ent i re siix;k except ing Unblx-r Goods. We h i v e a lit-i rate line of goods to select f rom, a n d the public know (lint al ou r specinl sales they

S A V E n V ^ E O K T E ^ r -We gnnrnnUs- on r regular price, a re " a s low" us can Ix* found anywhere , so tha t 12 |x-r cent , discotini f rom regul .r prices is elear gain to the buyers. . We have

Bargains in Bonis and S inx- for Men. Bargains in Boots and Shoes for Boys.

Uargnins in Bouts nnd Sh'-es for Children Bargains in I im- and S t rong Shoes for Women.

Barg .ins in Fine ami St rong Shoes for Misses. Bargains in Fine nnd .Strong Shoes for Children.

Bnrgainx in Mens mid Woinens Leather. Cloth and Velvet Slipiiors. i n f a d these gtxxls a n - a l l bargains. Call early and get j u s t wha t yon need

while the ussortment is gixxl. We also have a gixxl lino of Womens Beaver Shoes iu But ton . Luce and Congress. ^ (>L'1(.S I fESI 'ECTFUl .LV,


A L L G O O D S S O L D F O R C A S H .

URPEE'S i S E E D S i l B

FARM ANNUAL F 0 R 1 8 8 8 Will hn vol KUFK lotJl who en-.* i. r .t. Il ),• IUail*cisf Bonk n( I j. ;,p. wm, hin.ibe.|* cf lilnt-

ni>. sod i « N » "

real rmlae," * potul lor Uu miMI eompie l e Culnlo iuie publ l tbed, UI

I real ralae, "hich c.nu* be ob'uui- i

»l. nnd M.DW'i d e n Tonic*, l l .L und KI.OWKIIS.

N-nd tddrt«*


BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Til* f.'lIowiBr book* ire puMiihed In n»»l DBBfbhl form. prlnl*.| frrn rood retduM* r—l <rr vet ni.njr of Ui*u btnilwnMlf lllaitiawd. TMr »r* "lUioul *ie»r.tloo ;tiB rlie«i«,i i , . . , . . «> r : e

- - I - I in toy itod or Itneum., tuJ lutolili lo tli» luttie. of Hi® r*"l 1' »ii opruru literttuie .< t u J*r *1 tl" moit intllnj t i i t m e . In tnr othrr trUrt ib.i« g t w t t u u . . Uu i'iic« t l wbicb ihrf u * ber* o a tnd . t tc l ioo* n tumileic la 1U«1I;

iroulJ Mil I

WeeSrr. ol U* W*tM. V'TTUI. ..D Or***. Co*. lAii.e .»• tb t liiy«tiat.vM U-e 0> si w-Msff-l Vi>rl« . >iaia • en I of mau. Very H'leretl bc au 1 Intliaellft.

W J-r- •€ Ik* Hem. A 'U • iu«»y M4«r. N> MB I •e-«l.1.r.l lUBft •ll-fU.IUM

iil«*ii«i|oea. --* |.|*..urt KntUaB." aid Olkrr BleUlir*. Tr

-J . . . (Ll . . . Wo.. - A ccl^ll.* .r tifMi.fll., fetur r.. " .1 |s psl.r l uborot. vfllarotll.. d.f.

t hn ta..l UrlUh brl'tt** aolDlt., MUltr .t •• IM U.rf tlv-'..>ui. 1 u^.1 UlKultulr ItlDl Uxi* -llevrr* «r«f e ual l< ''Wljvw

I hr!.i n*, xurlr*. I r Ca.tti. Dirm.. Ce*Ulr. * ... .. -.i .f it. m .Ictt.mtc Ct.iimtt .url.t ...r vraus l , i . . .i..t «r.ur vi.t . . .rn.ij. Kt.l)oB.l.ro*H«tt.

lloa>4 lh* l.*i*p. . * UM*r«wM,|tCI*.H,


. . . I.irela Nrw VorL. A MriHeltltMpni^liru f i - i . t .n . . . r r . i t i ' . f r.ti dir. flMraM.

-M- Ilea* I . Wraith. K.l .a U>.t11.it( clntl.r, . •• . .(.-ii, [...ni .1 woi», fl '-lot oti * 1/

ir, r.iuir .'.s t.*«tir. Xonft, Mtim.oui

» raorlUt. e<« tol c kHrMl. r.M . M.f AnaMflUlBt.

S 'B.I.-rrl MCr. **. ••!. I f IIBliIlasiaau. •IM Ut* a KbcriBre- 1 Xmt. lij Hit. A** S.

A Konl. CrUT. Nuv.l. tlrB.LVasl.'.Cb... Jr.

T h* I'esrl nftl.r ll.'can. 1 Nu.'l. I v r . . . . . . .rt. Hollow A all UulL aS*I.I. Ur U......T lls^I.T,

/literal.^. i nnv itou.r. A Koi.t. r .rTi. r-I'aJrr U.t Llluit- A N-.il. Ll I . i.u..r .("IVi*

TV-rot. -Th* DI**i*Bd IlracrlcU A K .-I. E, It... Iliatr

W.-w. lUutlrltU. Th* f.uwy cr-. S«*rrt. AS—

-• - - II, Ju.

S-Wa will und l*l*nrti/OTiri • icS. I .*- '

Tk*Blr*iis*C«t*orl)r. JcL|U.uJ U S.t.li 11, 11. U STt.t". -

UriiLcdOirl. iK». . l . BTll.tTCr ' ntr. r VEIWMI*'* UUu.'-'.J.. A ; er "T**

Dec* ***.•-llrtwMM Two Sla*. A S m l . » / r . - t s r r .1-'Bet*

Tun*." IBtuimtd. Th* Xiao onicarl*. ffV I I ' - ' t t . ,

I iio.it'* r*ftaaB> ab-'.-i. i.,ri«.... s A Low M*rrl.(t. an.Ml. 11 r U .i ). . /I.'tt. Th* u*llir lll.cn ..1. UrWf-.i.-The I'utMii sr A***. AN.-I. Ilrl-L..." . >l.t.r.T, Meat l.r*ngi'. A Vr.t. I!. Mr..U*tt. » ' I'orvtna ih r frtlvrt. A J'tf.l. Ur A . ,I . . I >*. A llarwrighft Uouglller. ASa.il. '••i II... Attn

El.aatta. /u's.l'.I.J. l'*lr hat I'tUe. A Sent. Df IU . r a - l U r t

lUnluitJ. , LaaMUUr*. Cahlo. 1 s j u.i u.v.v.coi ' r i * iwo r.l.«loi.,4 OatS. l.\'»T.t. I., It'., u .n

Tho'Voatu'liiicr. A lonl. CiVr.J.V, B.Mtwa. ^Tho taUftiMU* Cabin. A Ktrtl. 0, U. T. Ctooa.

raeciplnfonlr I3(Vnla | mr I'n for n l»n; fi.nr of th* Bbor* l>ook* br IBBII pott paid apon rtcclplofonlr I 3 « WTJIR* I.T r.O O n u s 1I10 cnt RA ll.llUtiooli.ilor TFT C«l t* |Uio ""Ui* B s i . I A . Tbidt lb* ( n a i r . l IIBKBID la book* *I*rolt*r*.l. Oor i i l f t i lUU | « " J r v n i n j r d . Porta** U*nip* Uli»nlorIr*e'li'n» " f t ' I ' l i t r . A.

•1 *nr n*«t |nwr puUUbtd lo N»w Vnik. IHcaUa n II.* Corain'tc.tl u - . i in" . Alt s n i t r t t ^ . . or I. v.'Jtctt t l l l . i u n : F . Sf . J . C P T O X . f u b l i B h e r . .Ho. OU M u r r a y S l r e c l , - \ e w * o r a .


Mrs 1'boelx- Chesloy, Peterson, Clay Co., lown, tells lite fol lowim; r enn rkab l e s tory, the tri i th of which is vouched for hy tbe reaidenls of the lown: " i m 7:1 years old, have been troubled wi th kid-ney complaint and lameness for many veura; could not dress niys.-lf witliont Iielp. Now I m free f rom all pain und soreness, and am able to d t nil my own housework ' 1 owe my thanks lo Elect-ric Bi t ters for having renewed my y o u t h and removed completely all distUMi and nain." Try a bottle, only oOc. a l l i u n U t l l t inler 's l irmr Store.

•1 Model Newspaper 1 AE N E W Y O R K


r v r ^ s i t r s . __ , , v%U r»-f» Ftmrf •n l W.«1 ''lopt*' fMirttlkUy

•**— 1* * « w i ' i n «r. i «»-, 9 ntrt**. CbioMo. ui

r • H —4** trw* . mrM

KOLUi.*4i ro..

WOOD For_Sale.

John Giles i Co. Morgan & Smith,


Shelf and H e a v y

H A R D W A R E , h a v e i n s t o l k t h e v e r y In-st of

H e a t i n g S t o v e s , AT

P r i c e s L o w E n o u g h . t o c o r r e i p o n d w i t h t h e l imt-n.

•I1-»IU ' l l ' i - i l - ' u " i s P-'UJA-i | t o ; i III V n

M O S l t l M M ' l ^ r V l» UMlid UUMOl 1» tt|«t JOJ • l*-.* ..l|I III

s a n d d n s c N V S n i V H V d d V O l O H d

* A n . i V H n o x o i i . i U| |>«|*.tJ4|U|

Tlio A d v o c a t e o l tho Il.-sl I n t o i e s i * o f l h a l l ' i i u o - The C u o u i y o f thn Sa loon . Tlio Friend o f Ainerleni i l -abor.

Tlio F . u o r l t o >'rntp:i | i .-r of I'e.iple | . ( Rei lued T a . l e l

K very where.

Tlio New Vorli MAM. A N D R X r i t H a S . Hie faToniu Amerlean now-'imiieror many i"..|r:'i ot iiili'iuui-iit uud en l t l va tedtas te ., Im* recent-ly niuito sonic tiiitoworlhy hutiruvciiuintB, mn-(enallT increasing i t s g e u u a l cxceUunce. It bi in Ih.i b iuadest sotnei

A National Newspaper. most cure fully edi ted , and ail.il'ted t o tho « mils and t iul . s of intclli - ent renders Ihrouth-oiil thu .unlro i iimilry—North, s.iiith. iuwt uml West. It n a thnniitk-liiy c l e a n pinwr. fn-u fnnii tii.i eornt | i l iug.Bei i .a l lonal ami demoral-Uin'< trash, niis.-ollca n.-ws. wh ich i lcl i lct tbu puKca of tou nnuiyo l ty vapors.

OUR POLITICS. Wobel lovo Ihe Repnhlle.in party to b.i tlio

true iiHlriitiieui.it tho X ' O U T I C l l . I ' U O n . H E S S of Ibo Atiiorl. an imople; nn.I holding ( l i s t lha honest enforeemont of Its pnnrlpicB I . Hie li. st Ktinruntca of the natlon.'l welfare, w« sl inllsupixirt them with i.'.i onr iiil«hr; but wo fiuilt a lways treat oiuxMln^ parties w i t h coa-aideratlou nud f.dr play.

AGAINST THE SALOON. Tho MAIL AND E.TPI!n.«S !s the recoflilre-1

Valinici l orKimof ihu urcat Anll-Haloou R.--pii' ltean muvement . It hol levi t Hint Hie lliiuortralUo a i l t c i l t t s to-iiay lu tho Unit- 1 Sta les l i th.. e n e m y o f aocl.-iy. a fruitful f i u r c o o f ei iriuption lu politics, tho a l l y of an-urohy .aMhoul of crltt io.and. with lt«uriiAi 1 purpot'i of ncckluK to corruptly con iml e lcet lon. a n d h-.-Ulatiou. Is a m e n s o lo the imldic wcKure a n d dcj. r v e j tho cundi a . o >

Uon uf ail lined men .

Scud for Sam pie Cop'/ They are sent free lo nil tc/io apply,

s r n s c i u i ' i i o . N - H A T E S . Wi ir .Lr, pe t j . a r . • 1 . 0 0 ; t l x m o o t h ' . o n ' .t i: Ihreo

lii.intbs. 3 0 c i.: .. D» l i . r . I' .' I'1 ar. •O.OO; i x i n n n l h * . » : l . 0 0 | thi ujoutns, » 1 . 3 0 | ouo

U'lUUl. an CO Ills. V i L C A I I L K P l t K M I f MS nre (.-.v. a l o ull •bieribers an. ! orenH. Wo w a n t a gn.«l v a t i u every t o w n a m i villa no whf .<• « . -

'..ivo not ouo n o w atM^rlt. Bond for onr S|-rclal Clrculor l.» A B e n t s ami sen onr

liberal odeir .

You Can Make Monty by Brreptlm: our Catl i r . i m m l t « l . . n .urcrs or

working for our valnaido and ixipnlar ir- mU urn*. Address thu M . \ t l . A N D KXl'I; i : -3 . Now

York m y .

T H l L i PAPEF.

Page 3: LOWELL JOURNAL.lowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1888/01_January/01-20... · 2016-10-20 · LOWELL JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. VOLUME xxm. Office in Train's Opera House Block. LOWELL,

w * " i * " mumirmwuiii i i i imii i inif i


GReatremeD/ C U R E S

Rheumat ism, Neura lg ia . Sc ia t i ca ,

Lumbago, Backacho , Hradauhc, Tooth-

ache, Soro T h r o a t , Swel l ings, « a s t -

b i t e i . Spra ins , Bru ises . P i rns . Scalds.



NatrZcalnml lUl i lMUi 'n - i^ iJoM MfOal. Culoniuiliit, i:*iilhiilt'ii-i-- ' i (iniii MviUi. riDCltinnUInil.KxhlliitbJU 'KI-SUHTMIIIIUI. Cnll t n i : u bl.Hi- I i h - I x i - ( i i i l . l M m l a l . t . o u U r l l l e So. KxpivlUoD-IDCI-(Solil J l n i l a l .

^,'cl tu Dnngitli mid D«tler> Efrytthrt.

Tli« Chnrlti* A. Voir«I«ir Cn.. Ilulto.. Mil

Tajlor & Kopf GENERAL


Parlor and Chamber S U I T S

IS NOT EXCELLED! a n d w e wil l g ive p r i ces o n t h e m w h i c h

c a n n o t fa i l to s u i t p u r c h a s e r s .


Upbolstered Chairs a n d F a n e ; R O C K E R S ,

w e c a n su i t n n y a n d nil . O u r s t uck ol' s m a l l goods embraces e v e r y t h i n g w h i c h is genera l l needed in f u r n i s h i n g a par lor o r c h a m b e r .


k T A ' B B H e l y ' S

• | C R E A M B A L «




sin and Inflamma-tion, Heals'tlie

Sores, mar nfs.Tii):

rtrnnr* u f T m l r .«uil S n i r l l .

- F E V E R T R Y THE CURE. C A T A U K 11

U * dlm-iuu* of l h a muuouit u i i 'n ibnu.e . i t rnrra i l r orlglnAUnK InlUn- irnnal pawiBtfcs u u d inaliiUijn-Ing IU ( tronff ho ld lu Ihe h™ J . F r o m thin It irndji f o r t h a po inonoiw v l n n Into t h e HU)in. • c h a n d t h r o u g h t h * d l g i 4 t i < e o r s a u * . o i r r u p t -ingjlhe b loud a n d | i - » l u d a t f otlii-r t r o u b l r v i i u e •i i it i lanit.-roiw.HjuipUjruji,

Apar t iv l e la u| i | iUcd Into ••och no« l i i l n n d IH a g r e e a b l e . P r i c e W c c n t a »t druggi» l<; by m a l l . r e g U l e m i . CO caiila. E L Y B R U T B E K a .

tS> G n e n w i r h s t , S » w York.

T K A D K M A R I T ^ R C C I S T C T C O .

U 3 8 • r o t i t > t r o u t , P b U a d ' a . P ( f c

A WELL-TRIED TREATMENT nisKimua, AmjiA. i iusciirro. B i i n n u ,

I ATAkkll. MAI > kl kK. UkAUAl III . U I I I L I K . UI1C-•ATlaa, A l l K A U U u J >11 (krral t u d >•>•••• UUar-Am. " T I I I I I H r u l M I O' . IUl. l T S I I T I U T - Dn. KUr t i ;

a r i iM. «•. u n Ank M m l , fklUA-lykl*. k i t . L . . . U l . , Ul U . l u l M.MIM* j i a n . K • MU'IIII WJUIBOI •< IW •iMMii . ( U i j i u a -J M l r x n m a c s a t u e d . •»< iki m s h u A b h >—1<»*I u J BAA« i , . . u k l . I U 11 !• M l •U inr IkA awU.

»IV i T A U I T * f A H S kA.. IkA llkirtr U r.t.r I , IkA I WAU'kaABH yanwA ak* kAia UM IkAlr

• D I . B. I I U I T , KmkAr of CAacnAA. Fl . l . i . l (klA, U T . IICTOB k CUSBAD, lAllar At Ik . L . I k . r u Uk-

AArar, rklUA.I,kU. BIT. CBABLU W. Cl'lHtSB, D. D.. BA.kA.ur. T. BOL WB. B U I IIXUS, BAlUr IAUA^WA. Ikln^A, IU. BIT. A. W. BOOBB, Ull. . Tk. CAIAAA... U.n,Ur, L C W. B. DOBTBIMiTOl, tAlUr M . i k . U i a l A | U a . 11*. J C M B B. r . TBUOBAX. I]MMA^ KAA. BID. BABI A. I l l l U B O B I , BAlraw, lAAUlkAAAlU. I I D U I B. 8. • U U B B I U , SAW lAik DIR. BB. B. C. BSIIiBT. rUUA.I»kU. BB. FBAAB W t O A U , « . r < k u l . rkllAj.^klA. BOS. W. W. BCBL'ILIB. 1A.U>, FA. t o w ABO I . W ItJHIS, US BNAAAA;, S. T.. 14. FklU.

•Mpk la n a l A « r a r k . r . r i D I U A B. 1.101, WAIv.A. UAWAII, l u A a l l k I.IAAAA. AlBXAIBIB BlTlHI t , lAt.n. .A. i w l l u A . B U . B A S C t l T. OBTUiA, Irn.111., I a . a I ^ ^ . X.iIA*. BBS. BBBA CUOrtB, IUUa. r-j^UA UmmUn* l . a l n l

I . LULB, C. B. Tlr..L . •«•! . TkAAkUArA, B.rAtcA. B. T. AflUkUOOK, 11.4 Bluff, t a i . BBSIBT T I B 1 I B , J . l l l . i kAa , IAIIAAA. fA(0B WABU, a . . tA l , S r . lt.wik WAIAA.

AA< UAAAAaAA Af AlkAiA U "Mr j pArl AR I U t a l M auiAA.

•cnirocKD G l t o t J - u . i ^ . . r i n k . ..a B».IIS-IA UA UIU ar A BA> krMkira af 1— k . . < r f A « " . k'klhkrt ky lira, turkar A Fain. okUk | l>f . IA all ' . , . 1 . . ™ fall la. (araallaa aa la Ikla maarkakU r . r a l l . . afral a .4 a r.r.rA •f aataral kaaAraA . a r » . l . l . . t a n . U a - U . r a . . . af rtr.aU •aaaa—Maay af Ikaa HUr K-l.t akaa l mt* la AU kj alk.r pklalrlAAA. AUa - I I I B H I U D OXII ikS. lu llrlila t a ' BaraUyur.I.** AA UI.ra.Uac kaak af aa . kaa4re4 , Balk ar r l lk . r >111 k. BAUa4 frra U aa; aAJnaa aa Applb tallaa Ur-1 Ik. kaaakara I

D B S . 1 T A B K E Y A P A L E N . IB»7 S tavu Arrh sir f t . I'hllada , Jfm,

S o v o r K l S t u t o L e f f l B l u t u r e d N o w

in R o g u l a r S e s s i o n

Wnmiiii siiirriigtf i'lipiilui- In \ \ .tahlugtuD ta r r l lu ry - l i r l g h u m Vanng' t Nephaw

Dnivn nn Polygumy — Culored >'i»lera' DnllllllllU—fllher Nulra.

111K t a u t OP POIJT1I.H OlTBOlT, Such., Jail. 1"J Tho State

Central Cuimiilttim of Ih'i L'ulon Ij ibor | par ty of Mi-.'lilir.m nu'l li«ru Tiiumlay und dccldi'd to call a i-imvenUon In aidect dulu- , Kativi tu the National Coo mention a t Lanalnir May SKI The club ayitoDi of onianixatloa WBH udopli'il. A uummlttixi wan ap|Hiiiit<nl to moot thn I 'nltml Lil.or parly of tbu State with a view t o hBrniony

AnNapomh, MiL, Jan. IU - l l o a t l i h n E .lai'lixon wan Inaiigiiratvd CioTornorpf Mary-ianil yimtenlav In llm prommeii of hotb HousoB of UIH ( iniaral .Vaafinibly.

LOUUVUXB, Ky.. Jan. l i At noon yea-terday tho two IIGIUMM of the Kentncky !>•«-i«l»tiin^ In Jolut HiiAKlon elected Hon. .lamei It. Beck (or a third amvimlvi ' I r rm In the I'nlUld StatCT Senate.

I'KXUI.KTON, dre. . Jan. l:l The Oregon Democrat" will hold their st.it • eonventlon In this city Apill :l next.

IXDLmi'nUH, IniL. Jan. M - T U " ! Demo-cratlu State Killlorlul \Moi luiIun of In-diana met In tllht city yca.r nluy and elect-ed Oanld McDonald, of the I ' lynumth Htm-oci-al. preHldenl for the enni lng year

DES MOWEH, l.i , Jan. IM l iovetnor Will-Lira Lnrralieo Man Iniuigiiraled f .r a second term yestcnlay af ternouji In hla Inau-gural mldn-Mt he ntnmui) combated the doctr ine of free truile and urgeil the necea-slty of prot. 'ctlcn of American labor mann-factureH. On the iineatlon "f railroad tranii-portatlon the l iovernor look dacldcd ffronnd, urynl remedial leumlatlon. favored the power of the rallroail voiiiiniMlonun, and giving to tliem authority to tlx ru te i and enfureu their d»eiidoiia, The i|iietllon of prohibition wan brii tly referreil to.

BATON BOCUK. IOL. Dei-. I I —Fmncia T NiuhoU was y e n . rday nomlnBtml for GOT-ernur by the DamnutntiuState cnnvention.

JACISOS, MIBS.. Jau . 11, -The Democrats of the Legisluture yestenlny renominated E C. Walthall for I nlted Mate* Senator.

SratMiriELD. UL, Jan. l l . - T h e colored people ot riprlnirtlolil. In an addrew to tho party, demand tha t the Itepulllloans give tho colored voters a repreaentutlve on the State t icket They claim that the colored people coot 18,UUO votes In the State und uro o necessity to the party 's anccesa They present tbe name ot Sinutel V. Casey, of thhiolty. for IJei i tenant-Governot

BlcnxoMi. Va.. Jan. 1 I —Mr. Aoderaon, one of the moat InHuvnllal membera o t the Virginia Legislature, hua Introduced a bill to grant a penslun "f ^ . l " per year to all Vlrg.nla soldiers. SIIIIOIH i nd marines who were disabled dm ua the » nr. uud tbe name amoniit tu widow • of tin*.-- killed In the Confederate service.

Ara ixr , .\ v . . Jim. IT. Senator Cantor has Introduced a bill In the New York Hen-a te providing tor a comprehenalve Hyatem of cn la r / ln^ and Improving tin Suite canal system. I t appropriates •I'l.lMMMMIO to be-gin with, and conteinplittea expending five t imes as much. II carried into effect It will greatly lesiteu the co»t ot couveylng gra n f rom the Weat to New York by water.

NEW OBUUSB, Jan. 17 —One eltect uf Nicholln' Huccess In the coming election will be the election by the next Iz-^lsluture. to meet In May next, of Sunutor (illiaon for another t t rm and the re:ireiueiit of Senator EnstU to linish up. this body having both Senatorshlps t » I'll.

BSUCABCS, D. T.. Jan. 17 —tlovensor Church has a t laat isaued a priiclamatlon giving the olticlal reniilM ot the recent elec-tion on the dlvIaliMi of iin-Territory. The total number of vote* cast waa (17.1118; ;17.7SI for dlvlrlim. and against. The result, barr ing a few scattering votea, gives a majori ty for dlvia on of 4.781. Lo-cal option was carried in sixty-four out of tiio eighty-six countu «,

SNILNIIHELK. UL. JIIIL 17.—An election In tbe Tblr teenth Judicial District on Feb-ruary 7 waa ordered yesterday by Governor Oglesby to till the vacancy occasioned by tho death of Judgn John V. Kustaue.

TACUMA. W. T.. Jan. 17 —Uoth branches ul the Legislature of Washington Territory have re-enacted tbe Woman's SnlTrago law, but exempted women f rom Jury service.

DES MOIN'ES, la.. Jan. 17.—At a caucus of Democratic members of the Leglslatare lost night T. J Anderson was nominated for United suites Senator.

SALT LAKE CJTT. I'. 1 . Jan. 17.—A bill was Introdneed In the Legislature yeaterday by John M. Young, a nephew of the lule ilrigham Yonng, to tnnpreNi the practice uf polygamy.

BAUTAX, N. S.. Jan. 17.—Jeffrey McCuJl,a member of the Leglslntnre, iu u specch ad-vocated the iiuiaediate abolltloa of local legiBlatnres und the annexation of Nova Hcotia to the Uni ted States.


J D R . S I X a L ' S

E N G L I S H B U C H U ta One of the Best

K i d n e y INVUTIQAT0R8 IN USE.

a'asyhssf iiiRBaa

• of U J K! In-Jl. UlaJ I'r -i Orru". Iintnt;or rjf Ilic Nark al

L'nnr. Ounurrh r m . r'.ntfwUjfi of 11

- . .Atotra. laHammtnon . . —

I ' l a t t a ^ l a j i ' i S ^ l l i i 5 a « r . l p * S r Calrului. l i t -Jil C-'ICUIUA. IUIIAJ

r. Krviurni CrlaaUoii. Oravrl lly to U. urn U a W'airr, par-

jaoad In Ufa. IT U A XIMIBV A ISat raafnraa the C m . ' lo i u natural

loraa lha add aad bornln*. an J lha cSact of l&ancaatfraiiaaof InloiWatlaa JHaL

PRICE, $ l | Six Bot t l e s for SS. C T S a n d f j r CUmUr. Sold by all O r a a W i .

W. JOHNSTON * 0 0 . , 61XB ABCfTa. l / t T W l L MICH.

T H E R E A D I N G S T R I K E .

The l l r rueb Hoi ween Kiupluyara and E m -pluyaa CruH-lne Wldar .

llEA0I>0. Pa., Jan. 1 I —The breach be-tween the Heading K.tllioud l ouipnny and IU str iking inliieri seems lo be widening, und the Unprcsalon prevails tbrougbout tha region tha t they are far ther f rom u telUe-ment of their dlfllcultles than ever l»efore. President Corbin's refusal to sec the com-mittees uf the strikeni, bis declaivu answers to the busineaH people of Schuylkill (.'unnty. tha t be will not t reat with any body of men as u labor organisation, ureal1 looked upon us evidence t ha t he haa decided to defy tho miners. William Lewia, uf Shawnee, 0., tbu muster workman ut tho National Miners' Assembly, called ou I 'retl-dent Curbln to effect a conference. Presi-dent Corbin gave Mr. Lewla no answer t o lib appeal tor the arbilra'.lon ol the mtnera' grluvancps alone, although the moaier work-m i n waited for hours for an uiuwei

BXAHnui. P a . Jan. 17—E glu humlred special policemen n-m guaid the Heading Ballroad Company ' ' pru|H.-rty lu the coal regions, 500 Imvlug I een employed yester-day. They a re lo b" aUition-d at Shamokln, Gordon, Muhanoy I'laii'-. Palo Alto and Tamaiina, wltb two or ihree men a t each ot the company's colllenea Kullroad offl-clals are of the opinion lhat there may be at tempts at IneendlBiiam and are making everv preparation to meet u u - emergency Tbei i Is nu in.sUikiiig the temper ot the strikers. They are becoming reatless and desperate. Tbe Heading offlcials were never more determined than now to crush the Knights of l a b o r and are iinlatly pre-paring for a long ktrugg.e

Tbe Heading (.'onipany nu- n-sii d orders directing th s t ull i>i.>.M:ngi'r enginea be furnished with bitiiuiiuuii> c. ai af ter to-day in place of antbraci ie . l i f e , . r ; r k ing em-ployes Interfered with llwi con pany' t CIS cers a t Mobauoy Plan- yeBteiday nnd were promptly urrea'.ud and locked ii|<. At Port lUchmoml an engineer and his fireman were driven Irom their engine and badly used up before they could be rescued Tho miners und laborers uiiipluyed ut Taylor 's collltry ut Ulg Him refused to re tu ru to work yesterday, ulthuugh they were of -fered the advance lu pay. l ive locomotives have been burned by non-union m e a

The leaders of thu strike are discussing the possibility u( bringing aults uguluat the rallruad company, complaluiug tha t Its duty as a common carrier Is not lieing per-formed.

V A L U A B L E A N I M A L b C R E M A T E D .

A I 'uullry anil Hug Hlinu al CulunibUA. O., Ilealiiiyaiil by H r » .

C o u n o c s , 0., J a a 1:1, —During tha progress of tbe unnuul exhibition of the Ohio Poultry, Pigeon, Kennel aud Pet-Stock Aawcuiion lu tbe 1 'ourtreuth Begl-mcnt Armory In tbla city yeaterday morn-ing, the building took tlie uud over 8 0 0 vuluablo dogs of differeut breeds were I irued. Many chickens aud pigeons ware also c r e m a t e d Tho famous (jordun setter, Huyal Duke, uwned by Walter Ham-melt, of Phlladelphls, valued at ^lO.OOO, broke hU chain und gut out badly alnged. The champlou Knglish auttet. Paul IHad-sloue, of Pit tsburgb, valui.-d ^ 10,000, waa uiao sa red. Three hundred s u u d a of rlfl-« aud the uniforms o l ull tbe men of the regi-ment were destroyed Tha total luas la $70,000.

Ulg l ira a t liidlaiia|Hilla. IxiiLkNAfous, Ind. , J a a 1 4 . - A Hie b s t

night dcitroyed the wholeaule dry-gooda huusu of D. Irwin i Co., the wholesale grocery of Oeorge W. Stout A On, tba i^oeensware store of Pearson I Wetssl, and also the buildings occupied by Tanner A Halllvan, miners ' suppllea; (I, R k Bon, oversll manufuctarers , and McEee A Branham, boots and shut-a Tba lota was | 7 0 0 . 0 0 t t

l u r W e a k K n d a d J a n u a r y IT .

Mr. James (L Dlaluu li.n nrrlv -dat Venlcei A gang uf seven Imrglura were cupaired

a t Boston Frlilay mnrn ng. Tbu Cr..nd Trunk ruad Is building a

branch f rom Elkhart . ImL, to Jackson, Mich.

The second trial of the noted tully-sheut forgery cases commenced a l Indianapolis Monday.

Three men were killed on Monday in the Parker County l lui l) ooal mines by an ex-plosion.

A tiro ou Thursday ut Duuphln, P a , de-stroyed the car works, a church and several dwellings

Fire In Warren street , New York, on Sunday caiiHed thu loss of #1."0,000 worth of property.

The residence uf Senator Ingalls at AU chlsou. Kan., was burned un Thursday. Loss, *112,000.

Tho buru lng uf thn Church of tho He-deemer a t Minneapolis un Sunday caused a low uf $70 ,000 .

Milton D. Frost, a well-known •voudsn-ware manufacturer , died ot Detrulc Friday murnlng, aged UO.

The Pennsylvania Oruud Lodge. Knlghte of Pythias, haa been auspeuded for dla-obedlence of order*

Thu discovery of another plot ugalnst tbu life ul the Cxar of Hiue-ln was made ut 8 t PeU-raburg ou Tuesil ly.

Three lirothem—Stephen, Samuel and Joseph Kollep—were killed by t h e cars Sat-urday night at Sharon, Pa

Shermun .V Hell, the o ldes t auctioneers In Milwaukee, assigned Monday; liabilities, $'. '0,000; a-M-ts nut stateiL

Ben Hogun, ihe ruvivultat. Is meeting with great sucresa In Cincinnati, huvliig con-verted 1.000 persons lusi week.

At lludsock. lad., Saturday night Sjulre Adam Geste w aa called to his door and shot dead by sumu uuknuwu persona.

A sharp uurthi|uuke siiuck waa felt In the Ottawa (Out.) region Tuesday murnlng Crockery waa smashed In many houK&

lieury Buuey icolored) waa t aken from the Jail Iu Laurens Couniy. Ky., on Friday and lynched He wua accused of robbery.

A t ro t t ing h o n e valued ijsl.OOO, owned by E W. TUlotMU, of llloomlngton. IIL. w u frozen U) death In his aub ie Saturday n ight

Walla playing "Wild Went- ut Lima, 0,, Monday, Charles Cocbrau shot Barry Harter through the heart, killing him In-stantly.

Two men named Until and Uynes e t -teiapted to thaw out a can of dynamite on Thursday a t Kingstou, C n t , and were blown to plecea

Thomas Barret t , convicted In Minneapolis ot the murder of street-o&r dr iver Toilet-son, wua on Thursday sentenced to be hanged May 1L

It Is announced that the dilHjultles among the Pennsy 'vanla railroad and Its employes will be arranged in a few days In B satis-factory manner.

By the aid of thu big teleacope In the Lick observatory at San Francisco B new star was dlacuvered uu Friday In the con-Btellatign of Orioa

Tho Kteninn .lln • office a t Kunsus City waa dustruyed by lire Mund iv afternoon. The lokan aggregate .fiai.iMHi, with about $35,000 iDsniance.

Three persona died nt Selma, Ala, on Thnrsilay, and two chlldreu were nt tha point ol death, lu consei|iiiMii* of having eaten polsoueil hog meat.

The oldest printer in Ihe State of Penn-sylvania and a veteran of Ihe war of 1812, Jnmes McDennolt. died ul Washington, In that State, Tuesday, »gi d IKI.

Thu almshousi' und an adjoining dwelling located In Faol Vdlug , Cuna , were burned to tbe ground uu Tuesduv. and three per-sons perished iu the dame*

A bnlldlug ut the east end ut Madison street bridge, Chicago, occup ed by several buslneaa flrms. was destroyed by Bru Tues-day night, causing a loss of $150,000.

A broke rail precipita ed thru'.- Chicago, Kansas ,t Nebraska railway curs down an embankmen t a t Wdlard Kan. on Monday, an I twelve persons were badly In jured

Burglars mad i a haul of $30,000 in money uud vuluables by breaking Into the residence of Henry U.versdalo Grenfell,ouu of the d l r e c t o n of thn Bank of Knglond

George Walker. Into Consul General ot the United States lu Psna. died ot pneu-monia ot his residence in WuHCington on Sunday lu tho sixty-fourth yea r of his sge.

I t has leaked out through a New York tailor, who makes clothes for tho President, that Mr. Cleveland la steadily Increasing in sUo and v .ulgbtaudUudadlflluulty lu stoop-i n g

Ok erpressure of natural gaa caused a tuu at Youngstown, O., Friday, which destroyed a bluek of fruiue Luslness houses. The lota Is about $20,000. fully covered by In-suratum

f r a n k t . Theel, book-kee|ier tor the King Iron-Bridge Company, has been In-dicted a t Des Mulnes, l a , fo r embezzle-ment and forgerv. The amount stolen 1B $10,000

The awlndier who sold t ickets to tho ex-tent of $1)0.000 In Mexico a year ago for a Patll seasun uf coucerls was caught In New York on Fridav. His name Is Charles Bonr toa

Thirteen business placoa, including a bank nud newspaper office, a t Paw Paw, Mich., were destroyed by Ore Friday morn-ing. The lusa Is $72,000, wi th Insurance of about $30,000.

Iu the war of exteriuinatlon between the McCoys, ot Pike County, Ky., and the Hat-Helds, of laigaii County, W. Va , three ot the Hatllelds have been In I led. The author-lUes a re powerleaa to stop the deadly f eud

The gold found thua far In Pierce Cuanly, Wis., Is known as dour gold by old Call-fornla miners, aud Is said to be very pure Magnetic sand is also fouud ia quant ties, which, though of uo great commercial valu« at present, was formerly used by E Uaon In many of bis luventions.

POWDER Absolutely Pure.

T h i s p o w d e r n e v e r v a n e * . A Marvel of pur-l l y s t r e n g t h a n d whl lFaonienesa . Mora eeun-u m l c a l than d i e o n l l n a r y k i n d s , and c a n n o t he s o l d lo corn pe l l t lon w i t h Ihe m u l l l l u d e u f luw t e a l , short w e i g h t a l u m o r p h o s p h a t e p o w d e r s . Hold on ly In c a n s . K o y a l B a k i n g P o w d e r Co, 100 W a l l tk. N . V. 119—® I

Uaealvail Fatal Injuria*. ST. PAUL, Minn , J a n 17 —FrankCrauber,

whu worked on the tower ol ihu ice palace, •l ipped yesterday and fell over 100 fe«t to the g r o u n d receiving Injur e i from which he will die. llo lmd been dancing on ths wall and hail bean cuutlone.l, but puld no alteultiin to the warning

Tha Tarlir uu Im.i Ora. CLBVBLASD. 0 . , Jan. 1(1.-At the annual

meet ing here Friday uf the Western Iron Ore Assoclotlou. a memuii.d to Congresa protes t ing and remuastrul .ng against the .etr. jvul ur reduct on of tlio duty on Iron ore was unaiilmou'ly mlupted I t WBB stated that about $1 lO.INNl.OOO uf capital was employed Ir mining uud handling Iron ore, and t h u would !>• Mr nualy jeopardized If the duty was reduced, besides throwing out uf employment hundreds ot thuusauda of men.

Il ls l l s a d Btewa OB. OIICAUO, Jan. 17.—Neal McKeague. who

is suppoaed to have murdered Mr. uud Mrs. WiUson al Wlnuetka a few years ago, wua shot and killed In a saloon a t Church's Ferry, D T. He g o O a t o a quarrel with a saloon-keeper named T. A Hlllerman about a game, and In trying to shoot blm was shot himself, the enllro lop of his head be-ing blown off.

Vulunleara Hainan il Back Pay. CncwXATl, Jan 17.—Tho Fo r ty -Bm Regi-

ment, Kentucky Volunteers, or what la l e f t ot them, wero never mastered oat of s e r r -lott They met Satuiday afternoon for the purpooe of adopting somu means to sec ora their discharge anil pay up to the present t lmu Should the olalm prove valid each man will receive fCI 58K

f a ta l I 'uaallag AccUlaal, OSWEGO, N. Y. J a a 17.—A bob-sled hold-

lug tun iieraoni dashed Into a former's team in this city Satuiday n ight One man haa died uf his Injuilea, two o thers can not r»-cuvet, snd the remaining saven are badly i u j a n n l

Uualaesa Pal luras. NEW VOBB, J a a 14.—TL* bus new f«U-

nroa iluring ihe last seven d«ys number fur the United States 258, and lur Canada :i(j, a iufal uf 288, again .t 270 luat week and 32:i for the curre«iHiodlng Week of 1887.

Paaa«<l Away. SALBM, o r e , J a a 14—The father of

Lleuteuaiit Hchwalku, Frederick Guatava Schwutka. whu was one iTl ihu founders o t Odd-Fellowship in the United States, died here Friday, (gad 08.

I'«*>«^ Away at a l l ' p " OUI Aga-htxiibTos, O u t , Jan, DI.—The mother of

Hon Oliver Muwst Premier of Ontario, haa Jutt diud a t lha age of 102.

M I C H I G A N M A T T E R S .

Thi r ty - f ive e m p l o y e s of t h e Ion i a Rail-

rouii Shops h a v e been laid off.

Mineral w a t e r l l m t wi l l Ibjut a goose

e g g gushes out of t h e S o u t h L y o n gas

wel l .

H e u r y H . A p l i n , of Day C i t y , ha s

been appoin ted a s s i s t an t i n s w e t o r g e n -

e r a l of t h e O. A . K. fo r Mich igan .

B a y Ci ty has subscr ibed $250 m o r e

t h a r t h e $23,000 a r k e d f r o m it f o r t h e

B a t t l e Creek-Bay C i ty ra i l road .

T h e B a r r y c o u n t y Superv i so r s h a v e

resolved t h a t t h e c o u n t y off icers m u s t

e n f o r c e t h e s t r i c t l e t t e r a n d sp i r i t of t h e

l iquor laws.

T h e O r c h a r d L u k e m i l i t a r y a c a d e m y

h a s t h e larges t a t t e n d a n c e of a n y pri-

v a t e i n s t i t u t i on of t h e k ind in t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s .

Lev i Mur ray , a n e m p l o y e a t Hanson ' s

s a w mil l , s i x mi l e s eas t of V i c k s b u r g ,

f e l l aga ins t t h e s a w T u e s d a y n n d had

h i s leg c u t off ,

K e n t C o u n t y h a s dec ided not t o b o t h e r

a b o u t m a k i n g a l is t of i ts m o r t g a g e s

u n t i l t h e s u p r e m e c o u r t p a r s e s u p o n t h e

l a w o rde r ing i t .

Oil has been s t r u c k in Alonzo Baker ' s

s i x t y - f i i e foot we l l a t G r a n d Ledge . A

coal vein five f ee t t h i c k w a s dri l led

t h r o u g h ju s t be fo re s t r i k i n g w a t e r and

O i l .

T h e P h i e n i x f u r n i t u r e c o m p a n y , ul

G r a n d Rapids , h a s been a w a r d e d the

c o n t r a c t fo r s u p p l y i n g al l g o v e r n m e n t

bu i l d ings t h i s s ide of t h e Kocky m o u n -

t a n s . Big job .

T h e Mich igan Bus iness Men's Associa-

t ion , w h i c h has Its h e a d q u a r t e r s in Ud.

Rapids , i nc ludes fifty-fiye c h a r t e r e d and

fifty-eight u n c h a r t e r e d aux i l i a r i e s , com-

pr i s ing 3,160 m e m b e r s .

J o h n J . M a j o r , a w e a l t h y f a r m e r near

Centerv i l le , w h o w a s poisened whi le

l ead ing t o w a t e r a horse h a v i n g t h e

g l a n d e r s , a f ew d a y s ago, d i ed f o r m

t h e e f fec ts un t h e 12th ins t .

A t noon T h u r s d a y t h e B a n c r o f t H igh

School b u i l d i n g , va lued a t $3,000, bu rn -

e d t o t h e g r o u n d . T h e i n s u r a n c o was

$1,600. Tho books and t h e con-

t e n t s ot t h e b u i l d i n g w e r e moe t ly saved.

One hote l m a n s t B e l l t v u e ia said t o

he so m a d ove r local p roh ib i t ion t h a t he

proposes t c bu i ld a n e w hote 1 nea r

Wil l i s lake , s t r a d d l e t h e c o u n t y h n e

a n d h a v e his b a r n s u u o n t h e s ide t h a t

wil l let h i m be .

Greenvi l le h a s a n o ld ve t . of t h e Mexi-

c a n w a r by t h e n a m e of Michael Gordon .

H e p i r t i c i p a t e d in f o u r of t h e heavies t

ba t t les of t h a t w a r , a n d m a r c h e d w i th

G e n . S m t t ' s t r i u m p h a n t a r m y i r u m Vera

Cruz to t h e C i ty of Mexico.

Deputy G a m e W a r d e n C i a f t , of l i a

bella c o u n t y , wil l l e t the beas t s of the

field, t h e b i rds of t b e a i r a n d t h e little

fiithes in the b ; o o k padd le t h e i r own ca-

noes a f t e r th i s . T h e supe rv i so r s have

c u t h i s [iay f r o m $3 t o 25 c e n t s a d a y .

Dr. V a u g h n , of t h e u n i v e r s i t y , says

t h e r e a r e 10,000 cases of t y p h o i d f eve r in

t h j e la te a n n u a l l y a n d t ha t n ine - t en ths

of the pa t i en t s g e t wel l . T h e typho ida l

g e r m s in w a t e r o r mi lk , h e a lso says,

can be k n o c k e d in to i n n o c u o u s desue-

t u d e by bo i l ing ,

I h a v e a l w a y s lieen m u c h a n n o y e d by

neu ra lg i a a n d b e a d a c h e a n d finally de-

t e r m i n e d to t r y S a l v a t i o n Oil , I a m

glad to r e c o m m e n d i t a s i t m a d e a p e r

fee t c u r e in m y case. M A R K S N E W ,

62 A i s q u i t h S t . , Ba l t imore , Md.

The recen t g r e a t b l izzard w h i c h swep t

n o r t h e r n Mich igan has g r e a t l y in t e r fe red

w i th traff ic , h a s a lso caused n u m e r o u s

mil ls tu s h u t d o w n sooner t h a n w a s in-

t ended . In t h e woods nea r ly a l l opera-

t ions l iave been t e m p o r a r i l y suspended

t o a w a i t se t t led w e a t h e r .

" I w o n d e r , " she sa id , " w h y I a m re-

ce ive ing so very m a n y b i r t h d a y calls

th i s yea r—I bel ieve e v e r y ag reeab le

m a n in the i-i ty ha s been h e r e . " " D o n ' t "

you k n o w t h e reason T a s k s h e r sensible

m o t h e r . " I t is because las t y e a r half of

o u r visi tors w e r e in bed w i t h colds.

T h L y e a r t hey h a v e al l l e a r n e d t o use

Dr. Bul l ' s C o u g h S y r u p .

A bal l of fire f e l l ' f r o m thu heavens a

f ew e v e n i n g s s ince n e a r G n env i l l e , l igh t

ing u p t b e n e i g h b o r h o o d In u br i l l iant

m a n n e r fo r 5 o r 10' s econds und d isap-

pea r ing w i t h a r epo r t l ike t h a t of a can

non . T h e c o u u u u n i t y was b a d l y f r i g h t

ened by t h e p h e n o m e n o n , t h e l igh t a n d

noise U-ing s e e n a n d heard in She r idan ,

Anisdt ' i i , Be ld ing a n d G r e e n v i l l e

In t h e C i r c u i t C o u r t of O t t a w a c o u n t y

Thuraduy A b r a i n H a v e r l y , a y o u n g

Ind ian , p leaded g u i l t y to m a n s l a u g h t e r

a n d w a s s en t enced t o t h r e e y e a r s in t h e

S t a l e H o u s e of Cor rec t ion a t Ionia .

T h e m u r d e r w a s c o m m i t t e d last S u m

m e r a t Bass R ive r , w h e r e H a v e r l y m e t

F r a n k J o h n s o n , w h o m he suspec t ed of

imprope r r e l a t ion w i th hia wi fe , a n d

whi le as leep ho c h o k c d J o h n s o n to

dea th .

P a t e n t s g r a n t e d t o c i t i zens of Michi-

g a n d u r i n g t h e p m t week , a n d repor ted

expressly fo r t h i s p i p e r :

D. B. Al len , T h r e e Oaks , W h i p ; C. L. B a r r e t ' , A l l egan , Road c a r t : W . B. Cobb. D e c a t u r , S u l k y a t t a i - h m e n t for p lows; W . J . D r e w , G r a n d Rapids , Car-pet sweepe r ; J . G r a h a m , Det ro i t , E a r rack f o r pens , penci ls , e t c ; B L. H s r r i s , G r i p ft r r a i l w a y c a m ; H . C . Hodges Detroi t , Constru- t i o n c* c a r s , e t c : 0 . L . k i n d . De t ro i t , H y d r o c a r b o n f u r n a c e ; J . S c h u m a n , Det ro i t , S p e l l i n g boa rd ; D. S t u c k , B ig Rapids , D e n t a l c h a i r ; A. I . W o r t h i n g t o n , S t . Cla i r , H a i r tonic .

H O R S E J ) V E R C O A T S !


When Yon Can Get Blankets So Cheap ? We will close out our lot of over

i -ooo B L A N K E T S 1.000

AS FOLLOWS: Good Large Stable Blankets, $ .59 Equality "Giant," Street Blankets,

Regular Price, Wool Mackinaw Blankets,

Regular Price, Very Best Heavy Fawn Blankets,

99 1.25

: 2 .00

-• 2 .30

3 .50 3 .40

Regular Price, 6 .00

Star Clothing House, 36 to 42 CANAL STREET,


^ 1

A c o r r e s p o n d e n t t o tho Elsie S u n

re l a t e s t h e fo l lowing : I t is r epor ted

t h a t t h e l i t t le d a u g h t e r of G e o r g e

Merce r is s u f f e r i n g f r o m a l ive t u r t l e in

h e r s t o m a c h . I t is sa id t h a t las t F a l l

wh i l e p l a y i n g w i t h a tu r t l e ' s e g g s h e

p u t i t i n h e r m o u t h a n d acc iden ta l ly

s w a l l o w e d it . I t h a s h a t c h e d a n d is

s t ead i ly g r o w i n g ; i t is a l r eady s o la rge

l h a t i t is pe rcep t ib le o n t h e ou t s ide .

G r a n d Ledge c o n t a i n s n m a n w h u has

been so n e a r d e a t h ' s doo r tw ice t h a t h i s

g r a v e c lo thes w e r e p rov ided f o r a n d

c a l c u l a t i o n s m a d e f o r h i s f u n e r a l , b u t

e a c h t i m e he surpr i sed h i s relat ives^ a n d

t h e p h y s i c i a n s by r e c o v e r i n g a n d w e a r -

i n g o u i h i s g r a v e c lo the s in h i s da i ly

p u r s u i t s . H e n o w has b u t o n e l u n g ,

y e t e n j o y e t f a i r l y good h e a l t h ,

c o n s i d e r i n g t h e phys ica l t o f f e r i n g s h e

h a s u n d e r g o n e . All h i s n c k n e s s resul t -

ed f r o m service a n d e x p o s u r e in t h e

rebe l l ion . H e d r a w s a pens ion a u d

o u g h t t o h a y e t w o , — [ G r a n d L e d g e I n d e -

p e n d e n t . ]

NECRALOU c a n b e cured by H i b b a r d ' s R h e u m a t i c S y r u p , if t a k e n a su t f i c ian t l e n g t h of t i m e to t h o r o u g h l y p u n t y t h e b lood, g i v i n g s t r e n g t h t o t h e whole ne r -vous s y s t e m .

W h e n t h e s y s t e m debi l i t a ted by dis-ease , i t shou ld be s t r e n g t h e n e d a n d re-n e w e d w i t h A y e r ' s Sa rsapar i l l a . T h i s m e d i c i n e invar iab ly p roves itself w o r t h y of al l t h a t can be sa id in i ts f a v o r . Sold by al l d r u g g i s t s a n d dea l e r s in med ic ines . P r i c e $1. S i x bo t t l e s $5.

A t J . R . L i © e ' s .

MEAT MARKET, On the Bridge

will a l w a y s be f o u n d t h e cho ices t c u t s

of Metti, a u d a t

Prices Always Reasooable. Fish and Poultry in their


J . E . L E E ,

PATENTS UtTaat^. a n d T r a d e M a r k s o b t a l a c d a n l a l l Pat -IMDI b u a l o e s s c o n d u c t e d f o r j i O U S K A T K F S K K

o u R o r r i c E i s OPPOSITE U O. PATKST O F F I C E . W e h a v e no s u b - a w o d e s , a l l b u s i n e s s d i r e c t , h e o c a c a n t r a n s a c t p a t e n t bus lnaas In l eas t i m e a n d a l L E S S C O S T t h a n i h o e o r e m o t e f r o m W M h i n f t o o .

S e n d m o d e l , d r a w l a f . o r p h o t o , w i t h d e s c r i p l ion . W e a d r i t e If p a t e n t a b l e or n o t , f r e e of e h a i r e . O u r f e e Is n u t Hue t i l l p a l e a t Is aecured .

A b o o k . " H o w t o O b t a i n P a t e o l a . ' w i t h r e f e r a n c e a l o ac tua l c l l e n l * In y o u r B u t e , count r . o r t o w n , s e n t f r e e . Addreaa

C. A. SNOW & CO., O p o p s l l e P a t e n t Off ice , W u h i n ( t o a . l>. C .

" M A Y GOD BLESS YOU!" A Boston I ' apar - l langar ' a T run bla aud

H o w H a O e l s O u t o f I I — P l a i n W o r d s

f r o m I h e S u n o y S o u t h .

W h a n w a a r e l a t roub le w a cry tor h e l p . W h e n w e a r e rel leTed w e o f t e n f o r g e t to b e t h a n k f u l . B u t n o t a l w a y s Mr. W. W. Uf l f f in , of Trout Creek Bt Clair Co-. Ala," w r i t e s : ' 1 k a d a b a d a t t a c k of chUls a n d f e v e r . My s y s t e m w a s f u l l of m a l a r i a . For t w o y e a i a 1 w a s s c a r c e l y a b l e t o w o r k a * a l l . B o a . ? U m e s m y h e a r t w o u l d p a l -p t l a l e f o r t « o h o u r s a t a l ime- My l e g s w o u l d g e l c o l d l a t h e k a e e s . a n d I f u l l y e B p e t e d to d i e , Tn S e p t e m b e r , IWl, 1 b o i w h l a bo t t l e o f S h a k r E x t r a c t o l Hoots , o r S e l g l e ' s C u r a t i v e S y r u p , u f y o u r SBeot.' Mr. K- M. K i a c . n n d b e f o r e I h a d t a k e n t h e Orst b o t t l e 1 fait bet lar . a n d In a a a o r t U m o w a s a b l e l o r o l o work. M a y O o d b l e s s y o n f o r t h e g o o d y o u n a T e d o n e .

Mr. w i n . J . M c C a n n , 01 Han't a l l St. B o s t o n w r i t e s : "Six m o n t h s a g o 1 b e g a n t a Inrow u p m y f o o d a f t e r e a t l o g - I t h o u g h t 1 w a s e o l n * l a Ui c o n t u m p t t o a . 1 a o a a b e g a n t o h a i e p o l o l o t h s c h a t , s t o m a c h a n d s ldea . 1 c o t a U i U e s l e e p a n d w o k e a U l i r e d out . 1 o n c e lot-", five p o u n d s In f o u r Cays . I b e g a n m l n g s h a k e n KB-t rac t ol Hoot s o r B e l g e r s b y m p . a n d w h e a 1 h a d a i d b e d l b s s i x t h b o t t l e I cou ld e a t t h r e e s q u a r e m o a l a a day , a n d g o t o a l e e p t h e m i n u t e I s truck t h e bed . 1 a m a p a p e r h a n g e r by t r a d e , a n d h a v e w o i k e d ererj d a y s i n c e 1 took t h e s e c o n d bot t l e , a n d g a i n e d e i g h t e e n p o u n d s . I o u g h t t o b e t h a n k f u l a n d I a m . "

T h e remedy o p e n s a l l t h e na tura l p a a s a g e s of t h e b o d y , e x p e l s t h a p o i s o n f r o m Uie b l o o d a a d e n a b l e s n a t u r e l o rebu i ld w h a t d t x e a s e h a s de-s t r o y e d .

S h a k e r E x U a c t o f P o o l s , o r B e l g l e s S y r u p , Is t o l d b y a l l d r u g g i s t a , o r s e n d t o t h e p r o p r i e t o r . A . J . W h i t e . M w a r r a s s t r e e t . K c w York.


Buy of P. KELLEY, for he keeps everything in the line of


Grain Drills, Plows, Harrows, Plow Points, Repairs, &c.



My Prices are Lowest, and will satisfy you.

We Want to Show You Our Goods, and will Always be Pleased to Do So, Whether You Buy or Not.

P. KELLEY, Train's Hotel Blocks - LOWELLa

F. D. EDDY'S 11)6 p-C()X SH0E Mf& co

INSURANCE Call and Examine AGENCYa

T h e fo l lowing t i n t I-IOM compiii i i t i ' r e p r e s e n t e d :

i n s u r a n c e C o m i m n y of Nor th A m e n - • c a ••1791" (The Mttl Amer i can Co.)

F i r emen ' s F u n d . San F ranc i sco . T h e Old C o n n e c t i c u t , H a r t f o r d . Detroi t F i r e A Murine, | . . . .. Mich. F i r e & Murine, ( " ' ' t " " 4 ' Wes te rn Assu rance , C a n a d a . A Is-1 l eve ra l uf l u e beet

Liie and A c c i M Companies.


B u y t h e N e w H i g h A r m


IT IS THE BEST-Suppl ies lo r a l l Sewin j f Machines a t r e - '

d u c e d p n c e i .

OITice Opposite Foresl Mills.

J. Na COOLEY. Agt. Lowell, - Mich.'




EVBIV r x i s I I S M t i r i n

The Best Factories, CH If A Ct'OAKTIS OT IK kSIM'. .


And sold at Low Figures.

W . C. Murray, LOWELL, - - - MICH,