LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories

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  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Chapter 13

    Files and Directories

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Describe and explain the Linux filesystem

    directory structure

    Explain filesystemconcepts

    Identify and explain inodes

    Utilizechown, chgrp, and other filerelated


    Set user and group ID permissions

    Identify and explain sticky bits

    Identify and explain links

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Standard Directories

    Under Linux, nearly everything isrepresented as a file. Most

    physical devicesin thesystem are accessed using special files

    in the filesystem

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Directory Hierarchy

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Standard Directories

    / The top of the Linux filesystem hierarchy

    /bin Essential command binaries which arerequired in single usermode.

    /boot Static files of theboot loader (containseverything required for theboot processexcept configuration files and themap installer)

    /dev Device files, contains the location ofspecial or device files

    /etc Reserved forconfiguration files that are local to yourmachine (nobinariesshould be located under/etc)

    /etc/X11 is therecommended location for all X11 host-specificconfigurationfiles

    /home User home directories

    /lib Essential shared libraries and kernel modules (contains thosesharedlibrary images needed to boot thesystem and run thecommandsin theroot filesystem)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Standard Directories

    /mnt mount point of temporary partitions. Thisis generally thelocation to where temporary filesystems, such as floppies orCD-drives

    /opt reserved for theinstallation of add-on application softwarepackages

    /root Home directory ofroot user

    /tmp temporary directory

    /etc/init.d Masterstartup scripts (not used as part ofstartupconfiguration)

    /etc/rc*.d Run-level startup configuration scripts, usually links to filesinthe/etc/init.d directory

    /usr/src sourcecode



    header filesincluded by C programs


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Standard Directories

    Windows directoriesrelate to Linux directoriesin terms of


    Windows Linux

    WinNT /system32 /bin, /sbin, /etc and /usr

    Do not confuse the top level root directory / with the home

    directory of thesuper user/root

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    FHS Data Types

    The Filesystem Hierarchy System (FHS) defines two types

    of data use:data sharingand data modification. Each of

    theseclassifications has two opposing subtypes:

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    FHS Data Types

    Data Sharing : defines the type of data used in a network

    environment.Within data sharing, there are two subtypes:


    Non-Sharable Data that is defined assharable can be used by multiple

    users orby multiple hosts

    Non-sharable data is data that is linked to a specific host.

    Passwords, configuration files, and logs areexamples of

    non-sharable data

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    FHS Data Types

    Data Modification : defines how data can be augmented.

    There are two categories within thissection :


    Static Variablerefers to data that ischanged by natural,

    frequent, processes

    Static data is just that: data that does not change on a

    frequent orregularbasis. Binary programs are an

    example ofstatic data types

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The Linux File System

    Linuxsupports diskpartitioning:

    Onebranch of directory structurecan reside on one


    Different types of filesystems ormount optionscan beassigned to each partition

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The Linux File System

    All UNIX-like filesystem types follow similarmodel:

    Each filesystem on a partition (orslice) has an inode


    Inode tablecomprisesone record for each file storedwithin this partition

    Itsinode number uniquely identifies a file within the file


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The Linux File System

    Each file has an inode tableentry:

    Inode tableentry holds all attributes (meta data) of a file,

    such as: filesize, user, group, permissions, etc.

    Directoriesmap namesinto inode numbers: Directoriesstore links to inodes (and some/most store

    short symlinks on ext2 and ext3 filesystems)

    An inode numbercan havemore than one link

    referencing it

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Access Control

    Primary function:prevent unauthorized access to system databy automatically protect file and directory accessby placinga standard set ofaccess permissions when files and directoriesarecreated

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Viewing File and Directory Permissions

    View permissions on files and directoriesby using the ls l



    $ ls l .profile

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Viewing File and Directory Permissions

    r =readable

    w = writeable

    x = executable

    - = denied

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Permission Categories

    User (owner) permissions


    Others (world)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Determining Access to a File orDirectory

    Access to a file or a directory is determined by theUID andthe GID.

    o UID Identifies the user who created the directory or fileand determines ownership.

    o GID Identifies the group of users who own the directoryor file. A file or directory can belong to only one group at atime.

    To view theseUID and GID numbers, use thels -n

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Process ForDetermining Permissions

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Types of Permissions

    Permissionscontrol who can do whatto a file or directory andarerepresented by thecharacters:

    r ( read )

    w ( write )x ( execute )

    - ( denied )

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Types of Permissions

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 1


    File isread/write/execute forowneronly


    Directory isread/execute forownerand group


    File isread/write/execute forowner, and read/execute forgroup membersand others

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 2


    File isread/write/execute forownerand read/write forgroup


    Directory isread/write/execute forowner, read/execute forgroup and execute forothers


    Directory isread/execute forowner, and write forgroupmembers and readforothers

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Changing Permissions

    You can modify the permissionsset on files or directoriesusing thechmod command.

    $ chmod mode filename

    Either theownerof the file or directory orsuperusercan usethiscommand to change permissions.

    Thechmod command can modify permissionsspecified in

    eithersymbolic mode oroctalmode.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 1

    Removegroup readpermission :

    $ ls -l dante

    -rw-r--r-- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 1:44 dante

    $ chmod g-r dante

    $ ls -l dante

    -rw----r-- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 1:44 dante

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 2

    Add execute permission forowner, and readpermission forgroup and others:

    $ ls -l dante

    -rw------- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 1:44 dante

    $ chmod u+x,go+r dante

    $ ls -l dante

    -rwxr--r-- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 1:44 dante

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 3

    Set permission to readand write foreveryone:

    $ chmod a=rw dante

    $ ls -l dante

    -rw-rw-rw- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 1:44 dante

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Octal(Absolute) Mode

    Each permission has an octalvalue :

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    OctalDigits for Permission Sets

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Combined Values and Permissions

    Command format :

    $ chmodoctal_mode filename

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102


    Giveuser, group, and others readand execute access:

    $ ls -l dante

    -rw-rw-rw- 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 11:54 dante

    $ chmod 555 dante

    $ ls -l dante

    -r-xr-xr-x 1 user2 staff 2 Jun 11 11:54 dante

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Compare two Mode

    Somesymbolicmodeexpressions have no equivalentexpression in absolutemode.

    o Forexample, chmod u+x,g+w somefile has no parallel inabsolutemode.

    Absolutemodeexpressions aresometimesmoreconcise thansymbolicmodeexpressions.

    Absolutemodeexpressions aresometimesmoresuitable for

    use within shell scripts that might takeinput from other

    utilitiesin numeric form.

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Default Permissions

    Default permissions, which are automatically assigned when afile or directory iscreated.

    Theinitial default permission valuespecified by thesystem for

    a filecreation is 666 (rw-rw-rw-).

    Theinitial default permission valuespecified by thesystem fora directory creation is 777 (rwxrwxrwx).

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    The umask Filter

    Theumaskfiltercontrols the default permissions

    assigned to newly created files and directories.

    Theumaskfilteris a three-digit octal value that refers toread/write/execute permissions forowner, group, and other.

    The default value ofumaskis:022

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Calculating How the File Mode Creation Mask is


    Write the default permissionsin theirexpanded (bitwise)form.

    Write the filemodecreation maskbeneath the defaultpermissions.

    Perform thebitwisesubtraction, and write down theresult.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 1

    Default file permission r w r w r w ( 666 )

    umask of 022 w w ( 022 )

    Resulting file permission r w r r ( 644 )

    Default dir permission r w x r w x r w x ( 777 )

    umask of 022 w w ( 022 )

    Resulting dir permission r w x r x r x ( 755 )

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Example 2 : Important note

    Default file permission r w r w r w ( 666 )

    umask of 123 x w w x ( 123 )

    Resulting file permission r w r r ( 644 )


    Default dir permission r w x r w x r w x ( 777 )

    umask of 123 x w w x ( 123 )

    Resulting dir permission r w r x r ( 654 )

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Changing the umaskValue

    Command format :

    umask [new_value]

    ( umask will be valid for current shell and subshells.)

    Example :1. Verify the current umask.

    $ umask

    0222. Change the umask value to 027 and verify.

    $ umask 027

    $ umask


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    File & Dir Permission with umask = 027?

    Default file permission r w r w r w ( 666 )

    umask of 027 w r w x ( 027 )

    Resulting file permission r w r ( 640 )

    Default dir permission r w x r w x r w x ( 777 )

    umask of 027 w r w x ( 027 )

    Resulting dir permission r w x r x ( 750 )

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Special Permissions

    Three types of permission are available forexecutable filesand public directory:

    Set user ID:suid

    Set group ID:sgid Sticky bit

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Set User ID

    When suid isset on executale files, a user or process that runsthis fileis granted access based on the owner of the file (usually

    root )instead of user who started the file

    Thesuid permission displays as an sin the owners

    executable field. If fileis not executable, lsshowscapital S

    # ls l /bin/su /usr/bin/passwd

    -rwsrxrx 1 root root 18452 Jul 2 2003 /bin/su

    -r-s-x-x 1 root root 13476 Aug 7 2003 /usr/bin/passwd

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Set User ID

    Theroot user and ownercan set thesuid permission on fileusing chmod command and the octal value4000 orsymbolic


    #chmod 4755

    #chmod u+s

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Set Group ID

    When sgid issimilar to suid, except that a user or process thatruns this fileis granted access based on the owners group of

    the file

    Thesgid permission displays as an sin the groups

    executable field. If fileis not executable, lsshowscapital S

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate /usr/bin/write

    -rwxr-srx 1 root slocate 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

    -rwxr-srx 1 root tty 13476 Aug 7 2003 /usr/bin/write

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Set Group ID

    Thesgid is a useful feature forcreating shared directories:filescreated in these directoriesbelong to the group to which

    the directoriesbelong

    Theroot user and ownercan set thesuid permission on file

    using chmod command and the octal value2000 orsymbolic


    #chmod 2755

    #chmod g+s

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Sticky Bit Permission

    It protects the filesin within a public writable directory. If thedirectory has thesticky bit set, then:

    Only the owner and root can delete files

    Ownerstill need write permission to the directory Thesticky bit permission displays as an tin theothers

    executable field. If fileis not executable, lsshowscapital T

    # ls ld /tmp

    drwxrwxrwt 8 root root 4096 Jul 2 2003 /tmp

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    chown Command

    You usechown command to change the origin owner of a fileor directory to another user on thesystem

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate-rwxr-srx 1 root slocate 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

    # chown minh /usr/bin/slocate

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate

    -rwxr-srx 1 minh slocate 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    chgrp Command

    Use thechgrp command to change the group of the files ordirectories to another group on thesystem

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate-rwxr-srx 1 root slocate 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

    # chgrp instructors/usr/bin/slocate

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate

    -rwxr-srx 1 root instructors 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Command User and Group OwnershipSimultaneously

    chown command help you to change owner and group of a fileor directory simultaneously

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate-rwxr-srx 1 root slocate 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

    # chown minh:instructors/usr/bin/slocate

    # ls l /usr/bin/slocate

    -rwxr-srx 1 minh instructors 9 Jul 2 2003 /usr/bin/slocate

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    chown andchgrp Commands

    You can also ownership and group recursively with Roption:

    chown R

    chgrp R

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    chattr Command

    Thechattrcommand changes file attributes on an ext2 orext3filesystem. Using the different options, chattrcan markfiles

    asimmutable, secure deletion, and more. Thesyntax forchattr:


    To assign options, chattr uses three different options (called


    + Add attribute

    - Remove attribute

    = Assign attributes (removing unspecified


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    chattr Command

    The following is a list ofattributes used with chattr:

    a Append only for writing. Can beset orcleared only by

    a privileged userc Compressed

    d No dump

    i Immutable. Can beset orcleared only by a privilegeduser.

    s Secure deletion; thecontents arezeroed on deletion

    S Synchronous updates

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    lsattr Command

    You can display attributes of a file areset by chattrby usingthiscommand

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Access Control Lists

    Access Control Lists (ACLs) provide greatercontrol over

    file access permissions and providebetter filesecurity forthe file owner, group, other, specific users and specificgroups.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    ACL Commands

    ACLscan beset orviewed using thesecommands:

    getfacl filename(s):Display ACL entries on a file(s). setfacl acl_entries: Creates ormodifies ACL entries on


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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    ACL Entry Examples

    u[ser]::perm Sets permissions for file owner.

    g[roup]::perm Sets permissions for owners group. o[ther]:perm Sets permissions for users other than the

    owner or owners group.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    u[ser]:UID:perm or u[ser]:username:perm Sets

    permissions for a specific user. g[roup]:GID:perm or g[roup]:groupname:perm Sets

    permission for a specific group.

    m[ask]:perm Sets ACL mask. Indicates themaximum

    permissions allowed for all users, (except the owner) andfor all groups.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Adding ACL Permissions on a File

    To add ACL permissions on a file, use thesetfacl mcommand.

    #setfacl -m user:user8:6 file.txt#getfacl file.txt

    # file: file.txt# owner: user1# group:classuser::rwxuser::user8:rw- #effective:r--

    group::r- #effective:r--mask:rother:---

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Modifying ACL Permissions on a File

    #setfacl -m m:6 file.txt#getfacl file.txt

    # file: file.txt

    # owner: user1

    # group:class


    user::user8:rw- #effective:rw

    group::r- #effective:r--



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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Determining if a File has an ACL

    There are two ways to determineif a file has an ACL: By using the getfacl command By using the ls -l command

    Using the ls -l command on any file with an ACL displays a

    plus (+)sign at theend of the permission mode field. Forexample:#ls -l file.txt-rwxr-----+ 1 user1 class 167 Apr 18 11:13 file.tx

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Deleting an ACL Entry on a File

    To delete an ACL entry from a file, use thesetfacl xcommand and specify theentry type and theUID(username) or GID (groupname).

    Thisexample deletes an ACL entry from file.txt:

    #setfacl -x u:user8 file.txt

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Replacing an Entire ACL on a File

    Thisexamplesets the file owner permissions to read andwrite, group permissions to read only, and otherpermissions to none on file.txt.

    #setfacl -m user::rw-,group::r--,other:---,mask:rw-,user:user8:rw- file.txt

    #getfacl file.txt# file: file.txt# owner: user1# group:class

    user::rwuser:user8:rw- #effective:rwgroup::r-- #effective:r--mask:rwother:---

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Linking Files and Directories

    Links are used to createalternate names oraliases for files anddirectories on a system

    There are two kinds of links:


    symbolic link (orsoftlink)

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Hard link

    Used to linkfiles on thesame file system

    Files that are hard linked share the same inode number (referto thesame data on disk)

    Hard links arenot used to link directories and cannot cross filesystems.

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Creating Link

    Command Format :ln [-s]

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    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Examle Creating Hard Link

    $ln/export/home/user2/dante essay

    $ls -i /export/home/user2/dante

    89532 dante

    $ls -i essay

    89532 essay

    Examle Creating Symbolic

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories


    SAIGONLAB 83 Nguyn Th Nh, P9, Q.Tn Bnh, Tp. HCM LPI 102

    Examle Creating SymbolicLink

    $ln-s tutor.vi symlink

    $ls -l symlink

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 torey staff 8 May 9 symlink--->tutor.vi

  • 8/9/2019 LPI 101 Ch13 Files and Directories



    Describe and explain the Linux file system directory structure Explain file system concepts

    Identify and explain inodes

    Utilize chown,chgrp, and other file related commands

    Set user and group ID permissions

    Identify and explain sticky bits Identify and explain links