, ·, . ) \ :"1 •1 , . · , .,"'. r' I }I I I 1 \ . , .. '" . ..' .... , . , .< , ' .. 0'1'1011 OM WJllTI I),U(I AVJC. Will pra.tice iJl all the COl1l'tl' of the T8rritofY· . GEO. B. B.A.liIJER, 01' Will practl4$ ill Li'acolu and adjoining ( .. ,Vtinties. i ·W. F.B-LANCHARD COUNTY u. l.'S. rs.l1'RV}i¥Ok . " <, . .rl' ,\ .). "' . rf;" 'f " '. ,,; WHT'l'E OAKS, CC UG 141 1.' ,,< .;", ,; , .... ,; .ii: ..' . "".i :,., . " , i" " . i ,fOll'. 'tl1.... e -t: . al ratioli!l; ." .Old" Be n pol h"', : DOlt :'1' (pi;. " ' .'f' ... JIt';l"""" =:i "'='(' st.iff and s'tiffer in his st/Ill for want ;'lVOald keep till Nf!1Y Yllar's,lt ""all " \1:'\" tipli%d', that the . feast ,be , ,r..;, . " l'li "'0 In'. Y l, '.l: .Lf W' "" . ,Mt back 'of h iii paarance;pf the' fallllhllr felt , hat, .posrponet!, : ., ' , )!i', 0 'JIJ.. n y. ' spree;d both :Ills bl.g hony bauds . on S\l.irey gl'l\\v noolesic\i;,:and refusetl about the llliek . J,lIlOO'!i", N. .¥.' ., . his knees lll);d loolce(l with a reflee- to "1>.1'1 dpwn "1<) 'PoUy Doane 'as with b is stupid "gobl)le, g9h· B.Fl 'J) ti y" grin'. at- 'a lean young turkey ge neroU I 11,' aashe had to heI' U'lliB- 'bl(j:" pe vel' dreamirig how . . '... IeontilIltedfy; "inb:inl!( the .grew graifually l? us lY fate was prQlengiDg his days . ... IneH?w Iudian slinahine. " . ,' ... sighl of ehecked. T.p!l pretty uiee!" , .&ml! up frtllll , "'.' ..,i.if. o .. . Fro m Ih'ilig m nch jlone the: iflit 10 h sle wore i U tos&it\g ;;her bright little «1 "".u , had aeqnired' a hllibJ.ffqf ,:wtj'itth0rs, but they missed the .old laugbing ___ "'''!'' ta.lking to his "eritters," liS he felt bat and thl) frieEldi y <>n odd of the .. countrY folk and , .••• l' . ," .' , " '. cit led and carryinQ:, on long face it,' .: ' theffO.eer, old·faslllolled thiuj:!sshe monoloiue,s itl their society,'· Thc So passe,l, lind saw,': ' '. . ATXOPIll:11l '" coUNillUo0.' .... 'r LAW.. brindle cow which J'ob had nnmed Henry stillli\"ed, One bright Dec- Job, e'pvdally, delighted her, ar.d l !'tthQ Reehitmea.,.f '''M. WA'r80N. ! of I' ember .y Job hobhlC)d ou iti.t.,o the 00.he ran in the, day.' S of :N. an old-hme sweetheart of }Ilil;' was buck yH 1',1 awl sa t down on ·the prepara.tIon and ,Sat (In the quite accustomelll to receh'e Job's' wheelbarrow, He looked aroiJ I'll \II with bi III Oil 'su.nny Y. views of most matters pertaining to with his deligbtE'd grin ant! twink", and "ith him tli s ..t; ::I:..d!L'W". human Olel Denjitlnin ling ' eontent. mllde fun ,th,.) knock-kneed, bh:.jnirited sorrel week$ senso I was took of yet she did it in sucb hor"c, whose' daJs of \ with rheumatiz! Heelns a winning kind of way}hat 110 une hoed so long paet as to be'J en- j'fw,r3, I deelal'e f,)1"tt Things look could help but lovo he.r: and enjoy ti re I y for gotten ' by him sel f, purty chirk rOUllll here, though- her 11011Sen SCI. ": ' JOb'5 cunfidenee and with guess pony, Doane U)ust he fa, ' eve CfUllC 7 " and ,,'id:}:, it dil\nIned atteI!.lion to his specula- manager. Hell 0, Heilery l got "off a j.I·tiged Halll'Y, with hl& huaa 11on8 'anel philla,ophieal this didn't ye, 0111 feller? fatal block, yielde'l hI" So to-day Job sd down Oll the, I3IIt ,wait till Cbris'mas! hlOi',a martyr to, ,th.) New Y ('1\1"11 wheelbarrow, pllwhed back 11il (,10 We got t1l1eated OUl'lI our Thanks_dinner. >" hat Bud the turkl}y, gi,-iil' d yon'll mo, b 11 you j pst , ":'Tis 11 mean shllme, aillt "Ye be a mellslJ-lookiu' fAowl 'n wait lilHChr:stmas." It..l'lener v , ter kill one of a f"Her'ot UtA mistake, ye poor. critter, He hobbled slowly oat to the Wal, now. "t .my }'el Guess I'll hey to Tat ye up fLr barn and. told old Benjamin ab(lUt I rate, ,to 't,aillt use a-mournill!," Than Henllry ," (hI' hal! \us '- t nelllnllotill, 'I alld pllt his tonl.< the blee.alli I named the turkoy in honor of a fa- aloun(l ,San'ey's> brilllllll neele, I1l1rfy lIlto tbe :I vorite Ilephe. v ) ': 'n' mebb," ellvi f,' old time'';; sak2, no doubt. TJ,l.lLt night of Or) hitch"tl up 'old." .';" old inaia or ol1ler to pick yer 'f he hens we to see'hi lll- Bellj\'Ifl III droy;! tu htll'io .. hq.nes with t.ne. IIow'd yf:' li!t(1 that, t.llev all liked .Job, with n. !o\olfish I to hel.lhew'. Llg,o-a.lu , New 'M9'(1I!f1 e t hd All wnrkdonu by Survoyor {Ienerj'? '\\rat, ye needn't take the ,liking, posAiLly, on account of the wen tOQ, perc e' up 011 the hiill. of p'lblic rocor.!. I ,trouMe to answer, th' aint 110 hurry. com llciually to founl in his I' Jub,. WhIt" Oaka o.rdeN' ara to b. 111ft at ; Thet' s what I'll do, tla<Jugll, ses, sir, pockets, tl11.g us mel nly ItS JIDgllrtg ,tit" •. to rOll bet! P'llly Doane kin brown J(' .• Job lll:lde up his mind to gi"e a slll1i;hheJls. 'It WitS It prlltty SIght l'ROl\lPl WIll h. p81d. I up lllce an' anyone kinl I'll Christmas party, and accordingly that met tbeeyes of the young col- LINCOLN HOTEL. bev ber come 'n fix ye, Hen- off It 1.1Ueerlv spelled, I as be wJ.itod on tb;l platform erv, whti'n ye glt fat Qllough 'n' the wrItten, <(neerlv composed or tor Ins uncle. . OPPOS1 TE CQURT HOUSE I"' . . " ·1-1" I J-b'· d ill LINCOLN . t' t le hnle comes. .1)008 Sienl kinder lnvll.atlon to :l.flnry >awes, the 0 d e-xpall \lSe g orlOUS y _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I 0 the young people aUPJ.BIOB ACCOMMODA'l'IONS l'ADIJE, er: to." G' killin) Jt", poor I An cam? bonle.· Hhl GOO D ST II B.L IaN G. I , was dehghted. HIS flllmhar grin ohl heart \VIlS full of ""'V'7' --. Job sCI'atehed a match on the sole I grew e,'en Illore pleasant to see, ar-a nttle schemes fJr others. I_Itt!" he . helan,.&i ",,:,0. ! of his big boot and lit his pipe, eye' he was constantly cracking jokes Idreauled of what l!atlls bis own I iug thll placid-looking f01l'1 tllC011gh with Polly Doalie, who cam;' over! feetwert.l abont to tread. t@ fl H ® LJC!8 -% thl'thm bluo sUloke tlw,t curled IIp- to Act ready for the plll·ty. Polly \ Tho New Year's dinner was II '. , .... " '" ward,' W IS to bll tilt're, 0£ ell 1I rB'-, a Illl her I grea r. u ('(){' s '. P vor Henry "roast e,t ,BLANCHARD, PRop,l I hadn't ntlll1eu ye y.mng niece from tbe city, Wh3 hlld beautifully," IlS Polly Doane said, ruid ..ntcu".h ....'lll1ull Henery, dMS Soem so kinder taken it into her:pretty EttIe hea(l to anll,.gid all he could to llJaktl the M flO,USE It ilHn' off I,llj' OWll relayti ves. n. a co me 11 p to the louely eou n try place cl ay a joyous on0. Job llnd Poll V una" ..-, In .yerl p'rtlcular. d.k 'f' 'tl· 11 d 1 h 1'1 l' .' 1 1 lr tl· h b . j Jb , , . .. \,' " goo JO'e 1 tOler . ellery' 101' t Ie ,0 IlIlJS, a so l11VltC( . .. " la WIS - one, an', 0 got . pen to come 0\;"1' 'bont 'I'hanks- Therll werc to b" but four at din- the longerhalf. He would not ra· _. II. an' help ellt Y"', woulun't It.. ner, whil}h was II n'mnber, Job veal whRt he wished for"but his .n- old \ thGmght; seeing there wpre but four Rs he lookei O:ffioe :Building·) . " ' J ob pe from iII' hole cl in ner- i 11 ,tho ('11 the table At Foil NEWS AGENT AND DEALER and guuned Jovlall ( at tln,us- and tour safe chalra III the dUlll1g- him. IN pectillg Tiet,hr.. room, Job was neither pOOl' nor "YOII mighr. as well tell tllf, UncI& J WALL PAPER, CUllie anI with it a pellrioua, but bacltelor-livit!g had Job." cried the audacioilli TOUtll[ n'. .•' .. k "1i. .. I' aUil.ek o.f rhet'UHLtiStn. made him COlltcnted few things.: thing, "you for Auut .clue StAtl.()uar't Boo s, :F ancy li 0- t L t 1.1 J. l' · A·' b·· · . l't "., ... 1100. n.", ,... . F'" T 1 . 4- ua 0) OW anc kept. hinl . day or two afore Ohr. 1St nuts a ni'>W 1(" n. you• 10uS, .... lre.' .1.0 e ..o. .... ... . . ... .... "ooodOi«,rstrom uiokel eaoh l1P to thore for weeks, Wfl.ltv d on by POllVj letter caIne frotH lIeol'y'd tOotH· Polly"':; face lntR.lled. two lor .' , '' Who, ran ?,,-er from her hOllse ' Ulate sttj.tll1g that he ill allu Ull- Manlerry Imt Job "lll' equal ,SUbIOl'lphOlJ" to,:en . for,.-,. BOOK alld 'done for 11Hll\" she hel'self' able to undertake the Journey, He ta the l'lllergenev, I 14A.(Jb;ztlilil, 0; it.. , , hOY'e,'cr, he enough to "Wal, no'" it, leel1. 11.hOfl1u tal) U ..If,oli .St.ta ottn"Brlt,llla L J. .. t t dl' N' "... , ··e th t Id' 1 I 1 . btl d"'l "'IT' ])ouUniOIlo. u; '·Y. c uClLe away con ,ala e y eomc oy r "V: .L ear s, II. a .11'011 ,::a -, (nuno> \' •. Let.' a un t 8• .tiY,wrtrJ..'1'd.iI'l1 ... , '. and SI.UP.l.<Uy a.s ttH'kCyB Wlll, and I do. A. C. llt'lE?t.ltHtH party.··. ",.,lthout the be. at looklU' woma., HI d,e . . 'lWor;u !.!Iv ...... )lEW ... 1 t I"j" 1 .. 1 " . ute. 1ttl<.· or OIl . vI )t'S IIt'I)r] waft t!f).t to )/;:, tJ of l Soo 1tOxt ;f'1 . . . ."

Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

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Page 1: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

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I 1\ .,..'" ...' ...., .,


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0'1'1011 OM WJllTI I),U(I AVJC.

Will pra.tice iJl all the COl1l'tl' of the


. GEO. B. B.A.liIJER,


Will practl4$ ill Li'acolu and adjoining( ..,Vtinties.


u. l.'S. !lINlllttAL,l)l~rtJTi rs.l1'RV}i¥Ok. "

<, ~ . .rl'


"' .


" '.


"~~;iv6f~lc~;fn,,; WHT'l'E OAKS, ,Lt~OOLN CC NEW.UEXJ;~~:~ UG ~ 141 F~1.' 1":r.rr.Hn~l[S.,;\(~t:,:b\"':'"I,'li:t'r't'r",,,< .;", ~. ,; ,....,;.ii: .. ' . • "".i :,., . " , i" " .

•~, iI.P~Q~~~li 'li1","';Jl~"~,;., ,fOll'. 'tl1....e-t: . al ratioli!l; ." .Old" Be~jl\mi n grew.lt~d.as polh"',:DOltbe~aldtl1e.plll$:'1' (pi;. " ' .'f' ...JIt';l"""" =:i .~ "'='(' *'~:e:; ·;r\iblJ~t'aO'iVl'\onthe''wh~lbar' st.iff and s'tiffer in his st/Ill for want ;'lVOald keep till Nf!1Y Yllar's,lt ""all"\1:'\" ,~.:r" ~;~~a;s~Z=Jr,r':r. 'T~~! •tipli%d', 1ii~(lld weath~r-WQJ:ll ofeXllrcis~,a.~id W<l.tc~e~ fo~ t.I1t},li.p~ se,~tlet! that the . feast sl~o"ld ,be

, ,r..;, . " l'li "'0 In'. Y l, '.l:.LfW'" " . ,Mt li~t, (lnt~e back 'of hiii h~;ad,. paarance;pf the' fallllhllr felt ,hat, .posrponet!, :., ',)!i', 0 'JIJ..ny .~pnwc. ' spree;d both :Ills bl.g hony bauds .on S\l.irey gl'l\\v noolesic\i;,:and refusetl ,:&;Hen~y Bh.lkl\~ about the llliek

. J,lIlOO'!i", N. .¥.' ., . his knees lll);d loolce(l with a reflee- to "1>.1'1 dp wn "1<) 'PoUy Doane'as ~vard with bis stupid "gobl)le, g9h·B.Fl 'J)YE":"~ tiy" grin'. at- 'a lean young turkey generoUI 11,'aashe had to heI' U'lliB- 'bl(j:" pevel' dreamirig how mu.rv~i-

. . '... •~, IeontilIltedfy; "inb:inl!( abQut~n the ter~'rbetpouttry .grew graifually l?uslY fate was prQlengiDg his days....ttC)~.~a.1:Sli~ IneH?w Iudian slinahine. " . ,'...l'!~~~.1othe sighl of Pt)ll~"$ ehecked. T.p!l pretty uiee!" , .&ml! up frtllll

, "'.' ..,i.if.o ..k~ .A.",~"\t.,,, . From Ih'ilig mnch jlone the:iflit',~11~'l;OIm~1,~h10h sle wore iU :tl:t:ljp,~)XllY, tos&it\g ;;her brigh t little~.""".io. «1 "".u l.r.l~ , bach~lor had aeqnired' a hllibJ.ffqf ,:wtj'itth0rs, but they missed the .old hea,iI'~,;l.nd laugbing ~leefullyattlie'___ "'''!'' ta.lking to his "eritters," liS he felt bat and thl) frieEldiy ~rill <>n fii~' odd ~.l£JS of the ..countrY folk and

,.•••",~." 1C~.ett~, lm~d l' ., " .' , " ' . cit led th~m. and carryinQ:, on long face un~erit,' .: ' theffO.eer, old·faslllolled thiuj:!sshe~~t.-o:n.~ ::t..~d.. monoloiue,s itl their society,'· Thc So 'J'hIIIlks~iving' passe,l, lind saw,': ' '. .

ATXOPIll:11l '" coUNillUo0.' ....'r LAW.. brindle cow which J'ob had nnmed Henry stillli\"ed, One bright Dec- Job, e'pvdally, delighted her, ar.d

l Qf"rl0~ !'tthQ Reehitmea.,.f '''M. WA'r80N. !"S",ire~': in~Qnd r.rnet'nbr.~n~.e. of I' ember d~•.y Job hobhlC)d ou ~ iti.t.,o the 00.he o.~ten ran ()~er in the, day.'S ofWIIJT~ ~4Kfi :N. Jl.~ an old-hme sweetheart of }Ilil;' was buck yH 1',1 awl sa t down on ·the D~SY"'. prepara.tIon and ,Sat (In the

~--;;;~.quite accustomelll to receh'e Job's' wheel barrow, He looked aroiJ I'll \II~\oarrow with bi III Oil 'su.nnyY. views of most matters pertaining to with his deligbtE'd grin ant! twink", a~.ttl,~noons, and jol'~d "ith him tli

.A.t~ey s ..t; ::I:..d!L'W". human ~xi~tence. Olel Denjitlnin ling e,Y(:~, ' hIs,.~~art's eontent. ~he mllde fun,th,.) knock-kneed, bh:.jnirited sorrel \.IThl'Cf~ week$ senso I was took of 8-Y~rythiug-,yet she did it in sucbhor"c, whose' daJs of fl'isky~()lt-\ with tht~ rheumatiz! Heelns {hr,~e a winning kind of way}hat 110 unehoed wer(~ so long paet as to be'J en- j'fw,r3, I deelal'e f,)1"tt Things look could help but lovo he.r: and enjoyti re Iy forgotten ' by him sel f, ~hl\ret! purty chi rk rOUllll here, though- her 11011SenSCI. ": '

JOb'5 cunfidenee and Ji~teued with guess pony, Doane U)ust he fa, reg~l,ar ' .~~w Yeal"~ eve CfUllC 7" and ,,'id:}:, it

dil\nIned atteI!.lion to his specula- manager. Hell0, Heilery l got"off a j.I·tigedy · Halll'Y, with hl& huaa11on8 'anel philla,ophieal pond~rings. this till1~, didn't ye, 0111 feller? o,~ ~he fatal block, yielde'l ll~ hI"

So to-day Job sd down Oll the, I3IIt y()nj~st ,wait till Cbris'mas! hlOi',a martyr to, ,th.) New Y('1\1"11

wheelbarrow, pllwhed back 11il (,10 We got t1l1eated OUl'lI our Thanks_dinner. >"hat Bud addre~8ed the turkl}y, gi,-iil' dj~lUor, yon'll mo, b 11 ~ you j pst , ":'Tis 11 ~esk.v mean shllme, aillt

"Ye be a mellslJ-lookiu' fAowl 'n wait lilHChr:stmas." It..l'lenerv, ter kill one of a f"Her'otUtA mistake, ye poor. ~lJrllwny critter, He hobbled slowly oat to the f~.i"rid.! Wal, :rer~olid now. "t .my}'el Guess I'll hey to Tat ye up fLr barn and. told old Benjamin ab(lUt I rate, ,to 't,aillt II~' use a-mournill!,"Thanksgiv~I'l' Henllry," (hI' hal! \us '- t nelllnllotill, 'I alld pllt his ar,~)! a~~d_lP~ tonl.< the ~!illglill~, blee.alliInamed the turkoy in honor of a fa- aloun(l ,San'ey's> brilllllll neele, r~l' I1l1rfy lIlto tbe 1V~.odshe(1.:Ivorite Ilephe.v ) ': 'n' mebb," ellvif,' old time'';; sak2, no doubt. TJ,l.lLt night ofOr) hitch"tl up 'old." .';"80~10 old inaia or ol1ler to pick yer 'fhe hens we r~ ~hd to see 'hilll- Bellj\'IflIII ao~,droy;! tu ~he htll'io..

hq.nes with t.ne. IIow'd yf:' li!t(1 that, t.llev all liked .Job, with n. !o\olfishIto In"~et hi~ hel.lhew'. DaisY'Ddaii~Llg,o-a.lu , New 'M9'(1I!f1 e t h dAll wnrkdonu by ill~Coun~ySurvoyor {Ienerj'? '\\rat, ye needn't take the ,liking, posAiLly, on account of the wen tOQ, perc e' up 011 the hiill.

li.eo~1l& matt~r of p'lblic rocor.!. I ,trouMe to answer, th' aint 110 hurry. com llciually to b~ founl in his I' s~at W~tll Jub,. :~\lg"hjng an~~ (:~at-WhIt" Oaka o.rdeN' ara to b. 111ft at ;Thet's what I'll do, tla<Jugll, ses, sir, pockets, tl11.g us mel nly ItS th~ JIDgllrtg

,tit" ,I~JlPBJlT"'U. ~fliee•. to w~ich, rOll bet! P'llly Doane kin brown J(' .•Job lll:lde up his mind to gi"e a slll1i;hheJls. 'It WitS It prlltty SIghtl'ROl\lPl ATTEN'.l:IO~ WIll h. p81d. Iup lllce an' cri~p '£ anyone kinl I'll Christmas party, and accordingly that met tbeeyes of the young col-LINCOLN HOTEL. bev ber come ~vet 'n fix ye, Hen- se~~ off It 1.1Ueerlv spelled, CJueerl~ I legil\~ as be wJ.itod on tb;l platform

erv, whti'n ye glt fat Qllough 'n' the wrItten, <(neerlv composed l~tt,~r or tor Ins uncle. .OPPOS1 TE CQURT HOUSE I"' . . " ·1-1" I J -b'· d illLINCOLN ~ . t' t le hnle comes. .1)008 Sienl kinder lnvll.atlon to :l.flnry >awes, the ~ 0 d ~rlu e-xpall \lSe g orlOUS y

_ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I 0 introdll~eJ the young people

aUPJ.BIOB ACCOMMODA'l'IONS ~t l'ADIJE, er: to." ~hiuk G' killin) Jt", poor I An il.cCeptu.~ce so(~n cam? ~nd J~b il~d t~ll'ned (~waldl bonle.· HhlGOO D S T II B.L IaN G. ICi1tt~rl , was dehghted. HIS flllmhar grin ~Ilv ohl heart \VIlS full of ~leasant

""'V'7' --. Job sCI'atehed a match on the sole Igrew e,'en Illore pleasant to see, ar-a nttle schemes fJr others. I_Itt!" he. helan,.&i ",,:,0. !of his big boot and lit his pipe, eye' he was constantly cracking jokes Idreauled of what l!atlls bis own

I Pro~rICtOl's. iug thll placid-looking f01l'1 tllC011gh with Polly Doalie, who cam;' over! feetwert.l abont to tread.

~Stant@ fl H® LJC!8 -% thl'thm bluo sUloke tlw,t curled IIp- to Act ready for the plll·ty. Polly \ Tho New Year's dinner was II'. ,.... " '" ward,' W IS to bll tilt're, 0£ ell1IrB'-, aIlll her Igrear. ~u('(){'s '. P vor Henry "roaste,t

S~IPHIA ,BLANCHARD, PRop,l "Almo~t'wish I hadn't ntlll1eu ye y.mng niece from tbe city, Wh3 hlld beautifully," IlS Polly Doane said,TTaaei8nta~druid..ntcu".h ....'lll1ull Henery, i~ dMS Soem so kinder lik~ taken it into her:pretty EttIe hea(l to anll,.gid all he could to llJaktl the

M :~EI S~.ANTON flO,USE ItilHn' off I,llj' OWll relaytives. n. a come 11 p to the louely eountry place cl ay a joyous on0. Job llnd PollVuna" • ..-, In .yerl p'rtlcular. d . k 'f' 'tl· 11 d ~ 1 h 1'1 l' .' 1 1 lr tl· • h b . j J b, , . .. \,' " goo JO'e 1 tOler . ellery' h~p- 101' t Ie ,0 IlIlJS, ~"as a so l11VltC( . l~(I .." la WIS - one, an', 0 got

.~~~ pen to come 0\;"1' 'bont 'I'hanks- Therll werc to b" but four at din- the longerhalf. He would not ra·_. II. B.~, f1ivin~ an' help ellt Y"', woulun't It.. ner, whil}h was II ~o,)d n'mnber, Job veal whRt he wished for"but his .n-

old r~nitr!H \ thGmght; seeing there wpre but four u~ually d~lttight.eJ ~dtl Rs he lookei~QStO:ffioe:Building·) ." ' Job :<iokh~~ ~i pe from ~i~mO!l~b iII'hole clinner- pl~te~ i11 ,tho ('11P?o~rd, a~ro~s the table At Foily~betr/l.'yedNEWS AGENT AND DEALER and guuned Jovlall ( at lu~ tln,us- and tour safe chalra III the dUlll1g- him.

IN pectillg Tiet,hr.. room, Job was neither pOOl' nor "YOII mighr. as well tell tllf, UncI&J WALL PAPER, Tblt:tks~ivirlg' CUllie anI with it a pellrioua, but bacltelor-livit!g had Job." cried the audacioilli TOUtll[

n'. . • ' .. k "1i. .. I' mi~eru.ble aUil.ek o.f rhet'UHLtiStn. made him COlltcnted ~.7ith few things.: thing, "you wl~h(~(l for Auut l'ol1~'t.clue StAtl.()uar't Boo s, :F ancy li0- t L t 1 . 1 J. 1· 1· l' · A·' b·· · d·. l't ".,~... 1100. n.", ,... . F'" T 1 . 4- ua ~1\ • 0) OW anc kept. hinl . day or two afore Ohr.1St nuts a ni'>W 1(" n . you•

• 10uS, .... lre.' \Jli'.rfl!~ .1.0 Ol)aooo.~· e..o. .... ... . . ... ...."ooodOi«,rstrom ~ uiokel eaoh l1P to thore for weeks, Wfl.ltvd on by POllVj letter caIne frotH lIeol'y'd tOotH· Aur~t Polly"':; face lntR.lled. t~.two lor Il,q~rter. .' , ' ' ,Dor.\l~e, Who, ran ?,,-er from her hOllse ' Ulate sttj.tll1g that he w~s ill allu Ull- Manlerry sau~e, Imt Job "lll' equal

,SUbIOl'lphOlJ" to,:en . for,.-,. BOOK alld 'done for 11Hll\" n~ she hel'self' able to undertake the Journey, He ta the l'lllergenev,I 14A.(Jb;ztlilil,0; ~EWS PA~ER ~ult' "xPl~essed it.. , , mi~ht, hOY'e,'cr, he w~ll enough to "Wal, no'" ~'e've It\].s~e,l it, leel1.

11.hOfl1u tal) U..If,oli .St.ta ottn"Brlt,llla l~In·.,·' 1· L J. .. t t dl' • N' "... , ··e th t Id' 1 I 1 . btl d"'l "'IT'])ouUniOIlo. u; '·Y. c uClLe a way con ,ala e y eomc oy r "V: .L ear s, II. a .11'011 ,::a - , (nuno> ~I \' • . Let.' aunt 8 •

.tiY,wrtrJ..'1'd.iI'l1 ... , '. and SI.UP.l.<Uy a.s ttH'kCyB Wlll, andIdo. A . C.llt'lE?t.ltHtH party.··. ",.,lthout the be.at looklU' woma., HI d,e .~\l1t .'lWor;u !.!Iv...... )lEW 1rU~xrCc. ... .~.' 1 ~ t I"j" 1 • .. 1 " .gr~w ute. 1ttl<.· "J.~1.t or OIl . vI )t'S ~i1b ~r.. IIt'I)r] waft t!f).t to )/;:, tJ otl~ht ofl Soo 1tOxt 'l~rt ;f'1

~ .. . ."

Page 2: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

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Goodman, Zeigler&Co.


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IIIGHE~T CASHPBICE~ )~ .' '. . -




Treasurer of Liriooln 00.. ~. 14.



JustIce or the P~ac(!.Precinct No. 1~,

Lincoln Co., :N. M.

(4-347) ~---

NOTIOE OF PUBLICAT;I:ON. To nIl whoUllt may concern: - .'L~o\Nl) OFFIOE at Roswell, W. 1\:[., By vil'tu~ of an. order dUly trl~de and I

, July 20, 1891. entered by the Honorable Board ofIN()ti~e is hereby given that tha follow- COllnty Oommission~rs of Lincoln 130UU~

1ng.named settler ha6l £.lett notlce of his ~ ty New l\!Cexico, at their . last July,. A. D.inte~tion,to make final ~l'oot in RUPPOl;t \ lS0~,. mee~ii1~, J, Scipio .SiLlazar, Treaa-..of h1s1claul1, and that sUld proof WIll be ute} of srnd County of LIncoln, call up­ma.de hcforeGeorge Sena Probate Olerk, on the perS()D or persons holdin g eight.at LincoJn, N. 11., on r]ue&day, S6pt 8,! pw! neu~. Ilincoln Goul1ty.Bonds; Nos.1891, viz; Jo~oph George, pro-emption' ~O, 21, 2~ and 23, of d~nominhtion eachD. 8. :1565; '(L.. 0 .. S.) for the N. UN. B.I of $1,000. to present. SA.ig. bonc1e to me'M, and'N. UN.. W. 34, Sec. 13, (l'p. 8 ~S.· for payment, on the First day of Ooto-j

, .It:. 11 E.. . bel', 1891, at my c,fllce in the town ancl

. He names the following witnesses to County of LiuCloln; ~lncl. the same will bepr.Qve his'continuous residence upon and I pa?d in full, pl·jncipnl and 1ntel'est,.culti~ation of, said land. viz; . And if said Bonds are .n.ot presentedJ. D. Puckett, of Nojtal, N, 1\1.. for payment on 8'aid doy, the inferest.Biclu1l'd IIU1·st. of H" that ar.crues upon said Bonds from andJose !vI. Vega, of "h (titer the, said Firs:t day of Octl,oer, A. D,Alfred Mayer, ot White Ouks," . 18911 will be barre<1by virtue of the

1;(1·· ." .' '8 0 . . statute.n nl"FIEtD 4 OB~A:N,




\ ' ..


'ke'~\try, au" t.he,~'iti'at'tesf,too, .'though:: '/' ,"" ..'. "'::,:' ,~~~3.t7;~':::' .' .. '..' :", " 'ther'~'s(~n~' a~£ott6rlh' '.~losf; 'jil,. h~~· ... ':~,~TIO:JJ}F01tPtJJ~~!(Jl\.T,XON~'l·.Jl,~ck~"",~Ye~;:hy:.Tli~,ptterl;Pt)11Y',pf ' " '. .~~ :'." 'f,

,. !fe'lrheV\ll~, l'in yer man>. 'T;drit . ',.L"\bTD ~FFIo~at ROs;~~;~ ~891. ' .,;i!1).yi1:\~ jt fO Ill"otic like,rl?r~a\I me, " ' Notiea is 1JarebY giVAn that the foil0 1V.·1 '

'. but ytJu'n'lne; ,ve'\~f} 'got.bleyonclTo';·~ing.nQmed~e#lel'~H!.s.Jllod'llotic0of his .,..'ill~ntie tbirrgs--thaVsfer a,filch Y011ng! ~11.te~'tWt1.tti l~aI~efino;t~roof ln~u~port . I.

. 'ones as, He[)~~l.y ~fl;, ,this ere SH~ :yC?fJlls.~lrnm,alfd ,thatsmd proof '"r111 be .''.1 .. 1'1 ." . ,. " .. P1.ad~' "b',ei?re: ~eorge Se~a" .Probate I .

"', .g.~ll. . .' '. . . ..(J]~rk at Lmcoln, New l\'Iexloo; ouTn0::;·" Polly looked across qle table W1U'daySei1tembet 8, iS01, VIZ: tTohu'GeQrgH ~

, ~tom:nly. E'()licit~ldp. abthe' eOi'ltRl1tS.1 pr~.~~ptionD; S,~35~6 (L. O. Strol.' tt~e, ~of; hl::lplato. "llev s~lmeo' the'l S. 72 Ny·E·34,al1d R).%N. ,\V.. ;4, Sec..'1Jul"key Job/' she said, ~~an' t8t rue i 13, Tp. 8"S. R.ll E 1

", ' • " '.' . ",," )0.

. '. • •. 1 ~'.' I ·IIGn(Lmest,he. following' witnesses to .~ .helpye. to IInothel 8 pU1l1O1 0 CIaIl" prove hlS eonthl1>oti9 reslden"e upon and '~ ,. ;r'" .. ,. ", ,.

\ b'n!'3." cultivation.Qf, said land,vlz; , "~ lI'<C:"k'9 "Job ~assed"his plate 111eel~1y .'Yith ,T',D. Pu.c~att,~of Nogtll, N.M. .' 'C'.O' R ~~.' O.\~ [:,..) aRE !'C"N


"'~, o~:r" ~" a ,_a happy gr10, and the young fo11<.8 HlChard ~urs}. of "". ,.A , ~ It. ·n, il- D 1"\V n Dknew 'it was set,tled. that· PollyJA~;0 M

1~:egn., °fr WhO ." .::'! Thl{~Jt~S' Wi.. '~Ti1l':!'l Q'\~ a-D' .1I1e'· '. d h' ,,}. ree .l.u.ayer,o . tte Oa.ks, . '. \'lW .a.m~~rw ,fiTe,. lV e. ,'WW, ....

.' woul not f.\:ve to '~l'l1n ovet· W len \H1"""'FIET.·D a CO''B']l' . . ~ 1 f,' . "'I

J.' . 1 h . " V ~.I .J f:;). "AN, ~'!irry,j 11jii 11~ <m~. ~~. h" f b'l'I"~l··

. ob was lalll up WIt 1 t' e"'l'neulatlZ . . R . ww JrILilll .mntW:~ 'rJJ ~') ·u9.i~ t§ . are. 0 - . . ~.. hId b . eglster. I . q

anti that the c e c {e sun- onnet. . ' I~.&.lilr).'~.~ j ~1Rl1ll VIl:....tI'b,. ..... .·«l:)II· ")• ". . R£L~~~ ~J:.IL ,iV(J.~·~ '"'VI. t m o r~

would becoml::} a$ f~'Lrnllill' a. BIght to.';"~'''''IOl'~'''~''''''~'''IoJ1l~''~~''.''':''.'"'''\~''''w""'''-l'.b/.\lJ.....'''" ....IIa> 'l.",1 . " 1!UiJ 'Q,~.the denizensof the ~arliyard.as the (4-3..7.) " ICold' t " "?[:~ COMPETITOBS ELOO/) R U1V.old (lilapidated felt hat. -, --- ~ a slght 01 JUt otoek and lO\V'lwice&. vVe ar~ 011 VOUJ,', trail

l\'O'l'TCB J?OR PUBL[OA' J,'ION 1.1 b ~Daisy with 111ischi,ef III I.ler .clanr-- " · ~ Ul:.t we are ound to hunt you down if Sou don't hunt us ~p. LitacolQLA;ND O:b'l!'ICE at Hos'Vell. N. IV1.,

log Ayes got up t'l'OCQ. the t~~ble ran J' 1" county neycl' sa"t{' such ., '.' ~ H Y 10, J891. \ . n flJ 1: IT 'Y,f'IAl PIVG

ltronnd and gave Un"le Job alld I N,otice is hereby given that the fQl. ' ' "' J " i:Jv J ~ tAunt .Polly 11 resounding IdsR, spread lowlllg~naIDed ~ettler has filed notICe of A}lnh' . t f t] I I~!i....)IC!J1! ,! UlrnTI. ~:rG,Ollt both her pretty plump lu~nd:-j lS men IO~1 .0, maw finalyroof lUI • IJ ~ 4 ,... ~,

d'J Bl h'i t I" sUppoL,tof Ins clmm, l';'nu tbat said I)1'oof; as is about to be naU f!111'atr..d I,),'"

an sa: ~. ess you Iny c 1 (. ren . '. I l;;~ v", .,)) WIll bE:' mad.e before George Sena, Pro- { ~ .

One year fr.om that etay the S:Hlle bate OIt-rI{. at Lincoln, New l\Iexico, on '. 'J:r01J~~G & TALIAFERROfour sat down together in J~b'B din· IlIIondliy, August 31, 18'11, viz: .Jcsa IiU~-l'ool'n. I:Ieo ry t4 £leI DaIsy l)ad I.HerrE-nt, IIomE:lstelld No. 126 (l{, S.) fo}' -~ ..,-- .. -_..-., ..- __ .. -H' , --'-- .•• d_'_'-'__'

been marded at Christnl<lS, and t.he H. \V. f.Ii ~l. \V.};¥, & N. W. M s. '\V. A· ~ rr' E··"4~ trf1.,~.~ ~ Ii'" t' 0F FERI

I/. H 1- & E 1 . ~t' t~-:r:b -~~ [:~ .' h~,' ''ye:re spending par·t or. theu' flon.~y. ;i!I;,I;~t~·. H:'1~~: /2 s. '!G. :~1' Sec. 18"j ,;' ~ ~ ~ l"n !?J.Ji ; i!J~ \~.' . •

mOOll a~ the 01'(1 fa.rnl. , He nt'tflleb'the following witnesses toJob gazed l'eUectIvely at the smok~ I' provo hls (~()ntiIl1l(Jt18 ),f'Si<1ellce upvn I

iii g tudtey on the pla.tter. .l\. l5l(f':V nnd m\lti:yahvn of, ~nid Inulr. VJz:'

grin Illuminated his face as IH~ Le· I LlH'io An Jmleifl., of Lim'oln. l-i. :\1.

t. I Victol'hmo Lllcp,ro, of " "

gal) 0 carve. T:.• , 1 vunll Andr(-I3 Silvu, or " "HThlS here:; n. bcng.lten turkey, JtSUS Sandoval y l:;ena, of 1\0g'oJ "

children,,' h~ said, "a.u' was frltted n11"'''''I'''1 D S CO...· l 1;, ,'1-V\ ..u.' ...,. J ).,. »E \:N, ,\reg-ISLer.Up by that ne\v tuffin' process, but'tairJt likely thh "ere or ani other r\ 01" IC ~~.,

turkey'll evtlr do the gO(')U or bting!To .Joseph Kel~ey' ' jJ, '~"..:: ....~,'_ -p:.·••IO ~tl ..A aE?.~tt. ArBthe bles81U's that old Henery did n Wb<reas, enit has been in.htu~ed in ~\'1V1d. r,i;M~~ IaSl®XI;l; @~ uay~ wewillyear ago to·.day." the JURtice's Oourt of l;l'ccibct No: 1~, -rn-a ~ n

And Henry's namesake responded !:'ineQln (OulltV. TmitQry Qf New Mex· ~e.AUi illiI&~ li"'®~t @f' our sommer.etnphatlcall v "That's "0 Uncle 11CO, by l\fbBsrs. A, Hen!(-\y ana Son, for . 'Job." .' 'tIla su~ of 111'13.28, agaiust JQ"eph Kelly gO@d.~ ~t ~::f;(&f.1@~r~ ea~te)llln. ~Ofi1t

---1__--'--- Now, If the'sald J o'Seph Kelley fails to ~ .. II ~ ~ •

The railrocld coke ovens at Sa.n make his appearance ?n ?r before tho 10 cent [A'U'ns at {] ants. fJ:; ccl?f l/rendt Sateens at 25 cents 25. . S 15th day of Aun-ust l~f.n J1l(1gment WIllI •

AntonIO. In acorro county are be- r: '. ' } Cf .J... 7 ,I " •. . . . . 1 be rendered u~alllst 111m fOI tho above ce.lt oateen at 20 cenu;. .Au(fJ odwr goods 'tIl proportIOn.~ng moved to Sta~kv1l1e, Goloratlo. : amo~nt by default. I '

'rhere are fOlir' antelope 011 the GIven under m.y llan<1, this the 7th. I Avail "U'onFself ~J:i \:his snecial ORRe·r"•. . . du}'ofJuly,]891. fI:I K LI.~

.DJaUlon:J Creek cu~tle re#nge thathave taken up their abode wUh the I

.cattle, with whonl the)' graze, . liCKBait, and ~re as tame 8S the corn­tnon herd.-Black I-titl'ge.

. .....


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Page 3: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ


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" '$,"X,·,~:·':x.":':'S,~>~;,:~'.:w ~r ~~, . "',, "" ,I '., '.' ~ - I'.' "..' ,.', ,', .,' , • "':,', ' .\ ~ .,.' (,' .', ~,~ ,'. '. ", ;J , ' • , ' " "" J~

" " , ,," '.' J~.Iil _i_a, r:sH:''CiI!l•• '',''? ! '_!IF *mr!PIflIIl!5FT8 ''!"... "i..~"", .: i " at W " ,HiIlIifMdOU',iIill t ... ,. *"...... . ....a . CdC IO'__!:~~~-~~~-' 1.' ,l~¢_"~~~~;:" ~..~""""';j:;h.'7'-;;:0 _: ~""';'\;;.....-:~.,~,~~--~""-~ ~ '~"'''''~~~~~~o'\_'''''''''~'''''1 ..,,"_4_'''''''''''''''~'''''"'''"'"'''o<\'t~ ..,,.,-.; _ ~,,,, ..• ) . .,. " 'i' ","" ',,~, .'.' .. "" .....,':." :";'" '/,' ,1" '""~'. I". ,', ' ,~, "l,j,,', , ' '\"': , ",~,'~':, • '. .:,~' '_:••••. ,~ ',', .' •. .'I.'.,':':'\;."~' ,,':. ! _," ' "

.,Ne'w,:J'erse;y, }h~ :even~n~~~f~r~'1 Hf~vo~He"so~"Willl'~,i~,g~, hi~sel.f~,onl'l~ IIJ l'em~t~~~:ab:eb(nv 'O()~u~o'rdY'" ,The deceased was 'b'~'l:ll 'Hl· 'O.ino In It~:e great "\l,S$Ue, ~l~' 91)~ ,'Jn~fUl1·.e, ac~:n~8nt~,.,e,~larnl~n~,~:.,and Cfl,mes.on- . .' ~"'.' l.18.19; graduat@d at "tb,e" Western where' Gl'over Clevtlatfd WIll be' cur l~ g,ronpStal It were, se.l)ar~ted·' ,.'H~serve coltCg'cr' $tudi~(llaw' and fQund.;\Vhen, eldgllides' JO$e~heir by]nte~;yalsotti~ne. Orie tnn. lin" ,,'

. .', " " , . 'v~s aclrrntted t~ theba1c'; went,; 10 Instinot,and beoke)u'\lSl' on'to qll.ak· d~rstan.d why tbel'e'~hOtlldb'8f,~$91'lS "~:,', 'PUIL'SHEII' EVERY FRIDAY . California' iri; 1851;, reprel!ented the-.ingigronndof false fivance, a~d t,o· ofcyc1Ql)eS, e~r·thq\1akes llnfl oHu,r' ,

. , ...~ ", , , .!BOltl Fr~ncfsco district 'if.t' Gpngress wards the dangerous econonlic <}l1icl\- ;,terrestrial ph~,Iiomena,alld ,why.'",'- ..... ~ t\~ l.~.MCGINNIs, l\'tanager.. , tor two terJ.tl~; was appointed goy .. sands, no, wonder ,the ' ~ye.s ~ of the I there ~hollldbe~pid'Jni.csQfdi8e~se.. '" ' , ' 'ernor of Utah in 1874and the sub- 'people tUl'nfronl.t,he~e blurred fig- "'Bnt thero s~e")ls al$o to be a sort o.t" W![[1'B OAKS•. ~. M.." Aug. 14. 1.891.,. . ' '<. ' , •

~~teredil1thepostoffieer.JWhitt)()ak'~ sequ~nt Y(~9r Wa,S appointetlgo.ver .. nres'to 'a,at.Hitdfast man. The car~ grvuping of· accidents which i, ill"':,'~hndQl~~~~t~er. _ " . nor 'of Neyv :Mexico; served as on til~l~es of politict~l leaders have ,3 'explicable.' Ju~tnow it if! rallro..d~ub!'lOJ1'Ption~.pefannum ~., ••• ,~ $2CO of the judges a.t the Centennial E~ .. 'proverbial 'value, but in this ca.se, wrecks. IJately itwase~plosioiJf4· ...d.vert~inK 'ratoB:$l,OO per inch, IJer montb ',' i'"

'_ A~.jr.aaliJ.leQm.municatiollsto ./ position in)?hiladelpi1ia/; "vas chief .to borrow the ~.inllI00f. ITIY frielldof PQwclor magazines, ' 'l'ht;re ha~eTHE INTEUPRJiJTER, llstice ot N0W 'Mexico fn11l1 1882 tt) Jose'ph Jefferson, who' is' famihax' been Se'l.soms of unusuli\l nurnhers of

White OakB N.lll.. 1885 when he resigned, Sii:\.c~ the~ alike with fi~hcs ,~nd with Grovel' ,wurder enaes. ,~he m..orphine bui·-"':'-....,..--.---....--.,.....".- he has nuule Santa Fe his hOll1e. 01~veland, we hll.v~ "united with side epideillic 'may haye been ca\.1sec!

ilou; T: 13, Catron, of Santa Fe, I-Iis death is deeply Inourned b~ a gentle nature the backbone of a by the later victims being affecte::l,has r~c6ntlv added a large .collec~ uiany friends. P6lace to)ds dreanl~ whale.". by the pllbhshed accounts of thetion to hi's private, library, There less seep-' Sant8, Fe. Sun. Sf-andlug aloof from 1?arty orgn,ll- former ones; an ide's, beiug sug~es-is ,no queetion btlt that he is acc~- ~~~~ izatio,t1s as nlany.. of us dt', in obedi- ted. which,lui,)'ht not have C'ccurretl

1 ,. f tl fj t l't Fl'om Boston /i'ranscl'bt. "'... l;?mua ..lng one 0 le lll~ 1 erary 4!nce to cor..<.Htions whieh concern ue, .pontaneou~ly. Bllt there is no ex·l 'b · ' th IJ . t d' St t An l~~epe~Hlem1t'~ 'rl.·lbute to1 ratlte;U e III e a (:lSt .. tGlevelan1!i. more than the Rt1eCeS$ of perBons or platlatiens for the grouping .of rail ..

BY~lel' fruit~ WIll the beautiful ISpeech of William Lloyd Garrison nt the i Qfparties" \V(iJ lUly'e anothel' fll nctiou road accidents an. iuch fireg as a,f~

1Sandwich Dinner.] .' '. ' besides th~t of 1'urni$ll1n~ rnirtbful not; due t,o the dr..'fness of the' ilea.-ll.oswel country be known, in time: AJ t Po tl d ,...

'AS ,a SUIlnll.er reS1Ct011 o£ 11S ~- food to witless .J' 0urnats. 'No esti- eon.

Just now it i:s by her n1agnificent 1 h f 1 1 h19 t u rcglOl1, ane one w, 0 nc-; nlates of yot(.n·~ btt.st,:;d on rnachinecrGp~ of. alfalfa" barley and other kn()wl~d~e2 no party allegiance, I Bubsbrdence is a safe one which as- CCH1Tict minIng- ja.bol~ In HIesIl1all grain~l al1C: her vHgi~tables join with plcast",re 111 thi~ occasion, Stnnea to CO'unt us in. But iIi the' South h~s been loudly, and rightl,":ui,tl .nlelon~. The fruit ti 111e is with UIY friends [tl~a'l1ejghbol'~, to conflict, of idea.s "tJ,1ray rf.'>ckon i.Ull protosted a~~inst, not only by the4:ltJll1iM~.-.::~\~:~~:~l', honol',)\lr· 01evdand, Kot.. howcver .who l€Cave us out.," As one of striking miners In Tennessee, ~)\1t

Wi:lianl Kl'oenig, ~i-the }{roc ni~ because he is an c:.x-PreeicJent. H.l n- that growing and independenh body hy the Southern l:re8s generally. Itlakes, \VatrollS, 861!lS 20~OOO pounds nocuous desnetude" is too clos<..>ly or thillkin o' voters who desire to fol- is n. bad eystenl to put the peniten­of fish per Jear. A pa..ying crop, assoC:Iah:d with past bearers of that low the liCY}lt whH.tevel' hand hCllds thl1'Y In com~etitioll with the, pea..thi8, 1\ot far from Cerrillos iR it title. ]Jut an unwonted E:pectacle it aloft" t a.m heJ'e to thank ~lr. plo. It i~ done on. unfair term!,rauch, \\'a.tel'cd by springs, where is hero. 'Vhile ,lhe power to bestow CleTtel:nd for opening to us ~t paLh a~ld t.he v:hole pl'im~iple i~ wrong.three large ti~h pond:) could 0tlSily po~i~ieal rt:wftld and to deal out leading inevitably to 11 nobler 01V- 1h~ qllestll>n Q~ how t~ utI11.le· thehe !t()d~'l.d llllt! operated. ' ofh~w,l punlshmen ~ hilS dropped from ilza.tIon und to the uplifting of the I~'orklng caJ:acltyof tlle pl'lf:iouers,

::"7__,~~~.~~ the grasp of onr gt1e~t, he yet co m- J ruce. ' ; 80 that the State will not b. at &

...J.,. ft'\V nights :,'go a Inonntain lion malllis t'?ntiuontn.l, a.t.ten~·,i('Jl. 11,1£51 :::-;:c;a;;;>.:::===,!,::::".:=:,!~~ 'I u6aa. loss ill their sustenance, and ""...isitcl1 Cam!> ,rltitt'omb, fiftef~n ab}:tmce ~rlHn the \-'·luto HOlH:W OIHY F 'b 1\1" I d t d T d at the laDle t~ma not interfero with

• • I rom II e.J. llllllg n us ryan 1'a es- ' .nlilt~s NH~t of t.his cit,)" and c ll'rh~cl rnakcs hun mori~ conspICUOUS. And man. ' : honef:\t industry, haa always per..HII' .1. c..,lt. The ben~t waH b'ac'ked th; rcn.son is Il(~t far to s:ek. The 'l'his s~nson is prolific in reported Iplexed econol1113tR. III Europe con­fur S01\le distance) when the trail peoplo cannot forgeL that In a tUl1@ l'cdi:::c(lveri~s of lost mineR. Colora' vi~ts ura usually put on government'\',tH 10it. The eal'eaBH (.f the ('Olt! of nutional debul:Jement, when prin-.1 ~ 'I .) 1 A . 1 w()l'k which would not o~herwise be

, i.' • • • uO, .:.,ew ,,'y CXl~( ant nzema l3/ve I '

WitS ol1rri~d off bodi~y by the rav.. cip~tls beca~lle dIvorced ft'OIll PlJh-llatehr furnished s~v(~n\l such cases! done.etl.OUS afutfl.·-Alb. Citizen. tics and Inety and plnnder were d " '0 tl f 'L t I - - ~

1 • • 1 1 ' G Ian 110W III regon le allloU8 os 'Vhat sort of thiags Europet\n- _4_._ -, _.. seEHung 3n un)o y tUllun, rovor C b' . . hit t h - b I 'Col. \V. IJ. RVl1er~un has a 1itth~ 1 1'" 1 ." 1.· a In anne IS t oug 1 0 a\e een countriss are deport.iue: to Alnerica" C evchUH \'\ ltll the C8urage en HIS ~ dUll 1h t' '

a ppla orchard in the r,Iesilla Yall~y convictions and in the' di~rc!Tal'd of lOq.n . . sua. J ese repoi' s, a.rc! to their o\'rt?- benefib, 'and our in-\vhidl derl1\>l!strated what the f.ruit . I J 1 n 1 fina~ly dIscredIted, but unca H1 a jury, is illuat rated by the case of

re elcctIon c eareu t 1e utlnosp lore l htl II' " . ,ind08tr~ bring. in I\ew l\lexico in . , ' w_ i e a rea, ost mIne IS relocated. the young !lIman Vl'110 rll1neteu a

.J \\'lth hI:=; b~'ave message. It was a At U f th t d'C b' .. I. . . n .,

the way of profits. It covers t\\'o buetle note of freedo~n that found' , le sa.~le ,lIue J"~ ;-a 1 ~n a CUti ?hJl'lell1~to the uaek of a htt·n gIrlacrCi of ground. This spring, be- . t:l ()~. t ho 'n tl dis' . cr d tl:e old })11neS are 1 (0 Y to e .lllag- In PrOVIdence o:Je day la8t week.

f. th f" f . I tIt J ImnL(Ala e ec 1 le cOtlla6 e 111fied as the veal'S go by, untll the lIe rallle to thIS country two RD<1ere e ru!~ was flIl' y se., Ie 8011.1 hf-larts of his conntn:rmcn who be·' , . . ,

h· 1 1 If' , I '1 1.'- . . .I' I;:;tOl'lCS about. them bp.comc fabqlous H. half year£l ngo from an JiJngluh18 app e crop on 1a an UCll!-, le h~Yed wIth Lo'well that . ~. .

}), t k' 11 1 £ &')00 as WIth the {,xunslght lode, whICh refornHLtory, lIe l1nd served fourny:r ;.lllt:; a ,~lantC~S- or V() 'f ~'-a fr~e pflople's sway was variously 8upposea to be son13- \"ear~ or a fh'c years' sen lienee· ,in

cahs t· , tlhgur~ 11 O~.N.~)r. rOM~rS..~I; 'Vas, not the exclJ.equer of iUlpOV- where ill Utah, Nevada or Arizona, ILancashire, ana WAS releasod o,n\y a. IS e \ a ue 0.1 ew exlCO en~hed 11lC fl, ... , • ,

1 d' tl tIl ' - 't"" ..., the Joe Dilly or Idaho, tne N arran-I COn(U{.10n tha.t he would etlllgl'ate to

an ut las a.n a.nnUl! ~arlllng ca- l~Ol' statesmansillp WIth loaded . . 1 tJ ' d S't ~ el!Ja ,') Jal Of,' Ollll\IexlCO, and nlany otnfJ1'S Ithe, 'llltp tates.

aut 1 01 ipU " P or acre. votes to pla.y , . . .• ,. ~T l' " b whwh every old miner WIll reca.ll. I The iudifferenc0 apparently felt

The Edrnunds Law 10 ""orking b o~· pub Ie office a tramp's ooz-I • I " . j "iug ke''l " '1'1 t ' . a' t· I! tl bv orr;alJ1zed abor to the results a]-

sad havoc Rlnong thos~ who· h~ve Th L., 't 1 tr " ' le 7erl1s .onQ In ~s rY' 01 .'le ~;ady.manifest :uJ,d worse' in pros-failed to record their certifioates of 'J. fJ unmea.nIng pstr Y l',o,uOrIPS country IS of great "'ntwty a,I'Hl ItS , . " ~ ."

h· l' 1 d u" h 'tl" .f-h' !. I peet!ve, fron..! llnmlgratIon ,lS Ulex-rif!ltrl·ag... Since tho P' t18sastn of this W Ie 1 Jugg 0 l~; 'ones y Wlu an· Inlport~nce IS growlng, t.houg 1 so l' bl '['h' I' b " 'fft. U..., • , • • ,', 't ,'.," ,', Iplea. 1.. e a orer le,.O 0ourse"

ilber~.1 curtailing act. The law pru '~ent Issues ?au lost theIr dl.shne- fa.r the produ?tlon, lue&'5urc{l by ~he p~rticul~r on~ affected bl. thia;vides ~ severe penalty upon n.1l who ,nvenes~. 'I he nan1B Democarat or ml)l~ev valueS!, IS .riot, very. great. e'(~'lrlncr~aS1lJ1tld~,as the arrIvalsvi..,lat& it. At a recent sessiiHl Ii)! RepnblIcan wa~ nocpssary -to tt'ace BeSides stones $ultabl~ for .leweley belong cl:n~fly t6 hI' deliS. ~1()r6-

tl U' ... ·, " .t·, 1"'1 ,,', A': . their (\rrht.natiOt1, whi~h the context there are lUal1y valuable for Ol·na. oyer, the Inst~ncee are u.umeroul!

.le ,:5. COUl Hi 1m nIX, l1Z0Ilfl, (:,' , " ~ ,\t' Ii, , . ' '. ,'" , where corporatHbnJiJ have dchb~ra.:tel.vall old Ulan of re':ipactub!e l:\tnnding unlpd to lUdke cl~<tr. None drired lllcntal WOI k In fUl~nlture and house~ planned to put this raw mater alanti c"ood chnractee', vr ho had been prcdir:ate· Ly the rt~pntation of p~n·t7 fUJ'l1hisings. Of all the geographical into the places of akilled wor.kers,lt4iman~ed twenty-three yeil,rs~' wa~ leadel's whe.re they would stand on divisions of the Uuited Statet:, Col-' c~rry tHlt th~ir S(;hellle of. reduatiollcon\fieted of violl1tiu i4 the Itt\'( and ~r?~t pn?llo q I]e~tlons ?onsta~l~ly oraclo undol1btedly protni:iH~S to yield ~)'f wages. ,Insp!te of ~ll1S p~~pett~..

,.' ,', ,.. ,', . arlS1nA' rbey had the l11dt~lHlity the largest ynriatv and even now, ..~l lneUtl.ce to ~helt welfare! htt,.l~, Ifsent to tho penltenlJlary for a terul . ~ ~, ~ , , .,' .' . . . . " ' ., " "ltny, acc~ount IS tn,ken of In1\~ngra..of years,-....\ lb. Dernocrat. o~ thl~ _C<;P: C(:c~ shOt es, stIftltlg ':lth httle d.evelopmonli and'1 nr.a?- Hon IlJ"d ~tii inevitable resll1t~, by

..".-.noioIi1.__-"'tj,"~A With t11e thL, w,llch occupal~tl of tH~allv no regu1a:r work, the State 1$ Lubor bodies, or even bV tlnur <>r..•tudie .ti.it(;.=.f-0~nd. · f· .tao W'lt.et't'O 'It S) w01I kno \V conttibut.ing in tel'estiug specimens gans :Jtucl ad VOdatei. Their eneI''''

A private di~patt:ll; reeGiiV(1d 111 '0 theIr cost. The lltat()Sman WhOlU to the cabinets of conlloia~eurA and gies ar~ ahsorbed in the eonsidera­Satltf\ Fe yeliterd:-t,Y, brought the sa:i ~Ve honor tuday showed the grani te to the jewelry tra.d~J\Iontalla, tTtah, tionof sttiire~utltl uther ~uch .•Use-

"~ th t Iud' g S.... t 1 B" A.... t 1 l't I" ",., ", ' ... " • leiS ~;,nd harnlful' demo..astra.tlons jnewQ I.. ' e ~(.Crl1il1e • A .,H ,JI.U~ 1 Y or a Jnl,)i"e rugge0. coast, and CallfoullH. a'1d North Carohnn. al'ft \'Vhil~ the great source of theirdied at the residenc~ ~5f hi"3 dal1g11 ivhlle the new~pn,per$ ate busy ~Ol\- a.lso graa,t plaaes for Ininerulogic~l,[ weaknct$S reulaillS almost tH1Criti..tel'. C. M. Phil1ip~, in .Morristown. jectll.'ing ho\v thh sena.tor 011 that 1cutlOfj1ti~s. ei7.~,-J?ortht ..d TtAt\~h.~.ript..



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Page 4: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

i" I

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--- ""::4:10_--

-_._".---, PRECINCT.



LlniJoln C()unt~'-TbirdMonday in' April an.Oetober

Oran.t County': -Third Monday i.n February and'-1lgullt..

\ "'!fax Oo,unty~-SeGond Monday in Abrou ann



:Preach1DA' Brd 31'd 4th S1111da~'s at 11m~ and 8 P, m. 1tJJd on2Dd' Sunday at

, H. m; Sunday Bch601 every Sunday atII aID. Pta)et xneeUng eVQry'Vednes­Qyjef'ettinl at 8 0'01001(.. 'f_ T. lltTJUc, Faltot "

Justio~ of tna Pence;'Deputy Sheriff.


Io\! ohn y, Hewett }.ifOllca Taliaferro. . School Directors,E. W. Parks"

John A. Brothers j .Wm .Wa.tl:lun ITown Truat~eRG.H, Young )J. 13. Cio1l1er i

U, Oz!\nneJ P,O, Langston.

, .

'1" "

.... , .1j.

, :Probate Judge,Jtrobl\~e OlerK,'rreasuaer,..\sseasor,

. t:'hsritl:Sup't Jf Sohoole(Joroner,

,'; ·},:~Ey,iM£jXICtlIN~ER~RETER ",I: ' 'Kol paaxtll:r ~odge. NO.9: ' ,"Ivetypi'etty oil' l'~inHogi~r~;r; "'09h "G.~v.,:~~~~~rp~~ii;;~d:·'.. ', ':: ;....:; , : ',' .:; '.' ";, N''I, ,,"',,, A:', :.. :1:4 ~89'1 ,'.:K~.lig'.htsbf P,',Y.th.. i.as.· •...,Ill~ets' every.'.,2nd,senting a.. l~(·.en.. ,e·in ~h.~dtzei'l~l1d,< 1.1,a,s Qyei~];~'d,'S,u;. ,~\'(l~Y. ,Jar.. ;Yi,"hit".. :'I..::O.',;i'~~'~.··~. ":,,"··WHI.Tt.QAKS. ',' , ".\M~,..' .'~g. ", .+.Ii; •• • rl, , t k '. U 1" 1:'::

" " " ',' .' , ,'" " 'a~d. 4.tb'ihuf~d{ty nigb.~ <at7 :S.9 ?'cl,Q~., just 'beeri' finished, ,by},Ir,3.J.A. ,nee,r :w1riel)" .,:"p'~~~;:, 'H~~'~~,;~ .. i:~~~O, , ,', ',C1#l,(;;::i.a,l :Oi.:re;!lc;:;to~.; , , hB~tmg Kwghts arc ccrihi\~lylIrv~tsd. Brown. .' , ' ' ' " ' 'cbatge Oft!J.e.,Jtqpil~,.~bllW~(.Jll:!l. ..:. ' ,',

FEDluR4L, " ",'J'0~'H..~,PW·Oh~e':::t6e,. b'n~'R & Lj • A.· ~~legl'am received. thiswer.k b~pe~tY1 pe.~ii'd.."in~. 'ti;~,.r"~l;lPJt',.'h.,n~.:tj.9,n...·;<Ol'~' :""~)f~: " ,=~~~~rtlla<i"gressL.~~~~~~l.I~ri:~. , 0, ,~. • ,.;. y1 • Q llIrs'\Vddilli~md W

1arnferl,~nl~o,unO~~ll'~j':erdk ~'v~~tt'~; ~~:;~~::~:viU:d::e~:,' '"

"'.ecretary,'Benjamin II: 'l'h011?'fts t Ie BU en eat 1 o. lerf:Hster'l1l ~.o;;. ,",' ,'" J' ~I .. ' .' .r'.J.~'.,,. , , .thief Justice, '.,' J. H: O'BrIen' G.A. I', R.. Kearney. Post, , N8~ '. 10 Ohical')'O. ,,' . Qpruent -Optio.' '.

t Wm. D. Lee I Meets on the ia.st Mond'ay night of' .,b~ , , '", , ~',.. . " "'.,

~B~ociatea,~· f ~~n:S~d;ie '.\eaChmouth. a'btheT,f)wn Hall.. ,:A' juvenile neck·ti0 par t,,Y \. wa~ .. 'J.. ~rn..e.,s.You'.ng,.a,*~."Q.,r1e.J;)\.a~ •.'.•.f~.~l11._," ~ Alfred Freeman "J. p,O. {,A}qGs'!;ox., P.O.' ig:ven; at Mrs. Me?oart's 1\f~nda,' Lt:I s Yeg",~,. <t.rr~v.ed .h,~r~. VVo'e~nee, ..

. l3urveyo " seraJ, E. F. Hobart I J. O. KLEPENGER.. ADJT. lDurht,' f0r the benehb of the Coua.day·. lIe, lS ernplo.yed;;,ltulaYln,.c th.eUnited st ; Collector, Levi A. Hughes 1 ., '-' 1 f tlJ~ S.'Dist . A.ttorney, .. E. A, Fis~e. ' ' ,\ Sunday School. ,; f01}1.,ndatlun of: the b~j et (i), .he 8~~~mU S Mars'u8J.' . TrInIdad Romero WhIte Oaks Lodge, U.:p., .t\..l3;. & A. ,: . .--"~;.:e- '. ,. .' hoisb at the Old· .A.b,e 1l'lln;,,;~:~ndUeO'. L'd ott,', bc::nta Fe, A. L, Morrison Iv.[ . holds r~gular communicdtionH on. The, I{nlght~ of Pytlllas of '\V lute,. 1 th' t' ./.!..... l ..d'· '·111." '.b.o.g''J.'n '..." n W B ", , ' '" . . ',' wl~na 10 lJn1S.,~A 'W '.' Jf

Bee. H " fJ! m. eOr~er the FIRST apd THIn. p Saturdays in each I Oaks,h~ve instituted a. section of .~' k . 1:' f.' d' ~. ,f .f ~';' .. H" ".'Dew. " "Las Cruces, 8. P. Me rea . 'wor An t· le t<\Ull a"lnn e: ' r elf",iie~. "., ., QUinby Vance month, at Young & Taliaferro's.: hall th~ Enadwluent rank 'which has ' , ',J. • ,Y ,~' ',..... '" '

.. "., R II W SOh V' 't' CY' b' th ' 1 ~ ,a' . ." . ' . '. ett'~ bUIldIf.l g • ,. ;.peg,' , oswe. ' { . o~~an lSI IDE> )e ren are we cQple . ,been orgaulz@d and IS In workIng , eo "'", .'

~ee' "" " Frank Lesuet J.)3. OOLLIER, W. M. d ' -.' F. C Buddingtonsp'a'01~1", eorras-. T B B Id' J T S ' ()r or. '.'R(w. " ." ]"olsom, .. a WID . ONES AIITAFERRO, Be y. . .,. d f h 1: ~ '." .. '0 ·t· • J.':"," 1

,. b A T..T H'lt t d' S' pon f}ut 0 .. t e J.\,aO$Q.S.ll }'" ourna, ,.c.i. .u. 100. re urue to ~ a.n, • d· t 1\iJ'. d' " , IT, '.... 'TERRITURIAL. \-:. . . arnve In own ,m.on aYe Ie .1:18.8

~AutonlO Sunday,]11. company wIth -, • 1 k t'h''\ ,.t':' 'd,lolioitorGeneral,· E. L. Bartlett ' DAILY MAIL6~ 'U'll' L' J 1. t . come to 00 up e ",oun r:r an see, 't"\iat••Attprney,. R:M. Twitchell Santa ~"e If 1 Ianl an~, W 30 wenlJ ?supenn- mhat there is' here worth wtiting

+" 'J.' 0 W d L 0 Eastern mail a1'rlVe~ ',' A. :u. ... t 1 tl 1..J ~J h I f th ", ,. .iii. , a e, as' rlloes ene le oat:.lng aUla au lug 0 e b t It· ti t" .' th t 'h" J. A. Ancheta, Silv~rOity , L 6 'b' ' f d G a (nl, IS sa. e 0 say a e" W.O Wrigley, B.a.toneaves. P. :u. new Inac Ulery or the La y 0- "1 .£ ' l .',. d ... ' d" M. S'all'zar, Lak Vega Fort Stauton mail arxives 5:30 d' . . WI 1 HUl ~enQug 1 In an arotll'l

Li.rarian," ,. F,lino lvaUl1no.~ "VVbite QakR to u'lake'a,Il.1nteresHngOlerk Supreme Oourt, S. Bo.rk'lJol't P. M. I 7 30 Mrs. BOWll1an of Chwag-o, with article.' ' . :.. ~',:,.,up'Ji Penitenr,iary E. W. Wmc.Jl1p ..-eaves : A. M. h d h hIt .. '.djutant General ". W. S F~etch(;'r Red Oloud mail leaves 2 F. M. er two sons, passe t ,oug as J\Iuch of the luateriai' t9 'be 'usec1-rr~aS\;lre,r. '. AntonIO O~·t~z y l:3alaz~r Mond"v. Sunday, en her way. 1'(:) Lincoll'l to . ~ ,,' ~.. ,,~,",uditor Tl'lDldad Alarl,l CAl., d h . d f 1 in the con'Struution of '~rr. Hewitt'dV.S. Int. Rev. Collector L. A. I-Ig:hes. Arrives 10 A. M. TIHu~rday. sp,en t e relualll' er 0 t l~rfH:Inmer new ston€} btiildill;', which will

wIth her Sl::lt0r~, }\Ir::~. "y el dnlan ~, , . " ." &'OUNTY P. O. open fr0111 6 A. lI. to 7 P. M. . cl 'U' "Vh 1. ' .stand Oil the cornel' of 'VhIte Oaks

v ,.l • S d J! t C\ } ,111 ...urs. " e an. , ' ',' '.un ays ,(l'onl () () v A. }f. ' --4- avenue and Placor ,st'reet, wIll be

-- 4 te 6 p.:M. P. L. K~rol1se, aLincoln contr.ac- obtaInod £1'0111 q~arricis/ ~ea~ th,e~ ~~~M:~~a lfails close 30 Ininutes before de- tor, l';'as in town this week, huntIng town. The front will he' of whitet .T. ]'. Hinkle parture. ivlQlley orders 3,nd register- for brick, prcsn.lnably to builu U Imarble. relieved \>.,r".qt~~~ $andstone,

:1'\1,.Oronin ed lettprs u~ust be applied far before court house. HIS search was uoa- the fortner c@nlin~'1 ..f1'om the.ll1;'\rble

sc?;~gs~~~~ I{ M. vailulg; the oll.ly .bric.k he t~()k (.JuarrieB on Louenl\t~U:Jltar~ ~l1'U the,.George Onrry ··_·········_··iL(;·.v·Al:·;A~~~i,j~;·;·:···_·_·_····- '1way was the ~1'1Ck.1n hIS hat whICh latter froIn Mr.llewitt;'5,!v~;ree~tead,

D. 'N, Robsrt~ n,' he bronght Wlt!~~~_ . iUJt ootside of tow", .Ji:mi,ts.~ 'rhe '\Timoteo Anana E. R. Bonnell paid LincolD. ',1 p

flying visit Snnday" The OWll(\r., 1)£ the Lady Godiva S1ue facing lacer st,t:H.~Y""Wlll be ofmin~ inten.d t~ nl~~ke it tl:e be8t I:cc1 sandstol1o; thit>_ a~s. (1)?; jsc': fotuul

8.1\1. Parker l\liss 0hl'idtitlP. 13vllnett, ha.s r~· eqtllppe'c11111ne In :New llIexll~O be' III abllncl.,tl1ce n~ar ,.,'y:~ute Oaks.J. P. O. Langston turned to her hump. in I{ansas. I 1 .I! tl t Tl f t f ~l d' . b· '-r,ore t 16 C o:,;e ot: le p\'(;1sen ye~lr· ]e ron 0 1I '10, a '.J}?(jln:l:ng~ flCA.

Thev nrc now plocul'ing the best of store, which is th9 pr.ol:,)erty of Mr.Dean ZI nlUlernlan has gon~ !toI r machillCl'y with the view of"sinking ,Hewitt, will be c~a.n,A'~dand ,ulft,d~

~eek his ft'Jrtune in Albuq€lr'lac. '- - ---~-- her to the dpep." unifonn wlfh that qr the "ll~W build-

:M r . Joseph Grieshaber is again ~ inO' The basemllllt '()f the nc:7.f'F. T. SC>lltherland, civil and ll1in" 0·. '-" •. ' '. n-on the streets nf't~r a week's illness. 'housewill be fi~tr..d 'lP .cor b b

Road ~upervisor • ing engineer, from the firm of Fra- I\,; \ LI _ & arer~up'tOemetery Bertie Lund st:rts t1-day for the ~er & Chahner~, Chicago, left Tue15- sh~ll~ .a,nd bath r09~" wllll~ the

Ifuudo. there 1,6 enjoy a few weeks day for ArIzona. He is pleased with IadJOlnlng b,a.seu1eut.w}1l cont81~ theof hunting- and fiRhing. this camp and will probably return \ste~ln-heatln~ app~ratUI an~ to?lll

-->- at no distant day. for storage. rhe first'story, WbIfJh~Irs. I.lOtllSa Boone, wIth her child, Co is to he.uHed for b118in~ss,purposes,

Ifrom I{ansas, camo in the l\londay lIon. 'v. C. ~fcDo!lald, of 'Vhitr will be 18 hy 80 feet in the claar•• "usa Fe-First MondaY in Febrnnry and Ins .. 1 h b 1 1

loIonda.yin July. stage to JOIn l~r us ane lere. Oaks, iR in the eity. lIe represen t,s The)'e will be five rooms'in the _sec-• , his section as growing in aU the ond story, taree of which Mr. Ha.w-Ber.alillo-SeooncLMondllY in :J'iIay and No Robert Thllr~, late of 1\-Ialpais • 9

nmber, elements'of prosperity. Thel'e R,l'e itt wil1l'e~erve for, his ow:a use as astation, is nO.f{ employed by :Mr. ...Duo&Ana.-SecondMonda.yinl'tIaroha.nd Sep few, if any, sections of New Mexico law office. The 'Vhole WIll be, when

b Ozanne to keep the Nogal Station. d'.m et". .. so richly endowe by. nature, a,S is finished, by fa.r the finest . and!an. ~1iguil......Th~rdMonday:in] April and No. \t:"} •t 0 lOt' l')1.h

J\Ir. Crotzbel'g,,leader of the mllI- oj 11 e a {S,- p ,IC, .wlJ • ]~ost . snhsta.ntial builling ~ver.-\lor. -----a--~-

DISTRlCT COURIS. tnry band at Fort Startton, was a ES'l'RAY NOTICE. erected in this pla~e, ancl by aJIlD.J.llU OOunliy-Seoond Mo:p.day in March passenger on the Tuesday stage to Taken up.by the undersigned, Oll, 01' glance it can be,s~en tha,t ever.v Ula..

4 Brit MonlJ!Io:f inScpternher. tho railroad. about. the 1st' day of July. HUn; one (1) teriaI necessary fo~ ,aI\ elegantchestnut sorrel l1Or88, nbout 1~! hands h b.c::J .

ltioAtriba.--ThirdMondaYinMarchandth.i,rd l M' " F . k ·G·~L1., ' ....l·th her d ouse can ~ lotlno in th~,im.edi_"ondav inSeptembir. 1S. ran 1 !Jons, n high, about 15 years old" an branded t " f _' -, .~" a e VICInIty 0 W!lite Oa.H::~. ~

Taoa--Second ?\{onday after thQ third lVIonda. children, started for San Pedro on thus: Band PNET an left hip kigh up ,.In 11aroh andithe fourthlM" dav .in Sept.emb~r the Wednesday llac,k for it visit to. anaon the right hip and )thlgh thus': "The l'eport gOlng~the roui:lds of the

'ValenciaCounty-FiratiIlondaYlu Aprll and l' .. th' ' _A_ WILLIAM b'IFliJ, ~nt.pers, that the Old Abe mine hasOitober, leI mo, er. 0 v 0 By James Minbr; Agit.,Siera Connt:v......Jj·lat Monday in .Mayl and No ~ ~ ,been sold. for $600;'000, we haveTom et l\Irs. Anna R~id left l\fonday last, Bonito, Lincolil Co., N. 1\1:, d t' h' , t f" • •

goo au, 01'1 y or'~ sayhlg ISfor avisit to tht3 famlly 6f \Villiau.l 8-1.:1 '_ '0 without foundlttion. The mine hasR .~d l' S·'·· Dl' go C' 1 81 1'11' The Vlodel En,n'iehed. )el , n ~ Lin e , a. le W not be@ll f?old, the O"Tl1ers have :notb' b 1. b t th th The f.:tei:ities of the pr€"sent day fo1,"the' .

e fi senlJ a ou l'ee 1110n $.. had an 'oJr'?r of~aoo,OOO fo' r l·t, nnd01' G .. proc1uctio::J. of cYcrythin3' that will "con.. 11\;; ~v '"

I have no, Uillbitiou or d0sire to ' uttce to the mabria.1 we1fare a11c1 comfort t'lle Old Abe u1il1'e, if!' not eu thepose as the Gl"eat Alnedcu,n 8pread of ma11kinc1 nre almost ull:imited' and n1arket. The EHvtierseee;l'l1 to knowEa.gle cutter of pri.ees~ but will sim. \y:hett Syt't1? of Fie's was l1r'd: produc:ed thnttheY'hit:-vEFa, piec e'bf h)'operty'

the' wor11 'was ellrichcd with ,the only .t'

ply t8t~~te tkllit, 111 the future as in perfect laxative known, a,s it is t1tc ouly which it will plitJ 'them ,to ke~l',. andthe -past, I will m.eet the LOW'EST remcdy which is tt'ulYl11easing and :re.. stlch of ·the1n as ar~: ftsidentstltPnrlcEs l11ade in,\Yhite Oaks, iresIDng to the taste and prompt ana ~Vbite Onlt~, \\'ilb cotllmendible:1-\7 hether 'made hy :Messrs. DIo\\," c:ITectual tq,cleanse the system gently 111 ptthlic ~pi1'it, hi'e u8irl~~ a ~6rtioia ",f

, . t~e S~ring time or, in fact, at any time h' .hard & Doohttle f ,')1' any other firtn. anc1 t!le 'beUer'it i$, ht1ow~ tlle more.:pop~ ten meal1S' ih btlild1Pg qp their

A. R1DGEWA'Y. . t~br it OCCO::1CS. '" own town.

Page 5: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

. ,




j, I

, I






't •


Wbito OakAAvonue.


Pure WineR and Liquors for Medi9inal



Fine Toilet Roaps, Hair and. TooJ.h Bru~hcl3., ,

I Good Stock and Good Rigs.J:'LEN1'Y Olf GH.lUN AND HA.Y.

Oharges :8easonaole..... .


DRUGSTORE.'• < 'I . -, ,


u. S. LA-XDqFFIOE. Roswell, N. ~I...Allgnst 3, 189l.

Notice 1S horeuy given, that Ole. ophasJ.lonjean, by George L. Ulrick hlB at­tornev in fact, whoso post o1Iice ad dre~s

IS 'Vbite Onks, N. ~l., bas made appli­cation £01.' a patent for 1380 ]mear feeton tbe Iron Cr()wn mine beHring goldkli.tuate in \Vhito Onks Mining Di~trJCt;Lincoln cOllnt;y ~ew lVlexico. und de­scribed 011 the oflicin.l plat ana field notosun file in thIS office as follows, yi2; :

Begmning at corner No. I a porphyry'stone 24xl1x: 3 inches Get 2-3 in theg'l'Oulltlllltnked 1-630, whence the co:ner,)f 8 ..0: ionl 25 & SO '1\ 6 S. on ran~e lin,~between l'aURPS 11 and 12 E. bears S

1:>7 d&gra('l!I 50 minutes E. 2598.78' ft:rheuce 8.81 clogrcfas \V. 1391.3 ft. tl' car­nal' Xo. 2 It stLu,lstt>ne 2..h,7x..l inche& Bet2,3 in tl'6 groilnd.chiseled 2-6~O, thenceN. 4 dep,rees 30 ratnntes en.st, 595 ft. tucorner No, 3 a porphyry stone 21x12x4:nchas set 2-3 'J n ground chiseled 3-6~Othence N. 8:> deg-rees E. 13~7 ft. to Cor­uar No. 4: a slate stone 28x17x.3U inchesset 1-2 iu g.round chiseled 4-eSO, thenCt~:3. 4 degrees 30 minutes W. 570.4 ft. to

. cornor No.1 and phwc of ~egillning.

IVIagntt.tic V/)riation on all COlIl'SeS 12.legrefs and tJ,,) llllJ,lut"s ~aHt, containing18.3 aCl'e~, and f<)rmiD~ a portion of f,heB. 1-~ section 25 'f, g S. n. 11 E., N. M,meridian. 'l'he location of thIS mine isr~cOl'Jed in the ~eC'order's offioe, in l.1in..JoIn CiJll.l1t:v, New MaXICQ, on l>age 138,;nlnme 4 of mining- loca.tions; adjoillin~

cl:l1mo.uts a.1eJolln Y. HeWItt, IIal'vey B.~'orU'HSSt Il Hnd WiUiam \Vatson.

A.ll t:J~rsons holdiug nc1v,erae claimsthereto, urQ l'C1q1l.ired to present the samebefol'e this oflice wit.hill sixty days fromthe first d.ay of pUblication hQreof, orthey will bt barfed by virh10 of tho pro-vlsion:ti of tll& 8 tnt.nto. \,

Wi}il!'tR.1JD K OOlt13lAN; Register.8-17 lOw.

A ,




fREEA Vn,luable Dook on Nervous. Diseases a61/ t free to any addrf Btl,

. l'J1l(lpoor :pntiollts can also obtain. this mcditlina f:i'€o of cllarso.

Thi<j remedy has bocn preparcd by the P..evcr­endF:lBtorKoenig, ofFortWayne,Ind., since lSiG,and is now prepared under 318 du:ecUon by the

KOiEk\JSC ilJlED. (~O,,~ Chieetgo, eu.Sold by Drugg-i.sts at ~1 ilO3." Eo.tfJ.e. 6 f.";t],'

~l>. )[.a1';;'" ~h:(:. ;S1..7'5. G DotiJ.cM fc~' ~"'L_.


Epileptic F.Ets~ Falling ~ickness, Brs.;tcrics, S,~. lUns ]~allce1 Nel'YOtU1"

lle~9, Hypocbr.mclrim9 ' MelaulIlclloUa, IncJrd~J, Sle21~1esoll

l~CSS, DizzineEs, Bl'llilla~(l Spinal Wealta

nesso ....Tbi.:l medi~ine hns direct nction upon tho

:lerve centors, all1.l.ying all irritabilities find,nm'easing tho flow anu. power of ner\'o :fluid,t 13 porfHct!y harmloss and leaveD no un­pleasunt £!1Ieota.

~_ ..

$liUi 80'141 Gold watcll'FRHHSold!or$100. Ultti11luely. ..l~u8t':ts5 watclt In tho world.J,'ll1't'ect tlmekcepet'. Wal'-

T'lllted. llcavySolid Uo1l1. . HUiltlng CUll" 1Jotl1ladiQs'

i\nd gcutt'eiZlls,witb wol'l(J'Dlld CIISCS of equal "nlue.O!lC Person iii eacb 10­cl\ltiy flllDsectirc one free.

tQgP,tb.C't whit ODr large and val"UI'j.;)iI Une of 114»u8Chold.S:ILll1lttlcs. Thesc.lJ,ll.'iplellj a.'well as tho Watch. WP aen«Fl·ec. lind ilfter yOli hllve 1te¢

. them in yOI:l" home 1'01' ~ mOilths. Rlld shown tltetn to' thos;Wllb muy have called, they,become ~'our own propettl'!.... Thosowho write at once can bo llllrc 6f recefvl~g tbe 'W'.l'\tehlind So:mplefj. WC~~111 all e:l:prUS, ft'e1llht, ete .Ad.drc~Bt1biiOa i:J.t; 'DO•• DO¥ ~~J J.l"ortlUUdll »'41lt.Vti

,""" • ,11' '. ~~ • ':. ".l ,. .... ..~ ~


Pit"E'.SISANAK:ESliS " .gives


. in.!ltant l'elief 6D.d is an. in...., fallible CU!l"0 Cor Plies.

. '. Prics $1, B-.Y Druggists 01' .. mail. Samples b'et).t Ad.'

, ' drefl~ "ANA:K.~~I~l'.B., .2WJ.. Now ~<We \,iitl.

William H. Weed1In the District Court

A G "tYts. d County of Lincoln.• U1 ar .The said defendant, A. GUlttard, is

hereby notified that a su~t in assl~mpsit

by attachment has been commen3edagainst hini in the .0isb:ict Court for tohf'County of Lincoln, T~r.r~tory of NewM,e:x:ico, by said plaintiff, William H.Weed, tlamages claimed $277.22, on ac-,count of a promissory note', and,that hisproperty has been attached th~rein an.1that unless he enters his appearance insaid suit on <>;l:before the first <ilay Q1 thenext Octoher term of said court com­mf;,ncing on the 11th day of October,1891, judgment by default therein willbe l'0JJ(lered against'him n,nd ~his p~op ....erty sold to s-a:tisfy the same.

J. W. GAREER, Olerk,By E. Ii}. l?rooman, D.O.

J~hn Y. Hewitl,.Att,y for P])ff'. 8-14 4w

. ""," II;", ,L j '. • . '! .~, .

,j f.


. . ,~:~" . ',' '. ,.' ,,'" ,';, ' ,: ", ','. .... . .,. ,," ,~'.: .' :.. ,,~., "", ' " ',:(4~3,.4. """.11,'.)"'.,

, ·:'.::';'~l, .• ;fJ.'Me~,~n:ld1!,'o("Vhit~\.O~kl.l~! ' ;~,OTI<lE'OF, SA.LE~~ '. ,> " .,". .

'>', )r: ~ '3~p~',Wl1;(Han ,;of'~flu~()ln .&rlU' Col.' .Notice ~sh(?reby giVentha~.~he und~r" . . " " '. I ,': ,

,:::'.<::Q~~~tt.",ft~;F()t~fStantoii~'w~re' ,pass~, sig~ed" Gilbert,E•.Over'ton, ~s ..Trustee, NOTIOEFORPU:BLld*TION. ," '~"( ,. \ ,.,' '".t' 'I' • "underand ·bY 'Virtue 6£ the pl'Qvisi<;jns o,f LANU'OFJrIOE at Las Crl;fc(((s,N.~Iq· "

:i·~Jt.:"~~I(~n.'!·~"f°riday's {stttge" ItO, the, a ",~'rtal·u··. Ind.e'n· ...· t't"r e' '0'.£',·}\tr.o"t·,.g·'a·g·a',··' ·wl'.·th· ' . .' A: to lC9l.,:·v~~~r~;~~~,.,,:'·' ." ~ "," " h p;wer of sale, 1J~:XE:'Guted l..a:'ci· :dated on Notice: iE- hereby given~"':~' ,atlie ~pl:

, ,;. ~ " I. E'ROM BAD, ''1;'0 W 0B,SE. I ])ec~mb er 29th" A.. D" 1888, bY',Jos1m.3 lowmg-named sottler bas filed notice of, ." . . '. . Hale and Susan L. Hale, his wif~, to se, his intentIon to make final proof in sup-.. ~.b~ ,~rcli~l~ry~tre~t~e~lt of coo~a~~ cu~e the payment ora ~ertainpromissory pdl:t 'of his claim,~and that sam proof

.. RIOUI, _bloor P(H10Illug IS to dnv.enote thereinmcmtioned, . and bea.rllig will, be made before Probate. Clerk, or 1n'. ,"I;'Pl1~ 'P91son' from thel:ystem by 10:.. Idate' April 28, 1888, for the' SUIll of his absen~e Probat: Judge at Socorro,

"·,,trodUClrtg l\'Dother. . ':rhe reslUlt in \$fOOO.OO, paya.ble thirty da)'A after the' New Mexico,ou Oetober '3d, '1891, viz:, ·",nl(~at'Cll8e.has'tbeen tbatwhich. date thereof to Gilbert E. ·OvGl'tonor. 'Vil~y G. McGhee, of Socorro county". :'·~U'fJUaU., foll,w,S ·ale.'~p from the fry- order, at Ft. Sta~ton,~. M" wi~h, inter..: N. M" Wh,o' 'mi3·de D. S. No.}:38?8J, fOl'th~

.: i.·' i 0' '. • 'toth fl .. T' t·t est from date unbl paId, at the lute ,of S. ~ s. E.M', Sec. 9, and ~. ~ S. 'Vv. :4 DHUGS .AND PATEN'l' MEDICINES.'., ,7 ~.~~~1~ In" .f) lre~., 0 pU. 1 12 per cent. per annum,' ;rnUOtl and ex- Sec, 10. Township 8 S. R, 6'East, '.

~. m~ldl!T.m,er~lU"l~l anq. . other nlln- ecnted. by J (!)~hua Rala, C. S. Thurber . He nam'es' the following,vi t4esses to . l\UXED YAI~TS, LEA.I~, VAR~Iji;HES,. eral ,pollons have t'hsadvantagae and DeLaney & Terrdll, default haVing pl'(lve hlS continuous residence up.on and OILS, GLASS. AND PU~'TY.

which are'll1trdly less serious tha'n been madf)~in the payment, of the said cultivation of, sfud land, V1Z:

.,' C~l!t~gJ(nia bl,Ood poison. In either note in acco~dma.ee wHh the terms ~bere. John O. Ro~t, of White Oaks, N. ~r,. ,.p;g,e·Jh.,:systQrr~'i$ wr6}ckod; and yet of and of Bal~ mOltgage deed, WIn on Eli E. Miller, of "h ,.

lit tl ' ", .1 " h' .:' . Monday, the 4th day of September, A. S)'lvoster J. Wood1nnd of" " ", i

1ere IS .ne) reason w y humanity D 1801 at the hour of ten o'clock in D . 'd S 'p. t., " ""1 d· .., v,. ~' a-Vl • rOVOH, 01.,S l,ottl con~lnue to suffer, It IS the' the forenoo:') of said day, at tha pri~ci- Any person who' desires to protest ,Wf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w,,,__~.'\"""'_~~"'~~~.'~''"''''''''~:'''''''lloI

.office of~. S: I .. to cure conta~ioU8 pal dO,or of the C~urtBvus.e iuthe TC);vn againr;t the allowance of Buc;h proof, or Pa,til ~ay...:&.-'blood pOIsonIng. For that dIseuse of L1Dcolna~luCounty of ~ln- who ImowR of HnJ I1lUbFitulltlal l'eason, J.Y... erthe niedicine <> IS sur~ly a specifio, co]u and Terl'ltory 6)f New :M:exlCo, under the law aDd regulations of the In- I

.And it is also its office,to eure-l mer- uffer fer sale at public anction to the tOl'ior Department, why such proof'. 1 d th . 1 . . hicrheat and best~bidder fOl cash in hand, llJhould not be allowed, will be g'iven anaurla an 0, er nllnera pOIsonIng. ,., , 't t d''. •. ~' . th€l I'pal estate and premIses Sl ua ,e m Iopporturuty at the at ove mentIoned

I., Sll()rt, s. ~. s. l~ the great blood. tha County of Lincoln and Territory of time and place to cro3s-a"amine the wit-. 'Iuirifier: It deotrDys the germs of New ld'exico, in saiu mortgag'~ dceJ llesses of said claimant, and to offer ev­cOtl.ta~ious di~ease, ann ,expels, froln montioDed und described, to-wit: ThA i(lence in rebuttal of. that submitted b:rthe' system: all furm~ of mineral Southwest Quarter or Seotion number, claimant.

.' .' Twelv"" (11) in Township unmber Elev-p018ot11na-. It restorQS health and u'" , .en (11) South: of Range number fourteen

atrength to the 5uffer~r. '(1-1) East of the New l\fexico Principal'= 1\feridhm, and containing- Cne Hundred

A 8talt<ls for Apples by the pound and Sixty (lG&O) acres, more or less: of, '. '.. .' or barrel. which lana the said Joshua Hale, 111 and~•. 'J D Stands for Beans, only the best by said mortgago aecd, guarantees find

, ::... ..' 11 warrants that about seventy (70) acres,I •. , we 8(-0 ,~ .. '. ' ' , .,. .. , ' • , I were at the- dat8 of said· M0rtgll~e (leed

:u,.,:." 'CS~~lldR fOl" Cdf~Q, gl'pen or grounu, I ill cnltivatioll, and that some t~n (10) or;',.::. D,: Stlind~ Dolls, prettiest to be I twelve (32) acres., ill a,}Jition cO"f9- hl~

hi :,d ,: ~ 'found. 'put in cultivH,tlOll wHh irrigation; WbICh

.~~; "'E Stands for Eggs which al ways said sale is made at the .roq~lestor t?61<.,• '.J ;;;,., "stand the test. ! gal bolder an"l ownE2J of Gaul ~romissory

,," ..., ;, 1 I.' r • note, for the Tlllrpose of DH)'lug out of. "', F· 8ta,n~s for It lOur $4.00 fo.t th(: the proceeds of said l:Iale, the costs and

best. expenses of s~ic1 Stile and the proceedings,G St~tnds for Gelatine, Cox's is the relative thereto, including reasonable

kind We ~ell. I attorneys' fees, and the balnnce of prin-

it Stands fOr" I-Iams, '~Golu Brand" Icipal and int~rcst dt:J.e and. nnpaid u~on.. t said :Bote; and npon saHl sale beIng'

· . are best, they tel,I. . made, the undersigned, as TruRtef>. willI Stands for Ivory Soap., wl:1Ch oxecute and deliver to the lHll'chaser (11'

w:4lheij 50 white. purcbasers of sa1d land and pl'emil;les, aJ Sta,nd~ ior J elles and J a,ms, the good and snfficient aoed iher~fQr.

miner'. delight. Dated thi~ 15th day of Augl1st, A. D"

TC Sl411ds for I~erosine, the best to 1801.J.: GILBERT E. OVERTON, Trns~ee.

. be sure, Warreu, Fergusson & Bruner.L Stands for L~af Lard alr~, fresh Attorneys.

· fy" and pure. . 8-14 4w. t Alb~lqt1erqlle, .N. 1\1.'0 Stands for Olive 011, good for lad

'. or lass.P Stands for Putty, to place in yOllf

glasR.Q Stands tor Qllinc~s, Orders quick~

· ly tilled. .R Stands' for Rice, best that's billedS Stflnds for ,Spices., always pure.rr Stands for Tea,tl1e cup that will

endnre.U Stand~ £ot Unequaled, and prices


V Stands f~r Vinegar, pure cic1er)'OU know.

,V Sta,hds for 'tvnshing P.hwder," all for ,wh~ch you calL.

Xeell~nL y()u.'ll find oU,r good. andprices a.U·' .. "

. ,y Stands for Jettst" e.ve.ry kind and•

. <, " ~lze..Z,.St~nd! ft>t Zephyrs, which the

ladies prize.' ..&; $A.t Youn~ & Taliaferro's you'll

find these all.PrAy don~t torget to ghte us a call.

.. ,'".

('.' ..

" i ';

: I. '., I

1,. ,I ,"


,:; : ::'',' '", .

<::"1' -'.'1"



Page 6: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ









~I/" J,'~'."'" .•~ "'lc;.;<.... .1....JiJ".~ •


.1* •• 1-' ....... ;., • ...




E,~ '/4. ~T L- AS, VEGA'SIP J::~~~~ . ~ .t~~ ~. -. ,

.n:tvr.~ VVhlte Oaks fot5:HO P. M., ar:i"e aG

,1:30 P.l\f .

1.1~iRtaTil~(' aill\ll TiuH~ ~al~h~.

l.Jea'l1s Carthage dally at 10:30<> A. M,Ol1 arrival of Santa Fe

tl'ain.F'rom Cart.hage tr) OZ:l.11 ne's

Hanc1,l'1 supper JSr,niioll 30 miles,. t - l' ':\1'·&1'1'1ve a I c) r'. J.1 •

07.nnne~s Haneh to Vvhite. Oa]{s,Bre}1k£ast sliation 60 miles al'''rlVt~S at 0, l~. }f.

·Nhite Oak:; to N ogn.1 17 arr ~s­

at 10 A. l.,f. to Fort Stanton 18Iniles. 1 P. Nt Fot·t Stanton toLincoln '10 luiles, arrrive at 4:30

e. M. ConnN~h~ with buckboardfor Roswell and Sevr.u Riyers. Con­'H~C~,S HIt Port. Stanton lor Rnido~c,.\\~ed anel Penasco. O:)unects ·~lt

"IorTul t01" Bonito and Parson!s ~)'y.

cJenfl1ects at 1.;Vhir.e Oaks. £01" RedJloucl.

. "

_ ....;~<t:~..:..".;..:..~';iolI!:k~,;.;n:a~'"....~••...,;·j,oli~.:..~IIi!·~~,.t·~j,._d.~).....IlW..!.i!,·!!~M;~~~·,¥;!~_~....;:;.!!e>,,;;::;:::=;...N&!:!3'!'ZiI·ilIItZ~i~!£$~{~::-~":·~~!J!!!!~il~~.~J!!!!_!t'-L~':~_~!!...!!,l[!!!!"!!l!~!!'l-....£~I!!!!!I!!!!!.It.!e:!l"'''!!!!.!'.l!I!s1l!1!!!!!ll!!!l!'!!_'!!I!,ll!lIIQ!!!!!!l!ll!!,.~.!I!Ir.JIIJIIIlJLIIJ!!.!!I._"'~_~Y

Auol~t~p~ysjcitLn,: t~tirAd. ,f "r~ :m ' 1 rtice,1).a~iug' hall plaoedin his 'I,~) df$l,ariEast India ,miCiBiolltlry the form ula o{'}l simple vegl:1t'flble remedy fo~' the speed":'Y- !anJ,pernl(\:rl,(~l1tc:i1r~ of OOUSllJrl ption·13roncl~itis, Ontarrh, ,4E\tbma and" Hll.t.1~foati 'aud Llil1g' Affections.. also 3. posi~tive and rMlIofll cure'for Npl'VOIlR DdJif:.ity 1lR,d' 'all Nervous (;owl'luio'1,R, :dt.(tl'havlng test~d its YiOt\(\(;'l.'i'n1 OlHatl'va

I powers in thollsrinCls oC Ca(:lOI~, hl{s l't?lt :it·Ihis c1u,ty to IDlike it knowu to hil::! sufrol'-, ing fe~lows. Act,unted by this'mmive

I),nd It desire to reli'evH llnnHUl t-l)l1!fTiugI win send free of (,harger, to all \>;.110 (:('J­

sire it, thi.s rroeipt. in GE1l'mml, ~\rpuch OJ.'

English, with full diree'tions fur j)rep(H~

h.lg a,nd uf:ing., Sent by I1lnii hy adrlreFl8­j,ng- wit.h stm:n p, n umi;ng this p,i p(-1r. \V.A. !\ O~ES, 820 Powel's'I:Hock, Hochest.al'N. Y. -.

•1lI~.",P"~Il"""~""''''~''''''kJI'.'''~.'''.'''''".Ptr-..''''.'''''''_.''.''~.''.'h.''''' ~"'~.._.. ,. " _._._ JIl ~q ~~,.~


( .

/ 'V

--=--..-.._- .....-....._----_..:..-


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~ ···...··~d .. ,. ,<'!! "' •• ··;,'1,~ ('I , ..:'1, t1."" O··~~·., \,y.,,__ ~t<:.....' "'-.e..",.,-~.'..... 1,-""1-1. ~\# MJ.,l

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·l\l:. t' ',~~: :,1 ~"~~ ').{: t~~ ~, ~J..t..,;,;2it.-#k;s:;;, I "'~ ,. !ll, (Ja',"entp., and rrr:lu.)-Mal'lt~1 ol>taillo1, and ~ll Pat­. cut bu~inc'3s condncted for f:IlOOt:lRAil! F'El::S.IOV~ OF'F'I~E' IS OJ'lPOSliE:,\J. S. PA'1'III\lT On:ce, n'la we can f'CCllH' patent III less time than tllouoI rClU10tc fl'om \Vl.lo.lhington.I Send mo~l~l, th'nvl'ing C'f photo., with dcscrip·I tion. We mlvise, jf llelentnl,le or not. freo o~ ~CI~V "M 1:'tl1' l'Icbarge. Oltr feo not due till patont. is secured,. ' " ~ ~'~ I r~I A PAMPHL.eT, "How to Obtnin Patents," wittl . \1 l} I ".-: G;~ "'::<

lllllU•• of "'1111,1 cllont,. la yonr Sl<>to, oounty, or I,~. I.. 1.0 ,~, e~~. .etown, /:lent free. Ad'lre::ls, \ ~ ~....... ....;.c. \}~

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f1C1ge~ o.l'2nuo.ff~ £y~nq o~er j2f00

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()n000,1 Bnnl_r~ FlIOG ',-.-" ."',~ ":::~;'l~i':~f"~t ~l.~:::r'::~~;l~~~i,~,~'~o·~':;~aU I! uUb.~) ! 00 i '" "" ,.,1. .. _ .."J '.' ~ l' ~ J~.. ..LA. J ,.1 L '

~,.. •• ·: ..·ll of (··,,·..· ··'··:·1·'Y' t·l t ..··:~1 CO'",,~t4 l.AV _ _. '\.. J \.rJ..&.,& -3 A "'" 'f .....1. 1-'1

Sf spooial a.rr:!.nr,'~mGnt with tho publishor, wo an I ",nn.blod to olft.w t.IlO outiru li~t or 'J.'Wllnty Ynluahlu l .Ct:: to the rn~t':=ri,il",'c1 f~)re sne.: comfortEooks Onl1merllt3d a.nd de~<:rilJBl below, ai.!:;alhll'£YfHt I ~ 'i""~1.1-.' '1 '" ,.1 ~(,\, t 'P -1:~cd au~to eve\'Y llubscl'lber to this p:lper {or thtl onSUJllg' ~'~ar, ,,~~•• AJ~ , A·l '.' L· :. "" ",'

at the rogulal." 6ubsCI'1Jttiou t· l'l('(l. 'l'h<!<le boolill,MdJ I.no of which cootuins II cllm pi lite fln,t·clllss no\'ol or()ther work 1>y a well.lmowu ant! pOl'ular ••uthor, u epubllRhetlln noM plunllhlct f"rm. prilltl'l1 from !;oud IToac1abla type 00_ ~ooJ }Japl!l', an'l ru::l.n,Y 01' them h:~nl1· I.omcly illullcrateu. ' 'I'hey cnU1P11'I~C twme ot' the lineHt Iworks ever written by :sO WI,l. of t JI) JJ;rearcst nr.d m"'lltpopular wrlterll, l.wU, 'Jf ).lliGl'iea. ..ull EuroIJu. l::acb !Que Is coropletB In \tBt:~~'

No.2Ui. l\lE'!'l. C."C.¥uUe':J r'nr(n.!n T.edurcs. ny• 'DOUGLAS .TCRltn:,n. \'QI \. old and very· funnY'. Thuloun~ot' t\fi w~n r..~ oilier (.;m~(Jru.tion~ht)11101 rMd tllel1l.

No.2t4. A(h/cntUll't"(ofn BU(,~;ll'ha·.Ey the ,It·t.bor or .. 'Blja,ll BC'!allrll')lo'~ ".'1, (:ut.ur(!l{ in :-:cw 1'01."1..';'~.great humorous bO'lk hy n. popular autbor. .

No. :MG. no,.,' to liuke and 5n,vi:l ~I()ll~~ on"he Fal·m. A vtli uallltl ('(\'Ulllllltl'm or uecfUllscte.b\nta and !lg;~ostlon"for fMulcr.1 and v::nd~{ners.

No. 2t7. '£"i'uU2 t~o .t~s..rt~~ to the Muon. ANonl. By Jm.!-::; yp.J~·n:.

No. 21.8. r.rlta Little C~d ~.!et1 61' t~C3 JJaug­:Dolle:ll. A NO~Gl B.r I~mM~ I.h£'}f.l:U.U.",No. 26;. A.]):~I~~~"'OU,l) vl-·ow.an• ..\. Novel. D]~rl. A~'( S. Sry,lll,,~:i. .

No.26B. rrIle I~'ndonFa:-m n.-Ido.. .A. I\'ovetBy lLutllA.IU'T 1:;r.ou~1·.

No. 271. Simon Derrick'sD:ll%;:hter. .A. :tiov(!l.lJy M. T. C..U.DOR. .

No.2l2. Tile Da.rou.'.tl WiH• .!.Novel. s3:T SYbV.Ui'US COBn Jr.

No, ?~. The Peron of' Richard ~n:·don. .ANonl. By B. L. F..\JtJEll:i.

No. 250. Blackbird nnn. .Ii ~~ovCll. By ES'l'IIEnSJl:ltl.E KE:$YI,TII.

No. 2!:t The Gna..·Ulnu'iI Plot. A t:"v~l. By1>1', J. H. n()Bt'l;'SO~.

No. ~I. The Gl'ay Falcon. .A. Sovel. By 1~. T.CALnoR. + •

No.240. The fgol'TOW 01" a Soc:ret. .A ~o..eLBY'MAlty CECH. B.A.\". .

.No..2.~. Pt>I'Cy' and the rro1Jl1.et.. A Nonl. .:~1 WJt.KU~ COLJ.I$S.

No. 237. The Slf)~yat'a Wc~dln~ Riugo. J.N01el, By the author of .. Dor:'!. Thorne. 1J

No.:236. MtU·tYll Wht'C'lll r!'omptatlolt. J.Novel. By MrR. U,,-Slt\" Wooll.

No. 235, A 1\[odern Chute~·ella. A 2\ovo1. Bytho author of" Dora '1'1101'00."

l~o. 234.. 'J:'he I~laild lIoln~. A U~vcl. Dy M. 'toCAT,Don. .

1110. 233. Tlle Fatcl. Glove. A Nonl. By CLAllI"OuOi')......










Page 7: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ


., .

El Paso tr~X:l',



n~ellt qr address.


1). Ii'. &; P. A.

. \ ," 1 i

Santa F eEo ute.,'NOR1'H~ EAST1

, 'VES.T.

Only Line running· solid trainithough to


General ~ierchandise.



.BooTS!:J 1l0EB

:G. T. Kn'I{or..::;(nr.I-.-- .,. I (J. T. &- P..A. ,

LA:\D O~'l'"ICE at "!laswell, l\i .fi!., IJune 22, 18£11.} rrt:lp.eka Kan!~H~.

1".'" t- - b .. . Lh 1 f 1 t1\"~'~""_'·"·I~~~I·.,..t"~","P'-''''~I4I~~'i 0 Ice 15 ere.Jv gIven II at t Ie 0'-

llowing-nameit settler has filed notico of I . (4-347); his i~telltiOJ1to mako final proof in sup- I ~OT]CE FOR :PUBLiCA~ION...port of his claim, and that ~uHl 1.ll·IJof t ---

(H".iJlHWAUJl; (1jt'EE8S\YARJ.f.,. wiJl be made before George Sella, Pro- . LAXD OFFICE at Roswell. N. }:I.•I uato C~erk, at Lmcoln,:Kew l\Ie:nco, on . June 22, 1891.

• Sa.tnrday. August R, lUn, vh~': GrIm Sea l\c.tico is bere!))" given that the fol1ow..>J . 'dino, Romesteud

lN.o. 121.!), (L. C. B)for ing-lHtm"ed settl~r has filed notice of his

'~~""""'I"\IJ"'''W'a,tlt'¥~~''~''''''.''~I'%lI',,,,\.,••'~'~I\P'\P~,,,~~.,'Qu.~,.'i''-''''.k'.~I'\d''<l''''~I''~I'\4'''''''-l~'U'~'~I~'''''1 , the~. ;~ of S. E~ J:i, Sec. 5, Rnd .N. '!-fi Iotention to luake final proof in support! N .E. MSec. S. !'p. 1 ~. n. 11. E. lof his claim. and that said proof wilt ,~

AMERICAN AG,RICULTUR~ST,. "I H~nHlne8tlle following '\·dtll€'.s~;es to ImadebeforeGeorg~Senn,Pr()bateClerJc.~. . prove ]118 continuous l'f'sidellCe upon ! ut Lincoln, New l\Jle:dco, on Satul'day,

, .Pubh~hed FIfty years conSeCtltlvely. amI CUltl vaHoll of, said land, viz: .1}.ugllst 8, 1891f .yiz: Dolores Sedillo f

lteeOgniaed as the best Rural and "li'amily Pe1'.1,odical~in the world, giving ill~' Joso O})avez y l\Iontoya, of Lincoln, .f-Iomesteo.d No. 1218 (L. C. S.) fo= thevall1~ble help the best informatioll; thousij,nds :01 plans, prachcal and n~eful N. :rt.I, . S. E- 34. Sec. 7, Tp,l b. R. 11 }!J.hints ~nd. ~ng~est~on8~ and Thousands of Orig'in~l BngraYlllgs AnnuaU;y, J Ysicloro Chavez, or "" J Ile.ll~mes t~e £?l1ow~~g witncsso~ to

'.cry It thIS year, It wIll..pay yon 'WE11~ No on~cu.n reu,cl a llm1;)(;\r W}thO~lt f4et. Dolol'Q8 bedillo, of Pinos "\V-eUs H l prove hlS contllluouS resIdence upon and,tiug practi(;A.} in2ol'm~tion. Each number contains I!"ine Engraviug~ of Auimals I Manuel Artinr;n, of" " "1 cnHivut,ion of, saiclland, viz:1',.lalltl't ~lowers. ,Out-~l.1tldin~s, .f;t~. .SU'b,6:i'ivtion ,price,. $l.;~O. u year. Onr .1 VY[N~.n~L? ~t OGDEAN, Rf'gistG'~ . Jase Chavez y Montoya, or Linc(jln~ ,elrculntion 119.~V nU~bc:ra over 100;000 corne::> monthly: NOTIOE OF DISSOLU'frON 01!' 1"l,1\£

Our p.r.'emi.um O·~,',f.'Y."ll"", -;> II PA}1,T~~JRSHil)" YBidoro Cha\"ez, of ,!\].;b.. .. l\fl1nllel Artiaga.ol Pinos Welt., H

'fI-1E JJ'ARl.\f A;\'D HO UHEHOLD ·,OYCLOPEDlil. t, ---:- . '. . Cnts Sedillo, of ;; " "PrIce, $1.00, Bound in Cloth an~ Gilt I' r.J.he firm h~retorore ,mtlBtlng unc1~r W1NFIltL-' 8. CODIU.N, Regiitetr

'. . . , . '. .. , the nntne and style of \Vhelull & Co.. -.. _*~(~Oml)let-e read v referpllce hlwary for Faf'111Cr~, G~r(l.~nel's, F['uit- .doing bu~ine:::;s in the town Rl1d C'\)nnty M'·~· '0· E'Y~:l~io~I~('~~ltl~~'~~~j~~c;e:::~~t

(", s'" 'km'et . ''''1 d IIotlc! 1:; r . t·j . d . dId .\Ii 'cirlll'r sc:o.:. ~·I..II1l~ (>l' old, Rnd til tbeu-,rower,s,' we' 1 H]. . "e ),,~Gpe s,? 111 1e varlons '01:.rrlrtnlPO tA of of Lincoln, i~ thia ay diseo ve by mn-" .• own Tol'4Htf I·I\,...·UNillver tlteyll"e. At\yII 1 L' r.:t 1 '\ 1 '+ • 1 ' .. '., . , on!! "/111 de lb'), WMIt•. nllflr to ·~Atll.Agrio\l~tltre, ' ~ort1(}U tllre, 1\'e.;.~t.oc ( raisi ng, Po llHry and 13ce l~cep~ tun~ COWH:llt. ].:11\ Ollar. eo , )~ elC tl1n~ .~~1~:~~~,'I~~hl~:)~~~::;~~~~ ~i~~~I~I; fi·~:~· t:~J~Ir~~o~;(~~ t1'~I~i~o,;:tlg" l)airy¥farnnn.g,Ru"al Arc!lItectUi.\;), Cookery, li"lancY-\Vf~l'k. etc. B11.Vlt1g purella,sed the antue 11ltE?~est of ~;,~;rl~:~:'~ll~~II':~~~;I::111C,~11'~8J~~~:~~~e:~I::;:.'~t:~i:~r'~~~:I~~

J h Wh lan III the ('onCOl'n WIll p'''' 1'1I1tn~rl'lllt,.rll1:ttla,(lx!~lll·l~llce.WO(,An(un)16hY()Ulbfltfm~1 OONTA,lX1N<+ 644: FA GES, WIl'Ii 24D lLr;es'rUATlONS () u e c • .', • 1. ., ,llll\o'Tl\<Iltltll.1. .1l"J~ph .\;Z~ "l~~. "'No l:llltlaaUJ 8;l1tJ1ai,t) hel!Ci Y....\1

. ., ' ' ., .." . ' . all debts of the firm. allJ COlltInUO the '"''''1111,,''' "',~"""" "" .ili.\UiO'." A,'" ~Mt,,}·'".Ar·."

Thi!'1V}11uable BOOK fm'oule'l WIth the AtIlPl'lC1Lll AO'r1cultuJ'ist one . . l' o,·rrn'·1" '" EM'.. 0 R''Y"'. . .' ,..,., t)U ·lno::;s In ns ,vl~llh-;l, . " .

en.:ry for$1~8d, lOl:'ents adl3ed . to ~u bE.icription pd0(~ fm' Pd~f'ilgc. (SIgned.) ,TO:tr.N \V};"tETJJ\N. " \ ~.';-,The. A.,4lR.ICULBURI.,g'1 BOOlt and lliJ'~.reRPRET.El&,all for ~~:2. (·5. . (Signed,) OnANl£I;-:S \VEIlJ}tAN. Mind wltndeclng '11I ed.Bookst""ntett

AddrESS Qi'nn!t'J Judd Co,) NeW' Yl.ll'k. L"nnol. N, 1\1: ~~:~e.-jGt~~n:k,." :st~~~;J:t~;~o:~, ,~ .\ '-' n, • .l.Y..; '''If.~'I!\B.ll11uti'\n 1!l"\~U~nMWPJ'flt..

• A.. ~tl"'~ 2X~~ 4vt'. ..c:...1l....Aug'. ~1, Ul01. ·tw ,




. ,.. .I


t ..

Page 8: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

, .

utt's is

OECAUlSa:: THeV A''':

THE BEST.D. M. FluutY" Co'.

Illustrated, Descriptive and t»riced .

SEED AWNUAt.Fur 1891 will be ni~led FREEto all applicants, ;md to JRsucason'1customers. It is better thaD • .,er.

Every person t\.~ing Gllr_.Flowel"or Fletd Suds,

sbould "end for it. AddressD. M. FERRY" CO.. DETROIT, MiCH.

LargestSeedsIDtn in the world

-'"'--_.- ~ -"' '""'..~ - - _-

.fim;1!"1~s tb~ torpid flyer. Rt~en~t'"eJ1~ ~ I~t:a J~est'l ""0 0I',,;a"8. regulate. &II.buuelti. aud aro UR&.qDaled ua 'ti.

ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE.In mnlarJal di~triet!ltboi.. 'Vt..tnes ....'u'idely reeognbcd. AS they ~fi8e8.~e­ulifir IU'OI)(.!I'HIJ!I in t'reeh.gthesYsteDlil

• (I'CH" tbat l)oisou. Ele;:rantly HD¥aaacoated. J)Ci)SC Sl:Jh\lJ. l~rie.,23et..

~ SrJld Every'Where.Office. ~t lUurray :slt.. Nr.w York.

_....,_'~QBsw::wIU.'*wca:.,........ 1..-.~. . .' ,: j .I.'": I ,

F ISO'S REMEDY ]"OR O.A'.rARRf.{.-Best. E~ieBt···to Ub,@. Cheapest. _Relief ia imP'lediata. A cUre i$

certain. For' Oold ira the Head it hao no eqnal

,.,about the flllllltb part or Its bulk. It Is n ~:md. doubfelll%et~lo.lCoJH',aIlJargoeall hlea.ylocarty. Wll wiJ1 RI!OIlJiow )·ou howy.o:lueAU make frol1l sa 10$10a nil)' at JUllat, from till! IItl\\ t,wlill'out experience. Better write at once. Wo'pa~ all exptesil churgt'~i8.U.lL\LL&TT&; CO.. Bos 8 dO. I>oafW.1U), l1,UIUf


It is an Ointment, of which jl f3IItall!larticle is appliedto the nOl3tl'ila. Price, 500. Sold by. druggists or sentby m9.il. j. fldJ.'0Rt=t. lit T. IUzJl'..LTnn!1. Warren, Pa. 0-

r~""~""""'~'~"'l\a"'~""d'.t<f·'fP.IlP"~'~~tJ~\_~~.. --. . , - :rOR OTER FII'TY YEARS.~~El'lG!rlEERINC, io~'N'.-~ AI( OLD AND W:BLL·T.IKD REltX:DY,

• .. lk._ AND. JO.IJ"'-~ lirs, wrnalow'$ Soothing 8yruI> ha.4.".a.INING~ been USt.d for ov~r.fittT year; by,mllliontt

"IS mi:rzr B~T 1Irm IN'" PAl'J'TI PI TIm wom u ~f mothers for their children whtle teeth....lJllJ Ill} b'1U'; U' ,lI u. ~ • • mg, wIth perfect .,uccel'Jl~. It loothes the

.tvery- Miullr or Hetallurgls·t, .na Everj' I:n'CstoI child, softOllM the ~nms, allays all pain,

Iin Mines Should ·.tcaa. Iii. . oure" wind colic, and is the beet remedy

Contains e'Voryi:binlr or intpNst ftnd vnll1~ 171 mfn- ();' l)iarrlwoa. Is pleasant ,to the taste.

rtnit' and metnllul'gy, Tbo fullest milling Jl~W~_ wold by Druj;(gi~tsis t ver,. part of t118

Tho b.I~t w.11, moW, lU1Q. wlnin~ 5tQck ltl~"'ke, WOl·ld. '.rwenty-fivo cent. a bottle. Itt.I ro~4~'ycw.' for t.110 U~ S., C:lnnd~, nne! Mt>xioc y~hl~ JI\ incaloulable. Be e\u& ant.! ask

~HE SOIE1iTU'!O PUBLI2HING 00. 01' Mfa, Winslow'!! Sl)othinil Syrllp, rei£.7 l"Q,~li 1'1&.00. tl~w Y()l's. "ke DO ...ther kinel.. .





,. - - ,,. -- ~p.. .



Q "IA'2-.;\-I....-~-.4J>·~tL. ."Ii "

10' itdJI,"l""i"i'ff'.) TIL/Jt.i;- .;~),'If ~/Ilij I·P!! ~i~~({ R ~ r

llr.. Lm;. U \vhy, Addie. yoa neodn't eryabontIt! 1 only flaid ~'\1r~. ,AHe~l. Wa6 a very well.Informed \vomgu, t1Jld I \\i:shcd you. wouldlo11oVllier ezamp]e.H .

MRS. [,l:E.. II Tes, fract ia.<¢ week "Von said yOllwished I eouM mana.~~ to lool, as etYlir.h as ).fTS.Allen,-and sbe lnak~s nll ber uwu Clothes. .ButJlh~ hu wbat I h&v,"n't."1MB. Ll:&:. ,5 What is tbD.t ?"

. Jln:J. LlCE. .. Well, she .-fets n11 of bertnto~tiOD trom the ?tfagllziue .they tal.e. I ttdluit thatahe knows fl.11 taut is I:omg on, fillel is bri!~ht andentertaining 111 couvergl\fio~ ~ but 1 con.d do aswell 808 shu dOb5 it 1 hlld H\o £:I.In~ source oflnforD18tlon. She lent me the L1st l1utnb~2" of hetMagazine lately, cmd llQnrned more in one hunr'sreit~ng, about vnriO.19 social mattC!rs and thet"lllca o~ the. day, tuan I \~()111d pick up in amonthby my occasIOnal. cluus WIth friends. Itcerlainlycovers every tOPIC ..,1 il1terc~t, ii'om the :news otthe. day dmrn to thQ details of housllkecphlg'iad everything i$ &0 beautit'ull.1 illuatrated, too•.sTOry .time Mamie goes over to the Aliens' sheOODles back atid t.C::U'\{JS me to l,;",.t YOll to takeDemorest's Family l\Ia!~n7.inl). :l~ th~ fftorics areM good,; JFvCIl tll" boys w3tch for it everymontb.


as D. plate III found ror them. ah'o in its Pll~~S: and. 0 .., .0"0 P"~t) -..r~G-m9:" l!r. AlJonawears by it. It iF; renliy:- ,\onueli:u1IiiiI .. lIICI..iL ..... 1tl:7G.Wl1J1l. \So' how it f;Uitg eVC!YIiHlmbC'l" (If th~ family I"

MIt. Lll:rl1. h \\'c11 perhllPll I h'd b<'ttersend tor a


Spl.'!!-li!11e.nC~py; for, 1fit ~s linything like what yOll61Il:Ylt1811twlUam.tllie and. ITl~truc~tl~ewholeotus."

. :Mns. LEE. ~~j see that W.•Temu.n~sDemorest,I tbe p'Tlbliflher. 1:lEMt .14th f:trcet. 'NeW' Yurk, ia( .n:erlD~ to /o.l~nd a~'PeClmfH\COPS for 111 cents, sol we cnR t lose nnythmg, 118 each llumbercantainl5

a •.pattem Order I cn.titliu1-t. t.h.e. holder to allY:Pattern she' muy cboos~j nml in any size-whiche.loJ18 ma~es C&lch copy worth 30 cents: and I jnstwant ~ Jacket J}nt!crll like ]\frs• .Allell's. Th&eubscrlption pmoia 6nly ~~ CO a yea.i'; and II ImUItltiay r Olll1'~se(J 'bow they can n\1~ ..• ~ a ltll;&adue tor ,lit> UttJe monex."



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Democratic .Pa»er .in Lincoln ·County,ALSO

Official Paper of the County.






'8 U B S C RIB E,





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Page 9: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ


,,". '

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,"........"~_""'~."",~'"~'c ...."'''r·',,~'f..r( "."-","01(1,,,:; :"~':-':;'TC':;.;""'i;::;'<;;;;:;,7;~";::Ji;¥~;::l:Z::;:;.~,:" '';7;:~,,,,,; "',.7:;;:;:. ;·c:;".;~~S;:;,::::.:.;~."l:-;';:~:';~::;;:':~;,[~:"::'_"~;~:::,;:::::: ':;;:"!~1~~:;;:''';:-:"''t~:·c--': ..'. ~'':':'T'~Tc.:: •.:::':~:-:,'\.~ ~:"'"~~."''';-w,::~,,,,,,,,~,,,,:-,,,,,_,,,,_,, --:"""....._;":".:lIfl!r:lIl""'I\'JI!,!\!1I!!!!I!!I!!!!!".,,!I!!I!_,.«Ii-.t. v ..,·.·.',.. --:.-"'" -" ,-- ... -r-­, ..... . "4'1~;:):,,,·:,~;ili ,

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tF;:~;~;t , .' . ' 'It' • '.I#J ;t~,~.Ai ~ :J:!'. ~ ~. ~~ B.'r 9t4Ji!¥z!!!"4±M!!'!e,~...\$.'-· .!-Jl"""! iii '*I c' ,.3 i ...• . . '!,;!"" Ie -=-.------_~ '!'L._'!! ii ?!!!)""::!'!U!!!"'!::!!-!,!'"~'!!·!l'!!$.i:!~!:l!~,.!!J'.".'~',fI;I'.1r '. ", '.1"" . t ' " ': "ublie j 1\' trllet!l)idllautborbed to ThdDl Paso Bullion 1;ays: 'I fullr onll'lifthoftheOoJQrJl.d~i~'V

,,~' '"fW ,e!li~ll, ;~1Ie(~ftIU,. dr.~w upon "Iti'l fund for Lhe !/U!n, of "A miners' e()Ilventi()u is oiling, flO.Wll through tb~ new chauoe,l into, ,..... ,~:r. .. ". ., '. .": $250 to beu~~d for ,thispurpos~. 'agitnted'for the purpose of 11lenlu- Saltor~ lake,' and/; durin'g> a heavy.'~'~."'~'.~'·\"."\'~."'.'·.'·h'~''',' ..'·.I·.''.''••".'-.".' . . . .." .. . ,,' , ., ..",,' ,OJ!nPl..A,L PAPER f)FtIl'roICOLN t;OUNTY' Af:,er the s~ll(~ of the bookA the said rializin~ congress in b(·)half of fi'Of.: rise in the" rivet', h," would not be....."'..,~.· •••\.,~....."••~,t.,•.•.'~.,."4.'.'.''"., •••.;••~·_,·u·\.P~.'" .. , 1 II b ~ l' 't t th d . 1 1'" .l . ."I t-:urn ~ l~ e su lJec 0 e lSPOSl- an<,un ulllted cOluage of ~lIV0r aUt; eurpnsed tg see tbe' .vhole vol ..

",~UeLlSHED EVERY FBIDAY ) tion of the hoard for oth~)' proper to impress upon ~h6 ,same body the umeturned into the ne\vc~an~

1.1.. "'.. L 1\1 ""~ ,\.1' " .. : purposet-;o That the express ci:\ar- injustice that IS beirig'done to the ne!. The cr-eation of tho lake itl.MM. c.L•• i:" CUINNIS, l' ,tn.,ger. I "t'·· ~ 'h" A' d ~ . • .'. • . '..... . . .. ge~ or' P'!::; 'llge.l:~pces~ary lor te .. 1'.IZ0na an New l\I~Xl.Cl) InlnPf by Stl~lton baSIn has Iud the ~.ffect iei£'

WKITE OAKS. -S.M., ·Aug. 23. 1801. ; traUBpqrtrltlOtl of the blank~, fornl~ alien act that prohibits the invest- causlng rainfalls unknown hereto"~u~r.,£1lJlth~poBt()ijioet." Wbittl()uk,.. !alld ncord books for 1heus~ of the rnent ufforeign gapita.l in the terrl- fore ~t.this sealilon of the vear~ It,

eomdt'lasEl Dlutter.: !cou u 1y Stlp~lin tendents so far :n- tories, w hUe it eucourages it in the will, he Sl:ly.~, make fertile the vas~tMcri'P~i.~n.perannum.•••••. ~ ••••.•••••• $~CO l'ul'l'ed by:-aid f:uperintendent and states. }ijl Paso is mentioned 9.8 area of hitherto sterile land .

• d,.er'lfIm~ ratefl: $1.UU per mch, per month; . ...•• • . ..•• dd,"a.U com\1lunications to I to be Ineurred hereatter, be pald out the lllo~t centrrll pOInt to convoke ---------~

t THE IN1.'EUPRl!~'.rf£l-t, Iof ~ he said fund above a!ludEtd to thi:i aShiemblage of Ini'ner8. The The Coulmf'rcial Club at Alhu.Whil;e Oaks N. M •• 1upon the order or the l:iaid superin- Bullion is heartly in favor of the querque bas called a conYe~..


'W ". a.lb ... O.t' 2' d ItenJent of pn bli:)in~truction Up01J. UlOvenlen a.nd earnestly reconl- tion at that city for September 15thAl ro. A. uquerqne 1 lzeu, ~'. ... . .. to consider the extension of tI)~

'. ",rUE Dn..l.it.~ >{)~ ~~~)VVl1.lriO:i. '\ the terrItorIal audltor and trp.a~urer rnel1ds Its agItation hy all thef1'beboard of et!ul;u,t.iou met ves- Uflc,n duly eertified and proper newspapers situat,ed in thelnlnillg Denv~H' & Rio Gr}lnde raIlway to El

~ I 1 .,. t . f th 1 t Th Pa.so. This city is aIlow'ed ten del-tkrday pur\Sl:Utnt to eall at the (loX- I vouc lers. \dS rlcts 0 e sout 1'vV~S • . e ..• .. l'l.r. 11' I t· ".. .., '. t' . thO ·t· pgates was equal nUl:t:1ber with Santa

e~~uhv~officeand we.s In Rt'SSlon all le .to OWIng- reso U IOnS were Vitnous 01 galllz,t ,Ion!:! III IS Cl), i '. '.

dnv. offere<l hy Prof. Schneider and inclucHuO' ,tohe .Franklin Club and Fe and Albllquer4uc whIli DenverMernb{lfS pre:;;ent., Governor I adoptf~d: the' eelebrnted I\lcGint.ys. W~ are' ~s given twe?ty and Pueblo fifteen •

.Prinee'l Prof. IIai'ley, Prof. SChnei-! ne~olved. That t~e b?ard adoptIcortnill, will \lui te eut~uSill"tic~lly Irhe coov~nt~e? should 01 at~en~edder and .Hun. Amado Chaves. lIon. l\lautIlla's second SpalJl~h reader" to WelC0111e and entertn.In the thou": by repres(;'nta~lve Inen .,of tillS CItyE, S. Stover was a bsent. Iin addItion t(.) nIantilla's first al- sands of delegn.teq and visitors who nnd the Board of. ~ rade should

'I'b t· 11 .1 t d really adopted w'ould vjl:!jt El Pasa upon the oc- name 'our delegatlon.-El Paso·e l..l.1p.e lng was ca e!U 0 or er t • ~ T'by the prc'sidellt at 11 a. In. Prnf. Scheidner also offered the casion." , Inles. =...==p======='::::_

1'he foHowincr rcs(llution offl-!r,-d fullowing and the same was adopted: --.-----------=l""\ The PreF:cntt Courier says: It is

b, GOVt!rrtor Prince was adopted: That, the supe::l'intendent uf pub-1· . :J' said tha.t the (mly Inihtar." COIn- U S L 0

Uesoh"ed, That the Alllcrit'an Ie Iflstnwi ion be rt'queste~ to fur- NITED TATES AND l1'FICE,. 1 . 1 d punies which WIll COlnpete at the LeN M A 14 '9113()ok t~otnpany be notifi.f'd that the nl~ 1 otIiClU prIce lists of a opted AS 'RUCES, • " u~. . •I

f lir in Albuquerque will be those offpet:'ial NlitioH of 11le B.tl'lles' Geog"- sc 1001 booln~ to every ('ounty super- The following United States. T~la~tlLaff, Pre~c"ott, Santa Ire andra.pby for l\'ow ~lexi.'o and ArizorHl. Iutendent tt) be (li~tributE)d by them Patents have been rec~ive~ at the

Albuquerqne. So the chances are1$ l)t',t satisfaetory. ' It i:, <1e£,pctive to the dil"~ct()r" and teachp.rs of all Las Cruces Land Offi(~t' and, llPOIl

- quite favorable fill' Co. A., N. G. A"and incol""ect both us to lIlaps and the d.i~trICts in their resp:::ct:ve the iJJurrender oftheReceiver's Final

of Prescott, pOl'keting those threedrsonpt ions. -The board must i~1- {'ouotles. hundred dollal's offered to t.hfj best Receipt. to the ReJ2.ister or Reeeiyerhist UI2-it n.0 1110re ('Ol.,ies be pl'intHd, Ites.ulv0.<.1, That .the ql1e~tions fur the Patent tl.ter~for will be deli,. ..drilled (~On1pUnv, and the $100 t.oHod thnt:l correct editi<Jl1 Le pre- exannnalions whleh lna)" be pre' the best drilled man-if they will ered to the person surrendering orImftH} us r300Il as })oss: blew pared by the board of eX~Llniners pre~entillg the same, to-wit:

t g'et the PI'(lp~n' move on thems~lvetJ.The f~;Uowing r(:f:;olulion offcrpd of tile various C()llll'.ies be forwarded • =.__ I U. S. Cash En~)'Y No. 1570,

h)· l.lovornor Priuce was adopted: to the .snperintenden~of public in- That lin ex >du:i of tho srlint~ wil Frauk A. Tillotson, Entryman.nf'8<~lvf;d~ 1:hat, in the opinIOn of I:ltruc1l01l ~oget}1P.r wllh a full and takn place frOIl1 Utah fo Old i\Iexil'o Saule, N(~. 1489, George L.

the board ~f~rtifieat(:.s iRsued b" the eom},l<.-te lIst of the persons eXalYl- (;Slluot be doubted. The railrond Ulrick. Entryulu,n.exauliuatiolls made as dt sig;,ttte<1 il.w~l, staling :lbP, sc:'c, single or nlar- schenle of John \V. Young in the 8ame, No. 14.36, Absa:om Y.hy \hv terdtoria.l supednb.'I1dtllt !!n- 1"H~(:t, and the oLtalIwd pprcentage Southwest mean:; thi~ and nothing Prwe, Entlymal1.title the holder to tE:'ach in any part i,ll the ~.evpral bl'ttIlCh?s with1u ten else. The tel()grulns now announce 8amo, No. 1344, John \Vindsor,of the tt\rritors. . flU) S after tho PXaUl1t1atlOn. that the money for thd enterprise Entryman. "

The fol:owing l'esoinhotl. (l'frered On mot'on of I-Ion. Amado Ch,t.v- has been sec\lre~, and the road from Same. No. 1388, Jacob Snover,b)' Governor Prini'(~ ,,"a~ nc]o '!l'd: I(-!z. :t commIttee con~istillf{ of the D~lUiug' Routhward y,ill" be pushed. Entryman•.

Resolved, Th.t n ~he (Jpiid 11 of! SUperl!lte~Hlent and Prof H~dJey Evidputly the chureh has come to Samp., No. 1080, William B.l~aw·

the hoard a 1 ~\-y of I he f dl t.erl'ltll-I was appoInted tv piepare the h~t of the conclu~ion that t'le establish- SOD, Entrymup.ria.l taxatiou of D IHIl]:; .tut !.OI"Z .<11 books a.lId price::; fOl' distrib~ti()n to Jn~n.t or a :enlpora~ as w~ll as a Same, No. 931, '1'11e Andersollby law for dc·~hit.ij purpose5 is 1l,!('es-1 tht· V;li JOl~S part~ of the terl'1tory. SpInt lal kIng-dom In Utah cannot Cattle Co., Entryrnen.

, Bary for the eflicll'nt eaJ'l'viuO' on of (\1) motlun of Prof. IfadJey the I succeed. ~alt Lakp. City t.lley have Saln:1, Final Hom~stead Entrythe public school Bvstc~, a~ld tha.t. board adjourned to meet in, Albu- lost forevar. They are now playing Xo. ·1:45, \Vido\Y of Julius }.!. Rog-the territorial uu{!it('r be reqlH~btt-'d querqu~ on th~ 15:-h of Sept~moer, their la~t card in the part,y divi- er~r~:C:.2)~~~·arefor lantla situatedto levY' such t.·lX ~t the fil·..t oppor- ut the San Fphpe hutel. sion frllud ir.. order to get adn.titted in Lincoln County, !\lew l\Iexico.tunity now (:!xh,ting. .----- as It state aud to rid themselve~ at SAMGEL P. !\ol'CREA, Register.

The following rCSlllution (,fferf>d Tho. present governor, says a re- the BarrIe bme of the. E:hnunds act. QCI:8BY VANCE, Receiver~by lIon. A. Chavt;'s W.I~ adopted: cent arti01e ill Ha.rpers Week:y en 'rhe ~ame is entirel:x too ClUlt1sy a RIO! 1.~()Jt '.....HE .."-LuUqUEB~Ul!i··

Whereas, The f'l\pl~lin;pndenl, 01 New I\Iexico, is L. Bradford PrInce, OLe to succeed. Failing, a'" it WIll, Special-rate ~~::C%Oa.anne OR.'II

publio instruethn i~ l'tJqull'!~d uy Iwh.O, .with a th.)rough ~~nowled~e the l:eadq;lar:ters of Zion wil~. go Sb1ge Line, Nnumencing Sept. 11thlaw to keep a slIpk,ly 0' book..; on of dlH ne@ds of th~ territory, dlS- I fronl the Cnned States t.o l!pxlCo. and clo$ill~ Sept. 16~h, inclusive.hand in his otliee r, r ~.de 10 the va, plays in his inlportn.nt execntive} 'rhe chtll'ch leaders have entirely Fr,nu IJincoln to Cartha~e ana re...rio.u8 count,ies. of the t.errito,'''' a,n.1 po~itlOll \he energy, industry, and 11too good a thing in the superstition turn, $16.00

, · , 1 ]"1'on1 Ft. Stanton. to Carthage'{bere~s•. TherH is E:E:'t aptt;t hy hI ~ n~~s .<:apadty which distIn-1 ane pas~ions of,. Lhe ~~ortnon pe.o- and return. $15.00

law a eertdlt1 fund fo: tId' ('XjJ{-'II~e~ gUbhcd hIS long and honorable ca-I pIe to gIve ~p. They will huld t.o It., lilrOlU Nogal to Carthage andof fhe board ()f ed; catLOU of ihe tei- l'(~el' as a state senfl.torin New York. ,.even at the trouble and expense 6£ return, $13.00t.. itory of New I\ll'xi 'U; therel(ll'(-', lIe 1:'1:~ formerly heirl the po~ition of 0. f abahd(,ning the temple aud seek- From White Oaks to :.Carthaget 1 . R d d and ref,urn, ' $12.00

1 (. lid: ju~tf1Ce (1£ the territory, al1d is lug 11, new cO\ln~ry. ea y-ma e Return ti(~kets good until uliJed.Resoh"(~d, 'I'hd,t th~l territ-ol'iai tht' aut~l.,r of H, v,1i uab!e and il1tt:Jr: revelations ure easily announced A"hI to the abovl~ "rie c6nt per D111

Sl11*'rintendel1t f.>f public mstruclio,l estiug higtl)}'Y of New l\{PXIeo. tl~,ese days -Dpnver News. eaeh way for railroad fare, aDd ,oube Q.hd is.her~1>J authol'iZtAd ant cli' 1'he hOf-lpitn ilieg of th~ executive 8' D·:'· (.• I A 18. H 'I WIll have the exact amount It ..ill"·,,t d' "··k·· . .. . . ,tl.n leoo, ,a., up-. . .•,. ·t 1-)' 't t] "t· t ttee e to eep at nIl tillJPs in hI' III Hl HHl IVPl"e never Inure fully p·t· 1· d t· k t 1 . cos you ~(\?lSl 16 Jl108· In ere. eo

office a·full "Sllppi Y of t lle schoo~ s~st.ained than hy that uhnrln _I . 8'dl,odn , tW 10. un elr oo?' 0 exfP vt1fe i ng Fair ever hBhl in the beautiful'.... .. . . ". . . an e ermIne t le source 0 1e dtrJ of Albl1querque.

, ~)()ks ..that WeJ'(~ adopted t)y th I~~ and accon1phlihed lady l\irs. overflow of the desert lake rt Sal. . Pa~spngers ehonld rp.gister ODe

":.~ard',,or.ed?cato~,the cost of tht' {nul'a,,, who, a, dpselldant or uue of tOl\, rep01'ts that the water COn1t.'s day al1e~d o~ th~ ()ffi(·c from 'Wl)~r8tJ'ansportatlon Clt th\~ t;ame to b'~ ad.. the 011.1 and weillthy :New YOi'k f tho C 1 . i ',' "b· .t . . _ "hey start to .ell.u.bl~t.r.1n~p,)rtatlpn',. ......... .)" , , ,,' f.. . ... .... . .'. ~ ... ' . .... ... . ronl.... 0 ora< O~llver a Oll SeVtHl to be Be(~ured wltiloutdtlhl.Y· ..".w:~ ~u~ 0 the s~u~.) ~tlnd alluded f:lnl1,h~8, I$' by ~ ~doption a New teen l11i~~ssuuth ot ¥uu1a in the ... ,of. ., OZ..\.~~I Co.60 .. bo~ Ii d the sup~ llntendent of MexICan heart a.ld SJul. Inounttl.ll.l couutq.·.. H(} saysthat·1 \V'hue Ow.k., 8-20 '1.).1. '

1,./ fI

Page 10: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

, iJ

:.! ".





_. ,~

A ~ev" stock of roen'. ('lothing jUlt .reccrn~d ~t GeodJnan &; Zeigle~'i.: 1 .HanGiseme ifUits at ;G, $9 :il.ni $10 \.

The .e,,,, st~am hoist at the (lIdAbe udnlil cOIDWler.00d runningTuesday. It is larger by one-thirdt ,an any other htJl.t usei in thi.ulining di~trict._--.....".....'1-.----

Charll"! Anchutz ilipped on thethre.hold of Ins .oor, Wednesdll1and broke a Itg'. Dr. Paden: s.tthe broken bone and the pa.tient i.doin~ T\'ell.


:Mrs. )'"Dung, of La. VegaR, wifeof the .:;tf)De-tllaSon whose Ifli -wushruk~n last week, is hete withh~r :­{'hilc1rtn, a·nd is 8toPl):1l~ at. tb,SoutIlwestern JI<.>tel.

, .rtom~n Luia.. Pan l Mayer~ J• .it•.Hinkle

l\1.CroninGeorgt'i Senl\

.8Clpio SnHZ1LrGeorg. Curry1>. W, UOUSl'tt1

(:J 0 UNTY.


J••ti•• of tne PcaQIi.• ~pt\ty 8aorif!.

:rr••~tQ Jndl'.t,)?rOblllt~6 Ol~rx.,



~heri1l.l]P·~ ,,! Sche>oll~.l·".lr,

I'U'£CI~ orr..


W. 'Oz'lJJnt~. 1f. C, Wl~lBtclll,

~uhn Y. :a.weilt },1"491101 Tnlill(ltrr8. ~QboGl nlrl,}o~olll.;a. W. l'arka.

JGa. A. Brothers ~"". •W~tl':lOlil. j TeWll TrUll; JQII... it, YOUlI" JJ. oW. Colhllr I

. " ", "" ',": ". , '," '::::. / ,' .. ' .',' """, .,. " '_ . .~.. .' ,~, ,",' ': ' , -,., '. ',.'" r ,.:",, ' , .',.. ',' . ...... r:r.t ,)11;, "'YL~. ,J;. ~l r'I,.~,,,,,'l'm:'t ,-r~D ~lO:i. "'ltv ."II" M'....:-' ,"E'~; , ' " , '

, ,',' .' I ~ ." l-Jlfy.. ,,"',/4'" ~ \ . .,..~ 1 ..... !4~ ~.il'i~ ,tt/iJJ14 l~il"'T ..".,:- ~,~., \' ", . I' I{ \ ?, IJ'

..~~'~~~ ~:~~::t~:~:::;j;~l" ....,W""T~Ot\KS!. N. ;M.,Aug.,~8, ~891.. "Kmg~ts. o~ ~Ythl~8; meet~ .~veTYY 2m1 Opt.IO, i~ her~ for t'~1epurp()l~e ot O~ks. .'.... ". "... ......, ." fu~d4t4 J:hlltS.li\Y Ulght, at7.~ooCl0ck·1 .•.. ...... l' '1" '1' 'r'th . . ,. .'. " '.».'. Ot:J.;c"al Dl,:rectox-y.. y:isiiingKllightsarecordially,invlted.. \~llt.Ing up or 1.w, coumns.o ,.e.:' ·.French Call~ed 60UPliJ. .s:pa.l.l~ih;,

FEDEBAI.L James ReHl. C e. Opt~c, what h€' cnrl" learn abo~lt ~ h.~~ Olivt;fs. ,Stf'w'ar'to'f WlliteO:ak8~·.: .... "J~os. II. \Vhitemun. K. of R. & S \Vhrte Oaks c0untry. Every fa.ollr-. . '. . . .. '. ~-:'-' '.' ." ·;:'1·.'/'·

=~~e~~t~J'to CongresBL.~~~~~~~;:l~ri~~~ ty for, a0quiring infonnahon i$ Ernest Lan~etoll IS·.~ ,~hJI''ffBY ".Secretary, . BonjaPliu H.'fhomas '. . bein 0" fUl'nish0d hiu1 hy the cit-' horae from SalQm, Mass. '.PhiQ~ Justice, , "J:~ 1I: O'Brien. WhIte OllltsLoc1ge, U. D., A~ F. & A.. b • .'. . . -. ,'., :'..

t ,Wm.:p. Lee . ~I" holds r~~lllal' communi(,dtiQn~ on 11 ;l;f'I:S o~ this pl(l(~e. He ~tates thnt A splen<hd .tock ?~. new bO~.ti"", .l.••@eiate~; S John H~ McFle the ;FIRS'V, n:n'l:l '.l'HIED Si~turdaVB in oneh he .IS hIghly pll-'tlsec1 w:th all that ~'tnd shoes-the largeet In,to\VQf~t· ."

~~l~~~·HF~~:Dlan m?~t~, a~.Young ~ 'r;lJiaferro's hall he h~s seen of the lown and its GeodU1aa.41; Zeigl.r'•. · .1I1lrve1G'l~ 1!l@'1'.}'~, E.• : F .• lio.b~ut.1 Vlliiltltlg' bl ethrm: are we...colled. . .su.l'found l11gS, a.,nd that he ,see[~ no, -UtlitQd.St OOllector, LeYIA.Rnghes - J.B COLLIliHt, W.M.. 'hW')'t (}k' 'th it$ The public selaeol 'W'illbpen'oo'U. S. Diet A.ttorney, E. A, Fisko JONES T j LB.FERUO Bee'y' . 1eason" y lIe, ,1 S, WI . b ~ t 1l.K d' . •- S':t' "m'b'at' .'U S 1\b,rSl1o.. 'rrinidad.HoDlero··· .. '. , . . .wonderful naturu.1 r~sour('es-ir()I) t. e J.lrs xu-onny In .cp e .,~-....Ber,. L'd Off, b",11t,~ Fe, A. L, 1rJ..vrrison ._"d' 1 t·t. ~:I' ., 't . ~Ii5s Annie F. McGrew, teach_r.neo. I. I~ V{m, Ben~t,r an eoa a Ib vel y aoors, 18 lUlllt--S ._~ ----

ne,. U U Las Oruces, ft. P. l\'IcOrea DAILY MAILB~ and quarries ef stone and nlarl,le- C()ffe~, rreas and Spia~l, SChln~)lge. "I' " Qumby Vance ". .Jtee:. " U ltoliwell. 'tV, B. CoheUll Eastern mail arrlV~~ • A. M. should DOt. ~)eCOlne the first t¢)wn In ing'i Best i8 th~ finest .,,~r hrought'•••• "I, U . :E'l'~nk Lesuet . Leaves 6. P. M. th~ Tf'rritory \IV lwn It ol\~e has rail- to \Vhite Oaks, 0nly found, at Y..a.r." ., ~.li.Dl, T. B, Baldwin ~ort Stan tOll maail arrives 5:30 \ road cOl1nl1uuication with the out- T'tt.

side world and. cOJH~equelltly, aP. ll.

Le '" 7 30 A markpt for all it has to offer.'0lieitorGonera.l, . E. L. Bartl~tt ave;:, :. . ){. ~__--"-__Pilt.,Att~rney,.BlJ.. TwitchellSunta Fe Red Ol..uelltiaill~aves 2 'F'.ll. AI~.crQ1JE~tQ.Urii~~,11. (jOl\lVE~· ,

... E. O. Wade, Lus 'CrnceB M:o 1 'Jl.'10~." J. A. A.l1clu!ta, Silvf~r Oity ,DC ay.,. ·W. C \'Vrigley, Rnton ~J'rives 10 A. 111. Thursday. - At n. :vneeting of tho citiz~ns held" ]i. 8~li1,jar, LFfl.. V~go. P. o. open from 5 A.}f. to '1 P. lI. 1nt Young &; Taliaferro's rIall,

JJiltrn.rian, ; J. ino I£Jlerk Supreme Oourt, 8. BOf"-llort Sundays from () to 9 .A., :A[. 1 MojoI' \Vru. Caffl:'ry was elect([}u$n.p't l'enit.entiary E. VI. Wine .(.p 4 tQ 6 P. :!\{. f Ohairlnan and ~l. II. Bellomy Sec-Adjutant GenQ~l " 'V S :Pletcl:wl''J.'refl~nrer, Antonio Ort,iz y 8nlmmr Ifails close 30 111 in ntes bpfore de- retary.,i.u.ditor 'J.'rh)idad Alarid parture. It.:fOllCY o\'clel's a,tld r(~gister- (l'ho follo'l,yinf delegates ,vere dulyW. i. ~t. ~..,. O(o)ll<iotor L. A.. B.£hes. .1

.en lettpfs mu~t lte applied f.~r before elected:·t Y. Irr. W. lieman , Jones Taliaft;rro.

"- _- . .. . -._ _-- J. P. C. Lahgstoll. ~ros Griecih~bpr.

John Y. I-Ie'~7ett. A. Schinzing.1i..onA..L lIATTEiUI, 'The Delee:a.tion wen~ n.uthoriz~d

Swe~t Picloes in bulle Y. & T. to ]'epl'esen~ the fun 'Vute and fill.. Iany vaCllnCles that nlay occur.

Gaits. btewal'tti of \v hi te Oak l:! _._-ootll'--._--• T .,--;--' .' • I II~rry Tali uferl'o b~s returrlecl Lo

.\\ . C. J.,lcDull~lJ 1::) back after a BtIdy, wb(~re he is clerking for Pt.'u-'Iimotoo AnallIA tIl!:, eust. nebhkpr,Joyce & Co., aftel' u. yisit

John Struulqu~;fS~tn Peuro, iii of aceycl'fll dayti to . \\"hitp. Oaks, Ieach. •~. ~t. P/ltrkc·r in town. Harry "t-ns OIlC of the most popular Socorre is ll~cdiag r~in.badly

J. :r. c. Llln~uiO!l 0 of t.he young lJeopl(~, \ddlo he live'} al1d instead of wtliting fet: the rain..G. R. Y(lung l'ertHIlPU from a tri 1> in this plt~,l'e, ana pvery hod y W:i1~ nlnkers to C('Jlue their way, itt'l ~nter-

to th~ ~lCI~t\Yn.rd, It~t Sunday. ,. glaa tv see hili) ngain. Before he I pri:--ing people are making eiperi-

J. R. Gilmore, (')1' .Munddl Bros. &: went away 11'3 gave tho Interpret(.~r tl'lt'ntf; on thC"ir own account. 'TheyCo, Alburquerqul~, i:; In town. aCllll, and lef~ the l)1'ice,of a year'B haTe purchased a hu~e quantity of

--'---.e<f--- iubscription to 1.he paper. Succ~ss giant powder a.na knyo bopneend.]Roll.cl SUI'l(,l'ViROr Lenlons aih] OranW&8 J' H~t m'rived -

Sl1P'tOamclery ~. to hiln and all lIke him. i_g rockets upward. 'v. wait anx-at Brollwn & U~hrick'i. ..-.ololZ_-

..._ Thc Express, of Los Angdecs iously t~e result of their exerimen 18... .




.. "

, '



" ,



• ill. JoITD :DIBTBTC'l oeUZTI.

Bi. A.niba-Third Monday i.n March and thirdJI..Jlda)' illSepttm'her.

T"oliJ-Seoond Monday after thel third Mondl!,tn March and, the fourth .Mo aRT in tieptombor

Td.ncia County -}j'irst m. ..JDday in April andfl)'iokl.r, .

.aieta CQuniy-'·ll'ratMandll.;Y in :M~y. and No..... er. ..

...... F.-Fjrst Ko.a.., i. February and 1:1." •••a,. in JulI.

Orant Co~nty-·Third Monday in Fobrnarv v,l1U


• Hax COtluty-&ocmd MOlld,l)" ill !rlaf~l) an...~,••h8r.

D",.a An...-8aoond ~loRd6:r in ll-Iarch axd SftlI>

".b~l".... Hipil ThirdMonday:in A})ril alld No.


If:ss l\lattie Leonard ('anli in 0. cht·onicles the arrivo,l at the 'Vest- Ro~~ted Old Goverment Ja.Ta, 0.-

the \Veduesday Jltag<:J Oll h~r way to .lninster hutel. of II. B. Fergussol1, lJ 4u c6nts at Youn~& Taliaferro'•.Nogal. Iwite and t\yO children, of Albuquar- •

t I ,. . D A local event. nefl.r Baldy, "'ae of'I..I'"s S EBb f tb rI"h @iue, 1\ ew l\fexlco. uring the ab·IfJ.l. • • d,l' er, 0 0 ~ re(-} intere~t to visitor., last week. It was

Ri vcrs nanch, carne III town 'rll UI'S. .encC3 of t.hH gent1.ema.n feOJille of the• 1'11 d"''' d . ..., d 1 the l~ader .f the pellitelltetl, ao-

,::::::. 1 o-!ilc.n ....on n.71m. J.U.ny And No day aud returned hop:w ~undaj'. .enloerahc terntona papers. are eOillI>unied by some :fifteen women--_8--"- 8pringin!;, his nn-nlH en the public ai

E. \V. Pa.rker "he has b<!'en in St a proba·ole can<1iJate for cie1~gate to and twenty children, marchingfJ011is for severa.l 'f(~ekR, caIne In t cOllgre~s. At this tinle biro Fer- througq. tho fields ana over the'~l1lJday 111orning. gu~son i~ about. as strong a nl~n as llicsas. proneuncing theb(>nedicUUA

- tl:l~ democrate could name.-Cit- and pra.ving for r"in. The leader~.JllD (jl)l.lni}·-Secand Mondl/,J' ill Hi-rcll rrh~ tim~ for the nnlroall COl1vpn would Hue out the song a.d the "0-

i I.rat KIH~(h,. in Septowb9r. t.ion to J.nect at Alhuqntwque, has izelul. -_.~- ~ ll1en M.nd chiWren would join'1n th~~ean chaHged fronl the 15t,h t(~ the The rain-makers who h~vct beeu ch~rlls. l they could be heard for a1£th of Septpmhpl'. opcr~ting I1t 1lidland, Texas, arp to distance of several miles. This took

l..f A ' 'J. ~d bc a.t EI Paso tv-day, to test th"rt" !.ll.<1He on uTednesda""', aU'd ral"n fa}'lIt11·S. . nIne .£\;C1· ~trl'ived eafely c.4I\" no ( •

t "'i D" C" lhf-~ nl{,rits (If their rain ·n1aking ('111 Tl"\11'r....day. ""hl's buat,s the t"al'uH :jan legGY, aI. Sh~ had a 1 \ >;> J.... 1

1 t · :l machine. If succ{:'ssf'ul, all il1vi· rnachine all holloW'.~OI)tic.p (~asa,nt Tlp aIHl IS 111uch pleased tatioll f.;houlcl be extended to thenl •with her present surrotH.i.dingb. to visit Wbit~~ O,!ktl. All that thi~ COllt~ntB of the t\ortb Ame~iCft.n

Lt.~oln C.Ullty-Tbird Mondl\Y ip. Allt·n nn De~t)>>"t r. Bearup wi~hea hiFt frIends place needs to make it a Verlta bit.. Review fer September: Goldwin

an(l patroIl~ -to know that he IS Paradise is plenty of water--w~ al- Sl11ith aud the J.-ws, by Isaao )n.gaiu at his old sta.nd in Dr. Padt-'ll's l'eady hav~ (1Tt\rythinJ,t elba n~t;d.. Besl1t B~ndaviu; J,.. Plea. for Ruil...Drug Store, wherQ he will renlallJ full. way ConsolidatIon, -0. P. ~uL.tin~...for a. fe w \veek~. The dance last Fl'iday night g;iven tOf.l; Co-riperative Wl)manhoGd i.

Dean ZiUl111QrUHU1, ~t young man by !\lr, J. Ziegler to his br<:>thet' and the State. Mrs. Mary A. Liv~rmore;, fl'om \Vhli;~ O.-tks, N. i\L, has ~e- bride, .Mr. a.nd i\ll's A. Zeiglpr, was A Faruou:; Naval Exploit, The Late

tt A.' R. Kearney Post, ~o~ 1C e~pted a· elerkf:\hip in the ulothing well p..t.tended by the beauty and ~dmit'al Porter: Anecdoteg ,of Eng'''':Moet15 am tho last ~1()nday nigbt of :3 "'re of \Y. O. Lcou:trJ at C{t.~-Oitl- cll1valry of White O,tks anci Wae a I1sh Clergymen, Thtt· Hou. O. K•

•~h ~euth. air the TC9,Wn Hall. ~eu. snoop-58 iu evp. ry p~t·ti0ula r. ~uCkprmu.l1; Dogsa,ni their .!ffeo..J. .P. o~ L.utliiilllX'ON. P. C. ~. .' -- tl'Ol"lS OUld a • e>tc e'L,.

J!. O.l!L1t:PlllJ••• ~, ,ADJ'1', ·Pickles J.nd 8.vectrnix.id Pickles,' h~e cream at Brown. l~ TJebrick't~F "l ~' li "~~i ••". .'

2}ttnrart.of White Oaks. t 51t~1l:da,y ui~ht. r 'p' ,.' .toro~~. ey r~t Iime.·e".~.t t'ft.E;., ',' I, om '. w:e~ ../ ' .,


'"c~~)J""!t:.=---. ,-~;... ..:-~~:-;,;tl!!'~~"""~~~~/""~-~;.~..-~~-:'::;"'~-~:'-:';;;;;'~..7--.:.-.;;. -';:"';:~-'''';'':-:'~~~~-;~'~':'''~::~~~'~__1';~.::.-::.~::~ __:;;:.-;;..:,;~.:.._-::-:~~::;,"'., .."~~_ ,~~,-?.~''' ..__•.,k:~_.,~'...... ~ ..... "_,,-,_ 'S:::'=":':'~~ .."':'{·'·._,,-,.~lo~"~:- ..J~':!'...!<~~~1"'; ~.:!'zt.~_.~~ ::v: "-~ ..ri.&Ml-"'''''' .-~ ., ..... ~& 11*1;; _.•

- ~.. • "•. ~-' .." ~'~""-~.-''£-~'~'''- -. ....--,!J.I!~"' __,-J!ttl- ~~-.,.~F~.

f. i

Page 11: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ

~--------- ---------------,----,----,



, Purp0.8u.

0I1~8. GL,A.<£S, AND PU'l'TY.

M. G.



Fina Toilet Sr.lnPIiJ. Hair ant T.o~h Brushes.

Pure Wines aud Liquor9 fer Med:i~inal

fl' 'I) UG' ~'11

f) R'E'.\' .. DU 1

GU.JlJBRT E. OVlmTolf, Trulte••. Warrell, FQruu&s.n &; Bruner.

.Att(trn.ylJ,Albuquel'qua, M. If.

. '



Whi'e liitak:", A.V'onue.


LAlTD OF:FIClB at Boswell, N- ~f.,J ulj" 20, 1831-

}~oticc is hen~by given that i~he follow­ing-named HGttier has filed not1Ce of hisintontlOn to ..(~k~ final })J:oof ~n iU,PpOl·t

A flue [\SfOflnult.t ot l).~fl'S gloves.t Bl'(lWb &: U'lbrick's

\Vehn.ve pel'f.ect~t1 arr~np?;eU!enb

bJ "' hi~'h we ~et l'~gular shipluent­of fresh ~HSBion grapes tWiC6 perweek, In 10 lb. bn.sket~ which lYe ~,,.,,.~~~~,,..,,.~-.,,...,'W'W"'"

will f:iell fit, 75 eta. per basket. Par:- !' OTIO.m OF iALE.T~le '\Vor] i Eiu·iciu~d.o

t ," t bask/at Notice i53 hf)reby given t.hat ~he uad..rT'lle faci:ltieBoftheprc·«.;cntdayforth~ les (.e~lflng ·0 engage ono ( ~ I sig.ed, Gilbert E. Overton, a8 Trulllte.,

produ('.tion of evcrythill;j that ,'dll con· twice per wf:'e'R:, during the seaSonil • •under and by virtue of the prOViBioDS g.f.luce to the :tl1at~rh~l ' ...e1fare and comfort can lw,ve it dt'Jivcred at their ltOllSC51

,of :m:-,.t~kill(l are a1:most Rl1~ilUitcd and a certain Indenture Qf M~rtgage, with, AOCHl after :.trrival, for 65 cts. per power of sale, mwouted a...d dated eli

.whet1 Syr.up of r.~;"s wa~ fm:,t prodl.1~d b·tsket December 29th, A. D., 18~8, by Joshua..h~ wor:J. 'wa~~ Cl1richcd with the only ~ · .

O 1 :} 1 t .A l'e fre~h t ro Hale and l:3usun I.J. Hale, his~wifA, t.o 0 ...l)~rfcct lax:lt.:ye k:'10Wtl, as it b the only n ):'\11(" a ~ ()L n e,. .\1, "'''''remedy ,",'hich is tru1y pk:using Rnd l'e- UlHto~s and a.pples. Clue t.he pa~ymentof 11 certain promissoryl'rcshlng io the taste and prompt :nd O';A~N:E CO. note therein mentioned, ~md belJrl_,.c:rt~cttw.1 to c1e:luGc t1J.~ sys;tem g~!ltly ia ... clute April :as, !8B8, for the sum et.h~ S:)r!ng t:me or, hL f:Jet, nt :my t1ma $1000.00, J){~yuble tllirty daJB after the

1 • • ,.- -1-1 ESTRAY NOTICE. date thereof to Gilbert E. OVArt.n arlucl tl.lC l)Cttct" It 10 ~Owv.~ 1J:'.()r~ 1')0P- OJ ..

"l':.r it b000!:.lnA Tnken up by the l1uuet'slgoned, on tbe order, at Ft. Stllnt~n, N. M" with inter·..---_--- 15th day of July, A. D. 1891, t\VO (2) est from <lute until paid at tha rate of

f41'l'e<t,hl');1'1")r:TO' '"" ~ ...%" mc~ • 12,;, "~·"h;·.'n~I'Ill';t.~ I","t"f\~ :FHJri~"'P".,~ ~;e~f.";;;hB! ('tray hOt ReA, nb0ut 14 handa blab, and per cent. ptl' atmum, rnaclt:1 g.na. ex...r~~~:~:i$t~r}~f;,c';o~~'is;\a,t:~~a;~:~i~~"J~~J:~~ ~:J 1 t' 1 t f"l.. ecuten. by JO"'llUa Ifale C S Thurb"r~~~)\ '....l~:~~ :;"'~"\:!F'j~<,,~y.'l:-fI ~ ~f~ I> a~(lKL a )011· nme an: en yeal's. em. Q c" ,J.. ..

I~f~+t~~~~(.;,;,,:,,~ ~~~.t~~.~~~ ~~'r;~'J~f!.~t,~ br:mdt:lcl .H.UFO connect;a, on left thi({h, and DeLaney & Terroll, default havi.C';~5.4~!i~(::~~;~ "k~::- "';:A~"~:~~ ;Y~:i~.h~J nUll othel' SpaniHb hrnnds; thE' ()thPl been made in the payment of the Bam't.iff""'IIfr"~l; ~'it "l;'~'if;~7i\;~'c:" .~:~iY~~~;: horse bl'and.pd with P bar S, on lett hip note in accordance with the terms tber.-.~.L/}i~}:cjf:~J"'. ~,~~~~\ ~~ ~i":4"~;:"~j~>t'>:'<,,:,·~.~~;e~.f""'':il 'UWIII "S1.~I),VI'I'I:.' ... 811dothol' So.nnish brun<1s. Ofil.Dd of Ba.id mOltgage deed, win &a

'X':ri~1"-'.\'''f/~ ~~,~J'~ '~Jl '1" tt.~'\;:tJ"~ .s.';"... ;li.~' '1" ~,j. -' ' 'f .... E. \Y. CL.A.JtX. Monc1ay, the 7th day of S6?ptember, A

.(jO.l1iul) r11lrr'O~M.1'1'i '~,);"\rq"l& Prc(:inct Ne. ], Lincoln, D., 1891, at the hour of ten 0'clt'ck ill:raOT og lIa'c!q 9'l1Q OI1~~ U;):q.\\ (!l A~:1·'ii'''·. ,~"""H' I . 1 (' N "',,or the (orellOO"1 of paid day, at the 'mfl·nn l·,.,)rO!Jlillwro.l<lJijl.1Ul i'lln'!.l'.JiYj;,.!.'l'1().!.(I.~m: )In('o n vO., • JJ~. r ."0..11 t.tj£: UOI'11'pu.}umm:w.t litU l~() 'P'l'Jlj:I\U,' 1-28 6w pal dour of t.he Court FI ()UBO iII th0 T.wJl~I t'i!a 1\H~.\J ';IU;.t.'}1in~ 'U.::~lq p'iU{ oq y_ •~\ lIltSnno.\ 'IJ ~l P .. !'qt.h "iI.1J '01'1':),1 O.\"i.I~: fj.;lf~ll of Lmcoln nnd County ()f' Lja-Ol'S J ) ,)l'.n.·tj1. ~f~('"'.!J l'~I.\T.ii'i" N)(\~" ··\'n \.l.\~nu, (4-347.) coln and Territory of :N"(nv ]lexl'Lt_•

.),;,pmt tl1 r..q14n·l"(rt~d~) ~"n JO lW3.\({( !!:.•H· () or".{H:t~ .1\.1•••\. um t !m\: ·'~:~Pfll\"C\tl=1 o..u:{i I 11:'P'~' -- offer for sale at 1"\ublio ntlct'I'on ~o th"&0 l=)\ll1•.,~ g! ,).KlIlJJ : 'i'tjJ -""liOI .l{i1 J(I;t s.~l~m.p ~' Ll. '1' ...

'l;(l-a~~ 'Uu~(.J'1 ;() 'F:fj.30~OU:)i\: H '.,~~! K01TCE FOR PUBLrOA'J~ION. big-heet nnd beat bidder fOJ cash U1 hani,__·(_l:r__nm~:Y.\ LAND OFFICE at Uos'Vell, N.!!... Itll(lll'~al estnte and premises situatsd in

'~oai£ '.".".. .~ A 21 ~ S91 tJ C L r L'.. '~mt "'lIn:> ~')!1l"fl C:PUtl '''01 PQ.\l~!I' ng. ,,' • 10 OUDl'y 0 ~ Incoln and Territory .r....r ...m ,1.. .. Ros'.....]} i.l~(".l·"'t ...r. ..~pp!IOO.)~.It{1:.)p{),;,n,M"I~:S'.~IttOO'jl·ml~)( Notico iA horeby given that the rol- New l\f(llxico, in said mOl'tgagQ dQoJ,JJ 'IJ' ........ 'f ..- ."'","" ~(K"J T H'llln pu,,! !.lIn :},l1 ') m,w 'JlI(i_ 'olJI)

.nap Att'P.U1\t~().q¥'\)Ul'.>'tl,;m ~(J()1.1 'J~).\l)\')<,)J II', lowing·named 3€-ttler hus £ile<.l notICe of I.lwntiongd and .descl'ibecl, to-wit: 'l\h~Ifign()rdnc(-~ iF hIi .. s the won(1er io l;')od:1:<>·I.Up!prj;<11t111~1J1~Jln·(JStl{lmU(.!;ljl"('~~ hI'S intention to make final proof In Southwest Qunrter 0' Se~tl·.n numl..-r,Am 111 ~:In(l(I!1 m.l,if ~.1'%l: or .ftuJ.WjJt,9 f>~,b. r ~ "" .w

why 150 tnany peopl~ complaiu of '6SS~ '.qnr ""1 1'I'IOU)JTO snpportof bis claim, ~nt1 that said proof Twelve (12), in Townahip number Ele~.o • ·tlaII Grt1lliliJ sa11xorr OJA,T. S P (~heini mi~.r~hlt). will b~ made before George I. ena, ro- (lU 11) l.Jonth qf Range number fourt.e»

rD[,f~~Jt~:~~:~;Ot~~~oo~;~~'j;.~:: hnte Clerk. at I~incoln. New Mexif'o,OD (14) Eust of the New Mexico PrincipalRO'lf~1l'8 pI iz~ ·.rJf>~r has hean u'A' :md pour l)~tient!i can alga obhun TUPRunv., 'Octoh~r 6th 18<)1~ viz: Mannel l\feridinn, and containing One Hundrei

~ ~ o.;uztWs medlclaafreo of chJU'&;o•• hipped to fh~ zooIng-ic'd g=trdan at Thill rf\med:r'hOl3il been preps,red Oyto9:ReT9l'- "VIjll, IIomeste:ld No. 1209 (L. U. S.) fo: anil Sixty (Um) acres, more or leas: ef

D"'I ,rOlnes, I(}u'Q. lC.o"ldP.llafor1(Qenig.ofl"orfiW2-3'116,.£nd•• aincc1S7f. tho W. /1~ N 1 \V. 3-'{, Sec. 15. Tp. !) S. R. whick land the said Joshua Hale, lD ani.. Ja n .. QJld 13 now prepared. t:.tlctor \lIS c1ilOOti9Il bY'the o E. by sui<.l mortgage decd, guarantees alliIt i. prob~i 1<: tha f, onr fo11<8 will KOE~Ha FJIED. CO., Chieago, au. H<, names the followin9' witnesses· to warrants that about Eeventv (it» acre.

1 b J SoleI byDro~G'lgt.1:nt &1 pe.r B0t".J.o. 6~ d t ."rcaniz~ ~~ r~gnlar 'gun c t1 anll ltG. ~J:"'1iJl~,q,1."Y5. ~BoV.J.a&irc.lrll?'-" prove his oontinuOllS l'fl8idence upvn were at the a e of said mortgage dee..after they practicE> up ~L little, will NOT [01£. . nnd cultivation of, saifi land. VIZ: in cnltivation, and that some ten (l').rchallengt' liddy, and kno(~k .solne of Ram"n Trujillo of Lincoln. ~. l[ twelve (12) acres in a(l.iition c0l11d b.

T. alI 'fVhOnl if; may' concern; Hefngio 'frujillo, or "" put in cultivabcn with irrigation; WblCktnt c.nc~it OUti uf (Jur sister burg. I l' dICnow Je th&.t the IIonorahle Pro- PlI\dro Frf>llqnp-s, of ". Jv sail. an ~e) 18 rna e at the req~e8t telf t.be le,

Col. Jlenry t.:blnc al:d lVif~ have h' t Co {~.. d t L I 1Mannel Torres, of "" gal beld~r and owner of ilud ~rr.mIBBOrra e nr, III un or HICO 11 . note for the purpose of paylug out ef

i01" to Ott.pon ~prini!'" \V tit Virgin' County, K. ~f., will hold its regular WINFlELD S. COBEAN, l{eg-lBter. the ;l'oceeds of said Hale, the 0.8t8 anti

la, from Colont::c Rpl' ngs, the CoL tern1 on t h~ 7th da.y of SeptOlnb~r,If'It~"'~."W"l""~~""''''''''''~~ expenses of s~id Bale and the proocedi:lilU_

notrec~ivi.tlg the hpll~tit fl'onl tho A. D., .. S:}l, it being the first h-fou- 1i>a""ul ~lf~ 'y.~'011 relative thereto, inoh,ding r.a8onabl.watel'S of f(:e f(\Jl'lt u:- e,tlm'ado re- day thereof. 1Ji1.: ~.. ~ .L'fA~, ~&~a~torneys' !ees, mad the blllanc(!l~f ~n'in-&sort whioh h~ had expeded. . \V" h," II 1l., ' Cr . clpal and Interest dt\e and unpaId upea'.. ~ ~ I ltrH.~.~3 t on. 1,i. onUi1, ..said note; and t1pon said Galli bQiDI'

'Ih~ CbavPlll eounty bc'l·dg have IJudg~ of tltf) Probate Court and the Bade; the ,under8ign~d, as TrUE~tee. 'Willbtln sol.. At.leawt A hid for thenl .~~s(lal sf ~~id C{lurt l:~re- execute and deliver to the purcha~or er.a! ••me fr{~nl 1\ )Jew York finll, ~anto affIxed. tIns 2,.i:th purchasers of aald la.n.dand prem18ftJl, &

,and the bid ht4::! beel1 ae(}t'ptf-'d. -d~ t of Au U!l)t A. D.. lSg1. good and s~lfficient need ther~f.r.J g, '1\,1 (' .' Dated thlit 15th day of August, A. D.

-~ ~-_. .Ll'. JUON IN', l~OL

Sunlm«r goods 'fling very fagt,. GEORGE SENA Prohate J Udg(l,.JOme .till" l~ft; will Sf'll ~t greatly Probate Ch.rk.red-neei !)rie;:>8.

GIlO'rlnTRn &- idgler... ." ,


.,.'~, \~.~ '" ,~,

1'1'om Eddy Argu•.\Vork w11.1 HUOt be it:ut...,a en the

RftW Ep~seopal Chill Ch. It will b~

bUIlt of p;~OO$ slA;.nd~t()nu and will he~ne of t h~ h:il,nd~o tllf st !:;IYlall~burche8 ill the southwest.

No further bills to)' court. house.nd jail bon'i~ h:tving h:-:en receivedII. C. SpetH' &; 00., of Chh~HgO, WPl'P

}.lGtifir.d htsli ThlHr.ld:-ty that their t'e-

('ent bid of nint~t\-fivt" eents on thedollar un.&. beijn ~ccepted:.

'rho N:tlnt~ appNHs tG he fuU of

tree fakir~. E\'~"yon~ of t hWIll, ofctlur$Je, l'Ppre~ent:-; th.~ hpttt 11 uril~r.,in the COllt\try ~nd will gll~,ranft~e

, an:rthinp fon n~ to <1if:pL~e ~lf their \"O~.~ or 'n k,p 01'(1 (·I'S., Slime t)f t11l'°m \l\SQ fnhber. j(lam, t' to llc1Yerti~e wi h,And a nl'J,n wilt> l\ HI do tltl\t will'It..al chil~k~'n:li.

W. !end itt low pri.~G:\, others max. tl!tU~,.. Yl& T.










Page 12: Lt~OOLN NEW.UEXJ;~~:~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · 2013-11-16 · _ _ NEW MEXICO., too bad, though, some way or 'noth- nephew attending college, as I0 introdll~eJ





( ,


and Pelts.


\I ~'\'I~l/llill I:


The one thing you'll alway. find in tvery eow.}>oy's <!?tfit when he goes on t~e Iprin~ round.l1pIS a .. Fish Brand" Pommel Sltcker~~fleytn.~the onlv perfect saddle coat, and come emher black .or yellow. They protect the wholelront of therider's body, being made to fit round the outside of 'the saddle. entirt:. When used as,a walking coat,the...ex ellSlOn pieces neatly ~Terlap each other,mJKltlg aregt11ar '.)vercoat With -a '(1oubJe atonneproof front.. When riding, the saddle is dry ...bone, from pommel to cantle, and the rider is t!a­tir~lr prottctcd .in every part of ~is body" TheN'f Slickers," being of extra Width. make fin.,blankets for camp•. Bewa~e o(w,?rthless imitalion!ltevery garment stamJ,.cd With If FIsh Bi'and~' TradeMafk. Don't accept any inferiflrcoat when l"0racan bave the .f Fish BraniiSlicker" delivered ;ntb,..out extra cost. .Particularsand llluatrated cataloptfree. '.A. J .. TOWER. • Bos,

_.... • _ .....·.... li"" ••_: .,u ~

'" -i'IT E·, b·· . This Tmd.~\) l1 4 I~ Mark 1$ Oil .

'~.,~, . cUe rho Bost-~ ~~i~ _ ~ Watoijrogf}~JrfiD . 'I."~ Coat

4b~,!-a BRtt.\' 'ftthewor:d.,e,,~rJ.f!!tf."antra c1' &' .. .1.~



'~lt·~;r ttin~ a specialty.

'_"4 ,; 4\,,' \ .... V

725 18,.n FnH:t'O~O, Cal


.L.A.';~, ..



SHOES, Et39 Etc.


Wllolesale Grocers.


.......,. ,"~,.,.,. ..,- ~." a;t..-,-..- ~ "." ~...,." _.. ".__._._".II"",.~.""'''~'''''''''''''~''''''~''''''''

Oi8tl\nl·<'~ and TiJt~(· 'D'ul;h-

.eH VA,S Gal'UW ge dally at J0 :3U11. M on arrIval oj ba,nt.:l Ft·train.

~'I'om CartlHtge to OzaiHH;l-

Ranch, supper stR.tWJl 30 I,ni le:--.

alTive at 5 P. ~l.

()zanne's Ranch to \Vhite Oa1{1".Bre~lkfH.st station eo mlh-!8 arrlV~S at 6. A. lJ.

.fhHe Oaks to Noga.\ 17 arr ~s­

at 10 A. l\'1.·to Fort Stant(l11 18mi}<:'I'!. 1 P. M. Fvl't" Sttll1l'OIJ to'

I iincolll 10 milf'!:i"arrriv(.> at 4- :i)O~L Con IIPd,Fo wit h hn" khOH.n.

.•" Roswf'll an(l S~vpn Rirers. COII­

.'d$ at Fort- Stan tUIl for C,rlidl ~~e .'1"'"e<.1 Hnd Pellasco. Cnn ne~t~ ;11

'~(lO'al for Bonito rInd Pat'~on'~ t''y.'\l~n ...ct~ at 't:V hii:p O}tk~ for [{,p(i

"UN.av<v" \VhHp Oal{", f01' Cl:ldlw,g'":)::10 p. \l.~ nrdvp =-~l "CHrt,hngf '

1 '~~(' f.' '\1.' J • .it.


"P, '~

On1; CJf'fJl(i- fRamE• ,--. EIi.~,;rI·"l'el. ~ " ~f;a ..~." c'"!ilC01U':" i n r .~~"

., t,be' ,,·(U"I{~. 011-\' 'iu'illiltIH nl'e. ullr'l,;,nl,·d. Il~,l fe, ~lItrl,(luc" our

~UI''''~hl'P:O''IIA \1'0 will'~"lull"IIF.l!I.a (\~ C l'IW~OX 114 cn,-hlhl'lllity,

'. & ll~nbDVC, Onl~'lhollP ,,1'0 writ(­lE tc'l Ii" lit Olle~ l'an mill." ~u.Ye til~;J' th.. l'ilrltlt'C. A1<1 YO\lllllt'e ", do ill.~' r'·I~Ir.n is 10 ~hn'l" our f!'onrli\ Ie;;, tll".~ ",1\., Nln-~tlUl' lIehtlthorl

~. antl 111M" 1II'Ol!llll you, 1'\}e be-­. t· fillnninit (If thill Rlt"c;'lIltCml1n\

" ." . llhl)WR ille ~mlll1 onl1 Qf' lltt: I('le"JUO {ollowlng cut give' tbe lIppcrtl':\IICIl ofil relluced to

•.'='.- ........-



rT.T'; n::UtlHl 1I~,r.m '11:"" 'I"!'P',V"P'~:~ m:;'!~ml~I!~II'I""'I~'III"L~ .•·l!tJi,I.:1U)J.hlr.tii 'f "~lli.c;.a I•.~hu MCII.:~1111 hiUl frl&llll,Il:ii~!l1UI

; ,; • • • XH1'!J OELEJJB_4.TED • ••• lit~l: Sa-18TH II. WESSON ii~R~YOLVERS!~ Tho Finest Small Arms Ever ~anufactured. ~i';, U ' r dr'\ Gut.Tllntelcd~!i.~ nrlva e~~L_.. .. • Perfect. illII:.~; for ~=:-.;~:~~~,~ .... ~fT-:~ '~-" ~ . ~

~1 ACCURACY "';:"'., 1 m~ DU!MB!Lin: '(~ .• ~" ~~~ EXCELLENCE cf ~~-t: WORKM~NSHIPand . :=-=~~ CONVEPJIENCE in iB".~ LOABING n"'d ~'AFETY. ?E~a Beware of cheap iron imitations. ~t~ Send for 1!lustiatGd Catalogue and Price list to isft: SMITH & \tVESSON, ~-=if~ lS:I.'BING,I!'IELD, :MA,ss. ~~ '!~ml:I~·I'.a.'l\'!.!I!:;rnl.l!moL,~Ii:ml":!;>;I';!I~IIII!ml·I'=

.~~. ~~.~iod!Ii~"IlIill4'!lI';liljIlIWU ..hl:j ",~':'r.1f........--_..

!'O: OYR NEwFREES.s!iO S1)lid• I"o~d Watch •

", WOI'rla $J bt'l.bU. ~t~l~:,; watch ill the world l'(!rfec~

ti:.ll!1~eepcr Wamllued heav1.SOLIO GOI.D bUiltin!:, etISC&Both ludic(I' and 15eut's sb:ee.with workr. nud co i' e" of'

equal value. O~~ )'EltliON in,eaen locallt~· can secure ona

~~' - fi'c~, logdher with our 1I11'ga

II '. ,.., ami "l\luilble JillcofDo"..chelclIlIRn Sanlpl(,·5. These romIII et. ,liB well, AN'TEli n.'f the waler, ure 'fa·(·c. All lhe worle yOll

nl'pd jo Jil to shew WIl:lt WI! sond ~'ou to th~ who ('ull-you:~"nllJlllq'llll!il;hb"r!illl\{l.huHllnlnut )'(Ill-fhatnlwnyll r£8ult.

}.'nlunblc tnule fOI'U~,...,ltich holds (oryl'urs whl'lI (J"C1'6tdrtlld,luo1 thllll we 111'0 Tllpnill. We P'l~' 'JlI C"llrI'IIJ. frt:ight, etc. Aftllr"n" kllllW nil, if "'011 Wl>tlld like to ga 10 'lVurlr for us. you ennEutu trolll .S\:,;)O· tti $aO p'CT wed: tlml uIlwurcls. Address,Sdualon. dot Co•• Bos: S1.2j PUI'tlnud, lUaiue.

""nbout the flClieth p3rt of Its bl1l1t. It is It .ltrand. doublc lI~e tllle­l'leope, IItllatge as is ellS1. to cnrry. We will nlso tI)\(l\V yuu lluw 1"10Clllllnakf' froUl sa to~ l 001\ fll\,. lit leRst, fl"lllltbtllltnrt,Witl\­ollt~"pt'rllmce.:5l1ttill' Wrltl!nt ollec.WI1 poy nil cXf,rll811uharge..A4drll&6. U.llALLE:r'r &. 00•• llo:& S @U" .PO.RTJ•.olliIil~ MAUf#

Caveats, and Tr(l.d<l·~ta;l'kBobtain~d, and a.11 Pa~cnt business com1ucted for MODEiRATE FEES•OUq OFFICE: IS OrpOSIT::: U. S. PATENT OF":CEfL'ui we cun ElOCUfP patent ill Ie:!::l time thuu tho!!eremote fl'Om W~\:'lhinotou.

Scud model, elrawfng or photo., with uescrip­tion. We auviec, if patcntnhle or not, 1'l'ee o£churge. Our fee not duo till pat.CDt is secured•.

A PAMFHLET "How to Obtnm Putents," WIt!!I1s.mea of ar.tunl· clieDts in your State, county, ortown, sent tree. AcdreEis,



filS ~IrelmST MiNU1G PAPa III '!'lIE WOW."ir ... •

Brely. Miueror Mcta11urgbt, JJld Every h.VGstozin M.ines Should ~ea.d It.

CoDtalns every wing of tnt(:!l'est Antl vnIna 1%1 znln­tu~ IUld metallw;,gy. '1'he tullest milling }lews.

The bdst cor..., maUiI; an(l 1llinwtr atueJ; D):I!rN"tlm'ta.

$4 a yOOi' fur thetU.. £;01 Cnnndl\, nnd M~c~HE BomI~TIFIO PO'BLISHING 00"

tlli' l~u.ii. It ~1u.ce_ :;.~W 1:~~.

~o.~e~ C1!'2nuC1ff¥ f>4vo'ZitGr~ Clnq o~el' ~21~e>.

'6~ efe"e-z o.i\ti~t§>. noe~Gl' d.;l:~Cl.M.eeL more

~!!iI.!.h'~III,,".. "''''~,'""~"~~'~~'~""7:~:"""""".'·".·-'·:l'~-~~F~:--'\'~~·-:'-/"-:T""'r.-"1'~""F--:'-·T7'7r?>';~:~·~~i;';;f'~!"':"·T·--·'.·.'':''",:rr''''T'':'''''''''-''''''~'V:r,r~''';c:,-"....~~.,~.. .,.,.-:-~. -.... ,.




@Sf ~i"e~ ~&)S~

tf\e C16fe~r

i·ifusb>trcdi 0 n~

ALGlSCl.si ne ~a~

'(;1piqf~ ill ~u5fiGcf r~e ",etl')~ranq.

,'"..~.N !IIl"'" ., ,._.. r· ~~~•••·""'!!f:'r~~.~~'i~.~.~lI~U~.~."'I"'.~__~·l1li'.....d.....·.'.,......'I11III'"."IIII'!".,II."'••,.II'lI·"")',",'"'~i<I'''''''''''''''''''''"'!'lI''_'''''''''-''''_''''IIIIII''''''~~fIIIIIII',"''J;!:.Z:~l(",itilo.!e.'1<Jf ...S~' l' •.: ."'t(iJJ•..f!,j!~~ ,_ .,'t, .,'. "'_, . _' _ '" _, -" _. _.---: ......~ ..,~~ "r--~~!'!"~"""'-'-""""~"""":"~""""""~""':""""~":-';""-:"~' ~.,..,,~ .--;, .. r , ... ~ ..... 'f ...·~

I , __¥~ou f\o.~e rLote&an:rne~ tRe, ne~

itfu"t:r(1r~q . 1'Y1ontBf~ CJ:)Ric.~R-C1~'~(1a

.0 ''P~en~01~nC1P C1 ~uece~~ qurinS,tf1.ePd.~t yeo.r, it i~a:>ortR~our a:JRiPeto

,&0 ~o. J\n inereCL~e· if2 G>ireuPOttio~

~rom ".i(§,~e;® to .§~,t)!:)a co~ie~ irz ".i~

mont~~meo.rz~ ti\o.l tRere mu~t &e

£f)~m8 attro.ct'i':le f.~d.ru'Ze~ C1f>out tf\e


30 Good Books Free·8,. Ilpeclal 1I;rrl\n~0ment w! th the J?,ublisher, ""0 3rt

enable(l toO otfer tile entiro lil't of l'wenty Yaluable.OOkH enumoratod Rnll uOHcl'ibed bolow, abs(}l/ltelll.rl't~10 every SUbilCl'iber to this llaper Cor tbo ensuing :rear.at tbe regular suhl;cl'iption pI'ioe, . TheRo bookli, oneil• De of wlHcb contaillH tI. complete ftrbt-claslI novel otether work by a well.known ~\Utl popular ..uthor, a:epnbUslled in nea.t pampulet form, printed from good.,.eada.ble type on "oo,i plliler, aud many of them Imnd·Hmely illustrll.teli. 'rllev c·.lUlIJrIBc gOUle ot' the linestworkll ever written 1,y flO'Ul~ 01' tho gr01ttest aDd m.... li1;IlOPullLr wl'iterll, both or AUlOl'icOlo 110U EU1'OlIC. i.:::l.cllllIJlfl ilt complote in \tBl!'~~

No. 215. "1,...0. C q, udle'R f'tu'i nin Jf.cct'tJII'GS. nyJ)OUGI.A.8 JEKROLl>. YelY old and V\;1'y funny ThlJ:t0un~r as well lLII ohler l;SnCI'u,tlon flhould real! them.

No. 2-14. A.dveutwl·~·S c4'n Bach(,·IOl·. By the !Ill·thor of .. BI.ill.h nelll)pol~'a .ld'ronture~ in Now Yor\>.JI... ~re&t humorouH buoh by a P01l\l11L1' Rut,hor.~o. :HG. Uuw to :\1:113:0 and f)av(~ n~mt"y 011

the Fa~l'm. A 'ral uahl() cC'mpllll.t\f)o of uRcfu! fllots,aunts al1U S:.-\s:'~ofit\l)n:l for farmorfJ nnll ga~tl(mcrs.

No. 247. l' !'ftlU 1bo .Ea.,·th to die liIoon. A!lont 1:y ,J'C!J.KS '·Jm~m.

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No. 'lJjl. A DI'''··O..·oWJ ,.Toman• .i Noval. l!111'1'1. AS'( S. Srl':l'lml'i$.

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No. 2i1. Simon Dtll·&"~cl,,'.I:lDauE:htcl". A,Novel.~f H. T. C.LI.DOR.

No. 242. The IJnrou.'Q Will. A Novel. sly SYL.ANl1S Conn Jr.No.~. The Peril o~ Ric~ln.l'd :Pardon. A

NOTOl, By H. L. J.'.AlIJEON.No.~. Bluck.birtl .lUll. A Uovol. By ESTBEB

lJeJt I,ll K.KN~1~'I'U.No. 243. The GU31·cli1\u'. Plot. A Nllvel. By

1'1'. J. H. RO'HI~gO""No.:ill. 'rile Gray Fialcon. A Novol. By M. '1,

(;,Io.LDOR.No. W. Tbe Son'o"{,v 01":t 8ecret. A Novel.

JJrM:,UtY CECil, II.A.\·.'No. 239. Pt'I'C"- nnd tl10 PrOllllet. A. Novel.

~Y. WJl.KII~ COLT.INS.No. 231. The Story oC a. Wed{llne: lUn.. A

!lovel. By the author of " Dora Thorno."No. 236. 1'1'I1-tyll Wure'f4 'l'owlltatlon. A

Nonl. By:MI'A. lI'1:'1KY" Wooo.No. 235. A l\lodern Chl(lerolla. A Noyol. S,

the author of .. Dora. Thorne."No. 231. '.rUe Illlluut1 lI...mc. A NOTe}. By 14. T.

&I.DOR,Nl>.233. 'l.'ho Fatal Glove. A Novel. Dy CLJJU


~Jlug JittJ~ ,; ·i'ltt"!;''' hQvr· fH'en r:tsJ'('i.'~ WHl"!{ fur \lB, b.:" .A IlHii l'l1ll'l', ~\ l1~till

'f.·xnv. antl,)'lln, lltmll, 'l'olllrlll. ('HI lb." !5I'~·c:d. Olbllr.. K);'! cluIng nH wolI, Wh)'

Jill: ;\'uu? . Home t'MII o...(!r~i)OO.(I() IIIMth. Yon ClIll do rhe work and II ,'~

, III Immel wbt'TI"'l\1' yllli llr'!. F)vcll 111'­gInners At'lJ ..ne.l.lv tllit»ltHl' frorn l!'(l I(J

/i>10 adlfN.J.1l1lf,4:i. We e\.'CIW .I"1U b:·wMU "tim you. Colli' w(Jrl( III ~P"i'U Ii~t~

• _ or,Il.H tlltl fl"ie. :m", »Ivn.. ,· Iilr" {'l~- .. .'. • ntlt.. J:·nlhrfp. ilnlthim'H n;'l(,n1( tb.'m

.,,;.,. .' .' ..•. ;:i.P;W nJl~ wntli'\crhl!.l'lIr!:l,'nlar.t>f\·l'p,"'~"4U".~~,v~,.. n~W:lot ~§O l""I1·t~u.nd:.~u ~U'I


.--._"~"!.~~'!'~-~~~~~J>:._~l'L...,--'*.... ~::...",~ ... i~_~::.;;:;.,:. '.:~"'~<~ .,c•._..~~. -:--c""--_4_...-o-",> • "' ~,_-,. ~~..::.-, '.:i-......._-af!!'".;..h. =----.~jAj..!!!'.~.;~~:cl-:,..

