Luca_Buzzotta_821772_When Words Don't Find a Translation

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  • 7/28/2019 Luca_Buzzotta_821772_When Words Don't Find a Translation


    Luca Buzzotta, n 821772


    a comparative case study on the sentence pronounced by the statesman Li Denghui

    Languages and Economic and Legal Institutions of Asia and North Africa, course ofHISTORY OF

    CONTEMPORARY CHINA, Ca Foscari University, 10/05/2012

  • 7/28/2019 Luca_Buzzotta_821772_When Words Don't Find a Translation



    - China, U.S.A. and Taiwan facing the beginning of the 21th century

    - The original formulation in Chinese, 1989 (,,)

    - The sentence, its context and its ideology


    - Sentence context, ideology background

    - Analysis (lexis, references/implications)

    - Reasons leading to a new reformulation


    - Sentence context, ideology background

    - Analysis ( lexis, references/implications)

    - Reasons leading to a new reformulation


    - Nowadays political directions: third proposed translation (1994, 1999),,

    and friendly proposals ( 2007, 2008 )

    - Analysis ( lexis, references/implications)

    - Fourth proposed translation (2008, 2009)


  • 7/28/2019 Luca_Buzzotta_821772_When Words Don't Find a Translation


    In an hot summer afternoon of the 15th of July 1999, during an interview with the German radio

    station Deutsuche Welle late, the statesman Li Denghui described with conviction Chinese and

    Taiwanese cross-strait ties as a special state-to-state relationship; six days after, the Executive Yuan

    hold an international press conference and officially adopted the terminology Two states in onenation to represent the new idea. In front of the journalist, Li Denghui restated such formula, and

    when asked for a chinese translation of it, he could just answer: were still looking for the right words.

    Can it really happen that words dont find a translation? Actually yes, it may happen, because every

    single language in the world has its own Realia, i.e. those words that carry a very local overtone and

    express culture-specific material things, thus posing thorny challenges to translators. But this is not our

    case. The simple fact that, after more than ten years, because of political, ideological and economic

    reasons few words cant find a translation (even made by Chinese people), its something that may be

    embarrassing, irrational, inconceivable and disconcerting from many points of view. Men are political

    animals, to communicate is their nature, their life. The present article seeks to examine some of themost proposed translations from English to Chinese for Li Denghuis words, and aims to explain

    through comparative analysis the reasons that lead such translations to refusals,inadequacies,

    quarrels and misunderstandings, while at the same time trying to take a direction for a possible

    translation that satisfies not only common linguistic, social and communicative criteria, but also men

    on both sides of the strait.


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    he Sino-U.S. relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationships in the world. The

    two countries have common interests in many areas, as well as great differences. The post

    Cold War Sino-U.S. relationship is never short of complexities and complications, and, at its

    core, the Taiwan issue has always been the most important and sensitive one. Particularly since Li

    Denghui described the cross-Strait relationship as a state-to-state relationship, the trilateral

    relationship between and among the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and the United States has beenmeeting new challenges, and when Li Denghui spoke out those untranslatable words, the aim to

    restate Taiwans De facto independence excluding any kind of reunification with China was clear.

    Taiwan of the 89 was ready and more than encouraged; Each day of delay was a day of disrespect

    to Jiang Jingguo, president Li Denghui was ascending to the chairmanship and Chen Shuibian, out of

    jail, was elected as legislator side by side with sixteen parliamentary. The KMT and its Palace

    Faction could just stand on the corner and watch.

    China of the 89 was quite in a political and economic mess, and after Maos death, the Sino-

    Vietnamese war and the drastic economically-cent-planned reform, a newly appeared Deng Xiaoping,

    full of hopes and ideas for his country, was beginning to hold the reins of a horse just escaped from its

    yoke. The gang of four was now a memory, but Dengs legacy left a number of issues, mainly in the

    social-political arena and in the unprofitable state market, unresolved. Tian An Mens events were

    already knocking at the door.

    The international scene witnessed a dramatic shift due to the mutual concerns about the weak post

    glasnost and perestroika reforms Soviet Union, the injured by economic bubble Japan and a not-yet-a-

    peer Europe, concerns that brought Washington and Beijing into rapprochement. This shift step by

    step led to diplomatic relations and a severance of official ties with the Republic of China, but there

    were still strong elements of ambivalence on the part of the United States from the 1972 Shanghai

    Communiqu to the events of 1979. In the former, the United States acknowledged the Chinese

    position relating to Taiwan but did not necessarily accept it. The Taiwan Relation Act of 1979 that

    accompanied formal U.S recognition of the PRC stipulated that the U.S would have continued to

    furnish military supplies to Taiwan, to patrol the strait and to assist Taiwan pending a peaceful

    settlement of the dispute.

    But what are the real purposes under Washingtons mask of consummate international democracy

    paladin? Where is the gain in provoking China and getting entrapped in such a spiny Chinese-

    Taiwanese impasse? How and why a super-international power can guarantee democracy?

    According to the remarks made by secretary of state George Shultz in Shanghai in February 1987,

    Washington in order to foster a positive environment disposes of: a robust set of bilateral alliances

    in East Asia, a deployment of naval and air force units, an aggressive pursuit of global economic

    liberalization (which fosters interdependence among the countries of the Pacific), the support of

    engagement of the people's Republic of China (to integrate Beijing and its rule-based regimes into theinternational system), and a strategic vision that affirms that the best way to achieve national interests

    is to be actively involved in the affairs of East Asia on the side of peace. The main U.S. aim should be

    the clear and consistent reaffirmation of the one China policy as defined by the three communiqus,

    that not only remain the cornerstone of Taiwan-PRC-U.S. relations but also have fostered peace and

    stability and facilitated the remarkable evolution that Taiwan has undergone, thus giving room to

    Washington to continue both its arms sales to Taiwan and its economic relationships with China.

    The stability of the Asian economy is vital to the American and world economy, and the U.S follows

    closely the economic situation in Asia.

    Of course, any arrangements between Beijing and Taipei should be made on a mutually acceptable

    basis and not be imposed on one side by the other, but, as predictable, this is exactly what happens.


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    The first formulations of Li Denghuis concept, made of course in Chinese, can be dated back to 1989,

    and were all focusing on a certain degree of separation, at least from the political-governmental point

    of view:

    One nation, two states One nation, two governments One nation, two regionsTaiwan culture, even if results as a blend of Confucianism, Japanese, European, American and Taiwan

    aborigines culture, has a lot in common with mainland China; in fact, if we analyze the first

    formulations of the concept two states in one nation, we can easily find out that theyre expressed in

    the classical chinese symmetrical structure made of four characters, typical first of the Shijing and then

    of the idioms, able to underline the equilibrium between the whole concept and the single parts, while

    at the same time expressing the separated valence of its elements and even the element s mutual


    The , source of Chinese writing system, is the , the stroke that opens the world (see

    ), from which derive the , i.e. the Yin and the Yang, the two elements that in their

    continuous reciprocal and balanced opposition generate every single manifestation of the Dao, and

    act as a single creative but divided force. In such Yijing-based analogy, the represents the unity of

    one Chinas concept (one country,), whereas the stand for the clear separation of ROC

    and PRC, thus alluding, as for Yin and Yang, to a perfect equilibrium of power and sovereignty between

    the ROC and the PRC. At the same time, anyway, we know that Yin and Yang act as a single force, and

    that means the two , in their cycle, actually do, because of the same nature of the, give

    back life to it. In other words, since the are born from and give birth to the , both

    concepts are the same :,. In other words, the ROC and the PRC (the) and the

    One China (the) are all expressions of the same concept ().

    Whether we like to talk of states , governments and administrations(formulation

    denied by the PRC, since it would be the result of a Taiwan spelling error ) or territorial entities

    , Li Denghuis two states in one nation theory leaves room not only for Taiwans independence,

    but also for Taiwans sovereignty over China, given the hinted power equilibrium of ROC and PRC. Both

    and , unaccepted by Taiwanese people, are just a .

    To the international observers, after the interview with the German radio Mr. Li Denghui has rocked

    the boat and become a troublemaker again. It has almost become a rule that Li Denghui comes out to

    turn back the clock when the cross-Strait relationship has moved forward. It was true in 1995 when he

    went to the U.S. to talk with Bill Clinton and Jiang Zemin, and it is true again this time.

    The United States oppose to the two-state theory. First, Taiwan politicians often provoke the Chinese

    mainland out of political motives on cross-Strait matters and then leave the United States to clean up

    the mess. Second, Taipei produced the two-state theory without prior consultation with Washington,

    and doing so trapped the U.S. in the cross-Strait crisis, but the United States does not want to take the

    risk of military confrontation with the Chinese mainland by unconditionally supporting Taiwan. Third,

    the two-state theory hampered the repair work of the Sino-U.S. relationship. The United States is

    trying to mend the damage inflicted by the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and does not

    want to be linked to another conspiracy. Fourth, the two state theory halted Wang Daohans much-

    anticipated visit to Taiwan and circumvented the U.S. proposed interim agreements. Originally, theUnited States hoped very much to capitalize on these two opportunities to stabilize Cross-Strait

    relations. Fifth, and most importantly, the two-state theory has interfered with the U.S.s strategic plan

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    to stabilize the Asia-Pacific region as well as the cross-Strait relationship. Taipeis move has obviously

    intensified the tensions in this region.

    China doesnt agree too; The Chinese government, military forces, and people are giving continual

    warning that Li Denghui should not play with fire. Not only did Beijing unleash an intense propaganda

    barrage, but it also increased air activity over the Taiwan Strait, creating the risk of accident or

    miscalculation that, in turn, might have led to some sort of an escalation. The two states theory and aneventual Taiwan De Jure independence is an evident political move against both the One China policy,

    for which countries seeking diplomatic relations with the PRC must break official relations with

    the ROC, and the One China Principle, for which Taiwan and mainland China are inalienable parts of a

    single "China" that cannot be governed by a province nor suffer divisions (i.e. Taiwanese secession).

    Neither what Bush will define in 2001 as a greater sense of security and confidence to enter into a

    dialogue with Beijing (i.e. the arms sales to Taiwan) is seen in a good light, since this unjustified

    commerce interferes with Chinas domestic affairs, violates Chinas sovereignty, disregards Beijings

    appeals for a stop, expands Taiwan international living space, denies any premise for friendly

    negotiations, ruins and disturbs China-Taiwan flourishing economy and loosens Chinese-Taiwanese

    blood-cultural ties.As firmly stated by Jiang Zemin during 1995 official visit to the U.S., We shall try our best to achieve

    the peaceful reunification of China since Chinese should not fight Chinese. We do not promise not to

    use force. If used, force will not be directed against our compatriots in Taiwan, but against the foreign

    forces who intervene in China's reunification and go in for the independence of Taiwan."

    Thus, it is obvious that formulations as One nation, two statesOne nation, two governmentsOne

    nation, two regions even if to some extent soften the tones, do satisfy only most of the 22 millions of

    Taiwanese people, being undesired, if not harsh or misunderstood to mainland Chinese, oversea

    Chinese and American people, hence failing to be accepted or to communicate their whole meaning.


    Is Taiwan just a misunderstood agent provocateur? Is Mr. Li, as some Taiwanese called him, an IBM

    (international big mouth)? The major Chinese media have kept on denouncing the two-state theory

    and enlisting the possible consequences. A national survey of 2000 shows that the Chinese people are

    angered too. A total of 94.7 percent of people inquired said they were shocked and felt disgusted

    when they learned of Lis remarks. 86.9 percent of people surveyed said they agree with the

    governments stance on the Taiwan issue that when necessary, the government can resort to military

    measures to resolve the Taiwan issue.Strong as its attitudes are, the Chinese Mainlands actual

    counter-movements have been measured. Taiwan, as some anonyms said, even helps Beijing to realize

    its primary objective: preserving social stability. Interdependent connections have even been

    established between ROC and PRC enterprises in the areas of oil and coal, and, for example, just the

    Tong Yi Company nowadays has already 70 factories on the mainland. More than 200,000 Taiwan

    businesspeople now live and work in the PRC where they have established more than 50 associations

    to promote their interests.Such firms employ approximately three million mainland workers, about 3

    percent of the urban workforce. Taiwan, after all, is helping Beijing, and everything seemed to be going

    in the right way during 1992 consensuss preparations, untilMa Yingjiu, under the wing of the KMT,

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    made his appearance on the political stage . In 1993 Ma Yingjiu was elected as Taiwan justice minister,

    began to develop his version of the two states in one nation and denied the existence of a consensus

    between China and Taiwan, pointing out that 1992 consensus happened without any consensus, with

    both states expressing its view of One China and nothing more. Hopes about any kind of reconciliation

    became more and more dim, and the

    formulation was easily transformed into .Meanwhile, the U.S. counter-movements and criticisms had been measured too. Keeping on

    watching Taiwans democratic events, the U.S basic cross-Strait policy remained unchanged. The

    United States had much at stake in Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait; It also took Taiwan as a successful

    model to transplant its own political system and values to Asia, maximizing its national interests to the

    extent that the separation of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan was prolonged. The proposal was just

    declared by U.S as not approved.

    At first glance, is quite an extremist formulation that puts aside any idea of One China,

    suggesting a clear cut between ROC and PRC; after the Beijing talks held on the 22 March of 1992,

    Taiwans Strait Exchange Foundation, (whose Chinese counterpart was ARATS,),

    the non-governmental structure in charge of the problems related to the impasse with China,

    explained that the policy of the Taiwan authorities was one of "no official contacts" with the mainland

    and that"cross-straits developments had not yet reached (even)the stage of direct postal links. Ma

    Yingjiu stated with regretful tone that the mainland was insisting not only on the One China principle,

    but also on the document use and matters regarding registered mail as Chinese domestic issues, and

    doing so, even a simple mail involved the question of whose domestic mail service were talking

    about . To Taiwans eye, One China policy could just lead to , and became

    its instinctive reply to mainland China; as pointed out by the CCP immediately after

    formulation, in fact, Taiwan is a political entity equal (to the others, i.e. PRC and its provinces) inside

    the whole China (not defined as one China anymore).

    adheres again to the structure of four characters, but this time with an emphasis on the

    simultaneous and separated existence of two Chinas, one for each side of the strait. The first

    echoes the second , while is opposed to , without no more referring to the Chinese

    ancestorss motherland reunified by QinShi Huang, but just to a state governed by the CCP and Jiang

    Zemin, with Beijing as capital.

    If we take a look to the plethora of chinese chengyu, we can easily find out that in the Chinese

    language all the idiomatic expressions with the structure have two elements that

    coexist in perfect balance and will lead to dramatic changes if altered. Thus, there should be two

    Chinas with different names perfectly distinct with no relation with each other. Just because of such

    formulation, at the beginning of the 21th century, Taiwan will begin to ensure its international

    presence as China, by giving ( before the PRC could do anything about it ) to its state enterprises of

    Oil, Aluminum, naval production and its air companies registered names including characters

    in Chinese, and China in English, with the aim to obligate the PRC to find other names by itself and to

    justify the ROC original existence in just one move.

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    Is, such Chinese culturally speaking really straightforward expression, a better translation of

    Li Denghuis words? More no than yes, since its meaning is quite to too far from the English original

    words; but, we have to admit, without quibbles or sophisms, at least leaves few doubts on its real

    meaning, as we can see from the following table about the detailed differences between the One

    Zhong one Tai theory and the one nation two states theory.






    We are the Republic of China, the

    other straits bank is The Peoples

    Republic of China, both sides are

    the whole China

    the Republic of China, on

    Formosas island, gradually

    acknowledged as Taiwan; the other

    strait s bank is The Peoples

    Republic of China

    TAIWAN DEFINITION The ROC is a state, but as a part of

    the whole China

    Taiwan (not the ROC) is a sovereign




    state to state special relationship,

    not only on politics, but also on

    law. Also defined as two politically

    equal entities

    The strait relationship is state to

    state, and at least a two-states

    special relationship



    Both sides are within their

    respective territories, enjoying a

    completely autonomous

    independent sovereignty and

    governance, but the whole China

    sovereignty its upon all the

    Chinese people of both sides

    ROC Sovereignty and governance

    are not of PRC competence; Taiwan

    governed national territory

    includes Formosa, Pescadores,

    Kinmen, and Mazu



    Favorable; proposes The whole

    China Theory

    Not Favorable; emphasizes that the

    other straits bank is One China,

    unrelated with Taiwan.



    The two sides will be reunited, and

    rule together side by side.

    The two Chinas theory does not

    presuppose any future situation,

    just speaks of chronologically

    ordered explanations, any ideas

    about Taiwans future will be

    decided by Taiwan people. No

    unifications or democratic

    unifications.POPULATION DEGREE OF


    Someway acceptable for PRC, but it

    absolutely cannot refer to 1989

    Germanys model.

    Quite high acceptance by

    Taiwanese people. PRC and U.S. do

    not approve

    As many PRC scholars pointed out, the division between China and Taiwan is due to Chinese civil war,

    and this is the reason why Li Denghui formulation cant be De Facto resolved through any international

    law, as instead has happened for Germany during its division in East/West Germany.

    The eine Nation, zwei Staaten formulation, meaning for BOTH German sides One Germany, a

    nation for two Germans at that time was resolved thanks to international law, the Potsdam protocol

    and the U.N. Charter, but in the case of China, no such international law can interfere, and therefore,the only way to solve the PRC/ROC impasse should reside in acting according to the wil l and the

    consensus of all Chinese people, the whole China. Nevertheless, the whole China theory doesnt

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    suite Li Denghuis words; does not admit any third entity, since Taiwan people desire to

    according their own will, and does speak of a reunification in order to obtain once again pre-

    1949 China, and not a whole China obtained on the base of Taiwanese and Chinese people will. Both

    the two Chinas and the whole China theories do not take into consideration the other side

    opinion, and, even if a translation of compromise, is tricky and foggy, living a big deal of

    room for double-cross intentions: the first pair of characters conveys an idea of unification, and the

    second pair an idea of division into two Chinas.


    Do we really need to search for a translation of political compromise? After 92 consensus the cross

    strait relationship was again instable, but both sides were reluctant to military confrontation. Thegame of words added a new strain of confusion to the already cloudy cross-strait relationship, but both

    sides economies were enjoying a positive trend, and though Taiwan economy was of slower growth, it

    was reaching for the first time a GNP of 10.000 US dollars per capita, while China was flourishing

    thanks to Deng Xiaopings reforms. No need to say, the 1992 Consensus seemed to become a

    nightmare to the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party government, which tried desperately to deny

    its existence. In fact, many who were directly involved in preparing and conducting the November

    1992 negotiations in Hong Kong that led to the consensus-including Chairman Gu Chengfu of the SEF,

    Jin Jin-yi, former vice chairman and secretary general of the SEF, Dr. Gao Konglian, vice chairman of

    MAC and Qiu Taisan, who was the Mainland Affairs Councils senior vice chairman and spokesman - all

    of them remember clearly that such a consensus on the one-China principle was reached and that eachside had agreed in correspondence that the meaning of one China, on which they disagreed, was to be

    interpreted. What the DPP government came up with next on this thorny issue was even more

    amazing. On July 31, 2000, when President Chen Shuibian called a press conference, he said that

    although there was no consensus on one China in 1992, there was a "1992 spirit," namely, "dialogue,

    exchange, and shelving disputes. Such a formulation, obviously intended to downplay the issue and

    distract popular attention, had the effect of pouring fuel on the fire. Many people, including those in

    the media, began to question the credibility of the DPP government. They argued that, although the

    DPP government had every right not to agree to the one-China principle to which it has long been

    opposed, it should not deny the existence of a historical fact. The Taiwan side view of the consensus

    was (that is to say), while Chinas view was (that is to

    say). In the first formulation, One China became the theme of the

    sentence, on which both sides expressed different definitions, while in the second formulation, One

    China became a single object expressed by a subject, that is to say, both sides of the strait. Chinese

    language in fact, because of its lack of morphemes and desinences, most of times is able to express

    clearly a concept according just to the words order, and this is the feature that allowed both 1992

    formulations existence from a grammatical point of view. Another feature that allowed the co-

    existence of this two formulations is the equal clarity of expression of the ideologies behind those four

    characters, as we can see from the table about the detailed differences between the two formulations:

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    Both sides acknowledge One

    China, and each side express its

    opinion about the meaning ofOne


    Taiwan and mainland China are

    inalienable parts of a single"China"; One China principle

    TAIWAN DEFINITION The ROC is a sovereign country Taiwan is a part of China that cangovern its territory



    ROC and PRC are two politically

    internationally equal entities

    The strait relationship is a domestic

    issue between political corpora of

    the same nation



    The sovereignty belongs to the

    whole China , while ROC

    governance belongs to Formosa,

    Pescadores, Kinmen and Mazu

    ROC and PRC Sovereignty are of

    One Chinas competence,

    administered under all Chinas

    parts will ;



    Each side will propose its own


    Favorable; emphasizes that both

    straits bank form One China,



    Build up a democratic, free and

    equally wealthy China

    Each part of the strait will

    cooperate side by side in the name

    of a prosperous China directed by a

    central sovereign government

    representing every single citizen;

    Each part of the strait has the right

    of governance on its territory.



    PRC and ROC people can accept

    this formulation, U.S. people accept

    this formulation

    The PRC accepts this formulation;

    the U.S. can accept too, if all goes

    in a democratic way; the ROC do

    not accept, since the formulation

    implies a loose of ROCs identity

    Can a country with more than one milliard and three-hundred souls be hold at bay by a group few

    islands with just twenty-two million souls just by means of a words game? Of course it cannot, but we

    can unveil some of the new reasons behind Taiwans 1992 formulation that let Taiwan be neck to neck

    with mainland China in the cross strait dialogue.

    Firstly, during the 1990s the political role of the Taiwanese business people () in cross strait

    relations has been increasingly noteworthy, chiefly thanks to PRCs policy of counting on the

    Taiwanese people. But contrary to widely accepted allegations, mainland Chinas attempts to use

    Taiwanese business people as a mean to gain political leverage on Taiwan did not pan out as asuccessful strategy. Huge economic sweeteners, given at the expense of mainland Chinas own

    national and private industries did not make many of themore sympathetic to China or more

    supportive of reunification. Many Taiwanese businessmen, strong of the US$90 billion trade profit

    earned by Taiwan over the past 20 years, merely talked about reunification while visiting China in

    order to gain more business opportunities. Secondly, as a result of normalization of Sino-Japanese

    relations in 1972, Japan cut off its diplomatic ties with the ROC, and what followed was nearly two

    decades of diplomatic tepidity between Tokyo and Taipei until 1990s, when Japan and Taiwan have

    been rapidly approaching each other again. Rediscovered Japan as partner, Taiwans economy could

    keep up again with mainland China. This commingling process, which has elevated their relations to

    an un-official-in-name-only status, is the result of three mutually reinforcing factors: re-imaginationof colonial ties, sharing of a democratic identity and the permeating of popular culture. Thirdly, right

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    during the 1990s Taiwan began its foreign policy after-called viable diplomacy() with

    success: in 1991 Taiwan joined the APEC, in 1996 established the Taiwan ICDF (International

    Cooperation Development Fund) and in 2002 will join the WTO as Chinese Taipei. Mainland Chinas

    unrenstrainable economic growth under Deng Xiaoping was finally witnessing Taiwan noteworthy

    growth, observing with more and more interest.From a linguistic and political point of view, the two post-consensus formulations are also translations

    of compromise, since both, even if full of political meaning, do not exactly mirror Li Denghuis Two

    states in one nation formula nor make good use of the experience of the precedent formulations. In Li

    Denghuis Two states in one nation expression, we find two different subjects (both strait side, the

    ROC and the PRC) that carry out together the action of being in a single entity, i.e. the one nation;

    but if we take a look to, we find out that first there is a single theme, i.e. One China,

    undergoing the action of being described in different ways by each subject, while in each

    subject carries out on its own the action of describing a single object, i.e. One China principle. Whether

    we see Li Denghuis words as two states in one nation or one nation, two states, it is hard to see

    which formulation gets near to the English version from the linguistic point of view and which one

    from the point of view of the meaning. Whatever our answer will be, we find out that both post 1992

    consensus formulations arent good translations, from both the linguistic point of view and the point of

    view of the meaning.


    Over the longer run, it is possible that the two sides might eventually agree on a broader formula for

    establishing a loose association between the two sides, a formula such as confederation or

    commonwealth, but no PRC or ROC leader is now prepared to accept such an idea, even if appropriate.

    Since May 2000 the ROC has repeatedly spoken of its desire to establish a stable and cooperative

    relationship with China, has removed barriers to direct trade and investment with the mainland, has

    talked of a shared history and has referred vaguely to the possibility of a future one China. On the

    other side of the strait, the PRC affirms that the one China it has in mind wont just be the PRC, and

    that China and Taiwan will negotiate as equals on this topic. That is the reason why, few years after the

    so much discussed interview of the statesman Li Denghui with the German radio, several translations

    have flourished, all more approachable by both side, cooperative and full of feelings of brotherhood,

    such as, , where now appears one entity that is no more expression of political

    governance or administration, but of community, ethnicity, blood relationship and culture, with

    political corpora more equal rather than separated or distant. Nevertheless, many in Taiwan believe

    that the PRC's ultimate intention is to delegitimize Taiwan's government and to subjugate Taiwan , and

    the PRC authorities remain extremely distrustful too, since they view ROCs recent moves as merely

    tactical adjustments. Thus, more than once eminent diplomatic and academic figures of Taiwan

    pointed out that the problem was still the definition of, arguing that was merely an

    elegant way to propose again Hong Kongs, and that under One Chinas roof, PRC would be

    the living room, while the ROC just a bathroom. On top of that, after the one nation two states

    formula public declaration at the radio, each verbal exchange by both sides happened in a quite

    hasty but prolonged-in-time-way: Li wanted to lay a firmer foundation for his model of a future Taiwan

    before his presidential term expired the next year, that is to say, as soon as possible. Each diplomatic

    move, more and more close to the next one, easily became provoking. From the beginning of 1990s,

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    among each political event and under international eyes, scorns and mockeries didn t lack, and this is

    one of the reason of such a reciprocal distrust: Li made frequent public ridicule of Chinese leaders,

    such as publicly calling them as a group of hooligans andbandits in 1994; mocked the PRC as the

    son while calling the ROC as the father in 1995; called China being stupid though being big in 1997;

    purposely provoked PRC with its theory on Chinas division in seven parts, and finally mentioned his

    two-states theory in early July 1999. All this should not be dismissed as merely his personal style or aslip of the tongue. He did all this with the calculation to place Taiwan constantly in the international

    limelight so that it would not be forgotten by the world. On the other hand, China, always with the

    purpose to justify the cross strait impasse as a domestic issue, more than once found the right

    opportunity to highlight Taiwans imperfections, as in the academic field as in the diplomatic political

    field, mobilizing the nation through many articles, editorials, TV interviews, seminars, lectures,

    conferences by scholars, and well-known figures from various circles to condemn Lis two-states

    theory. The PRC was preparing its own people psychologically and politically for possible strong actions,

    and the example of the punitive measures taken against Falun Gong from July 1999 showed that China

    wasnt joking. Meanwhile, the PRC was also preparing the international ground. Under Chinas request,

    many countries had reaffirmed their one China policy. Of course, the biggest concern was the UnitedStates, for which China adopted a two pronged strategy. It depicted Taiwan as the troublemaker for

    normal China-US relations at the expense of the US strategic interests. China further asked the Clinton

    administration to press Taiwan to retract its two-states theory and not to giving it cause for greater

    concern by engaging in further arms sales and the Taiwan Missile Defense development. By mid-

    September 1999, China appeared more or less satisfied with international response to Lis two-states

    position. The United States, Japan, the EU, Russia, Canada, Australia, together with more than one

    hundred other countries quickly reaffirmed their one China policy. President Clinton took the

    initiative to call Chinese President Jiang Zemin, assuring him personally that the United States was

    committed to a one China policy. US officials were trying to coax or pressure Li into modifying his

    statement in order to avert a new round of tension, as they couldnt miss the chance to improve theirtattered relations with China. Taiwan couldnt dare to propose any new formulation, and limited itself

    plainly mentioning a policy officially in 2007, and a declaration of special non-

    state-to-state theory in 2008 (derived from the original Lianhebaos proposal

    ), both made under Ma Jiuying term of office.

    Great and more democratic progresses have been made thanks to the last, but not less important

    formulations of,made by the PRC, that can convey a much more gentle and

    sensitive message, thanks to two special assets, i.e. the underlining of a future common and

    unanimous expression on the One China issue, and the underlining of the certainty that each

    side will have its right to preserve a certain autonomy (although the choice of instead of is aimed

    to reduce any international nuance). Both formulations, for the first time, avoid any

    structure, in the attempt to bring near the PRC and the ROC, and at the same time immediately give an

    hint on possible concretizations of so that no doubt on double-cross purposes can arise (

    purposes, as reported by the Taiwanese Want Daily), as we can see in the following table:

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    Both sides will work on the same

    China s idea, each side listening

    each other opinion

    Taiwan and mainland China are

    two constitutions that will

    institute China;

    TAIWAN DEFINITIONThe ROC is a rediscovered brother

    that will build with us China

    Taiwan is a constitutional corpus,

    exactly as mainland


    DEFINITIONROC and PRC are brothers (is a

    verb, but also used in family

    relationships as a name)

    The strait relationship is

    constitutional cooperation in the

    name ofChina



    The sovereignty belongs to China

    and each brother can accept the

    brothers good suggestions

    ROC and PRC Sovereignty are

    Chinas competence, administered

    according all three constitutions



    both side will propose together one


    Favorable; the One China is the

    pre-stage ofChina


    CROSS STRAIT RELATIONSHIPBuild up a strong, free and equally

    wealthy China

    Constitutions will cooperate side by

    side and form China government

    representing every single citizen



    Both brothers will accept this

    formulation, U.S. people accept this


    The PRC accepts this formulation;

    the U.S. can accept too, if all goes

    in a democratic way; the ROC can


    There has been a long time in which mainland China talked about Taiwan as a son who shouldnt

    depart from his mother, and in which Taiwan replied that the distance was not only a natural and right

    evolution of the events course, but also of ideal measure, because there always will be time to delivera bowl of still hot soup (Japanese idiom). This time is gradually passing away, and both sides of the

    strait, aware of the necessity to hear each other s opinions and to avoid any military conflict, are

    beginning to propose formulations of Li Denghuis words that can give room to the other side. Its

    really hard to propose a translation of Li Denghuis words that is politically pleasant to both sides ear,

    and the best that the author can propose at the moment, even though childish at first glance, is

    given the fact that nation and country are both translated into Chinese language as . In my

    opinion, if handled well, the Taiwan issue (and therefore Li Denghuis words) will arouse in both sides

    strong patriotism (instead of the possible split) that hina could use for its own internal cohesion. In

    other words, China could turn the Taiwan issue from liability into an asset. It depends on Beijing and

    Taipeis political wisdom and skill. Should this come true, Taiwan would then be a blessing in disguise

    for Chinas rise.

  • 7/28/2019 Luca_Buzzotta_821772_When Words Don't Find a Translation



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