.TUESDAY FRIDAY, NO: 66, . · 1898 FRIDAY,· NOEER :.11, ... ·, . . · WH�TELD, . UNION Ll11et1s, which we Invite ev�ry . bousewife hi New �.:•L·::•:.�.;::_: exitioti of tile tremenllons tratllng wers In · bulk of. linen bayerd w•r•l the Be� Hive Her� flltle, new seHson's Linoos, p leruli•IIY s•· o.rlugln aOrtments of ap1endl ql• , geunln� oppm·tunlties of 1viug up h1 Fine Liu eus, llitberto lllllll' · can afford miss tbem. Welcome to the Table Damask Speeials. . . I r 1�s�g·.�. e i�.; . . . . ' . t . l •. �- . �· 69 C OOc. Dn mnsk 37' C · . . · · · ' 2 ot'b Damask- 72·tnch beaviest ·'' ·' ·' '' ' ' '' ' Scotch DrlllliiSk, excellent fur bur •et· -63-iuch l 1 en . vy full vico, 11retty t lesigns, good Sac. 66C 'uble Dnmusk, Ill nhnut l'lllle, fut' .... , ,, ,,, . , .. . . . , . , . tltsigus, OO c . Da m · 4 5C T a b l e Da m a s k -68 inch v e l·y s11tiu linishetl, 8cntch milk�, gttl $1.00 D:�nu1•lt, llXh'IISl"einl . , . . Damask- 72 inch cry hell\'Y Lin�n. · nnblenched, full two 1 1 GOc. l'llllll, ,c Tnble Dantasl' -76 iueh, the best silver ulPneht•tl, """ M .the liue.t, sul here 1 . 1ot 1 . tl ugo fhr $t.:. extt·a 88 C •pecwl. . . " ..................... · Big Unmask Bnrgalns-72 inch highe.•t Rnlhl tlouhle Dunu�H, new mul benntifnl putler·n•, $l.o0 nml $1.03 gtles; uo more when · tleso nre gune: u gooll 12 5 clumce lor, . . . . .. ... .. . .. . . . . . . r Extra Special · Table Cloths. All These Have Napkins to, Match. Table Cloths.. _Table Cloths. 2 ytlH long, re. 1�•i9, . . 1 3l 2l yds. loug, l'Pg I IJ� . . 1.7.1 3 yds. long, r eg 2 ·IIJ .. . 2.07 OS in. wi1le, 2 yds long, reg. 2.00,, .1.79 63iir. Witle, 2f )'llH.long, reg. 2 iji), .l!l,l 68 in. willo, U ytls. long, reg. 3.00 . .. .68 Napkins to Match. ·· Napkins to Match.. , · · f, reg, 1.08 <l[)Z� 1, 78 },reg, 2.0� iloz . . 2.68 1.70doz.I.S9 �.reg.2·10oz.2.oo :::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :: ;:::::::::::::: : :::::::::: : :: :: ' :::::::::TEN PER CENT. DISCOUNT . . n. on all pur,hoses ex,ept "Specials" If this· Coupon is pre· sent e d before D e c. 1st and at' time p urchases are made. Ooolf enc l osed with mall orders. L. s: PLAUT CO. · · . . . ::: �;�;:1;:(: 1 ;1:': ;'t �;·;:·:':': ;��·:�:·:-::�/::::;/:; :i:�u: :: ::: : : :�: : : ::::::: :�: :� Agcn�s or. Branc' : Stm-es anywlie; · : .Mail/ orders' carefully lled. · 1 . .by our own. wagons ever y Monday, .Wed- nesday and Friday: . · L. S. PLAUT & CO. to 711 Broad & 8 Cedar St., Newark, N. J. ·�· . * S mall Shoes cor little chaps. * Strong Shoes ror sturdy boy s . · * Stylish Shoes f o r their fathers. * Dainty Shoes for little gi rl s and Elegant Shoes for their morhers. misses. Good Shoes and Low Prices for_ Eery One. H. C. PIKER, 'HlWDORE ROOSEYEL, GOVERNOR 01' NEW YORK. FEATHERED BAROMETERS. S11llor. 'Varnec1 h> · 1l1lteJU nf a Cum• InK Storru; · Whil a Bri tish brig wns gl i diug smootbly nloug before n �ooc1 breero in · tho · south Puoillo u flouk of Slllull llircls about the size, shnpe uml color of pur- rnlteots scltlml down iu the l'iggiug nml piiSFCd nn' hour or lllflrO Of resting, '£he ' secorulmnte wus so anxious t o fi11d out the speci es to wi.icu 1bo vi si t ing stmu- g ers helongod tbnt htrierl to eutrup u e p ecimeu, but tho birus wore too shy to be ·1hus om1ght 11ud too spry to be seiz01l by the quick huucls of tuo snilors. At the cu of about uu hour the birds tooit the brig's oourse· aml disapperu·e�l, but toward nigbtfull they cume back nnrl passed tile uigbt In tbo mainto p , Housekeeperwho have been using a cheapallllll baking pow� er c�mnot imagine how a trial.f ' ' Cleveland's Baking Powder' would surprise them. The light, didntycake and biscuit would war- rant the small differ- cuce in price. The next morning tbo birds flew off nguin, nnrl when they retur11 od ut uoou the sailors altored some food nbout tho decks, By this time the birds bnd become so tame that they bopped ubout the decke, picking up the crmuhs. '£bnt afteruoo11 1111 nstouisbing thing hli!IPCU· od, The flock clnne flying swiftly to· ward the brig. Evory bird seemed to be piping liB if pursueLilJy some little in· visihle enemy on wing · s, und they at once lnuldled down behinn t he deck· CIC\·eland Baklnr Powder Co., Now York hou�e. Tho superstitious s ai lors ut ouco culled the Cll)llilill of tbo brig, who rub- be his eyes nu looked at tho br!rolliO· A Goool Spnrreon �lor,, ter. A gl unco •howell that sumetbinB Here is a s tory abont Spurgeon. H• wus wrong wi th tho clements, nrul tho \9ucu zmerl u stonemason w!Jo, aft: brig wus put in sh1111e to outride 11 euch s troke of his l111nnner, o urE e d aml . storm. 1 swore. �Ir. Spurgeon laid his hnmf on. 'he storm cnme ubout 20 minutes j biH f.houlrle�· uurl, looldug kiuuty nt bini, uftor the. bird� hmll'enclre the \'ll$Sel. I s:dd: ' ' o.n uro 1\n ude l 't at swenrin wntorless lJOttom of i1 Iuke-n \'r . . ;t uruh With llnntl!er outh be repli ed, "Not of yoll o wisb mudlllld tomiuts ofrni u· ,y !ilwly." . ·. . , . . k'or u few minu tes tile sky wns liku tho I Uan yon :iiEo pnty?" · , T!Je,lllore Uoose•·pJt, the f•mwnn colm1el of the Rough UitlcrR, wns on Tne�:lny fell. Why it •lid not bl ow \'Ul'Y hurno ·' Holding np 5shillivgs, �Ir; Spnrg•on el cctetl gtwerhm · or Now Yrorlt Stl!h• by" plnmlity of 0\'el ' 20,000 Ol'el' Jiulgc, VI l li o n e ·,kuowe , b q t ·oli ,ronobiw'portjw'o, J suidi.( hu �\'oul\I.IU 'Oilli�o noi'C to pIY )'ck. llB whole Htutc• Ue)Julilkun ticket wns ulso elected. ··'Allhongh sin'ei'Jil 'duys:. Intel' ·tho cuptniu· JeanieLl thi1t.u· \I'Olllrl gn·o·bunthut.:: · > ' · eongressmen were lost to the Repnulicnns, uoth honses of thestnteloglslnturehr\\ ; e greut tori1ndo .hml wept across Hiut· )! rL ;. _ ·': . 'i'hu _ t is easily · . cumcd, �· s:dd_ t? Rejm!Jiicnn mnjoriUes . . :,, , : ; : . .ofth� se_tl: T.ho btrds-lert,tho Y .ssol. on: 1 m , ' .lll;·, �\'lib : fresh o: . ll,h,nud put. 1t m. · -. . tho.molllg c uftedhe storm.und.were" b1s· pouket.,.Wbcu Spurgeo11 left, tho· The Democmti" vohl in the city of Grenter New York, where'Ti1iuii1lmy' \\'liS n ot s e . on hg�ti n . ln ry ia nd :nune t f u .' ·', nuii1 bcgnu,bi !eel n little queer . Wh e n. l'owerrnl, wns weilmnintniued, 111111 tho vo t e tlu·ongh tho tn!e fei(cot ·�illel:nbly, · · ; . . · · ' · , ' ... . · · · · , : ': :: ' ;, '.:. :; : · be· went bumc; ' Jris wife uskcd hili1 wbu bnt RooHe�elt rereivml eno ugh mnjority iu t lio couutr1' to overwhelm the ciiy nutl AN EYE TO · 'THE ':FUTURE . :.' ilcrl him:. :iu he to!+ her. "it i'• Ju- electbi m, . . . . · · .: ;: · :',.,,.•' · dns'money!::·salLLtlw ninu, nnd on. Tltc · "\\�hto,,.t•r �I ꜷt e. J·II�J! �.or ·�JII : · Sud�en. ·in�phl�p he threw it into thB: . New Jersey's Greatest Store, Ne�ark. , · ·Ji'onrtl• Hu.iJey�noo �· :· ::'· · ;.'_. 1 l �e.-. : q:h6' · ,�ifo: f o UiH Hll,d too� j� O: lllolm1cd ill tbe wido lllelnbershiJr of . nutl diover e w�o bud. given it to him •. the Pnoc U11ion olub is Jllllirlrllo ugod The.Jirnu tolt it bacl; to Spnrge�n. whm . mnu wli.mi uvoi·ybody knows simply us . cou•·orsed long �·ith 'him, warning him, the•WidowPr. hn• been so fortnnnto 111111 at length wns the menu� of >m·iug . us to outlive tl1rcc · consorts wltliout get· hiln. · . . Ho· been me Ull attached wem!Jor ' ting tired . of any of tbem . . His many of.his flooii. SEVEN ACRES IN THE VERY HEART OF NEWARK. THANK561ING. bert'llYements h:l0 gi\·e1i hiln ti sor t Of . . · . · · · . . - . - - piOfcssiOUill stnndiug in thll wotlrl of · · euhlit't Qnlt Gll;nhlln, s orrow, nnrl be is ru ther p rou d o f 'Ir is - ' D r i \·iug'u cab iu · the:. street� of Lo. re put ation f or ('oustu nt 1u o m·u iug ;....... do n · i s n 'JO\lS mau who hus 'litll·' Th o WiowBr, whos e gt·ief i s in te r : t h rown ·.·awnj £80,000. Tuo· snu df ·� e stiug to Indies, is nev er o s tent a tions ,\• eul i h y f :qil i t y · i Yorks.iliro; he' w e n $ · iu bis sighiu�s. Qu tho coi1tniry, he Ill to tho lii'11i)·, but sooi1 bet·mue disllu- e ul t ivutc� uu air of pntient .re si g u n ti iu 1 ; g n is h , e !l'·[lii·1r i s' sumbliug )Jropeusitie� beautiful to beho l d. A p e cnlin.ri u b im t ,H�rn i u. e d hi m s elf . n d ll�d lcin;e bis coso is his )Ill bit of nssot•ialino :te regm10ut. . . . ,' · m e mory of enclJ dou r , d epart e :pause . :. :A' s h o�l'li me . ugo .whil e living i u witlt soma s1mt or r esort nbout th e ci t y , ?ur r t · n e ws . wn s brou ght I? hl m thnk . . or tho snburhllu towns. . . , . ue !a�dee�r . left •. £80,000. There wos•a He wns recen tly showing. Snn Fruu:· c o �dlU? n .u ttnc be d .to tho . lcgncy-tiln cisco mul its ouviron• to , frieml f r om tb ,c . mq uey \� us :. to nmned1ately tmss to Now York. Over in Berkeley, h e ro· ·a not h cr p c�s on , unmctl In the will, if murke, si !l hingly: . ,. · · the :.tegu . teo wus 8\'BL' found gmbling. "H e ro 1 onco walked 011 fl owers , f o r A. de , t . e cl l\ '0 was · S�t to wntch the ox· my Jmznbolh ":11s with me then," . · caP.t. . nud · �uw tum outer n welt · Ont in tbo pnrk be wn s c nr efulto In · k uo w n c lub 011e ovoulug, where b o l osl vV e d t rect your attention to our e norm o u s d icute tho oxuot spot where p oo r:Ku thn - 't ho SllU l o f £00, w h i c h he . had r ised OD . · rine had sketched. tile· huul�upo with hlsexp�ctntlous. He forf ltcd hrs £50,· St · k f Th k · ' S J' E . tl ' her . rigbt hnud •\i · hi h]:tie · r · · · l ef t ·: w ns 000 !Jcl oro h e II:H I eve� luHl bauds on it OC 0 . an 'Sgtvtng upp leS. "V e l)' 11+ g cllls p c d . l n ili s .':At'sii' tr odl ei ghtsil� �omlouTi�·Bil b h. k 'lJ b f d h dropped 11 single· tou; ilevolopedwilh . Ut t e tur ey Wl e oun ere at grt _ dilliuulty: us he' gnr cd on tho 0' N .II' . Pook et• f aV O" l . ng P . " l ' ees. ' :� �s �:J o t�i:��;e I s •. ( ' 1' · . ' .: "If · I over iuarry ngain, 11 he roumrk- , 1 ed musingly,." Hit i n k I ehuU bl'iu� er lwre. ".-Sn rnncis� Neli•s Lutter. Sixth Ave., 20th to 21St St Tea and Dinner Services from the best New York. . J• J,h I�I'OiiuuehtUon. . makers of America, Germany and F,rance. An 'nnmsiug exurniJte ,of tho lri,h- l l lll ' B proumroh1tion occurs inn sto r y told of tile lute. Dr., 'l'odd, tbo lriHh ohmolglst, w he, ullhough u great sclmlnr, WliH not uboo porpotting n pmoticul joko. Tho Loudon Speotntor teiiK tho slory mul snys: Special attention is asd t! our great display of Sterling Silver and Si l ver ware i n · highest grades and lowest prices. Trlnnneu Mlllinery ann Gowns · 1 Exteusion Tables,. Sideboards, Dining �;�; · ; ; Chairs, Side Tables, China Closets and ever y · * *** ** ***�' * ***********: thing else in Furnitur e . 1 1 Westfleld�s Busiest Shoe &tore." A very loarned EugliHbmun went to Dublin to .uxnmiuo some umuuscripts In tho llbt'RL'Y of ' riulty college mal wns of cmmo iu1rouocd to Dr. 1'odrl, who ouo duy In oouverwtlmr told hllll tlu1t thoro wns In i'rluity collogo n on- rions lustnnco of t he smvi 1 of 1 1 bnbl t dntiug fwm tlw ti111e of tboDaucs; thnt ut 11 cutulu hour of tho nftcl'oou-1 think II o'ulnclr-u porter wout tho round of the ruilego ring in n hoi! mal OJIII!ugoutlunlontl \'Oleo, "Tho Dune's In tho hul l, " wlwn n i l the sltulonts rmhml from thoir rootuH to ropol tho lit• yudot·�. So t ho lonl'llorl but Homewhut iuorodnlous EugliH!mmnrolulirml to thu oelloC nt II o'olouit, uml, Hllro onm1glt, wlmt Dr, '!'odd luul tol him cnu1u to JliiHH, which ho l'uvoly r ·elutod on hiH toturu to Jlu"Juud, 'l'ho HlllUillCitH of oonrso reforrml to tho tlOIIIl. For lhe HORSE SHOW IN NBW YORK� Next Week. ThcvcJ' .lst efforts of the Paris Milliners ' nnd Modistes arc · on '·;��bi�iii8n. together With.·. thosd"fro\n; �U OWl� TUTTLE BROS *C U T L ER Y, B est COAl LUMBEQ� i . :;j RUGS, STOVES, RANGES, Yards-Westfield avenue, · : · Spring and Broad streets, WestfleM. DRESS FABRICS, FAN CY GOODS. Houeefurnlehlnge of every kind, 16",HON6 a• * liO l *�*: O UR S ize We C!lll put the stock of the next larg- .�·�*** * ** * �*'�-est. store in the State in our basement, Jlli J• ' t• t•IIIIK• \Vfn'tt Jlt�rtj "I ns0 1l to thluk thc!tl motbor-ln·lnw jolroH wuru llotlou, " HUirl + ymmg lllllU will! 11 fanuy vuHt 111nl 11 L'cumllng dtlu, "bill I gnus� tbuy'Ju ,Jnst!JIIIhlo," MK- I>EL10111'PL SMOK. 11'S RPFRPSiNU. TV ON, " . tOe ITRAICHT, ;:. �AL . I N . E Wrenniok's Olg a r House. . P.LM S'I'RB't, WBS1'FI1.1>, JOHN INGRAM, Plumber Steam, Hot Water, Hot ·Air Heating, •rt NI!W, IIOOiriN11, 1 WI'O, IIAil!lWAIII�, :111�1/HII IIUIINIHIJI�II :oooJJH, ANIJ At1J1 I<INI>.� o�UAIIIIIIN '1'001•�BIOVICH ANIIIIANfiiCH, STREET, · WESTfiELD, N, J, nnd the stocl•s of the third and fourth hu·gcst on our mni n noor. We will then have rooin-nnd more, too-for the contents of the fifth l+1;gcst. "llH yourH heuu oe! tn ynni" "YuH, l toltl twn ut· t�rou llf tllcHu �·am: �l,IVBHm A'l' NJnW .llmfll�\' llAlf,IWAD fl'A'ION AND I N ltl<lA'I'Im NB OIIJC, HIOl'in• nhnnt. 11 lllllli1H bolrl Jllllli to ho t•ltl of hiH wHo's ruolhtlr, lliHI shu Hllili tliullt I kupt 1111 tlliilltt lttlhllllltllltttl'l' sl10'tl Ht1111 pnylug tilo llnnHu n•ut nn1i HAHN E & CO., • . - I . JIU 00 1 11 !JJII llllll tilo tliSOH, IIlli) thnt New•a· rk ·N J ilio'•l tnlw ilr rur·uHuru tn llx llJIII ' . · lllllllu nf hnl' nw u. '�!111 ftll'lt nf tflrt•nll•n· . · . , . 9 . . I · .. . . lttllll 1 1111ti In thnl wuy, lu enhl !lintlll I" D o You. Ot•inJr S ODA? wr.nrr.l/wlll''"'"muii/,IJ,/,IJS,JII ' dtt!IIJ, /1/U'r l•�·ult �IJI'IIJI 1/M'II, ·= · - . W H TRENC' HARD . . .n�· .. n•t llllit ' • l'I'UMJtll N 'k<<:/� : · . :·�::tr�,t · i·;,;L . . ·� ·.. · · work rooms;".:t<tiderntc in pl'icc . , )i('�:�;:;t�r;�-�;, ' . Full ;Hnc,•:ti{of,; ,; · untrimmed Hats· ro ·'.�d;i�{�{ and . ChiJ. ch·cn. Our ot her departments arc ocl'ing full lines or goods- Dress Gootls, Silks, White Goods, Tnhlc Linens, . Glr · ,�:·and CVt:l')'lhing- 11��CSSlii'Y f{,r personal or household usc. l'nld pnl'lw�•·•· (I•Xt!I'JII lli<',l'lllt•nml S1•wi11 �lnt hilll'") •Mii·1•1'Ptl fr"'' nl. till; tll'ur,.�t Hnlh·•ulli luilun wllulu IO ml!uH ol' Nl'll' Yul'ic l'lly. H. O'NE I LL & CO.,.,, SIXTH AVE., 2Dth.to:2'1st.St .o:::: NEW Yoar·: . . · · ' :/ . •. ' ' j

LUMBEQ i * f . i f;; :;j · The Democmti" vohl in the city of Grenter New York, where'Ti1iuii1lmy' \\'liS not se.on hg tin.;-i-l\lnryiand:nunetfu.' ·',;i nuii1 bcgnu,bi !eel n little

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  • .TUESDAY FRIDAY, NO: 66, .· 1898 • FRIDAY,· NO'IEMBER :.11, ... ·, . . · WH�TFIELD, .. UNION

    Ll11et1s, to which we Invite ev�ry. bousewife hi New ��.:•L·:::!•:.�.;::_: ex)JOMitioti of tile tremenllons tratllng powers In · bulk of. linen bayerd tuw•r•l the Be� Hive Her�

    l!flltle, new seHson's Linoos, •pleruli•IIY s•· olr.rlugln aHSOrtments of ap1endlcl qual• , geunln� oppm·tunlties of s11viug up

    h1 Fine Liueus, llitberto lllllll'· can afford to miss tbem. Welcome to the

    Table Damask Speeials. . . Ir1�s��g�·.�.ei�.;���� ��i.����� .. �� . .'��.�t�.l� ••. ���- •. �����· 69C

    OOc. Dnmnsk 37'C · . . · · · ' 2 &:ot'b Damask- 72·tnch beaviest ·'' ·' · ' ' ' '' '' ' Scotch DrlllliiSk, excellent fur burtl •et· -63-iuch l1en.vy full vico, 11retty tlesigns, •• good Sac. 66C 'l'uble Dnmusk, Ill nhnut !ll'lllle, fut' .... , ,,,,,. , .. . .. , . , . tltsigus, OOc. Dam· 45C Table Damask -68 inch vel·y

    s11tiu linishetl, 8cntch milk�, gtJOtl $1.00 D:�nu1•lt, llXh'IISl"einl .. , . .

    Damask- 72 inch \'cry hell\'Y Lin�n. · nnblenched, full two 1 1 GOc. 1-(l'llllll, 44c

    Tnble Dantasl' -76 iueh, the best silver ulPneht•tl, """ M .the liue.t, sultl here 1.1ot 1.· 1l1lteJU nf a Cum•

    InK Storru; · Whilt1 a British brig wns glidiug

    smootbly nloug before n �ooc1 breer.o in · tho · south Puoillo u flouk of Slllull llircls about the size, shnpe uml color of purrnlteots scltlml down iu the l'iggiug nml piiSF.Cd nn' hour or lllflrO Of resting, '£he 'secorulmnte wus so anxious to fi11d out the species to wi.icu 1bo vi sit ing stmugers helongod tbnt h'ftrierl to eutrup u epecimeu, but tho birus wore too shy to be ·1hus om1ght 11ud too spry to be seiz01l by the quick huucls of tuo snilors. At the curl of about uu hour the birds tooit the brig's oourse· aml disapperu·e�l, but toward nigbtfull they cume back nnrl passed tile uigbt In tbo maintop,

    Housekeeper� who have been using a cheapallllll baking pow� cler c�mnot imagine how a trial.cif ' '

    Cleveland's Baking Powder'

    would surprise them. The light, didntycake

    and biscuit would warrant the small differ-cuce in price.

    The next morning tbo birds flew off nguin, nnrl when they retur11od ut uoou the sailors !ICaltored some food nbout tho decks, By this time the birds bnd become so tame that they bopped ubout the decke, picking up the crmuhs. '£bnt afteruoo11 1111 nstouisbing thing hli!IPCU· od, The flock clnne flying swiftly to· ward the brig. Evory bird seemed to be piping liB if pursueLilJy some little in· visihle enemy on wing·s, und they at once lnuldled down behinn the deck· CIC\·eland Baklnr Powder Co., Now York hou�e. Tho superstitious sai lors ut ouco culled the Cll)llilill of tbo brig, who rub- �-----·-------�··-becl his eyes nucl looked at tho br!rolliO· A Goool Spnr.rreon �lor,., ter. A glunco •howell that sumetbinB Here is a story abont Spurgeon. H• wus wrong with tho clements, nrul tho \9ucu zmsserl u stonemason w!Jo, aftor: brig wus put in sh1111e to outride 11 euch stroke of his l111nnner, o urEed aml . storm. 1 swore. �Ir. Spurgeon laid his hnmf on.

    'l'he storm cnme ubout 20 minutes j biH f.houlrle�· uurl, looldug kiuuty nt bini, uftor the. bird� hmll'enclrecl the \'ll$Sel. I s:dd: ' ' \' o.n uro 1\n udel't at swenring;. wntorless lJOttom of i1 Iuke-n \'r . . ;t uruh With llnntl!er outh be replied, "Not of yollowisb mud:_lllld tomiuts ofrni u · ,·,h·y !ilwly." . ·. . , . . k'or u few minutes tile sky wns liku tho

    I Uan yon :iiEo pnty?" · ,

    T!Je,lllore Uoose•·pJt, the f•mwnn colm1el of the Rough UitlcrR, wns on Tne�:lny fell. Why it •lid not blow \'Ul'Y hurrlno ·' Holding np 5shillivgs, �Ir; Spnrg•on elcctetl gtwerhm· or Now Yrorlt Stl!h• by" plnmlity of 0\'el' 20,000 Ol'el' Jiulgc, VIlli one ·,kuowe, bqt ·oli ,ronobiilw'portjw'o.,J suidi.( hu �\'oul\I.IU'Oilli�o noi'Cl' to pi'IIY \V)'ck. 'rllB whole Htutc• Ue)Julilkun ticket wns ulso elected. ··'Allhongh sin'ei'Jil 'duys:. Intel' ·tho cuptniu· JeanieLl thi1t.u· �ti \I'Olllrl gn·o·bunthut.:: · • > '· eongressmen were lost to the Repnulicnns, uoth honses of thestnteloglslnturehr\\;e greut tori1ndo .hml �wept across Hiut·il)!rL ;._·':. 'i'hu_t is easily·. cumcd, �· s:dd_ t?rt Rejm!Jiicnn mnjoriUes . . :,, , :; :. .ofth� se_tl: T.ho btrds-lert,tho�Y�.ssol. on:1 m,'.lll;·, �\'lib :�fresh o:.ll,h,nud put. 1t m. · -. . tho.mornlllg c uftedhe storm.und.were" b1s· pouket.,,.::Wbcu Spurgeo11 left, tho· The Democmti" vohl in the city of Grenter New York, where'Ti1iuii1lmy' \\'liS n ot se.on hg�tin.;-i-l\lnryiand:nunetfu.' ·',;i nuii1 bcgnu,bi !eel n little queer. When. l'owerrnl, wns weilmnintniued, 111111 tho vot e tlu·ongh tho �tn!e fei(cot�·�illel:nbly, · • ·; . . · · ' · , ' .... ·· ··, : ':::';, '.:.:; : · be· went bumc;'Jris wife uskcd hili1 wbulo bnt RooHe�elt rereivml enough mnjority iu tlio couutr1' to overwhelm the ciiy nutl AN EYE TO· 'THE ':FUTURE.:.' :nilcrl him:. :iurl he to!11 her. "it i'• Juelectbim, . . . . ·.-·.:;: ·:',.,·,,.•'· dns'money!::·salLLtlw ninu, nnd on)t.

    Tltc · "\\�hto,,.t•r �I aut e. J·II�J!I'I �.or ·�JII!o! :· Sud�en. ·in�phl�p � he threw it into thB: .

    New Jersey's Greatest Store, Ne�ark. , ··Ji'onrtl• Hu.iJey�noo��· :· ::'· · ;..'_'· .1l ��e.-�.: q:h6'·,\\�ifo: foUiulH Hll,d too� j� Ori.t: lllolm1cd ill tbe wido lllelnbershiJr of .nutl discover ell w�o bud. given it to him •.

    the Pnoiflc U11ion olub is Jllllirlrllo ugod The.Jirnu tocilt it bacl; to Spnrge�n. whm . mnu wli.mi uvoi·ybody knows simply us. cou•·orsed long ��·ith 'him, warning him, the•WidowPr. II� hn• been so fortnnnto 111111 at length wns the menu� of >m·iug . -:--'--:--:---.,.---'-----..c..-.,.--,.--;--------- us to outlive tl1rcc ·consorts wltliout get· hiln. · . . Ho· been me Ull attached wem!Jor ' ting tired . of any of tbem • . . His many of.his flooii.



    bert'llYements h:l\'0 gi\·e1i hiln ti sort Of .. ·. · · · .:. . .,-. '---'-..-,.--piOfcssiOUill stnndiug in thll wotlrl of ·· e.:.uhlit't Qnlt Gll;nhllno;, sorrow, nnrl be is ruther proud of 'Iris

    - 'Dri\·iug'u cab iu· the:. street� of Lon-. reput ation for ('oustunt 1uom·uiug;....... don ·isn 'JO\lllS mau who hus 'liteTrillY'·'

    T ho WirlowBr, whose gt·ief is inter: thrown ·.·awnj £80,000. Tuo· snu df ·� estiug to Indies, is never ostentations ,\•eulihy f:qility·iu· Yorks.iliro; he' wen$· iu bis sighiu�s. Qu tho coi1tniry, he Ill to tho lii'11i)·, but sooi1 bet·mue disllueultivutc� uu air of pntient.resiguntiiu1; gnish,e!l'·[lii·1ris' sumbliug )Jropeusitie� beautiful to behold. A pecnlin.rity ubimt ,Hri�rniu.ed himself. rind ll�d t:l lcin;e hf!l bis coso is his )Ill bit of nssot•ialino :tile regm10ut. . . . ,'· memory of enclJ dour, departed· :pause. :. :A' sho�l'lime. ugo.while living iu • witlt soma s1mt or resort nbout the city, ?urr�t · news .wns brought I? hlm thnk. . or tho snburhllu towns. .. ,.ue !a�d,_bee�r.left •. £80,000. There wos•a

    He wns recently showing. Snn Fruu:· co�dlU?n.uttncb ed .to tho. lcgncy-tilnl: cisco mul its ouviron• to , frieml from tb,c .mquey \�us:. to nmned1ately tmss to Now York. Over in Berkeley, he ro· ·anothcr'·pc�son, unmctl In the will, if murkecl, si !lhingly: . ,. ·· the :.tegu.teo wus 8\'BL' found gllmbling. "Hero 1 onco walked 011 flowers, for A.de,t.ecll\'0 was ·S�t to wntch the ox· my Jmznbolh ":11s with me then," . · caP.t:mt· . . nud · �uw tum outer n welt

    • • · Ont in tbo pnrk be wns cnrefult o In· kuown club 011e ovoulug, where bo losl vVe dtrect your attention to our enormous d icute tho oxuot spot where poor:Kuthn- 'tho SllUl of £:)00, which he.had r�ised OD . · rine had sketched. tile· huul�tiupo with hlsexp�ctntlous. He forf�ltcd hrs £50,·

    St · k f Th k · ' S J' E . tl ' her. rigbt hnud •\i·hih]:tie·r···left ·:wns 000 !Jcloro he II:HI eve� luHl bauds on it. OC 0 . an 'Sgtvtng upp leS. "Vel)' 1111g clllspcd. ln ilis.':At'sii'trodlei ghtsil� �omlouTi�·Bil.-b h. k 'lJ b f d h dropped 11 single· toul'; ilevolopedwilh .------------Ut t e tur ey Wl e oun ere at gr'l"t _dilliuulty: us he' gnr. cd on tho 0' N .II' . Pooket• faVO"l. ng P."l' ees. 't�r:\�:�t��� i���s:u;���:Jot�i� :��;��� e I s •. � (' 1' · . ' .: "If ·I over iuarry ngain, 11 he roumrk-, 1 ed musingly,." Hit ink I ehuU bl'iu� iler

    lwre. ".-Srin l!'rnncis�oq Neli•s Lutter. Sixth Ave., 20th to 21St St. Tea and Dinner Services from the best New Y.ork. . J••J,.h I�I'OiiuuehtUon. . •

    makers of America, Germany and F,rance. An 'nnmsiug exurniJte ,of tho lri,hlllllll'B proumroh1tion occurs inn story told of tile lute. Dr., 'l'odd, tbo lriHh orohmolirglst, w he, ullhough u great sclmlnr, WliH not ubo\'o porpotrnting n pmoticul joko. Tho Loudon Speotntor teiiK tho slory mul snys:

    Special attention is asked t01 our great display of Sterling Silver and Silverware in · highest

    grades and lowest prices. Trlnnneu Mlllinery ann Gowns · 1 Exteusion Tables,. Sideboards, Dining �;;;;;;;;;;;;;_;;�;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;� Chairs, Side Tables, China Closets and every·

    * ********�' ************: thing else in Furniture. 11Westfleld�s Busiest Shoe &tore."

    A very loarned EugliHbmun went to Dublin to .uxnmiuo some umuuscripts In tho llbt'RL'Y of 'l'riulty college mal wns of cmmo iu1rorluocd to Dr. 1'odrl, who ouo duy In oouverwtlmr told hllll tlu1t thoro wns In i'rluity collogo n onrions lustnnco of the smvi 1'111 of 11 bnblt dntiug fwm tlw ti111e of tboDaucs; thnt ut 11 cutulu hour of tho nftcl'lloou-1 think II o'ulnclr-u porter wout tho round of the ruilego ring in�: n hoi! mal OJIII!ugoutlunlontl \'Oleo, "Tho Dune's In tho hull, " wlwn nil the sltulonts rmhml from thoir rootuH to ropol tho lit• yudot·�. So tho lonl'llorl but Homewhut iuorodnlous EugliH!mmnrolulirml to thu oello!!C nt II o'olouit, uml, Hllro onm1glt, wlmt Dr, '!'odd luul tolrl him cnu1u to JliiHH, which ho l:l'uvoly r·elutod on hiH toturu to Jlu"Juud, 'l'ho HlllUillCitH of oonrso reforrml to tho tlOIIIl.


    Next Week.

    ThcvcJ!}' .lH�st efforts of the Paris Milliners

    'nnd Modistes

    arc · on '·;��bi�iii8n. together With.·. thosd"fro\n; �UI' OWl� TUTTLE BROS *CUTLERY, Best

    COAl � LUMBEQ� i *�f���. i�f;;�:;j RUGS, STOVES, RANGES,

    Yards-Westfield avenue, · : · Spring and Broad streets, WestfleM. :llf


    Houeefurnlehlnge of every kind, 16",.HON6 all•

    � .tlill

  • ... .,,.....n t aa-.e ,., rh�· Wf.C��r •�•fd Jbi.,.tly antf T�l":t4"fy T'�lrf ..

    'Th·• .].d n r; h 1�h cnmniisNif .. n apo�'linr.r.:d '.tl' .. :�t in thi.i conntry ot armor �hle: rt.Ml� by th� Krupp prnt.e:J� tth'.!lc , .'lJi�r.� ?.f. thr Wf'/l"k� 6t th� f!�thJehr.:m '!,b(�n r·!"J :·,l �:Hl.Y and was a. ,�;rt:a t stl(:Cd .. �.

    Jir;�·. r;�,;rg� F!�ar ut .Aan�a.i City �mmiU�d snkirlt=! t',y sho.-Jtlng rm Tue:,_. ,.,., "''hltoh "'"'' her tor•nty-thlrd bfr,h·-.la.i� �h� t.ad �en ma.rrt�Q ju:!t. Cine -�ll'ik.

    .Jn�ir.� C."h�ttr M th� �npr!m� crJurt .ef NF--w Ynrk �tatr: r�ndered a doe-ci:1ion aj;'.ai:rj�t the .tl!l'j tlbitlon ot any part o! 'tl:le At1il'flntbt:lc: f()re�t pres�rve ta-r rau ..

    P!. (�. f:rulce, a. t�f�ra.ph r•"er�tt'Jr at JiittJ� f�nf:k. t\r"d at hi� l'a.ndl.vJy, }[n ·w,.JJMce, " ntl h"t da.uo:hter, �tr.. Day and wrmnn e-rl u��:: latt�r l•:-, the tar.e-� Ha.fhP.n Tile orrl val ot tho Ore1on and the ;Jowa 101 llahla, 8ra11J, after an eaeepII'ft,,: t.11Ja.rd rJ( nava1 bureau chiefs 7(•''/Humf:nriNl F"rlrh1y th;ll thl!' wreckJru: o,rnr,;tny h�� r�':'rmltt¥�rl to wMk orr •f.h� :.tp·:,r,l�h fttdt•� KtWk n':;s r !-ha.ntlago, :tmt ��·ithr,!Jt !Jrbtf�nt f:X'Pf!O�� tfJ th� gr.Y�rruw•nt.

    Til'' Tttlrrl Illl rli1IM ff:Kirnent, under --r.�ttrHfl� nrJ f)t CrJ1r�n�1 t•"rt�fl P.t!nn\U, ar .. rh·�o

    FO!! E IGN NOTES OF INTE REST. LrJtl h� C1l\Hn11, \ h•� unr»h: bu�l t�lng€:r,

    .11J.I/�lflf111•1J trJ I�IHIIIIIil �U) I;)rJI! lr1 Lflllflt1rJ '\Vi•rJ ti!'Hrlay,

    'J'IW f 'lltiKt.lltiJ f·!f.h•nt.l �lK, IH�f;UIH:rJ 11f -cawtlm� tlw rJNi th ,,r J lnrold J''rt:rlf!rlt:, wnn• IJITahcn,•ll nt l hr•T�" il"•h llllfl lmm�llilto say nothinJ( (Jf ternJI(Jr, Onr prir:eSf!!ONfl. New and Jlenullrul CatalrJJ(UO Free,

    ll'rflullt 1!1111, c. •r. M! l.t.tm, Prh1. uurl l'ml'·

    Crushed Bl.liE TRAP RftCK, for Wulh, JJrlves, Roads,

    Concrete, etc. HJ•tftlnl lll luntlun KiVIlll lu

    Prlnte:Drll' .. ••• 1V•Ik1. Wf•rlc fJfllllt'Mfllfld or du1u1 furtd-.httd

    ht .... , ....... Hatfteld & Chamberlain,

    lootoh Plalna1 11, .a.

    I!'"" iuTt •�"' right .,. \'""' folsnot rendert�tll lllrelulelr ::�q����� .. �·.�,:�now dtKripUII CWIOI .. OR CANS For l!lp J&a,. lne Slandard olth1 Worl4, No .. olrilt ol parlor and

  • We��Uleld references liven.


    .IIIISt!1• In Its culture. A cHin In dtt,l' 1s set" RJllrrt ns n festlrnl. when all turn out to (lilY due homage to tl:elr n:ttlonnl.

    I emlllom. lhe man.r-huod cbr_,sna!hL� mum. Du1·htg tll�ir bloom\1:; p2rio� the gnt•uens of all !be promlltcnt aorIst• (H'eseut nD exblbltlon of grellt beaut). gucb e\eulng fnr wn:n� weeks the nolnhles o: rnnk :ts well Ull' the 11en•nnts ln holltlay ntth-o jmn In> tho hnppy festll'lll�s. The fet :nldl tm bo uucqunlcd. XowiH't'l"' ean 1r ��r be· found In Slfl'h (ll'nfnslon. sn 1 u l l l de�eloped nnd hl'ill lant In color. 'wbU. tbt• t•icb lm(wt·l .l l \'lolet silk 1riUa which lh • \cuts nm1 bttll

  • ''':· .·��· · ·""� ... ����������--:.•·r. THE v�ION tomtrf Sf.t'iDJBD! N·. E. Sttle

  • . . _ Sunday is· Chtlst· -The offeringitt' itie · BIIPtiBt chnrcb . ' · ' ' · · · · · · · ' · · · on Snn

    lbve yon ever been annoyed by· the Blllnll partwlcs of PllllCt' which full fi'Om tho Ol'!lilllll'Y perforated toilot pn}Jer nnd litter n p your room?

    DID YOU EVER . try in l"tlin to pick these miuu to pa�· ticles from tho Clti'pct, utal I'OIV tl111t yon II'OIIlll nel'el' again buy such stnlt ?

    Harker's Toilet Paper is frco hom nil i njurioiiS chemicals, nml insteml of lming pcrforatml·

    IS C ROSS CUT ! While tho price is lowor thnn other llrst-cl;1ss p1lpurs1 being

    Only 1 Oc a Rol l, or 3 for 25c,

    HARKER'S fcmulo tml'l'icrH or tho lnrly wo;lc among t ho co)OI'etl p�nplo," nt Sl or 1·"'1 ��'"''1'· li111 k tltnt the hnll cottl•l not lm seen. f

    , rce1•ntly itujlol'tcrl from Pttni'H chm·ch uu Wetluesliay urtomoon. 'l'ho regnhn· monthi( meetln� of the Mootly, S. Vonght, ,Tonus uwl Kimlmll --·--------- '"BEAUTI FUL STORE• ,.0'!1111111\ll\" 111 tu:d Atuerit-u ilth ltSt thulll• Donrtl or Henlth \VIIS halt\ in tho town· Jllnyetl a line !;IIUIO for the home teHtn. or tite'!J )'('hill Ute puraou• Ul'O -Mi•s Attllll Norton Buu.iumin, tho Khi)l I'OO!IIK Frillny 0\'0IIillg. Sucretiii'Y -·-

    Austt·inll�- " only Wvlllllll who uccotnp•uiml the Mursli rep01•to1l th11t nnislmces on Onm· RUNK.S VAl.IS8S ,

    ltoplt ••koo tho lood puro, · wholuo•t end 4ollC(OIIIo

    Auwrict\11 llt'IIIY on the Cnlmn bnt tlu· bDI·IIulll 111111 13t·oml stru�ls mul North lleltl�, will rlollver 11 luclltl'e In �he P1·es· nvomJe hull uoon nbnterl. Dl'. Htn·t·ison bytorinn chnrch ou Fl'hltt)" o\"onlng, reported the stmltnr)' condition or the n�cul tllter 2. 'l'ho leulnro will be given jlllltlio schouls nH gO


    1}\"'cu\.-�rr or th� At11n ,,r I . ..... Delicious perfu m es are always inter

    •tlng to women. The tar-tamed otto (or attar) of roseo is chiefly made In Bulgaria. Kasanlik Is the centre o( the rose·growlng coun try. Red roses only are used in making the perfume, but wh ite roses, which grow more freely, !arm the hed�'" of the tlel1ls.

    The trees, which grow to a great heigh t, are separatr:d by paths nine feet in width, to a llow the oxen and plow to P"""· The perfume is obtained not only from the petals, bllt also !rom the stalks and leaves. These give a peculiar scent, which adds greatly to the 1!ellcaey o! tbe perfume of the petals. · ·october, April and June are the

    lllllnths lor planr.ing branches ol the Clld trees. Weeding, pruni ng and digling are necessary !or three years, when they are lull grown, and repay U.e labor spent upon them by bearing for twenty years.

    Tbe discovery of the delicious attar wu quite an accident and took place three centuries ago. The Persian Prlnc:ess Nour Djlhan was stroll ing through tbe splendid galleries of her palace with her betrothed (th e l!ongolian Prince Dj!hanguyr) an1l notlce•l in the rose water basins about the passages

    An assortment so full of elerrance so rich with new and

    fascinating- designs, so econom i�lly �riced, that n o want has been skipped, no taste left ungratified, no purse slighted.

    The \'ast stock of new, deep cuttings, the careful arrange

    ment for easy choosing, the su perbly grand \'alues-all un

    errinrrlv poin t to this as the foremost store in the State for "' ' rich and artistic cut glass creations. Each piece is banrl .pol-ished. We permit no acid-fi nished goods to enter this store.

    And [ut Glass Makes Glorious "-Christmas Gifts�

    Berry Bowls, Cheese Dishes, Ice Cream Tray•, Nnt Bowls, Rose Globes, Sugars & CreaR's, 'l'urnblers,

    Celery Trays, Cracker Jars, lee Tub>, Nappies, Pickle Jars, Spoon Holders, Vases,

    Carapeo, Decanters, Jelly Diohes, ()Ji�e Oi:;hes, Punch Bowl•, Sauce Bottles, Whi;;ky .Jt1gs,

    Cologne�, Finger Bowls, Jn.��:s, Oil Bottles, Punch Cu p!, 'l'Ea Ca,Jdies,

    S1�oon Holders.

    Goods Selected Now Will be Set Aside. Until Wanted. &n ugly, yellowish oil lloatlng on the j &Urface. Orders were Instantly given . -------� \" 1 to remove the unsightly nuld, when It j l PRACTICAL I Clean, easy, painless sight. · our g asses was discovered the perfume also was ' '"' should induce these; otherwise they're nmoved. Thur. the virtue o! the es- EYE GLASSES 'ftntla! oil was found out, which Is wrong. H I LBORii, eye specialist, uses or-still called I n Persia "Attar Djiban."- igina\ and scientific methods. YOUr pro-Philadelphia Leriger. , · ' C ' d · j . . tection is a year s guarantee. - H ILJ\ORN s ur (patente ) gwes 1 " hn�' "' 11"'11'"" "" "'•"· e •e alass comfort. Attached for ·o cents. . A prolesswnal woman who has to • } o � . employ a young woman assistant says I that one of her greatest troubles Is that her assistants are constantly try- J lng to Impress not only upon her, but l upon her patients, that they are not ' I accustomed to such �mp!oyment, but have been brought up to better things, though she Is well aware of the fact

    Wlss & SONS Gold and Silver Smiths, ' Cutlery and Cut Class, 7 5 5 Broad Street,

    that the young. women have come from ·homes where there was neither cul

    �ture nor money. lt is one of the weak�nesses or many

    nice girls that they do .not feel sure enongb of themsel"'-' lu taking up employment outside their homes, but they mnst needs offer some excuse . or reIterate the fact that they are accustomed to somethi ng better. lt ·Is a weakness wh ich brings them l i ttle credit from their confidantes. A girl entering a school for typewriting and stenography was asked by the other students wh!' she had come to the flebool. "Ar� you taking up stenography, and going to ta ke a position just for fun�" they asked. "\Vh)', certainly not," she replied. "It Is too ha rrl :work; I do not do ha rd work lor the pleasure of it." "We are so glad," anl111efP.II her querlsts. "The greater number of the girl� here say they have 1:ome 'just for fuu' and will take positions to 'pass aw�y the time.' ".--Chicago Time& Herald. .>

    ·rJ \\'t'i-l i ·U u�d Chlhl rt�n. D:sclp!lne tor child and man al ike is

    the secret o! hat,plneR'. No one r:an douht that the wcll-hred, properly d isclplln"d chilli Is hapt>ler than the rough l ittle IJOII!', the embodiment of l�iftshness and rudeness. The ho)' 11eed uot he a prig, nor the girl an automatic doll ; let them be as natural as possi ble, hut let th e naturalness he that of the little lady and gentleman, and

    �ol n( a helng wi th the I nstincts or a wavage,

    An ,\ merlr.an lady writing from nrusaels, sa)·s that though "hotel children" lla\·e long been a terror to her, shr! bas been rtulte �:aptl mted !Jy the conrluct of the l�nglish l'h i irlrrm in h"r Drns•els hotel. l ler wlnilown OJJCII un a gallery In which a nu mber or e h i l d i·en hr!longlllg to gngiiHh !nmllil!s Jllay

    "J(lfii'IIIIL lln·,."' "1: (nt· I I ru l " ''�•

    'rnn){•ntl uH, 1u whkh IY. l\1�:-o.hlvt• ll n» mnr 'h •l'lllll jJilll!' !In i t W i l l Ill ill' l f j> , IH Jll'!!-nlllill!!ll l l y I hn 1\!'r•�H in� fill' if"''' I" II · tliii!H, ! Jru iHIIH u:ui r:ll l : I I i ! !H,IhJII IH I!IJIIII I l o I I I I I I of l!ll! illl i l�: f l l ' i l i ; .It HJH•t••IIIY HIIIJIH !JI• ''"IJ n�. l•'nw If 11 uy l l ir'MH long 1"11�1111 IIH l:lllf i l !l f l lll i l l j lp!lmttlrlll.

    . A . f)!Joll)'- · f ·jf(•flft f.ltltf. ( :) l f l j f j l f l ! 1'11111• mlt.il'li 11 11 l l ' id•• 1 11 f ,u n nllll. (

    UurltJIY· · ·\'u�ltH, 'l'hu I!Whlc·f• Hptdw In 1!! 111 Ill! !.1111 HtWIIIJl. IIIII! ilo III!YIII! wlnhr"J l11 !11• l'l'l'ol(nir.ll l i !Jy n n l u rurlol! :llflitY.!III llfloi"Will'dH,-'f'l'lll]t,

    N EWARK, N. \1.

    :\lllwaukee. Xo\', 9.-Eiectlon returns. A curio as feature ahout this e�ola-Repnhllcnn• �\t"t>ep \l�hlcfin.llfn.

    . , G••npowd�r Ia JJunU ng. though tar from being complete, lnui- lion in methods of bunting wns tho cate thnt Go,·ernor Edward Scofield . hesitation with which gunpowder was (Jlep.) is sure of election hr at least 20.- 1 tnkcu up by the great no�les. Not on ly 900 plurality. The legislature Is Ho- � did it lnln of the entire Democratic state t lc:kl!t hy a plurality of :;;,,. 000, the election o( 13 and possi!Jiy 1 ! con gressmen and the return {J( a Hafe majr,rlty to the legislature. lnHUrln� tho re·el£·ctlon of lJnlted Stu.tes Henatm· Cockrell.

    ('fl h•rrulo Cnrurre•uuu�n.

    DcnvH, x�)4,', 10.-HHurnH received llere fth(JW that thf!' crmg!·esslonrll dele· gat ffln frnm this f!tnte Js u n chunged, th�: two n:prf�::H:n tatlves h�lng re-elected. Fol lowing Is the Colorr.ul(J list completl!: FirHt. d!Ptrkt, John F. Hhof!roth (SII vl!r J:ep. ) ; Second d istrict, ,John C. Uell (Pop. ),

    � .. �,. lfllutltNblr .. •• ·u .. le&raliuu. Concord, .'\. H., Xuv. 10.-Heturns t:nm

    this stutt! lndlcu te the return of twu ft�puhllt·an �ong1·��Hmcn, len.\'ing the state polltlra l l y um·hungcd. Fnllowlng Is lh€' d!!h•gatllJO: FJ r·:H dl!-! tl·kt, Cyt·us A. Hul luwny ( J t(!p,) ; Sec£Jnd ()lstr·!ct, Frank G. Clarke (H,p.).

    •••·nrl(lfl euu.l{r .. lll,.lnerl; Atlanta, :'\'ov. lO.�In the Rcv1mlh

    d 1f!lrlc:t :\bJ�drJX (Dern.) (]!Htan('('d ht"1 T'opull�t OIJJJ mt:: n t In the tiJUJl:re:lKlonul TI\Cf! h)' n tr•!memJouH muj(JriU'. J-lnwarc1, T>emrJr-ratlr� canrtlrlntt• tiJI' cun.t:l'£•5!'". In the l"gh!h Cleorglu d!sll"lct, defeated VWJR£:, PoJJUII�t.

    Jl••l•tlhiJt•a tiJI f:n rr)· J\1111 11111M, Dr•trolt, �fJ\', 10.-'fhr• httP"ll r·�ttll'll!-1

    ln£lk1dr! thnt tlw plurul l o· of !·Hanley (H••Jl,) fur J:::H\'f.•rntH' will probuhly reach t:�,OfiO, 'l'uy lnl' Jli1lllh•, the l'oi)U\i�t Hlatt• c:halrUJD/1, prudlr·all,;- f'fllll:r�dr·� thf! dr�ff:n t of \'lnr·rml frr r· r·onp·r·�s In tht: Firth unfl nf .J .. rry Hlrn p.l.!rlrl In tt11� Hr��·Nath. 'l'lw H.t•puill h�IJ n Jea•lf•rH nuafldr!ntly t•lulm I h u t Lnng IH r•l�>r·tc·rl In thr.• Hr•\'rmth n nd fh11 t W. ,\ , Culrlcrhr•ad hnK flr�f••Hty Trol)per llnrkhoh1 ·r, who wus nll t!Jrollj:b the. :t•!· live rampnigu with the rough riders.

    -�only us few men who were 11·1lh hlru," >'nid Jlurkholder, "know how Cl)n8iderate be wus at a li Umes. '.l'h1•rc was one ease In vartlcular tbn t , 218 .20 !Uu;rrate• this !Jt>tter than any tha t ' • I can recall. It hnttiJont'tl aft••r the fi;:-ht at La Qnnslmas. 'l'he mNI were tireu with the han! march oml the fighting, nnd h utl{el' wns gna\\ping :tt every stomach. Bil'it• t'l!I'!Yell. mHl as the> fumes of the holllnl! $lew heeame Slt'OU�er I he hUII\01' of the llll!ll illlJlruved.

    "\\'e were t\nally summoul'll to feed, and tlwu �·on t•nn lnw�inc otlr sur� }H'i!-'P. 'l'bN'\_\ wa� 11 hi� hoilN' nml he f'hle it a crowd of mP�slPnt llll'll tl i:;:hing out real h�l!f stew! \\"" �o:thl h:ITlli,l' lwllel'f' onr eyes. and [ hnw, :tnt! we nil lnu�ll�d wlwn one nHm �·t•ltell:

    11 ' .. \11 l�t':; ,;ot rr:ll onions in it. tno :· .11A.f\(lr \Y� hflll )O!Hli'il ll)l W\� hl',!!:l:ll

    to \I"OIIoll'!' where It nil ranw f!'Hill :11111 then thf' two troor I melt told how th• !"O!Illll!l hull JHn·r·ha�•·d 1!11• pot a tol'� niul onions whfh� hi� own l'OO\\ �ll:�ut·· erl 1 ill' m!'n I fl·nm � J honr•,r.

    "\"on !li'Ohnhiy won't h1•lio•re It, hnt tb1• hnshel of rmtntoes (·ust eolorwl Uoos!!YI'lt almo�t $110, nllll lw h:ttl I ll pny thlrtJ'·od•l good AnwriC':tn doll:n·• to j:el the onions. hut tlH•n h" ktww what his lill'li wautrtl. n u1l it wn• ni· · wnys hl• men flt•;t with him. 'l'lwt·e wnM a rn•l: In his tent when we leurnrd tit!�. uml ir ron en•r lwnnl thr cliet•rln,:.:, I 'Jil S ll1't• yon wouldn't \\·on 1lf'l' why tile rou�h riflers nil lo1·e llteh colunel.

    "I !< •e," �altl Rmkhohlt•t•, "t lun In Ill• nrlll !'t•ss to i:is men in C:tmJt WrlwiT tiw !'Oin:ll'i lllhl how iw 111111 to llllt'I'V n t llw �un .l nan h i ll ti�:ht t•> '� I I I I I ht l l',t' i l ll: �l'nl l l l l l ," .

  • The Truth l .bout OUr Plano ·selling. . • ' I One of tbe pleasantest facts about this business is th�t a new-comer never vis

    us without expressing wonder lind satisfaction at its colossal size and the mago( its operations. The surprise of visitors seems to ·be that · we should

    been able to build up such an immense business in Newark; that we should far lead the va'ri· ov'er ev.en the biggest .New York houses and that we · have ' .

    seized the whole Piano trade of'this end of the State. •· · . A gentleman who holds the responsib.le position . of department buyer for the store-certainly one of the two largest-in New York, and \vbo lives in the

    told us this week : "It amazed me to find that Newark has such a Piano Why! I have been through all the best Piano stores in New York, and

    of them can compare wit.h yours. My own business leads me to appreciate energy and enterprise that must be back of such a concern; yo.u've cause to proud of it." · ·

    And yet the whole secret is covered in four words-HARD WORK and SENSIBLE DEALING.

    We have never made any pretentious to the miraculous. We avoid making silly claims to superiority, other than those we absolutely know to be absolutely true. We have merely worked along t!1e lines of Simplicity, H onesty, Common Sense, Enterpri•c and bound· less Energy-qualities which arc absolutely cssei1tial to permm1ent success in any undertaking. It isn't that these qualit.ies are · uncommon in · busi nesson the contrary. they are the rule-but we have carried them to a point that has been reached by few others, and certainly HAS NOT been reached by any other Piano house in America.

    How It Is Done. Business success narrows . itself down to a question , of OUTPUT; . make it enough and you are in n position to redtice the profit on each. transaction to n minimum-to

    all competition on prices. · Our output is our strong poirit. We sell ten times more Pianos any other store in New Jersey ; we do the largest Piru1o biisine88 in the E111tern Stntes, und I!IIVe Customers large sums in conaeqitellce, Quality for quality, there is a saving of about a hundred

    on tl1e price of a Piotio· here as com pored with tl1o ordinary store. The great price reduction every Piano in �ur warerooms makea this a mngni8cent opportunity to pnt·chnse. You CliO have n

    Piano from us now .at 11 very modemte price, as low as 8200-somP even less. Let it be understood, however, tbut we don't compete 011 price alqr1e. Quality is staodard with us.

    do'u't hondle the "make-believe" grade of Pianos that are sold in small stores at nny price they bring-the-deare�t Piano yon could poasibly buy. We have only the leading 11111kes-CHIOKER·

    GAOLERS, HARD)fANS, S'fERLlNGS, S1'ANDARDS, and muuy other line instrnmeuh. Slightly Used Pianos.

    W c place all our slightly used Pianos on our second floor; such as have heen rent nnd retunted to us, besides others th11t come from V11rious sourcea. 'l'hese lii'O ull first· class

    ond very decided bargains. Of the fifty odd Pin nos there no1r, 1re Dllllle:

    line Grovesteen Ut>rlgllt Plnno In very gootl comlitlon, da1rk nmhognny case • • . . . : • . . . . , . $135 Sterling Plnno In ebony. A vei'Y llue lnstrn·

    went . . , . . . . . . , . . , , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . $185

    Gibson Plano In magnificent fnu�y wahmt case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $195

    A smaU size Gubler Plano thnt I• 11 particuiRr bt1rgnln. Oue of the llnest mnkes tbere Is • . . $175

    A New Englnaul Pinno in ftrst·class condi· tlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . $190

    A We!�r Piamo in llnely fh:nred llltlhogamy case . . . . , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $185

    Hagen & Rnefer Phmo In Jlartlcnlarly rich A Vose Piu11o, unother SllJlerb specinaen of light umhoga11y cuse, . . , , , . . . . . , . , . . . . . , . . . $195 this line mukel' . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , , . . . , $245

    W \Vc h·lvo Squuro Pi'anos 'ut us low us $25, und Orgauui at ns low as $lli, llnsemont.�

    Easy ·Payments.

    Every Piano in our warerooms has a tag with the price in plain figures. You ]uavc any of them (including tho spccj11lij numocl nbove) on our easy jlllyrucut plnn, or we will yon 11 discount or 10 pot' cont.-$10 pm· $100-oti tho price for cush. J.). New Httm(lshlre - Frank \\'. Rollins

    (Re\1.). . . New Jersey-Foster )f. Voorhees (Jlop.). New York-Theotloro Roosevelt een CUJ'l'led by the Republicans by a plurality not much short of JiiO,OOO.

    . It was one of the most stubbornly fought battlr:s In the hlstot·y of Penn•

    WILLIAM A. STONE. lylvanla, there being three aggrestiYI candidate• In the field. The Republic· an candidate for governor, backed b1 the Quay contingent, was William A. Stone, the Democratic candidate George A. Jenks and the Prohibition can41· date Rev. Silas C. Swallow.

    The next Pennsylvania legiAiature, whleh meets In January nnd elects a succesoor to United States t!enator Quay, will consist ot 254 members, The lrlends ot Senator Quay claim that they have 131 vote• on joint ballot !or Mr. Quay. Thll estimate, they say, Is lnde· pendent of the members favorable to Senator Ma�eee In Alleghany county ami the followers of Da\•ld Martlll In Philadelphia. The anti-Quay r>eople dis· pute these figures and cluhn that the)' hnve elected sutllclent members of the assembly to defeat the re-election of l!enator Quay,

    The tollowiJJg members ot congreli have been elected:

    A I large-G. A. Grow (Rep.), At large-B. A. Davcn(lOJ't (Rep.), l'lrst lllstrlct-11. H. mnghnm (llep.), Second-Robert Adnm• (Rep.). Thtrli-WUJ!nm McAleer (G. Dcm.), Fourth-J. R. Young (Rep.), Flflh-A. C, Hnl'mer (Rep.), Sl!-H. B. Pncltcr !Rep,), Se1•enteenth-M. H. 'Wooden (Rep,), Ellghtcenth-1'. M: Mahon (Hop,). Nlnelcenth-l�. Zeigler IDem.), , 'l'wentleth-Joseph It 'rht'OilP (flop.). Twcntr-nrst-S. M. Juck {HeJ>,J. · Twonty-secOJui-Joha Dulzcll {ReJ>,), l'wenty·thlfll-W. ll, Gmlmm ,), Twonty-foul'lh-1�. 1•\ Acheson (nep,) • 'l'wonty-flrth-J, B. Showalter (Rep.), '£WE!nty-slxth-Geor�o H. H lgglm'l (HetJ.), Twenty-soyeuth-J . C. Sibley (Dem.),

    · Twepll'·elghlh-J . !\', P. Hnll (Dem.).

    OEOROE E. LOUNSBURY. for sheriff In en;h of tho eight coun• ties. The fine wenther which prevallt!'J yesterdo)' ln·ought out an unusually large vote for a state election, and at some places In the stute the vole Is not falling far behind !hut of two years ago,

    The following members o! congresa ha,·e been elr•ted:

    First District-E. Stevens Henry (Rep.). Seeonii-N. D. S11erry (Rep.), Thlni-Cimrles A. llussell (Ret>.), Fourth-E. J. Hill (Rep.),

    Wolcott•• 111orallty, M3,3·14, Boston, Nov. 9.-The town of Got·

    nold, on an Island south ot Cape co.t, Which In 1896 cnst two votes for tlio Dein'ocra!lc candidate for governor anol eight for tbe Republican nominee and the returns from whlch are brought to the mainland by boat after some delaT, Is the only one In the state not h .. rd from. Without the Gosnold figures .tlio total vote of the state for governor wu above 300,000, that tor the two leatllnr candidates aggregating 297,478. '·

    Governor Wolcott, the Republican candidate for re·eleetlon tor his fourth term, received 190,611 and Bruce, Ills opponent, 106,967. These fti!Ures ahow •• decrease ln the Republlcan vote of 17,11J3 from those of 1896, when Governor Wol· cott had 15U12 plurality. Wolcott'• plurality thlo year, with Gosriold ml•t· lng, Is 83,644, or 70,998 less than that of' the last congressional year. . ·

    The Republicans lost two congres!· men In this slate, which, with John F. Fitzgerald, the present member, IVbl) was re-elected, gives l\lassachusetta a larger Democratic representation !ban It has had before since 1892.

    The Democmts gained several oeal.s In the leglslntm·e. The standing of the next legislature will be: Senate-Republicans, 33; Democt·ats, 7; House-Re· publicans, ISO: Democrats, 51: Social Democrats, 2; Ind�pendents, 6. Two districts are tied, , . , : . r ·

    Plnl(rt.-t• b l!1leeh•11. Detl'Oit, No\', 10,-The Republican state

    central comm ll!ee claims Pingree's election hy from 50,000 to 60,000 majorl· ty, The governor ran seveml hundred ahead of his ticket In Detroi t and ron up a plm'nllt)' of 2,000 In Grnnd Rnphls. In Saginaw he do ubled on his plurality of DS. Jn .Tackson, Lansing, Bny City ahd othel' smnller cltle� he wns cut considerably, but the country d lstrlcta Slll'J'oundlng went quite strongly for him. The hnlunce of the Repuhllcan ltnte ticket Is elected. The UPJleJ' rlenln· suln ga\'e Its usual Hepuhllcun majorIties, hut ther·e was n greut nmount ot SJJl lttlng on gO\'e1'llot• in the lower p�nlnsnln. The vote on congresHmen Ia ci•Jse I n hnlf of the 12 dlsnlcts, the oth· ers return ing llelnthllcaus wllh cer· talnty,

    Ohio Jntlm'Hl!H �h· l\. l ll h�)'• g�:�\�������. :. ·.: ·. ·:. ·, ·. ;. : : : �: : : �·>?·.��:.: Clwnnnso· . .. . . . . . . � , , . . !•• • •.•\·: 2;�1-ih, 11 ptlrRHIU)Jh iuto II Jibl'uHu. " A touoltur ha ouo nf our callal(oH s11icl of Uicburdtiall, "HIH nut· · bltiou II'IIH to OXJllllld 11 Jlbrni!C into a IJRfiiQrlltlb, II Jllll'flgrnpb into R JIII!!O, R pngu into 11 Qllllptor nud 11 ohRillor halo a volmuo, 11-Now York Oommnolul AdvurtiHur. ___ _

    .\ lo'n•llr Neorel 0•1• 'J:onvhor - You •lou'l lumw whul

    b •U•II•I HJIOIIN1 Whut dou1 :ronr falhor 1lo whou hiH oollur bnllon IH foNt?

    ,Tullllll)' (Hiyly)-Hu MIJI tbiUII,-,luwulun' \Voekly.

    Montgomery , , , , , , , , , .. , " ' ' ' 8·10 Now York ,, .. , . " . . . . ·, , � � . . , Nlngn1•n . . . . . . . . . . , , . . , ; , , i . . � · . 200 Oneldn " ' ' ' " " ' ' " " ' " � � ' " ' · l,SRO 011DIU11\Jrl\ , , . , . . . . , , .. ·, , , ;,· . . , 0,1!1B Onttll'lo . . . . . . . . , , , , . , , . . . . , . , , 1,R�D a •. ,, ,uto , . . . . . . . ·, , , , . . ,·, , . . , , , , !,osa Ol·h�nnH " " " ' ' " ' ' " " " ' ; ' " l,fiOl DAwogo ' '"*"' " " " n ' " ' '' '\ .s,not Obl9t.t'O · · � · � U I I I h i ! I I U I I I I I I 1,123 · f'utnnm . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . , .. , .. , 200 QIUJI)na , , . , , , , , , , . , . , , , , , ,


    Hullllltt1Rft1' • • n • u i n t t l t t t n t" ' lllohmond ' ' ' " ' u ' " " ' " " l t .-Jtoultlun'l " " ' " " ' "" " " .. ' ftt Yt. ld\Wt'UIIOO l i t l l l l ll't t t l l ;·,·. 1,�19 RltrnloM'I"· ' ' ' " ' ' " ' u " ' " " l S!,OII7 Molumt'l1tnc1y .. , . . . . , . . . , . . ,;, 37a Kuhohurle . . . . . . . . o . . , . .. . , . . · fttlhll)'lor " ' " ' " " ' " ' ' " '*" 713 Kunoon . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . ,· . . �� . . , , 25 Fllouhan . . . , . . . . , . . . .. , i " l l ' " �.078 sutrollt ""· . , . , ,, , , . , , u u Sl,tno l�illiVUII t i i i i i i U t u

    ,t u t t t t � l t 41t


    lllhmlo thoro ll••llllhiiMn, Chleatro, No1•. lll,-.'l'lw fllllii!II IIIIIIH 111'9

    thnt t11o HettllltlleunK httvn t�ll'utctl lhclr onllro KIA!" tlckl!t, !Jut tho lll!'lll'cH aJ'o oomlnl! In slowly fl'Olll nutHhlu Chlcn"o and nothing could ho



    CRANFORD. The Stamlard is 011 .�ale T11e.•day aJtd

    Friday at the Unio·n Nett',' C'o.'.• · slanwle.r, uml fmuily, will ratm•u ]Jihe wa• tltt vu Grove street. little sister of a fricient. A patient iu a mi l itary hospital was constantly gettiu� into bot wntef bccunse ho tnuugglu1l food Into tho wnrr·opo. i:ieeiug the little mirror n i l ready for me tlw mnu 's chum whiSJICrecl nu tmxions

    "�•noll c:np." �lmqer. · :·. · · warning frmn the mljoiniug bed. 1 11 " Pecos Bill is not tho ouly nickname " Late to herl mit! enl·l'y· to rise prepare.• " say, Bill, ymt'tl bc,;t. 'nve 1 1 care. '};9

    &bat Genera l Shafter e\'er eujoyed, " �nid umu for his ltom.e in the slties .. But early moight 'nppeu to see wot yer 'ad for 111 old uew�paper man tho 9ther. day. to · · ue.yl l·uuiu, tho public Jihm· promptly marl;ed them 'slual l cap. , ' patron•, will he away from rtii otlwro, it l'ies, or· about their · h�altb, but he meauiug thut they should be reset iu 110t ueing of the oltle past the nurthern meridiun, beut down upon me with oppreESil·e warmth. Before me the warm, red �rown IuurJ. 10apo waverer! aur! hem bled in the yel · low l ight. Bohiurl mo towered tbe ulinrl· log wh itr slope of the ice. Beneath IllY feet lbe stones were hute e�eu of lichens 11111 had a dry, gruy look, us if they were the bones of u 1lead world. Aud yet I felt that with so much of warmth and ricbnebO of coloring there muse be life, uu11(1, [J\'t >J'!Jrll l ll l 111111 hy tho f i J J J•(j Jluy I J !U lllll l lllllt. !)II• )'liiii' IJI IIIJ