LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS978-1-4684-2043-2/1.pdf · LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence

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Page 1: LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS978-1-4684-2043-2/1.pdf · LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence


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LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence held in Leningrad, USSR, August 1972

Edited by


Assistant Editors B. BARON M.MARTENS S.P.VARMA Physics Department University of Delaware Newark, Delaware


Page 3: LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS978-1-4684-2043-2/1.pdf · LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence

library of Congress Catalog Card Number 73-77339

ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-2045-6 e-ISBN-13: 978-1-4684-2043-2

DOl: 10.1007/978-1-4684-2043-2

© 1973 Plenum Press, New York Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1973

A Division of Plenum Publishing Corporation 227 West 17th Street, New York, N.Y. 10011

United Kingdom edition published by Plenum Press, London A Division of Plenum Publishing Company, Ltd. Davis House (4th Floor), 8 Scrubs Lane, Harlesden, London, NW10 6SE, England

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No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher

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F. Williams (USA), Chm. M. D. Galanin (Moscow), Chm. H. A. Klasens (Netherlands), Sec. P. P. Feofilov (Leningrad), V.Chm. V. V. Antonov-Romanovskii (USSR) B. S. Neporent (Leningrad), V.Chm. D. Curie (France) V. L. Ermolaev (Leningrad) , Sec. Th. Forster (BRD) Z. L. Morgenshtern (Moscow), Sec. G. F. J. Garlick (UK) V. V. Antonov-Romanovskii (Moscow) R. M. Hochstrasser (USA) N. G. Basov (Moscow) A. Jablonski (Poland) N. A. Borisevich (Minsk) B. S. Neporent (USSR) A. A. Bundel (Moscow) N. Riehl (BRD) S. A. Fridman (Moscow) F. Seitz (USA) A. N. Georgobiani (Moscow) Sh. Shionoya (Japan) A. M. Gurvich (Moscow) G. Szigeti (Hungary) A. A. Kaplyanskii (Leningrad)


F. J. Bryant (UK) N. E. Geacintov (USA) I. P. Ipatova (USSR) H. A. Klasens (Netherlands) M. Martens (USA) D. S. McClure (USA) R. B. Murray (USA) J. Schanda (Hungary) M. Sharnoff (USA) Sh. Shionoya (Japan) G. Szigeti (Hungary) F. Vogel (USA) R. Vogel (USA) F. Williams (USA)


B. Baron P. DiBona R. Ewing S. Hillenius C. Jarman H. Luchinsky M. Martens A. Ray A. Sinha S. P. Varma F. Williams


Ch. B. Lushchik (Tartu) L. Ya. Markovskii (Leningrad) M. M. Miroshnikov (Leningrad) Yu. V. Morozov (Moscow) N. P. Novoselov (Leningrad) A. A. Rovnyakov (Leningrad) M. T. Shpak (Kiev) K. K. Schvarts (Riga) V. I. Sorokin (Leningrad) I. A. Vanin (Leningrad)


P. P. Feofilov, Chm. A. M. Tkachuk, Sec. N. G. Bakhshiev V. L. Ermolaev 1. P. Ipatova A. A. Kaplyanskii V. P. Klochkov Ch. B. Lushchik L. Ya. Markovskii B. S. Neporent A. I. Ryskin N. V. Starostin B. P. Zakharchenya N. D. Zhevandrov


I. P. Ipatova, Chw. I. E. Obyknovennaya, V. Chw.

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These Proceedings report the scholarly work presented in Leningrad at the largest conference ever held on luminescence. In addition to the large number of delegates, the Conference was dis­tinguished by strong and balanced representation on the program of papers from capitalist and socialist nations. The Conference was sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and by the Academy of Science of the USSR. As noted in the Opening Ceremony, this Conference is in the series held approximately every three years since 1938. All branches of luminescence are included.

It was recognized, during the early stages of organization of the Conference, that there would be difficulties associated with the preparation of an English version of the Proceedings. Until just before the Conference, it was not evident whether translations of the Russian papers would be available and whether facilities would exist at the Conference for a working publication committee to edit the manuscripts. It was not possible, therefore, to make contractual arrangements before the Conference for publication. Translations and the facilities were indeed generously made avail­able by the Soviet Organizers; and the Publications Committee, whose membership is listed with the Conference Committees, made a magnificant effort in Leningrad to edit the manuscripts. Several months following the Conference, it became clear that the problems associated with the large number of papers, the translations and the indexing necessitated further sustained editorial work by those knowledgeable both in luminescence research and in English idiom. At that time, arrangements were completed with the Plenum Publishing Corporation for photo-offset publication; and the final editorial work, preparation of camera-ready copy, proofing and in­dexing were then done at the University of Delaware. This work was in part assisted by discretionary funds remaining from the 1969 Delaware Luminescence Conference.

These Proceedings report most, but not all, of the material presented. Of the 135 papers presented, 94 appear herein. Almost a score were not submitted as complete manuscripts in English; a comparable number were not included for technical reasons, e.g. inadequate figures, length substantially in excess of that pre­scribed by the Conference Organizers, or inability of the Editors


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to penetrate and clarify the author's meaning through the available translation. The delay in completing arrangements for pUblication placed a time schedule on publication which obviated authors' proofs so that manuscripts which needed further attention by the authora were returned to them for revisions and subsequent publi­cation elsewhere.

The Editorial Committee, consisting of my research group, de­voted almost a month of their time to editing, supervising prepa­ration of the camera-ready text and figures, proofing and indexing. The papers follow the approximate order of the presentation at the Conference, with some regrouping of subsections for logical co­herence. The Committee considered its primary responsibility was to accuracy of scientific content and therefore only those improve­ments in style and grammar were made that we were reasonably cer­tain did not risk alteration of technical substance. Some com­promise was made between getting the job done fast and getting it done completely and without error.

These Proceedings are believed to represent the latest and much of the finest research on luminescence throughout the world, and therefore early availability to English-reading scientists was considered imperative. 'l'he Russian-reading scientists will have access to these works in a parallel publication prepared by the Soviet Organizers, which is scheduled to appear in Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, ser. fiz.

February 12, 1973 Newark, Delaware, USA

Ferd Williams, Editor and Chairman of the International


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Conference Committees v

Preface vii

List of Contributors (Author Index) xvii


Opening Ceremony of the Conference 1

Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission from Excitons at High Concentration, S. Nikitine and H. Haken 4

Biexcitons and Condensation of Excitons in Semiconductors, A. A. Rogachev 20

Intramolecular Relaxations and Luminescence of Organic Complex Molecules, B. S. Neporent 31

Triplet State Properties from Phosphorescence Microwave Double Resonance Studies, M. A. El-Sayed 45


Recent Developments in Sensitized Luminescence Phenomena in Solids, D. L. Dexter 57

Cooperative Processes in Luminescent Systems, V. V. Ovsyankin and P. P. Feofilov 64

Intermolecular Relaxation - Fluctuation Processes and Luminescence Spectra of Solution, N. G. Bakhshiev 78

Visible Luminescence of Yb 3+, Er3+ under IR Excitation, J. L. Sommerdijk, A. Bril 86

Cooperative Processes in Activated Glasses, B. M. Antipenko, A. V. Dmitruk, V. S. Zubkova, G. O. Karapetyan, A. A. Mak 92


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Mechanisms in the Production of the Delayed Fluorescence Observed in Aromatic Amines Trapped in Rigid Glasses, M. Ewald, D. Muller, G. Durocher 98


Exciton Luminescence and Photoconductivity of CdS under High Intensity Excitation, H. Saito, Sh. Shionoya 104

The Luminescence of the Anthracene Crystals under High Intensity of Excitation, Z. A. Chizhikova, M. D. Galanin, Sh. D. Khan-Magometova 115

Theory of Emission Spectra from Heavily Excited Semiconductors, E. Hanamura

Some Features of Interband Luminescence under Intense Laser Radiation, V. A. Kovarskii, E. Yu. Perlin, E. P. Sinyavskii

Experimental InVestigations on Luminescence at High Concentrations of Carriers and Excitons, R. Levy, A. Bivas, J. B. Grun

Exciton Luminescence and Photoconductivity in Highly Excited GaP, A. Nakamura, K. Morigaki


Interaction of Singlet and Triplet Excitons in Organic





Crystals, M. Trlifaj 149

Anti-Stokes Exciton Emission in CdS - Crystals, E. Beckmann, I. Broser, R. Eroser 155

Exci ton Mechanisms> of Excitation of Impurity Center Luminescence in Ionic Crystals, Ch. Lushchik, G. Liidja, N. Lushchik, E. VasiJ'chenko, K. Kalder, R. Kink, T. Soovik 162

Magneto-Optic Effects in Recombination Luminescence from Self-Trapped Excitons, M. N. Kabler, M. J. Marrone, W. B. Fowler 171


The Effects of Relaxation Processes on the Spectral­Luminescent Properties of Anthracene Vapours, V. P. Klochkov 181

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Electronic Energy Radiationless Transition as Radiationless Dipole - Dipole Energy Transfer to Vibrations of Solvent Molecules, E. B. Sveshnikova, I. B. Neporent 188

The Study of Spectral and Time Characteristics of Tetrapyrrole Molecules in the Triplet State by Laser Photolysis, G. P. Gurinovich, B. M. Jagarov 196

A New Laser Technique for Simultaneous Two Wavelength Studies, H. S. Pilloff 201

On the Application of the Single Photon Counting Technique for the Investigation of Dyes with Short Fluorescence Decay Time, P. E. Zinsli, H. P. Tschanz, O. Jenni, Th. Binkert 206

The Ratio of Quantum Yields of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence of Some N-Heterocyclic Compounds in Solutions at 770 K, I. Janic 213

Formation of Hetero-Excimers in Radical Ion Recombination Reactions, A. Weller, K. Zachariasse 219

Lumine s c,ence Phenomena As so ciated with Polar Liquid's Relaxation and Fluctuation Processes, Yu T. Mazurenko


The Spectral Investigation of the Luminescence Centers with the Generalized Method of Alentzev, I. I. Antipova-Karataeva, N. P. Golubeva, M. V. Fock

An Investigation of the Complex Structure of the Impurity Luminescence Spectra of ZnS Single Crystals, A. N. Georgobiani, A. I. Blazhevich, Yu V. Ozerov, E. I. Panasj uk , P. A. Todua, H. Friedrich

An Injection Type Electro-Luminescence in ZnSe - Sn02 Hetero-Junction, K. Ikeda, K. Uchida, Y. Hamakawa, H. Kimura, H. Komiya, S. Ibuki

Donor-Double Acceptor Luminescence of Zinc Telluride, F. J. Bryant, A. T. J. Baker

Photoluminescence Study of Lattice Defects in CdTe by Means of Heat Treatment and Electron Irradiation, T. Taguchi, J. Shirafuji, Y. Inuishi







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Luminescence of ZnTe and its Modulation by Infrared Radiation, A. Maruani, J. P. Noblanc, G. Duraffourg

The Electronic Structure and Luminescence of Phosphors based on IIA-VIB Compounds, V. Mikhailin


Theory of Energy Migration in a Crystal, A. S. Davydov, A. A. Serikov

New Types of Localized Excitons in Naphthalene Crystals with Impurities, N. I. Ostapenko, V. I. Sugakov, M. T. Shpak

Luminescence and Photoconductivity of Nitronaphthalenes, F. Vogel, N. E. Geacintov

A New Method for the Direct Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Triplet States: D of Triplet Anthacene in n-Hexadecane and n-Hexane, B. Nickel, E. G. Meyer

Electrophotoluminescence in a Rigid 3-Methyl Pentane Solution of N,N,N',N' - Tetramethyl-p-Phenylenediamine at 77°K, R. Devonshire, A. C. Albrecht

Heavy Atom Effect on Radiative and Radiationless Transitions, Z. R. Grabowski, N. Sadlej


Luminescence Kinetics for Energy Transfer in Solid Solutions: Excitation Migration Through the Donor, I. M. Rosman

Electronic Energy Transfer between Organic and Inorganic Compounds in Solutions, V. L. Ermolaev, V. S. Tachin

Spin Memory in Triplet-Triplet Energy Transfer Interval, M. Sharnoff, E. B. Iturbe

Energy Transfer from Chemically Excited Carbonyl Compounds to Anthracene Derivatives and Oxygen, V. A. Belyakov, G. F. Fedorova, R. F. Vassil'ev













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Radiative and Radiationless Transitions in Rare Earth Chelates, V. V. Kuznetsova, R. A. Puko, V. S. Khomenko, T. I. Razvina

Energy Transfer from Higher Triplet States, M. V. Alfimov, I. G. Batekha, V. I. Gerko, Yu. B. Sheck

On the Concentration Quenching of Fluorescence Polarization, A. Kawski, J. Kaminski

Interactions and Energy Transfer between Europium Ions at Different Lattice Sites in Y203' J. Heber, U. K~bler

Energy Transfer between Manganese and Erbium Ions in MnF2, J. M. Flaherty, B. Di Bartolo


Vibronic Structure in the Luminescent Spectra of Ions in Solids, T. Miyakawa

Luminescence of Simple Polyatomic Anions, S. P. McGlynn

Multiplicity of Dielectric Local Modes: Phonon Impurity Center Bound States, E. I. Rashba

Stimulated Nonradiative Decay Under Intensive Light Excitation, A. M. Tkachuk, A. A. Fedorov


The Energy-Shift of Donor-Acceptor Emission in Varying the Excitation Intensity, E. Zacks, A. Halperin

Luminescence in GaN, J. I. Pankove, E. A. Miller, J. E. Berkeyheiser

Luminescence Study of the Electronic Band Structure of Inl_xGaxAsl-YPy, A. Onton, R. J. Chicotka

Characterization of Defects in GaAs by Photoluminescence Measurements, E. Fabre

Radiative Recombination Involving Acceptors in GaSb, W. Rlihle, W. Jakowetz, M. Pilkuhn















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Photoluminescence of GaSe, A. Cingolani, F. Evangelisti, A. Minafra, A. Rizzo

The Resonant Luminescence of Free Excitons in Crystals, E. Gross, S. Permogorov, V. Travnikov, A. Selkin

Resonance Interaction Between Ortho - and Para -Exciton Levels Due to Phonons in Cuprous Oxide Crystal, F. I. Kreingold, V. L. Makarov

The Effect of Dislocations on the Luminescence Spectra of CdS and CdSe Crystals, Yu. A. Osipian, E. A. Steinman

Effects of Thermoluminescence Excitation in Semiconducting Diamonds, S. A. A. Winer, N. Kristianpoller, R. Chen


Relaxed Excited States of KI:Tl+ -Type Phosphors, A. Fukuda, K. Cho, H. J. Paus

Theory of Polarized Resonant Secondary Radiation of Impurity Centres Including the Jahn - Teller Effect, V. Hi zhnyakov , I. Tehver

Photoluminescence of T-centers in Potassium Halide Crystals, V. Topa, B. Velicescu, I. Mateescu

Photoluminescence of Color Centers in Alkaline Earth Fluoride Crystals, R. Rauch

Luminescence of Oxygen Centers in Aluminum Nitride, J. Pastrnak, S. Pacesova, J. Schanda, J. Rosa

Influence of the Charge Transfer on Eu3+ Luminescence Spectra, L. S. Gaigerova, O. F. Dudnik, V. F. Zolin, V. A. Kudryashova

Luminescence of Isoelectronic Mn4+ and Cr3+ Ions in Magnesium Orthotitanate, R. Dittmann, D. Hahn, J. Stade

On the Quantum Losses at the Ruby Luminescence Excitation, Z. L. Morgenshtern, V. B. Neustruev












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Luminescence Processes in Bi3+ Centers, G. Boulon, F. Gaume-Mahn, C. Pedrini, B. Jacquier, J. Janin, D. Curie 530


Lithium Donors and the Binding of Excitons at Neutral Donors and Acceptors in Gallium Phosphide, P. J. Dean 538

Luminescence of II-VI Semiconductor Compounds Doped with Transition Metal Ions, S. A. Kazanskii, G. I. Khilko, A. L. Natadze, A. I. Ryskin 553

Polarized Luminescence in Semiconductors Due to Optical Orientation of Electrons, R. I. Gioev, B. P. Zakharchenya, V. G. Fleisher 564

Effect of Channeling on the Scintillation Response of NaI (Tl) to Positive Ions, R. B. Murray, M. R. Altman, H. D. Dietrich, T. J. Rock 575

Electron Transfer by the Tunnel Effect and its Influence on the F-Center Luminescence in Alkali Halides, M. Ecabert, P. A. Schnegg, Y. Ruedin, M. A. Aegerter, C. Jaccard 582

Electroluminescence in Alkali Halide Crystals, C. Paracchini 590

The Photoluminescence Spectra of Single Crystals Of SrC12:Yb2+, H. Witzke, D. S. McClure, B. Mitchell 598


Cascade Emission of Two Photons Induced by the Interaction of an Electron-Hole Pair with an Impurity Centre in Alkali Halides, I. Jaek, M. Kink, S. Zazubovich, V. Osminin 606

On the W06 Luminescence in Ordered Perovskites, G. Blasse, A. F. Corsmit, M. Van der Pas 612

Ionization of Luminescence Centres in Alkali Halide Phosphors by Unrelaxed Positive Holes, E. D. Aluker, Y. H. Kalnin, S. A. Chernov, K. K. Schvarts 616

Tunnel Luminescence of Pure and Thallium-and Silver-Doped Alkali Halides, J. Bogans, U. Kanders, I. Leinerte-Neilande, D. Millers, A. Nagornii, I. Tale 621

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Configuration Interaction and Correlation Effects in Donor-Acceptor Pair Spectra, L. Mehrkam, F. Williams

Donor-Acceptor Pairs in Ionic Crystals, G. Schwotrev, G. K8titz, P. GO¥lich

The Diffusion Kinetics of Recombination Luminescence, V. V. Antonov-Romanovskii

Interaction of Shallow Traps and Donors with Single Phonons and its Application for Phonon Spectroscopy, N. Riehl


Luminescent Methods for the Visualization of Long Wavelength Radiation, S. A. Fridman, E. Ya. Arapova, N. V. Mitrofanova, Yu. P. Timofeev, V. V. Shchaenko

Analytical Applications of X-Ray Excited Optical Luminescence, E. L. DeKalb, A. P. D'Silva, V. A. Fassel

Luminescent Alkali Halide Crystal Memory Elements, I. K. Plyavin, V. P. Objedkov, G. K. Vale, R. A. Kalnin, L. E. Nagly

Composition Dependency of Thermoluminescence of New Phosphors for Radiation Dosimetry, T. Toryu, H. Sakamoto, T. Hitomi, N. Kotera, H. Yamada


Hot Luminescence of Molecular Impurity Ions in Alkali Halide Crystals, K. K. Rebane, P. M. Saari, T. H. Mauring

Vibrational Emission From OH- Molecular Ions in KEr, Induced by Excitation of the Electronic States, R. Capelletti, F. Fermi, R. Fieschi

Closing Ceremony of the Conference


Subject Index

Materials Index













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Aegerter, M. A. 582 Albrecht, A. C. 304 Alfimov, M. V. 367 Altman, M. R. 575 Aluker, E. D. 616 Antipenko, B. M. 92 Antipova-Karataeva, I. I. 232 Antonov - Romanovskii, V. v. 649 Arapova, E. Ya. 668

Baker, A. T. J. 250 Bakhshiev, N. G. 78 Batekha, I. G. 367 Beckmann, E. 155 Belyakov, V. A. 354 Berkeyheiser, J. E. 426 Binkert, Th. 206 Bivas, A. 136 Blasse, G. 612 Blazhevich, A. I. 239 Bogans, J. 621 Boulon, G. 530 Bril, A. 86 Broser, I. 155 Broser, R. 155 Bryant, F. J. 250

Capelletti, R. 700 Chen, R. 473 Chernov, S. A. 616 Chicotka, R. J. 431 Chizhikova, Z. A. 115 Cho, K. 478 Cingolani, A. 449 Corsmit, A. F. 612 Curie, D. 530

Davydov, A. S. 275 Dean, P. J. 538

DeKalb, E. L. Devonshire, R. Dexter, D. L. Di Bartolo, B. Dietrich, H. D. Dittmann, R. Dmitruk, A. V. D'Silva, A. P. Dudnik, O. F. Duraffourg, G. Durocher, G.

Ecabert, M. El-Sayed, M. A. Ermolaev, V. L. Evangelisti, F. Ewald, M.

Fabre, E. Fassel, V. A. Fedorov, A. A. Fedorova, G. F. Feofilov, P. P. Fermi, F. Fieschi, R. Flaherty, J. M. Fleisher, V. G. Fock, M. V. Fowler, W. B. Fridman, S. A. Friedrich, H. Fukuda, A.

Gaigerova, L. S . Galanin, M. D. Gaume-Mahn, F. Geacintov, N. E. Georgobiani, A. N. Gerko, V. 1.


675 304

57 388 575 518 92

675 514 262 98

582 45

332 449 98

439 675 413 354 64

700 700 388 564 232 171 668 239 478

514 115 530 289 239 367

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Gioev, R. I. 564 Kotera, N. 685 Golubeva, N. P. 232 KCltitz, G. 638 GClrlich, P. 638 Kovarskii, V. A. 131 Grabowski, Z. R. 314 Kreingold, F. I. 461 Gross, E. 455 Kristianpoller, N. 473 Grun, J. B. 136 Kudryashova, V. A. 514 Gurinovich, G. P. 196 Kuznetsova, V. V. 362

Hahn, D. 518 Leinerte-Neilande, I. 621 Haken, H. 4 Levy, R. 136 Halperin, A. 419 Liidja, G. 162 Hamakawa, Y. 245 Lushchik, Ch. 162 Hanamura, E. 121 Lushchik, N. 162 Heber, J. 379 Hitomi, T. 685 Mak, A. A. 92 Hizhnyakov, V. 489 Makarov, V. L. 461

Marrone, M. J. 171 Ibuki, S. 245 Maruani, A. 262 Ikeda, K. 245 Mateescu, I. 497 Inuishi, Y. 258 Mauring, T. H. 690 Iturbe, E. B. 346 Mazurenko, Yu. T. 227

McClure, D. S. 598 Jaccard, C. 582 McGlynn, S. P. 399 Jac(!uier, B. 530 Mehrkam, L. 628 Jaek, I. 606 Meyer, E. G. 297 Jagarov, B. M. 196 Mikhailin, V. 269 Jakowetz, w. 444 Miller, E. A. 426 Janic, I. 213 Millers, D. 621 Janin, J. 530 Minafra, A. 449 Jenni, O. 206 Mitchell, B. 598

Mitrofanova, N. V. 668 Kabler, M. N. 171 Miyakawa, T. 394 Kalder, K. 162 Morgenshtern, Z. L. 524 Kalnin, R. A. 682 Morigaki, K. 144 Kalnin, Y. H. 616 Muller, D. 98 Kaminski, J. 373 Murray, R. B. 575 Kanders, U. 621 Karapetyan, G. O. 92 Nagly, L. E. 682 Kawski, A. 373 Nagornii, A. 621 Kazanskii, S. A. 553 Nakamura, A. 144 Khan-Magometova, Sh. D. 115 Natadze, A. L. 553 Khilko, G. I. 553 Neporent, B. S. 31 Khomenko, V. S. 362 Neporent, I. B. 188 Kimura, H. 245 Neustruev, V. B. 524 Kink, M. 606 Nickel, B. 297 Kink, R. 162 Nikitine, s. 4 Klochkov, V. P. 181 Noblanc, J. P. 262 KClbler, U. 379 Komiya, H. 245 Objedkov, V. P. 682

Page 17: LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS978-1-4684-2043-2/1.pdf · LUMINESCENCE OF CRYSTALS, MOLECULES, AND SOLUTIONS Proceedings of the International Conference on Luminescence


Onton, A. 431 Shionoya, Sh. 104 Osipian, Yu. A. 467 Shirafuji, J. 258 Osminin, V. 606 Shpak, M. T. 282 Ostapenko, N. I. 282 Sinyavskii, E. P. 131 Ovsyankin, V. v. 64 Sommerdijk, J. L. 86 Ozerov, Yu V. 239 Soovik, T. 162

Stade, J. 518 Pacesova, S. 508 Steinman, E. A. 467 Panasjuk, E. I. 239 Sugakov, V. I. 282 Pankove, J. I. 426 Sveshnikova, E. B. 188 Paracchini, C. 590 Pastrnak, J. 508 Tachin, V. S. 332 Paus, H. J. 478 Taguchi, T. 258 Pedrini, C. 530 Tale, I. 621 Perlin, E. Yu. 131 Tehver, I. 489 Permogorov, S. 455 Timofeev, Yu. P. 668 Pilkuhn, M. 444 Tkachuk, A. M. 413 Pill off , H. S. 201 Todua, P. A. 239 Plyavin, 1. K. 682 Topa, V. 497 Puko, R. A. 362 Toryu, T. 685

Travnikov, V. 455 Rashba, E. I. 408 Trlifaj, M. 149 Rauch, R. 502 Tschanz, H. P. 206 Razvina, T. I. 362 Rebane, K. K. 690 Uchida, K. 245 Riehl, N. 660 Rizzo, A. 449 Vale, G. K. 682 Rock, T. J. 575 Van der Pas, M. 612 Rogachev, A. A. 20 VasiJ!chenko, E. 162 Rosa, J. 508 Vassil'ev, R. F. 354 Rosman, I. M. 324 Velicescu, B. 497 Ruedin, Y. 582 Vogel, F. 289 RUhle, A. 444 Ryskin, A. I. 553 Weller, A. 219

Williams, F. 628 Saari, P. M. 690 Winer, S. A. A. 473 Sadlej, N. 314 Witzke, H. 598 Saito, H. 104 Sakamoto, H. 685 Yamada, H. 685 Shchaenko, V. V. 668 Schanda, J. 508 Zachariasse, K. 219 Schnegg, P. A. 582 Zacks, E. 419 Schvarts, K. K. 616 Zakharchenya, B. P. 564 Schwotrev, G. 638 Zazubovi ch, s. 606 Selkin, A. 455 Zinsli, P. E. 206 Serikov, A. A. 275 Zolin, V. F. 514 Sharnoff, M. 346 Zubkova, V. S. 92 Sheck, Yu. B. 367