Luther Lesson Plan

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Name: Emma Forsberg Class/Subject:Central High School, World History Date: October 27, 2011

Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: 1. Students will draw conclusions about the Reformation by analyzing the 95 Theses Rap and participating in a group discussion. Content Standards: 16.D.4 (W) Identify significant events and developments since 1500 that altered world social history in ways that persist today including colonization, Protestant Reformation, industrialization, the rise of technology and human rights movements. Materials/Resources/Technology: PowerPoint Copies for each student of lyrics and discussion questions from the video Teachers Goals: 1. Students will be able to discuss the significance of Martin Luther, and how he dramatically changed how people viewed religion.

Time: 25 minutes 2 minutes 2 minutes Start of Class: Ask them what they learned about him from their computer lab activity yesterday. Introduction of Lesson:Teacher will explain how this entire unit on the Middle Ages has been leading up to this key figure, Martin Luther.

5 minutes

Lesson Instruction: PowerPoint- The Reformation: Martin Luter Slide 1: Need for Reform - Corruption. Popes were more concerned with money and Italian politics than with their spiritual duties. - Sale of Indulgences- release from all or part of the punishment for sin. - Johann Tetzel was the monk most famous for the corrupt sale of indulgences Slide 2: The Beginning: Christian Humanism - Stressed ideas of living good lives on a daily basis-- not on being saved. - Desiderius Erasmus: most famous Christian Humanist of the time. - Wanted reform within the Catholic church, not to break away from it. - "Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched" Slide 3: Luthers Ninety Five Theses - October 31, 1517 - Martin Luther, a monk and professor was very upset at the sale of indulgences and other wrongdoings of the Catholic Church. - Wrote and posted his Ninety-Five Theses (or complaints) against the Church. - Thousands of copies were made and these theses spread throughout Germany. Slide 4: Spread of Lutheranism -Justification by faith alone people are not saved through good works, only through their faith in God. -Bible is the ONLY source of religious truth -Edict of Worms made Martin Luther an outlaw in the Holy Roman Empire, and he was excommunicated in 1521. Slide 5: Peace of Augsburg 1555 - Accepts the division of Christianity in Germany - German states were now allowed to choose whether they were to be Lutheran or Catholic. - Can anyone think of potential problems with this agreement?

15 minutes

Assessments/Checks for Understanding: After watching the video and reading the lyrics to themselves, the teacher will help facilitate the following discussion. 95 Theses Rap discussion questions 1. What was Luthers famous speech at the Diet of Worms? What did he say to the Diet? What was his reasoning behind his decision? 2. What was the name of the German prince who sheltered Luther? What did he do while he was in hiding? Why did he do this? 3. Why did Luther think the clergy should be allowed to marry? 4. Did Luther do anything else with the 95 theses? (Did he only nail them to a door?) 5. Why would the author of the rap mention anti-Semitism in the rap? 6. What was decided at the Augsburg Confession? 7. What did Phillip of Hesse do? What was his reason? 8. What do the following phrases mean? We dont like this part, so well just add a little twist. Now we Anglican, Amish, and even Calvinist. I gave you the power, you gone and abused it. I gave you Gods truth, you just confused it. 9. What did Gutenberg invent? What role did it play in the Reformation?

1 minute

Closure/Wrap-Up/Review: So today we learned about the beginning of the Protestant Reformation and the man who was responsible for setting it in motion-- Martin Luther. This however, as the is only the beginning of a large wave of religious reform that was to come over the next century. Over the next week you will learn about all of the other major religious changes that came about at this time. Self-Assessment: