specializing in a L u x u r y lifestyle 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga

Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

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Page 1: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

specializing in a Luxury lifestyle

1373 GLENWOOD DRIVEMineola West – Mississauga

Page 2: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

An Elegant Presentation

WWe l come to t h i s exqu i s i t e cu s tom bu i l t home ne s t l ed i none o f Mi s s i s s auga ’s p r e s t i g ious ne ighbo rhoods , Mineo l aWes t ! Th i s r e s i dence i s a po r t r a i t o f con t empora ry l uxu rya nd s o ph i s t i c a t e d c h a rm b o a s t i n g o v e r 8 3 00 s q f t . o ff i n i shed l i v ing space and ba semen t w i th 5+1 bed rooms , 7ba th rooms , a r e f i ned e l eva to r and an a t t a ched 3 - ca r ga r age .

Beyond a s t r i k ing ly e l egan t f oye r, t he ma in f l oo r f e a tu r e sp r i s t i n e h a r dwood f l o o r s t h r o u ghou t a n d f l ow s i n t o aluxu r ious l i v ing room pos se s s ing a beau t i f u l f i r ep l ace w i ths tone ca s t su r round , cu s tom c rown mou ld ings w i th po t l i gh t sand a F r ench doo r wa lkou t t o t he f ron t po rch . The fo rma ld i n i n g r o om f e a t u r e s c o f f e r e d c e i l i n g s w i t h p o t l i g h t sconnec t i ng t o a g r ea t s e rve r r oom wi th marb l e coun t e r sa long w i th a wa lk - i n pan t ry and a s econda ry F rench doo rwa lkou t t o t he f ron t po rch w i th v i ews o f t he su r round ingn e i g hbo r hood . Hone y ou r c h e f ’s s k i l l s i n t h e g ou rme tk i t chen equ ipped w i th h igh end s t a i n l e s s s t e e l app l i ance s ,ove r s i z ed marb l e c en t e r i s l and and coun t e r s comb ined w i tha b r eak fa s t a r ea and a wa lkou t t o a spec t acu l a r t e r r aceth rough doub l e F r ench doo r s . Exposed t o t he f ami ly roomwi th vau l t ed ce i l i ngs , po t l i gh t s , a s t unn ing f i r ep l ace w i thcu s t om bu i l t - i n s he l v i ng and ove r s i z ed a r ched w indowsove r look ing t he s e r ene backya rd , i t i s t he u l t ima t e p l ace fo ren t e r t a i n ing .

Th e s e c o nd l e v e l w e l c ome s y o u w i t h a g o rg e ou s o a ks t a i r ca se comple t e w i th wrough t i r on r a i l i ngs . H igh l i gh t i ng5 bed rooms each equ ipped w i th i t ’s own ensu i t e ba th w i thamp le c lo se t space and l a rge w indows . The mas t e r su i t eexudes a g r and doub l e doo r en t ry w i th a l ove ly foye r,v au l t e d c e i l i n g s w i t h a s ky l i gh t , h i s a nd h e r s wa l k - i nc l o s e t s , a nd an imp r e s s i v e 6 - p i e c e en su i t e w i t h h e a t edmarb l e t i l e f l oo r s , i nc lud ing an enc lo sed wa t e r c l o se t . I t i st he pe r f ec t spa -wor thy p l ace t o r e l ax a t t he end o f t he day !

Th e l owe r l e v e l d o e s n o t d i s a p po i n t w i t h t h o ugh t f u lf ea tu r e s t ha t i nc ludes an open concep t l ayou t o f f e r i ng ar ec r ea t i on room wi th a f i r ep l ace , open t o a l a rge we t ba rw i th marb l e coun t e r s , hea t ed po rce l a in f l oo r s and cus tomcab ine t ry. Comple t e w i th a games room inc ludes bu i l t - i nspeake r s and po t l i gh t s , oak w ine ce l l a r, exe r c i s e r oom wi tha wa lkou t t o pa t i o and a wa lk -up t o backya rd , a d ry ceda rsauna p lu s a 6 th bed room wi th a doub l e doo r c l o se t and 2add i t i ona l 3 -p i e ce ba th rooms . The expans ive space w i l len t i c e you t o l e ave t he o rd ina ry beh ind !

A privileged lifestyle awaits

Con t emporary | Luxur i ou s | Exqu i s i t e

Page 3: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

IImmerse yourself in luxury upon enter ingthis breathtaking home through the oversizedcustom front door into the elegant two s toreyfoyer with crown mouldings and porcelainf loors .

ArchitecturalExcel lence


Page 4: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

InspiringInspiringFormal Living Room | Crown Moulding | Potlights | Gas Fireplace With Stone Cast Surround | French Door Walk-Out To Front Porch | Office | French Door Entrance | Built-In Shelving |Wall-To-Wall Windows | Vaulted Ceiling | Formal Dining Room | Coffered Ceiling | Potlights | French Door Walk-Out To Front Porch | Hardwood Floors

D e s i g n

Page 5: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

TT h i s soph i s t i ca t ed f ami ly room i s t hepe r fec t p l ace to r e l ax wi th the f ami ly.Featur ing custom bui l t - in shelving, a s tone castgas f i r ep lace , po t l i gh t s , vau l t ed ce i l i ng ,ove r s i zed a rched windows ove r look ingbackyard, and hardwood f loor. The mud room isa beaut i ful ut i l i ty space with walk- in c loset ,bui l t - in organizers and custom cabinetry.

ElegantElegantPresentat ion

Page 6: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

CulinaryCulinaryOpen Concept | Oversized Centre Island With Built-In Sink | Marble Counters | Breakfast Bar | Glass Subway Tile Backsplash | Crown Moulding | Potlights | Undermount Lighting | High-End Stainless SteelAppliances | Hardwood Floor | Breakfast Area Combined With Kitchen | Custom Built-In Accent Cabinets With Glass Doors | Oversized Double French Door Walk-Out To Terrace | Open To Family Room

D e l i g h t s

Page 7: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

BB r ight and spacious, this master bedroomsur rounds you wi th luxur ious comfor t s .Featur ing a double door entry, his and her ’swalk- in c loset with custom bui l t - in organizers ,vau l t ed ce i l i ng , c rown mou ld ings , ove r s i zeda rched window ove r look ing backya rd , andhardwood f loor. The 6-piece master ensui te is ofthe f inest qual i ty with many high-end features .


Page 8: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

SweetSweetSecond Bed room | Wa lk - I n C lo s e t | Bu i l t - I n O rgan i z e r s | Ha rdwood F loo r | 5 -P i e ce Jack -and - J i l l Semi -Ensu i t e Wi th Gran i t e Doub le Van i t y Wi th Two S inks | Third Bedroom |Two Double Door Close t | Large Dormer Window Over look ing Fron t Yard | Hardwood F loor | Access To Jack-And-J i l l Semi-Ensu i te

S e r e n i t y

Page 9: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

TThe fourth and f i f th bedrooms are warm andcomfort ing spaces with two connected doubledoor c lose t s and l a rge a rched windowsover looking the f ront yard . Each sumptuousbedroom has a 3 -p iece ensu i te wi th marb levani ty, shower, and porcelain f loor.


Page 10: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

DistinctiveDistinctiveRecreat ion Room | Open Concept | Large Windows | Pot l ights | Gas Fi replace | Berber Floor | Wet Bar | Grani te Counter With Raised Bar Top | Bar Sink | S ta in less Steel WineCooler | Heated Porcela in Floor | Cedar Wine Cel lar

L i v i n g

Page 11: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

TThe s izeable lower level is br ight and airywi th exce rc i se room fea tu r ing ex t r a - l a rgewindows overlooking the backyard, a walk-outto pat io with walk-up to backyard, and a doubleFrench door entry. The open concept game roomfeatures bui l t - in speakers , and the cedar winece l la r. The impress ive la rge cedar sauna bySaunaFin is the perfect place to re lax af ter aworkout .

OutstandingOutstandingQ u a l i t y

Page 12: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

BackyardBackyardLarge Covered Rear Terrace | Gas Barbecue Hookup | Wrought Iron Railings | Professionally Landscaped Yard | Inground Irrigation System | Walk-Up From Lower Level | Mature Trees

Z e n

Page 13: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s
Page 14: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

A W o n d e r f u l P l a c e T o L i v e !

LocalityLocalityMM ississauga is a newer, vibrant community, formed in 1974 and recognized asCanada’s 6th largest and fastest growing major City having a population of 707,000 with14,000 new residents per year. Home to 53,000 businesses, great schools and a completerange of family activities. Recognized as one of the safest Cities in Canada for 7 years ina row, debt free with over $800 million in reserves. Diversity and innate beauty makesMississauga a preferred destination.

GGet outside and explore Mississauga’s quaint historic Villages and more than 481parks and woodlands with serene, tranquil settings, constantly changing with the seasons,or watch the salmon migration on Credit River. Catch a glimpse of wildlife while strollingalong 280 miles of waterfront trails stretching across the shores of Lake Ontario fromEtobicoke Creek to the Oakville border.

IInspire yourself with Mississauga’s world class art and theatre at the Living ArtsCentre, rich with arts, culture and heritage. Or visit bustling Credit Village & LakefrontMarinas. Both first rate facilities becoming a boaters haven. Mississauga has somethingto offer everyone. If shopping is your desire, Square One is one of Ontario’s largestshopping malls. Or shop at one of the wide selection of unique Boutiques, for thosesavvy Mississauga residents.

Page 15: Luxury lifestyle - Peter Papousek · 1373 GLENWOOD DRIVE Mineola West – Mississauga. An Elegant Presentation W elcome to this exquisite custom built home nestled in one of Mississauga’s

www.ThePapousekTeam.com www.ThePapousekTeam.com ll [email protected]@ThePapousekTeam.com

Not intended to solicit other REALTORS® active listings or buyers under contract.

Peter PapousekPeter Papousek & Kathryn Stewart& Kathryn StewartSales Representative Sales Representative

Peter Philip PapousekPeter Philip PapousekSales Representative

125 Lakeshore Road EastMississauga, ON L5G 1E3Office 905-278-3500

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