Luyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation Plan January 2010 Revised November 2010 Pursuant to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner's Policy CP-29, Environmental Justice and Permitting Astoria Generating Company, L.P. USPOWERGEN 505 5th Avenue New York, NY 10017

Luyster Creek Energy Project - New York State Department ... · the LCEP is at the AGS Fuel Oil Tank Farm ... reduction of interference with existing operations, and ... Luyster Creek

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Luyster Creek Energy ProjectPublic Participation Plan

January 2010Revised November 2010

Pursuant to theNew York State Department of Environmental ConservationCommissioner's Policy CP-29, Environmental Justice and Permitting

Astoria Generating Company, L.P.

USPOWERGEN505 5th AvenueNew York, NY 10017


I. Project Description

The Astoria Generating Company, L.P. (AGC), a USPowerGen (U5PG) Company, is proposing to update

the Astoria Generating Station (AGS) with the addition of approximately 500 to 750 megawatts (MW) of

new, cleaner, state-of-the-art, combined cycle, electric generation while reducing the actual netemissions of the entire facility (inclusive of the new equipment). Emissions reductions will be done byimplementing enforceable permit limits at the existing AGS. As currently envisioned, depending onmarket conditions, the Project may be constructed in two phases of 250 to 375 MW or a single phase of

500 to 750MW.


The existing AGS units are located on approximately 17 acres at 18-01 20th Avenue in Astoria, Queens

New York. They consist of three dual fueled (natural gas and No.6 oil) units, one natural gas unit, and a

small emergency combustion turbine with a total capacity of approximately 1,300 MW. The location of

the LCEP is at the AGS Fuel Oil Tank Farm (FOTF) on an adjacent parcel of approximately 12 acres that is

1,600 feet to the northeast of the existing units. The new combined cycle unit(s) would occupy

approximately 7.5 acres on this parcel. A new above ground fuel oil tank would also be constructed on

the fuel oil storage depot parcel for the storage of ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD). Currently there is

approximately 8 million gallons of No.6 oil storage at this site in four tanks for the existing boilers at

AGS. Fuel is currently delivered by barge to the tanks from the adjacent A-I0 dock. The existing AGS

units are currently utifized to meet electric demand and maintain the electric grid stability. The new LCEP

will cause the older AGS units, as well as other less efficient plants in New York City, to run less while

allowing the newer, cleaner units to meet the continually growing electric demand within the City.

AGC believes that a coordinated improvement of the AGS by the addition of new cleaner technology is

the most beneficial way to plan for the increasing load requirements of the City and the eventual

retirement of older generating units, while reducing the environmental impacts of the existing units and

other displaced facilities. Therefore, operation of the LCEP will result in significant environmental benefits

and improve system reliability. The Project will also advance and is consistent with the goals set forth in

the Draft State Energy Plan with respect to assuring system reliability, replacement of older capacity,

greenhouse gas reductions, reduced electric costs and environmental improvements.

AGC evaluated several improvement opportunities including enhancing or replacing the existing

equipment to achieve the goals of increased capacity with decreased environmental effects. In fact, a

repowering of the facility was permitted under the Article X process in 2003. When USPG acquired AGe,

it performed a technical and commercial review of the approved repowering project and determined that

it was uneconomic to build the Project as proposed by the previous owners. AGC then commissioned an

engineering firm to evaluate the feasibility of locating additional capacity close by the existing AGS units

in a systematic phased approach to eliminate the features that made the approved project infeasible.

Potential areas for new equipment were identified. Layouts of the maximum capacity that could fit on the

locations were determined. The primary items that were to be optimized in a modified project were the

avoidance of potential aquatic impacts, reduction of interference with existing operations, and

minimization of other environmental concerns such as visual impact and water use. Ultimately, however,

it was determined that a modified project close by the existing AGS units could not avoid interfering with

existing utility infrastructure and would still require significant remediation and demolition. During

demolition and construction activities, existing AGS units would have to be taken off line for substantial

USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participotion Pion

January 20 I0

periods, with the resultant loss of revenue. In addition, a modified project was thought to be asignificant enough departure from the approved project that a new permitting process would have to be

started. These conditions resulted in the inability to develop an economic project in the same footprint

approved for the project.

Once it was clear that an economic option was not viable dose by the existing AGS units, AGe lookedmore broadly to determine if a project could be developed in another location that avoided thefundamental issues that were detrimental to development at the original location. That led to theadjacent AGS FOTF. This site is currently in use for oil storage and houses several retired above ground

storage tanks. Use of this site for the LCEP avoids removal of existing generation during the construction

period, reduces the demolition and remediation costs compared to the original concepts and allows for a

two phased build out if the market dictates.

As a result of the AGC evaluation, the following Project parameters have been determined:

1. The optimum location is FOTF parcel northeast of the existing AGS units.

2. Use of Siemens SCC6-S000F, GE Frame 7, or Mitsubishi SOlG combustion turbines in either a lx1 or

2X1 configuration, based on market conditions, with air cooled condensers and the lowest stack

heights possible to achieve ambient air quality standards.

see attached Figures 1 and 2.


New York City requires a significant amount of generation be located in the City for system reliability. The

existing AGS units are older, tess effident units that are used for reliability and high load days.

Displacement of the older units with new higher efficiency units will provide a tremendous environmental

benefit. In addition to the environmental benefit, the cost of production of electricity would be reduced

due to the higher efficiency of the new unit(s). Load profiles and existing capacity resources in the City

require that NYC have additional qUick start and intermediate load generation capability to meet demand.

The LCEP will be designed to start up and shut down quickly and have greater operational flexibility than

the standard combined cycle facilities currently installed in the Oty. This flexibility will reduce emissions

during startup and allow the LCEP to be shut down if there are more economical sources rather than

operate during uneconomic periods.

The LCEP consists of two distinct components: the installation of new combined cycle combustion

turbine(s) and an emissions reduction strategy for the existing AGS. The improvement will be built on the

FOTF parcel adjacent to the existing AGS within an area zoned for heavy manufactUring (industrial) use

(M3-1). The new combustion turbines will be dual fuel-capable and bum natural gas as a primary fuel

and ULSD as backup fuel to be used for up to approximately 30 days annually which will require the

addition of a new oil storage tank.

Installation of the new units is being approached in a phased manner. Phase 1 will consist of the

installation of a single new 250 to 375 MW combined cycle unit to be operational to meet the anticipated

need for capacity in 2014. The potential emissions from this unit will be offset by the retirement of

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January 2010

existing Unit 2 and an enforceable permit limitation on the remaining units (3, 4, and/or 5) effective upon

commercial operation of the new unit. The reductions from the existing units plus the potential emission

from the new unit will result in an overall net reduction of emissions. Phase 2 would include the addition

of a second, new 250 to 375 MW combined cycle unit or another combustion turbine to operate with the

phase 1 combined cycle unit, enforceable permit limitation on the remaining existing unit (3, 4, and/or 5)

and/or shut down of another unit effective upon commercial operation of the new unit. The reductions

and/or retirement of Unit 5, plus the emissions from the second new unit will result in an overall net


Market conditions may dictate that the amount of new capacity required in the timeframe, could require

the entire 500 to 750 MW be build as one phase, In this case, one 500 to 750 MW combined cycle unit

would be constructed. Effective upon commercial operation of the new unit, Unit 2 would be retired and

enforceable permit limits and/or retirement of the remaining existing units would be completed such that

the potential emissions from the new unit and remaining existing units will result in an overall net


All of Queens County, NY, including the AGS, is located in a nonattainment area for ozone (03) and

particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.s). The United States Environmental Protection

Agency defines nonattainment areas as regions in which air pollution levels persistently exceed National

Ambient Air Quality Standards. The LCEP will not trigger review under Prevention of Significant

Deterioration or Nonattainment New Source Review regulations because AGC will commit to enforceable

permit restrictions that limit new emissions to levels below significant increase thresholds.

Benefits of the Project are that it will provide additional cleaner electric generation while reducing the

actual net emissions for carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM) including

PM less than 10 microns (PM lO), particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.s), and sulfur

oxides (SOx), which is a precursor to PM2,s formation. NO.: is also a precursor to ozone formation. It will

also result in a decrease in carbon dioxide (C02), a greenhouse gas. Potential emissions resulting from

the additional generating capacity will be offset by implementing the strategies described below. These

actions will fully address community concerns and ensure that air emissions will be reduced by a

combination of methods that may include but are not limited to:

1. Use high efficiency, low emission combined cycle combustion turbines for the Project.

2, Permit caps on the total emissions from the new combined cycle equipment.

3. Permit caps on the total emissions from the existing AGS units.

4. Shut down of existing units.

5. Permit cap on sulfur content of the oil for the Project.

6. The new combined cycle unites) will employ air cooling and result in a reduction in cooling water use

by the existing AGS units,

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AGe will be electrically interconnecting into the grid via existing connections from the rnrrent units. As

such, the new unit interconnection should be easily achievable.

Though no significant adverse environmental impacts are anticipated as a result of the Project, AGe will

prepare and submit a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (OBS) in order to fully address potential

community concerns, including environmental justice issues. The DEIS will also include an alternatives


II. Other AGe Assets within the Community

Currently, AGe owns three electric generating facilities within the confines of New York City including the

AGS, the Narrows Generating Station (NGS, located In the Sunset Park area of Brooklyn), and the

Gowanus Generating Station (GGS, located in the Sunset Park area of Brooklyn). The South Pier

Improvement Project at the GGS which will add 100 MW of new efficient generation was recently

(October 21, 2009) approved and permitted by the NYSDEC. This new facility will result in a net

decrease of all air emissions in the Sunset Park area of Brooklyn, resulting in environmental

improvements to the community. The emission reduction strategy under consideration or the LCEP Is

based on the successful SPIP model.

In accordance with Commissioner Policy 29 (CP-29) of the NYSDEC, the sections that follow outline the

steps that AGe will undertake to inform the local community and the broader public about the Project and

to invite vigorous partidpation in the permitting and environmental review processes.


The existing AGS units and the lCEP are located in an area NYSDEC has identified as a Potential

Environmental Justice Area (PEJA). Therefore, AGC has reviewed the CP·29 guidelines in preparing a

proactive, enhanced program for engaging community organizations and residents in the Astoria, Queens

area. The Project location is shown below.

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January 2010

AGe recognizes that this Project takes place within a neighborhood context where priorities and plans for

future development may be established.

III. AGe Contact and Central Communication

AGe will establish a website specifically for the LeEP. The website will provide:

• Reports and analyses on the LeEP

• Preparatory materials for public briefings and meetings

• Fact sheets and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in the languages predominant in the Astoria area

of Queens

• Summary reports from public meetings

• Regular reports to NYSDEC on implementation of the Public Participation Plan

• Draft and final Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) as they are completed

• Contact information for AGe representatives

• Functionality for receiving and posting public comments on the LCEP

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For those who do not have access to the internet, documents will be placed in convenient repositories

and there will be a toll*free number set up to receive comments and questions.

On a monthly or bi·monthly basis, the schedule to be agreed upon with stakeholders, AGe will prepare

progress reports, as further discussed in Section VII below, which will summarize the outreach activities

during the previous period and respond to comments and questions collected on the website or byphone. Summary responses to major themes and issues raised on the website may be addressed, as

appropriate, at public meetings described in detail below.

The primary contact and leader of this process for AGC will be:

David PerriAstoria Generating Company, LP. a US PowerGen Company505 Fifth Avenue, 21 51 FloorNew York, N.Y. [email protected]

IV. Stakeholders

A draft set of stakeholders is attached as Appendix A. It includes those organizations listed on the

NYSDEC website as organizations active in environmental justice in Astoria; local institutions and other

organizations intended to provide wide coverage of a community that is ethnically, socially and religiously

diverse, As necessary, the list will be supplemented as the Project proceeds and will be divided into

Primary and Secondary Stakeholders, as described in NYSDEC guidance or other subgroupings as

suggested in initial meetings. Except for meeting notices which will be sent via email and US mail as

described below, each Stakeholder will be asked whether they prefer to receive materials via email or US


v. Meeting Postings and Notifications Relative to Permitting Process

For distribution of information about public meetings as well as background and follow~up

documentation, AGC will follow the procedures outlined below.


Meetings will be announced at least three weeks in advance via email and US mail to the stakeholder

list and postings on the AGe website. Public notice of the meetings will also be given in appropriate

local weekly newspapers and one daily newspaper of general circulation.


Meetings will be scheduled for weekday nights that do not coincide with major religious or secular

holidays, after working hours, generally during the period between 6:00 and 9:00 pm, unless

otherwise determined as a result of discussion with stakeholders.

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January 2010


AGe will work with stakeholders to select a location optimally suited for community participation.


Translation into Greek and Spanish and other languages if necessary, will be available at meetings

upon request. At stakeholders request, AGe will arrange for a briefing on the DEIS in one of these

two predominant non-English languages.

Basic meeting materials - fact sheets, FAQs and meeting announcements - will be produced and

distributed in predominant local languages.

Preparatory Materials

Background materials prepared for public meetings will be mailed to the stakeholder list via email or

US mail, as preferred, at least a week in advance of the meeting in question and posted on the AGC

website. For the first briefing and subsequent public meeting, these materials will include:

• A brochure and FAQ explaining the LCEP

• A permitting schedule

• An explanation of the Public Participation process

The DEIS will be released before the second public meeting (see schedule below).

As necessary, AGC may also include responses to specific inquiries or concerns that have arisen in

postings on the website or by phone.

Summary and FoIIQw~Up Information

A transcript in English of the proceedings at each public meeting will be prepared and posted on the

AGC website.

Following public meetings, a set of follow-up documents will be mailed to those participants who sign

in via e-mail or US mail, as preferred by the participant, and posted on the AGC website. These

documents, which may be made part of the next scheduled progress report as reqUired in Section VII

below, will include:

• A meeting summary and/or minutes

• Responses to specific issues or concerns raised during the meetings

• Updates on AGe's work and on the public outreach process

Reminders and/or revisions to the meeting schedule, time or location

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VI. Public Briefings and Dialogues

The meetings described below capture only the more structured elements of Public Participation. AGe

anticipates a dynamic process that will indude additional meetings as circumstances dictate, thedevelopment of working groups for specific tasks if necessary, and informal meetings with individual

stakeholders or 5ubgroupings of community representatives. AGe's primary representative will stand

ready to respond to questions and concerns on an ongoing basis. To the maximum extent, formal and

informal engagement with the community will be documented and included in reporting.

1. Formal Briefing Prior to State Environmental Quality Review (SERR) Scoping Meeting

Date - To be Determined

AGe will hold a formal briefing on its plans for the LCEP with elected officials and key Stakeholders

with a role in protecting the local environment. Participants will be asked to review and comment on

the draft list of Stakeholders (Appendix A) and on the public outreach process proposed in this

document. 1he further meetings below represent major milestones in the SEQR process.

Partidpants in this initial briefing will be asked to consider whether any additional forum or

representative working group would be helpful. The outreach process wilt be updated based upon

their comments.

In addition, stakeholders will be invited to tour the Project site for a direct experience of the existing

AGS units and the location and impact of the state of the art generators.

2. Public Meeting 1; SEaR 5copjng Process

Date - To be Determined

Representatives of AGC will present in detail the plans for the LCEP and outline the anticipated

impacts on local energy systems and the environment. They will also review in detail the SEQR

process and the permitting schedule. The meeting will provide an opportunity for community

organizations to discuss impacts of the lCEP on their constituents among the diverse array of

Astoria's religious, social and ethnic groups. The SEQR scoping process establishes the

environmental issues that the DEIS will focus on, the methodology to be used, and the parameters

for study of alternatives and mitigation strategies. While the lead agency will circulate the scope for

public comment, this first public meeting will provide a formal vehicle for discussion and gathering of

public input that will shape the scope of the EIS.

Stakeholders will also to comment on AGe's plans for further public outreach. Following the meeting,

the outreach plan will be revised to reflect stakeholder input. Once finalized, the final DEIS scope will

be drculated to Stakeholders. AGC may invite the key stakeholders to play an active role in later

public outreach meetings.

A draft scope will be circulated in advance of the public meeting as discussed in section IV above.

3. public Meeting 2: Draft EIS

Date - To be Determined

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AGe will hold a meeting to discuss the results of the DEIS for the lCEP, The DEIS will be shared in

advance of the meeting, as well as fact sheets translated into predominant neighborhood languages

conveying the results in summary form.

At the meeting representatives of AGe will give a presentation that conveys the results of the DEIS in

a concise format. Participating stakeholders will be divided into break-out groups for facilitated small

group discussion. At the end of the meeting, output from small discussion groups will be shared in

summary form with the full assembly of participants.

As discussed above, each of these meetings may be preceded or followed by additional informal meetings

with key stakeholders in person and via teleconference. These outreach efforts will be documented and

included in reporting.

VII. Document Repositories

Full documentation, covering every public document produced for the LCEP and transcripts of pubHc

briefings, will be stored at the public libraries located the Queens Borough Public Library, 89-11 Merrick

Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11432 and the Queens Borough Branch Library Astoria Branch, 14-01 Astoria

Boulevard, Long Island City, NY 11101. The same materials will be made available on the AGC website

(www.USPowerGen.com). Stakeholders, as well as other interested parties, will be encouraged to store

in the same locations any documents they produce pertaining to the permitting of the LCEP so that the

repositories include documentation of the full public dialogue.

VIII. Progress Reports

AGC anticipates written updates to the Lead Agency monthly or bi-monthly. The reports will include any

public documents produced during the previous period, transcripts of any formal public meetings,

descriptions of other outreach activities, and any other work completed in the permitting process. The

progress reports without the bulky attachments will be mailed to stakeholders via email or US mail, as

preferred. The progress reports with all attachments will be posted on the AGC website and placed in the


IX. Final Report

Upon receipt of the permit, AGC will prepare a final report on public participation in the permitting

process with the full record of documents produced for the process and transcripts of meetings included

as appendices. If permits are received and work proceeds on schedule, AGC anticipates completion of

this report after receipt of all permits.

A summary of the report will be mailed to the stakeholder list via email or US mail, as preferred.

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Revised November 2010

AI Gentile30th Avenue Area Merchant Association36-17 30th AvenueAstoria, NY 11103Tel: 718-956-3366 Fax: 718-278-1766

Asbestos Workers Union Local 122519 43rd AvenueLong Island aty, NY 11101Tel: 718-784-3456

Michael GianarisAssembly Member21·77 31 Street, Suite 107Astoria, NY 11105Tel: 718·545-3889 Fax: 718-545-3607

Cathy NolanAssembly Member41·02 Queens Boulevard, Suite 26Sunnyside, NY 11104Tel: 718-784-3194 Fax: 718-472-0648

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Peter IwanowiczAssistant Secretary for EnvironmentState CapitolAlbany, NY 12224Tel: 518-402-8448 E-mail: [email protected]

Astoria Homeowners, Tenants and Business Civic Association21·20 49th StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-721-3690

Astoria Islamic Center Inc.2221 33rd StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Astoria Residents Reclaiming Our World (ARROW)P.O. Box 9060Astoria, NY 11103Tel: 718·595-2829 E-mail: [email protected]

Astoria Restoration Association3128 Ditmars BoulevardAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-726-0034 Fax: 718-726·0034

uSPOW ERG ENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation PIon

January 2010

Karen OvertonAstorla/UC Waterfront Parks! Astoria UC Catalyst Coordinator35-30 35th 5treetAstoria, NY 11106Tel: 718-706·8044 E-mail: [email protected]

Bangladesh American Association for Rehabilitation in New York2363 5teinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-278-8181 Fax: 718-278-8181 E-mail: [email protected]

BFFY 5teinway Senior Center20-43 Steinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-728-8473 Fax: 718-278-5301

Blasters, Drill Runners &. Miners Local 294302 Ditmars BoulevardAstoria, NY 11105

Tom KleinBoilermakers Local No.524 Van SUcen AvenueFloral Park, NY 11001Tel: 718-895-7722 Fax: 516-326-3435

Steven LudwlgssonBoilermakers local No.524 Van Silcen AvenueFloral Park, NY 11001Tel: 516-326-2500 Fax: 516-326-3435

Bronx Community Board 13024 Third AvenueBronx, NY 10455Tel: 718-585-7117 Fax: 718-292-0558

Bronx Community Board 21029 East 163rd StreetBronx, New York 10459Tel: 718-328-9125 Fax: 718-991-4974

Catholic War Veterans of the USA Inc21 43 29th 5treetAstoria/ NY 11105

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Cement and Conaete Wor1c:ers Union local #203636 33rd StreetAstoria, NY 11106Tel: 718-361-8131

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation Plan

January 2010

Marie Tomiali, Executive DirectorCentral Astoria Local Development Corporation25-69 38th StreetAstoria, NY 11103Phone: 718·728-7820 Fax: 718·728·7413 E-mail: [email protected]

Cephalonian Association Aenos Inc23 17 29th StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-204-8491

Garry BrownChair New York Public Service Commission3 Empire State PlazaAlbany, NY 12223

Church of Christ Holy Spirit SCience of Mind World Mission Inc.2106 35th Street, Apt SFAstoria, NY 11105

Jim GennaroCity Council Member185-10 Union TurnpikeFresh Meadows, NY 11366Tel: 718-217-4969 Fax: 718-217-4968

Peter Valone Jr.City Councilman22-45 31st Street, 2nd FloorAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-274-0007 Fax: 718-274-6060

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Clean Air NY342 Broadway, Suite 404New York, NY 10013Tel: 877-458-8247 E-mail: [email protected]

Coalition Helping Organize a Kleaner Environment (CHOKE)33-60 21st StreetLong Island City, NY 11106Tel: 718-274-4767 Fax: 718-278-0919 E-mail: [email protected]

Cas HollowayCommissioner NYC Department of Environmental Protection59-17 Junction BoulevardFlushing, NY 11373Tel: 212-788-8235 Fax: 212-788-3229 E-mail: [email protected]

Communications Workers of America AFL-CIO (CWA)28 10 Astoria BoulevardLong Island City, NY 11102

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Richard M. Cherry, President and ceoCommunity Environmental Center43-10 11th 5treetlong Island City, NY 11101Tel: 718·784-1444 x 107 Fax: 718-784-8347

Luyster Creek Energy Prole,t Public Participation PIonJanuary 2010

E-mail: [email protected]

Edward BaborCongresswoman Carolyn Maloney22·11 Astoria BoulevardAstoria, NY 11102Tel: 718 932 1804 Fax: 718932 1805

Council on the Environment of NYC51 Chambers Street, Room 228New York NY 10007Tel: 212-788-7900 Fax: 212-788-7913

Jonathan SzottCouncilman Peter Vallone Jr.22-45 31st StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-274-4500 Fax: 718-726-0357

Cypreco of America Inc2350 27th 5treetAstoria, NY 11105

Tom CongdonDeputy secretary for EnergyState CapitolAlbany, NY 12224E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

Earthjustice156 William Street, Suite 800New York, NY 10038Tel: 212-791-1881 x 224 Fax: 212-918-1556

EI Diario La Prensa1 Metrotech center, 18th FloorBrooklyn, NY 11201

Excavators' 731 Property Corp (Excavators Union Local 731)3411 35th AvenueAstoria, NY 11106Tel: 718-706-0720

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January 2010

Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York Inc.2251 29th StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-204-6500 Fax: 718-204-8986

Federation of Italian-American Organizations of Queens Inc.29·21 21st AvenueAstoria, NY 11105

Free Apostolic Church of Pentecost2047 Steinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-841-9291

Giannitsa Association Megas Alexandros Inc2226 23rd StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Greater Astoria Historical Society35-20 Broadway, 4th Floorlong Island City, NY 11106Tel: 718-278-0700

Greek American Broadcasting Info & Cultural Activities Corporation20 12 20th StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Greek American Home Owners of New York Inc.23·24 31st StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Demetres BeryelesGreek Cultural Center26-80 30th StreetAstoria, NY 11102Tel: 718-726-7329 E-mail: [email protected]

Katie ElmanGreen Shores25-11 34th Street, Apt 3FAstoria, NY 11103Tel: 917-497-6273 E+mail: elmank@yahoo,com

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)158+11 Harry Van Arsdale Avenue, 4th FloorFlushing, NY 11365Tel: 718-591-4000 Fax: 718-380-8998

International Brotherhood of Teamsters3609 21st AvenueAstoria, NY 11105

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January 2010

Iron Workers Locals 40 & 36 Joint35*23 36th StreetAstoria, NY 11106Tel: 718-433-4195

Kefalos Society of America Inc.2043 Steinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-358-1133

Kid Krazy Early Childhood Development Center Annex21·3521 AvenueAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-545-5728 Fax: 718-545-5840 E-mail: [email protected]

Kiwanis International2131 Shore BoulevardAstoria, NY 11105

Marcia Bystrynleague of Conservation Voters30 Broad StreetNew York, NY 10004-2909Tel: 212-361-6350 Fax: 212-361-6363

UCIAstoria Journal69-60 Grand AvenueMaspeth, NY 11378

E-mail: [email protected]

Michael CavanaughLocal 740 Millwrights and Machinery Erectors89-07 Atlantic AvenueWoodhaven, NY 11421Tel: 718,849-3636 E-mail: mcavanaugh740@verizon,net

Local 807 Labor-Management Health Pension Funds3243 49th StreetAstoria, NY 11103Tel: 718-274-5353

Local 8913641 28th StreetLong Island City, NY 11106

Materials For The Arts33,00 Northern Boulevard, 3rd FloorLong Island City, NY 11101Tel: 718-729-3001 Fax: 718-729-3941 E-mail: info@mfta,nyc.gov

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January 2010

Dr. Robert Kulikowski, DirectorMayor's Office of Environmental Coordination2538roadway, 14th FloorNew York, NY 10007E-mail: [email protected]

Adam FreedMayor's Office of Sustainability253 Broadway, 10th FloorNew York, NY 10007Tel: 212-788-1400 Fax: 212-788-7558

Carolyn MaloneyMember of Congress28-11 Astoria BoulevardAstoria, NY 11102-1933Tel: 718-932-1804 Fax: 718-932-1805

Muslim American Society of Queens3513 23rd AvenueAstoria, NY 11105

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

National Coalition of Physicians for Healthcare Awareness Inc2202 Steinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Ashok GuptaNatural Resources Defense Council40 West 20th StreetNew York, NY 10011Tel: 212-727-2700 Fax: 212-727-1773

Jennifer PowersNatural Resources Defense Council40 West 20th StreetNew York, NY 10011Tel: 212-727-2700 Fax: 212-727-1773

New York City Asthma Partnership2 Lafayette Street, Box eN 36ANew York, NY 10007Tel: 212-513-0528 Fax: 212-676-2071

New York Daily News450 West 33rd StreetNew York, NY 10001Tel: 212-210-2100

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

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USPOWERGENlvyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation Pion

January 2010

Ross MacWhinney &. Melissa Reburiano, Project CoordinatorsNew York Public Interest Research Group (NVPIRG) Queens College ChapterCity University of New York65-30 Kissena BoulevardStudent Union Building, Room 8-22Flushing, NY 11367Tel: 718-997-3954 E-mail: [email protected]

Jason Chin-Fatt, Project CoordinatorNew York Public Interest Research Group (NVPIRG) Queensborough Community CollegeChapter222+05 56th AvenueStudent Union Building, BasementBayside, NY 11364Tel: 718-225-9121 E-mail: [email protected]

Rajendra AddepaliNew York State Department of Public Service3 Empire State PlazaAlbany, NY 12223

NY 1 News75 Ninth AvenueNew York, NY 10011Tel: 212-379-3311

NY Power Authority123 Main StreetWhite Plains, NY 10601-3170Tel: 914-287-4271 E-mail: [email protected]

John LiuNYC ComptrollerOne Centre StreetNew York, NY 10007Tel: 212~669-3500 Fax: 212-669-2707

Amanda M. Burden, DirectorNYC Department of Planning22 Reade StreetNew York, NY 10007Tel: 212-720-3200 Fax: 212-720-3219

Toby Ann StaviskyNYS Senator144-36 Willets Point BoulevardFlushing, NY 11357Tel: 718-445-0004 Fax: 718-445-8398

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

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USPOWERGENLuyster (reele Energy Project Public Participation Pion

JOl'lUory 2010

Pancyprian Association Inc2315 31st StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-278-9729

Peniel Baptist Church Inc.1954 38th StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-956-4732

Polish Navy Veterans Association of America Inc.2208 5teinway StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Mary FayePrivate Citizen311 77th StreetJackson Heights, NYE·mail: [email protected]

Bill de BlasiaPubic Advocate1 Centre Street, 15th RoorNew York, NY 10007Tel: 212-669-7200 Fax: 212-669-4701

Helen MarshallQueens Borough President120-55 Queens BoulevardKew Gardens, NY 11424Tel: 718-286-3000 Fax: 718-286-2876

Jack FriedmanQueens Chamber of Commerce7520 Astoria BoulevardFlushing, NY 11370-1131Tel: 718-898-8500 Fax: 718-898-8599

Queens ChronicleP.O. Box 74-7769Rego Pari<, NY 11374Tel: 718-205-8000

Joan Asselin, Lucille HartmannQueens Community Board 136·01 35th AvenueAstoria, NY 11106Tel: 718-786-3335 Fax: 718-786-3368

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

E-mail: [email protected]

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation PIon

January 2010

Gloria D'AmicoQueens County Clerk's office88·11 Sutphin Boulevard, 1st floorJamaica, NY 11439

Queens Courier SChneps Publications Inc38-15 Bell BoulevardBayside, NY 11361Tel: 718-224-5863 Fax: 718-224-5441 E·mai1: [email protected]

Queens Philharmonic2028 27th StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Queens Tribune174-15 Horace Harding ExpresswayFresh Meadows, NY 11365Tel: 718-357-7400

Reserve Officers Association of the United states2139 38th StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Sacred Patriarchal &. Stavropegial Orothodox Monastary of st. Irene3604 23rd AvenueAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-626-6225

James Gallagher, senior Vice President for EnergyEconomic Development Corporation110 William StreetNew York, NY 10038E-mail: [email protected]

Sons of Italy in America2037 28th StreetAstoria, NY 11105

South East Queens Concerned NeighborsP.O. Box 200600South Ozone Park, NY 11420

Roy Wilkins ParkSouthern Queens Park Association177th Street & Baisley BoulevardJamaica, NY 11434Tel: 718-276-4630 Fax: 718-276-4630 E-mail: [email protected]

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation Pion

January 2010

Springfield Rosedale CommunityP.O. Box 220265Rosedale, NY 11422Tel: 718-723-6463 Fax: 718-361-3886

St. Irene Chrysovalantou Nursery &. Kindergarten36-07 23 AvenueAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-626·6225 Fax: 718-626-7665 E-mail: [email protected]

Kim HarrimanState CapitalState CapitalAlbany, NY 12224

George OnoratoState Senator28-11 Astoria BoulevardLong Island City, NY 11102Tel: 718-545-9706 Fax: 718-726-2036

Sullogos Nomou Magnislas Argonayte ltd3811 Ditmars Boulevard 119Astoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-728-5887

E-mail: [email protected]

Sunnyside Foundation for Community Planning It. Preservation45-18 Skillman AvenueSunnyside, NY 11104Tel: 718-392-9139

Syllogos Kreton Minos Inc.2227 33rd StreetAstoria, NY 11105

The Hellenic Link Inc.38-11 Ditmars Boulevard, Suite 278Astoria, NY 11105

The Peoples Museum2227 Crescent StreetAstoria, NY 11105Tel: 718-204-7941

Times Ledger Newspapers41-02 Bell Boulevard, 2nd FloorBayside, NY 11361Tel: 718-229-0300

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public Participation Pion

January 2010

Rosemary PoveromovoUnited Community Civic Association22-32 81st StreetJackson Heights, NY 11370Tel: 718-932-5415 Fax: 718-932-9014

United Contractors Alliance21-77 31st StreetAstoria, NY 11105

United Piano Workers Union local 1022810 Astoria BoulevardLong Island City, NY 11102Tel: 718-728-1070

E-mail: [email protected]

Elizabeth YeampierreUPROSE166A 22nd StreetBrooklyn, NY 11232Tel: 718-492-9307 E-mail: [email protected]

Charles B. RangelUS House of Representatives163 West 125th Street, Room 737New York, NY 10027Tel: 212-663-3900 Fax: 212-663-4277

Charles SChumerUS senate757 Third Avenue, Room 1702New York, NY 10017Tel: 212-486-4430 Fax: 212-486-7693

Kirsten GillibrandUS Senate780 Third Avenue, Suite 2601New York, NY 10017Tel: 212-688-6262 Fax: 212-688-7444

Utility Workers Union of America5 West 37th Street, 7th FloorNew York, NY 10018Tel: 718-575-4400 Fax: 718-575-3852

E~mail: [email protected]

E~mail: [email protected]

James SlevioUWUA 1-25 West 37th StreetNew York, NY 10019Tel: 212~S7S~4400 E~mail: james.slevin@uwua1~2.org

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy ProJect Public Participation Plan

January 2010

Western Queens Gazette42-16 34th Avenuelong Island City, NY 11101Tel: 718-361-6161 Fax: 718-784-7552

Zoodohos Pighl of Andros Society Inc2119 28th StreetAstoria, NY 11105

Email Contactsj

E-mail: [email protected]

Julie Greenberg [email protected])Asbid Rapp ([email protected])Hali Canson ([email protected])David Cohen ([email protected])Eric Bergman ([email protected])John Beck ([email protected])Mark Pereria ([email protected])Matthew Cindr ([email protected])Shaun Campbell ([email protected])[email protected]@[email protected]@mail.house.gov

Lead Agency;

NYSDECKevin KispertE-mail: [email protected]

Stephen TomasikE-mail: [email protected]

Jack NascaE-mail: [email protected]

Michelle MooreE-mail: [email protected]

project Team CUSpG, Nixon Peabody, ESS Group. Inc,):

USPGDavid PerriE-mail: [email protected]

John ReeseE-mail: [email protected]

Uam BakerE-mail: [email protected]

Ralph VanacoreE-mail: [email protected]

Andy OliverE-mail: [email protected]

Barry DurhamE-mail: [email protected]

Mark SudbeyE-mail: [email protected]

Jeff HunterE-mail: [email protected]

Craig HartE-mail: [email protected]

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USPOWERGENLuyster Creek Energy Project Public PartkipOlion Plan

Januory 2010

Nixon PeabodyScott TurnerE-mail: [email protected]

ESS Group, Inc.Steve WoodE-mail: [email protected]

Additional Contactsj

Chris ReinE·mail: [email protected]

NY Building CongressDick AndersonPhone: 212·481·9230 E-mail: [email protected]

Assodation for a better NYJen HensleyPhone: 212-835-2767 E-mail: [email protected]

Deputy MayorsBob SteeleStephen Goldsmith E-mail: [email protected]

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