I I I nternational nternational nternational nternational  L  L  L  ightWorkerS  ightWorkerS  ightWorkerS  ightWorkerS  Rose Deva Attunement LightWorker™ Series Channelling and Manual by Eileen "El" Brooks Layout by Jens Søeborg

LW Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen El Brooks) 070610

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8/11/2019 LW Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen El Brooks) 070610

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IIIInternationalnternationalnternationalnternational L LL L ightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS

 Rose Deva AttunementLightWorker™ Series


Channelling and Manual by Eileen "El" BrooksLayout by Jens Søeborg

8/11/2019 LW Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen El Brooks) 070610

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 Rose Deva Attunement(LightWorker™ Series)Our LightWorker™ system house Artist, El*, has made her first attunements available for us as

 well as a couple of manuals. El* has a very different writing style, filled with a lot of light. I amsure that you will enjoy her attunements as well as her artwork (painting & photo). Theattunements are placed as a part of the …

LightWorker™ Miscellaneous Attunements Abundantia Demeter Empowerment (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Advent Attunement (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series) Angelic Pink Rose Empowerment (Andrew Brocklebank) (LightWorker™ Series) Angels of the Heart Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series)Breathe of Bliss (Andrea "Aridanne" Fetsko) (LightWorker™ Series)Brighid Empowerment (Nan Fahey & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)Candlemass Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)Epiphani Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)Galactic Center Energy Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)Ganesha Triple Empowerment (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)

Gilgamesh Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)Golden Heart of Usui (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)Flower of Scotland (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)Fusion Reiki (Rev. Dr. Jason Storm) (LightWorker™ Series)Hands of Jesus Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)Lai Life Elixir Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)Lakshmi Empowerment (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)Magic Touch of Reiki (Roger T. Hill) (LightWorker™ Series)Milky Way Home Galaxy Empowerment (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)Protective Healing Symbol (Melanie “Shivanie” Pfetzinger) (LightWorker™ Series)Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)

Seven Ray Attunements (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)Spiritual Transmission Attunements 1-3 (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ SeriesUsui Precepts Empowerment (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)

 Valentines Day Empowerments (Andrea Fetsko & Nan Fahey) (LightWorker™ Series) Yule Reiki (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series)Zenos Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series)

 DELAROSA - The Rose Deva  This Powerful Deva has come through for you to know that there is incredible Love and Healing

available to you....This Love and Healing may come in a myriad of ways....

Through nature we are given sustenance on innumerable levels....Go out into Nature...theMother...The Great and Sacred Feminine...(yin)...enjoy the warmth of the sun (yang) feel theseopposite and complimentary forces as they work together to bring you healing and grace....Givethanks for the eternal now that we are blessed to live in...Relax and use your imagination to playand make the perfect life for yourself....Dwelling on things we do not want, only brings them tous....think of what you Love and would Love to have in your life....Be totally honest in this for

 yourself....Be mindful of your thoughts...be easy and kind with yourself....you are starting out ona new adventure...the rest of your life....

Roses are one of the Great Angelic Blooms...the sacred geometry and the power of the beauty oftheir scent and colour holds many universal messages for us....Flower readers are able to tellmuch from the condition of the flowers being read....from their vibrational tone...and thegeometry of their form....Look into the next rose that comes to you....inhale deeply.....the sacred

8/11/2019 LW Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen El Brooks) 070610

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/lw-rose-deva-attunement-eileen-el-brooks-070610 3/3

oil of the rose is taken into the lungs...the organs that hold the emotion of grief, in the physical body.....This oil brings with it the healing of the Angels....peace, calm, and opening of the HeartChakra....the centre where the emotions are processed in the physical and where love and

 wisdom come forth from it’s higher chaimber components...

Pelaidian in origin...the Rose brings with it a grace and manner that goes beyond the earthplane....and manifests itself within the physical body of the earth itself.....As we heal

ourselves...we are indeed healing our planet...and with this comes much consciousness....andthe Spirit of the planet...Gaia...is blessed....This has a ripple effect for us....blessing us and givingus insights into ourselves and others for our highest good....

Bring Roses into your life....in any way you see fit....Some suggestions from Rose Deva....Plant roses....take particular note of variety (geometries)colour, names....Make a point to learn about roses....use the petals for potpourri....teas....sleeppillows.....make use of the flower’s water and make your own mother tinctures from petals andspring water....flower remedy....The essential oil is usually bought mixed in 3% rose to 97% baseoil.....it is extremely precious and takes volumes of petals to make this tiny amount.....Qualityfragrant oil may be used for scenting with good intent...this is not used for healing

however....Rose compliments Jasmine and Neroli essential oils...these oils are all Angelic inattraction.....

 You are a kind and compassionate being...and we, the Rose Kingdom...send our representativeto you to let you know your higher aspects of being...your love of plants and animals....yourlistening capabilities and empathy....your grace and loving touch , is well noted andappreciated....We ask that you use all these skills in self healing....this will be the best way ofloving yourself...and in this sacred duty....You are working in service to the Highest Good of


I AM DELAROSA.....the Angel within the Rose....*