liftfIlK^'-S; tt w;e;n,tyke I gfrt : v Mia»?•.'• , - w ^' u -'' • • : ; ^—-— ;,\i THE , NIAGARA FALLS GAZETTE Thursday, January 0,, !.i?-U5- 1$ OS 31 : > lit as ? r- •7 .1 . '; *• * -- fci 1 r-. M si- - i. • : s . % I kMftW^-ia ML «. M»O'»,b0ib*W. Jaa- stn i, l»4$. Franel*. el .336. - Bixth /Itmi. Inubwtf ol JuMgeL lather .ol * Bridget TVfiirr iCttbtrtnt. FiMea Winifred and Mrs. John H- De Leaf. all ol thl* tlty. Al*o Patrick Conltn ol Seattle. WashlixitotLj'toerel Irom the * Qulnn * Rewdoa Funeral Horn*. 3*0 Fourth street FrfdV.January , ! " 9:43 aj*U »t the SL Herr** of the Cata- ract Church at 10:0» a.m. • InUrmtnt lo ' the Oat* el Heaven tcnutery. COT*—la iES city, *udd*nlr, Tut*d*y. JST™ It* afirgeret «. ,cylp p l«?t Whirlpool 8U wll€ oX th* 1*U Kg In C.J nUu>«roI Mr*. Fred R. SehulU of Ren- eemvWe. H. Y., end Prank S. Howarth -of Detroit Mieh-J oUtir ol Oeort* Cad- waTlader ol thla city. J-our grandehU- dren alio survive. Fun*rel **rrteti from the,Bell Funeral Chapel. Main •»• . Friday. Jta- 1th..at 1:10 P.m. R«T. J. troxdette Chirle* offlciatta*. Interment In Oakwood cemetery. ' raTRKR—Lola L. at Ix*kport City Hoa- PJUL Wedn*»<Uy. J t a . ». UU;-wU« of tho R*». ^o*«»h rerr*t oi WHJ<m. H. Y.i «Mtb« ol Mr». J. P.'lCioU ol 8yr»cu>». M. T.. Jlr«. UHnd H»deoc)t. Mri. TtaomM > dohoMtr »nd Mrt Fomt UIIU. all of Wixlco. H. T.; *tepmotber ol Joi«t>b of IhUrta. K.Y.. John ol WM» Point. K. T . June* «ad Je«a..WU»oa. K. V. AUO *urrlr»d oy 11 fr»nd«hll<Uen. P«ntr»l unlet* Irom HomiUon * CUrk runtral Hotnt it Wllooa. m d i y ertnJnc. J»n-1. •I I o'clock and 1 o'clock Saturday. Jan. I. from tn* BaptUt Church at Muleo. Burial at Mexico, K. V. i^txtl «f Tbuks Funeral Director* MbL£R'5 KUNERAL gidUl ~ MO PARK PI-ACE »2«3 DIAL • X W a C6l^cci rUNfcftAL HOkETTNCT~ 431 -19th- Stmt .. Pboao WHO J. Colucd. Not Ue. C. Hartloy. U?. Hgr. QhWL&l ruNclUL HokE7TKC~ 7M MAIN rrREET DIAL M016 . RES. J-lltt RusacU E. WHUama. Ucoated Mjr. LA BUDX rV.VtftAL HdtfE SYMPATHETIC SERVICE M» PorU*t Rcl Phono 4-16H Unit F-UK'BRAL htiti H31 Buflal" AVt. Ph 30«60 - Robert T. Lane. Lie. Manager •MAfeADblKd FX>KERAL HOME" 1T16 Pino Avenua Phono 2-««30 Peter A. Mafaddlno. Lie. Myr. Joarph Qulnn_ Reardon ^Uconaed Mar. 280 Fcmrth Eu Dial 2-07H or fll SPALUS'O FOKERAL y6MB" Dial 3-3000 343.13th Street Perooaais 7 A FAMED MAESTRO— Accepu rtapona- lre vocal puplU. Opera, radio, itaft, Addrega box No. 141. car* daxeUe JtLCOHOUCS—Anonrmoua ITTlcohol u. r ._ . . _. ._. pr"""' by Donovan. Reaaonabl* ratea on re- ...... Jl U your problem. Phono 3-3043. Write P.O. Box 100. ALL SEWING—machine problema aolyed BORGESON The famllr at the Sate Ofcar t. Bor- teaon wiab. to expreti their alncere thanks and appreciation to their many friend*, relative*, neifhbort. Magiira FalU, Power Co.. Buffalo- Niagara Electric Corp and I.B.E.W. Local 1 3 » for *J1 th» Undaeat and aympathy ahown, beauUful floral of- firings sent and use of caq during their recent bereavement, the loe* ofhuibsnd and brother. The Borgeaon Family. HAMNAM The family of the 1*U Irvln A. Han- nam wish to expres* their »lnc*r* thanks and appreciation to their many friend*, relatives, neighbors, Put Matrons and P u t Patron* of iler Chapter. Niagara River &# r F. SSTM. NO."785. Flikler ~ -ir Oincera' Club. Part Mailer* agar* River Lodge. Niagara Frontier Chapter 638, O.KJS. Star of Chapter Oincera' Club. RI tapti Lodgerf.O."O.F^ No.'«T Rirerdalt RO; of Niaga** River^Lodge. Niagara Frontier Chapter «M, O.KJ. SUr of La 8*11* Chapter 715. Niagara Falla bekah Lodge. Cataract Circle of P.H.C. 600. Officer* and Dlrectora of Power City t Truit Co^ Power aty Truat Do. Club, Women Society of. ChriiUan Serrlc*. The Birthday Ctaea and Va<:a-Ma Club of St. Jamea Church, U Salle Poit o r American Legion and R*f Oeorge W. KeeUng lor all the klddneaa and aympathy ahown, beautiful floral offering* aent and use of cars during their recent bereavement, the Iou of husband, father and brother. Signed: Mrs. Lillian P. Hannsm c Mrs. Florence Everett Mrs. Thomas Yate* Mr*. Clifford SplUmiry pairs and elw^.*...*.*.*..,.. IS per month. Dial 3-3468. ANTIQUES—Will buy sell or appraise; hand painted china, diver, lamps, etc. TeL 3-3341. ASSORTED—Fancy aandwtche*. 14.00 per hundred. Order now Phone 801S at 2303 South Avenue. •- BABIES—Young children economically photographed In your "own warm home. wlnterbourne. Dial 3-8301 now. CAN ISO AND RUSHING OF CHAIRS— Work Phone' CRAFTEX WEAVINO AND TAILORING burn*, teara re woven; node Automobile*} for 8*1* 11 roko. '47 The fioeat In perform an ce. RAH. An hones - buy—an honest jrrlce. KEN LKNr. Heated Showroom—Finer Automobile* 037 Ontario Ave. Ph. 4-3000 FORD—18*9 3-door sfdai Take ti-ade- ln. 133 Filth A*e.. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Phone 3267.W. MUDSONS-^On cfliplay Tuesday ani Thursday evenings Cataract Hudson Garage. 133 Main Street MERdJRV. mk A good aedan. good condition, good and clean and gooa buy. KlJN LEXZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobile* 837 Ontario Ave. . Ph. 4-2900 MERCURY. ifclft-cWertlbie" eabrtolei; A-l, new paint and motor, heater, ex- cellent condition. Phone 8937. NASH. 1939—Reell/ A-l ahap*. low prte ed for Immediate asle Value at Pad- flco'a Motor Sale*. 3638 Pine Ave, OLD8MOB1LE. J55K SEDAfi ~ m Loaded with fine polnU. Original finish. This bur. can't be beat for 8695. KEN LENZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobllee 937 Ontario Ave. Ph. 4-2900 OLDS, '34—4-dr. sedan deluxe, 6 wheels^ excepUonsl ihape lust overhauled. Drew Page Motor*, 113 Niagara Bt. PACKARD—1938 6 cylinder; new motor! must be aold to highest bidden moving •war. Can be seen at 3910 Hyde Park Boulevard PACKARD-1943 Cupper (6) 4^d>. sedlaa, Radio ** heater. fimrer.WUUams. nil Whirlpool St Dial 3-3343 FEYi7o , I pool G OTHT 1943—4 door aedanT gray ... ^ guaranteed; relsonabla prices. 4-1687. Moth hole*, wu.ua. ,«•«• i,.vi*ui alterations, repairing remodeling ol all type*. 1003 Niagara St. Phone 4-3336. CRYSTAL GAZING—tn case ol trouble •ee Madam Hope at Temperance Hotel. Hrs. 1 to 3 dally and by appointment. DANCE TICKETS— Posters, stationery. Invitation* printed-International Pr^nt- Ing. 1319 North Avenue. FREE—Consultation ol superfluous hair, wart or mole problem. Ph. 4-1377 for appointment. R. E. Whlttleton. E.D. HALL FOR RENT-.PH6NE *-ioH~ WEDDINGS, BANQUETS. ETC LEXlNQtON BALLROOM HEADUN1NO '40—Avon's 14 new Up- stick*, new price* and new shade* from llnlih. heaUr and dofrocter. excellent condition. 1890 Inq Morgan Linen - Supply Store. 613 Pine Ave. Ph. 3-4083. PONT1AC-1941 RAH^tudor, USSS Fa^ Sd w v iVLf Mn ' »»-«n» Avenue, Phone 3-4926. SfUDEBAKER— IWt Champion j door, new motor, new tires, new paint, RAH. 1X1"% Pi 11 *!' Daub"?*/ Motor Sale*. 806 qeveland Aye. Phone 3-6383 Automobile* for 8*1*' GOODCAR*BUYS '48 Olda 68, Coi\vt Coup© '47 Olda 76 Club Sedan '46 Chevrolet 2 Door Cunninoham-Oldsmobile, Inc. 1303 MALV STREET T E L 0118 H BuHdluff mid Cotjtravctlnjr .19 fiSWrrMAkERirstorm wihdaWa combination door* made to- order; Auto Trockg, Trmctoru, TrsJlerg \2 CHEVROLET—1943 dump truck. 1H ton with 1947 motor; real bargain. Pine Av t . Motor Sales. 3816 Pine Ave. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS. •ale* <• Approved Service <• Part* B <S M MOTORS. INC. 707 Erie Ave. Dial 3-1006 LSTERNATiONAL—1937 panel, good con- dition, 1233. Dial 3323. 1918 INTERNATIONAL—and 1949 Stude- baker, long wheel base, 8.23x20 tires. 2 speed axlea. Will consider cattle or farm trecto- on trade or will aeli cheap. Ph. Lockpof 3007R-3. ooable rate*. W. i. Newman, Niagara "Aye. Phone 4-il68. and re at- 3631 CARPENTRY—Anythlnr In the war ol BUILDLVG and RJEPADUNC. SEE- DONALD N KLETTKE 2437 Unwood Ave. Phone 2-0071 CARPENTER — Roofln; IRPENTEK — Koonng maao ing. Dlumblng.' painting, elec MaafrtdJ, 3006 Pine Ave. Pi mason, piaster. elec work. T. Phone 9796. lARPENTgft WORK-fomodeW Bull?. Ing garage* Roofing Siding. Free eitl- matea. Edward Walsh. TeLLew. 176F4. CleunJor, Dyeing-. BenoratiDi; 20 . BO.WDED HdME SERVICE CO. Rugs Carpeting -• Upholstery Hlnsoa method, dry In 4 hr*. Ph. 4-3317 " HALLS UPH6LSTERY" CLEAKERS Home Furniture Expertly Cleaned Dial 3-4591 HARtMANs CARPET * hUo SERVTCE 330 Spruce Avenue Diai 9044. SHALDJIANS RUG A UPHOLSTERY" Help tYamtei" M GIRLS FOR Bookkeeping and Clerical Work V ' High School Graduate*. Experienced Preferred POWER CITY TRUST CO. FALLS AND THTRD.'STi. CLEANERS Phone «-33 Prompt Service. 178 8Pc to II JO. Call 3-7839 after 13 noon HOBBIES—PlatUc* and Sbellcraft rate A-l In popularity. Suppllea at Nlc-Nac Hobby Shop*. 1743. Whitney Ave. ,MADAM LAURA—Well known Ua cup r reader. .4 South Ave. Place. Open eves. Phone 4-3013. MICRO RUG CLEANER—for rugs, ear- pets and upholstered furniture. Easy to use. 82.23 at: 83.73 H gal.: -16.60 »aL Long handled brush free with each package. Belrs. Fourth Fl Ph. 0191. NON IRRITATING—to handsjwt 1|_ «< clean rugs. Get odorless Jenss Bros.. 4th floor. but It does Fin a Foam. PHBLfiN'S BEAUTY 8HOP—337 Qluck BIdg., Ph. 4-3369. Open vvenlngs by ap- pointment. Try our special 810 per- manent wave, 15.30. PRIV. INSTRUCTJON-Sp. and Hawaiian guitar, piano accordion. Cicero and i Brundo Musle Store, 1803 Pine. 3-3636. . MacKENZIE The family of the late Malcolm D. MacKenate wish to express their sin- cere thanka and appreciation to all their friends and neighbor*, the Fac- ulty of North Junior, High School. the - Electrochemical Department ol the E. L DuPont de Nemdur* A Co, the P.VX Employee* ol the Du Pont Co.. the Niagara Plant Employees Union ol the.Du Pont, the Elyanol S upervision ol the Du Pont and the ligara RapWs Ath>tlc Club for their klndneia, -aympathy. beauUful floral offerings, and use of car* during their recent bereavement of* their eon and brother. v.- Flora. MieXenxle, Mother *•-• .,-f Ann* MacKentT*. BUterT .' - >: Donald MacKensie. Brother WiLlJAkfi6N^rh"e' la'mlijr ol the ."late Elisabeth .Williamson wish to express their ilnrere-thank* add appreclatl ' to the many relative*.' friends, neli. bora and the Mathlison Chemicals their ilnrere thank* add appreciation the many relative*.' friends, neigh _ rs and the Mathlison Chemical! Chlorine Depl. 1, lor ill the kindness and aympathy shown and use of cor* during their recent loss of beloved wile - and •- mother..., *; " . . • . . '.-. Ulfned'. , "'•.:••' '-rather and Children. In, Merjaortajn BABYAK—In loving m fAK—In lonng memory of our hus- band, father.and grandfather, Michael ol ou er, M aiseH away 3 year* ago MOKARSEL-^tn- loving memory ol husband - and uncle,. Dohar Mokarsei, our who passed*awey 1 Fear ago, January .ath, 194S.••'• V ' . • - : One year h*j passed aad gone . Since on* we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth, With Jeaua Christ to dwelt The flower* w* place upon hi* grave May wither and decay. But the.lovo lor him who sleep* beneath ** Shall never lade away. Signed- Mr*. Amoon Mokarxel, Elaine Fadel. RAINBOW GIFT SHOP 443 Main, nt. lit. Open 9 a.m.-ll pjn. GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS R0BIN80N'9 — Upholstery CTeanrr*. 433 Hyde Park Blvd. Phone 3-7463. Call after « pjn. or weekends. * StARf-Th* New Year looking "right with the complete 4.93 permanent at LOUISJ Beauty Shop. Ph. 8966 for your appolnUhent now. 1914H Pine Ave. WE BUf 6Lb SlLVlir GOLD OR ANYTHING OLD INQ, 31? MAIN ST. WOULD LUCE—to interest you in some . mining and Umber Interests we now hold In California. We have a plant to treat ore. etc. Want money to start operation*. InvesUgate. Address box No! o. 115, care Qaxette. rmrel, Air,' Land, Water WORLDWIDE food, order TRAVEL — Money •ervlc*. excurtlona Hon 9-a and and Sunfhlne cruise* now available _ TAVANO'b AOENCY THE OFFICE OF MANY SERVICES PHONE 8873. 9338 or 7574 Lort, pound. Strayed 10 BROWN WAttEt—Wltn " slpper. ' lo.t vicinity of Third and Falls, Tuesday r night, containing N. U. atudent'a month* ly subsistence bearing name of Vin- cent Brennan, Sauquoit, N. Y. Return to 603 Jefferson Ave, City. Reward. COCKER SPANIEL—Lost ne'er 6 Corner*; black and, whit*. Male. Dial 34435. OLASSES — Brown pi . aaUe rlmT/*f6it In North End PollpeTStaUon, . 434VV. Reward. •rirtK CHAIW^SU wash room Dee. 38. Ph. N. -F. Ont 4 . _ 636-16. 1:00«3:00, near Pine i are gtreet. Phone 3^83 Jst between Tue or Nlag- )UND—Udy'a wrl»t trateh. Owner can have aame by correct IdentllfcaUon of watch. Vicinity of- FalU Street and train terminal. Call 9393, 9:30 a. m. to "•:30 p. m. or Igo N. F. Ont. en. a:30, FOUND—Pair ol glasses, owner may have aame by. paying for-ad. Phone 3^775 be lore 3 p. un. tX)ST—BLACK—Part ScotUe. part alre- , dak puppy. North End aecUon. Green collar. Blackte Inicrlbed. Reward. 938 Ontario Avenue BE OFF " TO A FRESH START! WITH 0'NE5X'S FINE USED CARS. BUICK—1947 Roadmasler seda- nette, fully equipped, very- low mileage. A much better buy than a '49. CHRYSLER—1946 Windsor sed- an, radio, heater, tog lights. Inside and out Just like new and a 6 cylinder at that. PONTIAC—1947 sedan coupe, streamliner "8", perfect con- , dition throughout. ^ e These cars are outstanding. To appreciate these fine automo- biles come in and see them. Don't take a chance over the phone. CEO. O'NEILL"• LINCOLN-MERCURY DEALER 1949 Mercury Station Wagons avallabl- for immediate de- livery, . 512 Third Si. Phone 2-1209 x OPEN EVENINGS ' BASS TRAILER RENTAL TRAILERS TO HAUL ANYTHING - ANYWHERE 1117- 11th St Open Sun. Ph. 3-6023 ' GOOD BUY 1948 Mack Tractor. 6th wheel, low mileage. Fully equipped. KRUEGER MOTOR SALES 833 Willow Ave. Ph. 3761 THESE TRUCK BUYS Can't Be Beat 1937. Chevrolet U ton panel. $245. 1941 Dodge 1 ton panel 3493 P. SCOZZAFAVA MOTORS 1403 PINE AVE. Hon— Trailer* 12-a ALMA—Continental and National trailer* —Our new 1948-1949 models in stock greatly reduced lo- the balance t of the year Save enough now to pay for your Florida trip. Finance or caih at Tla- daleU Trsller Sale. 701 Main St.. Phone .2-0728. -_J_ A -TRAILER—Will solve your housing problem. Plenty of parking space at ' low rental We feature the famous Schult, sleeps 6, has shower and toilet facilities. Moat modern and up-to-date. Also several other makes to choose from. Special discount for quick ssle. Max M. Oppenhelm. 1415 Main St. Phone 9119. An to Acccsaorl**), Tires, Part* 13 SAFETY GLASS BROKEN? Replace it at BENNETT AUTO PARTS 1230 Buffalo Ave Dial 2-1993 Replacement While You Walt auto Painting jjyt) LUTO PAINTING —And collision work. MAIN COLLISION Main. Tel 4-1212. SERVICE. 1015 Auto Painting and General Repairing Motorpooi Garage 1907 .18th S t at South Open Evening* OLEKSIAK—tn loving memory of our dear wife and mother. Mary Ann 01ek> alak, who passed away 1 year ago to- day, January 6, 1948. When the Lard aald, "You have fin- lshed _ Come up higher, mother dear. You have wtm a crown in Heaven _ B y your love and kindness here." We remember well our sorrow. As we stood beside your bed. Our deep and heartfelt angulah. .When w* aaw that you were dead. We ml«a your kind and willing hand. Your fond and earneit care: Our home U dark without you. mother, We mlaa you everywhere. Signed: •. - •- - Husband A Son. STENZEL—In loving memory of our dear ..*• husband and father. John A. Stenxel, •who passed away 8, year* ago today, . January 6, 1941. Our IIpr cannot tell how we ml** him, , Our heart cannot tell what to say; r God alone know* bow we mlsa htm. In a home that Is lonesome .today. •',» : Signed: ;••*,-' Clara Stenxel and Children. STEWART—In; loving memory ol off . daughter and slater, Myrtle Lorraine . ? , l w i r V wb0 P*!' , AA W »* W year* ago today. January 6, 193P. - A tflent thought, a secret tear ~ Xeeps her memory ever dear. •-;<'•;:.-'••"."•„ Signed: -*'••' ^ Mother, Dad, '. Charmaln* and Melvln FiorfcU rioral Excellence Without Extravagance LA SALLE FLOWERDALE rLOWERSHOP AND GREENHOUSE _ Pine at T7ih 81 Phone J4«42 g^r^R-TTT-o^AOT-s- LER A SO )N—MAD a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MAW AT THIRD ST. j HARRIS A LEVER 1225 Main St. Ph. 8226 '1 ?• - ariMBER OF M.DX Wnearml Dtrectora ,,,'AWAVo FD^ftALPoXnf .601.19th St. cor ferry TeL 3-3733 A Marie A Araato, Ue OUtoAl arte A Amato, LlcMgr. tranan /, Mtitty. Ucensed Mgr. B.ELL^FUNERAL HOME . i - :•* - wwHwomnnanint A. Am a ML Li „^BftAHY Ft/HtRAI. HdMif Dial 2-3327 ? y.;--it.,v». ,m UAtH IT. JkrW/sVVJLLTJt, ID, j&n, 6 (Ui9— ' Vlrta BuKh>M irhik bt b«li«vej ii Uis tiay-*lltU« re4 hen that believes in nxirnsdelirery.'' -, ; >;• A .-.. : Tho hen «mcd pecilni at Buach'i i$$fof^JrgW It wanu to l*y an e«r. Buich then carrlai tfe. pet chicken W«' It ©at •* tbt boui*. < LOST—Coal black male Cocker Spaniel puppy, 54 months Old. Ana '•Spade," In vie. Packard Ct Answer* to ~ Finder LO&T—Doberman Pinscher puppy, vlcln. Ily ol Ferrr A 22nd SL r Black with brown p»wa Short, smooth coat Phone 2-0497. inquire 608.22nd St Automobile Agencies £ fcHhYsUh AMD PLYlJftUTM DaULtlR FALLS^QARAOE CORPORATION Falla A Proapect St. Phone 5707 UNcoLM-itEhcUny betAUiR .-' ^ Jl•. 0 •P r » T • O'NeUI Motor Co. 813 Third 8tr*et Phone 3-i300 Automobile* for Salt) n , AlJSTINS HILLMANS OTHER FOREIGN MAKE CARS' Tops for Transportation Easy on Your Wallet ' : COME AND SEE THEM AT Favorite Motors 2929 Pine \ve. Ph. 2.-4926 BUldK. 1937—Special 4-dr. aedan: good paint Ure*; new front end. brake* and aeat covers. Motor perfect. Reasonable. 432-78th St Phoni 3-318J BUICK—1941 Sedanatte. motor A-l con- dltion, Urea very good Have life guard tubes. 804-17th St Ph. 3-1931. BUICK. ,1937—4 door sedan. RAH. Good condition, jrood Urea. Beit offer by Saturday. Phone. 2-8860. BUlCK. 1948—N^ew. dynaOow. • 4 door sedan. Completely equipped. Phone 3-3818. _ faUlCK—194/L 4jdoor Roadmaiter, radio and healer. Phone 3-7730, between 5 and 7 p. m. FAT SAYS HE WON'T BURN YA HE WON'T SCORCH YA ITTreat You the. Mercy Way K)N THESE " 48 LINCOLN Club Coupe 48 STUDEBAKKR Conv Coupe 47 UERCURY 4-Door 42 CHEVROLE1 FleeUlne 41 PONTUC 8treamUner 41 CHEV. TUDOR (41 to Choose 40 CHEVROLET Tudor 41 BUICK 4-Door (3) 41 DE SOTO 4-Door MANY. MANY MORE - AT THE ' FAT MAN'S NEW LOT Opp, Ford Motor 1004 Main ' Ph. 4-1510 faOlCK. 1938—Special aedan. Radio and heate.-, defronters: 8330 work recently nraie.. iicirni\iri. e^ov worn done. 83«0. 643 • 30th »treet CMEV-ROLET. IWJrU door* aedan,' A-l condltJAn. Dexter R. White Co.. Inc. 1317.11th Street. aiKVTtOLET. iili-i door! RAH, l o w mlleare. Excellent eondluon, Mutt sell. 3201 ifldependence Are- before i p. m. CHEVROLET. 19 to—Special" dehrx tudor ••^•B^HMter; good condition, 1700. Inq. 230.69th St. thtKVHdLRT. i94i-Arrow *edan. heei- cafe. mmxxr, rmzznSw §&** tin Hne, fully equipped, rery low mlleagi CHivRdLt* iW-Cfub eoupe. RMt, a beauty. A A A MOTOR SALES. 3700 Ploo Avenue. Dial 9000 CilE>-ROLET-.tMA. good Urea, motor, heaur v and. wtnurited ^WUl take beti of/or. Need ^ money. 1913 Mat*. .Are. Phone 94704. CHKVROLtttV-tHi jfaateT DeLuxe 3-dr. trantporuUon. inq. aiftWLItft-Mi Windsor 4^r. fF arir "CR Are. Brand new automobile! for let* than tine at 1T0> St Phone 8411 . Soto-Piymoum). lTstjtPlerrt- coupe. Kx. euler (Do- avenue. DE' SOTO. 1 9 4 8 - 4 ' door redan. Collins Brother*. Ransomrllle 3311. FINE USED CARS 1948 (62) Cadillac Sedan 1948 (56c) Buiclc Convertible 1947 Ford Spec.Dlx. Sdn. Cpe. 1940 Plymouth Sedan. All cars in excellent condi- tion and fully equipped. LAMMERTS, INC. METEEflS COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE Auto - Painting—Colllson Ser Steam CI. Undercoatlng. Complete mech. repair. 3009 Highland Ave. Ph. 7319 DngxauMxm and Millinery 21 S4-HOUR SERVICE—on covered buttons, custom made belts and buckle*, but- tonholes and hemsUtchlng. Mall order* promptly filled. SINGER SEWING CENTER - - 3 W FALLS ST. 3-1493 or 34)339 fatcxmlnatins; and FmnlraUng 2|.b A^TS —Bed bug*, carpet beetles, fleas, files, mice, moths, rats, roaches, aUver fish exterminated. Call Trudgeon. Niag. ara FronUer ExtermlnaUng Service, Inc.. oldest local firm. Ph. 6130 or 3-3471 Fumigation. Pest Control—Reas. Rate*" For Expert Advice and Service CaU Ernie Smith—Dial 2-8938 Heatlny. Plumbing, Booftof 22 AIR COND1TIONLVO — And Heating, oil and coal: gutters installed. COUUS SHEET METAL 1327 Main St Dial 3-3130 EKATNlf "AW Knlve* cut out SEWERS CLEARED roots without digging; fait service; guaranteed 2 yeara against root*. Coult*. 1527 Main St. Ph. 2-3130. THTTBURNERS REPAIRS A SERVICE SUNRAY HEATING SERVICE 783- 17th Street Phone 2^839 SEWER STOPPAGE — Call for thVorig- Inal ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE We have cleaned seversl thousand sewers of root* In the past 10 years. No charge If we falL CaU a registered master plumber. Peui*. the Plumber. 356 Sixth »trr«t Dial 6338 " FOR FREE ESTIMATES—on plumbing, heating, tor building materials phone. 7871 Sear* Roebuck A Co. Moving-, Trucking _^ 25 A A B—Moving and carting done - _ by the hour, 83 per hour or by contract Dial 4-1423. BOB'S MOVING SERVICE Veteran's Insured Moving and Carting " Dial 2-6874 FERRARO A SON—Experienced movers, local and long distance. Insured. 1526 Ashlshd Ave. Phone 3-2629. MOVE SAFER—In less time on our large modern vans. Save the Unie for double trips. Inc. Phone 2-9961. KuhnU Storagi Painting, Papering, Pecjorattog FLOOR SANDERS — Dustlejs: kero^EIefr trie wall paper stesmers W. A. CRA" DALL 1923 Main St TeL 2-6211. PAINTING — Bru*h and spray storage, «;« •• ) Addr tog 26 BALES ;*ro-EIec- ' °f .W t CRAN/ PP 1 ' 1 , KH/ rcyelea and Bicycles 15 Y DAVIDSON, laid—Motorcyle, 123.' Only 1350 Free Dems. Motorcycles Supply. 2610 Pine Phone 6836 Bcpahjng gerrjee) Stations jg thorized Parts and Service e. Plymouth and Dodge Truck* MULLANE'S Main and Orcharu Parkway BRAKES RELINED—89.93. , ;s RELINED—89.93. Chevrolets, V'brat and PlymouUii McWUlIam* Tire rvlco. 915 Cleveland Ave. TeL 7522. SPECIALS COMPLETE Paint Job; pick your eolqr. 140 complete. COLL1SON Service and Towing. MOTOR Overhauled on *il 6 cyUnder cers, 163. r PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE 644.23th St Ph. 3-7133 Wanted—Automotive 17 <Acute Situation Prevailing WE MUST HAVE CARS HIGHEST PRICES PAID LENZ 1110 Main St. Phone 3-4644 interior and exterior , , .. _ . moved by ateam. Free estlms^es. Jack 111 7289. PAINTING-DECORATING—ExAtrtor "and Interior Free estimates. / J. Bruno. 2408^ Grand Ave. Tel 2-4088 or 2-9823. PAPERHANGING — And painting. Eitl- mates free; prompt service; work guar- anteed; -reasonable price. £all wa. Kitchen. Tel. 3-4101. PAPERHANGING A PAINTING ROY WARNEIT 476-7*th Street Phone 3-4434 PAINTING—And decocjrtfhg, floor *and Ing and flnlihlngvjrfistering and paper- ing. Machlne*/-BT all kind* for rent Dan RelUy -1839 Pierce Ave. Phone 9921 BIKHL'S—Wallpaper A Paint Store. 1602 Pine. Ph. 6006. Kerolectric iteimer* for rent Paperhanging A PalnUng. rea*. CALt— Ed Kitchen for psperhanging an3 painting; good work, also paper, remov' ing. Phone 2-0091 or 2-3847. tUdlo-Electrio Service 28-a JACK'S Radio and felevSJon Service All Work Guaranteed 1730 Pierce Avenue Dial 2-7643 JAY'S RADIO SERVICE New and Blggtr LocaUon—24 Hr. Service 767 19th St. off .Pine Ph. 3-2360 RADIO A PHONOGRAPH—Repair ser- vice: all work guaranteed Prompt pick up and delivery White's Muilo Store. 307 FalU St. Dial 2-5940. *~"~* ISHEDlAtE 'OPfaNLNo ' Permanent full time position with na- Uonal organization marketing finest table appointment*. No'canvassing. 11 you need unusually large commission with opportunity for executive advance- ment, have car, are over 3d years of age and can work afternoon* and early evenings daily, phone Friday 10:30 to 13:30 p. m, Niagara,FallinM470, lor Interview. LADIES—do you have Xmas bills to'psyf A lew hour- each day selling Real Silk . product* means money lor those, bills. Write P. O. Box 283 for Interview. WOMAN—Wanted foi general house- work. No washing or Ironing. Expert encode lire .In. Call 7334. Help Wanted Male 33 APPLIANCE SALESMAN'—Wanted, no limit to earnings, national'concern, no Investment required. Must have good character and car: references required Apply 436 Third St.. a. m. DRAFTSMAN WANTED Apply at NIAGARA ALKALI-GO. . -*205 Buffalo Ave. EXPERIENCED—Counter man for night work only. Neat pleaiant and ambiti- ous. Addres-. box 138. care Gazette. PHARMACIST—Wanted Excellent poil- Uon with good pay and short houra. No Sunday or holiday work. Apply Singer Dm: Co. 2003 Main S t ; PORTER Wanted for Drug Store. Good Pay—Good Hour*' Apply Singer Drug, 2006 Main Street SALESMAN—Who wants to make be- tween 94000 and 88000 yearly In the hearing aid butlnest Must be a resi- dent of Niagara Falls. 28-60 years old. have a car Tterrltory and basis of esmlngs to be decided upon Interview. Address box No. 140. care Gazette. SERVICE MAX—Over 28 year* age. good pay to start permanent sltTon. Must have car. Address box o. 145, care Gazette. CLERK—Wanted. SHIPPING rate. " , . ._ . . firm. Permanent position. Addres* box No. 143. care Gazette. Highest Day work. Old established local TELEVISION—Tralnme available. Earn while you learn For complete details please refer to American Television clssiifled ad under the beading of In- •miction. Trade School* A LIVE WIRE FELLOW—Married, at least 22 years of age. in good health, to quallfv for permanent position on milk route. Give age. references, work experience, etc. Addres* box No. 144. care Gazette. REStAUkArft OpportunlUes 381 Articles, for Sale 51 3 storage bulletin*;. I STORE W1DU — Clearance sale on all Very well known. On a Well, tourist» Xmas Items reduced as^much jui 30»^. traveled avenue leading in and o u t o ! city. Lot 60x110- ft Price 116.000. Term* can be arranged. JOHN V. ZITO—Realtor 1700 Pine *ve. Dial 3-7838 or 2-6720 700 Pin ILORIN easing, 'ie*s. .. _ . _ . „ . . . _ lor selling. Reasonable offer accepted. Ad- dress Box No. 863.'ear* Gazette. MLORING—Dry Cleaning. Pressii Repairing. Estabhshea Good buslne ExceUenT location. Health, reason l TAVERN'S AN'D HOTELS^We' have them her* and in various Niagara Co. clUes and towns. The least among them earn* more on Investment than prsc- Ueally any - othtt business. AUSTIN A. LONGLEY—Associate NOONAN—REALTOR PHONE 3-8177—Night Calls 3-5W1 " HOTS—334 TEXAS RED exctUent business Illness. - 3rd SL. doing Must seU due to ARE YOU LOOKING? We hsv* one of the most desirable mo- dern and completely equipped taverns with two 6-room apt* above, ever of- fered for sale in Mlddleport N. Y. 833,003 down psymen' required. For more complete details see: Russell De Franco—Realtor 17Ui St- cor EhnwooC TeL 3-6360 ONE FRAME HOME—and 1 large brick A Ul* building extending over a large area of land. Most ol the buildings are 1 atory high, suitable lor light manu- facturing A (torage. Price 343.000. Terms to be arranged. JOHN V. ZITO—Realtor 1700 Pine Ave. Dial 2-7823 or 2-0720 ST. CATHARLVES. ONT.. CAN.—Busl- ne**,' .2 stores, brand new, one In use as barber shop. 5 rooms attached, new furnace, '814.000. will buy for quick sale. Ph. St 'Catharines-3-7493. Illness forces sale. TWELFTH ST., 362—Brick store and apartment .building In residenual sec- tion. Excellent opportunity for a couple that know* the Brocerjr_buslnes_«. Phone AR AL 5734. C. EDGJ! ALLEN. Realtor. Money to Loan |Q CASH FOR OLD GOLD—Jewelry, radio*. 5hotguns, tool* or anything useful. Hrown'a Swap Shop. 413 Erie Ave. LICENSED PAWNBROKER—Low Inter- est rate*. 'Money loaned on diamond* watcher, etc Diamonds bought A told Harold Oswald. Playland. 28 Fall* Su mlis,thl* opportunity! T. A j S Don't Home Appliance. Phone 4-1392. 404 E. Fa St Article* for gent ' g|^q ALOSGE-S SANDLXa MACHINES—ReimV ed by hour or day Modern equipment, eaelly operated. Dial 37SS. ALONGEj FLOOR COVERLSG. 1906 Pine Avenue. FLOOR SANDERS Reuew Old A Worn Hardwood Floo t r - - • Co*t 84-30 for 24 Hours. With Montgomery Wards Sander* and Edgert rented to >ou_*t a new low SERVICE DEPARTMENT MONTGOMERY WARD cS C O . 10 W. FALLS ST. * PH. 9117 NEW VACUUM TYPE—Floor «*nd*r*T pick*-up the dust 84.50 a day. Kera Electric Wall Paper SUamer*. W. A. CrandaU 1923 Main St. Ph. 2-6341. SANDERS FOR RE^T - Floor SandersT Edgers, Boat and Woodwork Sander*. McFarland Hd»e. 7710 Buffalo Are. Tel 3-2212. >t " Articles Wanted 51-b AABASS. CARPETS. RUGS, ARPLLANO- ES. FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS PHONE 5320- HIGHEST CASH ON.SPOT We want refrigerators,' ranges, trash* er*.'sewing machine* table lamps, chair*.-odd chests, dressers, bedroom' suites and furniture of. all kind*, partial or complete contents ol home* BARBARI'S USED FURNITURE A APPLIANCES 121C-131S-19U1 St. Corner Whitney AARON SAFES. APPLIANCES A ALX TYPES Of FURNITURE. Dial 4-4157 - CASH ON THE SPOT for cribs, rugs, desks'' sewing , ms- chine* or entire contents. SAM'S USED FURNITURE 620 -19th St. Bet Pine A Walnut AhPOTT GAS RANGES—ABC washer*, other appliance* of aU kind*; also bed- room apil kitchen *et* studio couches, livlnn room sets and complete contents of home B, & R. USPD FURNITURE New Locsticn. 2109 Pine Ave. Open Eves. Dia' 2-5032 Money to Loan, Mortgages 40-q THE PRUDENTIAL SOCIETY. INC.—15 South- Division. Elllcott Squsre Build- Ing, Buffalo N. Y Loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc Rates 1%to3*. An Institution of the better kind. Instruction Classes 43 ACCOUNTING. TYPING SHORTHAND Classes starting Jan. 13 KeUey Business Institute. '312 Main. Ph. 2-1481. 2-7961. APPROVED VETERANS TRAINING 1949 GOVERNMENT JOBS—Start high $64.44 weekly. Many openings. M as en- Wome... Earu^more. Prepare NOW for New York State exams. Vets get preference. 40-page book, sample tests. R arUcular* FREE. Write today. ~ o. 856. care Gazette. Box Trade Schools 43-a CLEAN CUT AMBITIOUS—Young man. who ran furniih reference*; Intereited In eamln*, S3600.00 per year. Write P. O. Box 283. Repairing and Upholstering 29 ALL CAR OWNERS When Planning to sell SEE LOU You Can't Do Better 24 Yeara' Experience BUYINO AND SELLING CARS LOU ROSENGOLD Main at Orchard Phone 2-0440 Open Mon.. Wed., Thurs.. Frt. Eve*. Before You Sell STOP AT Our Car Lot Where Honesty.' Fair Integrity hav* made ut on* o; era"* Moat AcUv* Dealer*. Dealing and fNlag- 543 Sixth Si. 212 First St. Ph. 9101 Ph. 9779. FOR * AUTOMOBILES— at lower price* call J. S Kulak, Youngxtown. Phone 333. The man who does what other* promli* ; NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL '47 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe - Radio A Healer. 17.000 actual mile*. Clean throughout, mechanically per- fect PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY: $1395 A & A Motors Sales 2700 PINE AVE. Ph. 90Q0 OPEN, EVENINGS IOE RAYMOND Pine & 22nd Dial 6914 OPEN EVENINGS £ARS WE BUY CARS UBERTV MOTOR SALES 1923.11th St Phone* 2-3176 needs Becker's Upholstery Shop Custom Built Furniture 418 .T7Ui Street Phone 3-4536 UPHOLSTERING .. _ AND REPAIRINO Virtuoso Upholstery. 952 Ontario Ave., half a block from Main St DlaLjjjjgl. THE NEW. LOOK By having worn, broken or soiled Furni- ture cleaned, repaired and reupholstered. Phone 3-2506. LA SALLE FURNITURE CO, 163 • 76 St. Sewing Machines Repaired 29-Q ANV AND ALL MAKES—Thafa my~busl". neis; parts, needles: " used machines. Call J. F. O'Connell My tel. Is 2-0079. ANY MAKE—Sewing machine repaired Only new genuine SINGER factory F art* used. Workmanship guaranteed, re* estimate In advance. Pbon* or write— Singer Sewing Machine Co. 3 W FALLS ST. • 2-1493 or 20339 SINGER-WHITE—And all makes adjusted in your home for 31.00. Ashman (15 yean with Singer Co.i Phone 9873. WHITE—And other make tewing mT chine* repaired by factory trained »erv- Iceman In our modern workihop; pick Up and delivery; all work guaranteed. J. N. ADAM A CO. Phone 3211. FIRST CLASS ELECTRICIAN Must Have At Least 6 Years Experience Apply at OLDBURY * Electro Chemical »Company EMPLOYMENT OFFICE TELEVISION Experienced men anc women are leri- oiuly needed for all branche* of artis- tic and technical work A dominating organization in the de- velopment of Television personnel will supervise the training V men and womeotn their up-to-date oratories amKmodern stucUor fully equipped tvlth^ectnal ecAnmerclsl Television equipment Part-time work arranged lor you while training. APPROVED UNDER G L BILL Phone, write or enquire In person. Open to 3 p. m. and 2 p m . Saturday AMERICAN TELEVISION. INC.' 674 Elllcott Square Bldg. Buffalo N. Y. WA 5033 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets, Supplies 47 BEAGLE PUPS—for sale Inq, 7616 Buf- falo Avenue. COCKER SPANIEL—Puppies, A.K.C. reg- istered. Champion sired. Reasonable. Inquire 317 • 17th St Phone 4-3037. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES Black, A.K.C. registered. La Salle Vttt,* Shop, 302-66th Street. COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES—6 weeks old. Silver Loom Kennels, Route 425, Wilson. ENGLISH BULL—Registered, female. 7 month* old, nice markings, J20. Phone Ton. 2379. . ; 5001 Buffalo Avenue TWO RELIABLE—Men with car* to take care of cuitomers of the Fuller Bruih Co. Goo4 opportunity and pro- fit*. Call 4-6151 for details. WE HAVE—an opening In our sales de- partment for a dependable married man. age 30 to 40 years, for established coffee and grocery route. Applicant muil live In Niagara Falls. Car and expenses furnished 345.00 weekly sal- ary while In training Route now bay- ing J60.00 A up. Apply S:. Miller, Hotel Imperial. Friday Jan. 7. fl lo 8 p. rn. Help Wanted Female 32 HELP WANTED—Smiling Jack cars. Top Bid orsBuitl Don't shock your bank, notify them In advance. Buying more. Selling more. Paying more at Smiling Jack'* 7th Big Lot, j Hyde Park and Pine Ave. ; TOP ralCES— Paid for uaed cars, any rttr or condition Sam's Auto Wreek- Ing, 3363 Hyde Park. Phone 2-9339,. USED CARS WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICK MACKENNA . 1307-11 MAIN ST. STUDEBAKER. T E L 3-4475 CASH Fon YOU—Sell big values to friends, others. Assortment of 15 every- day greeUnu- cards, pays you up to 100% on quick fl sales. Free ssmple* of ne~ "Chsrraettes' name-imprinted note*. per»on*llted itaUonery. Imprint- ed napkin*. Everyday aisortment on approval. Write now' Artistic, 708 Way, Elmlra. N. Y. CLEANING WOMAN—For *tor«: white preferred 3-day week Apply Home Appliance A Furniture Co., 140S Main Street PRICES REDUCED . Large Selection Model A to 1948 » - a ALL TYPES AND MAKES _1 ...... PEDRO :— RANSOMVILLE JJ31 LOCKPORT 1447 . SEE THESE EXCOlENt BUYS INI rpRD super Deluxe 3-door sedan. Radio A Heater 1*41 MERCURY—3-Pasienger Coupe, "Radio and Heater . 1941 MERCURY 2 Doot Sedan, Radio and Heater ,1941 CHRYSLER Roy*' (« CyU 3-Door FORD Super Deluxe a-Door sedan, Radio and Healer . 1947 DUNCAN MOTORS, INC, 1001 Main St • , Dial 9341 Open Erialngt T i l 9 ,*' m *Z?.\ HHM AND 33ND ST. Taferi WANTED—1940 or 1941 car In good mechanical condition from private owner. Call 3-3338 * Business Service Offered 18 BKNDIX—RANGE—REFRIO SERVICE ABRAY and DECOST J873 Weston Ave Ph. 34689 or 6367 Btackstone. Easy. Apex. Kenmore , Queen. O.E ' REPAIRS Prompt Service Reasonable Price* Part* Avallabl*. lor All Waihera at NIAOARA HOME SERVICE. 314 FALLS Phone J-3333 Evening* 3-3565 IfMM' CHTMNTJY| - Built roof*. Insulated 2-3433 or 4-3363 and repaired brick aiding. tfew Dial COLD spot hEFRloKRAToR REFAIRS Expert Washer Repair—All Makes Modarete Ratea immediate Service CARL'S SERVICE Ph. 14481 1803 Niagara St MFRIOfcRAtORS Mb RAKOKl Prompt Repair on Any Make PHONE 4-4240 Shields Commercial Refrigeration _ 1608 PINS AVE. WIRING—All type* don* at loweat price*. Ranee plate* A automaUc water heat- er* (mulled, eity or county. CaU 9937. "wTrlng Licenced Electrician TfT rs «pimr__ . 33ND 8T, it** A autoi ed. city or I Type* ol^ f«iMI—Uci A. R. SKARS PHONR 3-4453 DIAL 2-1510 FRttb bULLARD Prompt Hepalr. Service Relrtgerator*. Ranges, Small Apptlini Niegara Electrtr Sale* and Service 1906 Fifteenth Street "HtcKi vm ..ASKMENT CLKANINL KO JOB TOO SMALL—rilONE 4-4683 WAOARA fimcnazfs TCS watch rid rewelry repair. Dlaraond*.. watehe* lUaneea. 1030 • 18th and electrical' app , atreet phone 4-1193 Sadler** Electric A Repair Service TOS.-Sth St, Capon fildfVPhon* 6411 ConitrucUon, Maintenance. Repairing fcutkring and OontracUng COOK—General, experienced, live In or out Family of-four; De Veaux. lttone 8957. fioDSEKEEPER—Elderly iTdy. "tmall convenient home, ess} work, plessant (urroundlngi, good home Tor right party; live In. Address box No. 137, tare Gazette. HOUSEKEEPER—Congenial, mlddle-a'red American bom, good cook, small fam- ily, live In or out Addre** box No. ISA care Gazette. LAUNDRY—o. dry cleanlsrjt workers, so- S ly Walker's Laundry Inc., 336 M»ln t. If you are seeklnr good position* and pleatsnt surroundings. YOUNG MAN—for reading meter*. Ste»- dyoermanent position. Mu*t be reliable and dependable. Apply Ih person, morn- ing* only. Republic Ught Heat A Power Co.. 1620 Main Street. Help—Male and Female 34 PEKINGESE PUPPIES—C.K.C. A A.K.C. registered also thoroughbred toy fox terriers. Phone Lewlston 435-F-5 or 337. PUPS FOR SALIV-Belglan Police, moth- er, J5.00. 3333 C Street Phone 3-7806. WIRE-HAIR—Terrier puppy for -s»le, three months old. Phone 2-1792. BEAUTIFUL Thoroughbred German shepherd puppfe*. 5tb mo*, old; reason- able: Arthur Goetzman, 1 V« ml. west of Pekin In Upper Mountain Road. Phone Sanborn 2272. THOROUGHBRED—Pointer pup* for sale. Six weeks old. Beautifully marked. Phone 2-S73P after 6 p. m. Inq.' 442 Twenty-third Street Horses, Other Stock, Vehicles 48 FREE REMOVAL—Of dead horses and cows (plesss caU promptly). Charle* Nehrbass. Ph. Akron 3076, rvse. chgs- Boats and Accessories 52 AUTHORIZED—Dealer lor Mercury M<£ tor Sales A Service. Use our budget lay-away plan. Motors lor rent W. A. Crandall. 1923 Main St Ph. 2-6241. JANUARY SPECIAtr^Iust one. 73 lb, Dow-Craft Magneslan car top boat at coit. Hurry, save $100 on this one. Grand hlan^ Marine. West Whitehaven Road, Grand Island. Buildings, Building Materials HEATILATORS— Dampers, flue*, sewer pipe, -wall ties, brick' Concrete Stone and Coal Co, GUlett Court. Ph. 6318. NEW—White pine combination door*. $14 and up R. F. Klaus Lumber Co, River Rd. at Frederlcka St. North Tonawanda Phone Ton. 2335-W. USED PIPE, atructural steel t>eama, an- fie Iron. 34 Inch column by 20 ft. Dial Business and Office) Equipment 54 BAR FIXTURES Fall* Bar and Cabinet Shop, 243 Memorial Pkwy., phone 24611. Bar*, pre-coaler*. refrigerator*. tables, booths, barber shop fixtures, lunch counter 1, kitchen cabinets. W1U rav •model old bars STAURANT EQU I P M E N T — Bar, Jhs and tables. See Christy'*, 644 Mnetfenth Street . TYPEWRITERS—ADDING MACHINES Rented — Sold — Repaired Typewriter! ribbons, carbon paper and mimeograph supplies. 306 Falla St Dial 2-3920A * AUTHORIZED VDEALER—For Protectall safes, ateel chests, wail safes and bond boxe*. all sizes. Kaxton Safe. Lock and Key Co M 509 Erie avenue. Cameras—Photo Supplies . 54-a GRAFLEX 4x5—with revolving back, 7>4 In.. F4.5 Tesser. three 12 sheet maga- zines. 12 double holders, film pack adaptor. leather carrying case. All Uk* new. Best offer. Call 2-2428 aft 6 p.m. FRONTIER CAMERA—Open every night •till 9 and Sunday from 12 till 6 p. m. 31 Falls St Ph. 8549. next to Cataract 'IF IT'S Photographic we have It." Flash bulbs, roll and cut film, film packs, sll sizes. Falls Photo. 1530 Pine. FneL CfraL Wood. Coke * 56 t ANTHRACITE BRIQUETS — $18.00 per ' ton. A hot fire at less cost. Concrete Stone A Coa: Co.. Gillette. Ct Ph. 8218. ANTHRACITE COAL—Coke, soft coat fuel ol: oil burners. Johnston Fuel Co- Ph. 6425. Yard 1006 Oxford Place. FIRE WOOD —82 cu. ft, $755. Fron- tier House Wrecking 3420 Highland Ave. Phone 2-4851 FIREWOOD—For sale, seasoned and dry oak. beech, maple A apple. We deliver; Ph. 4156 RansomvlUe, E. Hurtgam. .Household Goods 59 TWO LARGE— Holiteln* flrit calf heif- er*. Ju«t fre*h with calves. M. K. Glf. ford. Cambria Center Lower Mountain ! Open Eves. Road. ' Aabaxs Carpets, •Appliances, Furniture BARBARI'S BARGAINS Refrigerator, recond. Coldspot ...$69.00 Living Room Suite, 3 p c mohair . .143.00 Bookcase, man. with glass door* ..$19.73 Vanities, as low as .... $ 6.93 Manltex Linoleum, new 6x9 ft .... $ 3.75 Manltex Linoleum, new 9x12 It -..$ 6.75 Ranges, as low as $25.00 Washers, aa low as $25.00 Oil Heaters, a* low aa $14.95 Electric Ringes. from $35.00 - WE'RE NEVER UNDERSOLD til 8 P.m.—Sat. "Ul 6 p.m. Articles for Sale 51 BATTERY CHARGER Auto rocker. .grease coat*, coverall*. Jacket*, girl'* •snow suit*. 2 and 3, floor lamp*, bou- doir chair, lady's dresse*. 14. lull* 16. Dial 3-5339. MIDDLE AGED COUPLE—Wanted, wo- man for general housework, man aa handy man. aftei hours. Furnished home provided: steady position: refer- ence* required. Address box No. 142, care Gazette. SHORT ORDF.R COOK—Inquire 23 W. Falls Street right next to the Gorge Terminal. Situations Wanted—Female 36 BDND1X—Uied Ironer, also Blackatone used washer. Qulnn and Keller, 333 Third St Phone 9103. BR1GGS-STRATTON—»i h.p. motor, reg. $46.03. now $40. Also 22 cat target pis- tol*. Hl-Standard Military and Colt Woodsman Match target'Grand Iiland Marine, We*t Whitehaven Rd., Grand Ulahd. ELECTRIC—Portable Ironer by General Electric, their bert built table Ironer, $79.93. Rohrer Electric 1313 Main St Phone 2-2331" NURSE—agalf available for private duty. Reference* given. Phone 3-2131. PARENTS BY PROXY AOENCY — Fur- nlihe* capable, well recommended worn- ei. to care for children TeL 2-5S74. Business Opportunities 38 BARnER SHOP—Sale or rent doing good builnex*. telllna on account of III nealth. Inq 134 Phone 9611. BUSINESS PROPERTY—Near l2>» Ashland Ave. or MODEL— Wanted lor art etas*. Expert enced preferred Call 4-1317. . ' j OFFICE POSITI6N—available. Good op- P >rtunlty lor right person. Phone Mr. rey. Sr„ 7333. Walkei Laundry, tnc, 336 Main Street SALESGIRLS—This Is your opportunity lor advancemeht Saletglrl* who quali- fy can star* Immediately In coat and suit. dre*s lingerie and sportswear de- partment*. Very attractive aalarie* to •tart. Pleasant surrounding*, Addrea* box No. 146. care Oatette. STKN^OGRAPHSR —Vim factory illitrlct, Twenty.*econd S t . and All»n Ave., store'and 1 apartment available Immediately*. 2 other apartment* rent* ed: excellent for delicatessen; small down payment wll' take posaeaston. . P h o n e 2-7424 or 8102 DISTRIBUTOR"OWNER To operate own cash butlnes* In an Industry that groises teveral hundred mllllo dollar* yearly Can be oper atrd part time without Interferlr with prescn*. employment If desire interfering ploymrnt If desired. National firm will establlth men ee- lected thereby assuring successful jperatlon Part Ume work should pay to $73.00 weekly and more after ex- EN'CYCLOPEPIA—Briunnlca. 14th edl- tlon. In 24. volumes. In Its own cabinet like new. $75. Also WesUnghouse elec. trie Ironer and bench Good- condition, S40. Address box 865, care Gazette.* YOULL ALWAYS DO BETTER AT* 1 BARBARI'S USED APPLIANCES and FCRNITURB 1216-1218 -19th St, cor. Whitney AARON HARDWARE Refrigerator*, range: and all types «o! used furniture Stewart Warner refrigerator, $69.00 . . . Monatex congoieum (new) site 9x13, $6.95 Uvln Kitchen sets, $17.00 vp ig room sets. $ machines. .$22.30 7.00 up . room sets. $15.00 up . . . Sewing Ines. .$22.30 . Studio Couches from $15.00 . . Dressers, beds, oil humeri, etc. YOU'LL SAVE AT— SAM'S USED FURNITURE 620.19th St. Bet Pine A Walnut PH. 4-4157 AUTOMATIC TOASTERS—$15.95 and up. Metrical 812 Qeveland Ave. if. HOT- AIR FURNACF.S-*(3) used. Fron- tier House Wrecking. 3420 Highland Ave. Phone 2-4S3I HOTPOINT— Refrigerator* ranees, freex- en. Ironer*. Set their, on UUolay at Modern Electric. 170C Main. Ph. 9410. Daubney Phone 2-0383. BED ROO|I SUITES—3 piece, large selec- tion, from $99.30. Home Appliance and Furniture Store 1408 Main St 3-3034. BENDIX—fjyromatlc. automatic wash- Ing mach'ne. '40 model forced to eelL V*m 3 weeks. Phone 4-1503. LINK BELT STOKER—for sale. In good condition. Inquire 33 Elk Place. 5? NATIONAL HOT WATER—Heating boll rj' Built for oil or coal. er No. 320, will carry W. 670 ft radiation. .. U»ed 6 month*. L. Rogers. Ransomvllle. Phone 24J1. PERMANENT . MACHINE Holllwell. used, che»p;. also dryer with lamp. Inquire 1014 Fairfield Ave. PERMANENT MACHINE—2 hair dryer*, other articles for beauty shop. Inq. •3312 Royal.Ave, or Phone 3-9831. ^_ RADIOS—$9.93 and up on display at Jnr- on Electric 520 Niagara S t and 933 Niagara Ave. knowledge. Good opportunity lor right pereon. T-hono 3-5832. TYPIST— industrial order department clerk, comptometei schooling enenUal, 40 hr*.. $30 start smith Employment 910 South at Main ~ - • • WArTRESSr-Wanted in cocktail lounee. Apply tn j>er*on at Colonial Tea Room, a¥ rail* Street V/AtTRKSS— Fjtperlenced .aty ReiUu- rant 319 Niagara Street. -' * WAITRESS—Wanted for counter work. steady.Joh, L R. C Reitaurant 321 RIvenray. WAITRESit—Wanted ateady vrork, food - pay. Apply 3030 Highland Are.' ; your rery own. Plea> no experience needed , Mrs. A. F. Strothman, Townnne Rd^ North Tonawanda. y . T. AtX—Uc, practical and ret. nurse* sir* A BirSlNfcss-of ant, profitable to atari. Writ*.; requeued to reglrtv wlth^ttie NlJ/ara a. PA _ houaework. faXX tt p»rt Ume. ureej Regiitry at once. Ph. 4-4160. - CAPABLE' W l i ' X S W ^ e^Btrino Ume. Tb' Lewision on* OIRL—Wanted lor weekly bouiework. Phone 3-438S between t A « p. m. oiRlv-To i help in mtavraat \ and do - •' Lira tn_ Apply at "n person, co phone ran*. it hootewrck. ligh'. . ..... ... . tlty Line restaurant in pereon, corner of J4ih and Rfte. No j" p»nslon Full time wlti of course par more. Must hav* gooc reference* and be able to make -an Immediate mini- mum cash outlay ol $2,000 lor equip- ment and merchandise which I* se- cured by Inventory. Tell us about yourself and give phone number for local Interview with factory man. Unless rash Is available and you can begin at once, don't answer. Address box No. 13U. rare Ca«ette. OAS. STATION—With property. Central location. Reasonable price. Calk JIM SAN DONATO r Ph. 8337'or 8339 1116 Hne Ave. HARDWARE—Heating plumbing, aheet metal business in a very prosperous thriving town near Falls. Property U In center ol village:- -all; equipment, building*, everything goes. Very good terms ran be arranged with a respons- ible party. Wm. A. Larkln. 309 Qtoek Building. Dial 1419. m HOTEl/—Near Buffalo main highway, . Route 16. complete bar, dining room, dance ban. kitchen. 10 rm*, Summer resort, good hunting fishing and good neW Owner nl $18,000 rath mor r*. business. Owner lit $1S.0( quired. Owner win hold mortgage. Write Hotel Machlaa. Machla*. N. V Call, Oo. Phone Mechlae M86. NIGHT CLUB—rnclnde* frxtur**- anc5 apartment. Ideally situated on the out. skirt* of Nugar* Falla. on w*n tra»* (fed- hlghwav. Immediale postenloa. Can: . v , JIM SAN DONATO - Wr»»»337 o r S 3 » »1» Pine Art. RE-WEAVLVO—Busmen lor sale*operat> RADIO—Combination SUvertone. Reason, able. Call 8793. RANGES AND WASHERS—Used. In good tondlUon. W. J. Stlne. Household A K »- ance Repair*. 1703 Pierce. Ph. 22043. SKtlS—d"j ft, poles and shoe*, size 7" WesUnghou*,* band vac. Woodstock standard typewriter - Baby carriage aod auto bed. Phone 3-8866. CHAIRS—2 hostext; excellent condition; reasonable. Phone 2-3482. CHESTS— Unfinished 4. 5 and 6 drawer*: also Radiant ge» heater*. CHWDO FURNITURE AOENCY 213 NIagard It _Tcl. 2J004 ELECTRIC RANOE—A.B.C.,'In excellent condition: reasonable. Inq. Michael Clndrlc. Sanborn. N. Y. Ph. 3295. FRIGIDAIRE— Hotpolnt good condition. $75 3 « • 72nd St Phone 3-5323. GAS—Electrolux refrigerator, gas table top «tove. baby-buggy, bassinette, play pen. teeter-babe; all in excellent con. dition. Phone 3-3939 TELEVISION , By Admiral, Croaley. O.E. A Motorola, $189 up Installed now Niagara Radio Service. 300 Hyde Park Phone 7179, tYFEWRjTKRS — U C Smith, Under- wood. Corona. Royn and other*, port/ lea • and standard*. Jtew and^ need, aranteed 806 FalU It Ph. 3-3920. gnaranti WATCH ~f .^TCH REPAIR TOOLS—for »*1«. 7?- qulre 1796 La Salle Ar* 4 or Phone J-3S97. Attentioii Tavern KeepersI For sale, walk-lrr cooler with compreesor, 6x8x10, excellent condition. Very reas- onable. Inq, North Provision Co., IS33 North Ave. Phone 4-1Q9S, fot\ .SALE—Water heater*, new oil burning, complete With temperature control. $79.94. Low operaunjc coeu, McOrath A Durk Hdw*^ 1371 Unwood Avenue. Phone 3-3334 iUST ARRIVKD—A shipment, oi new " Household.^ "^MJCJIVL*'*' Copeland Hifi Heir (ration Co. Phono Ing.tuccessfuliyoeer two yt«r*.'No ex^ perlenc* necessary. Preeent r»wner«Jrul .. Instruct Owner leaving teem. STVMI. A'.ao strl't Ice ikatea, else 7. Inq. 3361 Mcriflc*, 45*11 4-1 M between aad V I ' La Salle Avenue, . ' •g«r ><oVt>'Q JANUARY IOTH Few iteat ten. Large Plttaburg glss* mirror, sond maple Ethan Hale *ln- gl* bed and chert ol drawers, radio, phono, table model.old- M. A W. washer (good shape). Alee any oiler accepted on old furniture we have that could be uaed for cottage. Phone ,-iraneomviil* 4133. ' - USSb S PIECE—Breakfast rutte for itU O. F WASHER—Two yeara old, $60,00. Dial 9793. HOOVER AUTHORIZED SERVICE—Now at Jens* Bros. Dept Give us 34 hour* to completely tervic* your old Hoover. _ Phone 0393. tervlcemen will call.. INNERSPRING MATTRESS REG. $39.50—SALE PRICK $26.30 - . SHEUSI BROS. 460 THIRD ST. KKLVINATOR—Refrigerator. 6 to, excellent condition, #135. Inquire La Salle Ave, between 7 »nd » p. m. LiyiNd ROOM CHAifj—Wine" eoio'reet: Almo»t new. Very reaeonible. Phone 3-3I05. . ..... ^ 1 .-. IS NORGB.QAS RANOE—While enamel, 1 year old. Cheap, Inq 737 Pierce Are. OIL HEATERS—AU rite* and all makes. Heat M rppma. COHEN'S FORNITURB STORE. 924 Ontario Ave" Phone 2-4830. RKlwOERATOh - taward. completery overhauled and t guaranteed, bargain, Vlsenune A aark, 413.19th St 2-0320. SLIP COVERS A'DRAPERlEil-Fa«t cot- . or* »nd pre shrunk material* by tha yard and made to order. Johnson's, 904 Cleveland Ave. Phone 6109. . TAPPAN~4 burner, modern gat range. Excellent condition, CaU 4V3597, a l t e r WKSTrNdH6t}aS — Derosa r floor •model. 7 ca price. Uaed We k Ks ^refrigerator, at a reduced esunghouse range. Qulnn Keller. 333-3rd St Ph. ^cA«i^.«aas.'^ H 5«. 3^4«50, _____ BAhOAlNS GALORE—on bedroom, bring room, dinlnr room and kitchen »et*. ' Ateo oil burner* Prices alasbed almoet ..: la halt,; ,«,.. . „ , . . •_.. - .. - -.. v} *.- - 4 B. rS R. USED FURNITURE 3109 Pint AT*. - Pa. 14043, Opes tree. BSC'i^gsffi^-'^' mm Mi mm mm ' , - - : asastl ifseiinr " •'— ' '• * *,-.*.^- : . *Y'S'- *••• < . - - > - - : . . t> w* ; / : - ' - •XPS* Mi •>. i.--. ...-•:- >•:,>*!*-*' ';.,h. ^ _ . - - Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

m . Dial 1419. - fultonhistory.com 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niagara...P«ntr»l unlet* Irom HomiUon * CUrk runtral Hotnt it Wllooa. mdiy ertnJnc. J»n-1. •I I o'clock and 1 o'clock

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Page 1: m . Dial 1419. - fultonhistory.com 8/Niagara Falls NY Gazette/Niagara...P«ntr»l unlet* Irom HomiUon * CUrk runtral Hotnt it Wllooa. mdiy ertnJnc. J»n-1. •I I o'clock and 1 o'clock

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T H E , N I A G A R A FALLS G A Z E T T E T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 0,, !.i?-U5-


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kMftW^-ia ML « . M»O'»,b0ib*W. Jaa-s t n i , l»4$. Franel*. el .336. - Bixth

/ I t m i . Inubwtf ol JuMgeL lather .ol * Bridget T V f i i r r iCttbtrtnt. F i M e a

Winifred and Mrs. John H- De Leaf. all ol thl* tlty. Al*o Patrick Conltn ol Seattle. WashlixitotLj'toerel Irom the

* Qulnn * Rewdoa Funeral Horn*. 3*0 Fourth street FrfdV.January , ! " 9:43 aj*U »t the SL Herr** of the Cata­ract Church at 10:0» a.m. • InUrmtnt lo

' the Oat* el Heaven tcnutery. COT*—la iES city, *udd*nlr, Tut*d*y.

J S T ™ I t * afirgeret «. ,cylp p l«?t Whirlpool 8 U wll€ oX th* 1*U Kg In C.J nUu>«roI Mr*. Fred R. SehulU of Ren-eemvWe. H. Y., end Prank S. Howarth

-of Detroit Mieh-J oUtir ol Oeort* Cad-waTlader ol thla city. J-our grandehU-dren alio survive. Fun*rel **rrteti from the,Bell Funeral Chapel. M» Main •» •

. Friday. Jta- 1th..at 1:10 P.m. R«T. J. • troxdette Chirle* offlciatta*. Interment

In Oakwood cemetery. ' raTRKR—Lola L. at Ix*kport City Hoa-

PJUL Wedn*»<Uy. Jta. ». UU;-wU« of tho R*». ^o*«»h rerr*t oi WHJ<m. H. Y.i «Mtb« ol Mr». J. P.'lCioU ol 8yr»cu>». M. T.. Jlr«. UHnd H»deoc)t. Mri. TtaomM

> dohoMtr »nd Mrt Fomt U I I U . all of Wixlco. H. T.; *tepmotber ol Joi«t>b of IhUrta. K.Y.. John ol WM» Point. K. T . June* «ad Je«a..WU»oa. K. V. AUO *urrlr»d oy 11 fr»nd«hll<Uen. P«ntr»l unlet* Irom HomiUon * CUrk runtral Hotnt i t Wllooa. m d i y ertnJnc. J»n-1. •I I o'clock and 1 o'clock Saturday. Jan. I. from tn* BaptUt Church at Muleo. Burial at Mexico, K. V.

i^txtl « f T b u k s

Funeral Director* MbL£R'5 KUNERAL gidUl ~


• C6l^cci rUNfcftAL HOkETTNCT~ 431 -19th- S t m t . . Pboao WHO

J. Colucd. Not Ue. C. Hartloy. U?. Hgr. QhWL&l ruNclUL HokE7TKC~

7M MAIN rrREET DIAL M016 . RES. J - l l t t RusacU E. WHUama. Ucoated Mjr.


M» PorU*t Rcl Phono 4-16H Unit F-UK'BRAL htiti

H31 Buflal" AVt. Ph 30«60 - Robert T. Lane. Lie. Manager •MAfeADblKd FX>KERAL HOME" 1T16 Pino Avenua Phono 2-««30

Peter A. Mafaddlno. Lie. Myr.

Joarph Qulnn_ Reardon ^Uconaed Mar. 280 Fcmrth Eu Dial 2-07H or fll

SPALUS'O FOKERAL y6MB" Dial 3-3000

343.13th Street

Perooaais 7 A FAMED MAESTRO— Accepu rtapona-

lre vocal puplU. Opera, radio, i taf t , Addrega box No. 141. car* daxeUe

JtLCOHOUCS—Anonrmoua ITTlcohol

u. r ._ . . _. ._. pr"""' by Donovan. Reaaonabl* ratea on re-

. . . . . . Jl U your problem. Phono 3-3043. Write P.O. Box 100.

ALL SEWING—machine problema aolyed


The famllr at the Sate Ofcar t. Bor-teaon wiab. to expreti their alncere thanks and appreciation to their many friend*, relative*, neifhbort. Magiira FalU, Power Co.. Buffalo-Niagara Electric Corp and I.B.E.W. Local 1 3 » for *J1 th» Undaeat and aympathy ahown, beauUful floral of-firings sent and use of c a q during their recent bereavement, the loe* o fhu ibsnd and brother.

The Borgeaon Family.


The family of the 1*U Irvln A. Han-nam wish to expres* their »lnc*r* thanks and appreciation to their many friend*, relatives, neighbors, P u t Matrons and P u t Patron* of

iler Chapter. Niagara River & # r F . S S T M . NO."785. Flikler ~ - i r Oincera' Club. Part Mailer*

agar* River Lodge. Niagara Frontier Chapter 638, O.KJS. Star of

Chapter Oincera' Club. RI


Lodgerf.O."O.F^ No.'«T Rirerdalt RO;

of Niaga** River^Lodge. Niagara Frontier Chapter «M, O.KJ. SUr of La 8*11* Chapter 715. Niagara Falla

bekah Lodge. Cataract Circle of P.H.C. 600. Officer* and Dlrectora of Power City tTruit Co^ Power a t y Truat Do. Club, Women • Society of. ChriiUan Serrlc*. The Birthday Ctaea and Va<:a-Ma Club of St. Jamea Church, U Salle Poit o r American Legion and R*f Oeorge W. KeeUng lor all the klddneaa and aympathy ahown, beautiful floral offering* aent and use of cars during their recent bereavement, the Iou of husband, father and brother.

Signed: Mrs. Lillian P. Hannsm

c Mrs. Florence Everett Mrs. Thomas Yate* Mr*. Clifford SplUmiry

pairs and elw^.*...*.*.*..,.. IS per month. Dial 3-3468.

ANTIQUES—Will buy sell or appraise; hand painted china, diver, lamps, etc. TeL 3-3341. • •

ASSORTED—Fancy aandwtche*. 14.00 per hundred. Order now Phone 801S at 2303 South Avenue. •-

BABIES—Young children economically photographed In your "own warm home. wlnterbourne. Dial 3-8301 now.


CRAFTEX W E A V I N O AND TAILORING burn*, teara re woven;


Automobile*} for 8*1* 11 roko. '47

The fioeat In perform an ce. RAH. An hones- buy—an honest jrrlce.

KEN LKNr. Heated Showroom—Finer Automobile* 037 Ontario Ave. Ph. 4-3000

FORD—18*9 3-door sfdai Take ti-ade-ln. 133 Filth A*e.. North Tonawanda, N. Y. Phone 3267.W.

MUDSONS-^On cfliplay Tuesday a n i Thursday evenings Cataract Hudson Garage. 133 Main Street

MERdJRV. mk A good aedan. good condition, good and clean and • gooa buy.

KlJN LEXZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobile* 837 Ontario Ave. . Ph. 4-2900

MERCURY. ifclft-cWertlbie" eabrtolei; A-l, new paint and motor, heater, ex-cellent condition. Phone 8937.

NASH. 1939—Reell/ A-l ahap*. low prte ed for Immediate asle Value at Pad-flco'a Motor Sale*. 3638 Pine Ave,

OLD8MOB1LE. J55K SEDAfi ~ m Loaded with fine polnU. Original finish. This bur. can't be beat for 8695.

KEN LENZ Heated Showroom—Finer Automobllee 937 Ontario Ave. Ph. 4-2900

OLDS, '34—4-dr. sedan deluxe, 6 wheels^ excepUonsl ihape lust overhauled. Drew Page Motor*, 113 Niagara Bt.

PACKARD—1938 6 cylinder; new motor! must be aold to highest bidden moving •war. Can be seen at 3910 Hyde Park Boulevard

PACKARD-1943 Cupper (6) 4 d>. sedlaa, Radio ** heater. fimrer.WUUams. n i l Whirlpool S t Dial 3-3343

FEYi7o, I pool G OTHT 1943—4 door aedanT gray

. . . ^

guaranteed; relsonabla prices. 4-1687.

— Moth hole*, wu.ua. , « • « • i , . v i * u i alterations, repairing remodeling ol all type*. 1003 Niagara St. Phone 4-3336.

CRYSTAL GAZING—tn case ol trouble •ee Madam Hope at Temperance Hotel. Hrs. 1 to 3 dally and by appointment.

DANCE TICKETS— Posters, stationery. Invitation* printed-International Pr^nt-Ing. 1319 North Avenue.

FREE—Consultation ol superfluous hair, wart or mole problem. Ph. 4-1377 for appointment. R. E. Whlttleton. E.D.


LEXlNQtON BALLROOM HEADUN1NO '40—Avon's 14 new Up-

stick*, new price* and new shade* from

llnlih. heaUr and dofrocter. excellent condition. 1890 Inq Morgan Linen

- Supply Store. 613 Pine Ave. Ph. 3-4083. PONT1AC-1941 RAH^tudor, USSS F a ^

S d w viVLfMn' » » - « n » Avenue, Phone 3-4926.

SfUDEBAKER— IWt Champion j door, new motor, new tires, new paint, RAH. 1X1"% Pi 1 1 *! ' Daub"?*/ Motor Sale*. 806 qeveland Aye. Phone 3-6383

Automobile* for 8*1*'

G O O D C A R * B U Y S

'48 Olda 68, Coi \vt Coup© '47 Olda 76 C l u b Sedan '46 Chevrolet 2 Door

Cunninoham-Oldsmobile , Inc. 1303 MALV STREET T E L 0118

H BuHdluff m i d Cotjtravctlnjr . 1 9 fiSWrrMAkERirstorm wihdaWa

combination door* made to- order;

Auto Trockg, Trmctoru, TrsJlerg \2 CHEVROLET—1943 dump truck. 1H ton

with 1947 motor; real bargain. Pine Av t . Motor Sales. 3816 Pine Ave.


•ale* <• Approved Service <• Part*

B <S M MOTORS. INC. 707 Erie Ave. Dial 3-1006

LSTERNATiONAL—1937 panel, good con­dition, 1233. Dial 3323.

1918 INTERNATIONAL—and 1949 Stude-baker, long wheel base, 8.23x20 tires. 2 speed axlea. Will consider cattle or farm trecto- on trade or will aeli cheap. Ph. Lockpof 3007R-3.

ooable rate*. W. i. • Newman, Niagara "Aye. Phone 4-il68.

and re at-3631

CARPENTRY—Anythlnr In the war ol BUILDLVG a n d RJEPADUNC. S E E -

DONALD N KLETTKE 2437 Unwood Ave. Phone 2-0071

CARPENTER — Roofln; IRPENTEK — Koonng maao ing. Dlumblng.' painting, elec MaafrtdJ, 3006 Pine Ave. Pi

mason, piaster. e l e c work. T.

Phone 9796. lARPENTgft W O R K - f o m o d e W Bull?.

Ing garage* Roofing Siding. Free eitl-matea. Edward Walsh. TeLLew. 176F4.

CleunJor, Dyeing-. BenoratiDi; 20 . BO.WDED HdME SERVICE CO.

Rugs — Carpeting - • Upholstery Hlnsoa method, dry In 4 hr*. Ph. 4-3317

" HALLS UPH6LSTERY" CLEAKERS Home Furniture Expertly Cleaned


330 Spruce Avenue Diai 9044.


Help tYamtei" M GIRLS


Bookkeeping a n d Clerical Work V '

High School Graduate*. Experienced Preferred


CLEANERS Phone «-33

Prompt Service. 178

8Pc to II JO. Call 3-7839 after 13 noon HOBBIES—PlatUc* and Sbellcraft rate

A-l In popularity. Suppllea at Nlc-Nac Hobby Shop*. 1743. Whitney Ave.

,MADAM LAURA—Well known Ua cup r reader. .4 South Ave. Place. Open eves.

Phone 4-3013. MICRO RUG CLEANER—for rugs, ear-

pets and upholstered furniture. Easy to use. 82.23 at: 83.73 H gal.: -16.60 »aL Long handled brush free with each package. Belrs. Fourth F l Ph. 0191.

NON IRRITATING—to handsjwt 1|_ «< clean rugs. Get odorless Jenss Bros.. 4th floor.

but It does Fin a Foam.

PHBLfiN'S BEAUTY 8HOP—337 Qluck BIdg., Ph. 4-3369. Open vvenlngs by ap­pointment. Try our special 810 per­manent wave, 15.30.

PRIV. INSTRUCTJON-Sp. and Hawaiian guitar, piano accordion. Cicero and

i Brundo Musle Store, 1803 Pine. 3-3636.


The family of the late Malcolm D. MacKenate wish to express their sin­cere thanka and appreciation to all their friends and neighbor*, the Fac-ulty of North Junior, High School. the - Electrochemical Department ol the E. L DuPont de Nemdur* A Co, the P . V X Employee* ol the Du Pont Co.. the Niagara Plant Employees Union ol the.Du Pont, the Elyanol

Supervision ol the Du Pont and the ligara RapWs Ath>tlc Club for

their klndneia, -aympathy. beauUful floral offerings, and use of car* during their recent bereavement of* their eon and brother.

v.- Flora. MieXenxle, Mother *•-• . , - f Ann* MacKentT*. BUterT

.'- >: Donald MacKensie. Brother WiLlJAkfi6N^rh"e' la'mlijr ol the ."late

• Elisabeth .Williamson wish to express their ilnrere-thank* add appreclatl ' to the many relative*.' friends, neli. bora and the Mathlison Chemicals

their ilnrere thank* add appreciation the many relative*.' friends, neigh

_ rs and the Mathlison Chemical! Chlorine Depl. 1, lor ill the kindness and aympathy shown and use of cor* during their recent loss of beloved wile - and •- mother. . . , *; " . . • . . '.-. U l f n e d ' .

, "'•.:••' '-rather and Children.

In, Merjaortajn BABYAK—In loving m fAK—In lonng memory of our hus­

band, father.and grandfather, Michael ol ou er, M

aiseH away 3 year* ago

MOKARSEL-^tn- loving memory ol husband - and uncle,. Dohar Mokarsei,


who passed*awey 1 Fear ago, January .ath, 194S.••'• V ' . • - : One year h*j passed aad gone . Since on* we loved so well • Was taken from our home on earth, With Jeaua Christ to dwelt The flower* w* place upon hi* grave May wither and decay. But the.lovo lor him who sleep*

beneath ** Shall never lade away.

Signed-• Mr*. Amoon Mokarxel,

Elaine Fadel.

RAINBOW GIFT SHOP 443 Main, nt. l i t . Open 9 a.m.-ll pjn.

GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS R0BIN80N'9 — Upholstery CTeanrr*. 433

Hyde Park Blvd. Phone 3-7463. Call after « pjn. or weekends. *

S t A R f - T h * New Year looking "right with the complete 4.93 permanent at LOUISJ Beauty Shop. Ph. 8966 for your appolnUhent now. 1914H Pine Ave.


INQ, 31? MAIN ST. WOULD LUCE—to interest you in some . mining and Umber Interests we now

hold In California. We have a plant to treat ore. etc. Want money to start operation*. InvesUgate. Address box No! o. 115, care Qaxette.

rmrel, Air,' Land, Water WORLDWIDE

food, order TRAVEL — Money •ervlc*. excurtlona

Hon 9-a and and

Sunfhlne cruise* now available _ TAVANO'b AOENCY THE OFFICE OF MANY SERVICES

PHONE 8873. 9338 or 7574

Lort, pound. Strayed 10 BROWN W A t t E t — W l t n " slpper. ' lo.t

vicinity of Third and Falls, Tuesday r night, containing N. U. atudent'a month*

ly subsistence bearing name of Vin­cent Brennan, Sauquoit, N. Y. Return to 603 Jefferson Ave , City. Reward.

COCKER SPANIEL—Lost ne'er 6 Corner*; black and, whit*. Male. Dial 34435.

OLASSES — Brown pi . aaUe rlmT/*f6it In North End PollpeTStaUon,

. 434VV. Reward. •rirtK CHAIW^SU

wash room Dee. 38. Ph. N. -F. Ont4.

_ 636-16. 1:00«3:00, near Pine i are gtreet. Phone 3^83

J s t between Tue or Nlag-

) U N D — U d y ' a wrl»t trateh. Owner can have aame by correct IdentllfcaUon of watch. Vicinity of- FalU Street and train terminal. Call 9393, 9:30 a. m. to "•:30 p. m. or Igo N. F. Ont. en. a:30,

FOUND—Pair o l glasses, owner may have aame by . paying for-ad. Phone 3^775 be lore 3 p. un.

tX)ST— BLACK—Part ScotUe. part alre-, dak puppy. North End aecUon. Green

collar. Blackte Inicrlbed. Reward. 938 Ontario Avenue




BUICK—1947 Roadmasler seda-nette, fully equipped, very-low mileage. A much better buy than a '49.

CHRYSLER—1946 Windsor sed­an, radio, heater, tog lights. Inside and out Just like new and a 6 cylinder at that.

PONTIAC—1947 sedan coupe, streamliner "8", perfect con-

, dition throughout. ^ e

These cars are outstanding. To appreciate these fine automo­biles come in a n d s e e them. Don't take a c h a n c e over the phone.


1949 Mercury Station W a g o n s a v a l l a b l - for immediate de­livery, .

512 Third Si. Phone 2-1209



ANYTHING - ANYWHERE 1117- 11th S t Open Sun. Ph. 3-6023 '


1948 Mack Tractor. 6th wheel, low mileage. Fully equipped.

KRUEGER MOTOR SALES 833 Willow Ave. Ph. 3761


1937. Chevrolet U ton panel. $245. 1941 Dodge 1 ton panel 3493 P. SCOZZAFAVA MOTORS

1403 PINE AVE.

Hon— Trailer* 12-a ALMA—Continental and National trailer*

—Our new 1948-1949 models in stock greatly reduced lo- the balance tof the year Save enough now to pay for your Florida trip. Finance or caih at Tla-daleU Trsller Sale. 701 Main St.. Phone .2-0728. -_J_

A -TRAILER—Will solve your housing problem. Plenty of parking space at

' low rental We feature the famous Schult, sleeps 6, has shower and toilet facilities. Moat modern and up-to-date. Also several other makes to choose from. Special discount for quick ssle. Max M. Oppenhelm. 1415 Main St. Phone 9119.

An to Acccsaorl**), Tires, Part* 13 SAFETY GLASS BROKEN?

Replace it at BENNETT AUTO PARTS 1230 Buffalo Ave Dial 2-1993

Replacement While You Walt

auto Painting jjyt) LUTO PAINTING —And collision work.

MAIN COLLISION Main. Tel 4-1212.


Auto Painting and General Repairing Motorpooi Garage

1907 .18th S t at South Open Evening*

OLEKSIAK—tn loving memory of our dear wife and mother. Mary Ann 01ek> alak, who passed away 1 year ago to­day, January 6, 1948. When the Lard aald, "You have fin-

lshed _ Come up higher, mother dear. You have wtm a crown in Heaven _ B y your love and kindness here." We remember well our sorrow.

As we stood beside your bed. Our deep and heartfelt angulah.

.When w* aaw that you were dead. We ml«a your kind and willing hand.

Your fond and earneit care: Our home U dark without you. mother,

We mlaa you everywhere. Signed:

•. - •- - Husband A Son.

STENZEL—In loving memory of our dear ..*• husband and father. John A. Stenxel,

•who passed away 8, year* ago today, . January 6, 1941.

Our IIpr cannot tell how we ml** him, , Our heart cannot tell what to say; r God alone know* bow we mlsa htm.

In a home that Is lonesome .today. •',» : Signed: ; • • * , - ' Clara Stenxel

• and Children.

STEWART—In; loving memory ol o f f . daughter and slater, Myrtle Lorraine . ? , l w i r V w b 0 P * ! ' , A A W » * W year* ago

today. January 6, 193P. - A tflent thought, a secret tear

~ Xeeps her memory ever dear. •-;<'•;:.-'••"."•„ Signed: - * ' • • ' ^ Mother, Dad, '. Charmaln* and Melvln FiorfcU

rioral Excellence Without Extravagance


_ Pine at T7ih 81 Phone J 4 « 4 2


a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MAW AT THIRD ST.


1225 Main St. Ph. 8226 '1 ?• - ariMBER OF M . D X

Wnearml Dtrectora ,,,'AWAVo FD^ftALPoXnf

.601.19th St. cor ferry TeL 3-3733 A Marie A Araato, Ue OUtoAl arte A Amato, LlcMgr.

tranan / , Mtitty. Ucensed Mgr. B.ELL^FUNERAL HOME .

i- :•* - w w H w o m n n a n i n t A. Am a ML Li

„^BftAHY Ft/HtRAI. HdMif

Dial 2-3327 ?y.;--it.,v». ,m UAtH IT.

JkrW/sVVJLLTJt, ID, j&n, 6 (Ui9— ' Vlrta BuKh>M irhik bt b«li«vej ii

Uis tiay-*lltU« re4 hen that believes •• in nxirnsdelirery.'' - , ; >; • A.-.. : Tho hen «mcd pecilni at Buach'i

i$$fof^JrgW It wanu to l*y an e«r. Buich then carrlai tfe. pet chicken

W«' It ©at •* tbt boui*. <

LOST—Coal black male Cocker Spaniel puppy, 5 4 months Old. Ana '•Spade," In vie. Packard Ct

Answer* to ~ Finder

LO&T—Doberman Pinscher puppy, vlcln. Ily ol Ferrr A 22nd SLr Black with brown p»wa Short, smooth coat Phone 2-0497. inquire 608.22nd S t

Automobile Agencies £ fcHhYsUh AMD PLYlJftUTM DaULtlR

FALLS^QARAOE CORPORATION Falla A Proapect St. Phone 5707

UNcoLM-itEhcUny betAUiR .-'^Jl•. 0•Pr»T• O'NeUI Motor Co.

813 Third 8tr*et Phone 3-i300

Automobile* for Salt) n , AlJSTINS


CARS' Tops for Transportation

E a s y o n Your Wallet '


Favorite Motors 2929 Pine \ve . Ph. 2.-4926

BUldK. 1937—Special 4-dr. aedan: good paint Ure*; new front end. brake* and aeat covers. Motor perfect. Reasonable. 432-78th S t Phoni 3-318J

BUICK—1941 Sedanatte. motor A-l con-dltion, Urea very good Have life guard tubes. 804-17th S t Ph. 3-1931.

BUICK. ,1937—4 door sedan. RAH. Good condition, jrood Urea. Beit offer by Saturday. Phone. 2-8860.

BUlCK. 1948—N^ew. dynaOow. • 4 door sedan. Completely equipped. Phone 3-3818. • _ •

faUlCK—194/L 4jdoor Roadmaiter, radio and healer. Phone 3-7730, between 5 and 7 p. m.



ITTreat You the. Mercy W a y


48 LINCOLN Club Coupe 48 STUDEBAKKR Conv Coupe 47 UERCURY 4-Door 42 CHEVROLE1 FleeUlne 41 PONTUC 8treamUner 41 CHEV. TUDOR (41 to Choose 40 CHEVROLET Tudor 41 BUICK 4-Door (3) 41 DE SOTO 4-Door


- AT THE '


Opp, Ford Motor 1004 Main ' Ph. 4-1510

faOlCK. 1938—Special aedan. Radio and heate.-, defronters: 8330 work recently nraie.. iicirni\iri. e ov worn done. 83«0. 643 • 30th »treet

C M E V - R O L E T . IWJrU door* aedan,' A-l condltJAn. Dexter R. White Co.. Inc. 1317.11th Street. •

aiKVTtOLET. i i l i - i door! RAH, l o w mlleare. Excellent eondluon, Mutt sell. 3201 ifldependence Are- before i p. m.

CHEVROLET. 19 to—Special" dehrx tudor • •^•B^HMter; good condition, 1700. Inq. 230.69th S t .

thtKVHdLRT. i 9 4 i - A r r o w *edan. h e e i -cafe. mmxxr, rmzznSw §&** tin

Hne, fully equipped, rery low mlleagi CHivRdLt* iW-Cfub eoupe. RMt, a beauty. A A A MOTOR SALES. 3700 Ploo Avenue. Dial 9000 •

CilE>-ROLET-.tMA. good Urea, motor, heaur vand. wtnurited ^WUl take beti of/or. Need ^ money. 1913 Mat*. .Are . Phone 94704.

CHKVROLtttV-tHi jfaateT DeLuxe 3-dr. trantporuUon. inq.

aiftWLItft-Mi Windsor 4^r. f F arir

"CR Are.

Brand new automobile! for let* than

tine at 1T0> St Phone 8411

. Soto-Piymoum). lTstjtPlerrt-coupe. Kx. euler (Do-avenue. D E ' SOTO. 1 9 4 8 - 4 ' door redan. Collins

Brother*. Ransomrllle 3311.

FINE USED CARS 1948 (62) Cadil lac Sedan 1948 (56c) Buiclc Convertible 1947 Ford S p e c . D l x . Sdn. Cpe. 1940 Plymouth Sedan .

All cars in excellent condi­tion a n d fully equipped.


METEEflS COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE Auto - Painting—Colllson Ser Steam CI.

Undercoatlng. Complete mech. repair. 3009 Highland Ave. Ph. 7319

DngxauMxm and Millinery 21 S4-HOUR SERVICE—on covered buttons,

custom made belts and buckle*, but­tonholes and hemsUtchlng. Mall order* promptly filled. SINGER SEWING CENTER

- - 3 W FALLS ST. 3-1493 or 34)339

fatcxmlnatins; and FmnlraUng 2 | . b A^TS —Bed bug*, carpet beetles, fleas,

files, mice, moths, rats, roaches, aUver fish exterminated. Call Trudgeon. Niag. ara FronUer ExtermlnaUng Service, Inc.. oldest local firm. Ph. 6130 or 3-3471

Fumigation. Pest Control—Reas. Rate*" For Expert Advice and Service

CaU Ernie Smith—Dial 2-8938

Heatlny. Plumbing, Booftof 22 AIR COND1TIONLVO — And Heating, oil

and coal: gutters installed. COUUS SHEET METAL

1327 Main S t Dial 3-3130 EKATNlf "AW

Knlve* cut out

SEWERS CLEARED — roots without digging;

fait service; guaranteed 2 yeara against root*. Coult*. 1527 Main St. Ph. 2-3130.


783- 17th Street • Phone 2^839 SEWER STOPPAGE — Call for thVorig-

Inal ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE We have cleaned seversl thousand sewers of root* In the past 10 years. No charge If we falL CaU a registered master plumber. Peui*. the Plumber. 356 Sixth »trr«t Dial 6338 "

FOR FREE ESTIMATES—on plumbing, heating, tor building materials phone. 7871 Sear* Roebuck A Co.

Moving-, Trucking _ ^ 25 A A B—Moving and carting done - _ by

the hour, 83 per hour or by contract Dial 4-1423.

BOB'S MOVING SERVICE Veteran's Insured Moving and Carting

" Dial 2-6874 FERRARO A SON—Experienced movers,

local and long distance. Insured. 1526 Ashlshd Ave. Phone 3-2629.

MOVE SAFER—In less time on our large modern vans. Save the Unie for double trips. Inc.

Phone 2-9961. KuhnU Storagi

Painting, Papering, Pecjorattog FLOOR SANDERS — Dustlejs: kero^EIefr

trie wall paper stesmers W. A. CRA" DALL 1923 Main S t TeL 2-6211.

PAINTING — Bru*h and spray

storage, « ; « • •• ) A d d r

tog 26 BALES ;*ro-EIec- ' °f .W t CRAN/ PP1'1, KH/

rcyelea and Bicycles 15 Y DAVIDSON, laid—Motorcyle,

123.' Only 1350 Free Dems. Motorcycles Supply. 2610 Pine

Phone 6836

Bcpahjng — gerrjee) Stations jg thorized Parts and Service

e. Plymouth and Dodge Truck* MULLANE'S

Main and Orcharu Parkway BRAKES RELINED—89.93. , ;s RELINED—89.93. Chevrolets,

V'brat and PlymouUii McWUlIam* Tire rvlco. 915 Cleveland Ave. TeL 7522.

SPECIALS COMPLETE Paint Job; pick your eolqr.

140 complete. COLL1SON Service and Towing.

MOTOR Overhauled on *il 6 cyUnder cers, 163. r

PUBLIC AUTO SERVICE 644.23th S t Ph. 3-7133

Wanted—Automotive 17 <Acute Situation Prevailing


LENZ 1110 Main St. Phone 3-4644

interior and exterior , , .. _ . moved by ateam. Free estlms^es. Jack

111 7289. PAINTING-DECORATING—ExAtrtor "and

Interior Free estimates. / J. Bruno. 2408^ Grand Ave. Tel 2-4088 or 2-9823.

PAPERHANGING — And painting. Eitl-mates free; prompt service; work guar­anteed; -reasonable price. £al l w a . Kitchen. Tel. 3-4101.


476-7*th Street Phone 3-4434 PAINTING—And decocjrtfhg, floor *and

Ing and flnlihlngvjrfistering and paper­ing. Machlne*/-BT all kind* for rent Dan RelUy -1839 Pierce Ave. Phone 9921

BIKHL'S—Wallpaper A Paint Store. 1602 Pine. Ph. 6006. Kerolectric iteimer* for rent Paperhanging A PalnUng. rea*.

CALt— Ed Kitchen for psperhanging an3 painting; good work, also paper, remov' ing. Phone 2-0091 or 2-3847.

tUdlo-Electrio Service 28-a JACK'S Radio and felevSJon Service

All Work Guaranteed 1730 Pierce Avenue Dial 2-7643

JAY'S RADIO SERVICE New and Blggtr LocaUon—24 Hr. Service 767 • 19th St . off .Pine Ph. 3-2360 RADIO A PHONOGRAPH—Repair ser-

vice: all work guaranteed Prompt pick up and delivery White's Muilo Store. 307 FalU St. Dial 2-5940.

*~"~* ISHEDlAtE 'OPfaNLNo ' Permanent full time position with na-

Uonal organization marketing finest table appointment*. No'canvassing. 11 you need unusually large commission with opportunity for executive advance­ment, have car, are over 3d years of age and can work afternoon* and early evenings daily, phone Friday 10:30 to 13:30 p. m , Niagara,Fall inM470, lor Interview.

LADIES—do you have Xmas bills to'psyf A lew hour- each day selling Real Silk

. product* means money lor those, bills. Write P. O. Box 283 for Interview.

WOMAN—Wanted foi general house­work. No washing or Ironing. Expert encode l i r e .In. Call 7334.

Help Wanted — Male 33 APPLIANCE SALESMAN'—Wanted, no

limit to earnings, national'concern, no Investment required. Must have good character and car: references required Apply 436 Third St.. a. m.


Apply at

NIAGARA ALKALI-GO. . -*205 Buffalo Ave .

EXPERIENCED—Counter man for night work only. Neat pleaiant and ambiti­ous. Addres-. box 138. care Gazette.

PHARMACIST—Wanted Excellent poil-Uon with good pay • and short houra. No Sunday or holiday work. Apply Singer Dm: Co. 2003 Main S t ;

PORTER Wanted for Drug Store. Good Pay—Good Hour*'

Apply Singer Drug, 2006 Main Street

SALESMAN—Who wants to make be­tween 94000 and 88000 yearly In the hearing aid butlnest Must be a resi­dent of Niagara Falls. 28-60 years old. have a car Tterrltory and basis of esmlngs to be decided upon Interview. Address box No. 140. care Gazette.

SERVICE MAX—Over 28 year* age. good pay to start permanent

sltTon. Must have car. Address box o. 145, care Gazette.

CLERK—Wanted. SHIPPING rate. " , . ._ . . firm. Permanent position. Addres* box No. 143. care Gazette.

Highest Day work. Old established local

TELEVISION— Tralnme available. Earn while you learn For complete details please refer to American Television clssiifled ad under the beading of In-•miction. Trade School*

A LIVE WIRE FELLOW—Married, at least 22 years of age. in good health, to quallfv for permanent position on milk route. Give age. references, work experience, etc. Addres* box No. 144. care Gazette.

REStAUkArft OpportunlUes 381 Articles, for Sale 51

3 storage bulletin*;. I STORE W1DU — Clearance sale on all Very well known. On a Well, tourist» Xmas Items reduced as^much jui 30»^. traveled avenue leading in and o u t o ! city. Lot 60x110- f t Price 116.000. Term* can be arranged.

JOHN V. ZITO—Realtor 1700 Pine * v e . Dial 3-7838 or 2-6720 700 Pin ILORIN easing,

'ie*s. .. _ . _ „ . „ . . . _ lor

selling. Reasonable offer accepted. Ad­dress Box No. 863.'ear* Gazette.

MLORING—Dry Cleaning. Pressii Repairing. Estabhshea Good buslne ExceUenT location. Health, reason l

TAVERN'S AN'D HOTELS^We' have them her* and in various Niagara Co. clUes and towns. The least among them earn* more on Investment than prsc-Ueally any - othtt business.


NOONAN—REALTOR PHONE 3-8177—Night Calls 3-5W1 "

HOTS—334 TEXAS RED exctUent business Illness.

- 3rd S L . doing Must seU due to

ARE YOU LOOKING? We hsv* one of the most desirable mo­

dern and completely equipped taverns with two 6-room apt* above, ever of-fered for sale in Mlddleport N. Y. 833,003 down psymen' required. For more complete details see: Russell De Franco—Realtor 17Ui St- cor EhnwooC TeL 3-6360

ONE FRAME HOME—and 1 large brick A Ul* building extending over a large area of land. Most ol the buildings are 1 atory high, suitable lor light manu­facturing A (torage. Price 343.000.

• Terms to be arranged. JOHN V. ZITO—Realtor

1700 Pine Ave. Dial 2-7823 or 2-0720 ST. CATHARLVES. ONT.. CAN.—Busl­

ne**,' .2 stores, brand new, one In use as barber shop. 5 rooms attached, new furnace, '814.000. will buy for quick sale. Ph. S t 'Catharines-3-7493. Illness forces sale.

TWELFTH ST., 362—Brick store and apartment .building In residenual sec­tion. Excellent opportunity for a couple that know* the Brocerjr_buslnes_«. Phone

AR AL 5734. C. EDGJ! ALLEN. Realtor.

Money to Loan |Q CASH FOR OLD GOLD—Jewelry, radio*.

5hotguns, tool* or anything useful. Hrown'a Swap Shop. 413 Erie Ave.

LICENSED PAWNBROKER—Low Inter­est rate*. 'Money loaned on diamond* watcher, e tc Diamonds bought A told Harold Oswald. Playland. 28 Fall* Su

mlis , thl* opportunity! T. A j S Don't Home Appliance. Phone 4-1392.

404 E. Fa S t

Article* for gent ' g|^q ALOSGE-S SANDLXa MACHINES—ReimV

ed by hour or day Modern equipment, eaelly operated. Dial 37SS. ALONGEj FLOOR COVERLSG. 1906 Pine Avenue.

FLOOR SANDERS Reuew Old A Worn Hardwood Floo

t r - - • Co*t 84-30 for 24 Hours.

With Montgomery Wards Sander* and Edgert rented to >ou_*t a new low



NEW VACUUM TYPE—Floor «*nd*r*T pick*-up the dust 84.50 a day. Kera Electric Wall Paper SUamer*. W. A. CrandaU 1923 Main St. Ph. 2-6341. •

SANDERS FOR RE^T - Floor SandersT Edgers, Boat and Woodwork Sander*. McFarland Hd»e. 7710 Buffalo Are. Tel 3-2212. >t "



HIGHEST CASH O N . S P O T We want refrigerators,' ranges, trash*

• er*.'sewing machine* table lamps, chair*.-odd chests, dressers, bedroom' suites and furniture of. all kind*, partial or complete contents ol home*



Dial 4-4157 -CASH O N THE SPOT •

for cribs, rugs, desks'' sewing , ms-chine* or entire contents. SAM'S USED FURNITURE

620 -19th St. B e t Pine A Walnut AhPOTT GAS RANGES—ABC washer*, other appliance* of aU kind*; also bed-room apil kitchen *et* studio couches, livlnn room sets and complete contents of home

B, & R. USPD FURNITURE New Locsticn. 2109 Pine Ave. Open Eves .

Dia' 2-5032 •

Money to Loan, Mortgages 40-q THE PRUDENTIAL SOCIETY. INC.—15

South- Division. Elllcott Squsre Build-Ing, Buffalo N. Y Loans on diamonds, watches, jewelry, etc Rates 1% to 3 * . An Institution of the better kind.

Instruction Classes 43 ACCOUNTING. TYPING SHORTHAND Classes starting Jan. 13 KeUey Business Institute. '312 Main. Ph. 2-1481. 2-7961.


$64.44 weekly. Many openings. M as

en-Wome... Earu^more. Prepare NOW for New York State exams. Vets get preference. 40-page book, sample tests.

RarUcular* FREE. Write today. ~ o. 856. care Gazette.


Trade Schools 43-a

CLEAN CUT AMBITIOUS—Young man. who ran furniih reference*; Intereited In eamln*, S3600.00 per year. Write P. O. Box 283.

Repairing and Upholstering 29

ALL CAR OWNERS When Planning to sell

SEE LOU You Can't Do Better 24 Yeara' Experience


Main at Orchard Phone 2-0440 Open Mon.. Wed., Thurs.. Frt. Eve*.

Before You Sell


Our Car Lot

Where Honesty.' Fair Integrity hav* made ut on* o; era"* Moat AcUv* Dealer*.

Dealing and fNlag-

543 Sixth Si. 212 First St.

Ph. 9101 Ph. 9779.

FOR * AUTOMOBILES— at lower price* call J. S Kulak, Youngxtown. Phone 333. The man who does what other* promli* ;


'47 PLYMOUTH Club Coupe

- Radio A Healer. 17.000 actual mile*. Clean throughout, mechanically per­fec t PRICE THIS WEEK ONLY:

$1395 A & A Motors Sales



Pine & 22nd Dial 6914 OPEN EVENINGS


1923.11th S t Phone* 2-3176 needs

Becker's Upholstery Shop Custom Built Furniture

418 .T7Ui Street Phone 3-4536 UPHOLSTERING .. _ AND REPAIRINO —

Virtuoso Upholstery. 952 Ontario Ave., half a block from Main S t DlaLjjjjgl.

THE NEW. LOOK By having worn, broken or soiled Furni­ture cleaned, repaired and reupholstered. Phone 3-2506. LA SALLE FURNITURE CO, 163 • 76 St.

Sewing Machines Repaired 29-Q ANV AND ALL MAKES—Thafa my~busl".

neis; parts, needles: " used machines. Call J. F. O'Connell My tel. Is 2-0079.

ANY MAKE—Sewing machine repaired Only new genuine SINGER factory

Fart* used. Workmanship guaranteed, re* estimate In advance. Pbon* or

write— Singer Sewing Machine Co.

3 W FALLS ST. • 2-1493 or 20339

SINGER-WHITE—And all makes adjusted in your home for 31.00. Ashman (15 y e a n with Singer Co.i Phone 9873.

WHITE—And other make tewing mT chine* repaired by factory trained »erv-Iceman In our modern workihop; pick Up and delivery; all work guaranteed. J. N. ADAM A CO. Phone 3211.


ELECTRICIAN Must Have At Least 6 Years


Apply at

• OLDBURY * Electro Chemical


TELEVISION Experienced men anc women are leri-oiuly needed for all branche* of artis­tic and technical work A dominating organization in the de­velopment of Television personnel will supervise the training V men and w o m e o t n their up-to-date oratories amKmodern stucUor fully equipped tvlth^ectnal ecAnmerclsl Television equipment Part-time work arranged lor you while training.

APPROVED UNDER G L BILL Phone, write or enquire In person. Open to 3 p. m. and 2 p m . Saturday

AMERICAN TELEVISION. INC.' 674 Elllcott Square Bldg.

Buffalo N. Y. WA 5033

Dogs, Cats, Other Pets, Supplies 47 BEAGLE PUPS—for sale Inq, 7616 Buf-

falo Avenue.

COCKER SPANIEL—Puppies, A.K.C. reg­istered. Champion sired. Reasonable. Inquire 317 • 17th S t Phone 4-3037.

COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES — Black, A.K.C. registered. La Salle Vttt,* Shop, 302-66th Street.

COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES—6 weeks old. Silver Loom Kennels, Route 425, Wilson.

ENGLISH BULL—Registered, female. 7 month* old, nice markings, J20. Phone Ton. 2379. .

; 5001 Buffalo A v e n u e

TWO RELIABLE—Men with car* to take care of cuitomers of the Fuller Bruih Co. Goo4 opportunity and pro­fit*. Call 4-6151 for details.

WE HAVE—an opening In our sales de­partment for a dependable married man. age 30 to 40 years, for established coffee and grocery route. Applicant muil live In Niagara Falls. Car and expenses furnished 345.00 weekly sal­ary while In training Route now bay­ing J60.00 A up. Apply S:. Miller, Hotel Imperial. Friday Jan. 7. fl lo 8 p. rn.

Help Wanted — Female 32 HELP WANTED—Smiling Jack

cars. Top Bid orsBuitl Don't shock your bank, notify them In advance. Buying more. Selling more. Paying more at Smiling Jack'* 7th Big Lot, j Hyde Park and Pine Ave. ; •

TOP ralCES— Paid for uaed cars, any rttr or condition Sam's Auto Wreek-Ing, 3363 Hyde Park. Phone 2-9339,.





CASH F o n YOU—Sell big values to friends, others. Assortment of 15 every­day greeUnu- cards, pays you up to 100% on quick f l sales. Free ssmple* of n e ~ "Chsrraettes' name-imprinted note*. per»on*llted itaUonery. Imprint­ed napkin*. Everyday aisortment on approval. Write now' Artistic, 708 Way, Elmlra. N. Y.

CLEANING WOMAN—For *tor«: white preferred 3-day week Apply Home Appliance A Furniture Co., 140S Main Street


Large Selection

Model A to 1948 » - a


_ 1 . . . . . . PEDRO : — RANSOMVILLE JJ31



I N I r p R D super Deluxe 3-door sedan. Radio A Heater

1*41 MERCURY—3-Pasienger Coupe, "Radio and Heater .

1941 MERCURY 2 Doot Sedan, Radio and Heater

,1941 CHRYSLER Roy*' (« CyU 3-Door

FORD Super Deluxe a-Door sedan, Radio and Healer .


DUNCAN MOTORS, INC, 1001 Main St • , Dial 9341

Open Erialngt T i l 9 , * '

m *Z?.\

HHM AND 33ND ST. Taferi

WANTED—1940 or 1941 car In good mechanical condition from private owner. Call 3-3338 *

Business Service Offered 18 BKNDIX—RANGE—REFRIO SERVICE

ABRAY and DECOST J873 Weston Ave Ph. 34689 or 6367

Btackstone. Easy. Apex. Kenmore , Queen. O.E '

REPAIRS Prompt Service Reasonable Price* Part* Avallabl*. lor All Waihera at

NIAOARA HOME SERVICE. 314 FALLS Phone J-3333 Evening* 3-3565


CHTMNTJY| - Built roof*. Insulated 2-3433 or 4-3363

and repaired brick aiding.

tfew Dial

COLD spot hEFRloKRAToR REFAIRS Expert Washer Repair—All Makes

Modarete Ratea immediate Service CARL'S SERVICE

Ph. 14481 1803 Niagara S t MFRIOfcRAtORS Mb RAKOKl

Prompt Repair on Any Make • PHONE 4-4240 Shields Commercial Refrigeration

_ 1608 PINS AVE. WIRING—All type* don* at loweat price*.

Ranee plate* A automaUc water heat­er* (mulled, eity or county. CaU 9937.

"wTrlng Licenced Electrician

TfT rs «pimr__

. 33ND 8T,

it** A autoi ed. city or I Type* ol f«iMI—Uci

A. R. SKARS PHONR 3-4453

DIAL 2-1510 FRttb bULLARD

Prompt Hepalr. Service Relrtgerator*. Ranges, Small Apptlini

Niegara Electrtr Sale* and Service 1906 Fifteenth Street



WAOARA fimcnazfs TCS watch rid rewelry repair. Dlaraond*.. watehe* lUaneea. 1030 • 18th and electrical' app

, atreet phone 4-1193 • Sadler** Electric A Repair Service

TOS.-Sth S t , Capon fildfVPhon* 6411 ConitrucUon, Maintenance. Repairing

fcutkring and OontracUng

COOK—General, experienced, live In or o u t Family of-four; De Veaux. lttone 8957.

fioDSEKEEPER—Elderly iTdy. "tmall convenient home, ess} work, plessant (urroundlngi, good home Tor right party; live In. Address box No. 137, tare Gazette.

HOUSEKEEPER—Congenial, mlddle-a'red American bom, good cook, small fam­ily, live In or out Addre** box No. ISA care Gazette.

LAUNDRY—o. dry cleanlsrjt workers, so-

Sly Walker's Laundry Inc., 336 M»ln t . If you are seeklnr good position*

and pleatsnt surroundings. •

YOUNG MAN—for reading meter*. Ste»-dyoermanent position. Mu*t be reliable

• and dependable. Apply Ih person, morn­ing* only. Republic U g h t Heat A Power Co.. 1620 Main Street.

Help—Male and Female 34

PEKINGESE PUPPIES—C.K.C. A A.K.C. registered also thoroughbred toy fox terriers. Phone Lewlston 435-F-5 or 337.

PUPS FOR SALIV-Belglan Police, moth­er, J5.00. 3333 C Street Phone 3-7806.

WIRE-HAIR—Terrier puppy for -s»le, three months old. Phone 2-1792.

BEAUTIFUL — Thoroughbred German shepherd puppfe*. 5tb mo*, old; reason­able: Arthur Goetzman, 1 V« ml. west of Pekin In Upper Mountain Road. Phone Sanborn 2272.

THOROUGHBRED—Pointer pup* for sale. Six weeks old. Beautifully marked. Phone 2-S73P after 6 p. m. Inq.' 442 Twenty-third Street

Horses, Other Stock, Vehicles 48 FREE REMOVAL—Of dead horses and

cows (plesss caU promptly). Charle* Nehrbass. Ph. Akron 3076, rvse. chgs-

Boats a n d Accessories 5 2 AUTHORIZED—Dealer lor Mercury M<£

tor Sales A Service. Use our budget lay-away plan. Motors lor rent W. A. Crandall. 1923 Main St Ph. 2-6241.

JANUARY SPECIAtr^Iust one. 73 lb, Dow-Craft Magneslan car top boat at coit. Hurry, save $100 on this one. Grand h l a n ^ Marine. West Whitehaven Road, Grand Island.

Buildings, Building Materials HEATILATORS— Dampers, flue*, sewer

pipe, -wall ties, brick' Concrete Stone and Coal Co, GUlett Court. Ph. 6318.

NEW—White pine combination door*. $14 and up R. F. Klaus Lumber Co , River Rd. at Frederlcka S t . North Tonawanda Phone Ton. 2335-W.

USED PIPE, atructural steel t>eama, an-fie Iron. 34 Inch column by 20 ft. Dial

Business and Office) Equipment 54 BAR FIXTURES

Fall* Bar and Cabinet Shop, 243 Memorial Pkwy., phone 24611. Bar*, pre-coaler*. refrigerator*. tables, booths, barber shop fixtures, lunch counter 1, kitchen cabinets. W1U rav •model old bars

STAURANT EQU I P M E N T — Bar, J h s and tables. See Christy'*, 644


Rented — Sold — Repaired Typewriter! ribbons, carbon paper and mimeograph supplies. 306 • Falla S t Dial 2-3920A *

AUTHORIZED VDEALER—For Protectall safes, ateel chests, wail safes and bond boxe*. all sizes. Kaxton Safe. Lock and Key CoM 509 Erie avenue.

Cameras—Photo Supplies . 54-a GRAFLEX 4x5—with revolving back, 7>4 • In.. F4.5 Tesser. three 12 sheet maga­

zines. 12 double holders, film pack adaptor. leather carrying case. All Uk* new. Best offer. Call 2-2428 af t 6 p.m.

FRONTIER CAMERA—Open every night •till 9 and Sunday from 12 till 6 p. m. 31 Falls S t Ph. 8549. next to Cataract

'IF IT'S — Photographic we have It." Flash bulbs, roll and cut film, film packs, sll sizes. Falls Photo. 1530 Pine.

FneL CfraL Wood. Coke * 56 t ANTHRACITE BRIQUETS — $18.00 per '

ton. A hot fire at less cost. Concrete Stone A Coa: Co.. Gillette. Ct Ph. 8218.

ANTHRACITE COAL—Coke, soft coat fuel o l : oil burners. Johnston Fuel Co- Ph. 6425. Yard 1006 Oxford Place.

FIRE WOOD —82 cu. f t , $755. Fron­tier House Wrecking 3420 Highland Ave. Phone 2-4851

FIREWOOD—For sale, seasoned and dry oak. beech, maple A apple. We deliver; Ph. 4156 RansomvlUe, E. Hurtgam.

.Household Goods 59

TWO LARGE— Holiteln* flrit calf heif­er*. Ju«t fre*h with calves. M. K. Glf. ford. Cambria Center Lower Mountain ! Open Eves. Road. '

Aabaxs Carpets, •Appliances, Furniture •

BARBARI'S BARGAINS Refrigerator, recond. Coldspot .. .$69.00 Living Room Suite, 3 p c mohair . .143.00 Bookcase, man. with glass door* ..$19.73 Vanities, as low as . . . . $ 6.93 Manltex Linoleum, new 6x9 f t ....$ 3.75 Manltex Linoleum, new 9x12 I t -..$ 6.75 Ranges, as low as $25.00 Washers, aa low as $25.00 Oil Heaters, a* low aa $14.95 Electric Ringes. from $35.00 -

WE'RE NEVER UNDERSOLD til 8 P.m.—Sat. "Ul 6 p.m.

Articles for Sale 51 BATTERY CHARGER — Auto rocker.

.grease coat*, coverall*. Jacket*, girl'* •snow suit*. 2 and 3, floor lamp*, bou­doir chair, lady's dresse*. 14. lull* 16. Dial 3-5339.

MIDDLE AGED COUPLE—Wanted, wo­man for general housework, man aa handy man. aftei hours. Furnished home provided: steady position: refer­ence* required. Address box No. 142, care Gazette. •

SHORT ORDF.R COOK—Inquire 23 W. Falls Street right next to the Gorge Terminal.

S i tua t ions W a n t e d — F e m a l e 36

BDND1X—Uied Ironer, also Blackatone used washer. Qulnn and Keller, 333 Third S t Phone 9103.

BR1GGS-STRATTON—»i h.p. motor, reg. $46.03. now $40. Also 22 ca t target pis­tol*. Hl-Standard Military and Colt Woodsman Match target'Grand Iiland Marine, We*t Whitehaven Rd., Grand Ulahd.

ELECTRIC—Portable Ironer by General Electric, their bert built table Ironer, $79.93. Rohrer Electric 1313 Main S t Phone 2-2331"

NURSE—agalf available for private duty. Reference* given. Phone 3-2131.

PARENTS BY PROXY AOENCY — Fur-nlihe* capable, well recommended worn-ei. to care for children TeL 2-5S74.

Business Opportunities 38 BARnER SHOP—Sale or rent doing good

builnex*. telllna on account of III nealth. Inq 134 Phone 9611.


l2>» Ashland Ave. or

MODEL— Wanted lor art etas*. Expert enced preferred Call 4-1317. . ' j

OFFICE POSITI6N—available. Good op-

P>rtunlty lor right person. Phone Mr. rey. Sr„ 7333. Walkei Laundry, tnc ,

336 Main Street SALESGIRLS—This Is your opportunity

lor advancemeht Saletglrl* who quali­fy can star* Immediately In coat and suit. dre*s lingerie and sportswear de­partment*. Very attractive aalarie* to •tart. Pleasant surrounding*, Addrea* box No. 146. care Oatette.


factory illitrlct, Twenty.*econd S t . and All»n Ave., store'and 1 apartment available Immediately*. 2 other apartment* rent* ed: excellent for delicatessen; small down payment wll' take posaeaston.

.Phone 2-7424 or 8102 D I S T R I B U T O R " O W N E R

To operate own cash butlnes* In an Industry that groises teveral hundred mllllo dollar* yearly Can be oper atrd part time without Interferlr with prescn*. employment If desire

interfering ploymrnt If desired.

National firm will establlth men ee-lected thereby assuring successful jperatlon Part Ume work should pay to $73.00 weekly and more after ex-

EN'CYCLOPEPIA—Briunnlca. 14th edl-tlon. In 24. volumes. In Its own cabinet like new. $75. Also WesUnghouse elec. trie Ironer and bench Good- condition, S40. Address box 865, care Gazette.*



1216-1218 -19th S t , cor. Whitney AARON HARDWARE — Refrigerator*,

range: and all types «o! used furniture

Stewart Warner refrigerator, $69.00 . . . Monatex congoieum (new) site 9x13, $6.95

Uvln Kitchen sets, $17.00 vp

ig room sets. $ machines. .$22.30

7.00 up . room sets. $15.00 up . . . Sewing Ines. .$22.30 . Studio Couches

from $15.00 . . Dressers, beds, oil humeri, etc.


620.19th St . Bet Pine A Walnut PH. 4-4157 •


Metrical 812 Qeveland Ave. if.

HOT- AIR FURNACF.S-*(3) used. Fron-tier House Wrecking. 3420 Highland Ave. Phone 2-4S3I

HOTPOINT— Refrigerator* ranees, freex-e n . Ironer*. Set their, on UUolay at Modern Electric. 170C Main. Ph. 9410.

Daubney Phone 2-0383.

BED ROO|I SUITES—3 piece, large selec­tion, from $99.30. Home Appliance and Furniture Store 1408 Main S t 3-3034.

BENDIX—fjyromatlc. automatic wash-Ing mach'ne. '40 model forced to eelL V*m 3 weeks. Phone 4-1503.

LINK BELT STOKER—for sale. In good condition. Inquire 33 Elk Place.

5? NATIONAL HOT WATER—Heating boll rj'

Built for oil or coal.

er No. 320, will carry


670 f t radiation. .. U»ed 6 month*.

L. Rogers. Ransomvllle. Phone 24J1. PERMANENT . MACHINE — Holllwell.

used, che»p;. also dryer with lamp. Inquire 1014 Fairfield Ave.

PERMANENT MACHINE—2 hair dryer*, other articles for beauty shop. Inq.

•3312 Royal.Ave, or Phone 3-9831. ^_ RADIOS—$9.93 and up on display at Jnr-

on Electric 520 Niagara S t and 933 Niagara Ave.

knowledge. Good opportunity lor right pereon. T-hono 3-5832.

TYPIST— industrial order department clerk, comptometei schooling enenUal, 40 hr*.. $30 start smith Employment 910 South at Main ~ - • •

WArTRESSr-Wanted in cocktail lounee. Apply tn j>er*on at Colonial Tea Room, a¥ rail* Street

V/AtTRKSS— Fjtperlenced . a t y ReiUu-rant 319 Niagara Street. -' *

WAITRESS—Wanted for counter work. steady.Joh, L R. C Reitaurant 321 RIvenray.

WAITRESit—Wanted ateady vrork, food - pay. Apply 3030 Highland A r e . ' ;

your rery own. Plea> no experience needed

, Mrs. A. F. Strothman, Townnne Rd^ North Tonawanda. y . T.

AtX—Uc, practical and ret . nurse* sir*

A BirSlNfcss-of ant, profitable to atari. Writ*.;

requeued to reg lr tv wlth^ttie NlJ/ara

a. PA _ houaework. faXX tt p»rt Ume.

ureej Regiitry at once. Ph. 4-4160. -CAPABLE' W l i ' X S W ^ e ^ B t r i n o

Ume. Tb' Lewision on* OIRL—Wanted lor weekly bouiework.

Phone 3-438S between t A « p. m. oiRlv-To i help in mtavraat \ and do

- •' Lira tn_ Apply at "n person, co

phone ran*. it hootewrck. ligh'. . . . . . . ... .

t l ty Line restaurant in pereon, corner of J4ih and Rfte. No j "

p»nslon Full time wlti of course par more. Must hav* gooc reference* and be able to make -an Immediate mini­mum cash outlay ol $2,000 lor equip­ment and merchandise which I* se­cured by Inventory. Tell us about yourself and give phone number for local Interview with factory man. Unless rash Is available and you can begin at once, don't answer. Address box No. 13U. rare Ca«ette.

OAS. STATION—With property. Central location. Reasonable price. Calk

JIM SAN DONATO r Ph. 8337'or 8339 1116 Hne Ave.

HARDWARE—Heating plumbing, aheet metal business in a very prosperous thriving town near Falls. Property U In center o l village:- -all; equipment, building*, everything goes. Very good terms ran be arranged with a respons­ible party. Wm. A. Larkln. 309 Qtoek Building. Dial 1419. m HOTEl/—Near Buffalo main highway,

. Route 16. complete bar, dining room, dance ban. kitchen. 10 rm*, Summer resort, good hunting fishing and good

n e W O w n e r n l $18,000 rath mor

r*. business. Owner l it $1S.0( • quired. Owner win hold mortgage.

Write Hotel Machlaa. Machla*. N. V Call, Oo. Phone Mechlae M86.

NIGHT CLUB—rnclnde* frxtur**- anc5 apartment. Ideally situated on the out. skirt* of Nugar* Falla. on w*n tra»* (fed- hlghwav. Immediale postenloa. Can: . v

, JIM SAN DONATO -Wr»»»337 or S 3 » » 1 » Pine Art.

RE-WEAVLVO—Busmen lor sale*operat>

RADIO—Combination SUvertone. Reason, able. Call 8793.

RANGES AND WASHERS—Used. In good tondlUon. W. J. Stlne. Household AK»-ance Repair*. 1703 Pierce. Ph. 22043.

SKtlS—d"j f t , poles and shoe*, size 7" WesUnghou*,* band vac. Woodstock standard typewriter - Baby carriage aod auto bed. Phone 3-8866.

CHAIRS—2 hostext; excellent condition; reasonable. Phone 2-3482.

CHESTS— Unfinished 4. 5 and 6 drawer*: also Radiant ge» heater*. CHWDO FURNITURE AOENCY 213 NIagard I t

_Tcl . 2J004 ELECTRIC RANOE—A.B.C.,'In excellent

condition: reasonable. Inq. Michael Clndrlc. Sanborn. N. Y. Ph. 3295.

FRIGIDAIRE— Hotpolnt good condition. $75 3 « • 72nd S t Phone 3-5323.

GAS—Electrolux refrigerator, gas table top «tove. baby-buggy, bassinette, play pen. teeter-babe; all in excellent con. dition. Phone 3-3939

TELEVISION , By Admiral, Croaley. O.E. A Motorola,

$189 up Installed now Niagara Radio Service. 300 Hyde Park Phone 7179,

tYFEWRjTKRS — U C Smith, Under-wood. Corona. Royn and other*, port/

lea • and standard*. Jtew and^ need, aranteed 806 FalU I t Ph. 3-3920. gnaranti

WATCH ~f .^TCH REPAIR TOOLS—for »*1«. 7?-qulre 1796 La Salle Ar* 4 or Phone J-3S97.

Attentioii Tavern KeepersI For sale, walk-lrr cooler with compreesor,

6x8x10, excellent condition. Very reas­onable. Inq, North Provision Co., IS33 North Ave. Phone 4-1Q9S,

fot\ .SALE—Water heater*, new oil • burning, complete With temperature

control. $79.94. Low operaunjc coeu, McOrath A Durk Hdw* 1371 Unwood Avenue. Phone 3-3334

iUST ARRIVKD—A shipment, oi new " Household.^ "^MJCJIVL*'*' Copeland

Hifi Heir (ration Co. Phono

Ing.tuccessfuliyoeer two yt«r*.'No ex^ perlenc* necessary. Preeent r»wner«Jrul .. Instruct Owner leaving teem. STVMI. A'.ao strl't Ice ikatea, else 7. Inq. 3361 Mcriflc*, 45*11 4 - 1 M between • aad V I ' La Salle Avenue, . '

•g«r ><oVt>'Q J A N U A R Y I O T H

Few i t e a t ten. Large Plttaburg glss* mirror, sond maple Ethan Hale *ln-gl* bed and chert ol drawers, radio, phono, table m o d e l . o l d - M. A W. washer (good shape). Alee any oiler accepted on old furniture we have that could be uaed for cottage. Phone

,-iraneomviil* 4133. ' -USSb S PIECE— Breakfast rutte for itU

O. F WASHER—Two yeara old, $60,00. Dial 9793.

HOOVER AUTHORIZED SERVICE—Now at Jens* Bros. Dept Give us 34 hour* to completely tervic* your old Hoover.

_ Phone 0393. tervlcemen will call..



KKLVINATOR—Refrigerator. 6 to , excellent condition, #135. Inquire La Salle Ave , between 7 »nd » p. m.

Liy iNd ROOM CHAifj—Wine" eoio'reet: Almo»t new. Very reaeonible. Phone 3-3I05. . . . . . . ^ 1 . - .


NORGB.QAS RANOE—While enamel, 1 year old. Cheap, Inq 737 Pierce Are.

OIL HEATERS—AU rite* and all makes. Heat M rppma. COHEN'S FORNITURB STORE. 924 Ontario Ave" Phone 2-4830.

RKlwOERATOh - t a w a r d . completery overhauled and t guaranteed, bargain, Vlsenune A aark, 413.19th S t 2-0320.

SLIP COVERS A'DRAPERlEil-Fa«t cot-. or* »nd pre shrunk material* by tha

yard and made to order. Johnson's, 904 Cleveland Ave. Phone 6109. .

TAPPAN~4 burner, modern gat range. Excellent condition, CaU 4V3597, alter

WKSTrNdH6t}aS — Derosa r floor •model. 7 ca price. Uaed We k Ks

^refrigerator, at a reduced

esunghouse range. Qulnn Keller. 333-3rd S t Ph.

^cA«i^.«aas.'^H5«. 3^4«50, _____

BAhOAlNS GALORE—on bedroom, bring room, dinlnr room and kitchen »et*.

' Ateo oil burner* Prices alasbed almoet ..: la hal t , ; ,«,.. . „ , . . •_.. - .. - - . . v } *.- - 4

B. rS R. USED FURNITURE 3109 Pint AT*. - Pa. 14043, Opes t r e e .

BSC'i^gsffi^-'^' mm Mi mm mm ' , - - • :

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
